- :. M= MEE Eli i CZEIZ oisl= 2 TOW ANDA.: Bataan Morninß, pat 4. 18a.-; L. D 1 0 -Day." * imon Literary leoutina. ' From 5 - 111.1 4 4 G AND.:DOING. no s plc raaNcti . Of £MIL! doo•rStile •-• . . Th e pest house of Oberhanabetg had. jest- beets t hrown into commotion, by the arrival of a travel carriage from Saveme on its way to'Stnitabarg, goer , Topfer, the innkeeper, was running •,here, t he.e, giving orders to his servants and 'postill ion; while the caniage, detached from the hOratitte, - 0 3 wiling before the great door of itie ,h 0" inopurnounJed with children and loafers, who ore &hanging their remarks. • Among the last was a man with *a` sharp 'eye, a 4n orat complexion and an abrupt 'manner of which formed a singular-contrast with the Germanic idiom of the other spectator* Mas-' ter Budanou was, in fact,laitnet_theseuth; chatiCe aliaa tad led him to Oberbauebergi where b e h a d in : ap a pposite the post house, a wig maker's shop, rhos blue shutters bore the double - inncription of "Han cat and shaving done at alrpriceiL 6 Sha wn; after the hlarseiller jaahiort." . _ 3l,n,gleil in the group. of Furious bystanders about Ilinin Tnpter's door, the bacber rook - part - in the generaF conversation in snort of Cermiiix, of - which we can give a sufficiently clear idea by 'pitying th a t it was Alsacian spoken by a Provencal. - Hare you seen the traveler, Master Barda. non 1" asked an old woman who carried on her arm one of those baskets, filled with threads, pins, and tapes, which indicate the side walk merchant. " Without any doubt, .!other Hartmann," repli ed the barber. "Heis a great man, who seems to hare more stomach than brains It may be remarked that Maser Bardanou had a ;ace for epigrams, and passed at Oberhau:berg foi a strizularly bright person Those who heard the joke about•the new arrival, responded to It by a lond laugh, in which Mother .Hartman at first jomec ; when, shaking her head with a (ratified air— Bot money is better than mind, neighbor," said 6; looking at the barber; " lot with mind one may go slow, while money lets you roll in a car- Hoy your tongue, Iludanou ; he is a biron," m!etrupted afresh and lively. voice. BarJanou perceived Master Topfer's godcht d,. trIA just made her appearance on the door step of EEC! A baron repeated he, 'iwholohl Too the, Ni tee 1" _ The area: lacquey who attends him. He de urea that the Baron Most not be seryed in the caltr,,Ti,t:puig room but that everything must be cyrze, l , the great .balcony parlor." !o.;ers looked up ; the parlor of which Ni me spoke was exactly above them, and the w in ass open ; but the curtain was down, so that ery rota,( not see any thing: • Then you have laid the table for him there bled Mother Hartmann, looking up towartt the fc'ry parlor • Nu: 1, - said the young girl ; " the Baron did ..41 choose to have our china nor our glass ; be al of carries with him a silver service, and I saw rilet take it from a large mahogany box." A murmur of surprise and admiration arose in the awl The Provencal elope shrugged his should. Thalia to say that the Baron can neither eat ,tot driot like other Christiana," replied be ironi ca,y “-fie most hatrew room tohimseit, and sil ver I"Aes. • The great ,king Solomon was right, rthentia raki, it Vatiiiy of vanities, all is vanity." " Come. Bardanou, you are speakulaill of your neighbor again !" interrupted Nicene; smiling. "Sei,;htaor r' repeated the barber ; Is is a • baron rsr neighbor! Let me alone ; ',know hint, your peat man. He - ip just literati the great •lonis who ram till way. Did you hear how he cared his rain who had slopped to speak to Master. Topr, want soo t German, 1.-want you;' as if the Nor tellow had not a iigbt fatal!' a ploasygo.. Tats heron mug be a real tyrant." " what are Ton talking about Bardonou t.t.l Nteette ; " Cod grant that it is not true wha Tell are wayinu. Do you know why he is going in e Dachy of Baden ?" " Not at all:' " His servant tells me," said the young girl, low r.P4 her voice, that he is going to be married.' " To be matrzed u With the richest heiress of the etemtry.—a trdow ,' " Whom he does nol know,l dart Apy.! " That 1 cannot tell." " He ought tea to know bee. These people mar ry in the time way they Jo their busittese.—by cor respondence ; they only think to satiety 'belt lore of money." " Hold your tongue, Bardinoti ; you are always ready to judge evil of othiro without knowing theta '' " And 1 jodge Isom when 140 know thorn,' Lit:ed the barber. , . . 4 " Yon know very well, howe v er, that every body dsevcci marry to grow - rick" *pilot! the 7are4l ral with a blush, and an 41!retied - 10i 4 . " g‘ere el people who consult only their igrectiole " Like me, Far dimple,” contiv. 'BOziletT) oily, *in Nieeues hand , anlrm46ng her loot % l ai . • “ Pardon me, pardon me,” cried the Vreve.egal ; You knomt very well, Nicene : that 1 •do not run tiq heiresses ; and that 1 do alit think you the 'fts?teny became tether sayWbs hill not M a dowry.. • Itut2l, t ant Az. cimptiits • 1 6' t er ;Philatophir s your OdiaAer ia:YO: •t. -ars liens on these subjects eilterent4wm ,otber ??:e. Thu, my blood boils-wise:lA eseArnen -eyernr banal, to whom lottune is only an intim :=4o-1 01 vanity, of tyranny, and aware ; Ind e '11.:11.1n; that it I were in their place, Iftractecaltr.,-,=-....1:..,m05a. =•....'" - ':::- Zr.r....-•• -• .;:trtC•c. - .7..". 7 ermer . .. 7 . .." . .....• -..-•• ....., - ...,_ ........-..• ~., t•••-, .. . , , -.----------..............—.--- ,5- . , :;..4 e•g!.... ;•''.l;',- t • st , f,"• - .-1-,...,...t ••!•; 1. - ..... , 43.1- ..1.3•;; , ,- s•, - , , ,,!, - .:1 ;•;•• -,- .11,, . ~,,...,.,. I , • _ . 1 " ' -- -, ••,‘ - ....,,, . ,-- ~ i ~.,., i 4., ,„; ;,., ....,,,-. : ..„: ~ , c,, -.., ,, ,:i : -,,r.,(.! r ..t.t...:vi.,, , e;:i 1.,... I.antlx - rn p-.'. _,tal -- , , ,hp,-.ltill zi pi-t...atil :deunitrii 0.41 Tut 0 11, 4 1 M1 i ' , 1., txfra.,ll4 iii; iigziitt• - dt.w.4.4, 4 :44....t0 - q.r5,)4.1.7- 1 1 - - 'l. l * '" , - 1 .. ~,..,11 _ . . - .(llwitli N. , .r, 4. ~< ''..: 1 " 4. 6.'• . - • -' i, tn. ,sys: ~ .a, i li, 4 ' Iti• A 'l .:' ...'''' 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Ittn , : , •• .11.1...:ti."..4•: , 12. ~,!, ~t -t' .',., ft- •';' , :i , ...•- J ,••• a , -• ' ' ~- '• ' ' ' , ' •••%....--..r.,:.-- .- • ,Z.. 1,. . • ,!,-.•••• ' i .a pp should do melanin tetheehoicoof.PrOvidimeeA That,rerneins 10 Depraved; :thistetollivilonotre remarked 'the: ota 260 woman, ehiricreros ..,:•„, i1 1 .tr;11 Ape halt no pinimploo," cried .the :PM*: *meal, with- animatititsl , fili is.wittited.4ttos by every' wine that biciitri;:llteli what I want, ' aiiti..ill ll o is rig hi , ` ,Mat, et liagithgt,t; I halm my philOsaPhy,/ If ; were to betnade the next moment, I should not- chanp,e 'any - mere than' the steatite of eittr'ehttreh ; you wouhl sei:`me always just; alwaYa aii:dieinteroOd:,sod aa.goo(Cas I am novel - Distrust of himself was not,-as will be petceitn the fault of Bardanoo ; all the mcirelity gtiod sense he' Inctit fierl his Pieced to his ewe rerCouet;:-with.,scroPulons: exact., ness. As well pleased with his own partite as he was discontented with tithe - typo:phi,. hew mind Itaite' bie!idiPered to haFe...,i#reached Creator tot ; .having made man in his own image, instead, ol hay._ ing made him in the image of Bard:alba.- Orie — e ; launched upon this stream s -he fell into an unmea sured improvisation. He explained at length ill the great and useful things tie -shnold accurnpli'sh, if chance should,suildenly send him one at those American tticles,who ate no longer met witb,preu on the stage. He passed in review all the virtues he ehould'bring to light,—ail the merits he 'should' exhibit ; end . he'seas *int betitOW•UPOn. , lntrisejf . an apotheosis, When - ,.lie travelerwho had occallop." ed thiticonversation appeared at the door of• the inn.; He was* man about the age of forty, snmevrhat corpulent, allele bald, jted heavy feaioreo. would have revealed hie Gernianorigin;il his altrw i , Germanic accent had left theleast doubt, el ;this re gard. -Meantime, intelligence -sparkled - An- the: depths of his emir blue eye ; and , prejudice ulnne . could have dictated to the Proveucal harsh judgment he had formed of him. The Baron addressed the group mind the door with ipaternal salute; and said with a smile : w'A pretty - place, gentlemen—a pretty place .and a fine day." The persons to whom he addressed himself, con tented tnemselves with returning his salutation w ithout speaking. The german did not seem to be discouraged at this silence. " I hope," said he, still smiling,' that the coon try is good, and that you all live happily here." " People live happily when they haie happiness within themselves," replied Bardanon, sententious ly. The Baron rnadea sign of assent. " What you-say, -sir, is very sensible," replied he,with a respeetilal tone ;" and I hope ibis remark IMRE ;'trs Ik'. Ttl :,': t.: - 4. ! %' 4 • iiiA` 't"'Wirri* •1‘,..01.1-tvOr I;tl;',..`^ zr.trk PIiBLISRED 'EVEgY SATURD - AT 11 1 ;1 1 9W*p4f , BIIMORA40.. „ E . O'MEARA . GOODRICH, • .... • MEI= 11111 is the fruit Of Yotii l own experience. He who so well understands hapiness ought of necessity to poises, it!' " We do what we ran," said Bardanou ; who was beginning to be solicited by :he Baron'; civili ty. "We must have philosophy it we have noth ing else?' "Do you have to complain of your interest r' asked tie stranger, with interest. _The. Provencal shrugged 4iis shoulders. " I never complain, Mr. Bason,"said be grave ly ; "since those who sour complaints reap 'poly discouragement I mit hair,l shave people, I dress false fronts, and for the rest I wait for good tor- ME '1 it wilt come," Said the Baron; IC be sure will come. Ct ance, has not imitated your govern• :pent ; it has maintained its lottery, and a good number may always be hoped tor.'-, " Hold ! speaking of numbers, we have two," cried, Nicene ; " what if we should gain the cas tle!" " A eutli !" repeated the stranger ; his attention excited. . g; With the land and forests . ," finished Band:moo it A traveling agent from Frankfort came along here three montliseg, to sell the tickets, and Ni- cede persuaded me to take one." .. "It does not-eurely refer to the donisin Of Ro • trembourg 1" "I knOw 'nothing otiiut ii. I itave not lotik,e4, it my Alifikbers.since ; but-I-must hare than 'bete!, The barber looked4n un old pocket book, and drew out a prospectus and a ticket. "That la the eery ebinlp gild he, after having 'dist his eyes on the prospectus. " Domain 01 , vemnourtr, situated two miles,from Badewiller, at the en:ranee of the .Black .0-orest. The fortunate number will be drawn the 20 1 .11 of July. - " It has been drawn," said_ the stranger, quietly. " And do Ica know it I" " It is 66. -, - Bardanoo tamed his eyes upon ins ticket, uttered a cry, and grew pale; 66," stammered be, ' ( 4111 ; you say 66 i" . . " Without doubt' Look, look l I have ed." He showed everybody his ticket. which - he - Mika triumphantly above his held: Thetitranger, Whpile" countenance ctiarged; approached with interest ; but afterharing looked at the number he mere& a . joyful cry, opened hismouth to speak : bat stopped suddenly, as. if Struck with an idea; suit, looking at Banlimou with that roguish good-humor., seemed to-be =maim bim, le,bowed,a4 ago trof The news of this unmerited 'good itnirmit"erig immediately, kniiwn by the keeper - of the; ptist hermit, and spread U ronglt . the Wholerni*eihO4- The , Provencal, who renewed ohisatiop,,,entesion. assailed by a crowd of people, whocateericr,com/ pliment bite upon his unesitected-lock:' lie Stiff t atOettscinledentitiie the;midat:othisj6y,lit.":lliec Bi;fau eiint iiira a CoPP she ireili 6 o l -.. GOeiliss , which contained Whale ditteita thadrawingi.nrd_ confirmed the news in - a was to Imoe no uncertain .: :, 13 aidaaaii lt l i ii 13.. ..44 11, 1 , 4 1 0 4414 ihtlfusi=emelisa - ct joy sogigirsi , Ineb t eirmediiirmaMtness;hia . ssnl, l 4o ol.llow. gin tel:iailia*Olfelltqiiiatlase 4ba'irgOiae - woes* a>iJ:( 2 14,44 than Usual, his manner eras more assured, ihad t bit affability moremerstic. The barber was evident. - MEIN MEI= tis~ OREM INE ly turning into.a great fiord. figitqcsiLthitplopple t,'Ke- with his hand, threwltieheitil bank r atstiNallswit of his plans with a anpetbstenehalanoe. Ha did .not yet blow. Whetheli-tte:shouid ipaioiskabititteities• tie of Hovembourg4 'Mite Intd•altruystbsew Iraq Otipialici4)oertaansbergi ace •Freneftimiai' knig,ed,lo:lllpcluz f.;:3 He added some allusion to his projeet.int mat,: gage 4with -Nicetterp whof,listettpd threstnizetdEnt, and feeelvda the cobtiltulationacintrecompan Mir Itleatni iner Oaf otary *ld liastenett rib:point% out to Banknote she steps:heat ugh t :lona& Ma t otird i in his opinion, was to set out lor•annsaitalum ME where in a tew days all the parties interested were la assemble. - - it was' there onlftbauthe new tiro. piiitbr.conkt enter into palmation of hil estate. • • Baniceou...sccrided Ao• his counsel; and declared that littotvotild. set out. immediately. The wine., merchant secomMended hisrirapa-bases, and the itlne4resacr,,bielwase . ;.. but.' Bardanou thanked• them with a regal smile ; inJais new •position be 009 id 1101 travel -like a patventt. , -; Hie , arrival et Ito vemboing,trnutt agree with hie tiile....For his- pan , was:above such ;Ant le.most, submit . to enabliaeed-prejoiliceel-respect , eisatotni: , auti not cause scandaL - Consequently ,Master Tnpfer must furnish his post chaise and his finest. harses.• The barber, moreover, persuaded-Tapia to accompany 'him with Nicettittimillhelnbuityr-whch •to rangelha stakes 01 hietaking,pasawisian. way he should present himself at Rovensbotag.in: spMptir manner: The godilarighter of the inn 'keeper made no objection icsibosirringement.• she dui was enquins• whether-ihe..Provencal Is:ached her to his care from love or pride, and whethertsbe was to be there a jnyfol-associateig only an orna isnot. i•Vithout.suspicion, and as simple beans al ways ac , f,Aes w*iirAtetui I*•Baidatitili;foOtis re. membtatice of her, an notion to him in ereatied. ' Attire - Nave saitli theintoziraticm ofthe barber wait :at 'first Moderate. -It was , necessary- to get hirsmind• accustomed to the chdrige whinh had ta , ken place; hecoold•scarcely believe it himself His new position seemed to hint like a dream, which, whiterithad-the appearance of reality; left him in a -confused slate uf.doobt. Bat thepoet chaise went •forward certainty took Pintsession more and more of the mind ut Bardanoo, and he-telt his intoxicaiion. Ai each • retry his manners beenm(l 2 more srioocratic ; his idea; it resit fined ' within just' limits, escaped in puffs , of egotism ot rifle, of' which Nicene took no notice; and•The'n6- tary allowed 16 ..pasty oor of respettl•for his neat eir ent. The fame of what -had enriched Bardtmou spread as they went alomr posfilion4 tratisinitted it to posiilione y and' sll f ilong tht3 road ihTlreopter said .t,:rgq 1. 1 .,Z ;411 =if:a z .V17, 7 t 4 :ik .v. A;4,..,:' y,.t 4 " itEeiRDIZSVOTYPPOIitin4T4 I I4,2 M'-' r!MMGMEM IIM9 a lime is the proptietet-of the domain a Rovem; bourg.; l ' OA as they said .iti• the time of Puss in Roots, 4 ( Here the equipage of the itlarqrni • Ca ranag .11 Every oneofThese cries roes iifie Tett!' of-ifind• which inflated' the heitt of Bardati2ti.- 4 11avirig . be= come an object-of etiriostrand admiration, he , kW himself like a prince travelling incognito. From time to time'he leaned Troin -the trirdoW Of lite carriage to show himself tattiest, brace people who were ra..ning to see him; he- hosted - ills head to to them ; he threw majestically handfula of sons to the poor-; end if - he-had not been'iri a hurry, he aroma hate offered thdmitis handlo tisk • At tholes, inn of which they stopped - he 'found fault with - the firvice the lain' teas eciante: the china was meted ; the coverer tarnisher.; he de: ctarrefttrat in WWl', when he halted at a ciatre, - ie W'oitltt; Bari.9,taleifitti 'of bit' °Wu' Parer - The service appeared equally airroAtik hini,inufthelost Was Cot/ pail! to bring; him sante bottler which had - been pat aside for great•oecasione. 1:. Finally the - Tolle of itoniem4i7 l , l l;tipaiiref the hatilitti; Wirt' iat'arerinertif Eiinett, %bore which' were'seetf - the peiitta taco - 6f ''Bitdas noninifiher hors - Pepin - 4o a walk thil tie 'ink4il ben ter' theorieti. , ' Nicene Shouted WillicidvaiiilW tiortinAtefsiiit'tif itie4tomfairisr WHIP BoilFeni; Ilfeiriotarypfei d'lckfteneltie &NM and the Whine f Minter Topfef-‘4**tintbel' **hi stimetnisee which '• Were iantipitit eve- pastorM - 13arilinon iloite kept Ati eight °Tibor tierene:of Riiventbettig, re.Wore.fdisler• nailed him:" Be With - demi if any - title 'wit athielt-; ed to hie &Main, and if hit might net perhaps be called Connt or•Doke of Rovemboartf: :The : right to this title now -, twerned -hi be entirely aPeesaary to his position ; wi hoot it blaster Bardanou would al waye.haetithrt air of eciititen grown Flo fonOrte leas *mill itt hien, bat hobilitreeentinifiepermable' to ming it well. - N • The battier wea.deeri in• - •theaft• reflechlini'when . they-reached the gale of this emAlit.. Nieems. , Pfo yosedlo &wealth, barßaraittiehtel" Miele gisitnertit; nese: dwelling liken multi!. He would wait till the porter, who was-absenecarne - to open the iron p,ate baize the post-chaise; •which .penetrated the court IN honor, the horses on full trot, ty The whip cracking - ninth.' • Batdintm had learned - frnm %fib POTWE 09 1 the •Mark: Of _bl*Dei l 49 l .9 *X: 1 3 11 144" ' whPld-nolihrimt blithe nemday bnilmei bun that the niere ,- of the 'feria* Inopripor,7l.ll4laintli; de iwtere ahe TooleedAbse;Tineennalrarithelaithe race of a woman of fashion,- and all the cordiality scatitenr...,.its-R's-g • ii*Tawlr'ofTriej*m . agWeibli 'eXAgtmt.wtatintpm,fiiii tliteamjht4toniteme*lP- . .li§lisit, ,wets:heed *am Ibudakottlintitiemenbrationet i nch 604 ,:t4h,.„Ki:i . ,4 )i c.ilie'aill: 4 11141xtv! The batbef found thettaron, who had precedni t 'him by a few hoots, an+whont the- young winn o w ilmiwiletitsillii - Wiriltelcid 2 frOfthrqfhtmlrets ei far .4,1 , 1.44. Akff i e ALILI944O*g 1444 4. 6 4 1 144 139 .4 ‘ own. ~.Jltedtuultdet Pligooriprepoindiwilarwirdi. to visit the domain, and ordered the barges pot to tit i rris e, ihotin sKb iiiii+siterseeirate zhe efeloacar i pianteaml _ Barchummeatknotar4y, himself osis joy apd PrTdiiiiirettci; Jeliiioiri . seitiaL .ion iite,"snit cuArkOrga l kiasClA:tieldokid dtrid,,with pity Prr"..' B .7 h* P a r. ti tiiraPnb e rFO - a n =" L ilettio4cpl illmooglfittetainiii4 their. thesilfetsitalis j! -(1 4 6 4r0 1. 1 1. 0 44: 11 cinniion with•LAASMWM4VI94I,HIO4"6"4 for nothing but to be set•atvork the tate - 101'4ot Othtiellis6in'tin to and fini s bed by dealsuing Itewaahl make'Rovein bourg -'l4ai;inalialtan; ilea ... a gaily merited ; thellaraa in a more reserved matinee . ; -- Birelailtax did not doubt he was jest: mat, im wouln never _ &lige so bade e' dOnieloinnly he con- tinoedlo put an, lordly airs, complaining , oi- the roads ; the bad state of the fences, and the, negli. genre of the forest keepers. Nicene always interposed to make ekeuses.; but Bardanot4 who, imagining that a systematic dissat, isfactiob gave him .a gated air, interrupted her, mai ordered her to be silent; and the poorgirl submit. without suyinga word. On their return to the castle; matter, became silil.worse. The former barber found the furnitere mean, and the attendanewtrwofficient. He devel oped, with easy nonchalance, the changes he meant to bring about.-He knew how a great house should bit furnished. -7.-He-had formerly seen that of the Prince de Croix, to whom. in fact he WSW distantly 'elated. Nicene, who had newer before heard litrn speak of this grand ielation, opened het .3) es wide but dared not say anything, for she was beginning toistand in awe of Bardanou Convessation WAY& kind occupied the evening .When the -moment kw retiring bad come; the bar bar was eonduated.to the best sleeping 'chamber in thulionse, Where tt bed raised upon a dial, await. hint. The walls were hung with portraits of dit. fermi epobhs, representing the. ancient lords: 2B8:1 ilanou sal wed Melt with an almost respectful ens°. [inn.- -Hewes beginning, in fact, to believe }nit self:a legitimwe descendant of the house of Roo vernbourg It was very late before he got to steep ; pod he saw himself, in his dreams, at the-court of the Grand Duke of Baden, hii breast covered wi4perusses and hovers. When he'awokeohe day was considerably ad vanced. He arose in hatte, but recollected that a marchlehier could not dress himself alone. He raw for the valet de chamtre, who arrived imme• and began his toildt -according to all the tolesal fashion. B.udanou, who did not wish to appear ignonalliof them, patiently suffered himself la oe•drered—only when it come ro the hair, the recollection of his art got the bettor of his dignity; and-seizing the comb from the hands of the Ta lesman valet, he gave him a practical lesson on the disposition of face!, and of the toopet. - Finally, When he was completely dressed, be descended to-the garden; where he perceived Mad amwßandocm. She wasieturningfrom a morning seraticiu the meadow.: The young , dritiOW wore a elegant neglige, and on her head a broad-brimmed straw.hat, which shaded harmed: and tehoulders ; her feetwero wet with dew, and her hands lull of fiekl.flowens, she waseaming op the avenue, hum ing an 'old Swabian -melody. Her walk had given britianey to her-complexion. and the gaiety of the morning seemed to breathe out in her whole being.- . . .713artlation mrt to pilule her, and kissed her hands, tote had seen people do at the theatre. The pret ty widow , accepted his arm without ceremony and told of her etenrsion to the bordem of the forest Thorgh she bled sintoskalwals.lived in some of the large German cities, Mtdame de Rondos= wcs prety fond of the country, and especially of Rovem bourg, •urhere shat was brought - up. She could hardly eonseleiterself -that berisnele, before he di ed,epnclatted to put crp in lonery a - property which, till thersehad , always been' in theirianti!y, The two hundred-inotisand-florins which had am riftedgrititilhis - speetibttion, and were- added to her lithetitance,-seemed to hermit? far flute Lea. Seism , itimiinetaiion.. She would willingly give ttstentythocidand florins of ler own fortune to be able -to lake possesvion .of Ronvemboneg and its depeadeneies.i . Baciances took tbis assn- indirect. proposition made-to himself; but he had already* acquired so knock of the taste of maser of the cas- Ile, that he was not wdling to exchange thebon ots otit.for allibm of money. He replied, with a ensile 16 Madame -Random; that, though it had Flanged proprietors, the mode tot•Rovetabourg was nevertheless,, still.mtirely at her thymic!, and that ;she trottitaise jilts freely as she had done in past :A• • The _miaow , - made ,a, sign. of gni:0101- imp lismost.;, d..} . J.. • • ' . " Come, you refuse to comprehend me,° said she, smiling ; " you are willing- that I should be received tor-yodel Roueembourg, white it is lay desire to nmeiveyobbere.n -." - What'difference does it makv, -- provided you , am at home!" said the Provencal. 4 "At - home 1" said' Madame Ida -Handout; gal- IF; "Iyon *Quill bocaoght IVd°'took , you ft. your ,would?- e " How 60 r U Became a strange-sroasan for fr•isitor always adattalliaangboute-keepets4 o . and tea °f ee,. ingfatthtliciesinitpirime its. added - 7. • -ft Licerfami panlaait. **apt Italia ones;l bot-hd ar asisimltkethiNicatto wale *Waal"attar - 4 _44lll4Antremptedaber batheroritb soiesibarm* toed air ; " it is still but a plan? it Which nothing sorriteeeents yea {rote secom iiiiihiegt--.:-4:1-4;x1 tta; RN dasihieh Milittlieettb . tweesesteil fraii , ot Weide edniblisappose yfor the ereatefilxi it die , *um SIP* kat Phi*, VLF 11411116610 7 The beetle* beirede bhiebing `inibley: • It.;seet the Ann time he Wailed the Mr. affixed to his TM UM name,: Madame de,,RaP4P l 4.,aPP ear e d :19 him now resplendent in -beauty. - - However that may=be," = she yearned, ',keit diaPoyesitera,'witheul ever tenirnifti triaw ROieniktatiii And Yet . Goa initivi*hit I *Mold have done to keep it. I own to you, for example that twoutd , have purchased this , castle at the price of all my futorif . eirptictitione - What Jo you eay, Or: 044)4 The ; P,rovencees.vanity was %=ain, dazzled .and he' could only stammer Out a few broken words. rr Yee'," resencted'ans Widoivils if she weeld re. ply to Car intertocitter—r' it the 'price' of thy lutitre expectations. 'lon saw the Baroide Hoban!), who arrived a little before you r . • - Bardanou replied in the affintattive. • " Wetr; he is an old friend of !Ocir family, who wa.s always very tiech troubled, by my ,marriage with M. de Hendon:- Since my .widowhood he has offered me his hand several' times ; but 1 was pleased with my liberty, and waii alarmed at,a new union, and have always refused. Finally, when the mule of Rovemboorg was put into a lottery, he witnessed my trouble, and proposed,to tee, laugh,. ing, to marry him if he won the castle. 1 prom ised him I would, and he took fifty thousand florins value in tickets. Up to the lime of drawing, 1 was afraid that he would gain it; and to-day lam in despair that Rovembaurg has passed into other hinds.. Now that I am about to quit this beautiful estate, I And that I should not have • paid too dear. ly for it with the gift of myhand.i l A thought passed like en arrow threTAftheAnd of Bardanod. He looked at Madame de Ratidenut, who was playing with a minuet of wild flowers— She seemed charming. He remembered, at the same lime, that she possessed a fortune double in value to the domain of Rouremlx•org, and that she belonged to one of the most noble families in the Duchy. All these ideas wailed him at once, and threw him into a stupor. The widow gave as interpreta tion to his plence. k!-You think me very foolish, I dare say," orti " Not in the least," said Bardanno, making an effort to gain conrage "1 find Only that your con fidence is dangerous." 4: Why so , ' " Because it may place singular temptations in the way of the present proprietor of Rourembourg casoe " it What do you n:ean, M. de • Barclanou I I do not understand you," said Madame de Raudouz, with an embarramment which protested against this affirmation. " I mean," said the barber, emboldened," that an kreement made entirely by 6hancei with the Ba:ol might !lola more surely with the petson who has gained the Wale." %r Ilh you !'' " Since Rovembonrg has so many charms for Madame de Putudnux,': replied .the Provencal, warmly, " she might resign herself, perhaps, in or. der to remain hem, to aceeptithe new proprietor." " Come, you are joking," said the widow, laugh• log constrainedli. " A joke if my proposition offends Madame de Readonz," replied the Provencal ; " a serious thing it - she receives it without anger." " But do you Lot think, M de, Bardanou— have you not previous engagements widi Mademoiselle Nicene ?'' " None, Madame ; every thing is confined •to vague plans. 3 " Meantime if the child has conceived hopes?" " Reason wilt make her renotince them. Nicet• te must tmderstaritt-that a new position impoies new obligations towards othei and towards our- selves." ir l fear she rosy not hatri t enotigli philosophy for that," objected the widow, F ! i v ijoy., I win _manne that,- cried ..the,Proveacal rr Here cornea the Henan, say nothing-to him of the matter. In art Rout l-sitalltitirii talked with N met to, erery thidg'will be settled , . renuued to the castle. in fact, .10 look for tie postmaster's god-daughter. ~ T be:- conversation he had Jost had with , Mattruite diltandottx had given the last stroke. ' Re , saw in a: moment his foitane tripled,-his position established_. It was .a second uckeuitt &lottery wron.. He could not, without in sanity,‘suffer Poch an occroicat to escape him. In reality, moreoverno eogageiiieni exit ed bemeris. hitn-and Xicette. Ue hail neither made or exacted , any promise,.Hair nip been obliged to defer their union, both halt heldroone - Of- those tacit engage ments which bind us only inwards OUT Own heart: so that he thou.tht himseiftxmintl to no justification. Forgeiting all the pact; he talked to Nimae as to a protege whose happiness he. was nesirous of iiect4- rug. He did not wish. krenioy - skate- the happy fomme ethical had enriched trim; he had decided id'endow her richly, and seems ,- the fortune of 'is . , hate vet *she chnotie for a,husband, * -4be girthstenei r atf,fost, without •comprehend - ing ; but r as Bardanoo went on, the light broke up on her, and 'With a grief as much more "cruel as it Was unexpeclteil. 51eantinrie" she said nothing,— Pale, her lips uembling, h udly able to restrain het tears, she listenek till die Provencal came to the end of his premises; and, when he haddore, she ride, almost calinly;and nisi% a step toivard the door. rt Where are you goino liteette l".asked Bards noo, Aremblcd et thisaileace t . lam goingdmius, wi4rrty got-tether," triad she simply. • - 44 Why do yowgcswow t What Is your burry!" cried the the blitber. - '', • • • • " 4:A6y - - 11' -C . . ME =IN . Bardanon felf.e_presteres_at his heart Whaley. ethirtvii t untoryblisdatoreglAbOteatry reprooth• ekatimr-withirfai , ! mink onmestedr saterif tints. abolll lAao3oo t , e 14 .0 o:emu now, *mu untead sii4efoleigtoL-; - -.00 tepee befekkimpazadt, earls-had , oot bitakfakedoind rang thit bell ; the varlet replied that the Bares bid pot eldered breakfast yet FrEd 7_l'l,e,“t! e....41'd OS Or/. ',V :0 tr,o/1 !LIT ert , c-fs4 , 7!{.4Eir It 9.! 4:5 :I . 7.! 11-1. t.; .7 : 4 . • y, • %/4 dl'.111Zel; 'I ts..;;; .1% •:", ,e -- 7 1%; i ; . • , ki et , .Ithi l fgair Ir' 7 'l-'1"-'::Lr-; As. = ;I'4l. C , < Ss, i • speech vele'limilef Prciaaiiitha**l . 01. 0 4 110 8 km- , , ,r . • lithe 'Baron!" cried he; it and how Mogi feok have- yea wafts& tot The -three's my breakfast'!" flitholeitiari!ek.)oriki,*o49 doep-Riiiiinbroyg bilong IV , •f- I'm sale 1 &WI knovq? tepliecl Ah;yod amilincTiTPEreliinied litirfaniwi r twe asperaiad.;; " -wellibunit will teach "yrin;Ettlkrit.-- Go away, immediately ; and ` _ lr7arn, shi 4 'rtinielflerc.)(fini - e Agi6.7 The man. w, :Awn hat ilrit.garowowhe wits just cOmitia; in, marls* sign,litid4lititetit''—'.? g , You near This poor tell ' oai°jtoroewl er r Mt. eattlitOa l said' the Baron 4140 1 /240.:400i4tr ter but. , ig- I treschim da f the firinTiiiikankrity, •ce: kive:r*fri:gt*. astonished ibakohers besides .mysilf gilds seder here." 41 in' the Oro place I trociltiobsOrtitlliffol f ,,,!„, plied toe Itarp. , as-utshuneulerf sts• minor of the tomer proprietor. •Rarrenbciorprß was my business to order affairs, at , the,esailtrA the arrival of the new-owner." " And replied the barber, ‘, 1 will observe.* you, that the new. owner." " And yon conclude from thatd-- " I conclude that every min ought i 9 be master in his 01A711 house." The Baron bowed. " Ineonfesta*," - . " It remuirut to be seen at whose boos. W0„A01.10. "At whose,bouso repeatesi-Bardastotr„ostotta shed. 4 Ms. de Robach ought not tOlArtgitiitiii since hefnformed Me of thee " I temensuer it perieciii.". • , " And you undoubtly have not futgotten dieted's number was 66; and here it is, Mr! Baron:" " You r pardon," said be, ",but 1 belie se,bir: Hars clarion is mistaken." - " How 1" '" He bas :not observed that cm' 1101 PPf° lll figurer, litsitil4 of lot i ia~ them."... : , " Ninety•nine!" repealed the wined bin* g what do you say! bat then 66r " Here it is," said the Baron, showing *ticket: " What you." And the anthemicity army ticket las . pia - ste., Itylowledged by the airectors a4rankforti all lbw formalities are complied. will, and here is which puts ire in poi-session of the'domaifi of Ito. vemboing.", , lie held out to the Provencal a paper covered with stamps, flourishes and signatures of illtsiseit and colori. Bardanim would . her; examined: ft; but a cloud catered' his eyes, he trembled all pis* and oral obliged to sit down. The fall was as sodden as the eleivatibti,' irtd hS felt his strengt h leaving, him. Slearitime the firsi shock rver, be got up, doubt ar.d anger succeeded his depression, he looked the baron in the:face:- " Then you decelied the at Obethauttbe4;"arlii ed he. • gg say rather that I allowed you to somata in NI error," replied BIL deßobach• : !tie a .reason soda cruelty," interttipted Bar. thaaa. " No,"said the Baron tranquilly, " it is a pen. ishment and a lesson. Seated at the balcony of thi inn, behind the curtain which concealed me, I heard you judge without knowing me; accuse.tho rich of vani.y, .of ingratitude, and enpidit , t, - Infil boast that you could escape all Meas. ItrultS ter tune turned in your favor,. .A.-cfrancer'itadelyon belerve that that this supposition war eeettniflieiti ed. I wanted to see it yitinr - pritutipfes would ltaWii the prktril you thought they would, and /lei yies in year illusion." "So it was an 111°40N- then," ,tepeafed'llinl,. noo witlisorrott , ;fiit being able tp ' detticli is rel► Korn the ticket. , : >1 0 Veal; said Mt aobach, more terionslyill gat Bardanor, your einitlbet:ilertr - the ""pi . tiggent lefirtA kg ilikaggit er 41 yOnisellibe Coinl:Boetirtitatia r ig no - 144t0n. ~Siiio siaterffitY, tiff-.Ma.whiitt but shown.birnselt most Road, Wile-44p, tai. most se.vere.mw,grds the setrattia,l,lo.4il;yerg. edit/base copidigy "has fiojep i lisefiengS; by As position. of I.ladentgl, ll o lo 4 o arta flogy-seboavbse Mane heen remised NO) intratitailei" •- : . .-..- .... ~: The a nvitasilharber hang his bead::. .\:• -, . - `" You aem,".coniintied the Baron, after -ai street pains," wo.mtisthe more indulgent towards oth ers, and less amfident in outselvvs All menhir." within themselves the.germa of -some Weakness/ different pignitiona may develop theindigiiiingf— Paidon the nr:h man an toigemilgJliimiselt, Raabe: , ing blind, and tie will pardon yisti= yang bittenteiv: your malevotence;loar envy. - ' The 'Warta iiheli i .i. mate claitsvi of men" is not , to otivose them re rich other. but In enitghten them, dieli *Contra; - his wants." " ' ". ' - .. ~ ' ' -,- -" And is it to give'the this lesson dial ihe'harli withis exposed me Id such a change of Omni, r,',, Bardanou, bitterly. '"T haie tieed i iitige. ot.lb rervation to hitn. He Tri.h'eiliiirnalie. ap j /awl men: on the hiring Amble : Ft, withont tthibling.:lmn?, F 4 Irvcittt the consequendei !het" . thie.lit : follia4:4Aeck 'an e.iPti l o l- bt " . ' —. --t`g"z 'Llti " 'Pardon mo,"Maisier Baidariou,"3l. Itolatch ; 4 11adaMi.deB'antIons,, wrth :airsid ... , 4 . 1 this•has already rfpaired thelertny4,7o4:o 3 oobili t . done yourself ; and iri proof - 61 this, she is woof* back Nicene 113- ...*- - --. _i-... -•",-- - -,/ :4:,' The; ening gvrl;. i feet , returned svighdhs widow ,The lent hitlvatiity consoled, heti AT-persuades* Whet !bac** Impale Ca Eardanea ,waet only. a- trial; tbanha dolmans:of Runvemboerg-didi nos Wok! Is him, anti thole loved, her better - than ettbrz ,iii: ceuehelietted_all they wished berm Weser snit the Provencal ashanted.al:bil &induct itenehred ,kiat. with. a temierobsar antrumt-ge , thit- vitisitr"as totrebittl by it evet" ita tears, , =v l ; < - "., ; 3 . % La , rEturing thls'nelinicifritirri the Birgit had vii rait - .' venation - grill blaster Topferiiind - ritideltiirigivd 4 hiirconseirt iii the enarria' gezot this;balittetWiih Ni-, 'eetfei th'ithoggibb inrepogotilli Ore 4 dowry of tilt theeeied flotifte:f l '.-•,'• •.-•' ' . ' '—, =TheIWO WOO eel not the ;virile erepleg "Tot (llWiailibeit *Eire the martiigre WO..E#lebrate4 -a month alter hardanoo prbfiled by fhb )isr . pn, - with beikiteittifely cored of its critical fits Ile wilt eoniethries 'indulges in - Tinting" niticepkg. 'againstthe rich 'and. polmftit ; but hie yodeg,voe cPatiiiii ' si:bdie: aPpagegtfellott, to the w 0 ,4 aniren boar:, into the conveiration ; upon he Trigg 1 which the Pmvencal slurs", ;fiesta* quietly 'l.l it LI cuptomerm 1335 ECM Mr -,nf, : ' MEM 1•i , vvio.