Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 02, 1853, Image 2

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• ATIIIIIIIIIfOO, 1111411$1011.
The HOW went' into committee mrthifiellokt
en biU tore-charter the Mechanics' Bank o(lPhilits
delphisi, and to complete the North Branch Canna.
(Mr. Forma in the chair.) The bill Intintindee
consideration. Mr. HENDERSON eddressed the
House atleagipb in opposidon to* tn_doitit
so he would hot be considered earaersOrly.l.lkilYni*..
tang to the popular will. but as candidly and honep
ly expressing air-individual opinion. S o ler as t h e
ttet.of. the- bauk_wass.oncerned r he was
Vh` . t in tfiditlai.haieve - there was btu* .
c! aWa h:,in,RitilaAilpkia to answer the watt
itt~br :that great metropolis. He
suggeittid that the attempt to.connec; the - re-charier
Gina!, MetiSii
dissimilar. that some sinister motive could fairly be
presunied ; and be protested against another fea
ture of the bill. relearning the bank from the pay.
mfilitmlirtilitidendeftifilteperihd'itfivireaty — years.
its therein specified. He moved. to strike oat that
POriiiinof the bill specified.,
contemplates a bonus to
be applied to the completion of the North Branch
peat: ' '• • "..„
:,111,4„171.TON.moved to amend the amendment
bj s atrikinia out ell that portion. of the bill which. ex
rthilattle hatilfrethtaxatian on its dividend& '
Mrs - MART opposed this amendment, and con.
etilliAtdAbarit :was unjust- and ungenerout to insist
on this,for the reason that the bonus would exceed
she amount of the tax on its dividends toe large
—llha,cfilLTON't3 amendment was then voted
• • -
ligrAlart'theri replied to, the suggestion of the
gendemin from Comberiand, (Mr Elswnsasos.) that
Mitellasserango and singular that two projects so die.
uhrdiar-sbnald be joined. He said this bank wee
citartenxt.ti a_fortner occasion by paying a bonus
to the finite, which the State was now enjoying. and
Wartime' was nothing singular-in the propomtion.
Be considered this provision of great publie impor.
tance.and which should command the candid atten.
don of the Mouse. If it was important that the
Itlorth'etauch canal should be speedily completed,
then it was important that this provision should be
Mr. WHARTON had no conscientious scruples
Igajust voting for banks or increase of bank capital
bUt what he most complained of was that this bill
nabbed the State of her legitimate taxes to be de'
iTilted from this bank for the next twenty years. He
oaid go for the re-charter of the bank, but not for
the boons contemplated. lie contended that the
Haase-ha no right to gather up the prospective
revenues now and appropriate them for any pur
pose. He would gofor a loan to complete the ca•
vial, if it was necessary, but would nor lend his
vote to anticipate the revenue for this or any other
purpose. •
Mr. HART contended. and claimed to show. that
the bonus contemplated would far exceed the tax
derivable from a tax on the bank dividends, even
allowing its dividends to be equal to eight per cent.
per azimut 011 its capital stock. He further insist
#d that the passage of the bill, retaining the, bonus
clause. was a measure of State policy, for the rea
son that a certainty would be received instead of a
contingency to be enconnteted. 'The bank night
tall within the twenty years, or meet with tosses,
ao As to prevent it from paying any dividends, in
which ease the State would have the money in her
hands, and suffer no loss by the failure or misfort
tune of the bank.
• Mr. BRO(11. was opposed to musing such large,
And almost unlimityd priviliges to large and irres•
possible corporations. He thought that Philidel-
Oda. with all her present prosperity, had no right
triclaim .tae a fruit or consequence of an increase
ghee banking capital. He thought there was some
hidden advantage sought under the cover of this
bilk He thought the inducement held out to the
Legishore now, savored strongly of that which was
held glut when the people were promised an abate.
tient of lases if the old United Stales Bank should
be re chartered. in that case the debt of the people
Stascularced, and the promise broken.
Mr., STRONG was in favor of a general bank
ing law, but as there could not be got, we must go
for special banking laws. Nearly all the banks
of the State had been chartered by 'parties ; and it
tires right. This State was now behind the age in
relation to the creation and management of banking
capital. Some States had tried to do without banks
and Illinois furnished an example at the fruit result,
in, from such a course. Her credit was reduced
below par, her property depreciated in value, and
personal security rendered unsafe. - bince rile in
troduction of her general banking law she was on
the road to prosperity, and the fallacy of no banks
had been tried end condemned by her experience.—
He would go for this bill principally because it had
for its objecttb,e completion of the canal, which,
when done, would throw an immense sum of win-
Moto the treasury of the State, and relieve burdens
which were now severe and-hardly tolerable.
Mr..HART contended that if all banks were abol
ished and the taxes paid by them done away with.
it would be equal to levying a tax of over thirty per
vent. on the property of the commonwealth ; and
Rho would desire such a state of things I
Mr. BROCK wished to to learn from the gentle
man from Philadelphia, (Mr. Ilser,) why it was
that, according to his own showing. Philadelphia
twenty•five years ago. with hslf her present popular
tion and double her present banking capital, was no
better 6ffthan she now was.
`ise , PULTON contended that the amendrfient of
Ma, .11aitninsoir should be adopted, if for no other
7 1.}sonsIttecalise it was an innovation on settled rules
legislation. and looked as if some sinister motive
was lid within its provisions, which was intended
to snare to enure to the benefit of thd bank and
ditekbeidera, and injuriously to the general interests
of theleople. Be was also opposed to this bill i n
distil grounds. He considered the offer of the bank
as a bribe to obtain what otherwise they could not
procure ; and
.for this reason, iffor no other, he
would go Against it. He objected to the bill as an
innovation, as setting a danrrous precedent for fa
tbrekrtialation, and as immoral salts tendency. be
sides being, in effect, a provision for the benefit of
one part of the State to the exclusion of. all others.
EIYSTER thoeght the matter a simple ane.
The bank comes and says, recharter us, and we
willpay for the public purposes•• sum in lien of the
tax on our dividends—now what reasonable objec
tion could there be to this t It was a mere bask
use transaction to which neither morals or policy
could object: - He went into a ealcriation to show
that 'be gain to the State by passing this bill would
- dollars in-the next/twenty years.
Mr. KILBOURN was in favor of the amt ndment.
He ways friend to the North Branch Canal, but his
means for voting for the amendment were that the
money etas not no be paid immediately into the
Treasury. Let it be paid directly there, and then
let it be properly appropriated by the Legislature,
and not require two bills to effect the same object.
He thought he should vote for the bill, inasmuch as
the State would be a gainer by the operation of the
bill if the amendment be carried.
The amendment was then adopted in committee.
Mr. PULTCON moved to amend by strik ing , out
one hundred and inserting two _hundred thousand
dollars;irhieh was also agreed to in committee.
Mr.HART moved that the committee rise, report
iireatesiandhave leave to sit again, which was
agreed trOurd the question being, shall the commit'
tori-hanleive to sit again, it was decided in the
YEAS—Messrs. Beyer, Bigelow, Brock. Bryant.
Collins, Cook, Demers, Dunning, Poster, Fulton,
Oahe, Mamie*, Hague, Herbert, Hook, Hutchinson,
Kilbourn, Milgrim, Kingsley. Kinnear. Knight. Lau.
sy. (Lehigh,) Leech, Magee, &Manahan, M'Kee,
Nearly. Moore, Mott, Pi per, Robicam, SbaverAtboll,
AkianerrStrothers. .Tayke r Thomas, Wicklein,
Wright,; Yost. Bohai, Speaks - y... 41.
NAVE—Messrs. Abraham. Appleton, Atherton.
Dam Barton, Beare, Bergstreseer,Campbell.Chand
ler.- COMM, Dengler, Denison, Erna. Phillips,
Wets, Oray,Ovrin, Hammer. Harris, Hart, Bend.
.on. Herr. Hickman. Iftestand, Hill, (Fayette,
MIK (1411.) ham , Lancaster, Landis, 110PConneL
*'Donnald. Malinger, Merriman. Passuibre, Porter,
Powoall. Raney, Richards. Stott. Seltzer. Sergeant,
Strong. Torben. Walker. Waterbury, Wharton,
Williams, Zerbe , y.-48.
Aod the bill coining up on second reading.
Mr. FULTON moved to psstpone .the further
cosuideration of the bill fitr the present.
A motion was made to postpone the bill indefinite ,
tte which was not agreed to. YEAS-36..1' 1 4 Yfi
conunhtee or Ave. -
_ Mr. BRYANT, mond So substitute 04 tombs; of
ACM.4ll34.l:oolalinly...Vddl wai, not ogreed-to.
anifth, Bow loija.WWo +,r
March M.
ristlimtsk e
Pioneersetueraciati - :ernorsusvoie
itant up_ 84 , Cirmini AVMs*
On Friday, the 4th filet., the Pioneer Settlemend
their descendate, of Teel*, CheOlUticSlOOben add
Bpsdkird .Counliert v eettendsled Hateheckleleli
'Elmira, in coniederahle - numbers, to listed to an
address. horn The Hon. Tunsras hlaxweu.
On motion of bulge M'Dowell, of Chemung, the
venerable Genrge .of Charming, -was called
noon to pteside. assisted by the Hon.G Barstow
of Tioga, Hon. John Knox, of Seaton, Col
bunt, Esq. of Bradford, as Vice Presidents - Mr
Avery- Salisbury of Bradiuril,
were appointed Secretariea., , •
'The Rev. C Gieantiriget, having favored the com
pany with his presence, • addressed the , Throne 'of
Grace in an appropriate
,invomtlion, ,
After the excellent sapper which "a , sp r ead by
Meisra. Haight and :Re their best_sVle i yea"
finished, the object lba' Festival was:briefly ex
la accordance with the-wishes and expectations.
flon."Thomas Maxwell proneuuced an elteperat
address; lull of historical . details of *Went& con
fleeted with the pioneer opening of the Susqueban;
na and Chemung Valleys. It was listened to with
the utmost P leasure by a large-auditory, and added
another to the many garlands - ,which Mr. Maxwell
has already won, in this liitbnsa much neglected
field of interesting history
If it is true that History is Philosophy, teaching
by example, the instructive lessons of patriotism,
integrity, arid maql3, endurance, which the lives of
our hardy Pioneers have furnished to the world will
not be lost to this and succeeding generations, while
sit good a Biographer and Historian as Mr. Max•
well will lend his efforts to theit preservation.
At the call of his friends, the Hon. 0 H,Bars
tow, after compliinenting the address of the evening
and the speaker, alluded in terms of great interest,
and with much feeling to his early pilgrimage to
the Susquehanna Valley, and to the uniform kind
ness which he had experienced at the hands of the li
early settlers and their descendants. His rernark•
were replete with interest and will not soon be for
gotten by those who had the pleasure of listening
to him.
At the call of the meeting, Judge M'Dowell,
Hon. A B. Dickinson. Col Salsbury, of Bradford,
Col. McCormick, of Owego, the Venerable Parley
Coburn, of Warren, and Mr. Avery, of Owego,
made short and-appropriate speeches.
Jude Avery at the close of a short but eloquent
anti•interesting speech offered to the meeting as a
sentiment. " The memory of Col Handy P The
sentiment was received with the most gratifying ap
probat ion.
Col Salisbury, offered the following Patriotic and
National Sentiment.
Northern Pennsylvania and Southern New'York.
The Valleys of the Chemung, Susquehanna, and
Wyoming. The Pioneer history like the Plymoth
rock of New England is classical, grata!, and in
structive. I a cememoration will awake national
and. trammel feelings so long as the Susquehanna
shall wend its way to the old oceans bosom.
" F:uw on lovely rivet ^
„The above sentiment was received by the meet
ing with enthusiastic applause; and can not fail to
receive the approval of more than hall:a million in
telligent Freemen who now reside in this beautiful
On motion of Mr. Coburn, seconed by Mr. Max
well, it was
liesaved, That the next meeting of the Pioneer
Settlers hod their descendants of Sowherr N Y. and
Northern Pennsylvania, be held at Tinge Point, Pa.,
on the next Anniversary of Washington's Birthday.
Resolved, That these proceedings be signed by
the officers of the meeting, and puolished in ad
such papers as take an interest in the history of the
country ; and that the Secretaries be and are here
by instructed to solicit of the Hon. Thomas Max
well a copy of his admirable and eloquent address
for Publication
A committee of three from each• county was
then appointed to make the necessary arrangements
for the next gathering.
For Chemung,Thomas Maxwell, Lyman Covell,
and J. H M'Dowell
For Tinge, G. H. Barstow, Henry McCormick,
IC. P. Avery.
For Steuben, C. H. Erwin, Wm. R. Jones, and
A B. Dickinson
For Bradford, I. H. Stevens, A. Dewing, and E.
S. Mathewson.
Ala late hoar the company separated not howev
er, until they had sang, with united voices, and
with invi ring effect of ail anthem, the fine old song,
" Should old acquaintance we fottel. &c.
(Signed by the Officers.)
Tire GARDENLII Cssc.—This case is now on trial
before the criminal Court in Washington. Every
person has heard something about it, but perhaps
all may not know its history. The counsel for the
Government in opening the cue to the jury, made
the following narrative :
Dr. Gardener, in a memorial to the board of Corn.
missioners, stated that early .in the year 1844 he
was largely engaged , in mining operations in the
Sups of San Louis Potosi ' Mexico, employed 500
laborers, had upwerdeolB3oo,ooo invested in men,
buildings, steam engines, horses, mules, and men
of science; that in 1846 he was compelled to aban
don the establishment, his property having been
disported by the Mexican soldiery; the said mines
were worth half a million, and would have yielded
him $50,000 per annum. The accused filed with
this memorial depositions purporting to be from
persons residing in Mexico, going to show that he
owned said mine. The issue was on the truth or
falsity of these assertions. The United State& af
firmed, and expected 'to prove, that every state
ment in the memorial, and every paper presented
by him, were false from beginning to end, pure tic.
lion and invention, that Gardner received lrom the
United States, as the fruits of the fried, 8428,750,
while his mine could not. be found, though 6600
halt been Offered as a reward to any one who would
point out its location. •
Rem RKABLL Cass oF BIGAMY —Charles T. Geib,
having pleated guilty of bigamy, says a Brooklyn
paper, was sentenced to imprisonment in the State
prison tor twd'years .and six months. Gieb is a
native of New York city, 26 years of age, &painter
by trade, and has never been in anyprison before.
He supported both his wives. His first wile was
Miss Sarah C Chandler, whom he married In the
city of Williamsburg in the year 1345, and by
whom he became father of several children. For
some cause not stated, he married last spring at
-East Brooklyn, Miss Mary A. Bedell. His practice
was to live first about a week with one wite,Then
live with the other about the same length of time,
and so went on, to and fro, between Brooklyn and
%Villiamsborgh—his business being of such a nature
that he easily deceived them by stating that be was
engaged in painting a church in Connect cut in
this way he accounted for his absence from each.
Otr The Washington Correspondent of the New
York National Democrat gives currency to a some.
what wonderful revelation, according to which a
number of wealthy Californians hue entered into
a negotiation to buy out the Sandwich, klanils from
their present sovereign. with the view of having
them annexed to . the United - States as a wanly of
Ram Roan Aaaniorr.—A man. by the name of
Bambara via killed yeetsnlsy,- 17th, near Tioga
village, on the Illossborg_Rail Road. He was en
gaged on a lumber train, and in attempting r to get
aboard of it while the tram was in motion, lost his
Tooting and fell between the eats, bead downwards'
thembeele passing ores bis head, LBO* him in.
free Fees Speenkr,"..lFree. Men
t O:: pOODRICH,': DiTOR.
Towuda, Saterdayilprii 1853 k
:Tors* Itf•11101110tr• -.. • .
Is 80 per ehnent—if paid trials the year SO tints will
ie deduited•—tot wb Odd advatiee St Oa will be
Oakwood. No Pope/ sem °Tari' yowl. Wen piud for.
Mirsetterworts. Prolquireor be to.oiloPsoN/ egal. sibrthe
bat sad Shamus for dwelt sergeiatbseroillou
Er Mei .16 f• ."U litoelr-o perils side el itte - Pubhe
OquareOtextikeale - theltredfted Hot - el".•tEutrihteeitsetweei
Messrs. Adameandtinfr
INIXIIII rosingsfeigllk
THOMAS H. - FORSYTH .or Puma. Co.
EPHRAIM BANES,. or Myna; .Co.
Telt svaratoa ORSIMAL.
J. PORTER BRAWLEY, op CaAwroza Co.
Troubles 10 Europe.
The war spirit, which monifests itself, sometimes
at one point and sometimes at another, in Europe,
seems to lack fuel, at all points, sufficient to raise
the flume. The out-break in Italy consumed it
sell before it got any considerable headway; and
the snarl which Turkey, Montenegro and Austria
got into, seems to have been straightened out; so
that there is no immediate prospect of war there.—
The Hungarians are ready at any lime- to hoist the
flag of rebellion, when Austria gets her hands well
into war with some other power; but whilst Aus
tria has-no outside enemy to war with, there is
little chance for Honery to get on her feel to make
battle. A horse is a powerful animal, when on
his legs; so much so that a man can dd nothing
with him if he takes a notion to have his own way;
but when he is down, any man can hold him down,
despite all hie strength, by simply placing a foist on
hie head. Hungary is a powerful horse, and prov
ed himself too much for Austria; but, with the
power of Russia united to that of her oppressor,
and the treason, of some of her own pseudo-patriots,
she was thrown prostrate; and her head has been
under the foot of Austria ever since. The failure of
the expected collision between Anstria'ind Turkey,
is .a great disappoinifnem to the Hangars.
Treason is still lurking in the bye places of
France, as well as in. Italy and Hungary; and
Louis Napoleon has to keep an army Of spies, u
well as a numerous regular police, coestantly on
the alert. No mad dare ;speak a crooked worst in
the hearing oh a person whom he does not know:—
Any word ofcensure uttered against the govern
ment, in the ears of one of three listeners who are
in the secret employ cf the Emperor, is sufficient
to send the prison. And in this way all
the prisons of the Empire are kept fell. Every man
thus incarcerated, has relations and friends, whose
hatred is excited agejnat the Emperdeand his gov.
ernment, by the act. Thus tyranical governments
are compelled to be more and more tyranical, to
keep down the spirit of rebellion which their rigor
constan'ly excites. And thus the reciprocal hatred
bet weed the despot and his unwilling subjects wax
es more and more malignant. %Vhdat he fortifies
himself against popular indignation, by acts of se
verity, he is laying wrath against the day of retri
bution, in the ?leans of those over whom he wields
his rod of iron.
The thousand evidences which are daily mani
fested in France, of jealousy and fear of a goaded
people, on the part oldie new tyrant, and of the
smothered but swelling resentment and scorn which
are struggling for vent in the bosoms of the people,
leave little prospect of longevuy for the Empire ;
and we should not fear earning the bad fame of a
false prophet by predic,ing that there will be a
Bourbom on the throne of France in less than five
years from this day. There is no element of har
mony there, but many causes of tfiswitisfaction
And now the excitement which a transition state
could not help producing in a people so mercurial
and excitable as the French, has passed away,
popular grievances will be more sensibly halt; and
their effect upon the public mind wilt be the more
sure to find vent in open rebellion, for being pent
up in their breasts and denied utterance.
Black, Esq., of Greene county, the Secretary of the
Commonwealth is spoken of everywhere in the
highest terms. Gov. Bigler has been truly fortun
ate in his selection of a successor to the present
accomplished Attorney GeneraL The Lancaster
Intdligenan in speaking of the Secretary says:
Mr. Black, who became the principal confiden
tial adviser of the Governor, is a lawyer of ability,
a fine writer, a courteous gentlemenad a man of
considerable experience in Pennsylvania. He oc.
cupied a seat in the Senate of this State with Gov.
Bigler, and was always one of the most intimate
friends and warm et/pi:inners. In that body he was
well schooled at the financial and political affairs
of Pennsylvania, and the experience he there se.
cloned will add greatly to the value of his service
to the - Govemor and the public.
Nrw Coturrattrurs.—Counterfeit twos on the
Union Bank of Troy are said to be in circulation.—
This is • new countedeiti and all. would do well to
look out.for them. The bill is described u unlike
the genuine ; rig : a steamboat on the right side of
Washington. Threetrou the CO Bank, New York,
are also in simulation, these are also unlike the
NAM Of NOT. STAMILM:f....-The logo of the die.
tinguiatted Sears C. Walker is followed by that.of
Antbony.D. Stanley, Professor of bbsbernatics in
Yale College. Mr. Stanley was one of the. most
gibed mathematicians ibis country has produced.
He has been contending for almonds's» wubpoi
monary affection. - .
Borcatessumurr es Poem Panmee.—Gov.
gier ban appointed Ephraim Comtnenosiritor elate
Carlisle , Demomai r Superintendent of the public
Panting, under Me set recentlyzpassaby the Leg;
failure. Mr. Common ie a practical printer, and
tiriU most undoubtedly mike a good- officer.
?he strife for the important offices in Pen:mire.
eitylmmm**llMisteMetierrokthe tdlowwg
111. WinlooKilf
..**lllaser'&, Mae* ;
4lneke /1601.-T.Fhb*
"'Med glair—N. g: Lamed, or Mini
Nay Agmt-Alfred Day, of Phila.
Stoveyor-4t. C.. lirdl o orAlien Co o
In New York, the President km numb the
Coßidir-Alartiel & Dickinson.
Ath•Treonne-John A. Dix.
Direrficiflrsrlis O'ConpOk.
Naval Offitti.H.l. Redfield.
bfaoyAmok ...Comsd SlOrakbalaerw. , l4- L
.Bm*=.4olut Cochrane,. ;
- •
Port Maksu-Iseao.V. Fowler.
Winn tlfriss Costrawnow.—Tho Whig Siam
Convention- sasombled •at Lancaster twy, on d,
24th ult.,dpHon. - Haw` M. Fouls preainhig...,
and pm in nomination the following gentlemen tor.
Mow POWIAL4 of Liaranuneri for Canal Com
e:WU nerifAmazotz Y. Al'eauag, of Fienklin,
for Auditor General ; Cnaurrue litrais, member
of the State Senate, from Clarion county, for Sot.
veyor General.
Tag Tolls' on Freight and Pativengem on the
Columbia- Railroad during the quarter ending Feb.
rusty, shows an increase over the previous year ol
nearly $53,000. Should ibis ratio• hold good der.
ing the remaining nine months, the increased• rev
enue derived from the road, during the year 1853,
will be about $200,000.
This gratifying remit, is in a great measure, due
to the economical and business-like manner in
which the affairs of the Road are managed by Col•
BIZ fat, the gentlemanly Superiptendent. The prof.
its of the Road kayo been constantly increasing un
der his supervision.
Posy !warns..--Walter Olmsted has been ap.
pointed Past Master at Athens, in place of N. C.
Harris, resigned.
The Democrats of Troy lately had a meeting (or
the purpose of designating a person for Post Map.
tar. .1. A. P. B►ct►an receiving nearly a unani
mous vote.
getter from Harrisburg.
HARRIIBURCI, March 29, 103.
The Senate this morning passed a Resolution
providing for the final adjournment of the Legisla
ture on the 12th of April, although there is but little
hope that an adjournment can be effected at that
time. The Appropriation hill has made little or no
advance in the House of Representatives, and the
Senate will doubtless amend and endeavor to re.
duce its amount. The delay in considering it has
been produced by the state of the work on the Port.
age Railroad to avoid the Planes. Mr. blerriman
of the Rouse charged gross corruption upon the Ca
nal Commissioners in the allotment of contracts on
that mad, and at his instance a Committee was ap
pointed to esamlrre into the matter, whose report is
necessary to final action on the bill.
The Engineer who examined and !aid out the
route avoiding these Planes, estimated that the
whole cost would be about $500,000. Upon this
several appropriations have been made and the
work allotted. It now appears that the road cannot
be completed under two or two and a hall millions
of dollars. This state of affairs has alarmed the
Legislature, and induced this investigation. it the
work will really cost over two millions of dollars
when the Engineer estimated but hall a million,
who is in fault !
Mr. Evans introduced a Resolution into the Sen
ate instructing the Committee on Finance to prepare
a bill for the sale of the Canals and Railroads be.
longing to the State. This movement was made
too late in the session to receive the careful and
serious consideration it deserves, but the feeling
that our publics works are becoming a burden by
mismanagement, was manifested in the decided
majority by which the Resolution was passed.
The annual farce, called a Whig Convention
came off at Lancaster last week. By pressing a
large number of gentlemen of Lancaster and Har
risburg into representing. Northern and . Western
I Counties they managed todrum up about two-thirds
of a full Convention, and then made their nomifta•
lions. Mr. Flamm'', their candidate for Canal Com
missioner, is a stout good named member of the
Hons. of Representatives from Lancaster County,
of the most innocent and harmless nature. Mr.
McClure, nominated for Auditor General, edits a
Whig paper atebitmlwashorg. Judge Myers Senator
from Clarion, the nominee for Surma Gewalt' was
originally a democrat, became a Whig, was elected
to the Senate, and finally has been iotmonalized by
a Whig nomination. A stronger nomination might
have endangered the election of Mr. Rowley, but
this merely confirms it. Judge Myers, wanted the
Whig majority for Speaker of the Senate this ses
sion, but be was refused a favor so substantial 'and
this unsubstantial honor conferred u a conciliating
The bill authorizing the City of Philadelphia to
subscribe to the stock of the Hempßeld Railroad
Company, was passed last evening after warm sod
protracted opposition from Mr. Davie of PittsbOrg
The road taps the Central Railroad in Washington
County east of Pittsburg ant runs to Wheeling.
Yours truly, 5. u. r.
Anemia M& Kau:D.—We are indebted to
Mr. Skinner t of the telegraph line, for the following
particulars an accident on the N.Y. Erie IL IL
at Barton :
The Day Express train going east yesterday, Tin
over • man by the name of Rose, killing him in
stantly. He w*i , walking on the new track, where
he was safe, when first seen • but when -din train
was troy near him he attem pted to cross the track,
and was killed. No blame can be attached to any
one in tbe.employ of the Ratline! Company.
Mr- Accounts horn western Africa state that thin :
ty varieties, of cotton. have been found growing
apaitauictisly, in' that country. A missionary lays
he has stood oust under the branches of come
Oar s in a Geatcb vil lag e, so heavily laden With
balls that Worse propped op with forked sticks to
prevent. It hien
, down earn its , own
weight. The tuUton was equal to that of any ctiun.
try. The leaden inanniactute cotton goods eaten•
steely. • • ' •
rum a Futtortnum..—flombt Woolen Fersto.
ty, at )?actoryvilleiaresdestroyed by, fire at Moo.
_dig night, 14th inst." No partwohns as to the ori
gm of the finveramount of foss, bet h is stated that
there, Wei a 4 ideoll2l4o - 00 the property. of MOM
:;iiiiiitt ' , , '- • • --. • ' '•
Mirth 170, ereleslabnifedlifiinFuir - in unbecom
ing manner at Susquehanna Depot. How the af
ftsywigisaukt w• an not informed,- hol--,itiee
AN dibieMlOLeziOd' spipit the' "Xi& r U -;
aid some time lib* midnight it wits ,attietked
ittagiof fristitniatitiebo pelted it . witht i alirnes
other iiiiiiilaili " whereby many windows and a 4.05-
iiittills Ivere j ltroksa. A Conductor .Whi* sitting
wadi in!' nfornlitthei Kirk Hous4wafotrOckliy.
swore, Which; passing through the window, came
with great force against his head, and . It was sup.
. . , -tilit,iloTeifiliedidnri-PM-Ihimughtd• - ektaik.
much fraittire.l, it isihriughl he may recover.
The row was continued on the 113th, when a
qtair.el, in
way arose between the Irish la
borers and the Shop .hands, in which words and
blowiweialichanged„stones were fiung, and other
innocent practicae were indulged in, usual on such
occitaions.• k' Irish titan and women paraded the
strernsin fotee t liztA time aartYklfildl beim! tbl o -
`Arse the battle hint - ra ged for som e hate, Sheriff
Eldred; who,was on Nis way to Laneshtno; tamer
upon the scene of action, and was,.eallett , upon Nei
do something if possible, to .quell, the riot.' The ;
Sheriff went on to Latiesboto, dispatched his busi
ness there, and then returnedio SusiOehanna. In
the' Meant irne, 'Mem went nio Ind leaf tons • of • ii. cats
onion of hostilities., The darkness of night added'
lathe lt i ;: i of the shone, and _many
,were fearful.
the', I would be torn down over their heads,.
Vigorous MeillUtell were - now resolved upon ; 50
Of 60 muskets belonging to the - Railroad Company
were procured ; and the a law and order:4 portion
of the citizens armed themselves, end determined
to keep on guard daring the night. The loxes
thus raised were dririded into two •parties, tinder
Commanders Eldred and Ward, the former biting
stationed et Nichol's Hotel,- , ainl the latter at the
Kirk Utilise. . ,
Thisiight of the fi rearms seemed to have a W 011:
deanl effect upon the Irish rioters. But little more
'was seen or heard' of them during the night, though
two or three were discovered prowling about, with
bludgeoriv,,and gazing in atthe windows. •
On tide same night, the grocery store of Whit,
comb & Newman, at Lanesboto, was brokedopeti,
and some $2OO worth of goods sided' therefrom.
Montrose Register.
Or CLARKS, &c.—The Cenaus Office it. Eighth street
and its vicinity has,been the scene, of great
mem to day. In the first' plaice, upwards- ot orie,
bundred,cferks 'were-removed, leaving but seven
or eight in theoffice, ar.d it was proposed - to 'dis
pense with the Eighth street and Seventh street ofli
ces altogether ; one office tind a few picked clerks
being deemed sufficient to wind up thebiainess.
In the next place, !di-. Kennedy; late suPerin•
tendert' oldie Census Bureacr,_ sued out a writ of
.replevin on Mr. De Bow, his successor, by virtue of
which he entered the office with a Deputy Marshal,
and'removed two or three cart loads or manuscripts
arid documents claimed as 'private 'properfy, but
embracing a large quantity of manuscripts prepared
by clerks in the office f the records of the Census
Board ) numerous publications received nom public
societieS, &o. The documents removal were ap
praised at $4BO, and Kennedy has given bond in
04,000 for their safety.
Mr. Deßow consulted the District Attorney, and
there is no doubt that the most prompt measures
will be taken for the recovery of such as are of pub
lic character. It is understood that Mr: Kennedy
had accumulated a large mass of manuscripts pre
paratory to an extender: work on the resources of
the country, which he designed to publish on his
own account, as Congress has declined to publish
the cenaus returns on the extensive scale proposed.
THE Taut. or SPIIING.—The Philadelphia papers
are filled with the evidences elicited on the trial of
Spring, charged with the murder of the two females,
Ellen Lynch and , Honora Shaw. He is indicted
separately for each, and it is for the murder of Mrs.
Lynch he is now being tried. This murder is
among the most horrid on record, and evinces a
cold blooded brutality that would make a savage
shudder. Mrs. Shaw one of the victims, had it ap
pears been receiving his mentions secretly, andby
her he was admitted to the house on the night of
the murder. The deed was accomplished by dep.
patching one by blows with a piece of lead pipe,
and by stabbing her with a knife, while the other
woman was absent from the room, and then des
troying the second in the same manner on her re
turn. After murdering these two helpless women,
both of them friendly and one apparently attached
to him, the wretch attempted to fire the house with
the design of consuming the evidences of his guilt.
Had he succeeded, the infant twins of -Mrs. Lynch
would hate been burnt alive, and possibly the
whole evidence of his deep barbarity blotted out.
Another horrid feature in the affair is, that the
whole development is made by has own son, to
whofn he communicated his crime on the same
night of its perpetration. The trial wall end this
week and it is htipetul that speedy and severe jus.
tice will be dealt out.
Oz:r P. S —Since the above 'has in type, the tri
al has been finished, and the jury have returned a
verdict of guilty.
The, shock of an earthquake was felt at Water.
town, N. Y , early on the morning ol ‘ the 12th InsL
A considerable number of ' citizens, who were
awake at the time, described vibrations, which
were very distinct. The shock occurred at about
10 minutes past 2 oclock. The-first pan of the
shock was severe, so much so that persons were
aroused from sound sleep After these ceased, the
rumbling sound continued at least a Minute and a
half ending with a number of slight shocks and vi•
burnous, and gradually ceasing. The continuation
of duration of the whole shock and vibrations was
about two or two end a half minutes. Thehorizon
was covered with light, / unbroken clouds. Ther
mometer stood at 28 degrees below freezing point.
Very calm and no wind stirring at the time.
Q tc.. British elections, even . at this hour of the
century, are apt to be savage affairs. The Lon
don Times, in viewing some of •the evidence as to
the prevalent practices, says : •
" A Lancashire farmer had received an order for
300 fighting men to do the rough work of the elec
tion, with the instruction " that the best fighting
men and poachers' would be preferred." A t the
"Craven Heifer," on the nomination day, and for
some days before, 2000 men ate and drank as much
and as fast as the landlord could supply them.—
They were introduced in parties, with orders from
known friends of the cause—which cause or what
cause it matters not to enquire: About 100 of them
had bludgeons."
irr frlstissotossrfs is about to adopt a new
system with her paupers. Each applicant at the
almstonise is furnished with a new suit of clothes,
and told to go to work. II he'pleads sickness, he
is despatched to the hospital, where if he is sham
ming,, hospital diet soon brings .him to his strength.
If he runs rill with his new clothes, a description of
the fugitive is despatched to the other alms houses,
and if he applies for relief to them, he is taken in
and compelled to workaill be has-111dd for his , out
fit. This plan seems to be well devised to keep
pewits out of the alms house. •
FATIMA Mafincw In Tariatin.—A late number
of tbe 'Cork Examiner', says ::=Since the return 'of
Faille, Matthew trom America, his •eflorts, with
t Divine assistance to suppress intefhpemnce, have
,been atzendo with success, (' The indetatigatkle
Amok, of Temperance continues to administer the
Total Abstinence Pledge'at bilbrotherts residence,
near the city, each =min; 'until twelve O'clock,
and ism his post during the emirs of Sunday.
knecurrs OP AUSTRALIAN GOLD.—The N. York
Commercial publishes an extract from a teller dated
London' March 4, is - - which - it. is redinated th at
there will be received rfrom Australis, In all this Mealy millions:of pounds sterling, and the
writer's belief is that Atones. will be cheaper in .
England, during 1130, than eVir .
,known. There
+ ls every . Incept/era! a good-export lode me the year
advance,. • ' ". - ' •
'Agdisnonavatbarrraysig.'ziw P
Beinlim has addressed a letter to the pen* af
on the subject of a National High wa y Es*
ii k ok • • •.ziver to the Pacific. Nre f a 0!
-oca mistroorc and of reserving a trap7ln.
I wo for tag; nflicadamised, and a plain nid •
.p.. 7
jinh-road, two margins one hundred fear ‘ , 1 7:
indeineadoot and rival telegraphic r nma :6
scrks to build the road, and let out n 4,2
- o Es ts forientes of seven or ten years, to tha
bidder. The plan is similar to that pr tt
pears ago by Col. Benton, in the Unite( V
A _
Ate, anitikprobably, flaa.beat do Waft* yea
- vented Tor land communication with the
possessions. ' • ' 77,
Congress, at the late session;ordering •
lions and surveys as a. preparatory step. n p l i v il ;7l6.
potters are organized in as many distinct ms
there are routes to be surveyed, and their , e r ai
shalom laid before Congress en or before '
Mo , Wabigegr lB s4- • -14
Otr Mrs. Roth IBafloa, , wild of the late
Hosea Balton, died on inst., an 11 08 , 010 , ,
74. She. was married.,at 18, and , wce 5 14 7 r:
loving , arta exeintilary ;wile. • Sir children, ;
sons-in-law, and one, stood bye •
traaquil and ttappy death-bed.
• mriegulat aommunteatitin of Evellreep Lo p ;
No. k 63. held. at their; -111 "" i futr Mad
30, 1863, the following resolutions were of
Brother 0: P.-Ilscar; stud unanimously adop t
w ings " We have , been called upon topam isk
our friendend much, h.. 1 A B rother,
Meson, Whose life is in many whys pteasradraZ
elated wiifi the ally history 'of this count% ai t
, w ha s e eiindeet through life; for uprightnes s sad 1 6 ,
nevolenee ofebarketer; has , gained for him a m tt ,
which wilijong remain a living atonement 11,4 4 ,
i n i mot i es • Of his , herds and brother Batons, wh ose
zealous effOrti foil the beeedt of the brolheehoolie
hardly been impasse' in the history a t u m,.
Masonry • Be. it therefore„ ,
Berated; Tht# the members of this toilie
the dee:eased' haii for more than a quarter of
lurk, been au - exemplary member, feel mach mi
loss of our beloved Brother, and deeply sympeth mi '
with the friends of the deceased. That lq h il d og h;
they are dePrieed,of a kind, affectionate and eora
plery relative and the brotherhood of one origami.
est moments. -
Resolved, That we,, respectfully salt the
our county papers to publish the above.
MgrREV. 8.1. GIRBON will presets at R N :
roeton, Sunday, April 3d, 31 104 A.-IL.
Na 3 2bvertionnatio.
Is sow utervrisa S. ma saitos Joni 'evil/zit
111PRZISIO 000118,
With* are offered to the public at wholesale mufti,
al very low prices.
Towanda, March 31, 1853.
PEOPLE of Bradford County wishing an .
nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones
Tomb Tables, Centre Tables of Italian and Am
ican Marble, or Black Stones of all sizes.
have them on the shortest notice by sending it
their orders, cheaper and beuer than can be r .,
chased elsewhere.
c - Chester Well:4. Cabinet Maker end ands '
ker, nearly opposite the Ward House, Tomb,
Agit: - G. W. PHILLIP& •
owanda. March. 31, 1853.
REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby id
en that there have been filed and settled is tie
office of the Register of 1,1 ills, in and for iheamsy
of Bradford, accounts of administration upon:l4f
lowing estates viz:
Final account of Thomas Mather guar& of
Thos. Mather 2d, minor child of John Madierlate
of Ulster. dee'd. •
Final account of Francis Tyler b D. Fbrbes
adta'rs. of the estate ofinstin Forbes late of Athena
Final account of John Watkins and Betsey Sloe,
adm'rs., of the estate of Israel Stone late af i ktleas,
Final account of Henry Drake adm'r of thew
tate of Francis Drake late of Athens bore', dec'd.
Final account of N. P. Aspen wall and E. IL Asp
en wall adm'rs of the estate of Edson Aspenorall,lar
of Towanda boro',
Final account of J. Ibt. Vannes' adm'r. of the
estate of Leonard Webb, late of Standing flnle,
Final account of Rollin Wilcox ex'rof the nuts
of Harriet! U.. Miller late of Albany, deed.
And the same will be presented to the thytku's
Court of Bradford county, on Monday, the 4th day
May next, for confirmation and allowance.
H. L. SCOTT, &gam
Register's Mice, Towanda. April 1,1853
BY yirtue of an order of the Orplun's Contd
Bradford County, the undersigned Administra
tors of JOHN MILLER DAVIDSON, will mon
to public sale on the premises ,on SATURDAY,
the 16th day of .April, 1853, at 1 o'clock, P. Xs!
certain tract or lot of land in the township of Al
bany ; Bounded ote the south by land of Alexatitt
English ton the Ninth' by rand of John Hirai
and on the East- by - Moses Miller. Coataiaing. ll
ACRES more orless, of which about 46 ACRES
are cleared, with a log house, orchard and other in'
provennents thereon. TERMS made known on dii
agate. JOSEPH AtIENARDL?, A d a ny;
March 23, 1853.
109 ilaCrels' of SALT jug rctrived. and fit
sale at B. KLNGSBCRY%
Towanda. March 22, 1853.
20 000 Lights Sash of all, s4sd,lot
reed by B: KING SKRY.
Towanda, March 23, 1853.
- - -
In the Court of Common Pleas of Radford Cod*
in tne mat!" of Daniel Brink vs . S i) Rorke.
HE undersigned having been appointed W
Hon. the . Court of Corn. Pleas, of Wont
County. an Auditor to make distobution of d 1
funds raised by Sheriff's sale of the real estate offk
D. Horton. Notice is hereby given that the ma
for will attend at Wm. Elwell's office in the borogil
of Towanda, on Saturday the 23d day of Apni
at l o'clock, P. M., to attend to 'the duties Pen.
ing to his office, at which time and place all , Fe*
one having claims upon said fund are re 8 10 1.!
present them, or be forever debarred from cam
in upon the same. - H.IRVEY hIcALPLY. Ae .42l '
Towanda, March 21,1853.
In the Court of Common file= of Bradford CON
in the mutter of l'heodore if and Irdhani Ca
rey, vs. Joshua Daher. -f
THE undersigr.ed having been appointed bY IIII
Hon. the Court of Com. Pleas, of thadfort
County an auditor to make distribution of the Nob
raised by Sheriff's sale of the real estate of iosby
Baker. Notice is hereby given that the Auditor
will attend at Win. Elwell's office in the bah of
Towandaom Saturday the' pa day of April test
.3 o'clock, P. M.,, to attend to the duties pertain*.
to his office, at Which 'time and place all Pero pi
having claims upon said fund, are required to pia
sent them or be forever debarred from coining a
upon the same. HARVEY McAI.PIN,
• Towanda, March 23, 1853.
A LL persons' ipdebted 'to the estate of 9810
AE PRATT, dei'd, late of Troy, are herd"
requested to make payment without delay, auffil t°ll _,
sentclaims against said estarr, will pleats P ro'
sent-them duly audseaticitted (or settlement
March 23, 1853-