Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 09, 1853, Image 3

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    M!MA= 2
isjf i a sal, south and wee bribe Dupont lamb.
ogiteiniog about one acre, by the - same more or
eme framed house and Ole named barn there.
Seised and taken in execution at the snit of
teo r grown, es Charles Bill.
, AL so—A piece or parce 1 eland in Albany tp.,
od b o unded on the north by lands of N. N. Betts.
t he east by landau( Daniel English. on the south
t o n do belonging to the heirs of Harriet
e , a the west by lands belonging to the Coal
C , po ' o ce om
pon . Containinging and on e 100 acresllbout SO acres
d, and log dwelle log barn there-,
s e ized and taken in execution at the snit of Geo.
s Shipman & Charles Gordon, vs Rollin Wit.
e lywO—A piece or parcel of land in Canton tp.,
ie d bounded on the north Wands of L. J. Andrus,
- 0 - , t h e east by lands of A. D. Spalding, on the south
b e tabor Chatincy and n Tinklepaugh, and
on ' t h e l est by lands of El H o ckwell. Coe Mining
s wat VI acres, 15 improved, and one framed house
t hereon.
paso—One other piece or parcel of land 111 Can:
I Ds
„ I), an d bounded on the north by Wads 011..8.
ta di n on the east by lands of le. Andrus, on
the sou th by lands of Chauncey and Bent? Tink,
le pagh and on the west by lands Of Joel Taylor.—
conta ining about 15 acres.
S e ized and taken in execution at the suit demo.
w Kitchen, vs Wm. D. alliott.
,180—A piece or parcel of land in Smith Creek
Iheand bounded on the north by lands formerly in
" me npancy of Calvin Bud and lands of Wil
iam 1. Faller, east by lands of Vincent Owen, south
by lauds of Henry Spencer, and west by lands or
auks Whit e . Containing about 52 acres be
We same more or less, about 3.: acres improved, 1
7 framed house, I framed barn and a small orchard
o f fruit trees thereon.
fi e ded and taken in execution at the snit of Ed
eel Mead now to the use of John Thompson, vs.
H e nry T. Graves.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Shrshequin
Lep, and beginning at a hemlock sapling the north
solcorner of Wattle s and Allen's lot, thence north
s9J e g. west 50 perches to a post by lot of Wm.
Stephenson's, thence by rail lot north 1 deg west
la: 4-10 perches to a post on lands of Benj. Ste.
phenson, thence south 89 deg east 50 perches to a
tech corner, thence north 1 deg east 162 4-10 per
ches to the place of beginning. Containing 50 acres
tad 120 perches, be the same more or less, about
i:arres improved, one steam saw mill, two framed
Causes, two shantees and one log barn thereon erect-
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Rus
selB Ayre and Francis S. Ayre now to the use of
5. LlRelph as. Asa F. Eastman & Patrick Muri
phy, and tere tenants.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, April a, 1853.
Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to
the eosts, will be required to be paid upon each sale
when NU - trek down to the bidder, and upon a failure
to with this regulation, the tract olland will
again be offered for sale.
igninUrr . loran.
BP virtue of a Writ of ri. Fa. issued out of the
Court of Com. Pleas of Bradford County and to
me directed, will be exposed to public sate at the
Court House in the boro' of Towanda. on Saturday
the 30th day of Ana, at I o'clocic, P. M., the ful
hming piece or parcel of land situated in Sheshe.
cam twp., and bounded on the north by loads ofJno.
Andel!, east by Lands of Daniel B. Culver, stab
is lands of Jeremiah Kilmer and the creek . and
sett hr lauds of John McMahon, Stephen Newell,
Albert Tuttle, Wm. Tuttle and E. B. Tuttle. Con
taining 72 acres, be the same more or less, about ISO
errs thereof improved. with a framed house and
tome] ham thereon erected.
seized and taken in execution' at the suit of Dan
et B. Culver. vs, Timothy Middaugh.
C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, April 6, 1853.
'otice is hereby given, that an amount equal to
the eot.;iwill be required to be paid upon each
tik when struck down to the bidder, and upon a
fulare to comply with this regulation, the tract of
had will again be offered for sale.
REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby giv
ea that there have been filed and settled in the
otfico of the Register of 14 ills, in and for the county
of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the fol.
estates iz :
Final account of Thomas Mather guardian of
Tll‘. Mather 2d, minor child of John Mather late
,f Ulster, deed.
finl account of Francis Tyler & D. Forbes
eters. of the estate of Jost in Forbes late of Athens,
Final nerount of John Watkins and Betsey Stone,
of the estate of Israel Stone late of Athens,
Final account of Henry Drake adm'r of the es
re of Francis Drake Late of Athens born', deed.
Final account of N. P. Aepenwall and Hi M. Asp •
nrall gem of the estate of Edson Aspen wall, late
gTocranda boro', dec'd.
final anemia' of J. W. Vannest adm'r. of the
mit of Leonard Webb, late of Standing Stone,
Ns heti:A:lnt of Rollin Wilcox .- ex'r of the estate
quriett C. Miller late of Albany, dec'd.
Asti the same will be presented to the Orphan's
Coin of Bnitford county, on Monday, the 9th day
Wayseit,fof 'confirmation and allowance.
H. L. SCOTT, Register.
Regirier'i Office, Towanda, April 1, 1853 •
lOr virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
D Bradford County, the undersigned adrninistra
of JOHN MILLER DAVIDSON, will expose
iblic sale on the premises ,on SATURDAY,
ut 16th day of April, 1853, at 1 o'clock, P. M., a
retain tract or lot of land in the township of Al
-I,Y; Botinded on the South by land of Alexander
laglish ;on the North by land of John Hatch ;
latt on the East by Moses Miller. Containing 78
iCRES more or less, of which r.bout 90 ACRES
:leafed, with a log house, orchard and other irn.
lents thereon. TERMS made knowtron day
March 23, 1853.
h tit Conti of Common Pleas of Bradford County,
to tne'inal'er of Daniel Brink vs. S. D.:Hortcm.
T HE undersigned having been appointed by the
Hot. the tiourt of Com. Pleas, of Bradford
Nnly, an Auditor to make distribution of the
.Itds raised by Sheriffs sale of the real estate of H.
Horton. Notice is hereby given that the audi.
sr will attend at Wm. Elwell's office in the borough
To7ands, on Saturday the 23d day of April next,
.. l °clock, r. M. to attend to the duties pertain
toq4l, (dime, at which time and place all pers-
TO having claims upon said fund are required to
iiresent them, or be forever debarred from coming
upon tile same. HARVEY McALPIN, Auditor.
Towanda, March 21, 163.
the Court of Common Pleas 4 - Bradford County,
' n th e molter of Theodore Wilder and Witham Co
r3. Jaska.a Baker
endersigced having been appointed by th e
too. the Conn of Coin, Pleas. of Bfidg c "'
p as auditor to make distribution of the funds
by Sheriff's sale of the real mate of Joshua
• Notice is hereby given that the Auditor
stead at Win. Elwell's office in tile borough of
'ands, on estdrday the 2Sd dat bf April nest,
clottl, P. M., to attend to the dntimi . perialriing
Nfsee, at which time and place alt persons
Jg claims upon said fond, are reqliked to Pnb
'bee, or be forever debarred from . coming in.
tame. HARVEY McALPIS, Auditor.
Ida, March 23, 1853.
LL persons' indebted to the esfitto of
AR PRATT, PRATT, decd, late of Troy, are hereby
?Stated to make payment without delay, and those
claims against said estate, will please pre'
I le o duly authenticated for settlement
11 1 H. DAMAGE,
Tch 23 1 853 '
J 9 Barrels of SALT just received acid ,for
i' o u eats at B. KINGSBURY'S.
' 40 6, March 22, 1859.
C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
s :W.
'Whose Indebted-to ll*
DT nom or book account wall:dew tab ixoTicE
LP that we are lawns of money, and Must Am/ it;
All who neglect to itteud to this time br warning.
may expect a visit from the little Constable. 2j o.
king this time. HALL & RUSSELL.
Towanda, March 24, 1888. •
His is to certify that H. A. CASE, of Troy, Pa.
is our only authorised Agent for the sale of
"Goodrich's History of all Nations," ft* the County
of Bradford. Pa., and that subscribers will not be
supplied through any other person—and all cent
cites of agency to the contrary, have been revoked,
and are now declared to be null and void.
DERBY & MILLER, sole Publisher,
.Auburn, N. Y.
March 11, 1851
TUB subscriber haying discontinued hh business
td this•place, more than eighteen monthi ago,
and In Orwell six months since, would respectfully
request every person knowing himself indebted to
him. to call and 'AT or by the 20th of April next,
or their notes or accounts will be left with a magis
trate for collection. • N. N. BEM.
Towanda, March 240852.
Dorm& Ordinance.
. too' aczei Orric;, Febrdary St, 1853.
AT a meeting of the Town Council of the borough
of 'Towanda, the following Ordinance was
passed : Be it ordained by the Town Conutil of
the borough of Towanda, that hereafter no building
shall be erected or moved within the limits of said
borough without application brat made to the Coon.
eil in writing, stating the kind of building materials
to be used in its construction, and its locality—and
a permit granted by said Council in phrsuance of
said application ;also, that no wooden building shall erected within the following limits to
wit : On Bridge Street, within 80 feet of either side
of said street, from the River to Main street ; on
Main Street within 100 feet of either. side of said
street from Bridge street to State street ; and within
80 feet of either side of the Public Square. And
that hereafter no wooden building shall be moved
within said limits from any place Without the same
And any wooden building erected upon, or moved
into said limits in violation of this ordinance, shall
be deemed a. nuisance, and the person so erecting
or moving such building shall be punished accord
ingly. W M. 'ELWELL, Burgess.
March 15, 1853. H McALPINE, Clerk,
sAstas kvizumARLANE
Mee in the north end ofthe Ward House, (lately
by Laporte, hlason & Co.)
Towanda, March, 5, Ilia.
raw vomit
WH. BAIRD, formerly of Bradford Co:, a.
• is still engaged with the firm of,VanD t usen,
and Jagger, who have this day removed to their
new and spacious store N° 30 Vesey street, corner
of Church, (in the rear o(the Astor Douse) where
they are prepared• to exhibit a very large and
general assortment of Foreign and Domestic
DRY GOODS, adapted to the. country trade. They
will keep a large stock of Merimac,Cocheo, and oth
er desirable stylts of Prints. Cash ai well as
first class credit customers will find it to their in
terest to call.
They -have also a department devoted to the
BOOT and SHOE business, and feel confident they
can oder better bargains in that line than any exclu
sive Boot and Shoo house in New York, from the
fact that the expense is much less in propot lion to
the amount or' sates. •Mr. Baird flatters himself
that having the benefit bf 15 years experience in the
mercantile business in BradTord Co., his knowledge
of the style of goods adapted to the Northern Penn
sylvania trade, will make it an Object for merch
ant's doing business in that section to give him a
Any orders f r eoods in the above lines will be
promptly attended to, and the arlielea Warranted to
give satifaction.
New York. March, 1, 1853.
lIIMI- flab 41112111 WV Mir •
CORNER of the Public Square and Main Street,
Towanda, Pa., resp_ectfolly give notice that
they are now opening and receiving direct from the
City of Nem York, their NEW STOCK of SPRING
and SUMMER GOODS, which, with their former
stock on-band, comprises one of the largest and best
selected assortments to be found west of New York.
Having been purchased at
They are enabled to offer them cheaper than ever.—
They invite particular attention to their assortment
of Ladies' Dress Goods
Consisting of Jaconet and Swiss Mullins, Printed
Lawnv.Ginghams, Bar'd Mustins, Merrimac,
Cocheco, Pall River and other styles of
American Prints, in endless variety, a
lame,. assortment and for sale
cheap. They have also a
large variety of YANKEE NO
TI' iNS, embracing almost every thing
from a e'rE T het Needle to a Lady's Satch
el. They invite particular attention to their
assortment of Carpeting of all prices and styles.
Also, Spring and Summer Hats, Boots and
Shoes, Shoe Findings and Leather, Gro
ceries, Crockery, Shelf Hardware ¢c.
Their stock has been selected with care, and will
be sold cheap. Farther comment is unnecessary
—give us a call, and we will show you our goods
and prices, and convince you that the above is no
fictiob: Our motto is, " Small Profits & Quick
Returns. MONTANYES & CO.
Towanda, March 16, 1863.
ALL persons indebted to the estale of Wm. L.
Grenell, dec'd, late of Burlington township, are
hereby requested to make payment Without delay ;
and all persons having demands against said estate
are requested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement. ANN E. GRENELL,
March 18, . 1853. Administrators.
TN the Brick Block, next door to Mercurs store have
1. just added to their stock, a large and fashiona
ble assortment of
Ready made Clothing,
of every variety, both of style and price, to which
they ask the attention of the public. This is now
the largest stock
Ever Offered in 7bteandti• !!
andirill be sold at prices considerable lower than
ever before known in this place. Our goods are
selected with a regard both to style and price, and
offer inducements,not to be met with at any other
Cr' illteangerrianda t aroth•
pia want onmomaagoadi will ana
it our establuitiinent, in this section of the coyotry,
and made in such style and materials as to mutate
satisfaction. We shall endeavor by
LOW MOM di 00011 OZOIMEOfti,
to secure patronage, feeling confident that our anti
cles will give satisfaction to the purchaser. .
The assortment comprises every article required
for a gentleman's outfit. TERMS-.CAGE.
Overcoats, Coals Pants, Uwoalls Caps itc.
Locsetosise—Next door south of lifercdes Main
st. Towanda ; and No. 7 .Water st. Anima Hair.
Elmira; and under A. C. Potters Hotel, Tioga Vill
age, Tioga co.. Pa.
• Towanda May 29th1851.
1853. }. -: SP WI.
Mite subscribers would Inform th eir friends and
A. customers that they . have Increased, their (ascii.
ides for mihnufactaring
Mt") rti 1112,116 a
and intend keeping the lar6lt stock and assort
ment of . .•
that can be found in the States. Tenni; and pri
ces satisfactory. RANFORD.ds BROTHER.
29 Park Row. opiosita the Astor Mint
New:York. March 9,1853.
Tivet and Stoie to Rent.
, THE subscribers offer for „rentfor a
[firterm of years, their TAVERN tifFAND
and STORE at Hornbrook, in Sheshequib
- township. The Tavern is a large and
well-arranged building, with stabling attathed,well
calculated for a Hotel, and is well located hit •bust..
nes& Two or three acres will be rented with the
Tavern, if desired, with an orchard. The Store is
s new building, of good size, and the location a first
rate one for the mercantile businesr They will
rented separately or together at the will of the ap
plicant. D. BRINK & SON.
Hornbrook, Feb. 17, 1863.
411G111..1r.J r - JC`X42.IIIIW •
WHEREAS, my wife CATHARINE, has left
my bed and,board, without any just cause
or provocation, this is hereby to forbid all persons
from harboring or trusting her on my account, as
I shall pay no debts of her contracting.
Asylum, Feb. 15. 1853. GEO. HARFORD.
ALLpersons indebted to the estate of JOHN
HORTON, dec'et, late of Rome township, are
hereby requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against said estate, will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
5 Admints . trators.
February 16, 1853,
ALL persons indebted to the estate of CHARLES
FORBES, dec'd late of Rome tap., are hereby
reduested to make payment without delay : and ell
those having demands against paid estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Feb. 17, 1853.
*33. HIEI 41153-.51 MI 11ElMali(
T 8 this day receiving from New York, an assort
.' meat of New Winter Goode,
which will be disposed of on the most reasonable
terms, for ready pay.
'fowands, Feb. 18, Iva.
SURE Relict for Disease and Pain, warranted to
give Relief, or the money refunded. A written
guarantee is given to each purchaser, and if the ar
ticle is not all it is represented to be, the money
will he refunded. Cures all Nervous complaints.,
&c. Bold by Dr. H. C. PORTER, Towanda, Pa.
Feb. 16, 1853.
Ak. C AIL 11ElL Do
v H. WILSON, formerly of Bradford County,
• Pa., returns his thanks to his friends forpast
favors, and solicits the continuation of their patron
age. Having made arrangements to continue with
the firm of Fuller 4. Dayton N° 143 West street, be
tween Barclay and Vevey streets, where he can be
found always ready to supply his customers want
ing GROCERIES, with a supply at low prices and
on favorable terms. Particular pains will he taken
to keep on hand desirable goods for that section of
the country.
New• York, Feb. 9.1852.
7f. 7 17 - =< -1 BRYAN'S
=<_ ps(\•
ffi 4 • - PULMOICIC
, 0
Lt , zlMigiir WAFERS.
rpHis extraordinary rteparatlort has been for ma.
ny years the most certain and speedy remedy
those suffering from obstinate and confirmed COughs,
they give the most immediate and perfect reitef, and
when great liability to take cold exisla, and a troub
lesome Cough succeeds the slightest expostlre, these
WAFERS produce the most marked results. They
at once relieve the Cough and other symptoms, and
entirely remove that morbid irritability and weak,
ness of the Lungs which give rise to the complaint.
The medical properties are combined in an agreea
ble form and pleasant to the taste, so that any child
will readily take them : and they are warranted to
give relief in ten minutes Oleo use in all cases.
Price 85 cents per box. For sale by Dr. H. C.
PORTER, Towanda. Pa.
Towanda, Feb. 9,1853.
Clover Seed.
ri BUSHELS of Clover Seed just received and
for sale by the subscribers at tho lowest cash
price, or exchanged for Most kinds of produce.
Towanda, Feb.s, 1853. BAILEY &NEVINS.
THE subscribers have made arrangements for a
quantity of Plaster, to be delivered i !vibe Spring
which will be sold for $6,50 per ton for ready pay.
Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats and Buckwheat will be re•
ceived in payment at the going cash price.
Towanda, Jan. 27, 1953. BAILEY 4 NEVINS.
Z. 0. of o.l'.
D EGUI. A R Meeting of lradford Encampment
are held at the Odd Fellows Hall on the even'
ing of the Ist and 3d Fridays of each month.
C. S. RUSSELL. Scribe.
A Friendly Call
THE subscribers are compelled by the necessity
of liability to ask those knowing themselves
indebted, to come and settle and make payment,
etherwilie they need hot be surprised to find their act
counts lodged 'here payment can he enforced.
" " • • ivarr••^ -
Towaqca, Feb. 4,1E153. MONTANYE'S & Co,
The acconnts and notes of ISAAC POST dec'd,
are at the store of the above firm, and immediate at
tention to their settlement will , save cost.
Towanda, Feb. 4. 1853. Administrators.
• /11WrIMICOICN01. - MC
TBE citizens of the boro' of Towanda and viein
ity, are respectfully infornied that the subscri
ber has eommenced business on the south corner
of Main and Bridge streets, where he will keep on
hand and for sale, every attainable article in his
line. It is his intention to kee a constant supply
of Oratories • hag ohs
to meet the *anti of the community, which Will be
selected with care, and sold at the lowest
lie has a large stock of Confectionary acid hilts,
and all other articles in the grocery line. • •
Flour, Fish, Candles, Eggs, %ad all the different
kinds of provisions to be obtained, will be kept on
p Cash paid for V titter, Lard and Eggs, and
most of the articles sold by the , farmer.
Oysters, received every day by-Express from New
York, and served up in a superior style, and bold
by the gallon, quart or pint.
az Give me a eall—as f an ' determined by Con
stant attention to business to deserve, as'l hope to
secure a share of public patronage.
Towanda, Jan. 8, 1852. A. J. NOBLE.
.4 1853.
IMI !E M E!!!
Machglatiet. Vic.
is E
f ~~,
1. • 4
__ - 1.. 03r.2 41k 00c.
ARE uorrretelving weekly over ' ihlr - wbo ve , dm'
rougbfare; all :the latest and 'Mott lkshlotuible
styles Of Goodivartiving hi New York, fresh from
the hands of the importers. I _
Also. the choicest and best dr Valli} Staple Good.
and at priees . that 'cannot fail to please.
Their arrangements are such that dity can sen
goods at wholesale for cub its low as 'they can be
purchased of thb jobbers in New York citY.
With an humble acknowledgmtlit of past favors,
an examination of eir am eztenaivb alsoitmeot
p i
of Goods is Res, ' 11, Colleted.
Towanda, to 5. lkat.
!Boots asyl Oboes.
ALARGE sto.a and Misses'
Oaken, Slippers, Polkas and Boots.--
Also a fine assortment of MO, aid hop ' s calf: kip and
morocco Boots, Rhone atid Mid a Odd supply
of Rent's Gaiters and Cony* Boots justtooeived at
• i a
✓ t ° • i
(*Sir John Franklin, should 'awn no greater it
eitempt, than the .KEW STOCKED
oliibourn Tam Wasp mnrsm.
BUNTUfG respbafully informs. his friends and
the public generally, in town and the surround
ing country, together . with " all the rest of man
kind," that he has just received from New York,
one of the most complete assortments of Mena and
Boys Ready Made Clothipg, ever before offered in
Towanda, together with eibt6, Capsimeres. Vest.
ings, and Trimings which he *ill brake up in the
most approved style, and at the lowest price.
He has also on hand one of the Most faihionable
stock of Furnishing Goods, such as Woolo
dershirts, Overshirts, Overalls, Drawers, and eyed ,
article in his line pertaining to Gentiemens' War t
drobe, which will be sold cheaper than any other
Clothing Store in Bradford County.
He is confident that frOm his long expenenee that
he can give general satisfaction. He employs wine
but the must espert workmen, and feels assured that
his work a ill not suffer by comparison with the best
city shops either in elegance of workmanshili or eb
egance of style; and hopes by strict attention to
business, to merit a continuance of that liberal pat
sonar. which has been extended to him heretofore.
Returning sincere thanks for past favors he asks
the public to give him a call and see for themselves.
irKUITING done as usual and warranted td
fit if properly made up.. CI)
bon't mistake the place, on the corner of
Main st.. and the public ignore, opposite the Ward
'Tis even so, ibis woad is " ails stage,"
And gents must dress in this progressive age, -
. .
Each have their taste of style, of cut and drew—
The question asked where can we get the bestl
Where can the largest stock of goods be found I
Say where the cheapest and best abound!
Where can we at the shortest notice get
A coat, a vest and pantaloons that fit 1
To answer these, I frankly say to all
The cheapest place is " Bunting's Clothing Hall."
Towanda. Dec. 29, 1852.
igug - mm w-
atzto Icivammasit,
WOULD say to his friends and the public gener
ally that he has located himself in the
In the Basement of the Union Block,
next door to Briggs' Hotel, (formerly occupied by
W. R. Smalley.) wiiere he will be receitring Oysters
three times a Week by etpress, and will serve them
up in the most approved style. He has spared no
pains or expense to tiiakb it one of the best
EATI,MG EBlt4ii 1.181141k1r7'
this side of New York.
Oysters, by the gallon, quart or pint, at the lows
est rates.
Towanda, Oct. 27, 1852.
Cistern and Well Pumps
LEAD PIPE ! Hrdraolic Rams ! of any kind,
size, dic.. cheap for ready pay. for sale by
Jan. 8, 1853
rtgAll7 fITORII2
nmarir or. Erxrvzors,
HAVE just completed a large and finely finished
Store on the site of the two they had burned,
and filled it with the largest and most comprehens
ive stock of
Groceries, Provisions, Yankee Notions,
Fruit, Confeationory, Toys, taw, &a.
ever exhibited this side of the city.
We have bought for cash, articles of the best
quality ; consequently are prepared tb sell at as
low prices as the same quality . can be bought at
any other place. And we flatter ourselves that if
fortunb has been against us, (fire having consum
ed two stoles and one stock of goods) our old cus
tomers will not follow the precedent, if they call
and see our Stock and hear the exceedingly tom
prices. Among the many articles we .haverare
rea, sugar, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, molasses,
Stewart 's syrup, ginger pepper, alike, cloves, nut
megs, cinamon, saleratos, soda, cream tartar,
ground mustard, pepper sauce. catsup, can
dles, bar soap, vinegar, starch &c., &c.
Mess pork and beef, barns and shoulders,
wheat flour, buckwheat flower, corn meal,
soda and , butter crackers, mackerell, codfish,
shad, herring, potatoes, beans onions, &c., fire
Preserved prunes, e.drotts, English Currants, raisins,
green and dried apples. Almonds, filberts, genoble
and maderia walnuts, brazil nuts, peanuts, chest
nuts, hickory nuts, &c.
i".4.3-KEE .rorlosrs,
Ivory, horn and wood pOcket combs, toilet, combs,
fine combs, hair, cloth, teeth, infants, and blacking
brushes, wallets, porte monies, and purses of many
styles, pocket ink stands, pOcket and sips!! fancy
mirrors, lobacco, boxes, snuff boleti, and almost
every article in this . -ine. Wkhit boies, toilet cases,
secretaries, plain and embroidered, work banes of
many styles.
Germsn,Prench and American TUYS of every de
scription and price. A few earthen and pewter tea
setts, for little girls, and a few boys', !deigns.
Xi "J!
AL •
Ashton dahy aft, gtotihd rock ash, Salina salt both
coarse and floe. Alit), a quantity of Whlta Stoke
Gime. .
CANDY wholesale or retail, of all kinds and
innutfterable other articles, for sale , at *anew store
apposite the Court Honk.
Towanda, Dee. 1. 1853 BAILEY 4. NEVINS:
& A CAMPBELL, having been purified by
• the recent fire, hatE again fitted up their
in the same place as before and are now offering
for aale,aldesirable ,asoortment of fall and winter
They being desirous of making up their recent leas.
will sell at unusually low prices.
Towanda, Noy. 8, 1853.
Exgowo , .
A!li.i.tioni indebted, 14,
. - -the•setius of Jai IL
'Vanness,;•die'dilaboolfteadiUg Stine. ire here;
by reqUested to mike intsob#llte poyenentand th9llB
baying claims waist said *tete,- 431 ~ pleans prei
sent then duly tunbeuticitaddisislustlentsnu: •
H; ItOIMA/c.Bzeoutor.
1 -
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Cords Fault
CI: deed late of Wysox, are Seri* requested. to
Make immediate payment and those , •havihg elalms
against said estate, will please prislilest thew duly
authenticated for settlement. H. MORGAN.
Feb. 10.1853. , %d mytist rigors.
A" persons knowing themselves indebted to the
late of Monroe tp.. are hereby requested to make
immediate payment. and those hiving claims against
said estate wilt please present them duly authenti
cated Ibr settlement. EB. COOLDAEGH.
hEdnue. Feb. 5. 1853. Administrator.
A LT. persons indebted to the estate of 'JACOB
11. REYMAN dec'd late of Bidieberry twp., are
hereby requested to make immediate payment and
those having claims against said estate, will
pleaes presetiiiitem duly authe n ticated for settle
ALL persons indebted tc the estate of JAMES
M. DEMARIST, deceased, late of Windham tp.
are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against said estate, will
please present them duly authenticated for settle
Reuben Smead, vs Lydia Smead, in Bradlord Coun
ty. Conn Pleas, /Va. 361 Sept Term 1852.
YDIA SMEA It, defendant in the above cause
14 You are herby notified that Reuben Smead,
your husband, has filed his petitior fur a divorce
from the bonds of matrimony. • And an alias sub,
pcena has been returned, and proof made that pia
are not to be found in said county. You are, there.
fore, hereby required to appear at .he Court House.
in the born' of Towanda, on Monday the 2d day of
May neat, being the first day of May term of said
court of com. pleas, to answer the said complaint,
and show cause, if any you hare. why the said
Reuben shall not be dlsoiced from you.
znias — Wirriroacrn.
Jonathan X Phelps, es Mary Jane Phelps. in Brad.
ford County, Cont. Please No. 267 Dec. Term
M • • ,„
ARV JAAIE PlltT.P.S.defenJant in the above
cause: Yon are hereby notiBerkiliat-Jonathan
H. Phelphs, your husband, hats filed Ws. petition
for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. And
an alias anbpcsna has beon returned, and proof made
that you are not to be found in said county. You
are, therefore, hereby required to appear at the
Court House, in the boro' of Towanda on Monday.
the 2d day of May next, being the first day of May
term of said court of cum. pleas, to answer the raid
complaint. and show cause, if any you have, why
the said Jonathan shall not be divorced from you.
C. THOMAS, sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 9, 1853.
rr HE ,filubscribers having formed a copartnership
under the,firm of 8. FELTON &CO for M.-
ing a general Liquor businfits. would respectfully
ask Hotel keepers and all others in want if any
thing in their line to giva them a call. We Intend
keeping on hand a general assortment of Foreign
Liquors, which we can sell cheaper than any m e
else in the county, from the fact that we buy direct
from the importers, and thereby save a large profit
charged by the N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are warrant
ed pure and free from adulteration. Also constant
ly on hand Whiskey of the best quality. We have
made arrangements by which we can furnish our
customers with any quantity of Binghamton BEER
fresh from the Brewery. Pleaee give us a call.—
The notes and accounts of the old firm of B.„Fel
ton & Co., are in our hands for settfemen.
F. T. FOX.
20000 Light, Sash of ail size., just
Towanda, March 23, I8:13.
PEOPLE of Brackford County wishing anythin •
nice in the way of Monuments, IlEadstones
' Tomb Tables, Centre Tattles of Italian and Amer
ican Marble, or Black Stones of all sizes, can
have them on the shortest notice by sending in
their orders, cheaper and better thin can be i ur•
based elsewhere.
Q:1• Chester Wells. Cabinet Maker and uniterta-
Ler, nearly optic - dte the Ward HouNe. Towanda,
Thwarlda. March, 3'. 1853.
189E3 C. U.& M. A. LYON, have establi.hed
themselves in Monromon. intend carrying on
the above business in all its various branches, and
respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage.
A choice stock of
will be kept on hand and for sale at the lowest pri
ces. Miis Lyon will be constantly advised of the
latest fashions by the connexion in the city, and no
endeavours will be spared to please.
Ifonroeton, Nov. 20, 1152.
DRESS GOODS.—A good a/sunroof of almost
every style of dresb goods worn by, ladies and
children, for sale at ilecl .
Au - unte - iir ALLIO
DR, ANDREW JACReION, Physician and Sur
jean, respectfully infolma the citizens of Tr.-
wana and vicinity that he has established him
self here. for the purpose of exercising his profess•
ion. Dr. Jackson has been practising in 'Ulster
twp, and neighborhood fur the thre last yeara, and
has formerly held responsible medical appointment.,
in England anti Scotland
He can be found when not professianatly 'engaged
at Mrs Eaton's boarding tfonse, 2d dooK east of the
Ward House Rs aaaa scs—Dr. Hr:, 5 1 00 ,
Towanda, March 10, 1853. A. JACKSON M. D
G — --
LOVES and HOSIERY of every deveription at
Dec. 1, 1652. mr.tiritms.
Clover Seed.
117 ST reee:ra a quantity of tiety Aon'erior Clover
Seed, Farmers would do *ell to purchase their
sees: early. J. KINGSBEHY.
Towanda, Feb. e,1855.
CARE • en? as.
Inhalant o Whits, gang's, saig, silhatee,
Minder, briefs, 64mpas4bi. Iton end *aid spirit levels,
augers, gimlet, center and :opt bit* broad, band and
bench axes, adzes, hammers, &flair, gouges, chalk
lines and 'peals, brad and witch awls, tape lines, dr.c.
BLACKSMIRHB will and shine, vices, bellows,
sledges, hand and shoeing hammers, rasps. files, iron
braces, bitta, band &Mk horse shoals and nails, screw
plates,and a general assortment of cast,German, spring
English and American blister steel, Swedes. American
std English iron.
MASONS will find brick and plastering trowels,
stone hammers, lathing hash.* white wash &tubes,
&c.. constandy on hand at
SALT just receivectst • MERIATREI
Towanda, Pee. P 5. CB5l.
Peb'y. 90853.
Feb. 10. ISM
March 9. 1953
razozi Ear DIVORCE.
• a/ • • La C. THOMAS, Sheri ff
Shriff's Office, Tow e, March, 9 1853.
Towanda. Dec. 1. 1852
tino,-.4 Opp,: ...
• 0
.0. n. .„,., . .t...
._,,, .--,,,S TAG h -- •
- LRAVlLtrowanda fo r
. • ,--.:. ;r-_• ;..114nliorlingtothEaSt .
"--:••' • ---'" "` RiageberY, and W40116111E4• 4
pot on . N. . • PR. R., every: Mamas. won:
smut and FIIIIIIKEZ itl lip* A. /11.; andantes
at thedepot is time to nt it e evening !rata at
either east or west, same 414.14. e' ...u . I -.
•-• •
iPli gi
Returning Tounsu,Tittrastas4e f t.a‘mbAird
after the arrival of the rjAO•l4l ,
Western ears from leferson,,Elmiras : *l4 ar
rive at.Towanda . same day. f
FAKE t—Toitandalo Mereur's mills.
to Burlington.
• ". to East AmithAeld,
" to Eidgcbexy, , 1.00
." to W4lfskoa &pot. .
Express paCkages to or froth WE gall Rbila UM.
fully delivered'at moderate charges.;
D. 771. OVLA
l'oseanda; Oct. 8. 1852'. rtopriftoE
Tovtaarna. Awn INTIMMILLIC.
THE proprietors., are eow true
ming a Alatly‘ line of four hope
O *CILiL 4I :!.." coaches, bettreen.Tootattd
the New York and Erie Railroad, at Waverly.
They are deermioed that et. efforts or expo*,
shall be spared to keet;Ais•line stocked and raviia
a manner worthy the encouragement of the public.
Leave Waverly everyidlry, at 9 o'clock,_A. it, or
after the arrival of the morning tgins,,And aerie.-
ing at Towanda. at 12 o'Elitek A. M.. in omi fo bbri;
nett with a line of stages, 41
• Leave Towanda every day,at o r p. 14., arriving at
Waverly in time to take the evening trains, vast
or west. . ,
At Towanda, passengers can take stages for Wil;.
liamsport, Wellsboroagh and Mootrose. and wrung:
es can always be obtained, as may be desiredi,.„,
The Proprietors are pre - tared to take say anot
her of passengers by means of extra stages. if nec
essary. 0-3.offee in Towanda, at the Ward Hansa,
from which all the stages take their departure.
Nov. 211. 1852
mom kumnsi,
" Joseph Powell, ' •
T 8 now receiving from New York the most COW-
L Mete atitler - ed assortment of Dress and Faintly
Dry Groceries, Hardiware, Crockery; Bata
and filhoeS,Hats and Caps, Leathe r : s*o.. evefh.
hibited in Towanda. My atbd c ftig Goad; will
be found to 6ontain most . decided bars iris lu shawls
Merinoes. plain and figured sielaines; thibet chits:
alpacas, ladiei fisnnels, &c.-,a good stock of gloves
and hosiery, every etyle of
such as tickings, stripes, blettelied and titibleichol
moiling,, shining, coeheco and merit
mac prints. WOOLEN UOODS,of
ry description,comprising Jeans, sheeps grey.
and liosey plaids, which will be sold cheap and to
which I invite the attention of close buyers ter cash.
Towanda. Dec. 1, 1852.
T IGHTS.—Fiesh Caulphineana
ept constantly on hand at MERCURE,.
TO Tait
Paler, Farrier L Stage Proprietor
1 1 1311 c ,_C; 14C 1 1
MIPAIIIiaLLILIM u Tin zurrou tifoimili
As the mod rucutztttruiratiketemil
Experience of more than sixteen'van has astablibed
the (arc that Merchant's Cele/rated Nettling Oil, Of Vni.
versal Family Embrocation, will cure bust cam, sad or
lime all sunhats
Spay*. Strocbegi lii stone, Windgalls. PoU
Evil, Callqua,, Eraeked Heels Galls of an
kinds. Eresh WoMids. Sprains, Bruises, Pis-
Safast,Sand Cracks, Strains. Lameness,
Foundetied Feet. Scratches or Grease. Mango,
RheumaLsn; Bites of Animals. Exte rnal Poi
sons. Painful 'ferrous Affections. Fret Biter.
Boils, Corns Whitlows. Burns and Scaldi.
ChiMlailur, Chapped Hands, Cramks, eon•
tractions of the. Muscles. Swellings, weakness
of the Joints, Caked Breasts. &c. &c.
The turpstallcled success of Nils Oil, in the mire of an.
cases In Horses end Cattle, and even to human Grab, be
daily becoming more known to the farming isommusity.
It can baldly be credited, except by those who balm boss
tn the habit of keeping it in their stables and houses, whet
a vest amount of pain, suffering and time, are saved by
the timely application of We Oil
oar Re sore the name of the sole proprietor, GEORGE
W. MERCHANT Lockport. N. F., is blown la dia sidle
sf the bottle, and in his handwriting over-the sale.
All orders addreeuel to the proprietor will be peosigtiy
responded to.
Get a Pamphlet of the Agent, and see what weals r&
aceompllshed by the me of this medicine.
Sold by respectable dealers generally, b flu
Suttee and Canada. Alm by •
AnErvl.-11. C. Porter, Towanda: , -- Wm. Kill
Athens—Eli Baird. Troy—D. V. Harne3, Columbia
Plats—L. D. Tayini., Burlington—Prisbie & Bran
son, Or*Cll—P.. Dyer, Covington—D. M. Bailey.
Mansfield --Humphrry & Place, Tioge—TnrrelL
Montroke—Perry & °g. en, Elmira. Wholesale
agents are Ward, Close & Co., 83 Maiden at.,New
la sa
aug%1144 (tsi(10510
H. 1 8. 4 - M. C. MERUIJR, have bin received ti
very !urge and general assortmebtof
FALL ciodbs,
which they offer to the public; ai their low
T. lees. Sept 16
nNE a the largest seam
X-1 rnen t ever offered in Brad.
ford County, can be timed at J.
I dc S A lexender's Clothing Store
first door south of Meteor's Drx
Goods Store, on Main street.
of tl take, ha's established a Branch at the above,
place., All our work will be szird at the price merit.
ed and no deviation in price : and is either bought
direct front the Manufacturer or made by ourselves
and 'Warranted to give entire satisfaction. Every de.
script ion of
Mena, Womens, Children, and Youths NA AVM
" and Wnmens Calf and Agfa& anti India
Rubber Over Shoes dteapfca lavS.
CO" Please call and exam hie kt yoursetees.,CO
Towanda, Ont. te. Its Am
NUM% set gram aid &Mull Slanieg.
Three boxes cestrauted to core a surface u larp
as our hands.
NORNON'b baltrhenni and Scrofula ointiatotiiiiii
no equal in curing bahrheum. Scrofula', Ecysipgralt.
Barber's Itch, Fever botea, Scald Heats, Rills aro rm
&c.. &c.
For sato 10 Towanda, 11 Dr. H. C. PORTER
1 c2l