'ea. gameittitulcuts. Taveri aid Store-to Rent.— THE subscribers ofer for : 'rent for a term of years, their TAVERN STAND . and SI'ORE at H brook, En Shesbegnin • township. • The Tavern is .a large add ;sell-arraoged building, with stabling attsched,well Wasted for a Hotel, and is'well located for busk Two or three acres will be rented\ with the T av ern, if desired, with an orchard. Ttie Store is w D e buildingr di me. of good size. and location a rst 'rate ens f o rcantile busines dm s- They will be mated s eparately of together at the will , of the op- D. BRINK & SON. Seabrook. Feb. 17, 18b3. IIICA&11L7 0 311"1 11,1100111 hre WHEREAS, my wife CATHARINE, has left VV my bed and board, without , any just cause o r provocation, this is hereby to forbid all_persona from harbdring or trusting her on my ace,onn4 an !shall pay no debts of ber contracting. Asylum, Feb. 15, 1853. GEO, HARFORD. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the aline of JOHN AHORTON, dee'u, late of Rome township, are payment, and hereby requested to make immediate claims against said estate, will please those having present them duly authenticated for sittlement. JOHN HORTON,? Adminlstnaton„ a MORGAN. February Is. 1853. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LI. persons indebted to the estate of CHARLES AFOODS, dec'd late of Rome twp., are h ere by re quested to make payment without delay t and all those having demands against said estate will pre. lint them duly authenticated for settlement. Administritnts. J WI L L I I ANAN M A F F O O R R B B E E S B , , S 2 Feb. 17, 1859. NEW GOODS. If&- 111117.41 Grf 9 llEitILT 1 ALlit" s this day receiving from New York, an a ssort . I went of New Winter Om* w hi c h will be disposed of on the moat reasonable terms, foe ready pay. Towanda, Feb. 16. 1859. LOUR.—A quantity of superfine flour, just re ereived,, and for sale by B. KINGSBURY. Towanda, Feb. 16, 1859. WATTS NERVOUS ANTEDOEIL QLRE Relief for Disease and Pain. warranted to 0 give Relief, or the money refunded. A written gairaniee is given to each purchaser, and if the *r ule is not all it is represented to be, the money will be refunded. Cures all' Nervous complaints., he Boßby Dr. H. C. PORTER, Towanda, Pa. • Feb. 16,1853. ; AL. A.:111113111311:110• B. 'WILSON, formerly of Bradford County, • Pa., returns his thanks to his friends for past avors, and solicits the continuation of their patron , Having made arrangements It continue with e firm of Faller 4. Dayton N° 148 West street, be. reen Barclay and Ve,e3r iifreets, where he can be mud always ready to supply his customers want cg GROCERIES, with a supply at low prices and a favorable terms. Particular pains will 1:1 Taken keep on hand desirable goods for lira! section of country. New-York, Feb. 8. 1852. iIS extraordinary preparation has I,eeo for ma ny years the most certatn and speedy remedy Comas, COLDS, AsTHMA, BRONCUITHAJINFLUSH . Disuses OF THE CHEST AND LUNGS. TO osr saffering from obstinate and confirmed Ciihghs. F T give the most immediate and perfect relief, and ben great itabtlity to take cold exists, and a troub ,one Cough succeeds the slightest exposure, these 'AYERS produce the most marked results. They nogg reliere the Cough and other symptoms, and ntrfly remove that morbid irritability and weak, FF. , of the Lungs which give rise to the complaint. nemedteal properties are combined in an agreea riorm and pleasant to the taste, so that any child lilreadilv take them : and they are tYarranted to nreoef in ten minutes after uso in all cares ice 25 cents per box. For sale by ?Jr: H. C TER. Towanda. Pa. .ganda, Feb. 9,1853 NOTICE TO BUILDERS. QED PROPOSALS Neill be received for the !two ,or a BRICK BUILDING in Towanda, n ibt SUSQUEHANNA COLLtGIXTE TE, until 6 P. M., of Triesday, March I. Plans and specifications may be seen at the ' Adams & MacFarlane, *here proposals or with any of the undersigned. F COLT, JULIUS FOSTER, MILLER FOX, -- J F. MEANg, J. MACFARLANE. 1t353'. Executive Comm tree. , wandt. Vela. 1 /sr Seed. IitIFIELB of Clover Seed jest received arid for sale by the subscribers at the lowest cash exchanged for most kinds of produce. eloda,Feb.ls, 1853. BAILEY &NEVINS. subscribers have made arra/manta for a tantity of Plaster, to be delivered in the Spring. I will be sold for $6,50 per ton for ready pm. 1, Rye, Corn, Oats and Buckwheat will be re= I in payment a the going cash price. pa nda. in. ta t V. . 1853. BAILEY NEVINS: .cooers are compelled by the necessity Way to ask those lin - owing dientsel*oo to come and settle and make • paynieil; bey need not be surprised tiiffaidtheir act MI where payment can be enforced. 14,Feb. 4,1853. AIONI'ANYVIS dr. Co' auras and notes of ISAAC POST deed, store cf the above firth, andimmediate at• t helesettlemeit will save end. _ THOMAS itrfOTT. .1. a MONTANYET iafeb. 4, 1652: AdEnfiiiittetbriL nad Flour quantity of Pork and Flour t teiTed and for sale by • J. POWELL. ?--A quantity of Bali jest received by bet 1. POWELfr. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS. try of fooary they ;t) get stead of poor shot lose, (to. ir not be- COCK sale - at the W. HALE. 1853. raster sy superior Clover al toOureflase their J. HINGSBERY . o. F. Iradford Encampment Fellows Hall on the even. Sys of eao month. 8. MUMMA.. 8c) . _ ttr.theaetopte is st4eiditi nils otabambraooastji