Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 26, 1853, Image 2

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Enetod demands on &planed:on of Austria as to
the difficulty with Turkey— E.reention ef
ants of the Emperor of Austria— 71.e.-imeeent nal
recovered—The Pope drily expected at
Hatirax, Maich 18.--The Canada
gangers. The steamer Mae is articeitoel pa the
morning of tile 2.1 at Liverpma the ortiameu , Coy
Glaraigmc sailed int the eve.tittoe)olihe 2triust ;
for Puiladelphim.
LatvlPitittieNtait oat - Alla Ibltrito-ftli
illicatiim hail irt tiewn Maar , h.r
iretageittiOtain Rad ilia' hail
raii2e; it "t`itiulil have met wi h a li,rti,
Leal Hadley &earl called the atter:tinh rtl P.oli
meet hi Tu•ki+h atriirs. aiterenpun Lett J•ttet
teplietl ;het that
tan G event mew had
thought, iustreencry in hare a frankwet Teatintien
Kith Ateetia,tatel at the nttete, rkitterzsCa., etrtce nt
E, i2 l a n t j a+ Id:maintaining the iudependt•nen til
,Turkey. He etud he had to dank the thrtietil. e
at pre:lmit exiniing woe:d be attia,ted
Maneheater aana, employing 5 000 Iciomg, hare
Ja.ermineil on winking but a 'hurt iit einise
tinettea of Entreinmer ttive prEre!a.
• Ntlatini hot published a lever. taain4 the re
eporreibilly of Lm.Jun Cummisiee'd marnlewn,
anti dates that the aildre4l4 to the Hanvitiars in It
aly was written by Kri. a w:h, a. his teye....t. during
twinuitt at Kohiya, and never alai a-arth
The Mclver" of hag placed S afford
H0u.,45 at the divositran of Mr,r "Beecher 5 out% to
gate hier re.copri au to her Er:411:11 admirers.
The 0 ivereinihit has rettpied to charter the Lan
don, 'Liverpool and tbrie.icart Stearnplop Com-
A ship had arrived from Melbourne withel
.1 I )
Ai,ooo 000
Many shipwrecks . cwcurred atlong the E n gl i sh
during the storm of the 26th ultimo.
The Pope cram daily rxpet-tel to arlive a' fens,
In perform the cerlmony of crowitit g Napole
on 111.
The Emperor Sart t h at t he imperial minufactor
ies ur France ebwll he wootply repreociiied . in
the New York exhibition.
An onsuceemfol aneatilt was made to fire the
Toulon arsenal u:cently.
Thl man who attempted to kill the Emperor of
Austria was esteemed at Vienna.
the Emperor has nou yet recovered from his
Wound, which proves more serious than at fiist ex•
A mob at Vienna is reported to have broken the
windows of she British AnibAssailor.
The citizenv of Vienna refuse all inierznutse
with Riegtishmen in conseqnerice of E
ing sheltered Miami arid Kniouiti
• There ts an unuAual elitnmoinn its Hungary.
and many attest* have been ma le. Slam arse-:a
ha} aka been made at :111!aa All the churrh
ere mere and guarded au th. , l they may nut be
The Austrian Voyd saps that in coriPegnence of
Ilia unsettled Andin i , latlairfßusma is taking. ;real
precautions to Entreat an d) uttnerk in Poland
The ant stittotiwlei sates that the Mission sent by
Ussia to CtinEatiiitinvie is to demand 9 000,000
triples due her it.tervit!iitiaii in 1340 and
to in-ist upon a settlement of Cie Holy Sepulchre
The Moniene!zro war is enielt.
It is reported that the Bute makes demamls 0 1
Anfflria; a it
.s not true 'hat Turkey throws her
Eell on the prmection n? France and England
It is wenemlly believed that Austria had modera
ted her demands.
It is wider:stoat that a Dimplomatic Concregs will
assemble at Paris, in .Nl.4y, to ad j u s t
ties 'between Aus , ria and Turkey.
The French Ambassadnre has uh'aine.l the Rir
tere's promise of utcemnhty to the Freuce loan lin!-
.The I ira mail Lad arrived at London with Shan
ghai dates to the 3d of January Stll.• had LArgel)
advanci d. and Teas hat!' alAti advanced in price.
The accounts of the insurractton tD ChiL'a are
meagre and unsatisfactory.
Vesse's were wanted and um pc‘rts
Tne Bombay dates pre :o the . 13. h of January.—
Rides were advancing ma' were scarce. Race was
depressed. Wheat met with fair con.umptive de
_mand at Is. a 2J. decline. Flour was dull at 6 a
Dates from Calcutta to the 19:h January repre.
treat esparto as uncharged. Large shipments have
been nude trt Pace anti Cotten to England.
C I LD IN tile Cestoir Finest—There is a room
in the nor:lt-east corner of the New Yolk Custom
Haase, winch contains an etictuirias iron sale, the
size of a log catkin out west. This is caled " Un
cle Sam's btron2 box' Al the pre:rent moment
said tor contatas led tons in paid ! The average
cparnityof gold kept there is limm . fi ve to fireen
Cm*. A tort gohl counts six hundred thousand
dollars anal apa.arris A million of dollars, or over
a ton and a ball of gold is fiegnently received in
the New York Cus'ona House in one day, but the
general average receipts are from IWQ to three bun
dred thousand dollars a (lay. It is that a
Isege sum is counted. The banks and the Mint
bag op twenty dollar gold pieces in bags of horn
1,2000 to 83000 each. These are firmly tied and
sealed, and they thus pass from hand to hand, and
are usually received in the Custom House without
Cataroagra Pavan stet t. Ftsciso —Ffteen hun
dyed and thirty one passengers tell New Ycrk on
Satanfay last, in the California steamers It costs
from S2OO to ;3350 per passage : and the passage
money received trom these passengers must there
tore have exceeded thing-one thousand dollars. A
goodly number of Yankees see getting ready to go
to Australis in ensue reamers which are genii g
ready to sad The Golden Apepromises to start by
the middle of May, and will carry passengers all
the way for noo to $350, according to the ammo
thodaeorts afforded. The City of Norfolk is getting
ready to start; and will take passengers at reascma
ftle rates. It will take these steamers from 6o to
90 days logo to Port Philip. The fact is beyond
doubt that gold is twice as p!entitul in Australia as
in California ; but it is the meanest place on the
Muth to live at. Civilization is hardly' begun there
Vice President Esse is still in poor health, and is
Of present occupying a house belonging to William
Esq , ou Le CAmbro, about three train
horn Mantanza, (Island of Cuba.) one of the most
delighthil and healthy sitmiti-ns on the Island,
where; in airdition to many other advantages, he
can enjoy alt Mose - dui are peculiar to sugar estates.
Mr. King is . very Seribik, andeonvenes with, much
difficulty. 'His cough dr very , e.eaausting, and his
feet is much swollen. He is often reported im
proving, but Mete is nothing to enenemerehy hope
of recovery. He remarked to • gentleman while
in Havana, that it - was only at the earnest entreaty
el friends, he cattle oct here. He did not expect to
kir materially benefined.
et,' A black woman has been arrewt-d in New
Yolk, who has been carrying on a system of hooNs
rebberio for several }ears Oce hundred and
ninety-me complaints have been lodged against
her, sufficient to sentence-her to the Stales Prison
Mr one thousand years. The acca.ed was arran..
a d an d 'pleaded guilty to three grand larceny
meats, ind the Court sentenced her to imprison
meet at Singling,- for thar term of Erre years Un
each, making flkeen years in all. At the =pin.
tiara of Eltaabettee sentence she r ill be 60 years of
- Serlous - Loii by Fire.
. We tlrereastotrileit}estezday mottting tliestus
thal-thet:ll?yomittg.Sentinary:boildihg.'in Kings oii;
:Apia% nice .vile Aete b roil (town,
togethei with niucli --- talttalths pfilperty. Tile fire
in.tho attic writ y, about Intl' tc44l I 1 o'clock
!hetii ht prttviuu4, Match 14 liow it :originated
is not ittatr.vti, but, iu; duttbl it 1S as irCciactital-•
16-1 discovered the element was con
fined gricietly to the roof, and had made ennsidera
hie headway. A lite engine and Ito.e carriage
tamer: . roi — prts
%dile. tan did not arrive in time to eirtinguis% the
tire. The throes had spread so lair that it aas im
i)..sible for human _effort .hi arte-t them on the
tintitiml; Other Wilding; rear by. inelmling the
eleireli and toardmo.lionse, were , :eved uni japed:
1V nett the tire ~tai.
.I••nts were asleep in the buildiier It was a i•li
punt: reettion and thflieulty :hat all were' atonnstl
in lime to make !heir epcapti l'roviAeritially all
were ..axed. Alinte‘t a miracle. hid% , that Fitch a
lire, neetion g ttt the dead of night, in a Loading, in
a hirh -o many young persons lodged', and litany .
In them sty ler how the ground, and all escaped
without injury.
The valuable library *a• entirely col.umed, to
2ether whit fit 11.t*A. I. l Ol l kA, &C. M.iat of the phi
losoliffibal and ettemiCal apparatus was matted. But
fur the tiler a neCeisan to 310117.e:he s•ndenls, more
Hof the property in the buihlang. perlop., might have
been daveil. The building and popery were coy.
erect inAttrance to the amount of $7.500,.0 hich
will probably cover rilleaSt three-founiB 01 the kiss
—S2 500 of this Alllll i. in the 1 uzeme Compri - I
The Ttn.tees meet on the utouting alter the fire,
and u e belicve intend to have the Seminary re
guilt and trii , tril at ante
A fer the above a as in type we recereeti the fill
low irtg from the Trusters :
.Dr:- , raurrtvk Flue —The Wyoming Conference
Seminary in Kingston is in ruins ! Fire arts ths.
cernable in the Ann: and Cupola at alaiur 11 o'clock
1 4 0 night arid soon became unmanageable. Every
effort was male by the mr mbera of the Seminary
an I citizens to rate the property of the erablish.
men'. but with partial sneress Must of the Phi
45,11'11c:11 and Chemical Apparatus was saved—
'he. Library watt totally tlesno) ed. Much credit is
due to the eilzens of Witkesbarre. aho were with
all possible ilerrricelt, mt the Around with their en
gine. Through the tricist active exertimis the Board
ing Ilall was preserved and the fire prevented IfOM
We areßiy to inform the public that the build
ings were Pstficietilly inured to warrant the Trus
tees in immediately- commencing to rebuild. In
the meantime convenient rooms will be provided
to carry on the operations of the Institution until
the new buildings are completed, which it is believ
ed will be done by the commencement of the sum
mer tetra in August nest.
D. A. SHEPARD, President
Loan fit-Tr.rri Secretary.
Ithicti IS, 1553
We Lave received Vera Cruz papers to the 26th
ult., and Mexico papers to the 201 h. In La Union
of he former place we find no item of any interest
From the capital tae have some news.
P seems to be a settled point that Santa Anna
will be eleved President. True thsoicts of Quere
taro, Nlichoacan. Cooks, Tatnauyilas, and Vera
Citiz, has voted in his favor. San Lois was also
slid to have voted fur him. The Trait dUnion
thinks that Settle Anna will be elected unaniznons
Jalapa had iiined Vera Cruz to ask that Santa
Anna be invited by a Committee, to reran as soon
as p os sible into the Republic. Vera Cruz appoint
ed Casanova gm! Serrano; the committee from
Mexico was to meet to go and look for the Gen
*nal Santa Anna was expected daily.
The Siglo of the 17. h ul , says that Santa Anna
had declared he *mild join the liberal parr.
Blalicarte reached Morelia on the 6rh, with a di
vision composed of 1500 foot and 13 pieces of ar
',fiery. It was reported that several inhabitants
haii been incarcerated in Morelia for political cau
-es. An amount of $3770 was raised by subscrip•
not in 51orelia to aid the Govemmeat in its finan•
vial embarrassment.
Yucatan had joined the Jalisco plan. Baiba.
charm was re elected Governor. Gen. Wall had
been called to Mexico, where he was expected dai
ly. Car:ales is at Melted • Cardenas is a prisoner
at Vera Cruz, and ft vatos hai just been driven from
The hoose:which is imentei for Sans Arina's
residence is already seen ed, and being, furnished
to receive him.
Puebla is in a state of excitement, owing to the
oppo•iition shown there against anything but the ex
act application of the Jaltsro plan The Conten
non of the 6:h, and the provisional selection of
Lombardini for the Presidency, did not meet with
the approNition of its inhabitants, and rumors of
di-content and turmoil were rife.
The Government of the Mate of Mexico is also
among Mose who refuse to endorse r e present
state tit things. The Governor. Luis Madrid, de
clared, in aco respondence addressed on the 10.11
to the Minister of Foreign Alfails, that he
would not admit the Convention of the 6.11 He
does not support Santa Anna. Some opposition al
so came hotn Guanajuato_
The civil war was still ring tb seteral quar
ters. in Sinaloa. Valdes was preparing to advance
to Culiacan and (hive °tit Vega By a decree of
the 27th January, he entered the ports of Albata
tout Navachisie to be blockaded.
Matamoris has adhered to the rest:gallon with
the other parts of Tamaulipas.
It was said that Carvaid has swom to avenge
the murder of Rohm, Rodriguez. which caused
such a sensation in Matamoros. It was rumored
that Carraj il had towed 100 men under Cruz, and
taken two pieces of artillery (min their— Ignacio
Martinez is elected Gocen.or ol Cajaco.
Gen. Ursga addressed a circular, on the 16th uh ,
to the States, showing What he had done to pm an
end to the civil war.
DO I COTERT os L[ADOilf. SCAR MlLWAriket, Wis.
The &Wind of Thursday I st has the following :
" One of our corrwpotutents imforms os that a
discovery of lead ore has been made in the town
of Ottawa, Waukesha County, a few lays since.--.
The circumstances under which the finding took
pace are these: David Thomas, a farmer residing
shorn tme mile soot!. of Watervine, has noticed a
peculiar kind of timestone on the tide of a hill on
his farm, and tram the appearancerol the rock, was
induced to believe that coal mi4ht be found under
it. n'e hired a man named Wm Owens, and com
menced drill rig a' large hole. They had descended
a little over eighteen feet, and were about giving
up their search, when the hired man proposed they
should make op the twenty feet before they quit,
and on going about two inches further, they clean
er] nut the hole, an] in the cleaning rod found con
siderable read among the dirt. They continued
down the balance of the twenty feet (the extent to
which they Were confined by the length of the drill
ing ro.'s) and Muni that the balance was all lead
ore. They are profiting mote apparants to prose
cute the:, discovery."
Host Tuonts H. Fai.rru.—The nomitratihn of
this gentleman as a candidate for Canal Commis
sioner, by the Democratic Stale Convention, is un
der all circumstances, equivalent to his election.—
Whatever digerersees of opinkm May exist in the
party on other suhjects, all must unite in sayinu that
the selection is n-most creditable one, and that Mr.
F. will unite the sown' every Democrat in the if it r . Sun.
(*- Chevalier Wykoff has been liberated from
prison at Genoa, where be was confined on a charge
of anempcmg to force a young and wealthy English
lady to marry him He his since made his appear
ance in Pans His adventures and trials have mar's
quint a hem of tutu. It is rumored that the cheva
lier has written • history of his courtship, in tLe
rouse of which he makes all sorts of revelatior.e.
aratifovo 2loparter.
Free Soil, Free Speech, Free hen
Pres.'Lem for Prat Torriiiiv*.
Towanda, Saturday, March Q 6, 1853.
Terms of The Reporter.
S 30 per souout—if paid within the year 50 cents arid
ae deducted—k, cash paid actually in advance S l 00 will be
ledaeted. No paper seat over two years, notes. paid for.
A osairrtmosasts, per square of ten liner. SO cents for the
Arid and SO mats for each subs/trent insertion. -
11rrOffive to the " Union Woes." north side of the Pohl e
Square,}text door to the Bradford Hole. Butrauce bmoret ii
Messrs. Adams' and Bissell's law °Sees.
gibmecAtic State Nominations.
CANAL rominasumzu.
von soul-Era .
The Appointments.
The appointments at Washington are being
slowly made There is such a rush for the various
posts at the disposal of the Appointing Powers, that
tune will be required to decide upon the claims ant
merits of the applicants. The Piesideut is beleagu
eJ Jay and night by the crowds who hanker after
the places at his disposal; the departments are
beseiged, by those who are demanding the reward
Di their services. The tifultitude . ol those looking
for an office almost exceeds belief.
this State the principal local offices are Colin.
tor, Survey or of the Port, Naval Officer, and Post.
master at Philadelphia. For Collector the promi.
nent arplicants are Charles Brown, of Philadel
phia, Judge Eldred, Ex Governor Porter, arid John
A. Gamble. For Surveyor, Gen. Reuben C. Hale,
of Nlitflin Co.. and Col. R. IL Young of Philadel
phia. For Naval officer, Judge Strickland, of
Chester County, and J. 51*Kibben of the Merchant's
Hotel. For the Post office, a G. Wescutt is the
most prominent candidates.
These appointments will probably be made soon,
and in the meantime 'a fierce rivalry is existing be
tween the applicants, and no means left untried
which may promote their chances for the coveted
It is rumored, and probably with some truth, that
Mr. BUCIiINAN will be offered a foreign mission.—
That the country will be well represented in such
a case, there Can be no question.
There are at least one hundred applicants from
Pennsylvania for Consulships. Some of these pcst4
are very lucrative, and are sought after. Of course
they cannot all fall to the lot of Pennsylvania, and
there must be some disappointed applicants.
Amongst the appointments already made we no
lice the following :
WestxT Faosr, Marshall of the Western Dis
trict of Pennsylvania.
John J. Mt:Cohen, whose health has been so long
declining, died on Sa urday,.,at his residence in
Philadelphia. Co!. McC was a gen.leman much
esteethed for his sot la! qualities, and his death will
be re:gene,' by a large number of fiends and ac•
quaintances. He was one of the largest operators
Ch T`_ird street, and but recently went to England
to negotiate the tire million loan of the Common•
wealth. Cot McC. formerly took an active part in
politics, and was a member of the Convention
which formed the present State Constitution. He
also represented the county of Philadelphia in the
4rr- lion. F. W. Mures has resigned the office
of Secretary of the Commonwealth, and been ap
pointed Attorney General, by Gov. Mr
HCCHES has discharged the duties of the office in a
ffighly credit.ble manner, displaying signal talents
and abilities, and already occupies a prominent po
sition amongst the public men of the Slave. We
understand that the duties of the new office are
more compatible with en extensive and lucrative
law practice, which ha was obliged to neglect
a bile Secretary.
The Governor has appointed CHARM:II A. BLACK,
of Greene Cooley, as Secretary of the Common
wealth, in Mr. Houses stead. The pace was origi
nally tendered to Mr. B , who then was unable to
to accept it. He is a gentleman of fine abil ties
and will undoubtedly discharge the onerous and re
sponsible duties of the office in a manner to distin
guish himself, and reflect honor upon the State.
F. S. Goorinicm, of Bradlord, was re-appointed
Deputy Secretary.
ot r The second vohune of. " A voice front SI
Meta," by BARRY OWCARA, has been lent to some
person, not recollected. For very particular rea
sons, the volume is of ♦aloe, and any one having
it in their possession, will confer a greet favor by
leaving it at this office.
&macs %rms.—The Woodbury Bank, at Wood
bury, and the Eastern Bank at W es t Kiltingly,
Con., it is reported, have faded. The former is
said to have $lBO,OOO in circulation, and the latter
120,000. They belong, or are believed to be en
der the influence of Walt street Brokers.
Etz:7- Rev. Mr. Garretson has been liberated from
prison at Grid, N. Y., where,he was cor.frned far
seducing a yonng lady now deceased, through the
voluntary influence of his friends m his former par.
ish on Long Island, who either paid or became se
curity for him. A civil suit remains to be tried in
April. _ _
flon. lone Maar, United States. Marshal
for the Weslern District of Pennsylvanta, - died at
Beaver on the Um inst. Mr. I) eras formerly a
member of Congress from Washington and Baer
Mr The Chimp Democrat says that disclos.
wet of the meat State survey of Illinois make it
certain that the coal fields ofthat State are equal to'
those of Permylvania, if eat greater.
&rcpt.—Mr. Wm. Watson, of . Franklin torn•
ship, Susquehanna county, eommieed suicide, on
Monday the 7th inst., by hangin
_himself with a
lope. Temporary insanity was the =re.
getter frott-Ntrti.sbut.
HARIWISOK6, Match 23, IEO3
in my:
_last letter 1 itrfortned you that the bill ie
pealing the guage I.rwrsititd been defeated. .4 mo
iiiiwwitiiilierwiids 164,‘ tof iivongiler the:qpcs
-6061, audio !tat the bill higether with divirneral.
trial offered -8) Mr. Kunkel passed; so that as far
as the Seime is eont - erned,both the laws of 1851
and 1852 are repeale.i. This question has been
prauctiiir of mole aril;nated 'debate than any du
ring the present session.
The House of flepresentativeii have appointed
tomorrow for the consideration of the Appropria
tion bill,, but the protrability is that it will got mt ke
much progress. there are generally so Many pri.
tate schemes, whose accomplishment rteirndsen.
tirely upon a protracted session, that members de
lay the condideration of this important bill as !mg
as Possible, for its passage always putaf a speedy
period to the session. From present appearances
the Legislature will sit a mouth longer.
As the session draws to a close, bbstiless instead
of diminishing, accumulates, and if the fitgislature
Should set the whole year they could find abundant
business of a private nature to occupy the time ful
ly. In view of this fact it is better to designate the
thay,of final adjournment some time ahead.
he bill providing for the appointment of a State
Agrcultural Chemist at au anr.ual salary of $lOOO.
was defeated by a close vote, a majority of the Sen
ate beirg of the opinion that the benefit to the ag
ricultural interest from such an ogcer, would not
repay the expense. The Pennsylvania State Ag
ricultural Society have already received a large
donation from the State, their annual exhibitions
have been , successful, and the money in their treas
ury already amounts to eight or nine thousand dol
lars. Probably the knowledge of this fact, and
their ability to employ and pay well an Agricultu
ral Chemist, had some influence in the termination
of the Senate:
About three weeks or a month agn, Resolutions
were introduced into the Senate, submitting to a
vote of the people the question of a prohibitory li
quor law. They were referred to the Judiciary
Committee, which reported them Ixely with a
negative recommendation. The Resolutions do
not propose to make the operation of any liquor
law dependent upon the sanction of a majority of
the people, but merely to ascertain theirsense upon
a question of great interest, leaving to fatre Legis
lature the responsibility of complying with, or dis
regarding their wishes. It may be said in opposi
tion to the Reso:utions that the Representatives elect
ed by the people reflect their opinions upon all
questions, without a resod to this extraordinary
mode of ascertaining them. This might be tine if
the question of liquor or no liquor could be distinct
ly presented at the election of Representatives, but
in the midst of various and taxying local and per
sonal interest, no general question can be bronght
to bear upon the minds of voters. The Legislature
is overrun with petitions asking for the enactment
of a prohibatory liquor law.
The Governor has appoin ed Ephraim Common
of Carlisle, Superintendant of public printing in ac
cordance with the law lately passed on that subject
The nomination ass to be confirmed by the Sen
ate Yours truly, J. sr. r.
[Mu.) Missourian of the 3.1, relates an outrage
committed at Chambernburg, '.4lu, Feb 13'h, at a
quarterly meeting of the Methodist chords A man
named Trabue entered the church ar.d'laid tra!:ds
npon the Rev C. H. Kelley, saying , " you are m) )
prisoner, cross your hands," a hen Dennis, die pre•
siding elder, took Trabue by the arm, a king • what
he ment by such conduct in the house of (od I '—
At this Trabue ordered his assistants to " tie this
man," (meaning Kelley) and cried out " Fm the
Marshal of the State of Missouri ; at the same time
pointing one of Colt's revolvers the tugger
sprung, he thieatened to shoot any one who raised
a ha..d to interfere, saying that the prisoner was a
base rascal, imposing himself upon the community.
He wets taken nut of the house, pieced upon a
horse and secured by a chain passed under the
horse and fastened ou each foot with a heavy pail
luck. Mr. Dennis followed on foot, and learned
that Kelley was charged with being one of the con
stets who escaped from the lowa penilentiray on
the 23,1 of last December. The pretended Mar
shal and hie assistant proceeded as rapidly as pos
sible to Fort Madison, lowa, 'here the Penitentia•
ry is located, and presentee) their victim to the
keeper. He * once declared that he was not the
man sought for—one Charles H. Kelley, who had
escaped from the penitentiary—and iliat he bore no
resemblance to him. He was of course discharg
o'clock P. M. train yesterday, from Dover, was
about eight miles north of Newark, a German, nam
ed George Bonarh, was seen standing ner the track
on one of the curves, with his face towards it, and,
as the train came wallin a few yards of him, he
deliberately walked towards the track, ahead of the
train, and was struck on the h-ft shoulder by the
frame of the locomotive. An arm was broken, out
it is thought that he is not dangerously injured.—
As soon as the fireman saw him walk towards toe
track, he gave the alarm to the engineer, but they
were so near to him at the ifne that be was struck,
that the engine could not be reversed. The engin
eer and fneman of the train are of the opinion that
he did to deliberately, and with the design to de
stroy his life, which he would certainly have ac
complished if he could hare found time to take
another step. They further state that he was on the
track ahead of the train twice on the day before,
and the engineer of the accomodation train also
says he was obliged to stop his engine twrce to al
!ow him to get nut of the way The man was plac
ed in charge of Dr. L Van Bloppoel.--Nereark Adr
(I* We learn from an authentic source that the
Cagawissa, Williamsport and tie Railroad Com
pany have made arrangements to hare their road
finished, between Catarsiss,a and Tamaqua, by the
first of nest January. The laying of the rails will
be commenced at Catawissa as soon as the Canal
navigation opens, and pushed forward as rapidly as
the ground is prepared for receiving them. The
contracts for boating the iron, for delivering and
furnishing die sills, for building new bridges, &c.,
have aif been made, and the money to pay for the
work is ready in the hands of the Treasurer. The
principal !office of the engineers and contractors
will be removed from Tamaqua to Cataw i s sa this
week. Two locomotives hare been contracted for
with the Reading Railroad Company, which will
be placed upon the road st Ca• . awissa forthwith to
convey the iron along the roads as it is la 4 down.
—Dcrnrille Demoa-ct
Gar Wancsovoris Ware —h is stated that
Mr. G Iliell of New York, bas in his powesti
ion the identical watch worn by Gen. Washington.
It is represented as a very massive watch, with
very thick plain cases of pare gohl and twenty-four
carats Etna. The wash was made by Messrs Ran.
dell & Bridge, of London, England ; and was botght
by Benjamin Franklin when he was Commissioner
of the tnited Colonies. The *welt alsdatriga the
hour, the same as our etneks do.
();:r= The Broome (N. Y.) Republica:: stwes:that
the double track on me N: Y. and Erie Railroad
was opened last week, 1 - '-n Owego to Grew Bend,
a d*uswe of Deady 4n des
.44aU.Rad Moe „ _
, Pursuant to previous notice, a large'and enthusi
astic meeting of the citizens of Wyoming county
convened at the American Hotel, in the vinegars(
Tunkliiennek; on Wednesday. evetring,' March 'O,
1;853, felf.the parrise °relying, an expressirn upon
therlitriliOnloa"novr4ending before the'Legislature
oV,PerstisYlvertia, granting to the Cagan Mei
Athenstailload Company" build re*
rat toads; - rize. - ; connecting v. oh the' Lackawanna
avid IVesiern Rail °Ad.
The meeting was called to order by Jollaßuis
bin; EMn Who nothinittif ISAlte - IjOss
as eiairtnan.,
Oa motion the following named gentlemen were
nominated for Vice Irresidermi :
Ira Avery E-q , Thos. Omerhout, C. P. Miller,
Henry Stalk, Wm B. Overfield, A Gordinier ' Sie-
Pbo , l Capiv.ell,lltos B. Wall, John Sickler, Thos.
Morley, E. Mutiny jr., A Banatyne, Dennison Lou,
Wellington Lee:— ' • '
For 'ecretaries, I-1. L. Shaw, and Mi;ton Dana.
Wm. M. Piatt being called upon, briefly stated
the object of the meeting, when on motion
S. S. Winchester, S. D. Phelps, John Briabin,
Wm. M. Platt, Samuel Stalk, Ma'am Smith, Thos.
A Miller, A. K Peckham, Wm. F. Terry, Peter
Aumick, and 1' M. Rubinson, were appointed by
theichairman a committee to draft a preamble and
resolutions, expressive of the sense of the meeting.
The committee, aker retiring tt short time, re
turned and reported the following, which were
unanimously tidupted :
WHEREAS, there is niw leading i.t the Senate of
our State, an act entitled " An act to incorporate
the Canton and Athens Railroad company," to
which an amendment has been offered.authorizing
said company to make lateral roads, one of which
authorize said company to construct a Branch
through the counties of Wyoming and Susquehanna
to the Lackawanna and Western Railroad And
whereas, we have learned that certain Senators are
opposed to said amendment on the ground, that
such g toad would injure - the business of the North
Branch Canal. Therefore.
Resolved, 1. That in the opinion ()Idris meeting,
the allegation that a Railroad running through Wyo.
ming county to the Lackawanna and Western Rail
road would 'injure the North Canal, is not
well founded. That said Lackawanna and Western
Railroad is now ss much of a competitor of the
North Branch Canal, as any branch running through
the county of Wyoming arid connecting therewith,
possibly, can be. That none of the heavy tonnage.
that would be carried upon said _branch rail road
would go upon the canal, if such road should not
be built.
2. That the construction of such a toad through
our eounty would add greatly to the prosperity of
Northern Pennsylvania. That instead of diminish
ing, would increase the business of said canal—and
add to the taxable property in this section of the
state four-fold.
3. That while we claim to be the firm anil true
friends • t the N. B. Canal, living along the line of
said imptovemant, and would oppose any measure
that would injure dtesame—arid being satisfied that
a rail-road would not operate injuriously to said ca
nal—we therefore urge upon our Senator and Reps
resentatives to use their influence in favor of the
passage of the amendment aforesaid.
4. Tuat we cannot discover the propriety or
consistency of the opposition made by the Senators
to this bill, when they have voted lot railmaJs along
nearly the whole of the Stare intrrovernents below
us,—that there is no force in the objections made,
sa long as the beginning and terminus are unchang
ed j—that we are utterly opposed to that nix:icily
and contracted policy, and look upon it as unwor
thy of the spirit of the age, that would restrict the
distance between any kind of public improvements.
Resolved, That the President of the meeting be
authorised to appoint a number of persons as a
committee to repair to Harrisburg to urge the pas
sage of said bill.
Resolved That the proceedings of this meceing
be published in the Wyoming, Bradford and S
quelianna papers, and that copies be sent to our
Senator and Representatives.
The meeting was adii:cssed ty ‘Vitiches:er,
Brisbm and Litde.
Church and Missionary Intelligence
The Wesleyan Missiounry Nolias for February,
cites an account cf a remaikable movement in
Sierra Leon, where numbers of idols have been
:4:yen op or cast away by those who had hitherto
been addizted and enslaved to their worship. The
London Watchman states, that at Freetown such a
number of idols were given up as no one suspezted
the place to have contained. The peepie paraded
the streets in crowds, carryir.g the heathen deities
in procession, to delivir them up to the magistrates
and missionaries.
The Northern Christion Adcorate, Auburn, N. ,
objects to the recet-t announcement t om the 3le:h
odist Book Concern that no dividend will be made
this year, in consequence of the outlay for publish
ers, tic. It says: Now, whether such an outlay is
warrantably called tor, at the- expense of making
ro dividend whatever, is not fin us to fay; be that
as it may, the claimants on our Conference funds
Will be seriously affected by it, as the annual divi
dend from the Book Concern has been a consider
able item toward making up the of:en lamentably
small amount paid to the way-worn itinerant, and
to the dependent widows and orphans of deceased
ministers; and now, if this resource is to be cut off
this year, our (almost) -entire dependence'n - ill be
upon what is called the fifth collection; and should
chat be as small as it has been other years, weshall
have cause to feel ashamed of the report that will
have to appear in our Conference minutes, and to
grieve for those who will so severely feel the ef
lee's of so insignificant a pittance.
Revivals in College are attracting the attention of
the religions public. The following Es:nations
have been marked by peculiar seasons: Madt-oti
University, New York ; Genesee College, Lewis
burg University, Pennsylvania; Jefferson Coilege,
Pennsylvania ; Miami University, Ohio ; Illinois
College, Knox College, Illinois; Beloit College,
Wisconsin ;Centre College, Kentucky ; 0 - glethrope
University, Georgia ; Howard College, Alabama :
IVakeforest College, North Carchna
College, Maine; Williams College. Arnhera Col:
lege, Amherst College, Amherst College, Massa
chusetts, and Brown University, Rhode Islatal.
Since Wednesday, the 2d inst , the Right Rev.
the Provisional Bishop of this Diocese has confirm
ed one hundred persons in this City since the 9:6
of February. Bishop PorrEa of Pennsylvania, has
made one hundred and thirteen confirmations.
Mina. Scnsa.—lt must be evident to every one
that liquid filtrated through solid maple timber can
not be otherwise than pure. It also must be evi
dent that sap caught in old. ball decayed wooden
troughs with a fiberil, infusion of leaves and dirt,
imparts great impurity to the sap. water de
cayed vegetable matter, skc. , add chemical ingredi
ents to the sap, is troublesome to extract, and inju
rious to the quality if not removed. Consequrntly
cleanliness is the principal secret of making nice
maple sugar—cleanliness both in vessels, kettles
and everything else pertaining to the business.—; -
My buckets are mostly tin, and are a cheap and neat -9- Hon. the Court of Com. r.fas.
article. Sugar made from sap caught in such res. , County an auditor to mlke ,
sets cannot be otherwise than clean, and if no din ' raised by Sheriff%
of any kind gets into it, the consequence is I have t R-` -
nice sugar. If I wish to have extra nice, Ido not
boil it so long but that it will drain.; consequently
if there is the least lint ority or dark color in it.
drains out. Sometimes a wet (lath wrapped around
a cake (except the bottom) helps to make it white.
The syrup I let stand and settle, strain through a
flannel strainer, and cleanse with milk and eggs.
Poor eggs, well beat with about four quatts of tr.iik
is sufficient to cleanse syrup fora hued!ed weight.
15-..-.. et does not rust anything. Tin as well as wood
.'--old be painted on the outside, and when done IA LL pe rsons ' iNl irdel L e t l T°loß 2 . .e ree f
usinTtßein for the season serve them as a dairy IL -AR PRATT. d''-d• !a le
.1 % , 5 ,. :. , T ,15t5 0
woman does her milk-pans, and they are sweet and; requested: o make Parmeu l ,'._.. , ~,; F loss t..•
clean for use again e —Ureansadrion Sure Ageigne. ; having claims against ia.o ,
turd Soci e ty. i sent the duly autheaLcated
LEON ttilf
• '
The Lire from Philadelphia to S. Louis is cow i.f GAR %G I
only $l9. Four years agoit was PO. I Marco :3, :653.
B I.
of Archibald, Seaman, and Walter ga„'e
charge of burglary, in the Lorain .;;.
Pleas, the existence of a Secret fie
hick ed; the designs and tendency of whi c h c ,
extracts from its preamble and consinn.:
Wendy eirdain: In the first pledg e , I I,:
bias himielf to secrecy under a 04,."
"gds and chattels, lands and tenetus°,-
life and bogy , „" The preamble recite s th - ;
Is; all Governments are instituted a n ,i
for the sole purpose to aid the learned
unlearned, the strong against the: :
Pledge the second,eontains the followfot,
I pledge further that I will disregard all s.
National Law that has a tendency 014 iii
wit the de?igning knave to rob the hones t r .
pecting, as my influence shall be ags iu
of the arisiocraLso it shall be in fanr of t h e
poor." A pamphlet copy of the ee t ,,,„
this diabolical confederation was lak e ,
pocket°Lueci'lhedefe U daa ilaf : jaiiandbearecaptured
Thiscolmnnion of plund e rer. e e
was thus brought to light in Lorain caul,
have branches in every State of the ra,',
said that a gentleman who has be es a
tive in the Ohio Legislature was at tit s
band in this State.—(Bandusky (0.) g,til;er
Cite- The London dills hints 011
estingevent will, in all human prot a t,
i n ,,..;
place April next, in the royal hno. t ., ,
eighth. There are now seven—three p•
fiiur princesses. The oldest is eleve n y ta ,
Her majesty is in her 33d year ;p a y t mel
between twelve and thirteen years i
triotically resolved to do what is n he r
save her country, when she shall teu e . :
over it, hom that worst of national
disputed succession.
RATES OF IXTIREST is 10W4.—The Legit,
lowa has passed a law designating six per t
the legal rate of interest in that State, at,
rate is specified between the parties. I t
parties tc Contract in writing for the paymet:7
rate not exceeding ten per cent. per aat'ltt.
penalty for contracting for a larger rate 3
than is allowed by the bill is to work a
ten per cent. per annum upon the iev.,aa; of
contract, white the tender shall be aIIQW.
er only the principal ium lent witlacii
SHOT —ll r. Coffin, Sup , . on the Ssscrtti,
Division, and Samuel Hamlin of the unr tri
lin and Rice, met with a serious acctdtnt.
ferscn, on Thursday. They were on , tp al,
exccrsion, near the above place, when M. t_
in the act of cocking his gun to fire, it arcl!.
elipoed from his hand arid disch.igt..:,
Hamlin being directly in range of the gr.r.
struck him in the hip causing a isevti
wound.—Elmira Repubhcan.
vestigation of the Curocier's Jury, tela:
late terrible molder of the German gi"
N. J , has led to the discovery of a r,7
lent in that city, calculated to avo:
and considerate part of :he comrr.,:!.,:r
gangs of rowdies, it is said. Less. -
their haulds, and facts deve. ,
fur ener,elic measures of rti
(*-- By the election of .ix Dernocra , .
Carolina and three in N'e.v Ham,- t , , „-
House of Representativei, that
ea 98 Democrats, 50 11 I:1;9, and 3,.
The same districts sect to iLe 2
mocrat4, GO Whigt , t, and 3
hers Lithe new huuse eez e.
In Burlington tp., on S-riday the
ELIZA.LIETIIGA.E.ifiL, In the ..9
In this borGuzh, on Fr. ;ay. th ,
ELtPII►IrI MASON, Fw,.. :11 :
At a regular corrinicnicaiJor. 1. - r:r.
709, held lt their ha!! ,n Tosva-.",a. Ma-::
the fullowing resolu::oas 'were €::
Goo:mica, and anan.mous!; -
WnEnaks. It has p!ea<ed • '.-
vane Pro ridence To 1-,:r. Ei-:
and worth 7 Bro h•r ELIP:Ia T
!cry is identified wi:h t 5 •e
thas county - , and whose !fe Ica , a
plification of the graces and moral - 7•F
be it
Rt...itilra 1, That the mem rs Zizn
ions to express the t.:.;3 I •
• Masoy Was svorthy,an_: :. -
tires bf the ,:ecea.:..e.!. to :
Reltolred, That the mtm:'-f-rs ,o,
, cert.!). sympathise mi:h .17... n at
..e easofßrother Niasos. in hi t .,
ternity has lost an act.: e, u; •
member, whose greatest CVt Lc a. , re
een ury, has been so tu c
rims, as to reflect credit
isfy the world of the :;11::.:±.-
eoce of the lastituuon.
Re-solred, That these res,:..4o:i
the papers of 11,e Coca—f.
BY virtue of an order of 0:77,:f
Bradford County. the undt,s.:-.
to public sale on the prem,ses, cc 19.. Ta
the 16th day of April, 1553.. at I
certain tract or lot of land in :he
bany ; Bounded err the South by :red o f Aeray
English ; on the North by 'and of JonniM
and on the East by Moses CCZA.: 2 ( 1
ACRES more or less, of 1 0 -I'-': 2 7 ::'".. 21 40 A:L7 '
arr cleared, with a log hon=e.--rhanl. :L,
provements thereon. TERMS tna2.e
of sale. JOSEPH MEN;RDLi
March 23, !553
109 Barrels of SALT Le2'
sale at B. KLNi.,S.P..ri:t
Towanda. March tr 2. 1453.
20 0 000 Ll°)
rtc by B. KE\Gq
Towanda, March , 113, I 3A.
In the Court of Common Ple-24 C 93 '.`
to tne matter of Daniel Brink es S D
. FLe7-
THE undersigned baying been r:; =-
Hon. the Court of Corn. p ,-s. 4
Contity. an Auditor to
funds raised by Sbertris sate of 'lt tei •‘; . 2. 211
D. Horton. Notice is bere:y
for wit! attend at Wm. Elir,!,;:f
of Towanda, on lt , aturdav !I!
at 1 o'clock. P. M., to aUet.-1 to =°;^
ing to Ills office, at which tome and '
ons having claims upon said iaad
present them, or be foreier de 7 =
in upon the same. Ef.‘RVEY
Towanda. March 21. 1853
In the Court of Ccruntul
rn the vr-dirr of 774exfure H udo ax.A
rey, es. Joshua &I- er
HE undersigr.ed haring been a rp.)--a-- - 1 1
Hon. the Conn of Com.
County an auditor to make d:s•rl'.....*
raised by Sheriff's sale of the rea'. es:ete ( tirs
Baker. .Notice is hereby given te
will attend a: Wm. Elcre-Ts 7. Xe 741,::
Towanda. on Saturday :he Z 3,1
at 3 o'clock, P. V, to attend :a
to his office, at which time ani 7q2ce
having claims upon said nand. 2re
sent them. or be forerer
upon the same. HARVEY McALPL'i..l;'--.-
Towanda: March s 3. 1553-
~k. ~~~