Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 28, 1853, Image 1

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Eiaturban 11arniun, titan 28, 1853.
,ititct6 Vatirl
f I.llVVAlillr ri WOMB.
Tray Sabbath evening, calm and still
14 nett satCt was heard but whippoorwill
0,,,e pima tire st W rains the soul_would
hen mother died
D e n gathered friend from far and near,
Then cheek met cheek, tear met tear,
A:,!:a;turito the form so dear—
When mother died.
A.. er denr with tearful eyes,
t j,„ :ne d forth Nuch holy, heartfelt sighs,
seraphs cauyht them in the skies—
lAre're all alone,
A brotherheld her death-like hand.
Reed her gentle last command,
-I'm plug to a better land—
Do right my con. v-
13Lli closer Full around her pressed
An angel hand iroin regions blessed,
Uar het weary soul to rest.
From earthly toil.
F. r-longer life hhe did not crave,
Nor feared the silent gloomy grave,
Bat yielded unto (-; it who gave
Her •pirit soul.
Now, as the trier:lid zephyr breeze
Glides through the weeping willow trees.
It mournfully yet sweetly breathes
Her requiem.
oh. rather of the orphan lone,
Elul sinful earth scam claim Thy own,
That a c rany kneel before Thy throne.
And sing Thy praise.
ctlert alt.
Endicott and the Red Cross
A n,, 01 an aoturnal day, more iban two cen•
:::1 , 1,q), ;he Eng!Leh colors were dißplayed by
.es•Ljard-bearer of the Salem train band, which
i, for marital exercise under the orders
'John F: ,, d,n01. It was a period when the reli.
•;IsevYs , were oleo accustomed to buckle oil
-,eir, armor, and practice the handling of their wee
war. Since the first settlement of New Eng
•-i is had never been eo
Charles the First and his
, 4't,t - c, , ,nete Olen, and for several years after, con
z Se it of Pwiianieut Tice measures of
(Gliiis!ry were rendered more tyrantit
•,:•, I,o:ew be an opposition which fiad not yet
confidence in its own strength,
tr-,,t di it jiis: . ice with the sword. The big.
v primate, Laud, Archbishop a
L,a.rwr‘, cot.troiled the reiigious aff.4irs of tl.e
aad WaS COtif•eqqt.r:!)y invested with powers
m t. ive wpia4lit the utter ruin of the
nil, Pc.. au eu;ol.:ee, F. , ymOu'ti and Massachueetta
e.iuerice nn record that our foretachers
u!,:t,;:er ; Lut were resolved that their
, :ant (nit ory et•ou(ii not tall widlout a struggle,
e , Vr. btTheal'h ;Jan! streng.h of the king's right
SnO \rd.; :he a ,, ,wct of me times wnen the folds
F..14:.-11 Li:Later, the Red Cross in i:s
we.e Hun.; nut over a company of Puritans
%elf lethler , ;It: fanJus Endicott, was a man of
evil arid resolute countenance, the effect of which
was :16.!!!!rne,1 tly a grizzl.ed beard that swept the
11 ','I•tt;••: i-n oi his bleast•plate, This piece 'of
zimmy As so lit4hly poh.shed, that the whale sue
:rnundir.; scene had its image in the glittering steel.
The central obyct, in the mirrored picture, was an
ethriceot humble architecture, with neither stee
plc car bell to proclaim it—what nevertheless it
hon.e of prayer.• A tokert of the perils
‘ii;dettiess was oaen in the grim head Of the
iinoul. had just been slain within the precincts
e t :lie:own, and, according to the regular Mode of
c`aiming the boutity, was nailed on the porch of
mee tog house. The blood was 131111 plashing
.he door step. There happened to be visible ;
4. die iame noontide hour, so many other charm:-
Ensues of the times and manntyis of the Puritans,
ihat ire mast endeavor to represent them in a
Eketeil, :11011gli far less vividly than they were re
timed iii the breast-plate of John Endicott.
In close vicinity to the sacred edifice appeared
tam important engine of Puritanic authority, the
whipping post—with the soil around it well-trodden
by the teet of evil doers, who had there beendieM.
Pluteil• At one cornerof the meeting • houlse was
the Ptitory and at the other the stocks ; and, by a
A ingafer good (online for our sketch, the head of an
Episcopalian anesuspected Catholic ivasgroteqiie.
ly ezelsed in the former machine %late a fellow
criminal, who had boisterously quaffed a health to
the king, was confined by the legs:in the latter.—
Side by side, on the meeting houseineps; stood a
male and a female figthe. The waetall,,lean
aild haggard personification of fanaticism, beanng
on his breast this label : " A Wanton G o PPetiors"
Which betokened that he lied dared to giter inter.
preiseionsof Holy Writ, nnsanctionett by the intal
hhle lodgment of the civil and religious rulers. His
aspect showed no lack of zeal to. maintain his he
teiolozes, even at the stake: Time woman won) a
cleft slick on her tongde, in appropriate retribution
for having wagged that unruly - member against, the
;bete of the church ;•and het - countenance and
;enures gave much - canoe to 'apprehend that _the
moment the Stick should' be' removed, a repetition
at the offense walld demand new liiginuity in
chastising it.
The skive-mentioned individuals bad been• yen
'eueetl to und;sigo.ibeir 4stions modes Of ignorni
-I,F, for the space of one hour at vrocraday. Rot
aniong the crowd were -sayers,' Winue-Pi#,Oililent
would be life•lryag ; some. whose cars bad been
milt like those of puppy dogs •,others whose cheeks
. i
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had been bran-led with the initials of their misde
meanors; one with his nostrils slit and seared ;
and another with a halter about his neck, which he
was forbidden ever to take - off, or to conceal be
neath his garments. Methinks he must have been
grievously tempted to affix the other end of the
rope to some convenient beam or bough. There
was likewise a young woman, with no meaashare
of beauty, whose doom it was to wear the letter A
on the breast of her gown, in the eyes of all the
world and her own-children. And even her own
children knew what that initial signified. Sport
ing with her intamy, the lost and desperate crea
ture had embroidered :the latal token in scarlet
cloth, with golden thread, and the nicest art of nee
dle-work ; so that the capital A might have been
thought to mean Admirable, or any.hing rather
than Adulteress.
Let not the reader argue, from any of these evi
der.ces of iniquity, that the times of the Puritans
were more vicious than our own, when, as we pass
along the very street of this skefch,;,we discern no
badge of infamy on man or woman, It was the
policy of our ancestors to search out even the most
secret sins, and expose them to shame, without
tear or favor, in the broadest light of the noonday
sun. Were such the custom now, perchance we
might find materials for a no less piquant sketch
than the above.
Except the malefactors whom we have describ•
ed, and the diseased or infirm persons, the whole
male population of the town, between sixteen and
sixty, were seen in the ranks of the trainband. A
few stately savages, in all the pomp and dignity of
the primeval Indian, stood gazing at their specta
cle. Their flint-headed-arrows were but childish
weapons compared with4he matchlocks of the Pu
titans, and would have rattled harmlessly against
the steel caps and hammered iron breast-plates,
which enclosed each soldier in an individual fort
ress. The valiant John Eridieott glanced with an
eye of pride at his sturdy -fattotrefs, and prepared
to renew the- ma;tial,toileti of the day.
" Come, my stout hearts !" quoth he, drawing
his sword. " Let us show the poor heathen that
we can handie our weapons likemen of might.—
Well for them, it they put us not to prove it in
earnest !•'
The iron-breasted company straightened their
line, and each man drew the heavy butt of his own
matchlock close to his left foot, thus awaiting the
orders of the captain. But as Endicott glanced right
aril left along the front; be discovered a personage
at some li ae dis:ance, with whom it behooved
him to hold a pitley. It was an elderly gentle
man, wearing, a black cloak and uand, and a high
crowned hat.. beneath which was a velvet skull cap
the whole being the garb of a Puritan minister.—
This reverend person bore a staff which seemed to
have been re.ceritly cut in the forest, and his shoes
were bemired, as if he had been travelling on foot
through the swanys of the wilderness Ills as
pect waa pettedly that of di pilgrim, heightened al
so by an apostolic dignity. Jost as Endicott per—
ceived him, lie laid acide his staff and stop( d to
drink at a brig,ht bubbling fountain, which gushed
into the sunshine about a score of yaida from the
corner of the ineeting house. But, em the good
mart drank. he turned his face heavenward in
-thankfulness, and then, holding back his gray beard
with one hatl,let scooped up his simple draught
in the hollow of the other.
What, ho Mr. Williams,"shouted En
dicott. " You are welcome back again to our town
ot r pence. How does our worthy Governor Win
,Ari what news from Boston ?"
" Th3,Gbvernor hath his health, worshipful sir,"
answered Roger Williams, nOw resuming his staff,
and drawing near. " And, for the news, here is a
letter which, knowing I was to travel hitherward
to day, his Excellency committed to my charge.—
Belike it contains tidings 11 much import ; for a
ship arrived yeslerday trorn Er,gland."
Mr. Williams, the minister. of Salem, -end of
coorse known 10 all the spectators, had now reach
ed the spot where Endicott was standing under
me banner of his company, and put Ate Governors
epistle into his hand. The broad seal was impress
ed with Winthrop's coat of arms. Endicott hastily
unclosed the letter, and began to read ; while, as
his eyes passed down the page, a wrathful change
came over his manly countenance. The blood
glowed through it, tilt it seemed to be kindling
with au internal heat ;.nor was it unnatural to sup•
pose that his breast plate would likewise become
red hot, with the angry fire of the bosom which it
Covered. Arriving at the conclusion, he shook the
letter fiercely in his hand, so that it rustled as loud
as the Bag over his head.
" Black tidings these, Mr. Williams," he said ;
" blacker never came to New England. Dobbtless
you know
. ttele pnrport V'
".Yea, truly," replied linger Williams; " for the
Governor consulted, respecting this matter, with
my brethren in the ministry at Boston ; and my
opinion was likewise asked. And his Excellency
entreats yon by me,'-that the news be not suddenly
noised abroad, lest the pepte be stirred -irp unto
some outbreak, and thereby give :he King and the
Archbiahopa handle against us!'-
" The Governor is a wise'man—a wise man, and
a meek and moderate," said. Eudicon, setting his
teeth grimly Nevertheless, meat ;do according
tn. my best judgment; There is neither. man, wo.
man nor child in lsieW England but has concern as
dear as tifelin these tidings; and if John Endicott']
voice„belend enough, man, woman and child shall
heat them. Soldiers, wheel into a hallow square!
'Ho, good people! Here is news for one and all of
The soldiers closed in and around their captain ;
and,he cud Roger Villiamsatoodpgether under the
banner of the lied Cross; while the wonien and the
eged.reempressed , foulutril, and iben.motbera beld
%tro theirchildren tots* Endicott 'in the-face. A
. few 'laps of the drtiM`gavi l liignif for eilenesitnd at.
tention.-, ,
" Fello w-sold lets— le I lqw ex files," began -End!
con, speaking under strong excitement, yet power.
fully restraining it, " wherefore did you leave your
own country? Wherefore, I say, did we leave our
green and fertile fields, the cottages, or perchance,
the old gray halls, where we were born and bred,
the churchyards where our forefathers lie buried I
Wherefore have we 'come hither to set up our
own tomb-stones in a wilderness? A howling wil.
derness it is! The wolf and the boar meet us with
in halloo ot our dwellings. The savage lieth in
wait for us in the dismal shadow of the woods.—
The stubborn roots of the trees break our plow.
shares, when we would till the earth. Our children
cry for bread, end we must dig in the sands of ihe
sea-shore to satisfy then,. Wherefore, I say again,
have we sought this country of riggid soil and
wintry sky? Was it not for the enjoyment of our
civil! rights? Was it not for liberty to worship God
according to our conscience?"
" Call you this liberty of conscience?" interrupt
ed a voice from the step of the meeting house.
It was the Wanton Gospeller. A sad arid (pie%
smile flnted across the mild vissage of Roger Will
iame'?Endicotr, in.the excitement of the mos
ment,likak his sword wrathfully at the culprit—an
ominous gesture from a man like him.
" What has thou to do with conscience, thou
knave ?" cried he. " I said liberty to worship God,
not license to ridicule Him. Break not in upon my
speech, or I will lay thee neck and heels till this
time to-morrow ! Harken to me, (item's, nor heed
that accused rhapsodist. As 1 was saying, we have
sacrificed all things, and have come to a land
wl‘ereof the old world bath scarcely heard, that we
might make a new world unto ourselves, and pain
fully seek a I . )th from hence to Heaven. But what
think ye now This son of a Scotch tyrant—this
grandson of a papistical and adulterous Scotch wo•
man, whose death proved that a golden crown loth
not always save an anointed head from the
" Nay, brother, nay," interposed Roger Will
iams ; " thy words are not meet fur a secret cham
ber, tar less for a public street."
" I-fold thy peace, Roger Williams said Endi•
colt, imperiously. " My spirit is wiser than thine
(or the business now in hand. I tell yo fellow ex•
des, that Charles of England, and Laud, our bitter
est persecuter, the archpriest of Canterbury, are
resolute to pursue us even hither They ale tak
ing counsel, saith this letter, to send over a govern
or general, in whose breast shah he deposited r‘l
the law and equity of the land. They ate minded,
also, to establish the idolatrous horns of English
E v iscepacy ; 60 that, when Laud shall kiss the
Pope's Ice as cardinal of Rome, ho may deliver
New England, bound hand and foot, into the pow
er of his minister
A deep groan from the auditors—a world of
wrath, as well as fear arid sorrow—responded to
;his intelligence.
Look ye to it, brethren," re , umed Endicott,
wish increa‘ing energy. '' It this and this
arch -prelaie have their will we shall briefly behold
a cross cm the Fire of 'his tabernacle which we
have budded. and a higher alter within its walls,
with wax tapers burniug around it at noou•day.—
We shall hear the paering bell, and the voices of
the Romish priests saying the mass. But think e
christian men, that these aboininat ions may- be sof
fered without a sword drawn'?—without a shot fir
ed ?—w;liont blood spilt—yea, on the very stuns
of the pulpit I No—be strong of hand, and stout of
heart! Ileie we stand on our own soil, which we
have won with our swo r ds, which we hive cleared
which we have tilled with the sweat
wi:h our axes
of our bru.v=, ult;ch we hive Bath:till:A with Our
pre) era to the God that brougid us hither ! Who
shall enslave ns here?. What have we to do with
this mitred prolate . --with this crowned king? What
have we to do with England 1 1
Endicott gazed around .at the excited counte
nances of the people, now lull of his own spirit,
and then turned to the ntaudard•Uearer - who !toed
close behind him.
Officer, tower your banner," he said.
The clficer obeyed; and, brandishing his sword,
Endicott thrust it through the cloth, and with his
!eh hand, rent the lied Cross cutnpletely out of die
banner. Re then waved the tatteted ensign above
his head
" Sacrilegious wretch !" cried the higlichrrrh•
man in the pillory : unable I ,ngcr to restrain him
self thou hest rejected the symbol of our holy
religion !"
'• Treason ! treason!" roared the royalist in
the stocks. "He hath defaced the . King's ban
ner !"
t , Before God and man, f will avouch the deed,"
ansvrered,,,Endicott.:"Beat a flourish, drummer !
shout, soldiers and people !—in honor to the ensign
of_New Eigland. Neither pope nor tyrant bath
part ohit now !"
cry-of .triumph, the people gave their
sanction to one of the bloodiest exploits which our
history records. And, forever" lionoted the name
of Endicott ! We fook back through thu Mist of
'ages, and recognise, in the rending of the fled
Cross trom New Engfhatt's banner, the first omen
of that deliverance which our fathers consumma•
vd alter the boneri:of the stern Puritan had lain trioce
than a century in the,dnot.
A FAIR RitTORN:"A. pariy,ol wits. once sopped
at a tavern. When the feast was over one of the
number called in the fonteee.
"Angeligae," WO he, " I am •going to give yon.
a lesson on astronomy, Have you not heard of
that great pa!atonio year s when.everything must re.,
turn to Its first condition t. , Know, then that in sir.
'Pen thousand 'years we shall be here again on the
ba Me day and at the sung liou. Will 'lon 'Ova
u%cradit Wilton . •
The hostess howevelt,- tuul-her tepiy. .. •
" i am perfectly. itilling," ehti4ercitill': 44 !but it
is 'rim sixteen ihottaandlears since you were here
bet re , Eti4 . sol left.4ritheut paying,, ! eteideihe old
scote and wilt •'
tErom Cist's Cinciwiati ealvertiser
My readers have doubtless noticed in the Adver
deer, some years since, a narrative of the remarks
hie escape of John Harris from being burnt alive
by the Indians, on the spot where Harrisburg, the
seat of government of the State of Pennsylvania,
has been since built. That publication, has been
the means of banging to light several interesting
incidents connected 'with Harris and his wife, one
of those pioneer mothers in whore the dangers and
exigencies of frontier. life, tlevelope the highe,st de- -
gree of dal ing,compatible with the exercise ot that
sound judgment which is of,yet greater importance
in that sphere of existence.
Hurls, as has been stated in the narrative re
ferred to, was a trader among two or three savage
tribes, whose head-quarters seem to have extended
along the west branch of the Susquehanna, even in
this day of improvement embracing some of the
wildest mountain and river scenely4ii the United
States The wolf and the fox still dispute posses
sion of extensive tracts in this region with the set
tler, and even the panther and the bear are occa
sionally tracked to and shot in their retreats, by the
mouutainoers, who vary the toils of husbandry with
relaxations—as they deem it—of :he chase, tender
ed here, by the character of the country, the 111LIzi
arduous species of it in the world. One of these
tribes, believed to be the Nluticies, an off-shoot of
the Delawares, had built their wigwams and set
tled their [mollies, at the junction of the west and
north branches of the Susquehanna, tin the t.ite of
the prestent village of Northumberland. The towns
oh t. a others receded farther into the wilds along
the west bratioh.
It will he lecnVected that a chain of posts was
established during' the provincial govetinnent of
Pennsylvania, probably in 1786, by Gov. Forbes,
extending from Philadelphia to Fort Pitt, now Pitta-
Mu ¢. One of these was where Harris resided, who
occupied a trading house, and had rendered him
sell, it those early days, acceptable to the Indians,
%N IR) found it a great convenience to trade their pel
tries for po.vder, lead, and such
, other things as
they needed, in their own neighborhood. Here he
had brought a plow, rile first ever seen on the banks
of the Susquehanna, with other implements of hus
bandry, and made a little clearing sufficient for a
kitchen garden, and here was born John Harris, the
hounder of Harrisburg, believed to bd the only in.
dividual ever esistiog that laid out a town at his
birth, place, and who, as the'first child of white pa.
rents, received horn that circumstance, a grant of
four hundred acres of laud, offered as a premium
by the ri:: - ,prielors, for the seldemeht west of the
then t.oicier parts of Eastern Pennsylvania—Berke.
and L ateasfe; counties.,
Al'er B is.idoclee defeat, one of the British offi
cers, on his arcar to Philatitlphia, called ut Harris'
station, for tho purpose of Stayina all night. Thro'
o eeglect ct the person is hose :4,31y it was to ot
tel.rl chisi,ig the portholes at sundown, they had
been oil that day left open. The officer was en
gaged in conversation with Airs. littlf,lF, With his
back to the porl-holes, and she facing them. In
this pusincie, and looking over his a .otilder, t its
Mean! the click and saw the flash of a rifle. IVigi
mit any exclamation of surprise, or saying anything
to interrupt his discourse, she leaned to one side
u here the candle awed, and blew it out. The
next day the dither fell in with an old Inethaelnet
and hia attendant, who acknowledged to him that
he had aimed at his life, but the weather being
drizzling his powder had got wet and the piece
hung fire; andthe was unwilling to repeat hie fire
afer the candle was eklingnislied, for fear of injur
ing Mrs. Harris.
At a somewhat later date, when Permsylvanians
had extended themselres west of ill?, Donegal set.
Clement, in Lancaster county, and had formed a
set•lement on Paxson creek, the Indians - to
entertain greacapprchensions of beiog„.linally, ex ,
pelled:from' the country, and concerted measares,
with their usnal secrecy; for the eitirpatiomof the
whites. Hiving ascertained that they 'collected
once a !Net* tor religiuu., worship, they toady their
arrangements to attack- Paxton nieeting-house., and
cut off till the inhabitants at a single blow. They
rendezvoused in considerable mumbera on a'spot
west at the Blue biouutauta, and poured in on, the
the settlement throngli 211onada Gap, about fourteen
miles from the Susquehanna, with such celerity
ainlsecrecy as to station therOselves in the thicket
around the meeting house, without the least sus
picion having been formed 'by the settlers of, any
stetsterSesigns. • They had, however, missed one
day in 'their recitOnitig, and taken Saturday in place
of the Sabbath, fur their ambuscade,. As the esuat
hour palsied without any of the whites flushing
their appearance, the fridians began to suspect that
they had in some way or other been plifort , their
guard, and, fearing injury to therpeelveir, they= broke
op and maili their way home iwitbaut loss of lime
arid - as , quickly and seereillyasAhtity bad found their
way into the settlement. The next day theturn
ber and chatecter s of tbe hacks ; around, revealed to
Ittesetilerlsthe, threatened dsitger; as vvell as the
hostile intention/i f generally; of their savage neigh
bore; il 'Wei hell on the- spot, am 'it was
deterrnihetl to disparch. [lards, with seine r forty
others; well alined; the ludian villages, and
aseertain,:if possible, their purposes. , :
The ;cdiiipagy ; itetbnt nc4 day; aria On reach in'
the town on the oppatiAtt bank uJ flit, Susquehanna;
found a war poy, assembled in cup.i t cil,.polittekl
ansk turoyeki wt+4ll war,clubs,
no siont4„taftthcaijkos4,4e,riers,cks, but in tfae,fsce or
Itume sk,nalo, iha t ,ittll tans .disolasmad,a4y r unfkiend:
ly feelings towards their.white neighbors r an4 ; as.
,;tkeir : planjao julo,o(kons r ibe4lesign,Perag, if
poiseiblerffl pgßlhem p
-44 4 1tic,&4 11 14. The party of
ttileklePolled:oo eqe!i!ifJe o 4 ll . l 4e l .o Plu#Pla•
Lions, but p.tepafeo-klcalei!';fcppll;lbeil tbe.
fag well-known to thobludions.- They had to crow
lbetivec silmirtlistatreb below at itur mouth of cr
I j •
I 'huff whefif San's, G '4 ifolirlu ill; Hai;
ris had wilidrawn for a short distance from the
camp, and was:rettnning to it, when.-he met an
old Indian whom he recognized as an , individual
that had once been indebted to him for his life
The mirage, wirhont halting or turning his head, or
e'en glancing, at Harris, for he was aware, on ac
count of his friendly:feeling to that individual., jhat
he was narrowly watched, passed 'him, and in a
harried manner said, "John Harris, don't you moss
the river 1.4 1
Ater starting for
- home, Harris mentioned to his
company this warning, as, he understood it to be, of
a meditated embus:n(le on the other side, and sug
gested the propriety of gotna, down on the west side
of the Susquehanna. The party generally judged
it rather a decoy to intlace them to tusk into the
danger, a hich they supposed
,was actually on' that
side. Harris then explaibeil to his friends the re•
lation in tclt ch he stood to the Indian,. avowing his
conviction that he was sinceicand appealing to the
party whether they were!. not convinced that , they
owed it their thorough preparation fot battle, that
they had been permitted to leave the Indian camp,'
instead of fi)iitAV 111:4 the fiiendly advice The par
ty, however, were obstinate, and rather than sepa
rate from them, Harris, against his better judgment, ,
accompanied them on their mute.
Scarcely had the first boat in which they crossed
touched the opposite shore, when a Llestractive the
opened en them trout the bushes which lined the
bank. Iteris was the only one of the party that
escaped -to' tell the tale, the residue being either
shot down in the bout or overtaken at a , disadvan
tage. He swam the river across three limes to
baffle the parson made in his case.
• Parris generally rode a horse which was weli
known to the Indians. Ott another occasion, while
the whites and Indians were on untriendly terms,
he had been with a party of the Bettlere hunting on
the west side of the river, who had imprudently, by
some circumstance, became separated from their
rifles. The Indians attacked
,the party, after de
taching a few warriors to intercept their retreat by
a narrow defile. The bank of the Susqnehanna is
very precipitous iti that region, and this afforded
the only opening to the land oppositO the settlement.
Harris was a: usual mounted, and making his way
down to the pass, when he found himself confront
ed by an old chief, well known to him as Indian
John, who stood in the pathway with his rifle lens
ed to shoot. He was compelled to risk the shot.
Leaping instantly to the ground, he unginhed the
saddle, held it by the girths twisted over his arm,
and vaulting on his horse's back, stooped forwards,
raised the saddle, and holding it in front, so as Id
form a shield, he rushed at his enemy at the top
of his speed. The Indian sprang to one side, dis
concerted by the Lel l !en morern2nt, end, learfukf
miss:ng, reserved his fire..i As soon as Harris pass
ed the foe, he swung the Addle over his head, so
as to lurm a protection for his real, undimmed his
way to the river. "The Indian fired, his ball taking
effect on the aitdi'le, the rider and horse escaping
One ol the party; whose horse had been shot
down (a little Dutch doctor.) had reached theedge
of the river, and when Harris overtook him there,
begged with E ueh earnestness, that he would take
Lim on ballad him, that iirriis euuld not resist his
entreaties, although tearful of encumbering his pro
gress through the writer with the added weirxhf.—
Lie was accordingly taken on behind, but they' had
hardly got Idly yards into the s'ream, when a ball
:quick the doctor, kifling rum instantly. The In
dr•.ns were at the horse's heel., and the humanity.
of IlatriA, in pl.rce of endangering his escape, had
proved the means of saving his tile.
A short time before the massacre at PACIIi, ilnr
f IS ' house had been made a depository of powder,
to prowl it front fallieg into the enemy's hands in
case they should penetrate into the Lancaster Set
tlements. It was stored in the garret of the
ing, one barrel havint., been unheaded and left open
rue retail purposes. Ftis negro; Hercules, hatt been
sent.up to get,aornegiaiii trom,the brit , and, having
soecassion-to.ret the eatidle•down, stuck it.,into the
open powder, which lie took to be flaxseed. Fear.
ing an accident, Mrs. Harris hollowed, and cum
ptehended the danger- - ata -- glante.' Reptoving•him
simply Fir slaying so 1(14 Site took dteeandle be.
tween •her open• fingers, and sie,wly wi . l)drew it
hum the powder.
Tne FlTllEtt. He is appointed , hesil of the fami
ly. Ile may rule by love, but it . is iris right and
duty to rule i and to hint, as the monarch of that
little state, moat he the.last appeal._ Ilene's lie ap
pears belore his children invested welt authority--
the divinely appointed 'representative of the law ;
and if he worthilx strays the acepire over his little
realm, he developes in his children acme of the
most desirable traits of charaCter. If love is oue of
the elements 61 family happiness, order is another;
and it is ids, in the lust appeal, to support oider.--
II the sympathies and affections of children shoukt
be developed, so shonld their fpicit of obedience M
the rightful authority ; and itis his to develope that
spit it,
_ 'camp meeting a ntim
her. of Wales etsutinetNi. iandliig on ths:l.l,sneit . es,
notwititsrandingi frequent haste from themtinister to
sit down. A reverend phi getsticintin, noted for
his gond humor, Mset think if those
ladicp ptandin; on Ma benches knew the,y had
notes in thc/1"-socksugs e:oula,s'p
That address Juni rise Jest/ erl.ellect—sbere %%11, an
immediate sinking into the'seato. A jodiig;
IstOT standiit tiehrnd him, 'lnc! bh hingtq the'l,em:
plph said, " Oh, biotherhow'op eitxthatin
rt Say that aaid•the old gentleman i
'if they hadn't 'holes= in their ettickingeplktlite to
knOvy hbw they oii,t 1 ) 4 • "
" ffave ion ;aa r 'itl your nrayiinl
• ,
`q49lßear9. .w0.04.i„11111--105 the
pfayarei and toba,:urkeig 4gree4l „do
felines l - ootne6 stoners" t.:
innonitcat youlfi
1trt4,,h.U4.7.r.%..Vt .,- Na‘,:.. , - • nt.:Jt
-.4 00. • • -;. 6
A PaaslMl Tnoueni —Rothschild is limed to
ccatcothirnmelt with the same sky as the poor
newspaper writer, andfdre-great bankereannor or
tiera private sunset, or add one ray to this:meant&
eence at night. The same air swells all lungs,.
Each one possesses,:really, only.his earn thoughts
and his own senses, soot and body—these are the
properly which a man owns. All that is valuable
is to be had for nothing itt this world. Genius,
beauty- and love are not bought end sold. You
may buy a rich bracelet, but not a well turned arm
to wear it—a pearl necklace, but not a!pretty peek
which, it shall vie. The richest banker on earth
would vainly oiler a fortune to -be able to write a
verse like Byron. One Comes into the world naked
arid 'Foes out naked; the difference in the fineness
of a bit of linen for a shroud is not much. Man is
a handful of clay, which turns quickly back again
into 'dust.
l'Aitrrri. CUT Lsconlimei—ln Notes of en Army
Surgeon, • we find the following :
I remember one day,:!trisking . , my (hospital
mantle, a patient, just arrived ) presented me an am
putated lore.arm, and in doing,,so, could scarcely
refrain a broad length; the iluelwas constantly ou
bis tape."
" What is the matter this does not strike me as
t he:pubject:of laughter."
" It is not, doctor, but excuse me. I kW my min
in so funny a way ; that I still laugh whenever I
look at O."
" Our firsesergeant wanted ehavlng, =eget me
to attend to it, as I am a corpor4 We weal to
in front of hie tent; I had lailkared bimpoic
him by the nose. and wee jam about \applying the
razor, when a cannon batl came, and that was the
last I saw of his head and my arm. Excuse me,
doctor, for laughing so, but 1 never saw such a
thin.; before."
This occurred dating the siege of Fort Erie.
SplarroAL Fhcre . -- That:Whixtey is•ibe key by
which mangy gain an en'rance into our prisons and
That Brandy brands the noses of all those who
cannot govern:their appetites.
That Wine causes many to take a winding way
That Punch is the cause ,:of many unfriendly
That Ale causes many ailings, while Beer brings
many to the bier.
That Champagne is the source of many real
That Pat slings havii tamed" more than A*
slings ol
That the reputation of being fond of rectal* is
Inn iteater in any man's rap,
That, the money spent7for:Pnri.that:is:supped by
portly gents would support many a poor family. -'
That Porter is a weak supporter for those who
are weak in the body.
. A Dis - rtNourstirDAuvuon.—A ygeigssapegace,
who had run out a:fortune, and fallen into bad ba•
bits, took up his residence in a country village on
Long kland, pretending 'to be an author. His shalt.
by c.ppearance war, therefore, accounted rot) and
as his eddies., was good, end marks of personal
beauty remained, mans• a romantic village maid
sighed aver the " cruel fate cf genius." Sths
would not pay his landlord's bill, and when a month
had expired, he was dunned in good earnest. At
length the landlord told him he never saw any of
hig productions, and wished to know what works
he had beenthe auSur of. Being thus patibed, he
rep lied : " Why, sir, I call myself an author, and
SO I am—the author of lily Olen iTritfortunts..t"
VIVES,..- Doer, jr , the eaten
' trio preacher, in allusion to the exclusion. oc many church goers from the sanctuary, by rea
son of the enormonsly high pew rents in our lash
;enable churches, characteristically remarks :—
"There's a high dory- on the waters of divine
grace, and you have to pay a penny a piece kr' a
nibble at the breaof life. To go icrohnrch in any
'kind of tolerable style, costs a beap•of money ovary
,year, and "Virnow very well why a majority of i yeit
I go to Betzebub , because you can't afford to go to
l•herreen at the present exorbitant prim."
pr.l.l.liic Lesiox.-- 1, John come tip with year
leseott. What dues g-I.4kas Fpell
" Well I knew once—trot I'm darned it I Jou't
fu yet no*"." "
what is in your mother's urindew
a There's so many things-, that darn me if I can
'remember 'em all. Let me see ! Ther's the•hoss
bitnket one place ; brother Job's white bat in an
other ; sister Po tietice 'a bonnet in another, and
dad'e old trowsers in the smash that Zeb and Made
"That'll do, J ; you may go amt piny
Ile while."
The herring is so delicate a fish that it is killed
by avert' small degree of violence. Whenevei it
is taken out of the water, evert.though-ii seems • to
have - received no hurt, it gives a'sqneek slid Im
mediately expires; and though it be thtocVe in.
instantly back into the water, it never recovers.
My bruiders " said a waggiA eoku.ed
nian• to a croo4-- 4 in all infliction, in alt 4 your
hubbies, dur is one place what you can always
tital - oympathy .41 , IVhar ! whin!" shouted se.-
" in ae dierianary," replied Samba, and
;oiled his eyes skyward. ,
kr Does it follow dna a man raised ou ginger
ginger•bred 1 Let some of our young
ceums discuss this. Tho subject will n.tinil• of a
%vac Els debase.
I • I
" • ear, agp blie. rattingion,
“Itow I
hate the abdonainfiblivpssaicit . o lic4dilig A
pew thortzt e.ctc:Fnittatten one &fad boa} !