Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 05, 1853, Image 2
41101101INsOraerd~astamirt 15 INCEERMONII 'Or THE NORTH *RANCH CANAL. AU the heavy work on this extension - 401 - 4 0 n put M contract. The light portioowhO ktive beers allotted are estimated to cost 1419,04 Thi whole work, if the necessary apptbasisßpns b$ made, can be conpleted by the ISt oilJulyleaxti so as to introduce the water to testspl4ity oiqlsepai ail, and prepare•it for a certai4natiOatioitz,.. The company incorporated by the State of New York to form a junction between this extension of A-lhaLss4llk*'.Eig_i;tlBx-4-11OWIMItutiaei4-_-_,Tikivwhpl •of ihistock has been taken, the line located, and twk advertised JF letting on the 12th of Jan orirmy;..:4lie.lenotiorieattal can be completed dur ,.llll.lllll,Yealial4.-aftait.lo-10,1P C.QMP,Iglik. con comical between the canals of New York and Penn sylvania by the Spring of 1854, thus realizing the anticipations of the friends of this important and c „,El#lllola,VannslA,orcaurvepet.weeli ten 4114 tivitieteriiia and weetem NOW York and the Laketr.q.;.;ill ;i:fl 14i4 . . From 'Causes beyond the control of the board, or ‘ .4be.eflieentin charge:lot •the work, the retaliates Pleßlited tedhe last liegislature will fall somewhat aloesthurtetkatairiount necessary to complete the ork . 11ilany - of intitrachr altuffeil at' low prices oirerartbindone4:and 3e lal at higher rates. In t ether capps,the 'wally- of supplies , end the rise in the - price of provision .and labor, compelled con. tractois either, to abandon their work, nr to ask an 'ailireft — Ctioiei'their Original pitices. 's ome in. - ittineesi otythe advice aml • recommendation of the -4111iislesigiaierst of the -line, the Board accseled is dftmoutLrather than delay. the coruple: laird iffe improvement, and increase the ,cet. of 00VISlifiCtitin bit ae r ie-f r etting ; for better term's can - - always eirlitsale with. a 'contractor , o n a partially ~(suitshed job, who has all his fixtures , erected and Jekilasin.hand, than Doe who takes the _same unl 6niehis4job at a re.letting. For these combined causal the cost of the completion of this canal will , tasceed -former estimates. Thistolkiwing estimate of the cast of construction 314i tieated rivet the presumption chat the point. of connection betriren the North Branch and Junction canals *ill be at the State line, viz : Dolma's of work-under contract, 81,295 265 b 4 Eslimale-cd werk,mot under contract, 219.000 00 Add fin ; supervision, en3ilieeting,and 74.999 36 contingent expense, Ttitei cost from . monftr of Lack,. '•• • .watina to State Line • 81.589.265 00 - Deduct available appropositious, . -1,225 000 00 ♦mount required to complete to State Line If it•should be found expedient to permit the Junction canal company to extend their work be low the State tine, the estimated cost a cortinletion as stated above, will he reduced about $4O 00U. The accompanying tabular statement, prepared bylhe Chief Engineer, exhibits in derail the amount .of work done from the lime of resumption in 1849 to this 39th of November, 1852, dm amount remain ing . to be, done;:the estimated coot of completing the amount paid ar i a the amount due so far at the• Work is under contract. An early completion of this important link in our chain of internal. iniptovernenta, has been so iregpently urged upon the attention of .he Legisla lute, that the Board feet a relirmatiee to re-produce the arguments which have been advanced in its ham The finished poi ion of the line, nu which ,the principal revenue derived is limn coal, ha yielded in 1:113 ft-cal year pee ended an interest oh oeCr If per cent on the cost nil its construction, aril -that, too, when the operators in that great element sat-Alie prosperity of our Commonweal h, have had o.o9lllenituritheompetitors located inech nearer to, the Market in which they have been compeiled `to , iliaiiose of the produCt o 1 their toil If the pub . lie Treasury derive such an interest from the por liana the line which has been finished, and which has been ; and must c' utinue to be, tottered by a iftempetition mere favorably located, that interest rank evidenily le materially increased eprie 4Ainpletion; when the interior of Ne.v York, and -the country bordering on the Lakes, will be open ed _tri,iut for a, ma t icel... , That this vr - oda- W;l1 prove a invest infinite one can doubt. With an additional out let for our anal anti iron, and an inlet for many of *the estrintialTroducta of New York, it c an ne l . 1 41 i aciateply rernutietato the Commonwealth, for the amount expended in its consnuction, even from the tolls which will be received for 'IA u-e. In addition itrthie source of revenue, it must, as a matter of couree,advance-the value of that portion of our Stale lying on our northern bander; give additional ptim . elne to the emerprise and tudustry of ea wonr thy eiliz i ens riricre.iiie the estifTla'fi of their busine-s dttif their proirsiefy alit] 'eonsecineot,y, add to the resources of tha Treasury. In, whaieverimen )his question of completion maybe viewed, it must be evident that its earl) accomplishment is a marer of great moment, to the finanbial'iitteriAita cif ihe Common A large fund , bas fur years been lying idle in this work • A comparatively small addition to this .expenditure will bring it twsgetitly and prefi'able 11. is ; thshcfore, with the strnn. , re4 convietion - a the soundness of this policy, th at the Baarti aeairi .Commend the legistatureto provide the Meats to snows its completion at, the earliest practicable 4 6 ,J• : , 4. Sluice - Pitacc The brie t anti manly liule leHoye r whoset; melancholy death has awakened aa deep Ind universal sympathy Icy the iltainfatb parenti, wes'licirthy of all the affections with whicittheytheiished him. A mere ehdd ai he yaw( only:eleven*earer, he possesled a mind of such rare sobriety, that it could not be duetted by the brilliant seenes.opening before him, eeti to Whi 11.4 w'as minim!, Miters around him were of ten emitting WS:siring: It being iiimarketho him a tow Aweeks ego, by a gentleman quite intimate with...hihi e dsauhe. ;apposed -he must be highly Owed and elated with the,prospect of feariagthei doneofit: and living in'ilingreat city of Washingtrin anditteWhileMnirter,'heiltipliell that " he hid no wish to g6,•iind onlyitoped • hie father would-pin bhp tana.larm, wild leave him there, as that we e ,d be tar more agreeable." Another asked hint, at a difrersinninie, What profession of buviness he in tended to follow Ifni said he meant to be a fnrmer BA asked the gentlemen. how will you buy a tank, • tignik workont," was the ',ply, i. and earn money enough " Pe(hapa, said the gentle- Mtn, yoni father will give you money enough to bey il. t Ne," , vrai the 'reply; uI will work out and eam. , ; an+ it he styes me any, Twill give et toots missionotieal'n He had received , kind and continuous reit:jogs instructions from, his earliest yeari, Which - Seems to Waite Made an impression epooridi tender Intr:d, find to have created in him Mae eartywn interest in the cease of Christian be mimicries. ludeaChe, was ciftenseenat the ly Concert in company, With , his parents He was JIM a member of Sibbath School. We arelo!ti that reltietittelipavtiar attemp4d to iiliinistee . the mist). .cation of the Gospel to these heart-broken andiker whelgod parents, lioncliafter. the fetid. occurrentitt die only reply of the father was, in the language of -another who had experienced even sorer affiLnionsi IttelaidisitritTtlatiritess are round about him ; jus. Mieleadtjuilgatentarc on the throne." - Such a be list in fand'soniversal ‘ovetruent can .alone.sus ,thie the, head ender a stroke like thus ; . may it be std lb fidttaitt them.—Concoid Cong. barna, • • . etr. The kigniPpilig ease lately brought to light hof Ihe , relearchetr Mr. - Ikilicnrop;"his excited :much intones% in Washington. SolOmon, the negro tar. 411111 0 .41! nglevco l 4 l , has a Wilily at San. de'llill. in NovN York, where he is about to return. , Mr. Northrop discovered his whereabouts by the accidental falling - In wittrirpenton in Arkansas who hed.-emeenast•ttn:aTfor4BoMrano, h ie friends of his situation On the evidence-I:Chia. freedom being presented, no objection wukinside to his release. A man named pirch was arrested attWeiliiettoti;•oifilie Charge 'Writ conceded in the kidnapping of Solomon, but was discharged fee want of itofficienLexidegr.e._ Solomon was then =emelt b!).411 0 .9 chrgi , Pf ;CRllRgi vi ti th wltitCtulati oyt. Northrup gplieired fgr I e 0 7 . ek 4 fraicrake'efttla inf*iir-GRiiiiitt • . ,-.v-_-1/4tw4sw.Ata& - CANTON, Jan SO, 1853. 41rivIlicrnofn, sireup'staFerle ri4edkiisietivrOch hOpertid at oi)ricypiatigont 1 . 44 irks 4igginti, aitliforrai4 gat itiack oftliprizzly, ttricpersost l - na of ab! the namekif Charles H. Ofe)rairli is gOji , g the vicipdt trir:she noirepapAliftheleatem,)tuti4 would-14:04 the mistake, by infOrming you that the unfortunate stiflerer isms Brother JasscsH„,ficsrapo i foriner: ly from Eeforti' me a letter I rom hie friend J Bradley, of the firm of Brailay, Benlen,ik Co, dated Dec. 14. h, some tour weekinitrerthe tragleseramrsaylng - tharatthotrgtr• horribly mwilatedi my Brothefja fast peal.e.finif.i The accompaning' itateineitt is veer the facte'tisWe receive-them: by-letter; except-the= - -mistake itrlhe - name, which shool be, Jaaras.H. Picasaninstead of Charles H. Packard.. 11..sir't Yours. The following exciting story is told by a cores pondent of the Sacramento Union, wrifiiig from Diamond Springier drggings, California r I saw yes tertlay;:about fifteen mite, from this point, on the road from here to•Cartion Valley, a. man who had been most horribly mutilated by a grizzly bee'r.-- 00 Wednesday nierning last, it mart living 'neat Sly Park Creek. bit the emigrant road, white hunt. mg, discovered s she bear with twocubs, about the size of ,a s comoura dog, coming up a. ravine withid sho: of where he was standing, in the sond As the' bear' had not di.4covereil him, he deter. Mineifte - givelierla shot: The ball &reek her back of the shoulder, but toot low to prove fatal. She immediately rained upon her hind legs, touting her head from side to side,, to discover her assailant He had commenced loading, but before he got his powder down the bear'discoveled-hirri. He took to "tree, and barely escaped, as the bear was so near that he kicked her head with his foot before he got out of tier reach . She was enraged, and kept him in die tree for over tiro hours. While there he shouted for help, and sueeeeded in attract. ing the attention of some men ire the employ of Bradley, .fiertlen & Ca., who wear, to his relief ; but when they reached the tree, the bear had been gone about ten minutes. They tracked her into a :fuck ohapparal covering about three acres, and there tali her. After dinner they mustered double. barreled guns and rifles to the number of fuurteen shots, and starter for the chapparal. Upon reach• •ing it, the men very imprudently scattered, some venturing in to see if they could start her, while others climbed tr ees , to be ih a Place of safety, and to get a view, of the ground. Among those who torlk a tree was a man by the name of James H. Pickard, who had gone a short ilts'anee into the bush, and as he had no gun. placed himself in a sapidiug about six inches through. The tree forkkf about six feet from the ground, and Pickard went up one of the branches, a distance of about tw e lve feet from the ground, and in reply to one of his companions said he considered himself safe. • At this moment he cried out, Here's the bear within a roil of me 1 .." but hardly got the words out of his mouth before she made towards him furious ly. jumped at and caught the tree a fear feet below tom ' and, with her trert endows weight, split at the fork, carrying man arid tree both with her to the ground. He fell upon his back, and the bear sciz ed hint te, the left side of ha head and face, and lore his left ear completely from hr. head, laying bare his skull. She then seized him by the other side, cutting a deep gash in the upper lip, and tear ing the flesh from the right corner of the mouth to near the large artery in the neck, then by the fore arm, laying bare the tendons, breaking some of them. and biting his right band through amithrough She then left the upper pait of the body, and made an effort, seemingly, to tear open his bowels, as she left sorne fifteen severe wounds on his body, but none of them so deep as !newer the cavity, and finished her humble work by taking out about two pounds of flesh from his right thigh. By th is time Pickard was so nearly ellialisted that he lay as it dead, and the bear lett him. Some of the eompany were within twenty seeps of the wounded man, bet were unable to render him any assistance They saw the bean break, down the tree, heard his cues 1 1 ;.; help, but after lie snuck the Lrround they count see neit;;;.'r bear nor man, so thick was the chappa rat around then:: 364,265 00 Mr. Pickard was e zrried to the hones, and not withstanding net is on terribiy mutilated, is in a lair , cay to recover: Hu said this iiitotning that he thocalit he would be up in a 'few we,„:„kti. Dr. Slanzfitor, of Pleasant Valley, dressed his wound; This bear is Fattl to be one of the largest kind, and. in consequence of being wounded, has become fe llows. Site has not been captured. - iIi4ToKT FRCNCII Sr .LTATITINS —By the Con vention of 1800, the Governo.ent of ine Uuned States relttaquished to Ft - Imo all claims of Amen- C4ll vaizeits for spit:lllmm committed by French priyaketa upon American commerce prior Lr 1900. I'he valuable consideration lot this relinquish - mew wet the release by Franceol the United States Irom fu.tilling the guarantees of the treaty of 1773 By this act the -Uitited States. assumed the inabilities of France towards the American citizens who had bten robbed by French Otis/avers. In this understanding of the ease, the Oespoiled civizerts immeiliatelv applied to Congress for relief. and in the year 180.2 a favorable report was made to the House by a Committee, of which Mr Goes, trf Virginia. then -a distingnivhed member of that body. was Chairman, . In .1807, on the petition of Merchants of Charles ton, S C , a Committee of the House, or which Mr. Msaios, of that State, was Chairman, nude a re. port deelarimip that, in the judgment of that Commit tee, the Umted States was bound to indemnify the claimants. . . . Sawa that time there hare been three advante re ports Made; one in .the Settate„ by Mr. 11. , xtraiTs, trom die Cummins of Claims, m 1818 ; and two in the , House of Representatives . - from. the Centel i.tes on Foreign Album—one by Mr. Itorrscu., in 1822, and the.other by .Mt Foruirrn, in 1824. Of these 'Notts not one takeS decided grounds in Oppapition . to the justiets of the claims. Bitt=in May, 1826, the President communicated to the "Senate the entre.- pondence.between the United States and France in relation to there claims ; and it is a rernatkahle fact that from that lime ropy committee haring charge of the subject hag mine to the conclusino that the claims were just' and 'equitable, and ought to be paid. Recovetteri —The boy who was shot by his fa ther, in mistake for a deer ; in Covington tp., some ' weeks since, we are pleas e d to say, has entinily recovered. , The ball, as was recently ascertained. not only went Through the body from behind, near the centre of the breast, bit , it also passed into one arm below the elbow. Thos . -sem was sore, the skin and flesh broken,: as the boy supposed scratched in soma way at the tune of the accident. Aber tue ,swelling of the arm subsided, and was relieved from inflamation, the little boy fancied lie felt some thing there which did Cot properly belong to flesh and bones. At his solicitation the attending physi cian out into the flesh, arid to the surprise of all, the bullet was found there anti extricated. So the bul let passed through the body and into the arm, with. out touching , a vital part, or breaking a bone, and the brave hearted little fellow has, the bullet • as a memento nt the sail accident, while the sound state of his health and body,:is a memento of provitien 'tial, if not of almost a miraculous (Pliverance and restoratiota•Msoendnese of health.— Wilkesbarre Ad. vocats. - lipasteto ea *aegis Itlises.—The Courier hiiitrabliiih'edi lief of Jiaaaleri on Weiterb waters' daring the 'year 1852. It jr formidable nne, embrecing 78 imeamboass -4 bargee, 73 deal tolls, 3 salt boat% and 4 other flat 'mats. Itap, pear. &d"4B Ikiala Were loin by heng ; enagged o 16. dirertrbarnt, and the others toothy 'politsuin. and ether mishaps: Thegreatest netnbite #ol .bee 1 0 0-.bY onWdiisster was the.explosiorred . Atka, sa, ladAjo, .The total,l9ls, of, lips inicsinle 4 00 . .• „ . •. • fierlion/. - Weilbrovt• Sall, Free Speech, Free Bleu 'E. O. cioooßtekea'rotri Towanda, 'Saturday, February 5,1853, A. o..PterAhD Terms of Tie Reporter. es so per an:tom—if paid Within the year .1 , 0 cen:s will set de,ducted—for cash paid actually in advaneo $1 00 will be deducted. No paper sent over two years. unless paid for. ADVEIIITSISMRNIII, per ruptare.of ten lines. so cents for the first and 23 cents tor each subsequent insertion. irr Office in 'the Union Brock.'" north side of the Public elquane4riest door to the Bradford Hotel. Entrunce beiween Messrs. Adams' and Bissell's law offices. Posy °mice Apvotprrcertars.—The 'Post Master General has made the following appointments in this County, to fill places vacated - by' resignation : HENRY Aroma°, P. M ; at Burlington, vice L D. Taylor; Pat maim HALE, at Canton, vice J. W. Grit tin ; Loaastzo M. LEONARD, Old Hickory, vice C. H. Leonard. - NOATILUITTON COT:WM—The Democracy of Northampton met in Convention on the 17th Mot, and elected the following gentlemen their delegates to the next State Convention James Kenned", Senatorial ; A H. Reeder, and James M Porter ; Representatives. The resolutions adopted exprces confidence in Goverior., Bigler, Senator Brodhead, and recommend Henry S Mott, of Pike coon y, as the choice of the Democracy of Nurthamptun, fur the office of Canal Commissioner. This last \ day ofianuary is as mild and genial as the opening ol spring, although but a few days since the severe cold closed the river at this place, and afforded a bountiful supply of ice, now an in &spousal:4e article with us. A little spoil was infuse] into the otherwise dull uniformity of Legislative proceedings, a few days entice, by a Resolution offered by Mr. Kunkel call ing upon the Governor fur the reasons why he granted a requisition made by the Goverrotr ol Maryland upon him for the apprelietisron of a ne gro man named Neal, who was ItilllC:ed in the State of Mary land fur imicing slaves to escape Imm their masters. It has been the custom of our Ex: eeutives riot to grant Feql3l.olo/18 when the crime charged is not such in our State. In this instance, our laws know no such offence as enticing slaves to escape. But although this has by potence grown into a custom, yet there is no law which timbals the surrendering of offenders of this charac;er. The custJm was fiat distinctly declared by Gov. Shenk, upon the au.hority of Judge Chainpneys, then Attor ney General, when a demand of -a nature some what similar to the present one was made upon mm. lit the present case Neal (he man who was required to be delivered up,) was the hoist:and of a negro slave in Maryland and attempted to imitate her to escape and come to hen iu Petinsy lvariiis.— The object of the Resat awe was to elnain the rea sons 01 the Executive for violating .custorn in this case. It was stated however, in the course of the debate, that the requisition was issued by Gov. Bi gle.r inadvertently, an I that immediately upon tits. covering his mistake he telegraphed to Pniladel ulna for the purpose of countermanding it. This b e in g the state of the care, the man a ill be releas ed. lu passii4: the resolutwn the Senate struck out that die custom has beet' as the preamble a...serum; I have stated it, because they Were not PltTared I" declare it without examination. An a,, not as yet been returtied by the Governor, au t l . probably will not be, where the propriety of one branch of the. Legislature calling upon him to ren der an account for his acts ? is so exceei.ingly doubt ful. It is understood that the. Pennsylvania Railroad Coinparty and Btugham : it; Dock with whom the Canal Commissioners contracted to carry parsom gets over the Columbia road, have compromised their difficulties, arid hereafter the Central company will .ake charge of the through passengers, and Binghim & Dock of the local travel. The Jo.nt Resolution favoring a grant of land by Congress iu a Lake Superior Railroad, which was piloted through the Senate by Mr. Darsie, was re. turned to day by the House in a horrible state ut mutilation. Regardless of the life of the Senate's hobby, it was amended to death by the substitution of the Sunhat) , and Erie Railroad. his to be hop. eel that between attaining opinions, neither resolut tort will be adopted. These eternal Resolutions of instruction should be stopped, or our Senators in Congress will degenerate into mere automatons. Governor Bigler gave two , large parties last week to members of the Legislature sod citi7enti of this place, much to the gratification of his guests, and to the mortification of the uninvited. Ma. 54NDEMON has introduced a bill 'into the Senate, which authorizes the Canal Commissihnera to fix the termination of the North Branch Canal at the'poof of the Athens dam, and in case they do so they are further authorized to make such arrange ments with the Junction Canal Company of New York as they shall deem just and necessary to in vest said Company with power to continue their Canal to, and connect with the North Branch Canal at the said pool. But if the Canal commissioner's should conclUde not to terminate the Canal at the pool.of the Athens dam, then they are empowered to make such arrangements with the Junction Ca nal Company as will at all times during the navi gable season secure water sufficient to teed the N. B. Canal from, its termination as now located at the State line, to ibe out lock at the head of said pool. , 1. 11. If, . Elnavrit or-Mn. Xtsch—Senator Clemens has re. ceived a dispatch, staling that Mr. King mitred at Key West on the 22d. His health was no better than when he lett Washiii,Von, and he has, him twig loatill hopes of recovery, and will remain at Key •West_for .present. • • . . SAIL liqumk.ii-illfe WV" by telegraPb :barn New dileana, that ben. Holliston has been re.elect ed io the United - State - Senate, from Texan, for six platy kora thee/I-of March ;mi. This it i proper triblllk tit . 1b igistra*lliilta- and millinching Da- ITlocroe .01 GePO oagtont , .0 Freedom for Free Territory. Icittr front Narristrarg. HARKI•BORG, JIM. 31 , 1853 IM=l:2= In the f&mate, Jan. 28th, the Homestead bill postponed 01-11mrsclayikrwt week. Mr. Pisalaint resolution t o i they.: Marline doom* was • ithentop: Mr:Sewrd maderf smelt upoil 'hit glob' lent, *Nell seemed etipecllly tomir op Mr. Case, isbo replied ,st intuirwaitetli. In theilnusciMr. trooks;•oßrew Yod44ionclulled his speech on the Branch Mint; and the question being taken, the Howie refnseJ to reject the bill—Yea.s,69k Nays,. ftAsi,lofiNtts, id' iu Nais 89, retased to order the bill to he engrossed for a third reading. • A motion to reconsider was tabled. In Senate, on the 27th, Central America was represented for Mil first time, by two Aztecs, Mr. Case's . ieiolution relative to the 'Clayton flulkiter treinnearnemp and - eatted fordrsdebate,rie *MO Messrs., btorgart .and , Bell ; expressed, themselves favorable to the po.monement of the affair until Mr. Clayton shall be in the Senate. The resolution was at last adopted. Mr. Cass's Monroe chlorine resolution was postponed to Tuesday next, and the. Pacific Railroad bill was further discussed. In the House, Stanly reported tr bill to pay the fourth instalment of the money which was to be divided among the States by the act of 1838. The, bill was promptly laid upon the table by a vote of 165 to 60. The appropriation for the Jatiktion Monument caned another debate. The 63,000f0r Andrew Jackson in bronze was appropriated , Oa the 28th, the.Seitate did a tittle private bnoi. ness—ordered a new Pacific Railromtbill,introdoc. ed by Mr. Rusk, to be printed—nobody knowing its contents—and adjonmed to Monday. In the House, Mr. Mace give that body a merit• ed rebuke for paying no attention to the basins,* prepared by the Committee on Claims, which ac. tunny seems to hate done some good, as it took hold and passed twenty two private bills before ad journment. I t i f , understood that NI, Houston, Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means iu the House, is about to report an important bill regulating the coinage. Tut , testimony before the Commissioner of Pat ents on the application for an e%tension plate Rub ber anal Sulphur Combination Patent, establishes the fici that it was in common use by the trade ten years before the patent was granted. Dr Kane lecturer, on his proposed Arctic Ex ped mon before a crowded and intelligent auLience at the S , erit,sontan Institute last evening. At a meeting of Democratic citizens members or Congress and others, at die United States fircel 14st evening. B B French resialm,g, it wa• decid ed riot in hula the customary inauguration ball on the 4 It Ntarch. in consequence of the !ate domes tic afliicrnin nl the President arid the continued nines* of the Vice President elect. Arrangements. will, however, be made ua ihe part of ihe citizens to give General Pierce a becoming reception. William B. Saeger, who was recently indicted 10f murder i i this coy. (reported a few dap; since ) was tit ihe time a clerk in the Sixth Auditors office, but was immediately dismissed. Mr Scudder of Maas , is lying very sick of in flamatory rheumatirn. The Tenneraaee Democratic Delnatinn in Ccip cress has ort.inimati,ly recommended Mr. Nictiol son . (ore seat to the Cabinet. Now fAIII.PS ARE MADE Mentvu4 - Tn the far i ly 01 a friend of ours, several attempts have been made to ttivnre the secret of table-moving, chair daticing, and other freaks of household furniture, vrh t eh form part of the .tptrit-raNtt.t2 ry t l it hit i tt e . Lam evening !Ley succeeded perfectly. Standing around a fantail table, lore or ,tx member,. of the tawny kept their hands upon its surlace tor a a con siderable lime, u n til the magnetic current between themaelvrs and the table was establi s hed. They then kmnd that by holding !he hand a Phon :iistahee frotn Ihe t.rble, ettrnetion remait ed in Intl force The table wrlboin being touciel, was thu. 111 et], or made to leen over W an Of forty-fire 41e2ree", and r-übsequenly follot% ea the operators to deoimee. 'Elie table on which the Toone people experi int-Weil was a vet) . .mall one. %Vie pteeume that A hen the expernr.ett , start been a hear nines repeat ed, the !Atte will v'n•hl to the a•ItaVIVP }O'er, more ready ar•l wonder In{ re2cley There ran he no doubt that 11 Is fn aerimized. and if en. eat•} trial a•e ;,,:tteve, will uu•mPns. the power o; [stir:to-ire, a tatt,! it. wives the whole APerning rnyete ry of 'he' spirilnr:" imPlzwi , lori which ha.r been practised au long upon the credulous end enpereti• The moving of tables by an unseen Nora has altcays been arenuttied a greater feat than lite pro ilitritov'Of FLOtiliti. We have no doubt the same agent cart produce both effecat The 471110 , 111 re consists in the pretence to aupernamral Mien:mime iiiratiolo , We hope stain to hear il i a!, th e t e y be. ing di-covered. the o h a le km p 0 ,6 0m0 tr iae come in an end Of the boldnegs ot the imposture we have had anti have given illitstra , tons : and probably the tappers will find corns thine. even in spite of - evo (truce of their fraud —.V Y Commercial Adv. . Da. KAtie 4 Naw KIPRDITION.—The Ilahimore Sun ray*: We inalersta .d that Dr E K !Chita, of the navy. is rapidly preparing for his daring enter. prise of ondertaking to find an open Polar pia:— Tile expedition will comprise about thirty melt; hot ii is to be of the mor4 complete character in all its -cientific and other details, and every roan who be longs to it will he *elected for some particular quail. fication and some special service in view for him. Not with:4'olllo4g the des p erate character of The en. terprise, we Pans that volunteer* for the service ate constantly nfleriog ly to he relosettl. for a we are flub ffilt.llllolllll.ll. Ihr 1114. band of adventnten. is flaw complete. The principal credit of this ni l derialtmg belongs to Henry Grimiell, of New York. and George Peabody, of Lnridon. who furnished the means, but it should not tat forgotten that our writ. thy townsman, John P. Ketinedy, the Secretary of the Navy, has ensured the completeness of the ex petimo by his enlightened action in aiding Dr. Kane in its organization with the power of the Got's eniment. A ems-rine rem THE SENATE A brmt a year no Hon. „I P. Benjamin was elected United States Senator t om I,llllil.iarla, in p 1 ice of Downs, whose term expires on the 4th of Alive,' next At the time Mr. Benjarpin was elected the Lenialanne diet not meet but once in Iwo years. anti he was elected on the supposition that the Legislature would not ;coin assemble in evasion to fill the vacancy.-- The same Leuislature framed a new State Conch union, which has been ratified by the people, anti one of the reovisions of the Constitution vacaies all the officer' elected under the out one. In thiamine of things it is contended that the Leuislature now. in session should make a new election • for, be sides the above considerations, it is said Mr. Ben jamin i*a toreigtier by birth, arid was never higal ly naturalised. barman NT TROM Mexico—The Telegraph brings tis &Orient' from Mexico . to the 12th iris! Prete. dent Arista resigned his office, and retired from the Capita on the 6th inition, leaving the duties of his office to devolve upon Senor Cevellosi. the ,WdgeofAhe Suptem_e Comm. wbohas become k'ras. 'hientliti A afetiat• „Genets! 1 40 10 P1 ifl cßinetand of ,the qu'verndient !Mops, ha [been defeated frt . , a re-. gitfitrrbittle wlthihe Reiolotiohlsti: The pOpelai camel is triumphant .averytthei , e, and the return i'of SsflaN;lions, is ostanislonelyieeked fen • . =Mg Washington Items. WASHINGTON, Fri lay, Jan 29 ',ZAINOMIL V • " • -la . • _• s • Weteam that on Saturday list, Sfr. P. Ready. a a:mashie of theiturn of Elomellivi*lxOg ird with the4xetiltion of process I egailbg mein lawltfN indiyiduidi for dirtatbing4 rStislehe atg r !itis resistedfn she execution okho4p . aid snacked byl, those accused, with' einthe Ats, WhereCipon be drew a revolver and amt.:in. • • • his rosailatlts,killin;'rtne and wounditti_xuatheilk verelY, in the arm linci shoulder. ffiri - inrcieirifeJ To attesting three others. who are now in jail awaiting due course of law. This nag dy.,peciuttni in the, thee giarriirthe town of !Inward; in the - tieighbiti hood vrnere the fiat oftience was committed —• Public sentiment, and from all we can learn the circumstances of the case, fully justify the officer in resorting to the extreme measures he adopted, in the execution of his prfleePS The above Werake from the Steuben Courier of the 28111,_published at Bath We have since learn ed.eTii gentleinsit the /taw entering the cell of one oldie prisOnerse he we* kniicked down, with the iron bar which the Jailor had taken down on entering the cell, and the Sheriff, on' hearing the noire, .came Up and fonnil the prisoner (who I. described of large and pow erful man) the hall.. The Sheriff ordered him to go back into his cello which he refused, to do, arid struck at the Sheriff with the iron, bar. The Shoritl•then told him that he should . not feave 'the premises alive; and waned hint net try attempt to strike again. The prisoner, howesdr, disregarded the warning. and:made the-Rectal:id attempt to knock the Sheriff down—the Sheriff ' avoided the blow, and rota the prisoner IMP if be raised the bar to strike him. he (titellterifl) would street trim dovrn. The warning was-not regarded, and cribs prisoner raised the bar the Sheriff discharged the pistol, shooting him through the heap—and, of course, killing him instantly. Cliir verdict is—" served him right!L%ffirighampfon Rep. ARRVIT or CtIOWTCRTIUTCIO.—OR Mnrn!iy last, Jolla B liaviciscm came to Barton on the car. from ihr west, puichaied small bills of three different stores, passing off at each fant9, a SSO counterfeit bill on the Bank of Ulster at S:i.vuertieii, atter which he got atiosul a fieiehr train bound tor the West, but ^as overntkeis at Waverly by H A Hollenbaek and Albert Mille, by whom he was brouubt to this place, introduced to bistric.t Mtn Inky Munger, by whom he was taken beOne Yolk lice Ripley, and ematoination being waived, was committed for trial: The bills are altered Irmo Is to 10/,iire oo anew Bank, well executed, and exceedingly liable. tote: eeive.—Owego Gazelle F.xect-nos of Howtirr AND SAol..—Thin after noon at 121 o'clock. Nioholas Hewlett and William Saul, convicted of the mtaller ul Charles 1311.1011 f, in August lain ; were executed its the yard of the City Pi ivon. About /7 o'cloeft the doomed men were brought out from their cello and coinducted under the seal told, where, slier religious exercises by the clergy. men present, S•wl made a most fervent prayer, el honing God to have mercy On his soul. Howlett said nothing that was audible. T ere were need) six hundred' persons prevent, and their indrentotis emitter:l deserves great cen sure.—ltit I'. Tribune Jan 28. INFANTILE MURDER —An orphan boy, F ix years old, wag murdered on Saturday night, al Randall'4 Wand, by two of his room mates, buys only set en years old r Another boy, who slept in the same room, saw the outrage committed. 'they ,at strrrck the boy with a club, in his bed ; then drew him out on the piazza, and after again beating him, left him to die in the cold. Whai horrible depravity is here disclosed in the ! PHMADEI.PHIA AND SUNBURY RAILIOAD —The Pilliddrliolita end Sunbury Redo)Pti Company have property adjoining Stlriobury, to vivo de pots end huger a orkshope Tiwy here also pur -ciltn,ed the JIM Sumboiy canal. and are about en• largin2 it and Making a basin for coal wharfs, flips, &e.. the amok to be commenced immcdirely Th s ancient town that has been stationary so tong., about to be made the cenitto of a net, cud active business. THE FLRRIDA VAR —it is MIMI that about I 000 v.,luiiieers are prepared in Flotilla to take the firki lutanist the SOO6IIOIB kiltana, whenever. the author. cies say the word. We have late advice!' from Florida, bat see no mention of the report that BJIy B Weer; had aileetarect war against the Iji.stril S'i.tev," nor any retetence to a ITIASARCTO of troops, as stated in the Savannah paper!' A PPOINTMF.I47 OF A U S SENAToll.—Gove , nor F.tote has e mien a letter to the gational ter, enclosing a ehrry of a cavil villa+ he hsrl recent ly punlished in the Jackson Flag of the Union, an nolilliCing 111.5 urtenitun ut airponiiiiig a United States Senator :nn Itlississippi: to lig :lie vacancy circa siotied by the refusal of thr Legislature, to clirmaie a Senator to till Mr. B(tralcol'P seal. TIIZ RECIPitoCITT Qugt-vios.—The Committee in the. Howe al %Va..hitision, have, we unilerriland, arv4it tyro' a bill for establkhing a reciprocity rd t ,,,,!•t welt Canada and the Britich Provinces. They w ill re po r t l;: a lew days, but the articles ol the bill are yet unknown. Cnt.t•nfeiA Ct , UATT.--The Democratic Convention Cdatithia ennn y 111 Pl till the 10 h , 811.1 wr- Iropti Prier Ent a- the Senatotval delegate, arid neither) W. Weaver mid William Fnrry tne Rep. re-eatative delegates ill the new Deutorrette Stixe Convention NOTICE.—The 'llradford, County A. 0 - cultural Ltii,ciety huh" a mertina at the Court Home, on Wednesday trivet:dna, Pr b 9. 1853. E. OVER roN, President. Friendly Ca ll : THE subscribers are compelled by the necessity of liability to ask those knowma tbemieieres indebted, to come and settle and make payment, etherwise they needActi be !surprised to find their ais countadisiged where payment can he enforced. , Towanda. Feb. 4, 11115.3. MON TANY E'S dr. Co. The accounts n d notes of ISAAC POST dee are al the store rf the above firm. and immediate at tention to their settlement will•save cost. -- - THOM At 3 Lwow. J. b. M ONTAN YE. Toiran4a. Feb. 4. I R5ll. Ad m nis tramrs. ADMINImTRATOR'S NOTICE. A LI. perso. , knowing , themselves intienteif to the A estate of BENJAMIN COOLBACOH. dee'd fate t.f Monroe tp., are hereby requested to make immediate payment. and those havingclaims against said estate will pleasepresent then ttoly iinthenti caued for settlement. E . B. COOLBA UGH. Monroe. Feb. 5. 1a51.. . Administrator. Notice. WHEREAS. my wife Betsey, has left my bed V V and board. without any just case or proms. cation, this is hereby to forbid aisy person from trutys ing her on my account, alit Will pay no debts °flier contracting. TH0.14 /18 WELUH. _Dowell, Jan. 88, 1859. „ • New.gtapler Goods. • TRE Subscriber has just received a new supply of Sheeting. Ticking, Batting. Candlewick, ike.. Also a general aasortmerit orFrc.h Groceries. which *into bold as chap a. omit. .J. - 111NeSBERY Towanda, Feb. 6, IEISB. , • Clara teed. • Ton receivtd a qtmetity of-Vert ituperioreloier ; J Seed. Farmers would do welltopurchaser their seed early. KINgBBERY. Towanda, Feb. 5,1853. liariEl3l7l.Aß Netting, of. Iradford -Eneamppitill 3A• are held at the Ckld F ellows Hall on the treat int of the Ist mod 3d TrfdaYrore/01 month. I , • .~~ for the M ot , to N m O r TIC . Kna E pp, rt(by H Bill,) Webster's lit otio r t 4 I'o4 the Ole, ire respectfully informed tho-t7f 4riti be delivered as soon as Mr. Roge r , eas '? #msnd wiitt them, who will deliver theta t om : oliVaccount of ttiy health being so p oor o f 4111 , u sable. to do it—which is also the cas t e getber with the snatchy of money) of their n ot I v log delivered before. P. M. BABCOcic, Cloy t r i see l . 9 , BUSH. CLOVEN 13 ED. tore at 4 e i lowest rate by E. W. H A! ' Woodside, (near Towanda) Jan. 2R, Plaster. MBE sobveribera have made 'arrvnemente quaniripelPlorter. to be delivere bepes which will be sold for $8,50 per toll f ur l telity Wheat. Byei Corp, Oatsand flueliwbeai will *T.: eeived in Figment et the going cub p r i ce -- Tqweeda, Lin. 2709 . 53. BAILEY dp;tvms. ~~ocr~~. 07Z15-g Dam, THE citizens of she boro' of Towanda and ity, are nespectlorty interlined that the to ast ,. ber has eolnineriteil itisfaess no the moth e „,„ tt of Main and Bridge streets. where be will l ump wi t hand and attainable article tri kut line. it is his Intention to keep a constant tnppit of cdreclis• reovisions to meet t he Irani trY the' community, which sill tt sefeetedliiikplire, god ibld at the loom pn t „. He has Marge "stock of Confeetialary and btu, and all other articles in the grocery Flour, Fish, Candles. Eggs, •ad all the Ureter kinds of proyisions _to be obtained, will be kept& hand. • Ca Cash paid lot strlkr, Lard and pits, et Mo4l or the ankles cold by the farmer. Oysters, received every day by Expres s from New York. and served a p in a superior style, and , 0 1 .44. by the gallon, quirt or pint. a 3 Give are a call—as f am deterntined by en. moot atteottoo to bpsiness to deserve. g i I*, 14 senate: a share of public patronage. - Towanda. Jaa. 8. 1864, Nang HOIYAM AND NEW. GOODS, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE muzzy dc. HAVE joss completed a large and finely Gins* Store on the site of the two they had buret, and filled it with the largest and most ertoprehtts ive stock of ClToceries,*terAsions, 'Waukee ROtion; Pratt, Cottrectipanry, toys, &e, 4e. O'er eshrbited this side of the city. We.V.seg bought fur cash, uncles of the fee quality . ; consequently are prepared to sell attl tow price's as the same quality can be kegbt any other place , . Add We Over ourselves than! fortune has hten against (fire harm? em u ,. eel two stores stock of gond.) our oldest• tomer!: will not follow the precedent, if they eat and see our stoch and hear the exceedingly kv prices. Among the many articles we have are GROOS.. RIES, Tea. sinzrat cutest.' ehocotsse. crtena. molasses, :Stewart's syrup, ginger pepper.spice,cloves, sat. mews, ;insoles), saleratus, soda, cream l a n if , groom!' rnststard, pepper sauce. catsup, no dies, bar soap, iinegar, starch &c., &c. ABOVINIONti, Mesaptsrk and beef:hams and shouldm, wisest flour. buckwheat !lower, corn meal, soda and batter crashers, mackerel!, cndfi,c, Shad. herribg. potatoes beans onions, &c, itc FaVvie AND NlT'irs, Pzeserved prunes. citrons. English etriTanN Meat green abd dried apples. Almonds. fliberts,parat and . maderis walnuts, brazil nuts, peanuts, nitty ants, hick - step ntits':Arc. • IraJrlK JI'CITIO3I7, - Ivory. horn and wood poetet combs, tenter, mat fine combs. hair, cloth, teeth, /plants, and. bhciunt brushes, wallets. pone monies, and purses demi styles-, placket ink stands, pockt.t and <mall furs mirrors, tobacco, boxes, snuff horec, and t haw every article in this 'lnc. Work boxes. toiletcases, secretaries. plain and embroidered, work Saguia many styles. "MrECIfIIrSW, GerntionSfeneh• turd Adieriean TOYS of every di , aertpiton anti price. A Sew etrhen and peewit nean, fop little wris t and a fen I , oe‘' Ifit()A'N'S W Ana 110 RT)•4, SUGAR BOXES, %%YELLOW AND SPLINTN IiRKET BASKETS. SALT, ANlffon dairy Salt, gruund rock %alt. Rahn* WI ki cparte and fine. Also, a quantity of White Snot Lime. CANDY whOtesard of retail, of all kinds in! in nanterable• ortiet artielet; for sale at the new nod oPPosiletbe 4.;ourt Howse. Towanda, Dec. I, 1852 BAIL&Y 4 NEVIN& , • -DUMB 114MIV FALL & WINTER GOB - .7'fasepti. TS now receiving from New V. ro the most as 'plele and war ed a;.sortmeni of Drew, and Facoq Dry' Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Croeker7,l 4o) wroi edloes.Hats and Caps. Leather ea.. esti& hibited in Towanda. Me *dock of Dry Goods mil be run nd'io contain most aectded bargsms in :Mats, Mlerinaes, plain and figured delainew, ibibet cloth alpacas. !whew flannels. &c., a good Moeda pm and hoidery. every r bile of W414Tai1°24643,90 each as tick Ingo. imps% bleached sod sabteactsi m nil Mo. oh in IL's. rti n,g, co( heco and men. - mac primi. WOOLEN (10008,dr ern ty descricoion:comprodng Jeans. sheep , gril , end liaseyvPlaido. which will he sold• cheap ad* which iqvite the attention of close bayers Wadi. Tdorimad. Dec. l 1852. OYSTE 2 TTA LOON. Mita 110"911112413o WOULD say to his friends and the public V 0 ally that he has located himself io tbe OYSTER SALOON, Xflthe Basement *fee titian ZIA next door to Briggs' Motel, (formerly occupied Wt R. Smalley,) where be will be receiving Or° three times a week by express, and will sort' be° op in itie mos t liPProseri style. He bas spot eid guitar or expense , to make it one of the best E.eri.rss esr.alifusuarsAl' thvt side of New York. Oysters. by she gallon, clean or pint, lit the 1 911 est rates. Gel. VT. 't9sl. WCA:108 - ELL. have just receivetlae .• supply* of fill end winter CLOTHING, which will be sold cheap for cash. tw" vizse PORK'-50 Dbla. Prime, for which able', al.' prim p was aiii.and , for which a high pricerff be asked, by apllo . B. KIDG6I3OT* ORK•aad , , Ptoar-,-La gitairity of Pink rem' ju".s repeited and for sale by 1 1 3.1 37 , • JWEL . PO" NEW CHEAP GOOD& T•HE - uhileraiitied .bas p u rchased s large, 15 _,. 11 •Clanite'selection of NEW GOODS, NW under The most favorable circumstances, sod ix a "" 18 - 14 „,, r I? w fa; casli as can be bougbt else w iwer illananT braggidocia can or will tel l , •Mwt 5,46i5e. - 0. a gsliTarr. A. J. ICOBLZ me=