Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 19, 1853, Image 4

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' A ''Airtiir, coal' sump.
) 4:1% 1;
- at todx •'lmatrraza.
ll'` .- 1, *gti the farmer's w.ntry board I
' : tbe - golden r - -._ --"---
,t •ir ift.lias Autumn p..ured
4 7 1 a
• ratehijtiterteitiabliertii. . -
;.,r'.; /_ofiirlalid.t, ettalting.gleaut
• ;..'4llt . li - pplefriart the pine,
VlitturatiOiriim its glassy green,
The elastic - - from the vine ;
Webetter loire the hardy gift
Our rugged vales bestow.
' To ellieeriiii - when the sti.xm shall.drilt
Our harvest fields with snow.
THllleugh vale& of grass and meads of dower.",
s''''' Out pliinglistheir furrows made.
' l Aliile eti the - hills the sun and i showers
OfehangefUl April played.
1. ~.:We dropped the seed u'er hill and plain,
Beneath the sun of litsy,
r.-. And frightened from our sprouting grails
~. _The robber crows away.
' 7 " Alf . through the long bright days of June,
'..' 4.. Its leaves grew dim and fau,
And waived in hot midaummer's bloom
: itS soft and yellow hair.
And now, with Autumn's moonlit eves.
Its harvest time has come,
We Opel/away the fros:ed leaves
And bear the treasure home.
There, richer than iLe fabled gifts,
Apollo showered of old,
Fair hands the broken grain shalt Art
And knead its meal of gqld,
Let vapid idlers 101 l hi silk
Around their enstly board ;
Oive us the bowl of samp an I milk - ,
By homespun beauty poured
Whereer the wide old kitchen arth
sends up its smoky curls,
Who will not thank the kindly earth
And bless our hardy girls
Then shame on all the proud and vain,
Whose folly Laughs to scorn
The blessings of our haidy grain,
Our wealth of go:den corn !
Eut let the good old crop adorn
The hills our fathers trod ;
Still let us, for his gOlden corn,
Sei.d up our thanks to God-!
The Edi:or et the New England Furrier writes as
follows, on the important suljecl. lie is very good
authority : •
Few of the duties of-the farm are so badly per
formed as , that of ptunit g —bad in the manner in
which it is don; and , in the season of the yearfus
nally selected for the opreration. Trees are living,
sentinel things, and must be treated as such. Their
young beck is a vulnerable to hob nail bouts aa..ll:e
back of the hand, and easily mutilated by a dull
saw or knife. No skilful surgeon would amputate
114imb wi dull instrumetits, or leave the bleeding
woond'exposed to the air; but many farmers who
Stave pruned for (oily years, and think they'" know
itthing or two" aboht it, do both. They have seen
the tree put on its green leaves in the spring, Glas
er= perfect, its fruit increase in stature, and when
it had pertormLd its labor for the season, throw off
the foliage which is no longer needed, and spread
its broad limbs restless to the winter winds. Thus
they !tare seen it live and brea , he and grow, and
yit never seem to have appreciated it a living
friend, inviting them% its El.ade, regailing them
with ha fruits, and almost speaking in accents 01
• Away with the axe, the coarse saw, and all dull
tools about your trees, and in their places use those
of the best make, and %Vial edge as keen as Da
mascus' blade.
Every wound that is made Should be covered;
if the Atte is vigorous, and the place 1.11:811 it will
probably grow over, but covering greatly aids the
effort of the tree in pet Eluting its outer garment
Paint, clay, gamshellac, and waxed cloth are used
for this puipose ; the shellac and cloth is spread grafting wax made soh, and applied with a
t Kok while warm. A strip of this tied around' a
wound or a patch stuck at er i , will greatly facili
tate the healing process. Ninety orchard* out - of
every hundred are mutilated and injured in being
Rimmed. Limbs that ought to be cot uff ate pre.
served, and those that ought to be retained are tak.
on away. Some are sawed partly off, and allowed
to drop, tearirg away the wood and the bark from
the`lind'eraiJ,t~ and leaving a ragged and ghastly
wound, that never heals, but brings premature de.
tsrz z . This is strong language, we ate aware, but a
careful inspection ul most cld orchards will cop
firm it.
Their is reed but very little primirig where
an orchard has been properly manned from the
start i trolarge limbs will ever need to be taken
away unless broken by the winds or injured in some
other way. Prune but little is a good motto. Sutler
the shoots which start out on the young trees to re
ttoain autumn, When they have shed their leaves
T 4411100 perils them, and Nature, ever ready with
her helping hand, sends them out to ail the leaves
of the top in elaborating the sap and increasing the
whole growth of the tree. We find in an exchange
a cues in point, which we give as confirmatory to
our theory. .11 correspondent of the Prarie Farmer,
published at Chicago Illinois, states that the pruned
young apple trees, four to sixt feet high, early in
spring and then kept the shoots rubbed oil the low•
er parts of the stems, leaving only suitable heads
on one hall the trees. The others were left with
their shoots untouched from top to bottom. The
result was, that, those which received no summt r
pruniiii were 25 to 40 per cent. larger than the
others, evert after they were pruned up to heads the
ttOr tillow ing spring. So it may be noticed in olde r
trees tban a hen most of the litnts are cut (.11 in
the process of, large numbers of suckers
are thrown.out, and we believe for the same pc - -
pose that shoots are on young trees—to keep up a
Koper, circulation and balance in ire power.
As to the bee: time for pruning apple trees, we
hate no doubt. From personal experiments made
forseieral years, horn reliable books, conversations
with practical men, and a pretty extensive exam in.
otionpl_orchards, we are fully of the opinion that
the` iatuiliti after the leases have fallen, is the
most proper time. Where we bare carefully pruned
at ibis • season, it has never ten followed by a
ftowingof the sap and that discoloration of the bask
wfikft'followsspring pruning. The wounds either
healliver or, become so dry and hard as to prevr n
decay, and the tree seems to sustain no check or
The head or the tree should be kept open to the
air erld)lii34:ltOct free from limbs crossing ind rub.
big oMaltother. Cut out these and the occasional
dead limbs which mar be foand and the orchard
liklieen well managed 4 - airmail little more
is the way-. of pruning,
il• .. 17 r - C mr;
Wholesale ilea Rapid, Dealer in
►VAS, lejliES;
:438OCIERUNik ZoliprozAzdta.
QTOIIE in the-suoth end nf the Ward 'llorfse,'well
D..,: known aw the largest. cheapest and 'nest extensive
assortment west of the city. Particutsr attention wilt
he-given td any 'or who may wish' to - Clll,ltither to
etemine or purchase, and any mettles! infortnatiOn
*ill be etteerfully end gratuitously giien to thoiewlio
who wish to consult coneeming,theursehroa or friends.
Continuous sepplies of flesh end recently piepariA ar
tides ate weekly arriving, having been carefully se
leeted with a view to their useftrinest, and any article
wanted not usually kept, either will he found here, or
procured at the shortest notice by Express, for those
leering their order. Accommodating rlerke always
will be eady to safely compound any prescription and
endeavor to make it (whatever the
,putchase) mutually
agreeable. All goods shalt he considered warranled
sa repeeselitej,and being Agent fur the hest end pop
our Potent Medicines, nil 'these found in this Stare
can be relied upon, in all cases, as being gamine, The
stock now ecniprises every article in the trade, among
which may_ be found-the fulloising
thugs and Medicines.
' '
A cetic
Tartaric etc
Life etc
Peruvian (.Ica'ts )
Elm etc
WititergrciAl etc
Lemon etc
Colchicum etc
spijelia (pink)
marsh rosemary
Sugar, Coffee and Tea of all Izindp, molasses, spice
pepper. cloves, mustard, nutmeg, mace, fish, resins,
citrons, currants, salad oil, cocoa, chocolate, soda,
butter crackers. rice, starch, ginger, saferatus, %thite
and bar soap, sperm and tants candles, jugs, bottles,
pipes, pepper sauce &c.
Lavender etc
Cognise, Otard and American Brandy, St. Croix.
Old Jamaica and New England Rum, pure Holland
and Am. Gies. Irish and Stonmgahela Whiskey, Ma.
d e t,a 'Aaron, Sherry, Teneiiffs Port, Muscat, Claret
anti Champaign Wines—Cordials, Rose, Amour Mo•
kee, Noyeau &c , cheaper than ever offered.
Soaps, Patamery and Fancy goods.
Shaving cream, military, windsor, medicated, sand,
musk, almond, palm, french, toilet, rose, and transpa
rent soaps, Lubins, French, and Wrights extracts of
ockey club. patchoully. bog, de caroline, must , milk
flews, verbena, heliotrope, sweet brier, geranium
spring flowers, west end and new mown hay &c.- -
Cachous, cologne, bay and rose waters. Lilly whit,:
spauisb pearl powder, rouge hair dyes, hair invigors
tors, hair erauicators, hair oil, pomades, court plaster,
perfume sachela, playing cards, pencil points, steel
pens, fish hooks, drawing pencils, percussion cops, re I
black, and indelible inks, combs, purses, pocket books,
port moinds, wafers, pocket mirrors napkin rings an 1
travelling companiods &c.
Hair, hat, stove, scrub, shoe, paint, marking' vemish
sub, artist carnerstair, striping blender's smi t h/lager's
whitewaskcouoter, flesh, tooth, nail cornli tenon) cloth
infant, lather - , table, horse and blacking bruibes.
Tobacco and snuff boxes, nipple shells, nursing hot
ties, breast pumps, teeth rings bed pans, syringes, shout
der braces, trusses, supporters, pessaries, catheters,cup
ing glasses, graduates, mortars, spatula, forceps lancets
thermometers, liquid and spied adhesive plasters, &c.
Paints and aye BUSS.
Nic. red„ cam and log mod, rustic, lac dye, cudtertr
red saurelera, madder, aluin, ccpperss, blue vitriol, sal.
tin, compreitiois chemic oil, vitriol, oxalic and all the
acids, grain tin, pumice and rotten stone, American &
Chineseavriaillion, Spanish brown, American &. Eng
lish Venetian verdigris, Paris green, white, black and
red lead, chrome yellow and green, japan, coach and
copal varnish, lampblack, iiiharge, putty, whiting ochre
spirits turpentine, linseed oil, rosin, chalk, umber, sien
na, gold leaf, bronze, &Co
French Glass 24-30, 22-30, 20.30, 20.24, 22.24,14. 1
18, 12-20, 12-18, 12.10, 10-14, 10.12, 8.10, 7.9,
Patent Medicines.
Dr. Jaynes' Alterative Expectorant, Sanative &c.
Fitche's expectorant, tonic humor corrector, lin.
Merchant's Gargling Oil for horses, 4.c.
Swayne's medicines, wild cherry. 4.c
Brant's Pulmonary Balsam and Extract, etc.
Orrick's Vermifuge.
Houghton's Pepsin or Gastric juice fur dyspepsia.
aigocal'e Indian Cholagogue, for fever and ague.
Scarpa's Acoustic oil for Deafness. •
S. P. Townset d's Sarsaparilla.
Schenck's PIIIMOTAC Syrup.
Or. Keeler's Family in dicincs.
Hutching's Dyspepsia Bitters.
Hoofland's German Bitters, fur Dyspepsia and Debility
Brown's Essence Jamaica Ginger.
Duboy's Rat and Mice Exterminator.
Also agent for Herrick's medicines, plasters, etc., An
diew's and Davis' Pain Killer, Graefenberg medt
does, Pile Elcduarles etc., salt rheum, teller, Tint
worm, apavin and founder ointments , etc.; Wu , /
cordial, plasters, poor man's salves, eye waters, lini
ments, erosive soap, bed bug poisi.n. Hobensack's
and Clark's Worm syrup, Christie :4 Galvanic cum
tivee, Moffat's Phoenix Bitters, Trask's magnetic,
Sloan's. Dailey's, and McAllibter's Ointments, Dii
low's Heave Powder, Condition Powder, &c, All
the numerous kinds of Pills.
Phosgene, superior Burning fluid. Gamphene,wha.c.
lard and sperm oil; new and beautiful patterns cf fluid
amps now being opened : Cam phone, side and hand
ing lamps for hall and store use, girandules, etc.
Cavendir.h, James. Natural, Turkish scarfalatti
John Anderson's fine cut, Boag's Jenny Lind chewing
etc.; choice brands, pure Havana Cigars, etc. etc.
All of which will be sold at unusually low rates.--
Remember that Dr, Poster's Cheap Drug and Crhemi.
cal Store fa in the south end of the Ward House, a few
doors above the post.effice
Towanda, June 4, /832.
s rln NEW 40 dallcri Casks, a first rite article
1 / 4 .1 for sale by P. FELTON & Co,
lITHEREAIIt: my wife Potty has left my bed and
I. board without any cause or prosocation
Therefore, title is to forbid all persona not to tram
or harbor her on my account, as Ishii payno_debtt
of bor contracting after ibis dare.
Ridißbffi, Nov. 12;1•1111. J.IIIOIIIOIDSCPY 1.
' asasfoetidi
camphor .
tragactnth etc
01 LR.
it Ma
ginger etc
hi imatone
I quicksilver
neats foot
olive •
hemlock .
cream tartar
rorro sublimate
Ired precipitate
91161131 C
shakers herbs
gold leaf
mullet soap
venice turpentine
aqua ammonia
()finish lustre
bronze j
burg. pitch
ea litharikles
.‘ath brick
gand paper
white glue
otter or sunlit°
cod liver etc
uve umi etc
SccLJauc9n,;:, _:
n . o.
f) EMfIV El D to the store recently occupied by S.
1.1. S. Bailey as grocery and Post . office 3 doors
south of Muntanyes corner, where he -has. received
a full, new and complete block or DRUGS, MEDI.
GROCERIES, Etc.which be will sell cheap'
er far cash than even
Here 3 ou will find annexed a few leading articles
IFosgate's Cordial'
lElix Opi
Hay's Liniment
(Hair Dye
'Harlem OR
ointment, Traska
do Dalley's
I do MerVieNter
(Shakers Herbs j
do Extraets
ITilden's A icoeolic Ez't
Rhei Extract
lalap Extract
Meakim's Vanilla Ex't
do Lemon do
do Mace do
do Almond do
do Cloves
' do Allspice do
do Nutmegs do
do Peach do
do Ginger de
I do Cinnamon do
du Oran ge d o
do Tonka du
'Lubin's Springllower
do Musk do
do Violette do
do Magnolia do
do Sweet Wird° .
do Jesmin do
do Juck'y Cl'b do
do. Caroline do
do Jenny Lind do
do Iloquet' do
Syringe, Pewter as'ant
do Class do
Nursing Bottles, Glass
do do G. E.
do do
do Ipecac
do Jalap
do Ginger White
• do Orris
IGum Canaphor
do Cassia do Opi Turk
do Cod Liver do Myrrh Tort'
do Lavandula odo Arabic do
do Neroli do Copal
du Jesmin do Aloes Soet
do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape •
do Orange .Chlorisle Lime
do Rhodium ! du Soda
do Ruse Castor Russ
do Cedrat I s inglass do ,
du Copabia !Evens' Lancets
do Ergot Mira Silver, Op't
do Verbena Oxid Bisnuth
do "Vioiette Blue Pill mer.
do Mellesse Indide - Potass
Jo Mellefluer Tart do
do Patchouly • Carb do
Brushes. Paint iulph do
do Varritsh Oatisffe 1
do Heir Citrate Fekri;.
do Hair,Clcuel lodide du
do Nail' ,
do Tooth Proto lod Mercury .
do Shaving Strychnia
do Flesh Piperin
do Cloth Elateriunt.
do Hat lodine -
Soap. Yankee Veratrin
do Crystalline Kreosote
do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Cum Crete :
do Coopers Nlorphine Sulph
do Rose do , Act, ~
do Viciora Calomel; American
do Orange do English,
do Tooth Precipitate Red
do Erasive do White
do Castile Su Iph Ztnei
do Military Bronze, Crim ,, on
do Savin . do Pale Gold
do Browr; do. !' Dark 410
Fricopherotis do White
Pain Killer Gold T.eaf, Op't
Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion
Oxygenated Bitters America do
Stoughton Bitters 'Prussian Blue
Chloroform Fig do
Hoffman's Anodyne Venitian lied, English
Togethee with Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Dye-
Woods & Dye. Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries,
pure Windt and Liquor. for Medicinal purposes.—
Also, Cigars of the beet brand ; ended articles con
nected wittfi L the trade.
Having secured the services of Dr. S. Bravos,
whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me•
dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the
medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having
their prescriptions careful:y compounded and put
up. The stock has been selected with great care,
and the goods will be warranted as represented.
All of Dr. D. James' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pec•
richeneks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock
Root, Orrick's, Hobensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge.
Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines
now in use constantly on hand and for sale et
REED'S Drug Store.
Three Doors below Montanye's sonnet'.
Towanda, January 3, 1833.
Senna Alex..
do • Indie
Cream Tarim
Snp C Soda -
Magnesia Calc'd
do Carb,
do S S
do Apple
Trusses Hails
do Mar Ales,
do Shaker,
Balsam Wisters
do 'beesmans
do Fir
do Copabia
do Tulu
do Peru
do Pulmuffary
do Sulphur
Acid Tartaric
do Acetic
do Benzunic
ilo Citric
du !Citric
do Oxalic
du Hydrocyanc
do Sulphuric
Oil Linseed
do Sperm
do Olives
do Castor
do Neatsruot
do Almonds,
do Amber Rect
do Amber Red
do Aniai "\
do Caraway
do Croton
do Cubelm
do Cummin
do Fennel,
do Lemon
60BARRELIS nf old Ohio Whiskey jurt received
rind for said wholesale and retail, at need's
Drug Store,
18QUINTLES pf Codfish, 20 boxes of Herring,
A barrels of Saleratus, warrented In prime
order, left on sale at New York cash prices at
REED'ri Drag Store, Towanda. Jan, 2S, Ma,
ONE -of
the largest assort.
men ever cifThred in Arad.
' ford enunty, Cob be found at J.
. - f• - •••••••••• &
,t 3 Alex/rule - is Clothing Stare '•
":,:- ~- ~i: , - `'..: . fi rst doorsuuM of Meteor's Dry
4 '''ii,' - ' •••,,-2---''.., - . U. Wne. cln -Main 4itreel. ,
.21. D. TAXIAX/11711XLZ. : i
of Elteira, has established a Branch at the: above
place. All our work will behold tithe price mark,
ed and no desiatkin in price : and' s either•bought
direct from the Manufacturer or mode by ourselves
and warranictl to give entire satisfaction. Zvery, de !
scription of
Alen", Women:, Children and Youths Aim, -
and Whmene Caljand Buffalo afid-ladiit rt
Ratter Over NlUSeith - fajolgr NAV „
Please can anJ Fibmine, it .tpueeefiey;46,
T r oisulda,OCl. 21 , 1101' • Iles
jpi .
Iwas on- tbe•Slintli nf the ye and so for gone that
my famoiladitfr giNggis-nf my re
coegor4,gind,athea io,tbis situation, , basing ,beiini
cued:by itbit twe ticheadt'a Palmonici Anew I hei ,
gritefui voodoo: to, IJr, Ochanck 4
the unspeakable benefit I .base received hum tbs, use
of tie invidnabik medicine. . -
Early law fidi v t-croattacted a- violent cold, -and in
toesagainwe 01.01hIthlinkchills, abwrnaiwg with f o .
ask pais; in my .right_bresat aolsbouldechlude. with
bad cough. and' no expectoration. I kept, getting
wane nntill took my bed. and bad the attendance of
iny.fstuity.iihysician.. I was under his are aboutfour
weeks, and at the expiration of that time.. was reduced
so low that despair took hold of myself and friends.
and even - my physicist; abandoned me, and gave me
up to , die with the - Nerdy "co4sumir don My . eppetite
Was tone; iny bevies very it tiler, feyer end night
aWeirta;pahrin env /millibar; rg
shoulder, attended with
a diStressint cough '; which as v e ry tight ;my Beall
hair hearlfalfgane, and wait se 'weak' that 1 could
selircely'raige - Orhiiii frourtheidllow. and'aras trot) ,
anobjeteofilify to behold. My friends had been sent
for topaermdke.onillny sickbed wasourremided by
kind and sitmpithizini neighboils; who-hrid. Come to
Witneertruy departure from this world. ,
When alt rays of hope had fled of my recovery. a
neighbor, MLA/avid Conrad,propose r try Schenck'',
Purina* ,
~itrijo,,trith aviewOf )(resetting
andirefievihgr me a the tduOlplalegui,:and as a memo
of affording temporary relief; remarking at the time,
" that I wrltqwfar gone for the-amp to- he of any
permanent henifit." - My wife, airbus far" the relief
of ray Intense iiifferfoMi,* prde.tuid - softie .of the,lll-
monic Syrup. I found it -afforded me relief, and con
tinued using- it. - I could feel its healing influence
upon my lungs.
I continue to improve under its use, end my friends
were:Much gratified to witness my unexpected im
provement; many of my neighbors came to look at me
as one raised from the dead.
My cough now became loose, and I felt something
break, w en I bad the pain in my bier's', and I dis
charged large quantities of yellow matter. I base for
weeks discharged and raised a alto box fall of roamer
every day, with hard lumps like grains of something.
My bowels now-became regular and natural, and my
appetite was so far improved, that I could scarcely re.
filen from eating too much. My strength improved,
and I regained my flesh.
I continued to improve in every respect soon after I
commenced using the Syrup, and the improvement
continued until I was restored to my health. I have
paused through the inclement weather of the latter
part of winter and the spring, and fee/ as well DOWEIJ
ever I felt in my life, and I am this day a living testi
mony of the great efficacy of Schenck's Pulmonie
Syrup in curing pulmonary diseases.
Lest this statement bethought too highly calmed by
some people, subjoin certificates of a number of the
inhabitants of Tricony, who ow me at different times
during my disease, and never expected to see me restor
ed. 1 aka append the certificate of the brothers of
Mystic Lodge, N 0.270.1. 0. of O. F., who kindly
watched over me, and fully believed they would -COO
rigu my remains to the tomb ; but, thanks to Dr.
&beta fur hisitiraluable
,Pulmonic Syrup , my life
has hermapared. and I am penninerl to make the fore
going statement for the benefit of auGring mankind.
I reindv at Tscony,anJ am well known by moat o
the people there, arid will he gratified to base arty
person call upon me anJ kern Entire particular* of the
virtues of this tneklieine. JOJIN C. GREEN.
June 21th, ISM.
The oubeectibers, members of tlie Mystic Lodge, No.
270, I. 0. of O. P. of Holer.ooloirg, Po. do hereby can ,
tify that we know John G. Green. (and is o mrmleer
in good *tending in brin:-270 1. 0. of 0. P.) who was
oottgerundy ill witlit o low Pulen•intry Consumption.
liest•wint,r, tbapthripive him rp .0 deer: that he
is now fully restored to perfect health. and they believe
hie recovery Irair ., producal ,.., ll Scherecies Pulmunie
Syrup. - • --
We believe hie certitleate is - correct in every VIT;
tiCUI ar. HE:YRY NEFF, P. G.
ft ;OSMAN.' N.
Hohomburg. Philadelphia Co., June 25, 11851.
The undersigned, residents of 'racony, eight miles
abovit Philadelphia, being well acquainted with Joi,9
C. Green, and the circurnstunces attending ilia, case,
feel impelled by a deep sense of imperative iiti y, to
make universally known to the public his entire p
• cov.
ery from the very last stages of Pulmonary Coniump
tion. So entirely helpless was his condition, using
been but a: brief period shim in that rapid.ji slhkin;
and emaciate state, as to overly preclude, in tlikopin.
ion of his physicians and friends, who watched •by his
bedside, all hopes of even a temporary recovery and
restoration to his present robust health. Thus the care
ful use of your invaluable Specific, the Pnl manic Syr
up. makesit our belief, under the circumstances of his
previosta prostrateoot to say dying condition, one of
the moist etahling pstilta that the whole annals of medi
cal 81(111 c ocieliee can kodOce. It deserves to be im
pertsliabty to yotit creait, and secure' to you,
the greatest discOierer of this hitherto remedfiess die
ease, a lastittrAncamMent and rworld-widereputation
in the healing art, that no time may either diminish or
destroy. Having witnessed Mr. Green's distressing
struggles and sufferings_from a continued cough, au
peradded to the other symptoms consequent upon, or
attending to the lap stages of a pulmonary dam ass ; being so generally belirraed rm.
moron. friendithatnrilbunran - power croold:relleve,
protract his life, much leas testate him hack again to
hia.forroar health, we feel it thus our duty to give our
unqualified testimony of Mr. Green's perfect recovery,
by means of the exclusive use of your wonderful Syr
up ; and we should indeed rejoice if we could be made
the humble instruments at' relief and cure to others who
may be so unfortunate 113 to be similarly atikted. ,
Davin Conrad, Jesse Duffield,
C. Hinkle, A. Heath,
Joseph klead,Jr., Jesse Watson,
Stephen Lukens, Robert Allyn,
Matthew Toden, James l'orbert,
John Bloomeabury, Allen Vandegrift.
Prepared only by Dr. Schenck, end sold, whole.
sale and retail, by his sole agents, John Gilbert & Co.,
Wholesale Druggists, 177 North Third street, Phire.
Clicken & Co. 81 Barclay street, N. Y. Redding & Co.
No. 8 State et. Boston ; H. Blakeley, corner Third and
Chestnut streets. St. Louis; and by principal Druggists
throughout the United States. And by the following
Agents in Bradford County :
H. C. Porter, 'rowanda ; D. Bailey & Son, Leßoy,-
rifle ; 14umphniy, Orwatil Maynanl do Woodburn,
Rome ; J. J. Warlord, hlonroe D. D. Parkhurst„
Leßoy ; C. E. Rathbone, Canton; King & Vosburg
Troy; G. A. Perkins, Athens,
'A II letters addressed to DR. J. H. SCHENCK,
Cate of John Gilbert, 4 co., Whot, attlo Druggists, No.
177 North Third street, Philadelphfa.
BOOTSO')*P - 14114Thift!
VA Wilcox,
!LIAO rinkinearPhit:eitibliallinent . to 0: Mee' itOre,
Cornet WWI* roast -and this poblie situate, sad
will continue the manuflectrarecif Boots and Shies, via
heretofore;,'. :
He traiiiipt:reriai4ediforn Pieveirorit4.l4l assort . -
' mart Wajnen t 4.Childm'aandJassea' Shorteorbieb
are arra at tow prices: The attention d_theladie,
poicularly directed - to hie. netentmenu•riempristng
Yollawing new steien irT;ceiletrlei!ed fen ny 49(1
ter boots;` do. 'shoes t - black hitting end 'silk' sitters;
walking shoeijaddas, gutters and shoes,
of every description. A lap awrortraentof iCbildien's
fancy gaiters, boots and .shoes, of all kinds.
For the. Gentlemen, almost eery ape Of gaiters sod
shoes. This stock has been personally selected with
care, and be betides
,he e'rtolTer vupe,rior snicks at
reasonable firierts.' ' • •
The ! istrictest attention paid to Manufacturing.
rind he hopes by doing work well to merit a continu
ance of the liberal patronage beim hitherto-received.
Towanda. May 8, 18b1.
SOU, • "a ....JAW "'ACTS
TO WULAID4 Bradford Corot g/ P.
MECii,llFir's 1111731VIC311:111b111:1111X-afiai.
HAVING' located in Towanda, bis ....rrrices may
be obtained by addressing a line throngh the Post
Oike, or hy ceiling et the l othee of lJlyssew Mereur,
Esq., where he will be found, or where • written sp.
licatpion nisi 6e Ick Noe. I, 1850.
THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they have taken the shop formerly occupied by
Adam Beenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake'i wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BLACKBMITHING upon reasonable terms.
Thee aro determined by doing their work well and
promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of
public patronage.
HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the most skil
ful manner.
WOOD WORK for wagoass will also be made and
repaired when desired.
All work done at their shop, Will be wwanted to be
well done, and manufactured from the best materials.
The public are requested to give us, a trial, and judge
fur themselves. ESE N WINE & kIER
Towanda, May 2, 1851.
It itraLtg - xl - ewaita `1,7 &War - kV DAIL
Important to Ilottsekeepers:
• THE subscriber thankful for the
..--:._,..,... ....
4741 - - . 1 -- - liberal parrodage heretofore re
t-•..-:,. ' , s': ,, :".4e 7 ssljceived. begs leave to inform his
C p
ril .:frre,wls and the public generally.
j - , anPlhose commencing House
is 1 . .
t- 1, ....
.;, -.----, •-•- 'keeping in particular that be has
lig i Ait iow on hand a large assortment
'''"" of FUHICITUItE, which he will
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
thr best material..
B 1 st US, bitch as mahogany and walnut /friss.
ing bureaos. marhle and plain tops ; mahogany and
(walnut wa.h•tands. marttle tops, ud plain. of MI
ferent patterns, Card and mid tables, &las Couch
whatnots. &e.
DEA tr4TE A DB.—lllitts, Field, French and low
post beadsteads. finished in handloone style and of
approved patterns. together with other fornitore usu
ally called for. all of whtch will be sold on the Incest
'Accommodating terms.
c:rt'Etie sub■eriher is sitiin provided with a plain
and (a.hionatite HEARNE:. and will hold himself in
readine.a to attend to all ()filer; in undertaking.
He ttly furnish fee bases when desired, by the aid
of itirit the corpse may be kept (,r a week. COP.
N. Dr-Furniture of all kind, made to order, and
warranted to be of the hes! matt Mils and workman
Towanda. January 17, 1852.
Xrt.tisr Genuine unwell Iwo:bps-Nell o i ort aim
le of theabove Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. L.
800 LE & Co., upon each bal.
In offering to the public this justly celebrated 80V
ERESON BALM OP LIFE. it is not oar wish to
mas~ any false statements or wild assertions of their
superiotefflcievcy in restonng to health the sick and
suffering, we 3 knowing that their reputation int
STANDARD MEDICINE is ofitself sufficient refer
ence for the afflicted.
Many proofs might he given of their value on pipet,
but we prefer those unacquainted with them to salbsfy
themselves by enquiring of hying witnesses end trying
the Pills. They wi.l find them perfectly safe and tell
able in all cases, being purely vegetable, and a mew i
eine worthy their best confidence and patronage.
The following certificate was sent us for the public
Hssairrrs, Monroe Co. N. Y., May 10, 1851. I
We the undersigned, citizens of Henries+, having
used personally Dr. Souk's Sovereign Balm Pills. and
witnessed the health•restoriog effects thereof, cheerfully
recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the best with
which we are acquainted.
M. D. PHILLIPS, D. O. 0 rts,
P.S.—You are at liberty to publish this for the pub.
lie good.
DCw►aa or COCNTI.IIIIITS ! We are not aware ths
any one who is making a spurious article has yet Jar
ed to make use of our name ; but sorno of them has
heinlie impudence to imitate our boxes and copy out
Citstlars, Certificates, &c. Unless the public are
careful when 'hey purchase, they will be deceived.
(ja• The genuine Sovereign Bairn Pith can be had
wholesale and retai .of Dr. SOULE & Co., Syracuse
Onondaga Co. N. Y•
Sold by Dr. H. C PORTER,Towanda Pe, end by
their Agents in ever, town in the country. 2ly
Norton's. Salt Rhein had !morale Ointment.
Three boxes warranted to cure a surface as large
as our hands.
ItiOßNOWSSahrhoum and Scrofula ointme n t has
no equal in curing Saltrheum. dcrofola. Erysipelas,
Barber's Itch, Fever Sores, Scald Head.. Ringworms
&c., &c.
For sale in Towanda, by Dr. H. C, PORTER.
Lafayette Burr Mill Stone
THE under‘igned, formerly foreman fur many
.1 yearn of the Lafayette Burr NMI Hume Manu•
tncrory, 240 Washington Ell.. N. Y., (W. Tyack,
agent.) would Inform his friends and the puldio to
eneral, that he has established n
In Leroy buildings, on , posite Etehange Hotel, and
solicits P. share of their patronage.
Ile will have constantly on hand n large stool(
of French Burr Mill Stones, an also time supply
of French Burr Blineks, Bolting Cloth, &reel,
Wire, Calcined Plaster, and Patent Self. Digesting
'Phe ondprrtgned nemires his frientk and the
puhtie, thnt he wililaithrtillyexeClVA Orden Fat
trusted to hie' rare. not only In ton!ltt. but In pri•
nee nrtielea turn Med, and their kind pal.
• .
ORDERS by 'eller wait be ereedtea with as much
care and as 'cheap as when purchasers are on the
REFERENOES—Hon. D. R. Dick Inaon, Hon.
John A. Collier, Hon. A. Birdcall, Hon: V. Whit.
ney, Dr. Eldridge, Cot. H.Lewis; W. S. Weed. & Co.
IlinghanJon, D. Searle, Inane Post, Judge Jessup.
taalsbnry,& Co„ 'Montrose, Pa. Caleb ()amok
Friondoville. Thomas Phinaey, DundafT. 0. 0.
&H. Shipman. Waverly, N. Y. Thoinaa Pearsall,
Smiiliborough, N. V. Major D. Mersereau. Union.
N. Y. M. T. Nichols, Owego, N. Y. Royal &
Whitaker. Waverly, N. Y. JOHN W. SULLIVAN.
Binghamton, Nov. 0,i+941141a •
T E AS—alba best 4 shilling to Ia Ontego, is sell.
hie et 0001)Rielit & On.
C Oatdalt,
Aka(' ht,risd.
ANANUTACTURD Stearn Engin e . „ d
irk franall to 1000 horses power. Bdk in : l "P
ekbeavybon bed plates, cast in one pia k ,
Les expeneion 'alms; all joints ground so k b , _
egeenstight.without packing or paint; b eatings
' surfaces large, and running in start% ,
of bronze or Babbitt meal t all balance whe r i, -6 '
turnedelt fete. The Regulat in or is attached to th e 1 - 4
plate. The Force Pomp la an indepe n d eete
elrenged with crank shaft end tight s ....od loos.
reedy to receiver a belt from the engine shaft o ft; r
any other shaft. The whole style of work i s eel _
passed by any engine builder' in the linitod rk ete ":"
Boile of the hew American or English iro n l ift&
Cam or wrought iron—either tubular or with go
made in the most thorough manner,
Engines frona.Ato 100 horses flower enovt....
hand or in progress, to be delivered within k w it ly ,
of the receipt of an order.
Also, gimp Base Mills. capable of cawing rojo iet
board measure, of Alb° Inah boards, in 12 hours,
one Muley
saw, and regaining no other fuel tii kti
The following -- are the - prices of a few a 4, 4 e.
Bow Mill, including steam engine, boil er mi
2 , 04
chimney, complete; pitman irons; mule y Rip e I;
sette reed, a
rs ;
ete nd aft bolts and irons for 0.0 fot o /
carriage, compl,
is m
steam engine, 10 in. diameter of rylinJer, 28 i n . !
with tubular boiler, containing 'quire r - endt ,
heating aurface, and all castings, pipes, 1 3 1, A14
other parts necessary to set it to complete opention,
St een , engine, 12 in. diameter of cylinder 30 in. ssri.
with tubular boiler, containin g 480 square ha
heating surface, complete as before rt,
Delivered on the can of the Boston and Mains s 1771 R e i
road at Lawrence. 26 miles from Boston. Terani,am
on delivery.
B o il ers for the above modified to mit parthr ier
and prices accordingly. r,
McKay 4. Hondley, late of Pittsfield. Ilan., eh.
steam engines are already widely.i.nrm n , him recrac y
taken charge of the works of the Essex Compo rwto4
will be able, with their increased facilities us! ex p.
rience, to make their approved engines their and
better than heretofore.
gay ft, 11; 1 52.y GORDON-- WRAY. Apar.
AVllo,TaLPYoEptiles C u lfl a c t er a n li s
I t i h m e es h o ra f l t t h h e and ham
iraportance. I take it for granted that every pr o
wilf do all in their power to sate the liars 01'4
children, and that every person will endeavor toys
mote their own health at all noir:firm 1 feet iltalt
my - duty solemnly to a..ure you that WOMIIt
cording to the op , oior. of the 'boat celebrated plume
are the primary Callft • of a tag, majority ado, *
to which children and adults are liable : if yea ka t
an appetite continually charming Conn one kindo(
to another, tad breath. itsirt to the stomach, furigya
the 'lcor-, ['ardor.. au,l totloes. of the telly, dry tt p i n
slow fever, pulse irregular—remelt:ter that 01 gn i
denote %‘' °rim. and you ehould at mu. apply 6„,
needy :
a. obeneack's Worm gip,
An article bounded upon ifri4ciptettet&
vat/titled with purely- iregetotde b mi re,
f rci y i j a r witt r. talien, and drirfninArtl in on :nein
and not leaving the system to a a:seated
roost advertised twain:inv. composed ,4 Csloatellordo
'mown) of Wofille , , ►oCII u. 1..4.1:gt5. Vero:*
rite., but has I.•rG,rmad Lim moo ew,oi.turt curts,4o
64 ,1,4 the lave •yr thousands, both youtig it 4 J a y
haws /wen pronounced hopeless locatable by flys
claw. Read the fallowing, and become eutou tc g
its efficacy over all others:
Me. J. N. 16111.111 bat C g--Tillg is to eett4 ttot ty
child, la year. of Age, hewing been sit/ kr,'lyorici
was sttendod by Drs. Loper. Whillvi anti Phdief krs
Long time without Ferreting any besmit ; whi t dig
eying her op se incorsble. I
went to Phata*ist
consulted mai of the best physicians; het dueled
grossing Worse. It was st this time I war irdsrals
try flobensuelea Worm Syrup, and after ts4ot to
bottles she entirely regained Ger health. Hopes
ibis will prove s benefit to parents whose chaos
similarly affectrtl.
I em yours, &c.,
Zobensack's Li ver Pills.
No part of the system is more liable to dtseuedei
the Li•eo, it wervirte as a fi•terer to purify &Uzi.
Of giving a proper secretion to the bile ; so that r
sr yang action of the Liver elects the 'other
parts of the trystain, and revolts variously to
Liver complaint, Dyspepsia, Ace. We dual
watch every symptom that might imbrue
"clam of the laver. These Pills being cool
Roofs and Plants, furnalred by natant to bed
_N am ely, let : An Expectorant, which coin
secretion from the pulmonary maces mesh
promotes the &ethane of secreted metier. t
Altera( he, which changes in same 'warble
explicable manner, the certain mead It=
system. 3.l—a Tonle, w loch glees lone Eels
to the nervous system, reeve wine health sod 'IP'
parts of the body. 4th—a Cwkari,c, wbxbr
perfect harmony with other inereoente, lIP
on the 'bowels, and er pehirg the w hole MOOS
and vitiated matter, and pyrifying the Y.ood
strove disease and restores health.
Agents for Bradford Courr y—Dr. Pal
J. M. Reed, Towanda ; C. H. Hemet, Arm
Bullock & Co. Smithfield ; Barnes Si. Be'e ,
ley ; H. Spear, Springfield ; /
Taylor, Burlington ; Brown Sc ItwkweiL
Parkhuat & Lamb, Leroy : Whan , . Part o .`"'• C6-7c
also T. B, H.Jorland, Col umhia travels
THE cusscr:ber woe:
nonnee to tir rub :t
have not; en h.:rd,AC. L.
to order al klrlds of
••••,. 171.1-Miri Cabinet Pernitze.
!°Ch sofal.Dcrar.c Len
Center, ON?
fast Tattles. Mancro.r.t.
nat. Maple. an.i R.:
Stand< var..•.l ,
and Bedsteads of evert. d,.seripti , n. rrc e
will he made of the%hest merral .nd R !IV
manner, and which they will sell r.r CU
than can be bought in any ether tire.r , `" 2
14.2[Atar-ivranzi aormo
on hand on the most reasona:l;e
FICA RSE will be furnished on runera. • al':
Towanda, June 1, 1852.
1/TR. OLMSTED Pnor,lKr ns of
nit Change: g,v Iv. thank• to
and ths traveling public geberarY•
patronage, and silicas the cominulece e2l
will run reeul.rlv to and 'rum the Wave r 4,
to meet the Mail Trains for the secornal.4ltl
strangers and travelers, who Wigl 10 TO '
ant viliage un business or niherwise. 4":
of first rate
Four 'lurk Cacho,
running through to Towanda. Thole
will be torured a .eat in the coach from the
and those going to the
;fl o ri n he "" ins at ur et ed th a l' e n o li n ' ve a ;s d nee llr i e n nattemnebteo cr
nt '
regular trains of cars going East 0 1 We ll
Alpo those who wish to lave thetr term
can be conveyed to and from thee:tartest,'
Athens, Sept., 4, I BST
2 ept
BLAKES Patent Fire Proof Paint, the,
you can get the pure sitiele, le et P•
Towanda, Oct. test B. KISOODC
R. Bono