Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 25, 1852, Image 3

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    te v the Anwout, Description and Value of Real and Personal Property Trades . Occupations and Pro*
v , i o ng, Offices and Posts orPrblits;:-,Pleasure Carriages. llioney_r at i n
.ttlei n i , Notes. Jodittnehts
, 1,. &c . : Gold Lerer:Wateltes, Silver Lieren and'Oat dm: - :sur a,tslltteeWat t li g i iwi j a. ,, a t i,
O' lt g a 'ac., as returned by the several Assesiors•of 13,rodfoid County foi-1852' : : . , t7l
l.r-,..,' S. -'",--
';,,:0. ,-------- , -, - -.,
,' PS : , ..;.' - "1:1 - - -- 0•1 1 C r.i . -k- th ' - - 7 ,44 -- -;* :4,
r. ' - s t a . ' I .', :7 7' ,-- ' - :i n ,- cal 1.1. 4 na' al i 2• 414 0 'A s'i r •-' * *O7 ii-,...-.
TOWN2I3=eI2 ,t 4 1 . ''!-'•-• '-'f -'47 - i'l - 8 . v . '114 ' 43'7'3 ? s *k• el:" c1,• 1, '
. n I-T .: -r....' . ' 2- ': - "": I rc. •n , ' Is 0 40 t i t '44,-
:.--,.---. . •. 10 „. .- ~ :.1- , N is •-• .:" °.l o.'• : 2 .Al ..
' ' •... I,at • _ 17 . - - 0 0 •- g ., - • li• 0 .... ei p i ar r •
,4 1 . • ' os -; - • -'s =s on -- • gip .... . .ss 4 a
1Z)- - ''. . ''. - eb .9* 9:, 04 • ....a •- :2 i 7,,,...• - ---"s • 0
.; .- - ;1-• -2-'. •,-• a.l —11: -., a t • 4. 34 : '; i c :111 2-fi
. ~ .. .. ..47 :. r2wiel El . • bi. 32 r - I ; ma • .P. •
SOILOtraMS• .•
...- '''
. .7. , 4 ". , . -i•;•=47. .- . i ..,
1 - .__ _ -.. •
/ ll 4 41 1 9
. • . - - PI .a - 4
• • , •••••• • 64;450 , , ;6,710 s .• ' I ; , 100 ,10.350 - .. 4 -' '-''
Athens 801 132 0
- - '298,983 - , :24,393 i•- • l - 600 - '1896 ',.- -—-, 11
Athena Township
"359•257 , 6,767 ' - ' : - :- 'too .
• ' 11,189 _ 1,963 • • , -, • . . -
Armenia '' ' 41023 0 . 4 22 ..-- r , • 700 .. au, : ::-. ...•, : : -6
' 115a'07 , , 15,964. -.. ..,,„ , , iio,.. 2.11 1 i • 8 •
- -- • - 113,956 ' • 12.724 '-' - ',.- -'--- - 180' • 880 , 1 : , P .,-,
97,360 • 18,329 . •••• __ 2.476 . 3 1 ,
Canton -,_
66.495 8,585 '-' • '• - ' '''' ' • • • ' •' ' ,7' ,
Dareli '
Fr 40,!00 5 , 624 400
~„_ 62,767 7.761 599 ' '• * -- "r
i - 40,406 6,671 - - - ' ' 25 , : • •
Becricki . field 70,456 8,461 - - 65 - 4.870 ' -- :
97,553 7.081 .
855 - ' • •
' -74.494 4,11! 4 .' ' .245 2.050 '•.--2 - ; •11 - '
Orwell -, . -:.• , • . -;, - 84.800 - t 0.760 1 -:_ . ..400 . ..k - ' 3.080•
Prke : ' ' •
_ , •
- 110,475' 18.649 ' 6,550 , 4
- . - 69,546 10.122 .
~ . .:--:',
Rg a me,
• ' 6 50 4 0 11405 I •
, . , • •
' Snethe4°ll2 , .. ~ ;118.430 ' 74.399 . 210 2.816 •- 2 : t l .
..120.739 . 15.08 , , 4.200
&world ,
. 95.308 18.3,50 -.'
'": - 560 2450
.. 2 .
43.107 •'• -- tr 8,998 -" ' '', -' • (160 '""
South Creek
Standing Stone _• . 56,479 11.410 1 260 8.210 4
Ta 42.938 ~ 5.572 • .500 •1.000
watura -
, . 140.986 21.505 2200 ~ 29,960 25 ' 1
Towanda Borough , ~,
North Towanda
.41,810 5.048 •
,4.300 • • 220,
Booth Towanda
53,272 5.837 ' 1 300 .
Troy Township . 120,708 13.798 ' 550 1
Tao Borough 42,386 '6:660 - - ' 4.550
74.143 '8.301 600
... 100,9381' 12.652 40 ' I
Wpotl '
77;056 13.467 I
I :
.og 86,292 , 10.763 '
7 2 3 29 0 0 ll
Warren . 118,5161 19.643 100 .
• 90.324 14.1t4 37 0- 1.610
' .
28.160 4,585 ._. 300 1
1 --•— ...-
-- ----- .
2" 5,960.4141 1 2 409,8541 i
$7,100 250013645 103256 36, 56.-.....-1.... 18
Brad f or d c ou nty, su.--We, the the undersigned Commissioners of said connty,do hereby certify
the above to be a true and correct tBtatement of the retort's Mille by the several Assessors of Bradford
Canty for the year 18531 and we also give Notice that we will meet at the Commissioner's 01Ice, on
THURSDAY, the 4th day o( January, 1853, for the purpoie of revising and equalizing said assessment.'
Grren oilier our hands at Towanda, this 21st day of December. 1852.
Allest—E. M. r kris At, Clerk,
New rabvcrusements.
Of Sir Jahn Franklin, should cause no greater cz
citement, than the NEW
01 1 / 4 SC I LES I'S ad. QU' Z. 53,9
OPPOSITE TEE W. 11.1133 11017833.
BUSTING respectfully informs his friends and
the public generally, in town and the surround
together with " all the rest of man
that he has just received from Now York.
one sitne most complete assortments of Mens and
lbr , ,Ready Made Clothing, ever before offered in
Towanda, together with Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest.,
spared Trimings which he will make up in the
unit approved style, and at the lowest price.
He has also on hand one of the most fashionable
nock of Furnishing Goods, such as Woolen Um
tlershtrts, Overshirte, Overalls, Drawers, and every
uncle in hi line pertaining to Gentlemen? Wars
which till he sold cheaper than any other'
noihing Store ;n Bradford County.
Ile is confident that fro.' his lunge:pet-fence that
hr can glue general satisfaction. He employs none
tut the must expert workmen, and feels assured that
h's war's sill not suffer by comparison with the best
r:r shops ertherin elegance of workmanship or el,
ranee or tlyte; and hopes by strict attention to
to.ness. to merit a continuance of that liberq pat
Nur sbirh has been extended to him •Ixeretofore.
Returning sincere thanks for past ravore he asks
the pantie in glee him a call and see for themselves.
C . 31 1 ,1 TING done as usual and warren red to
it properly made up .CI)
Don't mistake the place, on the Corner of
and the public square, opposite the Ward
-loran I I),ic. 29, Wit
1\.118'17 Conte
3itawnr zarmasts,
'ATE lust completed a large and finely finished
.store on the site of the two they had bornee,
51leti It *tth the largest and most comprehens.
I >cock of
het?' es, Provisions, Tankeolitotions,
Fruit, Confectionory, toys, &a., die.
te!thtbited this side of the city.
We hire bought for cash, articles of the best
; Consequently are prepared to sell at as
pnee% as the same quality can be bought at
at oht.r plate. And we flatter ourselves that if
Ago has beet against as, (fire havtog consam
' ITO goreS, and nne stock of goods) our old cos
i3ers Will not foliow tht preeedent, if they call
IV, see our stock and hear the etbeedingly low
Among the many articles ire have are
fir sugar, coffee, chocolate. &WA's. molasses,
s trart's syrup, stinger pepper, apice b cloves, nut
•qs, cinarams, caleratus, soda. cream tartar,.
gmrad mustard, pepper sauce. catsup, can
dles, bar soap, vinegar, Starch &C, 4ke•
Mess pork and beef, barns and shoulders;
sheet flour, buckcebeat flower, corn meal.
Jodi and butter crackers, mackerel', codfish;
nerring, potatoes beans onions, &c., are
Palrl%l AVID NITIeBi'
; holed prunes, citrons, Emits!' currants, ralsins,
ttn and dried apples. Almonds, filberts, genoble
td tnadena Walnuts, brazil nuts, • peanuts, chest
'A. tucker) , nuts, di e ,
1, nrn 410
i_ll"and Wo ILEE .rotztkirs,
Wood to poeket combs, toilet, combs.
"tombs, hair, Oak teeth, infants, and blacking
'h". wallets. Porte monies, and purees of many
T e l,ocket ink stands, pocket and small ',fancy
rs, tobacco, boxes, snuff hose's, and almost
"T Y ar ticle IS ibis vine. Work boxes, toilet cases ,
ovine% plain and embroidered, smelt' basin:dmof
• styles.
414,Vrench and American TOYS of every de
r,,tliOri and price. A few earthen and pewter ten
r link girls, and a few boys' sleighs.
- .
It ' 4 . l hilY salt, ground rock isatt, Salina oh bo th
>c , and fint. Alio, a quantity of White iii‘ene.
CA •
"M)Y wholesale or retail. of An kinds and
Llterable other articles, for sale ' t the new slot*
Nue the Court Souse' •
Towanda. Dec. I. 1852 BAI LE Y --
3114115171114 1111-111:1111ire'
I , I VE to the enclosure of the tu Mon'
oe ts-p, on t h e 24th orpet o h er last, deip
tit ti
ers two years old, past t and °tie red Steer, 1 old, with white taile,,The•ewoef is
l'ltanl to prove Tin'Perik rar-thsilr&rand take
sr a, g •
uvaatume semnct,
sttch tis ticking*, stripes, bleached and unbleached
muslins, shirtint.corheco,and and
' Mac prints. WOOLEN GOODS, of eve!
ry discririon.domprising Jeans, sheep. grey,
and linsey- plaids, which will be sold cheap and to
which 1 invite the Attention of close buyers for cash.
Towanda. Dec. 1, 1852.
D. B. COTTON, Commis'n
Z. IL at M. a Ennunnt.,
AR row ACCLITING AWOTUZE •11601111111.111; 011
Towanda, No•. 19, 1852
DRESS GOODS:—A good assortment of almost
every style of dress goods worn by ladies and
children, for sale at decl ME RCM.
BLACK Sll,Kt3.—The most beautiful and best
lot of black -silks, ever offered in Towanda for
sale at deal MERCURIEL
VT HITE GOODS.—A large and desirable assort
ment of bishop lawns. swiu and book mus
lin.. jaconets. cambrics and tared muslin. at
Dec I. 1852 MERCURS.
GLOVES and HOSIERY of every deLc,riptinn at
Dec. I, 1552. AMBURS.
11 can find a desirable assortment of embroidered
linen handkercheifs, chemizetta, sieves. Collars,
insertings, edgings, tie. at dent MERCURS.
F7EPHYR WORSTED, for sale by the pound or
1-.4 sal - Vier/paucity. for sale-at
Dec. 1. 1852. • MERCURS.
Dec. 2, 1852.
T iGH"N.—Fresh Camphine and Burning Fluid
-1-/'kept constantly en hand at MERCUTS.
QA LT jug received at
*0 - Towanda. Dec. 15. 1852
711L'ACIP 3C:;111EC•3117.
..7 . 40 z ; . Borough known as the Athens Hotel,
for one or more years. The house is
• •• -4- convenient for the business, and is
well located with considerable ground attached to
lt=-kna a good orchard thereon, possession given on
the first day of January next. Enquire of
Ulster. December, 4. 1852. J. M. PIKE.
DIZA3 . IXTigMn7f
Tut ISSES C. IL& M. A. LYON. have establiched
IYI themselves in Monroeton, intend carrying on
the above business in all its various bratkghes, and
respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage.
A choice stock of
will be kept on hand and for sale at the lowest pri•
ces. Miss Lyon will be consightly advised of the
latest fashions by the connetion in the city, and no
endeavours will ,Ifte spared to please.
Monroeton. Nov. 213; 1952.
TAD= lanti2
Soseph Powell,
T 8 now receiving from New Yerk the Most corn
plete and vseed assqrtment of Dress and Family
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery; Bows
and Shnes,Hats and Caps, Leather ever ex.
Libited in Towanda. My stock of Dry Goods - Wilt
be found to contain most decided bargains in shawls.
Merlon's, plain and figured delaines, thibet cidths,
alpscas, ladies flannels, &c., a good stock of groves
and hosiery. every sly le of
Q A Is quantity of Balt just received • by
dent J. POWELL;
SOLE LEATtIER-1006 lbs - sole lemiter of att,
excellent qnalitv, juat l ttctived by
bec. I, 18521 POW ELL.
CASH paid for 'Pork; whole hogs, or packed is
lJ mm style detil , ..11AlttEYSCNEVIN.
BT the subscribers in the Silsquehanna , River,
vuear the mouth of Ilornbrook, in Shesheituiri
tarp, on the 3d inst.,* retry Beat.' The otrner is
requestedm prove property, ind pay abates - . or
the said boat will be disposed of according to law
t 7; 1852 ' St '
& A. CAMPfIEhL. have just received alive
11..-aupplref fall and *Ulla' CLOTHING; iihiCh
Will be sold cheap for - cash. -:` .
. . .
CO _ ffir the.. public, is
to - tive, asscifitiect brtiiin 4 s 'anit : "boy!c
chgbifigii4t.geceit'a at:
101AINTSAWIL8a 6 A lirOtitoett of Ititteirddi
i.i.k.. t o,midwowik .44 , 4•11 Piet
. 11111 1. 3111 M;IgralPirlIT.1111.31r—aer
TERE ctit.t.,4c,C44 respectfully loft= ikaJpnbfic
that 1 4 7 bnao removed loth, shop on Main street,
recently occupied ; by. Smith.4t...Bon. Atearly.oppeeite
the Wed How. whetel 1111111. mill ,keep . oti,hand a
large, stack of
zuagiumapii 941,i3i5e9 ursatotach
~ . !,'.rttrnisifaMiatt, mare,
MaiturtituW to Miter. and
,Made of the iiest - material.s4 for workmanship cannot
,!t s iti‘stissiiio'NSOketit PV II S/iSsois•' :"Mbsy solicit
tt calf from those wishing to., purchase, confident that
they give saiiifaction hick. as to 4uality:ind,price.
xrni#ll and Sheep Pelts received for,svcch and on
,ccreurit, at the Mira
Sale. Leather, Upp er Leather and
for sale i n any, guatititY.: '
eux account oflosses Sustained at ; the , in th e tate ,firth we
N.,Vore obliged to 'cant' those inkebted to (milli a
prompt settlement, as we under the necessity of
having what Mowing to , us; we trust this noticeiwill
I.e sufficient without resorting to other Means.
Towanda; Dec. 2,' 1952.
VI TILT: be' received at the office of the Engineer of
V.W3 the North . Branch Canal. ai Towanda.!unti,
noon of Wednesday' lid day of December ibs2.' for
the construction of about 21 mileanfeinalrztend-:
ing from the pool of the Athens Data to the State
This workwill be divided into sections of stiitable
length, am minting to three or foir aeparate jobs—
Or bids may be made. for. the whole—also for furn
ishing all materials , and constructing the Stipenttruc.
tares' of the , Aqueducts between Athens and' the
Lackawanna. -
Bids will state a 'price Or thousand - feet board
measure: for timber and , plank delivered. A price
per thousand feet 'tor the Workmanship complete,
• and i price peer pound lbr iron. Plans and bills of
materials will be exhibited -alibi office aforesaid
for three days prior to the 22d proximo.
Dy order of the Canal Com'rs.
Wmc BRINDLE. Supt NortliDranch Pie : Canal.
• Towanda. Nov. 20. 1852.
T UB7' received from New York, new de !eines,
shew shawls, merinoes, new cashmeres, new
plaid's, new prints, and
of every description. which will positively be sold
cheap. The subscriber invites public attention to
this superb and unrivalled selection of winter goods.
Towanda, Nov. 12,1852. J. KINGSBURY.
- LT & A CAMPBELL, having been purified by
ill. the recent fire, have-again fitted np their
in the same place . as before and are now offering
for sale. a desirable assortment of fall and winter
They being desirous of making up theirrecent laa,
will sell at unusually low prices.
Towanda, Nov. 6, 11852.
JPOWELL would respectfully call the :Wen.
. ti in of the public to a large stock of MER—
CHANDIZE, consisting of almost every article
which the wants of the county require, which are
now offered for sale at the store formerly occupied
by E. T.:Fos. corner of Maine and Pine streets.
Towanda. Oct. 6. 1952.
TN the Brick Block. next door to Metcurs gore have
JL just added to their stock, a large .aud fashiona
ble assortment of
of every variety. both of style and price, to which
they ask the attention of the public. Thi■ is now
the largest stock
Ever jfered in Towanda !!
nod will be sold at prilies considerable lower than
per before known in this place. Oar goods are
selected with a regard both to style and price, and
offer in4ocements,not to be met with at any other
IV - Strangers visiting Towanda or oth
ers in want of G will dad
at oar establishment, in this section of the coyntry,
and made iu such style and materials as to •ensure
satisfaction. We 1.6011 endeavor by .
to secure petropage. feeling confident tnat our arti
cles will give satisfaction to the purchaser. .
The assortment comprises every article required
or a gentleman's outfit. TERMS-.CASH.
Overcoats,Voals Pants, Owl:mils Caps 4c
Loerrlons.--Next door south of Mereur's',lllain
st. 'orranda ; and No. 7 Water st. Arnouts Hall.
Elmira; and under A. C. Portera Hotel, ?Toga Vill
age. Tioga Co. Pa.
Towanda May 29th 1851.
. 11M1OPIE7
_ _
nuo ihswalraw.,
ITTOULH his friends and the public genet
ally that be has located himself in the ,
in the Bisement at the 'Onion =oaf
next door to Briggs' Hotel, (formerly' oeccipiedL:b:t
Wi B. Smalley.) where be-will be receitioepystent
three times a week by express, and will aerve;tbem
up id the . most hp'proved style, Ire No "loured no
pains or esprnse one olthe best
telt ES'AdifiLiSitlrileArr
this side of New
Oysters, by the gallon, quart or pint, at the lowi
est rates.
Towanda;Oet, 2T, 11352. • -
LIQu'0118.! LIQ(TORS !
rip HEAubscrifierii haiing fi;rmedisCopartnership
1 under the - firni• of & PILTON &CO . fist
ing a genera! Liquiar tittaisess, would teapecifulty
ask Hotel keepers and all others in want cf any
thing in their tone to giva them a tall. We intend
'keeping on hand a general assortment. of Poreiglc
Liquors. 'which - we can sell 'cheaper than .ariy
else in the county; from the filet - that' rig !Ay' diiect
Rom the importers. and thereby save' a - late Profit
charged by tbeN.t.lobbets ; Liquors irellarrainti;
ed pure and fret. film% adulteration. ,Alsoimiltiiptt.
13 1 on hand Whiskey b' the besquality. - Who?*
made arranged:teals by whielrwe
ensiomers with any rpaantity of DinghanuorrDHED
fresh from the Brewery.; Titmice give as a call.•
The notes and acemints of the old tirin of 84P - 4 ! '
ton & Co,tart In ?lir handsloi'
• - . • _ • -' -8; FELTON. -
• Towanda. Dec. 1..18521 . Et
q~NEW 40 Ganoa Casks, 4, eirstrate4iticie
!, kr Sale by • PFETATONIe. O*A
lopyrnitco uollEs—A lutof DD ale : hes: ~iiei
17 meelved ,
Ready made Clothing,
COPIt 211Baibleftetits.r.
A LL.Peritent' " . eitale,pf:_EP3llA,,
P - .E - 00t9r;Wdlite':iftf MOrtroli;:,,are - ltrOby:- - re
pest*, to -nlakgimafediateltitimebt eiliftheie bate"
intelsiota,agatiarts.said . .estate r .w4L -Please Present`
-.Execnlor, •
. 1)
Aif , 'Persertaiisdebted tirribeler,:tate A U STIN
-LKUSKEW-deo'd, • -tate:: : or twell„ are beyeht
requested tir Snide paYpeet:Witboat.idelay : and 1411,
those hiving - agitinst4la!estate will pre.
Senkthentrlali.iiiuhenticatedfOr:Settleinent/... .
: • :SAMUEL C,A'BB. ;
Orwell;i*Cg, 1852. Adtninistratork,,
A LL - persona indebted bithe;gStafe of SAMUEL
, DYEK Pike.tawaship. are here
by requested to Make imniediatepayinent and thoie
IntrinteleiMir lite*. - Neill;Please pie.
sent them daly.aMbeitpiceted for sittlentent.
ExecutoA.' o,
AN,LL pennant - ifidebtett._- indebted est a te at ettAs
SCOVELL - diestr. late* Of SOS& llawanda ;are
berYbVertestet 4cr , make intriteditstir.plyment.tind
thoseogPlaliniaglinit Seidl - 14We, teill please
10401 . 11tentAult authenticated ' for' satleiiiii
, r ,
• - • ' --• RE BEN DELON%
Socith.Towsinda. Nov. 1708E4; "Adminisfryttors.
't •
• IlluditOrs ilfotfcto. •
TIE undrsioneti auditor appoiated by the Orph
dl an's Court of „Etradfiird County, to ,diatribute
funds raised by administrator's sale of the real es
tate of Peter Johnson. late of said county deed. will
attend to the business aforesaid at the tavern of
Hugh Hicks, iii Rome village nn the . 11th •
,day of
January, 1853, at 1 eclock P M., when all Ramos
having - claims against said estate, areliegutred to
present theta or else be debarred from any Portion
of said fund. HENRY BOOTH,
Dec. 17.1852. Auditor
ALT. persona indebted to the estate of , Reuben
Park. dec'd. late of Litchfield township, are
hereby requested to make payment without delay
and all persons having demands against said estate
are requested. to present them duly authenticated
for settlement. MARIA PARK. Administratrix.
01180 N RICKEY,
Litchfield, Dee. 15, 1852. Administrators.
• tines of States.
'S TA G 8
lit _ LEAVE Towanda for Mercues
mills.Borlingtoi.East Smithfield
Kidgeberr, and Wellsburg de
pot on thaN. - .& E. R. R.. every MONDAY and
Fain at 8 o'clock A.M., and arrive at the depot
in time to take the evening stain of cars 'either east
or west. same day. •
Returning Tossniv and Efiroaaav after the arri
val:of the Eastern train, and also the Western cars
from Jefferson, Elmira, &c., and arrive at Towanda
same day.
FAZZ:-.Togranda to Merc,pr's mills, 371
" to Burlington, 50
" to East Smithfield; 623
•• to Ridgebery, 1,00
to Wellsburg depot, 1.25
Express packages to or from the Rail Road care
fully delivered at moderate charges.
Towanda. Oct. 8, 1852. proprietor
W0111741.11"D.A. arts WALVIIIERZT.
1 . 4 , 3 THIS proprietors are now run
ning a daily line of four horse
_:,crtanhes, between Towanda and
the ew York and Erie Railroad. at Waverly.
They are de:ermined that nt, efforts or expense
shall be spared to keep this line stocked and run. in
a manner worthy the encouragement of the public.
Leave Waverly every day, at 9 o'clock, A. M., or
after the arrival of the morning trains, and uric..
ing at Towanda, at It o'clock A. M. in time to con
nect with a line of stages, to Tunkannock.
Leave Towanda every day at 2 P. M., arriving at
Waverly in time to take the evening trains. east
or west.
At Towanda. passengers can take stages for Wil
liamsport, Wellsbornagh and Montrose, and carriag
es can always be °blamed, as may be desired.
The Proprietor* are pre-mred to take any num
ber of passengers by ,mtans of ettra stages, if nec
essary. 0;:r Office in Towanda, at the Ward:House,
from -which all the stages take their departure.
' A. KENNAR & Co.,
Nov. 20, 1852. Proprietor..
ME" .11111.0fCb
THE subscribers are now run
' 0- vi..""r - 7. - ning a coach daily from Waver
ly to Towanda they may be found
mo ing and evAing at G. II Hallett's Claremont
House, Waverly, and at noon tit Won Briagii"fo,
wands. The patronage of friends and travelers will
be -hankfully received.
Sheabequin. Nov. 15, 1852.
Lafayette Burr Mill Stone
THE undersigned, forinerly foreman for many
years of the Lafayette Burr-Mill Stone Manu
factory. 240 Washington St.. N. Y., (W. Tyack.
agent.) would inform his friends arid the public in
general. that he has, established a .-
to Lerny buildings, opposite Exahauge Hotel, and
solicits a share of their patronage. ,
I ,* He will have donstantly unhand a. large stook
Of Preach Burt 14111 Slimes's' also t . 1 4krge- supply
of frenc h Bair Blobka, Bolting .Screen
Wire. Calcined Plaster, and Patent.Self 7 ,Digeatirig
flushes. .
• The undersigned assorts Ilia frtends..and the
public, thit he rip roilvoiyelocate a n Oaten en.
misted to his care. not n 4i
only, itialltfr but Pri-.
ces oferticles furniabed, and aolicils theif kind pat.
roriage. .„
ORDERS by letter will he ekecuterl with at much
care and as cheap as when purnhasera :are on the
sPot• "'
REFERENCES--Hon: 13: S. Dickinson. im poili
John A. Collier, Hoe; Birdailli
ney. Dr.Hldridge, , Col. H. Lewis, W. - S.:Vreed;iik
Rittgbamtob. D.lttlarti. Isaac . Post. Judge. Jessup, ,
Salsbuty.& Co..%ldanecee.''Pa. Caleb Carmall, I
Priendeville. eThoatai! Phinney, Dundaff. 0. 0.
& H. Shipmia; Waverly. Thetrias Pearsall,
Smithborodeb,N. Y.- .MajorlL Meriereau: Union.'
N. Y. WT. Nichol:4 Owego, N. Y. Royal &
.Whitaker.tWaverly;N: JOHN VV: SULLIVAN:
'Hinehamtoa.Nott.B.lBs3.y23l, ,•••••='•
1111 - .•
Mike:" MILE !
1411DHE lite attempt to 'barn 'there' should, re.
1044 'reify property: holder of the - necessity
of being insured before hut tad, Peritithr
wishing to be itniureff; can tie by calling Upon the
undersigned; whir; having
~agericiei for several of
the most popotartoispanies In Ali ernsittr)Vaid•ia
prepared to falke•all kindklif stabil)* the midst tea,
Sortable tenitst r..
18511 . ,
2411311111 C 33A3111111Villik
_ .
aspx4ntett•ot Yo . perlistig
, -11:114 0 ,.s . kept lit ads -I eg.losu for. i-ala it, the -.very.
; • .; .•:!'.A,lq4-6,1;t11
:Mack ti tic. ft. I
N- 1 2: .‘ ; Itailroa,d.
Attrt;. l t.P' r.iettllOreelitrdiret r i thifab4Ve tho•
rOag rittjaPitiCtiteaLu V m ostfasinunabfe
rl'irMiAoods-ittrtlitisiln"Njw, fr . b4h., from
00 . 4pikof th e
;Also. 4ke Okoicer.taod..sbe.t.ritbeivriAapk.4.;,#„
ippflu,pricekthat 404oirail ;
.Their irplagemenpl h ate,kuolt , 'en
Sood at• tritalelatc..l.9c.c4l, , ,ao-N9F-4 11 . 1 theS:can kr:
pu rcha.eil, Ole.j9b4p ain Arw:Yerittily,tr. ,
• - attAttilltble:acknoßtedirlTh
exantuoalloA, of thir i irety-meti , hivil assonmeat
iklespectfully,solicilett. - •!. •.
.'.:TiaraiihOgtql Pftl;'t
stock-tif Misses'
Also *a Alio taiscittinerit z kip and
Sikieettif4.oroititittiind a id9d•liPllY:
of cent'. Gaiters iiiii-C4ingrif4'lloritiT/Ilt
.June ; ; ; 1 .; • IT
".114Elt /1A111:-.4 1 1;fine-sasorii?tont oF the Welt,
style* of owleoliiii.liossatb.-Hoilgoirion;PPitu.
Pedal aad.Palaaieg!a!a•ia* *PIPS at
ideal* of ladies' "ilia 'misses! Bon4iiii,,orl'or
great tartrey . of Doom triiiminga, elm Opehiog pt
/roof: •'•'. " • i MERetII29B.,
Okvis , mitre qualiii!COßN STARCH; -mirourae.-
, tared exprtsdy for 'talinsuy andZietetiepormeari,
16 ►iale 4 . i junet
DkBB,. GOODS.itit variety, front India saki. to
Seek Calicos. , Also the latest style oC,Dress
apl4l If. KINOSIMBY'S.
pEPOßElorkkin e elsewbere. it would W'ell for
Ladies tai look at life Spring BA,...rin,Pds';Arti,ficial
Flowers and Ribbons, Wbieh are sold soireo catnap.
April 9' ' • I U. 13INGiiDERY0
CROC4Eillr.—The 'avast, stock In town ll Fut
.ainner arid tea Ades, of white granite and blue
ware, which will be aolil;theap it Fors.
- -
GROCERIES.—The quality and prices of Teas.
Boyars and Coffee, always speak frir them
selves. at apl 10 13- KINGsBERY'rt.
20 QUINTALS CODFIS , — They' are worth
looking at, if not buytng, fur sate by
April 10. KINGS/MEW.
MESS PORK!- 50 bldg. Prime, for which a high
price was paid,and for which a high price will
be asked, by 4110 KINGSBERY.
DORK and Floor--alluantity of Pork and flour
1 just received and fur sale by
May 27 J. POWELL.
THE undersigned has purchased* largi, and
choice belention of NEW GOODS, bought
under the most favorable circumstances, and for
sale as low for cash as, can be bought elsewhere,
and lower than any braggadocia can or will sell.
May 5. 1052. , O. D. BAhTLETT.
t• giSlkM 60101004
HB. ¢M.C. At ERCUR, have just received a
. very large and general assortment of
F A I. L G 0 0 D 8.
which they ofrer to the public at their usual low
prices. sept 16
11!D:141731/2111C13 ! LOOK 31123.33 I
CARPENTERS & JOINERS wilt fi nd a full as.
'aliment of vanes, gauges, WIWI; squares, trying
squares, bevels, compasses. iron and wood lipirit levels,
augers, gimlet, center and roger bitts, broad, hand and
bent.% axes, sdaes, hammers, chisels; gouges, elialk
lines and , speols, brad and scratch awls, tape lines, &c.
• 111,ACKSMIEHS will find anvils, vices, bellows,
sledges, band and shoeing hammers, !rasps, files, iron
braces, bins, hand drills ; horse shoss.end nails, screw
plates,and a general assortment of eastiGerman, spring
English and American blister steel, Swedes, American
and English iron.
IiI.AbONS will end brick and plastering trowels,
stone hammars, lathing hatchets, white wash brushes,
dee., constantly on band at MEW:Ulric
fIATS—A large burnt( of foie silk Hungarian
Kossuth, Panama and palm leaf hats jnt re
ceived by jr23, J' POWELL .
FALL coops.
DVTON xuartlialtray
Is now receiving a of L arge aror general woof'.
merit of every dercript of goods, which are
now °tiered and will be Jokl at prices that caunot
fail to
I would ask an examination of my large cock; of
Stigma. Teas. Coffee, Molasses, Stewart Syrup,
*c. dm.. which are altogether ahead or any thing
fur quality and price in the county. ;
Towauda, ttct. 8, ISA.
, A horse I a
I my kingdom for
S - a hoe and customer* to take away
the go o ds. . Notwithstanding the late
- A
• disastrous fire, A. Mt 1 WARNER- is
is •
,--, ' hitnielf again !
` And at No. I Brick Bow yoli 4 ll and
Must anything their in his line.
Fromia cambric needle of the, fined . kind.
To a jewelled watch• of eighteen} karat fine.
Clocks which keep time acedrafeand true t
Breast pins of every, style and hue, • . ~ • .
Gold, silver, steel and plated chains,
Selected With the greatest pains.
Finger rings, my gash, why what a pile .
Of every shape and every style.
To suit the old the' yating, the krave the gay.
May there be seen in elegant array. . ..
Arid WASSI,S, who is bialStif a ?'• bast.°
Is always really and, at his post.
To wait upon his customers an d all - • -
Who chance upon 'ini to gryea call. -
So with good advice Make up your minds,. ,
To cell or, him arid l you'll and . 2.
eget $ l llllll5. MY eyes, 0 I whet a View • .
'Jewelry of every style and hae
ZNII.In't mistake the, place No., I. Brick rore.
Where he is prepartd to, do all kinds, of . , , •
J 0 13 , W 0 R
ie. hit lint tifhttsinte, at the chestiest rates that can
possibly be affiordetit He Will also ve.l his jewefry
at 20 per cent lower; than, was ever before offered 'in
this market. i 3 7. Call and see.,o)
- Towanda. Nov. 19. 1832. A. Id. WARNER.
Removed to . B. Kingsbery's Block !
11'.t . Watsusbertin,
e!tk; just mo.loollfrom tl*city
I:=Utif New YOik with a : laige
6 ',ilk supply of Watches,' JeWeirk and
j '
ory ware, comprising In "iniii„
I t 16 •
6 ,- " 4he .43*gig attirici:--Levei.
Ltiphlestni Plain Watches, with
tobiplete asiortineht of Gold
Jewelry,itch k Ri •
t sr ngs, Fro.
ger Itin re, 13 reist Pitia,Piticelets, Lockets, Geld chtips,
Gold Peps, Kepi, etC:' Also, ill sort* or 24*.erare,
and any iittatititylifelteel Hcad6==ell of!tab 'go oilers
for sale eseeeedingly cheap fOi CAttlf.' . • . •
Watches repaiketl oh short botieo, and warranted
to nib Well,Or the inOneVavill be refunded. and a witi•
ten agreement gilfen to ;bit aid if ritinired, -
N. 8.-.4IAPIsE SUGAR, Writ.:Conntry: Prodoe
taken in IMYMent tor !multi 'And aia . fearaiiiire;
oreper,theit. gte ,l i nsthsee rinsai paid: whets She war
is dosacl. *at against'manila all its - faiiO4, - '
A. pnAstllEßLltt i r Agent.
I`opan Aril 2% 1852. • a.
rittiirjiakfror li , hrat; - 11 - iickwh
; 1- OIN Benota:4l Est 16 rity Other a ilkir
ttl, bic ~
. ,
.01VETIVrialtre' adrees4tinairianiais - i, 'a meeker(
.. le al elno.abovo Engraved Wrapper at pri IL Ur
S ol A,E,arr c , olNli Aga/
oltillna to the public this Jusikt ,Fyiey.tal•F OV
E IiEWS :EA lilt •or"LIOE.It 010- - 10
AIL kec any Case iitatenronta or Wild tbeir
anprriarOriel en cy, resign g:to header islnt , a6 rk cod
4inTering,,,.neil,kevering . Ittut! r thejr,, frpulitiqn as
'etAlSqh% 110 vpiircixt
_ ••
Ala ; peomfe;might tit given 'l%l6ll\lldt* ditimiteei•
t4Pll'PloFACl!,itilft* VP*. itiFi4; ll 4:oo B W
themselves y whom** end ffyied,
IMltfthiinilkife'6ly qle rmi
Shia*i ,Atli esSies. pine , " reptablel atiVennwil
their h e m gasifiderge isd pafresego.
• The yAsste yrimastit sae f... Aka labia
p ain . • •
°' ftlOittaa 1.t:t..,?4#1)i),
"We'this Singe
sised yersorallylDr.-Itouleilktecreign Baba Pillit;seat
witnessed . - gas-health-restoringydrexta,thentaf i ebsdidalf,
lecoininead these 151:fil to.trus aglictal „es th,ltall wait
'" ' 1
••11 , M. ROBEIMS: itintowit
D.: 0. 0 1113..
11. A.THILICITS, t • , j ,4I:IArIA
" " ~ig':-=luuaieatii eity.topuLlishtbiifuitpit,
Bzwaits•oi Cogwriiirstrif !:- VITaIiTO het *ism tfid
any, rme who is milking,* apurion*Askicheilll er
etl to make use of our name but, soma of st ag s boo
hid the iiiiMdence tci lairtate' obrivies'itti t city oar
'Cirer.lanwtVertificares,. &e.!• triVesi dii 4.111.11* are
earerularhea *hey ; purcbaaeobey will. he deceived.
genuine boirreign Hahn Pifts ea u blik, bad
wholesale and'reiai , of Dr. SOULE & Co., elracmii
• Sold by Dr. H. C 'PORTER,Tawanda Pa; and Kg
their Agents in ever, town in the.goontrT.
Nerho's •Salt [thrum and Scrap]: Ohitnitit.
Three boxes. warranted 'to cure i yttrium tot Urge
as our hands. , •
NORNON'ssaltihnom and flcrafula oinbparktiat
odequill in coring galtrhenrn, Scrofula. &
thirber's Itcb,Tever Soma, Scald Heath, Illogiraima
Ace.. 4c. _
For bale in Towanda, by Dr. 11. C. PORTEIiI.
Va.-Ziar t Farrier & Stage Proprtetet.,
osnasau.sity 11 sus 111/11011 01 samosa
As the moat remarkable External Appllsethe *ref
"They can Keep. House -stigma iti
- Experience of more Ginn •i:tetn yen" tine eenabliget
the fact that Merchant's Celebrated Gargling Oil, or Eat:
venial nullity Einbratativn, trill Cure WWI r wit M
here all aura is
Spartins; Swouney. Ringtoone, Windgallx. Pall
Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels. Valls of
kinds, Fresh- Wounds, Sprains, Penises. Piaz
tulu, Shim!. Sand. Cracks. Strains, LaIIIePORRI
Foundered Feet. Scnucluss or Grease. Mang!.
Rheunttam. Bites of Animals. External Pot=
sons. Painful Nervous Affections. Frost Bittaa.
Built, Corns. Whitlus - s. Burns and Staald.i,
Chilthlains. Chapped Hands. CranTs; Cun:
tractions of the Muscles, Swellings. Watkins*
of the Joints. Caked Breasts. tte-
-. . .
. . . .
T p ahe imroncled iturceki of this Oil, in To cure of dts.
eaves in Home and;l;dtale. and even in euntenileeh. ii
if daily becomin; Tore katown to tho fanning corannitsky.
It can hardly be credited, earem by these who Irani brie
to the hebh of keeria s it is !hell stables and Mensal. Wbea
east amount' of viol, etiXerimi end time, are deed .*
the inner] applicenloll of tine On.
• mar Re rata the name of the - Bele proprietor, crofidli
AIgIiCLIANT,;- Lockport. N. Y., to bkitrn tn. the'
of The bottle, and in his handwenin.3 over the cork. •
All order* addressed to the propnezor ealtie 'pro***
responded to.
Get a Pamphlet of the Amt, and see Whit woodsy see;
aneumitheiind by h use of this medicine.
Sold by cePpecotbie deo:ora gosiorally; lc %is tem.
States eta Canola' . Also by • ,
Ao.cs - r4.—11. C. Porter,!a'—Vl'in. Kir
Alberts—Et Baird, Troy—.l). V. Barnes. Columbia
Flats-1.". D. Ta)lor, Burliugtou—Frisbie & Ltrnn
ton, Orwell -a -E. Dyer, ifccinzton—D. M. Bliley.
kianelield.l-i4unaphrey & Place, rioge—Tnrrell.
Montrose—Pill-3r & Ogden, Eirrtirn. Wholestitlie
vent. gre - Ward, Close & Co., 83. Maiden- et., hell
. 140,ittr. dr. %Yin. Porter,"
014 - Tim:4llAT, FOURTH OF JAY., tgAT
Itival be loeaiegrin the village of Jiver,
TT is the design of 'the untiersigne‘l.t.d,birrflq
the -taciliteS for thoroneh edueati /tint twin!
Aecnmplish.trients, iha ere olrered in the CUSS
Female etninarics.
The limekiln is, one of the very bestarrthe,banit
of the tamed Susquehanna, offering !) the e,r",.
once, every element of the Imaiitiibrl•nniYOOmbf.
ling the health by every contribetion - that'"Natnese
in . its greatest benevolence, has .to give .
We intend tminSice.tho Institution pleaortt ,a• A
home.. The internal sitlMg'hilen'ts will be ,reivalite., •
fed with reference to this object.
The treirins are
Oor inbittaint Lights, Foci , ar.,l
TuiTion In enm. Ltiglisit branches. iieruoiei,•lll#
highei. • . " Narita. t -t•Jy ,!
• maiies,, flee titiarter.
Tuition. in higher lkinthethr.ticitand tUniciaieitS
Drawing ikud Painting valet' t
• . ,Painting ColJrs % - • - .4*. SA*:
itifskon the Piano, • " 40;110,90 ;
114 nfPinno.l dr IDO
• _ • •
?he year w:irNe aivideci ieto toifr tidirieis' of
ELEVEN,, NECKS each. hating a Vaeatioti
week the end of the first iieaiter one of to
NvP'..isti at th t end of the second ; and a short.vatyle
:ion in the*inieriincleding thebolidays.
00. , Boarders ate requested to • Anil • flame
selves with fable riapkins, and a silver to' if
venierit. ,
1,0"1 - t. be ivrie'eted that boiartlers v4l
one half payntent in ad vanee. .
, • fl I.:0. re. ‘Pdrir.fll;‘ •
'the Painting, in Oil, C,olois., enl,esees
seape Portrait _Painting. butts.. Frialla,tlAsate
Practical knowledge of Mr. these deparnnenta:,,
the instruitions wilt ue ihorOngh,,inelatfintall nee;
essary to tin 1 57. titers, where the-art,
patina Mks nmfe, lvil r .
L 1 e.:.;
COKING GL. 1 ,94 nad.fir74
any MEP. to be bad et the Jiwelv L w
may. 15, 115.1. W. A. CIIAMBIIRLttr;