Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 09, 1853, Image 2

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, . Mm Mau Joan.
, - of the Town to de II: S.
ilkqp Cone.
ilidirteits titan t)reytown or San Jaaaito the lath
, represent that the drgicnlhiea betweeitAe
ken; tfiNit place and ‘the'TiensirConpartj' i have
leaded-1H the interferenee of the U: kaloop-ohear,
• Cyaneftiprotect the property °filth Ctimpany, and
tthetSan' Juan. authorities have Oiled dime - their
Reg and sarrentleted the government of the city to
'llia Captain of the Cyatie, who wonld not accept it.
.F.TtaiiityArattirittairit; veLith is coniposed of Awe
-finis and•Uritish, wished to eject the Company
ci lium . the lands where they had erected their hotel
serl dispel, hid the Mayor sent the carpenters to
remover-ther building. Jest at this Itmentre, the
Cyane arrived, and &lining up in 11011. of the depot,
landed matinee, sent wee! that the writ of eject
ment should not be executed, and blockaded this
rbastorby-retusing - toallow boats us pass from the
ttifrifra i north side of the bay. This produced
' e t Oat cammimionin the town, end r - public indig
been held. and a protest adopt
c.l6l}. ;ilia -whole cause of. the dispute between the
..:-Alittliptj•hrent San Juan.and the Transit Company is
,latter .furnish , the emigrants to California
4aith"their supplies, and the emigrants hare no oc•
' cash* to enter Greytown at all. - But this is a con-
Aiequelice of their own sot, for the anthoritien when
4 1 '414 1 4ml to by Mr • Pareferhill's agent for a site
„for - thew depot s were , refuses sine on the same side
(tithe bay on which the city is'bult; btit 'ha ii one
' - Assigned their on the Point Arenas—a spit of sand •
• which torn s one side of the harbor. They pro
• casetedaneterectedTbuildino e s suited to their purpo
_ees,,m well.for building mat! steamers to ravioli,
the river San Juan as for the accommodation of the
itinploYeel of the Company: The growing trade
-whirl has since sprang up ; has induced the atrho
, ritiesef Grepown to wish to transfer the Company
to their aide of the bay, and for this perpose they
Open the Company to vaca•e, alleging that it
"was necessary to establish the quarantine there.-
-Thelinlinance they adapted' to enforce the design,
• 'merited great excitement among the employees of
the. Company, and they applied to Capt. Hollins et
the Cyane, far protection. %V km her Capt. H ispus.
ernot in interfering with the domestic gm/.
• eminent of San Juan, is a question which -must be
determined. by the facia.
. Hamm —On the 15th inst., a matatto gill
named Sarah Smith,aged 13 years, in the service
. O,Mr,. Pennock, el Upper Oxford, Penn., took his
little daughter, Eva Arm, aged five years, into the
'barn, With the intentinr of murdering her. She
obtained a rope, and adjusted a noose or slip knot
An the end of it, placed it around the neck of her
intended victim, and in spite of the cries and en
treaties of the title girl for mercy, held her hands
• Mitil she drew the-rope tightly around her neck,
silencing her cries by strangulation. After she
supposed thechild was dead, she took the rope off
,her neck, carried her oat of the barn, and laid her
down on her lace in the garden. Sarah then went
into the house, and asked the Irish cid employed
in the family, where Kira Aare, the little girl, was.
.The Irish girl at once told her that she hail taken
the child out, and that she should go and bring
her back. Sarah then returned to the garden, and I
called for help to bring Eva in. The Irish girl ran
sat, and the little Eva was found on the wound al
most lifeless, with the marks of the rope round her
neck. The child was taken into the house, and
with medical assistance, was fortunately, restored.
e mulatto girl was sent to prison. She confess.
e he act, and said that she Minded to murder the
child; that little Eva had slapped her, and was
saucy to her, and for this reason she had attempted
this tertible deed.
Tut LATS ) TROUBLIS AT liorroonas —By the brio
Helen Jane,' from Truxillo, Honduras, Feb. 27th,
which arrived at New York on Saturday moraine,
we have the following account of the trouble on the
Mosquito Coast :
About four months since the commandant at
Truitillo . ditipatched troops to Limas, on Romani
Rivei, do put a stop to the coning of mahogany t y
the English, they refusing to pay the duty enacted
by Honduras, on the ground that the place belong
eJ to the Mosquito King, which Honduras always
The English cutters were driven off—the En
glish flag hauled down, and the Honduras troops
permanently stationed there. The mission of the
British steamer " Devastation," at Treadle), was to
demand the immediate withdraw of the troops horn
Limas, with the intimation that lithe demand was
not complied with by
.12 o'clock, the English corn.
manJer would.prozeed to remove them by force
He also stated that a claim for damages to the En
glish subjects;in conseqnence of their having been
driven oft, would be made. He likewise demand
ed that English subjects should not hereafter be in
terfered with. The commandant of Truaillo com
plied with the demand under protest, and the
troop. at Limas were removed. The people or
Honduras claim Limas se indisputably a part of
Honduras, and deny the right of the English mem
the valuable mahogany without paying the usual
Irol7llo . TAMS' SEMIN4RT.—The Winter Term of
this Institution, closed on Friday evening hut, with
the mind weekly exercise in Music, Composition,
'End Singing—in each of whitch departments, the
youngladietrand Misses, composing. the School,
acquitted themselves in a manner highly creditable
to themselves and their Instructont.
About TO scholars have attended during the term,
pursuing the various branches of study, suited to
their respective ages and forwardness, and it is
object of remark and just commendation that the
advantages of the entire School from the juvenile
clamp, to those, pursuing the classical and or
staniental branches, has been of the most gratifying
sthanseter; in fact, which, together with the excel
lent discipline maintained, and the vigilant watch
fulness/kW careful attention of the accomplished
Principal, Mrs. Pearce, over every interest of her
pupils, whether boarders or day schollars, will not
fail ot its proper influence upon the future suppor t
and permanency of the Seminary.
The Spring Term will commence on Wednesday
next, the 301 lest.—Owego Gazette.
Whalen, discharged engineer on the New York &
Erie Railroad, was discovered, a few nights since
loosening the eccentrics of one of the engines that
was about to start out—the effect of which would
be,. when the engine was under rapid motion, to
displace the machinery, and throw the cars off the
track. Efforts were made to arrest him, bat he has
hitherto eluded his pursuers.
sp-A clerk in Hall's store, while returning horn
his supper, on the evening of the 22d inst., was
struck by some person unknown to him, wob a
slung shot. Raving a heavy railroad lantern in his
bird, he muck his assailant over the head with it,
And knocked him down. The assailant was bound
over in 8500 bail, to appear at the next term of
Quarter Session.
....Ass! McDonald and another man, a pedlar,
were arrested, of the 21st instant, on a charge of
passing counterfeit money; and failing to obtain
bud, were lodged in jail, to await their trial at the
next term —SAAprehanna Register.
Bum* slow flavilltcs.—Ebenezer Pope, a re
spectable citizen of Milton, Mass., hang himsell in
his bum, on Thursday. Ho leaves a family. In
sanity, resulting from the rapping delusions, caused
the mournful act. He was one of the selectmen of
the town. sylva Beech. a maiden lady committed
adoide by 'hanging at New Ashlord, lfdims list
week. Cause said to have been religions es.
Boston Pnet states that Gov. Stevens, the newly ap.
pointed Governor of Washington Territory, is lobe
put in charge of one of the the three surveying par.
Gee which will be sent out so explore the several
iota, tot the Neale
.111tealmdmeat Exploallon. - ' •
7. lfteGalielitan;, of th e '2sth oh.
g t ivea - a long eccothit - of an 'explosion on board the
steamboat Farmer, Skiing-II o'clock On the night of
We 2sd when - ihewas about ten miles from Pal-.
Talton, ion* tsy; , on her way • froni - . - HOWiton,
wh oallinitty a large, beniber of *is yaps lost,
and amity iserscmi herelo4l4 leatinforied -The
fa was anncioneed frt days ego
,Pillktlareare itAintatingt _ •
Theateamers Neptune and Farmeragain under-
took to race last night, coming om Houston to
Galveston, About 11 o'clock, the farmer blew op
a little west of Micah' Island, hi sight. of Galves
The number of the killed and wounded has not
yet been ascertained., The Neptune was close by
when the explosion volt niece, and immediately
took on the suorivore and ;tome of the killed and
Among the killed were S X.Hart, W. Hubby,
T Hale , the assistant bar-kee per, and several oth
ers. dissinmand supposed to e killed, are Cap
tam Webb, the commander; Caleb Robertson, who
kept a coffee-house in Galveston;- Wm. Warner,
second eng ineer , C. H. Stems. Among the wound
ed are Mr. Dixon: Blakeman, the nitre; Curtis,
the engineer; McCormick, the mate; G Hunter,.
of Cincinnati; and Mcßeynolds
The ladies all esCaped unhorl. We letup that
The Neptinte was about an hour employed in taking
off the killed and wound. The scene of distress
is dereribed as heart tendering in the extreme
The Neptune tenanted immediately aft4r discharg
ing ber passengers, to renew the search for the MlS
sin and has tint yet got back.
Mr E. M. Stnekpole was slightly wounded. It
is said that ho was expostulating with Captain
Webb against such reckless exposure of the lives
of his passengers, when the boat blew up, and was
getting the passengers . o sign a mitten, protest.
Mr. Dixon isnot Orpetted to survige, and Mr.
Reynolds is very Kathy, though It is hoped, not fa.
tally wounded. We have just seen Mr. Westhrop,
the steward of the Farmer, who is very badly
wounded, and can, hardly be recog.nizsd. William
Hale, assistant steward, is also badly wounded,
one le2. being broken j His recovery is doubtlul
Mr. Hunter of Cincinnati. is severely hurt. Mr.
Barnum, of Maine, has had to have his srm awn.
fated. James Co ton, of Houston, is one of the
missing. Mr Geary, formerly connected with the
Journal of this city, is also among the missing.
learn that Arthur Spring ; Sr , since his conviction
of the diabolical murder of Ellen Lynch, has be
, come eidirely prostrated, more from anguish of
mind tl an pain of body, and it is with difficulty
that he can be made to take sufficient food to keep
him alive, On Saturday his counsel, Mr. Doran,
visited him in prison, and found him laying :n a
Plate of exhaustion, upon his bed, and manifesting
no disposition to converse. Some stimulating drink
had been prepared for him, which he refused to
take, until a threat was made to force it down him.
In conversation .with his counsel, he again asserted
his innocence, and urn beit". told that he must
restore the gold which he look from the trunk 01
Bartholomew Lynch, he denied all knowledge of,
but said that his son knew all about il, and fur
ther said if his son Would tell where lie put the
money, so that it could be restored, he would for
give him and allow him to come and see him.—
Otherwise he would never forgive him. Mr. Doran
vainly attempted to get anything out of him that
was satisfactory. It is thought that he feigns him
self sick. He will doubtless be in our court to day.
We learn that the son has made other disclosures
touching the wickedness of his father. He says
that he went some time since to the fruit store of
Mr Mdroney, corner of Eighth and Walnut streets,
and intended to kill Mrs M , who was alone. He
managed to slip unperceived a heavy weight in
his pocket, to accomplish his purpose but was frus•
trated in his de-ign by some one coming into the
store. This brings him into the neighborhood of
the Rink murder, is not unlikely he per -
THE BURNING COAL Mona rem—That portion of
the Broad Mountans;called the ',Fiery Mountains,'
firm; the foot of the Anthracite coal at that point
being on fire—which has been burning for the last
fifteen years, is situated about live miles from 1111
neraville and fifteen from Schuylkill Haven. It is
now considered a very dangerons experiment to
travel over the mountain, U it is supposed that in
many places the surface is a n:ere superficial shell,
the coal having been consumed up to the surface,
and hence the least pressure thereon, it is presum
ed, might break thro:igh and let the ad venturerdown
into the fiery chasm below. At the base of the
mou•tain in one place a stream of water almost
boiling hot cornea out The surface of the.mountain
presents a desolate appearance as far as the eye
can reach. The mountain is either cracked, burn
ed or broken into numerous and fearful .lepths by
the approach of the files to the upper stratum ;
mots and trunks of the lofty trees are charred and
blackened, mingling their pyroligneous odor with
the sulphurous vapors from toe hot caves and crev
ices around. Thecalcined bones of birds, reptiles
and small quadrupeds, lie here and there, half mix
ed with mineral ashes, to fill op the blasted view,
while amidst the vast scene of desolation may be
seen a solitary wood-flower, springing from its per
petual', hot bed," and presenting in the.unconge
trial atmosphere, a mockery of bloom.
Otrraacc.—We learn from the Connland county
papers that the barti`of Samuel Plumb, Ffq , of
Homer, was burneil'on the night of the 12th inst.,
together with a wagon, cotter, harness and sever
al tons of hay, and a private recount t. ays also a
horse. It was the work of incendiary. "It is gen
erally known throughout the country," says the
Democrat," that the elate of feeling in Homer, in
livens prosecutions for selling liquor, partakes of a
violent and malignant nature, and that Mr Plumb
was recently one of the overseers of the poor, and
has been of the most active and zealous on the
Temperance side." Last summer a large Lumber
of beautiful shade trees, belonging to the premises
of Mr. Plumb, were girdled, and utterly ruined.—
Mr. Noah fit , clicock, present overseer, recently bad
the tails of his horses sheared. It is to be regret
tee that the au,hars of such outrages cannot be ar
rested and punished in accordance with the enor
mity of the crimes commiled.
of New York hive decided that the injunction pro•
hibiling the grantees to construct the railroad shall
be continued, or, in other words, to be made per
manent—so that this speculation ts, for the present,
put an end to. The opinio I of Judge Edwards does
not questioa the power of the corporation to author
ize the construction of railways in the city, nor does
he deem railroad a nuisance. He thinks that body
have a sufficient jurisdiction over all the public
highways, irrespective of the title to the soil, to en
able them gi to appropriate them to such uses 'as
conduce to them italic good." He also decides
that by the charter the co rporations are invested
with the largest discretion in the exercise of their
political powers, but private property stands on a
different footing," and cannot be disposed of by
them fi without any ,or for a nominal, considera
HEALTH or HON. W. R. Kisto.—We learn from a
gentleman who came passenger yesterday-in the
schooner Midas, from Havana, (saga the New Or
leans Delta, of March 23,) that he visited th, Bing
on the 13th inst, itt company with Control, 'Jodge
Sharkey, and loundhis health very much improv.
ed. Mr. King's friends felt great confidence that
his health would be entirely restored in a very
short time.
The President, by and with the consent of the
Senate, has appointed the celebrated Kit Carson to
an Indian agency, in and tot New Mexico.
Barnum is potting op a tower in the vicinity of
the Crystal Palace, ;00 feet bigh t to the top 01
which visitors gni to be Mel by a steam engine.
raterovb oporttv.
Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Men
I►ud for Ihve Ifstriterv.
Towanda, Saturday,.
.April 9, 1853.
Terms et,The Reporter.
SO SO per annuro—if peed within the year 50 cents will
to deducted—rot cash paid actually in advance • I 00 will be
iediteted. No paper sent orertwo years. unless mud for.
Aotrarrtmoixts. per mourn of ten lines. 40 cents for the
inn rind .ht cents for each stalk-quern insertion.
grOisea m the' Untoll nonb side of the Publie
Squan*ext door to the Bradford Hotel. Entrance beiwersi
Messrs. Adams' and Elwell's law offices. '
Minnooratio State Nominations.
CANAL roxamstnlrra.
•VTITOu mita at:.
VOA SI7IIVIVTOR 0112111 1 / 1 1.0
The Girard irldnk.
We find in the Philadelphia Ledger the following
remarks in report] to the proposition to re-charter
the Girard Bank The bill for extending twenty
' years the charter of this bank, passed second read
int,, in the Assembly yesterday, and it is the gene
ral expectation that it will become a law. Amo
lion in opposition to refer the bill to the Judiciary
Committee, was voted down. At present the Bank
pays into the State Treasury, $9600 in tax on divi
dends and capital. The pending proposition is to
require the Bank to pay into the Treasury, immedi
ately, $125,000, to be appropriated to the comple-
tion el the North Branch Canal. It will be remem
cered that $250,000 ol the loan appropriated to the
Canal, were taken to remove the Places on the
Portage Road. The interest on the $125,000 would
be equal to $7500 per annum, or, in twenty years
$150,000. The interest, It will be seen, is annually
$2lOO less than the tax now paid, but as it will en
able the State to continue to completion the If ork
on the Canal, without borrowing, it has been deem
ed more advantageous than the tax. The bank,w•e
understand, prefers the tax, but is willing to accept
the terms proposed. The Gira-d is favorably loca
ted for business, and to put it out of existence would
create as much inconvenience, probably, as the
winding up of any other batik in our city. As a
proof of the use made of it by the business men in
its vicini'y, we observe by its last pfiblished state
ment, It held on deposit, $1,336,961."
The endorsement of the Ledger is worthy of con
sideration: because there is no paper in the State
more radical upon the question of the currency.
We observe that our Representatiies—Messrs.
BARTON and Potomac—have favored this proposi•
lion by their votes, and we have no doubt, will be
sustained by their constituents. No special reasons
can be urged against the re-charter ol the Girard
Bank, which is as necessary and in as sound a con
dition as any in the State. The bonus required to
be paid, in lieu of the tax, would be of more advan
tage to the State, it receised now, and applied to the
completion of the North Branch Canal.
Death far California.
JosEPn T.RICHARD3, late of Montrose, died in
San Jose, California, February 23, aged 42 ye ars.
Mr. Richards was a prominent and a very able
member of the Susquehanna Bar, where he done
an extensive business, till the decline of his health
induced him to seek a more congenial clime in
hopes of restoring if.
Ftfig Its ELMIIIA-EOB9 ABOUT 815,000.—0 n the
19th ult., a fire broke out in the clothing store of
Mr. Hogan, on Water street, opposite the Brainard
House, which destroyed several wooden buildings
and contents belore it could be arrested. The ori
gin of the fire is unknown. Luce & Dunmars' gro
eery and provision store, lose $1,500, covered by
insurance. Quinlan & M'Mahon, loss $1,500, in
sured $1,200. Rabbet & Co.'s cabinet shop, loss
covered by insnrance. Hogan's clothing store, loss
2.:500, nearly covered by insurance. West's .meat
roacket, loss $7OO, no insurance. Geo. Richard
Fi•zgerald, loss $1,200, insured $l,OOO.
DEATH or Mas. COlL—This most estimable la.
dy, consort of the illustrious Senator from Michi
gan, died on Thursday, 31st alt., attended to the
last moment by the watchful care and loving kind
ness of the goad and great husband. Mrs. Cass
was a native of Virginia, highly educated, y_el a
of unassuming womanly excellence, the centre of
attraction of a large circle of friends, and a minis•
tering angel of benevolence and charity to the poor
and afflicted.
Mae. ABIGAIL FILLMORE, the deceased wife of
the Ex-President, was a native of Cayuga county,
New York, and daughter of the late Rev. Lemuel
Powers. She was married to Mr. Fllmore in 1826,
and leaves a son and daughter; the former about
21, and the latter 19 years of age. In private life,
Mrs. F. has always been much esteemed by her
acquaintances, for her many virtues and amiable
.agreeable disposition. She was about fifty
years of age.
Scream or sn ARMY °meas.—John S. Hatha
way, Brevet Major of the First Artillery, U. S. A.,
was found dead on Thursday evening, in his room
at the Astor House, New York, having cut his
throat with a razor, which was lying beside him.
His room door was bolted oa the inside, and had to
be broken open. On his person was found /1150 in
gold, a check for 11600, Sro. He was about-thirty
eight years of age, and a native of Cortland county,
N. Y.
THE JAPAN EXPEDITION, it is rumored, has been
countermanded, but what truth there is in the ru
mor we know not. it is a pity atter all the fuss
which has been made about this expedition that our
government should not have the opportunity of try
ing the _conciliatory eflects of Paixhan persuaders
upon the unsocial and inflexible heathen who pre
sides over the empire of Japan. It would show the
nature of the ig amity and friendship" which are
about to be offered Ilia.
. .
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.11*mussuao,3ptil 5, 853.
_ A nuMber .of 'philetithropio
pally of Philadelphia, - are urging , upon theiLegis
totem the appropriation . : of money . tor the impose
of establishing a school for the education'of idiotic
oirildrem. Judge Kane delivered !eons's; in the .
House of Representatives on this subject, ilf„ which
he made known a number of interesting facts. It .
hailiflireys Warn supposed that idiots were InesPa-
~ble of etiiiitiOn;_that.nature bad deprived them of
every spark of Intellect, and that with the ',human
form they were degraded to a condition of mere
animal instinct. Experiments prove that, this is a
mistaken notion, and that education 'will elevate the
idioticebove their brutal state, and endow them
with a comparative degree of intelligence. Save
ml children were exhibited to the audience who
bad been raised from this Jamentable condition. A
few years ego, the . Legislature, moved by the dis
interested appeals of Miss Dix, establisherk within
sight of the Capitol, a State Lunatic Hospital. That
institution is now filled 'Pith patient., who before
received no better treatment than could be procured
in a county poor houseorhich was generally chains.
The people have nothing to regret in the appropri
ation of money for this laudable institution. With
like, or even stronger force, do the claims of those
worse than i-sane appeal to the Legislature. The
appropriation made by the House of Representa
tives to 830,000 The Senate with a cautious spirit
has referred the subjtct to a committee. Some ap
propriation will cer.ainly be made.
The public printing has been allotted to A. Boyd
Hamilton, at 70 1.16 per cent. below the rate fixatE
by the act of 1843. Mr Hamilton took the printing
at Washington at ruinous prices, so 'hat Congress
was compelled to iake it out of his hands. The
contract which he has just made, will in all proba
bility have a similar issue.
A bill of very great importance passed the Senate
a few (lays since, and ought to pass the other branch
of the Legislature. It increases the tax on all pri•
vats bills, so as to exclude a large portion .of that
character of legslation that now occupies the whole
time of the session. Business that the Courts have
the power to transact, acts creating, extending and
enlarging the poweri of corporations, and all other
matters, of an entirely private or local nature, is to
be deterred front an application to the Legislature,
by heavy taxation. This evil has become of such
Magnitude, that some potent remedy is imperative
ly demanded. Two-thirds ot the railroad and plank
road companies chartered, are mere fanciful projec ts
which will never be accomplished. Acts of incor
poration are now so easily procured, without the
trouble of examination into the probability of suc
cess, that every projector considers them as one
step taken in the advancement of a favorite scheme
The bill would be a salutary reform.
The Senate has passed a Resolution to adjourn
finally on the 12th of this month and the House has
passed it to second reading, and yet thy have
fnade tlcartely any progress upon the appropriation
bill. If they should agree to adjourn on that day,
the appropriation bill could not be sent to the Sen•
ate until the close of this week, giving that body
one or two days for the consideration of the most
important measure of the Session, which the HoUse
have had before them for montLs. This would be
nothing new in Legislative history. On several
occasions this important bill has been tent to the
Senate during the last hours of the session, after
they had fixed the time of final adjournment, to be
hurried through in excitement, when cool judgment
was the most demanded. I hardly think that an
adjournment will take place until the 19th.
The Resolutions submitting to a vote of the peo
ple the question of a prohibitory liquor law, was
defeated by a tie vote in the Senate, yesterday, but
several' Senators repented of their vote, and moved
a reconsideration, which was carried and the Res
olution passed to third reading to day. Tomorrow
they will pass finally. Doubtless the House will
concur, so that October next will tell whether a
majority of the people of this State aro prepared to
renounce " grog" on all occasions.
A bill incorporating the Towanda and Franklin
Railroad, has passed the Legislature.
The Governor has signed the bill Incorporating
the brie city Bank, with the power to issue notes.
Yours truly,
that t h e Vice• President elect has been sworn in
seems to be incorrect. The Evening Past, of the
2J inst., says. " We learn from the Hon. Z Pratt,
who has just returned from Havana, that he was
invited by Mr. Sharkey, a week ago last Monday,
" to go out in a few days to be present at the swear
ing in of the Vice President," showing that he had
not yet been qualified, as was reported.
Mr, Pratt also was told •that Mr. King's health
was quite desperate ; that he did not weigh over
a hundred pounds, and would not probably live to
return, even if be left, as he proposed to, on the lit
of April. His principal food was milk and homi
ny, and he was daily borne by his, men into the
sugar•house, rarely being able to walk over part of
the way."
SAMMIE!! or U. S. MINISTERS.—The general im
pression appears to be that at the late session of
Congress, the salaries of the U. S. Ministers to
many of the Courts of Europe, were increased to
$20,000. This, howeveri is erroneous. This pro
position failed through a disagreement of the two
Houses. And yet the Federal press names this
contemplated increase of salary as one of the items
of " loco-loco" extravagance.
Tun Can oe SPRING--The Court of Oyer and
Terminer, at Philadelphia, decided on Saturday,
after a careful and deliberate examination, that
Spring is entitled to a new trial, as the trial which
ended in his con viction was not atria, by a jury
regularly summoned. Spring is now undergoing a
second trial.
Tsre. Maine Liquor Law has bad its stringen.
cy increased by the Legislature of that State, and
passed by a vote or two to one in both Houses. In
Wisconsin a similar law was defeated by one ma.
jority, and in Minnesota by the same majority.
Etter The Senate of our State, has adopted a ntso
lotion and authorized the Governor and Members
of the Legislature of Maryland, and the Mayor and
City Councils of Baltimore, to visit Harrisburg as
the guests of the State.
Qtr.. The most important feature of the political
news received by this Niagara ; is the announce.
meat that the Grand Dake of Tuscany has released
the Medial prisoners.
7tvlArneartheliriesseir rftlaslehttrodtteed‘ Curt • -
Mississippi River, and the Ohio, Missouri, Red and .
Miaow, where one hundred men are now employ
ed maa boat, twenty or thirty will ber-employadi
and !there *lOO Worth of feel will be, used, some
thing like 810 worth will he sebstitued. Nevi Or.
leans will then be boner able to compete :with the
Rut end North thee shallow is, for freights' will hill
Enonnottaly,, and the river will thus be troubled to
comities to sense. advantage with rltilmadtt.- Need
Wrens PicaPune.
Lew Baltimore Price Current, id, Oat
nuts}, says, the transactioes are still limited, prices
are.tending upward...owing to very- small stocks and
receipts. Navigation being about opening, larger
receipts may be erected next week.
Cosirware (Ps.) LUXIMILICIZJEZT. March
6844nterior Call Boards and - Grub Plank $9 ; Cul
ling 101 00; second Common 17 00 ; -first Com
mon. 1417 60 ; Panda ; $35 00 ; Hemlock - Boards
and :Ileatilliag 010, 00 ; Pine • Scud* $14.00 ;
Plaster-Lath S 00 a 02 50 ; arid Shingles 000 a
The Geneva Cornier says that the waters of
Seneca Lake are never frozen over, in the coldest
winter; and even near the shore there is scarcely
enorigh ice to *ripply the summer's requirements
Seneca Catial, running from the lake four miles
from Geneva, has been navigable all whew ; and
in no instance, not even in the coldest days, has it
been " skimmed over." Ii is fed directly front
the lake, and to that receives its waters from springs
and is at immense depth, the temp erature of it all
winter long, is beyond that of freezing.
S. H. Roams, of Delaware county, in this Stale, bas
been appointed to ihe offue of First Assistant Post.
master General, a position which he had held for
many years previous to the late administration,
having first been appointed under Gen. Jackson....-
His present appointment will give general satisfac
tion to the country.
Or It is said the Siamese Twins have been
engaged by some Northern speculator r at a salary
of 85000 a year, to give exhibitions.
John Kemedy was arrested and committed to jai
in Covington, Ky., for dealing in•counterfeit money
Mich, are offered to the public at wholesale or retail,
id very low prices.
Towanda, March 31, 1153.
Slats, Caps andl amulets.
FRENCH Silk, Cassimere, Kossuth, Panama
Leghorn, Canadian, Straw and Palm Leaf Hats
Also, a large assortment of Ladies' and Misses
Florence, Straw, French Lace, &c., Bonnets jus
receivod at MERCUR'S.
April 6, 1863.
Moots & Shoes.
MEATS ; Wninens, and Children. Boots and shoes
IV-L a very large assortment at MERCURII.
LARGE addition to the assortment of common
and Sadlery Hardware now arriving at
April 6. 1853
HIPDS. more of those cheap Brown Sugars.
/ Coffee, Crushed and Powdered Sugars, common
Molasses, Stuart's Syrup, superior Green and Bl'k.
Teas, Rio, Java and Mocha Coffee. Also, all other
kinds of Groceries, except liquors. at wholesale or
retail at MERC UR'S.
April 8, 1853.
ABeautiful assortment and great uariety of Prints,
Ginghams, Lawns, Maus. DeLains, Barege
DeLaina, Plain and Figured Deßeges, 4c. just re•
calved at ap6 MERCUR'S.
Preach Embroidery.
uItiBROIDERSD collars, chemizetts, flouncing.
14 under sleeves, linen ilandkerchiefs, edgings and
insertings at MERCURIK
WWHITE CRAPE , bl'k silk and colored shawls
for sale at MERCUR'S.
Blr virtue of writs of Levari Pacias issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas, of Bradford . 0011-
I Yland to me directed, will be exposed to public sale,
at the Court House, in the boro' of Towanda, on
Monday, the 2d day of MAY, at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
the following lot, piece or parcel of land situated in
Ridgberry twp., Bradford County; State of Penn's.
Beginning at an,elm tree standing on the west bank
of Bentley Creek and running thence south 6° east
6 perches and 2-10 to the north-east corner of Abi
al Fuller's firm, from thence 8. 11 E. 80 perches to
a certain butternut tree standing on the west side of
the west embankment of the mill run ; thence S. 2°
10" E. 10 perches to a post and stones, standing by
a white pine stump ; thence 8.54 W. 6 perches and
7-10 to a post and stones; thence 8.2 E. 9 perches
to the south east corner of said Abiah Fuller's farm, 1
being a butternut tree ; thence north 2? E. 14 per
ches to a post, 8.88 E.lB-7 to a hemlock tree stand.
ing on the east hank of said Bentley Creek ; thence
N. 22 West 496 to a corner on the east bank of
said creek ; thence N. 88 W. 8 perches to the place
of beginning. Containing 4 acres and 60 perches,
more or less. all improved, and having thereon erec
ted a one and a half story frame house and a saw
mill together with the mill run and prisiliges thereto
J. M. 1r
. .
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 8. II
dtrang* Co. vs Asaph Co!born and C. T, Mar
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Wysox twp.
and beginning at a black oak the north corner of
said tract deeded same day to party of Mt part ;
thence north 37° east 220 perches to a hickory on
the north line of said lot ; thence west 102 perches
to a' maple standing on the east bank of the creek;
thence south 30 perches to a corner; thence west 32
perches to the west line of said lot ; thence south
along said line 146 perches to the beginning.—
Containing 67 acres and 11:perches strict measure,
be the same More or less. ft being part of a larger
tract in the warrantee of Monin Smith granted by
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. About 30
acres improved, be the same more or less, 1 small
framed house, 1 log house, 2 log sheds and a few
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of An
us Dickinson, Maria Meredith, John Read, John M.
Read, and Margaret M. Road, who survived Prise'' ,
la M. Read, vs Amos J. Vergnson, John Wood and
Levi Wood, terre tenants.
ALSO—Piece or parcel of land in Granville tap.
and beginning at • hemlock southeast corner of a
lot originally contracted to Thos. Bailey Jr. ; thence
north 85 perches to a post, north-east corner of said
Bailey's lot ; thence east 95 perches to the west
line of lot No, 193; thence west 95 perches to the
beginning. - Containing 50 acres and 75 perches,
strict measure, from the south end of lot No. 132 on
warrant lot No. 1473. • About 35 acres improved,
with one log and framed house attached tnereon.
Seized and taken , in execution at the suit- of Ste
phen Pierce, vs /Sambas Woman auttLewia Pratt,
tine tenant.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land itiTranklin tp
and beginning at the north east corriet.of a lot run
out,for Nathan Wilcox. on the south bank of the
Towanda creek ; thence south 231° east 64 and
5-10 perches to a post • thence south 169 5-40 per
ches to a heap ofstones for a carrier r thence north
84° east 48 perches to post and atones thence
north 249 3-10 perches to &white maple for a cor4
nation the bank °rifle-Towanda creek t thence up
theibank ofthe said Creek. accoiding to the seteial
courses thereof. to the beginning: Containing 77
and 120 7-10 perches and the usual allowance, &e.
About 40 scree improved, 1 grimed honse,l fram
ed barn, Ind an orchard of fruit , treestherean.
• •
Neu 2Lbverlisements.
Dress Goods.
, .
Bonk, of Seized and taken la execution at awl c i i t •
-North America to the ne e o f ; el
Pierdeqa Stuart Smiley,
T,!,ALnu e .....-A certain single Saw 14ig it
owanda iireek, in the township of Rot
being the 'Second saw mill from the month
w aw a creek and about two and a lisy n n ia
month, ot where the same empties hu e the
being 64 reef iniength, 28 feet wide, red the
piece of ground and cartilage appan eelete
said . milloognther , ,lrith all ' , dentin ,
Seized and taken in executioa at th e
land R. Rockwell and Hymn A. Docin eet
wester White, Geo. W. White, W ien . w hi
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs sty e
oasis piece or parcel of land in Shesheqt
and bounded on the north by lands eriv,
pheasoirand-Olark Bauer, en the nee hr
Patrick Murphey and C. J. Lent,
lands of Wut. Stephenson and Debi,
and on the west by lands of Win. sk
Containing about 51 acre., about 12 sc i : ei
ed, one steam saw mill, two framed b ete
tees and one log barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at th e ntit
rick Murphey nowt* the use of Wm. g oet ,
Daniel Hill Jr. and-Morris Murphey.
ALSO—A piece or parcel ofland in
ewp., and Minded on , the north by hied et
Paine; on the east by lands of John H e
south and west by: lands of Samuel •,
taining about 50 acres more or less, ah em
improved. one log and framed house mid
genies', one framed barn and a small cro o k
trees thereon.
Seized and taken In execrator. at the
Welles & Harris, vs J. L. Ven e i ce ,
ALSO—A piece or Parcel of land in Alban,
and bounded on the north by lands of Preemie,
cox , o n the east by landeof Augustus later* ,
the south by lands of Jacob Jackson, and or
west by lands belonging to the beir3 of B e ,
Ladd, dec'd. Containing about 100 aer c o,
same more or less. about 30 acres improved,
block house; one trained barn, and s small or
of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the ten of
Hanson, vs. James A. Paine.
A LSO—A piece or parcel of land it Rome
and beginning at the south east corner al lot
ed to Roderick Merely, thence south 65;1 (7 6 /
a post due east from the north east comer of ,
heretofore deeded to John Cowley ;thence Br
passing along the north tine oLsord Cowar t
210 8-10 perches to the outline of the Leßoy
to a post, thence north 1° east on said want
out line 65 perches, to the south-west cornet
said deeded lot, to Roderic Adoreley's, thence
69° east 240 8-10 perches to the beginning.
lain ing 97 acres and 132 perches strict met
the Name more or less, about 40 acres impt
framed houses, 2 framed ba'na and'astnall
of fruit trees thereon.
ALSO--One other lot piece or parcel otl
Rome twp., and bounded on the north by I
Bllas Gore, on the east by lands of Silas Got
on the south by lands of Roderic Moreley ;
west by lands of Gee. Horton and Wm. Elder
m i n i ng 95 acres, be the same more or less,
50 acres improved, one large framed barn, re
story framed dwelling house and an onto
'Trait trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit
N. Shipman vs Richard E. Lent, Frederick lb
F. M. Lent and Agathy Lent.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in SaiithF
and bounded on the north by lands of E. ti,
and C. C. Corse, on the east by lands of U. 11(
S. Salisbery, H. M. Hall and A . Phelps, on tht
by lands of A. Phelps and J. Phelps, and el
west by lands of A. Jones, A. Pierce, J. C. Aid
D. Holmes and L. H. Pierce. Contaitpog dos
acres, be the same more or less, abouflo aensmi
proved, with one steam grist men, one wiggoeiri f
and lumber shop attatched,two dwelling nominal
ono grocery building thereon.
ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land
Smithfield twp. ) and bounded on the nonh by Lodi
of 5. C. Aldrich, east by lands of E. 8. Trai l ,
south by the Public highway, and west by lands d
Li. Moody: Containing about acre, all impmni
with one framed dwelling house, and one hue
barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot
Shipman, vs H. M. and G. S. Peck.
A LSO—A piece or parcel of land in Ulster tn..
and bounded on the north by lands of Chris
comb, on the east by lands of Horace Heath, on tle
south by the highway leading from Ulster to Smith ,
field, on the west by lands of Cyrel Sweet Cm
taming about one-fourth of an acre, all impr*-
with one framed house thereon.
Seized and taken in executiod at the suitor!
Smith, J. Culp and O. T. Smith, copartaen,
Nathan Olmsted.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Warrecty,
and beginning at a post corner of lots No. ts
ZI, thence north 3° east along the line of lot Na.,9
101 6-10 perches to a post corner of said lot lb.
21 & 22 with line of lot Ni.. 20, thence along II
line of lot No. 20 north 87° west 50 perches is
post, corner of lots No. 19, 20, 21 and 18, h ap
lie road, thence along said road and the lideoflot
No.-18, south 32 3-4° west 113 3-10 perches to a
post corner of lot No. 18 and 21 in the said botindzi
ry line, thence along the said line, south 85 f° egt
105 9-10 perches to the beginning. Containing ff
acres, bounded south by Caleb Consoles land
north by lot No. 20, east by lot No. Moil weilbl
lot No. 18, and being part of a larger tact of land
granted to said Charles S. Cox.
ALSO—One other lot of land known es No. el in
Trowbridge's resurvey of raid Charles 8. Cats
lands in Warren twp. aforesaid. Beginning at it
45 mile stoner in the boundary line between the 55
of Pa. and N. Y., thence along said state line said
86 deg. east 73 3-10 perches to a post comerofla
No. 24, thence south 3 deg . west 96 8-10 perchers
a post, a corner of lots No. 22, 23 and 24, these
north 87 deg. west 129 8-10 perches to a ?La:
public road corner of lots No. 18, 19 and It, AO
along said road and boundary line of lot Nell,
north 32 3-4 deg. east 1 i 3 3-10 perches to the*
fling, mite stone corner of lot No. 19. Coatahnil
el 9-10 acres, be the same more or less , laza
north by the tate of N. Y. south by lots No.:lad
22, east by lot No. 24, and west by said publicist
and lot No. 19. About 75 acres improved OD del
!Ms Nc. 21 and 22 as above described, one Glad
house, one framed barn and a small ached
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suitof lfli•
H. Russell, vs. Asaph Bascom.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Ridylesl
twp. and bounded on the north by lauds of as
Ball, on the Batterson road, on the east by labg
Win. Seely, on the south by lands of Win. Itira'
and on the west by lands of J. F. Feely, D. 8 . 110
and C. G. Doty. Containing about 40 acres, lv 111
same more or less, about 24 acres improved. el
framed dwelling house, one small stable, one dad
and some fruit trees thereon,
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Chis
Westbrook, vs. B. Seely, Phebe Seely id Wn.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land sn 1.2111 1„„„
twp., and bounded on the north by limbo ,
Bennett, on the east by lands of John Clapferi "-
P. Clapper and Chandler Bixby, on the sosti
lands of N. P. Babcock. and on the west by
Franl4tri Babcock and P. M. Bostwick. Conte M
190 acres, be the same more or 1-ss,
acres improved, one log house and one framed is'
and a young opple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the stet "
son 4 co, va..J. C. Culver.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Panel!
and bounded on the . north by the estate oft
non, east by hind of 0. Vought, soeth by estat e ,
M Cannon, and west by land of M. S. !Award ...`
Containing 45 acres with 25 acres improved, sth
framed house and an apple orchard thereat
Seized and taken in execution at the snit dux"
nanS with, vs John L. Cannon.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Herrick 01 '
and bounded on the north by lands of DuitO n t l i i
east by lands of Joseph and Battersitl, seal of
the lands of the Dupont's and west by b
Myers-Read, Hiram Gordon & Brothers. Coll
ing about 115 acres, be the same more or
about 25 : acres imprived, and a few ficit trot
ALSO—Oae other piece or parcel of
treiTick twp. , bounded north and east by