SARIIIED - . Do day evennag Sd inn, at the residence of fed mire sq., by the Rev. IS. F. Colt, Mu. Elect roc os of Leroy, to Miss Alpir HlcKocs, 9 1 - :ty ,_ most profound regret, and heart• e that we were summoned to perform the id,rites of this departed sufferer. The age, wand esteem, connected with the innocence Purity of her heart, as well as the unwavering Ocoee which she held in the hearts of her nu, v as friends and relatives ; all contributed to the jerafgloom and universal sorrow, upon this mel ,boly occasion. But a few short months since' : salsone of our number, joyous and confiding, ; pin the anti( ipetion of lengthened years of sue— os and happiness. Her amiable deportment, her {p oi sen se and itttelligence, her agreeable manners, a sh her ltind and benevolent heart, had secured for her the l love, admiration and esteem, of nu. servos friends Ind associates. The deceased was the eldest daughter of three as intelligent and kind hearted children as ever bless. Parental affection. To her as to a protector were ibef wont logo for kindly offiCes, advice, and cor rectenuiples. May that mother whose toil was in. ia astai to relieve the fair sufferer, and whose heart beat io unison with her beloved daughter, ne're ex• prienee a more heart.rending affliction. But the tit had gone forth, the oath had been registered, that loo p which awaits all the living was. soon to he ter Illoteeent. A flower ton fair for ehrth was poa n take its departure to join that celestial choir mheacen . But four short months have passed twee she was in the capacity of a studeni.....p„sess_ students ambition, and apparently enjoy. ill good health, being at the time with her friends Irtficsbarre. With pleasing anticipation did she luck forward to the time when she should once more jori het parent;, brother, sister and friends, in cheer ful converse under a parents roof. But alas ! that Nighty destroyer was destined in blast her fondest hopes and dearest wishes. She was firstly attack , ed with a severe cold which settled in the region of the lunge. This with 2 damp climate to which she ine wholly unaccustomed, soon brought her into con• foment. With anxious hearts did her kind rely tires watch over and reuder all the assistance within their power. But alas ! their unwearied ev, erns were Tendered in vain. She still continued :o sink her complicateblitrirultie , . Whilst at• tempting to remove her to her home by public con veyance, they were so unfortunate as to be over. taken by a furious storm, vi hell it was tc, obviate. The expo kart. and excitementundoubt edit- mud-) 1.,i her afflo-t , on=, tred the "removal but one short month. In consertnenee of a ttrJUS excitement of the the list seven it, the blessing of reason was not hers, ex c e p t livery short inierrais. IvEad„aity Ely to day her spirit calmiy to , k its departure from the scene' of this earth t., dwell with her maker abort! She had been a faithful member of the Episcopalian Church for the last two years of hr.r life, in sac her death calm and meek amidst her ale !non& Then in.mrners, weave thy chaplet of Borers and strew the beauties of nature above her pre. Console thy broken spirit if thou canst with 'best tender yet futile tributes of regret. But take 'inning by the bitterness of this thy contrite affix. uon over the dead, and henceforth be more faithful and affectionate in the discharge of thy duties to the And can it be that she h_ es passed Poway from earth su soon. A ninrer too fair ht far to last. Has io•ned the immortal tomlt. "Then unveil thy hn. .m faithful Nirrth Take this new treasure to , hy trust !tad give otese sacred I CIICC room, To seek a slumber in !Ito dust." to the Towanda Library and Reading Room Association, are re queued to pay their aubscription at the office of pone, Mason, & to R. W. SIMPSON, Tri Towanda, Marc!. 3, 1853, MN= 11CLikerAILLANZI ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWANDA. Merin the north end of the Ward House, (lately occupied ht Laporte, Mama & Co.( Towanda, March, 5, 1853. NIIIIA7 YORE ADVERTISEMENT. H. BAIRD, formerly of Bradford Co.. Pa. . is still engages, with the firm of VanDagen, tad Jagger, who have this day removed to their sew and spacious store N° d 0 Vesey street, corner of Church, (in the rear of the Astor House) where thy are prepared to exhibit a very large it nd general assortment of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, adapted to the country trade• They 'upkeep a large stock of Merimac,Cocheo, and oth er desirable styles of Prints. Cash as well as first class credit customers will find it to their ,in= unit to call. • They have also a department devoted to the BOOT aad SHOE business, and feet confident they tan offer better bargains in that line than any e xelo lira Boot and shoe house in New York, from the lact that the expense is much less in propot lion to the amount of sates. Mr. Baird flatlets himself that having the benefit of r 5 years experience in the mercantile business in Bradford Co., his knowledge lithe style of goods adapted to the Northern Penn sylvania trade, will make it an object for merch ant's doing business in that section to give him a tall. Any orders te•r goods in the above lines will be Promptly attended to, and the articles warranted to glee saufaction. New York, March, 1 , /853 DISSOLUTION. THE partnership heretofore existing between H. &M. C. hlereur is this day dissolved. The business will hereafter be conducted by H. 8 . Me r. cur. All debts due to the late llrm rriuM be paid immediately. H. S. MERCUR. Towanda, Jan, 1 , 1853. M. C. MERCUR. 4IUr M....11111.1111Z" P -AND ZDV.I.BarON BYI7O,TIE. T HE citizens of the born' of Towanda and vicin ity, are respectfully informed that the subscri berhas eommenced huiiness on the south corner of Main and Bridge streets, where be wilt keep on Fund and for sale, every attainable article in his hat. It is his intention to keep a constant supply of Groceries and Provisions 14 meet the wants cif the community, which will be selected with care. and sold at the lowest price. He has a large stock n(Confectioaary and nut.i.. Id all other erodes i n the grocery' line. Eish. Candles, Eggs, %rid all the different malts of provisions to be obtained, will be kept on haul 0 1" Cash paid loßutter, Lard And Eggs, and most of the articles sold by the ratifier. I ° Y stP rs received every day by txpress franf New ' 3 *. and served up in a superior style, and sold gallon, quart Of pint. alma 10.0 :ve me a call—as f am detenninecl•by con • attention to business to deserve. as I hope to wears a share of public patronage. • Tav illaav Jan. e , labs. , ,I. NOBLE'. EntsnrstaA A • Sarnuel Stevens of iged 20 years. . • r , . Tavern and Storkialent, •• THE.;subsiribers oLteTor.,olll , jenTsa term of years, their TAVERN STAND ire and STORE at HOrnbrosli; in Sbesbtquin 11 - rT" township. The Tavern is a large ?and well-arranged building, with 6 - tabling attactiePlfell calculated for a Hotel, and is well located fur kusi. nese. Two or three acres will be rented with the Tavern, if desired, with an orchard. The Store is a new bui. , tling. of good size, and the location a first rate one for the, mercantile business. They will be rented separately or together at the will of the ap- plicant. D. BRINK & SON nornbrook, Feb. 17, 1853. awl& MIL *Ail kill E._ • Is. 1/1 WHEREAS, my wife CATHARINE, has left YY my bed and board, without any just cause or provocation, this is hereby to forbid all persons from harboring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts of her contracting. • Asylum, Feb. 15. 1833. GEO. HARFORD. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A"persons indebted to the/ estate of JOHN HORTON, deed, fate -of Rome township, are hereby requested to make immediate ,payment, and those having claims against said estate:car - Hi please present them duly authenticated " for settlement. JOHN HORTON,.t Administrators. H. MORGAN. February 160853, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALI. personslindebted to the estate of CHARLES FORBES, deed late of Rome twp., are hereby requested to make payment without delay : and all those having demands against said estate will pre- sent them duly authenticated for settlement. JULIANNA FORBEB, Administrators. WILLIAM FORBES, • Feb. 17, 1853. NEW GOODS. 1130 lIMILIIIIIIMT4IGaIIatIIItIOLTMEIC. "WC T s this day receiving from New York, an assort meat of New Winter Goods, which will be disposeij of on the most seasonable terms. for ready pay. Towanda, Feb. 16, 1853. FLOUIL—A quantity of superfine flour. just re ceived,, and for sale by B. KINGSBURY. Towanda. Feb. 16, 1853. WATTS NEIRVOIIS ANTIDOTE. SURE Relief for Disease and Pain, warranted to give Relief, or the money refunded. .4 written guarantee is given to each purchaser, and lithe ar ticle is not all it is represented to be, the money will he refunded. Cures all Nervous complaints., &c. Sohl by Dr. 11. C. PORT ER, Towanda, Pa. Feb. 16, 1853. Ilk_ li AILe. MD 0 H. WILSO'N, formerly of Bradford• County, • Pa., returns his thanks to his friends for past favors, and solicits the continuation of their patron. age. Having made arrangements a. contiaue with the firm of Fuller 4- Dayton N° t 43 West street, be tulten Barclay and Ve ey streets, where he can he found always ready to supply his customers want. ing GROCERIES, with a supply at low prices and on favorable terms. Particular pains will he taken to keep on hand desirable gonds for that section of the colt ft try. New York, Fel.. 9. '.852. ;?. .7 pii-p BRY AN'S --...v ....,...,.. . ci l :, . . , . Je .. ees , • --r. , : , - 5 2 f . Z nrp - z.:‘ „; 44 z ..,,!„'. t, - ~, . .i 1,..,... .;', f".., i , : :,,,,.+,.. if..;,' ,... ...ii ©% 7 . 7 kt • 4 xr - j i ,ttr i r -. ki t '- ' --";,• • ' L'!'"''• -- 4 I L ' ; 1 1 2 11t6 t74‘ • ' r...' .-1-a 4 . - r .--. " '1 ••,• “. 7 , -.-1 - ;= , -!;.;-- •;: 4 _ti --'*::/ rrHIS eltraerdinary preparation has been for mo. ny years the most c. rtatn and 'speedy remedy for COUGII , , C 111.1 1, ,, A , TIS '4 A, BRONCIIITI.7 . 4' AND DI.+V.A‘Vi nr TOS 4.71.1P.‘'T AVD TXN.A. TO those suffering from ob.rttnate arid confirmed t:iinghs th.y give the most immediate and perfect relief, and whet, great liabilfty to take cold exists. and a troub lesome Cough sneer yds the slightest exposure. these WAFEtt . ti produce the most marked restritsi They .11 rare relieve Pile Cough and other symptoms. and courtly remove i!ia , mortod irritability and weak. • 4 o(the I,lt , IT. which give ri,e to the complaint. propertie , are ennthine.l in an azreen ',le form and int to the to-te, sit ihat any child wilt readily take them : and they are warranted to give relief in ten minutes after use in all cases. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. H. C. PORTER. Towanda. Pa. TOwanda, Feb. 9,1853. NOTICE TO BUILDERS. SEALED PROPOSALS will he received for the erecuon of a BRICK BUILDING in Towanda, Pa . for the SUsQUEBANN A COLLEGIATE IN— STI CUTE, until 6 P. M., of Thdraday, March In, 1853. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of Adams & MacFarlane, where proposals may be left, or with any of the undersigned. S. F. COLT, JULIUS FOSTER, MILLER FOX, J. F. NI EANS, J. MACFARLANE. Towanda, Feb. 10, 1853. Executive Committee Clover Seed. 40BUSHELS of Clover Seed just received and for sale by the subscribers at the lowest cash p. ire, or exchanged for most kinds of produce. Towanda,Feb.s, 1853. BAILEY &NEVINS. NOTICE SUBSCRIBERS to Mr. Knapp, for the History of the World, (by Ii Bill.) Webster's Dictionary and the Bible, are respectfully informed that they will be delivered as soon as Mr. Rogers can get round with them, who win deliver them instead of myself, on account of my. health being so poor that I am unable to do it—which is also the cause!, (to• getber with the scatcity of money) of their not be ing delivered before. r. 31. BABCOCK. Jan. 28, 1853. Clover Seed. 49 BUSH. CLOVER SEED, tor sale at the lowest rate by E. W. HALE. Woodside; (near Towanda) Jan. Vt. Plaster PEE subscribers have made arrangements, for a quantity of Plaster, to be delivered in dip Spritig which will be sold for $6,60 per ton for reedy pay. Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats and Buckwheat will be re ceived in payment at the going cash price. Towanda, Jim. 27.1853. BAILEY h NEVIN:4. Clover Seed. JUST receist4d a quantity of very superior Clover Seed. Farmers would-do well topureitase their seed earl•. Towanda. Feb. 5, 1853 I. 0. of co. F. VEGULAR Meeting of lradford Encampment 1-1- are herd at the Odd Fellows Hall on the even. ing ()lithe Island ad Fridays of each month. . O. S. RUSSELL. Scribe: A. Friendly Call THE subscribers are compelled by the necessity of Itaoity to ask those knowing themselves indebted, tit come / and settle and make, payment. etherwise they need not he surprised to find their ac• counts lodged where payment can he enciirced. :Towanda, Feb. 4.1853. MON FANY & Co. The accounts and flak-4 o f ISAAC POST deed, are at the store cf the above firm, and immediate at tention to their settlement *ill RilVe (MM. THOMAS ELLInTT. J. D. MONTANTE. Towmala. Feb. 4,18113. ' Adminis.tratnes. CLOVER SEED.--- Aquantify of Large-and Small CLOVER SEED ion reed by J.POWERLd S A L T-1 quantity uJ Oalt ,jult rcev'rd• by drel J. POWELft. N. Y. et Ea .Railroad ! SIONTANICEPP . di CCP. ARE now receiving weekly over the above Ilio ronghfare, all the latest and most fshionable styles of Goods arriving in New York, fresh 'from the hands of the importers. Also, the choicest and best of heavy Staple Goods and at prices that cannot fail to please. Their arrangements are such that they can sell goods at wholesale for cash as low as they can be purchased of the jobbers in New York city. With an humble acknowledgment of past favors, an examination of their very eitensivh assortment of Goods is respecthilly solicited. Towanda, June 15, 1852. ALARGE stock of Ladies', Children's and Mims' Gaiters, Buskins, @Rippers, Polkas and Boots.-- Also a fine assortment of nren's and Ivy's calf, kip and morocco Boots, Shoes and Brogans, and a good supply of gent's Gaiters and Congress Boots just received at June I. IN BBC Ulrft. Of Sir John Franklin, should cause no greater ex citement, than the NEW STOCKED CLOTHING STORE, of GEORPE. H. gIiNTING, opposrma TAM gnu= ZWlratt. BUNTING respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, in town and the surround ing country, together with " an the rest of man kind," that he has just received from New York, one of the most complete assortments of Mens and Boys Ready Made Clothing, ever before offered in 'Towanda, together with Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest. ings, and Trimings which be win make up in the most approved style, and at the lowest price. He has also on hand one of the most fashionable stock of Furnishing Goods, such as Woolen Um dershirta, Overshirts, Overalls, Drawers, and every article in his line pertaining to Gentlemens' War drobe; which will he sold cheaper than any other Clothing Store 'n Bradford County. $e is confident that from his lonkexpenence that he can give general satisfaction. He employs none but the most expert workmen, and feels assured that his work will i,ot suffer by comparison with the best city shops either in elegance of workmanship or el, egance of style; and hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of that liberal pat• ronage which has been extended to him heretofore. Returning sincere thanks for past ravurs he asks the public to give him a call and see for themselves. cO'CUITING done as usual and warranted to fit if properly made up.,03 D • Don't mistake the place, on the corner o Main st.. and the public square, opposite the Ward tfouse., 'Tis' even so, this world is W all s stage," And gents must dress in this progressive age, Each have their taste of style, of cut and dresr— The question asked where can we get the best! Where can the largest stock of goods be found? Say where the cheapest and best abound! Where can we at the shoriest notice get A coat, a vest and - pantaloons that fit I To answer these., 1 frankly say to all The cheapest place is '• Bunting's Clothing Hall." Towanda Dec. 29, 1852. MIT OYSTER SALOON. atoma aasamato would) say to hi* friends and the public genre V , ally that he has. located himself in the OYSTER- SALOON, In the Basement of the Union Block, next door to Briggs' Hotel, (formerly occupied by W. R. Smalley.) where he will be rereiving Oysters three times a week by express, and will serve them up in the most approved style. He has spared no pains or expense to make it oneof the best TIJrG ES TABLISH-MEAT this side of tiew York. Oysters, by the gallon, quart or pint, at the lowt est rates, Towanda, Oct. 27, 1852. Cistern and Well ramps ! T E.\D PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams ! of any kind, ,oze, &c., cheap fur ready pay, for sale by Jan. 8, 15453. R. M. WELLES. NEW GOODS, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE. HAVE just completed a large and finely finished Store on the cite of the two they had burned, and filled it with the largest and most comprehens ive stock of Groceries, Provisions, Yankee Notions, Confectionery, Toys, &c., 4k0.. ever exhibited this side of the city. We have bought for cash, articles of the best quality ; consequently are prepared to sell at es low prices as the same quality can be lx.ught at any other place. And we flatter ourselves that if fortune has been against us, (fire having consum ed two stores and one stock of goods) our old cos tonaelrs will not follow the precedent, if they call and see our stock and heat the exceedingly low prices. Among the many articles we have ate GROCERIES, rea, su g ar. coffee, chocolate, cocoa, molasses, Stewart's syrup, Jainger pepper. spice, cloves, nut. mega, cinamon, saleratus, soda, cream tartar, ground mustard, pepper sauce, catsup, can• dies, bar soap. vinegar, starch &c., &c. PROVISIONS, Mess pork and beef, hams and shoulders, soda and butter crackers, mackerell, codfish, shad. herring. potatoes beans onions, &c., ike. FRUIT A.ND NUTS, Preserved prunes. citrons, English currants, raisins, green and dried apples. Almonds, filberts, genoble and maderia walnuts, brazil nuts, peanuts, chest nuts, hickory nuts, Are. I)4Arli EE arorrerrs, !vary, horn and wood pocket combs, toilet, combs, fine combs, hair, cloth, teeth, infants, and blocking brushes, wallets, porte monies, and purses of many styles, pocket iak stands, pocket and lanail fancy mirrors, tobacco, boxes, snuff' boxes, and almost every article in Ibi iine. Work boxes, toilet cases, secretaries. plain and embroidered, work baskets-of many aiyieik J. KINGSDERY rAILNIEllrfit, • • German,Freneft and American TOYS of every de scription anriprice. 4 few earthen'and pewter tea •etis, for little girls, and ifew boys' itfeighq. BROWN'S WASH 110.11iDe, SUGAR BOXES, WILLOW ANUBPMNT MARKET BASKETS. sans, Ashton dairy salt, ground rock salt. Salina salt both coarse and fine. Also, a quantity of White Stone Lime. CANDY wholesale or retail, of all kinds and innumerable other articles, for sale at the new store opposite die Court House. Towanda, Dec. I, 1852 DAILEY 4 NEVI m. CLOTHING!! u& A CAMPEIELL. baring teen rati fi ed by IL. the meat fite. have again fitted pp their CLOTHING ATORB E in the same plane as 'before and are now offering for sale, a desirable "assortment of fait end •winter a00v•... They ben; ft.siroue of making up their wont Lou, with selt-at ueoival'Y prices. , Teiraula, Yap. 6, MI. Boots wild Shoes, THE SAFE RETURN 119' DT DAM AND :YA• l p.t•drAPyrJvir•ci-1 wheat flour, buckwheat flower. torn meal, r ~t3at -: Zlbufnscnum6. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ALL persons indebted to the estate of John H. V anneks, deed late of Btantling atone, are here .;by reAuested to make immediate payment and those -basing clainfsagaiest said estate, will please pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. H. MORGAN, Eseeutor. Feti•y. 9.1853. ADMINISTRATOIeId XOTiCE, A"persons indebted to the estate Of C u rti s Prink dec'd late of Wysox, are hereby reqttested to Mate immediate payment and those halting elsitas against said estate, will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. H. MEGAN. Feb. 10,1059. AVMEIOSTRATORII NOTICE ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate of BENJAMIN COOLDA UGH, dec'd late of Monroe tp, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those hating claims against said estate will please prejent (hem duly anthenti eated for settlement; E. B. COOLBAUGH. Monroe. Feb. 5, 1853. Administrator. ADVNIBTRATOR'S NOTICE ALL persons indebted to the estate of Reuben Park, dee'd, late of Litehfield tottaship, are herebtrequested to make payment withotit delay ; and affpersons having demands against said estate are requested to present them duty authenticated for settlement. MARIA PARK, Adminietratrix. DENJAMIN PARK, MOON RICK6I', Litchfield, bee, 15, 1862. AdMinistratora. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALLpersons indebted _to the estate of GEO. JAKWAV, decd . late of Windham, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those havingelairns against said estate, will please pre. sent them defy eutbentieated fot settlement T. L. IAKWAY, E. A. IAkWAY, NlTiedham, Efed. fg, Adtainittraforti. EXECUTOR'S N ( - me E A Id, persons indebted to the estate of JACOB REYMAN decM late of Ridgberry twp.. are hereby requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against said estate, will pines presentthem duly authenticated for settle ment. Feb. 11Y. 1653 NOTICE. rrHE Commissioners of flradford County, have fixed upon the following days and places ret spectively for holding appeals, viz : Durell—at S. Decker's—Tuesday Feb. 22d Asylum—at Jacob Frutchy's—Wednesday Feb 23d. Wilmot—at J. P. Horton's—Thursday Feb. 24th Albany—at Sheffield Wilcox's—Fridsy Feb. 25th Si t .nroe—at J. P. Smith's—Saturday Feb. 2fith Wysox—at Wysoz Academy—Monday Feh. 28th Standing ozone—at 8 Stephens' —Tyre. March Ist Wyalusing,t J. H. Black's—Wed. March 2d Tuscarora—at C. Wells'—Thyrsday March 3d Pike—at S. Canfield's--Frtilsy March 4 h Herrick—at N. B. Wettnort;'s—Saturday March nth Rome—at H. Hick's—Monday March 7th Orwell—at F. C. Woodruff—Tuest:Py March 13113 Warren—at R. Cooper's—Wednesday ;latch 9th Windham—at Mrs. Russel's—Thurs. Mara 10th Litchfield—at C Ellondcnotl's—Friday March i th Sheshequin—at H. Kinney's Saturday Mardi 12th Athens bor.; & tarp—at W.olmstetrs—Monday March 14th Clster—at A. 01rnsteil's—Tuesday March 15th Burlington—at A. McKean'.--Wed. March 16th Smithfield—at A. J. Gerould's—Thurs. March 17th Springfield—at A. Knapp'o—Friday March 18th Ridgberry—at C. French's—Saturday March 19th South Creek— at P. Fassett's—Monday March 21st Wells—at R R. Beckwith's—Tuesday March 22d Columbia—at James Morgan's—Wed. March 23d Troy boro' Sr, tp.—L. B. Morse's—Thurs. March 24th Armenia—at J. S. Brecker's—Friday March 2:tth Granville—at J. Bailey's—Saturday March 26th Canton—at B. Coolbaugh's—Monday March 28th l.eruy—at D. Mor•e's— March 29th Franklin—at J. Brink's-10 ednesday March 30th North & South Towanda—at Commissioners' office —Thursday March-314 Towanda horo'—at office—Friday April Ist The Assessars will he punctual in deiivering the notices to the taxables, and in making their returns on the day designated in their Warrants, at which time and place the Board of Revision will attend and hear all such as think them.elves aggrieved by said assessment, and make such deduction and al terations, as to them shall seem just. By order of the Coen'. E. M. FARRAR, Clerk. Com'ra Office, Towanda, Feb. 9, CLOTHING STORE, Z. d B. ALEIZA.WDES, & CO. TN the Brick Mock, next door to Mercers store have IN just added to their stock, a large and fashiona ble assortment of Ready made Clothing, ADAPTED TO THE SEASov, of every veriety,both of ptyle an price. to which they ask the attention of the public. This is now the largest stock Ever Offered in Towanda !! and will be sold at prices considerable lower than ever before known in this place. Our goods are selected with a regard both to style and price, and offer inducementejtot to be met with at any other establishment. EV' Strangers visit ~ing Towanda, or oth• ers in want of= will find THE LARCEST ASSORTMENT at our establishment, in this section of the coyntry, and made in such style and materials as to ensure satisfaction. We Phan endeavor by LOW PRICES di. GOOD OLOWSING, to secure patronage. feeling confident mat our arti cles will give satisfaction to the purchaser. The assortment comprises every article required for a gentleman's outfit. TERMS—CASH. Orereods, Cods Pants, Of:Trans Caps 4.c Locimoss.—Next door south of Mereur's Main st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water st. Arnouts Hall. Elmira; and under A.C. Porters Hotel, *Flogs Vill age. Tioga Co. Pa. Towanda May 29th 1851. LIQUORS ! LIQUORS ! THE Subscribers having formed a copartnership under the firm of S. FELTON &CO for do ing a general Liquor business, wonld respectfully ask Hotel keepers and ail others in want of any thing in their line to giva them a call. We intend keeping on hand a general assortment of Foreign Liquors, which we can sell cheaper than any one else in the county, from the fact that we boy direct from the importers. and thereby save a large profit charged by the N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are warrant ed pure and free from adulteration. Also constant ly on hand Vllhiskey of the best quality. We have made arrangerdkmts by which we can furnish our cns'omers with any quantity of Binghamton BEER fresh from the Brewery. Pleaee give us a call.— The notes anti accounts of the old firm of ttl. F'el• ton & Co., are in our hands for *Niemen. Towanda, Dec. I, 1852 treffiLNtrksYPßltti AND DRESS-MAKING. m MBES C. O.& M. A. LYON, have established I.V.L themselves in Monroeton, intend carrying on theabove business in all its various branches, and respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. A choice stock of MILLINERY, will be kepi on bard and, for sale at the lowest pri ces. Miss Lyon will becodstatuly advised of the latest faibiona by the connexion in the city, and no endeavenra will be spared to please. Monreetea, Sec 10, tail. JOHN s. PRINK. %tiministrators. REYMAN, M. R. REYNA N,„ Executor,. S. FELTON E. T. FOX. Lines al Siggre STNGhs p 1( r v • L EAVE Towanda for Mercies mills,Burlington,East Bmithleld Ridgebery, and Wellsburg de- pot OD the N. 71. & E. R. R. every 11407113,114 Wto. WaSair and Formic at 8 o'clock A. M., and arrive at the depot in time to take the evening train of cars either east or west, same day. Returning TcEsnAt, Tricasnav and SATURDAY, after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also the Western care from Jefferson, Elmira, &c., and ar rive at Towanda same day. FA :—Towanda to Mercor'a.mills, 37i " to Burlington. 50 " to East smithficld, 62i " lu 11 idgebery, 1,00 " to Wellsburg depot, 1.25 gxPress Packages to or from the Rail Road care fully delivered at moderate charges. D. M. BULL, Towanda, Oct. 8, 1952. Proprietor DAILY LINE OF MAIL STAGES, MI NET lIIVIST AEC AEI -..T0T1/ANILEI. AND WAVVILiart THE proprietors are now run nine a daily line of four horse rev.,coaches between Towanda and the New York and Erie Railroad, at Waverly. They are de:ermined that tn. efforts or expense shall be spared to keep this line stocked and run, in a manner worthy the encouragement of the public Leave Waverly every day, at 9 o'clock, A.M., or after the arrival of the morning trains, and arriv• ing at Towanda, et 12 o'clock A. M., in time to con nect with a line of stages, to Tunkannock. Towanda every day at 2 P. M.. arriving at Waverly in time to take the evening trains, east or west. At Towanda, rillgett?.!ent eat" take ctages for Wil liamsport, Wellsborough and Montrose, and eltirtag es can always be obtained, as may. he desired. The Proprietors are prepared to take any num ber of passengers by means of extra stages, if nec essary. 017 Office in Towanda, at the Ward House. fronvarciiett all the stages take their departure. Nov. 20, I RS? 07POSiTZON LINZ 7E - 4"" .111HIL CV" 'MK WAVERLY TO TOWANDA. THE qubveriber , an' now run ning.a coach daily from Waver ly to Towanda, they may be found morning,and evening at G. H Hai'ett's Claremont House,:Waveily, and at noon at Wrn. Briegs"f o. OarmaZThe paironaze of friends and travelers will •b received. :511 kV 81. ICf:)MAN. Sheshequin, Nov. 15. 185.2. MORE NEW GOODS. a dt Dir. c. nazuctrA, ABE NOW RIX E I TING AXOTBER ACQUTIT GENT UV NEW FALL C WINTER GOODS. Towanda, No•. 19, 1f152 DRESS GOOD .— A good assortment ( - 4' almost every style of dress good's worn by la.lies and ,:hildren, for sale at dccl \UM rE G(39 1)8. 7 A Large al,l(;e , irable assail meat o; bishop ,awns, Swiss and book muc Una, jaconets. eambrics and bared rno.lrna at Dee I. 1859 . 31ERCURS. LILOVES and HOSIERY of every defrription It N-. 1 Dec. I, 1552. MERBLRS. EpHyR WORSTED, for sale by the pound or L smaller quantity for sale at Dec. I, 18.52. MERCI:II.3. lIGHTS.—Freih Carnithine and Burning, Fluid 41c ept constantly on hand at NI ERCUKS. IAI,T just received at 1.0 Tevanda, Dec. 15. 1852 IMPORTANT TO sus Farier, Farrier it Stage Preprint* GEO. W. MERCHANT'S CE *RATED GARGLING OIL ONIPANNALLZI.LII IN TON ntrroair 07 NSDICIIII V the Emit remarkable External Applitaticat wee "fOR NAN AP • "They can't Keep House without it." Experience of more than sixteen sears ha, establiabel Me fact that Merchant'. Celebrated Gargling Oil, or V Tarsal Family Embrocation, will curs most twos, wad es. lion all such as Sparins„ Sweeney, Itingbune, Callous, Cracked Heels, Galls of eA kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Flo. Sitfast, Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameness. Foundore4 Feet. Scratches or Grease, Mange. Elicumat.min. Bites of Animals. External PM- sons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Biwa, Boils., Corns. Whitlows. Burns and Scalds, Chillhlains. Chapped Hands, Cramps. Con tractions of the Muscles. Swellings. Weaknuga of the Joints. Caked Breasts, tke...ic. (f.c. The unparalleled emcee. of this Oil, in the cure of as. ease. In Horace and Cattle, and oven In human OWL Is daily becoming more known to the farming community. to can hardly be credited, esceitt by those wino have been in the habit of keeping it in their stables rod hooves, What a yam amount of pain, suffering and time, are saved by the timely application of-the Oil. fad? Re cure the name of the sole proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT, Lockport. N. T., is Warn In 'die solo Of the bottle ' and in his handwriting over the cork. All onloisaddressed to the proprietor will be prowspel, resynniled to. Get a Pamphlet of the Agent, and vu what wanders IA seeenopn.thed by the use o( this medicine. Sold by respectable dealers generally, lu the Vohs States sad Canada. Also by Aosarra.—H. -C. Porter, To vanda--Wm. Kit! Athens—Fib Baird, Troy—D. V. Barnes. Columbia Flats—L. D. Tat. kr, Burlington—Fri‘bie & son, Orwell—E. Deer, Covington—D. M. Batley. Mansfield--Humphrey it Place. 'Rugs-.Torrell Montrose -Perry & Ogden, Ektpra. holesa le agents are Ward, Close & Co., 83 Maiden Si, ten York. Pc enN f riazm 0,001,w4, Hs. M. C. SIEIICUR, hare }nit received a • very large and general a•snrtment of F A 1. L G 0 0 D a, which they offer to the poblic at their tt%ual low price". sept 18 nESICIL4AriCB I LOOK MLLE ! riARPENTE:RB sit JMNERS will tind a full as sortment of planes, gauges, ssws, squares, trying squares, bevels, compasses, iron and wood spirit augers, gimlet, center and roger butts. broad, hand a n d bench sem advs, hammers, canoes, digit tines and speeds. brad and scratch awls, tripe lines, be._ BLACKSMIRHS will find anvils, vices, bellows. sledges, hand and shoeing hammers, rasps, files, iron brims, bins, hand drills, horse shoas and nails, screw plates, and sgeperal assortment Oclus,l;erman. spring English am! American blister steel, Swedes. American and English iron. MASONS will fin.' brick and plastering triettilt rbn• tun:mars. lathing hatchets, white. wash &c, to:same/10y ag.higi. at If NUNZIO!". A. KEN:NIA P AL. Co., Proprietors ATEIiCURs KID f 3"'~'~T'~"9 TIN AND STOVE STORE. ii•jvi at *4 - 0 • I,: 4 Siraw Ctittirg. H OVEY'S Patent Srife .1 Knife Flay and Off* Cutters of variant' sizes. 11jns. 1. 1, S A JOII and 6. Prices, SS, $9, $lO, $l2, $l6 and $ 22 e." . . , These Straw Cutter. are better and cheaper the straight knife antler, with linisfea set dingo elf on the shaft. The knives on liovey's Cuitir ayi . spiral abide enables them to cut at right angles against the raw hide roller. They cut steadily, with no . jesting— ere easily kept in repair. Each knife can be lakes or and sharpened without disturbing the shaft (or other knives,)and ifmecessary each knife can beset out or in, soar to keep them all true, if otie knife should wear faster than another. Ever? farm ac should have one of these labor and feed savings.- chines. . R. M. WELLES, Athens. Pa.. Jan. 8. 1853 Corn Sheller*. THE very best article to be found irithe county. and cheapest—(Warranted)—for Bala at Ihka A picultural and Stove Store of R. M. WELLE% Stoves! Stoves! rOOKING Stoves of tenons and excellent pit- V./ terv.bizee and prices.. Four patterns of elera• l e d ove n Cooking Stoves, the best to be found in Bradford, for sale cheap. Elegant Parlor Sloe" for wood or coal, of different patterns. &c. Box aid C oo l pore, for Halls, Stores, Churches, Shope. School Houses, &c., very cheap. Call at the Ath ens stove store of R. M. WELLES. Jan. 8,1853. .'Bathing %tuba, QPONGE nATI-18 end foot firth pails for ask L " cheap. My bathing tubs are equal to the bun) city made. IL M. WELLESI - Jan 8, 1853. - . Oils ! Oils ! Conur..N . s ~elebrated winter strained Lard OIL. for machinery, warrtnieti not to gum. Alau. an excellent hut cheaper article fur (amps, 4c. Nki,e's FOOT Ott. for Leather, Barnes., &e., all for sale by the quantity or lett‘, cheap far cash at ready ply, at the Athens Agricultural store of Jan. Ft, 1853. R. M. WELLES. Patent Leather Belting t LL sizes t•l' Patent oak and hernlock tanned n. Belting and Lace Leather, at 10 per cent. leas than ci'y retail prices to be had f,,r cash at the 4116. ma .4g:rims/tura/ Store of R. M. WELLEI'J', Jan. 8, 1853. Jobbing all k.ricle in Tin, Sheet iron, Cop per :Rettts, dine on short notice. Workmanship &a.. ranted In give satisfaction. Tin roofing, &me in'such a rnan9er.a% shall pleua Ca:l on R. M. WELLES. Athens. Jannory P, 1P63. Axes! Axes! FOR tale at very low prices for ready pay very best Axes to be found in this vicinity. made oat of the hest cast and silver steel, of var:ossi pasterns fur lumbermen and wood chopper'''. and warranted. Call at the Athens .Ig,ricultural cornet Jan. s. R. M. WELLEs. HANG OUT THE BANNERIt A horse ! a horse ! my kingdotti foi a hone and customers to take Oh/ 41- • the goods. Notwithstanding the law. ~;Alisastrous fire. A. WANNER la himself again! And at No. 1 Brick Bow y o u'll And Most anything that's in his l'ne, From a cam'iric needle of the finest kind. To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat Anal Clocks which kerp time accurate and true Breast pins of every style and hue, Gold, silver, steel and plated chains, Selected with the greatest pains. Finger rings, my gosh, why what a pile Of every shape and every style, To suit the old the young, the grave. the pir.) May there be seen in elegant array. And W4aissa, a ho is himself a " Is always ready and at his post. To wait upon his customer's and all Vt hit chance upon 'im to give a call, So with good advice make up your miad To call on him and there you'll find Such sights. my eyes, O ! what a view Jewelry °revery style and hue. Ca - Don't mistake the place No. I. Brisk her. where he is prepared to do all kinds of JOB-WORK in his line of busines, at the cheapest Taloa that ON possibly be afforded. He will also eel his jewelry at 20 per cent lower, than was ever before offered la this market. (o'. Call and see..CD Towanda. Nov. 12, 1852. A. M. WARNER. Removed to B. Kiogsbery's Bled' fr a. Chant-be rlits, . Li A S just returned from ths dip AC 1 1 of New York with a large 0 cw . . ~ , ik supply of Watches,. Jewelry sod / ~7 Silver wore, comprising in part. ••:.1 the following articles:---Lear, .... ••/:,-.Z. I,'Epine and Plain Watches, with ~ , ..116,... ..,:--i , a complete assortment of Gold. Jewelry, such as Ear Rings. Fin ger Bin zs,Breallt Phis, n rm.:Picts. Lockets, Gold chiffia,, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silinerwag, and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which he offers for sale e x reemlingly cheap' for C ASH. Watches repaired do short notice, and macron/ad to run well,, r the money will he rerun led, and • *f' ten agreement given to that effect if required. N. B.—M APLE Silts; AR, end Country Prods, taken in payment tir work ; and ills , . learn ROW. as' ~e rer,lhai the Produee mail he paid whew the error ~ u done— , l war against credit in all its forms. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Aped. Towanda, April 28, 1852. r 001CING GLASS PLATES eut and fitted - et LA any size, to be had at the Jewelry.torn of M 15, 18n2. W. A. CHATitiERLIX iraLwrlmatirsivAi..x. m . Saddle, Harness & Trunk 31anufactory. , T ERE Cfl.P & Co., reapeetrully inform the rabtilf thlt they have retnove.l lu the *hop on Main attest, recel.o4 ocedpied by r , mith & Son, nearly oppoeit• the Ward Honqr, where they will keep on hand • Ilrge pt.)cit '2.123133 4 `2Z' Qt tRUNX A, TALMUD, INUIPI, LTC. All articlh; irgthrir hoe manufacturetT to order, an& trunk of the fleat materiel, and for vrorktullfAili heed! be surrnsged in Northern Pcomay Terry *Oka e call from those wishing. to purcheise, confident that they can give Natiafaction both ita to quality and rtes. callitica and Sheep PeIN reeeiv'ed fur work and a* account. at the lowrst rates. &de lovzihrr, Upper Lealktr,ifirnes. Leaner art Cuff skins, for sale is any quantity, PARTICULAR NOTICE. (IN acrount of losses strtainewtl Jthe late Alm eaji UFO obliged to call on those inhabit:al t wallet prompt eoctletaccat. u we ale under the etteesaty,.# haying • hat la owing to 04, so wee this anti • 11l l a is suricigut 1eu4,44 n5...49/ oiler m ks . 11 9411111111, 111:C. 1,111: LEM ES2I ~ •~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers