NINI : r 44 4 ; r tfeieaihoeiag: Ape, moille Filters contain• the, following :pins *rept Oh horse-ilioeing, js well worth the he &Minion of all who . oWn horses : " Many hors 6 are injured by cart;lessnests to wpmper,fnaitagrm , g.t in shoeing.. To learn hen sofit a elm accurately to a horse's foot, to that it "ball properly protert iftejoot h and at the same hine avoid theliability to it, is no mean acqwis:,. non. The Smith, to conduct his business properly, ahould.have aft accurate knowledge of the anatomy physiology:and pathology of .he horse's loot, and then he Will perform the operation of shoeing 'not merely as though he was nailing a piece ninon to ■bluek Of wood, but with all care and nicety which the living.structnre requires. We have some skill fel smiths, who hare - knowledge ante judgment enough, Ito tent our horses may be Sale!). committ ed to them whenever they require shoeing; but more such men are needed. &tine hints on this subject, from those who have the knowledge and experience, would d.oitnless be acceptable and use• ful to our readers. Henry Griswold, of Fat m ington, Connecticut, who for twenty years has followed the business of shoeing and lerriery, makes the following remarks as this - entree "The feet of horses differ se much, that it re quires great j.trigment. and thorough knowledge of their anatomical structnre, to shoe eackliorse in a manner best calculated to promote the intentions of nature. Smiths generally pare the heel too much, of wher'do not pare the toe enough—the reason is thakit is so much harder to cot. When the horse 'stands upon the fed, the heel is so much lower than it ahoula be, that the cords of the leg are .strained; so after a night's rest, the lags are stiff and sore, and the horse moves very awkwardly.— This sometimes is attributed to futuider ; %%hen matey it is caused by nothing but bail shoeing.— Frequently the toe is burnt o ff . This is also injuri am, for so far as heat penetrates, the life of the hoof, and the only matter which gives toughness, are de stroyed, and the hoot becomes britle, and liable to crack. Care should be taken to see that - the paha/ of the nails wit: free from defects, for sometimes, ages Uta nail.has entered the hoof,,' ; it splasoind a part penetrates - the quiek, causing Mindless." Proteethw Mane from the Weather ' One Of the sources of profit, or perhaps we stioukt say, one of the item of saving to the farmer, dur ing winter, io the manure made by its stock during thii season. - •On the proper mode of saving this much of its strerig:li, And ,onsequently its value, de pends. The too common, mode of throwing it out of the barn windoms, te take the al:ernate drench ing of rains, the freezing of the cold, and the thaw ing of the warm Weather, is not the mutt prudent course to take a ith it. This species of #tanure is a compound. of great value, iridi the in,iredients can be :mined until it is applied to the crops, where they wilkbe required, and used by- growing vegetables, to add to its size and prodnctivenets. It is made up of vegetable and animal matter, both of which substances con tain thedoe quantity of mineral matters ; all of which . may be required in the formation of Crops, an: through them ; for the sustenance of animals. Now if it part of these be wattred out, and carried oft by rains and melting snows, or wafted away by the winds, in the form of gas, brought by the fermen tation which is sometimes induced by the changes to which it is subject, there is a corresponding loss. Hence, if you can conveniently have it put under ,cover, by having a shed built over if, of by haring a barn cellar into which to throw it, you will be a great gainer every 3 ear. The editor of the Boston Cultivator gyve a hint On this subject not long since, in which he alludes to what he calls box feeding, in Eigland. In that country, you are aware, farmers make quite a profit by - stall feeding cattle while fattening them for mar ket: They, therefore, sometimes put their cattle Into pens, say ten feet square ; an] feed them, keep ing them well littered, and thus accumulate a large quantity of manure, Wilding up the sides of the pens or boxes, as the manures accumulate, in order to keep the cattle in. Stall feeding for market would not be profitable in all sections of the United States, but the results, 05 far u the accumulation and presevation of ma nia", are concerned ; may give knoiledget to us, useful to practise upon in our own management of this article, so essential to the firmer. ist:Tiso iNiac.—lt is important to have the port well cooled before salting. And it should not re. Stain unsalted very long efuir cooling. It should *Ter be allowed to freeze. It should always have a great supply dealt, and of the strongest quality, foul Wee should be made and poured into the bar. For it nothing but water is put with the salt, the park :nay be injured 'before the salt is, melted cough to make good brine. The meat should have a weight upon it to keep it - under the brine, for if pieces of meal are permitt ed to rise above the brine, and remain there for Say consicletable length Of time, they will be taint-. ed and will not taste sweet as 'well salted' meat always twill. A wooden cover is often used to keep the. - meat ander the brine, but • atone covers It bitter. A hole may be drilled in a stone cover, sllti.a handle inserted at very small cost. TLATILLING or FAT ANIMALC—From the effects el travelling, excitement, and fasting, the stomach eld bowels insatiably almost get deranged before lice animal arrives in the metropolis, so that the food it Cortiomes afterwards is not worked into the eye. .tesx, Panial. - rumination may take place, but, from theamellain of the quantity of food which enters stomach for digestion, it does not excite its coats to the action of secretion, but is carried off through the itt:lstinee,.• frothy mass of indigested matter ; as any liattnet or butcher may perceive who takes the toonl&to examine it. 617 An excellent Cement for seams in the. root ox armies, or in any other exposed places, is made watt white lead, dry vrhiteiand; and as Inueb,oilS sv till make it into the„eonsistency putty. • _ jowly two pans of boillig water; a n d oil:Maim milk coming in to the dairy, take-the bet pansout 01 the water, put the milk in' one or I hem '1,4 cover it with the other. This will occa lon a great iccrease in the thickness and quantity_ el the misam. _ Tate plaits of four s:ock. MIP Alkscellirleont« DRUGS, MEDICINES, . , . . .'alummuspipugrosist Ate. QTOUP in. the south end or the . Ward . 001211 P. welt Is: known as the largest, cheapest anti most extensive allsollull4wcst of the op. Particulsr attention will be given ,to edy or all veto tray wish to 'Call, either to examine or Purchase, and any medical informatioe will be cheerfullz and grettuilowly given to !hese who who whits to consult concermingibemselvos at friends. Continuans supplier , of fresh and . glecently prepared ar tides ale weekly arriving, bark` been carefully. , se leered with-a -view to their usefas hien, and any article wanted not osualfy kiia,;eitherwilfhe found here, or proctired at the shortest notice by Express, for those leaving their order. Accommodating 'Ante always will be rally in trefe/y compound any prescription and endeavor to make it (whatever the purchase) mutually agreeable. ' All goods shall be considered warrantee as represented, and being Agent for the heat and pop tiler Patent Medicines, all those found in this awn can be relied upon, in all cases, iv being genuine. The stock now comprises every article in the trade, among which may be found the following : Drugs and Medicines. lut . cira orris assafuetida squill arable valerian .amphor 4 , enego copal sarsapsria gmllbollik linger etc iliaiac sits myrrh - magnesia shellac !sulphur tragacanth etc. prinatone of LS. neat! foot Itanners ,:live castor (sperm °rig:mans bergamont. , Iletoou wintergreen cinnamon cloves hemlock juniper savin ansey star •CIDS. Acetic Citric ' Nitric Muriatic Aquafirrtis Sulphtnici Tartaric Ste 111L1141.1111. Fir Uopai•a Tola vlphur Life eta DARYL Bayberry Cinnamon Perwii3n (Jeetsj Ella etc Peppermint Cinnamon Wintergreen etc LITRACTS &impolite Dandelion lionesel Horehound Aconite Vanilla Lemon a DR:no. FeDigreek Anise Carraway Canary 'Rape • Garden Mustard Cardamom Colchicum etc TLOW IRS. Chamomile Arnica Lavender etc opium ElNEffal DR. H. C. PORTER, • Wholi6Wad - 1146i, Weida- hi 7. 11:=1 orange tier& i peppermint linseed end liver etc WSW. btlalll 121 , 8 WA etc nocrrs. colombo gentian 'slap turmeric 4pijelia (pink) hellebore ipicac liquorice marsh rosemary rheubarb GROCERIES Sugar, Coffee and Tea of all kinds, molasses, spice pepper. clown: mustard, nutmeg, mace, fish, tasins,. citrons, currants, rated oil, cocoa, chocolate, soda, butter crackers. rico, starch, ginger, saleratus, white and bar soap, sperm and tallow candles, jugs, 'bottles, pipes, pepper sauce &c. Liquors. Cognise, Otard and American Brandy, St. Cron. Old Jamaica and New England Rum, pure Holland and Am. Gin, Irish and Monongahela Whiskey, Ma dei,a Lisbon, Sherry, Teneriffe Port, Muscat, Claret and Champaign Winea—Cordials, Rome, Amour Mu kee, Noyeau ate, cheaper than ever offered. Nips, Perfumery and Piney Goods. Shaving cream, military, windsor, medicated, aura, musk, almond, palm, french, toilet, rose, and transpa rent soaps, Lubin', French, and Wrights • extracts of jockey club, patchoully. bog, de caroline, musk, mills flews, verbena, heliotrope, sweet brier, geranium spring flowers, west end and new mown bay tax.- - Cachous, cologne, bay and rose waters. Lilly white sparkish pearl powder, rouge hair dyes, hair invigors tors, hair erailicators, hair oil, pomades, court plaster, perfume sachets, playing card, pencil points, stm I pens, fish books, drawing pencils, percussion cops, re I black, and indelible inks, combs, parses, pocket books, port monais, wafers, pocket mirrors napkin rings an travelling companions &c. BRUSHES, Hair, hat, stove, scrub, shoe, paint, marking, varnish sash, artist camel's hair, striping blender's and badger's whitewash. counter,Besh, tooth, nail comb broom cleth infant, lather, table, horse and blacking brushes. Vibesllaneous. Tobacco and snuff boxes, nipple shells, nursing but ties, breast pumps,teeth rings bed pans, syringes, shout der braces, trusses, supporters. pessaries, catheters.eup ing glasses, graduates, mortars, spatula, forceps lancets thermometers, liquid and spread adhesive plasters, dcc. Paints and Dye Stan. Nit. red, cam and log wood, (odic, lac dye, cudtear red asunder*, madder, alum, ccpperas, blue vitriol, soli tin, composition cbemic oil, vitriol, oxalic and all the acids, gfain tin, pumice and rotten stone, American & Chinese vermillion, Spanish brown, American & Eng IA Venetian verdigris, Paris green, white, his& and red lead, chrome yellow and green, japan, coach and copal varnish, lampblack, litharge, putty, whiting ochre spirits turpentine. linseed oil, rosin, chalk, umber, sien na, gold leaf, bronze, de. ' - Glass. French Mai' 24.30.22 30, 20-30, 20-24, 22-24,14 18, 1240,12.18, 12-16, 10-14, 10-12, 8-10, 7-9. Patent Medicines. 1014 WENT los Dr. Jaynes' Alterative Expoetotant. Sanative acs. Filches expectorant. tonic humor corrector, 4-c. Merchant's Gargling Gil tot horses, 4-c. Swayne'a medicines, wild cherry. Brant's Pulmonary Balsam and Extract. etc. Orrick's' Vermifue. Houghten's Pepsin or Gastric juice for dyspepsia OsgOod's Indian Cholagogue, for fever and ague. Scarps's Acoustic oil , for Deafness. b. I', Townser d'.. Sarsaparilla. Schenek's Pulmonic Syrup. Or. Keeler's Family m.Jicines Hutehing% Dyapepriia Bitters.' Hooflana'a Gerrisan Bitter', for Dyspepsia and Debility Brown's Emence Jamaica Ginger. . , Duboy's Rat and 111 ice Exterminator, Also agent for Herriek4 medicines, plasters, etc., An drew's - and iDavis' Pain Killer, firaefenberg medi eines, Pile Electuarisis etc., salt 'beam. tester, rim worm, spavin and fmnder ointment., etc.; toast cordial, plasters, pour main's salves, q_e waters, lini ments, eineme soap, bed bug polar-et Hobsnsack's and Clark's Worm syrup, Ctiristie*a Galvanic curs tires..Malllt's Phoenix Diners, Trask's magnetic, Moan's. Drfley's. and McAlli.ter's Ointments. Dil low's Heas:e•Powder, Conslitio Pnwder, &c. All the anmerosm liindiof Pills. Light.. Phosgene, esuperiorijuming fluid: Cam phene.wha.c, lard and 'sperm oil; new and beautiful patterns of fluid amps now being opened t Camphene. side and lung ing lamps fur hall and stole use, girandules, etc. Cavensibl, Jame'. Ziatural leaf. Turkish avarlilatti John. Anderson'. fine cut, Bogg's Jenny Lei chewing etc.; choice brands, pure Hamm Cigairietc. etc. . All of which will be sold at unusually low rates.— Remember that Dr. Porter's Cheap Drug sod Chemi cal Store is in the south end of t h e Ward Muss, a few doors abase the Post.otSce • 11. C. PORTER, M. D. • Towanda. June 4, 1852. • • , .4116.11L7 1 31VIIIrelaff.Wis 'HEREAS. my'irife Polly halt left my bed and V V board without sny cause or . provocation Therefore. this is to forbid all persons not to trust or harbor her on ray account, as 'shall paynu debts of hor contracting after this date. ' itidgabery. Nov. 22, 1852. J. RICHARDSON. e 4o by dalloa Cistemilf3tAteaitoicie .W~ DR 2 IBILICZ ROW, 2172 MT OUT, BUT STILL ALIVE! Ell U E MOV ED to the store recently , oiestpled by 8 IA S. Bailey as grocery snit Post citfice• 3 ilisirs south of Montanyes corner, where he tine received a full, new and complete won of DRUGS., aIEDI. CIN ES, GROCERIES, &c. w hich he will sell cheap. er for cash than even . Here you trill find annexed a few leading articles : Senna Alex.. Fosgate'i Cordial do , Indie Elix Opi Cream Tartar Hey's Liniment • Sop C Soda ! Hitir Dye Manna, Harlem Oil Magnesia Caled • I flatulent; Traits • . do Carh, do Dalley's do 8S• do McAllester do Henry's Shakers Herbs Culocynthl do Extracts do Apple Tilden's Alcueulic Eft Cochineal Rlei Extract Trusses Hulls lalap Extract do Marshes, Meakim's Vanilla Eft do Shaker, • do Lemon do Balsam Winters do Mace do do Citeesmans do Almond do do Fir I do Cloves do Copabia do Allspice db do Tolu • do Nutmegs CIO do Peru do Peach do do PulmolTary I do Ginger do do Sulphur do Cinnamon do Acid Tartaric do Orange d,, do Acetic do Tunka do do Benzonic Luidn's Springflower do Citric do Musk do du Nitric do Violette do do Oxalic do Magnolia do do Hydrocyanc do Sweet Bri'r do do Sulphuric do Jesmin do Oil Linseed . • do lucky Cl'b do do Sperm do Caroline do do Olives do Jenny Lind do do Castor do . Boquet do do Neatsfoot tyrings, Pewter as'in'nt do Almonds do Class adu do Amber Kect Nursing Bottles, Cla“. do Amber Red do do G. E. do Anisi Rad Rhel Turk do Caraway do do do Croton do Ipecac do Cubebs do Jalap do Commie do Ginger White do Fennel, do Orris • do Lemon Gum Camphor do Cassia do Opi Turk do Cod Liver do Myrrh Tut: do Lavandula U do Arabic do do Neroli do Copal • do Jesmin do Aloes Soet do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape do Orange • Chloride Lime do Rhodium do Soda do Ruse Castor Russ . do Cedrat ,Isinglass do do Copabia lEvens' Lancets do Ergot Nitra Silver, Op't do Verbena Oxid Dismal) do V io:ette Blue Pill j mer. du Mellesse lodide Putass do Mellefluer Tart do do Patchouly Carb do Brushes, Paint Isylph do do Varnish (hustle do do Hair Citrate Ferri do Hair,Camel lodide du do Nail Tannin do Tooth Proto lod Mercury do - Shaving • Strychnia, t ` ' do Flesh , . • Piperin ~-, ; do Cloth ' Elaterium do Hat lodine Soap, Yankee • Veratrin do Crystalline Kreocote do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Com Crete' do Coopers Morphine Sulph do Rose I do Act do Victors Calomel, American do Orange do English, do Tooth Precipitate Red , do Erasive do White do Castile Sulph Zinei • do Military Brooke, Crimson do Sevin do Brown do Dark do Fricopherous do White Pain KillersiGuld Leaf, Op't Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion Oxygenated Batters America do Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue Chloroform Fig do Hodman's Anodyne Venitian Red, Enelish. Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varni..ll, Dye Woods & Dye-StufiX,Rilass,Puny, choice (irtleerlec, pure Wine* and Liquors rot Medicinal. purpose...— Also, giants ot the hest brand ; 4nd bll ‘ OrtiCiesesin !meted with thii iredd. - , , ~ . % , Having secured the services of Dr. S. lit:Kt:Qs, whrkeeps his offfee it this store, nod Will chi' tree dies!-advice gvittis fri people, they paying !fir the medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having their prescriptitioa:tdreihErtoropdAnded and put op. The stock has been selected with.great rare, and the goods will be warranted as represented.. All of Dr. D. Jaynes medicines, 4ynts Cherry Fee tonal, etcherteks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Orrick's, Hohensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge. Together with all of tfititinsost popular Patent medicines now in use constantly - on hand and for sate at J. M: REED. No, 2, Brick Row. , Towinda,November',B ' la. ' calomel quicksilver tartar lemon. mda cream tartar ,psorn antimony 'alum corm sublimate red precipitate quinine qualm) 1 Atomic MISC LLLLL NOVI alcohol tether lea danum paregoric 'shakers herbs gold leaf eoap venice turpentine aqua ammonia ivedildec cubebs brittish lustre `vonr..3 burg. pitch cantharides corks '+ath brick emery land paper white glue otter or annatto TO THE. TRAVELING PUBLIC. NIR. OLMSTED. PROP 111 STOW , of the A th ens Exchange, gives hia.thanks to, his. friends. and the traveling public generally. for their liberal patronage, and solicits the continuance of the same. AN OM ,\ IBU S , • will runsegulsrly to and-from the Waverlsyllepot to meet the Mail Trairui for tfie ancitinmodation of strangers and travelers. who wish to visit a fileai. ant village on business or .ntheritise. A dakly line of first rate four Horse Coaches, ar• running, tbrdogb to Toisinda. Those wishing will be insured a Seat' in the Mittel from this place. and those going to the' can airline Athens, and spend an•hour or two trots be insured a „conveyance in.lime . to .meet, the regular !taint 'of care going East 'or West. " Also thuae who Wish to leave their teams here can be conveyed to and [roadie ears free of charge. Athens, Sept.. 4.,11352 •• , • , l. fite Patent Firtikrool' POO, the only pines yoo can rci the pore article. is at Towania, Oct. 8, 1852. B. KINGSBURY'S. ri~~ze,:r w< eigirdlttegoluk,, wairmi MBM11;191N1 HALL-ROAD . ;7 ` l . : ' - ' ' 7 ' r ''. : '4lolCal* * lesiite, by.7,- 110112artatig-illialleelitiEner— [T,WraliOn the verge of the gave, arid so far goriethai Malamily. arid , friends had lost all hopei of not re. 'c l osely; and when in this situation, having beCn res. cried by the use of ISChenck's Pulmonie Syrup, I de he to, testify, with grateful emotion to. Er. Schenck, the yrispeakable benefit ['have received from the use of hisvinstaluable medicine. Early last Gill, I contracted s violent cold, and in consequence of which A had chillkalternated With fe ver. pains in my right breast and shoulder blade, with s bad cough. , sod no expworation. , I kept getting woraomntil I took my bed, anti had the attendance of my, family physician. T was under his care about four weeks. and at expiration of that time was reduced so low that despair took hold' of myself and friends, and:evenmy physician abandoned me and gab° me apt° die with the hasty consumption. My appetite was gone, my bowels very irregular: fever and night sweats,' pain in my breed and shoulder. attended with a distressing cough, which Wei very tight ; 'my flesh hail nearly all gene, end ; was so weak lint I could scarcely raise my head from the pilloVi,and was ugly an - direct of pity to behold. My friends hod been- sent for to see me die, and my sick Ited was surrounded by land and svirmathizing neighbors, who had '.come to %illness my departure from this world. When s ait rags of hope-boil fled of my recovery. s neizhhot;•Nfr. Davi I Conrad, proposed to try ttchetieles Poniude SyruP, with a view of loosening my cough and relieving me of the tough phlegm, end as a means of *trotting temporary relief, retnarhing at the time, "that l'was too fir gone for the Syrup to be offorly promanerst benefit." My wife', rm . :ions for the 'relief of toy intense sulirrisigs, prseured some of the Put snonic Syrup, I found it afforded me relief, and con tinned using' it. I ruled feel its healing influence upon my hinge; 1. continue to improve I.lllllPf and my friend,. were much gratified to witness my unexpected im .4crovement ; many of my neighbors came to look at me as one raised My cough now b ecam eeloose, and I felt something break, w':ett,l had the pain in my Netts?, and I dis charged large quantities of`yellow matter. I have for weeks discharged end raised a spit box full of matter every day, with hard bitnpr like grains of something. My bowels now became regular and natural, and my appetite was so fa r improved, that I could scarcely re frain from eating too much. My strength imProved, and I regained my flesh. I continued to improve in every respect soon after I commenced using the Syrup, end the improvement continued until I-was restored to my health. I have passed through the inclement weather of the latter part of winter and the spring, and feel riti well now as ever I frit - in my life, and I ern this day a living testi mony of the great efficacy of Schenck's Pulmonte Syrup in curing pulmonary diseases. Lest this ,t orment be thought to., highly col,Ted by s x , le people, I stsl j eertifieltes of a number of the int.abilants ~f raeany, who stw me at different nines during my ilisitabe. soul never expected to see me reetor. ed . I also appetilihe certificate of the brothers id NI:, &lie Lodge. N 0.270. 1. 0. of 0. F., who skitally watched over me, and folly believed they would con - .ign my remains to the tumn ; but, thanks to Dr. Schenck fur his iiivaltrible Pulmonie Syrup. my life has been spared. and I am permitted to make the f.ore go; ng statement for the benefit of Ruffling mankind. tesi...e at Taenny , and um well known by most of the people there, and will be gratified to hove any person call upon me and learn more particulars of the virtues of this medicine. JOIE\ C. GREEN. Jane 241 h, 1851. The euh•crihers, metnhere of the Mystic 7 od te, No. 270. I. 0. of 0. Y. of tfolmeshorg, Pa. do herehy cer tify that um know Sohn C. Green. (and is a member in good standing in No. 270 I. 0. of 0. F.) who was dangerously ill with s law . 'Poholm try Conau in ption, last w int. r, so that they give bim rp .o die ; that he is now fully testored to perfect health, and they believe hie recovery was produced by Schenck's Pulmonic BEI Syrup. We believe his certificate is correct in every par ticular. lIENRP NEFF, P. G. ALFRED ROBINSON, P. G. ABRAHAM ARTHUR, P. U. J .K. OSM A 11„ N. G. JACOB WATERMAN,J R I JAMES C. CALVER. JOSHUA PHINEMORE. Holmeshurg, Philadelphia Co., J9ne 25, ISSI. The undersigned, residents of Tacony„ eitht wiles .hove Philadelphia, Icing well acquainted with John C. Green. and 'he eireum