16110V-72] Z 4420 MIMI TOWANDA: c , cant b i l 111orninB, £Uan 21, 1858. .;titrO Vottrgt. TIME. Time rens away, and bears along mingled male of right and wrong; m e flowers of love that bloomed beside The margin of his summer tide ; The poison weeds of passion, tome From dripping banks, and headlong borne - Iwo that unhorizoned sea Which mortals call eternity. Noiseless and raptd as a dream, F or ever flows the widening stream; every wave, or transient hour, Thrvirs up a weed and takes a flower. The isle of life, that seemed to be A continent infinity, Grows bleaker, narrower, day by day, And channeled by a salter spray. hike stupwrecked men who closer flock To the bare summit - of the rock, . • When the loud storm that wrecked them flings Billow on billow from his wings— We climb from youth's wave•rippled strand W,.h colder heart and feebler hand, 1r the grey rock of age, whom peak Time's mounting billows surge and seek. There from the barren to espy A girth of tears—an ashentsky— Bowed heads, dead hearts, and palsied feet, l'p ages' pinnacle retreat; And the dull tide that swells belot Pursues them with a steady flow ; The rock is hid—the wares beat high— And, lo I—an Ocean and/a Sky ! ,i).titrt (Taft. TIIE LITTLE OAK WARDROBE : OR. THE MISER'S BARGAIN The cuiet old town of Abbylands was on the eve of ping to deep. Several of the oil-lamps had :cured Irom public life; after winking in a mysteri• ,ts manner to their companions to follow their ex 111 ,-le; the shops in the high street had already shutters; the rain was falling in tot -?:115 Me chimney taps were veering in all direc. as if performing a demoniac polka with the -.constant wind ; a miserable wet night, about ten r dock. and not a sotil stirring. The three path:e rr had ;one home; the thieves, if there were ri were afraid of catching cold ; the surgeon had returned from a country. visit, and was putting :in horse in the little stable behind his house ; twers at he Pigeon's Arms were flying about in s with suppers, and and slippers, and and brandies and waters, and far away from .0.. e codes room—not in a private apartment, seven .'l.;,ng and sixpence a day—but in a low, dingy, . !e bed-room, which served him Tor .parlor and . a young man was standing with his arms la Id e. across his breast, and looking into a trunk he 1.2! recently opened. "A stock in trade," he said, lorn which something can be made alter all Yes. from that little box may be evoked pow er as tremendous as the genie's in the Arabian .4h . .s—wealli—happine6s—revenge—and that's neThest of all !•' , t_Nothing was vi sible to account for these glow . 1: anticipations. The contents seemed of an or ,nary kind—clothes—not many, nor very spiels tqi in material ; only among them were mixed .. , .eres of a apparel belonging roperly to the softer sex; crumpled-up bonnets, worn-out ohl shawls ? laded cotion gowns. Poor fellow ! he was perhaps brrn;in down presents to an adnt. They couldn't be very extensive or.es, but the kindness Of the re• raernbracci would make up for want of value.— " Hark! ten o'clock !" he said, as the Abbey clock crock the hour. " I must be off, or the old reseal yid have shut up shop." He buttoned his ,coat, tares & sporting looking horse-cloth over his ghoul- Iltrt. sod emerged into the dusk street. " I saw !, •he said, "at the comer of the staircase. If the Nato; him moved it, all will go well. Ifhe has bow rani describe it without exciting suspicion I" One shop was open in the cross-road at the top n! he main street. A great glaring lamp still flour ,.bed in front of the window. Under it, and ehel tered by a sort of verandah-that projected over half Pavement, was standing a deal table with two c'% , airs on the top of it; on them were various • era cies of crockery ware, useful a: - d ornhnell ia l -4 mall swing glass, marked in chalk two shining° sad sixpence; and, between the chairs, a litthspile 0! books, the lowest being '' The whole Duty ill ana`he highest "The Wandering Inside the dark recess, where innumerable goods were piled op on both sides of a narlaw. - Paosagl, sat a man with a pen behind his ear. - A ledger4i'y betore hint, which he might pertiaP'e hive tbeo able to read, if ke had telt so. inclined.iwiffi aid of a viry:thin and duty farthing ciandfo, w 6 r vas stun into an ink bottle but bristudiaftWiicl mother direction. He was absorbed in lhnught-r79, /itei a 1 1,,, he th ought, " what. good his it: slope; my' It isn't so great a sum, When iundred and thirty pounds Would not ruiti n • England. It ruined George Evan"; thoughiYile, fan Vain- " His father should have heck; his Papers better. if the mum watt tool _eliougli JO terld roe the money, and lost my note ~of head,_what, bllsinen 15 it of mine, that hie #Oprrpuat•loseall of Did I make the law 1 if tlii4 had brought me my ac knowledgement, wouldn't the looney been Kid! The lad bas given op pesiering.me.willl bin 'nett I hope never to bear troM him again; he- , 'ides, the statute of Ihnitatithis makes' it alga:1; 1 4, 4 d the money by thiis time arrauld all luive. thee's lot! hear he ham tented, is,- - rerehefilitflPd One on the stage. This is a,,w"" 7 : 444 and theatres are the vehoole i i#,Saien, 1,4, 11 /0 4 , The epic' Mahon was tutored ninudraudhwean. 'tiered by the utterer of it—the mirth.' fitirTlin• paantwoiter and secoridhedludfiletenitilPni 'ts bond arid seal of all religionk-obserVittiohl • ; THE REPORTER •.. • R "A • „,•., It was heard by the young man in the horse-cloth wrapper. "I'm glad you're not snot up, sir," he said, go ing through the narrow gangway to the end of the room. " I want to do a little business with you " " A watch'!" said Mr. Benson, opening a little drawer, in which lsy a number of square tickets • of chit) , paper. " No !I don't happen to have such a thing," re plied the visitor. 4 I come to bay something. As I passed the shop to-day, I saw a piece of furniture I required—a narrow case, with drawers, in it, of oak I think it was. Ah ! there it is, just under the stair case." "Of oak indeed! You may say of the very fin est oak that ever grew in clay. Why, that o:ik would fetch a large price, independent of the great convenience of the thavrers. I paid a pretty sum for it at Farmer Merriwood's sale, when the old gentleman died, ten days since. It has been in his family, they said, two hundred years—a very fine piece of furniture, and dirt cheap at one pound ten." " I'm no great judge of these things," said the young man ; " but I have an aunt in town who is in want of just such an article. I wish to make her a present of it; and I will pay for it now, on con- dition, that she does'nt like it, you shall take it back and supply me with an other article to.monotv morning." " Very fair—that's very fair; but how can) send it to-night " Nay, that must be part of the bargain," replied the purchaser, counting the money into Mr. Ben son'. hand; " and you must also give me a re ceipt for the—what shall we call ill—the wardrobe with all its contents; for tontines are sometimes fcund in very odd places," he added with a smile. " I've heard occhair bottoms , being stuffed with five pound notes." " I run the risk of all that," said Mr. Benson, venting the receipt, " and as to (he carrying it home it ain't very heavy. I'll manage that. What's the address?" " Mrs. Truman, number two Abbeyfield Lane," reylied the youth ; " not a very elegant part of the town, but the poor must live somewhere." " It's a very dark, ill charactered place," said the pawnbroker. " couldn't you wait till "to morrow morning? A man Was robbed and murdered there twenty sears ago." " Oh. things are improved since then," said the young man wilt a laugh; " besides an old chest of drawers is not so very tempting a property, in spite of the goodness of the oak, and the time it wos in Farmer Merriwood's possession." Mr. Benson looked at the visitor with doubt at first, but be saw nothing but the fine open counte nance of a young man of twenty-two, and gradual ly becamesatisfied that that there was nothing to be afraid 01. Far one instant the thought erect came into his mind to invite the purchaser to lake a glass of gin and water—but it died away like oth er good resolutions. " If you arrive at my aunt's before me," said the young man, " say I sent her the wardrobe ; ha t I hope to be there in time to receive you." Su saying, he wrapped his house-cloth closer around him, and departed. Mr. Benson looked around well pleased. He bad ended the day well by disposing of a uselesi, piece of lumber at a considerable price. " Lie mus ba very loud of his aunt, that young man," he said, gland:if she's not a better judge of furniture than he is, I wish she would come and trade at my shcip." Ie cast a look roun4—to see that there was no risk from candle or lamp—hoisted the ward robe on his shoulder, locked the door, and walked rapidly to wardi:Abbeyfield Lane. On arriving at number:two, he knocked gently at the door, bit received no an swer for some lime. " Why, this is the house that has beetVempty so long ! I didn't know that any one had taken it. - Where did they get their furni lure ?" Another knock produced a motion within; a itep sounded in the passage, and. an old lady opened ire door. She seemed astonished at the latensis of the " I was Oil goingtn . bed," she said, " and onli eat up to let in my nephew.— He is longer of coating than he said.". "He'll be here immediately ) " replied Mr. Ben '" and is the meantime has presented you with this very handsome piece of furniture. He has paid for it—all, except the porterage--and the solid oak is no joke to carry on a night like this." "X my nephew was here," said the old lady, would ask you to come in; , but I'm a lone woman, and ir,woulJn't be proper.— th ere'rsispence foam carriage, and' I'm greatly obliged to the deir boy., fleilvalways so thoughtful of his poor old ". Pray, ma'am, have-yob' been font in' this cot tager, inquired Mr, Benson, 'land may I ask you where your furnitere.came from?" " My nephew took the house for me three days ago.. Some of the furniture came by canal— and the relit ivehopo will arrive here to-morrow." • " If you-require soy additional articles, 'you - will find the best qualities and loweit pricei it my shop,' said Mr.•l3easong .putting the poor •WoMan'a six peritefid Its' pocket, and resuming his homeward "way:4lt l f 'don't like this," be said, aS hesplashed 'up the high- A 'street. ' " Titerd'S 'Sothetititig• eurimis absent the old itornan : . ,„yir.hi, did - T *64 .Te. me,,a whole sixpence—looking wretchedly poor too ? And why did she seem' sit delighteil l to,lay her hands on. the wardrobe I , I'm sorry I. let itgo at thirty' shillings. -The young tool would have given _double the moray—bin I'm always sosoft hearted. •I•shall never be rich•••••but what of that? Wealth' is not happineits. - . •Arnen W • -. 1 , ~ • .' lie extinguishedihe'flasing hmir-at the front of :his premised; -removed :dm; table 4md all . that it contained' iddh the door; torned the key'on the 'inside ; -- arfd'driWitig 'out' :MAI i Merit draWer itt bottle of gin, 'mid lifting' I kettle -from' the fire, which hid hitheito'gfoivetrtiriseen Isitititra Mt 6r 'Window curtains hitrig over thlit modO? Ufa isaiPen• siert! bridgti, be proectededlikoncocra pieity sifting ttinibler, which he *applied IC hi.' lips with thesett =M=== PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. O'MEARA GOODRICH. EMI " REGARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER." satisfied air of a• man Who felt that he had deserved some relaxation and enjoyment, after the labors of a well spent day. A pipe, also, soon added its rferfume to the happiness of the position, and Mr. Benson like a great lndtan idol, inhaling the in cense of his gin and tobacco, blandly smiling as the smoke curled in gay wreaths roemd the bowl of his long clay, and occasionally sipping the comfortable potation before him. The clocks, which had either been sent to him in pledge, or were arranged on different brackets for sale, kept up a miscellaneous concert of hours from one o'clock to twelve—for they were not by any means particular to their no• lions either of time or tune; but as a majority of them seemed to be of opinion It was getting near midnight, the contemplative proprietor lighted one more pipe, poured forth one other libation, and earefutly locked away the now half empty bottle in the sanctum devoted to Its custody. He watched once more the curls of the smoke ; but fancy was at work, and aided the wreaths as they rose, twisting them into excellent chests of drawers, or handt.ome mahogany sideboards, on which be expected enormous profits. Into little cottages they expanded themselves, which be fell sure he could by for very little money. Then, as the candle began to burn less clearly, he saw one of the large puffs, which he traced with more than usual attention, convert itself into a bed in a dingy little apartment, and threw the half.drawn curtains he saw the emaciated countenance of a dying man. The fire uttered a little sound at this moment, as the coals collapsed to the bottom of the grate, and he thought the noise It made formed itself into words from the old man's lips : " I lent him the money, George—two hundred and thirty pounds. 1 have lost the note of hand ; but if he doesn't pay it he is a. villain, and will repent it when the hour comes on him as it does on me now " " Nonsense ! folly ! madness !" cried Mr. Bon s In, pushing back his chair, and hurrying the tum• bier to his lips. " Would the man have me give money to every person that chose to say that he had lent it with nothing to show for it but a white faced dying old— Ha!—a carriage at my door at this hour ! A knocking ! IVho can it be ? Some one in distress, come to arrange about pawl - ing the family plate, or a countess, perhaps, to pledge the family jewels. Coming, coming." lie opened the door and peeped out through the falling rain A carriage, covered with mud and dripping with wet, was at the curb-stone. The driver let down the steps, and a lady tripped lightly across the slippy pavement and entered the shop. "The carriage will wait," she said. " Turn the key and double lock, for I have something of import ante to say to you." Mt. Benson said nothing, but want up the narrow gangway .with the flickering candle in his hand, followed by his visitor. He set down the light, and looked carefully into the woman's face. it was flushed and excited, the eyt s flashed wih great brilliancy, and her lips quivered with agitation—a tall masculine woman plainly dressed, antLevidently under the influence of some strong feeling. " You are Mr. Benson the pawnbroker ?" she • said. " lam ; and dealer in second•hand furniture, books, statues, and miscellaneous articles, clocks, Watcher, wearing apparel, and double barrel guns, 6,.11 " You attended the sale at Farmer Merriwood's last Wednesday ?" " I did." " Did you buy it r , What 1" " I lorgot. I havn't told you. I won't tell you . What did you pay for all the articles you bought at Cecil Green, at Farmer Merriwood's ?" " I got tolerable bargains ; ma'am-4 don't deny that. The family all dispersed—no near relation. I paid for all I had there a matter of fifteen, or, per. haps, twenty pounds." " Will you make me out a list 7—transfer them at once to me ?—and I will give you two hund ed acrcrts the table." Mr. Benson looked at the woman as she spoke. " No,•madam," he said, " two hundred's too lit- ale. If it'a worth two hundred to you, it's worth a cleat more to me.' " We won't fight about that. What did you bus ? Beds I—sofas ?—drawers I Let me see your list of them." He took from a wire• that hung from the cross bar of his desk the auctioneer's account. She gazed at it; and, on coming near the end, started. " Yea," she said, " here it is. What do you ask for all! But tosh want nothing bat one small article. Deep the * rest of the Irish. Give me the oak wardrobe with the four drawers in it, and I wiU give you what you demand. Come." ti I can't," said Mf. Benson, timing pale, and trembling with agitation. " It's gone—sold—de li verel--lost !" " Fool !" cried the woman, " You have ruined me and yourself! That wardrobe would have en riched us both. Why did the villains not advertise the sale 1 I would hoick:one - to it if had been dying. Can you recover it '1 Who bought V Wilt money tempt'them to sell it again 'I Tell nie the name of the purchaser, and I will gel posses sion of it yet." " I don't remember the name of the person. I think - it was:a cleronian's wife from Ipswich—or !to, I think it was a Lidetpool , gtitntlerhari who was going Mat to America; , he's not, sailed, it might bepossible— r l don?t say it:would—to racov 'et the ' • • " Give mehis address: Fein go to Eiverpool— to America-anywhere:" ' " It may, perljefos„be et back without so . march said 'Dlr. ;Beason. jitier,,ikpausa.. rr Hot _why, are; you se! vary curious „about a, common' chest ofdravrent 1 • lexamituntit varyearefolly, I assure you. They are nothing but ordinary oaka.. tto secret ,I.cpeMaT—no bidden wrings.. 'Where's .surelY,somernistalteratiouol2 4, " There's od mtstake) ,. you-take cut all , the drawers when you made your exanifrialion 1 Pitt you turn the top one upside down ? Did you see that the bottom was thick and heavy—the it was double ? That it might contain documents, noies i a will, receipts, acknowledgments? " No, I didn't turn it out. I'm an unsuspiciou.., innocent man—grossly imposed on—ruirmd.-- Amen." The pawnbroker eedtned so overcome that the woman was melted. " Hear what 1 tell you," she said. "1f we arrange matters together, we may yet be rich. bo 1 understand that Sou will share with me whatever the drawer contains ?" " What does it contain?" inquired Bensori, in a whisper. " Does it contain anything P'. " Why do I otter you hundreds tot itl" inquired the woman ; " but I will tell you all Did you know Father Merriwnod I" " No, I can't say I knew him. I once sold him a second-hand saddle ; and he made some row about the stuffing coming out. I bad to let him off ter hall the price agreed on." "It's like him—harsh—cold—cold, selfish—sol was told, in his latter years. He was different Icing ago , " I didn't know him then," replied Mr. Ben son. " I did," continued the woman ; " but no won• der he changed, for misery was in his heart, and disgrace fell upon his family. These things change a man's temper." " tie was well to Jo in the world," said 11 e pawnbroker ; " churchwarden and highway com missioner. I never beard of any disgrace." " Some people didn't think it so. He had a daughter ; twenty years ago people called her very beautiful. She was his oldest child. She was beautiful, at all events, to him. Her name was Caroline. how she loved him ! how she attended to all his wishes, and read to him, and played on the piano to him, and was everything to him, and so playful, and so kind ! We all loved her." " bid you know her ?" " Did I know her? I knew her from the hon:e of her birth. 1 was a distant relation. Cousin Ja net they called me, though I was their paid ser rant, but the word cousin was better than all their wages. So we went on for years and years, I tak • ing care of the house, Phillip Merriwood attending to the farm, and Caroline the delight of us both.— Don't you see what's coming, old man ? You must be dull as this wretched room you live in, it .you don't guess what followed." can't,"said Mr. Benson. " I'm trying 1 can't. Amen." " Not when I tell you that the Marquis of —, but never mind his name—it is best, perhaps, omit ted ; but he had a son—his eldest son, Lord Ros tock—dashing, gay, but kind—oh, kind and gener ous as a knight ot old. He saw her—saW Caroline; was struck with her beauty—who wasn't—got to speech of Ler, spoke her fair, won her heart; the old story—the old story ! Hearts break ; but fools till up the [laces of those who perish. Ah oa g— ills in September, twelve years ago—she Tame to me and said—" Cousin Janet, do you think my father a forgiving man ?-, Of course, my darling," I said. "Heis a Christian." " But will he for give a person for getting above him in the world for leaving the rank he moves in ! Ha, ha !" she added, with a beautiful, wild laugh. " What would he think it he had to stand with his hat ofl as he saw me going up the church path, and ask how my ladyship was ! Wouldn't it be charming to be a lady ?" I told her no, or turned the talk, or gave her wise advice. 1 forget what 1 did—it was so pretty to see her walking hp and down the floor of her bedroom, flirting one of her slippers as if it were a fan, and swaying about from side to side as if she had a court train to her robe. And all the time she was only in her night gown, arid showed her pretty naked feet." " And what happened ? Cold, eh 1' Consump tion ?" " No—elopement—ruin—death I She was mis sing ova morning thal same month, and Philip Merriwood never held up his head. He seemed to know what had happened without being told.— He neser asked for her, and when a letter was pat in his hands a few days after, signed by Caro line, and telling him that she was about to be mar ried—to be a lady—rich and grand, bet kind still. and loving him, be tore the paper into twenty piec es, and said, " Fool ! fool!" " And so she was," said Mr. Benson. "He didn't marry her ?" " No, and she never wrote again. So the house was dark and, dismal. Philip Merriwood went into the bedroom that hurl been hers, and seized the little oak wardrobe where she had kept her clothes. He'emptied the drawers on the floor, and ordered me to remove the frocks and •and stock ings, and the blue silk jacket, and the pink satin slip, and all the things, and , throw them into the fire. It was an old piece of furniture; and had be longed to his people for hundreds of years. It bad once been the place where he had kept his se cret papers. His leases, bonds and parchments, were all in the front drawer, but in the top one there was a false bottom. Thete in the thickness of the wind, he kept the thingscherished, most, the Miele that had passer: between hini and Sophia L Felton, his wife, before !hit were married ; the list letter she wrote to'him when she was dying ; the first copy-book of Caroline, when she was learn ing to traits;: the little notes she sent him when she ..was alAto °eh Be , when he had turned all Caro litte'rsclothes out_ of the drawers he opened the secretiodge-,,and how he rend, And efiodi and •read again I. We esauldn-?. get him down to dinner, kaltd when . 11e• came he ate :nothing . mouth passed, and a long time passe], and when-halt rt ,yearhad quite and gone ,there came, a loacr one Jay, willsra great erest.upon Ifie-.sealrramarquier !crest they call it-diatai when , it wetropeneit*arni er MerriviOod itbre ristock :whose fatter 14104 died and left bitp a1,t44 ea. punk . Mine, he sani f vac. provided-tot, and :happy; as - be felt he Owed-some reparatiortto "he &titer he enclosed a Banli , of England 4 note tor Ihnesan.r pnrie.ls DEEM " Mese met ►chat a generous noble gentleman," exclaimed the pawnbroker. "She must have been a cunning gipsey—what a fortunate' man Farmer Merriwood wag !" " How he trembled as he held out the thin piece of paper, and his lips moving evidently with curs es on them, but no sound being heard ! " Cous in Janet," he said at last, " Carrie with me up stairs ; you shall witness what I do." We went up and to my surprise be went into what had been Caroline's bed-room "This Is a thousand pound note," he said, " which that ruffian thinks will rec oncile me to shame. I Wong touch-b, and I won't let him have it back—to employ it perhaps in tempting some one else. If the girl he took away from me is ever in want, you will know where to find money for her support. It shalt lie beside all the other things that remind me of her behavior. "No one shall touch it till I die." And so saying he pulled out the secret drawer at the top, and laid the note lengthwise on its back,' .. and shut it up with a bang, and gave me the silver pin that touch es the spring. From that hour no one has ever opened it, and there it lies, with the printed face upwards, u bank- note:tur a thousand pounds r , " And I sold it fur thirty shillings !" shrieked Mr. Mr. Benson, "to a miserable old women—ta ruin ed man! I've lost a thonsand pounds. The young man was too much lor me. I bated him from the first--but vengeance will pursue hint for his iniqui ty. Amen !" " And why was the safe so flurried?" confirmed cousin Janet. " I left Cecil Green six years since"; but I have kept the spring-opener carefully—care fully. I heard In, was ill—he wrote to me that he did not expect to live long, and that all was as he had left it in the drawer. I couldrig . gl up from York-hire in some days. In the meantime healed and was bytried, and toe furniture sold, and the mo ney lost. Go, give what sum you like, but get me back that wardrobe, and we shall divide the mo- ney." " Equally?" exclaimed Mr. Benson, starling up. " Where is that silver pin? Give it me—it is not too late to make the attempt to night " "Oh yea, it is, though," said the woman. "I'll keep the key. What you have to do is to recover the wardrobe; or, if you will tell me the purchas er's address—" " No, no—l II keep that to myself," replied the pawnbroker, with a cunning look. " Well open it in the presence of each other." "I will be here at nine, to-morrow morning,' said Cousin Janet. "We understand the arrange : , ment—it's getting on for one o'clock—good night.;' So saying, she slipped along the gangway, and got once more into the carnage. l• What a fool to think,a drawer can't be opened with a hatchet in the absence of a silver pin!" said Benson. " Amen ! good night P' The rah. continued all. the night, through. 31 , . Benson beard it as he lay awake, flooding on roof a.td garret wint.'ow. As soon as the Jaren - began to force its way through the watery air, he speang , up and put on his clothes. Rapidly he pursued his way to number two, Abbeyfield Lane, and stand ing before the door felt in his pockets that the rou• leaux of golden sovereigns were sale—for he fan cied the sight of the yellow metal would have more effect than a promise to pay, or even a roll of notes. They were all right—three, of a hundred pounds each. He knocked. "1e Mr. Truman deep stairs yet ?" he asked through the keyhole. There was no answer, but in a short time he heard the rap of a small hart.mer. He knocked louder--and the rat, tat, tat, of the hammer ceased. Thtidoor was opened. , The person who opened it was Mni.Tra. man's nephew. "I Hallo!" he said, " who expected to see you at such an eatly hour ?" " Business, my dear sir. I find I made a slight mistake last night. I sent your dear aunt the wrong article. I hope the old lady is well." '' Yes, she's very well," said the nephew, "a little tired with sitting up so late, but delighted with the wardrobe, I assure you. I was just trying 10 fit the chewers a little closer. The top one seems loose." " I find the want of it destroys the set," said Mr. Benson ; would you me the favor to give I. back to me ? I will replace it with the best article in my shop." " 11y no means," replied the f with " I haven' had time to rummagP it otter, yet I tut 1 you for tunes were sometimes fouhd in old family forni ME There was a long pause: Mi. Benson was form ing his calculations. lie recommenced' the eon ; versation in a whisper; urged his plea with all the eloquence in his power ; and, finally, was seen proceeding through the falling rain with the richly endowed watilrote On his back. Hurtle lly trot ting up the High street he dashed intohis shop, set his burden on- the ground, tore the lop drawet out upon the Boer, and . saer 4 small piece Of paper past ed on the bask. Wasit,tbe tho.usarnlptitind note? ire tabbed his-eyei—lie I'f:ft - Aftd a ses•—antl.be read the three following words— Quits : George Evans.' " Not a bad stock m tcade," said the sarile young gentleman Whinn we. encountered ; at, the beginning of this story, Aunt Truman and :Cousin Janet all at once, as he (for George Evans the young, scior,had . played all three paint,) fop - I:iced certain articles of female spiiirel in his trunk in the lithe haroom of the Pigeon's Arms. ." There.goes in my ount's , ln tie black mantle. :There gain in my cousin Janet's crumpled bonnet. %Vbep,l have paid for the hire . of .he cottage in:Al - Amy Old Lane, a#d the c arriage, and the wardrobe, and the sixpence to ohl.lJeitsoirt for carry ing it d'own, t think it - will leave that old ruffian's Conscience' Clear' ) for htt will havereiacily paid me the tarsi liuntlied and Borrowed from tafFir, With interest for nine • •st-D .., ' - Men seanntuglho slit - fate count 'the mnled, hay pi ; they see not the friit, AVE ,Iteatne that crow(' n bd , l matt'. rillnw. Fete who are either in the habit of either geeing or using the heafeilul bleak Japan Varnish which is so Muth admired for the elegattl ghats it inesittisi know whence it is obtained, or aTe familiar with the manner its which it is procured, and the an-, pleasant exposure attending the operation. h astute prodoet art lines which growl wild both in Chips and Japan. ft is chltivated in , pfantatiOng, end fe so much improved by die treatment it teceives, that a cultivated tree yields three times as much varnish as a wild one. The Chinese call the tree " TSI Shoo ;" it has ghee reeeffiblatite to the ask,' with leaves shaped like those of the laurel, of a , light green color and downy feeling. There is , scarcely anything more canoeist about the tree-Then the common manner of prop acing, Whin is ne?." diet by seeds nor suckers. Early in the spring a small branch or twig is selected, about a foot and a half or two feet in length, and a ring of bark cut from it all around, about half an inch in breadth. The wound is immediately coated up with soft clay, and a hall of the same clay formed amend five or she inches ire diameter. This is then cover ed up with matting to prevent it front falling topic,' ces, and a vessel of water hung covet with a eery minute hole in the under part, sufficient to permit the wilier to drop slowly upon the bail, attd keep tt constantly moist hi the coarse of sit mondit,with this treatment, the wounded edges of the bark, shoot faith into fibre-like toots,..which forth the more readily as the tree is, still supporta:l by the sap from the parent stock. When the titt fuer taken sufficient root in the mass of Clay to Supped an independert existence, it is cut from thisliee a, little below the clay, placed immediately tft the earth, and at once becomes a self-sesstaining tree.' When these trees are seven or eight years DUI: they are capable of supplying die varnish, which is gathered in the following manner; Arbour/the middle of summer the laborers proceed to the thou taiions of the varnish tree, each lnniehyd l L P: crooked knife and a large number of Whew +bells ' somewhat larger than oyster. shells. With than knives they maki, nbenevoor incisions tit the bark of the trees, about Twit inches-1u length; and unite each incision they force in the edge,or ilia , t;hell, wh.ch easily penetrates the soh bark, and•seenainr in the tree. This operation is perferefeil thsi evening;ris the varnish flows only hi the The next morning, the workmen reeilii; the. troomi and find each shell either..partially_or Wholly filleg with varnishoritich4hey ngrAle onkeitivfohit . w ith their knives, depositing-it-in a vessel which they carry with them, and throw! the ithellehtthie biAte,,a al the foot of the. tree. In- the evening, the shells are replaced, and the varnish again collected in the morning. This process igeontinueilthronghout their summer, or until the varnish ceases to 'lbws. It 11 computed that fifty tree*, which Can be attepileil by a single workman, will.yield a poeud-of eantWfr every night. When the gathering ismer, die ran nish is strained tlitough a thin - cloth; ekts'ef'y placed. over an earthen vessel, and'the little itriptitity that, remains is used in physic. The nattirdeolor of varnish is white, and it looks eke cream, but it blackens on exposure to the ale. .I.!'„i . ki a.tti! ;i in r Rte" 49. Tile tarnisli2Tree: There is a corrosive property iti' the 'varniaL f which operates very 44w - twisty to' the worksnenv employed in the preparation of it, if theutmost etre and precaution is not taken td avoiditsditftress effect. A kind' of tenet uppearslcna• ilia rice, ing in the course of a 1.3 w days spreads over,the.whole body; the skin becomes red and painful; the beset swells, and' the' whole Ptil face of the body it ebv ) . Bred with troublesome sorer!. , To prevent eflecia the workmen rub Theiebodiee well witb pared oil, before they proceed to their worlb; they Iva* themselves With . r detoctien of herbs and ahriprepare themselies by r conrse ht vine. In pddition to these precautions, they wrap their heads in linen veils whenever they am at work, leaving only two hnles - fol the' eyes rub also cover themselves with a close dress ofleatbe, and wear long gloves reaching, above the elbows. By these means they are enabled in. eseapa i the diseases generated by the maxims vapors:of, the varnish tree. It:A:marrow Airtya Derrn ie verysing* Pr how the fact of a man's death often 'Melee to kiie people a true idea or his cbaracter, wheal:ll4le good or evil, than they have ever possessed; NvAele he was-living atufeeting among. therm Death la so gennintra tam; that it excheleafitsebood t trays:as emptiness ; it is a touChstone that plovo !he golil,.anddwhonors the baser metal—Cou4 the departed, whoeier hi:frilly be, return in:a west after his decease, IM would ralq cia inve "ie)fy firtft him at a higher or a loWsir point than he hiii k ,ll:4-` gnarly ocoupied, ou thh scale of public appieciation. --Hawthorne. ECODIONT —Sound economy. under standing, brought. into action;itie oateltiitithi-Iteal ized •,` it is thii d'odjihie tlf .prOititriionfgdeed io .practice; it, is the fokesecieg, contingelmiesi and - proviiliniaiminit them; it ierespectieg .contingert 'ele-s and'itiepared 'for theM. ' T '•- • Ileopie' mar) tiOgreater Itvti vrhen they coulnund learning with wisdom-. The leimet, is ao much inferior to the latter as ihe body is toiherriou!. The one is Meet:toning-Imnd of the avt.F.t, the other may serve Ilk - Veiy Welt as tool-to, Avert( with „At. late celebrated 3 . 0416, Vitig vej inuctr when .walking, had trptorie thrown-at , haul:one day which fortunately posited over withour bitting him . Turning to his ftierid• he We— _.4 liatif been . 'an epri'ghr4tnigie ,that might have camel} lily tleatit.!! • , .• The wArt et 'blight in the- ptani tree".anO'rear tree; evi!asiblietl "prciliaptjp,t ,The caning off the tiatt . ellifie limb !tiffictCit;iti as yf:, .the on l li.: l Cokv4ri • :: • T,! '6ltialness . Itrivevrift,l hr gqr;•ll4 o s* 1 , 11110 r' nvevihre. , Vtil - ~:i~i,? ar)