15IIMETA =112.3 liii TOW A ND A: saira bcra Morning, 3nnc 4. 1858. #eltrtttt Vottru. , SPRIN G. A bursting into greenness, A waking as from sleep, • A wirier and a warble, That make the pulses leap ; A sense of renovation, Of freshness and of health, A casting off of sordid fear, A carelessness of wealth. A watching 2s in childhood, For the flowers that one by ono Open their golden petals To woo the fitful dLIO : A flash, a flash, a gurgle, A wish to shout end sing As filled wtth hope and gladness, We hail the vernal Spring. orrtspoubtutt. ttlir Anitranir to tr t'‘tatt Tim For the Bradford Reporter. 3 lieurusscac, May 25, 1853 The appiicalion filed in the Supreme Court, pray tag for an injunction against the city of Phijadel. pitta, to restrain it horn subscribing to the stock of the Philadelphia, Easton and Water Gap Rail Road Company, vi . ill be argued before the Supreme Court on the Fecon d Monday of June next. , As the point in this case is to test the power of the Legislature to grant to municipal corporations ;he tight to subscribe to the stock of Rail Road Companies, by which means, by the way, many 0! !lied argest toad- ui ihe count y have been .built, ;v eal imerest t naturally manifested to know the is•iie I is u del - stood that several of the most eindient leg I counsel in the State are engaged in cau , e , sit that we may expect the arguments to rover the whole ground of the relative power -and ,dic•inil of the Legislanne arid the Supreme Lan municipal subscriptions be pronounced 00 ,r-risriturronni, various lines of Railroad, now in ;iroire-qs of constraction iu different parts of the Site. nil; hare to be abandoned; though it is said con p my, named in the proceedlngf which ;rebcen it..i . u:e(l, will not be prostrated, even the ci y of Philadelphia be enjoined from tilmoug a sahsetiption to its stock. ThiS will be teas to your readers, who are interested in ,re,!) cuosttuctiou at a Rail Road reaching man Piniadelphia, via Mauch Chunk, Pittston and I,,gra la. to IVaverly ; there to connect with the New Volk mid Erin !Zaino d as authorized by the Cater ot he Philadelphia, Easton arid Water Gap :rid Company, %nose engineers are now in 'lie Nail, 13-anch valley mak i 4 the necessary so y )s, ut,.i r !he insiruc_tions of the President to the Chief E igiticer Th 41 Charter, and its several sup, plerrems, were all framed by the President of the company—TnmAs S FERNON, and the original ecipies, in his h :ad writing, are now in the bill rio,eis of .he.‘_4.f1A..1,3 and house of Representatives We men ion this cud, because we purpose giving brief sketch of ihe origin, developement and prm ;rev, of the e"mpaiiy, and to illustrate how much may be accomplished by individual perseverance and de!ermination. It appears that, in !he indulgence of an absorbing propensity for Rail IZ,Ad reading and study, during the recih, of the Legi,lature for several years, Mr Fernon became familiar with the various rail-road rejects of the counlry, as developed in the plans and schemes of the different cities. As a conse quence, he wa• not long in arriving at the conclu sion iliaLif Philadelphia remained asleep much longer, while New York was awake and at work, the tiode of Nrirtherrt Pennsylvania would be trans terred, in bulk, from the Delaware River Wharves to ate Hodson River docks ;—that with the Erie Railroad atoog the north margin of the Keystone Sate, arid tWfor other independent lines—the Morris and Essex, arid the Ne W Jersey Central, stretching across New Jersey, the first to the Delaware Wa• ter Gap, arid the latter to the Lehigh River, each in a direct route to an Anthracite coal field, New York city was marching straight for the conquest of the Keystone valley to drain them of their mineral tree circa. In the Summer.a 1851, Mr. Fernon called personally on Merchants interested the in trade of the Lehigh, North Branch and Upper Delaware val leys, and urged them. to offset the schemes of New York by a direct road. Failing to obtain. their co operation, even though it was then known that by 1017,1852, the Central New Jersey Road would be opened to Easton, to carry the trade of the Lehigh region to New York oily, Mt. Fernon determined to get np a charter hit a direct road " on his own hook," and accordingly prepared a paragraph which appeared in the " Pennsylvanian" in the month of July, 185!, announcing that at the next session ol the Legislature, application would be made for a charter to authorise a direct Railroad leading north ward from Philadelphia. John C. James, Esq., of the firm of James, Kent, Santeei Co• E liorlh Third street, was applied to several times for a list of namesovhich he furnished, and which, with oth ers, were itiserfed as Commissioners in the bill in-_ corporating the Company, which was read in place by Illr Fernon, in the Senate, on. the 7th day of January, tan. Meantime, while •this bill was pending in the Legislature, a new movement was started in Philadelphia, by the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company, in favor of their branch road to extend from Trenton ilringihe Delaware River to Belvidere. The newspapers were filled with ani. cies urging subscriptions to the stock ol the " Bel iiiere Delaware Railroad Company,"' Maps 'haw• log its conectious, duly colored with red and:bine lines mere posted in editors' rooms and merchants' minting 'houses. In the excitement than raised by the types and the agents of s powerful company, pnblic meeting was held in the Eagle Hotel, North THE: ._\ ....' URADFORD:::':::', !TPORTER Third street, on Wednesday, February 18,1852, "to obtain subscriptions to the residue of the stock and to secure the'speedy completion of the road." The movement on the part of the Camden and AMboy Company to substitute their circumbendi bus branch road in lieu of Mr. Fernon's proposed direct road—although they left him alone and, whol ly without encouragement or counsel, did,not deter him from urging the passage of his bill, which was approved the Bth day of April, 1852. The Supple ment authorising municipal subscriptions to the stock of the company was approved the 6th day of May, 1852 The charter being obtained, Mr Femora took the the newspaper field in the midst of these untoward aspects, without a single ally or friend, and in a series of articles advocated a direct Northern Road as the only means of saving to Philadelphia the trade of the Eastern and Northern counties. On the Bth day of June, 1852, the Commissioners nam ed in the act of incorporation, held a meeting in the Eagle Hotel, North Third street, Philadelphia, at which the charter was 'read and explained by Mr. Fenton. This meeting was attended by re sponsible and influential gentlemen from counties interested in the proposed road, and by merchants interested in the northern trade, who, participating together in the proceedings, produced a mutual con • fidence that the road could and should be built Having at that meeting for the first time committed themselves to the enterprise, new and zealous friends were enlisted each day by the merchants, who, thenceforward, worked manfully and efficient ly in its behalf and gavii it a solid financial basis. On the Ist day of Juk 1852, the subscription books were opened, and on the 16th day of- August the Company was organized under its Letters Patent. The first Engineer corps was organized ill July, 1852, and a second corps in December of the same year. On the 2211 of February, 1853, Mr. Fernon gave instructions to the Chiel Engineer to send a corps to locate a line up the Lehigh river and over to Pittston in the Wyoming valley; and anothercorps to locate a line from the point where the main line approached the Lehigh rivet to, and through the Delaware Water Gap, thus taking possession o f the ground on diverging routes, to be used after• ward as circumstances should dictate. And having succeeded ia obtaining a right to ex tend up the North Braj.ch vane) to the State line, Mr. Fenton under date of April 16th, gave instruc tions to the Chiel Engineer to boll a corps 'inrea. duress to be nansterred to the North Branch valley immediately after the adjournment of the Legisla ture. You now have this Corps among you locating the road which seems to constitute the ciliate thule of the President of the Company,' who certainly suc ceeded in keeping his plans a profound secret un til his legislative aim was accomplished, and the members had departed for their homes. The t4ia. dorn of his precaution wilt be appreciated by those initiated into the risks of legislation. It appears to have been the policy of Mr. Far non, knowing the cautious nature of the Philadel phiaris—ftrsl, to impress them with the necessity of a direct toad to the,Lehigh. Once on the banks of the Rubicon, the next step was to• cross it, and by diverging lines extend northward to the Water Gap and Wyoming %alley. Arrived at the North Branch, the prospect opens still farther on, till the State line is reached, and where connections may be made with Antes spreading away to Canada, and Lakes Ontario and Erie. These three links together form Mr. Fernon'S great Northern chain cable line.' Philadelphia need never make a road beyond Waverly, at the State line; because there are in terests in Western New York that will build con verging lines to connect wit her load at that point. What place so fitting for the roads of the Keystone and Empire States to meet and clasp each other, as a: the border line Whether the branch to the Water Gap on the Delaware will be milt or not, will of course de pend upon the prospects of business to be met a t that point, and the opportunity to be gained by such branch to "head off" the Belvidere Branch of the Camden and Amboy Compsny. The great route for Philadelphia, and which from the first was the pet mbasure of Mr. Fernon, is up the Lehigh and North, Branch to the State line ; and if he did not, from the first, avow it, be had good reason to hold his peace, for there is not always " wisdom in a multitude of counsel'!" Diplomatic tact has its use as well in Rail Roads as politics! II is no trifling matter to raise money to start a Railroad in Philadelphia; but when once public attention is awakened, and her honor and interest are committed to a work, she never 'ahem, but goes 9n advancing, step by step, till the work is finished. Mr. Fenton in hie Company has the best Board of Directors of any corpontion in Philadelphia They are (the whole twelve) gentlemen of large private fortune, and could with their own means budd the road all the way to the New York State line ! The Engineering Departritent too, has from the first been in sale and competent hands, and through out its entire organization it is emphatically " a strong team" company. Thence, even though it be a late day for Phila. delphis to turn her face towards the north, the north most remember that it has always had some frieuds .in Philadelphia. Among these Mr. Fenton always ranked in and out of the Legislature—and hence the northern people should aid him in his project, so that he may more readily and -uccessfully keep the gaze of Philadelphia fixed on the great northern mote, which will piece the . Quake r City bO mike nearer to Bonita, Buffalo and Canada, than New York emplace herself by her shortest and best mutes. • "A NORTHERN PIENTHITLTANIAR. Ma EDITOR :—lf them is any truth in the old prover* we enjoying the most gs tharmiog" weather, for I hamo,Oeser aeon ft present 'treater variety than daring ihe past week. One day hot, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. O'MEARA GOODRICH. Now You, Wedneiday, May 25, 1853 RESAB.DLESS OF DENITOCIATION FROM ANT QOARTER." the next cold, one pleasant, the next rainy, it seems next to impossible to form any conclusion when settled weather will appear. It is now very dies. greeable, raining, although very warm, checking business and throwing discomfort over the entire city. Our city has presented but lew attractions during the past week, and mynewe budget is, consequent ly, rather smaller than usual ; yet we are consoled with the reflection that there is less than usual to cause distress, or even anxiety in the minds of your readers. On Friday last, the North Star, the steam yacht built by Cornelius Vanderbilt, started for Europe with her enterprising owner, his sons, daughters, and Physician, and Rev. J. 0. Choules, of New port, as her only passengers. Your readers may not be aware that This magnificent vessel, measur ing about 2000 . tons, has been built expressly for a pleasure trip, and that she is built, manned, and tun solely at Mr. Vanderbilt's expense, carrying out no other person than those named above. She will visit every principal port in Europe, from St. Petersburg to Constantinople, remaining a sta cient,length of time in each to allow her passen. gers to visit evert thing in its vicinity that is worth looking at. Whatever may be thought of the prudence and modesty of such a course, it will be admitted by all that Mr. Vanderbilt's steamer will throw no discredit on the American mechanics, while our institutions will need no further comment than that which enables a man in the prime of life, (who started as a hand on one of our North River sloops,) to take such a trip, in such a style, at his own expense, and without any indiscreet expendi ture of his permanenCapital. Our Crystal Palace is rapidly approaching com• pletion, and acracts great attention from the crowds who congregate around it every pleasant day. The goods are corning in from abroad, in great vault- ties, arid there is no longer any doubt of the ex• ceeding richness of the display. The Bri ish con tributions ate on their way in the frigate Leander; and a commission of five distinguished gentlemen, headed by the Earl of Ellesmere • and Sir Charles Syell are on their way, per the steam sloop of war Ba4ilisk,tto examine and report to the Britii-tt gov. ernment on the exhibition. There has been con siderable decline in the stock •in consequence of the delay in opening; and it is feared that the dis appointment will afieci the financial success of the enterprise. By the arrival of the Africa, on Wednesday, and the Franklin and Europa yesterday, we. have ten days news horn Europe. The parliament was engaged in a discussion of the financial measures proposed by the government and in several votes on parliaa►entary questior,q, be ministry were well sustained. Them is, there. fore, no doubt of the triumph and adoption of the proposed measures. Meetings had teen held ill London to express sympathy with Kosfutli, at which Lord Dudley Stuart, Mr. Cobden, M. P. Douglas Gerrold, and other notables participated. Several astounding, disclosures of the corruption of the tale ministry had been brought to light, and a bill had been introduced into the commons disfranchising the employers of the Admirality and Ordnance De partment. The Crystal Palace at Dublin was opened on the 12th inst., and the Architect knighted. Mrs S:owe and tier party had been formally welcomei b i la large party of the aristomacy, at Stafford House, where she received the celebrated address from the women of England. From Paris we learn that the Empress recovers very slowly from the effects of her recent miscarriage. The re-establishment of the death penalty for political offences has been agreed on in the council of State.: A fusion of the different branches of the Bourbon family is again talked of. The troubles in Turkey have been die.. posed"of satisfactorily to Russia. In London the monee market is easy Cotton was not in demand Au unfavorable change in the weather had given strength to the grain market and prices had slightly advanced. Provisions ale.) were more annimated Throughout the whole of Europe, although there is no positive outbreak reported, there are evidences of a deeply seated opposition to the powers ► which sooner or later will break loose and overwhelm the whole system of mouarchy ; and all its accompani• ments. The Union, the Crescent City and the Uncle Sam have supplied us with two weeks advices: , from California, but they possess little general interest.— Business was exceedingly dull, and the prices of many articles of merchandise, has suffered still fur. ther depreciation. The mining news was very fa vorable, sud every appearance of continued success was apparent to the diggers. The Captain of the Independence, lost on the coast below San Francis. co, had been exonerated from all blame. In our city money is rather easy, and business very dull. Wall sireeet is nearly deserted, and stocks are quitellepressed. Breadstufls are steady at 54,44 to $4,69 for State; 54,56 to $4Bl for West• em ; 54,69 to 54,81 for Ohio; extra brands still higher. Southern 54,87 to $6,87 ; Rye,flour was in demand at 53,75 to 54,25 ; Corn meal quiet, al $3 to $3 38 ; Wheat brick and firm at 51,30 for white Genesee ; Oats dull and heavy at 37 to 50 ; Corn active at 62 to 64 for white ; 69 to 70 for yellow; Pock is dull at $l3 for prime 515,50 to 515,62 lor mess ; Beef was easier at $5 to 55,50 for prime ; 58, 75 to $10,25 for mesa ; Butter and Cheese are steady. Never despise a man because his employment is mean, or his clothing is bad. The bee is an in. sect that is not very pleasing to the sight, yet Me hive affords an abundance of honey. If you Isiah to read a rogue, look at hie eye II you.wish to understand a blockhead, examine his conduct. Stare of little brilliancy are seen not by looking at, but from them. The population of Japan is guessed to be fifty millions. From the French of net-stein. THE MTJTE.WITNESS; OR THE DOG AND THE ASSASSIN. BY Mae. C. A. SOUL& While traveling in 1787, through the beautiful city of Leipzig, I observed about bairn league from the gate of the town a few rods from the highway, a wheel, and a the bones of a chained corpse ex posed to the gaze of every passer. - The following is the history of the crimnal, as I learned it horn the lips of the judge who conducted the trial, and condemned him to be broken alive. A German butcher being benighted in the midst of a forest lost his way, and while endeavoring to gain the road was attacked by three highwaymen. He was on horseback and accompanied b) a large dog. One of the robbers seized the horse by the bridle while the two others dragged the butcher from the saddle and felled him. The dog leaped immediately upon one of them and etrat.gled him; but the others wounded :the :animal so severely that he rushed into the thicket, uttering most fear ful howls. The butcher, who by this time had dis engaged himself from the grasp of the second rob• bee, drew his knife and -killed him. But at the same moment he received a shot from the third, he who had just wounded the dog, and falling, was despatched by the thief, who found upon film a large sum in gold, a silver watch and a few other articles of ?tee. He plundered the corpse, leaped upon the horse arid fled. The next morning, two wood eutters happening in that path, were Surprised to find three dead bod ies and a large dog, who seemed to guard them.— They examined them and endeavored to restore life, but in vain. One of them dressed the wounds of the dog, gave him some food, and tough' some water for him, while the other hastened to the nearest village to inform the magistrate of the discovery. The of ficer, accompanied by several attendants, was soon on the spot; a surgeon examined the wounds of the three bodies; they drew up a verbal process and interred them. The dog had dragged himself, in the course of the night, when all was quiet, to the corpse of his master, where he was found the next n:onring. He all .wed his new friend to dress his wounds, and as if foreseeing that he must consent to live that he might one day avenge the murdered, he eat and drank, but would not leave tee spot. lie looked on quietly as they dug the grave and allowed them to bury the bodies; but as soon at the turf was replaced, he oretched himself upon it, howled mournfully, and resisted all the efforts of the bystanders to induce him to move. He snap- ped at all who came near him, except the wood man who had tended him. He bore his carresses, but no sooner did the man auempt to take his paws to remove him from the grave, than tie gna.hed his teeth and would have wounded him severely, if he had not quickly fled. Every one admired the fidelity 01 the dog, and when the woodman offered to carry him food and drink every day, that lie mi.;ht not perish, the magistrate proposed taking up a collection to remunerate the man, who was poor and the lather of a large lamity. With diffi• unity be was induced to accept the money, but he finally did, and from that moment burdened him- self with the care of his new pensioner. Tne details of this horrible event were published in the principal journals of the country J. Meyer a brother of the butcher, reading some time alter ward the advertisement of the magistrate, hastened instantly to his presence, saying tie had tears which he believed now cnly too well founded, that his brother had fallen into the hands of robbers, as he had left home with a large sum in gold for the par chase of beeves, and had not been heard from suspicions were only to sadly confirn.ed when the magistrate relatelto him the singular conduct of a dog which he described M. Meyer accompanied by the officer, and several others, repaired to the grave. As soon as the dog perceived his master's brother, howled, lapped his hands, and evinced other numerous demonstrations of joy. By different parts of his dress, M. Myer recognised the body of his brother when they disinterred it. The absence of the gold and watch, the wounds of the butcher and his dog, those of the two other bodies, together with the disapperance of the horse, convinced the magistrate* and the witness that the deceased had not only been assailed by the two, but also by one or several others, who had fled with the Louie and pilunda. Having obtained premission, M. Myer removed his brother's corpse to his native village and inter• red it in the adjoining cemetery. The faithful dog followed the body, by degrees became attached to his new master. Every effort was made by the most diligent search and the oiler of immense rewards, to discov er the assasius. But in vain; the horriWe tragedy remained an enigma. Two years had passed away, and all hopes of solving the mistery vanished, when M. - Myer rep ceived a letter urging him to :repair without delay to Leipzig to close the eyes of his maternal uncle, who desired to see him before he died. He im mediately hastened thither accompanied by his brother's dog, who was his companion at all times. Ha arrived too late. His relative had deceased the previous evening, bequeathing him s large fortune. He lound the city crowded ; it being the season of the great lair held regularly .here twice a year. White walking one morning on the public square attended as usual by his dog, be was astonished to behold the animal suddenly rush forward like a flash. lie dashed through the crowd s and leaped biliously upon an elegantly dressed young man, who was seated in the centre of the square, upon an elevated platform, erected for the tkie of those spectators who desired more conveniently to ;Wit nem the , show.• Ha held him by , the throat with so firm a grasp that he would soonhaeo.lit!antiled tiro had not assistance been easily ,rendered. They immediately chained the dog, thinking of course he must be mad, strove io kill him. M. Meyer rushed through the crowd, and arrived in lime b. escue his faithful friend, calling eagerly in the meantime upon the bystanders to arrest die man, for he believed his dog recognized in him the Laur• darer of his brother. Before he had time to explain himself, the young man profiting by the tumult escaped. For some moments they thought Meyer himself was mad, and he had great difficulty in persuading thus° who had bound the clog, that the faithful creature was not in the least dangerous, and begged earnestly of them to release him that he might rorsue the as. sassin. He spoke in so convincing a manner that his hearers finally fel! persuaded of the truth of his assertions, and restored the dog to his freedom, who j , yousty bounded to his master, leaped about him a few times and then hastened away. lie divided the crowd and was loon upon his enemy's track. The police, which on &else occa sions is very active and prompt, were.immediately informed of this extraordinary event, and a num ber of officers were soon in pursuit. The dog be- came in a few moments the object of public curl ()ail, and every one drew back to give him room Business was suspended, and the crowd collected in gioops conversing of nought but the dog, and the murder which had been committed two years be tore. After a half hour's expectation, a general rush indicated that the search was over. The man had stretched himself upon the ground, under the hea• vy folds of a double tent, and believed himself hid, den. But M spite of his fancied security, the aven ger had tracked him and leaping upon him he bit him, tore hi- garments, and would have killed him upon Me spot, had not assistance rushed to his rescue. He was immediately arrested, and led wi;h M. Meyer and the dog, then carefully bound, before the judge who hardly knew what to think of 60 extraordinary atlair. Mel er related all that had happened Ito years betore, and insisted upon the imprisonment of the man, ieclaring that he wan the murderer of hie bro her, for his Jog could nut be deceived. During all this time it wa• almost impossible to hold the animal, who seemed determined to attack the prisoner. Upon interrogating, the latter, the judge was not satisfied with his replies, and order ed him to be searched. There was found upon him a large sum in gold, some jewels and five watches, lour of them gold and very valuable, while the fifth was an old silver one, ol but little conse quence As soon as Ivleyer saw the last, he de clared it to be the same that his brother wore the day he left home, and the description of his watch published months 'previously, corroborated his as sections. The robber had never dared expose it, for fear it would lead to his detection, as he was well aware it had been described very minutely in all the principal joutaals ol Germany. In short, after the most minute and convineive I igal proceedings of eight mouths, the murderer was condemned to ba broken alive and his corpse to remain chained upon the wheel us an example to others. On the night preceding his execution he confessed amongst other crimes, what till then he always denied, that he was the murderer of Meyer's brother. He gave them all the details above related, and declared that he always believ ed that the accused dog died dins wounds. " Had it not been for him," he repeated several times, " I should not have been here. Ni.thing elsecould have discovered me; for I had killed the horse and buried him with all that he wore." lie expired on the wheel, and his was the corpse which 1 beheld betore entering the city of Leipzig. OVER Doing rr.—A well known Methodist min later, who was travelling on horseback through thi State of Massachusetts, stopped. one noon on a sult ry summer's day at a cottage by the roadside, and requested sortie refreshments forhimself and beast. This was readily grantirliq the worthy New Eng land dame, so the parlor dismounted, and having seen his horse well cared for entered the cottage a id partook of Cie refreshment which was so cheer fully placed before him. For some time past there had been no rain, and the country around li'erally parched up The minister entered into conversa tion with the old lady, and remarked about the dry. ness of the season. " Yes," she replied " unless we have rain soon, all my beets. cabtages, and cu• cumbers will be good for nothing, and I think all the ministers ought to pray for rain." The worthy divine informed her that he was a minister, and that he eranlti be happy to comply wi,h her wish. lie accordingly knelt down and prayed fervently that the gates of Heaven might be opened, that showers might descend and refresh the earth. He then arose from his knees, and having kindly thanked his hostess, bade her good day, mounted his horse and departed. But he had not been gone more than an hour wllen clouds began to gather and a tremendous shower oLhail and rain descend ed, and with such force as td wash the contents of the aid lady's garden clear but of die ground r' There !" said she, " that is always the way with those tartlet Methodists, they never undertake to do anything but they always over do it." CINANGESAPIDTRANSMUI I ATIONS...—SCienCeinstructs as that all the changes and transmutations which are going on everywhere in the natural world, are designed lin wise end beneficent purposes. They achieve something lot the better. The bread that nourishes us was originally derived From rocks crumbled down into the duet el the earth, tu.d transmitted From the *oil to the plant, and by the plant to the grain. Man only changes for the worse. Bat, he. pro. ceede with a lair, good tendency, when taking his initiate from an obscure and 'early estate, head. vanes from the Manger to the Mount; from Beth lebem to Jerusalem ; and from his Cross to his Crown. u it BOWS MO 141 trig* that we ere going to have u thunder ihowet' up 44 nrius:eaid when he got severely shocked by tighletng Au Uneasy Preditameat. We were the witness of a very -lodic:ions inch dent which'occurred in this city atiew days sine% for relating'whicb we crave the indulgence of the gentleman directly concerned—deeming it uto good a joke to be lost. While sitting at our desk and labwing assiduous ly, with pen, scissors intneastei to make oat a read able paper. for our patrons,. we were suddenly " frightened from our propriety," by the duly en minas of a - gentlemen,• exclaiming "For Gnd's iOce, help me .too see What is the matter! I've gat shine dreadful thint—scorpiort or tarantula—in the leg of my pantaloons! Quick'—quick--help me rs . We irmantly rose from ow chair, half frightened ourselves. Our blend had !waken in so suddenly aal unexpectedly; upon] us, and was so wonder fully agitated, that we knew not whether he was indeed in his senses or not. We looked at him with a sort of surprise mixed with dread, and hard ly knew whether to speak with, or seize and con fine him for 4 ir madman. The latter we came near attempting. There he stood, quivering and pale, with one hand tightly grasped upon a part of his pantaloons just in the hallow of the knee. " What's the mailer'!" asked we at last. 1 The matter!" he exclaimed, ' 1 oh, help me ! I've got something here• which just run up mI leg ! Some infernal scorpion, or lizard, I expect! 06,1 can't let go, I must bold it. Oh, there!" he shriek ed, " I felt it move just then ! Oh, these pants without strops 111 never wear another pair open at the bottom as long as I live. Ah, there I feel it again '1 " Feel what!" we inquired, standing at the same time at a respectful distance from the gentleman we had just been reading our Corpus Chriericorres• pondent's letter' about snakes, lizards, farantulas, al 1 began to imagine some deadly insect or reptile in the leg of our friend's unmentionables!, as they are sometimes called. tt I don't know what it is," answered the gentles man; " help me to see what it is I was jest pass., ing that pile of rubbish there in bons of your office, and telt it don up my leg as quick as I ghtning,"—.. and he clenched his list more tightly. If it had been the neck of an anaconda, we believe it would have squeezed jt to a jelly. Ily this time two or !time of the newsboys had come in; the clerks and pack ing boys hearing the outcry, stopped working , and - editor. linden hunts s:ood around the stifle/4r with looks of mingled sympathy and alarm. "Bring a chair, Fritz," said we, " and let do gentleman be seated." " Oh, I can't sit," said the gentleman; "I can't bend my kneel—if I do it will bite or sting ate 4, DO, I cent alt." 4, Certainly you can sit," said we; " keep your leg straight out, and well see what it is you hese got" it Well, let me give it one more hen! 'queers; I'll et ush it to death," said he, and again tie put the force of an iron vice upon the thing ll it had any life left, this last effort mast have Lille , ' it. He diet' caotiou4y seated himself, Whin% hie leg stifles it poker. A sharp knife wee procured; the panto was cot open caretully, making a hole large enough to admit a hand; the gentleman pat on a thick glove, and slowly , inserted his hand, but he discov ered nothing. We were all looking on in almost breathless silence to see the monstrous thing, what ever it might br; each ready to scamper oat el hat m's way should it be alive ; when suddenly the gentleman became,,if possible, more agitated than ever. - " By heavens!" he exclaimed," it's inside rill drawers. It's alive, too, I feel it!—quick me the knife again !" Another incision was midst —in went the ge..Cemattla gloved band once n.or and lu! out come his trife's stodriatg• t • How this stocking ever got there we are enable to say : but there it certainly was; and such a lan4ll that followed, we harem heard for many day. Our friend, we know, has told the joke him self, and most pardon us fur doing so. Though this is about a stocking we assure 4 00 r resders it is no yarn.—.V. 0 Pircyunt. 01' An old Dutcli lady at a religiore tneetirtg, become very much concerned fbi her 'soul, aid went about sighing and sobbing, and would - mit be comforted. Upon being asked by the minister what the matter was, she replied, 'that she orodda't pray in Eng i h, and she was afraid the Lotd couldu', understand Dutch." 11EN Livr.—An exchange gives the followings, the best rule for being rid of neighbors' hens in your gardens. It will be seen to deviate (rote the docrine of the moral suaaionists: 41 1. On the ap pearance of hens in the garden, give ' theswwer notice. 2 On their second appearance;, kill there and throw the bodies over the fence of the owner. 3. On all subsequent appearance of henry dumb the season, kill and eat them V' gtafARKAISLX RiLLC —Cardinal isem s an of Lou don, during a tocent tour on the continent,accepted a locket containing a lock ol hair recottled to have been cut from the head ol Sampson by Ditlilaboind was also shown the KiliFOrS with which she cat it, in ot,e of the blades of which craft drititiCilk"nia!k el "Sheffield v. l „ ' . Oz:r A young yetclow was asked why eke way going to take another havband Bo :6001: affietke death of the filet. '' 0, la l" oak, she ' 4 1 410J1to p event fretting Myself to death, on account-oE4feet Tom'!" Kr Don't tbspuie against (acts well established, merely because there is something unaccountable in them. That the world should be insetted out .01 nothing is nothing to us inconceietble; ba net therefore to be doubted.„ _ • They are nesting in New York, the gut sfieribr buileing, a hotel for Invalids—to:be sompthing wain an ordinary Hotel and i Hoolpittsk oti tore end reli;im ye elmayefie,e like lie the lun. =MO ri ..x f .ri El N ALt i ? Al