Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 25, 1852, Image 4

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•• 13AV1 41 1# 1 1# 14
• .4.1. -
~----..- .
. _ .„, -. . . • t
Z‘ i:v.z.,„.-... , -, "••-. .;• ,-.--
, ) , ~ , i rmv o t- ,ltie 'snow nas many pnoccopied-,
- ;1 1 2 . ‘ , , 1 : t. '.. 1, tri : iiiirtillitt-tii::• - :; tite'dolies,...ofq . Cite'l
9:i, kb •
) go", cetifieless' iipplica!lotiat,d hard'
1 '''' .-4. ‘• , • , icik-iMinireil lir-the - Ili:in link it 'is ii
f , 4..t.._,?vv ., -- - • :-:. , 7 : - , , .:_- , .„ :• , ,
Al i T gi: som e l t, imirt alma .pow .heae hours f noi
-,,,, leitfWAtli" tiler greatest in.! mom hiring
bejefii itillitianner. Thant is an cid adage witivii
t iiimivil
I ,l„. i .sfxri a gt . tirpeds i moneyi" itkitris there . is much truth
.61 .3hojarticions.improvement- of iime will -create anal
. .
yo secure •• firneWhieli iti spent' in :grocer
at 44 il?lonto of sha is an
„,,, At myealtnent.which will yield 1113 such gratifying re-
Las 111111111;‘ , / fFer,irdnr, it. • The frnim of such an occupa.
iftqrif seen . , in effects . , Which are
Isaich use .of
.s.twt.rfeadreued-minds, vicious habits, and corrupted,
4 ' - ' o llritier4.lisitfire the' inevitable - consegnenem cif 'this
lio . W may the leisure hours of the , ihr
tirsoulTkellge tittost-indiciously and profitably spent? We
anowerrny readingi study and thought. There is a
"lintlitial t field to eriftrvite, as'well as a field of earth - ,
1 14‘J ., ib is , forsooth. the manner whih , its cidture
suss ectrolOted; fire success, prosperity and happiness
Log .0f tie farmer 'depends, Seven in a greater degree
upon "A - viell4illed - tarn' . Knowledge gives
a"'Fnicer,.tatl rtipfin - na Class of' peoiale doh onfer
it•14: 1 1 greater degree than upon those , who till the
soil. The farifier nee&not only a stool hand and
aLt `vt'ith which io wield the inipiemenis
"~yofhu vocation ; but he also wants a strong, clear,
- 4 1-aad rwell.deiretopeal mind' to- guide their actions
"I' Iltattietiti - titne when education and' mental cut
fiiel.'w4rffiliO'ui,ihi unnecessary for Earners, but that.
. •
4114, Bare hap •pass..d, - .•that hour has fled, and with' it the
trrejudices and opinoins by which it was character.
6 ' l lied: •
Science haii cast her light upon agriculture, and
iherrelfulgent rays have inibeed it with new lite and
• _ viger, The age essentially one of propress, and
dothis i ftr , ogress the art of tillage bears no insigoifi
.,.s, cad part . . By the union of science with practice,
and by the efforts of,the well-directed knowledge,
Repkare doubled ar.d profits trebled. With this
tide of progress we must keep pace, else we' are
back ground, and will realize but
tpeagre ((gums from our labor. The man - who re
jects the aid Of science will be forced to awake and
Of her assistance, or leave the' voca
tion for which. reqeiresless..thought.
Inasmuckas education'is necessary for rarmers,
it becomes evident that - the leisure hours - of ivinter
should pematles use to obtain it. Provide a stock
• of.trokt and aaricultural pope's—the more the bet
tifitraithese utiOn the table and bring - them to the
fire.r . ,4dei. then, when the wild-wtrla are revelling
without, and the storms-are bea'ing upon the roof,
you may - sit crown in peace and composure, and
gleatitmany a useful lesson from their , pages. By
thearAtteans, and - by this manner, you Will obtain
food for the intellect, and store it with materials for
many an hour al thought Your mind will be
strengthened, your knowledge increased, and your
circle of ideas widely extended. As a consequence
success, prosperity and accompanying happiness
' will follow:. To labor, to eat, drink and sleep, is
• not the end of mortals ; there is a nobler furpose,
obighor destiny. The mina is the man, and from
its developments and culture spring the purest, rich
est mid deepest joys which cheer our path way.—
Let lir iltprove the leisure hours of winter in gain
- mg d o om of knowledge, strengthening our inlet
lecii,fend'enriecting•enr -errors. Thus will we reap
del . levrard of-proseerity and happmew
!Mat Cow Should Tanners Beep?
, i
IVhai are the qualities necessary to constitute
good cows! A good milker alone does not, in our
judiiment, make a good cow; neither does a good
breeder, nor a good feeder. It is these three gnat
itias combined, that makes the cosy. Give us a cow
tbatiegood for milk—quality as well as quantity
considered—that whin properly bred .to good bulls
'will invariably produce good 'calve., and one that
when dried of her milk, will , with proper care and
attention, taktiou flesh rapidly and evenly—and for
one, we,, for a while at least, satisfied. And
tilt we can raise up an entire herd of cows, each one
of which shalll possess these excellences, oar aim
shill be to adiance in improvement till we can ac
ccuolliplipur object.
To possess she first of these qualities, a cow
illitould have a fine head, a little wide above the
oto4but quite small below, and appear somewhat
.. -.
T - t tier nose should be of a rich yellow 'color,
' ,
or at 01l events not black ; (se do not know of any
Jull•blooded stock, any breed, with black doses but
Ihei-frequently appear on stock as high bred as
fifteen-sixteendis) Harriet* should be very small
lite - yeti! johiVhe head, but widening:and deepen
irig asitlippreaches the shoulders, and briskets.—
odder should - be of good "'zee_ iwell covered
with . lorigosoll hair, and not inclined to fleshiness ; '
large millt.xeins, and small, delicate horns'--they
'maybe leng in sortie 'breeds, but they should be
fine, and she should have 4 yellow skin.
r•Vii . fte Ugriod breeder, she should, in the first
ihile,lm-dgconded from good stock, and the fur
ther back yo can trace her from good stock the
lietreir: Shehoald possess all the before mention-
eitinilliipjq alities, with'a broad straight back wide
lojop t etild ; hips, lung deep quarters, round ribs, boned
small in proportion to her size, deep and full bris
liNloriligsivide apart and short, and lastly she
ihOillit be a goial handler. A coow that is a good
handler, willidso,,almost invariably, produce rich
milk; sari if , first rate handler, and possessing the
lartkuitientioned qualities, she will be invariably
. skied teederi• This handling quality le, or has
been, toe winch overlooked by br eiders:and judg
tlafeants shows ~_ Judges that will give in their
trona. ; or pr tame on stock, without* even .
teechingea animal, are, in our ojdriroti, unfit fns
diiititificir. - We should not think of purchashig' a.
OrAfir t nkilk a'ock or beef; without knowing her to
i. t
WI 1ig,901. Itiodler.—N. if. Farmer. '' • :
*lNVta . Coirs.Tlns Winter treatment of cows
shi l iq ts„rielt,losked to, Moderately warm, and
welksisintilated quarters, regularity in feeding .
wahning, night and morning,3iin
birkintalecaidon - al battings, are necessary for their
health aFtd.comfort.
-Swollen month' malady- which . eomeiimea
.flocks of sheep, and becOmeaignite
tai l arlitOoneil Stales that he liari Lad the dt
en•l4l flock v alid. cured it immedistelf by,
swearing the diseased lips wittr lei
- Al in b,r,79 lll oliNe l uki:e) 116 4 ,1 r; 1 1Fen -41t1.04ter
)EIMI- ()Tt.T Eau 11
Wiericsole - oOd. &fail Dealer in
OTOttE id Mr; f;ollll4titt elf Abe - ;Sriiiit
1..7 known as the laygeif; itieteest anerrilitt / ;164 " 4 " .
' lusionntent weietof' coy: , l'etrtierfite a - gentler); wit
be given , tri onEor all whb‘ Wish'
aternirer Or -putehtse; and' - 'inrrnedieal Iriformaticie
will lie Cheerfully, ond'grillsitourly '
w Irish to Cortealt
Ctintiniiiiittuppliew fre=h"ryid teeinitlY'preparerl at
tides weekly-arriviiii; luring 'beta earefully se
lected with a slew tiotiiiirwiettifneir; and:any
wanted not usually_keid: either *Wile 14;60 bere.-nr:
procurid 4 Pfticl49 EzPicoo. for lb"
leaving, 100 OMlT: cOiiiiniAatin clerkt*.al wan
will be early to au/dg Cosorptio,ipprity,pretcriPtion an 4
endeavor to mate (Whatersr,the porekasomutualb,
iir 4l,"Willi,„!*.considt,;red warrahic4
ee rWresOnledo,o l l 4 411f 1 4 ' f4 1 %,1bC brill and P°P
Yfer Patient lifedecinee; all tbOse found in, , tbis stow
can be relied upon. in all case., at being genuine. The
stock now comprises: every-articlitin. the • tri A d6 r amoni .
which.tuay be dbundtberlellowing "4 •' -"
Ac,l6 . •
faulphittiote . 1
Tartaric eto bc•
tiepin , *
Life ete
Elm• • etc:' .
T.81111.C65. •
Wintergreen etc
Sarsaparilla •
Horehound •
Lemon etc
Came:say -
Garden • : :
Colchicum etc
A mica
Lavendet etc
Sugar, Coffee and Tea of all kinds, molasses, spice
pepper. cloves, mustard, nutmeg, mace, fish, resins,
citrons, currants, salad oil, cocoa, chocolate, soda,
butter crackers. rice, starch, ginger, ealeratus, white
and bar soap, sperm and tallow . candles, jugs, bottles,
pipes, pepper sauce &c.
• Cognise, Otard and American . Brandy. tSt. Cron.
Old Jamaica and New England Rum, pure Holland
and Am. Gin, Irish and Monongahela Whiskey. Ma
deira Lisbon, Sherry, Tenerife Port, Muscat, Claret
and Champaign Wines—Cordials, Rose, Amour Mo •
kee, Noyeau &c , cheaper than ever offered. •
Soaps, Ptrfamery nod Fancp.Goodo.
Shaving cream, military, windsor, medicated, sand,
musk, almond, palm, french, toilet, rose, and transpa
rent soaps, Lubin', French, and Wright, extracts of
jockey club, patchoully. bog, de earoline, musk, mills
nears, verbena, heliotrope,
_sweet brier, geranium
'spring flowers, west end and. new mown hay &c.--
Cachous, cologne, bay end rose waters. Lilly whit.:
spanish pearl powder, rouge hair dyes, hair invigors
tors, hair erat.icaturs, hair oil, pomades, court plaster,
perfume sachets, pgying cards, pencil points, stet I
pens, fish hooks, drawing pencils, percussion cops, re I
black, and indelible inks, combs, purses, pocket books,
port monais, wafers, pocket mirrors napkin rings an 1
travelling companions &c.
Hai►, bat, stove, swab, shoe, paint, marking, ' , garnish
stab, artist camel's hair, striping blender's and badger's
whitewash. counter, flesh, tooth, nail comb broom cloth
infant, lather, table, horse and blacking brushes.
Tobacco and snuff boxes, nipple shells, nursing bot
ties, breast pumps, teeth rings bed pans, syringes, shout
der braces, trusses, supporters. pessaries, cstheters,eup
ing glasses, graduates, mortars, spatula, forceps lancets
thermometers, liquid and spread adhesive plasters, &c.
Paints and Dye Stufib.
Nit. red, cam and log wood, fostic, lac dye, cudbear
red asunder,. madder, alum, copperas, bloe vitriol, sol.
tin, composition cbemic oil, vitriol.o . zalic sod All the
adds, grain tin, pumice and rotten stone, American dr.i
Chinese vermillion, Spanish brown, American & Eng
fish Venetian verdigris, Paris green, white, black and
red lead. chrome yellow and green, japan,. roach 'end
copal varnish, lampblack, litharge, putty, whiting ochre
spirits turpentine. linseed oil, rosin, chalk, umber, sien
na, gold leaf, bronze, &c. '
. . .
-Braga' and litirediettiar. - ' ; . . ,
iitivis. !doesorr.! i '
• ' . -
!lill ,l- 1 67 4 6 1 , •!. I. 141ettli .i - I ',:i , ,
arable •,
.•, 1, yaler;sm ' • ,
91 1 5 4 ....1 u . :... *
se Pegs ,;• '
copal raPPari 3
gamboge - Siflrrec, I
ligriaiad - •-' '- . ' iii.,a)
myrrh -. ~ i-c- , magnieeia - , •.'
Aellie , , sulOher ' .'
,ec.„ PTifftsolr e r ' .1
ofte. ealom4 1,
1 ' knilver
I tartar
lemons " .- i
kada E. 1
!teats' loot
lannenr •
ortga num
hemlock ,
1 savin
PePPe rmint
cod liver etc
LZ .1 V ea.
uva ursi eta
COlOllll3O •
Ispijelis (pink)
marsh rosemary
French Glen 24-30, 22-30, 20-30, 20-24, 22-24,14
18, 12-20, 12.18,12-18, 10.14, 10-12, 8-10, 7-9
Patent Medicines.
soLs lORAT rug
Dr. Jaynes' Alterative Expectorant, Sanative itt,e,
niche's expectorant; tonic humor corrector, •
Merchant's Gargling Oil fin horses, tic.
filwayne's medicines, wild cherry. 4T.
Brant's Pulmonary Balsam and Extract, etc.
Orrick's Vermifuge.
Houghton's Pepsin or Gastric juice for dyspepsia.
Osgood's Indian Cholagogrie; for fever and ague.
Scarpa's Acoustic oil for Deafness.
S. P. Townser d's Sarsaparilla.
Schenck'er Pulmonic Syrup.
Dr. Keeler's Family m .dicines.
Hatching's Dyspepsia Bitters.
Ha :eland's German Bitters, for Dyspepsia and Deldlity,
Brown's Essence Jamaica Ginger.
Duboy's Rat and Mice .Exterminator. •
Also agent for Herrick's medicines_, plasters, eV., An
drew's and Davis' Pain Graefenberg mein
eines, Pde Electuaries etc., . salt -rheum, tatter, tint
worm, apish) and founder ointments, etc.; .toots
cordial. plesters, , poor man's nivel; eye waters,
erasive soap, bed, hug'poise.n: Hotienssek's
and, Clark's Worm syrup, Christie's Galvanic
tires. Moffat's Phoenix Bitters, Trask's magnetic.,
' Sloan's, Dailey's, ind.M4Allister's3ointrientii.:DiLi
!oar's Heave Powder; Condition Powder, &c. All
the numerotaskinibkorkills. . -
Phosgene, supettor Burning fluid. Camnbene,wha.c.
:bra and sperm oil; new and beautiful patted.' of Iluid
ships' now beirieopena:.,GtOphenei - Bide attirlfst:lll
tog kelps fcir hall and store,tiss,-girendoles,gte._:,
, TobaCco. •
• 'Cavendish, Jerrie,. Natural reel:Turkish setirfalistti -
Johri'Andetiee4 fine: at; Bogg'eJetiny Lite) Ambit'
ete.;`cheiati'hhinds; Pure,,HavanS . ,Cigars,etc, etc. 1 ..,
Alfa' which' trill be sold it unesually,
Reiiiimber that Choir) Drug. and;',Clienst- '
cal Stone' to 'the iloiith . .end 'Sof the Werd Hats* is few
doors above the'pOst.ollice " • • -„ •i
:. It: XL, i t'oltTtt ii 7; ,
Towaridi, 504 :;'
. „ •
--..•-•. - 40=1.0111:111L731& 412110111Ter --1 -
WHEREAIIi tny•twife;Polly hos lift p”-,ligi,ll' and'
v ‘lboard , withotat sitYrscaustrof iprovohaticin'
T !torero re,, this Is- o:vl°6M-ill 'persons' not toArtisf
or Itarbothetbiturpacattain.sit 4411 paypo debts
of bar contracting after "N
• _..ftidgebe ry. Nov. ;10852., RICHAff P
AFETY.—Cons mlift t ili riot
a.ast* . of tee* NAAS „, tiEßcyfrat-
a 'B UT
(i .
,- ni
fril &MOVED to the strop:feeinitroCitipietr by S._
Li -- 137Bilitey. s aaf t rocesx ,and KOSI office s - auOts
south of frfirritanyes cBrirentidiel'e he has, Treciv et!'
ii•foll.usW Mid complete - stria' of 'DRUGS, *EDP
'cirizs;GßOVEßlEt4,&c.itshichhe will lell heap'
ev foreash than even ~ •
' !, '''' ', ''''''' l , . •-• , : I
.!•Ifere you•will End annexeda Ceti tead lilt; artieles :
Senna. Ale.i.. '
,Fogate's, cot - dial ; I.
. _
'',l.'s . finite , e. M4'914. . , . ~,,. t ._
'Ciearri' Tit mar . : flay . ,s,Liiiinienli,... : -
Slip C 'Soda '
Mauna; . , Harlem Oil
.. , •
'Alitgriesiti baled r tinuneot,,Trasts, ; . !.,
'' do Carb, do - Dall6r's • ~.
do ..; SS • , .• „, . : .';da.r NfctAllester
do-... Henry's • • 'Sbakerailerbs ,l . l :.
Colocynib . , : . , :-,dii , ' ..tEgiratu 1-
• do • Applt • • Tilden'sAlcoeolie Ex't
Cochineal libel. Extract:.: • I “'.
Trusses , H ulls !oleo ..E xtraet.• • - ; • -'•
do . Marshes, • a Meek in's Vanilla Exit
',do., • Shaker. : do Lemon do
Balsam Wisters • do Mace do
do Cheesmans . - .' Jul „ i Almond a t
.do Fit - ---- —-- -- , do --4/iover ---
do Copabia . ..,_,:do Allegice do
do Totu - - ' 6) Nutmegs do
do Peru tt • do Peach do
do Pulinotraryi );. r i
ado Ginger do
~.410- - „Sulphur, ::,' ' ; do Cinnamon do
Acid Tartaric . . r .' . do. - Grange do
do . Acetic . ',, Ao- . - Tonka do
do . ,Beozonic ~ ~ Lubiu'sBpriogflower
do., Citric . do Musk •, , do
do. • N'itric do, Violette do
do Oxalic do Magnolia do •
du Ng drocyaac do Sweet Briirdo
.do Sulphuric do Jesmin do
Oil Linseed . do Jock'y CM do
do Sperm do Caroline do
do Olives • • do Jenny Linddo
do Castor do Boquet do
do Neatsfoot ~ syringe, Pewter as'in'nt
do Almonds do • Glass do
do Amber Beet . Nursing Bottles, Glass
.do Amber Red. I do do - G. E.
do Anisi , Rad Rini Turk
do Caraway do do
do Croton do . • Ipecac
do Cubebs do J 4lpp,
'do Cummin 'f ; :,' . -1 ; 1 `do
,j Ginger White
'do 'Fennel. ' do - Orris
d o lemon'- '.. '''_ - 51 G 11110.741461 - •
do Cassia : - . - --•- , do- Opt Turk , -•
do' Cod Liver '' do Myrrh Turt
do Lavandula 9 do Arabic do
do Neroli do Copal '
do Jes min do - Alpert Soet
do Nutmeg • do Aloes Cape
do Orange Chloride Lime
do Rhodium do Soda
do Huse ' Castor Russ •
do Cedrat ,Isinglass do
dO Copabia 'Evens' Lancets
do ergot Nitra ii ilver,,Op't
do VerbenaOxid Hisnoth
do Violette Slue Pill 1 mer.
do Mellesse lodide flows
do Millefluer Tart do
do Patchouly Carb do
Brushes, Paint iluiph do
do Varnish Oaustie do
do !lair Citrate Ferri .
do' Hair,Caniel (Citrate
do Nail Tannin
do Tooth Proto lod Mercury 1,
do Shaving , ' Strychnia
do Flesh Piperin
do Cloth Elaterium
do Hat. : .--- - •. Ith14411::: ...: , .
Soap,Vankee - _.. .teratria
do Crystalline - !Creosote . •,
,dolErig. Wind Low's : ' Hydtii elm Creta'• •• '
do Coopers Morphine Sulph
do Rose do Act
do Victors Calomil,•Atnerican .
do Orange •• .do English,
do Tooth i Precipifate Red "
do Erasive .. do White •'
do Castile - . Sulph Zinei • -
do Military Bronze, Crimson' •
do Sevin -do Tale Gold '
do Brown ' .do Dark do. '
Fricopherons do White
Pain Killer . • ' „ I Gold,Leak9pl 1
Ayers Cherry •Pietoral • • China Veirlmillioii
Osygenated Bittevs., -, ::i Anteektg :; •do --,, ,-•-
OletughtcinDitterti '2.....-` i. Preiiiat- ~-
Dinel -1. :. II
Chloroform . Fig do
Hoffman's Anodyne .Venitian Red, English 1'
Together With •Paintii, Torpentihei'Varnish, Die.
Woods & Dyi•Stuffs, Glass, Potty, elioice'Groceried,
pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposea-L.
Also, Cigars of the best.brand ; Roden anklet eon,
newer' with jhe trade. i 1 - .... 1, , r•', .-- :, :24
.;", : - ;j I:
Raving securedihe servicesof , Dr. , S. /fryer's,
whr keeps his office i iit t his store, and will give me.
dint advice gratis to people, they paying fru' the,
medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having
their prescriptions • Carefully eninpoilinled and. Put
up. 'The stock has leen' selected With gretit care,
and die goods 'will be, warranted'as'repreien,led.
All of Dr. D. Jay s& Medicine/. ` Ayres CherryPee ; . ,
toriel. Schencka Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow, Dock
Roe!, °Metes, flObeneschie;intt Jaynes' Verinifuge.
Together With all of the most popular Petent medicines
nose its ass conitiittlY on hind . and for sale at
..• '" • 3. M. REED. No. 2 2 , - Brick Row.'
Towanda,Noveinber .1359. , , ,
~,,„ ', c,''
Cream **MT 1 ,
epsollll • .. .
[ antimony ..
' alum
torro sublimate
Ired precipitate
quinitte,..,l •
gunipe - • 5 '
ether -
'tau &mum
ahukera herbs
gold leaf •
misfile soap
Venice "turpentine
aqua ammonia
i nubeire. .
brittitth bistro
.Inmate •- ' -
burg. pitch
bath brick
tend paper ,
white glue
utter or anuatto
AiI[R.IOI;MIEITtP. Poorarwroa , of the Athena
Eggthangei gives.hislbanksio his' Irsendso
and, tbeltraseling pohlie generally.. (for their liberab
patronage, and solicits. the contindanceofthe same.-
' A N'. ONIN I B
will„rup regularly to and froni the .Witertesi Depot..
Intpeet the Mail, Trains for the accommodation/ of.
traVelets. who wish tcp.vtaitst,-,pieusk
ant village on business ormtherwitte. ~ • ,A daily:4We
Of-first rate - - - . -
ArTr..." , 7 r ;
Four Ili OtSgiUORCH( I 4 B,.. ~..,::„..:!.
err 0!!1Pg, tkr9,PA A?, :TV! Pdt-.01_b° 4 1,47,4h lgg
will b e i n jured a
seat in i j ur paca'srotat mats, , pia*,
IeRADYNkX) - )
'caPts.49.llkikeus,,and,,ippackattitour orawol
p ,ba,ißu;go cpcipY.eonoml: oiaottiF the ,
;vertar trains of cars going East or West. ;'.,t
I Also_shoseWshish to leave : th eir tearneyhttee
I can be conveyed to.atrd-frousthe cars fretotcharge:-
j Athensdille:prxximr..a.":.;
TnliktBTialint Vire Proof
, yott . tatt tertitfellte eitticir.- Is at.
Toweeda, Oct. 8, 1868. B. KlNGSBtfilii;
MMeM!!!mmx= o ==
i( • , •f - .: . ..i.A. 4 , ,
-4 --• .. • ~;:, 7 •:-.:-., •••_,
, ,t .
~, .
-151........r......415%..„ -r - t... , ' ..- .z..,,,._:-1.,.._‘.....
, ALUM= aheSCUO oyi , 44 1
Wiß r iff. F i g ferrirlMMlPCL,:iirtg9l.ls7
T was on the verge eft a grate, and s t o fax time that
4.ettililiAtYltild'frietrile hatVldat'all kripettiof ply eei ,
ceee - Itentlwheir id Iliiiteheatitin; heel* been ,*
°ettabftheakie of -Sctitiielet, Pulmonie- Syrup: l l "
.site ter lestlfY, ierth page, seneotiowto'Dr. 'Ekstrom
the unspeakable benefit I have received - from tale • l
'of .141 1 .1 4• attla b lf. OletOP,l% i .; t . = 1' ? z • - •( 4 11l •
galljwiaLAVora?9trectelte 'l:lea — eat' and
c onsequeleiro e. ifelt I li&J Chills, alternated wi th
ver s .'Plartilit Iny ilglft breast liOd`shiroldif bla de,' wi
• 1 bail roust;" 'told 110.7,e*atoralion- I kept: Ili
ado's u4ll took my VA ' and had thi:e2tehtlis e i
41 -
.iii fimily tillysirilm'.:,l 4* . iflik air hid esieithe 'trey'
tist.Aii, lin'd' pi liar extnisticen'ST thatti m e *Mt Quced
'lto flliftfik't lailisstriiitik bob! 'Of *self and:fry:ll4
and even my physician Ittarillotted nie'''eli'd Spire; , msittitedilfivith thefitisty :cOnstimptien. My, appetite
was gone, My . bowers veryitrigular. fever land'tight.
sweete.peinffilfo97,tkill oltSt,t4WAlder, attended with
a disteatiiingcntigh,WhiclOwaii - 446 -li g ht ; my flesh
limb nearly n'.l gone, and was Oa weak• that I 'could
isearcely , raile MY-head (nate the-ptllove,%nd oxiiblruly
•an object of pity to behold: =My friends had been; sent
liirto.acie.rotedie,and my. sal bed area surrounded by
kied and evrepathizingineighbere; who had crow to
witness my departure from this wad.
Fri'altroTrei t fhopeheirlTed -- Orm - y reeiii4ty, a
es2Jl liborAilkDavid Conrad, proposed to try Schenck&
Trultiiktrooyrals,-witia,ef.- yriesletileg my'cough
111"41""mtlinelit40414101111:Phkgat. arid at a means
oti -. ffiirelini tithipOraTrolieFirotitarking it the time,
“ihitt ;was tiro_ fargone for,.the be of any
permanentAitMefiC-4111-owitiAmisteas-for the, relief
efPrinleuse sufferings. procured sortie' of, ttliqul.
menjettlyreprl found it Weeded me relief, add con
titekedyeipg ,it. ,I avoid, fecal its healing influence
.4Pott PT 14 1 1 P. , . . . , , '• , •
~, 1 contiene to, impreve undeeitsose, Bed sty friends
were much gratified to witness my unexpecled, tin
preens:rivet ; tnany *Cosy neighbors came to hrolt at me
At one raised from the.dead. ; , ~,;''•
.. - .oly emigh now became lame, end I felt tioniething
jireak,w ,elll badthe pain in my breast, andi 1 dia.
chetgeillerge quantities or yellow matter. I have for
weeks dischargeil and raised a spit box full of mailer
Avery day,, !with howl grains 'of something.
Ift.bowels now became regtabersod natural. Atari m y
:appetite Wesseo,fartinproved, that I could seemly, re
frentifrom. eating too-meth. My atrcngtb improved,
find I rciPined., ll l flub- .., - . •t , ;I
I - continued to improve,in every respect soon; after I
commenced uaing the-Syrup„-and the improvement
continued until . beras restored to my. health:. A have
parsed through the inclement weather of tholatter
rt of winter and the spring, and feet as welt' now as ,
ever I felt in my lig, end lam this day a living testi
mony of:the great efficacy 1 df Schenck's Pulmonic.
firtsplrxeeringpillmonary disease,. ,
Lest this statementle.thouiht too highly cofered by
some people, 1 rut joincmitificstas of, A number of the
inhabitants 4 Tecoity who saw me at different times
'during my aisease. and never expected to see me tenor
ed. I nl,4Lappend the certificate of , the brothers of
Mystic Lodge, N. 210, 1. 0. of O. F., who kindly
watched over me, and fully believed they would con-;
sign my remains to the tomb ; but, thimble to Dr.
Schenck for his invaluable Pulmonic Syrup. 1333 , life
has hiten squired, and I am iii.nnitted to make the fore
going statement for the benefit of riuffering , matikind.
I redact at Tacony, end em well known by most of
the people'there, and will be gratified to have any
person mall upon me and learn ranee particulars or the
virtues of this medicine. JOHN C. GREEN.
June 24th,1851.
The subscribers, members of the Mystic 1 oil le, No.
270, 1.0. of 0. F. of Hole:est:erg. Pa. do hereby cer
tify that we know John C. Green, (and is it member
in good standing in No. 270.1 • . 0. of 0. F.) who was
dangerously ill with a low Pulmonary Consumption,
last wint. roes that they give hits rp .o die; that he
is now fully restored to perfect health, and they believe
his recovery was produced by Schenck's Pulmonic
Symp. , ,
We believe his certificate is correct in ciery par
ticular. HENRY NEFF, P. G.
I J. K. OSMAN, N. G.
Holemsburg, Philadelphia Co., June 25, 1 1 151.
The midersigned, residents of Tecony. eiaht miles
above Philadelphia, being well acquainted with John
C.-Green, and ;he circumstances attending hit case,
feel impelled by . a deep sense of imperative duty, to
make universally known to the public his entire recov
ery from the very last stages of Pulmona-y Consump
tion. So• entirely helpless was his condition, having
been but a brief period since in that repi* einkm.;
and emaciate state, as to uverly preclude, in the opin
ion of his physicians and friends,who watched by his
bedside. all hopes of even a temporary recovery and
restoration to his present robust health. Thus the care
ful use of your invaluable odic, the Pulenonic Syr
ups inekesit our belief, und the circumstances of his
previetre prostrate, not to dying ' condition, one of
the most startling results tha the whole annals of medi
cal skill cr science can produce. It deserves to be im
perishably reco-ded to your credit, and secure to you,
the greatest discoverer of this hithertil temediless dis
ease, a lasting monument and a world-wideyeputation
in the healing art, that no lime may either diminish or
destroy. Having witnessed Mr. Green's distressing
struggles end sufferings from a continued cough, se
peradded !Attie other symptoms consequent upon, or
attending to the last stages of a pulmonary disease;
and-moreover, it being so generally believed by his nu
merous friends that no human power could relieve, or
protract his life, much less restore him hack again to
his former health, we feel it thus ear duty to give our
unqualified testimony of Mr. Green's perfect recovery,
hy_meens of thiexclusive use of your wonderful Syr
up ; and we should indeed rejoice if we could be made
the humble instruments of relief and cure to , others who
may beso unfortunate as to be similarly afficted.
David Conrad, Jesse Duffield,
.C. Ilinckle ' A. Heath, •
• - Joseph Hea d,Jr., Jesse Watson,
Stephen Lukens, Robert Allyn.
Matthew Toden, James Torbert,
John Bloomer:luny, - .• Allen Vandegrift.
-Prepared's)* by Dr, Schenck, and ' sold, whole.
sale attd retail, by his sole agents; John Gilbert & Co,
Wholesele Druggists, 177 North i Thttil 'Wee!, Phil'a,
Clicken & Co. 81 Barclay street, N. Y. Redding & Co.
No. 8 State at. Boston . H. Blakeley, emir Third and
Chestnut streets. St. L ouis' ; and . by principal Waggish;
throughout the United States. And by this followidg
Agents in Bradford County :
11. C. Porter, Towandas D. Bailey & on, Leßays.
Titbit. T;llorophrty, Orwell ; Maynard de' Woodburn,
Rome; J. J. Warford, Monroe; D D. Parkhurst„
Leßoy; C. E. Rathhone. Canton; ling & Vosburg
Troy ; 0. A. Perkins, Athena.
ela'All letters addressed to DR. J.H. SCHENCK,
Cate of John Gilbert * Co., Wholesale Druggists, No.
177 North-Third street, Philadelphia.
l i viorz:qpiapn, Would say to his old flirts& and
sal. lb . * public at large, that be bas :constantly on hand
Mid ',Manutictuiiim, Rides! and shot pu*, !Abr., &co—..
Aitong,bis Misortmeni of guns may be foun t ' D ou bl e
nitd.'isingte barrelled Guns. Dille.of all kinds warrantad.
"Powder.Fliatts. Shot Pouches,. Game, Dap s Cap
Spout, ' :p
Mm,rader, Cepa of the best Tub;
lu e e e r els
,orrellad Revolving:Pistols, .do single
barrelle4 ielf . .-,aacking Pis, • Difla Piatoje, double bb't
Taistal ana cciriznion atiet. 840 brsai Pi.l4 ' 4, 1,
F o f ,y;to.;P:P: P. pouider in bins con
' - •
; 4%4441 this absive.articleawiltte : sofdi.,'s*ful cheap,
tor te.Beedy. „ : , .
Kiria dt anilkind fine d . LW Doors. Inuits isr
Ml* kind of locks on abott notice slid reiecumble tap*
R srusithil epArinOlries with OaUp3 istifeba delisatch. Shop rk,
l'eurAid the Bi
Tolman: , May 1852 • ' o'l4[oll.lf,
B M"
RBOEB—the Ingest and. best stock
is t6wn at cm!! B. KINUBBITRYI.
Attention Regiment I
illistcancono4 iaz.l
" s lip lir la Xt. a
•, • . , A
Emery 84.7.:0).', -,Thrashing • 14._
..,‘,lrrices for 1852: ,- '';,:
In addition to thc actual freight groin Al any, N.Y.
EmeresPrteht charigiable fornair,Threstif , "
ter' ,Separattlr-and!bands complete, for, - 140 00
1 2 horses".sii-
1 i ic ' -
Emery's Patent:Changeable Powes Thresh; . .
er, Separator and bands coKtete, fcir . PO 00
1 horse,. ~,.:.,,, . - • .
Ertires Improved , Wideitsck and Pinion-,
- with Thresher, Separator and bands„ for 120 00
2 horses, - ,--...• :.• ;
Ethery i 's Irripinved Wide Rack ald Pinion • t '
. with Threpheri Separator and'bandfcir '95 00
a horse, •••
Common or Wheeler Rach and Pinion • :
POwer, Tilt-ostler, geparator, and bands - 1Z 00
.. tOr 2 horses,•' ' " ;^ - ... ~ -;
Common or:, l 4_,Theeler • Rack and Pinion,. ;
Power, Threstier,,Separator i mad bands 410 00
!tor 1 horse e ,,, ;.l: , ~
co - If sold separately, the folk:tiring price are
Charged 2 ,
.;.:,' t. , '; _
' Emery's-Patent ChingtAile noise POW*
'For two hor r ses,...i , tkip 00
For one butse..,. ' ...SO 00
~. .
EMery's Improved Wide•Rael: and PinionlPomer.
for two horses.., .. ;$00 00
For one horie..... ‘ „ ~ .. ',, .... ....... •
...:;.60 00
!common Itacle.pnell'iniom w Wheeler Power.
For two h0r5e5.....,., ....F65 00
For one horse. . ' - ....75 00
-Thresher- with -Cilinder- 26- -inches-long - -----
atid 14i diameter 4 together with Sirpara- $35 1 00
or and Fixtures,
'Portable Circular Saw Milt with . 24 inch)
• . Saw; fired and set, in running order 'for $35 00
cutting fire.wood,dcc.
Upright or Felloe Saw Mill for Wheel-
$4O 00
wrights, etc. • . . .. .
(Morning Attachment for driving' one , for)
two Churns at a time of batTeli sizeior i r $l2 00
less (no extra gearing wanted.) 3
'Qrps's .Cp t - a'crin g A tringeMent; ,, f:or hut. 7
' . ling and otatitig ofrloi,N locludingsaw ' $l2 00
guides, and - conneOions_ f.i- uk.. —
PowerV.ovt.Shellers, for 1 horse and far "E $35 to
9 . lionies..s'44o 00
. . , .
TERNIS—ZASH, or NOTES with security and
inierest.'payable in 4, or inouttt.i. 'Vi'hen good -
endorsed notes, payable at bank are received, pan
of, the interest wilt be deducted.
odod materials. and to Opperate as represented, or.
may he returned to the subscriber within three
Months and purchase money refunded. Written•
warrantees given when required. Persons wistfii , g
tato • -
raial - ILTIBMTECer 1 - 0/183M1NT215,
should order them at an early day as the Manufac
turers are much driven by orders, and supply ran
i-loyal all times be kept on hand.
Ii is not necessary for ate to recommend
these Threihing Mar Lines for they are v.,:1
and recommend themselves to the good sense and
pocket of every prurient farmer.
lam fully prepared to; furni-h a well made ant
die. I will guarantee that the freight on any Two
Horse Machine. shall no; be over 69 at Binghamton
nr Corning, or at any intermediate Station on the
N. Y. & E. R. 11. M: WELLES.
Athens, Bradford Co. P. Inne 2t, 1932.
;oho W. Wilcox,
HAS removed his establishment to H. Mies stoic,
cornet of main street and the public square, and
will continue the manufacture of Boots and Shoes. as.
heretofore. .
. .
He has just received from New York a large assort
ment of Women's, Chi lercres and Misses' Shoe,, w hich
are offered at low prices. The attention cf the Ladies
is par iCUlarly dfrected to his assortment, comprising
the following new styles :—Enamelled Jenny Lind gai
ier boots; do. shoes ; black lasting and silk gaiters ;
Walking shoes, buskins,dtc. Misses' gaiters and shoes,
of every description. A large assortment of Children's
fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds.
• For the Gentlemen, almost every style , of gaiters end
shoes. This stock has been personally selected -with
care, and he believes he can offer superior articles at
reasonable prices.
V' The strictest attention paid to Manufacturing,
and he hopes by doin,g work well to '7irerit a cantina
lace of tht liberal patranage . ,he has hitherto received.
Towanda, May 8, 1851. , -
BaTiLtC3E3fX4I3II I .3IIL-dsp
COUNTt sonveraa.
,T_TAVING. located in Tovianda, big riervicra may
17. be obtained by addressing a line through thePoat
Office, or by calling at the. offi,ee of Ulysses' Mercer,
„Esq . ., where he will be found, or where a Written ap
licatpion may be lett . Nov. 1.1850.
,- ;Ntiv _BLACKSMITH .'Slial);.. 7,
rpinsubscribers respectfully Inform the public that
1 they have taken the -shop fermerly occupied by
Adam Esenwine, on' M street ,' 'Main nearly opposite
Drake's wagon 264. where they are prepared torlo all
kind+ of BLACKISMITIIING upon reasonable terms.
They are determined by doing their work well and
promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of
public patronage. •
HORSE—SHOEING.done in the best manner. .All
kinds of repairing Machinery,execated in the most skit.
ful manner.
WOOD WORK fOr wagons will alio-be - made and
repaired when desired.
All work , ,done attheir shop; will be warranted lobe
well done, and manufactured from the best materials.
The public are requested to'give utie trial, and judge
for themselves. ESENWINE & SEEBISCHII.
Towanda, May 2,185 L
Important to .12Onsekeepers: '
THE - subsiriber thankful for the ,
liberal patronage heretofore re.
ciiyed, begs leave to inform- his
friends 'and the
, those. Commending liooqe
qkceping in particular That he has
inow on hand a large assortment,
of FURNITURE, • w h ich be-.will'
warrant to be made in a:substantial manner, and of
'the best materials. • -'•
BUREAUS, such asinahogany and walnut drEss:
ipg bureaus, marble anitplain`tops ; mahogany,and
Walnut washstands, trtarblettips. and plain, of dif
ferent pan:erns, Eard•and end tables,Sgfas: Couch
es, whatnots, Ic. , •
DEAHSTEADS..L-High,- Field, French and low
post beadsteads„finis,bed in-handsome style and of
approved patterns, together with other furniture USD..
ally-called for, all at which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms.„ ,
cavrhe sublitrib'er is also provided with a plal&
and fashionable HEARSE; and will hold himself kr
readiness to attend to all orders io underlaking T :"
HO Will ftirnioi fen boxes When'disired, by the aid
of which the etiriosi inay kipt for OW O ck. "COF.
8.-4urniture, of, all kinds made, loonier, land,
warranted lain of the best matt rials and workman=
Towanda, January 17, 11151.
.. , •
,__ •_,.,,,
z_-.-.„..-.;,.,......,_.- ...-4...............,.....
. ... -----:1, .
I alt - St ?
••• ~. • ,.,,
la; '. 111 t
-.. .•Lott
TOlinf.Vll.l Bradt'Ord County Pa.
.;fit re m
4 , 1- *yr
i.. 011, 1. •
.p 1;.?? 5 11 0 1211419 .
~....,,,,,...IrA,W-RE4110%,-111-11 8 8. -
1 1 MA.SUFACTURE Steam Engin e , _
11.1 0
64-ifiCloninhaeatvy° iirooon4ed4'W4tesP,'welintil
have expansion valves; all joints ground
eteim tight without packing or paint ;
wearing surfaces large, and ruatog i n a dj
of bronze or Babbitt metal; all balance ,
turned belafaee. Theftulsted ie aug*
plate. TEM Force PuMplirtrXriindeptz„
arranged with crank shaft and tight and!
.rea-49.. , WACS 1 jvc.1 1 .1e 1 -fillull Jiletngig i ,g ait
- Ski:money !us% The whole style of
paned by any engine builders in the u n - Z 4 z
„Wilford of the boo American or Engligo
csat ; or wrought iron—either tubular co
.sugdoin the most thorough manner.
-Engines from 8 to 100 horses power
;heridior in progress, to be delivered mu
.of,ireceipt of an order.
..41so, Steam Saw Mills. capable offi a .4, 11
bourd measure, of one inch hoards, in 12 h e
oppAuley saw, and requiring no calm
• Mgt following are the prices of a f t " of
saner Mill, including steam engine, b o ft e , 151
to•.'ebimney,,complete ; pitman irons; onik7
: setters; feed, end aq bolts and 4 0111 (0010
stattiage, Complete,
_ . •
Steele engine, 10 in. diameter of cy tinder,
with! tubular boiler, containing no ivot
-:'.hunting surface, and all castings, pip es ,
-,,ether parts necessary to set it ta c amp ,
Bleat engine. 12 in. diameter of eyri a a ft 30
with tubular boiler, containing 410 Mut
heating surface, complete as before, •
• Delivered on the cars of the Donlon and Ih
tried at LawrenCe„ 26 miles front Boston. Te
.on deliiery.
..."'Boilers for the shove modified to suit is
irrices accordingly.
McKay Hondley, late of Pittsfield, 11
stm eng ines are already a idely known, het
iiikeri - gharge of the works of the Esse: Cc i
will be 'able, with their increased fscilitiw
rience‘to mike their approved engross eh
betteiihne heretofore.
Ittork I A 52. y
ITTdTATEPER concerns the health ar
y o f a people, is at all times of the
importance. I take ;it for cuinteel that,
will do all in their *owe'. to save the lint
children, and that every person will endeavor
mote their own health at all ~K ri lic es. I fe e l
my duty soleitmly to assure you that Weld
cording to the opinion of the moat celebrated pl
are the pr !moil entries of a litge maimity
to which children and adolis are liable ; if
an appetit continually chaNing from one hin 4
to another,, iiiti_breath, pain in the stomach. pe r
, the nose, hardness and luilness of the belly, dr
clone fever, pulse irrenlar—remember that
denote Worms, and You should at once appiy
merly :
- Ziebensack% Worm Syrup.
An artiefeliissige4 icienqa r i m y,
pourvlrd 1s itL.purely vegetable suswacts, 4 1 , /
frirtly• cafe u'fictrtitire,' and tlctr rmir.ed in alf iu
and not tbe s . l.!•tern in a dtsgased cualiu
'most sidabruma, composed of Csiss
removal of %tiofMe, such a. I,,rze ngeN
&c., but liar, pi;rforniad tlie in:Ht a,tuai s L in4
t yi'l i s t i si or th,iUsands, both young mu
hsv been printotiiireil hopele-s—tucunWe b
cifiYu:'iti• a'the follow , nod becuun con,
cfriciii : irover all other.:
ncssarr—Thii is lo ers i ri
ehiid; 95 yeais of age, having hem foi; s
'ayssittiend4d l Drs.l.lper, RhtlltsanjFha,
kink 'time tCithout wee.. in 3ny
cingter up as incuraldc. I v.ent to phi r!ci
ecinsulteit oue• 'of the be:t. ph% Let Lrrk
Growing worse. it vitti st 01S 1;111e I "gala'
try y o b e n' s nek' s syrup, and after
bottler shSHrtirely regaitied 11.1 health. }'
this will. priite a Lei:alit to pareut>
similarly affected,
1 sni yours, &c.,
cber.sach's Liter 'Zia
Nei part. of . t he ay otem is mare !tette to di.
the Laysto, it no a h terer w pouf! It
or givong a WNW,' secretion to tilt-Me; s o t
wrcng ection of the Liver t taco-thP abet In
parts of the syste II?. end results vartoosly taut
Liver complaint, by: pepsin. Oto. We shoold,t
watch every sy mow:: Chit t, i ht tadicate
utption of the I.tver. T hone Pylls being car}
- Ames and Plants, furni:•hea." . • nature b hi'
—Namely, Ist: An Exprriorant, which sun
secretion from the puloref ire morns run
promotes, the discharge of ~ecreteil matter.
Aifiretiieothicto changes in eotne insett‘itd
extdicabkijnanner, the «limn modulo!
system. ...00 7 —it Tomc, whirto give.' teat e
to Abe erewoca system. flow trio, heihh rod i.
parte of theATily, Cm,iarlit. 4 44
perfect harroinny with other ingrtilenti, or'
on, die bowels, and expelling the whole anso
and vittated lustier. eo t pyrify tr,g the tins',
strattadisease and roatoret health.
A i ring Bra(Yard Orin y-11r.11.C. Pat.
J. _M:Reeil; Towanda"; C. 11. Novriet, Attie,
Bullock & Co. Smithfield; Barnes
ley t(peat, Springfield ; lima, Troy '
Taylor, Burlington ; from a Ai
'Parkhust. & Lamb. Leroy ; C!.16. Rothlan,
also T. B. Howland, Columbia, travels in thi
TUE subscriber can:
nounce to the public
have now on hand,aedvil
to order all loads of
Cabinet Parritr;
ouch as Sofa,.Dirans ,fr
Cetater,Card,Dink stra
fast Tables. Mabrgtol,
Standsr'l , lae
a pl r a ari nd o l a ' s be k rrr in6 ?
and Bedsteads of every description, vlnch •
will be made of the best material end trei
manner. and which they will sell for cisc
than can be bought in any other
on hand on the most reasonable term'. It
A Od FOC& Nett
Towanda. June 1, 1832.
- (YmEe n o t f e beer offe
iarg ;
ford County, can he fue
111 .
l fe: 1
6steilude 1
7:7 first nsouth,
74 Vein t
lioolle sline• on 16.
D. 111.naaffina
of Elittioot,..itas- established a Branch at 'be
plaCe• nililldaur work will he sold at &pberlgric'
ed and no deviation in :price and
direct froui l tlie Mani:tract:tact. or inaie
and, warranted to give enure satisfaction. VII
script ion of
Mans; Woinens, Children, and Youths .41'1.7.:`"
and IPonens Blot°
oivr:Shoestitsai l k
Please n,a O cc
c U t. a n n . efssr2 for T 0 2 7 .70.
CAME to dot enclosure of the sob
: sox township, about two months. note.
dlellteer; twn-years old, not particul arli iga
The owner is requested to prove PrO 6l"
ha w r . n y e s s t:x a and
t t . a .... k 6 e , slat: s teer awa v•
R. Paces.