Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 26, 1853, Image 4

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Les :4 1 1ognaa of Aviculture.
Stant WWI Soil to of altostrive
airiam 3. 1. Wire%
Weporre to show the power of Ihr foil to N .
*sin ruinutetOuld the means 4)1 improving' the pm
petty whey , lgthiled, Fla a- long titne it was gni -
posed that all materials soluble in water *Unlit pass
covejliSidd it. a dutittiand thus bejchtto plants—
thaw telhAterhit e l 'claimed, that, b ,
cause water could nor readily percolate their
hence they werernot letwhy, and therefore retain( ( I
manures—while other operate.. whh sandy soil s
argued that ManUreS pawls) downward, and were
so - on lost to the surface soils.
All these positions are false. It is true, a fait
'proportioa.of alumina is valuable to soils, and in
the absence of carbonaceous matter is absolutely
necessity for the retentity s.f manures, but it isnot
true that the tenacious property LI: clay need exist!
to such an extent as to prevent the lice filtration of
pure water, before the minutes will be retained—
far many snits Wh:ult will pass pure water readily,
still retain, from impure water, all its impurities,
pertaining only the pure water to descend indeed
this is true of all arable soils, and if it were nut so.
the water in all our wells would be unlit to drink,
frdm being surcharged with soluble organic mat.
Even the brown'fluitla of the bam•yard will not
leach downwanl in the soil ; without leaving all the
weld matter in the surface. Dig in an old barn
yard, but a Jew inches below where the soil has not
been before distuibid, and it will be round not to
have become dark colored ; and not to contain any
undue proportion of the soluable matters resident in
the Suiface, bat to be like the subsoil of adjoining
fields. Alumina (clay) has the curious property of
recesvatg and retaining all animal and vegetable
substances, and their gaseous products, until ab
stracted again by growing plants, and f_u this reason
a free clayey loam will pt.rily water during its pas
•tge through the surface soil, retaining all the ter.
tilixing substances originally held in the solution,
and permitting the pure water to pass awn ward
Nor does this retaining power cease wi;h organic
substances alone,. for many of the alkalies are also
. retained, and all of them to a certain extent.
Excess of lime, pots-h or magnesia will pass
down and therefore the chemist finds variable por.
lions of these alkalies in our well water. This pr.
cal ar property ''‘ , l clay was owed by Mr. Tree h.
maker of hasten, in his public addiesses many
years since, and in our public addressee before the
American Institu e as far as 1810, the CIRRI
wattle ate set tor•h. Within the last two years,
Professor Way and other English chemists are
claiming this as a new discovery.
Alumina is not the only substance in soils which
has this retaining power far carbon in every form In it
similar properties, and it is not important whether
charcoal dust be artificially added, or exist in the
the soil by the decay of former vegetation or at
manures; for in either case, carbon is the result,
and as such has similar retaining powers to those
of clay. Thus charcoal dust placed for a time near
a ferment'ng dung heap, will receive and reiiin the
gases arising honi decomposition, and it placed in
the soil will give out those gases again to the roots
of the growing plants. Privies, stables, are
rendered inodoruus by the use of charcoal dust.—
Decomposed peat, turf, swamp, muck, &c , are but
varied forms of carbon, with some more partially
decomposed vegetable matter.
The dark color of soils is doe to the presence of
carbine ; humus, vegetable monk, d c. , are but
modifications of carbon. AU know that an old
black garden soil will retain manure longer than
field soils and that a less. quantity of manure will
act in them, for the simple reason that the carbon
(charcoal,) contained in them and arising from pre.
•tow decay, retains the resultant gas's from the
decomposition of the manure until used op by plants
14t any farmer try the following experiment, and
he will be satisfied as to the troth of the statement.
Prepare four barrels by taking out the upper
beady, and boring small holes in the lower heads,
stand the barrels on end and 611 them with the ltd.
lowing substances:
No. 1. By/en raMI, with one-tenth the bulk of
clay intimately mixed throcetiont the mass.
No. 2 Barren sank with one-tenth of finely
ground charcoal dust.
No. 3. A dsik colored loam of garden soil
No 4. Barren .and alone
Pour on all four barrels the brown solution from
the barn-yard, and it will be found that the water
tanning out of the bottoms , of Nos. 1, 2 and 3, will
be colorless and without smell , while that from Dirt%
4 will be unaltered and as offensive as when plac.
ed on top. The question may now be asked, "If
the soluble results of vegetable decay do not alter
downward, what becomes of them!" We answer
that resident in the earth's sot lace, from the cum
bitted influences of son and air they decay and fait
the gaseous form; it the soil contain. either clay
or carbon, these gases are absorbed by them, until
abstracted by growing plants. But if these sub
stances are not resident in the soil, then the gases
rise into the atmosphere, and are absorbed by bet
terd tepared soils elsewhere, or are carried to the
ocean and are thus lost for time from the land.
' Let our readers reflect that both vegetable and
shimsl production* of the earth's surface are cot -
tinually decaying, and that nothing but the facts we
have stated can account for continued fertillity
For, if the results of decay could fitter downward
in solution with water, long before this time, the
whole amount of organic constituents would have
passed below the fertile surface, allour wells would
be filled with misses of filth, and both animal and
vegetable life would have ceased. The simile
facts are, that all organi: manures do decay in the
earth's surface, and are only lost by rising in the
gaseous form', and not by sinking below the roots
of plants, and therefore they should be plowed an
der to snob a depth that their resultant gases, when
rising, shall meet with sufficient quantity of alun.t•
via or carbon to arrest them.
Mama Rums sea Mrix.—nn extensive Wes.
tern dairyman says milk will blip sweet longer in
wooden bowie -than in any other team!. Misr
tryiag various methods to keep the milt so as not
to be obliged to make cheese on Sunday, he adopt.
ed the killowing:lebtutto morning the milk is
"strained initrivooden cowls, which are painted in•
cif end out with a thick coat of paii.t, smooth end
_boa, and set is in a fool place, on she cellar bet.
tom, where it keep. sweet, until SionJay, when it
kiskinuned ani made into cheese.
Odra a wiw - whe wilt met .cep eivratimulaph
D.R. ii C., PORTER , '
Wholes& And Mail ;Dealer in
aßoexciums, zurtrom m tc,
l'.-STORE in the south end of the Ward House, well
- known as the largest. deepest and toast extensive
assortment west of the city. Particular attention will
be given to any or all who may wi.h to call, either to
examine or purchase, and any medical information
will be cheerfully andgreduifourly given to those who
who wiah to consult concerning themselves oe Mende.
esetimplus supplies of firth and recently prepared at
tides ate weekly arriving. having been carefully se
deeded with a view to their essrfishzess. and any snide
wanted not usually kept, either will he krone, here, or
procured at the shortest notice by Empress, for those
leaving their order. Accommodating clerks always
sill be eady to safely compound any prescription and
endeaVor to make it (whatever the purchase) mutually
agreeable. AU goods shall be considered warranted
as espressureel. and being Agent for the best and pop
afar Patent Medicines. all those found in thi. stor.
can be relied upon. in all eases, as being genuine. The
mock now comprise* every article in the trade, eulogy
which may be found the following:
Myr and Medicines..
sculls. aloes
Acetic assaketida squill
Endo &rabic valerian
Nitric camphor serrego
Muriatic copal sersapari:l
Aquafortis gamboge r,inger etc
Sulphuric gulling SALT*
Tartaric etc myrrh magnesia
m a usage shellac sulphur
tragacanth etc. brimstone
OILS. calomel
neat. foot 'quicksilver
termer* tartar
ohs, lemons
castor ; soda
sperm cream tartar
,origanum epsom
hergiunemet 'alum lemon alum
wintergreen corro sublimate
cinnamon ' !red precipitate
hemlock !qualm
win noses LLLLL OVil
binary alcohol
tar ether
shakers herbs
gold leaf
castile soap
venire turpentine
aqua ammonia
hrittbeh lustre
burg. pitch
bath brick
Life etc
Peruvian (Jeteta )
Elm etc
Wintergreen ate
Lemon etc.
cod liver etc
uva ursi etc
Colchicum etc
(gentian t
IV f
apijelia (pink)
marsh rosemary
Sugar, Coffee and Tea or all kinds, mohases, spice
pepper. cloves, mustard, nutmeg, mace, flab, rosins,
citrons, currants, salad oil, cocoa, chocolate, soda,
butter crackers, rice, starch, ginger, sateratus, white
arid bar soap, sperm and tallow candles, jugs, bottles,
pipes, pepper sauce &c.
Cognise, Otard and American Brandy, St. Cron,
Old Jamaica and New Eng'and Rum, pure Holland
and Am. Gin. Irish and Monongahela Whiskey, Ma
dei.a Lisbon. Sherry, Teneriffe Port, Muscat, Claret
and Champaign Wince—Cordiale, Rose. Amour Mo.
kee, Noyeau otc , cheaper than ever offered.
Lavender ele
Soaps, Pcrtothery aid Fifty Goods.
Shaving means, military, windsor, medicated, mid,
musk, almond, palm. french, toilet. rose, and tramp*
rent soaps. I.uhins. French, anl Wrights extracts ut
ockey club. patchoully. bog, de caroline, musk, mills
gear s , verbena, heliotrope, sweet brier, geranium
spring flowers, west end and new mown bay am--
Cachous, cologne, bey and rose waters. I.illy whit."
spa/Ash paul powder, rouge hair dyes, hair invigors
tors, hair eradeatufs , hair oil. pomade s, ellun 1 4314 . 1 .
perfume nuclei*, playing cards, pencil points, sted
pens, fish books, drawing pencils, percussion cops, re I
black. and indelible inks. combs, purses, pocket books,
port months, wafers, pocket minors napkin rings an 1
travelling companions /he.
Bab, hat, stove, scrub, shoe, paint, marking, varnish
sash, artist camel's hair, striping blender's and badger's
whitewash. counter, dash, tooth, nail comb broom cloth
infant, haw, table, hone and blacking brushes.
Tobacco and snuffle:es, nipple shells, nursing bot
ilea, breast pumps, teeth rings bed pans, syringes, shoal
der braces, trusses, supporters. pessaries. catheters.cup
ing glasses, graduates, mortars, spatula, forceps lancets
thermometers, liquid and spread &admire plasters, &c.
Paints and bye BUM.
Nit., red, cam and log wood, rustic, lac dye, cudlear
red wanders, madder, alum, copperas, blue vitriol, sol.
tin, composition chemic oil, vitriol,osalic and all the
acids, grain tin. pumice and rotten stone, American &
Chines* vermillion, Spanish brown, American & Eng
lish Venetian verdigris, Paris green, white, black and
red lead. chrome yellow and green, japan, coach and
copal varnish, lampblack. litharge, patty, whiting ochre
spirits turpentine, linseed oil, rosin, chalk, umber. wen.
us, gold bet 4 bronze, &c.
French Glue 24-30, 22 30, 20-30, 20.24, 22-24,14
18, 12-20, 12-18, 12-16, 10-14, 10-12, 8.10, 7-9.
Patent Medicines.
Dr. Jaynes' Alterative Expectorant. Sanative itc.
Fitche's expectorant, tonic humor corrector, 4-c.
Merchant's Gargling Oil fat horses, sve.
Swarm's medicines. wild cherry. ¢o.
Brat's Pulmonary Balsam and Extract, etc.
Orrick's Vermifuge. •
Boughton 's Pepsin or Gastric juice for dyspepsia.
Oegood'uladian Cholagogue, for (aver and ague.
Scarps's Acoustic oil for Deafness.
N. P. Townset d's Baruparilla.
Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup.
Dr. Keeler's Family medicines.
Hutching's Dyspepsia Bitters.
Hoofland's German Bitters, for Dyspepsia and Debility
Brown's Essence Jamaica Ginger.
Duboy's Rat and Mice Exterminator.
Also agent for Herrick's medicines, plasters, eta., An
drew's and Davis' Pain Killer,Graefenberg medi
eines, Pile Elcctuaries etc., s alt rheum. water, tint
worm, spavin and founder ointments, etc.; brood
cordial, plasters, poor man's 'Alves. eye watery, lini
ments, erosive soap, bed bug poison. Hobensack's
and Clark's Worm syrup, Christie's Galvanic cura
tives. Moffat's Phoenix Bitters, Trask's magnetic,
Sloan's. Dailey's. and McAllister's Ointments. Dil
low's Heave Powder, Condition Powder, &c. All
the numerous kinds of Pills.
Phosgene, superior Burning fluid, Camphene,vrha.c,
lard and sperm ail ; new and beautiful patterns of fluid
amps now being opened: Camphene, side and hang
ing lamps for ball and store use, Orindoles, etc.
Cavendish, James. Natural loaf, Turkish searfalatti
John Anderson', One cut, Hogg's Jenny Lind chewing
etc.; choice brands, pure Havana Cigars, ate. etc.
All of which will be gold at unusually low ratese—
Remember that Dr. Porter'. Cheap Drag and Obeid
cal Store is in the south end of the Ward House,. few
doors above the post office
Towanda, June 4. ISS.
S()ONEW 4Q Gallon Casks. a first rate article
for sale . by P.FELTON & Co.
411 CLAILIILPIIIC•111F41C/h/llirep
11711BRICA9. my wife Poll has left my bed ud
WY board without any emote or protocattoar.,
Therefore. Mi. is to forbid all persona not to tau
or baiber her on my account. as !shall pay Do delis
4thas eastrastiag after adman*:
Vapagiy, Nov. IS, 1841. L RIC~~I St
REMOVED to the,store recently occupied by 8.
8. Bailey as grocery and Post office 3 doors
south of Montalto corner. where he has received
a full. new and complete stock of DIUMS, MEDI
CINES, GROCERIES, dm. which he will sell cheap'
er for cash than ever.
Here you will find annexed a few leading articles :
Senna Alex, Posgate's Cordial
do India Elix Opi
Cream Tartar Hay's Liniment
Sup C Soda Hair Dye
Manna, Harlem Oil
Magnesia Calc'd Ointment, Trasks
do Carts, do Dalley's
do 8 8 Jo McAllester
do Henry's Shakers Herbs i
Colocynth do Extract'
do Apple Tilden's Alcoeolic Ea't
Cochineal ,Rhei Extract
Trusses Hulls lalap Extract
do Marshes, Meakim's Vanilla Ex't
io Shaker, do Lemon do
Balsam Winters do Mace do
d o eheesmans do Almond do
do Fir i do Cloves
do Copabia do Allspice do
do Tolu do Nutmegs do
do Peru do Peach do
do Puhnoffary do Ginger do
do Sulphur do Cinnamon do
Acid Tartaric do Orange do
do Acetic do Tonka do
do Her:tonic Lubin's Springfluwer
do Citric do Musk do
do Nitric do Violette do
do Oxalic do Magnolia do
do Hydrocyaoc do Sweet lirer do
do Sulphuric do Jearnia do
Oil Linseed do Jock'y Crb do
do Sperm do Caroline do
do Olives do Jenny Lind do
do Castor do Boquet ' do
do Neatsfoot Syringe, Pewter as'm'nt
do Almonds do Glass do
do Amber Rect Nursing Bottles, Glass
do Amber Red do do G. E.
do Anisi . Rad Rhei Turk
do Caraway do do
do Croton do Ipecac
do Cobebs do Jalap
do Commit: • do Ginger White
do Fennel, do Orris
do Lemon Gum Camphor
do Cassia do Opi Turk
do ilod Liver do Myrrh Turk
do Lavandula G do Arabic do
do Neroli do Copal
do Jesmin do Aloes Suet
do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape
do Orange Chloride Lime
do Rhodium Ido Soda
do Ruse Castor Russ
do Cedrat ,Isinglass do
do Copabia lEvens' Lancets
do Ergot Nitra Silver, Op't
do Verbena Oxid Bisnoth
do Vioiette. Blue Pill } mer.
do Mellesse 'lodide Potasa
do Melletluer Tart do
du Patchouly Carb do
Brushes. Paint ISulph do
do Varnish Oaustie do
do Hair Citrate Ferri
do Hai r,Camel lodide do
do Nail Tannin
do Tooth 'Prot° lod Mercury P -
do Shaving Strychnia
do Flesh Piperin
do Cloth Elaterium
do Hat lodine
Soap, Yankee Veratrin
do Crystalline Kreosote
do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Cum Crete:
do Coopers Morphine Sulph
do Rose do Act
do Victors Calomel, American
do Orange do English,
do Tooth Precipitate Red
do Erasive do White
do Castile Sulph Zinei
do Military Bronze, Crimson
do Sarin do Pale Gold
do Brown do Dark do
Fricopherous do While
Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op't
Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion
Oxygenated Bitters America do
Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue
Chloroform Fig do
Hoffman's Anodyne Venitian Red, English
Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Dye-
Woods & Dye-Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries,
pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.—
Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con
netted with the trade.
Having secured the services of Dr. 8. HOSTOPf,
whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me
dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the
medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having
their prescriptions carefully compounded and put
op. The stock has been selected with great care,
and the roods will be warranted as represented.
All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pec
toris!. schencks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock
Root, Orrick's, Hobensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge.
Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines
now in use constantly on hand and for sale at
REED'S Drug Store.
Three Doors below Montanye's 3orner,
Towanda, January 3, 1853.
sand paper
white glue
otter or annatto
60BARRELS of old Ohio Whiskey received
and for said wholesale and retail. at Reed's
Drug store.
18QUINTLE8 ef Codfibh, 20 boxes of Herring,
barrels of Saleratua, warranted in prime
order, left on male at New York cash prices at
HEED* Drag Store, Towanda, Jan, 28, 1853,
SlO N . E en o t f ever let; t in a ß ss ra o T
ford County. can be found at J.
& 8 Alexander's Clothing Store
first door south of Meteor's Dry
Goods Store, on Main street.
.n. D. Taluuninsrs.
of Ehaira, has established a Branch at the above
place. All oar work will he sold at the price mark.
ed and no deviation in price : and is either bought
direct from the Manufacturer or made by ourselves
and warranted to give entire satisfaction. Every de.
soription of
Mom Womens, Children, and Youths Also, Alm
and MIN= Calf and B4alo and India
Rubber Over Shotscheapfor cask.
43. Please caU and 'amnia* ibr youraelvea,Co
Tamest* 0•1 4R , ISS2 uq
3Tstd aflccns.
1M311:it111113:1101 , 911111
ST 0 R
a *at= ROW, SWUM 0172",
Another Ramona by
• I. ,
T was on the verge of dui grave, and so Tar gone that
1. my Emily and friends had lost all hopes of my re.
covert' ; and when in this situation, having been res
cued by the use of Schenck's Puhnonie Syrup, I de
oho to testify, with grateful emotion to De. Schenck,
the unspeakable benefit I have received from the use
of his invaluable medicine.
Early last felt. I contracted a violent coil, and .in
consequence of whichl had chills, alternated with fa
fun. pains in my right breast and shoulder blade, with
s bed cough. and no expectoration. I kept getting
worse until I took my bed, and had the attendance of
sky family physician. teras under his ure about four
weeks, and at the expiration of that time was reduced
so low that despair took hold of myself and friends.
and even my physician abandoned me and gave me
op to die with the hasty consumption. My appetite
was gone. my bowels very irregular. fever and night
sweats, pain in my breast end shoulder. attended with
a distressing cough, which was very tight ; my flesh
had nearly all gone, and was so weak that I could
scarcely raise my head from the pillow, and was truly
an object of pity to behold. My friends had been sent
for to see me die. and my sick bed was surrounded by
kind and empathizing neighbon, who bad come to
, witness my departure from this world.
When all rays of hope bad fled of my recovery, a
neighbor, Mr. David Conrad, proposed to try Schenck's
Palmonic Syrup, with a view of loosening my cough
and relieving me of the tough phlegm, and as a means
of affording temporary relief, remarking of the tithe.
"that I was too far gone for the Syrup to be of any
permanent benefit." My wife, anxious for the relief
of my intense sufferings, procured some of the Pul•
runic Syrup. I found it afforded me relief, and con
tinued using it. I could feel its healing influence
upon my lungs.
I continue to improve under its use, and my friends
were much gratified to witness my _unexpected tin.
pavement; many of my neighbors came to took at me
u one raised from the dead.
My cough now became loose.. and I felt something
break, w en I bad the pain in my West, and I dis
charged large quantities of yellow matter. I have for
weeks discharged and raised a spit box full of matter
every day, with bard lump' like grains of something.
My bowels now became regular and natural, and my
appetite was so far improved, that I could scarcely re
frain from eating too much. My strength improved,
and I regained my flesh. "
I continued to improve in every respect soon after I
commenced using the Syrup, and the improvement
continued until Iwu restored to my health. I have
passed through the inclement weather of the latter
Part of winter and the spring, and feel as well now as
ever I felt in my life, and I am this day a living testi
mony of the great efficacy of Schenck's Pulmontc
Syrup in curing pulmonary diseases.
Lest this statement be thought too highly catered by
some people, I subjoin certificates of a number of the
inhabitants of Tscony, who saw me at different times
during my dig:lase, and never expected to see me restor
ed. I also append the certificate of the brothers of
Mystic Lodge. N 0.270. I. 0. of 0. F., who kindly
watched over me, and fully believed they would con
sign my temains to the tomb ; but, thanks to Dr.
Schenck for his invaluable Pulmonic Syrup. my life
has been spared. and I am permitted to make the fore
going statement for the benefit of suffering mankind.
I reside at Tacony,and am well known by most o
the people there, and will be gratified to have any
person call upon me and learn more particulars of the
virtues of this medicine. JOHN C. GREEN.
June 24th, 1851. .
The subscribers, members of the Mystic LA le, No.
270, L O. of 0. F. of Hobr.esburg. Pa. do hereby cer
tify that we know John C. Green. (and is a member
in good standing in No. 270 LO. of 0. F.) who was
dangerously ill with a low Pulmonary Consumption.
last wint. r, su that they give him rp .o die ; that be
is now fully mutated to perfect health, and they believe
his recovery was produced by Schenck's Pulmonic
We believe his certificate ie coned in every par
ticular. HENRY NEFF, P. G.
Halmestsing, Philadelphia Co., line 25, 16151.
The undersigned, residents of Tacony„ eight miles
above Philadelphia. being well acquainted with John
C. Green, and the circumstances attending his case,
feel impelled by a deep sense of imperative duty, to
make universally known to the public his entire mos.
cry from the very last stages of Pulmonary Consump
tion. So entirely helpless was his condition, having
been but a brief period since in that rapid,y sinkin4
and emaciate state, as try ut•erly preclude, in the opin
ion of his physicians and friends, who watched by his
bedside, all hopes of even a temporary recovery and
restoration to his present robust health. Thus the care
ful use of yourqnvaluable Specific, the Pulmonic
up, makesit our belief, under the circumstances of his
previous prostrate, not to say dying condition, one of
the most startling results that the whole annals of niedi
oat skill or science ears-produce. It deserves to be im
perishably recvded to your credit, and secure to you,
the greatest discoverer of this hitherto remediles■ dis
ease, • lasting monument and a world-wide reputation
in the healing art, that no time may either diminish or
destroy. Having witnessed Mr. Green's distressing
struggles and sufferings from a continued cough, su
peradded to the other symptoms consequent upon, or
attending to the last stages of a pulmonary drsrase ;
and moreover, it being so generally believed by his nu
merous friends that no human power could relieve, or
protract his life, much less restore him back again to
his former health, we feel it thus our duty to give our
unqualified testimony of Mr. Green's perfect .recovery,
by means of the exclusive use of your wonderful Syr
up ; and we should indeed rejoice if we could he made
the humble instruments of relief and cure to others who
may bean unfortunate as to be similarly aided.
David Conrad, Jesse Duffield,
C. Hinckle, A. Heath,
Joseph Head, Jr., Jesse Watson,
Stephen Lukens, Robert Allyn,
Matthew Toden, James Torbert,
John Bloomesbury, Allen Vandegrift.
Prepared only by Dr. Schenck, and sold, whole
sale and retail, by his sole agents, John Gilbert & Co.,
Wholesale Druggists, 177 North Third street, Pbil'r,
Clicken dr. Co. 81 Barclay street, N. Y. Redding & Co.
No. 8 State st. Boston ; H. Blakeley, corner Third and
Chestnut streets. St. Louis ; and by principal Druggists
throoghout the United States. And by the following
Agents in Bradford County :
H. C. Porter, Toaranria ; D. Bailey & Son, Leßays
ville ; T. Humphrey, Orwell; Maynard & Woodburn,
Rome ; J. J. Warlord, Monroe ; D. 1). Parkhurst„
Leßoy; C. E. Rathbone, Canton; King de Vosburg
Troy; G. A. Perkins. Athens.
aA /1 lettersaddressed to DR. J. H. SCHENCK,
Cote of John Gilbert 4 Co., Whole sole Druggists, No.
177 North Third street, Philadelphia.
Attention Regiment !
TORN E. GEIGER. wolilii say to his old friends and
the public at large, that he has constantly on hand
and manufacturing Rides and Shot Guns
Among his assortment of Guns may be found Double
and single barrelled Gans, Rifles of all kinds warranted.
Powder Flasks, Shot Pauches, Game Blum Cap
Primes*. Also, Powder, Shot, Caps of the best gush
ty. Allen.' sle barrelled Revolving Pistols, do single
barrelled self ocking Pistols, Rifle Pistols, double bb'l
Pistols and common steel and brass Pistols.
F G., F. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder in Cans con
stantly on band.
Any of the above articles will Le sold awful cheap
tor the Ready Pay,
Keys of say kind Atte d to Doors. Trunks or any
other kind of locks on shoal notice and reasonable terms,
Repeiring done with neatness and despatch. shop •
few rods north of the Bradford House.
Towanda. May 20. 1852. J. E. GEIGER.
B 0 CiTh & SHOES—.itte largest and best stock
to town as ocdt A. KINOMBVRIre.
Vohs W. Wilcox,
U AS removed Ms establishment to B. Mix's store.
.1.1 cosies of main street and the public square, and
will contuile the manufseture of Bums and Shoos, as
Me hss just received from New York a large assort
ment of Women's, Children's and Mace Shoes. which
are offered it low prices. The attention cf the Ladies
is paricularly directed to his assortment, comprising
the following new styles :---Enernelked,lenny Lind gal.
ter boots ; do. shoes ; black lasting and silk ;miters ;
walking shoes. baskinsoke. Misses gaiters mashing,
of every dericription. A large assortment of Children's
fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds. .
For the 'Gentlemen, almost every style of paws and
shoes. This stock has been personally selected with
owe, and he believes be tan offer superior snicks at
reasonable prices.
03. The Illictelit attention paid to Manufacturing.
and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continu
ance of tht liberal patronage he bar hitherto =rived.
Tommie. May 8. 1861.
241011111.1MDA aradford CmSp Pa.
Mao 111Giata 211117 - 1111MIEUZIO.11r—dMii,
HAVING Waited in. Towanda, his services may
be obtained 'by addressing a line through the Post
Office, or by calling at the °lnes of Ulysses Meteor,
Esq., where he will be found, or where a written op
licatpion may be Itft. Nos. 1, 1850.
THE subscribers respectfully inforkti the public that
they have taken the shop formerly occupied by
Adam &ermine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake's Wagon shop. vhere they.•re prepared to do all
kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms.
They are determined by doing their work well and
promptly, to merit, u they hope to receive • share of
public patronage.
HORSE-SHOEING done in the best manner. MI
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the most slid.
ful manner.
WOOD WORK for swim will also be made and
repaired when desired.
All work done at their shop, will be warrant"d to
well done, and manufactured from the beat materiels.
The public are requested to give to • trial, aml judge
for themselves. ESEN W fNE & RE EBISCH H.
Towanda. May 2, 1851.
Important to Nousekeepers:
THE gubscriber thankful for the
liberal patronage heretofore re
cr v a d d s , begsl
lth ea p ve b t rc info n r e in 1 1 ; 18,
011:1111 . 11 and those com e menc l ina ge Hr l t a use l :
keeping in particular that be has
:11 igat now on hand a large assortment
'"•• of FURNITURE, which he will
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
the best materials.
BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress
ing bureaus. marble and plain tops ; mahogany and
(walnut washstands, marble tops, and plain, of dif
ferent patterns, Card and end tables,Sofas Couch
es, whatnots, &c.
BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and tow
post beadsteads. finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns, together with other furniture usu
ally called for, all of which will be sold on the moat
accommodating terms.
The subscriber is also provided with a plain
and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold himself in
readiness to attend to all orders in undertaking.
He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of whirh the corpse may be kept for a week. COF
N. U.—Furniture of all kind: made to order, and
warranted to be of the best matt rials and workman.
Towanda. January 17. lEta2
1 1 V(lip); Genuine unless accompameu
1.111 le of the above Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. L
SOULE At Co., upon each box.
i n o ff er i ng t o th e public ibis justly celebrated SOY
ERE;GN HALM OF LIFE. it is not our wish to
make any ridge statements or wild assertions of their
superior efficiency in restonrig to health the sick and
suffering, well knowing that their reputation as •
STANDARD MEDICINE is of itself sufficient refer
mice for the afflicted.
Many proofs might be given of their value on paper,
but we prefer those unacquainted with them to satisfy
themselves by enquiring of living witnesses and trying
the Pills. They wi.l find them perfectly safe and reli
able in all cases. being pant*, vegetable, and a medi
eine worthy their best confidence and patronage.
The following certificate was sent us for the public
HINRIETTA, Monroe CO. N. Y., May 10, 1851.
We the undersigned, citizens of Henrietta, having
used personally Dr. Souk's Sovereign Balm Pills. soil
witnessed the tiealthlestoring effects there 4, cheerfully
recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the best with
which we are acquainted..
P. S.—You are at liberty to publish this fur the pub.
lk Rood.
Baarsas or CovirraarsiTs ! We are not aware tha
any one who is making a spurious article has yet Jar
tut to make use of our name; hut some of them has
had the impudence to imitate our bores end copy our
Circetars, Certificates, &c. Creeks the public are
careful when •hey purchase, they will be deceived.
(rj' fhe genuine Sovereign Balm Pills can be had
wholesale and retai of Dr. SOULE, & Co., Syracuse
Onondaga Co. N. Y•
Sold by Dr. H. C PORTER, Towanda Pa., and iv
their Agents in every town in the country. 2ty
Nodules Salt Rheum and fterofnia Ointment.
Three boxes warranted to cure a surface as large
as our hands.
NORNON'SSaltrheam and Scrofula ointment has
no equal in curing Saltrheum. Scrofula. Erysipelas.
Barber's Itch, Fever Soles, Scald Heads. Ringworms
&c., &c.
For sale in Towanda. by Dr. H. C. PORTER
Lafayette Burr Mill Stone
`THE undersigned. formerly foreman for many
1 years of the Lafayette Burt Mill Stone Manu
factory, 240 Washington St.. N. Y., (W. Tyack.
agent.) would inform his friends and the public in
era I, that he has established a
In Leroy buildinos, opposite Exchange Hotel, and
solicits a share of their Ntronage..
Me will have constantly on hand a large stook
of French Burr Mill Stones, as also a :arge supply
of French Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screen
Wire. Calcineil Plaster, and Patent Self- Digesting
The undersigned assures his friends and the
public, that he will faithfullye:xectite all Orders en.
trusted to his care, not only in quality but in
ces crannies furnished, and solicits their kind pat•
ORDERS IT letter willbe executed with as much
care and as cheap as when purchasers are on the
spot. .
REFERENCEB--ffon. 1:1. 8. Dickinson, lion.
John A. (Jollier, Hon. A. Birdsall. Hon. V. Whit
ney, Dr. Eldridge, Col. H.Lewis, W. S. Wend. & Co.
Oinghan.ton. D. Searle. Isaac Nisi, Judge Jessup.
Salsbury, & Co., Montrose, Pa, Caleb Carmalt,
Priendsville. Thomas Phinney, DundafT. 0. 0.
&H. Shipman, Waverly, N. Y. Thomas Pearsall,
Smithliorough, N. Y. Major D. Mersereau. Un inn,
N. Y. M. T. Nichols, Owego. N. Y. Royal &
Whitaker, Waverly, N. Y. JOHN W. SULLIVAN.
Binghamton. Nov. 8. i 852.03
riAB.-Tite best 4 shilling to in Owego, is sell
nid GOODRICH' 1k Co.
1221X113118= COZWIZIUMnir,
M ANUFACTURE Steam Engines and f ront Bto 1000 horses power. Heritontri iss,
E a'
gime s on heavy iron bed plates, east in one piee e , An '. l "
have expansion valves: sli .inints to
Pound so to b e
steam tight without packing or paint ; all twini g* ,
wearing surfaces large, and running in adjost a bi oho Z
of bronze or Babbitt metal; all balance wheelo;,:h
turned belt face. The Regulator is attached to that,
plate. The Pores Pump is in an independ ent wi ll'
arranged with crank shalt and tight and loose p a w
ready to receive a belt from the engine shaf t or c O : 4
any other shaft. The whole style of work is °m oos.
passed by any engine builders in the liTnitod A we ,.
Boilers of the best American or English iron hem.
cast or wrought iron—either tubular or with Et a
made in the most thorough manner.
Engines from 8 to 100 horses power eminent)
b an d or i n progress, to be delivered within a kl o y
of the receipt of en order,
Also, Steam Saw Mills, capable ofsawing 80001oi
board measure, of one inch boards, in 12 boon, phi
one Maty sew, and requiring no other fool tha n a s
The following are the prices of a few of dea n ,
S o w 18d1, including steam engine, hotter sad i nn
chimney. complete; pitman irons; muley ast ir
Oaten ; Geed,
all bolts and irons for 30 fat of
carriage, complete. •
s team engine, 10 in. diameter of cylinder, 25in, stok e
with loboi„ boiler, containing 360 stpure tenni
beating surface, and all castings, pipe s , snle n.and
other parts necessary to set it in comp let e op e , e
Steam engine, 12 in. diameter of cylinder, 30 in. saut e
w i th t u b u l ar , boiler, containing 480 square feet of
heating surface, complete as before,
Delivered on the cars of the Boston and Maine lull
mad at Lawrence. 26 miles from Boston. Timm, c u b
on delivery.
Boilers for the above modified to snit porchs ecen , ,,
and prices accordingly.
McKay 4 Handley, late of Pitts Geld, Maw, wh ow
steam engines are already widely known, base rec ent l y
taken charge of the works of the Esser Cotoposysa4
will be able, with their increased facilities and w e ,,
rience, to make their approved engines cheaper An d
better than heretofore.
May 8,11 1 52. y CORDON McKAY, Agra',
WHATEVER concerns the health and *pines
of a people., is at all times of the most v a l u g h ,
importance. I take it for ;panted that every puma
will do all in their power to save the lives of that
children, and that every person will endeavor tops
mote their own health at all sacrifices. I feel it tabs
my duty solemnly to assure you that WOhMS,
cording to the opinion of the most celebrated physicis t s
are the primary CBllll4 a of a large majority of dhows
to which children and adults are liable ; if you hot
an appetite continually changing from one kind aloud
to another, bad breath, pain in the stomach, picking ti
the nose, hardness and fullness of the belly, dry met,
slow fever, pulse irregular—remember that el/ thew
denote Worms, and you should at once apply Ly e m .
litobermack's Worm Syrup.
An article founded upon scientific principles, coy
pounded with purely vegetable substances, b e i ng pe
fectly safe when taken,.and determined in all Minted,
and not leaving the system in a diseased condition, u
most advertised nostrutns. composed of CaloineLforits
removal of Worms, such as Lozenges, y ermi k m
&c.. but hes performed the must astonishing cares,sul
saved the lives of thousands, both young and Awls
have been pronounced hopeless incurable by ph. ;
cians. Read the following, and become convinced
its efficacy over all others:
Ma. J. Nt lioasssscg.--This is to errtify ihstnt
child, 15 yeata of age, ha mg been t•izk for v 'nand
waa attended by Drs. Loper, Villain, and Ptai:rr fort
long time without '' .. se.viort Buy het era, win d u
g ving her up as incuribie, I went to Philzulelphlial
consulted oue of the hest physicians; her drag sip
growing worse. It was at this time I was in:rural s
try Hobensuck's Worm Syrup, and after Wont is
bottles she entirely regained her health. Bops; Mt
this will prove a benefit to parents waose claWram
similarly affected,
I am yours, &c., R. Bassix.
litobensack's Liver Pills.
No part of the system is more liable to diseasetin
the Livia, it serving as a fi terer to purify the bldad,
or giving • proper secretion to the bile ; so that ay
wrong action of the Liver ettects the other impalas
parts of the system, and results variously in hod*.
Liver complaint, Dyspepsia, &c. We should, theieist
watch every symptom that n ight indicate a wag
action of the Liver. These Pills hewn composed it
Roots and Planta. furnished by nature to heal theaci
—Namely, Ist: An Expecinrant, hich augnientitht
secretion from the pulmonary mucus mernhata. a
promotes the discharge of secreted matter. 2od—u
Alteralite, which changes in some insensible end in.
explicable manner, the certain m o rbid actimof lit
system. 3d—a Tunic, which gives tone end me*
to the nervous system, renewing health and mood
parts of the body. Cathartic, which so is
perfect harmony with other ingni.nients, sad °Krug
on the boareln, and expelling the whole miss of . einq
and vitiated matter, and pyrifyirg the Weal, inia 44-
strops disease and restores health,
Agents for Bradford emir, y—Dr H.r Retool
J. M. Reed, Towanda ; C. H. Herrirk.
Bullock dr, Co. Smithfield : Barnes &
Icy H. spear. Springfield ; Mord, Tn , y; LO.
Taylor, Burlington ; Drown &,x.
Parkbust & Lamb, Leroy ; Chas. llsiblione, Cam
also T. B. !Lowland, Columbia, travels to the sji' l
counties. 46r
THU subscriber enn!dca
nounce to the public anti
have now on hand, and tra:lsiki
to order all hinds of
Cabinet rnrnitare,
Ruch as Sofas.Dirans , lcor
Center, Card, thningandßre a
fast Tables. MahcgarT ,
nut, Maple and Cherry Rages.
Stands of ration.; kin , 4•C' Jl
and Bedsteads of every de , cripi ion. which arra .
will he made of the beat material and ircria o3l
manner, and which they will sell for cob cho7 3
than can be bought in any other Ware-toniti ji b
on hand on the most reasonable ternic AP"
HE A RSE will be furnished on Funeral ivcss:(l-,
Towanda. June 1, 1852.
MR. OLMSTED, Par:eats - ma of the Stie?
21xchange, gives his thank.; to hri in tt ' s !
and the traveling public generally'. r° l4 .,.. fir t er
patronage, and solicits the continuanceg iw '
will runregularly to and from the Waverl e f ik76 a
to meet the Mail Trains for the accommodsw,t,,
strangers and travelers, who wish to risiti . ;
ant village on business or otherwise. A dal'r
of first rate
Four Horse Coaches,
ere running through to Towanda. Those 5 . "•;:,7
will be insured a seat in the coach from laa
and those going to the
R A L-11 011 D
can stop at Athens, ii'nd spend an boor or
and be insured a conseysnee in time to otO
regular trains of cars going Hatt or West .
Also those who wish to leave their tearsto.
can be conveyed to and from the cars free ° I
Athens, Sept., 4, 102
LAKES Patent Fire Proof Paint, the gin " —
Byou can get the pure article. is at
Towanda, Oct. 8, 1852, B. KING9IOII