Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 19, 1853, Image 3
r l2 Aorougti Ordipasice.. couscies 9mcs,Februm 21, 110 a T a stlebqkg of the Titre .Contril ofthe borough d Towanda, the . following Ordinance was thrMs : Be it ordained by the Town Con& if ou gh of Towanda, that hereafter no building s hell be erected or moved within the limits of said bomo gb without application first - made to the Conn. i n writing, stating the kind of building materials io be grante d use its construction, and its locality—and a pe rmit g by said Council in pursuance of y d application ;also, that no wooden building shall temo r mr be erected within the following limit, to mi; On Bridge Street, within 80 feet of either side ;laid R street, from theßiver to Main street ; on s i n; Street within 10(1 feet of either side of said wed f ro m Bridge street to State street ; and within f o f e e; of either side of the Public Square. And metbereafter oo wooden building shall be moved within said limits from any place without the same And any woolen building erected upon, or moved m io ! aid limits in violation of this ordinance, shall be deemed and the person so et 'cling or mov ing su ch building shall be punished accord- WM. ELWELL, Burgess. tati • - -Ma f rch 15,1153. If Multi. PIN E. Clerk. LIZZL usr 2.1170.11021. 1 Reu b en Smead, vs. Lydia Smead, in Bradford Coun ty Com Pleas. !'o. 361 ....Sept Term 18b2. •T• yiNASMEAII, defendant in iht. aboie causf : L Toe are herby notified that Reuben Smead. your husband. ha. filed his petition for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. -And an alias sub. pctaa hie been returned. and proof made that you are hot to be found in said county. ird u are , t h ere , fore. hereby required to appear at .he Court House. ths born of Towanda, on Monday the 2d day of miy „,,, being the first day of May term of said nun of corn. pleas. to answer the said complaint. and rho. , cause, truly you have, why the said Ruben >hall no! be divorced from you. C. THOMAS, Sherd. stein Mee, Towanda, Margh, 9 IBM .11L ., U , L . L . 1 .. 1 . J111,• 1 •o- j oiw ian 114 helps. rs Mary Jane Phelps in Brad ford County, Corn. Please .No. 267 Dee. Term 1852. iIARY SINE PHELPS. defendant in the above cause: You are hereby notified that Jonathon Iph e i rt hß, your husband, has filed his pet.tion hr4divrce from the bonds, of matrimony. And in subpen a has beon returned, and proof mode mat rou are not I.( be found in said county. You re. therefore, hereby required to appear at the coon !loose. In the Ivoro' of Towanda. on Monday. the 2d (lay of May next, being the first day of May win of said court of corn. plas, to answer the 'raid eeraplamt. and show cause, if any you have, r why the said Jonathan shall not he divorced from you. C. THOMAS, Sheriff. Sheritts Ottice, Towanda, March 9, 1953.. ZAILICUIS ratxrearairna ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWANDA. the north end of the Ward House, (lately occupied o Laporte, Maenh & Ca.) Towanda, March, 5, 1953. SHERIFF SALE. . Br virtue of a writ of Levari Facia. issued Out of he Court of Coumon Pleas, of Bradford 'oun- •:,and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the boro' of Towanda, on ttatorday the 9th day of April, at I o'clock, P. M., be following lot, piece or parcel of land situated in Ralaberry twp., Bradford County, state of Penn's- Beginning at an elm tree standing on the west bank 3:l3entley Creek and running thence south 6° east I terches and 2-10 to the north-east corner of A bi- Fuller's farm, from thence S. II E. 30 perches to 'mum butternut tree otanding on the went side of .r west embankment of the mill run ; thence S. 2° 'C• E. 10 perches to a pot and , tones.-standing by grime tune stump; thence S. 54 W. 6 perches and r-lOto a pod and stones ; thence 8.2 E. 9 perches Is the tomb east corner of said A hiah Fuller's farm, 14.:ng a butternut tree ; thence north 27 E. 14 per to a post, 8. r• 8 E. 8-7 to a hemlock tree stands •; on the east hank of said Bentley Creek ; tl-nee N.!: West 4'35 In a zorner on the east bank of str.!eretk ; thence N. PS W. 9 perches to the place sclninnine. Containing 4 acres and GO perches, ante or les., all improved, and having there,•n edscne and a half story frame house sand a saw. ..eether with the mill run and prtviliges thereto MEN !, And taken jn execution al the suit of S`l3 rrin g 4 Co. va A . ssph eblhorn and C. T Mut- C• THOMAS. Sheriff. Saer,ls O,ace , Towanda; March. 1 - 7, 18341. Nance t. hereby ei.ett. that an amount equal to . .)econ, will be required to be paid apart each sale von 'track down to Ihr-bidder; and upon a failure , i , epir with this reanlatiOni the matt bf tend will Rea he offered for sale, ADVERTISEMENT; 1. • Ir H. BAIRD, formerly of Bradford Co.. Pa. II I rs ern eng * aged with the firm of VanDusen, Wirth, who have this day removed to their reartous - stoVe.N° 40 Vesey street. corner iC l lstelt. fin the re.r of the Astor. House) where I" ire prepared to eshibit a very farce and leenl s.sorirlient . of Foreign) and Domestic kV GOODS, adapted to the country trade. Tlary., In e stak of Merinsac. Co • heo. and oth de,trable sly It a of Piin IP. ,Cash as well as eiars emit customers will find it to their in. to ra il. They have also a department devoted to the iT and SHOE business , . and feel eonfrdent they der better 'narstains in that fine.tMen any e xclu ttsk,st and shoe house in Kew York, from the I :hat the expense is much less in' propoi lion to 'arsvint of sales. Mr. Baird ,fiatirri himself naviae the benefit 0f.,15 yearn experience m the ` a ortic business in Bradford Co.. his km - mm.4T qyle pi goods adapted to the Nor hern Penn• trade, awl make it an object for merch dcrig bastuess ut that section to give him a it, 0 46ert 14 r eno4h ih the above lines wiU be 'I'FLF attended to, and the articles warranted - to 441 :fitioo. Net York, March, I. 1853. • • IM Illa.41:1111111C. ine:lir 110 VgBaDIV E•WORIZI. lIE citlie ns of the bore' o( Towanda and vicin ''Y.'re ret.pectlulty inftkrroed that the subscri lla‘eommenced busine , s on the south corner and Bridge streets, wberelms will kee p on It tuvi fnr r•alP, every attainable article in his It us ills Intilltion to keep a constant cuPPLT tircs teries and Provisions -i•et the wants of the toininunity, which wil l he ttrd wait care, and sold at the lowest price. Po L. has a large. mock of Confectionary and nuts, other firtlcle, to the grncery line.' • • Car, Fish, Candies. Eggc, - .nil all the different 'of provisions to be obtained, *all be kept on Cash paid for Butter, Lard and Eggs, and oribe articles !old by the farmer. 'lie ". received every day by Express from New 4 d served up in a superior style, and sold tallon, quart or pint. (4 e are a eall—as lam determined by eon 2atretbn to business to deserve, as I hope to 7 t Ith Ste orpublic patronage. .sanda, Jan. 8. 1852. A. J. NOBLE. 11111:1173E• 3111G-"11Ell ANDRE W JACKsON, Physician and Bor. r,eos. respectfully inform s the cititens of Tt, k4.rand . for vicinity that he has established him •,: the purpose of exercising ng in his profess Ulster or Jackson has been practising f or for the thre last years, and MT bald responsible medical appointments Sited and Scotland 'ls bound when not professianally ' ed L'l, ;;;A boarding house, 2d door eOit-o lloce Rersaxscr—Dr. Roston. • 'llda,March 10, 1833: A'. JACKSON It D eing‘tio Arte - , I ' LI M En ror every deveriptkm it MERBURS. ' Slits.:: stuiti. , 43PitiNG 18434 Tug fubscilbeis 97991 ii Walla their friends and hies for i customers, that, Out bairsinartasid their fawn- nann4etqing ' • (L", (11) rit liTeri and intend keeping thelargEsi 'stock and: 21101 1- meat , of •• • -• • • • • , ' CLOTHING, SHIRTS; DRAWERS, Platt ISHING GOODS,'OILED CLOTHING , AND. RUBBER GOODS, • that can be found in the: States. Terme and pri tes satisfactory. HANFORD & BROTHER. 29 Park Row. opposite the Astor House. New York. Mardi 9, HUI Tateen and Store to Rent. THE subscribers offer for rent for a leg ; term of years. their TAVERN STAND II and STORE et BRlsttbelsok. in Shexbetinin township. The Tavern is • large and well-arranged building, with .-tabling attsched.well calculated fur a Hotel, and is well keeled for , busi ness. Two or three acres will he rented with the Tavern. if desired, with an orchard. The Store is • new 'building. of good size, and the location a first rate one fur the mercantile business- They will be rented or together at the will of the ap plicant. D. BRINK &SON. Hurnbrook, Feb. 17, 1P53. 1111.111LJ . 711 C• WIN NIV WHEREAS. my wife CATHARINE, has left my bed and board. without any just cause or provocation. this is hereby to fotbid all persons from harboring or trosling her on my account, as I shall pay no debts of her contracting. Asylol7). Feb. 15. tes3. GEO. HARFORD. ADMINIBTitATORIS NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN HORTON, deed, late of Rome township, are hereby requeSted to make immediate payment. and those having claims against said estate, will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN HORTON.? Administrators. 11. MORGAN. 5 February 16, 1853, AbMINISTRATOR'S ft/t/TII.:E. • A M. persons indebted to the estate cif CHARLES 'I FORBES, decd late of Rome twp., are hereby requested to make payment without delay : and all those having demands against said estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. JULIANNA FORBE WILLI ASf F.-h. 17. 1853. NEW GOODS. ICUs INC:IIILIIII7IGeIpaiIiIILI.MEIL'Ifif TS thil day receiving from Ne Yp an assort .' merit of New Winter which will be disposed of on the most reasonable terms, for ready pay.. Towanda, Feb. 16, 1653. F LOUR. -A quantity of superfine flour. just re ceived, and for sale by B. KINGSBURY. Towanda. Feb. 18, 1853. WATTS =ATOM ANTI:NMI. S URE Relief tbr Disease and Pain, warranted to give Relief, or the money refunded. A written guarantee is given to each purchaser, and if the or tide is not all it is represented to be, the money will be refunded. Cures all Nervous complaints., ate. Sold by Dr. H. C. PORTER, Towanda, Pa. Feb. 16, 1853. • AL . 2%R - irn:Do 1 r H. WILSON. formerly of Bradford County, V • Pa., returns his thanks to his friends furpast favors.-and solicits the continuation of their patron age. Having made arrangements k—eontlaise with the firm of Fuller 1r Dayton N° 143 West street, be tween Barclay and Ve-ey streets, where he ettn be found always ready to supply his customers want ing GROCERIES, with a supply at low prices and on favorsbre terms. Particular pains will betaken to keep no hand desirable.goods for teat section of the country. New-York. Feb. 9, 1852. ' BRYAN'S rtLeiortic • 11AFERS. THIS extraordltilry preparation has been forma ny year. fhe roost e:crtaifr and speedy remedy for Cocoas, ASTIIII A, It anxcasTrs, INTLCIL.3. lA. AND •r/191,11ittfor TDIC CINIVVr' AND Iscyras. To those suffering from obstinate and confirmed Coughs, they give the most immediate and perfect relief, and whet. creat liability to take cold exists. and a troub le.inmeofJoUxh selceeedis the 'lig hte-st exposure, these W A F4frq produce the most marked results. • They at (mei relieve the Cough and other symptofns, and entirely remove that morbid irritability and weak. nest' of the Nov *Melt give•Klie to the corbplaint. The medical properties aite combined in an ggreri hle form and pleasant to the taste, so lhat any child will readily take them : and they are warranted to give relief in ten minutes-afiei use in all eases. • Price 25 cerils per box. For sale by Dr. H. C PORTER. Towanda. Pa. Towanda. Feb. 9.1853. Clover' Seed. L I AJ BUhHELS of Clover Need just received and• for sale by the subscribers at the lowest cash pins, or eschanced to. most kitrds of pnxittee. Towanda, reh.S. 11463. BAILEY k NEVINS. NOTICE; SUBSCRIBERS to Mr. Knapp, for the History of the World, (by H Bill.) Webster'. Diction'', and the Bible, are respectfully informed that They well 6e delivered as soon as Mr. Rogers can get •round tvith them, who will deliver them instead of myself, on account of my health being so poor that I am unable to do it—which is also the cause, flu• gelber with the'.catcity of money) of their not be ing 'delivered before. F• M. BABCOCK. Jan. 28,.185.1. Clo*er, Sad. 4(1 BUSH. CLOVER SEED, for sale jir the 7, lowest rate by, E. W. HALE. Woodside. (near Towanda) Jan. 28. 1853. Plaster. TILE subscriber. have made arrangements for quantity of Planer, in be delivered iuthe Spring which will be sold for $13,50 per ton for ready pay. Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats and Buckwheat will be re ceived in payment at the going cash price. , Towanda, Jan. 27, 1953. BAILEY 4 NEYIIII. Clover Seed. TEST received a quantity of very superior Clover Seed. Farmers would do well to purchase their seed early. J. KINGIBIIERY. Towanda, Peb. 5, 1853. O. of co. P. IQ ECM. AIR Meeting of Iradford Encampment are held at the Odd Fellows Hall on the even• itig of the , let and 3d Fridays of each month. C. S. RUSSELL &rib... A Priendly, Can.. THE subscribers are, compelled by the necessity of liability to ask those knowing themsettea indebted., to come and settle and make payment, etherwise they need not be surprised to Bud their aci countsiOged where payment can be . enforced. Towanda, P l eb. 4,11 1 85. MONTANYE'S do Co. The aaconnisand notes . of ISAAC POST deed. are at the store cf the above firm, and immediate at tention to their settlement will save coat. THOMAS ELLIOTT. J. D. MONTANYE. Towanda, Feb. 4.1868. Administrators. CLOVER SEEM Au an tity OflaTe and Bmall CECIVtIi et gD lust reed toy J. PG WELL - inctriombilt; t;Pc. _.41863, N..:,..l74''.lt:Clitiiiiroagli • • T -411 k CliL AA RE now reeeivin weekly over the above tho. roughfare, all t he latest and most fashionable styles of Goods arriving in Sew York, fresh from the hands of the importers. • Also, the choice.t and beat of heavy Staple Goods and at price* that cannot tail to please. Their arrangements are Such that thereat, sell goods it wholesale RIP eta, as low as they can be portholld of the jobbers in New York city. With an humble acknowledguolu of past favors, an examination of Their yeti , extensivh assortment of Goods is respectfully solicited. Towanda. Jane 15, 1852. • aid Shoes. A LARGE stock of Ladies', Children's and kisses' Gaiters. Buskins, Slippe rs. Polkas and Boots.— Also a one glio'llitiesit of men ► a and hoes calf. kip and morocco Boots. Shoes and Brogans. and • pod 1:71 of gent's Gaiters anal Congress Boots just For June I. kIERCUR'EI. THE I4FZ RETURN Of Sir John Franklin, should cause no ;realer is eitement, than the NEW STOCKED CLOTHING STORE COME H. BUNTINO, TEE Wasp no trait BUNTING respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, in town and the sorround ing country. together with " all WIC rest of man. kind," that he has just received from New York. one of the moat complete assortments of Mens and Boys Ready Made Clothing, ever before offered in Towanda, together with Cloths, Cassimeres. Vest. ings, and Trimings which he will make up in the most approved style, and at the lowest price. He has also on hand one of the most faitbionable stock of Furnishing Goods, such as Woolen Un, dershins, Overshirts, Overalls, Drawers, and every article in his line pertaining to Gentlemens' War , drohe, Which Will IA sold Cheaper than any other Clothing Store 'n Bradford County. He is confident that fro.a his long expenence that he' can give general satisfaction. He employs none but the most expert Workmen, and feerls assured that his work sill not suffer by comparison with the best city shops either in elegance of workmanship or el, egance of style; and hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of that libersl pat. ronage which has been extended to him heretof.lre. Returning sincere thanks for past favors he asks the public to give him a call and see for themselves. a:j'CUT TING done as usual and warranted to 61 if properly made op.-CD CCr Don't mistake the place, on the corner of Main at., and the public square„ opposite the Ward House4:ll 'Tie even so, this world is " all a stage," And gents must dress in this propessive ag•, Each have their taste of style, of cut and dress— The question asked where can we get the best 1 Where can the largest stock of goods be found! Say where the cheapest and best abound 1 Where can we at the shortest notice get A coat, a vest and pantaloons that fit 1 To answer these, I frankly say to all The cheapest place is " Bunting's Clothing Hall." Towanda. Dec. 29, 1852. OYSTER SALOON. Mtn I r aTala3Sto WOULD say to his friends and the public gener ally that he has located hiniseif in the OYSTER SALOON, Ia the Basement cies 'Union Block, next doer to Hriggs' Hotel, (formerly occupied by W. R. Smalley.) where be will be receiving Oysters three times a week by express, and will serve 'bent up in the uteli approved style. He has spaied no pains orexpense to make it one of tha best EWIITIJrG EST4BLISIIeIIEXT this side of ri ewAtork. Oysters, by the gallon/ quart or pint, at the fowl est rates. Towanda, Gel. 27, 1852. Cistern and Ural' Paings ! • LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams ! of any kind, rize, fur ready pay.4.r sale br 4 Jan. 8, 1553. ' R. 1 0 ; W HUES. NEW GOODS OPPCSITE THE COURT HOUSE. serranr & zinlims, HAVEjust completed a large and finely finished Store on the site of the two they had hornet, sire filled it with the largest and most comprehens ive stock of• Groceries, .Provisions, Yankee Notions, .Fruit, Confectionary, Toys, tom, diAs. ever exhibited this side of the city. We hive bought for cash, articles of the best Valify ; co'foe/nentif tire prepared to sell at as low prices as the same quality can be bought at any other Wares. AAd tie flatter ourselves that if fortune has bleff against as. (fire having consum ed two stores and one atnek of gonritij our old cos. miners will not 1'011(4 the precediirf, if they call and see our stock an hear the exceedingly low prices. Among the many articles we have are . dROGERIES, Tea, Pilger, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, molasses, Stewart's syrup, ginger pepper, spice, cloves, nuf. megs, cinamon, saleratus, soda. cream 'tartar, ground mustard. pepper sauce, catsup, tan tiles, bar asap, vinegar. starch &c., &c. PH0V1141 . 01,04, Mess pork and beef/ hams and stfourders, wheat Ontir, bockwhe.,t flower, curb meal, soda and butter crackers, mackerel!, codfish; shad, nerring. potatoes beans onions, Arc. , &c ..• P 17 LT AND rif IT 2' Preserved prates, cilions, English currants, raisins, green and dried apples. Almonds, filberts, genobte and madejia walnuts, brazil nuts, peanuts, chest nuts, bielfovy net, &e. Jr 0110. 4 -44 ivory, horn and wood pocket combs, toilet. combs, One combs, hair, cloth, teeth, infants. and blacking brushes, wallets. porte monies. and„purses of many styles, pocket ink stands, pocket and small fancy trurrors,Jobaueo, boxes, ante boxes, and almost every artiett in this -ins. Work boxes, toilet cases, decretaries, plain and embitidefed, work baskets of many styles. . - zirersivirPso, Germen,Frjench and American TOYS of i efe,ery de scription all 4 prim. A few eanhin and pewter tea setts, for little girls,iand a few boys' !kerbs. BROWNI3.,WASH WARDS, SUGAR BOXES, WILLOW AND BPLINT MARKET BASKETS. 11 L, , , Ashton Ashy salt. grodnid rock salt , frallAle son bath coarse and fine. Also, A' ifuatility of White Stone Lime. CANDY whAesale or rebfit of all kinds and innumerable other articles, for tiali it the new store opposite the Court House. Towanda, Dec. I. 1835 DAlfett 4 REVfNe. CLOTHING!! te"An i ittiPLl, ghavehaagavlti ‘ tr e e d e op p t e h ri . bed by H. CLOTHING STOII, in the same place as before and are new offering for dudish!. Assortment of Gill sal winter 0" 0 D . • They being desirous of making up their meat Its.e. will sell stsmustrally low prices.. Tinned', `hr. 8, Me. - q ITEM ? Wet) AND Legal , Miefitileitatte. ExecuromNoves-; A lbparsons indebted lb the tittle d( _ Nansess,lleil latoitiltsodtiteStitite. are hiri. by r . equr ted makeitamediste payment and those hating thdnitt - iitabisfiahrestatEotinlalie pre. sent thentioly Andteadentrd M r settlement. Mailtibilqraeontot. • Feb'y. 11.111.13. ; A DMINIdrrRATOIFti istaricE. ALLltersons indebted to the estate of Curtis Fri nk deed late of Wryitot. are • hereby retpiesteJ to Make immediate payment and those havoix claims against said petal?. sill please Prisout them duly authenticated for sOtlement. _H. MOW AN. Feb. 10.18 M: ADMINIBTBATOWB NOTICE. A LL persona kgowing themselves indebted to the estate of BENJAMIN COOLBAUOIL deed late of Monroe tp., are hereby requested to make immediate payment. and those baying claims against said estate will please *event them duly authenti- cated for settlement. E. ILCOOLIJAUGH. Monroe- Feb Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A LL„persons indebted to ,ihe estate of CEO. JARWAt, deed , late of Windham, are hereby requetted to make payment Without dela.f. abd those baringclaims against said estate. will please pre. sent them duly authenticated for settlement T. L. JARWAY, . A. JAKWA Windham, Dee. IC, 452. Admini.nrators. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ALT. persons indebted to the estate of JACOB HEYMAN dec'd late of Ridgberry twp., are hereby requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against said estate, will plea,' presentthem duly authenticated for settle ment. t r' Feb. 10. 1059 it DMINisTR %TOR'S ?it MICE A LLpersona indebted to the estate of LAMES M. DEM ARtST, deceased. late of Windham tp. are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate, will please present them duly authenticated for settle meat: EMALINE DEItA RIST. March 9, 1953. Administrator NOTICE. pliE Commissioners of Bradfoid County. have 1 axed upon the following days and places ret speed eel) , for holding appeals, viz: Durell—at S. Decker's—Tuesday Feb. 22d Asylum —at Jacob Frutchy's—Wednesday Feb 23d. Wilmot—at J. P. Horton's—Thursday Feb. 24th Albany—at Sheffield Wilcox's—Frid ly Feb. 25th Mt nrue—at J. P. Smith's—Saturday Feb. 26th Wyenx—at Wysox Academy—Monday Feb. 28th Standing Stone—at S Stephens' —Tue.. March Ist Wyslusing—at .1. U. Black's—Wed. March 2d Tuseamra—al C. E. Wells'—Thursday March 3d Pike--at 8. Canfield's—Friday March 4 h Herrick—at N. B. Wetnsore's—Saturday March sth Rome—at H. Hick's—Monday March 7111 Orwell—at F. C. Woodrutr—Tuesday March Bth Warren—at R. Cooper's—Wednesday March 9th Windham—at Mrs. Russel's—Thurs. March 10th Litchfieldat C Bloodgood's—Friday March 11th Sheshequin—at H. Kinney's Satorda) March 12th Athena born' & twp—at W.Olmsted'a—Monday March 14 rh Elster—at A. Olmsted's—Tuesday March 15th Burlington—at A. McKesn's--Wed. March 16th Smithfield—at A. J. Germ!lcFm—Thurs. March 17th Springfield -•-at A. Knapp's—Friday March 16th Ridaberry—at C. French's—Saturday March 19:h South Creek— at P. Fassetes—Monday March 21st Wells—at R R. Beckwith's—Tuesday March 22.1 Columbia-ssat James Moron's—Wed. March 23d Troy boro' & tp.—L. B. Morse's--Thurs. March 24th Armenia—at J. S. Brecker's—Friday ' , larch 25th Granville-4-o J. Bailey's—Saturday March 26th Canton—at It Coolhatigh's—Monday March 28th Leroy—tt D; Morse's—Tuesday March 29th Franklin—at J. Brinks—atednestlay March 30th North & South Towsnda—Lat Commissioners' office —Thursday March 3lst Towanda boro'—at Conn's office—Friday April lit '1 he Assessors will he punctual in de r ivering die notices to the taxables. and in making their returns on the day designated in their Warrants, at which time and (lace the Hoard of Revision will attend and heaid(f such as think themselves aggrieved by said assessment, and make such deduction and al terations, if to them shall seem jest. By order of the Com*rs. E. M. FARRAP, Clerk. Com'ra Office, Towanda, Feb. 9. 185.1. nr - 111-IING STORE. J. sk a. Arati.ANDER, de. CO. TN the Wick' Block, next door to Mercers :fort hose 1. just added to their stock, a large and fishions bls assortment of Ready made Clothing, •D• 1 1 ,1011) TA TIE SLASOI►, of every variety, both of stylt and price, to which they ask the attention of the public. This is now the largest stock. Ever Offered in Towanda !! and will be sold at prices eonsiderable lower than Bier befone known in this plaee. Oar goods are selected with a regard both to style and price, and offer indueements,not to be met with at any other establishmeut. re Strangers visiti_Towanda, or oth ers in want ofCLOTEDING will find THEAsAREE4T ASSORTMENT at our establishment. is this section of the coyntry. and mader 19 such style and materials as to ensure satisfaction. We - shall endeavor ly LOW PaiCia & GOOD CUMMING, to secure rwironace. feeling confident mat our arti cles will gi yr satisfaction to the purchaser. The assortment comprises every article required for a gentleman's outfit. TERMS—.CASH. Overcoats, Coats Pants, ()trawlls raps tc LOCATIO3IN.—Next .dont eolith of Meetur's Main st, Towanda ; aid No. 7 Water ft! Animus Hall. Elmira; and under A. C. Porters Hotel, Tioga Y ill. see. Tioga Co. Pa. Towanda May 29th IRM. . , - 1 1 QUO. L.4uons ! THE Subscribers haring fi irmed a . copartnership under the firm of S.. fELTOrq & co 'ing • general Liquor business. orunld respectfully auk Hotel beepers and all others in rant cf :la thing in their line to gira them a call. Welntend keeping on hand a general assorfinitie of Foreign Liguori., which' ri'e can sell cheaper. 'hon.., any of e else in the count, from 'Me fact that we 'oily direct from the importers, and thefeby care a large profit charged by the N.P. Jobbers ; Liquors are warrant.. ed pure and free from adtitteration. Also constant. ly on hand Whiskey of the best cuatity. We have made arrangements by which we can furnish our . : eta4)6lin with any iv:anat., of Binghamton BEER fresh from the literally. Plesee give us a call.— The notes and aneounts of the otrllrm of B. Fel ton & Co., are in our hands for settfimen. ts. et LTON E; T. rat Towatnfa, Witt likß,l 1.4,1:: 'Z' AND DRESS-MAtING. MKam C. O.& M. A. LYON. have established themselves in Itlonroeton. intend carrying on the abOveNbusiness in all its various branches. and respectfully. solicit a share of the public patronage. A ehofde stock at • .• MILLINERY. Will Welter two hand and for sale at the lowest pri ces.. Miss Lyon will he constantly advised of the latest fasbibite by the connexion in the city. and no endelioars will be spared to please. Mamma: Now. 20. 1882. D" Goops.—A good "economist of ramose LP every Ptyle of dm!, goods irons by ladies . aid ebllll4n, for rale et led I.lll"Retlitik JOHN 8. FRISK lidministrato tIEN.I. REYMAN, M. B. REYMAN. Executor. Soseph Powell, IS now receiving from New York the moat corn. plete and •ar ed assortment of Dre.a and Family Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Dom* and Shoes,Hats and Caps, Leather &c., ever ex, hibited in Towanda. 111 r Flock of Dry- Goods will. be found to conta:n most decided bargains in.shawls, Metin,,es, plain and figured delaines, thaw cloths, alpacas, ladies flannek &e., a good stock of glove, and hosiery. every ~.tyle of D'Oc23 - 0;2U:9 ZSV - Jao such as tickings, stripes, bleached and unb!esched muslirlso,hartic.r, %hinting, eneheeo and meri; mac print.. WOOLEN GOODS, of eve ry description.comprising Jesno, sheeps grey. and linsey plaids, which will be - sold cheap and to which I invite the attention of close buyers fur cash. Towanda, Dee. I, 18.52. IGHTS.—Frelh.Csnwhine and Burning FluiJ I ept concttmilv (-Ft 113nd at - MERCURB. CAI; jun received at L..? Towanda. DEC. t 5. 1852 Cm a Pamphlet of the Agent, and sae what wonders ae► aceerolitiehed by the ore of this meilwine. Fold h• teeyettabls dealers gtnerally, In the Piths *Jots any! Canada. Also by Anerrr.,-11. C. Porter, Towanda—W:3l Kin thens—r,:i Baird, Tray—D. V. Darnel. Columbia Flats-1.. D. Tayl , r, Durlintztln—Pri , .bie & Dr. , n•, 1)) er. Co4ingurn—D. M. DailAT Mansfield--Mmplifey . & Place, Tioga—Terrell Montpaqt- , -Prrry & Ogden. F.'llnira. WlD.lesale afzenta are Ward, Close & Co., 6'3 Maiden st., New S: AIMU4I SOZWOa Hs..- M. C. MERCUR, have in received a . very large and general aimortment of FA 1. 1. q 0D 8 , which they otter to the publics at their usual low price.. sem 15 mecoomairxes t zoos wax CARPENTERS & JOINERS will find a full an sortment of plane., gauges;saWs, equates, trying quarts, bevels, cempasses, iron and wood spirit levels, augers, gimlet, center and roger bills, broad, hand and bench axes, adzes, hammers, chisel., gouge*, chalk lines and speols, brid and scratch awls, tapeilinak&e. BLACKSSIMHS will find anvils, micas, bellows, sledges, hand And shooter hammers, esspg. Nes. iron braces, bins, hand drills, horse shoes "rid nails,' serest plates,and a general assortment of caskfliorman i spdag English aid American blister steel, Swam Asisriesm and English iroo. • MASONS will 444 . brick and.. trowels. stew bamsora, lathing hatchet% tai wash breatow, tkt., eiestantly on band atlitlTlrS, MIMI • S'T A GI LoAvg Towauda, tot Maces nalls,Bylington,East Stradifteld Ridgetiery,,adir Wellsbnne m de pot We Z. It:every -Atalirlat t Was' assns., and Fattier at 8 eticick A. M., and arrive at the time to take the craoia& train of cars either east or west, same 'dap Returning Tessnst, Tstuasner and SsTi7libAT, after the arrival of the Easterturain, and also the We, tern care from ..laffersori p Elmira. die, and ar rive at Towanda. Same day. Pass :—Towanda to Meteor's mills... 971 "- to Burlington. 50 • " to East Sokith4eld. 421 to Ridgebery, 1,00 " to Wellsburg depot. 1.25 Express packages to or from the Rail Road care fully delivered at moderate charges. D. 31; BULL, Proprietor Towanda. Oct. R. I t3S:i., DAILY LINE OF MAIL STAGES, 1121111/Mntr• VOW /KC WC Mir TOVIZASIDA AND .WELITZIALIt proprietrrs are now run -a ,pißgrg;isti' robe a daily line tit' four horse 4%. coaches. between Towanda and the New York and Erie Railroad. at Waverly. They are devermined that no efforts or expense shall be spared to keep this line stocked and run, in a manner worthy the encouragement of the public. Leave 'Waverly every day, at 9 o'clock. A- M., or after the arrival of the morning trains, and arriv• ing at Towanda. at 12 o'clock A. M., in time to con nect with a line of stages, to Tunkannock. . Leave Towanda every day at 2 P. M.. arriving at Waverly in time to take the evening Italica. east Or Crest. At Toe•anria, pessengera cnn take stages fur Wil• liamsporieWells4orough and Montrose. and carriag es can always be obtained, as may be desired. The Proprietors are prenared to take any num ber of passenger s by ilitilt3S of extra stzues, if nee. essary. (rj` (Mice in Ton arida, at the Ward House, from which all the stages take their departure. A. KENNAP. & CO.. Prz.prieLori. tn, !sr:2 071POSIXTION 18INE , 1181. 4 01:21 MEC WAVCRLY TO TOWANDA. T 111; subscribers are now ran , ' ,- A nirg a coach de:lv from Waver IS to Towandn.they may be found rn4.rning and evening at O. H Hallett's Claremont Hou.e, Waverly, and a: noon al Wm. Brizge"fo. wanna.`The patronage of friends and travelers will be diankfully received. till 1W ¢ BIACKM.I7I. Shreiequin, Nay. 15, 1852. ()au] r.\m-w FALL & WINTER GOODS. IMPORTANV TO TUZ . . tra:aer, Farrier & Stage Proprielot GEO. W. MER C HANT'S CELEBRATED GARGLING OE visraws.icutr to ram 111170111' Of KIIIDIft“ is tika most rasszksbls Mammal Applimittat s, Pacave7l'.:.. -„ -- tocc* " They can't Keep House without it." Experience of more than sixteen year. bta ertatilinhad he fact that Merchant'. relekratal Gargling OV, or is& crul Fami;y Ennarogataun, will cars met cams, eat en lave ail such al Spavits,, Sweeney, Ringivne, Windgslle, Poll Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels, Galls of ail kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises. Fis tula, Sidast, Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameness, Foundered Feet, Scratches or Grease, Mange, Elieumatsm, Bites of Animals. External Poi sons, Painful Nervous Affections. Frost Bites. Boils, Corns, Whitlows.. Burns and Scalds. Chillhlains, Chapped Hands, Cramps, Con tractions of the bluatica, Swellings, Weakness "of the Joints., Caked Breasts, &c. dre. cte. The nunaraneled success of this to the rots or das. *Sees to lioness and Cattle, and even to human desk, to daily becoming more known to the fanning community. It ran hardly be credited, extent by those Who have hoe* to dui habit of keeping It id their stables lost hone*, what • rain amount of pain, cufferptg and thee, us sawed by the timely Application of ibis Oil. Sir Re -ore tba name of the sale prorrfitter. GEORGE W. MERCHANT. Lockport. N. V., is blown In the it the bottle, and in Ms hitmlerntinA over the cork. All onion addressed to the proprietor will be prompt)/ responded to. NITS WOW EFZE Corn She Horst. • - T HE very best atticle to be found is tba aearify, and eheipest — (Warranted)—for . eiii ai Agricultural end Slove of R. 11. WELLE& Stoves! Stoves! . • (MOONING Stoves of various and excellent pat-• ter.. sizes and prices. Four patterns of sieve• tell Oven rooking Stoves, the best to be found la" Bradford, foe sale cheep. Efegasil Parlor Sqopts, for; s ood or coal, of different pattern., &e. Bow sad• C.a/ St,res fur Halls, Stores, Churehre, School Houses, Ate., very Cheap. Call at ihs Ath ens st4c store of R. M. WZLLES. Jan. 8;1853. Bathing Tubs, • cPoNGE nATHS and foot bath pans foi Wei L. cheap. My bathing tuba are equal to the best city male. R. M. WELLEII Jan. 8, ISS3. . Oils I Oils ! fIOOLT.N . St eelebt.Lted winter strnined Lard .011..• f-r n.achinerv, warranted not to gum. Ala°, an excellent but Cheaper article for Lamps, NEAT'II FOO7 OIL t•+r Leather, Harness, me. ; all for We by the quanti'y or less. cheap fur cash at ready pdy, at the Athens Agricu:tural of ' • 'Jan. 8. I PSS. R. M. WELLES. , Patent tscathez Se:tire! ALT. sizes of Patent oak and hemlock tanned Petting and Laee Leather. at 10 per cent. le.or than ctty retail prices to be had for cash at the A&&. ens Agriculiural Start of R. M. Wk;LLS.S. • tan. B. 1853. O• • F all k.nds in Tin. Sheet Iron. - Copper, Brescia/ done on shot nouee. Wurkruansuip duo., was. ranted to gi‘e sati:.fpction. Tin roofing done in such a manner's shillirlitaa• Call no R.N. WELLES, Athens, January 8, 1553. F OR We. at very luar prices for reedy pay t tbai very hest Azes to be found in tbis vicinity; made outs,: th e Leet east and silver steel , of ear:esti pattern. fur .UntlJermrn and wood chopiat - s, ant warranted. Call at the Athens Ag,rie:ultural stoma Jan. 8. 1953. N. M. WELLEs. 1:IANO OUT THE BANNERII A hors• ! a h,rte ! ray kingdom fisA a hcr.e and enstsmers to take away ,),,goals • :%; , t standing the lat 4 fi-e. A. M. WARN;II dirm , e:r again ! And at No. I lir: , :k find Most ant thinz's in t.:s I ne, From a cam' r;cneed,e the finest kind. To a jer.eilPd watch of eighteen kv-st Ans. Clocks whirh p ume iientriee sod vas I Breast pun , of every style and hue. Gold, silver, steel en,! f4ated CIS/1114S, Selected with the r eyest rains. Finger ringi, mo gosh, wily'what a pile O( every shnpr ..nd every style, To suit the old the young. the grave. the /mo w May ifiel'e be -...en in e:egant array. And IV/VINVIL who is himself a " Is slways ready and at his pcst. To wa,t upon hi., eu4torners and all C,'11., chance upon 'tin to give a eadf. • Fro with cued adv;re make up your miadAta To cell on him and there you'll find ' • Much sights, my eyes, U I what a view • Jewelry of every etyle and hue. • • • • • ,O' 'lsl4l't mistake the !Zara No. rim ii where he is prepared to do all kinds of MERCURs Sadt.› . 4 in his line eiflyncines, nt the ehespest rates that possibly be afforded. lin will Mau se.l his Jewett . ? al 2 0 per cm/ /owe-. than wac ever befure offered ler Owl market. tT Call ani. see...CD Towanda Nov. 11. 1652. A. M. WARNER Removed to B. Kingsbery's Bletk • . fl 4. (7tangbie7lidi .• • A§ lost returned from the ettr cf .Kees / York with • laity 2,5„." . 13 1 e'!ppli of %rectum, Jewelry and,• • Riker w, comprising in pin: • the.- 4811 r-wing articles r—Lissent and Plain Watches. witkti \ a romptxte nsiortment of Gold• Jewelry. such as Ear Einga,Tinj. _ger Rin is, roast Fins. Bracelet a. Lock cts,,Gold rhaintria •Gold Pena. Keys, etc. Also, ad vale of Silsetwswf,„ ! and any quatntity o(Steel Deals—a of wilicti he-wilfers for ask ft screed in g!, cheep fort l .'At 4 r. - • r Watches r.:waired on ,h,c! mik e . a n d fi nso ram m i e to run weil.r r Ole nt•tncy aid 1,0 rerun Ind, earl • wri• ten iscreetnenegivan to Clal if • N. Ft.—Nl A Pl.ll et.:o IR, and Country node, taken in pny in e n t frr toltk : and es,. fem.,' vfm, 1141 ' ' orertr, 'till the 1%-hluee 777•481 be paid when the mei u done--I war against credit in all it. romp. „ W. A. efiANltiEftLfN, • Towieda; April 'JR, 1852. T OnNING G1..1503 kTEst cut and fitted !WV /j7:1", to be had at the Jecrel4 7 .itora of May 15, lE l .'l. W. A. CITANIDERLIN. . . zrz. IEO ZO,ZE QM) liir AlOltime• Saddle, Harness & Trunkßanafactory. TER); CULP & Cn., respeetfolly inform the peas J that they have removed to the shop on Main eine% reerodly n.-cupied by Smith & Son s newly opposite the Ward House, where they will keep CIA band 11 !ergo stock of" a 11233292 ca57;421% anitame t * TIM!Zlit • 4./.ln CI, were e, All articles in tbsit line, made of the 'wet material. and for wroltre'mturp hs wigwam] in Northernihipsylvania. They mallet a call from those wishing to pooches°. confides' OM they Mn rive satisfaction hob as to quality sod prim. OCYSities and Sheep Peltareosivai for wort mad ea account. stilts lowest rates. Sale Leather. Upper Leather. Harness Ledge. 4 Coy dins, for sale in any quantity. PARTICULAR NOTICE. n N account of losses sustained se ;the hge 11Ms,elfi VV ore obliged $o call on those inhebted to ti li» ig prompt settlement, u we are odd*/ the nessniti hawing what is owing to was frost this tisane erfa Pie stgreiwat whin% reaming to other mina ?iamb, VA, Zobbirg Baer! Axes! ios-v'vorti CI oy