Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 08, 1853, Image 2

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Irrec Frye. Sp a 1, Trc.c lien
'Few SainttliiyAniviry 8. 1851.
i • : ' TIT eVrinla T!tte. cr.
Att3o.„Trr eirp 0 ....11:11 .3"111
lee irty;.;!, 15 : 11 00 will be
;tio:pappi. •,,A Ove 14 - Wo 44I'S, prt far
- nt . ten-lln,, 5(1 er nth (I , l' the
ulna* 01denurfurene0 rrtb.rtivienlyorsertinn.
Ufice n: •• 1 . ,, !!!! ^ .:c ot Tu aP. :111r
sk i glie", ll 4,:l4 46nrIn fllsrl!'nf. l !ieifor beicmg•tr
litters..Ada.ria? xt.t p•iaw
. .
ItyStoctatis Cofv.ttenictitieTt.
THE Henincratte Standing
for-Brattford County,
herony. call a Cunventton to be
cnrn.poeed of . twn Delegates from each election dis
trict in 'sf•tiel 'Co'unty, to belmidee at Towanda, on
Tuesday everting. February P, 1853, for the purpose
of electing Deligates to the Democratic State Con
vention, and have appir.ted the toilowing Commit
tees of Vigilance fur the several districts of said
•_,eisienterets Or TIVIZAXCE. •
Albanyts-- - J.lttenardi. Artstiab Ladd.; •
Armenia—Hubert kiasori. KIT ;
Athens 13 E Canfield, W. IL Mathrvitrin ;
Top.—Goy Tozer, David Gardner;
Mylnriii—cf. M. Honor,. Rh - note Horton ;
Burlington—D. I). M . Gee.; .
Columbia—D. V. Barnes, John Morgan, ,
Canton—Wm Ower , ,J. Vandyke Jr ;
Durell—S. Decker, S. Me K. Laporte ;
Franktin- , --.1.. H. Haynes, , W m. Blake ;
cranvillz—Ctias. Dennison Ross, L. Putman;
Herrick—Almon Fuller, Q. P. Carwell ;
Ltichielil-Iteuben Park, J. B. Merrill ;
Leroy—Lindley Stone, Aaron Knapp ;
Monroe--,VI . A. Park,. L. G. 1-L.Bort ;
Orwell—C. G. Gridley, Gur hnrn
rike-LG. G. Graves; A limzo Smith ;
Roine-L l -1. G. Towner. Hiram Mann ;
Bag beryss-John B. Purcell. Jas. 11. Webb;
642f.bRquin—P. Brink Jr., Win. Ofoupiten ;
Smithfield---:T. 51.13 each, A. J. Cerould ;
Whife, Tho. Wilder ;
South Creek—lra Crane; J, Thompson ; , ,
Standing Stone—Gen. Stevens, Alauson Taylor ;
Tuscarora—L. A. Ackley, Hiram Shumway •
owanda Doro.—J. 1.1. Montanye, Jos. English;
Towanda North—Wm. Barnes, \V, 11. Foster ;
Towanda South—Se ml,Cilbei t, W. W. Decker ;
Troy Boro.--r.L.Ballard. Asa More; .
Troy Teip.--fE. C. Oliver, Eansaller Porter;
Mster•-13. Hinkins, John Bowman ;
Wells—W. B. Ingalls, lobo Rowtre ; -•
Windhams—Wm.Sibley,, ft. W. 'lnsect':
Warren—R. C. Buffington, Lyman Arnold;
Wilmot— J. L. Jones,lttha SA Corson : •
liVtalusing-4lirain Mott, Harrison Black ;
Wysixt—W. A. -Benedict. W tn. Lewis ;
. The committee will call meeting: on Sattir.lay,
February 5, belween the burrs of 5 and R, P. H. for
the election ofDeliites.
We would en:oin upon the Co:nuiiitces the re
sonnsibility which rests Upon them, end the necesi
idly of discharging their duty faithfial9 and fully.—
The primary meeting should be called on the day
named, at the usu.l place for holding said meetings,
or arsnme place most convenient 1.-i the Democrats
of the district. Cheat care • shouli.t be tairen that
every democrat has notice of the Delegate meeting,
that all msy have a chance of attenrintr.
E 0. Gonuiticti, •
F OltW AN,
JOHN MelM A 1-10:1,
Japtra7 S, 1557
Appotrztmenti bf tho Ciizmlnioners.
,ribe 4 Commiasionera of t.14, , :, 4 1 County have
made the fOppirtgpiakoioLreLllS'l . Qr the year 1353.
Clerk— E 1 I.;•A kr..
r—silercaritile ppiaiserl—il. C. Bxiau
Counset---W at.
Thel.rgiilaturo of Pettn! , )lvattia met at Harris
burg; Tue;tday . l,i•
lhe Hoese oranized by the elee;ion of Wm. P
el Fulton, ihe Democratic caucus nominee,
Speaker, byth`a fotlow 414 rote:—
W. P. Schell:' 59 voles.
chrles W' feels ), , (wfii) of 34 tr
Senate, •Geoftar. Sc.:nu:sox. of Brad
ford,. the' pernocric 'C'a'ucu'e with ... trice for
Speaker, •and T,140?“5 CAR.ON, of ,Franklin,-the
Wlsg ‘
candi ate. Several ballots were taken ,on
,Tusiday, : Wi t hout eilepting an eleciipn. The vote
Canton l
On Sitedifeklii;:ivei learn' that Cl SON *as
. 01(431
' .d Speaker. •
Tbe:Govertior's bleisage was delivered ori'Wed•
nastily, anii wre have received it toolate for inset.
week. :A. hasty pet sisal bas satisfied us
ibat it as •itrit'Or ihirabiest State' 'paperswhich has
iiiintriated from tho 1 ecittiae .for years. Its Fug.
gertiortvafe tlifefeeV, arid its expose of the monition
ttl State affiire'efe'ar and succinct.
Daiitta.i.'-4tceortlihg.ll3 the Democrat, of that
photieit the riraSent time, Presents a most animal
erf;:basy and interesting appearance. - At the roll-•
ingistill,lhey ere •mannfacturing railroad' iron for
ihe'Cittawiese, the W illiamsport %dad Marini, the
Shanirokilt,'the Buininehrtnna arid other roadtr, while
thelf trio Itiniaberi; which •have been ofit of blast
Idea leni (joie, ari beifig • reps irert, ih 'Ol - der 10 be
pat in operation forthvi-ltb. The machinery; nod
frame work 91lhe re rr:iin.' mia have
beit'"errotig,fil dPWri lo that pla&Watiti are ~ow
liriji . 1(11111i W, e : The in (;'iv
n# wIII be ptif by ay soon as the season will admit,
and 'it I's 'the inisMilon of fire Company to raanufae
tare railroad ircm . ,althe rate of, from 20,0:0 to p 5,.
riurinf the 'tf
. ect ye,. This
will ierinirii i atadilitirin'of frodt 500 lo cco hands
loaFto dOnti a new
r , , ;
tai ulae ' to toroigh, as well as
the *hole peighbethood.
,f"..r. • , 1•: ILt . tt: t
' k_ A L 144 y,
pp' 1.1.411.R0A0 rROJECT.-•—TI 19 saki ,taat
patties dm et t as
_ingtost_represen mg a company
91, stealthy So Y0:0 sapitalkstri j who.,ara,atnot to
plaint LO,Congtestapc9ppaiiipn, to consqßst a Va•
cites railroati within .five years.
meat to loan its credit fOr firmer' Thousand eollats
per mile, as the work advances,
Gen. Pierces Cab Wet.
" -- Wr fr"Tqiii • Til sOr.iiTtfaitt chitteit hayrtietq
1 ,
o t:l , 9 , tt for fitfrkttl h&e l ,: e altlieetillet ac:tioniht • li#'
ti_ilicie oitipli Irtitstf:marfe; : its , niperu l ancie....k Ititi
ottel)ril - PcOot, a iir*on in) which We; gave 1:01
ieailet 5 last • svltek. i in: j ibis c atticlezthe iitohority A
1 , iklilp tingit • estion'elY iq - Pftitilittve2l - 5; 1 11 die vre l 1
mews is hirlt nia=l enmprt4e the Catimet of the to- ,
fieffitif:fllrmlitritiffelitiffilfililratinffretttithfe.TterP 1
amt spirit which mo.t enntiol its members.
For mire the setterriers find ihem4Aveß , at (milt f—
ory__llase./ixrauld eeKerel excellent. Catinos fer..
IPres . :tiro/ PICHCE—bi!I :111 their labor reriniirs. t ale•
sanction of that rentbiinan,i'litui:is lilet, Iris trurikis
_ . _
Mean chile it imenilereil ap[tarPnrihnt whoevet
mar h;t the entioitmintittl advitterc nfdhe Pie tI tit
(;rll, rIERGE will ilemator that uttatitjpity of actqui
and colleen of fee-hn_ inevad, so a.- beet to cOnduce
to the we:lare rt the count_ry.• Tn be a uii', the
Cabinet mu.' cunt:tin no Prer•identi4 aspit ann.
'!e,i,lent PoLn, who commenced h s adminiAtra
. . .
!inn, by 11111p14, his Cabitirt with alYkrati! 4 kir Ihtt
rte;ddeney an by
. irclaritig that he shonla not, be
a candidate for re cfrciioit, corutnited awe error,
ant), ! topn experienced that tie wicklcd a brrlten,
eceptre . ten. Ptc.itcr: wil) not be on wi.e enough
to do either, and may gather wi.dorn hero the ex.
perience of his Democrivic preJeces.or
The mnism:ion of Gen Plzact: unit& at once
the great Demoorsoic party of the Union into a 5(441
phalanx, against which the assaul a el Federalism
were in vain. Pd.ssing by those whosepmging gaze
had been fixed upon the White lionse,whose every
action had been controlletd by the ellect it might be
supposed to have upon their pro.pect for elevation
to the Presidency-01e National Convention made
a most fortunale nomination The selection of
either of the vntlemati prominently before the
Convention would have cndrnt!ered the success of
the Democratic party, and certainly perpetuated
the breach in its ranks
But to the support of Gen. Pierce, every Demo\
crat could rally without sacrificing his self-respect,
or compromising in the least his principles. lie
was known only as a radical, uncompromising,
edile . opriglit Republican, wedded la no clique, de
'voted to no Sectional influence. A brighter day
has dawned in glorious eflolg,ettreemon the Demo
eianc party since his election.. it was the fault of
Por.e's relminif.tration that it became sectional—
that its members, in preparing the way for the sec
eessien, ostracised so marry gond and true Demo
crats, that they nearly annihilated the party. Gen.
Piseec seems disposed to gnarl against the like
results. Enough is already known to determine
that he will" know no North, no Smith, no East,
no West," but one great United Republican party
of the nation, upon uhich ail the hopes of the fu
ture are dependent, arid the perpetuation and sue
cess of which, intact, should be the greatest care
of, every patriot.
There is to be under his administration, no "kil
hog-oti" cl he ablest and purest men of the coun
try, to make _way for favorite son of arty State, no
lending the influence c f the government to advance
the political prcespeiity of one branch of the Demo
cratie party, at the expense of any other. If Gen.
Ptrrce carries oat the plan he ha• adopted, he
Will accomplish a. work which will immortalize
his - name ; and transmit it te i posterity with all the
renown whim aitnehes to the honored Lame of
Jerreagore To fully euecectil, he must have the
cordial co operation of his I;s:.inet. That he will
er steamer to secure this aid there is e:ery reason to
believe. Up to this time lie has Ilept of
the hands of any of the cliques:which are so anxious
to control his actions There is nothing definite
yet ascertained in regard to a single member of it.
Visitors at Concord, are politely received, their
snegegtions respectfully received, and they depart
as wise ter they came. There is, in all the indica
none, that which augers great .good to the coun
try, and to the Democratic party.
Nn mate in the confederacy has stronger claims
fora piece in the Cabinet than has Pennsylvania
Unfortunately, her -Democracy axe not unanimems
ire seconding •the claims of theses who are put for
ward for selection, and it should be On wise for Gen
'Preece to take either. If Governor BIGLER could
be spared from the post he has so ably filled, his
appointment would be hailed with approbation by
the entire mass of the people, and give satisfaction
to the whole Union. Nothing but a knowledge
that his selection would advance the interests of the
errantry, and the permanency anti steerage of the
Democratic party, would reconcile the Democracy
of the State-to graving him for years to come nom
the helm of State. -
IrGen Pierceronfere upon this State the honor
of selecting the Secretary of State from its distin
guished .citizens, there Is' no Than upon whom he
would be so likely to earl no upon WILLIAM Bence.
His election was analagons .in its consequences
and results to the late Presidential contest. ;The
Convention which gave him the unanimous nomi
nation, found the State antler Federal misrule.• His
competitor had cretrred every 'sectional advantage,
and was certain and confident of enecess, Against
these • odds, Gov, Bmuaaa arrayed himself, and la
bored zealously and personally until he had achiev
ed a t rilliatil victory. Fur this result he was in
debted only to his own exertions. His frank,
manly and eloquent addresses no the people, his
plain and forcible illnsitteions of State policy, vin
dicating Democratic measures, and showing ; the
inadequacy and. fallacy of the schemes of his
Federal.competitor, aroused the people, and gained
lot the Democratic, party a glorious triumph..
. The large majority.given in Pennsylvania at the
,Presidential election, was in a great measure, ow.
ing. to .the- Gubelmoosini election, which Gov.
ainmet lireralty, single-handed.
qty.. „Weems!. rallying cry was Gan, SCUTT."
He hail.flattere4.himsell that the old. Hero, watt to
carry the. militers.c,bieltain-loving Stale of Pen"Yir
earns with .a f11t , 11,-41111 'bellileositmle. the General to
ride.ogain into, the Gubernatorial chair, : In nib : .
alelphia, Ise wee pope:Cul towards: the. Compri).
miss enactments, iq other sections he denounced
them, or a portion of ' them, an, iniquitiorm. Gov.
BIGLER met thee§ tactics, on all . ,ecemions and in
every secttoq , i brdeclaring hip tuthemneeeo, thp
Compremise, retnarks in tkis.D.jetriet (whew
it yeas prpheided he,.n Quirk nokhaye a the,..ceur'age
to.,",faoC.the almost .therally the
same, as at Pltiledelphia l and
~ iltheseAyes heAss
r rtl 4h° TNh4. , c 9 i114 1e r 34 -o,l4Nkt
they PV,Trte4,olei!t , rellteek the frair t kpeso,pßil
beide*, with.,whichlre utteted.thea l / 4
The :battle of t4e,complomise.,, : in„penusylspia
;.9..rpgh! i B 4l l *
Ttigre c l ink beim • denying ihio l lipwever may
diffet upen,the original oubjeste, of-the conteet,—
That victory rendered the Sate certain for the
14 voles
14 "
4 "
nominee of the Baltimore Convention, an,i lessen!
t z ..1.1, T p half the labor necessary to achieve the
yin s mitipvl essl
lit atte of the nearrOperle
the paihisio,.: take the antioulliem4,. that.
(.;4. nceseeking a place *the bbinei
41t umptestionabry_tok; Nail.;
we du know that he would not feel calleT 4 epon to
decline, should au appoititineut be filtered him.—
fled that placee itt therctstAitt.clfflt , coF.,flie.4
at ter. Attir. Pi F.RdE ' toil 1 -' be none
the lees ftkely-tor elect Gety,-13toLittitt bf'ea"`e him
lan .1 ids ?IR tiot- pettivaltotity; f iqc.,
I • L
Intl) the 4 l'ollh:4 l ost `Gov. 13tcteti iOnfit
bring rare tailed*, a dpezexpeibma" ausi"hanesty
firrone‘s and flreitio4LlNietk-Inrl,l4.reifontl to
:he CoNlit of any Atniosibtration wi.h which he
mcks be eonnectett. • It wohltl•-bet thelaclf,of nay
of ihnotanow- prominently .0%40, that they , .ercald
represent only a cection of • the Democracy of,tbe
Keystone, and that their e 10,411, is looked tur. as
a weans to feed the htlf gry exiwetants who hang
open-their eicirtsi ovens upon
_thelieltl tit cam -
age, for porpooeg of plunder. Gov. BiGLEM on the
contrary. is backed_by the confidence and support
of the entire Democracy of the State. He has no
lean art) hp.og'y inuagemon, who expect to ,he re•
warded for their Pycophancy by the droppings of
otfwe and patronage. He could not be beset by is
horde of cormorants,. urging their servility as a
warrant for plundering the Treasury, or as t a reason
why other Democrats should give way ie the ills.
poeition of favors.
Gov. BIGLER, upon his election, wart beset, by the
same influences which are not at work upon Gen.
Plkacr.. Plane were laid, and schemes concocted,
by cations cliques, to get him into por.session, to
control his action, and dictate his appointments.—
Like Geu., PIERCE, he shook them all off, and re
garding tie welfare ul the party, relused to pro
scribe any Democrat who had cheerfully and hon•
...sty supported his election. The result was the
union and•harmonious action were at once restored
to that party, and though some who may have had
" intentions" upon him, were disposed to growl,
they wete awed by the universal expression of ap
proval which went up tram the people.
In connection with the Cabinet of Gen. PIERCE is
also mentioned the name of Gsonce W. Woon
wAan. Pennsylvania does not boast of an abler
man than Mr. W., and should the President-con
fer upon him a seat in his Cabinet, ho would meet
with the approbation of our citizens. Mr. W. is all
that cou'd be desired in a Cabinet officer. Endow
ed with abilities which are unquestioned, his atten
tion would be directed to the welfare of the coin•
try and the character ,and credit of the Administra
lion. Modest and unassuming in his nature, his
own advancement would form nn part of hiv study.
A ripti.scholar and able jurist, the country has few
more brilliant or bettermen than Don Geoccs W
Most of the speenlations in regant to the
net assign a place therein to Ho'i.•JcmN A. De c
New York. As in Pennsylvania, g,reat o.tre is re
finked to give satisfaction to the urited Democracy
of the Empire State. Most of the gentlemen nam
ed, though of unquestionable ability, are obnoxious
Io large proportions of the party. Gen. Drc, on the
contrary, is fortunate in po•certing the onnfidenee
and esteem of the entiici,Democracy. Ilis selee
tion could only le,tended by the most happy results,
both as regarded the unity of the party, and the
teputation of the Administrajou. Ile would being
to its support, a high order of abilities, conthined
I with a profound knowledge our National resources
anci wania. As Secretary of the Treasury, for
which he is pee l ,;:trly fit. s.':!, lie would at once
command the confidence of the Nation, and by
his experience and sound pdgment,'prov a veld.
able adjunct to the Administration.
• There are some score of gentlemen nnrned as
competent to fill places in the Cabinet, many - ol
whom are thus poi forward with no:expectation of
being so honored s but to give them a prominence
and influence with the Administration. From all
theve.Gen. PIERCE will have no difficulty in com
posing his Cabinet of such maternal as will aid b u t,
in the couise•tie has plainly marked out. That he
wilt select his constitutional advisers with discie
tion—that he will satisfy , the people (to whom,
and not In the politician•, be -is indebted for his
election,) there is every reason to believe.
Co, Boston, have jnetissuecJa 'neat editiod-of ‘Vem
sr en's great Speech, together with the Speech of
Gen. Hants. If oar• readers will bear in mind that
in Mr. Webster's rubli,lted 'works Gen. lisyne's
Speech is omitted, and that one great and marked
character-of Webster's Speech was the skilful man
ner in which he ►nroed all his enemy's Jefences,
even unto the " ghost of the murdered coalition,"
they will see the importance of torthwitlisecuring
a copy, in order that they may preset Ye, side by
side, and compare for themselves these master-pie.
cot of forensic eloquence. 84 pages: price 25 cts.
Ii can be sent by mail.
et- The telegraph informs us that JOHN W
Funfar, Esq‘ 'has been to Concord to oppose the
seleetiontof lodge Cslmart.t., as Attorney General
of the U. S. This is quicking ono's friends," in a
manner ihatliwe - don't understand. However, as
Butttsass and CAMPBELL can't both be Cabinet
officers, of course, like Montague's followers, the
weakest must . "'gri to the wall." Let there be la T
play. • ' •
• e:fr The West Chester " Republican," published
by STRICKLiND ifir-Bosta, comes to us .enlarged and
much improved iu its appdaranee. .The editor,
NissennSvatesristio, is one of she most reliable and
consistent . Democrats .in the State, an paper
wields an influence deserved by the ability
with which it is .conclucted. We are gratified to
observe this my( of the-sountlanil flourishing von-
Anion °filar Republican. ' • • !P
hi4nomorrAkttot aunnol election At_ officers 91
Unio,n. Chapter, N0.,-.161, tkie Allowing pflicero
-were (lhotFell:•? - a , Run, 0- ;,1 -1 L-Scotil
R. C,S l R3Pit.lo,A , l 4- PS,mbeLligi, Tigoitvgr
H. RviijnirSeggelafy , • . ‘..
4iiliati4ssk (4. 1 1 14141, 1,04ge. Pk, 10, ler q 4.
ina.Peut&earuaNelf L. 4_;,;f; 0 •4444
ta• T.; Gg I P L 4:, , Fqx., qccl. Vote,
,Acongtre;;.:A r m, l . l .l P,94in.% SfPf.e!l"7,,„
• .
W. H. HErrreit-7-Yle,pqmpiv,ll4l4 K 1 1 114i}
ter, E'q., of the EasteLifizys, is_ mimed for the
Pk.erF 2 l9f. Cgenr!ter,.!atAt,mol ,a,Ven•
ileman J. iltlents, andol,,skriet „If!
is gentlemanly and courteous in his mangers, and
%you'd make a MUM excellent officer.
- star A ticilitei
IPvllekb°rirrerlall tf of a s ll l ter
Jett pcti conpkgrattuniqb StOrdallnornin f ast.
At ifiou;;;# quart:4op* toi, clock the me#l
*TV 44, 1ti0
th 4 ne; 'at f
I • 1,4
Fitt. etaitled J 4
tur citi7s it slPber
wldhit— the 'teddy glare-4M ilibmfiiiitoilide sk,4-
deinrt.istraterl too phi'idy that the destroying ele
The fire apparently originated in n barn back of
theybuil , fin;, , sonthe south Ride of Main Street, and
spreatl with tetrilile velocity- The buildings on the
comet of Main an:l Water stteets being frame.
i-t- vel,ilep top e,ty qn.e (spits,
the fire goon crossed the street to die ort
which were la ray incredibly tiliWrt stracelif time;'
con , umert.. - •
The efforts of those present, were ()fleeted to thed
almost boPerleas ututeriekitig: of' irrideavortrig 'to
strip the'progress of the fire et; this honse ocenpied
by Arionijah Moody, nit the •anuth side of the street-'
The fight with the destroying. Mr mem "fin the peg.
session of the house, was tresperale; bat' the ', recto'
extraordinary and persevering, exertions were'final
, iy successful, although the lirMse is almoSt destroy ,
ed by the flames, and the eftorts to Atop the fire.
By ,lilt, the corner of Bridge and Main•streets was
saved, and the danger , which threatened the entire
lower part of the town removed.
The proximi'y of the Witting* ne the eornei ; of '
Bridge street again plaid the Bridge in great den- .
ger. It is, however, amply provided with fire
buckets and other conveniences for its safety, and•
was preserved without being injured.
Four of tire buildings buried were owned by
Gen. Patton ; whose loss we have not ascertained
On the month side of Rrialge•street,A Inuise owned
by Michael Ronan, the adjoining one owned by
‘Vm. Kelley, aria the next by Michael Mytert, Esti
Messrs. Kelley and Konan, are each partially in
This fire although not destroying at large an
amount of property as some of the previous 011E11,
causes a tar greater amount of suffering: The
houses destroyeit were occupied by some twelve
or thirteen families, who are thus tent-lewd housi
less in the middle of the winter, many of them
having their entire stock winter's proxisions des
troyed, us we•l as all their furniture and bedding ;
leaving them totally destitute.
The rardon of Usher.
The Philadelphia Bulletin, which assumes Iscor
reut the moral and political conduct of most the en•
tire world, is down upon Gov. Bicr.ea, for pardon
iug iNfr. George ltlslater. The Argus, which is glad
to echo anything in dasparag.emerit of a Democratic
Governor, publishes a lalse and perverted:statement
cf the case, and is horror-struck that the Governor
should exercise the pardoning power, forgetting the
frequent use made of it by Gov. Johnston.
The following remarks upon this case; are kraut
Ire Philadelphia Ledgcr, , and'are evidently:a tan and
correct statement of the circumstances connected
wi:h !lie pa rd an, influe.nead by party bias, on
puliiirat prejnd:ce.
"The newspapers are discussing the recent par
drift by the Governor of Mr. George E•her',' win)
was sentenced to a week's imprisonment for assault
and battery on the election ground, and was releast
by the'Governor after serving half the`time he was
sentenced'. We are opposed to arty abtise of the
pardoning power, and think that an interpositiOn by
the Govern-or between the offender and his pernish
men!, where it tends to impair public insiiee, can
not be 'on severely reprobated. Dm, on the 'other
hand, the Constitution makes it his duty to inter
fere when he believes that courts have acted np
prosively or vv;th prejudice against a cidzen. Lr
C3 , C of Mr. E-her, Al cannot see how the ends
of justice afe delettieJ by the Governor's paidon.—
It is not customary in our cminty courts to punish
mere assaults and batteries with imprisonment
The practice has been me reverse, and in a very
recent case, since Mr. Esher's sentence, where die
assault was gross and r reined.taied,lhe offender es
etiped with a fine only There was no such aggra
vation in .111 s. Esher's case, which called -specially
for an example to offentlod jostice, or warranted
any departure from the usual practice of-the court
to make one of it. These Was-no premeditation in
the assault; it-was the result- Dia momentary ex•
eitement merely, and Ilia best ittstifiention of the
pardon granted by the Governor is found in the sub
segnent faels,.es given by the Governor himself in
his reasons tor granting it.
" Mr E.her was hound guilty of having commit
tistfan assanlt and battery, wherettport the Judge
inihnaleel his intention In sentence him to tmpris-
onment. The friends of Mr E. applied to the G.
ernor (or an'immetliate pardon, which he refused
to grant, The jury having tinder:mod the Judge
intended lenienciir4 him to imprisonment, even
of them petitioned not to send Mr, Esher to piison;
that they were bound, under the law, to find a ♦er.
did of guilty, but did not think the'oflenee' merited
" \nen this statement was presented' to the
Got ernor, he felt that Mr. E s her ought 'not' to be
sent to prison under such circumstances, and an'-
Swered the importunities of Mr. E-her's friends by
insisting that when the statement was laid . before
the Judge he would not sentence F:-.her bo ptisiin
When the sentence came; he found that it imposed
a slight tine and inflicted a week's' . imprisonment
Although etrringly pressed, by men Of the highest
character : lor an immediate partton; he iitill'ilechn
ed to grant. He IF dno evidence before flim Of the
payment of the fine. Fle could not and' would' not
say that tsfici shcifild• not suffer aiffegnefti remish
ment for his Offence. Mr: Eqher was clisehttmed
from'prisbri en Tueotral nivitt. Ilia terrn ;: t.confil
bavC espireifon Siturday: Now' h'cni , does the of
faii'starrily Eteveri Of the jtiiiiis;wiih'allthe mom.
her 4 e (him the ccuniy 'of Phila
delphia','.i'nit. over five linr•dred' s citizen;.',"'ditiliS" , 'ti
tlieni . 4iAiiiVtiished '111.41;1s '6l'llol "other, end
the doieinor, were of opinion that
tic 6 and '‘ivelfrc; . Cirr4cietY 711 l not r 'genre that Eft
then should'
fodgetellef: and Mr: Grain tfcciuglit randritlse
Let it lite - t•ornemb'eie,riht whilst the I;ifii.rnor thf
fe'rd in opinion wiLVl'ihe'Cotift, he agTecit with tbe
jury... The erihilitetion'hist't °titled to' the
. • ' •
•,'"Dtstarsortscr "Atcturtcr.=-4 chiltl.l,Pl.W.,
'Dirket; feinting. itOrte.fhlrSt Biiitinsertiti Mill , in
abfitilltitee pear k 'het - a- '
lthireking tfeath, otio"day listL week. A!
kettle of hot j 1 3 41 tteeffeimeiverfreint
fire,..and.. the in s A about aFFil l e t ptally
tell into it and ‘‘its so badly hinted alto
~, ~..„. , ._.... _ .
~. ~...,-,.„ _..... .. . .
--- RettliatiLlC of iroitc - sr; ,- A - . - virow; ----
Upon the P r opiaeltfon to Admit 801 l Itoad
Ipso ee of Duty. ~.,,,
.r. ___.... F- zA -7,
".4•"-.1 +"4
(liiii,ssiok ti the propositiorsitcit ine
, ~......-, •t_ . ... 4 : . .: • •
irrli!tLliktier of kisulvt LI iron taro the c ,
..„ -, fOri.
1111 - ," ty,Sias leminstilill in COMMikteerifilikwholq
iior tie* oi: eVtßepleenlatives, D,e . tI:POn 14;
iii li
i'i ort virimbliriliM inlhe Globe, we littlitAihrk i
i m g remarks matte by the member from this Dis
l• rier. ,, --Mihnosisv:olo 6l inse iwriPureiktelitimiiiew,Ais
remarks coroum us much argiimpill a* is g enerally
siren in a speocti of art hour's length in that body
The pt -tire al hip; prepoiitions r hike„every rea
km Wifai .tingulir lid, than many of
those most clarnoruu. for ~p rotectrua " and loud _
.rat in their cry of distress and ruin to the mutiny,
are the first to abandon their favorite doctrine
where the interests 'ol corporitioris . and niontipofies
are at stake. They' tire ready' to itriPosts: open - ta..
bur the burden of pailtig - tlia expenses of'govem
inept, and anxious to exempt associated capital
from contributing its•fair proportion:
The advneatesof a reduction irf tha tarifT,lo the
lowest possible revenue standard, will find in Mr.
Gribw - a zealous ea laborer. The immense suip!os
in 'what - Treasury seems to indicate that the
Re4etimit laws need some - modification ; and when
iris done, we trust The effect will be to reduce the
tax imposed upon the' industry of the country, by
cheapening the necessaries of lite, anti not by such
a monstrous propos:tion as that which benefits Only
capital or the country.
Ma Ganes
• -
I am not opposed to reduction of duties on railroad
iron from any consideration of protection to any in
terest of the country- I have always yaderstood
that the object of the imposition of duties on imports
was to raise reveitue'for the support of Government
and while the tariff is the only tax law that the
Genetal Government now has. justiecto all interests
require that the duties should be imposed its such a
way as to raise the greatest amount of revenue. For
being a tax on imported articles consumed in the
country, and not upon property, the only 'way you
can reach the wealth of the nation, and Mate it pay
its proportion of taxation, or anything towards
to imp. se your heaviest duty on articles consumed
mostly by the richer portion of von p potation.—
What justice is there then in exempting from taxation
one article of your import', when, as was well said
by the gentleman from Tennessee,Dlr.Josss,) that
article is used by corporations alone! What justice
is them in exempting from taxation the associated
capital of the country invested in railroad enterpris
es, while you tax the mechanic en his saw and ham
mer, the farmer on his chains and plow, and the
day-laborer on his spade, axe, and hoe ! What is
it, sir, but another form of class proles:tient, Some
gentlemen who are: violent opposers of protection
to any interest or class, are stiersooos advocates of
Where is the difference in granting legislative
favors to a class of men engaged in manufacturing,
or another class ea2,aged in railroad speculations I
For in kith cases men invest their money in the
hopes of gain. The dividends and the percentage
are the inducements, and let them both be treated
alike Ly your laws—giving boonties •to neither.—
While the'reveaue of the Government is collected
by imposirs, let every a , tick imported pay its pro
per share of tax, unless it bean article of necessary
and universal consumption. - Bat railvmal non is
not,such an article,- and justice us the taxpayer de
mands that it should contribute its share to the rev
enue. Why shou'd the labwer of - the country be
taxed on salt, sugar, and other indispensable neces.
saries of life, and at the same time exempt the men
who have invested and associated their capital in
railroad projects I Besides, while collecting reven
ue, you are•bound by every consideration to do as
little injury as possible to any and all inlet este that
have grown up under the laws or On the faith of the
Government. Repeal the duties on railroad iron.
and you strike a deadly blow at the iron interests of
the country ; for the manufacture of milt-cad bar is
one. of the greatest means of consuming pig iron.
And besides, the railroad bar imported, after it be
comes worn, can he taken up and worked over, so
is to answer many purpose. for which iron is used.
By a repeal of this duty, then, you slrike down an
interest that you called mto exta ence solely by your
legislation in '8 , 12. Is :t necessary to d , r it from sty
consideration of reren 'lf so; that inte rest, like
any other, must submit to it. Fur the objr ct in im
posing any . duty being to raise revenue, and the man
ufa•-turer having the benefit of whatever protection
arses from that amount whenever it becomes ne.
cessary, therefore. to change the duty in order to
meet the watts of the Government, whatever mitt ry
may result to him is one of the necessary con-e
-quences of this mode of collertion. But in this ease
ther. is no :such necessity % for by a repeal of this
duty you destroy revenue.
Anilthus vou would permit a large amount of iron
to come into the country, to be used by various in
terests, tinder the disguise of benefiting corpora.
ileitis; and without raising an'iota of revenue, You
ruin one important interest of the nation. . 8111. sir;
I. raise no voice here for protection; nor do I rep.
resent constituents who desire to trammel the trade
of nations. They are 'ready to meet the gentleman
prom Ohio. (Mr. Ca wrreart). or gentlemen from any
section of the Union, to onfetter commerce and strike
off forever its shackles. But they ask that it shall
be done with justice and fairness to the tax-payee
and to all the great interests of tke country.
The question was taken upon Mr. F 's
amendment, and was rejected.
Important Decision.
The tk`npreme Court or Pennsylvania on the 29th
ult., modeled. its decision in the case of the Penn
sylvania Railroad Co. vs the Canal Commissionert
The decision is elaborate, and fully recognizes
the right of the Canal Commissioners, ;feting for
the canal company, to lease the - carrying of pea.
sengers over the Sate mud. tt thither denies the
right of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to at.
inch care des tined for the accommodation and
travel of passengers. The decision. in all respect.
tally - snetains the claims of the Canal Commission
ers. This 'case has been pending a considerable
.ime, and the result looked fin with much interest.
R A LIiCIA n CsTsrr aortic —The Mail Train from
the West,. on Sunday night, run all the track at the
Plank Road Bridge in Binghamton, by which the
locometive end -tender were precipitated down, the
batik,"or froth the Bridge, to the mail below and
dashiitg to pieces; the Fireman, John Dobbs in•
stalely killed and the Engineer, Mr. Inman, se
riously, though not fatally injured. The baggage
ear was thrown clear fiorn the track the forward
end down the embankment; the passengens were
left on the crack, though we suppose they were off
t he rails;sand none of the passengers were much
' • •
•• EMIGRATInN'TO Txxsa....-There.appears to he a
paristant stream of emigration into Texas, boat from
this country arid hom Europe. While ships •are
daily arriving at Galveston, Indianola and Arkans
itsfrom ErfihpP , filled iviih - emigrants. and that
wnile each.steamer that- leaves New. Orleans, is
crowded.with rite. sturdy „sons of.the Mississipp .
Yallet, destined also for Western Texas, the north'
and western portions of the State tire receiving erin-
Slant iretessionsr:by this way offted River and 'At
kansas: , ,
SAD CA•E—DEATII nose Fawns narn-
Alonham, Li k,
.travOltng, on foot (ram York, Pa.
to Ensi'nn, died. from fatigue anti exposure on Ines.
tlity 'kiln, in the hnosertolitt larriter warned Semnel
Duilltdirorat; near Eaaton. • Mrs, Dunkworth: corn.
inz.antlitertly into the roorn,was Fq shecked at the
aight,of the.dead_ man, that she, tell and died „in
"`lr-kitittiiiirsTlTee. 29.—The Postmaster-General',
on the application of Mr Rusk has w ~ren ve ,,, s.
• 4 •
o rtstearner horn New York (or 11„,
i s Z ,
is a , • of folk, lIIa take on board the li on
wifi, Kisir, Vice President elect, atiil convey 1,,n ;
r b.
llavarirtiglirtiere he proposes to ppen,l : he w,„ le ,
in. to liooolbenetniing his beabh. ,
• I• .
• • iittIIA:WP CI AIIf SU-Q.JJ F: II A N•N 4 ll At 1.11 , 141) --W e fern
from the Albany paper. thin the Pirec ms , al , h. ';
1a ,,, mee ri o2 . a W Ardell tbtLFatyc!,foritie etat,,c,
I- itt,airitir-Ktestorentfilir. l irarf , r32`tracli Tar inz ~,„' i.' .
B . ) , )T y i &c.. In one company, My!.:11.. Phelps, Darn_
& C m , They are said tm..be_Alasia'ehusev,,,fae7
exporienceil as contractors, entirely respih,bad
enrripeteni to ex , :relle il.e %%ink pony!), Sia
w el l.
Sheshegain, Dee. 211. by Rev. S. J. Gibsol,
WILL/AIL Il9Ctirtio.l. f 0 Miss Aiww44
n Windham, December ZOtta. by Rey: C. limit.
ton, Kr. JociAn J. 7 NjWr. , LL of Orwell, )0 AL ie
OptAintoTirk T of the fArmer phe,
n Monroe:on. De.. 28th, by Rev. Ju lian
Mr. DA cI XL J., igutinnorit of I .;lster;to Mum 14,4
Ecl2►o era A syltim.
n Wilmot, January Ist, by Rev. Jacnb b 1 pit Xr
u A Antr, to Mll CeLyso k E. Too l=
all or the same place.i
n phitidetphia, on Saturday morning pith olt.
typhoid fever, ROBEDT H., only son nfE. 0. Dili
e:atar t Huhtied. abed 10 year..
3:03 abvcrtiscutentG
Auditor's Notice.
N the matter of the Assignment of H. A.PHELPII
for the benefit of Creditors in the' Court of CIA.
mon Pleas of Bradford County. The undentigno
auditor appointed by the Court to distrihotedi t
m a
ney in the hands of Guy Tozer, assignee of thess4
A. H. Phelps, to the several creditors; sill aii n i
to the duties of his oppointment at his offiee
Athens Boro on Monday the 31,day of Janoarratzt
at one o'clock P. M. All persons claming ueder
said 3 , sianment will present their claim, at th,t
time GI - be debarred from any portion of said mow,
Dec, 27, !,352
' T
fievster l s !Notice.
voncE is hereby given that chore has been Al.
Lit ed and seined to the office of the Register fa
the Pr bate of Wills, and granting letters of Admin.
iteration in and (ovine county of Bradford, acclaim,
of niltninistration upon the following estates. viz,
Final account of Mose.t A. Lail I, one of the Ct
ecotors of Ilvrat, Ladd, late of Albany, deceased.
renal account of randy R zcn , Adirotiotraint
of the e‘ta le of Charles Rogers, late of Cantooole
Final account of Albert D. 8ra:n.11 . 2. Executaa
of the last will and testament at: . Albert Ilratani,
late of NVArr. n,decea e. 7.
Ft ita I account of Jeltial 51cEean anti Jahn Digla
well, Etectrors of ttte 14 , 1 W iii and te.mment of
of Elizabeth Ferns, late of Troy, dereasetl.
Fina', account ttl Nathan , Shepard an I E.
sell. A daninietrators of the estate of Abraham Wont
tend lie, late of South Creek, tleee.oted,,
trial account of A ina..a Dorimiek, E xecutor of
the In‘r will and testament 01 Mati:da Diumitt,
Tate of Orwell; deceased.
Final account of Swan A. Strickland and Cho,
ter F:eree, Atlmintctra.ors of the eatate Imo
r•Ito i.f Wy go x.. deceased.
Final act': •utit late Harlot , DUI,
th Bock, n - ,. II , r c!1 I I cc `..a,%
hte of Wyalm.ine.
Find aCCMI , 1 rf Burton 14 , 1.‘1.11. anti an! kri.
mlnintrititr. with the will anneitit, of Dan. Itnota.
late Orw ill. ileeeaqed.
Final account of F. K. Womrt.anil Henry &nal
Ad m i n k tra t ors of the estaieof A llen M dr , late of
rell, ileceaced.
Awl the same wilt be presented to iho nrchao'r
Court of Bradford County. on rlrtnNl.).\ y. thetti
clay of February Inext f for eonfirmancn acd the*
a nce.
Regiwer's Offre,
Towanda. Dee. 3•), 1851.
Anditor's Ivo
lihe mailer of the estate •rr 4 Malan-I.'lEu
Th. undersigned feel app.itrue! ft re
Orphan', Court of Bradford Couniv
ill , trifute the funds in the lite A.:Lin:rt.
tor, rated by the sale of a:• I p•i-aa
Notice iq hereby riven that the z t' • •i• vdl rt'•aJ
at Wm. Eln-ell's crier in the .T0w. ,, 1a.m
sattirday, the sth day of Fehr•isrv.Hr3 a! I r'c•tt
P. M.. at tvh,ch time and pl.iee• a!I tor•
ing ci'Aims upon the said e4tito. ire req
preFent them or he forever det , arre l frein e+ fnr
in upon ,aid Inuit HARVEY lilcAl.Pri
Towanda, Dec. 29. 1852
Auditor's Notice.
ri the mailer of the estate of A. .A.
decd, and A. A. Beckwith. survivine pawn(
11. W. Strong. The undersigned harm beast"
pointed by the Orphan's Court of Bradford Canty
an auditor to make' disfribution of the lands mat
hands.of the - Administrator, tE. IL Beckwith.) !ir
lice is hereby given that the Audft..r wdl attend'.'
the (ivies Of his office, at Win Efwen b offut.
on Tuesd'ay, the Bth day of February, 101 at T
o'clock, P.M., at which time and place all lona
having elainas.aga Mit said eclate. are reclined to
present them or be forever deharred from comiszd
upon said foie. HARVEY McALPIN.
Towanda:Der. 23, 1852. tadifn
_ .a.ndit.or's Notice.
THE undersigned having been appointed bt• Ike
Court of Common ,Pleas, of Bradford County.
an Auditor to diatribtbethe- fund raised by thielle
ill's sale of real estate in the case of J. Vas
& U. ' , forcer. vs. Ethel Taylor, No. tst Sep!. Tem.
1852, will attend to the duties of his arponittarit
his office in the boro' ofTowanda. on naturdlo l
sth day of Febroary next. at I o'clock, P. ltf..
which time and place, all persons ha
on said fund are required to present the sloe ta
adjustnarot and distribution. .•r be deaarrel fr , h l
cooling in for a share of said fund.
. Towanda, Dec. 31, 1532.
In the matter of the application of the lorepli if
dilate of the Presbytery of Asipritanr.a , TA
Court of Com. Pkas, of Brat:l,rd t'ct0d. ,. .V 0 . 1.. ;
Dec. Term Isla
NOTICE is hereby zircn that on the !Fth.l4
December, 1852. the Trustees of tile C.sity:4-"
Institute of the Presbytery o rta'usquchatirAP' °; ' .
-eil to said Court a petition prayin; chat re- 31
amendments find alterations of the article.; italec•
di ?tons of their chatter be made by said court.
specified in the articles annexed to said petilit'''7 .
Wherefore the Court directed said wriiiag tJ !I r *r
cd in the office oftbe Prothonotar7, and tnzt
thereof, be inserted in one newspaper
Bradford County for at least three weeks below'
next term of .aaid court.
_ ALLEN McKEAN, ProthonoatY•
Prottinnotary'S Office,, Jan. ft. is
Maria Duboie: by her next, /riche/riche .1-frtit
es David Dubois; in Bradford Coutt• COM. P"
.No. 94 M'tl Term, 1552. aps e:
DA VI Lk _DUBOIS, defendant in the abcve
Vtu are hereby notified tint Nn.,a£.
your wife, ha.filed her petition fora thei-rcel.7
the bonds of matrimony. And an alias subpwas:l7,
been returned. and proof made that you are aY rc ,'_
be foond in aiaiti county. You are therefore hr
required to appear at the Court House, in the tkl ry
of Toiraada. on-Monday. the 7th day of Fe t T, o ,l
next, being the fi rst day of February term 1n: 416
court of nom , pleasoo answer the said can! „ 3 ,,
and . show cause, tinny you have, why the said "
via'4hall riot be ait'orced from yr.ll.
• C. TiloltAo, Shea'
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Der. 31,
" es
can fi nd a desirable assortment of enabro_ 43 l , o.
linen handkerchey's, chemizetts, R
inserting', edging* , 4 . c. at dect ME
IL C. ri 111.1). ud tinr.
IL L. SCOTT, Pi stet.