0 TERRIBLE DISASTER AT SEA. We hat. to recent to day another tearful eilhin -- hi, the 6iiinaering of a vessel at sea, with the tituti• able !mai of neatly 200 lives. Capt. Forbes, of the brig Retibcn Cantor,- nom! Sagas la Grande, brought into port thie rooming the' capteirirtriale," timid six• of the crew,' tit the ship IVillram and Maiy, of Balk liaiue, who were picked up from a Gnat et Pea, to let, 27 80, end Icerg.l9-20;,-having been wrecked nest SiniiipKey, among the Bahama Wand.. the 3d flay captain fitestrimi.• of the W Mien' & glary, ha'. fornishetrtiSgthe parrtenlars of. the In, iri .his vessel, which was an the. passage from Liver pool to New Orleans, with A cargo of r rail ond Iron . and two hundred and eight Fassser_ .. ,r.ers, chiefly emigrants.. At seven u'elr ck A. the 31 ot - May, during cloudy weather. l an— CIiOIISA Inerzeo blowing troin the southeast,they passed the,ll.ile in the„Wall, which is tith senthern pail of the little is taint of Abncn• one of the Bahama., nearly north of Nassati. At noon they made Stirrup Key, and then bore ell abotit ten miles in a monthly ilireetinn. The weather.giew thicker all the while end the wind stronger; while the sea began to roll at a fear ful rate. At sunset nothing could be seen of the Key, and the captain st:pposed that he was well to the north of Sr, having steered west by north since meridian.. • At. 8 A. at., when he kaik , ,ed himself sufficiently nulls north and west of the Great Isaacs he put the ship west by. south and commenced heaving the Lead, lint found tio bottom in twenty fathom% • About. half past eight, P M., the vessel struck upon a sunken rock, u here she hung for some time with ten fathoms of water all around. After pound ing heavily fur fifteen minutes she got off, but im mediately atttick..another milt, within a few rods of thetirst, • where she agrin pounded for some time, and affairr went off It Wit 6. then thought ex pedient to lot go the anchor, and piepare 'he bees for launohing. The ship Vid4 taking in v. aer very last, and though the passengers worked. for life at tbe pampa; they found it impossible :to keep ber tree. At midnight there were four leet of water in the hold; and at d s. re., with both wimps gning, 8 feet. - Tito weather was very dark and squally, and the - sea tremendously high. Shortly alter tidy break, they fou .d ten teet of water in, and the ves sel apparently going down. The consternation of the crowded decks at this period may be imagined but cannot be described. Alt the boats; five in number, were then made ready and launched; but two of them were stove on touching the water, leaving only a small boat, and one long and one life-boat. These were manned by the captain, his mates and the crew, together with as many passengers as could crow. The re mainder of the passengers were left on board, and in a few minutes atter, i.e. about eight o'clock A. j went down wills the vessel. How many perished it is impossible to ascertain, but from the account of the captain; we infer that no lees than one hun• tired and fifty persons, men, women and children. Al the time, the Great Isaacs was barring east by south east, about seven miles Thilleveral boats were separated ales leaving the ship, but the captain saw, from the boat in which he was, a bark, apparently bound for Europe, hove too in the direction, of the long and life boats, and he surmises that the people in them were picked tip. Bat there is no certainty of this; and, suppos log them also to hav - ii been lost, the total number of deaths will be over two hundred! The cook and steward of the William and Mary, together with two of the seamen, were among the left be hind, when the small boat put off Captain Stan son has no memorandum of the names oft e lost, -which we are consequently enable to gm,. This is one of the most dreadful wrecks that we have had occasion to record fur many years, and coming so soon after the late railroad calamities, flits as with emotions of horror and gm3tn. Alanexillon to PentasylVaola. For many years pasta large number of the Counties of tVestent Virginia have been desirous to dissolve partnership with the Eastern portion of the" Old Dominion," and ally themselves to what they consider. a more agreeable family. Their de. sire is to he annexed to Pennsylvania. The citi zens of Brooke and Hancock Counties, according to the Pinata:figPost, had a meeting recently, at Wellsburg. at Which they spoke in favor of the project. They say, that.their geographical position subjects them to many inconveniences, civil and poll:Ica!, for which they can see no remedy except by separation, or a system of lertislatiGri, which the Virginia Legislature hes repeatedly relosed them, and as they conceive -it is imprJbable that their welfare will t e promoted by conliextion with a State which holds towards them the atti ode of an oppressor, they, therefore, solemnly pledge them selves to accomplish, if possible, a separation, if such an attitude be long maintained The meeting which adopted these resolutions, appointed a coin mitteeof seven to correspond with the citizens of I.Breofte and llanceek Counties, and other parties • interested, anthto devise means for bringing about lawful and peacabie annexation to Pennsylvania, should such a course be deemed advisable. The people of the Counties were requested to hold meetingsat their respective places of voting in or der tb-elicit an expression of opinion on the sub pct. This annexation project may be all very well tor the people of Western Virginia„and we believe it would be greatly to their benefit, but before they obtain a divorce, it would be an well for them to consult Pennsylvania on the'robject. If Virginia ahould.cast them oil; " where would they go I" This is a question which will allow of a " great deal arnica consideration," and should be Xtiend. ad to at ones. HerinmeTasostv trt Wasps of —lVtuthing ton,'May 15.—This community has been shocked by an awful - Whir that occurred about 10 o'clock last night. Robert A. Hawke, Messenger of the General Post Office, cot his wife's throat, about an ,hoar after they had retired. completely severing the windpipe and arteries. He then made two cuts at hilt own throat, but was, as he says, prevented from killing himself by his wile knocking the ra sa: out his band. Their daughter thirieen years old, occupying an adjoining room was awakened by the screams of her mother, wh o jumped out of . bed and ran down stairs. In the meanwhile Hawke raised the front windowand:loadly exclaimed- 1 ' I have cut my wife's throat and my own, and I in tend to cut my child's." The wife, succeeded iu reaching the front door, but was unable to 'peek.— The neighbors on entering;loundler on the floor in a dying condition, and her husband standing over her with extended arms exolaming t• Oh l-my wife! my wife! I eat her throat!" Their child was screaming from the steps. The wife expired id about twenty minutes. • An inquest was held this morning, and a ver .'ict returned of" Death by the hands of her hue= , •-•nd. he being in a deranged state of mind " Ibiwke has been arrested and committed He was I. meat and and generally inoffensive; but for some m e past, was extremely depressed i n his mit.d. I :tending suicide, he bad written aletter saying 4t all the world was aping: him, and as he could 't...t lie* happy here, he wanted all his family lo go to heaven with him. SAsiva, Auex'si first step u President of the Re p•stslic of Mexico, is to assume the purple style of t third Napoleon, and establish a censorship of Lod press. He requires all the papers to be licensed Ist' Government, and the proprietors to deposit I ..,40 &unities securities, and copies of every arti. s I- to Government officers before publication ; to tin entirely from discussing political matters. S •vere penalties attend 'the infringement of these 1-4, and also as to publishing matter denomina- T •I gutwersive, seditious, libellous, immoral and •• shut:lion. In consequence of skis law, several 1.• :IP , most prominent Mexican journals, including I''" Monitor, hare 'been rtitscontmued. .16 LAPT Ac? or nevem+ DCAPOTOLM.—The • mg Countess Teleki, arrested in 1851, as being i .. , rettred in the Hon4arian revolution, has - recent- I) i , cen privately executed in her ptivch. The MsAkio Calamity. The Buffalo. Commercial A4O:rtiser pf Saturday Itvetti a g, fu rn ishes Hai latest partieilars in tittatiou to Ilia lan of the bailtliag on Itlaimatreet 'ha' ay, nearly opposite that office. IY,e coudense from that . Patin. The building was boar stories high, eighty I-et deep, and thirty five feet Inint. It was originally intended fin two separive :4 lures, and was diviSeri by a partition wall twin !runt to rear. The wall had been removed on the tiltri floor, and iron rut- InnllS Were inserted. The iliffienity appears to have been in the struenirte of the centre foundation wall bebewh. The budding fel! with a nemeridonsciashileav 101 l only the front wall standing, and carrying with it 15 or 20 workmen, and piling oite ivory upon ;111. other thronti into the cellar. This t ccurred five o'clack Friday alienoon , Immeilia'ely the three men weie ies cued Isom the boot ul the telihtirtg. and tiro hoth the back Their name- ei C11:111e-i Goodhue, clerk lq M. Gtentiy ; G.tior‘e wink matt; Conrail 1).t.lil ; ; %Val reit Saw) er, do ; Michael Richir:tlpon, de Of There, 11r. Goodhue, corirail Diehl, arid Mi chael Richardson. were Mimed, too not ael j ,the oilier two escaped 1/1111lal •nia , Ter carpenter, uas •taken out dead front among the in front el the build ing. Nearly the same time the body of a laborer was discovered. Mille etuleavoting to reach it, the hand of one of the workmen was firmly grasped by the lad George Kinsky. Ile was firmly wedg. ed in between tne 'millers, but rescued alive. The followlng is the fist of Musa dead and miff. sine: John Heflord, carpenter and iiiner; George N. Johnson, loremaii ; Lawrenz Feiner, laborer; An. 'Limy Anthrop, laborer; Michael Hadley, mason— dead. Thomas IHViurti, maboo ; J o hn Reacher', laborer; Henry Dexter, laborer; Henry S.einhotien, laborer; Georp,e Hoag, laborer—missing. From this it will be seen that Mote are certainlo five more bodies yet to be exhumed. It is leared, however, that this number may be increased, as others are supposed to have been ti otking in the budding whose names we have been unable to as. certain. Florence Hawes was rescued, ankle badly crush ed Jacob Culbraner, was also repcued much bruised, though not seri/m.ly injured Chas Hunce, wit:. at ‘A o.k on the first story. He received a blow on the back of his head. and was knwked i.tto the street. He nas stunned. but speedily tecocered. Mr. Glenny's bxtk-keepor had a nai row escape-- Michael Robert Anti was in cellar. He crept out alter the tall uninjured Laurens Fulner had his neck dislocated by the tall.—Died. THE CHIN VE Rraszu.tnn.—The extraordinary events now occurin2 in China, elves cause to much speculation in the press of Engbin 1 According to the China Mail, of the 25 ti of Feb nary, the rebels were threatening Shanghai with a foreice of 50,000 men. Shit Kwyng-Tam, in con.mand of lie im penal troops,: had attacked_ the rebel army, teen rowsted and killed—some say falling, by his own hand. The young Emperor was chen. , ,,tie in en deavoring to meet the etnergeticy, and had issued an edict, calling upon the people in ni ire in his be hall, and detailing the military (Irterzatve opera tions to be pursued; end t.e hail - levied a tax on opium, :to replenish the treasury and prorn;s• favors anti rewards to those who should aid him with money to surply the sinews of war. The Friend of China urges that it is for the -interest of European powers to come to the rescue of the,Ero perot. It is gorged that were tt e present dynasty Bubver INC, and a state of anarri-y to ensue, the pre servation of quiet on her frontier would effort! Rus sia plausible groiinits for interference, if not for an• nexation Forty thou-and Hessian troops could probably hold China ['toper more easily than tne same number yl Engli ti hold Hindostan The London Times thinks no European intervention is desirable to maintain the Emperor, inasmuch as.no change of dynasty at Nankin could affect the com mercial relations of China ant! Europe. The pollt• ical design of the rebel -n is involved ;n obscuri ly. The dethronement of !fie reigning Emperor, however, is now the avowed object. He belongs to the Mantchoo Tartan dynasty, which . subdued the Chinese 200 years ago, and h 14 held ihe throne ev er sinne. Sime pretended—who or what he is, does not appear—is among the insurgents, and he is to be made king ; not Emperor, in case of sue- PARDON Or MARGARET M . CORMIVR.—We CO the following sta•ement trim the Phi phia Lager, in relation to a matter that has attracted the atten tion of the Whig press for some days past. Since the pardon of Matgarot M'Cnrmick, con• aimed of the crime c f !limning oil t I vitriol in the face of John M'Catin, and des'reying his eyes, was granted by Governor Bigler, considerable censure has been Ifeaped upon him for that act. When the fact of the pardon was antiounred, no reasons were assigned for the grata of it,.and various conjectures were made as to the motived that induced the Go vern-or to sign the pardon. The grounds, upon which the pardon was based, were the recommen dations of the Board of Inspectors of the Eastern Penitentiary, together whh the statement of the Warden of the prison and the representation of the Prison Physicians that the health of the prisoner, Margaret M'Cormick, had rapidly failed during the low weeks previous to the time referred to in their communication; that her condition was.extremely critical; that her symptoms were those of a rapid consumption ; that she suffered much from depres sion, and that unless some favorable and unexpec ted change took place, she could not survive many weeks. These appease, independent of others in the State Department at Harrisberg, induced Go. 'vernor Bigler to pardon the girl, who is now an inmate of 'he Almshouse. Ii is due to the Gover nor the reasons should be given, 'so that the public can fully understand why Margaret M'Cormick was released from prison. THE LEGISLATIVE CAROUSAL —The Daily News and other Whig papers have been charging upon Gov. Bigler, the getting up of the Legislative invi tation to the Maryland authorities, to VIM Harris burg, and endeavoring to make the democratic par. ty responsible for that foolish movement, and its extravagant consequences. The farts, however, as presented by the Harrisburg Union, fix the respon sibility where it justly belong's. That paper says: " Mr. Slifer, a Whig Senator from Union county, oilered .the'resolulion, and had it passed through a Whig Senate by telegraphic speed. Weer' it was in the House, Mr. Henderson,•Whig member from Cumberland county, moved its adoption by that body. Mr. Slifer was chaitman of the committee of arrangements in the Senate, 'and Mr. Henderson occupied the samcipo itton in the House of Here sen.ativea. This whole matter, whatever of praise or censure may attach to it, lies at the door of the Legislature, and the Whig members of both Houses took the most active part in it. It was exclusively a legis- lative invitation—extended by a concurrent resolu tion of the two Houses, which did not require the signature of the Executive. This, therefore, was no movement of Governor Bigler's, and he had no thing to do with it, except In act at the request of the committees of the two Houses, and treat our neighbors, civilly and genteelly after they arrived here. There teems to be a gystematio effort on the part of the Whig editors to misrepresent all Governor Bigler's actions, bat they will fail in their objects. In all his movements, the Governor has pursued an upright, honorable, and straight-forward course, and Whig detraction cannot injure him." 4;0". The New Orleans Crescent, in relating the rescue of two boys from drowning, by two slam, at the risk of their liver, says there is a law 'exist tag in Loutiana, by which a slave secures his free. dom if he mares the life of his master or any of his ram lip. • 'Mratiforo M.eporter. free Soil, Free Speech, Free Alen Freedoms for Free Terrifferv. E. 0. GOODRICH, EDITOR. Towanda, Saturday, May 21, 1853. Tarots of The Reporter. 83130 per annuni—if paid within the year 30 cents will re deducted—fot cash paid actually in advance $lOO will be deducted. - No paper sent °VET tWO years. utiles* paid for. • ADVIIITIPMCCTS, per square of ten lines. SO cents for the first and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. t ry. Ofiice to the Union Block.''. north side of thoruhlte Square,',next door to the Bradford Hotel. Entrance be.wren Mesita. Adams' and Elwell's law offices. Democratic State Noadaatioas. CANAL erk)IVIIITOI.I6R. THOMAS 11. FORSYTH, or Praia►. Co Arnmn OZWEII At. EPHRAIM BANKS, of MiFFstx, Co Foci suarEron OMMIAL. J. PORTER BR AWLEY, OF Cite WFORD Co Another Fire t Our borough was visited c.n Thursday night by the sixth of the series of conflagrations, which have destroyed so large a share of this place, within the last year. About 11 o'clock, in the evening, the shed attached to the house of Adonijah Moody, on itlite street, was discovered to be on fire, and the alarm given by the vigilant watchman who has been ernp'oyed to patrol our streets since the last fire. 13y the time the citizens had . assembled on the spot, the house, which had been charred on the east side and roof by the preceding fire, was en veloped in flames, and it was appateut that the means at hand were unavailing to stay) it pro gress, and that the contiguous houses would be de atrnyed. A strong norb-west wind blowing at the time made this more certain, while it rendered the buildings on the opposite side of the street com paratively secure. The efforts of those present were directed to sav ing as much as possible o" the property contained in the t'oomeJ buildings, and the flames, thus left to •hemselves. as it in no haste to complete the work of destruction, with a bli wness of progresQ never experienced it, our former visitations, slow ly and delibera . ely devoured, one by one, the build ings, until their progress was stayed with the store house of J. D. Montanye, on Main street, after threatening, but in vain, the dwelling occupied by Jiidge Laporte. The number of buildings destroy. ed is six, owned and occupied as follows:- 1 The dwelling house of Moody, on 1.1;412e street, in which the fire originated, some what damaged by the fire on New Year's morning Foini•ure and piovi,ions partially temored. In srned for a small amount. - 2 Dwelling house, on Bridge street, owned by Mrs Keeler, and occupied by Mrs. Berke, as a grocery 'and boarding hour. Mrs. B has been pecuhatly unfortunate, ibis being the fourth time she has been burned out, within eight months.— Her goods were mostly removed. 34116u:Iding on the corner of Bride and Main street, owned by D. F. Barstow, and occupied by A. J. Noble's Grocery and Provision Store, and d melting, and C.c second story by Airs. Thomas Goods and furniture mostly removed. 4 The dwelling house next south of . Bridge at., on Main, owned by Mrs. Harriet Means, and or:• copied by Allen M'Kean. Mrs. Means has an in surance of 5500 upon the house. Mr. M Kean's furniture was removed, somewhat damaged. We learn that he is insured. 5. Dwelling house, owned by J. D. blontanye, Esq , and loss part ally coveted by insurance. Oc cupied by E M. Farrar, whose furniture was most ly removed, and whose loss is covered by insur ance. 6 S ore•house, on the same lot, owned by Mr. Niontari) e, occupied by Cornelius Coleman as a dwelling and grocery, and by Michael Ronan, both of whom have been lollowedlby fire—having been among the sufferers at previous fi.es. The loss and the amount covered by insurance, we are unable at this time to give with any accura cy. The buileings threatened were pretty thor oughly cleared out, ample time being given by the slow progression of the flames. Of course, much damage was done by hasty and careless handling of furniture, Some speculation is indulged in, as to the proba ble benefit which might have been occasioned by a proper fire apparatus, had one been present. As such a contingency is never likely to arise, we do not think it worth while to discuss the subject. SUPREME Junuc.—Gov. Bigler has appointed Hon . JOHN C. Kew; President Judge of the Clarion, Ye. nango and Jefferson district. to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Bench, occasioned by the death of Judge Gibson. This appointment is peculiarly gratifying toJudge KNox's numerous friends in the North. Though a young man, the Judge is an excellent man for the pogition, and folly equal to its duties and responsi bilities. He is a sound, radical Democrat, a man of the purest integrity, and of more than ordinary talents, and we have no doubt will adorn the. So• proms Bench. We shall take pleasure, at the Oc tober election, in rolling op such a majority for him, as will prove the estimation he is held in here. BALLAD CONCERT.MR. and Mae. L CUM sr, will give one of their Social Evenings at this place on Monday evening next, at a place to be disingnated. Mr C. is already favorably known to oar citizeng, and the programme which he offers is entirely novel and interesting. The Elmira Daily Republican, of the 16th, speaking of his Concerts says : • It . is a fact—a a fixed" one—that Crosby, the man who has wantonly destroyed no many vest Autumns will be at l'attinson's Hall, tonight; and it is also said that he will be created with a large and appreciating audience. His comicalities are of a superior order, devoid of vulgarity, with too mane actors mistake for wit, and thore who attend tonight, will giraway, feeling rr at peace with all the world and the rest of mankind," so contagions is good nature, Rcwnio AND ELLMMORTRO RAMROAD.ThiS Com• pony was organized by the election of Gen. Simon Cameron, Presklent ; Jan Tucker, Relit. Coleman, Wm. Strong, IsMOO FAO!, Samuel Bell and John Directors ;tend H. A.; 111utilenburg, Treasurer and Secretary. - , An efficient corps of en gineers will be put on the route immediately, and the names included in this list is sufficient evi der.ce that no time will be lost in completing t h e road. UNITED STATES HOTEL. — Mr. John C. Wilson, formerly of the Laporte !Fuel, has opened a new house at the County seat of &Oran. We can bear .testimony to Mr. W's. skill as a landlord, and ad vise those visiting Laporte to give him a call They will find thereabouts some of the best trout fishing, in this region. Cqr The corps of Engineers, engaged in mak ing a survey for the North Pennsylvania Radroad, have examined the route from the Stale lire, sev eral miles below this place, and are progressing down the river. We understand that the route is considered favorable for the construction of a Railroad:. (), The double track on the Erie Road will be completed to Elmira on or about the first of June. There will then be a continuous double track from Susquehanna :o Elmira. It is already finished, and in use, from Owego to Great Bend, and from Clic mung to Elmira. INDIAN PERFORMANCE—In another column, will be founJ an advertisement of an Indian perform ance at this place, on Monday evening next. This representation of the manners and castom of the Aborigines will undoubtedly be highly interesting. The New Mexico Dltheulty. Commissioner Bartlett has written a reply to Governor Lane's proclamation, in which lie con troverts each point, seriatim, in order to show that the Governor is wholly mistaken in his positions. As the controversy is one of some interest, and likely to he of considerable importance berme long the New York Evening Post has prepared the following synopsis of Mr. Bartlett's communica tion. First, he denies that New Mexico ever exercised jurisdiction over the filecilla Valley, as alleged, as serting that, on the contrary, ever since 1825, Chi hualma has claimed and exercised the that of the territory. Secondly, he says that they are only 700, not 2000, inhabitants in the disputed country, who are so far from desiring to be annexed to the United States, that, when it wag known the boundary determined by the Commissioners in cluded them in Mexico, they hailed the announe• incur with salvos of cannon and every kind of re jlicing. Thirdly, he remarks are no _force has ever been used by the State of Chihuahua to retain pos. session of her territory, although it is true that she has failed to " protect the inhabitants of the terri tory in (peck) against border Indian depreda tions," in the same manner that Texas and New Mexico have failed 'to protect their people from similar depredations. So with regard to the pro tection of the " inhabitants of the territory (in dis pute) in their rights of j.erson and property ;" the Mexican authorities have doubtless been lax in the administration of justice in the Merilla valley, but our authorities should say as little as possible about the protection of the inhabitants along the Rio Grande in their rights of property; for a piteous tale could be told of the outrages committed by Kmericans on the Mexican population on our side of toe Rio Grande, which compelled them to aban don their homes in 1850 to seek an asylum within Mexican territory and found a colony in blecilla valley. Mr. Bartlett adds; that in regard to the sta'ement that "a large portion of the inhabitants now claim the protection et die United States, and solicit the re annexation of their territory to New Mexico," he can assert on authority obtained by him in New Mexico and Chihuahua, that the whole population of the !Media valley crineves chiefly of people from New Mexico and Texas, of Spanish descent, who, failing in receive protection hum our authori ties after the late war with Mexico, colonized that place. Trim GOLD DIPCOVERIZA IN TClA9.—The Texas papers are all in a delightful state of excitement, cawed by the reported discoveries of gold on the Colorado. The accounts are yet very conflicting, and fell confidence is not given to them even by the Texas jhurnals. The Colorado Tribune, of the 26th ult., says it is unable to trace these reports to any reliable authority, The Galveston News has seen a specimen of the gold, brought by Captain Talbot. It is a piece of quartz rock, a little iatgir than a common sized marble, with pieces of bright gold attached to it. The color of the gold is much clearer than the California specimens. The Colo rado skeptic aforesaid says the historj of this won derful piece of quartz •ock, "about the Size of a marble," which Capt. Talbot has been exhibiting to the wondering gaze of the citizens of Indianola, traces is origin to the mountain region of the San Joaquin, from whence its exit into Texas was made in the well lined pocket of some 'retooled Califor nian. The " washings" are said to be the result of sundry filings of an old scarificator picked up about Austin, and mingled with sand from the bed of the Colorado. The effect af the reports has been what was de sired, to direct emigration to Texas The San An tonio Ledger save the tide of emigration- has alrea dy turned its course in that direction, and a large number of pwsons are daily pouring into the mines in search of the precious dust. Quite a number of farmers in the vicinity of Lockhart and San Marcos have left their crops and started for the gold regions. The merchant, too, as well as the digger, is up and doing, and is trying to profit by the discovery of this new El Dorado in Texas, for they have alrea dy sent forward a large quantity of merchandize to the mines. This is all the authentic information which has so far been received. It does not amount to much, but a few weeks will determine the fact whether or not Texas is no be California's rival in the production of the golden treasure. 01110 vs PENNSTLVANIA.—The claim set up by the Cincinnati papers in favor ol Ohio, as being the largest wheat growing State in the Union, the Phil adelphia North American says, is contrary to au thentic statistics, and is about as absurd as the claim of Ohio to lake precedence of„Pennsylvania in Population. On the basis of statistics gathered by the State agents a year or two since, the Ohio papers claim the wheat crop ol that State as over thirty million of bushels per annum, whereas - the United S'ams census of 1850, taken just one year previous to the State enumeration, makes it only 13,187,351, bushels, and making the annual wheat Crop of Pennsylvania 15,387,691 bushels—the lat. ter thus considerably exceed the former. Our Phil adelphia contemporary thinks it hardly possible for Ohio to increase her wheat mop in a single . year from fourteen millions of bushels to thirty millions; but if the crop of Ohio has increased so greatly,' what, he asks, must be the increase in Pennsylva nia, with the advantages of a large population, more capital, nearer position as regards a market, and longer practice in the growth of the staple. It is stated that tie grand jnry of Tazewell coon- ty, Virginia, have presented the Legislature nhhat, State as a nuisance This is returning the law—, to plague the inventors," in a most extraordinary , manner. In the Minas District, Rio Janeiro, a diamond the, size of a pigeon's egg, and veined 'C4100,000, hat been picked up by a female slave, the property of al poor lame man. , . 'Pow Coaarrnrnoast. Powirs. The demidican government has just ha.; s digit. cult! with the Cedriia Archbishop, similar to - that whkh induced the Republic of New Granaa to gnat an, Archbishop from that coontry. _The' Dominican eccfesiastio refused to take the oath' of testis , to'the constitution. Santana, the President of the'RepublicAniedy told him that the people had elected him to maintain the constitution and the laws, and that he intended to do it. The Archbish op condemned the constitution as " heretical" and ". accursed ;" but, as these words, when wielded by ecclesiastics, have ceased to have any very great influence in inspiring terror, the Archbishop had to succumb, and swear to support the hereti cal and accursed constitution. If he should follow the example of the New Granada Archbishop, and come to :Now York, he wonid receive an ova tion as a martyr. ' President Santaba accuses the clergy of having caused political tumult and do mestic oppression in the Republic, and it is said that they had engaged in secret negotiation with Prance to annei the Republic to that country Hnwever that may . be, the President has shown wisdom in maintaining the supremacy of the con tention and of the people as above all other author ity. The great evil in ail the Spanish republican countries has been the union of civil and ecclesias tical Whirs. The first step towards progress is to seperata them. True religion, Catholic or Protes tant, is all the better from such separation. PHILADELPHIA, EASTON AND WATER-GAP R R.— At a meeting of the Board of directors of this company, held on Monday, 2d inst , the route of the road was permanently located from the mouth of Sandy Run, on the Wissahickon, near Whitemarsh, to Hellertown. near Lehigh river, a distance of 36 miles. The line leaves the Lehigh by the San con valley, which is fodovred to the sumit of Si. rnes's Gap, thence throught the g , flatlands," eam'of Quakertown, to Rocky Ridge, at Coffie's Gap, thence through Landis 's Ridge, by a tunnel about 1,800 feet long, and across the east branch of Per. kiomen, near Sellersville. It then ascends Der stein's Run to the summit, between Perkiomen, Skippack and Neshamony, and nrosses Hatfield Plains to the Wissahickon at Sandy Ron, about 14 miles from the City. From Sandy Run several lines diverge by different routes to the city, and be. ing of about equal length, the company, it is said, will make no actual location leadin. e into the city until it is definitely ascertained what amount the several districts north of Vine street will subscribe to its capital stock. Under its character, the com pany is authorized to approach the city nt any point, either by way of Wissahickon to the Schuyl kill, and thence along the river to West Philadel phia .there to connect with the Market street rail road, or by any intermediate street, between the Delaware and Schuylkill lines. A Flax Joann.—The Pittsburg Despatch cf last Thursday says that the Jury in the case of Mary Delang (charged with the murder of Jacob Shaw,) retired on Thursday night, last week to deliberate upon a verdict, sent a nore• to- Judge M'Clure on Wednesday, stating that they stood eleven against one, and that one had declared solemnly that ho would not alter his determination.. They also asked the Court what would be the consequence in case the jury th , charge themselves and separate ? Judge M'Clure had thew brought into Court, and answer ed their interrogatories by saying that he would in flict the severest penalty of the law upon them, if they separated without permission from the Court. This we believe, is thirty days or more on the bread and water. under the lock and key of the jailor.— They again retired, and will no doubt remain out until the first Monday in June nest. Jet:amt. Diszatcvs —We see by.the Legislative proceedings that a bill has passe I and become a law, changing the Judicial Di-tricts of this State somewhat. The eleventh district iscomposed now of Cotumbia, Luzerne, Carbonhale city, and IVyo ming county, presided over by Hon. J N. Conyng ham. Montour county has been joined Kith North umberland and Lycoming counties, and they corn• prise the present Eighth District; Hon Alexander Jordon is President Judge. Clearfield, Centre and Clinton have been formed into a new district, wail James Burnside E.g., of Centre county, has teen appointed President Judge, by Gov. Bigler. TRIAL or JOHN M TIIIRSTON.--We learn from Elmira Republican of the 12th, Hon. John J. Tay lor made application in the Supreme Court, to have the trial ofJohn M. Thurston, indicted in Tioga County for the murder of Anson Garri‘on, in Owe go, transferred to some other county. The case has been ott the docket of Tioga county, about three years. It is claimed that the prisoner was insane at the time of the commission of the act, and that existing , prejudices in Tioga County, would prevent a fair trial After a hearing of both soles, the court ordered that the case be tried in Tomp kins County Court. DEATH OP THE TWO INJURED PDRiONS —The nn• fortunate men, Farrell O'Gara and James Flanigan Van Vieet, ate w . as injured by die railroad collie. ion in Nee Jersey on Monday night, have since died. MAN Krum) ET nts Barrructe.—A fatal affray occured a lew days ago in Greenwich township, Berko County, a short distance from the Lehigh co. line, in which Gottlieb Krea6ly killed his brother G ideon. Madame Arno('ld Messy. an actress, who some years since deserted Paris for Eh. Petersburg, bag appeared once again in the former city, by special permission from the Russian government. ne was received with unbounded applause. Myers' Extract of Rock Rose. The fact is indisputable that this medicine is su perior to anything heretoft•re offered to the public, for purifying the blood. Keep your blood pure and you are safe from all those troublesome diseases that afflict so many of the human rare. Myers' Ex tract not only purifies the blood, but invigorates the whole system, giving a healthy tone to the stom ache and imparting life and energy to the weak and enervated. Sidi IlEsnscar.,--Ma. A. B. L MYERS :—Dear Sir. I have firm childhood, suffered with periodical turas of the Sick Headache, ircreasineuntil the last year I was almost weekly laid by until I commence ed the use of your Compound extract of Rock Rose —one large bottle has completely cured me. I have had. no occasion to rise it for months. Your , &c. NANCY. M. PARSHLY. I can heartily concur with the above -183 Orange St. New Haven. CL JNO.PARSHLY. Clinton, Conn.; Oct. 12,1851. Mr. Myers—Dear Sir.—l have suffered very much with the Sick Headache for fifteen years, there was scarcely a week bat what I was obliged to give tip my work, but by accident I became acquainted with your valuable Extract. and I have , used one bottle. It has completed a cure. I have not been troubled with the complaint since, and I think it has otherwise improved my health very much. AUGUSTA CARLTON. I folly concur with the above. J. CARLTON. MYERS' EXTRACT of ROCK ROSE, for sale by Dr. ff. C. PORTER, Towanda, Pa., of whom pamphlets may be bad gratis. • =ZED, At East Herrick, on the 14th inst., of Consumption, Aix. Emmet) Fsracursn, aged 68 years. Mr. F. was one of the first settlers In the Eastern part of the county. at a time when the howl of the wolf and the scream of the gpanther, would arouse him from his slumbers. He has lived to see these pass away, the forest fall before the axe, and farms become cleared. and buildings erected. He was al so one of the first to help clear the •.way for the spread of the Gospel, embraced religion nearly 40 years since, and been a faithful follower of the Crony:marls , all thstperiod being an earnest and faithful exhorter. He, has now departed fuU of Ike heavenly hope he always sustained. May our last days be like his last days Cox. Waverly Station; N. Y. 1g E. it TIME TABLE. ..einto W?. a. ■ °DuSilo Ex. P 3112 20 °Da y Elpresa, • ar 10 53 .Niglarrapreas,r it 11 22 Malt. v • 0 4 °Cincinnati ES; • a. 5 05 Freight Nora, •• t 55 Freight No. 4, ra 4 35 °Do not atop at Wave COACHES leave Way "---- tr i uor v„ ;2 , 7F , - ..„tt.„ thena,Towanda, Teekhanuar r - f t ' • ''--- - A 4-- ct,.-....?-• ' and intermediate places, every morning, after the arri.al of therains. Returning, leave Towanda. Otter the ethy l ! a , the Southern stage,) at li• o'clock. P. ti. reach Waverly in time for all the evening trains, p m 4 west. May 8, 1863. p ENTERTAINME I/AVM =WM! • la large Partition capabl e " g 1,000 People., SM. THE celebrated Indian Chief, Ka.gb„ .calia eo from tit Wabast.pu nation in Southern arc: gon, accompanied by Okatawaula, a ch, effrom the Calla.poo-bas tribe, together with their large troupe of Indians, from west of the Rocky Mountains trot give an Exhibition of th e Manners and Cus toms peculiar to'their tribes in Southern Oregon, a l Towanda, Monday Eve., slay 23,1853, Op the PUBLIC SQUARE ; Consisting of a large variety of Dances, Sono, Marriages, Worship.,. burial Ceremonies, *atm Scene and Casting Dtseases out of a sick 6(11.11)4 enchantment. Also several Historical Scenes to. cident to the early settlement of our Country. Shaw Gance, who has just received his education at one of the first Schools in the State ands ac knowledged by all to be the most accomplished In. dian Orator who has ever appeared beforean Amer. ican audience, will give at the opening of the en • tertaintment, a brief description of the Condition of his Nation, before and since the introduction of en. ilization among them. Showing the powerful sod immoral influence exerted by the large buds of Fir Traders, now residing in their mid-t. Ksw-Shie. Gance will exhibit at each entertairaneat ter Collection of INDIAN CURIOSITIES, Among which may be found several speciumn o f War Clubs, War Knives. War Paddles, Battle M. es, War pipe, Pipe of Peach, Blankets made hue the bark of trees and a large variety of Bead von, &c. The Chiefs, accompanied by their warnm, will be seen riding through the streets, dressed full Indian Costume, Painted and fully equipped L a war, between 4 and 5 o'clock, P. M. E.thibttion to commence at 7i o'clock. Admittance 25 cis. Children under 12 years et age, half price. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. - BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Coon Bradford County, will he exposed to NM Sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 11th o: JUNE nest, at t o'clock, P. M., the following pop. erty, late the estate of Seth T. Barstow, dre'd,,,zu, ate in_Wysoa twp., and bounded and described al follows :—North by the' public highway lading from Towanda to Rummerfield Creek, on the east by land in possession of J. R. Middleton. smell ts the Susquehanna river, and west by land of V. E. J. fi. Piolett. Containing about 3 acres of land, all improved, with a hotvre thereon. Attendance wil) be siren and terms of sale made known on its! of sale. D. F. tiAllBfOW, May 19. 1853. Administrator. United States Hotel, LAPORTE, PA. ZOUN C. 11711410 N, PROPBIIIOI. Formerly of the'. Loporte T J IST of Letters remaining in the Poo 05co Towanda, May 15, WI Abbot Elisha Andrews Charles Adams S A A. res David R Barnes William Bourke Adolphus Borke Martin Bostwick Stephen Bostwick Nathons heir Bowman Lorenzo D Burton Dennis Biles John Biles Phebe Buck Knapp Baldwin 'l' L Biles John Brink Hel/en - Brown Lydia Bourke Wm Burnet Racha.tl Brock Phikna Bowman Win Jero.ba Chaffee Benjamin L Cooler Michael Convey Augustus C Chi/son Geo M Conklin Joseph Chapman Rev L W Cranmer Anson Cook John Esq Cook Edward ? Cary ;Margaret Crofut C Davis Cornelius Davidson B Decker J W Darrin Henry Dykius Smith Deckens Captain Down port Louisa Dickey Jones Deco Edwio Edwin John Easterbrooks Amelia Fisher F Esq French William Fitch H Esq Fleminger Emil Foster Mrs Wm H Goodin John Smith Myron Smith Jesse Smith Mary Sweet Mist, 'when rt B Ts o r nny Sco v i l leot, y r o e er S h oe m ak er d C j a N E l i 1 1 ;a s , Mot 1" Turnbull Dati 4 Towle y Pooch Voughn Edivata Veile Sr. Goodrich Vangorder Rebecca A Welsh John Wolf Malony Wilmont W illiam Worrirner Johnson Wardell Miss V.lts Yost Joseph Young George Gi' Persons calling for any of the above ' , ee l will please say they are thivertised. C. REED M P. • H. Campbell, DePg' Grain S M Guirey Patrick Grist John or heir. Gates Lent Oliver Goge Mary R Hollen S Esq. Hughs Thomas Hull Daniel Hathaway Stephen • Hai Daniel Hoffman Frony Horton Win Hosted Napier J Horton Mrs Wm Horgrow Miss Mary Hooker Freid Wilhelm Horton Miss Ellen ingersill E W Jackson C L Esq Jones Henry May 15, 1853 PAINTIS, OIL &c.—A new supply of pure r° White Lead, Paris Green, Verdigns, Liao!: Limp and NeWsloot Oil, Japan, Coach Bcrii /'" Furniture Varnish, just received at MERCVR 1959,1 troo TRON AND NAILS. —5 Tons more of Nails just received ■t may%) MERCRRn PAINTS and GINGHAMS.—A new swum" otPrints and Gingbams just revelled et. MAY 20. 1853. NERO. RS WATERED RIBBONS. -1 new article . V ceiaed at ar22 LIERLI Va imago ausr. APBuffalo Ex. 3 4 s. 4 Day Express, I' 11 4ls Night Express, Cll4 00 Mail, ra9ii Emigrant, P 3 44 'Freight No.l, a a 10 Freight No. 6, Ai s 6,$ Johnson Margaret Kronzer John Knowles Charles H 1 Kipp Jones Krans Jahn Kellogg Moses Kellogg Lewis Kirwan James Kennedy Rev J W Keyzer 0 W Kramer Emanuel Lyons Theodore Man.hall Ricsa , d T Mason Rnfo± H Mangos Daniel 8 Mead Ezekiel Middleion McGill Hiram Mc Daniels Harry McDonough Camel's. McDonough Censor McDonald Manus Mock Jolla Mos nacre 'William Malone Thorns , McNomara Mary McGill Mi.a.A A McEllear Miss Hanes. McAffee Rachael (tides! Mo-e Miss Nancy O'Sullivan Michael O'Grady Mr Oweni Miss Man n Platt Christopher Patrick H W Quirk Roger Quigty Miss Catharine. Riggs L 1 Ryan Patrick Ryan Thomas Roughan Patrick Rubinson S Huger Miss Cehada Stevens Joel S rt WOOd Mahlon Sheshen Thomas Srullans Maurice Shroder Harmon Jrnith John Smith Henry
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers