» , !s~.~.nsW4e•:JSi'~_'"_ . l ererr, ---,,.,,:,,,,, ~ ti . ,- , : ,: .f. ,.. 7 . --, 4 , u,o, p Spring 01,11430, Aftptitltt l er ?1 tir 1...1 # am, o ilighii), Ky., Went into the woods on foot; o to'` . ~ ~.• He soon killeditiatze buck, and re-i ';* toi-ii . hoilte43. oiler ; 117- 011 6 :Z ti i". -- ' lee t re 1r tt Dqykijiiii:ebiii.4ej - a-paiti:,Of 6Vet Itkifens, oti - otte; o't atWaiiiktrig - ,expeditions, ectirientitly;etumbl; ed.*lllut.bo:dy of-the deer; • and perceiving that it bett.*ool3r,beih-killed,.ihey nit yrelly eoppt ed that . 4 . 4l - eke 4 W.oeld : eoow.returnictaceure the tie, le Threelif them, therefore, took their etation within afore riftethot,of the d.er, while the o'her two tel. lowed the trail of the hunter, ttii,f Way raid Ilie pa.l, by which he was expected to return. • NConnel thinking not of danger, rode carle , aly zalottr„ Ihepail, w bleb the Eentv. were wel,vhing. . i:tat - ha had come within view i f :he de. r, when •:,t ; , , ,. , s (lcip t VFA.,,nrqi An oy the .whole patty. and his horse killed. IVhtle laboring le iviteilte himr.elt horn "libillying animal, he was s.e'r.! I , y hie eiteinios. wr , _,.., , _stitarpowered, an d Dottie oil a priso:ler His cep lore, however, seemed a malty, good na , ured ..et '4ollllloWil, and permitted him to accompany them iiboienl:--and what wae ra her extraordinaiy. al. - „tluw,eti Dim to retain his gun acid humit,g, accou:re -sweratis. He accompanied them with great apparent ofieerinlnevs, ilrou.,ll d,c day - . and disiday eil hi, _dexterity by shooting deer fur - the ace c 1 the eons pany, until they began to regard hitn w.:11 great .-pattiality. !laving travelled with them in this rnan •ilerlor Beyond days, !hey at le: ,;,0), reixlied the - -.4 . banks of the Ohio tirrr. Heretofore the Indians had iaken the precalition -to bind him :at night, although [tut eel) , seeu,el) • s . ~ bat on t e al evei,int s he tert.unattaled will :hem on the subject, and compl.doed 4 t) stro..gly of :he pain '-lirtrich the cord gave him,' !hit they me,ely o rap • — pod the. butlalo mg Arum Lis 'walsl, and having lied tunim easy trusti, .11$ i :hen at,aci,illg the exltemi. ties of the rope to then mat , Lod es, in o. der to pre vent his moving u•illiout A wiate.:, , ,z, them, d.ey ?: I n fu:y cbmircrse,4vveut to sleep, leer:rig the prison es-ar to follow theta example or not, a+ he pleased. - 151-ICor,ni I dereinimcd n, e dee' his escape :hat night 11 pusrible, as 011 the IMM:sing morning they would cotes the river, a h.ch would render it more laillicult. He therefore.l.ty gniely until hear mid right,a.x.:, , um,„.,,i, g on the best means of effectini ; his object. Amide:My ca-ling - his eyes in --thas direr ion of. Ins f , trt, icy fell upon the glireri,,g blade Oa knife, Wile!, hod es: aired from its sheath, end was (lOW lying near the•leet ol one i f .he In diane. • To reach it with his hands, without disturbing the two Indians to whom lie was fastened was im possible, and it was very li:l7.a:dues to at empt to draw it tip with bas fee.. T:„s, however, he at tempted With much tl:lll . cidty lie gia,ped blade betweea his toes, ari l ! char rei - yea.ed a^tl long COntinue& suet e-ded at length to bringi• g it within reach cf his hands. Ti cot :lie cords wao Then but tie %%talk of a tro , tnent. and :zra,loatly arid silently er ricatin.: ilia per'Sf - in he wa!ke,l to the fire and sat down ' He sans that los wo,k was but half done. That if he :link! attempt to temrn home ' wi hoot destroying his enemies, he would as-uted. • Iy be pursued and probably rertaken, when Iris fate would be certain. Ott die_ other hand. it seem. almost .mposs.ble for a ftirig•e ihdividual to sue cow) in a conflii-t with live lodine., even though' unarmed and asleep. He could or t hope to deal a blow with a kirita so sildritly at,,l la ally, as to de ' stroy each one of his enemies in turn, without awaking the rest. Their slurbLers were provetbe , ally light and restless—and if Ire laded with a si - - gle one, he must inevitably- be overpowered by the PlirtiVOri. The knife was therefore out of therptes titan. After anxious reflecting for a few mthufes, he formed his plan. The guns of the Indians ware stacked near the fire—their - knives and tomahawks were elleathed. by their sides. The latter Ire dare not tetroh lnr fear of arousing their owners—but the former he lcurefully removed, with the exception of two and hitt them in the woodtf, where lie knew the Indins woula.not readily tint ....ern. He hen returned to the spot where. the I-dhans mere shil per lastly ignorant if die late preparn.g for them, a::,1 taking agun in each hand he rested the mtiz'es upon a Inj„ withln six feet of his viehms, and hay. leg taken dielit.erale aim at the Lead of one and Assn of the other. he ruited both triggers at the roma moment. Both shots were (vat At the report cf the guns, the others rprang to 1 . their fee', glared wildly about them, Altonnel v t~h~ bat run to the' spot where the other rifles were ht.!, hastily seized one of them and- fired at ftioofhis enemies whothappened to bestandirg in ,41,1ine with each other. The nearest tell dead, be • ilititiot through the centre of the body : the second Mali*, bellowing loudly, but soon recovering. , Jumped off into the woods as fast as possible. 'The_ .6fth Ina only one that remained unhurt, darted off like a deer, with a yell that anurnmeed equal ter rot and astonishment. ,RI Cannel, not-wishing to tight anymore snob battles, selected his own rifle *pm the stack, and made the best of his way to 14tingtctn, where he arrived in two days. • A short time arterwaids, Mrs. Dunlap, or Fay. • ette,• who ha,i been several months a prisoner ,among the Indians on Mad liver, made her eseape *ad returned to Lexington. She reported that the survivor retuned to his tribe with a lamentable isle; He related that they had taken a fine your.g flonteruear Lexington, and had brought him safe as far as Ohio; that while eticareped upon the bank of the-river, a large parry of white men had faller) opon them in the tight, and kir.eri his cornpatoon4, ~together with the poor detenceless prisoner, who lay bound hand and foot, unable either to ercape oriesist 1 NorgaaoT—A lade bein , ,fsent tolls, wore to purchase eorne die sluff, and iorelting the mime iriicle, Fail to the cte,k : " John what does :Wks dye with?" " Die with? Why, cholera some. timatts" replied John. ,( Well I believe theta the :nsme: I want to get three cents weith: Cr " r I'm afloat ! allow !" screamed out a young lady of powerful lunge and fingers to match as she exercised both at the piano. " You're afloat 7 eb,' growled an old sea Jog; • I t•tiould jittl4,e you .were afloat, by the quail you hare raised." Boy, why don't you gn to school V' Causfrair, daddy is afraid that if I yarns every- AM/ now. I 61tan'i have anything to lam sien I . , Domes to the 'catlamy " bf arararokr. e--flot buckwheat cakes—warm beds ...eamJariable slippers—smoking coffee—round ertaam.red lips—shirts exerting in buttons—re l ikelnet! idocYings—boot jacks--happiness, Norii. 'Emir A house WlLh.ybur 04 0 :4 6 /913d4'4,Pi;11' iii=ll 4 1p! DR. H. C. P wrg,R;: Wholesale Anil Retail 'Dealiiin DRUGS, MEDICINES, GnOCERIESALIQTrOaIg Pike ' ' STORE in tbe.soutti end of the. Wanl.4maseowell 1.: known as the largest. cheapest and most exteneive irsortinent west of the city. Particular attention will I.e given to any or all who ruaiwtsls ,to.csil, either lo examine or purchase, and any medical information will he elite-au/1y and graluitcady given to 'hos* wbq oho o i-tt to consult coneernine,themselvas or friends 4 Continuous supplies of fresh and recently prepared or titles ale wevls:y arriving, I eying .brAn carefully it tested wiih a %leer to Ilteir frripancss, and any,article wonted not usually kept, either will ha found bore, 0! procured at the i•borie.l notice by Express, for those lea%ing, t'.:e:r mder. Accommodating desks- always will be eiu/y to .safety compound ally pre-cription and endeavor to make it (whatever the purchase') nuttily s g i era bli., .V.f r,•"*"111/ Shop he -considered trni-Pcnl ed ss terresented, and being. itjrli Pit tho AM and F ol. ulsr Patent Iltdicincs., all !base 10und .. m..-thl or store cm br relied upon, in all cases, ri.4 being gehriaine. The stock now currivviscs every article in the trado,,tatunb %Lich may be funnel the following: Drur r e and Alredicittec. ACM& • aloes orris Acetic lassaf....etitla squill Citiic 'arable. valerian Yi..r/c 'camphor gertego Muriaiin d ,copal aarsapar Aquefortis /gamboge ginger etc Sulphuric 4 ' uaiac IS/Lid Tar:aric etc in) rrh BALSLISS. shellac Itragecantb etc, or LS. •neato foot iana( ra olive RAILS/. ( castor ; Bayberry !sperm Cinnamon k origabtlai P..t uNittit (Jes'ts j herganoint Elm etc lemon wintergreen Icinnamon loses herol.ack . . ' juniper likt•in I c hin-ey tar rosemary !orange nem] i peppermint linseed cod liver etc C raiva Tuiu ophnr tiro etc 1.91/1.!IC 67. Petiperinint (!itirenon Wintergreen etc LIT 11•CTS. SamAperille "Thrideliim tinnecet lioretniund Aconite Iranilla Lemon etc BRET 4. Feeigreek Anise ekirrawey • Cm,ary Rape Girden Mwitat.l Card'imem l'olchieum etc rtowEnS. UMEI2 EMI uva ur , .i etc ROOTL ealombo lizentiau , ap litirmerie cpliella (pink) hellebore ipieac 1 11.1 nm-ice! . Imar•h io+emar y rbeulnia GROCERIES Chamomde Arnica Irvendor ctc sugar, CofTee and Tea of all kinds, molasses, spice Tepper. cloves. cnui.taril, nutmeg, mace, fi,h, rasins, citrons, currants, salad oil, cocoa, chocolate, 'soda, butter crackers. rice. starch, ginger, saleratus, while and liar soap, sperm and tallow candles, jugs, bottl es , pipes, pepper :ranee drc. Lf.quors. Cognise, Otard and A rnencan Brandy, St. Croix. Ofd Jam iica and New England Rum, pure Holland and Ain. Gin. Irish and .Monongahela Whiskey. Ma dri,d Li,hon, Sheriv, Teneriffe Port, Muscat, Claret and Champaign Wines—Cordials, Rose, Amour Mu• kec, Noyesu &c , cheaper than ever offered. Snaps, Perremly Rad Fanry Goods. • Shaving cream, military, wmdsor, medicated, sand, most:, almond, palm, french, toilet, rose, and transpa rent eoap.4, lottnris, French, and Wrights extracts of ockcy club, patchoully. bog, de carotene, musk, milli drug, vcrhena, heliotrope, en cet brier, geranium spring (lowers, west end and new mown hay &c.-- Cach, , us, cologne, bay and rose waters. Lilly whits spaoish pelt! powder, rouge hair dyes, hair Ills Ig(;TA tors, heir eranicaturs, hair oil, powituleP;coult . perfume eschuls, playing cards, pencil points, sled puts, fish hooks, drawing pencils, percussion cope, re I black, and indelible inks, combs, purses, pocket hooks, port monais, wafers, pocket mirrors napkin rings an I tra%elling companions &r. BRUSHES. ITait, hat, stove, scrub, shoe, paint, Madan", varnish SA , h. artist citncl's hair,istriping blender's and b.,dger's whitewash. counterAesh, tooth, nail comb hromu cloth leant, lather, table.; horse and blacking brushes. Miscellaneous. Tol.accn and stiu:T boes, nipple shells, nursing hot tie=, breast pump-:, , rerh rings lA.] pans, syringes, shunl der braces, triaii , es, supporters, pessaries, c stlicler.,cup ne gra-ear, gra , ',unte..trtortarsi-kpatula, furreps lancets thermometers, liquid and sprelil adhesive plasters, &c. Faints and Dire SttiffS. Nii,.. red, cam and log woad, fuatic, Inc dye; cudhear red saornlers, madder. alum, copperas, braevitriol, sot tin, reimposition chemic oil, vitriol,oralic and all the acids, grain tin, pumice and rotten atone, American & Chinese vermillion, elpaniali brown, American & Eng heti Venetian verdigris, Paris green, white, black and red lead, chrome yellow attd green, japan, coach and copal varnish, lampblack, litharge, putty, whiting ochre spirits turpeniine, linseed oil, Rsin, chalk, umber, sien• na, gold leaf, bronze, &c. Glass. French Wags 21-30. 21 90, 20.:30, 20.24, 22-21,14- 18, 12-20, 12.18, 12-16, 10-14, 1042, 9-19, 7-9. Patent medicines. SOLE •ORR'F FOR Dr. Jsynes' Alterative Expectorant, Sanative Are. Fitche'g expectorant, tonic humor corrector, 4.e. Nrerrhoneg (far:ling 0;1 fm horses, 4c. Swayr,e'a medicines, wild cherry. 4-c. Bones Pulmonary Balsam and Extract, etc ()nick's Verrnifuge. Houghton's Permin or Gastric juice for dyspepsia o%gno,i's Indian Cholagnaue, for fever and ague Ne3rpa's Acoustic oil for Deafness. s. P. Town-erd's Sarsaparilla. Kc`,rnrk's Pu!manic Syrup. Dr. Keetree Family ni•ilirines H utching's Dyspepsia Bitters Hui fland's German Bitters, for Dyspepsia and Debility Brown's 17,0o•nce Jamaica Ginger. puhoy's Eat and Mice Exterminator. Alh-knzent for Herrick's medicines, plasters, Pte., An drew's and Davis' Pain Killer, Graefenberg medi eines, Pile Elcctuaries etc., salt rheum. tenet, list worm, eparrin end founder ointments, etc.; tontl cordial, plasters, poor man's salves, eye waters, lini ments, era.ive soap, bed bug poison. Hobensack's and Clark's Worni syrup, Christie'. Galvanic cura tives, Motikt's Phoenix Hitters, Trask's magnetic, Sloan's, Dailey's, and MeAlliNter's Ointments, Dil low's Heave Powder, Condition Powder, &c. MI the numerous kinds of Pills. Light. Phosgene, superior Burning fluid. Camphene,mba.e. lard and sperm oil; new and beautiful patterns of fluid amps now being opened : Csnipttene, side and bang ing lamps for ball and otos° use, girandolee, etc. Tobacco. Cavendish, lames. listural leaf. Turkish acarfitlatti John Anderson'. fine cut, tiogg's Jenny Lind chewing etc.; choice brands, pure Havana Cigars, eta. etc. All cf which will be sold at unusually low rstea., Remember that Dr. Porter's Cheap Drug and Chemi cal Store is in the south end of the Ward House, a few doors above the poet.otriee H. C. PORTER, M. D. Towanda. Jane 4, 1852. 45()0NEW 40 Galion Casks. a first rate article for sale by f 4. FEGTON & Co.. 111 CA1.VE.7711r9•411C1.3111111 - • INT HEREAti. my wife Polly has left my bed slid board without any cause or prorocation.-" Therefore. this is to forbid all persons' sot to tryst otbarbor her on my aces:me i n. [shalt paynOdeliti other 'contraeticg after this date' ltidgehery. Nev. 22, 18112. J. RrCHARITSCiN. • - . ==aol =I DR NO. 2 22103 ROW BURNT OUT, . . BUT STILL ALIVE EMeItED to the store recently o'rectried ,ltry . 8. It S. Bailey as eery and Post (.4 . 0 9' doors south of Montanus corner. where he hSt teieiced a full, new and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDI CINES, C HOCE ft:B, &c. which he will sell cheap' er for cash than err!: Here you will find annexed a few leading articles: msanesto sulphur .t; h/immune ralomel tartar ierneUS Crean' tarter epsern 'ern anoriy !alum leorro sublimate red precipitate quinine Unine alevaie Senna Alex., do Indie Cream Tartar . Sop C Soda Manua, Magnesia Catold do Carh, do S S do Henry's Colucynth do 'Apple Cochineal Trusses Hulls do Mar•heu. - do Sha I; er, Balsam W inters do rheesinana do Fir do Copabia do Tofu ' do Peru du Pulmotrary du Sulphur Acid Tartaric do le do Benzoate do Citric do Nitric do Oxalic du Bydrocyanc do Sulphuric Oil Lin , eeil do Sperm do Olives do Castor do Neat foot's do Almonds do Anther Rect do Amber Red do Anisi do Caraway do Croon do Cuhetrs do Cummin do Fennel, do Lemon do 1 assia. do ('od Lirer do Lavandula s do Nerili do Jesmin do Nutin eg do- Orange do Rhodium do Rorze do Cedrat du Cnpabia do Ergot do Verbena do Vio:ette do Mellesse do Mellefluer d t•Patchouly Briy,l,e•:, Paint do Variiiiih LIP 11 ait -do Hair,Cainel do Nail do Tooth do Shaving do Flesh do Cloth do !fat t 4 i,aro Yankee do Crystalline do Eng. Wind Low's cd-i Coopers do Ro.e do V ictorn • do Orange do Tooth do Erosive, do Castile do Military do Sarin do brown Fricopherous Pain Killer Ayers Cherry Pectoral Oxygenated Bitters Stiiiiightiin Bitters Chlorufuriaa Hoflman's Anodyne ' striseettAssots aleohul ri her law"pones paregoric Shakers herbs gold leaf (*stile Soap venire torp ero ins aqua ammonia oredildee eubehs hrittish lustre browse hum. pitch rantharides corks high brick emery (sand paper e.ite glue utu. r or aortal° Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varnit.h, Dye- Woods & Dye—Stuffs, Glass, Putty, Choice Groceries, pure Wines and Liquors for' Medicinal purposes.— .110, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con neeted with the trade. • Having secured the services of Dr. B.Hiceriusr, whr keeps his office at this store, and wilt give me dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having their pte,criptions carefully compounded and put up. The stock has been selected with great care, and the . litoods silt bh warranted b . rePiesented. All of Dr. I). Jaynes' medicines. AyreaCkerry Pee oriel, c'chelicks Pulmanic Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Orrick's, flubensacks. and Jaynes' Vermifuge. Together with all of. the most popular Patent medicines now in use constantly on hind and ter sale. of . , 2E`ED's: D rug Three Doors below 111outanye's Amer. ; Towancla,January 3, 1833. • rtrIBARRELti nrold Ohio Wbnllcei just received IJIJ and for said wholesale and retail, at peed 7.9 Drug Store, 1 QUINTLES or Codfish, 20 lA l ier or Herring, barrel. of Snig'ratits, warren ted in prime mder, !eft on .ale al' New York• cub' Prices ai REED'I4 Drog Store, , Towanda. Jan, 28, 1853, BOOTS AND SHOES'. ONE ofth4 iatgest astort. . went eaer,offered in Brad. ford County, cen be found It J. .—• St:l3 Alexander's Clothing Store t`irsrdoor seuttttif Mercer' s pry s. oda'Store: otiNditt striet.A; L of Ehaint, has established a :Branch-. at the above place. All our work .will be sold at the price mot. ed and .uo deviation in price t , midis eithertlenght direct from the Manufacturer oral:lade by,oursaives and warranted te giyef coke satisfaction. Every de. scription of • 3o T? ;A41,1$ p 40r.0 Mena, Wo en4,c Va¢ l 4.. outhi , and frompu.call mid . Aldo cfruj Rubber oc4 is Viae&shea;* Ca Please call and examine for yonnselvea..CD ?evade, Oat 1:14. '~-.~.~~ Cordial Elix Opi ' Liniment flair Dye • Harlem 0.1 Ointment, 'frosts do Dailey's do McAllebter ,Shakers Herbs . do Extracts 11eueolic rft !Mei Extract ;slap Extract sdeakOn's Vanrila Es't do Lemon do do Mace do do Almond do do Cloves do Allspice do do Nutmegs do do Peach do do Ginger do do Cinnamon do do ()range do do Tonka do Luhio's Spritigilower do Muck do do Violette do do Magnolia - do do Sweet Bri'r do do Jesmin do do Jork'y Cl'b do do Caroline do I do Jenny Lind do do Briquet do 'yring-dg, Pewter as'!u'nt ! do Glass do Nursing BOttles, (Pa..; do do CI. E. Rad Rher'l'urk do do do Ipecac do Jalap do Ginger White do Otis Gum Camphor do Opt Took do Myrrh Tut!: do Arabic do do Copal do Aloes Suet do Aloes Cape Chloride Lime do Soda Castor rucs ,Isinglasß do • 'Evens' Lances !Nitra utter, Op't Bisnuth 'Blue mer. fndt'c Potass Tart do Carb do ' s ti!ph do tlau.sue,d. , Citrate F'etiri o to lid do Toußin Protto lot Mercury Strychnia Pdperin Elaterturn //line rerarin I Kreosdde Hydra Cum Cretti Morphine ulpla do Act Calomel, American du English, Precipitate Red do White Sulph Zinei Bronze, Crimson do Pale Gold do Dark do • White Gold Leaf, Op't China Vermillion America do Prussian Blue Fig da Venitian Red, English w ermemw i rat i e g i IP ay. I.el , bi t .o. * IiCZEMPESLIZATZWe l ow a. q i Serge — ordijigrave en ao Tarsoap char ,jraPh0044,Y,101.6..1CV,01, 10411144)*., -Of 0,7; e°ll.l%raln•r"DirlitUlitiolli 11,1tV11 1 / 1 :been, • ' cued by the use of Schenck's' rtihnonik SOW 'l•des 'iii jtr teatify, anti), grateful: erribiirietit • Dr. Beienek the unsPeakabla benefft I have received from Itur • of PM invaluable, medicine, - • • Early, hust pill, I . contraited a violent' eril.l and i, conseqttene, of which" ['bid 'Alibi; 'alternated 'with f ver,..psine k b, riahf . [)reast and ih'oulder blade. wit, .440 sp4 egitgeoration. kiptr g nu, _ worse ant i I took Ay bed, and had the attendance o my family physician. I..inste under his rare abrinifon week*, and suite espiratieh of that time wee redo so low that deapirittiOki[tolil -of ,rnyttelf and fnen and alien mrptlysicisci abandoned sae and !maim - -cm to die with the hasty consumption. 14 ap,peti was *ohs; my boureht-itery irregular. fever and night sweats, pain in•my breast and shoulder. attended wi • distreseingeough,:which•was very •tight,; flee bad 'neiiirall gone, and was so weak that I cool , - waggery ntic, ca t y. heed frotin the pillow, and was rrul an ohjedivallplty.folesholflti saly,frienda had been sen fotiotred me die. and my sick bed was surrounded by kind and semi:44l4*g oeighboni, irtio had come to .wOc t : iny detuilture from this world. ' .r( olpif hotiiktiitil fled of my' tritcotery; glaidibork Iri David Conrad, propos:id to try'Scitench' Piihnonic Syrup, with a view of loosening my cough and relieving me , of the tough . nlttego3, and as a mean of affording - temporary relief, mtnarime at the time, •11t40-..iras too far done forAbotlyrop ta -be of rtny permanent benefft,'" My 4ificlilliotts - lat'tte itlie of my intense sufferings, procured some of the Pul memo Syrup. I found it afforded me relief, and con tinned using it. I could feel its healing infhtence upon rny lungs. I continue to improve under its use, and ray friend wore much gratified to witnesa my unexpected tin provemont ; many of my neighbors came to look at in • as one raised from the dead. My cough now became loose, and I felt sornethin• break, arum I had the pain in my breast, and I d* charged large quantities ofoellow matter. I have fo weeks discharged and raised a aptt box full of matte every day, with bard lumps like groins of something. My bowels now became regular and matins!, and m appetite was so far improved, that I could scarcely no (nun from eating too much. My strength improved, And I regained my flesh. I continued to improve in every respect soon after commenced using the Syrup, and the Impmvemen continued until I was restored to my health. I hay - pusied through the inciement weather of the latter part of winter and the spring, and feel as well now ever I felt -in my life, and I am this day a living test minty of the great efficacy of Schenck's Pointer) Syrup in curing pulmonary diseases. Lest this statement he thought too highly cokred by some people, I subjoin certificates of a number of th - inhabitants of Tacony, who saw me at different tim during my disaase, aturneler elperled to see me restor ed. I ob,o append the certificate of the brothers o Mystic Lodge, N 0.270,1. 0. of 0. F., who kindly -watched over me, and fully believed they would con sign my remains to the tomb ; hot, thanks to Dr Schenck for his invaluable Pulmonic Syrup. My lif has been spared, and i am permitted to make the fore going statement for the benefit of suffering mankind. I tem.:e at Tacony,an•l am well known by most o the people there, and will he gratified to have an person call upon, me and learn more particulars of du virtues of this medicine. JOHN C. GREEN. June 24th, 1851. The subscribers, mernhers of the Mystic i od le, No. 270, LO. of 0. F. of Holir.esburg, Pe. do hereby cer tify that we knot,/ John C. Green, (and is a member is, gdod standing ita No. 270 1. 0. of 0. F.) who was daniernosly ill with a low Pulmonary Consumption, last wint. r, so that they give him r'p .0 die that he is new fully restored to pet feet health, and they believe his recovery was produced by Scbenck's Pulmonic Syrup. IMI We believe his certificate is correct in every par ticular. HENRY NEFF, P. G. -Holateshurg, Philadelphia Co., June 25, 1451. The undersigned, residents of Tunny. eight miles above Philadelphia, being well acquainted with John C. Green, and 'he circumstances attending his case, (eel impelled by a deep sense of imperative duty. to make universally known to the public his entire recov e,y from the very last stages of Pulmonary Consump tj So entirely helpless was hi' condition, having b een b ut a period since in that repay sinklfl2 an d e m a ciate An te , as to ut.erly preclude, in the opin ion of his physician. 5 ,,d friends, who watched by his bedside, all hopes of oven a temporary recovery and restoration to his present robust he.:lth. Thus the rare fill use of your invaluable.Specille, the irolmonlc t 4 Y r up, tnaitesit our belief, under the eirefumstarwTs of his [devious prostrate. not to 'say dying 'condition, oi." of Ark most startling results that the whole gnratsofnedi eal skill or science can produce. It deserves to be im perishably4ecirded to your credit, and secure to you, the greatest discoverer of till:hitherto remediless dis ease, a lasting monument and a world-wide reputation in the healing art, that no time may either diminish or destroy. Having witnessed Mr. Green's distressing struggles_and sufferings from a continued cough, su- Tii•radiled to the other symptoms consequent upon, or attending lathe last stages of a pulmonary disrase ; and moreover, it being so generally believed by his nu merous friends that no human power could. relieve, or protract his life, much less restore him back again to • his former health, we feel it thus our duty to give our unqualified testimony of Mr. Green's perfect recovery, by means of the exclusive use of your wonderful Syr up ; and we should indeed rejoice if we could be made the humble instruments of relief and cure to wheal who may bee° unfortunate as to be similarly afficted. David Conrad, Jesse Duffield, C. Hinckle ' A. Heath, Joseph H esa, Jr. , Jesse Watson, Stephen Lukens, Robert Allyn, Matthew Totten, James Torbert, John Bloomesbury, Allen Vandegrift. Prepared only by Dr. Schenck, and sold, whole sale and retail, by his sole agents, John Gilbert & Co., Wholesale Druggists, 177 North Third street, Phil's. Clicken & Co. 81 Barclay street, N. Y. Redding & Co. No. 8 State et. Boston ; H. Blakeley, corner Third and Chestnut streets. St. Louis ; and by principal Druggists throughout the United /steles. And , by the following Agents in 'Sradford County H. C. Porter, Towanda ; D. Bailey & Son, Leßays sine ; T. Humphrey, prwell ; Illsyntud & Woodburn, Rome ;J. J. Warlord, Monroe ; D. D. Parkhurst, Leßoy; C. E. Rathbone, Canton; King & Yosburg Troy ; G. A. Perkins, Athens. ("All letters addressed to DR. J.ll. SCHE.NCK, Cate of John Gilbert 4 Co., Whoh sale Druggists, No. 177 North Third street, Philadelphia. . MAKE READY! TAKE' AIMI. FIRE!! ,TaHN woad say to hie old friends and 111 the public at large, that he has constantly on hand and anenntectutiog Rifles end ilhot Guns dte.— Antong.hie assortment of “11111141).37 be fitund Double and single barrelled Guns. Rifles of all Rinds warranted. Powder .Flaskss.Shof. Poaches, Game Bag., Cep Primes,. Also, Powder. Shot, Caps of the hest moth ;Iy4 Aliffrorsii harielhxtßevoliik Pistol,, d o single bstrelligself;eockins Pirtiolie, Rillle Hittite, arable bb'l 'Pistols common steel . sisti baps joist"h t , :Cans con. standylin ' • Any of the tibevi articled Will Le add lawful cheap iqs An Ready Pap • • • ; O,,,fraeye,p4 ant kind 6441,11- tm Doom. , Ttunks.at. ally ther kind of locks qa alsorknoticeend reasonable terms. Repairing done with' neatness and despatch. llhop„a *a rode ifolthartlieHrtifford House. Towanda. May O. ibb2. , R.' fritlGER.- BOOTS & SHOES—the largest and ben stock It town at aet* B. KINOSBERrs. ALFRED ROBINSON, P. G. ABRAHAM ARTHUR, P. (3 J. K. OSMAN. N. G. JACOB WATER M A N,JRI JAMES C. CALVET% JOSHUA PBINENIORE. libtteirtion Regiment r1.1" ' 57"P1 1111 I • BOOTS . tc, h,SiejESi -4,A8 ierciii4o his establishrdief. to H. Ilikee 'shwa; 'eOnet of main, street and Mt public iqtrare;and teil; &Minnie die manufacture of Boots end Sloes,' sa . • tiie . Mfilee. Jicjialjast 'received tram New 'York alarge abort- Sent of Chisfp•in't and lifissei' Shea, which are 'elteret) at . !oar prices. The attention d the Ladies is par:kids:ay divided to his asiertment, comprising the allowing over stylei f—Enainelled Jenny Lind gai ter boots; do. sheer; black .Jaating, and silk {niters; walking shoes. buskins; &c. Misses' gaiters and shoe* of everyjleveription., , A:large saeortinentof.Children't fancy gaits s, boots and.shoeit, of all For the Gentletpco;almeet every stile or goiter's ind shoes. Thisatock has Wen pemnally selected' with care, ind . be believes tie can offer superior articles al reasonable prime. o:7,Tbe, strictest attention paid-to , Monet/adoring. and** h'opre by doing work well to merit a coritino• aace of tht liberal patronage he oaf hitherto received • Towanda. May 8, 1851: • loam c. ..JAI Eli x►c zwrisz. II A I 111 1 1 I It. VSJI r A warm , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. TOINFISATAS arimillf•lrie Commis/ Pa. p c t • 3' iWF-2;gl • COUNTI sravisea. TJAVING totaled in , Towanda, his, services may .L.l. be obtained by addressing a line through the Post Office, or by calling at the office of Ulysses blercur, Esq., where he will be found, or where a written ap, licatTuon may be left. Noy. I. 1850. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscribers respectfully inform the poblic that they have taken the shop formerly occupied by Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly oppimite Drake's.wegon shop, where they ere prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms. Thew are determined by doing Meir work well enJ promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of pobile patronage,.. HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the most skil ful manner. WOOD WORK for waging will alio be made and repaired when desired. MI wort done at their shop, will he warranted lobe well done and manufactured from the best materiebr. The public are requeated to give ult.(' trial, and fudge for tbemtrelves . EFIEN WINE & 160E818011H. Towanda, May 2. 1951. \WARMAIYO Important to Nonsekeepers: THE subscriber thankful for the se: liberal patronage heretofore re.. eetved, begs leave to inform his [l l . Uls ritZ friends and the public Ger. 4 tatty, : and those commencine House - 'keeping in particular that he has now on hand a large assortment ""'"I of FUR:U . I.M which he wiil warrant to be made to a substantial manner, and of the best raateriats. 13CREA I'S, such am mahogany and walnut dry s+- ing bureaus. m.::hk and plain t,,ps ; mahogany aid walnut artshstan.ls, marble tops, nod plain, of dif ferent patterns, Card and end tables, &fas Couch es. whatnots.. Am BEIDsTEADS.—High, Field, French and low post beadsteadq. finished in hands.orne style arid of approved pattern.:, together wilh other 11l rnilure usu ally called for, all of which will be sold on the ino,t accommodating ternm n''• The suh , cii her is also provided with a plain and fashionable H E A lisE, and will hold himself in eadine•s to attend to all orders in undertakinz. He will furni , h ice hoses when desiced, by the a!d of which the corpse ;may be kept for a week. COF FINS READY MADE. CHESTER WELLS. B.—Furniture of all kind: made to order, and warranted to be of the best malt rtals and workman ship. Towanda, Jantrary 17. 1851,'. 1 ,- -:* 3-14 4:0311:4 (4:41 VOA' r, Genuine unless accompanteu tr a lac sirni II le of the above Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. L eoci.E. St Co., upon each WT. In offering to the WIMP' this justly celebrated SOV ERE;(.I4 BALM OF LIFE. it is not our w tali to mike any false statements or wild- assertions o f their superior efficiency in restoring to health the sick and suffering. well knowing that their reputation as a STANDARD MEDICINE is of itself sufilcient refer ence for the afßicteti. Many proofs might he given of their value on paper, hut we prefer those unacquainted with them to Koisfy themselves by enquiring of living witnesses and frying the Pills. They wi.l find them perfectly safe and reit aide in all cases. beinz purrist sevetahle. and a meth cine worthy their beat confidence and patronage. The following certiricate war. /kilt OS fin the public good: HENRIETTA, Monroe Co. N. V.. May 10. Iss) Iv, the undersignefl, citizens of Henrietm, haying used pergonally Dr. Sauir's Sorrrri;gn Beilm Pills. arid witnessed the hearthqestoring ell is thereof, cheerfully recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the best with which we are acquab,teel. G. M. ROBERTS, G. H. BROWN. M. D. PHILLIPS, B. G. ris. H. A. TII3BETTS, LF,‘'.'lS REED. A.S.—You are at liberty to publish th y -fur the pub. lic good. Btcw•ni OF COUNTFAITIATS ! We 1111. net awdre !ha any one who is making a spurious article has yet . - bar ed to make use of our name; but some of them has had the impudence to imitate our boxes and copy our Circtlars, Certificates, &c. I.7nlcis the public are careful when 'hey purchase, they will be deceived. (D.' The genuine Sorercipi Baba Pills can be bad wholesale and retai , of Dr. ,SOULS & Co., Syracuse Onondaga Co. N. Y• Sold by Dr. H. C PORTER, Towanda Pa., and their Agents in every town in the country. 21y Nartua's soli Rheum end Scrofula Ointment. No EXCUSE FOR SUFFERING WITH SALT RHEUM. Three boxes warranted to core a surface as large as our hands. NORNON'SSahrheum and Serifuta ointment has no equal in curing Sahrheum, Scriifu!a. Erysipelas, Darb'•r's Itch, Fever Sot es, Scald Heads, Ringworms &c.. dec. For sale in Towanda. by Dr. H. C. PORTER Lafayette Bprr Mill Stone MANUFACTORY. TINE undersigned, formerly foreman for many years of the Lalayette Burr Mill stone Manu factory. 240 Washington St.. jJ. Y., (W. Track. agent.) would inform his friends and the public in enera /, that he has established BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTORY, AT BINGHAMTON. N. V. In Leroy buildinffa, opposite Exchange Hotel, and Wiens a share of their patronage. He xvill.have constantly on hand a large stook of French Burr Mill Siones.aa also. 'arge supply of French Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, screen Wire. Calcined Plaster, and. Patent Sell- Digesting Bushes. The undersigned assures his friends and the public, that he will faiihfullyexecole all Orders en. trustedlohis care, nut only in quality but in pri• ees of articles furnished; and solicits their kind pal• ronage. ORDERS tist letter wilthe ereruted with as much care and as cheap as when purchasers ere on the Kpot. REFERENCES--Hon. D. S. Dickinson. Hon. John A. Collier. Hon. A. Birdsall; Hon. V. Whit. ney, Dr. Eldridge - , CoL H. Lewis; W. S. Weed, & Binghamton. D. Searle. Isaac Post, Judge Jessup. Salsbury.4 Co.. Montrose. Pa. Caleb Carmalt. Friendevilre. Tiomas ,rhioney,, 0 . 0 • & H. Shiptitan,liVoverli. N. Y. - Thomas Pearsall, Satithlaxottabi N. Y. Major D. Merserean, N.V. M. T. '.Plichots. ()wean. N. Y. Royal & AVbltaker, Waverly. N. V. JOHN W. SULLIVAN. Binghamton, Nov. 8, 1852423 TEAS--The best t shifting tea in Owego, is sell it, at GOODRICH' . & Co. Z•=l;MkteteZ=4s%-ml°, `,!f+Mr2rf7.,;MT..:Mr*"a.,.Krl:y.. STEAM ENGINES AND MEC *Wm LAWRENCE., 1,1. jrANLTACTCRE Alecto:. Cognise ' Bin 1000 horses power. H, gins, on heavy iron bed plates, cast in h a v e expansion valves; all joint's gro und Steam tight. without packing or pain,, aD me,aving surfaces large, anti running in r 9 rhvenn e Or Babbitt metal; balanai, of beltface. The Regulator is attached plate: The Force Pump is in an indepsad, arranged with crank shaft and tight and k m ready to receive a belt from the engin e .a of „ any other shaft. The whole style of wo r k , passed by any engine builders in the Cniiad Boilerti erf the . bear American or English, cast or wrought iron—either tubular or nude in , the must tboroygh manner. Engines from 8 to 100 hi,rbes power rant hand or in progress, to be delivered aidlia of the receipt of on . order. board Als o Steam Saar Mills, capable ofianalogi measure 4 of one inch boards, in it b_ one Muley law, and retatnring o th er to ; sawdust The following are the prices of a k a of nines :.- Baw Mill, inchsding steam engine, b o il, c himoey. complete ; Pitman irons mule, getters ; feed, and all bolts and irons for 3t carriage, complete, s t e am engine, 10 in. diameter of rylinder,2sl with tabu!, b oi l er, containing 360 noire beating awl - ace, and all casings. pip 41, ti other parts necessary to set it cntilott on, St e am engine, 12 in. diameter of cylinder, 30 in with tubular boiler, containing 480 wp m heating surface, complete as before, Delivered on the can of tile Boston and it, road at Lawrence. 26 miles from Boston. Ta t on delivery. Boilers for the above modified to suit ? or and prices accordingly. McKay 4 Lionsltet, late of,Pittsfield, mean t engines are already widely known, have taken charge of the works of the Esser Ca m pon3 will h e Ade, with their increased facilities tr. 3 trance, to make their approved engines chu m better than heretofore May 8,1852. y - Iv tTCVER concerns the health and hq of a people, is at all times of the mat • insfinetanee, I take it fur granted that ever will do all in their power to save the live s 0 0 children, and that every person will endeavor mote their own health at an sacrifices, ► feel it my duty solemnly to assure you that WOkE cording to the opinion of the most celebrated 1)117 are the primary causes of a large majority ofu to which children and adults are liable ; if In an appetite corn:nosily changing from one kindo to another, had breath:'pain in the stomach, pH the no.e., hnihieNs ate! III:loess of the belly, dry sow frier, no - aular—remeinher that dl denote NVorms, and yoic should at once apply vaedy : Ilobensack's Worm Syrup. An article lounded upon scientific principt pounded with purely vegetable substances, bea fectly safe whir. taken, and determined in all in and not leaving the system in a thaeased canal, most advert c•ed nostrumv,composed of Calomel, removal of Worm., such as Lozenges. re% ?but has performad the moat a4tonistung choirs saved the tic, s of thousands, hoth young and althth have been pronounced hol*le.a incurable b pt y , Head the following, and become coaris•-' its efficacy over all others: VlOlllllB Rirrs.N,J. Ma. J. N. HOB LIrSACK—ThIs is to certify thus, child, 15 yews of age, having been 4:4 far Jleurpj was attended by Drs. Loper, Whiht and Plnekriei long time without reee,ying any ! , er,e6t ; when sir g•ving her up as incurable, I went to Yhtladelpiami consulted one of the best ph) ocians; her dermal growing worse. It was at t6lv time I was Aloe e try ii.henAurir'a IVorm Syrup. and alter taluti Ns bottles she entirely regained her health. Hoping this prove a benefit to parents ivaose cluldatw SI milar!:; affected, Nobensack's Liver Pills. No part of the F.) stem is tnwe I al.ir to dreniert the 'ATI:ft, it eerNing as a ti II relfy or girmg a proper secretion 1,, !,,! e ; th.e in l wrvnot action of the Liver Pd the nthpr parts of the system. end reautta var.e, 3 ,l 7 e i j a reSs, Liver complaint. Dyoperoun. kr We r!. , ool,l,itselo wat-th a very svinprom 01 , ,t -zh: irehmer Irma :triton . r.f the I.,Yer. These P 1 Is heinl ereepaud d ROOIN and Pl,uils, fointst,e.i •y r.iture la bar!theatt —S a melv lot: An E.l7:^rf,rar; •. I , l:!aratrlbt serretana from thr pu r. tr , orua aietWrico promotes thr of which r6.,1c" inseri4Le atria, pitca!le inahner, tt.e cerviiri inerta! acing di. system. .3,1-11 Twit, v‘hieli at‘.. •••. 3rlornirl to the nervous svotern, re. , ewitie hew •`: cr•aill parts of the body. 4111—a C.:ahortit, perfect harmony with other inzrotisua.-104 10 4 on the bosv, nil e Opt Iling Ito w To.oinrupt and vitiated matter, and pyritviez ibeOlnafoitidifr strops disease and restores health. Agents fur. Bradfrrel Cnun y--Dr. H. C. Pond! If J. M. Reetl, Towanda ; C. B. Herriek, Atttra; l Bullock & Co. Smithfield ; Bartle.; 6; Buhr, Wee. 1 4 ." T ; H. Spear, Springfield; E', BlinLTrr, l .D. 1 T a jlor, Burlington ; Brown & Rockwell. MeJcl ta • f ? ar m, nst & Lamb, Leroy ; ehai. RudISTTIP. also T. B. FLAvland, Columbia, travels in thew') 49e • counto 1 4711.7 1 OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATIV THE ;uhscriber we& nouns ; to the public thrkt have now cn han 1 . and willictis 10 older ali kinds ca Cabinet Furniture , such ae Snfa..Diyanc 1010 Centel-, Card. Dm Poft fa'tWtas I,Mapt , and Ch•rtb* Rona'' Stand% of varinitg kuls.( 101 and BetNteade of-every ,In.ertplinn, which will he male of the het t ip t tertat and anttratia t manner, and which they will ....ell for ca4h ewe' than ran be bonalm in any other Ware - r 001 country . READY-NLA,DEI corrENI , nn hand on the most reasonable teratc. HE ARSE will be lb rn ished on Funeral wo,ott JAMES NI ACRINO Towanda, lone 1, 1852. TO THE TRAVELING PCBLIC, M R. ormsTeD, Prtornirron of the Adel Exchange, fires ives ge h n ic er i a t7r y tk . • kr hi: Ines frel • and patronage, and solicits the continuance of theses the ladik; AN OM (BUS, will-run regularly to and from the Warerley Ik to meet the Mail Trains for the 3CCOTIMIndeIIOO strangers and travelers, who wish to visit a plea ! ' ant vitiage on business Dr otherwise• A daily 1 01 of first rate Four Horse Coaehes, • Ira" are running through to Towanda. Those will be insured a seat in the coach from thu P lll ' and those going to the RA X L 0A D can stop at Athens, and spend an hour or tvo and be insured a conveyance in time Id meet 1111 regular trains of cars gii'ing East or West' hog Also those who wish to leave their tenets can be conveyed to and from the cars free debit! Athens, Sept., 4, 1852 potAkeit Patent Fire Proof Paint, the colt' pun you can get the pure article, is at Towatpia, f)e. e , tas:. KfNrAEIT.--41 cctimi CORDON N 1 c.KA T Am. I am yours, &c., B. Bovm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers