i3ltsuila~i~on~. i'ALIENCAMI ao3l;lStrLro: 4:49Iqttt i IESI,I;VZMICV Stkew Ciitters - 1401'Eirl3 Patent Spir .1 Knife Hay and Straw -I,ll,...)Putteri of various sizes. Nos. '., 2. 3. 4, 5 and - 6. Pride.s. $B, $9.. $lO, sl'2, $l5 and f2o. These.Stra* Gaiters are better and cheaper than the straight knife cutter, with knives set diagonally on the shaft. The hitives on Uorey's Cutter are spiral. which enables - .them to cut at right angles agarnst ihe raw tilde roger. , They cut steadily, with no jerking— ere easily kept in repair. Each knife can be taken strand sharpened without disturbing the shalt (or other knivesjand if necessary each knife can beset orator in, sues to keep them all true, if one knife shodid wear faster than another. Every. farmer should have one of these labor and feed Lavine ma chines. , 7 R. M. WELLES. Athens., Pa., Jan. B. 1853. • ' Corn Shelters. • THE very best,atticle to be found in the county. and cheapest—(Warranted)—for .ale at the Agricultural andStoveStore of R. M. WELLES. Stoves! Stoves I CCIOKINO Stoves of various and excellent pat ters, sizes and prices. Four patterns of eleva ted Oren Cooking Stoves, the best to he found in BradfOrd, for sale cheap. Elegant. Parlor Stor e s, for upod.or eual.ofAifferent :paiterns, dre. _Box and Coal Stoves for Halls, Stores, Churches, Shops, &hoof Houses, &c., very cheap, Cali at the Ath ens stove store a R. M. WELLES. ' Jan. 8,1853. • ' Bathing Tubs, QPONGE TIATILS and foot bath pans for sale Cheap. My bathing tubs are equal to the best city mitoe. , R. M. WELLES ' 3416.-8, 1835. • Oils I Oils ! r OBTIN'S celebrated winter strained Lard OIL, for machinery, warranted not to gum. Also, an excellent.bat-cheaper article for Lamps, 4-c. Four Oar. - for Leather, Harness, exc.., all tby sale by the quantitpor less, cheap for cash or ready piy. at the A thens Agricultural store of ~,Jan, 9, 1853. R. M. WELLES. • Patent Leather Pelting! /(LL sizes of Patent oak and hemlock tanned IV - Belting and Lace Leather, at 10 per cent. less than city retail prices to be had for cash at the AM tits Agricultural btors•'of R. M. WELLER, 1853, Sobbing rIF all k.nda in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, Bram dize V done o - n shot notice.. Workmanship &c., war ranted to give satisfaction. TiSQ44Eht.ddite itt each a manner as shall please Call on R. M. WELLES. Athens;:Tab nary UORealeat very low prices for ready pay ; tha .1-‘kr,c4it§PAxPffq be. found* .4/ this 7-kiPitY' made out of thihest camrid silver - steel, of various patterns fok.lumbermux—and wood choppers, and w a rra n nf . trgri6dlto ral store of Jan. 8:10.501 , :.-- - n2M._VVEL-LES. -‘• HANt`'OUT:jI-1E BAN7NER!! A hoi horse !my kingdom for a hook , . ankcustomers to take away t. the ~, ,o Selti.c Notwithstanding the late k , &sabots= fire, A. M. WARNER is ' e - L himself "Again! And at t Np. I Brick Bap you'll find Most iiiithing that's in his line, Frogi'aCambric needle of the finest kind, To fitiyelled watch tor Alglitientarat fine. CVdislolitkit‘keep time accurate and true ; BeltiliOtitsitaccvery , style Mid hue, GUrgrriAteel'iiiod plata) Chains. 8 the- greatest-pains. , tnygcsh, why what ei pile (Never)' shape ande very style, •To suit the old. the- young, tha grave, the gay, 1"/Itty Ihere,.be seen in elegant array. And Wm= En, who is himself a host," rill always ready and at his post. '',Td wait upon his-customers and all +Who-chance-upon 'im to give a call. •lito with good advice make up your minds, To hall 'on him and there you'll find . Such sights, my eyes, 0 ! what a view 'JeWelry ofevery style and hue. calilsn,"e. mistake the place Na. Brick row, obettfClPlA - prepared to do all kinds of ' - .POB-WORK in pis Pne:of bpsines, at the cheapest rates that can possibly ,be aurae& He will also sell his jewelry etitOlier tent lower, than was ever before offered in thiOnarket. CO' Call and see. „a Towanda, Nov. 12 . . 1852. A. M. WARNEft. ReittOed to It Kingsbery' s Blurt ! Chansberlin, H4sjust retu rn ed from th e city Or of New York, with a large supply of Watches, Jewelry and IrJr ! Silver ware, comprising in past, A the' following articles:—Lever, s t " . L'Epine and Plain Watches, with ,‘" s' a complete assortment of Gold Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin- Or: retail Pins, ll:tweets, Lockets, Gold chains, GSM Pensi . Keys,Stc. Also, all sorts of Silverware, and any quantity of Steel Bea ds—all of which ha offers fir sale exceeedingly cheap . for CASH. Wit,hre pepaired oo short notice, and warranted rub -- teeKor the money` will be refunded. and a wri' ten agreement given to that effect if required. N. Br:MAPLE SUGAR, and," Country Purdue taken in pirrrientibi work ; and als3. karts now, an arever,that Me Produce must be paid wheothe wor is do wt--4 yrarsgainst creditidall Refrains.' ;;:r W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. rianda, April 28; 1852'. - ii}3 T QOKING GLASS PLATES cut and fitted or my size, to be 60 . 4 . 111 e Jewelry store of 'May .15;1852. :' W. A. CHAMBERLIN Jrik.IMIIPIOIII2.IIIT.AL.Ir-aip ' Ude, llarness,& Trunk Manufactory. ;so. Co,, respectfully inform the public 7 f4 Ithatytey;ltra removed to tha.shop on Main street, s,Pleentb-occuPiett-bY Bon, nearly opposite ,Want House, where' they will keep on hand a ofklik9f Anta - amaelgit , Pillaaaatto • r's; V *LUIS, W.IH, INC. theii line tnanufiictured to order, and spadii,"o4e hat itiaterfak and for Workmanship cannot Ye unposed is Northern Pwinsylvania, They solicit a call from those wishing to purchase, confident that they can give satisfaction both as to finality and price. yHides and Sheep Pelts received for work and on account, at the loolititltteit.t.:. ; w- ?2 _§( l l4yestaen PPRer Leather, Harness Leather and t,f Aa,:s frfs'4ir.s,sa any. quantity. , ' ,„ PARTICULAR NOJICE. (IN tairunt AA' losses sustained at (the late fire, we •./) **dogged . to canon thowinkehted to-us for pinup.; eettjement, awe are under the neeessity of hiking Whit is owing to us, we trust this notice will beat tent without resorting to other means. :r9wa,nda; Dee.' 2, 1952. . W 111 12 4 3130D8.—A large and desirable assort ment of bishop lawns,' swiss sod book 'mus keg, jaoonsts. oambnes and bared muslin. at Dec I. tatra MERCURP. 'OVE-STORE. 4 11 . 1cbicql. DR.- 11. C. P.,0-RT.ER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in KEDIGINES, DRUGS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS,gtke. STORE in the- south end of theWird House, web knoWn as the largest. cheapest and most extensivr assortment west of the city. Particular attention will tie given to any or all who may wish to call, either IA sxamine or purchase, and any medical informatiot. will be cheerfully and gratuitatoly given to those win who wish to consult concerning .themselvoe or friends. Continu.ms supplies of fre,h and recently prepar t d at tides ate weekly arriving, having been carefullY at lected with a view to their uaefulnest, and any ankh wanted not usually kept, either will be found here, or procured at the shortest notice by Express, for those leaving their order. Accommodating clerks always will be eady to safely compouwd any prescription and endeavor to make it (whatever the purchase) mutually agreeable. All goo& shall be considered warranter' as represented, and being Agent for the beat and poi ular Patent Medicines, all those found in tills start can be relied upon, in all cases, 3,4 being genuine. Th, block now comprises every article in the trade, mort which may be focud the following : Drugs and Medicines. ACIDS. !aloes - orris assafuetida squill arabic valerian Isenego Isarsaparil ginger etc SA LTII magnesia lulpltur brimstone calomel quicksilver - tartar Acetic Cittic Nitric Muriaolio Ayala:anis ' Sulphuric Tartaric etc camphor copal. Igamboge guaiac myrrh Shellac Itragscanth I f ()IL% nests foot tanners CITOM3I Copaiva Tutu ulphnr Life ere olive castor perm orlganem rgamont lemon wintergreen cinnamon cloves hemlock 'uniper savin taniey tar DARKS. Bayberry Cinriamon Peruvian actita ) Elm etc EBSENC ES. Peppermint Cinnamon NViniergree:ii etc ESTI! ACTS. Sarsaparilla Dandelion Boneset horehound Aconite Vanilla Lemon etc rosemary orange nero , i (peppermint linseed cod liver etc LE•VYB. buchn uva ursi etc SEEDS. Fonigreek Anise Callaway Canary Rape Garden Mustard Cardamom Colchicum etc I=E! Colombo gentian 'alap turmeric spijelia (pink) hellebore ipicac liquorice marsh rosemary rheubarb PLOW MIS. Chamomile Arnica Lavender etc GUMS. opium GROCERIES Sugar, Coffee and Tea of all kinds, molasses, spice pepper, gloves, mustard, nutmeg, mace, fish, mains, citrons, currants, salad oil, cocoa, chocolate, soda, batter crackers, rice, starch, ginger; saleratus, white and bar soap, sperm and tallow candles, jugs, bottles, pipes, pepper sauce &e. • Liquors. Cognise, Otard and American Brandy, St. Croix. Old Jamaica and New England Rum, pure Holland and Am. Gin, Irish and Monongahela Whiskey, Ma deha Lisbon, Sherry, Toneriffe Port, Muscat, Claret and Champaign Wines—Cordials, Rose,Amour Mo kee, Noyeau , cheaper than ever o ff red. Soaps, Perfumery and Fancy Goods. Shaving clown, military, windsor, medicated, liana, musk, almontf, palm, french, toilet, rose, and transpa rent soaps, [Arians, French, and Weights extracts of ockey club; patcboully, bog, de caroline, musk, mills, fleurs, verbena, heliotrope, sweet brier, 'geranium spring Bowers, west end and new mown bay &e.-- Cachous, cologne, bay and rose waters. Lilly white spauish pearl Parader, rouge hair dyes, hair invigora tors; hair era,icaturs, hair oil, pomades, court plaster, perfume sachets, playing cards, pencil points, stet I pens, fish hooks, drawing pencils, percussion cops, re black, and indelible inks, combs, purses, pocket books, port mortals, wafers, pocket mirrors napkin rings an I travelling companions &c. BRUSHES. Hair, hat, stove, scrub, shoe, paint, marking, varnish sash, artist camel's hair, striping blender's and badger's whitewash. counter, flesh, tooth, nail comb broom cloth infant, lather, table, horse and blacking brushes. Miscellaneous. Tobacco and snuff boxes, nipple shells, nursing bot ties, breast pumps, teeth rings bed pans, syringes, shoal der braces, trusses, supporters. pessaries, catheters,cup ing glasses, graduates, mortars, spatula, forceps lancets thermometers, Liquid and spread adhesive plasters, &c. Paints and Dye Stuffs. NIL. ad, cam and log wood, fustic, lac dye, cudtear red panders, madder, alum, copperas, blue vitriol, so!. tin. composition chemic oil, vitriol, oxalic and all the acids, grain tin, pumice and 'rotten stone, American & Chinese vermillion, Spanish brown, American & Eng lish Venetian verdigris, Paris green, white, black and red lead, chrome yellow and green, japan, coach and copal varnish, lampblack, inherit°, potty, whiting ochre, spirits turpentine, linseed oil, rosin; chalk, amber, sien na, gold leaf, bronze, &c. Glass. French Glass 2440, 2240, 2040, 20-24, 22.24,14- 18, 12.20, 12.18, 12.10, 10-14, 10-12, 8-10, 7-9. Patent Medicines. BOLE •GENT FOE Dr. Jaynes Alterative Expectorant, Sanative &c. Fitche's expectorant, tonic humor corrector, 4c. Merchant's Gargling Oil for horses, 4c. Swayne's medicines, wild cherry. A.c. 'Brant's Pulmonary Balsam and Extract, etc. Orrick's Vermifuge. Houghton's Pepsin or Gastric juice for dyspepsia Osgood's Indian Cholagogue, for fever and ague. Scarps 's Acoustic oil for Deafness. S. P. rownset tri Sarsaparilla. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup. Or. Keeler's Family medicines.. Botching's Dyspepsia Bitters. Hoodand's German Bitters, for Dyspepsia and Debility Brown's Essence Jamaica Ginger. Duboy's Rat and Mice Exterminator. Also agent for -Herrick's medicines, plasters, etc., An drew's and Davis' Pain Killer,Graefenberg niedi tines, Pile Elcctuariea etc., sat rheum, tetter, tin; worm, spavin and founder ointments, etc.; tootl cordial, plasters, poor man's salvasi eye waters, lini ments, erosive soap, bed bug poison. Hobansack's and Clark's Worm syrup, Christia's Galvanic cura tives, Moffat's Phoenix Bitters, 'Frask's magnetic, Sloan's, Halley's, and McAllister's Ointments, Dil low's Heave Powder, Condition Powder, &c. 411 the numerous kinds of pint. Light. Phosgene, superior Burning fluid, Camphene,wha.c, lard and sperm oil ;new and beautiful patterns of fluid imps now being opened t Camphene, side and hang ing lamps for hall and store use, girandotes, etc. Tobacco. Cavendish, James, Natural I.af, Turkish scarfalatti John Anderson's tine cut, Bogg's Jenny Lind chewing etc.; choice brands. pure Havens Cigars, etc. etc. AU of which will be sold at unusually low rates.— Remember that Dr. Porter's Cheap Drug and Chemi• cal Store is in the south end of the Ward House, a few doors above the postoffice • • . • H. C. PORTER, M. D. Towanda. June 4, 1852. 500 NEW 40 Gallon Casks. a 'first rate article for Kale by P. FELTON & Co. RESS GOODS.—A good assortment of almost D every style of dress gootli worn by ~ladies and ebildrenTfor sale at- - - MERCUI%L 20 000 Lights . Sash of all sizes: just recd by B. KINGSBURY. Towanda, March 23, tBss. ==9 DRAM ST 0R NO. 2 BRION ROW, 33MINT OVT, BUT STILL ALIVE I. REMOVED to the store recently occupied by 8. S. Dailey as grocery and Post office 3 doors south of Montanyes corner, where he has received a full, new and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDI CINES, GROCERIES, &c,which he will sell cheap' er for cash than even Here you will find annexed a few leading articles : Senna Alex., Fosgate's Cordial do India Elix Opi Cream Tartar Hay's Liniment Sup C Soda 'Hair Dye Manna, Harlem Oil Magnesia Calc'd Ointment, Trasks do Carb, do Dailey's do S S do McAllester do Henry's Shakers Herbs i Colocynth do Extracts do Apple Tilden's Alcoeolic Ex't Cochineal Mei Extract Trusses Hulls lalap Extract do Marshes, Meakim's Vanilla Ex't do Shaker, do Lemon do Balsam Wisters do Mace do do ('heesmane do Almond do do Fir i do Cloves do Copabia do Allspice do do Tom do Nutmegs do do Peru do Peach do do Pulmonary do Ginger do do Sulphur do Cinnamon do Acid Tartaric do Orange do do Acetic • do Tonka do I do Benzoate Lubin's Springflower I do Citric do Musk do do Nitric do Violette do do Oxalic do Magnolia do do Hy drocyanc do Sweet !herd° do Sulphuric do Jesmin do Oil Linseed do Jock'y Cl'l3 do do Sperm do Caroline do do Olives do Jenny Lind do do Castor do Boquet do do Neatafoot Syringe, Pewter as'ent do Almonds do Glass do do Amber Rect Nursing Bottles, Glass do Amber Bed do do G. E. do A nisi Rad Rhei Turk do Caraway do do E. I do Croton do Ipecac do Cubebs do Jalap do Commin do Ginger White do Fennel, '` do. Orris do Lemon Guns Camphor do Cassia do Opi Turk do Cod Liver do Myrrh Turk do Lavandula C I do Arabic do do Neroli do Copal do Jesmin do Aloes Soet do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape do Orange Chloride Lime do Rhodium • , do Soda do Rose Castor . Russ - do Cedrat Isinglass do do Copabia Evens' Lancets • do Ergot Nitra Silver, Op't do Verbena Oxid Bisnuth do Violette Blue Pill i mer. do Mellesse lodide Potasa do Mellefluer Tart do do Patchouly Garb do Brushes, Paint Sul ph do do Varnish Oaustie do do Hi.ir Citrate Ferri do Hair,Camel lodide do do Nail Tannin • do Tooth Proto lod Mercury do Shaving Strychnia do Flesh Piperin do Cloth Elaterium do Hat lodine Soap, Yankee Veratrin do Crystalline !Creosote' do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Cum Crete: do Coopers ! Morphine Sulph do Rose do Act do V ictora Calomel, American do Orange do English, do Tooth Precipitate Red do Erosive do White do Castile Sutph Ztnei do Military Brdnze, Crimson ' do Savin do Pale Gold do Brown do Dark do Fricopherous do White Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op't Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion Oxygenated Bitters America do Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue Chloroform Fig do ' Hoffman's Anodyne Venitian Red, English Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Dye- Woods & Dye• Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries, pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.— Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con nected with the trade. Having secured the services of Dr. S. Limos, whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having their prescriptions carefully compounded and put up. The stock has been selected with great care, and the goods will be warranted as represented. • . All of Dr. D. Jaynes'. medicines. Ayres Cherry Pec torial, Scheneks. Palmonic Syrup of ,Yellow Dock Root, Orrick's, Hobensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge. Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines now' in use constantly, on hand and for sale at REED'S Drug Store. Three DOOM below Montanye s :corner. Towanda, January 3, 18,53. lemons soda cream tartar epsom antimony alum corro sublimate red precipitate quinine quoin° arsenic strscautstrsocs alcohol ether laudanum paregoric shakers herbs gold leaf castile soap Venice turpentine aqua ammonia opedildoc cubebs brktish lustre bronze burg. pitch Icantharides corks 'bath brick emery and paper white glue 'otter or wain" 60BARRELei ofold Ohio Whiskey just received and for ssild wholeside and retail, at Reed's Drug Store.: 1 QQCINTI.EB of Codfish, 20 boies of Herring, V b barrel, of Saleratus, warrented in prime order, left on sale at New Vora cult prices at DEED'S Drug Store: Towanda, Jan, 28, 1853. OWEGO - MARBLE - 'FACTORY. DEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anything nice in the way of Monuments,, Headstones omb Tgbles, Centre Tables of Italian and Amer ican MAIN" . or Black' *Ropes or all sizes.. • have, themon. the shortest notice ' by sending Ai their ordirs, cliesper ind better than can be pur chised elsinwhete. (U Chester Wells,. Cabinet Maker and underts ker, nearly oppositelhel .• Ward Rouge, Towanda, Agent. • • Q.W. PHILLIPS. I Towanda. March, .31..1853. : Clover. Seed.. rDreT received a quantity of very superior Cloirit J Seed. Farmers would do well toparcbase their seed early. .1. IEINGSBERY. Towanda, Feb. 8,1583. ,1-1.2'...1`;.X.,..^.:a , 7.t Alist4W:q l o. IFILMEC M=I:IO9MUI Another Ileum by SWEEINOVII-31P1MKONIO 111111117. Waren the verge"of the grave, arid eo far gone that I my family end friends , bad lost all hopes of my, re covery ; and when in ibis Situation, having been res. cued by the use of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, I de she to testify, with grateful emotion to Dr. Schenck, the unspeakable benefit I have received from the use of his invaluable medicine. Early last fall, I contracted a violent cold, and in consequence of which I had chills, alternated with fe ver, pains- in my right breast and shoulder hlade, with , ► bad cough, and no expectoration. I kbpt getting worse until I took my bed, and bad the attendance of my family physician. I was under his care aboutfour weeks, and at the expiration of that time was reduced so low that despiir took hold of myself and friends, and even my physician abandoned me end gave me up to die with the hasty consumption. My appetite was gone, my bowels very irregular, fever and night sweats, pain in my breast and shoulder, attended with a distressing cough, which was very tight ; my flesh bad nearly all gone, and was so weak that I could scarcely raise my head from the pillow, and was truly an object of pity to behold. My friends had been sent for to see me die, and my sick bed was surrounded by, kind and sympathizing neighbors, who had come to witness my departure from this world. When all rays of hope had fled of my recovery, a neighbor, Mr. David Conrad, proposed to try Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, with a view of loosening my cough and relieving me of the tough phlegm, and as a means of affording temporary relief, remarking at the time, "that I was too far gone for the Syrup to be of any permanent benefit." My wife, anxious for the relief, of my intense sufferings, procured some of the Put tnonie Syrup. I found it afforded me relief, arid con. tinued using it. I could feel its healing influence upon my langs. I continue to improve under its use, and my friends were much gratified to witness my unexpected tm provement; many of my neighbors came to look at me as one raised from the dead. Ell My cough now became loose, and I felt something break, w'zeri I bad the pain in my breast, and I dis charged largo quantities of yellow matter. I have for weeks discharged and raised a spit box full of matter every day, with hard lumps like grains of something. My bowels now became regular and natural, and my appetite was so I T. improved, that I could scarcely re frain from eating too much. My strength improved, and I regained my flesh. I continued to improve in every respect soon after I commenced using the Syrup, and the improvement continued until I was restored to my health. I have passed through the inclement weather of the latter part of winter and the spring, and feel as well now as ever I felt in my life, and I am this day a living testi mony of the great efficacy of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup in curing pulmonary diseases. Lest this statement be thought too highly colored by some people, I subjoin certificates of a number of the inhabitants of Tacony, who saw me at different times during my disease, and never expected to see me restor ed, I also append the certificate of the brothers of Mystic Lodge, N 0.270,1. 0. of 0. F., who kindly watched over me, and fully believed they would con sign my remains to the tomb ; but, thanks to Dr. Schenck for his invaluable Pulmonic Syrup, my life has been spared, and I am permitted to make the fore going statement for the benefit of suffering mankind. I reside at Tacony, and am well known by most o the people there, and will be gratified to have any person call upon me and learn more particulars of the virtues of this medicine. JOHN C. GREEN. June 24th, 1851. The subscribers, members of the Mystic 'Lod re, No. 270, 1.0. of 0. F. of Holmesburg. Pa. do hereby cer tify that we know John C. Green, (and is a member in good standing in No. 270 I. 0. of 0. P.) who was dangerously ill with a low Pulmonary Consumption, last w int r, su that they give him rp .o die ; that he is now folly restored to perfect health, and they believe his recovery was produced by Schenck's Pulmonic Sy We u. p believe his certificate is correct in every par ticular. HENRY NEFF, P. G. ALFRED ROBINSON, P. G. ABRAHAM ARTHUR, P. G. J. K. OSMAN, N.G.] JACOB WATERMAN,JR' JAMES C. CALV ER. JOSHUA PHINEMORE. litAmesburg, Philadelphia Co., J Imo 25, isisl The undersigned, residents of Tacony. eight miles above Philadelphia, being well acquainted with John C. Green, and the circumstances attending his case, feel impelled by a deep sense of imperative duty, to make universally known to the public his entire recov ery from the very last stages of Pulmonary Consump tion. So entirely helpless was his condition, having been but a brief period since in that rapid;y sinking and emaciate state, as to urerly preclude, in the opin ion of his physicians and friends, who watched by bis bedside, all hopes of oven a temporary recovery and restoration to his present robust health. Thus the care ful use of your invaluable Specific, the Pulmonic Syr up, makosit our belief, under the circumstances of his previous prostrate, not to say dying condition, one of the most startling results that the whole annals of medi cal skill or science can produce. It deserves to be im perishably receded to your credit, and secure to you, the greatest discoverer of this hitherto remediless dis ease, a lasting monument and a world-wide reputation in the healing art, that no time may either diminish or destroy. Having witnessed Mr. Green's •distressing struggles and sufferings from a continued cough, ,ou peradded to the other symptoms consequent upon, or attending to the lest stages of a pulmonary disease ; and moreover, it being so generally believed by his nu merous friends that no human power could relieve, or protract his life, much less restore him back again to his former health, we feel it thus our duty to give our unqualified testimony of Mr. Green's perfect recovery, by means of the exclusive use of your wonderful Syr op ; and we should indeed rejoice if we could be made the humble instruments of relief and cure to others who may besoonfintunittets to be similarly, David Conrad, Jesse Duffield, C. 'finale, A. Heath. Joseph Head, Jr. , Jesse Watson, kiteplaeitofiena, Robert Allyn, Matthew Toden, James T orbeit, • - John Bloomes b ury, Allen Vandegrift. . Prepared only by Dr. Schenck, and sold, whole sale and retail, by his sole agents, John Gilbert & Co., Wholesale Druggists, 177 North Third street, .Phil's, Olickea & Co. 81 Barclay street, N. Y. Redding &Co. No. 8 Stated. Boston ; H. Blakeley, corner Third and Chestnut streets. St. Louis ; and by principal Druggists throughout the United States. And by the following Agents in Bradford County : H. C. Porter, Towanda ; D. Bailey & Son, LeTtays vile ; T. Humphrey, Orwell Maynard dr Woodburn, Rome ; J. J. Warford, Monroe ; D. D. Parlihurst„ Leßoy ; C. E. Rathbone, Canton; King & Vosburg Troy; Gt A. Perkins, Athena. (1•All letters addressed to DR. I.H. SCHENCK, Care of John Gilbert dr Co., Wholesale Druggists, No. 177 North Third street, Philadelphia. Attention Regiment I MAKE READY! 'TAKE AIM! FIRE!! TOlll4 E. GEIGER, would say to his old friends and J the public at large, that he has 'constantly on hand and manufacturing Rifles and Shot Guns !du i &c.— Among his assortment of Guns they be found :Double and:single barrelled Guns, Rifles of all kinds warranted. . . Powder" Flasks, Shot P3oches, Game Bags, Cap Primers. Also, Powder, Shot, Caps of the best quail ty. six barrelled Revolving Pistols, do single barrelled self cocking Pinola. Rifle Pistols, double bb'l Pistols and common steel and,brass Pistols. F G., F. F. G, F. F. F. 0.. Powder in Cane con. etu►dy.on hand. , • Any of the abovetuticice will be sold awful cheap for the Beady Pay. Keys of any kind fitted to Doors. Trunks or any other kind of locki enthral notice and reasonable terms; - Repairing done with neatness end despatch. shop a few rods northof the Bradford House. Towanda. May 22. 1832. .1. B. GEIGKR: GLOVES and HOSIERY of every description tat Dec. I, 102. MERBUR. 'AW. ittroteUmieouii. BOOTS SHOES! MAUI W Wileox, JAS removedrhis establishment to H. Mix's store, H corner of main street and the public squire, and will continue the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, as heretofore. , lie has just received from New York a large assort ment of Women's, Children's and Misses ? Shoes, which are offered at low prices. The attention of the Ladies is par ieularly directed to his assortment, comprising the following nest styles 2—Enamelled Jenny Lind gai ter boots doe shoes; Muck fasting end silk gaiters; walking shoes, buskinsoke. Misses' gaiters and shoes, of every description. A large assortment of Children's fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds. For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and shoes. This stock has, been personally selected with care, and he believes be can offer superior articles at reasonable prices. 13:7 The strictest attention paid to Manufadurtng, and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continu ance of the liberal patronage be has hitherto received. Towanda, May S. table 31Ear dra-• IVET*I"IIEIBEIC.3Ir—a, - COUNTY BUR VEIRR, HAVING located in'Toyranda, his services may be obtained by addressing a line through the Post Office, or by calling at the office of Ulysses Mercur, Esq., where he will be found, or where a written ap• licatpion may be lA.' Nov. 1, 1850. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that the have taken the shop formerly occupied by Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite Drake's wagon shop, where they ore prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms. They are determined by doing their work well and promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of public patronage. HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All kinds of repairing Machinery, executed it the most sktl ful manner. WOOD WORK for wagons will alio be made and repai?ed when desired. All work done at their shop, will be warranted to be well done, and manufactured from the best materials✓ The public am requested to give us a trial, and judge for themselves. EISEN WINE & SEE BISCHLI. Towanda, May 2, 1851. Anfa3.7KFTWAVTA %VAX11111 ( 0 Dr& Important to Housekeepers: ....waikan.... THE subscriber thankful for the ."'"-----. .. " liberal patronage heretofore re. =_.' - - 2 ":.; . .. ,. ; ceived, begs leave to inform his . N , ,`ti, and friends those m and commencing e n public cin generally, , .. - 14, - _ in particular that Ho he u h s a e s: . .:',,keepin g . tilli Mk now on hand a large assortment t 'll• of FURNITURE, which he will warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of the best materials. BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress ing bureaus, marble and plain tops ; mahogany and fwalnut washstands, marble lops, and plain, of dif ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas Couch es, whatnots, dm BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low post bead.steads, finished in handsome style and of approved patterns, together with other furniture usu ally called fur, all of which will be sold on the moat accommodating terms. The subscriber is also provided with a plain and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold himself in readiness to attend to all orders in undertaking. He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COF FINS READY MADE. CHESTER WELLS. N. B.—Furniture of all kind: made to order, and warranted to be of the best matt rials and workman ship. Towanda, January 17, 1852. =LILL TEE SICK. NO.CE Genuine unless accompanied a zeta siM ! le of the above Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. L SOt'LE & Co., upon each box. In offering to the public this justly celebrated SOV EREIUN BALM OF LIFE, it is not our wish to make any falie watementa or wild assertions of their superior efficiency ia restoring to health the sick and suffering, "well knowing that their, reputation as a STANDARD MEDICINE is of itself sufficient refer ence for the afflicted. Many proofs might be given of their value on paper, but we prefer those unacquainted with them to satisfy themselves by enquiring of living witnesses and trying the Pills. They wi.l find them perfectly safe and reli able in 01l cases, being purely vegetable, and a medi tine worthy their hest confidence and patronage. The following certificate was sent us fur the public good: . Hz, ILISTTA Monroe Co. N. Y.. May ICI, 1851. We the undersigned, citizens of Henriett , /, having used personally Dr. Smile's Sovereign Balm Pills„ and witnessed the health-restoring effects thereof, cheerfully recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the best with which we are aeqsaintetl, O. M. ROBERTS, M. D. PHILLIPS, H. A. TIBBETTS, P. B.—You are at liberty to publish this for the pub lic good. DimAtte or Cov-A-rrerztre ! We ere not avraie tho any one who is making a spurious article has yet dar ed to make use of our name; but some of them has had the' impudence to imitate our boxes and copy our Circxlars Certi fi cates, &c: Unless the public are careful when they purchase, they-will be deceived. The genuine, SorerEign Balm Pills can be had mcholesare'ind retail, of Dr; 80111 X Sfritc:Ose poondaga ;Co. N. Sold by Dr. H. D . PORTER, Towanda Po., soil by their Agents in every town in the country. '2ly Lafayette Barr Mill Stone MANUFACTORY. THE undersigned, formerly foreman fur many years of the Lafayette Burr Mill Stone Manu factory, 240 Washington St., N. Y., (W. Tyack, agent.) would inform his friends and the public in era I, that he has established a BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTORY ) AT BINGHAMTON, N. Y. In Leroy buildings, opposite Exchange Hotel, and solicits a share of their patronage. He will have constantly on hand a large stook of French Burr Mill Stones, as also a large supply of French Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire, Calcined Plaster, atutPateut Self- Digesting Bushes. - „ l'heArgtreisignentssures hir friends the public, that he will faithfallyeNicute all 01:ders en. trusted obis care, not only in qiirdity but in ,pri• ces of articles furnished, and solicits theirltiud, pgt• mange. OIiDERB br letter will be executed with. as much care and as cheap as when purchasers are on the spot. REFERENCES—Hon. D. S. Dickinson, lion. John A. Collier, lion. A. Birdsall, Hon. V, W.bil ney, Dr. Eldridge, Col. %Lewis, W. S. Weed,& Co. Binghamton. 1). Searle, Isaac Post, JUdge Jessup, Salsbury , & Co., Montrose, Pa. Caleb .Carmalt, Friendsville. Thomas Phinney, Dundafr. 0. 0. &H. Shipman, Waverly, N. Y. Thomas Pearsall, Smithborough, N. Y. Major D. Mersereau. Union, N. Y., M. I'. Nichols, Owego, N. Y. Royal & Whitaker, Waverly, N. Y. JOHN W. SULLIVAN. Binghamton, Nov. 8, 1858.y1.3 CLOTHING!! dr. A . CAMPBELL, haring been purified by Li • the recent fire, have again fitted tip their , CLOTHING STOSE, In the same place as•before'and are .now offering for sale, a 4101:able ,assortment of fall and winter GOODS.' They being deSirous of making up 'their recent loss, will seflaistnnsually_low, Towanda t ,ll,l6v. 0, 1952.. _ _ Vistorn m3'4%0611 Pumps r • LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams of ,any kind. size, dtc., cheap for ready pay, for sale by Jan. 8, 1853. H. M. WELLES. FE=M =M STEAM. ENGINES AND Tl 3 1111111111 X coal air t LAWRENCE, MA B 8. 1 fro IiNANUFACTURE Steam Engin e , end ILL nt Bto 1000 horses power. H eil:43 l gines, on heavy iron bed plates, cam is •111 on ep l , have expansion valves; all joints ground steam tight without packing or paint ; all b et wearing surfaces large, and running in ' d ie , of bronze or Babbitt metal; all bala nce w , turned belt face. The Regulator i s attached i t plate. The Force Pomp is in an independ, arranged with crank shaft and-tight t n ,y ir ,_ ready to receive a belt from the engine shi ft any other shaft. The whole style of wort it passed by any engine builders in the U n i ted Boilers of the beat American or English cast or wrought iron—either tubular or made in the most thorough manner. Engines from 8 to 100 horses power co n hand or in progress, to be delivered within. of the receipt of an order. Aldo, Steam Saw Mills, capable ofea w i ng co board measure, of one inch boards, in 12 t i „, , ono Muley ihaW, and requiring Do other fuel e sawdust, The following are the prices of a Few of glues : Saw Mill, including steam engine, b o il er am chimney, complete; pitman irons; mule], taw setters ; feed, and all bolts and pow for 30 carriage, complete, Steam engine, 10 in, diameter of cylinder, 26 A with tubular boiler, containing 360 nu m heating surface r and all castings, pi pes , rd other parts necessary to set it in compkt tion, Steam engine , 12 in. diameter of cylinder, 30 ib with tubular boiler, containing 480 ma w heating surface, complete as before, Delivered on the cam of the Boston and M. road at Lawrence, 26 miles from Boston. Ter on delivery. Boilers for the above modified to nit and prices accordingly. McKay 4. Hondley, late of Pittsfield, Hasa„ steam engines are already widely known, base r taken charge of the works of the Essex Com; will be able, with their increased facilities rience, to make their . approved engines better than heretofore. May 8, 1e152.y II 50 0 CZEILLLENGB! A% THATEVER concerns the health and h e; of a people, is at all times of the importance. I take it for granted that est will do all in their power to save the bre children, and that every person will endeavor mote their own health at all sacrifices. I my duty solemnly to aware you that WOhM cording to ihe opinion of the most cele'lated pay are the primary causes of a large majority of dt to which children and adults are liable ; if von an appetite continually changing from one turtle to another, had breath, pain in the stmnach.r:ot the nose, hardness and fullness of the belly, slow fever, pulse irregular—remembe r that LI f: denote Worms, and you should at once apply I;) wetly : An article founded open scientific Friulpikc pounded with purely vegetable substances, l ent; fleetly safe when taken, and determined in al, air and not leaving the system in a diseased condin most advertised nostrums, composed of Calcael.l removal of Worms, such as Lozenges, Venni &c., but has performad the most astonishing core saved the lives of thousands, both young and nk have been pronounced hopeless incurable by ph,,, Mans. Read the following, and become connag e l its efficacy over all others: Mn. J. N. Hon Essser...—Tll, is to cerufy tie child, 15 years of age, having ',ern siiis for 5 yv• was attended by Drs. Loper, Whillis and Plusle long time without receiviniT ;thy benefit; site g'ving her up as incurable, I went to Philatle!phisi consulted one of the best physicians; her s: growing worse. It was at this time I was ;Henri try Hotensack's.Wurin Syrup. and after time bottles she entirely regained hei this will prove a benrfit to parents a az , se cl:.Lroosr similarly affected, No part of the system is more liable to tr.seartilta the Li, -En, it serving as a tilterer to purify the `.6.2. or gir4ng a proper secretion to the lane; R., my. nt wrung action of the Liver elects the other input parts of the system. and re.r.ol!s var , usly to Jatisttet Liver complaint, Dyspepsia. Szc. We shot: watch every symptom that right indicate a rat action of the L.vt r. These Pills hem; cropoEte nuo4 and Plants, furnished I y nature to e.t.a, real —Namely, Ist: An Exptriuntn . . which ativsenatte Secretion 'from the pulmonary mucus memSrarte, promotes the discharge of secreted matter. :ml—t: Afteratit e, which changes in some in,en•vhle sad 0. explicable manner, the certain morts , l stem of Ile system. 3J—a Tonic, which gives tone and strength to the nervous system, renewing health and marled parts of the body. 4th—a Culhar which acts In perfect harmony with other Increments, and opetatuig on the bowels, and ex pelling the whole mess of convl and vitiated matter, and pyrifyiug the stroys disease and restores health. G. H. BROWN D. G. 0 CIS, LEWIS REED Agents fur Brat/J . , r.. 1 Cowry—Dr. 11. C. Porto J. M. Reed, Tuwancli ; C. 11. Herrick, Atherti, 11 Bullock & Co. Snot:Acid; Barnes & Bailey, Ira. Icy; li. Spear, Sprtnirdela ; Eli Baird, Troy; L Taylor, Burlington ; Brown & Rockwell, Moscato. Parkhust & Lamb, Leroy ; Chas. Rathbone, Core. also T. B. Howland, Columbia, travels in the islacea counties. TIM OLD STAND • STILL IN OPERATIOS! THE subscriber trotild kci• flounce to the public thaft.i have now on hand, awl cr:lialf! to order all kinds of Cabinet Furniture, tench as Sof.l4.Divans , l , co iro Center,eard,Dininga ndßint fast Tables. Mahoganr, IYr nut. Maple and Cherry Ua,. Stands of cations kinds,C3. and Bedsteadt of every description, '2llO am,/1 will be made of the best material and worlasa." manner, and which they will sell for cash cYr!' than can be bought in any other Ware-r..m coup try: ILZULDr-STAD II .001 1130 on hand on the most reasonable terms HE AM.- will be furnished on Funeral eem . JAMES SIACSiA:LIN. Towanda, June 1, 1852. TO THE TRAVELING PIVIC, Air K. OLMSTED, Puorat smolt of tto. 01 t lic !- generally. fortko;rst /N-L;raChlinge ivas his thanks is his f irmliiie triveling p i n patronage, and solicits the continuance ofthe,3=l" .AN 0 MNI BUS Wa , ver: , v ` will ran regularly to and front the ,the Mail Train. „.„. 41 ” . to meet val fur the a ccontatua• .strangers and travelers, who wish to Visit' p!!! • ant village on business or otherwise'. A "at'y •- of first rate ' Four Horse Coaches, ere runningAhroug will be insuredh to Towanda. Those - tr , " °. a seat in the coach from this ig' s F and those going to the RA I lea OLi D r' and be insured .a conveyance in time to age l di at Athens, and spend an hour r can stop -ream trains of cars -, utng East or IS'est. Also those who wish to leave their teams s ir can be convejed to and from the cars free of cham c _Athens, Sept., ' Athens. Sept ~1 1852 rr ___-----------, FLOUR: LOUR quantify of superfine dour. PI ceived, and for sale by 11 KINGSI I U I4 . Towanda, Feb. 18, 1i:81 IMIII lUittdtwiftw. GORDON McKAY, A flobensack's Worm Syrup. MOIIIIIS I am yours, &c., Hobensack's Liver Pills. Eiffffl Tr Borto
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers