Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 16, 1853, Image 3

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    Apprentice Wanted.
BOY about 17 years of age, „robe can . come
well recommended as to Mora!' ehanieter,
I a s ituation as an apprentice to the TIN
an re .
fiING bosiness by applying immediately tO
Towanda, April 15,1853. HALL. RUSSELL.
D. BARTLETT, is now receiving a large
. ancl carcfully selected stock of
b o ught for cash since the late decline in prices,
Eluch he will offer for ready pay at prices which
c annot fail to give sansfaction—among other things
te invites particular auention to his assortment of
Dress Go".
Towanda, Apnl 15, IBM' •
List of .Terrors
DRAW forMAY Term and.aessioth A. D.
0111/LND Jl7llOllll.
Shethequin—B B Colvei, Wm Collins
onre ll—siepben Gorham
Albany—Elijah Burdick
Barlington—Mosee Calkins
Stab Totranda—Harry Sense!,
Hemet —A B Madison
Asy lum—lra W Corbin
Can on—Elisha Bloom
Tacalora—Nfilton Lewis, D D Black
Booth Crerk—Conelt us Hayt
Litchfield —Joseph Green Jr
Armenia—Coryl Webler
sprisgfield—John Salisbury, Ambrose a Brown
Natty Guthrie
Dartll—Jonathan Stephens
pou—Mortimore Pratt, Geo Johnson
Borne—Oscar Young, Hugh Hick.
Gracile—Calm W Churchill
Unita—Chas Ballard
TRATIRS6 JVlLoll3—nairr twang.
Athens born'—W. H. Fritcher
Arrlirn—Geo II Morrow
Barbi/On—Beni Ross, James Compton
Columbia—Michael Wolf. Wm Moslem.
Dorell—G Miller
Graiwille—E A Bailey
Leroy—Gordon Griswold
Lach6eld—iAllen Baldwin
Monroe—D N Newton, N. D. Warlord
Orrell—lsaiah Potter, Francis, Barnes, Wm P
P 15 4 ,11
Pike—C P Lines, Eugene Keeler, T J Bosworth
Rome—James C Parker, Hesekiah Towshend
Idgberry—Jacob Richardson, Ira G Hill, Oliver
Shrshequm—Darwin P Gillet, Archibald Forbes, T
W Brink
lithfield—Jonathan Wood, Enos Califf, James
Apring.field—Charles Mattocks
Tuscarora—Denis on A c kley
Towanda boro'— Nvllis Hrownson, Wm Mix
Towanda North—Edward Carpenter, Wm W
bord—Stephen Fitch, Horace Pomeroy
roc twp—Lennard Vanhi,rn
Ester twri—Amasa Watkins
Wells—Jehial Ayers, Wm S Ingalls, John Rowlee
W:moi—Jonathan Butilea
trralusina—Wm Chamberlin, Lewis Biles, Har
coon Black
Athena boro'—James H Wilson
Athens H Green, Sidney Hoyden, Philip
ts!lein—P B Ingham
urhogton—Joceph L Wooden
iiumtria—Joel Stephens, Virin HGarnett
ivon—Levi Sutre, Enock Sellard
mck—Ezekiel Carr
M Park
7--Russell Paltnon
Pie—GrlfEn Canfield, Hiram Stephens
P.Ettern•—Jared Hammond, Robert Miller
!ihestaquin—Thos Edsall, C H Sweet
-.tuned—Wm Phelps, Caleb B Trask, David
!tprioglield—Fitehard N Rowe
2:tl Crrek—Anthony Thompson
'aurora—:+ P Maxfield
rai,lab Elliott
za-Ja south—Hiram MaGill
'prp—James Ward
‘r—Miltun Holcomb
t . :s—John Brownell, Jesse Sheiihard, Benjamin
:dham—lVm 8 Hartshorn
❑en—Jeae Newman
soaTmErr OF •
are' offered to the public at wholesale or retail,
at very low prices.
March 3r, 1853.
Bats, Caps andi Bonnets..
8:11c, Cassimere, Kossuth. Panama,
.eghorn, Canadian, Straw and Palm Leaf Hats.
a large assortment of Ladies' and Misses'
.acoitraw, French Lace, &c., Sonnets just
vial at MERCUR'B.
' 1853.
Boots & Shoes. -
:NS, Womens, and Children. Boots and ehoes
rel' large assortment at MERCUR'S.
t .
GE addition h to a the assorment of common
I Sad lery Hardware now arriving nt
6, 1853. , MERCURIS.
JS. more of those cheap Brown Sugars,
fee, Crushed and Powdered Sugars, common
I, Stuart's Syrup, superior Greeu and Brk.
(In, Java and Mocha Coffee. Also, all other
of Groceries, except liquors. at wholesale or
6, 1853. •
Drems en s Goods.
Beautiful assortt and great uariety of Prints,
thaghams, Lawns, MOUS. `DeLaius, Barege
515 5, Plain and Figured Defteges, 4'c.. just le'
!d at ap6 MERCURIL
Enoch Embroidery.
ROIDEREL collars. chemisetts, trouncing.
'der sleeves, linen handkerchiefs, edgings and
tor sale C
PE, bl Sh 'k silk and colored shawls
IS is to certify that H. A. CASE, 6( Pa.
ts is
only authotized Agent for the sale of
Thy ' tstory of Natioos."for the County
leTd. Pa., and that sobscribenr - vrilf not be
through any other person—and all -c:ertift•
agency to the Contrary, have been revoked,
l oordeclared to be null and void.
DERBY & MILLER, sole Publisher,
Auburn, N. Y.
6 2 i, 1853
mlbsenler having discontinued his business
and plate, more than eighteen months egos
heel' six months Since, would respectfully
'ler) person knowing himself indebted to
allied PAT yr bp.,the 20th of April next,
°let or accounts will be left with a mites
Ida, March 24,1863.
. .
'those Znitebted to Vs
ur book account will please take NOTICE
e are in want of money, and meat &se it.
'elleet to attend to this timely fwarninff,
a a visit from the !WU Constable, No,fr'
ti m .
ends March 24, I/453.
~ 7 t 1i
B Y virtue of writs of Levari Fat ittSlssued Ott of
the Court of Common Pleas, of Bradford Uoun
ty,and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale,
at the Court House, in the born' of Towanda, on
Monday, the 241 day of MAY, at 1 o'clock, P. M„
the following lot, piece or parcel of land situated in
Ridgberry twp; Bradford County,State of Penn's.
Beginning at an elm tree standing on the west bank
of Bentley Creek and running thence Bond 6° east
6 perches and 2-10 to the north-east corner of Abi
al Fuller's farm, from thence 8. 11 E. 30 perches to
a certain butternut tree standing on the west side of
the west embankment of the mill run ; thence S p 2°
10” E. to perches to a post and stones, ;tending by
a white pine stump ; thence 8.64 W. 6 perches and
7-10 to a postand stones ; thence 8.2 E. 9 perches
to the south east corner of said Abiah Fuller's farm,
being a butternut tree ; thence north 27 E. 14 per
ches to a post, S. 88 E.18=7 to a hemlock tree stand,
ing on the east bank of said Bentley Creek ; thence
N. 22 West 495 to a corner on the east bank of
said creek ; thence N. 88 W. 8 perches to the place
of beginning. Containing 4 acres and 60 perches,
more or less. all improved, and having thereon erec
ted a one and a half story frame house end a saw
mill together with the mill run and priviligee thereto
belonging •
Seized and taken in execution at die snit of 8. 11
Strang 4. Co. vs Asapb Colborn and C. T , Mut
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Wysox twp.
and beginning at a black oak the north corner of
said tract deeded same day to party of first part ;
thence north 37 0 east 220 perches to a hickory on
the north line of said lot : thence west 102 perches
to a maple standing on the east bank of the creek
thence south 30 perches to a corner; thence west 32
perches to the west line of said lot ; thence south :
along said line 146 perches to the beginning.—
Containing 67 acres and 114:perches strict measure,
be the same more or less. ft being part of a larger
tract in the warrantee of Martin Smith granted by
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. About 30
acre. improved, be the same more or less, 1 small
framed house, 1 log house, 2 log sheds and a few
fruit trees thereon.
Sized and taken in execution at the snit of An.
na Dickinson, Maria Meredith, John Read, John M.
Read, and Margaret M. Read, who survived, Pried!,
la M.-Read, vs Amos J. Verguson, John Wood and
Levi Wood. terre tenants.
ALSO—Piece or parcel of land in Granville twp.
and beginning at ahemlock south-east corner of a
lot originally contracted to Thos. Bailey Jr. ; thence
north 95'perches to a post, north-east corner of said
Bailey's lot ; thence east 85 perches to the west
line of lot No. 133; thence west 95 perches to the
beginning. Containing 50 acres and 75 perches,
strict measure, from the south end of lot No. 132 on
warrant lot No. 1473. About 35 acres improved.
with one log and framed house attached tnereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ste
phen Pierce, vs Barnabas Vroman and Lewis Pratt,
terre tenant.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Franklin tp
and beginning at the north east corner of a lot run
out for Natha Wilcox, on the south bank of the
Towanda trek ; thence south 23° east 64 and
5-10 perches()) a post: thence south 189 6-10 per
ches to a heap of stones for a corner : thence north
84 0 east 48 perches to a post and stones ; thence
north 249 3-10 perches to a white maple for a cor
ner on the bank of the Towanda creek : thence up
the bank of the said creek, according to the several
courses thereof, to the beginning., Containing 77
and 120 7-10 perches and the usual allowance, &c.
About 40 acres improved. I trained house, 1 fram
ed barn, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of the
Bank of No th America to the use of Stephen
Pierce, ye Stuart Smiley.
ALSO—A certain single Saw Mill situated on
Towanda creek, in the township of Monroe and
being the second saw mill from the month of To
wanda creek and about two and a half miles from its
mouth, or where the same empties into the river,
being 64 feet in length, 28 feet wide, and the lot or
piece of ground and curtilage appurtenants to the
maid mill, together with
. all privileges pertaining
seized and taken in ezeeutioa at the suit of Ro•
land R. Rockwell and Myran A. Rockwell, ye Syl.
•eater White, Geo. W. White, Wm. White and Eli
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo
nas a piece or parcel of land in Sheehequin twp ,
and bounded on the north by lands of Wm. Ste
phenson and Clark Baxter, en the east by lands t•f
Patrick Murphey and C. J. Lent, on the south by
lands of Wm. Stephenson and Benj. Stephenson,
and on the west by lands of Wtn. Stephenson.—
Containing about 51 acres, about 12 acres improv
ed, one steam saw mill two framed houses, 2 shan
tees and one log barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Pat ,
rick. Murphey now to the use of Wm. Horton, vs.
Daniel Hill Jr. and Morris Murphey.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Sheshequin
t•vp., and bounded on the north by lands of Abram
Paine. on the east by lands of John Horton, on the
south and west by lands of Samuel Vancise. Con
taining about 50 acres more or less, about go acres
improved, one log and framed house attached to•
gether, oue framed barn and a small orchard offruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in eteeutior. at the suit of
Welles & Harris, vs J. L. Vansite.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Albany twp.
and bounded on the north by lands of Freeman Wil
cox, on the east by lands of Augustus Sterriger, on
the south by lands of Jacob Jackson. and on the
west by lands belonging to the heirs of Elora - io
Ladd, deed. Containing about 100 acres, be the
same more or less. about 30 acres improved, one
block house, one framed barn, and a small Inchon]
of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John
Hanson, vs. James A. Paine.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Rome twp.,
and beginning at the south east corner of a lot deed.
ed to Roderick Morely, thence south 65 perches to
a post due east from the north east corner of • lot
heretofore deeded to John Cowley ; thence 89° west
passingitorrg the north line of said Cowley's lot
240 8-10 perches to the outline of the Leßoy tract
to a post, thence north 1° east on said warrant or
tuff lint 65 perches, to the soutb-west Corner of the
said deeded lot, to Roderic !Horsley's, thence south
49° east 240 1310 perches to the beginning. , Con
taining 97 acres and 132 perches strict measure, be
the same more or less, about 40 acres improved r 3
framed houses, rframed bans and a small orchard
of fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of begin
Rom? twp., and bounded on the worth by land. of
Silas Gore, on the east by lands of Silas Gore Jr.,
on the south by lands of Roderic Moreley ; on the
west by lands of Geo. Horton and Wm. Elliott. Con
taining 95 acres, be the same more or less, about
50 acres improved, one large framed barn, one two
story framed dwelling house anii an orchard of
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of C.
N. Shipinao n Richard E. Lent, Frederick Morley,
F. M. Lent and Agathy Lent,
ALSO—A piece br parcel gland in Smithfield tp.
and' bounded en the north by lands of E. S. Tracey
and U. C. Corse, on the east by lands of U. Moody,
8. SaliSbery, H. M. Hall and A.'Phelps, on the south
by landi of X. Phelps and J. Phelps. and on the
west by lands of A. Jones, A.. Pierce, J. C. Aldrich,
D, Holmes and L. H.Pierce. Containing about 26
acres, be the same more or lest, about 10 acres into
proved, with one steam grist mill, oneWaggon shop
and lumber shop attatehed,two dwelling houses and
,one grocery building thereon. •
ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land in
Smithfield twit., and bounded on the north by lands
of J. C. Aldrich, east by lands of E. S. Tracey,
south by the Public highway, and west by lands of
U. Moody. Containing.about b acre, all improved
with one framed dwelling house, and one framed
barn thereon. • *
Seized and taken its execution at the suit of C. N.
Shiflmtuf,va H. M. and G, 8. Peek.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of leaks Ulster tw..
and bounded on the north' by rands of Charles Hopl
comb, OD the east by lands of Horace Heath;•on the
south by the highway leading him Dilater to Smith.
field, on the west by lands Of Cyrel Sweet. Con ,
taming about one•fouith of, an acre; all Improved:.
with one framed house thereon. -
Seised and taken in execution at dm 'Wird "V
Smith, LC* and C. T. Smith, copartners, /frer vs
Nathan Olmsted.
al 2tbni
Cegi Artiscmcnte.
A LBo—kpieee prlltreelnflnd'in Warrenjp.
beginning at a post-corner °Mots •Nin 22 and
$l, thence north 3° east along the line of lot N 0.22,
101 6-10 perches to a post corner of said lot No.
21 dr. 22 with line of lot No. 20, thence along the
line of lot No. 20 north 87° west 50 perches to a
post, corner of lots No. 19.20, 21 and 18, in a pub
lic road, thence along said road and the line of lot
No. 18, south 32 3-4° west 113 3-10 perches to a
post corner of lot No. 18 and 21 in the said bounda,
ry line, thence along the said line, south 85 l l ° east
105 9-10 percheie to the beginning. Containing 49
acres, bounded south - by 'Caleb Carman's land
north by lot No. 20, east by lot No. 22, and west by
lot No. 18. and being part of a larger tract of land
granted to said Charles S. Cos. •
ALSO—One other lot Of land known as No. 20 in
Trcwbr dge's resurvey of sekt Charles S. Cox's
• lands in Warren twp. aforesaid. Beginning at the
45 milestone in the boundary line between the State
of Pa. and N. Y.. thencealong said state line south
86 4 deg. east 73 3-10 perches to a post corner of lot
No. 24, thence south 3 deg. west 96 8-10 perches to
a post, a corner of lots No. 22, 23 and 24, thence
north 87 deg. west 129 8-18 perches to a poet, as a
public road corner of lota . No. 18, 19 and 21, thence
along said road and boundary line of lot No 19,
north 322-4 deg. east 1133-10 perches to the begin
ning, mile stone corner of lot No. 19. Containing
61 9-10 acres be the same more or less, bounded
north by the gate of N. Y, south by lots No. 21 and
22, east by lot No. 24, and west by said public road
and lot No. 196 About 78 acres improved on the 2
lots No. 21 and 22 as above described, one framed.
house, one framed barn end a small orchard of
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the stilt of Wm.
14, Russell, vs. Aaaph Beacon'.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Ridgberry
tap. and bounded on the north by lands of Wm.
Bell, on the Banerson road, on the east by landed
Wm. Seely, on the south by lands of Wm. atevene,
and on the west by lands of J. F. Seely, D. 8. Brown
an d c. 0. Doty. Containing about.4o acres, be the
same more or less, about 24 acres improved, one
framed dwelling house, one small stable, one shed
and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Chas
Westbrook, vs. S. Seely, Phebe Seely and Wm
ALSO—A piece or parcel. of land in Tuscarora
twp., and bounded on the north by lands of Samuel
Bennett, on the eas: by lands of John Clapper, Wm.
P. Clapper and Chandler Bixby, on the south by
lands of N. P. Babcock, and on the west by lands of
Franklin Babcock and P. M. Bostwick. Containing
about 190 acres, be the same more or I-ss, about 40
acres improved, one log house and one framed barn
and a young opple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wil,
son 4 co., Va. J. C. Culver.
ALSO—A piece or parcel ofiand in Rome twp
and bounded on the north by the estate of M. Can
non, east by land of G. Vought, south by estate o
M Cannon, and weal by land of M. 8. Maynard.
Containing 45 acres with 25 acres improved, with 1
framed house and an apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Elba
nanamith. vs John L. Cannon.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Herrick twp.
and bounded on the north by lands of Dougherty,
east by lands of Joseph and Buttersill, south by
Inc lands of the Dupont's, and west by lands of
Myers'Read, Hiram Gordon dr. Brothers. Contain
ing about 115 acres. be the same more or less,
about 25 acres improved, and a few fruit trees
ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land in
Herrick tap., bounded north and east by lands
of Edwin Sill, south and west by the Dupont lands.
Containing about one acre, be the same more or
less, one framed house and one framed barn there
Seized mod taken in execution at the suit of
Septor Brown, •s Charles Sill.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Albany
and bounded on the north by lands of N. N Hens.
on the east by lands of Daniel English, on the south
by lands belonging to the heirs of Harriet C. Mill.
er, on the west by lands belonging to the Coal
Company. Containing 100 acres, about 30 acres
improved. and log dwelling and one log barn there-
on erected.
Krized and taken in eteccition at the nit of Geo.
E. Shipman & Charles Gordon i vs Rollin Wil•
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land In Canton tp ,
Ind bounded on the north by:landa of L.. 1. Andrus,
on the east by lands of A. D. Spald!ng. on the south
by lands of Chauncy and Henry Tinklepaugh, and
on the west by lands of Eli Rockwell. Containing
about 20 acres, 15 improved, and one framed house
ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land in Can
ton twp, and bounded on the north by lands of A.S.
spaltl.ns, on the east by lands of L. 1. Andrue, on
the south by lands of Chauncey and Henry 'rink.
tepaugh and on the west by lands ofJoel Taylor.—
Containing about 15 acres.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Geo.
W Kitchen, vs Wm. D. Elliott.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Sotith Creek
twp., and bounded on the north by !anis formerly in
the occupancy of Calvin Bud and lands of Wil
liam .1. Fuller, east b% landsof Vincent Omenotouth
by lands of Henry Spencer, and west by lands of
Charles White. Containing about 62 acres be
the same more or less, about acres improved, 1
framed house, 1 framed barn anti a small orchard
of fruit meet, thereon. 1
Seized and taken in execution t the .suit of Ed
ward Mead now to the use of Jol - 43 Thompson. vs.
Henry T. Graves.
ALSO—.A piece or parcel of laid in Sheshequin
twp, and beginning at a hemlock sapling the north
west corner of Wattle' and Allen's lot, thence north
89 deg. west 50 perches to a post by lot of Wm.
Stephenson's, thence by rail lot north 1 deg term
162 4-10 perches to a post on lands of Benj. Ste.
phenson, thence south 89 deg east 50 percher to a
beech corner, thence north 1 deg east 162 4-10 per
ches to the place of beginning. Containing 60 acres
and 120 perches, be the same more or less, about
12 acres improved, one steam saw mill, two framed
houses, two shantees and one log barn thereon erect
Beivd and taken in deadlock at the suit of Rus.
sel 8 Ayre and Francis 8. Ayre now to the use of
N.ipb •s. Ass F. Eastman & Patrick Murt
phy, and tere tenants.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, April 6, 1853.
Notice is befelof Oren, that en amount equal to
the costs, will be required to be paid upon each sale
when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure
to comply with this regtilation, the tract of land will
again be offered for sale.
sirmarrir BALL
BY virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of the
Court of Com. Pleas of Bradford County and to
me directed, Will be exposed to public sale at the
Court House in the boro' of Towanda. on Saturday
the 30th day of A MIL, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the fol
lowing piece or parcel of land situated in fitheshe•
quin twp.oid bounded en the north by lands'ofJno.
Rundell, east by lands of Daniel B. Goitre': south
by lands of Jeremiah Kilmer and the creek , end
west by lands of John McMahon. Stephen Newell,
Albert Tuttle, Wm. Tuttle aiul E. B. 'Futile. Con
taining 72 acres. be the same more or less, about 50
dcres thereof improved, with a , framed bottle and
framed ham thereon erected.
Seized and taken in executicin at the stilt titian
iel B. Coker f vs, Timothy Midifaugh.•
C. THOMAS, Sheriff
. ,
- 19herifFs Office, Towadda,April I. 1853.
Notice is hereby given, Milan amount equal to
the costit; will be required to be paid upon each'
sale wheiraudek the bi'd&tr, lied upod a
fttilure to. Comply* with this regulation, the - tract of
land will eget* be offered for sale.: •
AU. persons - indebted' t 6 the &date of Wm. L.
Grenell, dee'd, late of Darlington township, are
hereby requested to make payment without delay
and all persons having demands against said stair
are ?awaited to - present them duly anthenticatkd
for settlement. • ANN E. MENEM., ."
March 16 .1158:
naNarreb of SALT jitst received and for
.1 sale at & KINGSBURY'S.
Towanda, March $2, 1833..
C. THOMAS. Sheriff.
... SPBI~I ~.
subscaibers would- inform-their Wends and
1. customerittit theyiliiiWineWWWWl their [veil
ides for manalaciaring. : •
01 ILI CO FE , litrigre al
and intend Ireeititia the largest stank and assort•
ment of
that can be found in the States. Terms and pri
ces satisfactory. HANFORD & BROTHER.
29 Park Row. opposite the Astor Hon*
New York, March 9,1858.
Tavern all
• THE subscribers offer for rent for a
iai:e term of years, their TAVERN STAND
111 s 1 and STORE at Hortibroak, in Shesbequin
township. The Tavern is a large and
well-arranged building, with stabling ausched,well
calculated for a Hotel, and is well.locateJ for busi
ness. Two or three acres Will be rented with the
Tavern, if desired, with an'orchard. rap Store is
a new building, of good size, and theloCation a first
rate one for the mercantile business- They will be
rented separately or together at the will of the ap
plicant. D. BRINK & SON.
Hornbrook, Feb. 17, 1053.
C AILIIEJ71r1P11:11 Wei
WHEREAS, my wife CATHARINE, has left
my bed and board, without any just cause
or provocation, this is hereby to forbid all persons
from harboring or trusting her on my account, as
I shall pay no debts,of her contracting.
Asylum. Feb. 15, 1853. GEO. HARFORD.
ALL persona indebted to the estate of JOHN
HORTON, deed, late of Rome township, are
hereby requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against said estate, will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
H. MORGAN. s Administrators.
February 16, 1853,
AIL persons indebted to the estate of CHARLES
FORBES, deed late of Rome twp., are hereby
requested to make payment without delay : and all
those having demands against said estate will pre.
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
umun . .strators.
Feb. 17, 1853.
TS this day receiving from New Yoris, an assort
ment of New Winter Goode,
which will be disposed of on the most reasonable
terms. for ready pay.
Towanda. Feb. 18. 1853. •
SURE Relief for Disease and Pain. warranted-to
give Relief, or the money refunded. A written
guarantee is given to each purchaser, and if the ar
ticle is not all it is represented to be, the money
will be refunded. Cures all Nervous complaints.,
&c. Sold by Dr. H. C. PORTER, Towanda, Pa.
Feb. 16, 1853.
Tu . H. WILSON, formerly of Bradford County,
I'V • Pa., returns his thanks to his friends for past
favors, and solicits the continuation of their patron'.
age. Having made arrangements it eontiaue with
the firm of Fuller 4 Dayton N° 143 West street, be
tween Barclay and 'Verey streets, where he can be
found always ready to supply his customers want
ing GROCERIES, with a supply at luw prices and
on favorable terms. Particular pains will be taken
to keep on hand desirable goods for that section of
the country.
New-York, Feb. 9,
4 Zr. ,
.. 4
rrHIS extraordinary preparation has been for ma.
ny years the most c:ertain and speedy remedy
those suffering from obstinate and confirmed Coughs,
they give the most immediate and perfect relief, and
when great liability to take cold exists, and a troub
levome Cough succeeds the slightest exposure; these
WAFERS produce the most marked results. They
at once relieve the Cough and other symptoms, and
entirely remove that morbid irritability and weak.
ness of the Lungs which give rise to the complaint.
The medical properties are combined in an agreea
ble form and pleasant to the taste, so that any child .
will readily take them : and they are warranted to
give relief in ten minutes aftei use in all cases.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. H. C
PORTER. Towanda. Pa.
Towanda, Feb. 9,1853.
Clover Seed.
A CI BUSHELS of Clover Seed just received and
"1A../ for sale by the subscribers at the lowest cash
price, nr exchanged for most kirtchl of produce.
Towanda, Feb. 5, 1853. BA ILEY NEVINS.
T IIE subscribent have made arrangements for
quantity of Plaster, to be delivered in the Spring
which will be sold for $6,50 per ton for ready pay.
Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats and Buckwheat will be re
ceived in payment = the going cash price.
Towanda, Jan. 27. 1953. BAILEY 4. NEVINS.
s. 0. of 0. P.
REGULAR Meeting of lradford Encampmen
are held nt the Odd Fellows Hall on the even
ing of the Ist and Stl Fridays of each month.
C. S. RUSSELL; Scribe.
Friendly Call
THE subscribers are compelled by the necessiiy
of liability to ask those knowing themselves
indebted, to came and settle and make payment,
etherwise they need nor be surprised to find their ac!
counts lodged' wheee payment can he enforced.
Towanda, Peb. 4, 0355. MONTA NYE'S & Co.
The accounts end notes of ISAAC POST dec'J,
are at the store cf the above Om, and immediate at
tention to their settlement will save cost.
THOMAS F.tuarr.
Towanda, Pe6. 4. 1853. Admit) tstrators.
.11 1 31.61711E3.3120 E 3 EE'
MHE citizens of the boro'.of Towanda and vicin
ity. are fespectfohy inforn4t4 that the subscri
ber has com menced
. bnsineie on the south corner
Mal df Ma andOridge.4ticets, where he wilf keep on
band and for sate, every attainable *Welt , to his
line. ft is his intention to Wert donbtant supply
of Orocelleir and Provisions
to meet the Wantrof the commonity.which will be
selected with tare. and 'sold at the lowest price.
He has a large stock of Confectionary and nuts,
and all other articles lathe grocery line.
Floor. Fish, Candles. Eggs, sad all the different
kinds of provisions to be obtained, will be kept on
ca,Cash paid for Butter, Lard and Eggs, and
mos" of the articles sold by the farmer.
' Oysters, received every day by Express from New
Yore, and'serred np in irsoperior - style, and sold
by the gallon. gnarl or plat. - . .
Cr Give me a call--as lam determined by eon•
bunt attention urbanites' ur deserve, as I hope to
aeons* a• share of pbblie patronage.
Towanda, Jan. et, 1852. A. J. NOBLE,-
Store, to Rent.
4 %ulNinbi
Me? C.
X T t itt2FE RETURN -
Of Sir John reankin,. should cause no greater
citemast, r thr•NEW STOCKED
orroerni rzzrz wean now=
BIINTENG respectfully informs his friends and
.. tbe public generally, in town and the surround
ingconntry, together with " all the rest of man
kind," that he has just received from New York.
one of the most complete assortments of Mens arid
Boys Ready Matte Clothing.ever before offered in
Towanda. together with Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest.
lugs, and Trimings which he will make up in the
mast approved style, and at the' lowest price.
He has also on hand oneof the Most fashionable
stock of Furnishing Goods, such as Woolen rn.
dershirts, Overshirts, Overalls, Drawers, and every
article in his line. pennining to Ot;ntlemens' Wart
drohe, which will he sold cheaper than any other
Clothing Store •n Bradford County.
He is confident that frosa his long experience that
he can give ;general satisfaction. He employs none
but the roost expert workmen, and' feels assured that
his work a ill not suffer by comparison with the best
city shops either in elegance of workmanship or el,
egance of style; and hopes by strict attention to
business, to merit a continuance of that lihersi pat
ronage which has been extended to him heretofore.
Returning sincere thanks for past 'avorii he asks
the public to give him a call and see for themselves.
I',0" CUTTING done as °anal and warranted to
fit if properly made np..CD
CO' Don't mistake the place, on the corner of
Main st.:. and the public square, opposite the Ward
'Tis even so, this world is " all e stsgs,"
And gents must dress in this progressive age,
Each have their taste of style, of cm and &elm—
The question asked where can we get the best
Where ean'the largest stock of goods be found•t
Bay where the cheapest and best abound !
Where can we at the shortest notice get
A coat, a vest and pantaloons that fit !
To answer these, I frankly say to all
The cheapest place is " Bunting's Clothing HalL"
Towanda, Dec. 29, 1852.
Cistern and Well Pumps I
LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams ! of any kind,
size, dm.. cheap fur ready pay. fur sale by
Jan. 8, 1i453. R. M. WELLES.
me.m. Nl' ORM
BAILEY dc, rrzninws,
HAVE just completed a large and finely finished
Store on the site of the two they had burned,
and filled it with the largest and most comprehens
ive stock of
Groceries, Provisions, Waukee Notions,
Pruit, Confectionory, Toys, dec., dm.
ever exhibited this side of the any.
We hive bought for cash, • articles of the best
quality ; consequently are prepared to sell at as
low prices as the same quality can be bought at
any other place. And we flatter ourselves that if
fortune bas been against us. (fire having consum
ed two stores and one stock of goods) our old cus
tomers will not follow the p-ecedent, if they call
and see our stock and hear the exceedingly low
prices. Among the many articles we have are
Tea, sugar, eolree, chocolate, cocoa. molasses,
!Stewart's syrup, ginger pepper, spice, cloves, nut
megs, cinamon, saleratus, soda, cream<tartsr,
ground mustard, pepper sauce, catsup, can
dles, bar soap, vinegar, starch &c., de.
Mess pork and beef, hams and ihoultlers,
wheat flour, buckwheat flower,. corn meal,
soda and butter cracke ' s, mackerel!, codfish,
shad, nerring, potatoes beans onions, &c., &e
Preserved prunes, citrons, English currants, raisins,
green and dried apples. Almonds, filberts, genoble
and maderia walnuts, brazil nuts, peanuts, chest
nuts, hickory nuts, &e.
ivory, horn and wood pocket combs, toilet, combs,
fine combs, hair, cloth, teeth, infants, and blacking
brushes, wallets, porte monies, and purses of many
styles, pocket ink stand., pocket and small fancy
mirrors, tobacco, boxes, snuff hoses, anti altimst
every article to this -ine. Work bores, toilet eases,
secretaries. plain and,einbroidered, work baskets of
many styles.
r 3IC'EN2BO - 11? - 815S9
German, French and American TOYS of every de
actription and price. A few earthen , and pewter tea
setts, for little girls, and a few boys' sleighs.
Ashton dairy salt, ground rock salt, Salina salt both
coarse add fine. Also', a quantity of White Stone
CANDY wholesale of retail, of all kinds and
innumerable oilier articles, fur sale at the new store
opposite the Cour - House.
Towanda, Dec. I DM BAILEY 4. NEVINS.
4111;;- 1/IC/1 MED 311 CD Mil •
rer.ONTANW3CS & CO.,
CORNER of the Public Square and Main Street.
Towanda, Pa., respectfully give notice that
they are now opening and receiving direct from the
City of New York, their NEW STOCK of SPRING
and SUMMER GOODS, which, with their former
stock on hand. comprises oce of the largest and best
selected assrtrimenta to be found west of New York.
Havinv been purchased at
They are enabled to offer them never than ever.—
They !helm paticular attention to their assortah at
of Ladies' Dress lii6ods
Consisting of Jaconet and Swiss Idosiinß, Printed
Lawns, Ginrhams, Bard• Ititrstion, Merrimac,
Cocheco, Fr.ll River and other styles of
American Printd, M endles. variety, a
Wog* assortment and for sale
cheap. They have also
jarge variety of YANKEE NO
TI INS, embekeing almost every thing
from a Crochet Needle to a Lady's. Batch-
el. They invite particular attention to their •
assnorrmat of Carpeting of all prices' pod styles.
Also, Spring and Summer Hats, Boots and
Shoes, Shoe Findings and Leather, Gro
ceries, Croekery. Shelf Hardware 4c.
Their Stock has been selested with care, and rein
be sold cheap. Farther comment is onnecersary
...give as a call, and we will show you oar goods
and prices, and convince you that the above is no
Gem. Our motto is. " Small Propta Quick
Returns. MONTANYES & co.
Towanda, March 16..1853.
DR. L ANDHEW JACKSON, Phy,lijdati" and 'Sot
gFon. reiyeetfully,infurmi die citizens of To
wands and vicinity that he has established him
self-here. for the purpose' of exercising his profess.
ioo. Dr. Jackson has been practising In 'Jlster
tsp., and neighborlihod for the thre Isst years. and
has formerly held responsible medical appointments
in England and Scotland
lie can be - famed when not professionally engaged
at Mrs Eaton"' hoarding house. 2d door east of the
Ward Hance , Rsvaaanca--Dr. Hnston.
Towanda. Mc& 10; 1134_ A. SACKSON
G 61142 9 Mad.IIOBI I F,RY of every !d'eheriptlaa' if
rOßT , :.Yresh-Catriphine anti Burning '?laid l4 k opt constantly oft hand at MERCUR
•• - • STAGE'S •
.LEAVEI Towanda Air Ilarctalt
t mills.Borlington,2laatSmithfield-
Ridgebery. and Wellsburg dab
pot on t N. . E.H. R., every Massar o Wan•
assaii trod Pausal at 8 o'clucb A. IL. sedates,
at the depotin time totals/ the eviittiag triitar win
either east or west, same deli.
Returning Teilawai, Tsitradolv and Ilaystawcr.
after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also the
We, tern can from Jefferson, 'Naar& 44., awl ar
rive at TOwanda same - day.
FAIR :—Towanda to Mercer's mill. , ll7i
to Burlington 50
-" to East B mitefteld, tr.. 211
to Ridgebery, 1.00
" to Wellsburg depot, 1,26
Erges.4 packages to or from the Hail ROllll 016 s•
folly delivered at moderate charges. • • •
Towanda. Oct. 8, Ins.
EGISTERI. NOTICE.--Notice lettere)/ Ri•
en•that there have been filed and settled in the
office of the Register of %; ills, in and for the county
of Bradford, accounts of administration ['paddle fol.
lowing estates viz:
Final aceooni of Thomas Mather Et *T of
Thos. Mather 2d, minor child of John Mather late
of Ulster, dee'd.
Final Itttotinf of Francis Tyler 3 / 4 fl Forbes
adra'rs. of the estate of Jost in Forbes late of Athens.
Final account of John Watkins and Betsey Stone r
aders., of the estate of [brad Stone late of Athena,
Final account of Henry Drake adm'r of the es
tate of Francis Drake late of Athens two'. deed.
Final account of P. Aspen wall and D. M. Asp
en wall adm'rs of the estate of Mdton Aspen wall, late
of Towanda boro'. dec'd.
Final account of J. W. Vannest adm'r. or the
estate of Leonard Webb, late of standing Soma,
deed. •
Final account of Rollin Wilcox ex'r of tileistate
of Harriett C. Miller late of A Ihnny, dec'd:
Aud the same will be presented to the Orphans*
Court of Bradford county, on Monday, the 4th day
May next, fur confirmation and allowance.
H. L. SCOTT, Register:
Regieter's Office. Towanda, April 1, 1850
131 virtue of an order of the firphaWx datart.of
Bradt j ord County, the undersigned administra
ton of JOHN MILLER DAVIDSON, will expose ,
to public sale on the premises ,on SATURDAY.;
the 16th day of April, 1853, at 1 o'clock, P.
certain tract or lot of land in the township of Al
bany ; Bounded on the South by land of Alexander
English ; on the North by land of John Hatch ;
and on the East by Moses Miller. Containing 79
ACRES more or less, of
,which about 90 ACRES
are cleared, with a log house, orchard and other im.•
provements thereon. TERMS mode knbvirn on 64
March 23. 1853.
ALLPe.sons indebted to the estate of !UM'S
M. DEM A RIST, decessed, late of Windhaes tp.
are hereby requested to make immediate paymenA,
and those having claims against said estate, will
please present them duly authenticated for settler
March i. 1958
LINIEG IN snronam.
Reuben Smead, vs Lydia Smead, in Bradford Cana
ry, Com Pleas, No. 361 Sept 7trm 1852.
YIMA SMEA 1 0 , defendant in the above-causP;
1.4 You are herby notified that Reuben &neat%
your husband. has filed his petition for a diroraa
from the bonds of matrimony. And an alias subs ,
pcena has been returned, and prouf made that yurr
are not to be found in said county. You are, there.
fore, hereby required to appear at .he Court the born' of Towanda. on Monday the 2d daylsf
May next, being the Ilrat day of May .term of eaitt
court of corn. pleas, to answer the sad eorrlpral4lt„
and show cense, if any you have, why the said
Reuben shall not be divorced from you.
Rheritre Office, Towarkfa, Ma !
rchO, 9 MAS ShetifP
IMO= IN arvoacg.
km„than II Platys, vs Mary Jam Phelps
,in Brat.
ford County, Com. Please So 20 Des. terne
Al ART JANE PH ELPS, defendant in the above
Ai cause: You are hereby notified that Jonathaa
H. Phelphs, your husband, has filed his pet.tiock
for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. AnW
an alias au bpcena has beun returned, and proof made'
that you are not to be found in said county. Yoe*
are. therefore, hereby required to appear at lb.
Court House, in the horo' of Towanda on Mtinday.
the 2d day of May next, being the first day of May
term of said court of corn. pleas, to answer Ste said
complaint. and show cause, if any yiku have, vhf
the said Jonathan shall not be divorc4fitint ycult
U. THOMAS, bheriff
herill's Office; Towanda, March 9, 1853.
ALL persons indebted to the eslefs of DEW.
AH PRATT, deed, late of Troy, are heretiy
requested to make payment arithoht delay, end those,
having claims against said estate, will pleas' pr
sent them duly authenticated Jot settlement
March 23 . 180
(Mee In the north end o'the Want Hoene, (lately 01Willtio;niF
by Laporte,. Mason tr. Co.)
Towanda, Mardi, 5. e 53.-
In the Court of,Common Piens of Bradfi ref County,
• in tne =Per of Dania Bria vs S. D Horton;
H si undersigned hating been appointed by Om
.1 Hoe. the Court of Cont. Pleas, of Bradford
Connty. an Auditor to make distribution of tbs
funds raised by Sherifre sale of the real °meteor&
D. Horton. Notice is hereby given that the midi.
tog will attend at Wm. Elwell's office in the borough
of Tovfantla. on Saturday the 23d Jay of April siekli.
at 1 o'clock. P. M.. to attend to the dories pertain•
ing to his office, at which lime and place all pert
on. having claims upon said fond are required 1.0
present them, or be forever debarred fron t eoesibsp
in.upon the same. HARVEY McALPIN, Aaditor.
lronstola, March 21. tg,53.
In the Court of Common Rims of Brag / fad' 6count*
in the mutter of Theodo•c Wi/dv Quit 'Mast C 6...
rey, vs. Joshua Bokr•
THE andersigced having been appointed by that
11:m. the Court of Com. Plebs. of Bradford
County an auditor to make distribution of thelunda
raised by Sheriff's sale of the real estate of Joshits
Baker. Islatide is hereby given that the Auditor
will atttod at Wm. Elwell's office in the hcirough
Towanda, on Saturday the 23d day of April pelt .
at 3 o'clock, P. M., to attend to the duties pet - minim
to his office, at Which time and place all persons
having claims upon said fund, are required to pro.
sent them or be forever debarred front °rutting. ink
upon the same. HARVEY McALPIN, Auditor.
Towanda, March 23, 1853,
TIRE Subscribers having formed a copartnership
under the firm of S. rEvrolcc & CO , for dr.
ing sygoneral Liquor business, worthd respectfully
ask Hotel keepers and ail others in want cf any•
thing in their line to grfa them a call. We ttllkrld.
keeping on hand a general assortment of Foreign
Liquors. which we. can sett - cheaper than,-any ore
else in the County. (rote the fsei that we buy direct
from the importers. and thereby sate a large prat)
charged by theN.T. Jobbers ; Liquort are warrant.
ed pure and free from adulteration. Also constant..
ly on band Whiskey of the best quality. • We bays'
made arrangements by which we can famish ear
euwrimers with any roantity of Binghamton BEER
fresh from the Brewery. .Flesee give us a ca 11....
The hold and aereuet. of-the old firm of
ton & Co., art in our hands for seattemea.
Towand:, Dec. 1. IPS:
D. M. EITTL;.,
A d w in istrktor