Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 23, 1853, Image 1
)22 =llce TOWANDA: . i i , 1 0,111 illorninp, %Fat 28, 1853. ,:it,ltrt6 V ottni. THE OLD MAN'S DREAM As oil roan .its in a high-backed chair, Were sn open door, the sun of a summer afterttoon Fits hot across the Boor, od the drowcy click of an ancient clock, fl a y notched the hour of four. A breeze blows in and'a breeze blovrs out From the scented summer air, u! t• flutters now on Ilia wrinkled brow, tni n ow it lifts his hair ; A t u tat leaden hd of his eye drops down, .tci he sleeps in his high-backed chair. n. •!.! man 'sleeps, and the old man dreams, ti.s head drwps on his breast, Ho bands rrlaz their feeble hold, AV: fall to los lap in rest. 4„1 man Ileep.s, and in sleep he dreims, dad t o dreams agars is blest. tars unroll their fearful scroll, He is a child again ; cother's tone is in his eat, di its acro , s his brain ; - Er :ha,es gauifis butterflies far Lim the rolling gc p:ucks the ntl,l rose in the crood3, And gathers eglantine, Ani htAs the golien buttercups Beneath hts .Ister's chat; knd anzles In the ztleat!„ , n . bro Ar. W:th a bet.: at ual.el llelr•cre (lowa the grassy la e. Ard ty the br.U: ming pool, AcJ as h e,care.> I parted lips 1:•:. r I: trcrer were ante k7lt rz. , r:..r.,; never were full mo e s h 2n d i rn!,,ed on his bv•eze blase in at the door tt .•: a .ea'y t'cugh. t.oy al\ h.:e limed man again, h;i rye, are tear-rit!ed now. ticrt NATURE AND ART. EEEM oti:NCLLIAD ifto.4 LAST WEEK.) Hetena (Lovell as she was called, no: 717. 4 41,]: :Tea emerging froth her convent, grace aczomplished, arrayed with all the cost et?„l4 , :e ts..-43rnt•44, , , the positicn she toss to hold tie a:: 2;11:54e5s Wainford, still only four-and lea -s N age, was Stretching her husband's :es 2rF arion the stone fence of her little gar - -J1:-.; her lets lean sheep to the fv!d; salt •:.e t.t,er butter for the faintly; folding the wue l.nen nom the press; not repiningly— tri.t.,:he yearning bought of bettor days; hut 7,ll;lseteni4y of brow, and coutenteduess of of adrntration. Nay, sometimes, on eery 'Slay morning, . when Lucy's step was , :r; hel. - . , re her, or Lucy's morning kiss ha.l' =are earnest than usual, a low•soice tune . it Inurnaut of the water, tippling on the beach pr-x-eed from the tips' of the hard-working, -hearted woman. Her fair hands and wen t/Esti were hard and brown with unremitting But the soul within her was unchanged ; tt.:, feminine, and nocho as in her daya of Neu gea Way. it rctt br,lliant day, meanwhile in the annals 'Lore!! noose, that wimftsed the arrival of the Je Castries and her niece, to Eqeside •ta prlnce I y establishment. Henrietta of Or- Al now been for many years dead ; and the tioness was glad to abandon the city where larderers of her beloved mistress retnained shed. for her brother's lordly mansion in Yard. Overlooking the Thames, where • moored to as garden-stain several barges • the cognizance of the earl, Lowell House tot One Al stracnove of the time of the tint 1 "-zra: pcnderously magnificent—and consequent !:: Lnct accordance wizh the style of tiring af r4ad by the man designated by Rochester, Buck • ant Tom Killegrew, as "the pomp:Wier zi Ear: of Loy ell." 6 sAier his . nature, and more worldly than ey e 1 -: . 4.1 hal,ed with delight the coming of h' /rely marquise, whom breeding of Versailles add new dif . nity to his domestic circle, and cebearniem gr=dehikl who was to breathe the teveteeeeeee of her eighteen years - upon his v - ,therea efiKence. 114 vanity was tickled by an trapation of the gay fi,;nre these daughters of his ns troulli make in the ;nye' circle of Whitehall ; Ea malice! by the notion oldie envy Llect iljett earcton to his favor most be re tr-4ti oy till !so robe:lrons daighrenr, the , Ladies a. 7 3, Matileverer. Of his third . daughter, xce bred Ar.r.e. thought .no more than if ce Lai been buned tie.-. 111 instead of /Amin the al thee et 'llolt‘le! Morally extinguished by lordship deenied Rasped:Woos z 4 .13-):sumbe'd whether *he retained eo mach as rrtral evs:ence. - , gvilere was one person at tovellllotise, to ar,ral of the two ladies iviraNed 0/03' bcl sotist.odon. Sir •Waiter Lovell (foe the t-41-...n.n had been knighte.l srten officiating as ;''. l 3 to 11e end at the installation . oltui,Vols 01 \los r,t.',!1:1 long:reigned supreme in the aftemionsof Poni-Uther. Fiiso:oos and lieenfious, the false ? . '"-m whi l / 4 he eras Owed, by Lord Lovell% ` e ' w 7 alienation from all natural ties, had r*l 4 4 off.L...ed neuuelaleefiests in his bosom , ' Ora the earl tram impossade. His shaer was 5.3 a foreign country. flu parents Rare z iooire-ara List to his leaderaess or duty. The 1- 41 was to be all in all; Ray:deaden his solace . "' 4 4rrz sr.facient begginesi. The leesousof vere_forgotten. As the manner of the MIMIIMMM!EM • . young courtier softened, his heart grew hard. Dia solute in his habitat, his chief anxiety was to keep from the knowledge of his grand father, excesses of a nature to be held derogatory by the stately old nobleman; and Sir Walter justly feared' that the establishment of female , espionage at Lovell Rouse wouabe fatal to his superficial reputation. " I kiss your hand, sweet sister !" cried be throw ing" himself without ceremony into a seat, in the gorgeous withdrawing-room, appointed to the mar. chtoneas's use, the day after Helena's arrival in her own country. " I was dining last night with Mus• terry, or should have been at hand to assist our lady aunt from her coach,and tack the chaplain and lapdog under either arm, to make theirsolemn entry into Lovell House." " The Tatter duty you would have been spared," said Helena, smiling at his affection of dress and manner, which all but rivalled her own. "In place of chaplain and lapdog, the chore marquise travels with a pair of the prettiestind most adroit scitsbretts that ever pinneiltip a foutange, or stretched a stom acher; and neither Mademoiselle Peroline, nor Mademoiselle -Celeste, is in the habit of being • " tutAted" under the arm of a cavalier so unletter ed as to groan under the weight of Alencon point after Easter, or to ■port boout of chamois leather, white Spanish morocco is to be had for money." 4.. Goat. tbtakaimmmamm=:zi =ME MERIN PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT TOWANDA, BRAiNiiii , CitiiiiPCl4.;''BY i‘O'NEARA GOODRICH. " I' faith well said!" cried Sir Walter, enchant ed by the grace with which the belle Parisienne sat tossing a casiolette of perfumes, affixed to her wrist by a golden chain, which ever and anon she caught in her snow white hand,to cast it lightly forth tfgain. " And I was wrong to talk of such old world pets as lapdogs and chaplains to lathes of degree, who doubtless entertain a marmoset and an astrologer! But tell me, sweet sister! what is the last news frcm the Salle de Ciane, and the cir cle of its purest Diana, Atheneede Montespan? Is his holiness's Bolognese bull promulgated yet by the cardinal, and sanctioned by la bon compaptie? And is it now received thing to intersperse breast knots of lilac on an amber-colored bodice!" .• Even as you eee, good brother," replied kiele, na ; " but trouble nut your fastidious eyes with a thing so trivial as this my morning neglige. Sus pend your judgment until Thursday night; when, having been presented to her !stalesty in her pri veee closet, we are to appear at the ball at court, and to ! you shalt behold a certain robe of silver gauze, embroidered on the seams in Parma violets whereof .very eye hat an encrusted tops; of I which even Lauzan protested the fashion to be on ique, when I danced in it, u one of the handmai dens of Flora, in the last royal ballet perfumed at S:. Claud.:, - Silver gauze is altogether cittish and tawdry," said Sir Walter, cluidainfuly. " Gauze of silk or thread is your only west. I protest to you,-ma mtg nonne, that cloth of gold or silver is obsolete and unseasonably for this merry month of May" " Obsolete !" cried the young beauty with rising bloom ; " hoc tong, pray, has Scythian London presumed to sect principles ol its own upon such subjects? Have we Parisians so liberally supplied you w;:h tabors, embroiderers, and bulletins of lash ion, in ths overdawing of our goodness and hip ; poly% that you end by swum; up as dictators on i your own account? Ah ! Content yourselves— ' .%,:rthy fog-bewildered souls as ye are—with legis ' latgig 1.1 illusty parliaments, long-robed coons cf justice . but presume not L 35 Elizabeth said in her 1 haste to her senate] to meddle wi:h matter beyond your reach. I maintain that gauze of silvet is fitting wear fora ball-room, even were the dog-star rag ing. But here cornea the marchioness, totteting under the weight ol her rouge faux torryret—a salute on either cheek, if you love yourself my gentle brother. To kiss her finger-tip, as you did mine, would pass fur most unnephew-like sangfroid" " My dear soul, how is this?" cried Madame de Castries, having courteously accepted from Sir %Vatter the gallant embrace suggested by her neice. 1. What is it I bear—that my brother has neither evening set span foe the reception of society ; nor groom-porter, nor pharo-bank, nor Mato, nor bats ' set, nor anything usual or decorous, established in the horse? What means sec.h strange irregularity in an establiihment of so much note and splendor! and what does he intend we shall do with ourselves when there is nothing going on at court, and neith er a ball or masquerade in qeestionl Does he ez- pect us to mew ourselves up with him of an even ing in this state prison, to the light ol halt a dozen Isconces, and perhars the tune of a couple of &I -1 dies, lutlapyfing one to sleep, " Damon, god of my ' affection," or same other playhouse ditty?'' " Doubdess, my dear madame," replied Sir Walter, tiavingled het to a chair," my grandfather will accede to all your reasonable desires. Hither to his hOusehold path been neglected ; his office detaining him chiefly nut the king, and my own naturally studious and retiring disposition having engaged - me in literary and scientific society, whence such toys as muds and dice are necessarily banished." " I cannot live without my boas," cried the marchioness, taking a long pinch of rapes from a glittenng box;enamelled with-a portrait of her friend St.Esremont,• having a stanza from Voltaire eugra wen on the golden revere. " To sleep without the intent:li of My nightly game is ai impossible tato wake without the excitement of my morning cof tee. See m this: lot me, Walter ; consult the Che. viler Hamilton and the few other civilized beings you have got among y,oe—make me'up a little co. terie, to ivean - me gradually irorn:thitcriarn ous Paris down ° to the skim.milk or splenetic Lo n. don I.—eixtvetsation, taste, or evil:reap. we do not took for from you; but, in pity to two-forlorn.fe males, gin us that which even bloatheals can provide,* peek' of cards ands tolerable tap of Mocha." , • , Thus adjured, Sir Walter decided that it soold be mom prident to seek a confederate in the mar. chimes; than to out-general her MACIOSOTSIS. He promised, therefore, to do his hat for her ladyship a enlivenment; and Lord Lovell was induced to en dure, as the %vaned gomts of his sister, the society .% 1,1, +.nll • ;".. ';'.• '•1•••••.'. _- - ' '"-"' •L! . I.' le r. 4,' '., 4 i '' .., .'.' , 2 ,' + 1,.1 - ' 11.4? 4 , -; 4 C. ';'.4 - . V. . '."." ::, .t. r; 1 •.- --,... ~. - .:.. • , --iiv ;::. , .•.: .i f. , ..... ,:. : ,.., :,. " . 1: .. ::::,.,: -, : •74. , .i." ..t ;.6.. c .. .,c ,;::4 7:,,... ' Fail ! " " 4.. lit ' ';'' .":"' . ;'' ''''-. -' 4 . ' '' 1 "'"'"r' l l '' ''; '''''' ; ."" • 15ijilt:.44:.1";T•git .* _1 ... .72. 311 - 1 • '' ''' - ::,.,1:1 , : z, , .'"• f . '4;,"... , Q. - _ . - .. • 1 ! , • AZ, ?' . . -' : - t 1 • . . .. .. 1:' it 1 ... v l4 i4 -- '::;i1; , : , ,7:--f.;'? , • ' , , . . • ... f. '''''-:'''''':: :- '"' - '7,2,.:1:.; , .;,'._ ''''' - =....., - ."72'2,: ' •...-......• - *r)&v.wuixteris-riirripm • " BE6LEIDLESS OY i,IiNITNCIATI.ON-191U11 44, of the profligate companions of his nePhirar. As sum' by the triarchioriess that high play was one of the vlcei de bon ton monpolizeJ by the grand monarque for the delectation Of his court, the earl submitted to see a bank established in the grand gallery ol Lovell House, illuminated twice a week for the reception of trieitenr ; and there; as a pretext for quaffing Spanish wines with the gay and brit tient Sir Walter Lovell, and bandying light retorts with his beautiful sister, the Duke of Buckingham, Beau Fielding, Jermyn, Count Hamilton, and other leading fashionists and wits of the day, consented to'eacrifice their patient to the tedious patter of the old earl, and a few gold pieces to the iniatia 7 ble love of play of the Marchionets de Castries.— It become one of the best frequented mansions of London ; therleililitielf;i6iiiitidellaiighlit ly deplored the etiquette whicfifureade him to be come a lounger in` the gay saloons of his lord chamberlain. But the fair Helena had not been educated in Paris to so little purpose as to imagine that the bril liant homage of these libertines ol fashion was the one thing needful. Her grandfather hail promised her a noble fortune; but not even the broad lands he was to bequeath her would obliterate at the court of. a Stuart, the shame of ignoble and round head descent. The triumphs Of the new comer, in her robe of silver gauze and Parma violets ; had ex. cited universal indignation among the maids at hon or, both of the queen and the duchess. Who was this Miss Lovell that smiled so insolently as she walked a minuet with the young Duke of Mon moth, after fixing the admiring attention of GITAM mont and all his satellites! an imposter! The off spring of a returier, whose real name was besprin kled with the mite of the commonwealth. The whisper went round. Helena's eyes Sparkled with indignation. " They should repent the ignominy east upon her. She would soar above them, and surprise them yet." Already tt.e Earl of St. Aloans was among her rejected suitors. She had set her heart—(nea heart)—upon a duke! The laurels wherewith she would lain be crowned were straw berryaleaves ; and it was after limning this resolu tion (while apparently devoting her attention to the beau's - of a pair of cats of cracked porcelain, grac ing the _marchioness's chimney piece,) that his young grace of Glamorgan was invited by Madame de Castries to become her pupil in the mysteries of basset. Lord Lovell was satisfied that the duke visited so assiduously at his house, in compliment to himsell— the venerable friend of his grandsire. Sir Walter found that the youth was ambitious of lorming himself in his Kole des bonnet au:niers.— The marchioness decided that he came there to pay his compliments to her snuff-box, and the four aces. But Helena was equally positive that, what ess4 the of Glamorgan might come to seek at Lovell House, he should fwd nothing less important than a duchess. Ile was a gentle, in genuoca youth ; and feaiin; to alarm him by a dis play ol her Parisian levities, she gave up coquer ting with Harry Jermyn, and bandying witticisms with Rochester, to edify the world of fashion, by the strict decorum of her maidenly resolve. While these glittering pageants were enacting in the vicinity of Whitehall, the desolatiprt of llelisle waved gloomier and .yet more g l s so a y, foals reason was now completely disordered. It was only by following him inceiqtandy, ire his wan derinT,t, that his matchless wile prevented lion from becoming the victim ol his delusion. Often did he rush forth upon the sands when the tides were idl ing in upon a winter's night ; and amid the bet. lowing of ihe storm, and the frightful violence of the night winds, command the waves to recede, in confirmation of his faith; nor cou',l any thing but the persuasive caresses of his wile, (her voice be ing inaudible among the tumuita of the scene,) induce him to seek shelter at home from the in clemencies of the weather. At other time* she would follow him to Dalton, and from Dalton per sucler weary way to the mountains of Black Comb or Langdale, and while he wandered frantic among the ravines and recesses of the hills, attend his steps with bleeding feet and . panting bosom, eljog ing, to him protectingly when she sass trim about to precipitate himielffrom son tlrightlulsisecipice, as an ordeal of the protection of the Almighty. ... But, alas'''. doting these frequent absences from home, her gentle Lucy was left alone With a boor. ish servant on the solitary islet ; and this necessity was, of all her trials, the most painful toAli-;Tess Warnford. " Not unto etc should this dory have been ap pointed!" did she more than once murmur ) while following the wanderings of the demented man through strait and mid, among, peidous Morasses, or shelving rocks. "It is his son, se& a strong arm to restrain, and a strong voice' to overmaster the paroxs sms of his fearful madriese." But there was no son at hand to her pain ful efforts by the isserifirer of his filial dory. Wal ter Wamfora had ceased to swat : tor theSir.Wal. to Lovell, in whom his existence - was mergetlmas a vain lobtartaty, who would have pi bed and pshawed at the mere mention of his absent parents, and their misfortunes. " I have been pestered with a strange lener this morning," said Helena to her brother, profiteer.; one day at arm's length - a - clumsy packet, by mere contact with 'Which she scented to think"hettelf dis honored. " Did you know that those peopte in the north were sill elite! My aunt informed me at Pails, (on My inquiry about them ea stometoceasirm or other ; ) that they were all swept iiirak - hy an in i =dation —a conflagration—or the Heavens know what." • "Leave that knowledge to the Hearemscthen,. my pretty Bekaa," drawled Sir ; u for it is written io blurt and white, that ,we are either to know no patents or linbw no gmndsire stifl have a notion that out Wetly gentleman with a tent-roll of sixty thousand per annum, is the acquahminee worth preserving of the two." - - "The mom too, that our aunts, Salim and Mud enter, have lately been attacking the cad on" his weak side, per favor of his ghostly eamfotter, 'Fa ther Oldahony," observed Helena. " And whatpays yonder idopportunaletter minded her bisiiliei r "Many things unseemly to repeat. 'Tis'vrtit by little Lucy, (thirchiM, though grown into d_woupit is endowed -apparently with scarce instruction or breeding fora chitribermaid,) who informs feedlot het father is. limalic, auditor mother, it would seem, scarcely more rational—since -she trudges after him, op en down, like an esquire of the bo. dy, leaMorheryormg be +lmmured by rate and mice, and such email deer, bat lacking nourish ment, of hir short, they are all cra zy, and all starving. What is to be done ?" " Nothing ! Therrnihllest .nnercouri!ii wonid, be followed by our the favor of the Eeil. Such, einee"l suniinesl, years of dirTretion, ha ti been the reiterated *ion of old'Ricksitts, who wand* so much our friend!? . : „ . . , ‘• 'Tie a most mi,judging thing of this young girl to have placed nie in so sore a strait," observed Helena, tearing to pieces a rose, the gift of the Duke of Gt.amorpn, which sbd bad taken from her bo som. '• HoW um lio answer her leiter'!" "Take no note of it, child—u Ido by those of my unruly creditors. 'Twould be •an encourage mem to importunity were such applications favor ed with an answer. Miss Lucy will conclude that her petition miscarried, and we shall be troub led no more with her importunities." • ' Lucy did conch:disci ; for, to her young heart, the monstrous idea of filial ingratitude had never pesented itself. She pictured to herself her beau. tau! sister, shining likettstar in the courtly resorts and revelling irrthe luxuries of life—she pictured to herself her brave brother, commanding the re spect of society by the exercise of every manly virtue : (fo, blest as both had been with the en lightenmeut of education, how could they be oth erwise than high-minded and viz . :trots ) and could not relight Isom conjecturing what what would be their anguish, could they dream, that while they were pampered with tho sweets of life, leant was is the dwelling 01 their parents! Fur want was there indeed ! The fields of He. lisle lay uncul , ured, the fences broken, the garden. ground a waste ! Not a head of cattle—not a sheep-Not a living thing in the ruinous sheds— no: a handful of meal—not a root--la yield nour ishment to the misetable family. For some time the nei4hbors were generous, and admiuistered to their necessity. But the demand came too often. The season was a bad one, and there was a lamina generally ppm the laud. Winter was coming on severely ; fuel was unattainable. Mistress WiT - trn - ford had shaped her . own warm clothin(iiith" gar ments for the lunatic ; while, one by) one, Lucy insinuated her vestments into her mthlter's hoard , and wilt blue lips, and wasted, shivering a:ins, protested when charged by the tender woman with her good deed, that she could not wok while en cumbered with winter clothing. The poor girl grew weaker and weaker ; yet every day she went lon on pretest of rural labor, though there was nei ther stock nor crop'to exact her cares ; she only wished to hide from her mother the wannest and sadness of her hungry face. - Vet, even in that depth of misery, the mother bole all wah resignation. fler lailenn; voice had yet strength to talk of better days in store ; her languid eve to look ferried to some remote epoch of woolly lelicity, when her absent children were to be restored to her, and all was well. " Heaven is merciful," was her constant exhor. Luton to the gentle gill, who brought water to lave her braised feet when she returned from her pain ful wantleongs—and woe; was the only ()tiering that remained jo Lucy as a token to her parents.— "Heaviness may endure fur a night, but joy corn eal in the morning " When your brother comes into possession of his independence, will it not be his first thought to fly to cur • relief ? And what delight, to be rewarded for my past miseries, clasp. ed in the arms of my lovely Helena, and behold mg thee, ray duteous child--my youngest born— my best beloved—walking- at length in the sun shirtio of prosperity !" But while talking (has with parched but patient lips of the 'mashie° of prosperity, " a hopeless darkness settled o'er her fate." The miserable - - man, whose insanity had recently taken • turious turn, (the result of wretchedness, witnessed and shared,) was one day missing from the chamber where he Wes accustomed to lie, and howl away the intervals of his more restless paroxysms ; and wife, girding on her tattered raiment", prepar ed herself, as usual, to cross the mainland, and in quiring :he direction of his course, follow and fol low through the pitiless storm, till some lucid in 'terra] enabled him to recognise her voice, and to return with her to their destitute abode. But, 10, as she was about to go forth, Lacy met her upon the threshold, and an silence prevented her depart. ore. -It was in vain that Misuess %Vernier.] semen 'treed or questioned. Lucy -could reply only by the.teoderest caresses—by clasping her mother's hand-shy, imptintiug kisses on her.mother's cheek Slasher sinus time, she gathered cottage to lead hero° she spot when lay the dead and disfigured body of the maniac. For a single moment the widow beheld in him once mom the lover of her youth, and wrung her herald is =grill& But better thoughts succeeded The sufferer pad gone to his Test ; though he bad perished by his corn hand, his will was guiltless of the deed-, and the woman had still fortitude to exclaim, "The will of God be done r , She tema!ned alone with the dead while the weep. itig Lucy went her Way tothis mainGand, and broil bank those who, with sore grumbling at the Inter. dtg, a grave in the deserted island for the mingled remain s of the poor unhappy Warn ford. To abide longer on that calamitous spot, the two helpless - Women telt to be impossible. Gathering together t he minty remnant of their proparty,lbe7 mu** talegthais way. to London. A charitable friend at Dalton gave them shelter on that tint homeless night and even at that desolate moment the poor widow telt, as the wept upon the head == of her lovely child , that a treasure was hers in the aflections other derwed Lucy, that counterbalanc ed the evils of her lot; %Veeks of - patient perseverance conveyed them to the etreital. But, alas ! they turived at a ma- Mete disastrous as the history of their own desti nies. The plague bad broken out, and high and low - were flying from:the infected city. When at lest the miserable wanderers made their way to the stately portal of Lovell House, a train of coach es was at the door to convey' the family in baste into Dxfonlshire. The postilliens were cracking their whips, lackeys uncoveredAttood,thronging the , door steps, lining the way fur the marchioness and her fair niece. to reach - the equipage ; and when* Helena, radiant with beauty, issued from [bele*, her Mother burst through the festrainiug throng, and flung herself at the feet of her bright and pros. perms- child, with sobs of testacy and love. " Take 'her away lakebert,away !—'tis some poor infected wretch," cried Miss Lovell, recoiling with a piercing shriek from her epproach. "No, No!" faltered the seeming mendicant; "1 bring thee no evil—l would die sooner than bring the evil. I inn thy mother, Helena—thy lov ing, miserable mother !" Another shriek betrayed the consternation of 'the young lady, to whom the terms of this address were wl:olly utraulble, bdt who fancied she beheld a plague stricken beggar dinghy.; to her feet But Sir Walter, who stood inspecting the packing of hie travelling chariot, had caught sufficient icsi,ght into the matter to feel that the results of this vexatious scene might be fetal to his prospects in Cafe, sur rounded as they were by household spies, by idlers' ' and above all ; in the presence of the Duke of Gla morgan, who was come to take a hasty farewell of Helena, ere he rejoined the family at Lovell Court. Rumors of the strange incident would be sure to reach the ears of the earl who had preceded them a few hours, upon the road Ile felt persuaded that Lord Lovell wank! not fait to re.ent upon his grandchildren so indecent an intrusion, unless they promptly marked their disavowal of the measure. l• Drive tha woman hence," cried he, tc the herd of lackeys around him. a Would you see the life of your young lady pealed before your cowardly faces !" Wafer! my own brave, beautiful, noble Wal ter !" faltered the hall-tainung woman--" I die content to have looked upon your face once more. Wolter ! my sweet Walter have pity ! It is your mother who is govelling at your feet!" " Away with her !" cried young Lovell, deaf to those tender words, watch were drowned in the stir and tumult of departure; and while• Helena stepped into her girded coach, a servant in the Lov ell livery seized the helpless woman, who had sunk upon the door-steps, and flung her upon a stone-bench fronting the opposite wall cattle Lovell Court_ " Farewell," cried Helena, kisaing her hand to the young duke, as her heavy vehicle was draped forth through the gateway by six equally cumbrous Flanders mares. " Farewell, my dear GLIM !-au rector !" added her brother, gaining his own gay carriage and fol lowing the van " To-morrow, by dinner time, at Lovell Court." And away went the gaudy train of servants and onttiders ; and away the mob of idlers collected to gaze upon their bravery. No one remained in :he place but the decreptd purer, }awning on the steps of Lovell House, the young Duke ol Glamor gan about to remount Ids horse and ride home wards preparatory to his departure from town ; the body of the ber,„ar on the bench, troside which a miserable girl was now kneeling ; and the all seeing eye of Providence watchful over all. The auburn curls fell scattered round Lucy's beautiful face as she took the bonnet from her head, to tan the insensible mother, who lay there as at the point of death ; and the eye of the young duke were at• traced by its matchless loveliness. " Can ldo anything to weir you 1' said he, in a gentle voice, approaching the agonized Lucy " A cop of water—in charity . procure rue a cup of water r cried she. At the request of the duke, both water and wine were hastily firelight forth by the old porter of lord Loveli's house' for the wayfarer's relief. After some minutes the easier unckwed her eyes. children !" was her first exclamation ; u trim are - my children !" Then recalling to mind what had occurred, she added mournfully, ptesving the hand of Lucy to her lips, " but, no ! there is only one child left me now, the dearest and best of daughters'.'' " You bkil better enter the house, my good wo- man, and rest a little," said the old porter, conde scendirly, to the tramper, patronized by a duke. " You are wekome to the use of my chair !" While Glamorgan kindly added, " Ay, hie into Lord Lovell'e house and rest awhile—hie into Lord Lorell's boom " Steal like a thief and an outcast into my lath er's house !" exclaimed the almost distracted no matt. "No, no' I should then deserve the cruel indignities heaped upon me. -Renounced by my father, spurned by my ungratefil children, 1 can go and die elsewhere." But though these ejacalwions remained incom prehensible to his Grace, Ralph the ohl family por ter; to: whom the history of Lady Anne was famil iar; and who knew the interdiction placed by the earl upon all intercourse between his daughter and her children, beala to entertain suspicions of the truth ; and tears gushed from the poor man's eyes, as he eiclaiin t etl—'‘ 'My lady! my honored lady!' my sweet yourg Lady Anne and I not to recog nize her in allithis misery and shame !" Rapid as were the explanationsibegweredly old Ralph on the noble spectator of the affecting scene that followed, they sufficed to roue his utmost ma. patty and indignation. Hi:saw UM - WM failed him on [cueing Mal he beheld, in the rimless of destitution before him, the dancer and the grand daughter date Earl of Lovell—the mother and sister of Helena. It vas to his own roof that be t -% 44 17....1 i east insisted upon her being removed; end what, as they' were acrornpanymg him from the -spot, Mere arrived a servant on horseback, - despatched back by Sir Walhsr Lowell, to havea case of die two beggans whom he had lab at the gates of Loi s!! House, the (lithe commanded the man to bear back word to his Mend, that helmet : 4th , his de sened.mother and sister abided under the proles. tion of the Doke of Glamorgan!) Such an intimation naturally apprized Helena that all hope was lost to her of secoring the hand of her noble admirer. - But it did _not forwarn het , of the still more-unwelcome fact, 'bat, after a few C weaks' intimacy, bis affections wets lobe iransfet red to her fair and attires sister,. . whose vinitee gradually confirmed the conquest het beauty, begun. The-Eart 'at pave, meattrehite; who had carried with him from London the germs - of the preiaillaig epidemic, fell a victim to chat frightful disease ;.nor did it surprise the woad that a will, executed by the way ward man in his last morner his grandson, secured the whole of his vast proper ty to the daughter of his daughter Anne, mull/ Jay of her becoming the Duchess of Glamo.gan. " Bat what then will become of my grandfathet's fortune r' ingriired Lucy, when apprised by mother's youthful benefactor, of the siagplat term* of the bequest. " Surely the legacy w Blue:met take effect." „ "That, dearest, must depend ripe iosisirif," was his fervent reply. " By , hecomh4 Deeheaksd Glamorgan, Lucy Wamford, the *Unhurt of the Lady Anne Lovell, will not only render me the happiest and proudest of men, but be enabled 10 cm. ler peace and independence on the best °Imo& ars ; and exemplify to the world the comparative influence upon the human character and destinies, of the schools a—NATI:as and AZT." Causes of the Explosion of Earning . Vide The atmosphere, as is well known, contains ox ygen gas, in the proportion of one -fifth part, by mc aso re it is also well known, that if hydrogen gas be mingled with aunospheric air, it becomesexplasive when flame is applied. II the hydrogen be added in the proportion 01 two measures to one of oxygen and e-pecially ii the whole quantity be large, the ignite) gases will explode with great violence.— The same is true it this illumina:ing gas be subinta- ted for hydrogen gas; but that gas being composed of hydrogen arnPearbon, requires wore oxygen pa fl a chop of ether be agitated in a bottle 'of osigab gas,lts vapor will instantly mix with the gas, and then a burning candle applied at the mould of the bottle will cause a loud, and it mar be a dangenres explosion. A glass globe of two quarts capacity, which bad been rinsed with alcohol, merely shakeu in it and then poured out, was placed on the hearth of a Franklin stove to dry, its mouth being toward the fire, but at the distance of three feet from it, when it was soon shattered with a violent and idsulgeroas detonation These facts will explain the explosion of the bin ning fluids now so generally used, and which are composed of od of turpentine and alcohol. The nifiammal-le vapor, which is constantly rising from the fluid, when there is any space above, cm other words, if the vessel is not full of the fluid,)becornes mixed with the air and soon makes it explosive, just as if hydrogen gas were mingled with it ; on the contact or near approach of flame an explosion Will or may ensue. The flame may be even some distance, because if the vessel be open the vapor will flow out of it, and being heavier than the air, it may even reach a candle placed on the aim and away Gam flame, as in the cue of the glass globe above. Wherever a lamp containing burning fluid is only partly tilled--and the same with the cannister es reservoir—the air above becomes explosive. Tips state ot things occurs constantly in the lamp as the fluid burns away, and in the can or reservoir as the fluid is friim time to lime poured ciut fin It ie so common that the fluids are Poured into the tamp and Iron the can with albums utesot hand, and perhaps burning in the lamp itself; that we must continue to expect these very casualties by esplcion and burning, ltecauel' most persons who perform these duties are ignorant 44 the duver and its ante; and the tew whit know better are often rash and presnmp:uous. The dan ger may be entirely avoided by the use of the, wire gauze protectors which have been recently intro duced - It may be proper to add that I hive nn interest whatever in the invention. . B. 511.14311 - AB: Smithen, on going home the caber night, :was MD against by a three-story brick house which was chasing a lamp post up the greet_ On taming to, be thus reasoned widt himself; " Is that. cty% (hiccup) or is tt brainy (hiccup) I Eat mortally hi:mica:ed. It Ws brains, Pitt slightly dead, (hiccup) that's all 0::r A cracked banned moo, who was alighted by the letnaies, trery modestly asked a " it she would let dim spend chi eiveninpriibfies.' ".No;! s:e angrily.seplie4l thal! Why," . seplied be," an needn't be sofas.) I didn't mean this evening, bat scene stoney "ate when I can't go any where elser • An author al a Lose son, in describing his be mine, say's,; ir Innoceneedvreds in the rich dames of dask hair." A araniA &rem *ogees a Esse modicoasb sr odd losing oat- A- pointer says : Nly name is Sommer; I amta miserable bachelor. I cannot - awry ; rof coal I hope ta prevail an any lady ixtisessia of the st.4lmat Daum of ilslcary, to tam a Somer set. - . Nothing, can be pot in a attire excellent place than tha! Trbete it ii. BEM 1113 ME EMW43I INIIP=I