~~ a x: w Mina., Easton, & Water Gan Iticesas..Eorrons :—As the building Otis Kid is exhi gi r. fixed fact"—at least over the- gm r . between our city and the Lehigh river—it me be interesting to your readers to know what the pan, may , accomplish under its mosi Jibes's! char ter‘iisisteded and strengthened in imeasure ire portioned to the scheme and the interest of the community in its prosecution on a befitting. scale. This v eciiii liialifiiiitten inf avor of this road . appeared in your colimns about one year ago.— Thmit,wia _expedient and prudent to attract the gaze. of Philadelphia in the region of the Lehigh and itradjacentcies ; but now it is imperative that Philadelphia must cross the Lehigh or forever bid adieu to the trade of the great and plenteous court try beyond.. What Philadelphia should have, and may tieve - ,11 hes citizens will attempt it boldly and promptly, is a main trunk line of railroad, span• ning the country hence -to the Lehigh river, thence conreingits valley to the vicinity of White Haven, there to-monnt like .5110111111 of the dividing ridge, and dipping thenceAlown into the vale of Wyom ing at or near Pittston, continue along the North Branch fiver to the State line, and connect witn the New York and Erieltailroad. That such a road would speedily reimburse its cost; and bring to our city a trade which else must forever pass eastward into the arms of New York, is a question of east solution and positive demonstration. Passing though the heart of two great anthracite 'coal fields—the middle and the northern, penetrating into valleys abounding with iron ore, zinc, and limestone, skirt ing latest," of valuable timber and touching the vit• loges and towns,'each the centre of a growing trade, the petite in its local aspects presents an ar ray of attractions that cannot fail to carry conviction into every judgment. open to reason and the truth. And when to the local resources of the country to he traversed are added, the prospects of a large through trade with the countries of Western New York, the ports of Ontario, Canada • West. and the harbors of Lake Erie, the wonder is that Philadel• phis should hesitate to lend her aid and influence to the immediate prosecution of the work. The same precaution that secured the amplest latitude of legislative grant, has also, it is under. stoodfobtained posession of the natural passes and key points of the route by careful surveys, in ac cordance with the original design, which has been unfolded, link by link, until it now belts the state Tho initiatory steps having been taken in regular order, and in measured time„the consummation of the programme should not be permitted to remain in doubt. The distance, by the proposed route, cat first amaze, and next delight the convinced reader, at the same time awakening his zeal and confirming his faith. . from Philadelphia, via the Lehigh and North Branch Valleys, to the -New York and Elie Railroad, at Waverly,the distance is 216 miles. From Waverly to Buffalo. 168 " Whole distance from Phila. to Buffalo, 384 miles. II :1 "' " Dunkirk. 419 " Now, it the distance from Dunkirk to New York is 469 " and from Buffalo to New York ci y. 434 " ' _ Philadelphia will be in direct railroad communi cation with Buffalo and Dunkirk, by a line fifty miles Owner in distance than the best route lead from those points to the city of New York. How many Philadelphians are there that knows this?— And yet it is a truth of rooky firmness and golden promise. The distance from Philadelphia to Erie - city, by the Sumbury' and Erie route, is 427 miles. -'Distance from Philadelphia to Lake Erie at Buffalo, Distance in favor of the line to Buflalo, 33 In forming a connection with the New York and Erie Reitma there need be no tear of a discrimi nation in charge against -Philadelphia. For in the law guarenteeing to the Company a Right of Way in Pennsylvania, a clause was inserted to protect the business of Pennsylvania roadethat should con nett with it. And besides, as the Philadelphia road would 'pass entirely across the State, there would be a power in our Legislature to enforce justice and equal terms frorn'the New York Corn. paoy, whenever a selfish practice on bet part should require it. As a general rule, our people have been so fre quently urged to aid works looking westward, that they turn away fromthe vast region spreading away to the northward, and wady to pourdown its treas ures this way whenever a meanashall be open ed for its passage. The trade and influence of the two coal fields through which the road will pass, are each worth ab much to our city as a first class Western State and being both within the bounds of our own Commonwealth, should be allied in feelings and interest to our city. Throughout Western New York and the cities of the Lakes, the demand for anthracite coal is rap idly on the increase each year. And as the natu ral and only convenient source of supply is from the Northern coal fielJs•ol Pennsylvania, the Phil adelphia road would enjoy the profit on thisleavy tonnage, and the Philadelphia market would sup ply the mining region with merchandize and goods The value of the coal sent north anal west would be returned in money to the mining district ; and for this money sent hither, Philadelphia would fur nish goods. From the Lehigh region the mineral products could be brought hither, and the surplus shipped hence to a New England market. This would unite the interests of the Lehigh valley with Phila delphia, and prevent its e stmngement from us to 'loin with our neighbor, New York. Look at the valley of the Schuylkill, and Uonsid 4r the value of its trade annually to Philadelphia I Then turn to the two other coal regions, and reflect that prompt action now will likewise bind them to , es for all time ; whereas, if procrastination be in dulged, New York through her rival improvements, emit empty-their treasures into her own lap. it should be the ambition of Philadelphia to be come the commercial mistress of the Common wealth, and by a generous policy foster a warm State pride towards her. The strength of New air part, is in her own boasting, and in our concession to her pretensions. If met boldly, she may be driven back from our norther.' valleys and made to yield to the competition of our merchants a portion of the trade of Western New York the lakes and Canada West. This result is sure to fol low a Nadine effort. This is what Philadelphia should do, if she do it not, and the river valley of Northern Pennaylva. ilia are surrendered to the occupancy of railroad lines leading to New York, then may Philadelphia bid to the trade of the north farewell forever, and fall back to the middle of the State to make a stand of opposition and competition, which should be made on the eastern border.—Cor. of the Phi/add pine:, Ledger. Larr Minions or Vice PRICJIDENT KING —The Southern Republican has received from Mr. F. K. Beck—a kinsman of the Vice Presdent—a brief ethanol of the last moments of Mr. King• It says: )5. He was quiet and resigned to the tate which he •shall seen *some time awaited him. Shortly be. fore aix &Clock, on Monday evening while a few friends were sitting around his bed side, the only mieerthat he would allow in the sick room, he sud denly remarked that he:ivas dying. The watchers , arosu to theirleet, under some excitement, when the Colonel said, " Be still—make no noise—let me die quietly." He refused to have the rest of his household notified of his dying candition. His 'Physician came and examined him. The Colonel sail to him " Doctor, lam dying. It seems as 'hough I shall never get through with it. lam dy. inu very hard. Take the pillow from under my tread. The pillows -were accordingly taken from anderhis head; but affording no relief, the Doctor 'en ai him from his back on his side, when he died in a moment." The Courier det.Etate Unio, the French organ in New York city, publishes an af f idavit of Mary Ann nts, who says`that she is the natural mother Rev. Et.mmen Wri.s.tams, and that the Dauphin miory is all a fabrication, without a shadow of fact for , a fountlatima. Pelonalssudit Items. tiort-Edwaid DavieA fortaiiii member of, the Legislators and Congreaomareliom Lanciatei:to , died at.Chuichtown on the 18th instant aged 74 'years: - Between 58000 and 6 1 3000 have been subscribed at W ilkesbarre km establishing's Female Institute there. The required amount is 510,000 The workmen on the Belvidere Railroad, below Philipsburg, are on a strike. They do riot ask tot increased wages, but for reduction in the hours of labor. The Wyoming Seminary at Kingston is being rapidly rebuilt in Unproved style There are three separate buildings, each 48• by 60 feet. The board. ing hall is also being enlarged and will, when completed, be a three story Wilding, 114 feet front, with wings 58 feet deep. A fire oceured at Colombia on nuroslay after noon,which destroyed the store of Thomas Keating, Schloss & Brother, Mr.,Gotrlntan end David mer, and the residences of Messrs. Keatitto. and Whipper. It originated from the sparks of a lbco motive. The double track has been completed on the Pennsylvania railroad tom Harrisburg to the bridge over the Susquehanna. A new bridle scrap-the Lehigh at Manch Chunk a to be completed this season, the contracts hay• og been signed. An attempt was made Wednesday among the convicts in the Western Penitentiary to break out. About 20 of them began to batter the doors - n 1 their cells at the same time with various implements.— The officers immediately armed themselves and prepared to shoot the first wan that got wit, when they very prudently desisted and order was restored. The State authorities have remitted the interest of a collateral inheritance tar in a legacy of 220,•. 000 lett by a Roman Catholic lady of Pittsburg to a benevolent institution. The interest, at 12 per cent., amounted to $625. frrKendall, of the New Orleans • Picayune, when in Peri', wrote the following in a letter to that paper A moat terible sight met the eye of an English diver, who was sent down in the cabin of the steamer Victoria, wrecked a kw days since near Dublin with great loss of life. The diver went down into her cabin once, and succeeded in bring ing up 411 her plate; but malting could induce him to go down a second lime—not all the riches at the bottom of the sea. It should be understood, that the bodies of some twenty of the passengers of the Victoria were never found. The diver says, that on entering the cabin he thought he was in a wax work exhibition, for the corpses had evidently not moved from their positions since the vessel sank There were some eighteen or twenty persons in the cabin, one and all of whom, although dead for daps, seemed to be holding conversation with er.ch other; and the general appearance of the whole scene was so life like, that , he diver was almost inclined to believe that some of them were yet liv ing. From their various positions and conntenari ces, he thinks they could have no idea of the disas ter which was hastening them an to so untimely as end. Over and oven again the dive, said that he would not go down in'o that cabin a second time. Seldom have I heard a more terrible tale coming horn " down among the deal" 384 " filE CRTATAL PALACE.—Over 400 men are at on the New York Crystal Palace, and it is said it will certainly be ready for the opening of the exhi bition on the Ist of June. Yesterday the American quarter of the building, which is the north-east cor ner, adjoing the saloon, was to have been given over to the hands of the association, that the cases, tables, &c., for :he display of goods may be arrang ed. The department Inc machinery, agricultural implements, &c., which is distinct from this, is not prepared. The roof is now neatly complete, ex cept the dome, and the floors are in such a tor warrhstate than forty:eight hours will suffice to tin. WI them after the dome is op The officers of the Sardinia frigate which arrived on Sunday, were greatly surprised in not finding the exhibition al ready open. A FACT volt MRS Stow c.—At East Baton Rouge, lately, an escape negro slave, whom two citi zens of Port Hudson attempted to recaptute, so re solutely he fought for his freedom that they were obliged to desist. They thereupon obtained a pack of dogs and pursued the fugitive to a drift in the river, where the dogs brought him to bay.— When the pursuing party came up he refused to surrender, and was immediately shot, and tell into the water. So determined was the poor fellow not to be captured, that when an effort was made to rescue him from drowning, he made battle with his club, and sunk waving his weapon in angry defiance at his pursuers. STRUM AT CARBONDALE, HONE/WALE, AND HAW LEY —We are informed that large bodies of labor. era, principally Irish and Germans, employed in loading Coal &c., at Carbondale, Honesdale, and Hawley, struck for higher wages, on Monday last, and have since refused to work or to let others work. In Honesdale, some five hundred men pa raded the streets, accompanied by a brass band, threatening end stopping all who attempted to work; and similar demonstrations were made in Hawley. They have hitherto worked about six. teen hours a day, for 75 cents. They demand a dollar a day and the ten hour system —Maros. Register. A VALUABLZ Gem —The Goshen Whig states, that Rev. Robert Armstrong, of Newburg, New York, purchased, among other minerals, what he supposed was a topaz. but which turned oat to be a diamond, for one-half of which he has been of fered MO 000, which he declined. Its weight is two and a half ounces, and if a real diamond, its value will be more than $2,000,000. Ax lwreagsnxo Yoexa COUPLE —There resides at Plaistow, says an English paper, a young lady who has just reached her twentieth year, who stand. six lint lour inches in her hose! The mid dle,finger on each band measures six inches;— length of arm, two feet four inches. She is still growing! Her beau is also a giant, being no less an individual than F4ward Cranser, me Kentish gi ant, who, though but nineteen years old, is seven feet six inches in height. This will be one of the tallest weddings on record, when it comes off. A Ncw Scritzmarr Discovenra—Captain Skin ner, of the Ship Hermann, from Baltimore to Fran cisco, touched the island of Juan Fernandez, on the 27th of March for water, and says he was surprised to find there a settlement of about three hundred inhabitants, who were directed by a governor.— Great kindness was shown to the mamere, and the vessel was supplied with provisions. Captain Skinner stopped at this island two years ago, and found it uninhabited.—N. Y. Evening Post. Gow DOLLyt Terr —Dr. Gideon B. B. Smith has invented a vety ingenious contrivance for detecting spurious coin of the gold dollar stamp. It is a small box with a slit in the lid, which will admit the genuine coin only. if a spurious coin passes through slit. it will not sink, because it is restated by • weight inside, super ior to the leverage by which the true coin overpowes the weight. And if the spurious coin is made so large that its weight equals the true coin, it will not pass through the aperture. The article might oe made to tell at a tow price, and thus come tutogaineral use. A monoment is to be erected to the memories o PAOLIXXO, WILIJAMS and Vas- WART the captors of ASDIM, ott the spot where it ormarnird, in Tiny. town. The Inspectors of the_ State Prison lormsh. the marble. Mretbfort6 l!tcapotler• Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Men Freedoms for Free Terri:vim. E. 0. GOODRICH, EDITOR. Towanda, Saturday, May 28, 1853. Terms of The Reporter. SS 50 per annum—if paid within the pear 60 rents arid to deducted—fin cash paid actually in advance el 00 will be Imlneteit. No paper sent overewo years, unless paid for. Auvairrumnimas, per square of ten lines. ffil cents for the arm and 'M cents for each subsequent insertion. !Er Office in the Union Block," north side of the Public 4quare,}tutt door to the Bradford Hotel. Entrance beiween Messrs. Adams' and Elarell's law offices. Democratic state Nominations. CANAL COMMISIROXIIIL THOMAS H. FORSYTH, or. Pone. Co AUDITOR 0 ZZZZZ L. EPHRAIM BANKS, OF MIFFLIN, CO Von lIVIITZTOR 1111111.1 ILL. J. PORTER BRAWLEY, or CRAWYCIRD CO Meeting of the Slate Central Commlttee. The State Central Committee met at the Mer- chants' Hotel, in the city of Philadelphia, on the 21st inst. Quite a number of members were in attendance. The Committee passed resolutions deploring the death of Judge Gresort, and for the re-assembling of the late Democratic State Convention at Hatris burg, on the 28th day of July next, for the purpose of nominating a candidate fot the Supreme Bench, to be supported by the Democratic party of Penn• Sylvania at the ensuing election, and for the tran saction of any other Inkiness that may become rm. cessary. The following gentlemen were appointed a State Committee of Correspondence : W. H. Blair, Centre, A. J. Glombrenner, York, Joseph Weaver, jr., Delaware, William A. Williams, M'Kean, John Goodyear, Cumberland, Samuel B Wilson, Beaver, John G. Frick, Northumberland, Ulysses Mervin, Bradford, Reuben W. Weaver, Columbia, . Thomas B. Searight, Fayette, William Kitlell, Cambria, Murray Whallon, Erie, N. L Dike, Potter, Ed win Dyer, Tinge, John M. B. Petnken, Lycoming, %V R. M'Cay, Mifflin, J. Kacy, Perry, B B. Bonner, Franklin, W. H. Lambarton, Venango, J D. Roddy, Somerset, Augustus Drum, Indiana, Theophilns Snyder, Blair, John B. Reed, Bedford, Andrew J. Fore, Fulton, Henry Frysinger, Clinton, Joel B. Wanner, Berks, Gen. William Lilly. jr , Carbon, Caleb E. Wright, Bucks, Nimrod Stricklpnd, Chester, • Nathaniel Jacoby, Montgomery, William WWilliams, Armstrong, Robert A. Lamberton, Dauphin. The Committee adjourned to meet in the Senate Chamber, at Harrisburg, immediately after the ad journment of the State Convention. foreign ♦ppolntmente. Th 9 following appointments are officially an. nounced in the Washington Union : MINISTCRIS PI.KNIPOTINTIARY To Great Britain, James Buchanan, of Pennsyl vania; Secretary of Legation, John Appleton, of Maine. To Spain—Pierre Soule, of Louisiana To Russia—Thomas H. Seymour, of Connecticut. To Mexico—James Gadsden, of South Carolina; Secretary of Legation, John Crips , of California. To Prussia—Peter D. Vroom, of New Jersey. To Central America—Solcn Borland, of Arkan sas; Secretary of Legation, Frederick A. Beelen,ol Pennsylvania. To Brazil—Wm Troutdale, of Tennessee. To Chili—Samuel Medary, of Ohio. Peru—John R. Clay, late Charge d'A ff aires in Peru, and tormerly Secretary of Legation in Russia and Austria. Minister Resident in Sw - rzerland—Theodore S Fay, long Secretary of Legation at Berlin. CHARGES D'Arrsiaics. Belgium—J. J. Seibles, of Netherlands—Augnst Belmont ,of Now-York . Sardinia—Richard IL Meade, of Virginia. The Two Bh:flies—Robert Dale Owen, of Indi ana. Austria—Henry R. Jackson, of Georgia. Bolivia—Ch. Levi Woodbury, of Massachusetts Denmark—Henry Bedinger, of Virginia. Buenos Ayres—Wm. H. Bissell, of Illinois. New Grenada—James L. Greene, of &Humid. Commissioner to the Hawaiian Islands—Shelton F. Leake, of Virginia. COMMA Acapulco—Charles L Denman, of California . Alexandria—Edwin De Leon, of South Carolina. Basle—David L Lee, of lowa. Bermoda—John M. Howdin, of Ohio. Bordeaux—Alfred Gilmore, of Pennsylvania. Bremen—Wm. Hildebrand, of Wisconsin. Cork—Dennis Bluffing, of New-York. Dublin—M. J. Lynch, of Illinois. Dundee—Wm. H. De Wolf, of Rhode Island Havana—Alexander M. Clayton, 01 Mississippi Hamburg—S. M Johnson, of Michigin. Hong Kong—James Keenan, of Pennsylvania. Honolulu—Benjanitu F. Angell, of New York Lahaina—George W. Chase, of Maine. Liverpool—Nathaniel Hawthorne of Mauch!: • setts. Melbourne—James M. Tarleton, of Alabama Panama—Thomas W. Ward, of Texas. Paris—Dunom R. M'Rae, of North Carolina Rio do Janeiro-i-Roben G. Scott, of Virginia St. Thomas—Charles J. Helm, of Kentucky. Talcahuano—Wm. B Plato, of Illinois. Trieste—Wyndham Robertson, of Louisiana. Trinidad de Cuba--John Hubbard, of Maine. Valparaiso--Reuben Wood, of Ohio. Venice—Donald G. Mitchell, of Connecticut. Zurich George F Gounili, of Pennsylvania. SAW MM. 8UR14CD... 2 1118 saw mill belonging to Rooms FowLea, in • Monroe township, was de stroyed by fire on Tuesday evening last, with a large amount of lumber. The mill was insured for I/2000. Some 20,000 feet of lumber belonging to Ezra Spalding, was also destroyed. The fire is =ppm ed ro be the work of an incendiary, uno fire had berm about the mill for several days. A cannon ball dug up from the fidd of the bat. de of New Orient. Is to be sent to tbe New York World's Fair for exhibition. The Free Democratic Consent/on, Mel at the Court House in Towanda, on Wednes day the 251 n day of May.. On motion of Dr. Car ter, JOHN KEELER - was called to the Chair, and J.W. lecnism elected Secretary. On motion of Mr. Hinman. the following gentle men were unanimously appointed delegates to represent Bradford county in the Stale Convention to assemble at Hanisbuig, on the Ist of June : G. F. Horton, Luther De Wolf, Miles Carter, Jo seph Kingsbery, John Keeler, D. Brink, B. H. Ste vens, Jeremiah Kilmer. After discussion, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That we are not disheartened by the apparent coldness with which the great subject of human freedom is regarded at present, by the great political, parties and religious bodies in our country ; but that our efforts to destroy the slave power, and obtain the completedivorce of our national govern ment from the accursed institution of Slavery,shall be unceasing, and that our opposition to the fugi tive slave law shall be untiring until ills repealed. JOHN KEELER; President. J. W. INGHAM, Secretary. Music Lacntaz.—Mi. Pamir., a teacher of Vocal Music, wha has a wide reputation for capa bility and success, will give a lecture at the Metho dist Church on Monday afternoon and evening next. Mr. P. is particularly successful in teaching children, and the opportunity should be embraced by all who wish to improve in this delightful branch of education. WHEN WILL THE CRYfiTAL PALACE BE CODIPLE TEDI—This question is often asked, but no one has been able to give the exact time. The New York Daily Times of the 19th, speaks of it as lollows We believe there may be found in this City a few individuals of ultra sanguine temperament, who expect that the Crystal Palace will be opened by about the celebration of the National Anniversary. %Ye visi'ed the skeleton of that building yesterday, and really if it comported with our strict views of nigh moral principle to risk a bet, we woicr.- lute one dollar to fifty that it wilLnot beltnry, to receive the public before the first of August; and we have our own reasons for believing that the happy *y will be still fur.lier postponed to the first IR September. The delay, we suppose, is unavoidable, so we must pcssese our souls in pa tience. SINGOLAR.-11 is stated that Mrs. Newall, the mo ther of David B. Newell, of Newport, N. H., who was killed on board the New Haven cars at Nor walk, did not hear of her son's death until last Wednesday. He was a consumptive young man, and was retorhing from the South. He had pre viously written to his mother that he was going to return, and she had gone on to Georgia to take care of him on his passage back. He got the start of her, and they passed one another on the way, she going entirely through. She then immediately set out on her return, and, holding no associations on the way, did not bear of the accident. Abet getting upon the New Yotk and New Haven rail road, last Wednesday, a fellow-passenger politely handed her a copy of the New York Illustrated News, which contained an illustrated :account of the accident. In this she became tnteres:ed, and bad commenced reading a list of those killed, when suddenly she dropped the paper, and raising her hands, exclaimed—" My God ! my God: my son is killed!' This was tier first intimation of her bereavement, and her -on had already arrived at home and been consigned to the grave —Neuf Haven Palladium, 18th. A MONTH or CALAMITY. -Truly this has been a month of calamity. Within three or four weeks we have been called upon to report the destruction of the steamship Independence in the Pacific, the Ocean Wave on the Lakes, and the Jenny Lind in California ; the awful railroad calamities at Chicago and Norwalk, and now we have to add to the cata logue the loss ol the ship William and Mary at sea. Though in the loss of this ship, by which over 200 perished at once, it is not shown that the calamity was caused by the carelessness of those having charge of the vessel. She had a cargo of rail road iron, and also 208 passengers, bound to New Orleans from Liverpool. On the 3d of May, she struck on a ledge of sunken rocks, oft Bermu• da, and soon after went down, carrying with her a portion ol her crew, and 202 of her passengers By these six disasters, not less than five hundred souls have been hurried into eternity, and in addi tion to these there have been minor accidents on railroads and steamboats, falling of buildings, &c . , which would materially swell the fearful aggregate There must be a growing disregard for human life throughout the world, when disasters of this . kind come thus "in battalions. The e ff ect will be to keep all travellers merely for pleasure at home, until they can have some guaranty that they will have a fair chance for life in rail-cars and steam boats. (rp The Rartfivd Times of the 16th inst. has the following : MR. AND MRS. FLUENT.—OOI. Cooley, of this city, accompanied the remains of Mrs. J. M Fluent, of Lancaster, Penn., to her parents, in Fitchburg, Mass., on Saturday last. She was the daughter of Mr. Henry Brooks, of Fitchburg, and this is his fourth child who has met with a violent death.— One of his children was shot, another drowned, an other was run over by a railway car, and row the remains of another still has been brought from the wreck of the disaster at Norwalk, for burial by the aide of her brothers and sisters who were suddenly called away before her. Mr. Fluent was severely injured, and remained at Norwalk, overwhelmed with grief at the loss of his wife. He was unable to accompany her remains to the home of her pa rents. He was going there on a visit with his wife,: but the pleasant anticipations of the husband and wife were cut short in a must terrible manner, at a time when they least expected it. Sac:mew Prime tcy.—A n exchange paper states that about eighteen years ago a Mr. Halt, of Wil ton, in Fairfield county, Connecticut, then a re markable good student in his collegiate course, was suddenly deprived of his memory and reason. Under these circumstances, his father, the Rev. Mr. Hait, sent him to Hartford; but finding no re lief, be sent him to Dr. Chaplin of Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Doctor said there was no present relief for him, but at the age of 36 or 37 there would be a change; that t:•e brain was 'too much expanded for the cranium, and there would be at that age a contraction, which would enable it to act healthily. His anxious father and friends saw their hopes peremptorily deferred for eighteen years. Tbat time has recently expired, and to their great joy the prophecy is fulfilled. The man began to inquire for his books as if he had just laid them down, and resumed his mathematical studies where he left them. There was no trace in his mind of this long blank in his life, or anything which had occurred in it, and he did not know that he was almost forty years of age. . DEATH THOM LOCEJAW.—Diedo of the Lockjaw, Warren Township, Bradford co., Pa., on the 11th inst., Edwin Brink, aged 15 years. The above distressing disease was supposed to be occasioned by a bruise on one of the fingers, in which cold was taken, resulting in a pain in the back, till a sudden cramping of the body occnrred, in which the body doubled together, the legs being locked about the neck, and the jaws so fumly set as to be immovable. The lungs and stomach were so compressed That the thickness of the body was not more than 4 or 5 inches. .He suffered in this dreadful condition Several hours, when death came to his relief.—Binghango Republican. The Mai in the United Kingdom, produce, it is said, one-half the correspondence carried on by the two nations. Construction of the $3OO Lsivv. Au opittioh k interesting to the public, ;was livered in :thee Saprenie Court of Pennsylvarai a 'short thitsi 'since, on the proper interpretai tog ; of the 19300 Law. it appears. that to have the benefit of 'this act, thetlefendant must, at the time the levy is made, Meath*, property he desires ,exempted. By neglecting to do this, he cat not, after the sale, claim the amount in money. Chief Justice BLACK says that the Act speaks of property, not money.— It, requires him to select the goods lie wishes to re. Lain, and have them appraised, and the property thus chosen' and appraised, shall be exempt Irom levy and sale. This excludes the idea that he is to have his choice between retaining the property, and demanding the money out of the proceeds. ' There are sound reasons why he should take the goods or nothing. The law was made fo the bene fit of the (wadies of debtors, rather than for the debtors themselves • and a family, atript of every comfort, might not b ei much the better oil with $3OO in the pocket of a thriftless father. Property which appraisers would value at $3OO, mig ht not sell for the half of it, and it debtors had ' this choice, it would deprive the creditors of twice as much pro pertysrus the law intended to take from them. A convenient friend could be got to buy it in at a price lar below its value, and a part of the money award ed by the Court would pay for it. The former laws on this subject specified thii particular articles which migh6 be retained. The act of 1849 gives the right of designating them to the debtor himself, fixes the qtiontity of them by their value, and points out the Mode of ascertaining that value; 'but if he may be silent until alter the sale, he can' virtually take property which he has not selected, to an amount far greater than the law allows him, arid withiut applying the legal stand ard of its value. Such a construction is again's{ the spirit as well as the letter of the statute. The debtor not being entitled to money antler any circumstances, would have no other remedy than an action against the officer, even if he had demanded his right, in a proper way, and been re fused; regularly, a debtor who wishes to avail himself of this act, should make his seleciton at the time of levy; the Legislature could have meant nothing else by saying that property so selected should beexempt from levy. Bot he may be in time if he demand it after it is seized, provided does not wait so long that a compliance with hi. request would postpone the sale. His right is clear ly gone, if he waits until the sale has begun. Anti-Rent Outrage. A Mr. Lawrence proceeded to the house of is. cob .1. Deitz, on Tuesday last, for the purpose of serving a summons. He lound Mr. D. near his house and handed him the papers. Deitz took them and read them, when he threw them on the ground—seized Lawrence by the throat, calling him a damned seoundiel tor coming to serve papers on him. He then called to his family to blow a horn, when a man named Hallenbeck, who was at work for Dietz, asa mason, interceded for Law. rence, who managed to get away, and started off on a run. Deitz followed in pursuit—knocked Lawrence down, and held him until four men in disguise made their appearance. They then tied his !rands behind him, and took him to a small piece of brush near by—then lore off his coat, vest and cravat, and with a jack knife cut off his hair, occasionally cutting the scalp, and remarking that they had a plaster that would heal it up,—they tarred his 'head and body and poured tar into his boots. Alter exhausting their ingenuity this way, each cut a stick, and whippet him, until they got tired. They then tied his hands before him and started him for the house, each -of them kicking him at every step. They made him take the papers back, but took them away again. When • after knocking him down again, they left him, and he succeeded in reaching the residence of George 1 Becker, last evening. His legs, hands, arms and lace are badly bruised. EMBALM - 1U; TRII DEID.-Dr. Holmes, who fer seven years was examining Physician to the Coro,. ner, of New York city, has, after a long series of experiment?, succeedee in discovering a method of preserving the bodies or the dead. The process is extremely simple : An artery in one of the lower limbs is opened, and by it a liquid is injected into into the blood. The length of time required for the operation ie only about fifteen minutes. A re• porter of the Tribune has seen the body of a female ehild which was embalmed upward of a month ago by Dr. Holmes, and from the appearances of the body it would seem that the experiments of the doc tor had been highly satisfactory. Er. Holmes in. tends taking immediate steps to secure a patent for this discovery. Or We learn from the Elmira Republican tha Mr Z. T. M'Clusky of Jefferson, who was injure, a short time ago by being thrown out of his buggy died on Monday last. Mr. WC. was Deputy Sher iff of Chemung county, and enjoyed the respect o all who khew him. At a regular meeting of Canton Lodge No. 321, 1. 0. of 0. F. of Pa. the following resolutions were ullered by J. W. Griffin : Winiar.ss, It has pleased the all wise Creator and ruler of the universe to remove from our Fraternity our beloved brother. A: G. PCIKAILD. Hence, while we deem it our duty to bow with submission to this stroke of his chastising band ; therefore Resolved, That we have witnessed with with un feigned regret the death of oar esteemed brother, P. G. Ptyalin), who departed this life on the . 13th day of May 1859, in Canton, Bradford Co. Pa., in the commencement of uiefalness and in the prime of manhood. Resolved. That although he suffered extremely du ring his illness it is a pleasure to know that those who with himself had espoused the cause of friend. ship, love and truth, kindly ministered to his wants during his sufferings, which he bore with christian fortitude and resignation. Resolved, That in the death of brother Preir.Litn, we have lost one of the brightest ornaments of our association, whose life and character has been an example to emulate, which would be of infinite hon. or to every member of our order. Resolved, That we deeply sympathise with the bereaved family of the deceased, having with them the consoling assurance that our loss is his ink nice gain. Resolved, That as a token of respect for our de ceased brother, we will wear the usual badge of mourning for the space of three months, and that these resolutions be entered on the minutes of this lodge, and that the Secretery forward a copy to the family of the deceased, and one to the editor of the Banner of the Union, New York, and also that these resolutions be published in the papers of this County. T. 8. HANLEY, Bec'y. NOTICE. MR. PRINDLE, Teacher of MUSIC, will meet the children and youths' of Towanda, at the Methodist Church, on Monday afternoon of next nexi week, for a rehearsalyin Vocal Music, with a view of organizing a class in Music. And in. the evening, the parents and all the lovers of music are invited to the same place, with the children, when an Address will be given on Early Education in Music. The evening exercises will commence at eight o'clock. Children from six years ' old to eighteen will be admitted to the class. May 29. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALL; persons indebted to the estate of Geo. Geroukl, dec'd, late of Smithfield, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate, will please pre. sent them duly authenticated for settlement- JAMES GEROULD. Ad m i n i strator ,. JAMES L, GEROULD. May 27, 1853. BONNETS & HATS.—A new and large assort. meat of Ladies and misses white and colored straw, florence and lace bonnets. Also- mans and boys palm lea& Canada straw and curled brim - Cas , ailment bats, just received — at MERCUR'B. May 25, 1853. ere tbitiiiit otiloc 3 / 4 u se. The fad is indisputable that this medieb, e pariorlo anything heretoftee offered to th e ni , b r , for putifying tbs. blood. Keep your bloodpp : , yon are safe from all those tronblasoree d tu :! that a igg et so many of the human ram. lely et y7 inlet not only purifies the blood, bat invigoiattsZ; Whole system, giving a healthy tone to the s k ache and imparting life and energy a l th. ietattk• and enervated. Bice Ham)Amer.—Ma. A. B. L Weis Sir. I have from childhood, suffered with period turns of the Sick Headache, izereastag until o u r s year I was almost weekly laid by until' e ooluel I ed the use of your Compound extract of 8 04 u _e' —one largo, bottle has completely cored to t 1 7 "had no occasion to use it fur months. y ou ,, Zinr NANCY. M. pAß ua l I can heartily concur with the above. 183 Orange St. New Haven, CL JNO.PAR3B4 Clinton, Conn., Oct. 12,18,51. Mr. Myers—Dear Sir.—l have starred i much with the Sick Headache for Ilfteenyari,l6m was scarcely a week but what I Was obliged to up my work, but by accident I became sti u :L ll with your valuable Extract, and I have u sed bottle. It has completed a cure. I have 001 I c 4 l troubled with the complaint since, and I Mist 11 otherwise improved my health very m u & AUGUSTA CARLTON, I fully concur with the above..l. CARLTON. PAYERt3' EXTRACT of ROCK ROSE, fo r 14 by Dr. H. C. PORTER, Toaanda, Pa, of wh om pamphlets may be had gratis. Waverly Station, N. Y. do E. R. R, TIME TABLE. 00156 EAST. a. x. soma 1P117% a. •Butfolo Ex. x l2 20 'Buffalo Ex. r 3s i °Day Express, • x 10 33 *Day Express, r x 425 Night Expresso. x 11 22 Night Express A 4 el Mail, r m 6 43 Mail, rx9ll, 'Cincinnati Ex. • 505 Emigrant, " 3 . 46 Freight No. 2, •of I l 55[Freight No. 1, A a lO 05 Freight No. 4, rx 4 35 Freight No. 5, A xBBB •Do not stop at Waverly. COACHES leave 'Waverly for A thenv,Towa oda, To akhannotk rE&AvYe.: and intermedUqe places, every ; , ,rning, after the arrival of the Tttinv. 'Returning, leave Towanda, (after the arrival of the Southern stage,) at 13 o'clock, P. M. reaching Waverly in time for all the evening trains, e ls! and west. May 6. 1853. SctionaalZ, May 19 SPRING GOODS! E1131.0.12' LECZCZa, South Conker of Illercur's Block, Main At! , ARE now opening their stock of GOOES forge I Spring and Summer trade, comprising a ha and complete assortment, and of the moat reriey, which will be sold at a very small profit for Redy Pay. Among the assortment of DRY' GOODS, will be found a great variety ofLadies'Dress Gook consisting in part of Bereges, Ihrege Delaines, all•wool Deluihts, La wn; pain and printed : Gingham:, English, Scotch and Amerwan : Poplins, Prints of all shades and colors 4.c. Also, for men's wear may be found Small Cloth', Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, Ba ti , 3 and Summer Vestines. • Also, Sheetingi, Shirting, bleached and brown, Tickings, Summer Goods for boys' wear, Cotton Yarn, Carpet, Warp, Cotton Batten, &toic. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A full stock will be kept on hand. Those ioeset of sugars. Teas, Coffee. Molasses, liteoares but Syrup, Spices. Pepper Ginger, Salerair. nor, Fish, salt, Tobacco, or any other ankle in this will do well to call on us before purchasing elso ~:~ ::,1 l:l:s A large a splendid ricAortment. Crockoy. GLus and Stone-ware, Boota and Shoes, Hats and Caps— Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty. Thankful for the liberal petronage of the ram* son. the undersigned feel a pleasure in inruit: e public to an examination of our spring stud, te• lieving that good Goods and low prioec will mune a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE. Towanda, May 20 ISM, IMMENSE STOCK !! Summer Goods at the Cash Store OF GOODRICH 4 CO ,OWEGO, S 1 THE decision has gone forth. the fact is adank ted that goods ate soli' at wwer prices'at God, rich & Uo's, than anywhere else ; where no• MI be found en unu , tiaily large stock of Good , adapeJ to the season which are going off at very N;), rates. Their stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS cannot be equalled, and the greatest Taney of bereges, silk tissues, challis berege &Inse anglem, jacocets, lawns, striped and plain chambras, strip. ed and plain steel and gold•rnixed poplins, fame striped and checked ginghams ; a peat assortment of rich black silk shawls, cashmere, crape and broche shawls ; silk capes and mantillas ; an mu quailed show of highly clustered, black, nand striped, plaid and changeable silks, sauna, bottom and ribbons, French embroiders ; 15000 yards ni shilling calicoes for sixpence ; Lisle thread lad cotton gloves from 3 cts. to : shillings : rich rep logs, cloths, cassimeres, saunas, tweeds, jaw, dm: uottonadea all kinds, mens summer urn, plain, striped and plaid linnens, giteetingl, saffa logs, cotton ticks, drills, 4'c. Cash purchasers will find great bargains, as du whole has been purchased at auction and pear prices. C' Cash paid for BUTTER..CD Owego, May 25, 1853. _ TN the Orphan's Court of Bradford Co in the mine 1. of the partition of the real estate of Samuel Bre night, late of Ridgbury twp., deceased. To Elsa. nah Hammond, Phebe McDougall, Susan Kingsley. Sally Burt, Florilla Bort. Almenia Burt, Thailew Bennight's widow, Calvin Bennight. Mary ffeltal bt • Samuel Bennight Sarah Bennight, Phebe Benj. W. Bennight, Susan Bennight and Tatou Bennight's widows. You are hereby notified that by virtue of an of• der from the Orphan's Court of Bradfonl County, I' ) me directed ; I wilt hold an inquisition upon the re. al estate of Samuel Bennight, late of IlidgbtuVq• deceased, upon the premises in said township. oti Monday, the Bth day of August nat. at I °.c " hx , l " P. M., for the purpose of making partition and r°ll ation of said estate, at which time and pigs • can attend if you _think proper. C. THOM ALSher itr. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, May 25, 15:.3. CANTON AND Airman eta r ROAD COMPANY. j • THE undersigned Commissioners app0101":4 ± pursuance of the Charter incorporating company will open Books for subscriptions °boa at the Bradford House, in the borough of Tocasdh ai 10 o'clock, A. M., on Saturday, the 25th of 1251 next. C. F. MASON. C. F.WELLS BURTON KINGSBERY C. Hi HERRICK, rounm C. COMSTOCK, C. STOCKWELL, ROBERT FERRIS. Towanda. May 25, 1053. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ALL?' ARA. decd of Tuscarora tvp. ar e none indebted to the estate of M SI A V SCEI , hereby reciuested to make ayment without drill and all persons having c laims against said esti" will please present them duly authenticated fa ' el ' dement. BENI. M.'SILVARA. THEODORE SILVARA. May 25. 1853....) Peados. _ _ - - "--- PAILS;TUBS AND MATS —A new saPP 4 ---44 ; painted tubs and pails, also. Alicant mash Po' received at may2s IdERCUR3 EOM