Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 28, 1853, Image 3

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    -gm abnerttoemeuts.
of writs of Vend Expo.issued out of the
g' - c ' it • tirt 0 ( Com. Pleas of Bradford County end to
P itrectd, trill be exposed to public sale at the
%(_,` goo in the boro' of Towanda, on Monday
iP,: t o d a y of JUNE, at !o'clock, P. M., the mit
I:4one-half of the following let, piece or pars
fi nd situate in Smithfield twp., and bounded
;;;,oethbr lands of E. S. Tracey and C. C.
the east by lands of U. Moody, S. Sails -
k" - o an ti 11 le and A. Phelps, on he South by
t 7i,k ph' el a os and J. phelps, and on the west
v*, ; „d so f . A. Jones, A. Pierce, J. C. Aldrich, D.
It Pt rce. Containing about 26
lc end
tn. the same more or less, about to acres
one steam grist mill, two dwelling
;;-es and ono grocery building thereon. In ad-
ID the above desctibed buildings there is one
ol na a top an d une lumlw shora on the above
, ar ;Jett lot anti the ground that they stand upon
h the defendant in this case hat ncrinterest in.
" t ` r o o_otte other lot, piece or parcel of land in
" v p , and bounded on the north by lands
kes t, east by lands of Geo. Shaler, south
• G. giakeslee, west by lands of Luther
Containing about 54 acres, be the same
no I mprovements.
%, e „a a nd taken in execution at the snit of H.
r Perk rs Edwin Blakeslee.
ti so, ; A lot piece or parcel of land in Granville
and lAgintar, at a post on the west line of
B o yons lands, thence' north 98 3-4°, west
prche , to a p Ist. thence south. ti,-degree west
t . t i perches end 5-le of a perch to a post, thence
. 1, ,, tn Rs 3- ° , east one 174 perchei to a beech,
va „ no rth 11 of a degree, east 158 perches and
:10of a perch to the beginning. Containing 162
eftl aral 103 perches and allowance.
.tied bed taken in execution at the suit of the
! ,,,,„Jent, Directors and Company of the Chemung
float Hank to the use of JohnlArnot, vs. James G.
,3astain and Wm. A. Soaring.'
C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
sh f rais Office, Towanda, May 26,1854.
Nonce is hereby given, that an amount equal to
1:e c osts, will be required to be paid upon each sale
o tr, gruel:down to the bidder, and upon a failure
tg aply with this regulation, the tract of land will
he uttered for sale.
8.1. &F ILL
Office with the Resister and Recorder,
T0WA:511.4, P••
Raw naaamoci
BO 0:3/.1.11' q P.lll.lVrEr
ijAVING located ..ltemselves in the Brick Store
[I west side of Main 8:., nearly opposite Bridge
r. have InKs ci) , recc red a large and splendid
F,rrien (old Dern;sire Dry Goods, Groceries, Paints
Hinheare, Nails, Stone. Ware,
6 - e , tyc , k!‘ - c.
much notwithstanding the advance of Goods, they
,resound 11, self cheaper than ever before offered
; this market. quick sales and small profits" is
rfil , llo
Moqkinik of produce taken in exchange for
The highest price paid for lumber.
%les 6, 1553. _ _
• }IWO. MOLASSEs, froth 2 to 4 shillings, and
:he best 6 cent Stigar in town, at
%lay 6, 1973. PHINNEY & BOWMAN'S.
FOll sale in Granville twp. The sub.
•cnher will on the premises, on Mont
•C day, the 23d day of May, at public Yen
(toe or otrtrry, his valuable farm contain
,,atoustreA, t 45 improved, with one framed dwell
e honse, one tramed barn and a good apple ore-h
-ill thereon. Said farm is one mite from Granville
centre, snd five miles from Troy ; it is under a good
are d cult t v ation , well watered, and very product,
- .lzoodehnnee is offered tor thoPe who are
run. t
,rerchnse. JAS. B. MORRISON.
;rant;!le. 'day 2, 1953,
NIL - Aril w
a - 9251 W 1 =V502'3371
now rreelcing a large assortment of all kinds o
SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, which wil
rat:rely be sold cheaper than the cheapest ; cal
ad see.
Towanda. April 29 1,953.
THE subscnber has just returned from the city
artth a very large and most supekor select
lua of
winch in rcspect to style and prices iriU tint:peg ,
imnably zive satisfaction to all that may fa•orihim
acs 1. it)SF.PIt KINUSBERI.
Toranna, April 30, 1853.
An eitentive catalougne of School and Miscella ,
neonl BOOKS and STATIONARY, just received
which trill be soft at the lowest prices.
QETERAL new C ieces of Carpeting added to the
mock, making the 'Assortment good. for sale on
an moat reasonable terms.
Ml, 3n,1853.
109 'Barrels of SALT just received and for
sale at B. KINGSBVRY'S.
Towanda, March 2.2, 1853.
Susquehanna Collegiate Institute.
Trionwho have subscribed towards the erec•
tion of the building for this institution in To
sash, are requestedlo call end pay into the Trea,
fury 25 per cent. on the amount of their respective
gabscriptions, the building having been corn.
meoced. J. D. MONTANYE,
Towanda, Ma y II
, , 1853. Treasurer.
/ 11 10111VAcrnid di CO.;
CORNER of the PoblicsSguare and Main Street,
kj Towanda, Pa., respectfully . give notice that
they are now opening and receiving direct from the
Cily of New York, their NEW STOCK of SPRING
and SUMMER GOODS, which, with their former
stock on hand.comprises one of the largest and best.
selected assortments to be found west of New Yorir
Saving been pore,haised at
They are enabled to offer them cheaper than ever.-- 1 ;
They invite particular attention to their assortment
Ladies' Dross Goods
Consisting of laconet and Swiss Mullins, Printed
La wns,Gipghams, Bar'd Hustles, Merrimac,
Cocheco,Fall River and other styles Of
American Prints, in endless variete,
large assortment and for sate
cheap, They have also. tt
large variety of YANKEE NO
- Th INS, embracing almost every thing
r from a Crochet Needle to a Lady's Batch
el. They invite particular attention to their
assortment of Carpeting of all prices and styfes.
Also, Spring and , Summer Hats, Hoots and
Shoes, Shoe Findings and Leather, Gm
- cents, Crockery, Shelf Hardware 41c.
Their Stock has been selected with care, and will
b• said cheap. Farther comment is unnecessary
- -Rive us a call, and we will show you our goods
and prices, and convince you that the above is no
fleuon. Our motto is, “ Small Profits & Quick
Returns. MONTAN YES & CO.
Towanda, March le, !eel.
roarim or
SPRING apoos,
Which are offered to the public at teliolesale or retail,
at very tom
Towanda, March 31, 1959. ,
-Mats, Cape aadi
FRENCH Silk, Cassimere, _ Kossuth, Panama,
Leghorn, Canadian, Straw and Palm Leaf liars.
Also, a large assortment of Ladies' and Misses'
Florence, Straw, French Lace, &c., Bonnets just
receivod at MERCUR'S.
April 6,1853.
Boots & Shoes.
ivrENs, Women, and Chi Wrens Boots and rshoes
LV-1- it very large assortment at MERCURB.
T AROE addition to the .assortment of common
14 and Badiery Hardware now arriving at
April 8,1853.
7MITS. more of those cheap Brown Sugars,
Coffee, Crushed and Powdered Sugars, common
Molasses, Stuart's Syrup, superior Green and Wk.
Teas, Rio, Java and Mocha Coffee. Also, all other
kinds of Groceries, except liquors. at wholesale or
retail at MERC UR'S.
French Illmbroide . try.
EMBROIDERED collars, chembetts, flouncing,
under sleeves, linen handkerchiefs, edgings and
inserting. at MERCUIrs.
AXTHITE CRAPE. bl'k silk and colored shawls
VY for sale at MERCUR'S.
OD. BARTLETT. is now receiving a large
. and carefully selected stock of
bought for cash since the. late decline in price,
which be will offer for ►eady pay at prices which
cannot fail to give satisfaction—among other things
he invites particular attention to his assortment of
Dress Goods.
Towanda, April 15, 1855.
Binghamton Stone Lime, for 1853.
OUR arrangemente are now complete for supply.
ing any quantity of this celebrated lime fresh
from the Kiln at short notice and low prices ; war
ranted good or no sale. WELLS &HARRIS.
Athens, April 23, 1853
To Contractors and Others.
NVE have on hand, pork. be ef,
. butter, corn, oats,
wheat, buckwheat, beans, dried apples, flour,
feed, iron, steel, shovels, bars, powder, fuse, fish,
tea, coffee, sugar, molasses, soap, tobacco, salt and
cement for sale as cheap as at any other house.
Athens, April 23, 1853. WELLS & HARRIS.
A LARGE supply of Nails and Window Glasa of
almost every size for sate at MERCUR'S•
April 22, 1853.
EARLY - PP AS.—A quanitty dearly Peas in pa
pen and packages ; also, by the quart. peck or
- bushel, at ap22 MERCUR'S.
IJAMES T. TAYLOR, took up, on the 13th day
1 of April, 1853, 2 ordinary sized arks which
were afloat in the Susquehanna river ; said arks
appear to have been made, at least a year ago, and
are composed of about 9000 feet of Lumber each.
Towanda, April 33, 1852. .1. T. TAYLOR.
Apprentice Wanted.
A BOY about 17 years of age, who can come
well recommended as to moral character, &c..
can get a situation as an apprentice to the TIN
NING horsiness by applying immediately to
Towanda, April 16,1853. HALL 4 RUSSELL.
Grocery and Provision Store.
011-41:7 0,0 , 9M101
THE subscriber 'being desirous of enlarging his
business at the old stan' (corner of Main and
Bridge streets) would revectfully announce to the
citizens of Towanda, and vicinity, that he is just
receiving from New York, and is now opening for
sale a large aseortrnent of
such as teas, sugars, coffee, rice molasses,Stewart's
syrnp, tobacco, ginger peper, spice, cloves, mace,
nutmeg, cinamon, saleratus, cream tartar, soda,
ground mustard, pepper sauce, catsup, candles, bar
and shaving soaps. vinegar, starch. &c. He has
also on hand a larte\ stock of
including hams and shoulders, Mackerel, 'codfish,
herring, potatoes, beans, dried apples, wheat Hour,
lard, butter, cheese, soda, butter and Boston crack
ers ; also, most kinds of-fruit and nuts, preserved
prunes, citron, figs, raisins. oranges and lemons,
together with a large stock of German, French and
American TOYS of every description and price.
cc:)' Please give him a .all before purchasing
eLse whe re..D) A. J. NOBLE.
Towanda, April 30, 1853.
Nails and Glass.
And Patented April 2,1850.
rlro this CHURN was awarded the Premium at
1. the late Fair of all Nations held in London.—
It also-tool the Premium at .he Canadian Provincial
Fair, held-in Toronto, U. C., in 1851. ft also receiv
ed a silver Medal and Diploma at the Fair of the
New England Met hanic's Charitable Association.
held in Boston, October, 1850. In short it has tak
en the first Premium at all State and County Fairs
wherever it has been exhibited, and is universally
approved by all Dairy-Men and Dairy- Women,
where they have become acquainted with its merits.
This CHURN is constructed for calm:111(o, o ern
ca• These Cxx AAAAA ED Cava's, are Manufactur
ed and sold by WELLS & CO., Towanda, ?ewea
nearly opposite the Ward House.
Towanda, April 21, 1853.
UT H. BM% formerly of Bradford Co.. Pa.
V V is still engaged with the firm of VanDusen,
and Jagger, who have this day removed to their
new and spacious store N° a 0 Vesey street. corner
of Church, (in the rear of the Astor House) where
they are prepared to exhibit a very large and
general assortment of Foreign and Domestic
DRY GOODS, adapted to the country trade. They
will keep a large stock of klerimac.Cocheo, and oat
et destrable styles of Prints. Cash as well - as
first class credit customers will find it to their in.
terest to colt.
They have also a department devoted to the
BCIOT and SHOE business, and feel confident they
can oder better batgains in that line than any exclu
sive Boot and Shoe house in New York, from the
fast that_the expense is much less In proportion to
the amount of ;sales. Hr. Baird flatters himself
that having the benefit of 15 years experience in the
mercantile businets in Bradford Co.,his knowledge
of the style of goods adapted to the Northern Penn
sylvania trade, will make it an object tor Merch
ant's doing business in that section to gite hint a
Any orders for goods in the above lines will -be
promptly attended to, and the articles warranted to
give satifiction..
New York, March. 1, 1853.
Mum in the fiord' 04 of& Witd Muse, Otter acemPled
by Laporte, Mama& Co.)
Towanda, Marcb, 5, 1853.
A LL persona indebted to the estate of Thos.
Bennight, deed, labor Ridgbli4 township, are
hereby requested to make immediate payment, and
those bating claims against said estate, will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
April 21, 1853.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of JAMES
£ LAMB, deed late of LEROY tarp., are
hereby requested to make immediate payment and
those having claims against said estate, will
please present them duly authenticatedlor settle
April 30.1653. Executor.
T ETTERS of administraton having been granted
the undersigned by the Register of Bradford
county, on the estate of Daniel O'Keefe, late ofeaid
county, deceased ; all persons indebted to said es
tate are hereby notified to make immediate payment
to the undersigned, and those having claims against
said estate will present them duly authenticated for
settlement- CATHARINE O'KEEFE,
April 14,1853.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Joseph
Brigham, deed late of Ridgberry tp. are hereby
requested to make payment without delay : and all
those having demands against said estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
April 26, 1853
- NOTICE is hereby given, that a Special Court of
iN Coln. Pleas will be held at the Court House in
the boro' of Towanda, commencing on Monday,
the 20th day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A.. M.,
and to continue one week, at which the Hon. Rob.
ert G. White will preside for the trial of the follow
ing causes to wit:
Roert Spalding vs Nathaniel Clapp et al
Pendleton Riley & Co vs Henry W Tracey
Thonnalliott vs Israel Smith
Welch;. ngnecker & Co vs John Wood et al
Stephen Powell vs H W Tracey, Ganrishee &c
Earl Nichols vs Wm Coryell et al
Lyman Matson vs Ira Jennings et al
C L C DeChastelaux vs Lyman Matson
John Heideman vs Nedebtah Smith
Horatio & Rebecca McGeorge vs Ebetiezer Dun'
1 'lham
1 P4vrton Humphrey vs Wm Humphrey
C I. C DeChastelaux vs Ira Jennings el al
A, McKEAN, Prothonotary.
Prothonotary's Office, Towanda, April 11, 1853
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Wm. L.
Grenell, dec'd, late of Burlington township, are
hereby requested to mate payment without delay ;
and all persons having demands against said estate
are requested to present them duly authenticated
fur settlement. ANN E. GRENELL.
March 16. 1853
AL' persons knowing themselves indebted to the
estate of MINOR R. WILCOX, decessed,
late of Albany tri., are hereby requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims against
said estate will please present them duly authenti•
cated for settlement. JOSEPH MENARDI.
May 7, 1853. Administrator.
List of Jurors
Drawn (or Special Court June 1853.
A I bab y--James Heaverley
Athens top—Edmond 111/1, Spencer Elston
Durlington—L W Swartwood
Franklin—Oliver Dodge. James Ridgway
Granville—Malcon McNaught
Leroy--J G Landon,
Montoe—Wm Lewis
Orwell—Thomas Mathinson, E. J. Eastabrooks, Geo
Avery A 0 Frisbie.
Ridgbury—Nathan Dewey, lames Redfield
Sherthequin—Thos Milner
Smithfield—E D Titus, Geo King
Springfield—Solomon H Robinson, Darwin Cleav•
land, Ed P- Chase
Standing Stone—Geo A Stephens
Towanda horo'—Job P Kirby
Towanda North—Beni C Gordwin Elijah Granger
Troy twp—Chas N Strait, B 1-1 Taylor
Wells-0 Smith
War ren—Josephue Sleeper, Noah C Bowen
Wyalusing—l 'yrus Avery,M W Gaylord, G A Gay-
lord, Washington Bayton
Wysos—Andrew Monarch
AL' persons indebted to the estate of DAVID
H. OWENS, deceased, late of Monroe tap.
are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against said estate, will
please present them duly authenticated for settle
May 11,1853. J
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Bradford County, will be exposed to Public
Sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 25th of
JUNE next, at I o'clock, P. M., the following prop
erty, late the estate of Seth T. Barstow, dec'd, situ
ate in Wysoi twp., and bounded and described as
follows:--North by the public highway leading
from Towanda to Rummerfield Creek, on the east
by land In possession of J. R. Middleton. south by
the Susquehanna river, and west by land of V. E.
4 J. B. Piolett. Containing about 3 acres of land,
all improved, with a house thereon. Attendance will
be given and terms of sale made known on day of
sale. D. F. BARS TOW,
May 19. 1853. Administrator.
United States Hotel,
Formerly of the" Laporte Hotel."
PAINTS, OIL &c —A new supply of pureground
1 White Lead. Paris Green, Verdigris, Linseed
Lamp and Neatsfoot Oil, Japan, Coach Body and
Furniture Varnish, Just received at
May2o, 1953. MERCURII.
RON AND NAILS.-5 Tons more of Iron and
`Tails jot received ■t inay2o MERCUR'S.
DRINTB and GINGEAMB.—A new assortment
I of Prints and Gingham. just received at
May 20. 1853. ERC lI'S.
WTATERED RIBBONS.--A new article juvt r
ceived at ap2II MERCURIC
THE undersigned Cotornissiottert for erection of
a BRIDGE across the Susquehanna River at
Wyalusing will open books for subsciiption of stock
therefor, at Terry 4 Morrow'S store its Asylum, on
Thursday the 9th day of June next, at I o'clock,
P. M., and hope for attendance of all those who are
indebted in this undertaking.
Asylum, May ID, Ifts9.
COLLECTORS of Bratiforil County are hereby
authorized to make • deduction offive per rent.
upon the state Tax of every individual -who shall
pay his or her State and Quota' Tales in full, on
or befote the 21st day of :UNE next; and the same
shall be allowed you in your - settlement— provided
the same isby you paid into the County Treasury
en or before the 22d or 22ddays of.fune nest.
By order of the Commissioners.
Comm i ts. Office, Towanda, April 1,11151.
AUOttrlll & s UOES—tbe largest and best stock
in town it oetti B. KINGSBURY'S.
Wyelasing Bridge.
1853. - ..SPRING.
THE subscaibers would inform titeir . friends and
customers thit they hags increased, their faCcill
ities for manufacturing
(C) r r lit N t'r'ip
and intend keeping the largest stock and assort
ment of
that can be found in the States. Terms, and pri.
ces satisfactory. HANFORD &
29 Park Row. opposite the Astor House .
New York, Man:h 9, 1843.
Tavern and Store to Rent.
• • THE subscribers offer for rent for a
m,/, term of years, their TAVERN STAND
gi „,
and STORE at Hornbrook, in Sheshequin
township. The Tavern is a large and
well-arranged building, with stabling attached, well
calculated for a Hotel, and is well located for bwii.
peas. Two or three acres will be rented with the
Tavern, if desired, with an orchard. The Store is
a new building, of good size, and Metrication a first
rate one for the mercantile business; They will be
rented separately or together at the will of the ap
plicant. D. DRINK & SON.
Hornbrook, Feb. 17, 1853.
Do you want to sell or mortgage any real estate 1
Have you a bond and mortgage you wish to sell 1
Have you houses, taverna, or Jots, that you wish to
sell or lease 1
Have you a mill, factory, foundry, tummy , or oth•
er manufacturing establishment. that you wish to sell
or rent?
Have you iron ore, coal, potters' or fire clay, 'or
other minerals, you wish to sell or have worked on
Have you land that you would like to have drain
ed or cleared by contract or on shares ?
Have you water power that you wish to cell, im
prove, or rent 1
Do yeu want additional capital, or a partner in
your business !
Do you want to evil your stock of merchandise ?
Do you wtat to form a Company to create capital
for any specific object
Do you wish to exchange your properly for other
property I
Do you want in your neighborhood mills, found
ries, tanneries, or other manufactories
Have you any well tested impr ovement in machine,
ry, or in the arts, which you want to sell; or which
you want means to manufacture I
[(you have any of the above wants, or others of a
similar character, and will inclose to our address,
(post-paid,) a legible, clear and exact description of
them ; and if property, its locality, proximity to ca•
nal, railroad, or navigable water, to churches, schools,
mills, stores, Ace., the lowest terms on which you
will sell, mortgage, lease, exchange, or . otherwise dia.
- .
pose of it ; and if you will also inclose to us a Reg
istration fee oflsl, (the receipt of which will be ac
knowledged,) your want shall be recorded in our
Register, and your letter placed on the Cite designated
for your State and County, for the inspection, free of
charge, of those who are seeking to purchase, lease,
exchange, or invest.
We make no charge to any for examining our
Register and dies. When they make known their
wishes, they are referred to your own statement of
your wants : and as we have Maps of the dill; rent
States, and of such Counties as we have been able
to procure and as we employ agents to visit the ves
sels and - steamers that arrive with Immigrants, (of
whom front 1,000 to 5,000 are daily arriving,) and we
also have agents to itira:ribute our Circulars among the
strangers at the hotels; and as we advertise in the
principal papers of the city of New York, oto; in vari
ous forms throughout all of the states. as well as the
different Countries of Europe, from which Immigrant!
come, and where we expect one of our Firm will for
the present reside, and where also we shall agents in
the principal ports of embarkation, inviting all who
wish to purchase, exchange, Iv ase, or invest, to visit
our office, without Marge—
We are confident that we offer a better medium of
making your wants known to those who des re to
know them, and of securing the end you desire, than
any other mode yet practised.
The hest place fur you to effect a sale, lease, ex
change or loan on your property, is in its immediate
vicinity. If you cannot do it there, the next best place
is in the city of New York. Or if you want Immi
grants or settlers of any class hero is the place to oh,
Lain them :
Bemuse here et all times and seasons, there are from
30,000 to 70,000 strangers, many of whom are seeking
for anvoatmenta or homes.
Because th !re are probably 100,000 who want 'to
remove from the city or its vicinity.
Because here is concentrated a greet proportion of
the surplus capital of the Union, seeking investment.
Because here, money is ordinarily worth from 5 to
7 per cent. per annum, on undoubted security, while
you can afford to give as ample security, or other in
ducement, where it would produce greater rate of inte
rest, either in annual income or increased value.
Because here, an examination of our files will inform
those seeking to invest or settle, where the property is
to be found which they seek.
Because here, there is an opportunity to exchange
country or other city property, for property in this city
or its vicinity.
Because a person, by spending a few hours in our
office, without charge, can obtain more information of
the property in market throughout the conntry, and
the wants of community, than by months of travel.
Because, finally, here in the commercial metropolis.
where is concentrated the money and wants of a vast
multitude throughout this and other countries, by re
cording the opposite, but corresponding wants of our
countrymen, both parties, those: who wish to purelhase
and those who desire to sell, can be mutually benefited.
In the description of property, be careful not to
over estimate its advantages in any respect: for if you
do, and we should send you a purcha , his comps&
son of the reality with your statemen might defeat
your object. When your property is sold, or other.
wise disposed of, it is required that we shall be imme
diately informed of the fact. As we do not propose
to sell, but negotiate, and send purchasers to the own
ers, no special authority to us is requisite I but when
it is desired that we should sell, authority must be given.
Our commissions-on salet, exchanges, &c., are 2
per cent. The raising of companies. and other mat
ters requiring special negotiation, will be subject to
special agreement.
G' Several farms in, the same neighborhood often
and a more ready sale than a single farm, as Immi
grants desire to remain in companies.
Real Estate and Property Broke',
116 Broadway, NeW York.
Refer to Courtlandt Palmer Esq. 177 Broadway, N.
Y.; Hon. Alvin Bronson. Oswego, N.Y.; Gov. Wood,
Ohio ; Ex floe. Ford, Ohio ; Hon. R. W.Thompson,
la-; Hon. 1). A. Noble, Mich.; Hon. J. R. Williams.
Mich ; Hon. Rob% Smith, 11l t Hon. J. R. Underwood,
Ky ; Hon. A. C. Dodge, laws ; Hon. .1. R. Doty. Wis.
(U• For farther information inquire of HARVEY
McAI.PLN, Local A,rent. (at the Law Office of Win.
Elwell, Eaq.) Towanda. Bradford county, Pa. 44y
Clover Seed.
( 1 1311KIELS of Clover bleed just received and
4 1/ for sale by the subscribers at tho lowest cash
price, or exchanged for most kinds of produce.
Towanda,Feb.s, 1853. BAILEY &I.‘.IEVIIsiB.
E only astortintnt of Paper Hangings kept in
this vicinity, pith a fresh stock jost coming in
at unusually tow prices. O. D. BARTLETT.
Towanda, April 21, 1858. -
Those Waled to Us .
B r note or book account will pledge take NOTICE
that we are in want of money, and mat have, it.
Alt wird neglect to attend to this timely awernin,g,
may expect a visit flout the little Constable. Nojo•
kinq this time. HAI.I. & RUSSELL.
owanda, March 24, 1853.
4 1853.
HCAMPBELL has again filled up whb a first
• rate stock of GOODS suitable for the season,
which he'Can sell as low as any in the . market...-.
His goods are manufactured as well as any home'
work, and warranted -to give good satisfaction.
950 Coats of all sizes and prices.
200 pair of Pant. from 4 shillings to $6.
200 Vests of all descriptions.
Brown Linnen Coats, 0 shillings each.
White and Bnff Vests for Balls and Porters.
Straw and Chip Haw
' Summer Cravats—it first rate assortment.
Hose, Gloves. drc.,
Remember, the same old place, No. I Brick
Towanda. WI 19, 1852.
Of Sir Jahn Franklin, should cause no greater ex
citement, than the NEW STOCKED
orroszlin MED WA= 11.0171113.
VI:WING respectfully informs his friends and
I , the public generally, in town and the surround
ing country, together with " all the rest of man
kind," that he has just received from New York,
one of the most complete assortments of Mens and
Boys Ready Made Clothing, ever before offered in
Towanda, together with Cloths, Cassimeres. Vest ,
ings, and 'Printings which he will make up in the
most approved style, and at the lowest price.
He has also on hand one of the most fashionable
stock of Furnishing Goods, such as Woolen Itn,
der/thins, Overshirts, Overalls, Drawers, and every
article in his line pertaining to Gentlemen? War
drobe, which will be sold cheaper than any other
Clothing Store ;n Bradford County.
He is confident that from his long experience that
he can give general satisfaction. He employs none
but the most expert workmen, and feels assured that
his' work %ill not suffer by comparison a Oh the best
city shops either in elegance of workmanship or eb
egance of style; and hopes by strict attention to
siness, to mein a continuance of that liberal pat
ronage which bas been extended to him heretofore.
Returning sincere thanks for past ravors he asks
the public to give him a call and see lbr themselves.
O - CU'l TING done as usual and warranted to
fit if properly made rip.Z.D
cc r Don't mistake the place, on the corner of
Main st.. and the public square, opposite the Ward
'Tis even so, this squid is " all s stage,"
And gents mu-t dress in this progiessive age,
Each have the:r taste of style, of cut and dress—
The question asked where can we get the best 1
Where can the largest stock of goods be found I
Say where the cheapest and best abound ?
Where can we st the shortest notice get
A coat. a vest and pintaloons that fit
To answer these, I frankly say to all
The cheapest place is •• Bunting's Clothing
Towanda. Dec. 29, 1852.
J. de. C. ALICULMMOI, it CO.
TN the Brick Block, next door to Mercurs store have
1 just added to their stock, a large and fashions.
ble assortment of
Ready made Clothing,
of every variety, both of style and price, to which
they ask the attention of the public. This is now
the largest stock
Ever Offered in Towanda !!
and will be sold at prices considerable lower than
e-Jet before known in this place. Our goods are
selected with a regard both to style and price, and
Mier inducements,not to be met with at any other
i-V" Strangers visitinif_awitftda
Anders in want of CLOTILIWG will
at our establishment, in this section of the coyntry,
and made in such style and materials as to ensure
satisfaction. We shall endeavor by
to secure petronage, feeling confident that our arti
cles will give satisfaction to the purchaser.
The assortment comprises every article required
for a gentleman's outfit. TERMS-.CASH.
Overcoats, Coats Pants, Utreralls Caps 4-c.
LocArtoss.—Next door isouth of Mercur'a Ma a
st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water st. Arnouts Hall,
Elmira; and under the Troy Exchange, Troy, Pa.
CrAll kinds of Country Produce, W0014c.. tok
en in exchange for Good, Towanda, May 10,'b",
DILEITY .8700,11,7E1
HAVE itist completed a large and fi nely finished
Store on the site of the two they had burned,
and filled it with the largest and most comprehens
ive stock of
Groceries, Provisions, Team Notions,
Fruit, Gonfectionory, Toys, &c., &a.
ever exhibited this side of the city.
We hare bought for Cash, 'articles of the best
quality ; consequently are prepared to 'sell at as
low prices as the same quality can be bought at
any other place, And we flatter ourselves that if
fortune has beer. against us. (fire having consum
ed two stores and one stock of goods) our old cos•
waters will not follow the precedent, if they call
and see our stock and hear the exceedingly low
prices. Among the many articles we have aro
Tea, sugar. coffee, chocolate, cocoa, molasses,
Ste wart's syrup, ginger pepper, spice, cloves, nut
megs, esnamon, caleratus, soda, cream tartar,
ground mustard, pepper sauce, catsup, ean
dles, bat soap, vinegar, starch &c., &c.
Mess pork and beef, hams and shoulders,
wheat flour, buckwheat flower, corn meal,
soda and butter crackers, mackerel), codfish,
shad, herring, potatoes, beans onions, &e., &c
Preserved prunes, citrons, English currants, raisins.
green and dried apples. Almonds, filberts, genoble
and maderia walnuts, brat{ nuts, peanuts, chest•
nuts, hickory nuts, &c.
Ivory, horn and wood pocket combs, toilet, combs,
fine combs, hair, cloth, teeth, infants, and blacking
brushes, wallets. porte monies, and - purses .1 many
styles, pocket ink stands, pocket and small fancy
mirrors, tobacco, boxes, snuff boxes, and almost
every article in this •ine. Work hoxes,toiltt cases,
secretaries, plain and embroidered, work baskets of
many styles,
German,French and Amdrican TOYS of every de
scription and price. A few earthen and pewter tea - -
setts, for little girls, and a few bays' sleighs.
Ashton (laity salt, ground rock sal, Salina salt both
coarse and floe. Also, a quantity of White Stone
CANDY wholesale or retail, of all kinds and
innumerable, other articles, for sale at the new store
I opposite the. boort House.•
Towanda, Dec. 1, 1882 BAILEY Zr NEVINS.
P — - . - - --- ------ ---- --
LANTIB.-4 new armniiment of Planes 810 o th er
Joiner's Tools. Just'receited at
May 5, 1853. MPRCUIPS,
, .
.ried Titan
TEAS at receive ,
may I'd Titrxectrs.
LEAVO Towanda fir littrateet
el Sean
Ridgebevt, and Wlsbatu
pot on ihoiN. Y. .ac E.R. R. evell litoninv* was
assssfinct Petals at AIME A. 241131414 1, 1 1,111
at the depot in time to take the evening USIA el PM
either east or west, same day. .
Returning TuSsDAT, SArciukaity
after the arrival of the Eastern train, Ind also del
Wet. tern care front Jefferson, Elmira. &c., sad AP
rive at Towanda same day.
FA NE :—Towavda to Meteor's mills. 37g
" to Durliogton.
" to East smithlistd. 614
" to Ridaebery. IJaD
to Wellsburg depotr 1.16
Express packages to or from the Rail gag care'
'oily delivered at moderate charges.
D. Id. BULL.
Towanda, Oct. Et, 1852
THE Subscribers having formed a copartnership
ender the firm of 8. FELTON &CO , for do..
ing a general Liquor business, would respectfully
ask Hotel keepers and all others in ~want of say ,
thing in their line to gira theta a call. We mend
keeping on hand• a general assortment of Foreign
Liquors, which we can sell cheaper than any one
else in the county, from the feet that we boy direct
from itte importers . .., and thereby save 'a large profit
charged by the N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are warrant
ed pure and free from adulteration. -Also constant'
ly on hand Whi4hey of the best quality. We have
made arrangements by which we can furnish one
customers with any quantity of Binghamton BEER
'resh from the Brewery. Piesee give us a call.—
The notes and accounts of the old firm of 8. Fel.
ton & Co., are in our bands for settlemen.
B. T. FOX.
Towanda, Dec. 1. 1E62:
MISSES C. B.& M. A. LYON. have established
themselves in Monroetnn, /wend carrying on
the above business in all its various branches. and
respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage:
A choice stock of
will be kept on hand and for sale at the lowest pi
ers. Miss Lyon will be constantly advised of the
latest fashions by the connexion in the City, mod mot
endravours will be spared to please.
Monroeton. Nov. 20, 1052.,
UT H. WILSON, formerly of litariTotd County.,
. P a ., returns his thanks to his friends (aqui
favors, and solicits the continuation of their patron.
age. ?laving made arrangements It, eontiatte leilll
the firm of Fuller 4- Dayton N° 143 West street, be.
tween 13anday and Ve-ey streets, where he tan be'
found always ready to supply his costa:rimers sirialt ,
ing GROCERIES, with a supply at low prices and
on favorable terms. Particular paints Will be lakes
to keep on hand desirable goods for that section of
the country.
Nece-Yrrk, Feb. 9. tAS2.
Fa. - aer, Farrier & Stage Proprietor
unataamocur# DI Ins IfIiTORT OF 11112D141111
Al tile was remarkable External Applioadas over
" They mil Keep House without it . '
Experience of more than etxteen years has etwabli4d4
the tact that Merchant , . Celebrated Gargling Oil, of Vale
venal Family Embrocation, end care vaunt awes, sod w
here all such as
Sprains, Sweeney, Itingbone, Want Pdl
Evil, - Callous. Cracked Heels, Galls of sU
kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains. Bruises, Its ,
tot% Sitlast. Sand Cracks. Strains, Latnewelite
Foandened Feet. Scratches or Grease, Mang,
RheumaLsm, Bites of Animals. Exter nal Poi-
Painful Nervous Affections. Frost PAW.
Boils, Corns, Whitlows. Burns and Scald%
Chilblains, Chapped Hands. Crantps. COO.
tractions of the Muscles. Swellings, Weakneil
of the Joints, Caked Breasts, Swelling
The unparalleled success of this Off, s the cars of
oases In Hones and Cattle, and even is human flub, is
daily becoming more known to the farming community.
It can hardly be credited, except by those who WWI beet
In the habit of keeping it to their stable* and tanneea, what
a cut amount of pain, 'offering and time, am land at
41 pain.
the timely apphcsuon of this Cfil.
tar Re core the name of the sole propeielor, 431101011
W. MERCHANT, Lockport. N. 1".,1e bloom to the ache
if the Wale, and an ha hionlerritinf ewer the cork.
All milers addremod to the prop restor mill be per!
responded to.
Gat a Pamphlet of the Agent, and woe what awaslista itea
aesoropludted by the use of that trwdidinet
Sold by respectable dealers generally, to do tato
&atee awl Lamb. Also by
Aozwrs.—H. C. Porter, TOwandw.AWlti.
Athens—Eli Baird, Troy—D. V. parries. Colombia
Plats—L. D. Taylor, Burlington—Prisbie & Bron
son, Orwell—E. Dyer, Cosinetnn=D. M.
Mansfield—Humphrey & Node. Tloge—Torrell.
Montrose—Perry & Ogden, Elmira. Wholesale
ogents are Ward, Close & Co., 83 Maiden st.,New
'";; , 7lRt . -:' BRYAN'S
1111118 estraortlinary preparation has been for ma.
rty years the moat dertstn and speedy remelt
those suffering from obstinate and confirmed Coughs.
they give the most immediate and perfect relief.and
when great liability to take cold exists. and atroub
lesome Cough succeeds the slightest esposore,dhese
WAFERS produce the most marked results , They
at once relieve the Cough and other symptoms. and
entirely remove that morbid irritability and weak.
ness of the Lungs which give rise to the complaint.
The medical properties are combined in an agreea
ble form and pleasant to the taste, so that any child
will readily take them and they are warranted to
give relief in ten minfites after use in all oases.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. H. C.
PORTER, Towanda. Pa.
Towanda. Feb. 9.1E153.
A 'Friendly Call. p
.1 HE subscribers are. compelled by the necessitvi !"
of liability to ask those knowing t k madam
indebted, to mime and settle and melte j i
otherwise they need not be surprised to fin their am"
count, !edged where payment can he enforced. 1,
Towanda, Feb. 4, 1853. ItIO3II`ANYE 33 & G&
The accounts and notes of ISAAC POT deed,*
are at the store cf the above firm, and immediate ante(
tentien to their settlement will save cog.. .
TimmAs Eiliorr.
.1, 11 MONTANTG-
Te , rania, Feb. 4. 1032