: ) [ ANNUAL REPORT of fbeleallHiftit :at th. " .- 9 inallithe."4,-' Woos fat andltiligistit4 Ileboliny,... 0 gg 00 Assessors, 40M 74- 1100 grilse l tontractS. • .- . • . f r idge and road views, ~, ~ : . ~..„0 0 Joules for Public OM . ' • 1 7 1 1 68 Crier's fees, Constables milting Teens & attendl4 eispit;jste 30 C os ts in civil suits. " - . . , '' 00 Council fees in criMibal MAI . , , ' 25 - bb. Costs it: Coed) suits, • " , ... ;026. , is Counsel to Comes Wm. Elwell, ' . 50' 00 g o oses bv roads tbru' improvements, . 279 00 Election expenses, O3 72 rForL , • 101 12 Grand Jurors, , . _ " , ' 403 30 Traverse Juror'. • . , ' 5 . ,3311 '74 iOSONCICe on public buildings, : - - . 40 at Incidental expenses. , 2ot . 75 Intercom:l and payment of loan; , 1,422 00 Justices inquisitions, . MI 10 ls.tires fees, m 75 pr s tbonstary'l fees, - 519 31 Prisoners support, 3 . 23 ;66 Account with the several Colleotort% of County Taxes Q f te.f. 701• 11 shiP• C°llecior'a la" 3". • Angina t Cherieti. 'Ann Bee'd. Ig2l Sherlminia Elijah Horton. . . grs2 88 1441 Columbia Henry Sherwood ; 103 05 MI Standing Stone Isaac W. Weribrook• 18 38 Towanda twp David Rutty ~ 408 .... ISO Glitter Jas L Gamboa - 25 00 918 Albany Mtn Lee lOB SS .... Monroe J B Smith • . .8 78' . ~.. Towanda boro L W Ti ff any 244 01 MI Granville Harrison Russ 129 73 .... Monroe H B Myer , 80 .... Orwell A 0 Mathews 4 II ... Springfield L Leonard 17 15 South Creek 'Wm Goldsmith 7 07 ..... „. Standing Stone. Isaac Vannes% . 80 15 ~. Towanda boro' P L Shaw . 30 00 ~ Towanda twp D.:nnis McGill 446 .... Wysox A C Hinman 8 69 1150 Athens bow' Guy Toxer 110 74 .... Albany Moses A Ladd 73 02 Burlington 11 R Phelps 12 18 ... Dare!! M T Van Gorder 20 39 .... Herrick Geo W Elliott 79 13 .... Pike Geo 1.1 , Ho.nphrey ; 91 11 ... Rome Lawrence Vouch% 18 59 .... Standing Stone Alexander Erma 84 78 .... South Creek C Haight 513 .... Towanda born' Wm , A Chamberlin 63 41 ~.. Warren Rufus Buffington 174 35 .... Wyalusing .4 P Biles 409 1851 Athen4 bow' Wm H !Pitcher 179 87 'Athens twp John H Murray 789 66 Albany Hiram Crandall 119 79 Armenia Jacob V Demood 14 44 Burlington P B Pratt 246 85 Columbia Geo Wilson 142 09 Durell R E Gilbert 97 17 Franklin Randolph Lyon 39 18 Herrittk M 11 Porter 103 29 Litchfield Jan P Munn 176 02 Leroy David While Jr. 64 21 Monroe Anthony Mullain 104 49 Pike Oliver Ellsworth 30 35 Rome W W Woodburn 163 64 R.dgberry Chas French 5 41 Illierhequin J .siah Kilmer , 51 40 Sindhfield A.her Huntington 175 ifi South Creek Ira Crane 47 90 Standing Stone r D Hrg..as 118 32 Tus •a rora Hiram shumway 64 10 Towanda b do' Daniel Vandercook 225 40 twp Reuben Belong 214 40 Peter H Knapp 21 r. 7 Geo M Black 148 84 Levi Brown 298 13 J L Jones 60 75 L H Sherwin 368 64 John H Murray bet; as John Brown . 1 275 93 Robert Mason 69 so John W Morrow 393, 20 Jeremiah Travis Jr 765 88 Peter Monroe 730 44 John Gray 4116 rt9' Raurler Russ 349 81 Thos Smiley 236 27 John Vromen 351 77 Johh E Kerler 265 59 9 t.: Tar ~k- -• •• • 399 09. Wm' It 11Vilcot 321 94 9 W; Alden 545 53 Asa. Darrow . 8i 183 Geo W litirophtey 800 40 Nathan Maynard 403 70 Chits French • 416 09 Dau'l J' Horton AU 112 Thomas J Wheeler 760 15 iran Speer 655 cg Ira erasure • 243 IS 11413 c H 'Vannest 341 61 H term% sh n mway • 396 69 C T Smith -- 1471 48 Wm Barnes ' 506 73 John *lateen 30:8 08 Geo P Freeman 734 67 S C Hower • ; 446 44 John W Bartlett 603 97 Win IS' Ingalls '46R 33 Geo J Arroyd 678 78 14.44 Brown. 847 90 Jail Ell‘bne 2d; 455 04 Allen Woodruff 187 07 CM W)alming Warren Wdmot 33 Athenc bora' .... " twp Albany Armenia bylurn Burlington Colombia fawn tdr,l Franklin Granville Herrick Litridield Leßoy . Monroe ' Orwell Pike Rme Relgberry Sheshequin Smohfield Sprioafirld South Creek liranding Stone Twreirora Towanda born' twp Troy boro' " iwp • Eller Wysoz ...• Wells Wraiu.4ing ".. Warren • • •• «wdham . ihnot . • - DI. - Benjamin Wilcox; Treaattfer of Bmdioni County, in account with said Co. Cr. sot of County tales prior to (152 $5559 7 2 Hettirnedr Dup's prior to 1852 0 1283 98 • ~ .. r ow '.• 13817 IR .1 . 6 ' • for ' 'f'''' 2231 92 ' '4 ll ittits Rotes dm., due the County 704 81 " " ludement Notes. 4ke 729 01 lier.d Land Transcripts,- ,: .. -... ..- - 915 891 Exoneration) on Unseated Lands .....„102 43 •euam-ono Receieits - , 7., A 8,31 I Culleetors Percentage t Mut 23 'dint Treasurer . ', . , ,4i .1 292 29 Orders Retukne4l 20187 95 2 per,cent.tont at ission on the same 403 35 Criffeetor's - gionerations -489 26 I Vecarrent . ll4bney' 13 00 Benj. Wilcox, Trensurer 'tit BOW - Wit co %tate' of state tales prior to I r .. ...i.g,r,.. .. • dd fnr a •, 111170715 l'etiPll of Unseated Lands e '.-.: ,IV 11l I etltitneous Receivala _,,f , ..._,.. ~:,.. 111 County Orderi is account tr) issued in 1859 ,11 3 .0228 72 'outstanding/IUL /, , 1.210 /RAIIFORD COUNTY, 88.--IVe tht. atadirs hoed Commissiotters of- said . County, do hereby cenify raboyeto be a true and corree.t statement of the reeeivals and expenditotes of said. Coanty,'from fifttdal this of J th day of an. ut the Jan Vi A. of D ecember; fss2. Witness oar band . and seal of Office at Wanda 20. a I es. •; - STURGES sca4gts, D B Commissioners. ' I , A. PARK.. .1 igniECABIST I INTER GOODS ! - • ,k received tiara New Yon; war de la : Ines ! ' '"W raeriaoes -liislosieria, neai Prints, and. • „ • arzur aooni.- r4Y description, which will positively. be bold ' the subscriber itiviteiliablie • attention "to tPrn norivelled selection or wia1 4 30.1 "algs. Nor. Int 3.. wrOtio i Pablii) '234 ~00 tbsipoi4 lit t. l4l 4liiiedttarY. .303- 09 State road from 711 A 111.•1051°"'"" -" 4 1 11h#ri Y eiitii.nii9 lo *Pris'r/ to E. $. Peo r ry ,233 .00 Shed! Tees soMittonilm Jtirore. „ 1 41 Cliketitod COW; 90 35 Torraiihip Hie • 23 00 Waffled Wildcat certificates. 24 75 Ripair . A o - 4,6o4boildines, dec., 120 28 Bat. Job lionou (late Tree. ..I.n 4 1852,1.507 02 I. Ml'Oeck, per cent•mtabatenet of State tat, 35 On Simeon Decker Comet 1851, bal due 81 25 A. 3-13110; Com'r 1851, bal doe 110 13 . $852. 141 00 Mit 13 Storg's Squire Com'r 1851. " 000 • 4 ‘852. 206 50 215 50 D.B. Cotton, u • 11151. 1'50.00 Oa Isaac A. Past, " 1852. E. M. Fartar, Com'rs -1851 $24.,' 76 84 $f 9.191 4S $482 26 $1 060 23 $3,495 90 OSII .1025401 13 ~ in ecc't with Com'th of PennPylvanht, Cr. Retdrned on duplicates prior to 1832 01051 RI .• Of 14 if or u 2182 68 Exoneratinn• on Unseated Lands 77 37 AdVerildng 35 traits at 60 c'ts each 17 60 Collector'" Exoneration, 347 99 " ' .:Pereetitatre ; ' • 791 79 Abatement alkmed Collector"' ' 427 02 1:14 get Attleeinifildi tear.. blithe IC 280 Tree's commission on $2,977.26 at ,me per et 99 77 State Treaurer's receipt Jane 22,'62 7330 00 balance due State • • 2524.9 - • -74 $14154 - 4.1 'th the County of Bradford; Cr. Orders Redeemed in 11 20167 95 Orden outstanding Inn. I. '5l 279 97 12041/8,9$ CLOT Q'A CA l tPrigLt. hat* been piffled , by recejir firc, again Attted ntr the:* -.- • oteftnig steal , - T InAbe+ ittote pta r e4 ai before ant ar e now offering' for titer &AM% asiortaient 'ins! winter ,0 4101 D 111,. iitthaiclisi op 'their ieeellt leis; wig_sell at uausualiy; kiirpriers. Towanda, 11532. • ' IEI loot i tea oo scrr oo 54 00 415 00 She County of Aset Expe'uni. Col 4 - OS 25 00 S 7 194 •9 LEE 0 75 7 07 10 00 0 52 QM 91 93 63 12 10 00 9 46 46 00 64 99 t3l 3 to 4 60 a 02 S 29 6 63 IM. 4$ 4 19 1 0 34 22 52 1' 46 7 92 35 20 5 57 15 28 S 05 117 47 657 00 103 52 4 20 182 99 107 49 65 28 25 22 84 00 121 85 49 44 70 61 350 IT ,10 1t 523 I 1 74 3 70 6 41 9 61 s -9 41 137 05 7 32 16 95 67 00 40 17 155 71 182 04 7! 57 11 00 255 00 34 82 216 00 1100 10 241 19 60 09 31387 . 651' , 39 689 61 677 46 26 00 107 40 172 62 111 . 00 869 62 299 88 223 45 567 69 671 64' 369 60 339 116 7142 53 710 21 629 61 227 00 144 DO 176'00 1844.25 297.24 884 77 677 33 419 70 486 30 412 74 539 25 563 00 430 29 114 00 12 70 9 69 II 24 2R6 2 71 11 37 ELI] 4 51 a 15 8 61 6 25 11E1 4 46 12 22 8 06 EMI] 9.19 II 69 4 61 8 81 9 34 EII3 RING!! . - 13 7r ,pu ir erZ f or n tt Cei li u r r i : s t- u f f .Common erll r'l l e a at l a s' Bradford County. and to me directed, will be exPos ed to public sale, at the Coon House in the born' of .rawanda o n . Monday-the 7th day of. February, at 1 ,e'citiek. P. Ma, the following .lot, piece t..r parcel of landsituated in Athens tap., Bradford County,State ;11 Penn's, bounded and described as follows to wit: fin the north and east by land of Daniel and Hugh McDuffe on the south by lands of Jesse Spalding. pa the welt by lands of Lsaac Lamberpon. Contain. ing 3it , acres and 54 perches or thereabouts, 10 acres improved, 1 framed house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles & Harris. vs Orson L. Lamberson. ALSQ— The following lot, piece or parcel of land. in Ridglierry twp., and bounded on the north by lands formerly in the. occupancy of Calvin Duel and lands of Wm. J. Puller, east by lands of Vine. I ent Owen, south by lands of H enry sipeocer. and west by landsof Chas. White. Containin g about 32 acres be the same more or less, about 33 acres im proved. one framed house, one framed barn and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon. seized and taken in execution at the snit of Ed ward Meadnow to the use of John Thompson, vs Hee ry T.Gravea. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in North Tow anda twp.. and bounded on the north by lands in possession of 3. C. Powell and Isaac Barton. s s etk't by lands of Wm. Elwell. south by lands of Ezra Rutty and east by Sugar Creek. Containing about 80 acres mote or less, about 60 acres improved..l two atory.stone tavern house. two framed barns, 1 .framed office and en orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at 'betn& 44E. W. Baird, vs R. B. Mason & 8. A. Mills. ALSO—The (Wowing piece or parcel of land in Albany twp.. and bounded on the north by lands be longing to David Chapman. on the east by lands bet longing to Amasa Hancock, on the south and vest by lands to Zadok P. Corson. Containing about 168 acres more or less, about 120 acres improved. t framed house, one framed barn, one old log house and 8 large orchards thereon. se.zed and taken in execution at the suit of Beach Clark & co.. vs Rollin Wilcox. ~..............-. $20,229 72 Bradford. per ct. dew. • lob . 0s 141 38 1011 83 139 73 4 II 7 40 70 16 4 46 4 69 18 82 ALSO—The following pieces or parcels of land In Smithfield and Burlington townships. First lot bounded on the north by lands of Henry Phelps and Harry Pierce. on the ego by lands of Henry Phelps and Sydney Clark. on the Sonth by lands !tf Daniel Andrus and Lewis Kelly.and on the west by lands of Harry Pierte. Containing about 50 acres, about 30 acrevimproyed, and a framed barn thereon erected. OE3 13 43 10 37 31 07 15 30 lIE3 IME:1 ALSO—One other lot in Smithfield tarp., and bounded on the north by lands of Lewis Kelly, on the east by the public highway. on the south and west by lands of Daniel Andrus. Containing about 3 acres, all improved, I large new grist mill, I new framed house not quite finished, one old framed house, one new bog pen framed, not quite finished and a few fruit trees thereon. 174 85 13 2 48 90 8 81 2 32 28 66 29 02 16 63 8 91 11 . 71 01 s 4 ALSO—Two other lots of about 100 acres each, coming together, one lying in Smithfield and !he other in Burlington two., and bounded on the north by lands of Jacob Fletcher. on the east by land in possession of Beals Spalding and Robertson, on the south by lands of Silas Betts, and on the• west by lands of Wa-hington Campbell and the Bingham lands, they being the same lots purchased some to years ago of H. Willi , ion. jr. as Ag.nt for the Car oil lands by Alvin Seward. ugamproved. Se-zed and taken in execution st the suit of Benj. Smith and Ira Gardner, late co partners in the name of Smith & Gardner, vs LCIMRII Kellogg. Alv in Seward and Elijah B Georgie, terre 'enent. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Rome twp., and bounded on the north by lands of Ili.ana Dub. son. on the east bt lands of Patrick 'Murphey, on the south by lands of Eli Rolls estate. on the weal by 39 29 29 12 14 94 12 12 22 13 $1 41 153 04 32 31 30 73 9 23 21 70 51 22 1f 23 60 00 20 12 lAnds of Thomas Austin. Contaiuiug about 70 acres more or less, about thirty acres improved. one framed house, one log barn and a few fruit trees 106 151 14 83 24 94 25 59 6 36 hereon 150 F 4 169 26 34 74 Seized and taken in execution at the ',nit al. M. Wattle" , ailin'r t.f the estate of D. M. Wattle , : deed, vs Daniel Hill jr. ALSO—A piece nr parcel of land in I,Proy twp., and bounded on the north, ea-t and , noth by I.tod. of John Hammond, and on the wet by land. of Franci, Harris. Containing 4} acres ror re or all improved, one block house and one framed barn thereon. Lie ized and Oren in execution at the suit of Gen. Fox. vs NedebiJh Smith. 1313 4 - 9 33 214 49 31 30 30 39 B'l RI 48 87 79 15 94 58 AL4 piece'or parcel of land in llidgberry twp.. and bounded on the North by layls of Isaac. Willer.'east and .011 h by land. of David Burt, west by lan.N of P. W. Burnham. Containing about It) me re., more rr one acre improved. one cream Raw mill, three log houses, one Iram,,d barn, one plank and framed h.qp.e. 20 44 15 74 3209 Me 76 44 YO 26 43 etcized and taken in executi ,, n at the sdit of FrothinAam and Beck wiih vs Asapttll , urn and Edw;rl R. Beck with. 41 IS 27 11 27 41 ALSC-1 piece or parcel of land in Wyalosing twp., and bounded on the north by lands belonging to the estate of Jo , eph Ingham, tat by lands in possession of Harvey Ingham. south and we:t Land. in possession of Charles Ingham. Contain• ing aboutloo acres, more or less, •:,out 40 acre 4 improved. 2framed dwelling houses. I framed barn. I saw mill,l framed sash fact.ay, I framed sprit house. 'framed shed, a framed corn house and a ew fruit trees thereon. tte.xed and taken in execution nt the suit of Ja• cob M. Haldeman, vs JAI' Ingham. 16 15 197 61 121 69 70 76 1109 49 14 99 95 65 33 08 118 87 2$ 98 28 17 H 4 90 ALsn-4 pirre or parcel of land in Athens twp. and bounded and de•cribed as follows: Deginnin at a maple cigar tree the south east co ncr of a lot formerly conveyed to Daniel Orcon, thence south 135 and 7-10 perrhes to a post. thence west 106 and 6-to perches Ina post, thence north 137 and 5-10 to s pitch pine tor a corner. standing on the south line of said Orcnit's lot, them , : -omit 86° east along the comb line of the said Orcutt's lot 106 anti 6-10 perches 10 the belinnins. Contain ng 92 acres and CH perches more or i-a., tt berm:: intended for the who'e of lot No. 122 na warrant lot No. 1532, about 90 acres improved, two house:. one log barn, a small log corn house and a few fruit trees thereon. • EMI 73'07 Seized and tak.-n in execution at the snit of S. S Clark, •s Albert Van Gorder. ALSO--A piece or parcel of land in Shestnquin tap., and hounded nn the north by the public htch way, east by lands of C. W. Bulik, south and we-t by lands of Bailie! Brink, Containing half an acre be the same mare or le , *. all improved one framed house. one slab shed or stable, and a lea (rust trees thereon. $26401 13 t3eited and taken in eisidation at the suit of Dan iel Brink, as S. D. Horton. ALSO—AII the defendants interest in the follow ing lot, piece ut psrzel of land in Eidgherry tarp., in the forks oi the Terwilleger run, surrounded by lands of David Berke and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a hemlock tree, marked and standing on the north bank, and near the forks cf said stream. thence N. 69 E. 30 perches t.i a nine, thence 8. 20 E. 35 rods to a pine tire. thence 8. 88 W. 99 rods io a hemlock and thence the nearest corner to the beginning. Containing ahotu 6 acres be the knis more or less, about one acre Unproved one steam saw mill with the appurtetiantes thereto belonging, one framed bowie, one log house and one framed barn thereon. $146.54 41 $20438 92 ALHO—The undivided half. part of a , lot, piece or parcel Orland in Ridgberry tap., and heeinning at an elm tree standing on the west bank of Bentley creek sad running thence south Ci° peal 6 perches and 2-10 to the north east corner of Abial Fullers farm. from thence 8. 11 11 30 perches to a certain butternut tree standing on the west side of the west embankment of the mill ran. thence 8. 2° 10" B. 10 perches to a post and 'acmes standing by a white pine stump, thence S. 54 W. 6 per •hes and 7-10 , to a post and atones. thence 8. 2 E. 9 perches to the. south east turner of said Abisb Fuller's farm. being a butternut tres.thence north 27 E. 14 perches to a post. S. 88 E. 18-7.t0 a hemlock tree, standing on the east bank of said Peml.'y creek. thence N. 22 W. 49 5 to a corner on the east bank of said creek. thence pr. 88 W.B perches-to.the place of begin ,fling. Containing 4 acres and 60 percher more or less. together with the undist led half of the, saw millrherson and still ran and priviliges thereto . at. .latched, all, improved. ' ALSO—One other lot piece er parcel , e( land in Ridiberry3wpiAind bounded on tb, Anrai by land. '44lkendenan Perkin!, *nit by lands of F. BIFf. swath , bllabdplefSsinfirl 'Wallis, air! - we's% •:! - I , '4 Leila/ . AtiNt49a, rents. -SHERIFF'S SALE. LegoLftwiMnente. highway leAcling tense Elmira to Tnrf. Containing abont one acre aa-impreved.onfrtratped ttease,opp one framed.gtore Itottap,and otketranted bun ame nd:— Bellied and taken - in mention dill. Gait of S. B. Strang & Co. tiB Aiaph Colbcirti. kC. T. Murphey ALSO—Ariiieasi Or pared - Oland in' Wyalusing. twp, and Beginning at • pottt - the smith west corner of William Nesbit's lot, thence east 158 and 1-19 perches to t post, corner of Wm. Nesbit& A. Dough erty's. thence south tl6 perches to a hemlock south west corner of A. Dougherty's lot, thence west 158 and 1-19 perches along unsold land to a-post, corner of a lot surveyed to John Irskine, thence north 116 perches to the beginning. Containing 115 acres and 32 perches. strict measure. it being part of two huger tracts of land originally surveyed to Nathan Cook and lohn Taylor by the authority of the Mate of Pennylvan ia, about 55 acresimproved, one from. ed dwe lling housi, and small plank house one blacksmith shop, one old log house not occupied. and one saw mill, an orchard of fruit frees thereon. Seised and taken in execution at theamt of A. K. Peckham. vs Clangor Morbie. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Pike tap., and hounded oa the omth by the school house lot and a lut io possession_of Griffin MaGee, known as the Tannery lot, on the east by lands of G. N. St Etisha Dewolf, on the south by lands belonging to Julia Rogers, on the went by the highway leading from Leßaysville to the Wyaluiong creek. Con taining about ti acres more or tens, all improved, one framed dwelling house, and a emelt horse barn theriqm erected Seized and taken in execution at the.muit of WI:12. R. MaGec., now to the use of Eugene Keeler. vs - Nick. oh Goesdill. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Athens born' and bounded on the north by a public alley leading to the Baptist church, on the east by the highway lea ding ;mm Athens buro' in Factory villa. on the south by lands of James StuWl, on the west by land at C. N. Shipman. Contain ing about one fourth acre. ell improved, one two story trained house and a few fruit trees thereon. eizeil and taken in ekerution at the suit of B. K. Wade, vs Levi Totten. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Litchfield twp., and bounded on the north by lands of West. colt. on the east by lands vacant, on the south by land ofStephen Evans, on the west by lands of W. Cotton. Containing about 50 acres. he the same more or less. about ten acres improved, one log house and one framed barn thereon. Seised and taken In esecuti.m at the suit of Welles & Harris, vs Wm. Sackett. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Albany twp. and bounded on the north by lands belonging to Da vid Chapman, on the east by lands belonging to Amass Francon, on the south and west by lands belonging to Zadock P. Corson. Containin: ab.tut 168 acres, more or less, about 120 acres improved one framed house,-one old log house, one framed barn, and three large orchards thereon. :seized and taken in etecution at the suit of Titus & Barnes, vs Rollin Wilcox. A piece nt parcel of land in Burlington twp. Bet ginning at a birch the north east corner of warrant No. 1479. thence west 105 and 5-10 perchei_to a post, thence north 16 and 3-10 perches to a birch, thence east 105 and 5-19 perches to the place of Be ginning. Containing 50 acres and,lo7 perches, be the same more or less. about one acre improved, one log house and one log shed thereon. Seized and taken .n ese•ut ion at the suit of The. odore Wilder and William Corey vs Joshua Ba• ker. ALSO—The following p;ece or parcel of lend in Szhieh.wiin twp.. and bounded .on the north and west by land-of Ralph G pre. on the east by land+ of Reuben Thom ri-on, on the south by - lands of A Ifrrd Gore. Containing about one acre more or less about 3-4 of an acre improved, one fraoted house thereon. .S,..zed and taken in eleention at the suit of J. P. W;ckham to the Usr of V tc thaln & Woodhull and Woodhull 4 co.. vs Merin Tompkins. ALso—(By writ of Levan Facias, the following, lot piece or perc(.l of land in Monr(re f wp. n, niog at a post in the centre (.1 the Main road, thence along the line of said flied, south 8 ° west 7 and 3- perches to a post, thence along the One of J. B. Smoh. north 't9° weer, 20 and :3-;.0 perches to a poet, thence north 8° east 61 perches to a post. thence atone a line of S. 1.. Fowler, moth 82° es.t ,en l 3 10 pe,ci :e e to the plane f beginning.— con 1 / 1 1 / 1 1112. 136 and 7 10 per( hes. he the same none ..r le.e, all improvt-d, one frame dwelling house and e:ore coonecwd two said!l framed barns and some fruit trees therena. S •t?od and tat,en in eieca•iin at tl , e sui• 1n• .r•ph II nue% v- De:anA.nt C. Sal-berry and Chianti" N.sat,liprry. A LSO !I the f dloWinz ileserihed bit piece or parcel of Istid in sprawfiehl township ; Tle4itintn at ar. Iron Wood south en-1 corner t.f Int No. 3 on warrant lot No. 914, thence east 98 perches: to beech sa plmz, for a corner. south •kest corner of lot No• 5. thenee moth ICS perches Li a post, thence went 96 perahes to a post. , neitert notth Is 4 perrhr~ to the begitining. Contsinml: 11/7 acres anti per ches strict measure it beirm :mend. tl for the whole of tot No. 9 on said warra.:t lot No. 944, w7th about 14 acres improved. one ^ld frame or plank Louse and a feiv halt trees thereon. seized and taken in execution at the suit or John Arno! ro•Fivnee !ke,. vs Eit Tarbell, Ridlard ton Er John H arkness, Terre Tenant. C. TH(711.V4, Sheriff; Sherifrq Office. Tow•aoia. January 5. 1853. Notice t 4 hereby given, that an amount equal to the cr•.t. w, 1 e rrqu,ce,l b. be paid up , n each , ale when structt down to the bidder. and upon I failure to romp!) , with thk regulation, the tract otland will ag,att be ntrered for sale. LIBEL TN DIVORMEI. al trin E I)4)mq by her next ',tend t 'tents Morey t' Dire , / in Bradford County. Con. netts No 91 ($1•11 Term, 1832 AVID DitflotS, defendant in the en:Yee:lust : D Yon are hereby notified that Ma.it E. Dub o i s your wife. has filed her pe titian fora divorce from the hoods of matrimony. And an alias sultpcena has heeh returned. and proof made that you are not to he found it; ' , aid county. You are therefore hereby required in tippedr at the 11nurt House, in the horn' of Towanda. on Monday. the 7th day of February next, being the first - day of February term of said court of com pleas, to answer the said complaint,. and show cause, if any yuu hare, why the said Ma. ria shall not he divorced frorri von. C. ttifrlMAtts. Sheriff. She, ill's ()trim Torpmda, Dee 31 I e 52. In the matter of the application of the ('olleii•i(e In stitute of the Presbytery of Sampiehauna, in the Court. of Com. Plea,, of Bradford County,. a. 105, Dec. Term 1849 VOTICE is hereby given that on the 18th day of .I_ll becem her, 1852. the Trustees of the Crilfegiath Institute of the Presbytery of - Susquehanna, present. .ed to said Court a petition praying that certain amendmems and alterations of the articles and con. diming of their chaitcr be made by said Court, es specified in the articles annexed msaid pdntitiori Wherefore the Court directed said writing. to he fil ed in the office of the Prothonotaly, and that notice thereof, be idserted in one ntiwspaper printed In Bradford County for at least three weeks before the next term of said roam ALLYN AVICEAN, Prothanntniy Prtfthonotltt'g I Itfice, Tnwintir, Jan. 8. 1R53. ECUTOR'es NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate , of, ELDIHA a COLE. deed late of Monroe. are hereby re quested to make immediate pa) rrient and those hav: ing (+lima against said estate. 'will please present them duly aothenticited tot settlement. . , CHARLES M. KNAPP., Efeeutor. Dec. 2. 18b*. A DMII • IBTRA'rOR . B.NOT,ICE. ALL personi indebted to th e mate of SILAS BC:COVELL dec'n. late of South Towanda are hereby requested w make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate.• wilt please present them duly authenticated for settlement. MARIAII SEM ELL, REUBEN DELONG, Beath Towanda : Nov, 17i 1A152; AFdiniptstratoras. Cistern ait4lNTOlt!td4s t. ' T EAD PIPE't or ,Any hind, 1.4 size, rf,r trilk ;pay 103. •• R. If. Vlttr,.. - . tegalf.:2Wwnbie,anzte. Xrltiollt• VT the matter ortfteestate of itaorris Maloney dee' 1 The, tindersitnetthaving.been. appoipted..by_the Ofliradford Couisfy..itt atiditor distrittitt-the fundi'in the front% 'Of the - Allmie Niro tor, raised by_ tbit:**li realatnd trefaintal ingatt.•—• Notice is hereby nisen tbal the auditor will _attend at Wm. Elwell!. cfsce in the bore of Towanda.op Saturday, the sth day of February.llls3,at 1. o'clock; P. If.. at which time and place, all persons hav ing claims upon the said "mate, are *lowa to prerent them or be forever debarred 00 0 , ernsi r ,* in upon said fund. HARVEY MeALPIN. Towanda, Dec. 211. ta5S. . Auditor. Auditor's Notles. TN the matter of the estate of A. A. Ikekatitli. .1 deed. and A. A. Beckwith, !mullein, partner of B." W. Strong. Tlia undersigned having be.m sp pointed by the Otphan's Court of Bradford County an auditor to make distribution of the fon& in the hands of the Administrstcir, (B. R. Beckwith.) Ml iiee is hereby given that the Auditor will attend to the duties of his office, at Wm Elarell'a law' °e we on Tnemlay, the Bth day of February, 1953, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at which time and place all persons having claims attainst said estate. are required t. present them or be forever debarred from coming in upon said fund. HARVEY McM.PIN, Towanda, Dec. 29, 1852. Auditor ADSIINISTRITOKIS NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to - the estate of Reuben Park, dec'd. late of Litchfield township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having dernaads against said estate are requested to ,pre.ent them duly authenticated for settlement. MAUI 4, PARK. Adminktratrix. BENJAMIN PARK, ORSON RI I; lc EV. Litchfield, Dec. 15, (852. Airninkfratorc. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTWE ALL persons indebted to the estate Of GEO. JAK WAY, deed. late orWindhatn, are heren7 reunested to make payment without delay. and those haviiirclaims against said estate, wit ple . ase pre. sent them duty authenticated for settlement T. L. I kKWAY, • E. A..I3KWAY, Windham, Dec. 18, 1852. Administrator.. Auditor's Notice. THE undersign«l having been appointed by the Court of Common Ptea., of Bradford County an Auditor to distribute the fund raised by the Sher ill's sale of real eAate in the case of J. C. Adams & U. Mercur, vs. Ethel Taylor, No. 81 Sept. Term. 1852. will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the bor.' of Towanda. on saturday, the fith day of February next al I o'clock, P. M., at which time and place, all person.- haying claims 011 said fund are iegurred to present the same for adjustment and distribution, or be debarred from coaling in fur a share of said fond. E WARDO VERTON. Towanda. Dec 31. 1852. Auditor, ADMIN . ISrR Vrtqrs NOTICE A Lt, rteron% indebted to the estate of A CSTLN RUSSELL, d.c'd late of Onve•!1, are hereby requeired to make payment without delay : and nll - having demand% against said estate wilt pre scn t them duly authenticated for seWethent. SA %I l•El. CAsS, • A. A. Ill's: 4 FLL, Orwell, Dec. 2, IS'52. .Ndministratort. CLOTHING STORE. r.& S. & CO. TN the Brick Block. next door to Mercurs store have just added to their stock, a large and fashwal• ble assortment of Ready made Cletbirg, •D•IPTIM TO THE 81 , 1405 r, of ertry vsriety.hoth of.tyle anti -price. to which they ask thesttention of the public. This is now the larfrest stock Ever Offered in Towanda !! and will he sold at prices consideralde lower than 07er before known in this place. Our good's are selected with a regard boll>. to style and price, and offer inducements, not to be met with at any other e.s tab! tsn mew. "Strangcrsvisitin Towar an, or oth ers in want of OLOTECafitt will find THE LARCE74T A! , z , ORTMENT at nor establishment, in this 5PC!1(11'1 of the coyntry, and made in snrh style :Intl material 4 as to encore salisfartion. We sha'.l endrnyoy by L 01.7 razaras a. *COD C.12:"...^:=7:1, to see ot e petron:-2e. E•el;h4 conadent that our arti• w•II r_rive sall,lat 11 , 41 to gip prircha-er. The as‘ortmeot co - rntuipeti every art.c!, required for ass9tlemati's outfit. TEItAls.--.cAsH. Orerc.o , :ls Cq.lts Panty. Otrerallm Cep" 44 , c Lrr kTI , INF.—Next dcr , r moth Of Mel - cur's st. "cc - crane:l ; and Nu. 7 Water st. Arrrut• Hxll. Elmira; an i l under A. 41. Porters Hotel, Tivga V.:l - Mega Co. Pa. Towanda Alay 29th 1831. LIQUORS ! LIQUORS ! i übsrriberc havitie formal a caprtre'rsVp under the firm of /4. FEI.I ON & G 4) , for d, e general bnoor Nosiness. wnrild rearectfnry RA Hotel keepers and all others in st ant et' at”. thine in the.r line in qua them a call. We intend k , epine nn hand - a ceneral asmrtment of Forelgtt Lintiars, wh,h we ran sell chraper than any ore eke ia the county from the fact thlt we hay direct from the importers. and thereby sare a large profit charged by the N.Y. Johl•eN ; Licitiers are 'warrani ed pure end free from adttlieratinn. Also constan•- ly rot hand Whiskey of the best rittatily. We have made arrancernenta by which we can furnish our eiorntners with any rinantity of Bin tri thatin Br.ER fresh from the Brewery. Pleaee g i ve UR a rail.— The new.* and Bement! of the r.ld Erni of S. Fel ton & Co., are in our hands for eettlemen. Towanda. Dec. 1. 1852 311 T+ eknits—A large stock of white lead. and Giber kinds of paints and linseed oil ' just reset ved 6q (leer' J. r011T.1,1,, bISSOLUTION. ?Tilt: rirtrilkrship heretofore existing between H. 1 rt. & M. C. Mtkreur is this day dis ,. olved. The business will hereafter he conducted by H. 8. 1 .1ter.. our. All debts due to the late firm milss be raid immediately. H. R. MERCER, Towanda, Jan. 1. L 8. M. C..MERCUR. MEV' FALL COO DS. BURTON zuraantrar Tsnow receiving a very large and general assort nrient of every description of gniels. which are now offered and.will be sold at prices that cannot fail to SUIT THE. PURCHASER I would ask an examination it my •lartre .stdek of Sugars, Teas, Coffee, blolakses. Btewares Syrup, &C. &c., which are altogeth,er ahead of any thing fur quality and price in the county. Towanda, oct. 8, 18.52. SUMMER HATS.—A 4nO aegoftnieni of ill; latest styles of moleskin, Knstsutts, rfutttirian, Panama, pedal and palm leaf Hata, lost opened as lone I. MEncrirs. En:MXZNEMT: AND DRESEI-MAI;NO• MISSES C.' B.& M. A. LYON, have established themselves io Monroeton. intend carr'ilOg on the above. business to all nes various bratml y lve fttpl respectfully solicit a share of the pablic•pattoispi.. A choice stock pt 5111. • , 3- - E Wit ,be kept cuit hand and for.salu et OA lowest Pri cgs. , constantly advised of did lateo . tal!hioss by,tbe poones ion in the adv.-lad no endeavours Will be spared to,piesse. 11151 " 41 , 01 . 2 .;1itrvt 20, 185:: • tatATE Toirambi4op etill id iirdgebery„ and Wellsbere pot 1:91 thp N. V. & E. R. R.. every Mooloa V, Wee- Nasaas amid ?moat at it o'clock A. M. end arrive at the depot in time to take the evening &ant( ears either flat Of obt, swelit oft?. Returning - Terweat, TOrosbat cad SaitinHiaar, after thus arrival of the Eastern ;traia, awl silo the western can Roos Jefferson. pioatlsolloo,oBo rive at Towsncta aim* dlr. Pairs :—Torranda to if create/V*lElk 171 " - to elarliagtoo, , " to Else senithileld. to Rotaeberjr, 1.00 to Wellston/ &Tin, 1.116 illaorevi packages to or front...the Rad load cars fully delivered at moderate 'Aare's. ri. m.l3trar; Proptietor Tocvana. Oct. R, le3v DAILY LINE OF MAIL STAGES, TOT9'92rDIL ZLND WAVEISLiaIr4, (e... 1. '._„...---,, THE proprietors ale aow xivii... f'...1-- . .. 1. : . -pingr bade eoach. between aj.atlYlin T e° our frn ir esiand 1.42 1 the ear York and Erie . flailrood, at Wi[erly. , They are deermined that nt. efforts or, 'imps shall be spared to keep this line stocked anctron,ln a manner worthy the eficotivagemeot Of the 046. Leave Vt'averly every day, at 9.o'elack,, A.M.. or after the arrival of the morning trains. Ana_ iicue• to g at Towanda. at 12 o'clock A._144.. in time to con nect with a line of stages, to Ttinkannock,4 ytfrt Leave Towanda every day at 2 P.M., arikyinkst Waverly in time to take the evening traans,,c4al orirest. At Towaptla, passengers esn take stages for Wll• liain sport. Weltsburnugli and Alontrose,lind'estrrimpr es can always be obtatned, 84 may be desired. ./ The Proprietors are pre - tared to take any' AVM ber of pasNentzfrs by means of ertra stages. •ittresii essary. tj j Office in Te/vends, at the. Ward tillhask from which all the stages take th.ir departure. A. KENNAIR co./ Proprietor*: Nvv. 20. 1R52 OPPOSITION LINX MU' Int *CD 110t1X WAVERLY TO TOW ASIDA4 e rT N ., < - 72 ._ THE subscribers are . now rra';‘, fling a coach daily from Wager -7' . 1- 4 1 It T- d tl be found I owan n• ley may rnurnin- , and evening at G. H 11.111en'e 4 21mingat lion..e, ' Warer!y. and at noon at Wet. Briggs!' o. wanda. The pi'ronage of friends and travelers a4ll be •hankfuny received.. ?g,4ILACICak'Y Sheshequin, Nov. 15, /852. MORE NW.,Q-OOPS. Z. P. dz. riX. C. ICIVACtra., •RE NOW IL 4C CI VtN9 ANOTHER. ASIOSTSItint NEW MI: WINTER GOODS. 'Towanda. Nov. It), 1832 INREYze “00114.—A geo,l a4s ,, rtment of Limes every style of dre;,?• go.id worn by 'livtirs cht!dren, . r •=tie at dee! GOODN.—; la , ge d fiesirabie assort. I t of t.l-I.op lawn,. swiss and hook go use Los. camOncs auJ bared mo.lins at 1J • 1. NIERCL'RP. 1 - 1 LOVE' , and IIk.k , IERY itovev deqcriplioa all T , cr•. !, V-5:. MERLit;4SI: rl bPH Vit II'ONIITE D. for bale by the pound' or L 4 'mailer quantity for aale at Der. 1. ihSC3. MEM:GOB- IGH ES —F eNh Catnyvtnile and, 811,110181 Phut ' [-rm.• wry on ha itd at "Nitßeilltd: SIM: V . loc iat Towanda. Dee. 15. 1852 111/PORTANT TO Tail ra:;:imr, farrier iti, Stage Preprielat GEO. W. AIERCHANT'S CELEBRATED GARGLING OIL EIPPAIIR•LLELI.D l SLIZ EISTORT Or MCALAU Lt; the most remarkable Esteraal Applima= mei Experience of more Man sixteen •ears hae nstahlashod the 113 . 2 that 51crclustii's Ct.:chimed i..srgiuhs sic Ye► vernal Fan y Embrocation, wi:t core mum emits, aadrir d., lives 111 such as Spavilos ScreCticri, Ringbone, Wintjgerla, PA .. aril, 0111 , 41a. Cracl;cd Ileerg, ci , u.,.c as Linda, Fresh Wounds, Srunina, Briiiaell.4l2- .Lais tale, SithistSand Cracks, Straina,. Folindervi Feet. Seratehin ur Qtewei: Rheernat.am. Bites of Animala,, z !iliferna) . . ems, Painful Nervosa .kifeeetuna,:froall Bitaii, Boils, Cores, Whitlows. - But sad) 1‘) Cliilittla:unt. Chapiieql, ILands.'l:/retn4li.-:: . 11 ~ .1 trartioua of the Min cles,SwelitifiepW of the Joiuta, Called Breast's, ac. dir...te, , The unearsuoteu socce., of inie on 4 in the ante pike , mere th lf , tmec all Canto. nod ,eren in Mania de4 IC "' daily becoming more known to the Lumina emornuatty '•.•:. It can hardly be credited, script by those whole!, Wag „.) In the tribn of keeping it in their insides and houses, whisk a cut umturirof pain, atifferint; and thee, It. Illved'ar the timely application of thet.oo. ~ . ; ....: , _,,, -1 sa- Ile wore the name af the wile rrourietar. QISORGII W. ai eke', a NT, I.detrony. N. "I' , fe Veen in shy' id le' p if the bottle, and i n his handetriting oter tie etude. ..,,_ Ail avian addressed to the proprietor will be. weep* ~. tettpendeal tn. Get a pamphlet nT the Aro,. End erne whit iohdirs alai -.° aCeoMpllgheil by.the turc of tbla-vtetiginv. $Ol4 by t.sy actable &Wags generally,. to du engin avian tel Cinnda. Also by 8. FELTON. E. T. FOX. . . .Nor..NTs * -11. C. Porter. Townnan—Wm. Kit Athens—eit Dam!. Troy-1). V. ilarnes,'Vcdotptili Flar..-1.. D . 1:a, kr, Burl ingion--Iriqbie.lt, Air ...N I , cr, ctn.: n ton —D. muvifirid--ilumphrev & Place, Tiort=Tiirrell, M. n t ecrry & Elp.ftte. Ettnital4 ewa are Ward, base &Co., 83 Maiden st., New York- • i ' .' I'AZ I A512101904i u 4 ?t. C. Ntrnorn, have jost,reeeivad L..s • very larg . • and general assortat .ens of " • • ' L' Cl-11 D'6l which they oflt.c to the public at 'their usual 14,4 price. sept 16 • • . TWZIOVAIti - C 3,1 LOOM MEWL .„, riAIIPENTtfi36I, JOlNE43svill.fiad a•All'attla J sort mini of inanca,,gaucies, await, , square,. .hying. agtiarea, coati:mascot, iron pod *chat apirit ;VAN eugika, ninilet, center and rune': bitty, broad. lumditsia bench axes, adzes, hammers, chis' puce. chat linPs anti sppn l S, brad ark' Fnulich atilt!, PIP " ,a iin"t 81, ACKsMIR veal- find snvals, vices, belloiwa, sTetlees, hand and rebnsinr ballroom- I T:I/MCMINN itomk braces, bins, hanil Mils, hors/I'l46as sillll4l4r, rlateb,anals general atierilliierit of cast, Ile re4ass, t a i r 4 EnOisdi anti AmiefiCon taititki gad; Sireie4: l lmieqp l a sal e ' 'IO.IIA.enTIIA - Will Wed 'Welt 'UPI' Olkilevitiei . reiiiio stone hamlets% Frahm hatebeti.'lthiti lisibltnislar de., constantly on band at tinswif Staijas. El PIO gl-7.; It." - LE` 1:1111V 1533 WO row discovered. 1 ME IM;1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers