Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 16, 1853, Image 1
=largo • TOW AN DA Stattaboti morning, april 26, len. Origtual Vottrp. Mµ HUMBLE TRIBUTE fide ximory of the late Eligibalet Mason Esti Di W. PATTON, 4 11 e swill messenger's come in his flight; saw n Env friend, far away out of sight; a s home made in Heaven,by no human hand— home in eternitys bright sunny land. oie alai' to the skies, on light tremblin he singg wings or ~,gets and seraphs, a new sohg s, ogy and praise to the Lamb on his Throne, nue T i c iory's bright crown, is now made his own, Hrlooks down with a smile, on earth's furtow'd bor. iithepewly made grave, where friends laid him low ; Vainly lies there, enshrouded in white t a i tyls spark's note a halo of light ; H o l int, i mmortal. has found its reward, gu bliss is eternal, 'via virtue's award, 5o heart beat more warmly, in friendship's Mild oray, [felt its kind impulse, in times pars'd away, A roach and a stranger, I found it, in need, To me, then, a friend, was " a friend indeed." AM! life's cord is now sever'd forever zthill I, or can I forget him I—no, never, The marks of his genius. have GIN up their space— While "The ow vart,"* in prose, has left its bright trace, Poetic efiasions, will claim tot his name, t ruche mule high up. In the temple of fame— The rough Ashler's hewn, and presents a smooth fact ; . The Keystone is finished. and fits in its place ; We shall meet again in the Temple of love. In pavillion'd light of our master above. .The t ‘ erof2 .erm, of )111171011.1..1,0#1,1 rSMICS. smite t ST hllll and pubhshed w :he Bradford bettle r. at au early day. tlttt 'ATITRE AND ART. By maq. C. Gone. Os the coast of Lancashire, distant view (lute ruins of Furness Abbey, lies a smat( territory, an i•land or peninsula. according to the ebb or flow Li the tides that lave its flat and unfruitful shores,— At sore, perhaps, ate traveller beholds it an islet', msored. as it were. under the protection of the main , 1,;o1.1.e.1 and cheerless, containing—in the :mitt o: be forty acres of ati l t land which centuries cu l i vation have barely redeemed [tom barren pm—a sto2le dwelling; a small taim, the rosemary nukes of whose garden enclosures loam the near est approach to a tree discernible in the place.— ilia a few hours- later the dreariness .of Ilailisle, as it is pronounced by the fisher men of the coast,) as in some degree relieved t'Y the reappearance of the hard smooth sands, *quartet of a mile in extent, connecting it with the Lancashire coast, it now assumes the as pett of a rude nook of earth, ribbed (Torn the neigh toting farms by the farm compact terrace, which affords a delightful and exhilarating walk to the in mates of that solitary abode. Viewe,' from the house, however, the scene as• sated a totally 41:Ailment appearance. Persons ac• rammed to the rich garniture of iolanl landscape, 'rah its contrasting features of hill, dale, or moun tain—river, lake, or torrent—verdant pasture or golden plain—are apt to tax a . marine prospect with monotony ; But ask the atiifeis 'ty the great deep whether they ever experienced the sense of satiety rein; horn sameness of object tit is not alone the vast transition fiom the smooth surface of the summer sea to the boiling, seething fury of the mighty ocean laboring with the terrors of the storth, chick vary their unspeakable extent of prospecl ; --- A thousand intermediary changes are hourly, mo fttentarily, perceptible. Not a cloud sailing across ihe sunny sky,—and ocean skies teem with those tumid exhalations,—but casts a correspondent I iliadow on the surface of the waters, darkening' 'heir blue to purple, or changing their glossy green It the tinges of the dying dolphin. The " sea. changes - of a marine u view are in fact so infinitely muitiplied by the effects of wind and weather, tide and time, that from the first gleam of morning to the last of evening twilight, too. wonderful' a silo cession of beauties presents itself to the observant sae, for the commemoration of pen or pencil. But independently of its find • lirog , Peets of the open sea, the farm of Helisle commanded a coast. viers of unusual interest. Though immediately ad joining the spot the shore.presemed. only a gravelly bank, yet at the distance of half mile along its windings, commences the beautiful mountainous Mt's, 5E tin to the sands of Furness from the lofty heights diversifying the district of the flaked From these, with their changeful mists or clear prominence against the sky, Helisle borrows- an +alter !owe of endless variety; and while the dainty tourist might pronounce this. region of gulls end curlews, remote from city, town, or even vil lage, the most desolate haenent of a rifficiently desolate country, the dvcellerst on the spot foinid in its exciting breezes and varying,uuraCasve splay of features as ever .brighteued .. thar serene countenance of solitude. . Yet the inmates of the secluded house were peo- Pis "ho had seen the stir and tumult of the world; had eat and even presided rd tooa en's feasts ; hiving tattled td the precarious shelter s adist nip 'mists abode neither from disgust at the giddiness of the crow d , no, s mild e r leleas :otjelkartjring Oilosopby. They came the O alr.twill - PCMlStenni iltsy will abided there, miserably poor. But though Matter Wamford'ltrwife-Wsa salhteil lied' bum ble„ neighbors of the goad blistress” or 'mess," she had claist tathelight honorable title " the Lady Anne," being daughter io - ttie 'Earl tif 13 Tei1 i one of the proudest peersOl on her rash mstraisge at aiateen, •the Ysturgor son of one of Cromwell's upstart metals, 'he had been cast off and MoonMA(l .for.evennofi. lne eatt. by whose undue domestic severity the •ts~:rx c-zr . , . ...•.;., ~,..., , ..„ . . 7, . , ~," ,'', ''.".. , 1i -- ,•••: ; '•,.. • 1;,•:, ..: '-' -.1:1 •:•, , l' ,-.':•.: i . , _ . ... - . _ •• • - • • , ~ . • . :.' , --- "j 1 ....i.:: '''''. . , ' • , -,- :.- 11 : . . . . .• . . _... ,c,... .. .*:•.," ,t ••• ~ .., . . .... H. . ............. ~. ..._ „.... .„, , ~...., ~........:„.._.„,..,., ~,..,,... ~. ~. , .. ~. ... -., .•- „,,,.... ~. ... . . .•, ::' . ,• - . ~ .. • 1 ..-,. . . „ . PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY; Pic; . BY E. O'MEARA GOODRICH. OEM ear of his daughter, was first inclined towardi the first lovesuit tendered to her charms, resented with harshness the rash step his harohness had brought about; and though, for five years after their mar riage, the Warnfords entertained no doubt of leis eventual pardon, they were at length horned mice tantly to admit that afl hope was lost of Lord Lov ell•s secession from his oath to behold his daugh ter's face no more. They now felt that they should have dealt more sparingly with the sthall patrimo ny derived by Wamlord from his deceased parents, which was all but dissipated in the belief that, atter a certain period of estrangement, the earl would recall his daughter to his lavor, and restore her to het rights upon his inheritance. But this expectation was extinguished. 4 staunch adherent of the House of Stuart, to whose haughty and obdurate despotism the frailties of his : own na ture bore considerable affinity, the Earl of Lovell had in his time been exposed to insult and injury at the hands of the Roundheads ; and his narrow spirit took delight in revenging on the son and grandchildren of General ‘Varntord the long-smart ing wounds of his self-love ; regardless that in the reins ot the latter was flowing the blood- of pro genitors whom he worshipped with all the paltry adulation of family pride. Rejecting every over lure of reeoneiliation from his daughter, he left her letters of entreaty unanswered, and at length re turned unopened ; till Warntord, who, at thirty years of age, had progressed from the romantic youth into a disappointed, gloomy, helpless man, insisted that she should humiliate herself and him no more by the renewal of these unavailing solici tation/4. From the period of their imprudent marriage, the young people had inhabited a small house in the little capital of the county-palatinate, of which Warnford's mother was a native; and there, in at tempting to secure to the lovely Lady Anne, whom he had allured, while a student of Oxford, from her father's stately mansion in the neighborhood of the university, some portion of the comforts of her luxu rious home, his substance httd dwindled away.— At thirty he was the lather of two children, a girl and brit, with barely the means of maintenance for his single self. " We shall starve—we and these helpless ones must stone' was Warnford's desponding ejacu latir-ns, on the night when Lord Lovell's silpit re jection of his daughter's last petition satisfied them that all expectation of succor trom his mercy was lat an end. "Our debt's in this place nearly equal the small remnant of my means. I have no friends, no kinsmen, no i.nerest to push me forward in the world.. Though the sti;h'est word from Lord Lov elt's lips would, without diminishing by a dot the property he prizes so dearly, secure me from the king's government the occasion fo work out my in dependence and bestow an education on our child ren, we must skik still lower in the scale of misery —must work—must want—and perhaps work and want in vain. Perhaps, with our best efforts, these babes may sink under their privations ; and you. my patient, suffering wile, prove unableJo confront the hardships we lia4ct no Icinger hope to overcome. Would—would that I had died, ere I persuaded you to desert your prosperous and bright career, for the cheerless home of an obscure and poverty stricken man t." " Have you courage to say this ?" faltered his wile, who sat rocking with one foot the cradle of their, elder child, and holding in her arms the no• ble infant she had just hushed oil to sleep upon her bosom, " when you knoW my sole solice in my troubles is the belief that life would have been worthless in you- eyes unshated by the wife and children who are weighing you down topoverty!" "And so it would !" cried Warniord, with rapid utterance. " Yon have been, you are, you et er will be—the crown and glory of Thy days. The sight of these children and their tender caresses would be as a foretaste of heaven ; but for the mix ieties for their future welfare darkening riti Ent to know that, grievous as are the straits to which my rashness has reduced you, they must become a thonitand-feld more cruel, distracts my very reason You, so tenderly reared—so cared for, that your font fell upon velvet, and not a 'breath was suffered to blow on your trag.ile youth—you to labor—you to need the common necessaries of lite !-0 why was tempted to do this thing, and how shall f abide the sight of your wietchedness " Cheer ny, \Varnford !" cried the kind-hearted being, vthosß nature was a nature of love, sparing one hand from her little charge to extend it to the ready caress of her husband. "It this be all,cheer up ! You know me only es the thriftiest, giddy girt —the dainty; tender woman—henceforward you shall see me the stirring matron—the careful house. wife. Love timid be a pitiful thing did it suggest •tfe higher proof of tla strength than honeyed words and idle fondling, such as i have; perhaps, weariid you withal. Brit it has a power and a courage of ,its own ! Trust me, it has a power and courage o I its own !--t-a power to act, a courage to bear, which constitute a yet more intimate Portibn of its happi nits's. Had we been prosperous—world-seekers, pleasure-hinters, Wasters of the gawds and knurl. es of lifesweet ifrotestations,and tender embra ces bad been - the utmost proof in My power that never have 'I repented the act Suggested by the wantonness of girlish preference. My reason now confirms MI( chaide. The blessing of Otid decrees that the vows so lightsomely sworn can now be re. nerved with all the soleurttity of womanly troth ; intfte that first sweat promise to love and honor, in sickness and-in health,' . to take for tidier, 'for poorer, for better, for welte r -4 stipemdd a pledge that; knoiring the poorer, end having experiefice'Of the worse, I would still bear all, and more also, for your sake? . • `iltrarg . f44 ..riPll-. was With a stropgrnan'seffort, to restrain the loafs, that would base fain burst forth the ihmost recta's of his hale IRls Wit too . proud to weep her presence ti You think, perhaps," added Lady Anne, in a lower voice, " that this fortitude will not abide ,that ESE • • , " RESARDLESSI OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER." poverty is a gnaWing thing cibibti devours the strongest courage. Iry me ! 1 have the conscious ness of a stronger mind—a yat more enduring pa tience. I defy the cares or wants of life to do more than bow down my body to death ;—they shall nei .ther tire my submission nor cf.ilianst,mt teutletness ter yiju and those whom you have given me i" He was about to answer, when pressing his band fervently with the soft slender fingers in which it was still enveloped, she: added, " One word more !—I have a condition to affix to my devout. edness. I must have you cheer your spirits for my sake—l must have you up and bestir yourself— ! must have you persevere to a good end ! I will labor cheerfully', btit you must be my help-mate and companion. 1 will oppose a °hernial face to sorrow, but yours nodal no :Inlet Wear a frown.— We are not utterly deserted of Heaven—we have youth and health ; and for how many of the crea• tures of God do these form a sufficient provision ! Such fair and promising children are not vouch safed to us in vain. They are given us as pledges of better days—they are given us as encourage. mem to bear and to forbear—they are given as an incitement to our efforts, and a comfoirto our cares. For them, dearest, and for me, look to the blighter side of things. 111 do not forget my father, I have at least forgotten my father's house ; nay, I have forgotten all, save love and duty—love that makes duty light, and duly that sobers and consecrates the sportiveness of love. Low as we are in life, I an happy; be happy too, and nothing will be left me to desire." And, lo ! thus cheered and comforted, there we hope b 3 the desolate fireside of the necessitous man, But this was not all. Words of solace were not the only offering of the good and tender wife. She had words of counsel, too, for his ear, which, aher much debate, tended to a nappy issue. Lady Anne persuaded him to quit Laitgaster, to renounce the intercourse of those of their own de gree—people who loved then no jot the better for attempts to maintain a position in life ruinous to their narrow fortunes. Alter much seeking, they found notice at an attorney's office of a vacancy at the miserable farm of : and nearly the re tnainder of Warn ford's heritage was expended in the necessary outlay for lease, stock, and plenish ing. 11.4ving settled themselves thus, at the ex• tremity el - civilization, they resig..ed all pretence to gentleness of condition, the pumps of life; worked hard, tared hard ; and after two years buffeting be• tween necessity and the lingering influence of their early breeding, found their refinement of nature and sentiment worn down to the exigercies of their cnnditio't. Algernon Warntord held the plough which Wai to procure bread fur his children, while Alistress Warnford tended the two lean nolch•kine; which afforded their chief subsistence The unfrnilul soil was such as to tax the utmost efforts of the inexperienced husbandman. The peasant's buy and girl hired to assist the labors of the distressed family, gaie only trouble by their ignorance. But in the sequel, perseverance pre vatted. Though he who, as a gentleman, had beer a bad scholar, proved as a Lit mer an indifferent :lg. riculiurist, the effort of being up 'gaily and late, ute through summer's sun and winter's frost, over came, as providence hath promised, the stubborn curse of nature; arid at the close of five years of heavy labor, the IVarnlords were not only able to maintaiu their elder children, and a younger—an ocean pearl, born in the briny solitude of fielisle— but had amassed great store 61 wealth—a press lull of linen, vtin under their roof—several articles of household furniture, the produitt cf their united in genuity—and, above all, a stout coble•boar, which, with the aid of an able builder from Whiiehaven, who passed a couple of summer months domiciled with them at the farm. Warnford hail launched with great ceremony froth the stocks, and christen• ed and painted with the suspicions name of " The Lady Anne of Heliale." It mar be doubted wheth er the Earl of Lovell, who was now officiating in his frivolous old age as Lord Chamberlain to his most gracious Maje.sty„liail in The interim achieved any effort hall so gratifying. Nor was the ornamental department wholly ne glecter). Warnford had retouched and whitewash ed, within and without, the plaster walls of the lit tle dwelling, had contrived a rude carpet of sheep skins for the portion of the, hall or kitchen specially habited by his wile, and had ever, planted the spot of ground beneath her window with hedges of Ira grant rosemar y , which, as denote:li, rejoi ces in the dew of the sea; for the sea-spray reach ed it there. On winter n'ights, the tfirthbfertess of le one-storied mans anwaviits vole security against ie trementlom storm-bursts of the Irish chunnel; and often, when signals of .distress boomed from the of Mistress Wardord would mart from her pillow, and with a prayer of intercession Tot the souls in peril bless the roof that gave snob comfort able shelter to the helpless ones wham her soul loved. In fine weather, she and her children—more es pecially her son Wand—often accompanied Warn (on' when his day's labors were done, in an even ing sail, coasting those beautiful shores. Or the would follow him to the main land, when business carried l.ins to market at Dalton or Rampside, lei a kindly visit to the wives of one tor tWo small, far iti-erry,With whom they maintained interchange at good-will, buiretvidg titi; lendieg,.natilog or claim ing tendanca in sickness, exchanging a basket ,of fish for abroad of early chiakeris, or a measure of rapeseed or yarn, tor faggot wood or turf. It :was one of the isac.rificeasspected Warntord's pride by his more nobly Constituted Wife, that he should stoop in all things to his altered condition, and live, and let live, with those among whom Providintett had, appointed, their career. • There .was old Hal Hobbs and his dame, caw ere at the Condish eluded, which extended along' theeosst by Furness, *he thought the month elotig one in urbiab htistresolVarniOnl, or her good. mai, torgot to btiiig %Fatty and teeny to taste their hon ey, or garden betties. . SEEM ESE MINI Marry—the boy and girl were sosprightly, yet so jaunty and well-spoken withal," that the old people hailed the coming o( the !young mother, (with her large loving eyes beaming tenderness on the fair child, the young Lucy, 'hat still lingered in her arms, from fondling more than helplessness,) as a festival in thiir llfe of labor. But as yearriArew on, , the mother, as by Were appointed, began to outweigh the wife in, the bo som of LOA" Lovell's daughter. - She tad' borne cheerfully with her lot tOr berself,,and for her hus band ; she could not he so easily contented for her children. Her mind and that of Warnlord, hat' been bonned by early education ; and though no leisure Or opportunity was left them now for indul. gence of scholarship, they knew enough to derive double enjoyment from the revealed phenomena of nature which afforded the recreation of their un• eventful lives. But the children had no books, no instructors ; acd engrosser! by the homely indastry indispensable to their support, their parent could do little in that task _of unremitting preceptorship in dispensable tp drive the young and volatile thro' the thorny ways of learning. Walter one Helena accordingly wandered all clay long about the featureless fields of the islet, vCithotit a shrub of bush to fix their attention, or a field flower to enliven the saline herbage. Hand in hand they watched by the shore till the receding tide telt clear to their eager feet those sparkling sands, to which every ebb at the waters afforded hazard or novelty purple sea-shells, tightly 'em• bedded there, the euricus pebble, the stranded weed, detached from the podded vegetation cling ing to the sunken rocks; the living jellies of the sea anemone or star-fish, or some 'belly ou'east flung by the waves on die shore to' crawl its an X. ward way back again to a more congenial element. The white gulls would sand unheeding, while the two little ones went wandering np and down ; or the curlew dip its wing into the wave within reach of their little hands; so gentle were :heir move ments; and so custon:ary was their presence on the rpm. But when Walter attaided the 'age of hardihood, and at ten years old, delighted to unmoor the Coble from its chain, and having sat the sail, steer boldly along the shore towards Furness, having compell. ed his sister to bear him company, that they might encounter together the chastisement of their diso- bedience, Mistress Warnforil felt that the boy's spirit was breaking bounds. He had none of the usual occupations of youth to exhaust his elasticity et limb and muscle—no pony to ride—no tree to elittibno CoMparticn 1p overcome in Wrestling, qnoits, or other athletic cxere yea. He had no as sociate but his sister Helena; for a sort of innate arrogance kept him aloof from the herdsman em ployed in the out-door labors of the farm. At length ; having escaped one day from hums to the fair at Dalton, and tarried away td, the tide had flowed, and ebbed and flawed again, distracting his mother with apprehensions lest, finding himself belated, tie should attempt to wade through the channel of the flowing waters when nearly breast. high as she had ellen known him do before—she resolved, when she clamped the truant once more in her arms, (after having dared the passage in a crazy tub (0 boat, long condemned as. unseawor. thy by the fisherman of namsitle,) to make swim ruempt at rescuing her eon from a state of life, where the energies of his arrogant nature were thus afllicringly doomed to run to waste. A letter was accordingly indited to the Earl of Lovell by his daughter ; pretending no penitence for the past, but setting forth the degraded pros pects of her children for the future, unless he de signed to extend a succorable band, and enable them by fitting education to assume at some fu:ura time a position in the world wore consonant with their honorable kinernanship. For herself, she ask ed nothing—low as was her estate, Lady Anne avowed herself content. All she entreated of her father was to call her fair young son to his prey. ecce, and decide, by personal investigation, wheth. er it were not foul shame for a youth so nobly gifted in mind and body, to sink into a hewer of wood and drawer of water. Unknown to Warn. ford was the letter written and despatched to the Dalton post office; and as his wife stood watching the coble driving over the little channel to the main land, bearirg with it the missive which was to de. cide the destinies of her offspring ; she almost trem bled at the reflection. that her proceeding might be. Come a source of alienation in the little family, even as her island home, which. at sunrise: had been .part and parcel of-the oontinent,was now a sever• ed islet, cinctured by the, roaring see. Time passed away, but no answer from Lovell Court ! Lady Anne !Oahe' she had humiliated herself in vain. Her lather's heart like her father's door, was irrevocably against her, and she emigre'. elated herself that she had not acquainted - Warn. ford with her measuree s and so procured him a share in her.disappeintraent. For Warnford was now a gloomy-minded, unyielding man. :Hard la. hot and severe care had extingnished the happier impulses of bia nature. His.elavery had become inechaniCal to him, for he. saw that it was to be the unamending.portion of his life ; but ,not even the gentle companionship of Las• angelic wife well bring smiteti-ao his face, or words of gladness to his lather's spirit was breaking out in him. He had grown devout ; not with this wholesome. etywith tai tear! at Which beholds :native for gratitude in even the least of the benefits con ferret/ by the bounty of Providence ; but with a' sour, hello!, fractious spiritof superstitions feare a peevish interpreting ofsterOs•wilui. anx resentment of the triumph of the king and the:church.. -With his wife was ineariablfirritablesiem: with: hii chit dren.tyrattrical and suijirst :and while grievingthat: young Atkin)/ until grow up-fa such bitter borirlage 'she laJoicedthat the father knew nothing of the. enialiapation she had-pnenthrlitaterf for hiireort.l One:day when .the tad-was askistimhis fittherici. dart 'Omits from the seaward' Aare,. and•fil 'strew ‘Yardord-wasbusied in hanging , out upon the rose. thary bushes a web of fine linen, the product of her ,I , V; winter's spinning, which she had destined for clo thing the boy, had •he been- called away by his grandaire, Helena shouted •from the garden stile tidings that two strangers ! rjrhty dre.-sed, were crossing the sands On horseback guided by young Hob, the stable knave of the hotel at Pollan, In voluntarily the matron blushed, and dretv,:clolin s round ter face thepinners which the - sea breezes had h 10 ,;; 1 1 away, ,as she hastened towards the porch of her humble home, to vet her house in or• der, for the reception of gueste whom she suspect ed to be on their wily to visit the Lady Anne : Loy. ell, not to confer wih Master Warulord of Heliele Farm. • • They came. They doffed their broad beavers courteously to the trembling wonian, requesting tier,h4 Pnnounce loiter mistress that the auditor and chaplain of the EArl of Lovell were under het tool, and when her exclamation, " You come to me from my father !" revealed the t:uth, they were sufficiently wanting int ant to betray - their amaze ment that the daughter of their illustrious patron should be clothed in Linsey wootsey, and have her chietts swarthy and withered by everlasting expos ure .to the sun and winds of that shareless Wand. Their errand was nnickty said. They brought missives from the Earl, undertaking the charge of his elder grand children, on condition`iat they were given up to his care,-to be bred as became the future inheritors of his fortmes. His eldest daughters, the Marchioness of Saltram, and the la. dy Helena Mauleverer, having in their turn incur red his displeasure, he engaged to make forth With a handsome settlement nit Wither a• 4 r! Helena Warnlord upon a renunciation on the part of their parents of ail interference in their iwure destinies. Lady Anne trembled as she read ; not lest her husband should refuse ht assent to the hamiliatine proposal she had Brought upon herself, but rather lest he should agree td part wi h the children. It was only for her 'ROO she had petitioned. She knew her own capabiti , y to bestow upon her bloo ming Helena such ectiacation as she held indispen sable in an humble home-staying woman ; and the project of the earl td h6rat once ofboth her children, fille t her boshin - with diornay. She would fain have answered a hasty negative, and dismissed the two delegates of Lord Lovell ere Wainlord could-be apprised of their arrival. But this was impossible. Two horsemen could not Ca sily arise at flelisle unknown to 'he fa:met; and accordingly, a fer the lapse of a few minutes, Warnford, in his fu,tian suit, and wearing his stern looks, entered, and bade a sully welcoma to the strangers To the L swise of his wife, howes*,,those, looks brightenetithen the object otihe misfion came to be exptaineJ -The fletisfe outcast had that morn ing discovered that Le was likely to be a heavy 10. rer by the season's crop. ;-aid Uad received within a few days, an insolent letter from the attorney of his landlord, clairning arrears of retit, and threaten ing ejection ; nod haylq Mae errs prospects be fure him fur his helpless !minify, the 'oilers vouch safe.' by. Lord Lovell came like manna in the wild. erttessi- . It was not a generous sentiment w hich Ifecid4his gr.rt,ef , of acceptance. Ile thought only of thkiiti 01 t i .el;veratiee from a present burgle') ; of having fewer mouths to fill by the wasting toil of his hands fewer eyes to keep watch upon his mental irritation, when he carne from work to the contemplation of Work in come. The mother was silent when site heard the sen tence pronounced ; for no arguments she could urge ould prevail over his determination. The days were gone when her gentle voice could work miracles widi his sullenness. She had gradually ceased to be the lovely Lady Anne in his heart.— She had become Mistress Warnford—Dame Warn find—Goody 1-,Varnford—rhe outs sl his ill humor, the slave of his domestic despotism. But white re Pressing thus her words and tears; the mother's Wart was wrung with anguish. Blas ter Rickans, the auditor ; explained that it was, the earl's intention, en receiving the eugrosseil ;orient of the parent. wilds adoption of his graintifeWldren, to despatch his eqnipage snit attendants to meet them at Lancaster; that a tutor was already ap. pointed to prepare young Wafter for Iron col lege and a ,giecenate of confidence to escort fleleni to to . the court of FranCe,,, Where, her aunt,' the Mar . guts de Castries, sister to the. Lit _of Lovell, (hold. ing a high apppintmer t in the suit of Madame, the sister el Charted 11.. y would provide for her suite ble eitheation. better than mild be done in the. gorgeous seclusion of Lovell Court. Al istress, Wamfiint listened in enninerna lion ; courtii and. princesses forherl-Telt.oii! for the inrutorl of uature, aciotyirgetl , to chase her lather's tisli hounds along, the sands, sw hold the steerage of the coble fur her 'wilful brotherl But .there was no remedy. ytTiintford decreed that ic,w.a's to be so. The . uhildren were to go, r -lie tr,a,f,e neth , i ng w h it h er . When she ,wepr mut rung her hand; at parsing with them, her husband reviled her that the thingZwas 6f ker own'dolitg—but for the Jetrer to the earl, theieNvtiiild•have bass neither .thouelt : net speech Al _their removal from Ileltsle. For many mtantirs afterwards; •ss hen ronscd in , the watches oldie night by thehe'llowlingef the storm, 'she called upon the antes if her chtl:;'len, and - wondered how they fared at that unqulet3norrietti, he would answer her still with texlsollustrative the restless thanklessness of human• nature; that had not virtue m ciiirterit itself with th'tfispenr aliens of the All. eeing and All-wisp Thwp,ailinonishe.l r ahni resigned herself. 'There was still the little mailing Ludy—when her open brow end ulti`Vhig. rlgt‘littgitlZ lel et to her s inotlier, for 114 t v inir Jcist. lll4 ,- setnig,com. - kratniqns of her intaney, r Leer was'. no more than six years old; hitherto emeriti with the erijnyitiefitif of her age—the - sirthur and count revealed by the co - Melton chi** itithq kair*ti itainenis. 1 4 3 t 1 4 03 : 61 viti4nenti, new tq A:r foati ca, the silver sandifln winch./ parlrle seashells, or stream., t ing Weed ;. none tn'VentUre with her to the hark or the island, where a lonZ, ettlirof crisp rank herbaria :IT ,;.‘ i;'.:::',.t•l -:ZZ ME =SE= OMNI 13111 gave forth, in..Jhe early spring, a few 'mini erms o f hard, stiff, prickly-blossomed *reds, the wretched, Flora ofiniserable ,pll, at lash - baffled pf all hope to wander, the gentle child :bop:tied hit sell to. follow, like a spirit, op ani down thebotare held movement* of her lonely mother; to -welch her while sheset the milk or churned the hurter, spun beside the hearth in winter, or in,itltrn++pper l it homed up the garden walks, o;141 In theektOotar of-the house , ; making or mendit , -germane-for her htisband; or nets for his sammer 7 llaltift4; • Intense was the love that sprang. up betirken them As the mother's hair whitened and white9„- ed under her coif, Lucy's lengthened tresses drew. to overhang her ivory shoulders, end proclaiqied that the fair girl, so lately a child, was soon t 0.14 a worn-an; and for her, Mistress Miamian' nerrei, experienced one of those misgivings she had Test for her sdrler ollipring. So refined was the natoial look of Lucy Warnford—so gently !tined her .voice, —so fine her aptitude in receiriog l instrne a tion,tbst the trammels of education appeared stiperlioria4± Uninfinented by the example of a boisteronstirNh... er, Lacy had never, even in her sports, oulsisied the Silken limits of her sex. In her, nature had made " a lady of her own." , The talk'of the mother and daughter -was alien of the absent ones. Lucy had gradually forgo:Jen all but the names of her brother and sister. slt . e had a vauge recollection of having been clasfied to her mother's bosom more graspingly and tender than usual, after parting from a group of grand,pqr. swinges, among whom the shadowy forms She tb• membered as Watty and Leeny, had been barite away ; but nothing further. It had been coves.alad by Lard Lovell that no intercourse watt. to take place between the parents and children; saving that on the first day of every year came a terser horn Mister Ricketts, stating that 'Master Waltil art.! Mistress [Wens were in good health, pr‘- gressing, in their studies, and contenting the ezpec tenons of the earl. Walter wite now on the sit, of being entered at Oxford; Helena of being srliti drawn Irom the Convent of Panthemonl, where She had received her, education, to be introduced b the Marquise de Castris into society. Alt dill triti duly di-cussed bet .reen Lucy and her mother; but always in Warnfordra alasence. Speech of courts nr scholarship, princesses or earls, were things he could an longer abide. The influence of Wig - ions enthusiasm on a in ind disturbed by disappointment in that uttermost solitude,. had Produced its q~tr6l consequences, Ha had become a fanatic—a yjsithl ary. Hs delight was to wander from home; la tallow after strange preachers among the dales at Lancashire or Westmorland; end lackingttv;lo hold fo:th in exposition of the setittarea; bjr melba terpretation of Which, his own Mind had been, led astray. Had it riot been for the thrift and patienie of his partner, the little farm must hate gone rapid. ly to ruin. But the guardian angel-11}e Peallwi A out price—the tender wile and mother, watched over all ; received back with unreproving tender- I ness the miserable wanderer; arid during his ob. sence, wrought with double diligence, in h is benslf, (CONCLVDED sus w cwt.) Old KentuEk. A Kentuckian at the baule ; ef,liew 17* disdaining the restraint of ii soldier's are, when Ms name was upon the urefered gain it - atone," fighting; npon his own hook. While thlk battle was raging fiercest, aid the shot was fixing (hick as had, cartytog death wherever they telly Kentuck might have been seen stationed ondesi tall maple ; loading and tiring his tide, as perfectly unconcerned as thondh .hi " pickin tisk 7 Every time he br ught his rifle la his should"; a read coat bit the dust. At last be happened -lcsagts tract the attention of 14 .0.1..Hikcry," who ooppoic• ad he had became separated from We briiiiptiiii; and rode up ra him to bring him behind - tbe re : doubts as he was in a position that *spatted. his person to the fire of the enmity. " Halo ! my, , man, wharregiment de ycia trloni to ?" said the 4eneral. " Regiment h-11!" answered the Kenturtki‘ne. " hold on yonder is another of 'am!" and bnngirre his shooting, iron ro his shoulder, he ran 111810, atong the bariel—a flash followed; tmoduit Eng ii..lanan came tumbling to the earth. 41 W hose company do you belong to?" stela ea• qiiitett the General it Company the a-i r' was , the reply Xen- . tuck, as busied,lt imself reloading, :4 see thaossi faller With the gold fisins on his coat and boss f•-• 6 „list watch me perforate him." The General gazed in the direction iniTrza e 11 . 4 his rifle, and observed a British Colot.el and down the adiatteing cottons of the tow. tuck pulled the trigger, and the galltat PFAen rot; lowed his companions that his kektefity fed had. laid down in death that day. " Hurrah for - old Kentock t" shouted the. free-. fighter, and his victim came toppling horn his limasi, 2 then turning to %hi: Genevel he, conlidnett, n lira tiAliting, on my own hook,atranger '.' and heileisate. ty proceeded to reload. a. • . • Cr:7- A retillent of a w ester n torrn 4 ' p1iM1 4. 014 dud be could tint bleep unet,- 1 312111: "uulovil ilf` 1 0A cansen : A %willow, batty of treventeen dags.Pdar. tiOgriinv Under th4rWitictowl—cal - alley —moth ache---and 's pig 15:iing to get door. (47.- Mm.liollogion 4640 to bare anxiously aslteil it Uncle Toni is a 'taller nien thinignoe) ; Biblical memory. She, gauntas der reiegar Ari d making this, emptily, Ron the tact that. ORA** Went ihat Uncle Tom has been tau:slated- erste' bile Enoch wee tronslsied bet once. ' , Never ridicule saCie.d things ot 004 others may esteem as soutt, however absurd Avg. snap seem Ur you. "Capital puoishment,"-.A5-the boy and .whey the School-mbireas made him lit with the girls, ri~.~-' 0 4 1 WE ~ E. . . 414i ESE