Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 26, 1853, Image 3

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Those Indebted tol7s
Y note or book account will please take NOTICE
Bthat we are in want of-money, and must hare if,
.411 who neglect to attend to this timely warning.
may expect a visit from the little Cuts:tale. Ao ja
itig this time. HALL & RUSSELL.
Towanda. March 24, 1R53.
wills is to certify that H. A. CASE, of Troy, Pa.
j is our only authorized Agent for the sale of
°Goodrich's History of aI I Nadal:ls." for the County
of Brlttlford. Pa., and that subscribers will not be
sc pplied through any other person—and all certify
ciao of agency to the contrary, have been revoked,
and are now dDERBY & eclared to be null and void.
MILLER, sole Publisher,
Auburn, N. Y.
March 21, 1853.
THE subscriber baring discontinued his business
in this place, More than eighteen months ago,
an d I n Orwell six months since, would respectfully
request ever y person:knowing himself indebted to
him, to call and PAT us by the 20M a April next,
or their notes or accounts will be left with a ma.•"is
trait for collection. N. N. BETTS.
Towanda, March 24, 1853.
Borough Ordinance.
Cooretes ()inns, February 21, 1853.
4 T a meeting of the Town Cont.:it of the borough
of Towanda, the following Ordinance was
pased : Be it ordained by the Town Conual of
the borough of Towanda, that hereafter no building
shall be erected or moved within the limit's of said
boatel without application first made to the Coun
cil in writing, stating the kind of building materials
to be abed in its construction, and its locality—and
a permit granted by said Council in pursuance of
raid application ;also, that no wooden building shall
hereafter be - erected within the, feilloWing limits to
Ira: On Bridge Street, within 80 feet of either side
dialti street, from the River to Main street ; on
Main Street within 100 feet of either side of said
street from Bridge street to state street ; and within
tln feet of either side of the Public Square. And
thathereafter no wooden building shall be moved
triihin said limits from any place without the same
And ally wooden building erected upon, or moved
alto said limits in violation of this ordinance, shall
be deemed a nuisance, and the person so erecting
or moving such building shall be punished accord
ingly . WM. ELWELL, Burgess.
_ _
March 15,1833.. II McALPINE:CIerk
the north rnil of the Ward House, (lately occupied
Sr Lorene. Nltmu & Co
Towanda, March, 5,18 A.
ITT H. BAIRD, formerly of Bradford Co.. Pa.
V • is still engaged with the firm of VauDusen,
and Jagger, abs hive this day removed to their
new and spacious store Vesey s'reet, corner
of Church, (in the rear of the Astor House) where
her are prepared to exhibit a very large and
l:edersl a,..sortment of Foreign and Domestic
Din GOODS, Adapted to the country trade• They
tt ill keep a large stock of Merl mac, Cor heo, and oth•
r desirable sivlis Cosh as well as
sr , t class credit customers will find it to their its
to call.
They have also a department devoted to, the
Doff and :SHOE business. and feel confident they
can oder better bargains in that line than any exelu
‘ oe Boot and zthtie house in few York, Nom the
:an that the expense is much leas in propoitton to
:be mount (I sales. Mr. Baird tlattrrs *himself
that taring the benefit of 15 years experience in the
nierclnule bu•iness in Bradford Co.. his knowledge
style of goods adapted to the Nor,hern Penn
,iirania trade, aid make it an object for merch
;::.:'s doing business in that section to give him a
Any orders L r goods in the above lines wi'l be
n , inptly attended to, and the articles warranted to
ee satiCecti,.n.
New York, March, 1, 1853
flab GED IC., MS •
rORNER of the Public Square and Main Street,
Towanda, Pa., respectfully . give notice that
::• , y are (low opening and receiving direct from the
C..r ~ i 'NetV York, their NEW STOCK of SPRING
SIMMER GOODS, which, with their twiner
co un hand.compriSes oce of the largest and best
:.rcted ass ,, rtments 4o be found west of New York.
Haring been purchased at
rh•y are enabled to cffer thervieheaper than ever.
rhey inite particular attention to their assortnion
Ladies' Dress Goods
Cmsisting of laconet and Swiss Muslins, Printed
Litrns,Ginghams, Har'd Muslins, Merrimac,
Cocheco, Fall River and other styles of
American Prints, in endless variety, a
Jarge assortment and for sale
cheap. Tikey have also a
aree variety of YANKEE NO
-11 , NS, embracing almost every thing
from a Crochet Needle to a Lady's Satoh
if. They invite particular attention to their
ac.ortment of Carpeting of all prices and styles.
Al5O, Sprtng and Summer Hats, Boots and
Shoes, Shoe Findings and Leather, Gro.
ernes, Crockery,§helf Hardware .5-c.
Then. Stock has been selected with care, and will
t< sold cheap. Farther comment is unnecessary
—i•lse us a call, and we will show you our goods
ai.l price , , and convince you that the above is no
Our motto is, " Small Profits & Quick
Reiurax. MONTAN YES & CO.
Towanda, March 16, 1663.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Wm. L.
Grenell, decd, late of Burlington township, are
tit',eby requested to make payment Without delay ;
aad all persons baring demands against said estate
requested to present thetri duly authenticated
•or settlement. ANN E. GRENELL,
Yarch 1853
& S . Aratrazakini •dt co.
pi the Brick Block, next door to Mereard etore have
/ Past added to their stock, a large and fashiona
-I,le assortment of
Ready made Clothing t
every•variety, both ofstyle and price, to which
)er ask the attention of the public. This is now
el , rgest stock-
Ever Offered in 7bwanda !!
istll be sold at prices considerable lower than
before known in this place. Our goods are
:2-cled with a regard both to style and Nice, and
tid acements,n o t to be met with at any other
15 'ablizhme nt .
re' Strangers vision g Towanda, or oft
en in want ofersol',Cl will find
Ur Natthshrnent, in this section of the coyntry,
made in such style and materials as to ' ensure
"acl t°n• We shall endeavor by
. " 11;17 P an= lk GOOD CLOTEMOrG,
t4„4itcure petronage. feeling confident that our arti
,"!l re satisfaction to th'e purchaser.
tr asso rt ment comprises every article required
entleman's outfit. TERMS—MASH.
, rtrcoats, Coats Pants', atr&alls Ca tc.
ATlOSs.—Next door south or Mer cu es Main
anda ; and No. 7 Water st. Arnow' Hall.
'a, L and un ler A. C. Porters Hotel, Tioga
g a.a Co. P
1' agda May 2.9 th 1851.
Ist . MOIL
18.53:-}SPRiNGa, .4185
HE subscribers would inform their friends and
T-custonsers that they base increased their fried&
ities for manufacturing
and intend keeping the largest stock • and assort
ment of
that can be found in the States. Terms and pri
ces satisfactory. HANFORD & BROTHER.
29 Park Row. opposite the Astor House.
Nei, York, March 9, 1853.
Tavern and Store to Rent,
' • t,_) THE suiseribers otter for rent for a
we term of:years, their •TAVERN STAND
• and STORE at Hotnbrauk. in Sheshequin
township: The Tavern is s large and
well-arranged building, with, stabling attached, well
calculated for a Hotel, and is well located for busi
ness. Two or three acres will be rented with the
Tavern, if desired, with an orchard: The Store is
a new building, of good size, and the location a first
rate one for the mercantile business- They will be
rented separately or together at the will of the ap
plicant. D. BRINK & SON.
Hornbrook, Feb. 17, 15.53.
WHEREAS, my wife CATHARINE, has left
my bed and board, without aoy just cause
or provocation, this is hereby to forbid all persobs
from harboring or trusting her on my account, as
I shall pay no debts of her contracting.
Asylum. Feb. 15. 1853. GEO. HA RFORD.
ALL .persons indebted to the estate of JOHN
HORTON, dec'd, late of Rome township, are
hereby requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against said estate, will Apse
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
H. MORGAN. s aumintslrators.
February 16, 1853,
ALL persons indebted to the estate of CHARLES
FORBES, deed late of Rome twp., are hereby
requested to make payment without delay : and all
those having demands against said estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlethent.
JULIANNA FORBES, Administrators.
Feb. 17, 1853.
• 21R1LM1L71157
S this day receiving from New York, an assort
/ meat or New Winter Goods,
which will be disposed of on the most reasonable
tBrms. for ready pay.
_ Towanda, Feb. 16, 1853.
SURE Relief for Disease and Pain. warranted to
_ give Relief, or the money refunded. A written
guarantee is given to each purchaser, and if the ar
ticle is not all it is represented to be, the money
will be refunded. Cures all NeEvous. complaints.,
&c. Sold by Dr. H. C. PORTER, Towanda, Pa.
Feb. 16, 1853.
AIL 41C AIL EiltX1.110•
TAT . H. WILSON, formerly of Bradford County,
• Pa., returns his thanks to his friends for past
favors, and solicits the continuation of their patron
age. Having made arrangements tr. continue with
the firm of Fuller 4 , Dayton N° 143 West street, be
tween Barclay and Ye-ey streets, where he can be
found always ready to supply his customers want
ing GROCEIZIES, with a supply at low prices and
on favorable terms. Particular pains will be token
to keep on hand desirable goods (or that section of
the country.
New-York. Feb. 9.11452.
11 A F E t: S.
rrtlllS extraordinary preparation has been forma
-1 ny years the most certato and speedy remedy
those suffering from obstinate and confirmed Coughs,
they give the most immediate and perfect relief, and
When great liability to take cold exists, and a troub
lesome Cough succeeds the slightest exposure, these
WAFERS produce the most marked results. They
at once relieve the Cough and other symptomS, and
entirely remove that morbid irritability and weak.
ness of the Lungs which give rise to the complaint.
The medical properties are comldned in an agreea
ble form and pleasant to the taste, so that any child
will readily take them : and they are warranted to
give relief in ten minutes after use in all cases.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr,. H. C
PORTER, Towanda, Pa.
Towanda, Feb. 9,1853.
Clovii Seed.
40BUSHELS of CloVer Seed just received and
4 (or sale by the subscribers at the lowest cash
[nice, or exchanged for most kinds of produce.
Towanda, Feb. 5,1853. DAILEY & NEVINS.
THE subscribers have made arrangements for a
quantity of Plaster, to be delivered in the Spring
which will be sold for $6,50 per ton for ready pay.
Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats add Buckwheat will be re
deived in payment at the going cash price.
Towanda. Jan. 27. 1853. BAILEY d- NEvnis.
I. 0. of 0. F.
REUUTAR Meeting of tradford Encampment
are held at the Odd Fellows Hall on the event
log of the Island 3d Fridays of each month.
C. 8. RUSSELL, ScrihP.
IL Friendly. Call
THE subscribers are compelled by the necessity
of liability to ask those knowing themselves
indebted, to come and settle and make payment,
etherwi..e they need not be surprised to find their ac!
counts lodged where payment' can he enforced.
Towanda, Feb. 4, 14353. MONTA NYE'S & Co.
The accounts and notes of ISAAC POST dec'J,
are at the store cf the above firm, and immediate at
tention to their settlement will save cost.
Towanda, Feb. 4, 1853. Administrators.
e-, IC . . I 4.41-=l4 4h.
9'l HE citizens of The boro' of Towanda and viein
ity, are respectfully infornied that the subscri
ber has eommenced business OR the loath corner
of Maio and Bridge streets, where he will keep on
hand and for sale, every attainable article in his
line. It is his intention to keep a constant supply
of Groceries and Provisions
to Meet the wants of the community, which will be
selected with care, and sold at the lowest price.
He has a large stock of Confectionary and riots,
and all other articles in the grocery line.
Floor, Fish, Candles, Eggs, +nd alf the different
kinds of provisions to be obtained, will be kept on
03Casti paid for Buttir, Lard A r ad Eggs, and
most of the articles sold by the farmer.
Oysters, received every darby Express fioni New
York, and served up in a superior .style, and sold
by the gallon, quart or pint.
'IT Give me a call—as tam determined by con
stant attention to business to deserve, as I hope to
secure. a share of public patronage.
Towanda, Jan. 8, lan. A. J. NOBLE.
Silent lig, Sx.
N. Y. = &'E, Railroad-1.
• .. asozrzAnnraw. is. co.
A RE now receiving weekly over the above thri
ronglifare, all the latest and most fashiortible
styles of Goods arriving, in -New York, fresh from
the hands of the importeri.
Also, the-choicest and he'd of heavy Staple Goods
and at prices that cannot fail to please.
Their amusements are such that they can sell
goods at wholesale for each as low as they can be
purchased of the jobbers in New York city.
With an humble acknowledgmt faqir past favors,
an examination of their very exteusivh assortment
of Goods is respectfully solicited. -
Towanda. June 15. 1852.
Boots and Shoes. A ,
LARGE stock of Ladies', Children's and Kisses'
Gaiters, Buskins, Slippers, Kakis and Boots.--
Also a fine assortment of men's and hay ' s calf , kip and
morocco Boots, aboes and Brogan; and a good supply
of gent's Gajtets and Coogiess Boots just- received at
-Janel. ERCUR'B.
Of Sir John Franklin, should cause no greater ex
citement, than the NEFF STOCKED
BUNTING respectfully informs his friends and
the public generally„in town and the, surround
ink country, together with " all the rest of man
kind," that he has just received from New Fork,
one of the most complete assortments of Mena and
Boys Ready Made Clothing, ever before offered in
Towanda, together with Cloths, Cassimeres, Vent'
ings, and Trimings which he will make up in the
most approved style. and at the lowest price.
He has also on hand one of the most fashionable
stock of Furnishing Goods, such as Woolen Ent
dershirts, Overshirts, Overalls, Drawers, and every
article in his line pertaining to Gentlemens' War
drobe, which will be sold cheaper than any other
Clothing Store ;n Bradford County.
He is confident:that frora his long expeneate..that
he can give general satisfaction. He employs none
but the most expert workmen, add feels assured that
his work gill not suffer by comparison with the best
city shops either in elegance of workmanship or el,
egance of style; and hopes by strict attention to
business, to meqt a continuance of that liherni pat
ronage which has been extended to him heretofore.
Returning sincere thanks for past 'avors he asks
the public to give him a call and see fur themselves.
(I:7•CU'I TING done as usual and warranted to
fit if properly made up.,o)
Don't mistake the place, on the corner of
Main at.. and the public square, opposite the Ward
'Tis even so, this wolfs! is " all a stage,"
And gents must- dress in this progressive age,
Each have their taste of style, of cut and dress--
The question asked where can we get the best?
Where can the largest stock of goods be found?
Say where the cheapest and best abound !
Where can we at the shortest notice get
A coat, a vest and pantaloons that fit 1
To answer these, I frankly say to all
The cheapest place is " Bunting's Clothing Hall."
Towanda, Dec. 29, 1852.
,Erama 1 - a - amalazao
AV oaUl
e t to his asi f oc r i
a e
t n e d d s
h a i n m d
s t e h l e f u
in public gener
In the Basement of the Union Block,
next door to Briggs' Hotel, (formerly occupied by
W. R. :Smalley.) where be will be receiving Oysters
three times week by express, and will serve them
up in the most approved style. He has spared no
pains or expense to make it one of the best
this side of New York.
Oysters, by the gallon, gout or pint. at the !owl
est rates.
Towanda, Oct. 27, 1852.
Cistern and Well Pumps !
LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams ! of any kind
size, &e., cheap for ready pay, for sale by
Jan. 8, 1853. R. 'H. WELLES.
HAVE just completed a large and finely finished
Store on the site of the two they had burned,
and filled it with the largest and most comprehens
ive stock of
Groceries, Provisions, Yankee Notions,
Confectionary, Toys, &c.,
ever exhibited this side of the city.
We hive bought for cash, articles of the best
quality ; consequently are prepared to sell at es
low prices as the same quality can be bought at
any other place. And we flatter ourselves that if
fortune has been.against us, (fire having consum
ed two stores and one stock of goods) our old cus
tomers will not follow the precedent, if their call
and see our stock and hear the exceedingly low
prices. Among the many articles we have are
Tea, sugar, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, molasses,
Stewart's syrup, ginger pepper, spice, cloves, nut
megs, cinamon, saleratus, soda, cream tartar,
ground mustard, pepper sauce, catsup, can
dles, bar soap, vinegar, starch &c.,
Mess pork and beef, hams and shoulders,
wheat flour, buckwheat flower, corn meal,
soda and tint* crtickers, mackerell, codfish,
shad, nerring, potatoes, beans onions, &c., doe
ral7llE AND NUTS,
Preserved prunes, cttrons, English currants, raisins,
green and dried apples. Alnionds, filberts, genoble
and maderia walnuts, braid nuts, peanuts, chest
nuts, hickory nuts, &c.
rairK EE Jr0T10.11".%
Ivory, horn and wood pocket combs, toilet, combs,
fine combs, hair, cloth, teeth, infants, and blacking
brushes„wallets, porte monies, and purses of many
styles, pocket ink stands, pocket and small fancy
mirrors, tobacco, boxes, snuff boxes, and almost
every tract; in this Work boxes, ioiletcases,
secretaries, plain and embroidered, work baskets of
many styles.
German,Vrench and American TOYS of every de
scription andprice. A few earthen and Pezter tea
Setts, for little girls, and a few boys' sleighs.
Ashton dairy salt, ground rock salt, Salina salt both
coarse and fine. Also, a quantity of White Stone
Lime. -
CANDY, wholesale or retail, of all kinds and
innumerable other articles, for sale at the new store
opposite the Court House. • •
Towanda, Dec. 1. 1852 DAILEY 4. NEVINS.
H& A CAMPBELL'. hiving been purified by
. the recent fire, have again sued np their
in the same place an before and are now offering
for sale, a desirable assortment of fall and winter
0 0 D .
'Thee being desirous of making up their recent loss,
will sell at.unusnally low prices.
Towanda, Nov. 6, ia-s2.
'" j'-?= ...'^,} r : : r~.:~:yr :. w~a`u a, ,.~.p"R,.,.l~y`x' t „`~*~~!e;"~^:+a~s~: ~~c.
al Zbvertisrmtnts.
ALL P.°63 nititulebted to the estate of John M.
Vanness. dec'd Standmg Same, are here
by requertediofatikabitaVM late payareatitild those
agnintit!siid. Oat?, siill:please pre
sent them duly ain't - entre:St - A liiiisettlement.
AlO,OO - Executor .
Feb'y. 9, 195.3„
A l
LL periciiii •iiidebted to the estate of C n rr is Frink
deed late of Wisos. are hereby , requested to
tea e immediitir payment and thrtse having claims
against said estate; wilt 'please Prelieot them duly
authenticated fOittettlement. . IL MORGAN.
Feb. 10.185$ - 1 ,-..... • - . .
" 4 ' - ' - %dmant‘trators.
ALirir:p f rsnh o knowing Abitnnervesindebted to the
estate or BENJAMIN VOOLBAUGH, dec'tl
late of lilearoe tp,;: - . are *miry'Oximiaitd to make
i m mediate payaletif, itaist**tiaTia i wakatiaa asa
said estate will-PI pridelebi theiai-di4 itithenti
cated for, aettlemeat COOMPLUGH •
Monroe.,feb:ls;lBs.7: y
„, raFectitorsilactca.
A LI. persons indetied:l4:The.!kiiitet
REYMAN &eV” littral , Biattberri''terP., are
hereby requested tekitutka iintacdtate.-papnint and
those having Letairma:Lagaitist -- tiiit-4state, will
plea's . presentibent duly , authenticated tar senta
remil. .
Feb. 10. 1853
ALI. persons indebted to the cse ,o t f, JAMEfateM. DEM A %NT, decerised, sate et Waidhatit 1p
are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against said estate, will
please present them duly authenticated for settle
March 9, 1953
BY virtue of a writ of Levan Facia, issued out of
the Court of Coramon Pleas, of Bradford I 'nun
ty, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale,
at the Conn House, in the boro' of Towanda, on
Saturday the 9th day of April, at 1 o'clock, P. 11 1 „
the following lot, piece or parcel of land situated in
Ridgberry twp., Bradford County,Btate of Penn's.
Beginning at an elm tree standing on the west bank
or Bentley Creek and running thence south 6° east
6 perches and 2 10 to the nonh-east corner of Abi
kil Fuller's farm, from thence S. II E. 30 perches to
a certain butternut tree standing on the west side of
the west embankment of,the mill run; thence S. 2°
10" E. 10 perches to a post and stone,, standing by
a.white line stump ; thence B. 54 W. 6 perches and
7-10 to a post and atones ;‘. thence 8.2 E. 9 perches
to the south east corner of said Ahlah Fuller's farm,
being a butternut tree ; thence north 27 E. 14 per. ,
ches to a post, S. F 8 E. 18-7 to a hemlock - tree stand,
ing on the east bank of said Bentley Creek ; thence
N. 22 West 495 to a corner on the east bank of
said creek ; thence N. 88 W. 8 perches to the pktee
cf beginning. Containing 4 acres and 6Q perches,
more or less. all improved, and having thereon erec
ted a one, and a half story frame house red a saw
mill together with the mill run and priviliges thereto
• .
Seized? end taken in execution, at tae suit of 8. 11
timing .4. Co. vs Assph Culla:an and C. 1' Mar•
• C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March, 17, 1853.
Notice is hereby given. that an amount equal to
the cost, will be required to be paid upon each sale
when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure
to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will
again be offered for sale.
Reuben Smead, v.; Lydia Smead, iu Bradford Coun
ty, Cora Pleas, No. 361 Sept Term 1852.
YDIA SMEA I), defendant in the above cause :
14 You are herby notified that Reuben Smead,
your husband, ha. filed his petition for a divorce
from the bonds of matrimony. And an alias sub,
pcena has been returned, and proof made that you
are not to be found in said county. You are, there.
fore, hereby required to appear at .he Court House.
in the bore' of Tow,inda, on Monday the 2d day of
May next, being the flr..t day of May term of said
court of com. pleas. to answer the said complaint,
and show cause, irony you have, why the said
Reuben shall not be divorced from you.
C. THOMA 3, Sheriff
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March, 9 1853.
Jonathan H. Phelps, vs Mary Jane Phelps in Brad.
fprd County, Com. Please No. 267 Dec. Term
AiARY JANE PHELPS, defendant in the above
cause :. You are hereby notified that Jonathan
H. Phelphs, your husband, has filed
,his pet:Lion
for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. And
an alias euhpcena has beon returned, and proof wide
that you are not to he found in said county. You
are, therefore, hereby required to appear at the
Court Hou.e, in the boro' of Towanda. on Monday.
the 2d day of May next, being the first day of May
term of said court of cow . plas, to answer the raid
complaint. and show cause, if any you have, why
the said Jonathan shall not be divorced from you.
C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 9, 1853.
THE Subscribers having formed a copartnership
under the firm of S. MELTON & CO, for d
ing a general Liquor business, wonld respectfully
ask Hotel keepers and all others in want of am
thing in their line to giva them a call. We•intend
keeping on.hand a general assortment of Foreign
Liquors, which we can sell cheaper than any one
else in the county, from the fact that we boy direct
from the importers, and thereby save a large profit
charged by the N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are warrant
ed pure and free from adulteration. Also constant
ly on hand Whiskey of the best quality. We have
made arransemetnts by which we can furnish our
cus'orners with any triantity of Binghamton BEER
fresh frOm the Brewery. Pleaee give ifs a call.—
The notes and accounts of the old firm of S. Fel-
ton & Co., are in our hands fist settlemen.
Towanda, Dec. I, 1852:
MISSES C. U.& M. A. LYON, have established
themselves in Monroeton, intend carrying on
the above business in all its various branches, and
respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage.
A choice stock of
will belkept on hand and for sale at the lowesl-pri
ces. Miss Lyon will be constantly advised of the
latest fashions by the connexion in th . e city, and no
endeavours will be spared to ptenta.
Monroetnn, Nov. 20, 1852.
DRESS GOODS.—A good assortment of .almost
jJ every style of dress goods worn by ladies and
children, for sale at . dee! MERCURs.
AliTillEirSlE` 41- , lim..
DR.ANDREW .IACKSON; Physician ;and Sur
goO, respectfully informs the
,citizens of
wanda and vicinity that be has "established him
self here for the purpose of exercising his profess.
ion. Dr. Jackson has been practising in Ulster
twp., and neighbor hood
. for the threjast years, and
has formerly bal. responsiblemedical appointments
in England and Scotland
He can be found when not professional!) , engaged
at Mrs Haton's boarding house, 2d door east of the
Ward House Rarsaasez—Dr. Hoskin. ..
Towanda, March 10, 1853. A. JACKSON M. D
GLOVES and HOSIERY of every, description at
Dec.:1:16611. . MEROURS.
Mover Seed.
TUST received a quantity of very superior Clover
et Seed. : .Farmers would da well toparcttisetheir
seed early. ' ICINGIBERY:
Towanda, Fe b. 5, t g 53,
E. T. FOX.
rir. EATh'intrant*l!!tiery
ast 80fihield
dgebery land- Welt:Ours de
pot on t 812' 1 '6 -B. R. R., ever/ Monms,
Ntssii mid .Patoair at o'clock A. ,M.;„ and arrive
at ths,depotiin time to tare the evening train of cars
either or west; mane day. ,
Returning..Tuesnar, TRU AAAA and Bavoanst,
after the arrival of the Easte . rn'traiu, and also the
Western cars from jeffersorti Elmira. &a., and ar
rive at Towanda same day.
Fans :--Towanda to ille.rc k at.'l. 876
' ' " to 'Hurfaigtun 9
" to ,East SatitbAelti, r 826 ,
' " to ,Ridgibery,
• . 's` to WellAurg depot; 1,25
VsS Packages to or from the Rail Road care
fully delivered at moderate charges. .
Tr!wa n (la • 'Oct. 8. 183. ,
lIIEWIR's 111111117 MEC WC 311:
IRE proprietors are now run
,rit65;;;;•,,..i.11' ving`a daily line a four hor;ie
' coaches,. between Towanda and
the New York and Erie.. Railroad, at Waverly.
They are de ermined that in, efforts or expense
shall be 'Tariff to keep this line stocked and run, in
a manner worthy the encouragement of the public.
Leave Waverly every-day, at" 9O'clacdr, A.M., or
after the arrival of the reoroinetrains, and arriv
ing at Towanda, et 12 o'clock Al. M.. in time to con
nect with a line of stages, to Tunkannock
Leave Toaranda every day at i 2 P. M.. arriving at
Waverly in time to take the evening trains, east
or west.
At Towanda, passengers can lake stagei for Wil
liamspon,Wellsboroagh and Montrose, and carriag
es can alwayii be obtained, as may be desired.
The Propriethrs are pre - iared to lake any num
ber of passengers, bp means of extra stages, if nee.;
eseary. T y. Office in Towanda, at the Ward Rouse„
from whico all the stages
. 11 . e their departure.
'A. KENNAP & Co..
Nov. 20,1852. Proprietors.
THE subscribers are now run
ning a coach daily from Waver
-Orsk4g: ly to Towanda. they may be found
morning and evening at fL H Hallett's Claremont
Honse.,Waverly, and at noon at Wm. Briggs' To.
wanda. The patronage of friends and travelers will
be •hankfully received.
tift AW 4- BLACKMAN. ,
Bhes'.equin, Nov: 15, 1852. •
Joseph Powell,
Is now receiving from New Yerk the most cam.
plete and Tar ed assortment of Dress and Family
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hoots
and Shoes,Hats and Caps, I.ea•ber 6tc., evcrer.
hibited in Towanda. My stock of Dry Goods will
be foand to contain most decided bargains in shawls.
Merinoes, plain and figured delaines, thibet cloths,
alpacas, ladies &melt, &c.,a good stock of gloves
and hosiery, every st) le of
toDua.lada (a'Dl,)3 9
such as tickings, stripes, bleached and unbleached
marlins, shirring, cnrheco and meri
mac prints. WOOLEN 00008, of eve-
ry deseription,comprising Jeans, sheep. grey,
and filmy plaids, w hick will be sold cheap and to
which I invite the attention of close buyer.' for cash.
Towanda. Dee. I, 18.52.
lIGHTS.—Fresh Camphine and Burning Fluid
Air ept constintly cn hand at MERCUM.4.
SA LT just received at
Towanda. Dec. 15. DM.
TO Tan
Fa. - ;wr, Farrier & Stage Proprietor
onrosaosatztdczo to ono !zircon or xemrsve
L the mast remarkable External Appliaaticei ever
Experience of more than sixteen yews has estabLiohed
the fact that Merchant's Celebrated Gargling Oil, or tiol.
mensal Family Embrocation, will cure crust cases, and co
here all such as
Spaiins, Siteeney. Ringbone,Windgulls,
Evil, Callous. Cracked,. H eels, Gtdls of all
kinds, Fresh Wounds. Sprains. Bruises. Fis
tula. Sitfast, Sand Cracks, Strohm, Lameness.
Foundered Feet. Scratches or Grease, Man, Bites of Animals. Exter nal M ange, Poi
sons, Painful Nervous Affections. Frost Bites,
Boils, Corns. Whitlows. Burns and Scalds.
Chi Mains; Chapped Hands •CriSnlet Con.
tractions of the linscles, Swellings, Weakness
of the Joints, Caked Breasts. etc. &c. Am
The Unparalleled success of this Oil, in the care or the.
eases in UMW= and Caukt, and ems is human gash, is
daily becoming more known to the farming community.
It can hardly be credited, except by those who have been
m the habit of keeping it in their stables and houses, whin
a vast amount of pain, suffering and time, are wed by
the timely application of this Oil.
war Be sure the name of the sole proprietor, ogones
W. MICILCLIANT, Lockport. N. V., is blown in the auks
of the bottle, and in his handwriting over the cork.
All onion addressed to the proprietor will he promptly
n rt a l led ramphlet of the Agent, and see what weeder, ass
accomplished by the um of thia.medtcine.
Sold by ter r or:able dealers generally, to the Vohs
Slates and Cen.tda. Also by
ACENTS.-H. C. Porter, Towanda—Win. Kal
Athens—Eli Baird, Troy—D. V. Barnes, Columbia
Flats—l.. D. Taylor, Burlington—Fri.bie &
son, Orwell—E. Dyer, Covington—D. M. Bailey.
Mtnsfield—Humphrey & Place, Tioga--Tnrrell
Montrose—Perry & Ogden, Elmira. Wholesale
agents are Ward, Close & Co., 83 Maiden st., New
3126711132 lIIMET
F 111521 1 eOD34
s. tl r M. C. MERCUllehave just received a
. very large and general aarnrtment of
F A I. 1. f.t2o D S .
which they oQ•r to the public at their usual low
sem 16
rARPENPFii3 do JOINEIttI will find a full as
sorrment or planes, earices,omws, squares, trying
squares, Fevelo, compasses, irolt and wood spirit levels,
augers, gimlet, center pntl, roger bills, broad, hand and
bench arm adz*, bummers, chisel., gouges. chalk
lines and sprats, bred and scratch meta. tok
BLALICsAtnOiS. Arid anvils, vicskliellows,
sledges, hanirand;shosirig harper's* . rasps, files, iron
braes!, hies, hand drills, horse shoal and nails. Screw
IStates,atad a gene " l
st" cist,Germin, spring
English and American blister steel, Swedes, American
End 'English iron.!
MAkONE Grids' i 4 Nierins , • we*.
mode . haintnbrt; t aming harshen, while washltAribee,
&e., censuntly on hand at !RESCUE'S,
Qom libellers.
THE very best article to be forted in tber atieiktv.
and cbcapest—(Warranted)--for isle at the
Agricultural and &owe Store of R. M. WELLECI,,,
stoves! Stoves r .
etoOKINQ Stove• of various and excellent pat•
ters.siies and prices. Four patterns of eleva•
ted Oven Cooking Stoves, the best to be found in
Bradford, for sale cheap. Elegant Parlor Stoats, for
wood or coal, of different. patterns, &c. Box and
/'ual Stores fur Halls, Stores, Churches, Shops,
school Houses, &e., very cheap. Call at the Ath
ens stove store of R. M. WELLES.
Jan. 8, 1853.
Ztbiag Tabs,
QPONGE n ‘TH a EI and foot -bath pans for salt
k.- 1 cheap. My bathing tubs are equal Who best
city made. R. M. WEI.LES
Jan. 8. 1853.
Oils ! Oils!
GOBUTZINIrS cel e bra t ed winter ,strained Lard Olt,
for machinery, warranted ..not to roam, Also,
an excellent but cheaper article for Lamps, do.
FOOT Orrlur Leather. Haraess, &c., all
for sale by the quantity or less, cheap for cash ur
ready pi, at the Athens Agricultural store of
Jan. 8, 1853. R. U. WELLES.
Patent Leathez!tine!
ALL sizes of Patent oak and hemlock tanned
Belting and Lace Leather, at 10 per cent. leas
than city retail prices to be had f..r caxh 800 4 t4.
ens Agriculture/ Store of R. U. WELLEd.
Jan. 8. 1853.
OF all kinds in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper. Brasi.&c.
dime on short notice. Workmanship dcs., 103 r -
ranted to give satisfaction.
Tin roAng dune in such a manner as,sliall please I,
Call on R. M. WELLESI.
Athens. January 8, 1853. • ' •
• Axes I, Axes t
TOR sale at very low pricey . for ready Itiy ; tie
very best Axes to be found is this 'kinky
made out of the best east and silver steal; of var:en.
patterns to lumberman and wood clappers, and
warranted. Call at the Athens Agrithiltnral !stereo(
Jan. 8. 18:33. K. M. WMI.LeII.
A holm a hone my kingdom In,
. s horde and customers to take away
s.r . the golds. Notwithataniliag the. late
..- .. e disastrous fife. A. H. WARNER al himself again I • •
And at No. I Brick Row you'll Mid-
Most anything that's in hi. Irate.
From a panahricneedle of the finest kind.
To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat tine.
Clocks which keep time accurate and true;
Breast pins of every style and hue.
Gold, silver, steel and plated chains,
Selected with thesreatest pains.
Ringer rings, mygosA..wby whdt a pile
Of every shape and every style,
TAtsuit the old. the young, the grows. the gq,
May there be seen in elegant array.,
And W • , who is himself a "
Is always ready and at his past.
To wait upon his customers and all
Who chance upon 'im to give a call.
So with good advice make up your minds.
To,call on him and there you'll find
Such sights, my eyes, 0 I what a view
Jewel!) , of every style .and hue. -
c:nlon't mistake the place No. I. Brisk row.
where be is prepared to do all kinds of
in his line of blisines, at the cheapest rates that ma
possibly be afforded: He will also sel his jewelry
at 20 per cent lower, than was ever before offered is
this market. ILA Call and see.,(J)
Towanda. Nov. 12, 1832. A. M. WARNER.
Removed to B. Kiogsbery's Block !
Irsis. Chamber /h a, .. -
4 . 1
- .... TT A 8 just rat' nasd Swathe 04
1,.:. 7
York actchon,m.priaini vri om. aka m . ly, l oim a a rgas o
. 4..: of
- i , .pc the following artigles:—Leverp
- ' L'Epine and Plain Mahe; with:
( ..b. . ....- - ,Th '-.-:-*
complete assortment chacE o
bria Hinge,
Gold :rin
er fin ;s,Breast Pins. Bracelets.Lrghets,Goblehainsi
Gold Pena. Keys, etc. Also, all Arta of Silverwarar*
and any quantity of Steel Beralis-rallsuf which ha elks
fur-mile exceeedingly cheap for CASH. • • 1
Watches repaired on short notice, and ura mo re l
to run well; t r the money will ha-refunded...and a veer
ten agreement given to thiq Oaf lir *WM+ J.. ;- .... ,4
N. 13.—MAPLE 81.1(.1Aff, Ord , country Prodigy
taken in gyment for work; and els,. /earn 'iota, enr
'mew, that the .pyrkseit• mud .be paid MUM the leer
is done-4I war agarant cresfit in all its forms. ' --.
Towanda, April 28, 1852.
L „
OOKING GLASS PLATES cot and fitted It
LI env size, to be bad at the Jewelry:store of
May 18, 1852. • .W. A. CHAMBERLIN
• t!
Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manu f ac tor y,
TERC - CULP & Co., reaper:filially inform the NMI,
J that they removed to the *hop on Main Street,
recently occupied by Smith...dr !ton,. nearly opposite
the Vt'srd Hpuee, where they will keep on hand if
Large stock I ;
maiara-saA,- ez.vazita).zwamani;
All articles in their lige manukctured to order, end
made of the best material, and . for workmanship cannot
he sorpassed in Northern PAINIONaniAt. They solicit
a call from those wishing to ,purchase, confident that
they can giro satisfaction bosh as to quality and price.
CCY'Hides and Sheep, Pelts received for work and est
account, attire lowest rates.
&:le Leather. Upper Lealher.flaraess Leader and
Calf skins, for sale in any quantity.
ON account orlowes sustained at the.l•te are..
ore obliged to canon thoselnkehted 'to .sia hit •
proropt settlement. as we are ertder„ the , .eireetwity of •
having what is owing to rot, we treetthie mace win
Le sufficient wishout resorting to other means.
Towanda. Dec. ;. 1962.
LOUR.-A quantittof sup. dine flour,.inst tea
eteived, and fur ea le D KiNGSBFRY.
Towanda, Feb. 18, 11153.