Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 28, 1853, Image 4

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.3 Straw Craters. •
llovtlt`§ Patentß pit - AI-Knife Hay end Straw
•Emters Ad' various sizes. Nos.:, 2, 3. 4, 5
e's ! , Prices. SB, $9, $lO, - $l2, $l5 and, s2Q'.
These: Straw Cutters are better and chestier than
thetstrajght knife nutter, with knives set diugonally
tniliti: thift:
,Tlieltnites imildveY's totter are spirall. which
enables Ahem to ein at tight angles againstithe raw
Irtelectrii. They cut stearlilv: frith no jerking—
ere,es..sily kept in repair. Each knife can be taken
ittfut , p4 stherrieped without disturbing the shaft (or
niat,kkivlsoand if ;necessary each knife-9n beset
iiiiicit ca. Ewes to keep them all true, if one knife
shituld ;wear raster than another. Every farmer
itiotild have one - of these labor and feed saving =-
thine*: , -: R. M. WELLES.
Athens. Pa., Jan. O. 1853. ..
Corn Shelters.
TAE very best attielo to be found in the county
and cbeapest-(Warranted)--for -ale at the
Agricultural andStoveStore of IL !t1 WELLESit.
Stoves: stoves!
COOKING Stoves of varions and excellent pat
let's, sizes and prices. Four patterns oc'eleva•
led Oven Cooping Stoves, the best ta he found in
iltallford, for' sale (+exp. Elegant Parlor Slopes, fur
wood or coal, of different .patterns, /vc. Box and
Coal Stores for Halls, Stores, Chsrches, 'Shops,
Sichool Houses, Jce., very cheap. Call at the Ath
ens stove store of R. M. WELL S.
- Jan. 8,1853._
Vathing 'rubs,
OPONCE PATHS and.foot bath pans for sale
1 , -) cheep. My bathing tubs are equal to the beet
eity male. R. NI. VP J
Jan. 8. 1853.
Oils ! Oils !
COBLIMS eelebrided winter strained Lard OIL.
for machinery, warranted not to gum. Also,
an excellent but cheaper article for Lamps,
Nx,'a FOOT OIL for Leather, Ildrnesto, &c., all
fur sale by the quantity or less, cheap fur cash ur
ready p.ty, at the Athens Agricultural ~tore of
Jao. 9, 1853. IL M. WELLES.
Pateirt reoathez Vetting , I
ALL sizes of Patent• oak and hemlock tanned
Belting and Lace Leather. at 10 per cent. les,
than city retail prices , to be had for cash at the Ath
ens Agricultural Store ur R. M. WELLES.
Jan. 8, 1833.
e t r all km& in Tit:, SUE: L, on, Copper, Brass, dr. r
V done en short notice. Workmanship &c., war
ranted to giro satisfaction.
Tta' roofing done in.sucli a manner as shall please
Call on R. M. M' ELLES.
• Athena, January 8, 1853.
Axes ! Axes!
OR - oale at very low price% for ecady pay ; tha
r very best Axes to be found is this vicinity,
Made out t.l the I,th.t cast lied teei, of var-ous
putiertv for lumbermen and wood choppers, anti
warranted. Call at the Athens Azrictiftural at ore of
Jan. R. N. d. 11-E1,1,1;;;,.
A horse ! a horse ! ray kingdom for
t a bore and eustinneta to rake away
Ntstwith,cati,ling the late
''i ts i/ disast•inis Gee, A. M. WARNER is
himself again!
And at No. t Brick • low you'll find
Moitanythitia that's in 'Ma line,
From a caro' , ric needle of the fittest kind,
To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat fine.
Cluctit kevp time accurate and true;
Breast pins of every style and hue,
- co, silver, steel and plated chains,
Selected with the grealpm pains.
Finger ring;, myrrh, why what a pile
Of every shale-and every style,.
To Silk the old. the young, the-give. the gay,
May there be seen in elegant array. /
And WAIR rEn, whnja hiMsElf a " b 0.31," -
Tv slw e sys ready and at his pest.
To wait upon his widowers and all
'Who chance upon 'im to give a call.
Bo with good advice make up your nunb,
To call on him and there you 11 find
Such sights, my ,eyes, 0 ! what a view
Jewelry of every style and hue.
cr:V . Don't mistake the place Nio. I. Brick. row
Ithere. he 4preriared to do all kin4s of
in his line of btisines, at the cheapest rates that can
peasibly be afforded. He will also Fell his je - wetry
at 20 per cent lower, than was ever before offered to
this market. crz Call and see. {J)
Toivatada, Nov. 12, 1852. A. M. WARNER.
Removed to B. Kin In nsbery' s Block !
Tr a:. Chamberlin,
. 111 AS just returned horn Oa city
.1..1. of New York with a large
....:," supply
si!e ware,
re W a c t:
m he p s r , is J i
n er
1 2 ;"16C. the following articles:—Lever,
_,..11 L'Epine end Plain Watches, with
.-:i1,...-...: Il t i - . a complete assortment of Gold
--:--.=0.; :-
Jewelry, such as Ear Rings. Fin
ger Rtrip,BretatPina, Bracelets,Locketa, Gold chains,
Geld Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
antlany quantity ofelteel Beads—all of which he offers
for,sala exceeediagly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted
lb run well,er the money will be refunded, and a wri'
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
: N. li.-.IIAPLE" SUGAR, arid Country Protinc
taken in payment for work; and els). learn now, an
orever'ithat the Produce must Le paid when the war
is done—l war against credit in all its forms.
. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent.
. .
Towanda, April 28, 1852.
"rOOKING CLASS PLAT,EB eot and fitted or
.1..1 say size, to be had at the Jewelry store of
May 15, 1852. W. A. CHAMBERLIN.
inEIL M,IIIPZECf:XIP lar.tgL. iiir-a •
Saddle, Harness & Trnnk Manufactory.
TETE CULP & Co., respectfully inform the public
tbatthey base removed tathe shop on Main sweet,
lucently occupied by Smith & Son, nearly opposite
the Wird liouse,-whera they will keep on band a
largo stock of
ILLAW3M% a 5D133 a c2115,1`....g00
*rats s t ,s, irstasso, WUIPS, ETC.
All,artlcies in their line manufactured to order, and
made of the best material,and for workmanship cannot
Cte suipessedin Northern Psrmsylvania, They solicit
a call from _those - purchase,confident that
they eanisiis satisfaction both as to quality and price.
(al - 141es and Sheep Pelts received fur work and on
seecuntoittbe lowest rates.
Sale Leather, Upper Leather, Maracas Leather and
Cid/ akin:, for sale in any quantity.
O. seenunt °flews suitsined at the Into are, we
tire - obliged to'citllott those irikebted to us for a
prompt settlement, as we are under, the neeessity.. of
baying what is coating to as, we trust this notice
be eatilsieut without resorting to other means..
lifeintwlei Use;
. :;0 1 3 : Olt T
= 9
Wlioliosta "ad fieniit,,Dvitir in-.- t •
, 1.
-71 ' , ot.fitv3M. 7=4 raZia,VORS' ate'
Ql'ou• m esouth.e aof the ara House, welly
ti • kno*i as tfie laiigit:Chelpest and,rnost extensive!
mrsortment west of the city... Partidulainitetition
be given to any •or litho: . May! wish: to call, either to ;
.examine or web - 38N and' any'medical iefortaintion:
will be, cheerfUlly• and ,grattritottrk giver' t 4 "those whe'' .
• who a iah 10, conselvemicerniug themselves et' friend,:.-,
Contintrus supplies , of fresh and recently prepared at
tir lea toe' weetlt arriving, having heir" - carefulljrae •
4leted with, a view to Ibeir usefulness, and any article;
wooled not- usually lupt, taller will he , found herii, or
procured at the shortest notice ,by Etpreas, fur those,
leaving their ruder. .ilor;ornmadating clerks alw3y.
- will be eady to safety coinpoond any prescription.sntl!
enthrayor to rank° it (whatever the purchase) mutually ;
agrreitle. Alf goods considemt tverranfut
n • represented, anti being Agent for the beat end [rip
Oar Patent, hterlichies, all those that'll in tide stoic
can be relied upomin aft as being genuine: 'Phi ,
stock now comPrista every. article in. the trade, °mow
Which may be found the following :.• •
22frugs rad
•cl.Da. doe . orris
Acetic lassafoctida squill
elide . 41 r.rabic valerian
Nitric ' camphor 4oriago „
Mutiatic copal oaisaperia
Aquallirtla gamboge Igingri etc
Sulphuric auslac s u iTs
Tartaric etc myrrh tncgnes. a
ni.t.sArat: - shellac Inulplau
trogecanth de
Or LB. -
pats foci
vaMor 1
l emon
sa yin
ifo etc
Cigna ruon
Peruvian (Jes'ts )
Elul etc"
E.sENt .
Peppet mint
Wintergreen etc
Lemon ete
hero' i
peppei mint
cod liver etc
uva ursi etc
G mica
Colchicum etc
1100 TO.
Ct 40111 1 ,0
:alai -
marsh rosemary
Ii (1L1!1
Lavender etc
Sugar, CcSee and Tea of all kinds, molasses, spice
pepper. cloves, mustard, nutmeg, mace; fish, rusins,
citrons, currants, salad oil, C)._toa, chocolate, soda,
butter crackers. rice• starch, ginger, saleratus, white
and bar soap, sperm mid tallow candles, jugs, bottles,
pipes, pepper Sallee. &e.
Cogniae, Otard end American Brandy, St. Croix.
Old Jamaica arid New England Rum, pure !Jutland
and Am. Gin. iri•sh and Monongahela Whiskey. Ma•
d e i, a Li-thin, Sherry, Teneriffe Port. Musrat, Claret
and Charopaimi Wines—Cordials, Rose, Amour Mo.
:`,;,,yeau .!ke , chcaptr than ever offered.
Soaps, Polumery and Fancy
Shav i n g dram, wal•!sur, mcdiedted, sand,
musk, almond, palm, french, tnilet, rose, and transpa
rent sums, la'dos, F,renzlt, and \%rights extracts of
odes club, pdtehoußy. bog, de caroline, musk, mall
GUIs, W:11 , r113, Lt liotrope, anctt brier, geranium
sr Mg flowers, we, t end and new mown hay dc.--
Cachous, cologim, hay and rose water's. l.itly whtm
spadish pe rl pusdcr,rau;e hair dyes, hair il"igUri
tors, hair criu.icat—rs, hair oil, pomades, court plaster,
perfume ten hels, playing cards, pencil points, stet I
pens, fish hooks, firming pencils, percussion cops, to I
Mack, and indelible inks, combs, purses, pocket buokt , ,
port mortals, wafers, pocket mirrors napkin rings an I
travelling companions &c.
Hair, bat, gtli'VP. scrub, shoe, paint, marking, varnish
sash, altist camel's hair, striping blender's and badmer's
v.hitcwash. counter, flesh, tooth, nail comb broom cloth
infant, lather, horse and blacking brushes.
MI scellaneocs.
Tuhaceo and snuff bows, niyplu shelk nursing but
Iles, breast pumps, teeth rings h?J pans, 6yrinogoth,,ul,..l
tier braces. trusses, supporters. pessaries. Cithetcrup
ing glasses, graduates, mortars, spatula, forceps lancets
thermometers, liquid and spread adhesive plasters, &c.
Paints and Dye ;tuft.
rcd, cam and log wood, fustie, lac dye, cudhear
red slanders, madder, alum, copperas, blue vitriol, sof.
tiu, composition chemic oil, vitrnd, oxalic and all the
acids, grain tin, pumice and rattail sone, American &
Chinese %ennillien, :Spanish brown, American & Eng
lish Venetian verdigris, Paris green, white, black and
red lead, chrome yellow end green, japan, coach and
copal varnish, lampblack, litharge, puny, whiting ochre
spirits turpentine, linseed oil, rosin, chalk, umber, sien
na, gold teal; bronze, &c.
French Gla,s 24-30. 22 ZtO, 20-30, 20-24, 22-24,14-
18, 12-20, 12-18, 12.16, 10-14, 10-12, 8.10, 7.9.
Patent, medicines.
Dr. Jaynes' Alterative Expectorant, Sanative &c.
Fitrhe's expectorant, tonic humor corrector, §-c.
Merchant's Unre,ling, Oil for horses, 4s.c.
Stvayne's medicines, wild cherry. 4c •
Brant's Pulmonary Balsam and Extract, etc.
Ortick's Vermituge.
Elaughton's Pepsin or Gastric juice for dyspepsia.,
Osgood's Indian Cholagogue, fur fever and ague.
Searpa's Acoustic oil for Deafness.
S. P. Townsel d's Sarsaparilla. •
Schenck's Pulmqnic Syrup.
Dr. Keeler's Family m theines
Hut6iines Dyspepsia 13iiters.
fluefland's German, Bitters, fir Dyspepsia and Debility
Brown's Essence Jamaica Ginger.
Dutioy's Rat and Mic© Exterminator.
Also agent for Herrick's medicines, plasters, etc., An
drew's and Davis! Pain Killer, Graefeuberg melt
cincs, Pile Eicenraries * etc., salt rheum, teuer,
worm, spasin and founder ointments, etc.; tootl
cordial, plasters, poor man's salves, eye waters, lini
ments, erasive soap, bedbug poisr.n. Hobensack's
and Clark's Worm syrup, Christio*s Galvanic cura
tives, Moffat's Phoenix Bitters. Trasles magnetic,
Sloan's. Valley's, and McAlli4ter's Ointments, Bit
low's Heave Powder, Condition- Powder, &c. All
the numerous kinds of Pills.
Phosgene, superior Burning fluid, Camptiene,wha.c,
lard and sperm oil ; new and beautiful patterns cf fluid
amps now being opened: Camphene, side and hang
ing lamps for hail and store use, girando!es, Mc.
Cavendish, James, Natural Ival, Turkish scarfalatti
John Anderson's fine cut, liogg's Jenny Lind chewing
etc.; choke nands, pure H 111.14111 Cigars, etc. etc.
Ail of which will be sold at unusually low rates.—
Remember that Dr. Potter's Cheap Drug and Chemi
cal Store is in the south end of the Ward House, a few
doors above-the post office
11. C. FURTER, M. D.
Towanda. June 4, 1852.
500 NEW 90 Gallon Casks, a first rate article
Mr sale by e.rELTON & Co.
411C2 - AlLAlLTrlllEnitallatalllros
A V BEREA'S: my wife Polly hasleft my bed and
board without any cause or prUvocation.—
Therefore. this is to forbid all persons not to trust
or harbor her on my account i ai Ishall pay no debts
of hor contracting after this date.
Riarbery, Nov. 2$ 1652. .1. RICHARDSON.
I brimst
ealop . ,
termini tartar
,eurro sublimate
red precipitate -
Sefl IC
M ler T LLI f ors
xhi r
Ina d9nurn
Nll4lters herbs
goi.l ltal
cligule soap
voniee turpentine
agLa arnittonia
brittisit lustre
burg. pitch
can' hat ides
halt brick
.and papa?
white glue
,otter OT annatto
:St O ! E9
. . •. _
ZIO. 2 88.T08 ROM, 1317111.111 V ' Off,
. - - --
01t. ,
, WOODED lb thi store recently oecnpied by 8.
8, Bailey, as grocery and Post ofilee'Vdoors
south of Muntanyes corner. where he has received
a full, now .and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDI
CINES, GROCERIES, &c. which he will sell cheap'
er for cash than ever.
Here you will findannexed a few leading articles;
Senna Alex., Fosgare's Cordial
do Indio Elix Opi
Cream Tartar Hay's Liniment
Sup C Soda !Hair Dye
Manna, , Haden: Oil
{Magnesia Caked i hutment, Trasks
do Carb, do Dalley's
do S S do MeAlle‘ter ,
do Henry's shakers Herbs 1
Colooyath do Extracts
do Apple Tilden's A leoeolic Ex't
Cochineal Rhei Extract
Trusses Hulls Nap Extract
do ' Marshes, Meakini's Vanilla Eft
do Shaker, do Lemon do
B a lsam W isters do Mace . do
do Cheesmans do Almond do
i do Fir I do Cloves
do Copabia i
do Allspice do
do Tutu do Nutmegs do
I do Peru do Peach do
' do PolmotTary do anger do
li do :-Vphur do Cinnamon do
Acid Tartaric do Orange' O
do Acetic I do Tonka c
.do Itenzuoic - Lubin's Springilower
do Citric do Musk do
do. Nitric do Vtulette do
du Oxalic do Magnolia do
do Hydrocyane do Sweet Brer do
do Sulphuric do Jesmin do
Oil Linseed do Joelr'y CI% do
do sperm do Caroline do
do Olives do Jenny Lind du
do Cauor do . Boquet do
do Neatsfoot Syringii, Pewter as'idni
do Almond; ' do Glass ' do
do Amber Rect Nursing Bottles, Glass
do Amber Red do do G. E.
do A nisi IRad Ithei Turk
do Caraway I do do
do Croton I do Ipecac
do Cubebs . do Jalap
do Cummin do Ginger White
do Fennel,. I do 01 ris .
do Lemon Iflum Camphor
do 1 assia I do Opi Turk
do ('od Liver do My tali Tug!:
do Lavandula G do Arabic do
do Neroli do Copal
du Josioin do Aloes Seel
do Nottreg do Aloes Cape
do Orange Chlori.le Lime ,
do Ittiodium do Soda
do Rose Ca , tor I:ass
do ('eclat ' I-i.i.olaNs do
do Copabia iEvena' Lancets
1 , /I •
(10 Ergt,t 1, I:; a sil ver, ~p'..
do Verbena lOxid.llisto th
do ViMette ' 'Woe I'lll I incr.
do Mellesse . lodide Potasa .
do Mellefluer Part do
do Patchanly Curb do
Brushes, Pa int Hi r ai do
do Varnish (liostie do
do Hair !Citrate Ferri . .
- arn
do liair,Cel 4lodide do
do Nail I Pionin
do Tooth Prom hid Mercury
do Shaving sar ) elm La
do Flesh Piperin
do Cloth Elaterium
hit _ lodine
Soap. Yaalree V eratrin
do Crystalline _ iv reosole
do Lug. Wind L u cy s Hydra Cum Creta;
do Coopers ~:orphiae Sulph
do Rosel da Act
do Victora Calunael, Anne,: - an
do Orange do English, '
du Tooth Precipitate Heil
do Erosive do White
do Castile Atilph Zonei
do M ilitary Bronze, Crimson
do Sarin do Pale Gold
ilu Brown do Dark do
Fricopherous do White
Pain Kdler Gold Leaf, Opl
Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion
Oxygenated Bitters America do
Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue
Chloroform Fig do
°Hotlinan's Anodyne Venitian Red, English,
Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Dye-
Woods & Dye•Stulfs, Glass, Pune, choice Groceries,
pure Wines and liquors for Medicinal purposei.—
Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con
needed with the trade.
Having secured the services of Dr. S. Hrwros,
whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me
dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the
medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having.
their prescriptions carefully compounded and put
'up. The stock has been selected with great care,
and the coeds will be warranted as represented.
Alt of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry No
tarial. sebeneks Polnionie Syrup of Yellow Dock
Root, Orriiir's, Hobensacke, and Jayne,' Vermifuac.
Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines
now in use constantly on hand and for sale at
REED'S Drug Store.,
Three Doors below Montanye's :orner.
Towanda, January 3, 18.53.
i .
6/113. 4 .11RELti of oid Ohio Whiskey just received
Vi and for said wholesale and retail, at Reed's
Drug Store
1 QQUINTLES of Codfish, 2(1 boxes of Herring,
(.3 b harrela of Saferatas, warrented in prim'
order, left on Rain at New York cash pricey at
HEEDN Drug Store, Towanda. Jan, 28, 1,4453.
O N tn E n c; t t e " v ib ee e o i ff ar efe e d st io n ft"ra ° 7l;
ford County , eon de found at J.
& S A texander's Clothin g Store
first door south of Mercur's Dry
(mous Siore, on Alain street.
of Elmira, has established a Branch ,at the above
place. All our Work will he abld allbe price mark.
ed and no deviation in price : and is either bought
direct from the Manufacturer or made by ourselves
and tv a rran ted to give entire satisfaction. Every de
scription of
Mena, Woolens, Children* and Youths.. Also, Jim
and TVinnens Calf and, Buffalo and India
Rubber Over Shoes cheap for sash.
Ty Please call and examine for yourselies.,CD
Towanda, Oct. 22. 18$! ani
o m pth.
ray family and friends had )oat ail hoparteCmgiett
cover; ; and when in this situation, divide
• VeN - rtai- -
'eued:hy the use of Schenct's
ttinotimatifyotrulogeitefiiPeiticdiots toitDrrticlunicle,
Ithentinspeakable beteellt hays flohx. , :thiet ttigt
'Of hieinyilltrobblt3tiodicit' •
Early last fall; I.eontnicted'salolont
itinnattquence,ofwltlcbilzhathObills‘alternitted twitly.fd.
t•ser; pains iu my right breast snit sbiatilderldrule;t with
•tti'hbd cough, and nixt , ectpektoratidiv•l'keprotlettiOt
:Wonfe:until I took myjtedoind had ihtleattendrinertid
Znyifatoilf 'phis/clan: .4 E vita. wider his eifroabotittotli
itieekli,,and auto expiratiotrof .thattimix; w/ulalticea
too tow , that despair took, hold GU:myself and friends;
and even my Phrb: 41PAttatuIPItoil' ttfltri Attkalt.rk ,
..up with. lithe hasty correuMption. My -appetite
was gone, Foy bowels very jtresnlar. fever orill' n elotk
; sweats, pain' iii.. my breast and4liotiVer; atten4d with
O'illitresstrig ctingh, which.'was, very light ; my flesh
had nearljbalfgoite, and was so weak -that I could
'aeoicely raise triihead Troni the pillow, and was truly .
an Object of pity to behold.'- My friends.hadleMr.sant
lett la tee me die, and: my sick bed - wit surrounded
kind sod-sympathizing neighbors, who bad come to
Wheera ti4departure from this world.
—Wheastllsaya °flops had-ted-ofmry - rteoseryca
neighbor, Mr..l)avid.otinxioliproposajoiryfroherWa
Pulmonic Sirup, witti ,view of leoiening my .cbugh,
and relleiing MS of thelbugh pblejlm.bli3 rtia`tneatof
of affording temporary relief, remarking at the tier i e,
o that I was too far gone for the Syrup to be of any
permanent benefit." My wife, anxious for the relief
of toy intense sufferings, procured skiing' of the Pal=
Inonic Syrup. I found it afforded maiielief, and cOri;
drilled using it. I could feel its healing infiumfee
upon my . lungs. .
I continue to improve udder iteusii, and my friemls
were much gratified to witness my unexpected
provenicnt ; many of my neighbors came to look at Me
as one raised from the dead.
My cough now became loose, and • * felt something
break, w en I had the pain in my breast ? , and I dis
charged large quantities of yellow Matter. I have for
weeks discharged and raised 'it spit bet full of matter
ever day, with hard lung)/ like grains of something.
My bowels now became regular and natural, and my
appetite was so far improved, that I could scarcely re
frain from eating too midi., My strength improved,
and I regained my
I eontinura foimprovrvirr every respect soon after
conimeneedasing the Syrup, and the improvement
continued until F:avas restored to ruy I have
passed through' the Marti - tent weather of the latter
part '4 winter and the spring, and feel as well now as
ever I kit in my life, and I am this day a living test"(
many of the great efficacy of Schenck's Pulmonic -
Syrup in curing pulmonary diseases.
Lest this statement hefiteught too highly colered fig
some people, I subjoin-certificates of a number of th e
inhabitants bf Tacony.kvltO s o w too at different times
durum in" disease, and never expected to see me rector.
ed. I Nis() Append the certificate of the brothers of
Mystic Lodge, N 0.270.1: 0: of 0. F., who kindly
watched over me, and fully believed they Would coo,
sign my remains to the tomb ; but, ;thanks to Dr.
Schenck for his invaluable Pulmonic Syrup, my life
has been spared, and I am permitted to make the fore
going statement for the henefit of suffering mankind.
I tesi.„'e at TSCOTIy atria 001 well known by twist o
the people there, alai will be giatifica to have arty
person call upon me and learn more rrsrtfen6ra of the
venues td thli medicine. JOHN C. GRE.Lii.
June 24th, IBM.
The subscribers, members of the %15istig I od to , No,
270, L G. of O. - p. of Heihnesburg, Pa. lid 'hereby eer-,
tify th s at we know John C. Green. Cana Is l a member
in good standing in No. 270 I. 0. of O. F.) who was
dangerously ill with a low riflin wary Consumption,
last wins, r,su that they give him ep ale ; that he
is now fully restored to per fret health, and they believe
his recovery was produced by `dchencles Puluninic
We believe his certificate is correct in every par
ticular. lIENRY'NEFF, P. G.
ABRAHAM A 1tT11.1512, P. 0.
• J. K. OSMAN, N. G.
.1\ MEsC. C VER.
Holmeshurg. Philadelphia CO., June 25, ISSI.
The undersigned, residents of Tacony, eight miles
above beirnr, well acquainted with John
C. Oreen, and the eu HlStaliCt $ attending Itis . case,
feel impelled by a deep sense of imperative duty, to
make universals; known to the public his entire recov
ery Ira In the very last
- stages of Pulmona ry, Consump
lion. S. entire) , was his condition, having
been but a brief period since in that rapidly sinking
and emaciate elate: as to it erly preclude, in the opin
ion of his plisiciatts and friends, who watched by his
bedside, all tropes of even a temporary recovery and
restoration to his present robust health. Thus the care
ful use of your invaluable Specific, the Pulmonic Syr
up, makes it our belief, under the circumstances of his
previous prostrate, not to say dying condition, one of
the most startling results that the whole annals of medi
cal skill t.r science can produce. It deserves to be im
perishably retarded to your credit, and secure to yen,
the greatest discoverer of thisbitherto remediless dis
ease, a la,iite.; monument and a world-wide reputation
in the healing art, that no time may either diminish or
destroy. Having witnessed Mr. Green's distressing
struggles soil sufferings from a continued cough, so
perndiled to the other symptoms consequent upon, or
attending to the last stages of a pulmonary disease;
and moreover, it being so generally believed by his nu
merous friends that no human power could relieve, or
protract his life, Much lees restore him hack again to
foriner health, we feel it thus our duty to give our
unqu a lin e ,;:rstrimony of Mr. Green's perfect recovery,
b y means o f t h e ea ,:fosive use of your wonderful Syr
up ; and we should indees; if we could bO made
the homble instrumento of relief an.: :um to other. rho
may be so unfortunate as to be similarly attirLettl •
David Conrad, Jesse Duffield, '
G. /linckle, A. Heath,
Joseph Head, Jr . , Jesse Watson, -"
• Stephen Lukens, Robert Allyn,
Matthew Totten, James'Porbert,
John 131ootneshory. - Allen Vand egrift.
Prepared only by Dr. Schenck, and sold, whole
sale and retail, by his sole went.. John Gilbert & CO.,
Wholenle Dritoeist4, 177 North Third street, :Phil's,
(lichen & Co. 81 Barclay street, N. V. Redline & Co.
No. 8 Stalest. Boston ;-..11. Blake ley, corner Third and
Chestnut streets. St. Louis; and by principal Druggists
throogbont the tinitedStates. And by the following
Agents in Bradford County :
H. C. Porter, Towanda ; D. Bailey& Son, Leßays
ville ; T. Humphrey, Cowell ; Maynard & Woodburn,
Rome ; J. J. Warlord, Monroe ; D. D. Parkhurst„
Leßoy; C. E. Ntlibone, Cantoof King & Vosburg
Troy; G. A. Perkins, Athens.
CM!! letters addressed to DR. J. IL SCHENCK,
Care of John Gilbert of Co., Whot sate Druggists, No.
177 North Third street, Philadelphia.
Attention,iment 1
---• ,--- --r.
p .'''
i. • nw• -^,,,.
. ,
JOHN E. would say to fa i t old IfrieMisand
the public at large, that he has nonstantly on band
and manutacturins Rifles and Sbot Guns Ace., 4lVe.—
Among his assortment of Guns may be found Datible
and single barrelled Guns, Riflean( all kinds warranted,
Powder Flasks, Stun Pouches, Game Bap, cop
Primers. Alio, Powdei. Shot, gape of the best (limit
ty. Aliens' sir barrelleilßeeolviog..Pistols, do single
barrelled selkocking Pistols, Ride Pistols, double , bb's
Pktols anA,cotrinieri steel and brass Pistols.
F cy. f t, F. G., F.F. F. G., Powder in Cane cons
band •
Any of the above articles 'will to sold awful .citesi
tor the Peady • Pop:
Keys of any kindCttt d to • Doeeli, Trunks or !any
other kind of locks on shot t notice and,reasonsible terms,
Repairing done,witkiiestnese and .dosps.tch; shop few rods north of :the Bradford House.
Towanda, May-22, 184.- E. fIErGER.
131;10TS dr.,81 - lOAS--, ate latiesi: ;id :lent stack
in ' tintS astiunTl..
.1... ~_ ......A.,.... a ,--x4.----------- - ,----- --- -.. . _akimpaik ai
, ".• e CORri-Min alit. :
,_.;......),..,,,,,...- - im-Nkristoioncr.....e.,-,,=-...--=,...„, •
.Inroved his' establishment to EL Mix's store,t
.1,, rof main street end the public:square, and.
iwiLlison4nue thminortufactittegrkßoistir assillthOesri 4111 J
,iterstotere. . •. • .0,.:,-- —1.,• ,
4 Helves just received Pain New Ymktui hags sisoil ,
.ment. of Women% Children'aernalliisiat Mai:Which
Areiarered at low prices. Thailand= etithe , Lisdliti
vii yrsticularly directed to his assminiento eionfprising
'•theifolittwitts neot. styles -A;4'hantelledienny Lind gal
tarhoets ; do. sboes; black leating.stid - silk *what'll;
i walking shoes, buskinstAte: i. _Mises' igaitenk and shoidi,.
0' Oraryideicription. A largo assortitent °MlN:ries'
ifftncY• gaiter. , boots Oridisittiesitif allikuida.; - ~:, , i
„, , ger : the GentlemenAdritost eve/ styli, of galleried?.
ritOcw. This stock had been personalirselected with
*viand he believes he can offer superior articksllt
rewonsble prices. .: ”.:.. !..:i'l
r.Ttie strictest attention paid tallikraufachasrig,
and-he hope. by doinit‘Wcirk.well to .marit-wcontind•
atice:of tht . liberal patronage he has hitherto -received:
~- +T., I MI-Pdit. May 8..18b.1;.. , ;.:.,,, e I, ' . ',.1.- ii ' .. , I
2001 k •C. •DVAS
NEYS mac
AT raamipTilurfi
rowywdras Aremerorat
-* -. 5 r
• !, • COUNT!
.HAVING laestefi Tpwands, his ,seniees - any
3.-/- be ol4aineilliy Sililieseins a line througb4he.Posi
° WI " , or bi go0i 1 1,0•14 0 -1 0 ffies of 15.iyeees.Ntscur,
fisg., iihere he,willFbe . fourpl, yeheni a prime. Pp?
.lientpton may ; belrEi, ~,Novt 1, 1856. , •
NEW BLACKS)11111 7.81161 ) ".":
4BE subscribers respeCtfally inform - ttseisutaic that
they have taken thw•shop formerly. ocesiliied; by
Adam Esenivine,- on Main street, nearly risppasits
.Drake's wagon shop, whereJthey are prepared to do all
kinds of BLACK6MITHING uporr reasonable terms.
They are determined by doing their stork well and
-promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share. of
public patronage. -, , •-• • , • . •
• HORSE-4110ELNQ dont in the best-manner. • Ali
kinds of repairing Machinery, esecuted ivahe most
fill manner. -• ' '
WOOD WORK for wagoes will also. be made and
repaired when desired. -
All workdone atobeir,shop, will be warranted robe
.well done, and mannfactated from
. the best materials.
-The public are requested to give us a trial, and judge,
fur themselves. ESEN WINE & SEEDISCHIL
Towanda, May 2. 1851. -
t iTUKANILIV - MV.I 1, - YANK - 4 1 21A,:a0T21. ;
Important to Zrouselteepers:
t THE .siatiscri bar thankful for the
5...._ ••-- ,--- • ---t4:-.1-- !Aura patrunage heretofore re• !
' ''''''' 'v ' e-174.-; ;• 1 / ''
d b ~ leave -,_-:,......_, calve , e r ,s to inform 'his,
r. , -; - :p -.., , ,irt...44-tolfriends and the public geT..s alty,
r......... ) ...,..,-
tie , ';,.."
_l , iWk ji ; ', . l and those comtnencina HOUSE ,
Ltet:-;: - '.. -- -s- - ' l.-- Lce....AAceping in particularlhat lie has
. -- trirra , on hand a large assdrtment
- aof FURNITURE:, which he will
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of '
the best materials.
It CRE 11.1 S, such as mahogany and walnut dress-
ing bureaus. marble anti 'pfaiti tops ; mahogany and
fwatnut washstands. marble tops. and plain. of dif
ferent patterns. Card and end tables, Sofas Clench
es, whatnots, Arc.
I3CA tHTEADS.—Hiehi Field, French and low
post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns. together with other furniture usu
-ally called for, all of whicti'will be sold on the most
accommodating terms.
'''. The subscriber is also provided with a plain
, and fashionable HE A RSELqind will hold himself in
readine-s Id-attend to all orders in u odertakine.• .
lie wilt furnish ice bores when desired, by 'the aid
of which the corpse may be kept (or a week. Col%
N. B.—Furniture of ' all kind, made to order, and
warranted to be of the best mau riats and workman-
Towanda. January 1,7 ; 11352.
ilnill. STEM slf,-n,
NTOLS.O (leonine unless aecomitottica v d rac sirn't
to of the above Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. Ir
SOULE & Cu., upon each h o t.
In olTering to the public this justly celebrated SOY
ERE;G:si BALM OF LIFE, it is nut our Nigh to
make any false statements or wild assertions of their
superior efficiency in restoring to• health the sick snd
sulTering, ueil knowing that their reputation as a
STANDARD MEDICINE is of itself sufficient refer
ence fur the afflicted.
Many proofs might be given of their value on paper,
but we prefer those unacquainted with them to asi:sty
themselves by enquiring of hying witnesses and trying
the Pills. They arid find them perfectly safe and reli
able in all cases, being purely regetable, and a medi
tine worthy their best confidence and patronage.
The following certificate was sent us fur the public
HEN RI ETTA, Monroe Co.. N. V.. May HD, 1851
We the undersigned, citizen; of Henrietta, having
used personally Dr. Soule a Sovereign Balm Pi& and
witnessed the health restoring effects thereof, cheerfully
recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the best with
which we are acquainted.
M. D. PH H.i.l PS,
P. B.—You are at liberty to publish this for the pub
lic good.
BLWARi or COCNTELLTSITS ! We are not aware din
any one who is making a spurious article has yet dar
ed to make use of onrainme ; but some of them has
had the impudence to imitate our boxes and copy our
Circdars, Certificates, &c. Vnlers ihe public are
careful when 'hey purchase, they will be deceived.
0:j" Thegenuine Sovereign Buin t .PiPs can be h a d
wholesett and retai , of•• Dr. SOUL re & Cd., Syracuse
6,;.,..ridaga Co. N.Y.'
Sold by i;;. H. c, PORTER,Towanda PL. and las
their Agents in even town in the eeentm 21y
torto's Salt Rhtum and ii;gula einintrat.
- mo EXt:I::4E F 01: : 4 UFFERINLi SAL . :
Threntruses warranted to cure a surface as large
as our hauls,
NORNON'SSahrhcuin and.Scroinia ointment has
no equal in curing :33hr:tenni. Scroftila, Erysipelas,
Barber's Itch, Fever Sores, Scald Heads, Ringworms
For sale In Towanda, by Dr. H. C. PORTER
Lafayette Burr Mill Stone
TH6 undersigned, fpgnerly foreman for many
years of the Lafayette Burr !t4lll Stone Mann
factory. 210 Waghinginn N. Y., (W. Tyacit.
agent.) would inform his friends and the public in
emmeral, that he has established a
In Leroy bu ild i zs, appo , :ite Exc . bang,o Hotel, and
sol;cns a -iiha re of their'p It ronaae.
He will have constantly on hand a large stook
of French Burr Mill Stones, at; also a arse supply
of French Burk Blocka, Bolting' Moth, Bereen
Wire..Calcined;Plaster,: and Patent Self- Digesting
Busthes.- • -
The undersigned assures his (cirri& turd the
public, that he will faithfullye'xecute all Orders t n.
trustedto Ilia care, not only in quality but in pri•
ces of articles furnished, and solicits their kind pat.
OiIDERa-hp letter wiltbe cremated with as mach
care and ae cheap as when: parefussers are on the
spot. :;' l / • • ,
IttPEßENCES—ifilit. " D. 8. Dteldrison, Hon.
'John A. Collier, Hon. A. Birdsall, U. V. Whit. :
ney, Dr. Eldridge, 4451. - H.Lewis. W. B.,Weed.di
Binghamton. D. Searle, Isaa c Posh Judge Jesiop.
Salsbury, IV. Co., Montrose, Pa;Patel), Carrnalt,
Friend 'rhorrip Phi . nney,:DundalE 0. Oi
di H.'t.tnirnati, Wiiveri3i, N.Y. Thomas Pearsall,
fintithbaronah; N. Y.' MajorD. Mersereact.
-M. T, NichOls. .owean.l !VT. Nora, 4k. ,
Whiliker.:Waverly, tr. V.:JOHN W..BULLIVAN.
Binghamton. Nov.t 8, f832.y23 • • `. •
71 1 gA,4441ijitieg I shilling tea iriOstego,' , li teU
inl at _ 000DRLeir & CO4"
rr ,7434 . 4...tti m Pr xtz t.
..I.43yitvsCE,. MABB. .
MANUFACTURE'Siette &gibes aid LA: •
taLrfroal Ole WOO' boroei 'power: • 4 01 4601,TC
ortei,-xio fuser Ws' bed plates, east in one t h ote.
have eipthsimpaalyest -all joints 'inatod *tub:llE
- light **tact psalm - air pain t ; iftbe w i tir .
wearutir 'defaces( bags, and rubel be in adjastable_B4
of:bronze tit Babbitt :metal 11:4 w b et Ost
nied belt Seer. - The Regulator is e d to
-plate is The FMCS Pump is in- au indepeute a rL4
artingitatniat:trankiihaft and tight And loose
ready to receive abe fiem elie engine shot or p 6 a lf
any other shaft ' , 344..wh01e atsJp of want is no "r
passed bYtiiiy tittie-bailders .
, :palitint if tint bee iinictican or English fr i r . .. L e •
,t,us-sove`wrought iinaL-Adier tabular or wig k i L Z
niede ib the' Most' th'oriimei manner.
Entities:front - . 8 id 100 bana cos
l Power cot i o.
band or in pretritsa, te'delivered , stai n
of itie're*pe in'erder.
Ar s i ) , gteam Palk Mine, caPtbit 01016 4 600 06 1 .
bodriiinetiiate x ptoite inch boards,io 12 tw eta , , ,
au& requiring no other find
: -
falloviing -.are the prices of a few of rh, v
eities:rvr . 6
Saw Mill, including, Maim engine, boiler el
- 111trintei,silerritilgte ; pitman irons; mo t ,
getters ; feed, and all balm and irons forlo
carriage, complete, ltd
8 ! „ .m IQ , it/. diameter of cylintler.2sa64*
- with tabotar boiler ., conttining 360 s lin , k eit
• h est i i iil at ir g t ee , and all castings, pipet, 'gn i, 44
other parlti ne:assail to 'set it la complete ep a4 ,
• •
st eam errirra, 12 in . diameter of cylinder. 30 i n. siroic
will) tubular boater,
,containin g 480 squ ate f end
heating surface, complete as ' , elate,
tar 3
Delivered on the cam of the 131qo u u l t % tine tia
road at Lawrerice, mike from Waft. Terms,catt
on delivery; ; •
Boilers for,ithe.- ItboMa:loathed to suit Mi na;
- ftfrKey4 }tonality, late of Pittsfield, INK, si to.
steam engines at* already widely known, have zee tt t,
taken charge of the weskit of the Esser Comp on y4
will be able, with their increased faciUtiei Ethy l .
Fiance, to make their approved engines d am
better than heretofore.
May 13, tR52.y . - GORDON McKAY,
issoo cB.azizaaN44l....
W HATEVER concerns the health and byvpi
of a people, is at ell times of the moat ntat,*
importance. I take it fur granted ;hut every Is m;
will , do all in their power to gave the lives of *-
children, and that every person will endeavor tope
mote their (MU health at all sacrifices. I feel 'aw l
my dory solemnly so assure Tor that WOOS, it
4 r opitt),,t, of ihe most celebrated phi;
are the Vilmary catius of a large majority of,
to V. htch children and adults are liable ; if yet
on appetite continually changing from ene kinds
to another, had breath, pain in the stomach, rid
the nose, hardness and fullness of the belly, dry I
slow fever, puree irregular—remember that ,
denote Worms, and you should at once mill * A
Au article founded upon scientific princ9pla k g 4
pounded with purely Vegetable substances, being„,
feetly safe when taken, and determined in ell intro
and not leaving the system in a diseased conditilag
most advertised nostrums, conipused of e g i omejig
removal of Worms, such as Lepage*, Yen*,
&c., but has perfotmad the most astonishing curtg A g
saved the livt s of thousands, loth young Ind. , '
have been pronounced liopcle-s incurable 4
cians. Read the following, and hecenie man
its efficacy over all others:
M rt. .1. N. Hoists sa r a—This is to ready thg l y
child, 1 . 5 yeats of age, haying been air:k for:iymaxi
was stletialeal by Drs. Loper, Whillis and Plaskrin
long time without rcce.ring s oy ber eft, stet' lig
Ong her up (le incurolde.'t went to Ph.ladellarrA
consulted one of - the hest physicians; her Laura
growine wow. It was st this time lan insealt
try fichrnsock's Worm Syrup, slid after to
bottles she entirely renined her health. IlYriar.
'hie 'oil, proven benrfit to parents waose da2.
similarly affected,
No part of the system is more liable to dist
the Liv Lit, it sorcing ris a fi tern to purify the
or giv,ng a proper aecretsoss to the bile; sot
wrong action of the Liver ctiects the other i
parts of the system, and results vanously in
Liver complaint, Dyspepsia, &c. We shoed:
watch every symptom that se fight mdtrrte
action of the Liver. These Pills being coots
Roots and Planle, furnished by nature .0 heal;
—N a mely let: An Erpecto•an:, %hint, swot
secretion from the pulmonary mucus cuish►i
promotes the discharge of secreted matters °
gleraihe, which changes in some imensible
explicable manlier, the certain mobil steno
system, 3,l—a Tome, which gives ions soli.
to the nervous system, renewing health sal igen
parts of the body. 4 ih—a Culh:rrtic, which ,
perfect harmony with other ingr.,nent.e. inJ
on the bowels, arid expelling the whole cao
and vitiated matter, and pyrelyir g the irt
strops disease and restores health.
I). G. 0 rts,
Agents for Bradford Coun•y—Da.C.P 7
J. M. Reed, Towanda ; C. H. Herrick , M
Bullock & Co. Smithfield ; Barnes & a r i‘ry,
ley ; IT. Spear, SptingSekl ; Baird. Tre
Taylor, Burlington ; Brown h
Parkbust & Lamb, Leroy; C6ns. Batton'.
also T. U. Howland, Columbia, noels
THE sulArnt,er an:
~ i .Plf-1. :, ..,
... "ounce to the poEir '
have now en hangl,
4 A ....,..
"....44 . to ode. - oli Lttds of
I• Cabinet 'Wart
--. ~- such as S o fasSlivato ,
I Al Uen ter. Card, Dinah.
I •- fast Tables. Mahtial, le
4,r...wet •
nut. Maple and Chem E1;7, 16 .
• Starhiz , of V arimif. limns.•'] .
and Bedsteads of every description, whickezio
will he made at the hest material :Ind vureti i
manner, and which they will self for catsrAl i
than can be bought in any other Ware4o o : 0
on hand on !the most reasonable terms.
HEARSE will be furnished on Pineal 0 04111 '
Towanda, June 1, 1852.
41 1
114 FIR. OLMSTED, PIDIrniETOR or tht
Machange, gives hti thank, is waist;l
and the traveling public generally.,.„i
patronage, and solicits the continuariceo 4b "".
AN OM'-!BUS, no
will ran re alert to and from the Waved o " - i
to meet the Mail Trains for the arcotnso o3ol
strangers and travelers, who wish to visual
ant village on business or otherwise. . 4 dz 3/
of first rate
Four Horse Coaches, ,„
are running thronzh to Towanda. Those eis• - •
will be insured a ;eat in the coach from this
and ;hose going to the r
can stop at Athens, and woo as hour or 12
and be insured a conveyance in time io
regular trains of cars going F. 31 or West' 10
Also those who wsh to leave their tears
4n be conveyed to and from the cars free clear
Athens, Sept., 4. 1852
BLAKE* Patent Fire Proof Fault, e
you, can get the pure aitiele. is at „„ei
Towanda, Oct. 8, tB5:. KISGSR"'
iltoVensadi's Worm Symp.
I am jour, dc.,
Erobensack's Liver Fills.
1 22.30 . OLD TAD
R. Bowan.