Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 15, 1853, Image 2
within the reach of geneial laws, and it should be deemed proper to extend to such the convenience of a corporate sell, such corporation aa L 4 - be limited to a moderate existence ath be - , is • pealed by the principles of indivitlita • abiliii for Irr o . all the debts of the association. The sonver*lSCe of special legal organization is all tiOjadviariage that any emaciation of indi v Wash, IlibtriN usk Fend it is certainly all that any proper eaten initait eateries- The salutaty etlect of this policy would doubtless be that whilst it could not mimeo; the ogsoetation ta:jetriarriririntritartilliitiiiiiaNitiTil'it ' save the Legislature the labor of cutisideritig4un WWI said; itsuintry,silitimes, and the public from their injurious consequences. — tri - a message. to - the General Astierribly during its last session, I took occasion to refer to the glowing iliclination for special legislation, and 1111 l iend• ed the adop ion of some measures to ietnetly the tharticiarate diutiatiligtha Governor to appoint three comma piopeo to prepare,general laws for the coosidera lioit the Legislature, touching various subjects th'entin named." Accordingly, in June fast, I ap pointed Wm James M. Porter, Edward A. Yellin. Man, and Bonham, E-quires., connuiesion era under said resolution. These gentleman have, fur some lime been devoting themselves to the pei• lornance of the duties Bros devolved upon them . •: , •q result of their labors shall t e communicated to yis..,at an early permit in your session. - 7he evils of. special legislation seems to have been a subject of complaint in the early history ul 'hi State. the preamble to the law of 1791, in tended to obviate the necessity for special or pri vate legislation, this complaint is freely expressed. The volume of laws for that year numbeted fifty nine pages of a small book; in 1851 , they count eleven hundred of a large one. This evil was then in its infancy—it is now full grown and should be corrected. This in my opinion, can only be done by the adoption of a few more general law., lied the rigid administration of those already in existence; I deem it right to say that I seal! vegan} the maintenance of this policy a high obligation to the people. • This law of 1791, and its several supplements, make provision tar the creation and amendment of corporations for literary, charitable, and relligious purposes, and to create beneficiary societies, and tire engine and home companies, through the in suumentali.y of the Attorney General and the Su. pierce Court The act of the 12th of October, 1829, extended this power to the Courts of the several Counties. The acts of 1836 and 1838 make pro vision fur the association of individuals, through the instrumentality of the Attorney General and the Governor, for the purpose of manufacturing iron from mineral coal. In addition to these acts the general manufacturing law of 1819, and its supple. went*, provide for the creation of corporations for the purpose of manufacturing woollen, cotton, flax, and silk goods, or for making iron, glass, salt, pa.. paper, lumber. oil from rosiri. mineral paints, midi oraldate, and for printing ands publishing. The commissioners already named have reeein weeded the extensiun of this law to the business of mining coal, and to the mining and,stmelting of trim, leadicopper, acid other ores , an - d so to alter its provisions as to render the liability of the stock holders more extensive. They also rec , mrnend the passage of a law giving the courts more getter al powers on the subject of :eking real estate by parties acting in a representative capacity, and an other referring all claims against the Common. wealth to the courts. These things end u mote geueral administration of the law giving the courts the power to change names, to erect boroughs, to incorporate Midge and road companies secured, and we shall have a new era in the legishtion of Pennsylvania—shall save a large amo ur of money annually, and prevent many impositions or the shape of hasty legislation, based uu ex-paste Di :e, went& These commissioners have al-n prepared with great care, a,general tax law, simplit) ing the laws as they now stand—extendmg, their provisions to certain new subjects of taxation, and altering its features Bolas the more completely to reach moneys at interest and other personal property. This is a most intricate and important subject, arid should be handled with the untiostcare. l have not had the opportunity sufficiently to examine this proposed law, to give an opinion as to its merits ; but I mu clearly of opinion that there is much room to im prove the tax system now in operation. The subject of agriculture has not, it seems to me, received that attention in this State which its exceeding importasce would seem . it justify. It was the truthful remark of George Washington, that - there is " no pursuit in more real or important good can be rendered to a country, than the im provement of its agriculture." -The art of tilling the soil in such manner as ta t secure the largest yield of vegetable matter of which it is capable, ' - and the application of the principles of science to that art, so tar as indispensable to the attainment of this end, is a. topic,worthy of the attention of the beat minds of the State. Agriculture is the primi tive, as it is the most necessary occupation of man. 11 was at the beginning of his existence, and is at the foundation ol all its pursuits. In this Common wealth, it is pcculiatly adapted to the soil, to the climate, and to the habits of the people, and con stitutes their greatest source of wealth and happi ness. It is the agriculturist who pays the largest share of the country's taxes in time of peace, and ' furnishes the greatest number of her soldiers in time of war. It is the most steady, peaceful, arid dignified, and as is the least exacting of all our great interests. But it is said by many good citizens that there is .n 0 utility in the ,application of the teachings of science to the practice of agriculture. This, in my opinion, is an erroneous idea. In a late report from the Patent Office at Washington, it is estirnat •ad that " one 'thousand millions of dollars would not mere than restore to their original richness Anti strength the one hundred millions of acres of land in the United States, which have already been ex imitated of their original fertility " A proper ap. plication of science would arrest this waste of the elements of the soil. In Europe, this process of exhaustion has long since excited alarm. What it is doing in our country, is f hown by the startling • facts already presented. To counteract its elects in the kernel country, about three hundred and filly agectultural schools have been established ; in the IsittOhere are not a dozen. The result of the European.,schools has demons•rated the practical utility of scientific farming. These institutions are calculated to teach the art of tilling the soil, and to disseminate a scientific knowledge of this great pursuit. To place within the reach of the agricul enhurist, a knowledge of the constituent elements of the soil, and the influence of these upon vegeta lion, enabling him to discover a deficiency in any one of these original parts, and showing him how to restore it without exhausting another—to learn him to comprehend the different stimidants for the soil, of mineral, vegetable, animal or liquid origin, and the proportion of each 'shish the lands may from time to lime require. They also teach meth ods of-practical farming—the use of implements— the mania of seeds, and the origin and character of insects destructive to vegetation. What farmer in Pennsylvania can say that he has never made a mistake in the use of manures, or that his crop has never been injured by destructive insects ? And where is there one who would not be willi ng i n tenntribute something to be protected against such damage in future! Bat is it not astonishing, that in this progressive Comm/ di oars, so suited to agriculture, and in this age °faience of agriculture have been established. It is tette, that societies have been formed in a number of the States and exhibitions have been held calculated •to awaken the people to the im. penance oaf this subject. Our State society, organ issd about two years since, has held two exhibi tions which base done much good in the way of sending to all parts of the Slate the beat breed of domestic animals, the best grains and seeds, and the most approved agricultural mat:bluely. But it seems to MO, that the government might justly lend her aid and entuitenanc.e to this good work. In itatyland, an agricultural chemist has been em ployed by the State, and I am informed that the Venda of bilinvestigations have been highlyeatisfac. tiord useful 10 people. Cannot the great State of pina s ylvitie do simnel; for her farmers! She has expended a huge sum in the development of e IT ilwrel r e sources, and has cherished tats maim -1 eflA- .. ,, iTril pt . l au '54011 pighT" 7 I a l i f isliV . loluldr dullirlinet g I her .rviultu ' - listif,;,4 1: dr tore; 1* .... y ',.., oar I he • .. hitllltnent 'an agri r !It 14, a Tra • - -alary a avine i gs•tl ids , his ties to "sti , F aced k the:lr and4out •soci res. tip , of 'lo,t, ow . .÷Htool, 'it-'our State., worthy of special attention. I had the pleasure, at - 1 4-4,10-SlottAair„a short time since, of examitain an extensive ciiiriTtErrrerri7Ffill - TTI - 1 - 01 ; e1rtifElis i'''-' hibited by Peter A. lirowtre, Esq., of Philadelphia It is said to be the most extensive collection of -peetmens in the United states, or perhaps in the ' world Neinan - Janixainirie hand tem . feel hirriselt 1 edified by the great practicel troths t wilit:lok isppd- culated In impart. - ii 4itintris(ratil moil; rbunclu -iVely.tblltur Commonwealth a ria t• et 'in tire prorincanfriina iiiiiiire allaillllleiViir ed States we can raise as. fine.. &wee aa.cass, be produced in the world ; Dud hoer than in.any, other country except Saxony.. ..„. . It appears by the cerisits of 1850' that vennityva• ma has only 1.,822;3513 sheep-"--thit 'Ohio with a much less territory has 3,901,000.5ehat New VOA has 3,454,351, and that whilst our, consrunplien of wool in manulactures for 1850 was . 7,560,379 lbs., our production was only 4,481,570. Fcatiee'raises thin) :six millions ofSlreep. and England With less thaerhill the advantages of thiscountry raises-fur. ty-six millions 11. • _. ... . r•• . - This sutject is one deserving the attention of the people and the government. I cannot refrain from congratulating you on the evidences of the great prosperity of Pennsylvania to be found in the census report of 1850. tier re la ice position to her sister States is truly a proud one. Of the lour States her per centage of increase in population, since 1840, is the greatest, and she has, besi les excelled th'e best of her sisters in the production of wheat, rye, iron, and coal. Her population numbers 2,311,686, being an in r crease of almost 35 per cent. since 1810. ACCOM ing to this ratio of growth her people in 1870 will number near 4,000,000. Our debt of forty millions is, at this tune, a charge on each inhabitant of a Gale over'e-gliteen dollars; in 1870, according to this datum, it will but little exceed ten. The pres ent assessed value of reel and personal estate in $497 039,649, showing an increase of eighteen per cent. since 1840, and according to this ratio.of growth up to 1870, it will amount to the sum of $675,973 922. The debt of forty millions was a lien of 8 ner cent, on the asseasable property of 1840; on that of 1870 it will be only five per cent and eight mills. But in the census report .01 1850 the true value of the property of the State is estima ted at 8722,486,120; on this sum our present debt is but a fraction over 5} per cent. Who can doubt the bolv ency of such a debtor? Her, sroductions of wheat in 1540 was 13,213,- 077 bubhelb. !Ai 1350, 15,482,191, being crease at 17 per cent , at which rate her yield for 1870 will exceed twen.y millions of bushels. The 6ame rate ut increase is apparent in rye, earn, oats barley, buekwbeat and live stock. The cenAns 1840 shows a production Jur that year of 97,395 ions of pig metal—that of 1850, 285.702, or an in crease of 190 per cent. At this rate the yield of 1830 would be 1,371 370 lons. Wrought iron in 1840 amounted to 87,244 tons— in 1850 it is 182,- 506 tons Oil this datum tho production of 1870 would be 580369 loos. Our Woollen manulaciares !or 1810 we.e value.' at $2,319,161. and for 1850 at $5 ; 321,866, showinta gain in ten years of 129 per cent., mid the enormous yeld by 1670 (Asl3,- 738,404. In cotton goods Me increase has been about 6 pet cent , which ratio of growth up to 1870 %‘ould b. how a production of about six million dul. lars. The - whole amount of arahracite coal mined and taken to market in 1840 sae 867.000 tons. In 18:52 ale product will reach near five millions of tons, being an increase in twelve years of 600 per cent' This rate of augmentation up to 1870 would give the startling production of over forty five mil lions of tons, and yielding at the present Philadel phia prices, ihe suin of one hundred and eighty millions of dollars being More than treble the pres ent revenues of the whole United States! This is a most gratifying picture , and su es far to prove what I have tor sometime tictiev;4l, that be lure the close of present century Pennsylvania, in point of wealth and real greatness will stand in ad vance of her Sister States. there are yet a few enterprises to be con summated to render t ier triumph complete The North Branch canal must be finished. The Alle gheny mountains must be passed witoout the use of inclined planes, and our metropolis mast be connewed with the lakes, by means of a railroad. trade of the Sate is only second in impor tance to her a4ricultural a.d mineral wealth. Na ture has assigned to Pennsylvania a most advanta geous position for external trade. Connected with the Atlantic, the lakes and the western waters, and ex:ending on both sides of the Alleghenies, she lures the great link between the East and the West. The only obstacle to an artificial Union of the great natural highways by Which she is environea, is this interposing chain of mountains, which cut ting transversely across our territory, divides the tributary waters of the Ohio and the lakes from of the Atlantic. But this mountainous range, we should rsjnice to know, upon close examination, is found to present no insuaperable impediment.— It is to be crossed, within a short period- .by two railroads of seasonakle gradients. The west will then comn:unicate with the E.tst without interrup tion from these mountain barriers. But the railroad to Pittsburg should not finish our nor infernal courieciione, . In addition to the rail roads up the valleys of the Susqcehauna and the Schuylkill, now in the progress of tepid construction, the best interests of Pennsylvania re. quire a railway to Erie. We need the shortest and best line of communication between the lakes and the Atlantic at Philadelphia. The considerations in favor of such art improvement are too numerous to be given in this document. The advantage which it would possess in distance—in tight grades —in uniformity of guage, wheifisted by the laws of trade, rendea its superiority over any other ave nue which now, exists or that can hereafter be con structed between the Atlantic and the lakes, a fixed fact. The harbor at Erie is regarded by competent engineers as the beat on the lakes, and trum no other point can so short a line be made to the sea board. Such a medium of communication would be of inestimable value to Erie, to the intermediate country and to our Stare me.ropolis. Our citizens. by neglecting or delft/ling the construction of this work, may subject themselves to the charge of slighting the beneficence of nature in not co.operat. ing with her great designs. The trade of the West, and the lakes, may by this means be secured to Philadelphia. No time however, should be lost in the construction of this great highway. Delay may lessen the chances of success, whilst it will certainly afford opportunity to our rivals to form.and cement business connections which may not be teadily served iu the future— Nor are we to look at these internal advantages alone. Nothing can do more to augment the for eign trade of Philadelphia, than a direct avenue to the lakes. Her growing commerce would invite the construction of steamers to convey directly to her own pore the merchandise which she would then be called upon to supply to the boundless West. Great as are her natural advantages, no ob serving man can fail to see, that deprived of the sustaining arm of a foreign commerce, she cannot attain to that distinguised position, as a man, which nature intenied she should occupy. The right to construct a railroad from Erie Lathe Ohio state line, parallel with the lake, has been a subject of controversy in the Legislature for some years. The Franklin canal company*: claimed to have obtained from the State the privilege to coo struot a railroad on this route, end have proceeded t 3 construct' it accordingly. The authority 'of Ibis Company to do Bolas been doubtedi'and the Attor ney General has filed a bill praying for an injunc tion to restrain the construction and use of said road. So long as this qu estion is pending before the high; est judicial , tribunal Of the State, it would - be Mitre 'Om 'coming Wan Offieraeof any . other 'bench of thiegtiv mama to express an' opusiom loathing the goes .lion at issue.,j may, hoWever,-,it seems, to me, with prOPriety suggest ) that should the decision of the court not confirm the entire rights claimed by the Fankhn canal company, the Legislature should ite(4h ion pee *stop! .ly _in the control of the State, aril: bi L sottlits m be, ieghoirt the ezerciiii of aii..illit* nt o entreat/1' "nciple, render this iipporta4 Ili, - wee ig thelleaboard and thitgreat - IVe4i. Isu " etit)st thetainetests of the people 4ill'ents.: Wtratrig: ''..` —A-'i-- Among the multitudinous obligations resting on dr - Gurerume_nhltes trans more binding or ea moral welfare of the people. These great consid erations will doubtless receive your anx:ous care. You %via find in the very able and comprehensive report of the Superintendent of Common Schools, in;eretfiing Land useful suggestions in• toter ience to :the presetit condition' el common school ty.stem arid the caw at education oeuerelly - to all - riga reititeaftilliZielear early rotenticu. I 11111 . deeply: sensible-of the correctness and propriety of the remarks of that officer on the sutjact of teachers for the common schools. It is - the ;realest of all the Moques surrounding the the sistem, and I - most eionestlrenneat you, if it be practicable, in the exercise ol your wisdom, to adopt some mode of supplying your deficiency.— There are many other detects which will claim your conr:ideration, but this is of pre-eminent impor. hence. - The general law should be made plain and sien-ple, so that the .roost ordinary mind could ad minister 'us prov,isions ;.as it is, the questions and decisions touching the meaning of the law, have become mote voluminous than the law itself. ' For information to the military affairs of the State, I respectfully reter you to the able and high ly interesting report of the Ajutant General. I ie. gret to learn, as l have done by this document, that 'this branch of the public service is not in a very flourishing condition. The report contians many highly important suggestions and recommendations some of which are so obviously correct that they cannot fail to receive your favorable considera tion. In conformity with a resolution of the General Assembly, passed on the 24th day of February last Albert G. Waterman, F.sq , of Philadelphia, and myself, attended a convention of delegates Irom the thirteen original States, at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. convened on the 4th day of July last, for the purpose of taking into consideration the subject of erecting a monument in Independence Square, to commemorate the event of the Declare lion of independence. Delegates were in atten dance from the States of Massachusetts, Connecti cut, Rhode I-land, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Dela ware, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. The subject was favorably reg arded by the conven• lion, and an able address to the people of. the thir teen original States was prepared and signed by the delegates, presenting a comprehensive view of the considerations in favor of this most noble design, and suggesting a practical mode of carrying it into execution. A copy of this address, together with all the other proceedings of the Convention, I shall cause to to communicated to both branches of the Legislature. It would be difficult to conceive a more interest ing idea, or one so 'congenial to the feelings of the peoplr, nr more cont.'s:ern with a ju,t spirit of na tional pride, than the commoration by some visible and imperishable sign of the great event that dais iiiiguislied the dawn oh American fieedorn. The propriety of this design will not, I am sure, be double I by the Legirilature or the people, arid I shall riot therefore, trouble you with any wither suggestions In its favor. . It is proposed to raise the means to construct the monument from the Stares in their sovereign capa• cities, and to make no expenditures until t he hoe amount of money shall have been secured. Accor ding to the estimates of the committee appointed by the cinivention on that subject, Pennsylvaina's share of this expenditure would amount to between fifteen and twenty thousand dollars. I respectfully recommed the adoption of inch measures -as will-indicate the willingness of this State to do tier part, whenever her sister States shall have given a similar intimation, and to take such other preliminary steps as may seem proper and right. I desire to call your attention to the condition of the public grounds surrounding the State Arsenal It has occurred to me that this elig ible spot should be enclosed rid' a good fence, be planted with shade tares, and olierwise improved. As at res ent exposed it makes rather a barren and cheerless spaee between the town and the capitol. If pro perly enclosed arid beautified, it will add much to the appearance of both. A due respect for the memory of the generous donor of this valuable piece of ground, not less than a just regard for the appearance of the seat of government, would seen, to require its proper improvement. T respectfully emiimeud this subject to your favorable considera tion. Recent difficulties in a neighboring State have Oeggesteil the existence of a deficiency in our State laws, in reference to the conveyance of persons held to itivoluntary set retitle, from State to another The Pennrylvbnia statute of 1780 gave all peisons passing through or sojourning in the State for a brief period the right to hold their domestic 'laves. The act of 1847 repealed this provision, and the repeal ing sections of last session did not reinstate it. I, therefore, respectlelly recommend that provisions be made for the transit of these domestics through the limits of this Commonwealth. Such a law seems to be contemplated by the Constitution of the United States, end to be suggested by those rules of comity which should exist between the States— by the public peace and by individual convenience. It has usually been the custom to delay the pas sage of the appropriation .bill until neat the close of the session. Sly predecessor recommended a change in this pulley, in which recommendation I most heartily concur. The ordinary purposes of government should be provided for early in the session. It there be other necessary appropriations, they can be embraced in another bill and allowed to stand on their own merits. Having thus, gentlemen, given yon as briefly as possible my views touching some of the subjects which will claim your attention during the present session s permit me, in conclusion, to assure you. that I shall most cheerfully !co-operate with the General Assembly in the adoption of all measures calculated to promote the welfare of our beloved Commonwealth. Ezr.rTrnrc CIIAMAPR. Harrisburg, Jan, 5, 1853. SERIOUS AND FATAL ACCIDENT..-AV bile Mrs. Post, of this village, was filling a lamp with fluid, a few evenings since, was communicated to the fluid contained in the Can, by her little children that were amusing thernsAves about the table, causing an explosion, which, painful to relate, so seriously burned two of her children, as to cause the death of one. This one lingered in a most painful condition, for several days. It was taken to its rearing place yesterday The other child it is thought will recoeer —Waverly (N Y.) Advocate. DA NGEROIII4 COUNTERFEITS We were shown this morning, a very dangerous and well executed connterfeit $5 note upon the Girard Bank very closely, at the first glance, resembling the genu ine ; the paper of t h e counterfeit, however, is much whiter and thicker, the impression less clear, and the [5l enclosed in do's, in the upper and lower borders of the genuine note, as well as the wort five dollars, are scarcely distinguishable in the counterfeit, while in the genuine they are very dis tinct_ The signatures are remarkably well execu ted, bat rather heavy. Flat AT Owcso.—A fire broke out at 124 o'clock on the morning of the 6th moat , in the engine house which resulted in the total destruction of the build. ing, one engine and one valuable hose.carriage, and doing considerable other damage. The fire is thought to be the work of an incendiary, growing out of a dissatisfaction on the part of the firemen in the election of trusteei the day previous. • -A company has been organized for the construct. hut Ma canal at Nisgria Falls for the purpose of ■ Water power. ill 10hreoffno agpovtev. Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Men Towanda, Saturday, January 16, 1863 Terms of The Reporter. $ 60 per annum-111unit within the year 30 cents will re deducted—for cosh paid actually in advance If 00 will hi' deducted. No paper wad aver two years, aoless paid fur. Atirarrisortisra, per square of ten lines. 50 cents for the int and d 3 corms for each su b sequent insertion. try. Office in the u Union Block." 110f1h side of the Public . itigrare.Niezt door to the thadCord Hotel. Entrance beiweeu Moors. Adams' Rad Elwells law offices. Democratic Connt' Convention. •4011fitilkTHE Democratic Standing • Committee for Bradford County, .. ,1 " hereby call a Convention to be composed of two Delegates from each election dis trict in said County, to be holden at Towanda, on Tuesday evening, February P, 1853, for the purpose of electing Deligates to the Democratic State Con vention, and have appointed the following Commit tees of Vigilance for the several districts of said county. COMMITTLIG OF VIGIL/MCI. Albany—A. Menardi, Arunah Ladd ; Armenia—Robert Mason. Erastus Kiff; Athens Bo—J. E. Canfield, W. H. Mathrwson ; Athens Twp—Guy Tozer, David Gardner; Asylum-.•J. M. Horton, Elmore Horton ; Burlington—D. D. M'Gee, John H. Furman; Columbia—D. V. Barnes, John Morgan, Canton—Wm.Owens, J. Vandyke Jr ; Durell—S. Decker, 8. McK. Laporte ; Franklin—J. H. Haynes, WM. Blake ; Granville—Chas. Dennison Ross, L. Putman ; Merrick—Almon Fuller, 0. P. Carwelt ; Litchfield—Reuben Park, J. Di Merrill Leroy—Lindley Stone. Aaron Knapp ; Monroe—W. A. Park, L. G. !lotion ; Orwell—C. G. Gridley. 8- Gorham : Pike—:G. G. Graves, Alonzo Smith ; Rome-4. G. Towner. Hiram Mann ' • Ridgbery—John B. Purcell, Jas. H. Webb; SheAequin—D. Brink Jr., Wrn. Campbell; Smithfield—T. M. Beach, A. J. Gerould ; Springfield—F. White, Tho. Wilder ; South Creek—lra Crane. J. Thompson ; Standing Stone—Geo. Stevens, Alanson Taylor ; Tuscarora—L. A. Ackley, Hiram Shumway • Towanda Boro.—J. De La Montanye Jos. English , Towanda North—Wm. Barnes, W. H. Foster ; Towanda South—Saml. Gilbert. W. W. Decker ; Troy Boro.—F. L. Ballard, Asa More; Troy Twp.—E. C. Oliver, Ransaller Porter ; Ulster—D. Hinkins, John Bowman; Wells—W. S. Ingalls, John Rowlee ; Windham—Wm. Sibley, R. W. Russell: Warren—R. C. Buffington, Lyman Arnold ; Wilmot— J. L. Jones. Ichabod - Corson ; Wyalusing—Hiram Ellott, Harrison Black ; Wysox—W. A. Benedict, Win. Lewis; The committee will call meetings on Saturday, February s:between the hours of 6 and 8, P. M. for the election of Deligates. - We would enjoin upon the Committees the re sponsibility which rests upon them, and the neces. city of discharging their duty faithfully and fully.— The primary meeting should be called on the day named, at the usual place for holding said meetings, or at some place most convenient to the Democrats of the district. Great care should be taken that every democrat has notice of the Delegate meeting, hat all may have a chance of attenring. E 0. 000DRICII, F OKWA N. W. H OVERTON, EUGENE KEELER, HIRAM C FOX. W. S. GUTHRIE, JOHN MeNIAIION. ELMORE HORTON,: CULLEN F NICHOLS. Standing Commit/re. January 5, 1853 (*- The Governor's Message, ar.d a number of Legal Advertisements have crowded out our usual variety. We have, however, nothing of interest to chronicle, either in the Legislature or in Con. El= The 12 o'clock train over the Boston and Shiite Railroad was thrown off the track, about one o'clock on the 6th 1'1E4., near Andover, owing to the break ing of an axle or a wheel. The hair) was going pretty rapidly at the time, and one or two ears filled with passengers, were thrown down an em bankment ol considerable height. General Frank lin Pierce, lady and eon, were amongst the pas eengers, they having taken the cars at Andover for Concord. Gen. Pierce's son, a lad of about twelve years of age, was instantly killed. The cars were badly smashed, and several passengers severely bruised, but we have not heard of any further loss of life. Some ten or twelve persons were more or less injured. Among them was a Mr. Peck of Concord The down train just arrived, brought six or eight of the injured passengers. . There was only one pas senger car, which was filled by between sixty and seventy passengers. The accident happened just previous to reaching Lawrence. The car was thrown down an embankment of twenty feet; i turned a complete somerset, landing upon a pile or rocks. The car was knocked into fragments. General Pierce was amongst the first to extricate himself from the ruins ; his son was crushed to death, and Iris wile severely, thou‘h not fatally, in• jured. The General said he felt that his lima were sound, but complained of a pain Iris back. We gel the following additional particulars rela• rive to the lamentable accident at Andover, on Thursday, from an account written for the Man chester (N. H ) Mirror, at the particular request ol the editor, by Rev. Mr. Fuller of Manchester, who was in the car ut the time of the accident. Rev. Mr. Fuller was considerably jarred, and probably will not fully recover for some time to come. Protersor Packard, of Bowdoin College, a brother-in law of Mrs. Pierce, was a passenger. but escaped any material injury. Mr. Fuller writes as follows WM. BIGLER " I was looking out at the window, when we felt a severe shock, and the car was (barged for a few seconds, the axle of the front wheel being bro ken. Perfectly conscious of our situation, I remem -1 ben thinking what was the matter. I retained through the whole my consciousness. In another second, the coupling which joined our car with the other broke, and our car was whirled violently a round, so as -to reverse the ends, and we were swung down the rocky ledge. For once I . had no hope of escaping death. 1 shall never forget the breathless horror which came over us during our fall. There was not a shriek, nor an exclamation, till the progress of the car, after having turned over twice on the reeks, was arrested, and with a violent concussion, having parted in the middle, and be. ing broken into many thousand iragments. "I received personally a few bruises and flesh cuts, of no particular moment, and found myself amid a mass of broken glass and splintered wood, and groaning men and women, with no limbs bro. Prttlou► for Preta Territory E. 0. GOODRICH, EDITOR. Terrible Railroad Accident, and with a fieart to praise God tsr His sparing mercy. I had no need to get out any door or vs in tr,lotrilie car agilTelliary mitt: The tin seremetlya Man coieted wish blood jihnselts-a rttjsl ;tsf . a WIN me alive, let es help °Ms' era,"- I Owed troth one frightful past of di acetyl to :another, wed the:Whole is befure me ripy featful vision.",Mericame up on every side obits: -ping with hloOrl,-- rind-few escaped some-eats and• titulars Before all were rescued, the top, covered with oil cloth, took e from the garre t and added to they gehe hat heir eseand - itifferitii: - ' Two incidents., among the many 'terrible ones, are especially present to my memory. On the bank eat a mother, iMrs Stokes, of this city.) clas• ping her little boy of some three or four years of age ; he had been rescued,koni the ruin which lied strewn the rix.k With:splintered fragments, and her own person was considerably burned by the file, but she was - elieddiAg - tears - of 'Meditate - over her rescued child, and'iejeiting in his safely, Juitttind.- tut of her sown pain. lin a few steps from her I saw the most appalling, scene of all. There Wirs'l an other mother, whose agony pewee beyondiatiy description. She tonal shed no tears, but over whelmed with grim, uttered such effecting.. words as I never cats forget it was Mrs. Pierce, the . lady of the Preiiident elect; and near her, in that ruin of shivered wixid"and iron, lay a more terrible ruin. her only son ' one minute before so beamiful, so full of file and hope. She was supported by her- hes band aril Prof. Packard. Gen. Pierce was hiriuself wounded in the track, but not severely, and the wounds of the spirit far exceeded any bodily suffering ; -yet. while deeply affected, he showed all the self-possession and nerve which onlycharacterizes great-hearted and noble men, and which few would manifest under similar circumstances. He .gave all needful directions about the recovery of his little boy, 'still entangled in the wreck about him, and then afforderPall that comfort and syMpathy to his partner it! sorrow which was appr9priate to the time. She was con veyed to a house near, and there she gave vent to the grit I which rent her heart, while he consoled and comforted. w I may not draw she veil from that picture. , Sacred is the holy privacy of sorrow, and the hearhi of those who have suffered can feel-what my pemmust not describe. Soon we were able to convey the wounded and the dead to the nearest house, winch happened to be that connected with the poor-farm in Andoter where every possible kindness and atiereion were rendered. Go with me, Mr Editor, to than house, and look with me awhile on that scene of suffering and eunnow. In one room were Geri. Pierce and his lady, in -the opposite apartment lay the mortal remains of their little boy—and oh! so sat. a sight! The bldw, by which ho was so yiolent as to remove the ripper portion of the head. leaving a part of the brain expos. d The face, ww i h the exception of a bruise about she right eye, remained uniajured, but bath-d' its blot d Gen. Pierce and lady, mean while, retired to the house of Mr Aiken In the same room was a lady, Airs Newell, of consi:lerably briuse.l and her lace.cus. Iles little daughter, twelve years of age, lay near, with her lout so badly itijure:l that arnput alien will be_heeesl , aty. She bow her pains sweetly arid patiently. In another room Mr Kittredge, of Pel mom, lay with his leg broken, and a Mr Childs, of Heimiker, sat bravely up, though with a face covered with blood. o:hers much bruised had ;one obi in the train which returned for ns horn Lawrehce. Every attention which could possibly be paid to thuse injured was givers at this house, where: most of the troweled were carried. The physicians were prompt in their services, calm, kind ilia, so far as one not of the profession can judge, judicious. Alter the head of the litne boy had been tenderly cared for by the physicians, and all pourable done to restore the look of life, he was earned by us to the house where Isis afflicted pares is were, I shad never{ forget the look of extreme pain that child's face wore: and yet there was something resigned and tender impressed even by the awful hand of death. Ile was not yet cold when he was in the room of Mr. Aiken's house, dressed just as he hail been at the moment of the calamity. The form which hat left the house but little more than an hour before, lull of life and happiness, with a heart full of hope and bright aspirations, u as borne back to those who had parted from him—that heart pow hushed and still—that form motionless, and - the limbs fast growing rigid under the my touch ot death." nteitarED. 0 By the Rev. 8 F. Colton the 14th inst. Mr. J•nsn L J •lIT, to Miss LOnt\D• Hcirx , all of Ram, merteld. o this village, on the 12th inst.. by Rev. Isaiah Mc Mahon, Mr. HZNUT LANIORNI.TI, to Miss LAI3 MA WATKINS. both of Towanda. Nep abvertisements. Borough Ordinance. Celeste, c's Orrice, January 3, 1859. T a meeting of the Town Council of the borough of Towanda, the following Ordinance was passed : Be i: o•dained by the Town Council cif the two' of Towanda, that hereafter no building shall be greeted or moved within the limits of said bore' without application first made to the Council in wri ting, stating the kind of building materials to be used in its construction, and its locality—and a per mit granted by said Council in purse:wee of said application ; also, that no wooden building shall hereafter be erected within the following limits to wit,: On Bridge street. within 80 feet of either side of said street, from the River to Main street ; on Mate street within 100 feet of either side of said street from Bridge street to State street ; and with' in 80 feet of either side of the Public bqua•t'. And that hereafter no wooden building shall be moved within said limits from any place without thesame. And any wooden building erected upon, or moved ;nu) said limits in violation of this ordinance, shall be deemed a nuisance, and the person so erecting or moving such building shall be punished accord ingly. WM. BLWBI.L, Aurgess. Jan. 8, 1853. Attest WM. SCOTT, Clerk. 11 M - RICIIIICMMIIEOLIME' /ANDX SWIMIEII. MBE citizens of the boro' of Towanda and vicin ity, are respectfully informed that the subscri ber has eommenced busineSs on the south comer of Math and Bridge streets, where he will keep on hand and for sale, every attainable .article in his line. It is his intention to.keep a constant supply or Groceries and Provisions to meet the wants of the community, which will be selected with care, and sold at the lowest price. 'He has a large stock of Confectionary and nuts, and all other articles in the grocery line. Flour, Fish, Candles, Eggs, +nd all the dif f erent kinds of provisions to be obtained, will be kept on hand. itO. Cash paid for Butter, Lard and Eggs, and Most of the articles sold by the farmer. Oysters, received every day by Express from New York, and served up in a superior style, and sold by the gallon, quart or pint. 0:7 Give me a call—as lam skgermined by con stant attention to business a deserve, as I hope to secure a share of public patronage. Tolvanda. Jan. 8. 1852. A. 1. NOBLE. DISSOLUTION. HE partnership heretofore existing between H. ti. &M. C. !Hermit is this day dissolved. The nosiness will hereafter be conducted by H. 8. Her. Gar. Al! debts due to the late firm must be paid linmediately. IL 8. MERCUrt, f. T owanda. Jan. 1, 1859. M. C. MERCUR. axes I axes! tiOlrgate at very low prices for ready pay t the very best Axes .to be, found in this sleinitY, pade out of the best cast and silver steel, of var:ous atterns fur lumbermen and wood choppers, and Warranted. Call at the Athens Agricultural storeof 8,1853. IL M. WELLER. Cistern and Well Pumps ! LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams 1 of any kind, size, &c.. cheap for ready pay, for male by lan. 8, 1853. WELLES. 1 , , ,, ,--- AEIRAMORD REPORTER ' : e g. I 0 i Col; STING-UOVIL i, 4 ,18 S ;ALMANAC. 153 i w0:---4. . - 1 7 - 1 - 1 --, .. - -c -:-.4, i; „ ! VI E g % I . .i: 0 7 . 2 r.„.1 1 : 11. . . 1 ' • • .; :ii: ~:. ,--'. 1- 1 - '4' +O.- • rt ..1 r. - : I , * -1- 4? litsig. A i : ;;1' 'al t r i: , ....., 1 t 1 ,. _ 1 ! _i:ftr?-ii* IT 81 4 5 , 61 7, 8 rl7i-4-1112 13 141 18 19 20 2122 2425 26 27 2829 31 1 - ..1 I .41,4 41 ~-• I 71 8 1 9111,1 14.15 16 17 18119 21,22 23 24,W26 281 1 2 ; 3 1 7 1- 8 11 110i1 41 1.12 14;15 16 17'.1811' 21 24. 118,24r5.26 $ 31 - ' 1 29 30 — I 1 2 4 5 . 7 8 9 1112 13 14 , '4l 118 19 2021 2 125 26,27 28;29130 1 tB' 4' 1 9 10 11 1 1 16117 18 '23124 25 EMI Ate t isl * co l iet-• * It 5 6 12 13 12 i 24 H 2 ,6 27 - 4te. *DI. .41-4•4 EOM 61 7 8 1 I: 9ilo 14 1 17 2,3 24 30 LEINE MOM 27 28 29 4 )-9 . • • A, RENS lumuctrzTußA,L, TIN STOVE STORE rt!lv.i;leLet , i4 , :"44fr4l Straw Cutters. HOITCY S Patent Spiral Knife Hay and Bins Cutters of various sizes. Isins.l 2, 3. 1, 5 and 6. Prices, $B, $9, $lO, $l2, sts And SYO These Straw Cutters arc better and cheaper tha t the straight knife cutter, with knives set diagoonly un the shaft. The knives on II ovey's Cutter are spiral winci enables them to cut at right angles against the raw hide roller. They cut steadily, with no jerkin— are easily kept in repair. Each knife cao be u'oa ofiriand sharpened without disturbing the shaft's other kn iyes.)and ir necessary each knife can beset out or io, spas to keep them all true, if one knife should wear faster than another. Every tamer should have one of these labor and feed• chines. R. M. WELLES. Athens, Pa., Jan. A. 1953. Corn Shellers. THE very best article to be found in the roann, and cheapeet—(Warranted)—for at ibs Agricultural and Stove Store of R. M. WELL} Stoves Stoves! C OOKING Store s of various and excellent pa. tars, sizes and prices. Pour palrerus of ratt led Oven Cooking Stoves, the best to be (Ueda, Bradford, for sale cheap. Elegant Parlor S:ormia wood or coal, of different .patterns, &c. Bar ad Coal Stores for Halls, Stores, Churches, Sion, School Houses, &c., very cheap. Call at the iti• ens stove store of R. 31. WELLFA Jan. 8, T 853. Bathing Tubs, QPOI 4 IGE TIATIIB and foot bath pans fur lit cheap. My bathing tubs are equal ft. the !lel city mai!e. it N. WELLES. Jan. 8, 1853. OHS I Oils ! CODUILII'S celebrated winter strained hard OIL. for machinery, warranted not to gum. Alio, an excellent but cheaper article for Lamps, de- NeaT's Fool. Ott. for Leather, Warne% &e. il far sale by the quantity or less, cheap for mitt Of ready pay, at the Athens Agricultural store of Jan. 8, - 1853. R. M . . WELLEL.4 Patent Leathez Belting! A Li. sizes of Patent oak and hemlock karef Belting and Lace Leather, at 10 per teat. Ids than city retail prices to be bad for cash atillter ens Agricultural Store of R. M. WELLEs. -Jan. 8. 1853. Sobbing • OP Ic.nds in Tin, Shrel Iron, Copprr,Bress,ar, 'kJ' done on short notice. Workmanship s..c.rtfr ranted to give satisfaction. Tin roofing done in uch a manner as shall pos. Call on R. M. WELLES. Attic ns, January 8, 1853. Auditor's NOtiC3. TN the matter of the Assignment of H. .1. PHELPi, for the bene fi t of Creditors in the Court of Ca rt mon Pleas of Bradford County. The undenuped auditor appointed by the Court to distribute tbe wok ney in the hands of Guy Tozer, assignee of the sad A. H. Phelps, to the several creditors; will art to the duties of his oppointment at his office It Athens Boro on Monday the 3l,day of lainuryna at one o'clock P, M. All persons claiming nada said assignment will present their claims at N: time G r be debarred from any portion of said zoo thereafter. Dec, 27,1852 Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that there has beta ed and settled in the office of the Revs:er the Prcbate of Wills, and granting letters of Ads istration in and for the county of Bradford. scrolls of administration upon the following estates, LI. Final account of Moses A. Ladd, one of :he El' ecutors of Horato Ladd, late of Albany, decesse'l . Final account of Emily Rogers, Ado:v .omi of the estate of Charles Rogers, late of Camm• 444. ceased. Final account of Albert D. Brainard, tiro," of the last will and testament of Albert Waled, late of Warren,ileceased. Final account of Jehial McKean and John Doi: well, Executors of the last will and teitameat of of Elizabeth Ferris, late of Troy, deceased. Final account of Nathan Shepard and Jesse wall, Administrators of the estate of Abraham tendyke, late of South Creek. deceased. Final account of Amasa Dimmick , EveeM rl el the last will and testament of Matilda Diego"' late of Orwell, deceased. Final account of Susan A. Strickland and Che 4 . ter Pierce, Administrators, of the estate o f Loki Btrialand, late of Wysoz, deceased. B at Final account of Harriet Barns, late Ha mel s. Guardian of Sarah Buck, minor child of SIIIS Bock, late of Wyalusing, deceased.. Final account of Burton Russell, sarVlYllls ministrator, with the will annexed, of Dan Rus. late of Orwili. deceased. Final account of F. X. Hornet and Henri 1°13 .r Administrators of the estate i of Allen Moody, lc" Hardt deceased. ninhaat And the same will be presented to the Court of Bradford County, on MONDAY. the day of February .ow, for confirmation and iti" lance. H. L. SCOTT, Mato Register's Office , Towanda, Dec. 30; 1851. ii=l 1 , - • lt 3 4 5 6.1 7 B'9s 10111 12113 14 15 t4O. 17 18 19 20 2112 22 ,0 24125 26;27 2814A344 " 4 31 I' . - f 1 1 2i 3 - 4 6,4 'i24 9 7111 1 12 : 28. i0 6351 3 211407 1 211118 211692.r1734 1 11i 1 4 -1. 1 2 0 456. 8 , 0 'll 12 13 14 15 16 914 1 7 0 '7'91,, 2 1 3,4, 5 i 6 7' 8 0 2 ° ,21 :5:00 2 1 3 607 2,129'3 : 1 . r Fit. , 9 10in 12:13 14115 t 16'17 18 19..0 2 , i` 1 172' 2324 25 26a 7 28 ,0 30 311 ' ' , "" 4 ' . 0 1 4f 51: !/0 11(124 117 isil94> 124'4126: r 4 01 6 ' 7 1 8 ' : 4 13,14113 16 12021 22 23\ 27 28,29 30 1 : .21:f i 1 : 12113 6. 1 7 41 118 19 20 21' 125,'26 27 28 a t 2 9 1 11 3 0: 1 516'14 22.3:40 293031 H. C. BAIRD. Auditor.