Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 09, 1853, Image 1

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SalutbaP elornin 9 . %Ord 9. MO.
,icktt6 Vottti.
Jags. Heavenly Shepherd. hear me,
Pess thy little lamb to night,
th ro ugh the darkness be than near me,
Watch my sleep till morning light.
All this day thy hands has led me}
Ard I thank Thee for thy care.
Ilea bast warmed and clothed and fed me .
Listento my craning prayer.
Hay my sins be all forgiven,
Bless the friends I love so well
glen I die, take me to Heaven.
Happy there with Thee to dwell
tlttt gale.
(Firm the \e.. York Evening Post.)
Wars I last visited the country beyond the
I travelled from %Meeting to Lexington on
in order to contemplate more at my lei
te beautiful scenery of that interesting region.
way I fell in with a person also on horse
going in the same direction, who seemed in•
'd to join company with me, an arrangement to
th, as 1 had already travelled a considerable
alone, I felt no particular aversion. He
ipparently about fort•-five years of age, of a
athletic make, and a sallow, almost a swar
complexion. His eyes were of a dull hazel
clay deep in their sockets, and were surrounded
~ales of a darker tinge than the rest of his late.
them a pair of low, horizontal, coal-black
'Tows, gave an inexpressibly hard and ascetic
his coortenance. He wore a black bombs•
coot, the tight sleeves of which set oil to great
lone his lean arms, the large joints of his el
is, his big wrists, and the heavy hands with
th he grasped hie beechen switch and the reins
as bridle. The remainder of his apparel con
of a well saved hat, in 'that state ot respecta
rosiness in which that article is kepi by decent
, :e who db not of en indulge themselves in the
bt a new one, pepper and salt-colored sari
antaloons, over which were drawn a pair of
ctaored bco's, a black silk waistcoat, and a
tty white cravat, the - sharp spear-like ends of
:th projected in different diregtions• from under
4-roa - n throat. He bestrode a tall, strong-limb•
lean, black horse ; across the saddle hung a
ponmantean, and from under the pom
il peeped a bit of sheep-skin dressed with the
o 3 placed there to prevent the animal's back
teing dialed with the. journey.
le renamed a civil answer to my salutation, with
Li and prolonged enunciation of the vowel
is. and a melancholy quaver 01 the voice.—
:xles, however, were full, mellow, and evl
ly rated. If I had pre% iously any doubt of
%canon, it was now removed ; and I instantly
tint down for an Itinerant preacher of the Bap•
or Nlethoeist persuasion. Adapting my con-
to his supposed profession, I inquired of
tir.e slate of religion in those parts. On this
he was abundantly eloquent, and I soon
that he was a Baptist preacher who had been
:-.lart visit to the neighbor:vod of Wheeling.
sas now on his way to some of the villages
. et Lexington on the west batik of the Kentucky
lo?iform beside the translucent streams and
let the venerable trees of that fine region, those
iresquetisolemnities of his sect, to which they
me to point as a manifold emblem of purification
moral pi:glutton, and of the resurrection from
te death of sin and the sleep oh the grave. He told
:es chequered history of religions avrakenins in
me Ekes, hunt:reds gathered into the fold, end
ciadslaiings and indifference in others.
lies-was the conversation passed to other sub-
P's 1 scold not help speaking of the exceeding
se of the vegetation in that country, a* com-
Teed ea that of the Atlantic coast.
Tes,'• replied my companion, " the land is a
of milk and honey, and the clouds drop fatness
I :2z r trygronh) and sinful as we are, who make
it abluing place God maketh his sun to shine
m.. 2 evil and nr.tha:.klul, and sentleth rain on the
Asd o.e unjust. But are you from the Atlantic
" I am."
"from New England inquired he, opeakir g
tore crackly than he had done before, and with
tneihiftg, on hlscoomenanee more like a smile
than 1 tad stet ham wear.
1- No, from New York."
eson'eaare rela i nge t l spin into its former
C'' 1 " 11- 'Y " 1," said be, " am from
Ntlr England
".Sour friend s ptohnbly lire in that part of the
raii3 1 , availing myself of that freedom of
4.e - rogat ion of winch he had set . me the example
4 Friends, if you will," answered be, =t I may
431 Ltd, but relations none. There lives not in
":" Je 'Cued Cates, though they are my native
"t"nr, a single human being with whom I am
cr.= km.hed. God has cut away, by a- terrible,
' X: 33 believe, a mercifoldispensstioft:
ties of an earthly nature that bound me to
e 7 fellow oreamres! the members of the - Church
and they only, are now my lathers and
zzlers, and sisters and brethren."
illude, I perceive," said to some re
%titbit event ofyour life. May . I take the fiber
lf ainviring what !"
ic ue!"f," heweds " it gave me great pain
l ielk of but I have related bonen, and itdoes
I ' l° I. llel ; sucl, - moreover, i nip COOTineed that
fial on my pan to wish to normal the deal
';) of God's providence with me from Maim who
'az; to hear what they have been."
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g' You must know; thert,lhat tity father was a na
tive of the island of Nantucket, and the only son of
an emigmnt.pair from. St. John's, on the coast of
Newfoundland.. My mother was from 'Wales,
She was tut a child when her father took passage
lot this country, with her and two brothers older
than herself. Thebessel in which they came was
wrecked off Cape Cod, and all on board perished
except my mother and four of the crew; who .were
picked up by the fitthermen of Hyannis. She was
received into one of the most wealthy families on
the Cape, and was brought up by the good people
WI it she had been one of their own children.
" My fathei had been a seafaring man in early
life, and had risen to the command of a merchant
vessel. At the age of thirty-five he became ac
quainted with m 5 mother, who was some fifteen
years younger than himself, and made her , propo
sals of marriage, which she would accept only on
condition that he should quit the sea, which had
been the grave of her family. He made the prom
ise she required, they were married, and removed
to th 3 interior, where my father botighi a farm, and
settled as an agriculturist.
" Our tesidence was on the highlands west of
the Connecticut river: There was a liule decayed
old dwelling on the farm when my father came to
live there ; he caused it to be polled clown, and
had a neat white cottage on the spot : In this cot
tage was I born, and hero I passed the earliest years
of my lite, and, speaking with respect to temporal
comforts and enjoyments, the happiest It was a
lovely spot, lovely then, but now no longer so—it
is bare and desolate=the besom of destruction has
swept it—the winds, God's ministers, were sent
azainst it, to raze its walls, and root up its shades,
and slay its inmates.
I sometimes think that the distinctness with
which that abode of my youth. and its dear inhabi
tants rise before my imagination is a device of the
enemy to tempt me, and to shake my resignation
to the decrees of the Almighty. A young orchard
sheltered the cottage on the north west, and back
of the orchard rose a wooden hid. On - the south
side of the Mou=e was our garden, which bordered
on a clear prattling brook. To the east were rich
meadows and fields of grain. and pastures where
gathered strawberries and looked for birds' nests
all sloping away gently for a considerable distance,
after which they sunk down out of sight into the
deep glen of a river, whose shallow murmurs were
often heard by us as we sat under the wild cherry
trees before our door. To the east of the river
spread a wide tract of count's-, in full sight from our
windows—farm houses, painted red and white.
with their orchards and corn-fields and woodlands ;
steeples of distant chUrches, and a blue horizon of
woods bounding the scene.
" Time went by pleasantly until my tenth year.
Childhood is the only season of life in which hap
py years do not pass away swiftly. They glide
softly, but they do not fly, and they seem as long
as they are full of enilyment I had an elder sister,
Jane, just attired at seventeen : a fall sirailit,
blooming girl, who had been my instructress in
all childish pastimes. She taught me where to find
the earliest blossoms and the sweetest Berrie., and
showed me where the beech shed its nuts thickest
when it felt the October frosts, and led me beside
wild streams in the woods, and read acidly books
with me, and taught me to sing getiiri hymns on
Sundays under tue trees of our orchard. There
were two brothers, :wine, five years younger than
myself, to whom I now performed the same cffice,
aid beautiful creatures they were, it I can trust my
memory, as ever were sent into the world to be re
called in the bud of life ; fair, round-faced, good
humoured, toilet a perpetual flow of spirits, and in
look, gesture and disposition, the exact copies at
each other. And as they were alike in birth and
mind, and outward semblance, so they were alike
in their Hies, and in their deaths not. divided. I
was their constant companion, and sometimes our
sister, 'who had now grown to maturity, would
leave her sedate occupations and join in all our
" My mother was of a delicate frame, and a qui
et and somewhat sad turn of mind. The calamity
by which her family had perished made a diep
impression upon her, and disposed her heart to re
ligious afiections. Her eyes would some:imes fill
with tears, as she looked at ns in the midst of our
pastime& and she would often mildly check our
boisterous mirth. She was our catechist, she made
ns read our Bible ; and taught us oar lisle hymns
and prayers.
" My lather was, o was tho'ighl, an unregener
ate person, but he was what the world calls a good
moral man, and much respected by his neighbors
He was of an even, quiet tenaper, never greatly ex
hilerated by good nor greatly' depressed by bad tot.
lane. Ido not recollect ever seeing him apparent
ly better pleased than when:his cl•ildren were nois
est in their play, when he would sit looking at us
with great complacency, and tell our mother how
he was like us at our age_ He was what is taileda
silent man, he said but little, and, indulgent as
be wag, that little was a law loos. The neighbor
good also treated him with great deference ; his
opinion was consulted in all difficult cases ;le was
mule town clerk, and then sent a representative to
the General Cowt, and finally received a commis
sion of the peace.
" My father,' as f have already toil you, was
originally a seafaring man, and his profession had
made him familiar with alt the appearances - of the
heavens. To his knowledge of this kind, acquired
on the ocean and the coast of the Atlantic, he now
Added that gained by a daily observation of 1$ as
pect of the heavens in the interior;"anal he be
came celebrated in those parts for his akin dis
cerniuglhe hie ol the sky. • He laminated upon
as a son of Grade 'on the subject of the imbiber,
.and his redietions were nsierenei4 even mote
thanAhoseetthe almanac—
-It was am always that
an %glair* ere:ditto extracted front him ; bet when
obtained, iit never faded of being . veii6ed. His
bay never got lief 'while lying green on its ground,
nor de I believe that he was ever overtaken by a
- -
shOw.eilti . any" Of his ecorsions froni home. He
would pass half hours, iri"gaing . at the sky, and
watching the courses of the clouds. An observa
tion of the weather was his' first business in the
morning, and his last at night ; and if the manly
placidity of his temper was ever on atti occasion
disturbed, it was only when the weather was more
capricious than ordinary ; when it refused to con
form to fixed rules, and failed to fulfil tLe promise
it held forth. In this f think he was wrong, as
questioning the Providence of God s exerted in the
great courses of nature; but who is without his er
rors ?
' The country in which we lived was high and
hilly. The streams by which it was intersected,
flowed in deep, narrow glens, unpleasant from their
chilliness, shade, and mists at morning and even
ing ; and the farms and dwellings lay on the broad
elevated country between them. Thus an ample
sweep was aflorded for the winds, which blew
over the country with as little obstruction as on the
summits of mountains. The snow was often piled
in the winter to the roofs of the houses, and you
might see orchards in which every tree leaned to
the south west, bent and made to grew in that po
sition by the strong and continued gales.
"In the fast year of my residet.ce in this pleas.
ant abode, we had, about the setting in of the Sum
mer, several weeks of in.corn mon heat and drought.
God sealed up the fountains of the firmament, and
made the heavens over our heads brass, and the
earth under our feet ashes Clouds floated over
the fiery sky, and brought no rain; the atmosphere
was filled with a dull dry haze as if the finer dust
of the ground had raised and mingled with it. Out
of this haze the sun emerged at morning, and again
dipped into it at evening, hiding his face long be
fore he reached the horizon. The grass of the field
ceased to grow, and became thin and whee and
dry before it ripened, and hissed mournfully when'.
ever a breath of air passed over it. The birds chirp.
ed feebly in the trees; the cattle lowed fauidy
the meadows, and gathered about the moister vote
of soil. All this white the wind scarce blew, o u r but
sofly, or with strengdi enough to detach from the
cherry trees before our door the loose leaves that
put on the yellowness of Sep'ember, and dropped
of their own accord, one by one, spinning round as
they descended to the earth. I had never known
my lather so uneasy and fidge'y as at that period
He would stand for hours considering the aspect t f
the heavens, and even af er the twilight was down,
he was out by the door, gazing at that hazy canopy
through which the stars dimly trembled Jly moth
er, in the meastime, called her children about her,
and taught us a prayer for rain.
" At length came a day of more per ec catni and
stillness titan we had experienced, even hi that
season of calms. The leaves orr, the trees were so
motionless, that you almost snlght have fancied
them wrought of metal to mock the growth of the
vegetable would. ' I remember 'feeling uneasy at
the depth and corninuance el the. silence, broke',
only by the gurgle at the brook at the bottom of the
garden, where a slender thread of heated water r. to
crept along. the sound of which fed on my ear
with a pai:,fid dis..inctaess. There was tra
not a speck, nothing but that thick whitish haze,
to be seen in all the sky. My father went often
through the day, and stood anxiously lookrng at the
atmosphere, while I silently crept neanehina with
my two little brothers. There was something in
his manner that male us afraid, though of bat
we knew not. My mother, too, appeared sadder
than usual. Once when my fattier returned into
;he house, he told her that this was just such wea
ther as had preceded the water-spout that over
whelmed the fishing botzt oil the coast of Cape Cod
thirty years before, and drowned all on board.
" I fear . greatly," said he," that some mischief
is brewing for us or our neighbors ; but I hripe, at
least, that it will steer clear of all our houses."
" The night at length arrived, and no evil bad
as yet come nigh us or our dwellings. My mother
53W us all in our beds, and made us say our pray
ers, and bade us good night, in that mild, and af
fectionate voice, which I shall never feget ; bu: for
my part I could tart sleep, agitated, as I was with
the vague and awful apprehensions with which my
father's looks and wont", and the strange appear
ances of nature, had filled my mind, and which
were struggling to clothe themselves with images
Sleep at length fell upon me, a deep sleep, and
with it brought the visions of the night, I imagined
that the profeund sifence was suddenly broken with
strange and terrible crashihge, and masses of earth
and portions of the sky were mingling ar.d
and rolling, over each other. I awoke with my
limbs bathed in sweat, and it was long before my
tear would allow me to more them When die
usual current of my sensations was restored,. I was
comforted to find myself still in niy own familiar
couch, though in the midst of utter darkness, and
that awful lifeless eileuce, so deep that I could
hear the clicking of my father's watch .in the next
Tne sun.rose as usual the next day, and the
same calm and„silence continued. My owmappre
hensions had passed away with the night, though
I o b served my father watching the cloudless hazy
skies with the same eye:ot.anxicy About twelve
o'clock I was in the orchard back of our conaze,
amusing myself with gathering the largest of the
unripe apples which the drought had caused to drop
in great numbers from the trees, intending to carry
them to my two- little brothers-to play. With. My
father had left his occupations in
,the 'field on de
count of the beat, and was•then in the house. Sud
denly [heard a cackfingsomad in the southwest,
as of a' mighty flame running among brushwood,
and Mona into fury by wrong wind: Looking
towards that quarter, I beheld *small dark cloud,
enlarging, blacking, and advancing every insant,
and under it the wood agitated with violent motion,
the treetops .wireirm and tataing,the trunlawrin' g
ing to and fro, as if wrestling with a tmitats gust—
Blab wan flying in all directions hum the scene
of the commotion, and cattle running athighted
from the wood in which they had sought shelter
t ,04dt
t' '
front the hodinlity heat, Thentaawbritkeabitindh
es, and green leaves from' the tree tops, and with
ered ones'flotti thaground, tinardost from the - dry
earth, lifted together into the air iii a vast column,
and whirled rapidly round, and heard the crash of
of falling trees,-and the snapping of the shivered
trunks, as if the Prince of the Power of the- Air,
having received permission, had fallen in great
wrath upon theforrest tirdestroy if; ?*l3eforethe ad
vancing whirlwind the trees bowed to the ground,
and the next moment were, raised again' by the
power of the gale, and drawn., : into the vortex, and
twisted oil by the roots, and whirled with ,all their
branches into the air, and tossed to the one side
and , the other, upon the stellate of the surrounding
wood. IL was but fora moment, a -brief -moment
of astonishment- and terror, that I stood gazing on
this spectacle. 1 turned and made for the house
with my utmost speed, and, as I ran, I heard the
roar of the whirlwind behind me, and was sensible
of a sudden shade passing. °ter the heavens.—
When I arrived at the house, and opened the door,
I saw my father, who had been engaged in read
ing„ just rising from his seat, and going towards the
window, with the book in his hart I, to beard the
cause of the tumult without. That bouk was the
BlELE—and the recolleetion of that single circum
stance forms a ground of consolation and hope, in
in the recollection of his sudden and unlorWarn
ekt death, which I would not be deprived of for
Ile gave a single look, the book dropped from
his haul, and bef.rre I had time lo inter a word, be
calleJ out in his strong voice; " Ilon—run for your
lives—leave the house r hirlwind rs
upon u•."
" As he Hoke, the sound of the gust was heard
howling about the divelting„ and the timber,t crack
ed and groaned in the mighty blast. My mother
had liasnly gathered the chiliret, and was putting
us belnre her to go out at the door, when all at once
a tort tole crash was heard over our heads the wails
shook, the windows were shivered in pieces, the
floor heaved - unkler our feet, and the ceiling bursting
cards to several places, showed us the root rais•
ed and borne ofl by the wit.J. The wails and
par•Cs Isis of the house were swaj eJ to aail Ito lske
a curtair. lather oas a man of great bodily
streliz!h, of the widdle height, bucbrawny and mut
cilar beyont.' most men I hare known. 1V en /
last E-aw him, he had put his siranz arms against the
wall that threatened to overwhelm us, and was
bracing himself against it to give us an opportunity
to c*.c.ipts. 1 saw also my motaer, who had taken
the two youngest children by the hand, her hair
E4:eaming upwards in disorder, making for the door
I found myself, 1 know nochow, without the house
anti scarcely . was I there, when a rush vi air seem
ed 'o drag the brew h from my lungs, and! was
lif.ed nom ;he ground amidst the whirl of dust, and
l.rtikea bra...tiles, and shingles arid board:, Loin the
11 iw high I was carried I know not, for
I -aw or !y the cotrto-ion ar‘ , l:::,l me, but shorty
al:ern-aids I kit mpcif eofiy depotiited among
bonzlts and leaves.
_ . .. • _
4 7.:,
g- I must have swooned after I descended; for I
recollect slowly recovering my consciousness, and
fdi.loog my garments wet and heavy, and ;he rain
beatit.g upon me May aniong the thick foliage of
a maple t;lat hnd been overthrown by the wind
wind. A man whose voice and mein were Lunt.-
iar to me ; and whom, as my senses gradually re
turned, I recognised for one of my neighbors, carne
and took me oft and place) me beside him on the
gTound. Around me the earth was strewed will
splinieted branches of trees, rails and bawds : and
tooling westward to the lid!, I beheld where fen-
c , .!-; had oeen swept away, and stone walls scatter
ed, and a wide pa:h been broken through the wood,
along, which rna‘ses.of fresh earth appeared among
the heaps of posira:e trees, and tall shivered trur.ks
stood ove.looking the ui rooted fellows. At a little
distance from me, was a heap cm bricks and rub
of-h, and on my inquiring what it could he . I w as
told it was the ruins of my father's house, Then
fla-lied upon n:y mind the recollection of that mo
ment of confusion, haste and affright, which pasted
before I lett i: and in a transport of anxies, amount
ing almost to agony, I ran to the spot, I fo - ind the
neighbors already gathered about it, and busy in
removing the rubbish, in order to ascertain if any
of the Lumley were ,buried benra•h; and weeping
all the uhtie, I assisted them as far as ir.y .
it.rength wou:d allow, notwithstanding the coed
tia,ured attempts that were made to prevent me
Let me hasten over what followed. I said in the
bet - tinning that I could relate my story wiliout any
painful emotion, but I was mistaken, for when
come to this part of it, lam always sick at heart
They were found—crushed to death by the fall of
the chimney and the beams of the building—my
fa:her—my dear mother, and the two lovely Chil
dren will in her arms. But where was sister—has
she been so fortunes as to escape! Even :his hope
• was turned from me, tot she was soon found where
the whirlwind had ca Lzr, in the edge of the brook
now swollenby rains, the water rip plevas against
her cheek, white as snow, and bier dishevelled hsir
Boating in the current.
- There are no expressions that can deieribe the
bitterness of my artsfi The bodies were carried to
a neighboring house; I followed them. I remained
with them all night, i refused to be comlcstr - d but
with the feverish hope, which sometimes crossed
my mind, that the dead werejo a 'state of insensi
bility from which they would - awaken. I slept nor,
I ate not, till they wereboried. i sirs led mad
ly and with meanings of agony against those who
came to pot them in the coffins. They were ear
rigid to the grave the next day, amidst a greatton
coarse of people from all the isurrocoding reentry ;
who.fdled the house and gathered in a iolerne' and
silent multitude aroundihidoor. The hymn given
an on-that amnion by the minister; was one my
mother taught me to • tepee! fond 'mutely; and
when they sang the following stanza, the eyei of
all were fumed en me by reason of my 'passionate
4' ~ ~ w
_ c:.:^~'.. ~:
Man's life is like thegrass,
• Or like the Moraine Rower
A sharp wind sweeps the field,
It withers in an hour."
was no: allowed` to see the bodies covered with
earth, lest my health, might sutler from the excess
oftny grief; but when at length they told me-they
were buried, I suffered myself re be undressed,
and led to my bed, from which l,did not rise for
several days after.
" The neighbor to whose house the bodies of
my family were taken, a devout and just man, of
the Baptist persuasion, allowed me to remain under
the roof, anJ treated me with great kindness.. He
was-appointed my guardian, and proved &faithful
steward of the remains of my . father's property.=
The terrible'catamitY with which I had been visit
ed, had engendered,.a sadness that hung upon me
like a continual cloud, but as l grew up, my mind
was opened to receive the consolations of ele gos
pel. I saw that the chastisement, though severe,
was meant for good, and that the Lord, by remov
ing all whom I loved, and separating me from the
children of men, had enabled me to devote myself
the more entirety to the work of rev - felling my
fellow creatures to him. 1 came, therefore, to this
region of the west, where the fields were white for
the reaper, where the harvest was plenteous and
the laborers few, and entered on my new calling.
which bra not been. unblessed, with a cheerful and
;It 04,Z
; . , , i'—.;7 . 'fill, 3 , , ."3.'s
encouraged fpiiit."
Here the travelling praacher made an end of his
gory, but I had no opportunity of remarking on cer
tain of its eiremnstances which seemed to me a
little extraordinary,.since jnst at that moment he
found hinoell oPpoOe the door,of one of the breth
ern, a thrill farmer, m here be said he was under
an engsgement to stop.
FACTi. AB3tT TEA.—in the ninth century certain
Arabian doctors mentioned a fragrant and fascinat
ing Chinese beverage, prepared from a plant called
scf.ah. Ater the lapse of softie six hundred years
—in 1663-olearius discovered thet : tea was do
mesticated as a luxury among the higher ranks of
society in Persia Now, all through the wastes of
Central Asia, the Ca!mucks, the Baskiri, &e., lea
is !creme. Bu: td.eir useof it is not drink, bet a
, olid nourishment. Ii has no appearance of deli
cately rolled leave's, but sticks and stalks of the
plant are made into heavy stone-like cakes, of the
color of tan-balls, and of the consistency of iron
bol:s., This is mois:ened and baked with the water
of the steppes, mixed with the blood of animals,
and enriched wi h the fat of beef or mutton,: and it
is then eaten with spoons like that soup.
" It is poison," said an old woman to Dt John
son. " Madame, it may be poison, but have
been severity years dying of ii," said he, draining
his sixth evening bowl.
Li eight years the leaves of the tea plant are ful
ly charged, with their peculiarities. In the ninth
year they begin to lose them. Vet the plants are
stripped sometimes to the eleventh and tvrelftli
year—and hence the enilless varieties of tea Each
year theie a e f'.nr hars-e,os, of which that in Feb
ruary is in roan i y arid ihe best in qnality.
The April harvest is a kind of rotten, the• second
cutting ofilie hest. That of lone yields mainly
large leaves, and that ut Augu.4 is ut the inferior
quirky. A careful bath completes the preparation for
pickling, and then, with gloved hands, the Work is
commenced. An in,ll4<•.ions 'workman may col-
lect from ten to fifteen pounds in a day. But on
the same day he most strew them on a healed
platter, and on the same evening, wrap them in a
cloth, and dip them fnr gnme moments in hot water
After they have dripped during the night, they are
spread !he next morning in hat iron pane, in which
Cley are con.tanly stilted_ Thsy are laid n, on
mars, ntiecl with the open hand, completely cooled
arch large fans dunng the process, then skillfully
packed to chests
THE rr Saw MILL —The old practice inmak
the boards, was to split the logs with wedges ; and
inconvenient as the practice was, it was no easy
thing to persuade the world that it could be done
in any better way. Saws were aterwardsin=
ed fir the purpose of prepay-mg , timber and
and saw-pr..; were then invented for the action of I
the two banded saw. This mode of sawing logs
wis'eteatly in use in New England, where a aver
power embl no; be easily be eteline3, in the early
part of tire p tesera centiny— and p:Ltsibly there are
p;iees. yet, where the are known and render use
fitt service. Sin- mills trete first used ih Enrope,
in the With eemury; but so lately as 1.5.65, an Enc
fish Ambassador, having seen a saw mill in France
thought it a novelty which deserved a particular
de:crip:inn. It 1.1. alTlClling to see how thu avers
ion to labor saving machinery has always agitated
; England. The first saw mill Was established by a
Otrchman in 1663 ; but the puhiic outcry against
the new tangled machine was so violent, that the
proprietor was forced to decamp with more expet.l
Idilon than ever did a Derehmin before. The evil
was Anis tapt Out, of Ertlakt tar several years ; or
rather generatinnai Ine in 1733, an tailucky timber
merchant, hoping that afwr. sn Irina a time the pub
; tic would be leas watchful of its own interests,
made a rash attempt to construe! another mill. The
'guardians of the pablic welre, however were on
the alert, and a conserentious mob at once col
leered and pulled the mill to pieces. Serb patriot
ic spirit could volt always hot; and now thongli
nowhere seen the fret distinctly staled, there is rea
son to believe tbOt, saw inillsare used in * England,
.ptopelled hash by wirer and cram power:
Scuopt. Tratnes.—Aman of a woman who en.
gages IM a specified Slam to let whetplippte abase
them for dues months: ,Oue. who is expeezed to
govern buy or filly children without -a emu jock,
many of whom ere &a:my ungovernable at home.
One who is expired to do what the parents kbow
they =tact do; lo make iniabehavior behave, inde
licacy decent; and to impart knowledge where
there ic no tsrams to :-.6t - -eire +!
tS6rB ~Sr Aiw;
A. Scene AT, A Ba r r. Ftowr.-4' few yeeti . :4o l
The. inhabitants of Seville. reed, with surprise, in.lbe
advertiseMents or an approaching bull-ight, Ibii
unusual notice: it When the third bull shall. bale
attacked the picadoni and *sired three Irate'. af
bantlatillas, a youeg peasant, by Wborn he hal htuai
brought up, will appear in the chew". As wilt
approace the bull, caress ft, Siff after rearefull
bandarElse, one after snider, will lie down 'be
tween his horna" The announcement ofso singu
lar a feat attracted an immense crowd to the arapf
theatre. The third bull appeared, an animal• with
splendid horns, and very brave i he Vs* fifer
horses, receiredthe tiandasillo, and became *-
nos. Then, contrary to custom, all the toner= re
tired from the ring, leaving the bull stamping about
and shaking the bloody darts that hung from his
neck. All at once a long whit cram beard. .The
bull paused and listened. It was repeated. if.
approached the barrier, and a young man leaped
into the ting; calling the bull by his name, "Mos
quito." The animal knew its master, came to car
ess him, and was appeased. The peasant gars it
his hand to lick, and with the other began to scratch
it behind the ears, an operation which seemed Id
afford the poor brute much pleasure. He then gent.
ly removed the banderillas which annoyed the
neck of` Mosquito, made it go down on its knees,
and placed his head iidtween his hem's. The
grateful bull seemed to listen with pleasure to a
pastoral melody song by the master. The aderate
lion of the multitude, hitherto suppressed by law
prise, bcrst lorth with Andalusian *lance,: and
shook the building. Hearing this pltrensied ap
plause, which had accompanied all his sufferings,
the bull, till then under a charm, appeared Id 'watts
and return to reality. He suddenly rose bellowing
and the peasant tried to escape ; but it was too tale.
The animal, as though furious at being betrayed,
tossed the young men into the air, received him
_ _
again on his horns, gored him, trampled him, and
crushed bum to pieces, in vile of the tostenns,:
The [unction was suspended, and--a phenomenon
in Spain—the horrified public quitted the circus in
Washy:Gros PRAYS.—In the winter of 1777,
while Walituneton, with the American army, lay
encamped at Valley Forge, a good old Friend, by
the name of Pouts, had occasion to pass through the
wood near head-quarters.
Treading Lis way along the venerable grafi!,
soddenly he heard the sound of a human .voice,
which, as he advanced, increased an his ear, and
at length became like the voice ut ane speaking
very earnestly. ,
As he approached the spot with a mafiosi step,
whom should he behold, in a dark natural bowel
of ancient oaks, bot the commander-in-chits{ of the
American armies on his knees in prayer.
Nlcrioniess with surprise, Friend-Potts continued
on the plate till the General, having ended his de
vo•ion4, aroe, and, with a emanlepinea 01 augello
sereni - y, retired to head quarters.
Fitend Pons then wept home ; and on entering,
his parlor called cm to his wife, " Sarah, myrfeti;!
Sarah! all is well! all is well ! Geotge Washiriguan
will -yet prevail!"'
,‘ What is the matter, Isaac I" replied she....
" Thee seems moved." . •
"Well, it , lseem moved, it is nofitorts than 1
am. I have this day seen what I never expette&
Thee knows that I always thought the 'said and
the gospel inconseltent, and that no man easel*
soldier and a Christian at the same lime; but GM.
tVeshingion has this day convinced me of my mis
He then related what be had seen, and panels*
ed with this prophetic. remark : " U deosge
Washington is not a matt cif God, I am greitlrdes.
ceived ; anl still more shall t be deceived'il Go 4
does not through hint, work out great Ealvatioa bt
America." .
A POOR Carrrea.—Long time ago in New Eng
land, dwelt it lady equally renowned kw piety, ens.
dulity and courage. As she was' in the` babifef *-
turning from meeting, unallini,fell;lome
low's formed a project.for frihtning .her r and
ishing themselves witha little pleasant auteseswent.
One arrayed in black, crowned with k
and armed with a pi•chtotk, placed himseif behita
a tee and awaiti-d her cumin. Hie compatrao' ars
were concealed near by to watch the mischief and
participate in the fun. At last came the unsweet
ing victim leisurely along, meditating no doubt,
on the discourse to which she had been listening
Oat sprang his satanic Majesty pro tem. and con
fronted her.
1 , Why, who be you !" -Phe exclaimed
' I'm the decil said the rogue, in i honor
e• Well," fait she in a pitying trate, not ikiabiting
the gentleman's won), " you're a poor eriner,nisnd
*era ter way.
We call that true courage, or, pergaps:Jiiorit
prciperly,. faith. With a coaseiermeeeid.olotienee
she knee she had nothing :o fear, that eke sea
a mate for bia • betters: '
0•• Temperance OtWs wool co the fi:e, areal io
the tub, flour is the barrel, stir.ia the body, and
in:ellence in the brain ; h diffuses happiness era
procperil - , cores health to eu}•y the plenty' whiitt
Portman:ls oc , and a gra!ead. heart. toward the Clad
el all blmings.
, " Ma, said Jude Wilbelmina, I don't ibinh&gts.
mon seas so rich as they toy he eras." .
• "Why,,ynydear,7 sairl her astopis:et! 'wisher
Ite:catwet he !Up T L his fathent,....and Min*
if he had been 'so rich he 'could have had a bed of
his own."
Aast - snrnta..—To make your are , firs
for you, and atenranis be angry because they tell
lies-for dtemtehres. .
Ta me tot a candtdale al an eteeinn, bsfaure
be ehn , o* hand!. nut "rice, sad at i fn i.,jr,b e
X l 4 ll O/Ma