ffisctilaacva~. .&2 1 833313 41,03L1VDZWOBAZI, 'TN AND ,STOVE STORE 4 1 . i--1 ,13,0 .1135.'114 4 Straw Cutters. HOVCY Patent Spir.tl Knife Hay and Straw Cutters of various sizes. Nos. t, 2, 3. 4, 5 : and 6. Prices, $B, $9, $lO, $42, $l6 and 520. .T3eseStraw Cutters are better and cheaper than the straight knife cutter, with knives set diagonally on the shaft. .71mA - caves on Hovey's Cutter are spiral which etvabiel them to cut at right angles against the raw hide roller. They cut steadily, with no jerking -l Ula easily kept in rerair. Each knife can be taken Cifrand•sharpened without disturbing the shall (or diliteknivrsjand if necessary each knife can beset oet•or in, Boas to keep them all true, if one knife "thiuld wear faster than another. Every farmer should have one of these labor and feed saving ma. shines. R. M. WELLES. Athens, Pa., Jan. S. MU. Corn Shellers. TIRE my best article to be found in he county. 1 trot cheapest—(Warranted)—for sale at the Agricuittiral andStoveStore of R. St. WELLER. Stoves! Stoves! COOKI NG Stoves of various and excellent pat. tern, sizes and prices. Four patterns of eleva ted Oven Cooking Stoves, the best to he found in Bradford, for sate cheep. Elegant Parlor Stores, for weed or coat, of different patterni, dre. Hos and Cord Stores for Halls, Stores, Chnrchee. Shops, School Nooses, &e., very cheap. Call at the Atk ins stove store of R. M. WELLES. • Jan. 8,1853, Bathing Tuba, QPONGE RATES arid foot bath pans for sale 1. eheap.• My bathing tubs are equal to the best city made. R. M. WEI.LES. Jan. 8. 18•t3. 0119 ! Oils I fIOBITRN'S celebrated winter strained Lard OIL, NJ for machinery, warranted not to gum. Also, • an excellent but cheaper article for Lamps, 4c. ISizav's FooT OIL for Leather, Harness, &c., all ful-sale by the quantity or less, cheap for cash or ready psy, at the Athens Agricultural store of Jan. S 18.53. E. M. WELLES. • Patent Loathe' Belting ! ' A LL sizes of Patent oak and hemlock tanned /V Belting and Lace Leather, at 10 per cent. less than city retail prices to be had for ca s h at the Ash ins Agricultural Store of ft. M. WELI.ES. 'lan. 8, 1853. Sobbing OF all kinds in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, Brass, &r, done on short notice. Workmanship dec., war inllted to give satisfaction. Tin roofing done inisoch a manner as shall please; Call on R. M. WELLES. Athena, January 8, 1859. Axes! Axes! TOR ale at very low prices for ready pay ; tha A' very best Axes to be found in this vicinity, toads alit of the betit,cast and silver steel, of various patterns far lumbermen and wood choppers, and - warranted. Call at the Athens Agricultural storeof Jan. 8,1853. . R. M. WELLEs. 'HANG OUT THE BANNER!! A horse ! a horse ! my kingdom for a horse and customers to take away the goods. Notwithstanding the late 7111(1) disastrous fire, A. M. WARNER is - himself again ! Antal No. .t Brick Row you'll find Most anything that's in his line, Froth &cambric needle oldie finest kind, To a jewelled wstah of eighteen karat fine. Ifaticks which keep time aocuratt.and true; --Breast pms ofevery style and hue, 24.itoMitilver, steel and plated chains, Selected with the greatest pains, rigger' rings, my gosh, why what - a pile Olevery shape and every style, Tivoit'the old, the young, the grave, the gay, May there be teen in elegant array. And W-aesza, who is himself a host," is always ready and at his post, To wait upon his customers and all Who chance upon 'im to give a call. So with good advice make up yriiir minds, To cell on him and there you'll' had Rath sights% my eyes, 0 t what a view Jewetiy of every style and hue. CYDors't mistake the place No. I. Brick row. where be. is prepared to do all kinds of JOB-WORK In his Roc of busies's, at the cheapest rates that can possibt, bi , afforded. He will also sea his jewelry at 20 liter cent lower, than was ever before offered in ahis market.' tr 3. Call and see. . c Towanda, Nov. 12, 1852. A. 1 1 ,1. WARNER. Removed to B. Kingsbery's Block 10•4. Chamberlin, _„ - T_TAsi nit returned from the city • 0 1 P- 111 of New York with a largr ,/ , `""4. . 14 supply of Watches, Jewelry and • i t* User ware, comprising in part. the following artistes : Lever. L'Epine and Phiin Watches, w itb • ' a complete assortment of Gold Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin. gee Binqs,Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains, Skdifrens. Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware. satiny-quantity ofSteel Beads—all of which he offer , Guide . ezeeeedingly cheap for CASH. Wailes repaired on short notice, and warrantee to can weil,( r the money will be refunded, and a wri' jee agnmareat given to that effect if required. S. B.—.MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produe takitilat Payment for work; and ale,, learn row, an • arente.tini the Produce must be paid when the wor le degevssl gar against credit in all its forms. W. A. CHAMBERLIN - , Agent. locrwasuia, April 88, 1852, 0010NQ 01,4418 PLATES cut onil fitted or saw eke, to be bad at the Jewelry:store of May IS, 1852. W. 4, CHAMBERLIN. JEILIECIWIIECiWAk_IIL i e Saddle, Harness & Truk - Manufactory. JE R p CULP & Co., respectfully inform the public Agit they have removed to the shop on Main street, rocieetb . r Occupied by Smith & Son, nearly opposite the Ward liouse a wham they wiji keep ,on head a itiletgf I=ll2l2loCh OLIM/5% ?awns, rtILISIM, wawa, lITC. All articles in their tins manufactured to order, and /tails of the hest Weierial,and for workmanship cannot b e ereilihy Northern Pennsylvania. Thq ioiicit *van hots those wiehieg to rarebits% con4dent that *ay tan give satillestion both as to quality and price. .• (1711 ides end Sheep pelts received for work and on daesous,.atthe lowest tales. • , ask feather, Upper I,ealber. *grow heather and Coffoitiia, for sale in any quantity, : PARTIOULAR Notice. FN' *count loseasswohwil at ;the Ida ire, we ens 01414 to nail on those inkebted to us far a =PVisillaient, as we sre ander the neeewiry of ,st WWI' owing to us, we trod this notice wili lo_siiiheiwit,williout resorting to otbef mina Trio* 1952: Aballatfccus.- DR.. H. - C.. , PORTER, getalk Pealiwin DRUG% --.MICINES , .GROOMUZEWLI4IIO3IIII, &c. STORE in the south end of the :Ward_Ecomw, Welt L. known as the largest, cheapest end snout extensive assortment area of the city. Partially attention Will be given to any'or all who may wish to call, either to examine or purchase, and any medical information will be cheerfully and 'graft:Nutty given to those who who Wish to consult concerning themselves or friends. Continuous supplies of frail and recently prepared ar tides me weekly. arriving. having been carefully se lected with a view to their usefulness, and any article wanted not usually kept, either will be found here, or procured at the shortest notice by Express. for those leaving their order. Accomibodsting clerks always will be early to safely compound any prescription and endeavor to make it (whatever the purchase) mutually sgreeable. All goods shall be considered warranted es represented, and being Agent for the best and pop War Patent Medicines, all those found in this store ran he relied upon, in all cases, as being genuine: The stock now comprises every article in the trade, amour which may be found the following : Drugs and Medicines. Arms. aloes orris Acetic assafoetida squill 'Citric arabic valerian . , Mute camphor arnego Mtl Heti° copal sarsapargl Aquafortis gamboge ginger etc Sulphuric mite la LTS Tartaric etc myrrh imagnesia nous...as. shellac sulphur ttragacanth etc. brimstone wawal quicksilver tartar lemons (soda . 'cream tartar epsom antimony' alum eorro sublimate Ired precipitate quinine s qunine arsenic MTECIRLLA agOtre alcohol ether Ilan dentin. paregoric shakers herbs gold leaf castile soap Venice turpentine aqua ammonia iopedildoc cubebs brittish lustre bronze burg. pitch cantharidea Mks Fir Copaire Tolu CM nea is foot rimers olive castor leperm riganoto bergentoot lemon ulphur Life etc. OM Bayberry Cinviamon Peruvian (lea * te ) Elm etc wintergreen cinnamon cloves hemlock juniper unity ter ISSN VC U. Peppermint Cinnamon Wintergreen eto =TRACTS. Sersapecille Dendelioe Boneeet Horehound Aconite Venal% Lemon etc rosemary irange neroli peppermint linseed Fenigreek cod liver, etc Anise ISATZP. Carrasvey buchn Canary ' 'aye nrsi etc Rape ROOTS. Giftlen colombo Mustard geniis° • Cardamons jnlap Colchicum etc turmeric pLowitas. spijelia (pink) Chamomile hellebore Arnica ipicac Lavender etc liquorice + Gums, marsh rosemary opium übarb = GROCERIES Sugar, Coffee and Tea of all kinds, molasses, spice pepper: cloves, mustard, nutmeg, mace, fish, rasin g , citrons, currants, salad oil, cocoa, chocolate, soda, butter crackers, rice, starch, ginger, saleratus, white and bar soap, sperm and tallow canines, jugs, bottlbs, pipes, pepper sauce &e. Liquors. Cogniuc, Otard and American Brandy, St. Croix. Old Jamaica and New England Rum, pure Holland and Am. Gin, Irish and Monongahela . Whiskey, Ma. deb a Lisbon, Sherry, Teneriffe Port, Muscat, Claret and Champaign Wines—Cordials r -Rose, Amour Mo. kee, Noyeau &c , cheaper than ever offered. Soaps, Perfumery and Piwy Goods. Shaving cream, military, windsor, medicated, sand, musk, almond, palm, french, toilet, rose, and tramps rent soaps, Labins, French, and Wright. extracts of ockey club. patchoolly. bog, de caroline, musk, mifle ileum, verbena, heliotrope, sweet brier, geranium spring flowers, west end and new mown bay ac.— Cachous, cologne, bay and rose waters. ' Lilly white spaniels pearl powder, rouge hair dyes, hair invigora tors, hair enti.icators, hair oil, pomades, court plaster, perfume sachets, playing cards, pencil points, steel Dens, fish books, drawing pencils, percussion cops, re I /lbw Y. and indelible inks, combs, purses, pocket b oo k,, port moo zis, wafers, pocket mirrors napkin rings an I travelling companions &c. BRUSHES. H a i r , b a t, stove, scrub, shoe, paint, marking, varnish sash, artist camel's hair. striping blender's and badger's whitewash, counter, fleab, tootb, nail comb broom cloth infant, lather, table, horse alai blacking brushes. MUSICK!UanCi.:IIB. Tobacco and snuff boxes,. nipple sk.alls, nursing hot ties, breast pumps, teeth rings bed pans, syyinges, shout der braces, trusses, supporters, pessaries,cathe;ers,cnn ing glasses. graduates, mortars, spatula, forceps lat:cets thermometers, liquid and spread adhesive plasters, &c. Paints and Dye "Rude. red, C410:1 and log wood, fustic, lac dye, cudbear red asunder', madder. alum, ccpperas, blue vitriol, col. tin, composition chemie oil, vitriol. oxalic ;led all the acids, grain tin, pumice and rotten stone, American & Chinese vermilion, Spanish brown, American & Eng Jidh Venetian verdigris, Paris green, white, Welt and red lead, chrome yellow and green, japan, coach and copal varnish, laJnpblack. litharge, putty, whiting ochre spirits turpentine, linseed oil, rosin, chalk, umber, sien na, gold leaf, bronze, die. Glass. French Glass 24-30. 22.80, 2040, 20.24, 22-24,14- 18, 12-20, 1248, 12.10, 10-14, 1042; 840, 74. Patent "Medicines. SOCA sassy FOS Dr. Jaynee . Alterative Expectorant, Sanative &v. Fitc.he's expectorant, tonic hiiiirr corrector, 4e. Merchant's, Gargling Oil foi hersea, fe. Swoyne's 'medicines, wild cherry. 4c. Brant's Pulmonary Balsam and Extract, etc. Orriek's Vermifuge. Houghton's Pepsin or Gastric juice for dyapepais. Osgood's Indian Cholagogue, for fever and ague. Scarpa's Acoustic oil for Deafness. S. P. Towneer d'a Sarsaparilla. Schenck's Pulmonie Syrup. Or. Keeler's Family medicines. flutching's Dyspepsia Bitters. Hootland's German Bitters, for Dyspepsia and Debility Brown's Essence Jamaica Ginger. Duboy's Rat and! Mice Exterminator. Also agent for Herviek's medicines, plasteii, etc, An diva's and Davis Pain Killer, Graefenbeig Medi cines, Pile Electuaries etc., salt ebeurn, teller, rin; worm, apasin and founder ointments, etc.; tool cordial, plaster", poor man's salves, eye waters, lini ments, eradrive soap, bed bog poison. Hobentack's and Clark's Worm syrup, Chriaties Galvanic cars; tires. Moffat's Phoenix Bitters, Trask's magnetic, Sloan's, Daley's, and MeAllister's Ointments, Dil low's Heave Powder, Condition Powder, &e. All' the numerous kinds of Pills. Light Phosgene, superior Burning fluid, Camphene,wha.e. lard and sperm oil ; new and beautiful patterns ef Raid amps now being opened: Camphene, side end bang ing lamps for hell and store use, girandolea, etc. . Tobacco. Cavendish, James, Natural I.af, Turkish scagialatti John 4tadation'aline.cut,,Bogg'alenny Lind chewing etc. g choice brands, pare Havana Cigars, etc. etc. All of whichiviii be sold at anusaany tow rates.— Remember that Dr. Porter's Cheap Drug and Cbeini cal Store is in the south end of the Wird ipisse;e fav doors above the post ofßoe H. C. PORTER; M. D. Towanda, June 4, 14155. sf)/1 NEW 40 (Mika' Casks, a first rate article V for sale by P. FELTON & Co. AlLlllLT r ir'.ll,4llals.lllllTas VX7 HEREAS, my will. Polly bat left my bed and V, boaril - aridmat any cause or provocation.= Therefore, this is to forbid all persona not to trust or harbor her on Ely account. as 'shall payno debts of hor contracting after this date. kidgebery, Nov. 22, !@52. I. RIGHARDSOIO. • Drtaa iriPa ri i _ottE • ! :.: ' NO. RE 1140 1 19 D to the store recently necnpied by •9. S. Bailey as grocery and Post office b doors south of Montanyes corner, where he has received a full, new and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDI CINES, GROCERIES, &c. which he will sell cheap' er for cash than even Heft. you will findanuexed a few leading articles : Senna Alex., Fosgate's Cordial do lndia Ells Opi Cream Tartar Hay's Liniment Sop C Soda Hair Dye Manna, Harlem Oil Magnesia Calc'd Ointment, Trasks do Carb, do Dalley's do S S do McAlles ter do Henry's Shakers Herbs i Colocynth do Extracts • do A pple Tilden's Alcoeolic Eft Cochineal Rhei Extract Trusses Hulls Jalap Extract do Marshes, Meakines Vanilla Ex't do Shaker, do Lemon do Balsam Wisters - do Mace do do Cheesmans . do Almond do do Fir i do Cloves do Copabia I do Allspice do do Tolu do Nutmegs do do Peru do Peach do do PulmolTary do Ginger do do Sulphur do Cinnamon do Acid Tartaric do Orange do do Acetic do Took a do do Benzonic Lobin's Springllower do Citric do Musk do do Nitric do Violette' do do Oxalic do Magnolia do do Hy drocyane do Sweet 'her do do Sulphuric do Jesmin do Oil Linseed do Jock'y Crti do I d o Sperro do Caroline do I do Olives do Jenny Lind do do Castor do Boquet do do Neatsfoot Syringe:, Pewter as'm'nt do Almonds do Glass do do Amber Rect Nursing Bottles, Glass do Amber Red ' do do G. E. do Anisi Rad Rhei Turk do Caraway do do do Croton do Ipecac do Cnbebs : do iota? do Cummin • do Ginger Wbite do Fennel, do Orris do Lemon Gum Camphor do Cassia do Opi Turk do Cod Liver do Myrrh Talk do Lavandula 0 do Arabic. do do Neroli do Copal do Jesmin do Aloes Suet do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape do Orange Chloride Lime do Rhodium do Soda do Ruse Castor Russ do Cedrat ,Isiriglass do do Copabia ' 'Evens' Lancets do Ergot Nitra Silver, Op't do Verbena Oxid Bisnuth do Violette Blue Pill $ :nen do Mellesse llndide Potass do Illelleffuer Tart do do Patchonly Carb do Brushes, Paint "ulph do do Varnisla 10aostie do do Hair Citrate Ferri do Hair,Camel lodide do do Nail Taunin do Tooth IProto lod Mercury do Shaving St rychnia do Flesh Piperin do Cloth Elaterium do Hat lodine Soap, Yankee Veratrin do Crystalline !Creosote do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Corn Crete: do Copra Morphine Sulph do Rose do Act do Vicsora Calomel, American do Orange do English, do Tooth Precipitate Red do Erosive i do White do Castile Sulph Zinei do Military Bronze, Crimson do Savin do Pa!e Gold do Brown do Dark Jo Fricopherous do White Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op't Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion Oxygenated Bitters • America do Stoughton Bitters Prusaian Blue Chloroform Fig do Hoffman's Anodyne Venitian Red, English Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Dye. Woods & Dyes Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries, pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.— Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con fleeted with the trade, '3atil brick emery sand paper white glue " otter or matt) Having secured the services of Dr. S. limos, why keeps his office at this store; and will give me dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having their prescriptions carefully compounded and put op. The stock has been selected with great care, and the goods will be warranted as represented. AU of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry f i ec- Schencks Pu!manic • Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Orrick's, Hobensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge. Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines now •itti use constantly on hand and for sale at J. M. REED, Three Doors below Montanye's orner. Towanda, January 3, 1843. 60DARREIA ofold Ohio Whiskey just received and for said wholesale and retail, at Reed's Dntg Store. 18QUINTLE8 of Codfish, 20 boxes of Herring, 5 baxrels of Saleratns, warranted in prime order, Jett on sale at New York cash price' at REED'S Drna Store. Towanda. Jan. 28, 1853, BOOTS AND. SHOES. • fiNE of the largest assort. meat-ever offered in Brad , ford County. eon he found at J. , &Alexander's Clothing Store first door south of MereneaDry Uoods Store, on Main street. • . ;IL D. TIEUELAInirma. of Elmira. has established a Branch •at the aboic placed All our work will be sold at the price mark, ed and no deviation in prior t and is either bought direct from the Manufacturer or made by ourselves and warranted totiveentire satisfaction. Byer) , de• scription of - • BOOTS AND SHO'ES, Mena, Women:, Chililmssand, Yawlia.„ Also, Mem and Wnnien - s - ralf mid Blabs and Lull* Rubber Ova Moo cheap for cask . • 0:7 Plsase tan atyl examine for yoursOvej) Towanda, Oct. !2 , 1862 6ms4 , :.;; - :-!llliotelkiitt: BUT STILL ALIVE I itoth6reieidey sumzeorova =rums= -11T11110 1 . , e was OW m the tierge of grave, and op 10. 10 50 . 4 115 , lay fitmilY and friendikadlost all Input of - nt, coven ti ind when in this iitaition, having been nie• cued by the use of Schenck'a flYntli.'l. ll o. sire t o .te s siy, trattfut 'emotion td' Dr. 'Schenck, the unspeakable benefit I have received front ffser 'toe of his invaluable medicine. Early' last fell, I contracted a Violent cold, r ind in consequence of which I had chills, alternated whh : fe. yen. pains in my right breast and shoulder blade, with 1 bad cough , and no . expectoration. I kept getting worse until I took my bed, and had the attendanee'of .ny family physician. I-was under his care abotitfour weeks, and at the expiration of that time.' was reduced so low that . despair took hold of myself and Mende, and even my physician abandoned me and gave 'me op to die with the hasty consumption. My appetite was gone, my bowels very irregular. fever and night. sweats, pain in my breast and shoulder, attended with a distressing cough, which wee very tight ; my flesh had nearly all gone, end was so weak that I could scarcely raise my head from the pillow, and was ably art object of pity to behold. My friends had been sent for to see me die, and my sick bed was surrounded by Lind and Avmpathizing neighbors, who had, come to witness my departure from this world. ' When all rays of hope bed fled of my recOvery, a neighbor, Mr. David Conrad, proposed to try ScheneVe Pulmattic Syrup, with a view of loosening my mitigh and relieving me of the tough phlegm, and as a means 'of affording temporary relief, researking . set the tits, "that I was too far gone for the Syrup to be of any permanent benefit" My wife, anxious for the' relief aim intern* sufferings, 'procured some of the 'POl manic Syrup, I found it afforded ma relief, and Con tinued using it. I could feet its healing influence upon my tongs. I continue to improve under its use, and my friends were much gratified to witness my unexpected im provement ; many of my neighbors came to look at me as one raised from the dead. 017 T, My cough now became loose, and f felt sorriethlng break;ashen I had the pain in my breast, and. r dis charged large quantities of yellow matter. I have for weeks discharged and raised a spit box full of metier every day, with hard lumps like grains of something. My bowels now became regular end natural, and my appetite was eo ear improved, that I could scarcely re frain from eating too much. My strength ,improved. and I regained my flesh. I continued to improve in every respect soon commenced using the Syrup, 'and the improvement continued until I was restored to my . health. I have passed through the inclement weather of the 'latter part of winter and the spring, and feet as well_ now as ever felt in my life, nnd am this day a living' testi mony of the great efficacy of Scbenck's Pulttortic Syrup in curing pulmonary diseases. Lest this statement be thought too highly colored by some people, I subjoin certificates of a number of the inhabitants of Tammy, who saw me at diffivent times during my disease, and never expected to see me restor ed. I also append the certificate of the brothers of Mystic Lodge, N 0.270, I. 0. of 0. F, whci kindly watched over me, and fully believed they would con- sign my remains to the tomb ; but, thanks to Dr. Schenck for his invaluable ; Pulmonic Syrup, my life has been spared, and I am permitted to make tbe fore going statement for the benefit of suffering mankind. I reside at Tacony , and am well known by most o the people there, and will be gratified to have any person call upon me and learn more particulari of the virtues of this medicine. JOHN C. ORDEN. June 24th,1851. Tho subscribers, members of the Mystic Lod se, No. 270, 1. Q. of 0. F. of Hohr.esburg, Pa. do hereby cer tify that we know John C. Green, (and is a Member in good standing in No. 270 I. 0. of 0, F.) who was dangerously ill with a low Pulmonary Consumption, fast wintl r, s 0 that they give him rp .0 die ; that he is now fully restored to perfect health, and they believe hie recovery was produced by Schenck's- Pplmonic Syrup. 2 11 We believe his certificate is earrect in every par ficular. HENRY NEFF, P. G. Holmeabum, Philadelphia Co., Joao 25, 1451 The undersigned, residents of Tacony, eight miles above Philadelphia, being well acquainted with John C. Green, and the circumstances attending his case, feel impelled by a deep sense of imperative - truly, to make universally known to tbe pub& his entire recov ery from the very last stages of Pulmoriery Censurnp tion. So entirely helpless was his condition, having been but a brief period since in that rapid 4 sinktn,-; and emaciate state, as to uterly preclude, in the opin ion of his physicians and friends, who watched by his bedside, all hopes of even a temporary recovery and restoration to his present robust health. Thus the care ful use of your invaluable Specific, the Pulmenic Syr up, makesit our belief, under the circumstances of his previous prostrate, not to say dying condition, One of the most startling results that the whole annals of medi cal skill or science can produce. It deserves to he im perishably reco-ded to your credit, and secure to you, the greatest discoverer of this hitherto remediless dis ease, a luting monument and a world-wide reputation in the healing art, that no time may either diminish or destroy. Having witnessed Mr. Green's distressing struggles and sufferings from a continued cough, su peradded to the other symptoms consequent upon, or attending to the last stages of a pulmonary thwase ; and moreover, it being so generally believed by his nu merous friends that no human power could relieve, or protract his life, much less restore him hack again to his former health, we feel it thus our duty to give our unqualified testimony of Mr. Green's perfect recovery, by means of the exclusive use of your wonderful Syr up ; and we should indeed rejoice if we could be made the humble instruments of reliefand cure. to oihers who may be so unfortunate as to be similarly affleted. David Conrad, Jesse Duffield C. Hinckle, A. Heath,, Joseph Head, Jr. , Jesse Watson, Stephen Lukens, Robert Allyn, M,:tthew Toden, JaMes Torbert, John 17!oomesbury, Allen Yindegrift. Prepared ar o by Dr. Schenck, andslfl, wholel sale arid retail, by sole agents, John Gi Bert & Co., Wholesale Druggists, 1 77 North Third street, Phil's. Clicken & Co. 81 Barclay sti.Nst, N. Y. Redding & Co. No. 8 State st. Boston ' • H. Blake:ey, corner Third sr l d Chestnut streets. St. Louis ; and by pilncipal Bruggiits throughout the United States. And by the following Agents in Bradford County : H. C. Porter, Towanda ; D. Bailey & Son, Leßays vine ; T. Humphrey, Orwell ; Maynard & Woodburn. Rome ; J. J. Warlord, Monroe ; D. a Parkhurst. Leßoy ; C. E. Rsthbone, Canton; King & Yosborg Troy ; 0: A. Perkins, Athens . TAII letters addressed to DR. J. H. SICHEI'sTCR, Cate of John Gilbert er Co., Wholesale Druggists, No. 177 North Third' street, Philadelphia. Attention Regiment 1 MAIL iRE!! JOHN 13. &EEO Ell,voold say to his old ' fl iends and •the public at large, that he has constantly' on band and manulactaring Rifles and shot Qoi caw., &e.-- Among his assortment of Gons•may bo found 'Doable' amPsinglerbarrelled Gans, R Hies ofa II kinds warranted. Powder Fiesta, Shot Noche', Game Bags, Cep Primets, Also, POwder, Shot, Caps of the best gash • ty. Aliens' six barrelled Resolving Pistols, do 'single barrelled self-cocking Pistols, Rifle Piddle, doable bb'f Pistols and common sieeVand brass ' • • F G., F: F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder in Cans vitt stantly on hand. • Any of the above articles will be soft! awftti cheap for the Ready Pay, Keys of any kind fitted to Doom Thinks or iinY other kind of locks on abort notice and reasonable Repairing . done with neatness end despatch: Bbbp s tew rode nortbef the Bradford Hone. " • • • Towanda. May 22, 1852; GEIGER. 1 1 1001 . 8 & RHOES-4be largest and bef t ;6stack its tows at °eat B. XL 10811 .i.-, , ..:ifi c liii i . ii . ',:::: ',. :1 ALFRED ROBINSON, P. G. ABRAHAM ARTHUR, P. 0 J. K. OMMAN, N. 0,1 JACOB WATERMAN, JR! JAMES C. C.ALVER. JOSHUA PIHNEMOBE. nisztaißAK) c LlSl 13()flaNta• * e & I nfo? V = IJAB mnoved hit establishment to idallialig - 1 ,JL r L,,comer of main street and the publiu 4 Aglafe t and, 'lwiltdontinuetlrtarullfwAnte 4 1 9Ple:ol.nt herkm• • ••• 4 •• haaruid*efved — frOirtrfew orkAlimp-spori-, Wined Winlen t eitlrld t iotiOdlittiserOomP*ll4, ire t olfered ettAtl# 44051+; is pOiculatli air' ect to ii MseKft.nt;,4npriitolt, ;ho V:Mowing new styles ter boom; do, shoes ,otik'illoitel? wialdng *ea, buirldiesefkt r Misses ' . .4*#*!,efltfimg, of :Overy'dirrir/Ptbid; laftpr'adeoliterifof Ware, a fglfleY tikeYs. Bo o4 itit4 , Ordi for the Genilemirt. Oteriitjle 'of gaiter's shoes. Tifiestrielt has "been - pen' mufti," seltitat with caieVand tte believes bal . :Ur offer superior ittielee at reasonable prior. _ • r • e . - Ciento . ..widest attentiontitaid to Afanisfaefurtng, and ha bor.,. by doing wpb well to tratijk aloitithip int• of tht Jibaf al patronap.ie has bated° waived. Teirondi. liGy 8, 1851. „ JO. t. C. A DAYS.. . - ADAMS & MALCUPWILZAZIZI, — ''ATTORNEYS AT._LAVY. _ - - .111 Mai , • / &turf, , r.„ ty-AVING located in Towanda, his services ini 1.1.• be obtained by addressing a line through the Nisi • Mee, or by calling at the oMee of Ulysses Meittle t Esq., where he will be found, or Alert” written*: heat ton niay be left. Nov. 1, IBM, `NEW BLAcUMIT4 $llOP.t. T t ug subscribers restbethilly inforiet We public lhat. 'they base taken the shop formerly oeenpiett. by Adrtn Esenwine, on Main street,' nearly minium, Drake's wagon shop, where they areßrefared to dO all kinds of BLACKSMITHING epos: reasonable taw's.. Their are determined by doing their Pork well aid* promptly, to merit, as lbgy Lope to !ttrtle a share of puhlie patronage. HOME—SHOEING done in the best manner. 411. kinds of repairing Machinery, executed lathe most fulinanner., WOOD' 'WORK fcri, r nioas willMa# , be made "eried . repaired wltrittlesired._ . All worracitin at the', stop, will be 4airanted fobs weltdone.ind manufsojered from the t materii r tla- The pubi i 0 ire ctequested W give us and jags: for tbemselik' EBkNiIVINE 64 BEEBISCHLI,. , Thwands, May 2, 1251. / 3 .t/161\TAII I I7WO WeaROAIDODI • I fi ' Important to Etonsekeepers: THE Fabscribec thankful foribe , iiberalyatronage heretofore ,re. c i Te d d ; a b n eg d s th le e aye uie in f e o n r el mAia. IME I -110 tt►ose corn:elk . eina g Hou l e:" keeping in pailicular that he has ■ uic noon on hand a. large assortment ofTURNITIAE, which he wilt, warrant to be made in a - Substantial manner, and of ,the Best materials. : I . . BUREAUS, such utsenahoganyamtwalnut dress. ing bureaus, marble and Plain tops ; mahogany an 4 (walnut washstands, marble tops, and plain, of dif ferent patterns; Card and end tables, Sofas Couch. es, whatnots, Are. BEADSTEADS.—Hitth, Field, Rcench and' Rita post beadsteada. finished,in handsome style and of approved patterns, together with other fornitore pan-, ally called for, all of whieh will be solo cm the most accoatmodating terms: . O:7P Thetautitteribet fa also ptnvitfecr otitis' a Frain and fashionattie ITEARB4, and Will hold himself ,in readiness'to attend to all orders in undertaking. He, will furnish ice bo;ea when desired, by the aid of which the corpse May be kept fur a, week. COF FINS READrMADt. CHESTER 'WELLS.- - - - - N.ll.—Furniture °Tan kinds made. to order, arid. warranted to be of the best matt rials and-workman. ship. I r ciwatufa. %anon ry ,17,) 852. N=Ali MED !RIM' LNE Genuine unjeasiaccompaprecr a lac siert Ole of the above El:lgnored Wrapper of Dr. E. 1.: SOULE & Co. , upon emelt boa. In offering to the pnhite this justly celebrated SOV EREIUN BALM OP LIFE, it is not...me wish to make any false statements or wild asserlfona of their superiOr efficiency in restating to beal*sine sick and suffering, well knowing that their repUtaties ea a STANDARD MEDICINE is of itself stiff:clear refer ence for the of acted. • Many proofe might be given of their talkie on paper. but we prefer those unacquainted watt them to 'unify. themselves by enquiring of living witnesses and trying the Pills. They wi.l find them perkrctly , :Fate and yell.- able in all cases t heinapirele regetrtble, ea a meth tine worthy their best confident., and. patronage. The following certificate was sent its for the public good: Hsaitima, Monroe Co. N I Y.,Msy 10, 1851. We the undersigned, .eitisens of Hendon', having used personally Dr. Soule's Sovereign Bairn Pi/bon:id witnessed the health-restoring effects thereof, cheerfully recommend these Pills - to the afflicted u the best With which we are acquainted.. G. M. ROBERTS, G. H. BROWN. M. D. , PRILLI PS, D. 0. arts, H. A. , ,TIBBETTS, - LEWIS-REED. P.B.—You are at liberty to publish thiolor the orb. c good. : : Smarts or Con NTsavErrs ! We are mot aware dm any one_who is making a-spurious article hes yet tier ed t make-see of eprnainavbut some of th em ;kw had thainatsourtwattwand-eorry mu Cireclars, Certificates, die_ Unless the. public are careful when they purataie, they will be deeeive l ). ccrThii genuine Sotireign Rahn Nis earl 'be' hid Wholesale and rend', of Dr. .SOUL 4 ei f , Co., Syracuse Ondndaga Co. N. Y• • ' Ektld by Dr. H. POiltElt,TcrwinfaPc. ltd their Agents in every town in ttiii tesispl r . Sly, linen's Salt `Bh at WI Sagaht. nitwit. - 'lvo EXCUSE FOR kIUFFF.RIIiti WITH Pam RHEUM. Tbreo.boxes warranted to cure a surface as large - , NORNOPCS tialtrhaum,aud Scrofula ointment has no equal in CuringiSaltrheum, Scrofula. Essipeialt Barber's Itch, Fever Sores; Scald treads, Ruigworm s &e, &e. For sale in Towanda; 14 Dr . . Ef,..V.,),4*TER: Lafayette Burr Mill.Stete MA NU F TORY' T HE imdersigria; fontiOrly foteniiii for' 'many; years of the Lafayette Burr Mill *3foot 'Mantiv factory,- -20 Washington St.. N. Ir., (W. Tyack. alieltf-Ywould inform his friends and the public in criers?, that he - has established a BURR MILL wroNtliAriurAerattv, .; 7 AT BINGHAMTON, ' ' Limy buildings, oppos l ite taihangh HOW, ail& solicits a share of their patronage. - lie wilt constantly on hand a large stook of French Burr Mill Stones t as also a large . supply of French Burr -Blocks, Melt Screen' Wire, Calcined Plaster;andliateni Digeagn Bushes. .' The undersigned 'assures _his, friends 30. public, that he will f a it hfultriliactlie, litllo„,rao4 .44 trusted to his'eare,.' neit"only, in quail+ 'but' in 'Vet. ces of articles furnished, add solicits their kind pat. ronage. • - ORDERB-hrteneravillbe-eistastediotatila'mner cpre t unity sloop uric p arena tha t spot , _ , REIT E . Dioanatin; Hon: John A. Collies ,,Hop,..A.,Hie±dsafl -1 y.. ) )Vhjt. I anY;tiy.Allirricke;o4.-4;.4ris,,W.S.Weptec C o d Binghanitorl. G. Searle. Celiac Postai:mike Jessup. Salsbury, 4k. 04.7.17 1 11 , 4fr0tini PC I Galati Cannalt, a : endsvi u,e.'; Tiwnlaa Dondatr,.„-. 4,4), fi,lll34Apip,,Wpir4lyqjt,X. TbPallA resrPAUti Smithborotiali, W. Y. Major D. - Merserean. Union, N. Y. M. T. Nieholsgtia4l, N. Y. Royal & Whita herirWaverlyt.N..y—parosy.auL,uvAm,- Iliniharoton, t 842 4 23 k. - - frEAS--The best 4 'billing terlo Owego, Is tell 1 in; st GOODRICH' Co. ATTK , .ightk` ~, , fulLe 110 Milak§ = LAWRENCE, hIABB. ANUF A CTUREBt eaotAniiittes sod tib m irro'ltttdr bones Power. Horhrah 4ri. , on heavy iron bed plates, can as sue Fee te , firhepsnsion valves; all Aga groo m s i - ;s4m tight without paeltinsvor mini; di sD 6 0 , 6 2° 4_ miring surfaces large, sod running in en esto Mitd ochronst i rte ..Eabbitt,tirtOdi Whose; d 4 toted The Regulator la su 7::: iebid 16,, The Force Pomp in an intiepee t k o , arrituged with crenh'idtaß and tight end t reedy to receive a heit t firt. dis oughts ab a ft other sbaft., rtoierllie 9 , •orit ee 6 41 4 . peneed by any engine builders in , the vo ted . Milers of the bear American or Engfish Calk .01 wrought iron—either tubular ns wi th A Z etinkie the m as t thorough man ner.. ' '' ,Engines from 8 to, 408,1umes powei hind,or in progress,' tee be delivered within W iii ; erthe receipt of Mier. • Mei, Steam Sate imitable assurin g 0304 6„1 board measure, of one inch bOards, in /2 hoe s i . o , 4o m u t e y odw, and expiring no, other feel tin e % eser#st. following itte-tho pricer of • few 'rehea t , airier Sad Ma; Whiffing dam engine, eta • vhintney, oodtpleto e.fiitaisn irons; males2l,4 m u m geao, , aral belts and irons for 30 PR st e ms sivriane, • •Oier. &Maker of cylinder, 25 io. e ftia O, with tubular 'bele, tertiteining 360 smut i n of heating eurfseeroand altcastinga, pipes, reheims other parts neeesiaty. to set it en complete e , lion,opal Et* Steam engine; I Mini &Meter of cylinder, 30 ie. Mon with tubelark boiler, einavinioe 40 0 altars fwd heating surfatei coins:date as before, e lm Delivered'On the Calif of the Boston and Maim Raa road at Lawren ce, 28 Olen from Boston. Terono on delivery. • ad BoilineL for the a'bo ' ve modified to snit porch ter , , and priced' accordingly. Mckay it Nondiey, late of Attsfield, Mee.; A z* (team engine! me already widely known, rteelgjy taken charge of the works of the Essex Com p oos4 will be able, with their increased facilities end opt, rienee, to make their, approved engines cheaper e l s better shall fictetcrfoni. May 8, 1A521 == 8500 CBAILLZENGB! W HATEVER concerns the health and i.i;la to of a people, is st all Enna of the mop Mimi importance, I take it for granted that rem perm twill do all in their potter to SATE the lives of t children, and that every person et7ll endeavor top mote their oWn Ilealth at all sacrifiees. I teal it f or toy duty solemnly to assure you that WOR.IIB, Cording to the opinion of the most celebrated ?hy pe the primary causes of a hirge majority of to which children and eduhs are %dile ; if you I mo an appetite continually changing from one inch( l e i to soother, bad breath, pain in the stomach, pickings the nose, hardness and fullness of the belly, 4 7 et4i. slow fever, pulse irregobir--remember the ell denote Worms, acid you should at once :Toy th em cited": An article founded Upton scientific principles = pounded with petrel) , vegetable substances, b enpo fleetly safe when udren,lnaeldetermined in all Mel lo and not leatiriag the /Islam in a diseased conditto ka most advertised itostruiria, composed . of Calsaa e t,f or y removal of Wovnat . i, 'Suck as Lozenges, re rm ,f, 4 ,„ &c., but ha perfoirnad the most astonishing m e w eaves! the %veer of tbmisanda, both young and Art: Gave seen prottdrineed beveling, incurable t, Pb m . cians. Read the following, and become ourris ee i its efficacy oven& others hideous Ihrn,N./. Ma. J. N. Hombrslex—This is to mil that Er e hild, 15 years of age, having been girl yaru:i was attended Drs. Loper, Whinis sad Miler In tong time withbut, reeeiviug any bereft; sera d e eying her ep itaittearible; I went to Pbilelelphaol eonsultedlrtne °tribe best tesrisiers; her Jima oil growingitorse.. Rivas at this time I was larva tr try Noberssack's 'Worm Syrup ` and after tabu bottles she entirely regained her health. &matt Ibis wilt pseee i benefit to parents whose Chattllff ainsilasfy atlrecti4, I alb yours, &c., No part or die system is more liabletq dive:tit the Live., it serving ea a filterer to parity the Rai or giving a proper secretion to the ;so that • 'wrong action of the Liver edects the other isr • parts of the system, and nsiults variably mhos, -Liver complaint, Dyspepsia, Ate. We shoutd,tbraie watch-, evar3t risvritoptom that n'i , jhr indicate action of the &der. These Pills being nuts Roots and Plants. tarnished by natant to heal —N amely, let An Expedorent. Isiah sorbet • 'secretion firm tie pulmonary atm =clip promotes the discharge of secteted matter. AUcratite, waft* changes in some insensible explicable issanner. the certain =Mil 'aim extern. 3d—ris Tense; which gives toes erxle. to the nervous system. renewing heshh Ed* parts of the hotly 4th--a. Cathartic, which r perfect harmony with other ingeraients, sal' - on the bowels, and expelling the whole muse and vitiated matter. and pyrifying the I*, el strove disease and restores health. - Agents for Bradford Con wy—Dr. M. Reed, Towanda ; C. H. Herrick, Ago Suffix* & Co. Smithfield ; Barnes & Briley, ' isrl - ft-ttpear;' Springfield ; Baird, Tray Taytor.-Bwrfingtori X Brown & Rodnirell, Me Pixishnst de Lamb,,Leroy ; Ctuis. Random gat" T.B. Howlind, Colombia, travels in tr gTILL IN OPERATIO THE subscriber TO 'once to the public ire now on hand,sadan . srder all (bads. of Cabinet reratia, 'eh as Sofas,Diva enter, Card, Dnungl Pail Tables. Mabog" not, Maple and Cherry /Stands of various km and Bedsteads of every description. which will be made of the hest material and aortc) manner, and which they will sell for cash than can be bought in any other Waremegl country. =mum -puma conga on band on the most reasonable tern' , HEARSE will be furnished on Funeral rect.!: .1 A HES MACKHV . Towandaaarie.l,- TO .TIE TRAVELING 21 - _ OLMSTED, Poore's - rot' of the ILL Zbrchange, gives his thanks to bit ;sod therraveling 'pnblic-generally, fordteil patronage, and solicits the continuance off A'N O. MN I B US, will run regularly to and from the Warolelv"i to meet the Mail Trains for the aceoroce 4° !.. - strangers and travelers, who wish to volts P" ant village un busintas.ar otherwise. Teste„ Four Horse .Coaches , air TEritorolricrAsind:6 Thosets!frT the toach;froto il Gad • " -1 R - Ak L-41 D .. .. c p. at, Atbeis,, awl end an bout er t r y and be ins2red a conveyance in time to tee d regular trains Iparg ,741 .1 g, East QP-W,i st * Also those •tifsirlcr lelit their le a- 6 ,11 ambit conveyed to and I tom the cars free j Mims, Elept.. 4. 1862 8L4. 1 4 8 None Pire Proof Paint, the 0 0 to you can gel the pore article. i 4 at 1 Towanda, Oct. 1 5152 . 11 ‘. 15666t11- 1. CORDON MARY. Arm Worm Zobessatit's Worm limp, nobensiack's Liver Pills. VIRZI OLD SUM FZZIE R. Boilux