~~~~{{,,~~ K.2CSi S :w~::: ~ =- : ;c2'Si. ~aYe~v:~.:,K~.=yw: . ~3iiSd:ihYY=A.~::z~Wlt~^.•lr~kr:. 7~=~.~..._~_...-_ _ _ _ ... ~ _ . _.~~~. __ _ ~;t:i~ L 21: - -4 1it * 11 , 13 AGRICTrietIIZALA I 1111 . -ANT STOVE: STORE ' • . .' a •_7A..'"Th7i.- 1 " - ti - . 7 7 -At1F37" ,, i.. - 1 , 0 7 A , 1 4 ,0 4 . i.,11' Z ir; 7 • l `.. -. T. 4- i f •• ' ;', qs* . • t -> . . * - i' • ' "/'-',,'"•• it,-- .5 --'.'.?':•'• '-%.,-, ': ''.*:W _ t:ik_i t Ile - .. •• ' • VAr"t" - Cleil e : . -it''' - ' 4 sr iS"*.•-t/ .....„.i,_• , ill -, - . - * - ..,, t ,+,,t'' , , ;5: G -!. Ar ,' ' re"f 4. ---Ui . ' - ‘4,-.4 L ?:1 4 5,5, k•Zi*:, - 7'7, rj • 101' 7 .4 ) IE 4 ' C -7 L-.- Irr ..., r.-; ,.. -, .- .-•:; ' . x * 11 116 , 7:12. -:`.,-..4-= : ' k ' ' -• • ' 7 7 ,•4, 04 , 4-C. : •=; rl f..• ` \ Tsv. 4 732ertrmrfirnriT T? 1, I'T - Quttr,re , r,SY ritt>44 B l)if. I Kistie'Vay Biram. Icri et' ieit4imi. , ‘0.71.q. • iSrOt-1 • 4,, 5 end 6. PritiT3.SB:Agi 'eliti• tAii4: 04'). Th em s k il k m . A.);44tKco...aretigtier thin the stratgti'Vtill'ft.iViferSeTt t ir i11+444A.;t4 , 1;114v on* Anart/.. The., k e'..s onll. i ey'aCtrf r;: - ' a Ile spit al rraalia 11 4 cin to cut at ri7,l.ea:ns.4l ,.. s.:agairist the raw' htTe ~yr- 1 43. cut .tea,life, witty-no jerking- 7 : are! jasily krj. tii repair. EiirliAm ire O. an be taken etT4aFjefsharpeuttil without (Wiiirhing the (nr each Ituire can - he set kfeii it.4.in all true, if :oar I:niG ahPn wear Ta..t-tr , titan nettle r.. livery farmer one Ft aieee hbor an,i fcrit grvin,- ma. R. 1 1 / 4 1'. CiistX•t+jaP-1. Corn Slholters. T#ll,7ll!,esttattit:le to be fott,al it, tite eountl - Atna Oiettitir--(WariVittetfy-f—for EA. .1 1 14,hetitit . ti - il,ftrt 4 tOrtetritriee oF M. WF,I,I,EA. • ro ).1114,oves 1 , .gloves 1 r_oOKlN4llBtoveg various an.l excellent pat-, Nk-9,jiis: - 'siirs 'arid' prices. • -Poor - patterns of eleva ted - 04'en . 'qoalsidb'Sto yes, rito best - to -be found to Bratifont ter sat. -eile•ify, Eirgrlnt Parlvr .C, , nree, for tiOtbil t of &fret cot pal ;el t ,..are. Eta , d a d coal 0;14 , 44f ikaTP:„,§joifs,, /School / 18rtslos, 4 &c..; very Thea p. l Oat* ai , 4Q. Ath ens stove store of WELLES. triffolA3 - r _ . Mztraing :,slit liktiTs• itnj bath pans for - sale , eksp. My Lathing tubs ar-'equal to the best cttj trtale. Jan. 8, 1.853. Oils Oils 1 c1131.70'S celel,r3trd winter strained Lard OIL, G TM* machinery,- warranted not to gum. Abu, an excellent-but che.iper 'article for Lamps, 4-c. 42 --Illiit-Tes - r-otyr On-for Leather, Harness, 8c c., all iir , r said:by Oe,quaptityiir less. ohnap for; cash or r43o,Apityl i g ttia Atbeos,AgrictOtura I s tore' Jad. 18.13. ' • • 'H. .I"ateat-Seather FAltfilg Alsizes of l'attMi oak and hemlock' t ainted ettiag and L ;IC. ace Leather, lb per cent. lees Wan city retail prices to Le i haa f..r'ca Hat lodine suap, Yankee. Versirin do Crystalline !Creosote do Eng- wind Low's Hydra Coro Creta: do Coopers ' Morphine Sidon Ido Wise. ' I do A.et do V ie'tora , .) f. Calomel, American " do Orange •I do English; do. Tooth - I 1 Precipitate Red Xi EraFi...e • do --'White do Ca-tiu .le ... . 9 ttl_pliZtuej do Mt litfii II rrinste,Crfin son do Savin ' do Pale Gold do Brown do Dark do :I ; Fricopherous do White Pain Killer Gold Leaf, 00 Ayers,Cherry Pectoral - . China Vermillion- , .: Oxygenated Bittern , . America ,_ do * stoughton Bitters ruisian Blue Chloroform icig do fl otinaan'i Anodyne Venitfan lied, English Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Dye. Woods iSc Dye-Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries, pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.— Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con nected with the trade. Having' secured the services of Dr. S. Ht-crox, whc keeps his office at this store, and will give me— dical advice crais to people, they paying for the medicines 0n1y..-2 Physic:l .- obi:bail rely upon having their prescriptions carefully compounded and put up. The stock has been selected with great care, and the goods will be warranted as represented. All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pee. twist. Schenck' Pala:tonic Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Orrick's, Hobeusacka, and Jaymis' Vermifugo. Togetbei with all of the most popular Patent medicines now in use constantly on hand add fot Sale at. J. M. nl, . Three Doors below Montanyc's :orner. Tomcok, January 0 - ISA ... anti ARRELS o fold Ohio - W hiskey juFt‘eeived Ulf and for said wholesale and retail, ai Reed's Drug Store, . • . it cpsnm lautiauirly %' alum - , •1. cone ablimate red pracivitata • quinine uniuo I.llam:ie. SiIeCELLANiuUS titeollut [ ettlei ?... !tau/fir:um i .. , paregoric 'ihakera herbs' . gold leaf icastile soap Venice turpentine aqt.a antrloni pedildoc, cohat , rri I; brittigliltts4r Irorac /burg. pile!' T.. catithas ides i-1 wrka . t bath brick . emery dant! paper , white glue otter or al:matt° 18 virfri..p„ii, Ir.?! of Herring, 5 barrels olSateraws, warranted in prim! , order, le.ft, on sale at :New York ensh prices at ii,b;llfit'S, Drug Store, „ Towanda, Jan, 28, 18Z,3. BOOTS AND. SHOES'. ONE, of .the t ~ argcst assort, meat ever offered in Brad' ford County, can •be found at J. da. , fi,,itupilAtter's Clothing Stare ('irstdoor south or Mercur's pry (loads Store' Oh 'Main street. • TIELVEUMIEras. of Etna ihk, has established a Branch- it • the „above Once. %AV our work will be sold.at tho pricelinark • ed and •no deviation in. Rice,: and is hither bough! direct,. irons the Manufacturer or madn by ourselves and warranted to give entire satisfaction. Every de. scription of SOOTS AND SHOES. Alms, Woo/ ens, Children and, laatits. .dim), lllcn s and Calf and Ilaflnln and India Rubber 01.44 Nhars climp far cash' (1.1 - • Please ca II and exam ale fqr yvur: Oct t', 1l.1 4 .! Gm' I In , . fIAI4 o~2~2SC`.uYC4~.t'3~iELT_V:,:Gt`7:'RY.Of#R"'.~l.Sß'44•:C4fs.=:'WßErS}L2h~"~i'S9'-':..~N':~"#_'g"lk7f'G.^..^.Z"4~+,f.^..+n..'r'!9'2>i~+;~~t!~!`jYha,~ _ s'-^L~..ti•'u •b~yl'~••_'~^, b'Ant?•JYry~F~:.4 ~X.~y2 ^! 7~6*:4~rinS •' t-„V~ ~h: • Y]~dSai~: ' l.RY'C4:Y:t RIWX GROCER DEMII iIUGS,g ME lEEi=:l hasotherlitirstike - trlt•'• • SCI T watsitronirthCielf::s-Tr"arthe grav al e,an i dt • i neitan9 far gobs ethittil ,o,lvinry,7 t ra .o rn n i d ly w ri h n on d friends hadh o a t d ua le ti s o t th al of having be e tti n 3 res. m. cash bY - the use of Schenck's Pekin:mit Syrup, f de. 416'6 iritify; with grateful emotion to. Dr. Schenck, theLunapealinble benefit I have recessed from the 11813 of his Invaluable medicine. ./ i. gartilast fall, contracted a violent golds and in constquence of which I had chillavalternated with , for vet,pins iu my right Meant and shoulder blade, with t baiter, and no expectciration. I kept getting ,cvertle until I took my bed, and had the attendance of mitamilly physician. I was Millet his rare abalatfour weeksiond atthemcpirstion of that time was reduced widow that despair took hold of myself and friends, and even my physician abandoned me and gave we upip diewitit,the.hasty consumption, My appetite was gone, my I, ; • , ,cts very irri zu!ar, fever and night , screate t pain in my breast and shoulder, attended with a iliSteesiliog Chtiglt, - whieh was very right ; my flesh goste, and was so weak that I could scarcely I.:Ilse my head-from the pillow, and was truly an otlrcr of-Idly to behold. My friends had been sent foi" fo see ineltlie, and my sick bed was surrounded by 4itttlattrl sympathizing., neighbors, who ;had come to Witness my departure from thieve/Id. ) all rays of hope had fled of my recovery, a ncjghbor, Mr. 'David Conrad, propose'd to try Schenck's Pitimarlic Syrup, with a view of loosening my cough ansrrelieving me of the tou,gh phlegm, and as a means of Sr:riling temporary relief, remarking at the time; " that I was too far gone for the Syrup to 'be of any permanent benefit" My wife, antious for the relief' : otiny'inlense sufferings, procured some of the I'ul monic Syrup. I found it_afforded me relief, and cote liuucdulit , ?, it. 1 COUTti feel its healing influence upon 'my I um.;:i. enntinue to improve under its use, and my friends were mush gratified to witness my uneifpected im prov.entent ; many of my neighbors came to look 'at me as one raised from the dead. My cough now became loose, and I felt something break, w cn I had the pain in - my breast," and I dis eltiirged large quantities of yellow matter. I have for week, discharged and raised a spit box full of matter ' every day, w r it!), hard himps like graiirs of something. My bowels mils became 'regular and alum], and my appetite warts° far improved, that I could'oearcely re ,from eating, too much.' My strength improved, ans I 'regained my flesh. continued to improve in every respect soon after I commenced usirig the Syrue., and the improvement continued until I was restored to my health. I have passed through the inclement weather of the latter part of wilder and the spring, and feel as well now as ever I felt in my life, and I um this day a living testi ) loony of the .great officaiy of Schenck's Nluatinte Syrup in curing pulmonary diseases. lest this statement be thought too highly catered by some people. I sul.j.lin certificates of s number of the inhabitants of Thcony, vtrho saw me at different times during my disaaac, and never expected to see me restor ed. lal -o append the certificate of the brothers of Mystic Lodge, N 0.270,1. 0. of Q. P., Who kindly watched over me, and fully believed they would con sign my remains to the tomb ;,,but, thanks to Dr. Schenck for his invaluable Pulniorrie Syrup, my life, has been spared, and I am permitted to make the fore going statement for the benefit of suffering mankind. I at Tacony, and am well known by must o the people there, and will be gratified to have any pi-1w!) call upon me and learn mlre particulars of the virtues of this medicine, JUli Y C. GREEN. June 24th, 1,85 I. The subscribers. members of the Mystic I odic, No. 270, 1. U. of U. F. of liolmesburg, Pe. do hereby cer tify that we know John C. Green. (and is a member in good standing in No. 270 I. 0. of, 0. F.) who was dangerously ill with a low Pulimuirry Consumption, bast mint, r,so that they give him rp .0 die ; that he is now fully iestured to perfect health, and they believe his recovery : was produced by Schenck's Pulinonic By We believe his certificate is correct in every par ticulur. HENRY NEFF, P. G. A FILED 12013INSON, P. G. \ A lIRA MAMA P. 0. .\J. K. OsM AN, N.G.' J COB WAT ERNI AN, J Fl? J -IMES C. CAL:VEIL JOSFIC,A PGINTMORE. Holmesburg, Philadelphia Co., June 25, I'sl. The unflerstatied, residents of Tacony, eisht miles ebove Philadelphia, being well abivainted with John C. Green, and the circumstances attending 1114 case, feel impelled by a deep sense of imperative duty. to make universally known to the public his entire recov ery from the very last stages of Pulmonary Consump tion. So entirely helpless was his condition, having been but a brief period since in that ropily sinking and emaciate state, as to uuerly preclude, in the opin ion of his physicians and friends, who watched by his bedside, all hopes of even a temporary recovery and restoration to his present robust health. Thus the care ful !men( your invaluable Specific, the Pulmonie Syr up, Makesit our belief, under the eircurustithces of his . previons prostrate, not to say dying condition, one of the most startling results that the whole annals of inedi cal skill er science can produce. It deserves to be len poishahly feco-ded to your credit, and secure to you, the greatest discovert r of lids liitherdo remeddess dis ease, a lasting monument and a world-wide reputation in the h ealingort, that n:t me may either diminish or destroy. iju4tn4eaNrGreeadistressing struggles and .nlE:Hogs fruin a continued cough, me peradded to tic utter s3tniftOins consequent up.m, or attending to tho I tit stages of a pulmonary disease ; and aitoreover, it being r,, generally beli.i.sed by lime nu merous (bonds that no h'u atm power could relieve, or protract his life, much less restore him Lack again to his former health, we feel it thus our duty to give our, umittalified ti ,timany of Mr. Green's perfect recovery.' ve t tm u b h y p aey i n h l a u :r t etn :l: l ::t i v e o : f iri s i t l6 l ;:ii: rt o u :lt i l i r , i i t n n ' e l d t l a c ti s tO. " juice relief‘ similarly ai e . ilacw l r lru e; culyr sv frltt.7 o ' bt : i. ; i l d eco d e ltta ll i f : r o ie : r l s m Sv i v b r e: David Conrad, C. Ilinckle, Joseph Head , Jr . , Jesse Watson, Stephen Lukens, Robert Allyn, . Matthew 'Potion, James Torbert, John Blocimesbury, Allen Vandegrift. . ~ :. iii , ..' viii{ .'.-- l'.l 021 - .1 Ir ! ! .., i L. 1 Prepared only by Dr. Schenck, and sold, whole rale and retail, by his sole ezents, John Gilbert & Co., Wholesale Druggist., 177 North Third street, Phil'a. Clicker & Co. 81 Barclay street, N. V. Redding & Co. No. B State st.tston ; Blakeley, corner Third an,l Chestnut : , •tret. q. St. Louis ; and by principal Drnimists throajwitt the United Stews, And by the following Agents in 13ratifur.1 County : H. C. Porter, Towanda ; D. Bailey & Son, LeTlays v ;T. Humphrey, Orwell; Maynard & Woodburn, Rome ; J. .1. WaFford, Monroe ; D. D. Parkhurst„ Leßoy; C. E. Itathbone, Canton; King & Vosburg Troy; G. A, Perkins, Athens. (0 - A All lettere tiddressed to D J.H. SCHENCK, Cate of John Gilbert Co., Whole sale Dui lets, No. 177 North Third street, Philailelph . . tr,-77 1. *5 ... 5 , - 4 lif Y 1. MAKE READY! TAKE AIM! FIRE!! lull AN (ZIG ER, would say to his old friends aud the public at larzOhat he has constantly ink hand and manufacturing Rifles .0.1 shot Guns `Ste., &c.- -.Among hiss assortment of fauns may he found Double and single barrelled Guns, Bides of, all kinds wirran led. Fonder Flasks, Shot P.4uehes, -Game Bags, Cap p r i me " . Al so , pocs,ja, Shay Caps of the hest quail -ty. stx barrellolllioVOlVing Pistols, do single binteed self-cocking Pistols, Rifle Pistols, double bb'l Pi.tols and common steel and brass Ilistols. F . G., F. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder in Cans con stantly on hand. Any of the above articles will Le sold awful cheap for the Keady Pay. Keys of any kind tint d to Doers. Trunks or any other kind of locks on short notice and reasonable terms. Repairing done pith neatness and despatch. Shop a rew mJa noillt of the Bradford Huuse.' Towanda, sfay J. E. GEIGER. 1 4 ' 4 iar?,est ant tr,t stocli 1 to town octq Attention Regiment ! BOOTS'.'.i . &` SHJES! • '.. ._.:aohn W. Wilcox, removed his establishment to Nties &ore, Hroefof main street and' the Ithblid iiqUire; and willconiinue - the manufacture of Boots • and shces, as' beretofoie. He has just received from Nei Ytirit a large assort ment of Woneen'a, Children's and Mies' Shoei;which are offered at low prices. lire attention cf the Ladies is par' icularlY directed to his 'aisortment, comprising' .the following new styles :—Enatrielfedienny - Llnd gal ter boots • do. shoes ; blaCk lesting'and silk - gaiters; walking ;hoes, buskinsoSr.c. lytisacs, gaiterl'and shoes; of every dercription. A laige asioritnent of Children's fancy gaiters, boots aitrstioes, of all ktridi. " For the Gentlemen, almost every styfo of gaiters and shoes. ,Phis stock has been personally selected. with care t and he believes be can offer super in snidest at reasonable prices. 01^Tlie strictest attention paid 'to Manufaclurrog z and be hopes by doing work well to merit a continu ance o(l[lE:liberal patrondge be haze hitherto received. Towanda, May 8, 1861., Joan! C. ADAMS 7AM6B MA.CFAIILANE, • ADAMS & znAcraitigAzrz, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. TOMlA97.lAdford county Pa. Crilo ISKIIIOIICMFJIL4IICOML-49 COTITFIT SUTIVEYHtt, HAVLNG loettloil in Towanda, his services may be obtained by addressing a line through the Post Office, or by calling at the 4ee of Ulysses Mercur, Esq., where he will be fOund, or where a written ap- Heat:Nen may be left. Nov. 1, 1850. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscribers respect" ally inform the public that they have taken the shop formerly occupied by Adam Esenwine, on Main , street, nearly' opposite . Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all' kinds of BLACKSMITHDTG upon reasonable terms. They are deteraiinid by doing their Work well and piomptly, to merit, as they hype to receive a share 'of public patronage. HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All kiiids of repairing MaChinery,executed in the most All- Gil manner. ' WOOD WORK for wagcias will also be made and repaired when desired. All work done at their shop, will be warranted to be well done, and manufactured from the best material's. The public are reqtiested to give us a trial, and judge for themselves. SEN WINE & tiEEBISCHH. Towanda, May 2, 1851. FOILINTWOME \WA r ROOM Important to Itonsekeepers: TOE subscriber thankful for the iliberal patronage heretofare re ceived, begs leave td inform his ifriends and the public generally, l aud those commencing liouse ;keeping, in particular that be has jnow (in hand a large assiartment -of FURNITURE, which he will warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of the best materials. 44- • iiti'd-Klilqt; LV: BUREAUS, such as . mahogany and walnut dress ing bureaus , marble and plain tops ; mahogany and (walnut washstands, marble tops, and plain, of dif ferent patterns, Card and end tables,Sofas Couch es, whatnots, .Sre. BEAUSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and o approved patterns, together with other furniture usu ally called for, all of which will be sold on the must accommodating terms. The subscriber is also provided with a plain and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold hunself in readine-s to attend to all orders in undertaking. He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid of which the corpse may be kent for a week. COF 3 , FINS READY MADE. Ch ESTER WELLS. N. D.—Furniture Oall kind: made to order, and warranted to be of the best matt rials and workman ship. Towanda, Jancary 17, Brit HEAL T 8.23 SZCZt. NT0. , 16 Genuine unless accompanied u am e sim lc of the above Engraved Wrapper of.i.Dr. E. L SOUL E & Co., upon each box. In offering to the public this justly celebrated SOY EREIGN 13A1.14 OF LIFE, it is not our Gish to make any false statements or wild assertions of their superior efficiency in restoring to health the sick and suffering, well knowing that their reputation as a STANDARD MEDIEESE is ol itself sufficient refer ence for the afflicted. .111 any proofs might be giver, of their value on paper, htit we prefer those unacquainted with tam t o :Misty themselves by enquiring of living witnesses and tr)ing the Pills. They wiil find them perfectly safe and rc;i able in all cases. being purely rrgelable, and a mcdi vine worthy their best confidence and patronage. The following certificate was:sent us fur the public good : ITENIIIiTTA, Monroe Co. N. V.. May 10; 1851. We the undersigned, cilit'ells of lieritietts, having used personally Dr. SGule'R Surerekm atta*Pills,and witnessed the health-restoring effects thereor,clert t lly recommend these Pint; to the afflicted as the stith which we are acquainted G. M. RODER TS, M. D. PHILLIPS, H. A. TlBBErtt.l, P. S.— You ere at literty to pahltsh this for the pub lic sood. r.w., 11F. OF (7.II:NTFItrI ITS ! We are mitawarc tha any one who i`‘ making a spurious article has yet dar ed to make uao oP our name hat seine of them has had the impudence to imitate our boxed and copy our Uireclats, Sc. puLlic are careful when 'hey purchase, they will he deceived. o- The genuine Sovereign Balm Pr/Is can he had wholeecle and retai', of Dr. SOCLE & Co., Syracuse Onondaga Co. N. 1-• Sobl by Dr. 11. C PORTER,Towanda Po., and by their Agents in miry town in the country. 21y Nortun's Salt Rheum and Wainlit Ointment, NTO EXCUSE FOR SUFFERINU- WITH SALT -Li RHEUM. Three boxes warranted to cure a surface ae large as our hands. Ni„,)-RINON'S Saitrheum and Serocu la ointment has m.)eqnat curinc.%Suhrhetim. :Re - rot - 01a, Erysipela , , Barbel Fever Soles, Scald Hea.l , Hioi;wurm, Fur sale in To.w•anda, by Dr. H. C. PORTER Lafayette Burr Mill Stone MANUFACTORY. THE undersigned, formerly foreman for many 1 years of the Lafayette Burr Mill Stone Manu factory, 210 Washington St.. N. Y., (W. Track, agent.) would inform his friends and the public in eneral, that he has established a BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTORY, AT BINGHAMTON, N. Y. la Leroy buildin g s, opposite Exchange Hotel, and solicits a share of their patronag e. He will have constantly, on hand a large stook of French Burr Mill StoneS, r; also a large supply of French Burr. Blocks, Bolting Cloth, SOreln Wife, Calcined Plaster, and Patent 'dclf. Digestinr , Bushes. , The undersigned 'assures his friends and the public, that he will faithfullye!xecute all Orders en. trusted to his care, not only in quality but in pri• ces of articles furnished, And solicits their kind pat ! ronage. ORDERS by letter wilibe eiecutect with as much care and as cheap as . when purchasers are on the spot. REFERENCES—Hon. a S. Dickinson, Hon. John A. Colliete Hon. A. Birdsall, Hon. V. Whit ney, Dr. Eldridge, Col. H. Lewis, W. S. Weed, & Co. Hinghan.ton. D. Searle. Isaac Post, Judge Jessup. Salshury,& Co., Muntrosi, Pa. Caleb Carmalt, Friendsville. Thomas Phinney, Handal!". 0. 0. &H. Shipman, Waverly, N. Y. Thomas Pearsall, Smitliborough, N. Y. Major D. M'rserean. Union. N. Y. M. 'P. Nichols. Owego. N. Y. Royal .1. Whitaker, Waver4i, N, Y. JOHN W. SULLIVAN. Binghamton, Noe. 552. y 23 shilling 'en in Owego. is sdi. iag lt 0091121CH' & Co. STEAM , ENGINES AND Ey 2inzi Eaozz conmilli st LA W'RENPE - , - XfA 8 6 ' As ANUFACSI34e ..Blatana Engipi; iad n ' I.VI. iron:o 10,4 to 1000 horses power. 12 , 1 gineit, on heavy iron bed Plates, cast in 0 , 1 7 ..,n , .t 1 have exptinition valves; all joints ground ;,, 1 , 'steetn,tight‘withlut packing or paint ; all b entir •'' stirfaCes l arge,, and running in ad* venting , t. jurtab cif bronze of Bibbitt Metal; nil balanc e qt, torried belt fici. The Regulator is attached t o plate. The Poree"Pcirnp is in an intlep ow , arratiged with Mink shaft and tight e nd it, teady tb teceivii a belt atm the engin e dui .any othet shaft % '`lie whole style of w or t ii , 'passed by any engine builders lathetuitod Boilers of the best American or Engli4 t cast or wrought iron— r either tubular o r ~ made in List inpo therotigh Anaaner..... ;. , ' Enginee fro * .B't lllo &ries' po t p er -hand or in progress, to he delivered.- pp thilok of the receitkof,tictsacr.. .,.„ : ... A leo, SteatniBavv+l4s,-t spable * ora l/ yi n , ' . board measure, of one inch boards, pi c , 1 one !A Mt% sew, awl prui ,i ring au . r - i f. 4 ~;vgii.,,,..- ,I. 0 1 ., ~,.,,-„, ~. t..,...,... ...4„, - The following are e prices of a faiii, , gines Saw Mill, including -steam engine, b o u t , chimney, eompkte ; pitman irons ; Ric k y setters ; feed, and bolui and irons t o , 2 0 carriage, complete, Stearn engine, 10 in. diameter of cylinder,2sL with tabular boiler, containing 360 heating anrface;mul all castings, pip „ other parts ntelstary to set it In row tion, Stearn engine, 12 ie. clamour of cylinder, gp L With tabular boiler, containing 480 a l i o , heating aurfate, complete as before, Delivered an the cars of the Boston end M. road'at Lawrence, 2G Mites from I:ortoti. Terra. . Boilers Tar the . above modified to ,tit Pt and prices abiordingly. McKay 4 hood icy, late of Pittsfield, M steam engines are alresidy widely known, h a , taken 'charge ief the works of the Bum Co ; will be able, • with their increased facifitiei rientie, to make their approved cosines' better than'hereto6kre.`! May 11152.y i GORDON WRAY • 5.41 0 QUALLE/1010 wHATEVER ! Concerns the -health and h a , of a peopla,( is at till times ot the most importance. I take it for granted that ever will do an in their power to care the I'm children, and that every person a - ill endeavor mote their own health et all sacrifices. I fee!;; my duty solemnly to assure you that %VOW cording 'to the opinion of the most celehntei pay are the prim&ry causes of a large [Remy of to which children and adults are Ilene if te a $ appetite continually changingirom one tied, t 8 another, bad breath, pain in the stomich aui tit nose, hardiest' and fullness of the hen?. dry t si W fever, pulse' irregular—remember this ea thinote wadi, should, at once appil reedy - An article founded upon scientific principle,. pounded with purely vegetable substances, ber. fectly i safe when taken, and determined in and ~.e leaving the s} stern in a diseased czi, most advertised nostrums, composed of Caiooe, removal of Worms, such as Lozengesjem ‘ &c., but has performed the most iNtonistant rxr saved the lives of thousands, both young as , l have been pronounced hopelmn incurable try clans. Read the following, aria become coon , its efficacy over all others: Moms %Tilt, N. Mn. .1. N. Norms; sAcx—This is to certify child, 15 yeots,.of age, having been sick for . _ was attended by Drs. Loper, \Millis and Phi! lung time without rece,ving any benefit; •h giving her up as incurable, I went to Philadelp. consufted one of the best physicians; her Lii,e=l growing worse. It was at this time 1 was halt try Hobensuck's Warm Syrup, and after titlet bottles she entirely regained her health. Hopi this will prove a ben( fit to parents whose c1.61:e similarly affected, No part of the system is more liable to asto. the Livsn, it serving as a filterer to purify its Or giViDg a proper secretion to the tale; so thil wiling action of the Liver effect: the other imp parts of the systern t , and results variously:a is Liver complaint, Dyspepsia, &c.. We sbousl, watch every sydaptuns that rr ight indicate i, action of the Liver. These Pal being cenapuie, Rents and PhtnfOurnashed by nature to liei,tx —Namely, Ist : ..(th E.rpecturani, which sepia secretion from the pulmonary mucus mews; promotes the diScharge of secreted matter. 1. Allerath,e, which Changes in some ineenst.ti , e a explicable manney, the certain mothi I l ic.sm,... system. 3d—a I"oraii, which give: tone Lid, to the nervous entices, renewiughealth slid li 4 d: parts of ihe body, 4th—a Cat/wire. whia • ii i. perfect ' °loop pith other ingreuients, Ind oyes on thd welt', and expelling the whole 1111.0 toi a`"' and vitt ed matter, and pyrifying the h!md, W'al strove disease and .restores health. G. H. BROWN 0 rIA, RRED Atrarts for Bradford County—Dr. H. C. Phi J. M. Real, Ttivronda ; C. H. Herrick. .airs: Bullock & Co. Smithfield ; Barnes & VI . Ivry ;B. spear, Springlieli ; Baird, Teo. h Taylor, Burlington ; Brown & Park heist & Lamb, Leroy; Chas. lisittbone, Cr also T. B. Howland, Columbia, travels in the 14 counties. TEE OLD STD STILL IN OPERATLO 0,7 m. THE subsg:ber v'til ( nonnce to the public _'t i lt have now on hand, an i ara ........442.51U to order all kinds al , r , Cabinet riumitel • - " - - . %.1 -- such as Sofaq,Dtvans, La DL" Centa , r, Card,Dining andEl;i I.,as \ , „-.. ‘f L VI ,e, •a..., fast ara .. .aaa,zaaa , PL..- nut Ma tala apd Chem - &rot sialds of rari , us kin • C: 1 1 and Bedsteads of ever description, which am 2 , will be made of the be e t m iteriai and work ^it 4 manner, and which they will sell for cash C''': than can be bought in any other W are-roin A ). country. BZ7ADT-IBILEMEI corXll. an hand on the most reasonable teranc. A :••••` IIIEARBE will be furnuihed on Funeral ,co•cs JAMES MACKIW. Towanda, Jane!, 1852. TO THE TRAVELING MO, MR. OLMSTED; Paornmon of the Jae Exchange, gives his thanks ni hi; n , , and the traveling public generally • fortheir patronage, and 4611 cits the continuance ooe AN OMNIBUS , will run regularly to and from the is to meet the Mail 'Trains for the ar' strangers and travelers, who WI ant village on hUsiPer:ar' °Lll( of fist rate Four Horse are running through to Tokvanaa. Those trisr, will be insured a seat in the roach Coln d' and those going to the 7 / 6 .1.14 1, 0 ik D ca;nd'sibeopinastuAredthaecilSon or . 13 1 , regular trains deers going E . act or We::. ,veaynsdncsepienndt iamnelioloarmee Also thole - who Irish to leave their teaal. car. be conveyed to and front the cats free ef , nr Athens, Sept., -I. 1 8 52 Patent rice Pivot Nov. 'he"' • vfla Can ;Zet lire purr ar ..t.. 4 l'ka-al 14:,2 11. klStiP'i' MN intbical Zobensack's Worm Smp. I am yours, &c, flobensack's Liver Pills. R. Bovut