Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 13, 1852, Image 3

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.-,. GROCERIE. :' , t , '„4.:
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DENTIST. • i'l:
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r ovEu to the store recently occupied__by S.
i S.Call2y a.1,c,-rocery and Post office 3'.. doors
a D!,,ntanyes corner, where he has received
ton am! complete sock of DRVGS, At EDI
ID'' . cgorEitiEs, Sze. which he Will sell cheap ,
' - '
; !,,r c a,b than ever: .
&H I°u will find annexed a few leading articles :
: -a .I'es.. Fosgate's Cordial
In,e Mix Opi
yar.l Tmai Hay's Liniment
rap C Nua Hair Dye
Harlem Oil
, t'-'c'd
carlC,l a . I ointment, Trasks
~, c „‘,. . du Dailey's, >
.., ..; do McA Iles ter •
shakers Herbs
"4,:inth do Extracts
:.‘ APPI' Tilden's Alcoeolic Ig.i't
- real!Lei Extract
: ,, c$ Nulls lalap Extract '
M.,r , lies, Meaktin's Vanilla Ex't
11,.6ri . , 1 - do Lemon de
-.t 1% ooers I do Mace to
do Almond do
,do Cloves
I do Allspice 40
eo Nutmegs a.
i ab Peach do
do Ginger .• do
du Cinnamon do
cIJ Orange du
do Tonka do
Lubin'. Springtlower
do Munk •do
do V iolette do '
do Magnolia Ili
do Sweet Ilri'r do
do Jesmin do
do Joch). Crb do
do Cardi lie do
di Lind d•
do Duque( do
Ispings, Pewter as'in'nt
do Glass d o
Nor,inv, lioitles, Glaw.
f ,',O d ,i G. H.
;Rad ithei Turk
(1.; ,1,,,
• T.
la rta lie
11l daic),•-anc,
•• 1 .
‘ t 1 C• C't
do Ipecac
do Jalap
do til.ngei White
do Orris
•IGIm 4 7stiphor
I co Opt Turk
do Myrrh Turk
do Arabic do
do Copal
do Aloes Suet
da AloeS Care
'Chloride Lime
I do Soda
Castor Russ
Ij-lioglass do
Evens' Lauceps
:\:itr o s Silver, Op't
jOxid Llisnuth
"Mut.. Fill iffier.
l'an do .
Cart, do
l' 4 ulph do
Itlaostie do
{Citrate Ferri
lodide du
, n
2 , a
1 r
.11,1 g
\ ua.4
kl. IJer
P li%
Jl4 L ame I
Prot() Ind Mercury
1 1 3 jperil
i hwJine
1 1
''.a n,
Et.;:. Wu)
I ,crnra
Hydra Cum Crcta
Morphine Sulph
do Act
Calomel, American
do English,
Precipitate Red
do Whits
do Pale Gobi
do Dark de
do - White
'(1old !elf ' OpUp'(l "
China Vermillion
America do
"russiatt Blue
!Fog do •
11 - euilian Red, English
6 an4e
if i ry
kr RR
:• Prz:ural
9 Ilr,:en
I 13 e
, :h paint , , Turpentine, rorni.h, Dye'
eci Dce-StulT,C;lass. Pt/ ny, choice Groceritg,
! R Wi , and Liquors fur Medicinal purpose. 9.—
C.zars of the best brand ; and all articles con
ens tue,tri, ie.
tr;l2 ~,c ared the services of Dr. S. Dusrox,
0.11 Pis office at this stole, and will give me•
craws io people, they paying for. the
es ctly l'h;srrians can rely upon having
yr<rr.Nions careful.y compounded arid put
ooek hnc been selected with great care,
I.tertt , tis will be 'warranted as represented.
ih. 0. Jaynes' Medicines. Ayres:Cherry Pee-
Pulmonic Syrup of y e ll o w Dock
• 'frndea, iluliensacks, and Jaynes' Vermiftige.
tribe; with all of the area popular Patent medicines
to use constantly on hand and for sale at
J. M. RZED, No.
.2, Brick Row.
I 7 _ l4 ± l ,Novemb er 11
kA CAMPBELL, having been purified by
tae recent fire, have again fitted up their
. 4 1
` 2l " Plae. a , before and are note offering
4,t.a Jett:able assortment of tail and winter
`!iL'ing desif . ous of making up their recent loss,
at unusually low prices.
g Inda, Nov. 6, len.
Strayed or stolen.
'" Pwu re of Col. Means in this borough
z Ted and While COW of medientsize, a large pros
' 4,1 of Durham blond, 6 or 7 years old. Any
r etumlng or giving information of the where
of-taal cow will be liberally rewarded.
4 anla. Nov. 5, 1852. 8. V. SHIPMAN.
POWELL would respectfully call the igloo.
'h of the public to a large stock of MER—
ADIZE, consisting of almost every article
,t " , the wants of the county require, which are
; °flr
ect for , ale at the store formerly. occupied
„" F• , .1 . , corner of Maine and Pine, streets:
( 1 .", C, 1932. •
Legal Mnettistments
BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend Esponas Issu ,
ed out of the Court of Llonnnon Pleas, of Brad
ford County, and to me directed, will be expo ed to
public sale, at the Court House ID th e born' of,
Towanda on. Monday the 6th day of Dettemlier, at I
o'clock, P. M., the followinglot, piece or - parcel of
land situated in theatinhtlatiP of Wysoa. Bradford
Coanty, State 'of Pennsylvania. bounded and de
scribed as folio** to"wit the north
,by lands of
Valentine Woodburn on the east by landsbfll. P.
Walker; on the avant by lands ofßbbeitS ading,
and on the west by lands of E.*. Styee inOn.
ing aboin 75 acres, with about 20 acres impioved,l
one framed house, ad old log bard and a few fruit
trees thereon.'
Seized and taken in exception at the snit of Da%
vid Barber; vs Levi Walker.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land
situated in Springfield twP. and bounded and de
scribed as follows to wit : On the north by lands of
Denison Gates, east by lands of Tallman Beardsley.
south by the county road; and nest by lands of 11.
W. Root, Containing half an acre, all improved,
with cue Rained liodse acid one rramed barn there
E !
Seized and Wren in execution at the snit of Gil
bert Prentiss gild Thule, vs Chatincej , Blakeslee &
Truman Graves.
ALSO—A piece of land in Ulster twp. bonnded
as follows to wit : North by lands of C. F. Welles,
east by lands of Daniel Lenox, south hi lands of
Russell McKinney, and west by Ruirel McKinney,
articled for by George Galusha. Contaihing about
112 acres, about 30 acres improved, two log houses
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Tru
man Galusha, to the use of Welles & co., vs Myron
t: Farnsworth.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Smithfield
twp. and bounded and described as follows to wit
On the north and west by lands of E. fit. Tracey,
south by lands of A. F. Gerciold, and east by the
highway. Containing one-half acre, all improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit cf
William S. Pierce, vs John Heavener.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Ulster eillago
bounded on
-the north by lands of Edward Mills, east
by the highway, South by lands ofJohn - Brown, and
west by lands of Edward Mills. Containing "about
one-half acre, all unproved, with one:framed dwell
ing, house thereon.
Seized and ,taken in execution at the suit of
Welles & Co. Vs Pike and Sherman.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Athens boro'
and bounded on the north by lands of 1.. $. Ells
worth, on the west by the Chemnng River, south
by _street leading from main street to the Che
mung biidge and lot belonging to the bridge com
pany. and eh the east by main street. Containing
about three-fourths of an acre more or less, with a
two story framed house and barn thereon erected,
and a few fruit trees thereon.
6'eizeil and taken in exectition at the snit of 0. B.
Brown, vs D. A. & 0. Salttnarsh.
piece or parcel of land in Towanda
two. and bounded on the north by lands of Edward
Overton and C. Mor.e's lot, on the east by lands of
kN'illiam Si. Michael Deslain, on the south by lands
ot • Hiram For. and Hiram Nfa'g.ill, and lands late the
pr perry of Benj. Wileex, deed, on the west by
lands of Dennis Magill. Containing about 125
more or less, abort 25 acres improved, nhe framed
dwelling house cne log and framed barn,and a
small orchard 0: frtilt trees thereon.
eeiz,d and token in r xecutitm at the suit of Geo.
Roe row to the use t.f Edward Overton vs. James
Nestor & Edward Welch, doing business tu the
ti.mtv of Nestor Ar. Welch.
A LiSO , —A piece or parcel ef land in pure!! twp.
and bounded on the north by lands of 'Juba Crino
nest by unseated lands, Louth by land of MI
chael Crow, east by Claudius Fitz Gerald's. Con
taining 106 acres more or less, 3 or 4 acres chopped
Be:tzed and taken in execution at the suit of Sal
ly Ward, executrix of the estate of William' Ward,
defd now to the use of Rank & Brook„ vs David
ALSO—A niece or pal cel of land
,in Standing
Stone Icrp. and bounded on the north ley lands be
longing to John Park, on the cast by lands belong,
ing to John Hurley and James McGregor, on the
south by lands belonging to Patrick Lynch, on the
hest by lands heloneng tot:has - les Haines. Con.
mining about 87 acres, be
. the same more or less,
about 35 acres improved, one log house and one
framed shed, and a small oretard offroit trees ?titre
Seized and taken in execution at The suit of Ed.
ward Overton, vs George A. !Stephens.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Duren twp.
and bounded on the north by a road leading from
Frenclitown to Charles !Tomes Grist mill, on the
east by Charles Hornet's lands, on the south by the
road leading from Frenchtown to Terrytown, on
the westby lands of William Brown, about one
acre improved, one plank dwelling house, and one
small board house for a dwelling thereon erected.
Seized and taken in.execution at the suit ofJohn
G. Steward vs David Ring, John Wood ofk John
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Sheshequin
iwp. Containing about 65 acres more or less about
4 acres improved, bounded on the north by lands
belong-16g to Guy Kinney and the heirs of Purley
Kinney, on the east by lands belonging to Samuel
Hiller, on the south by lands formerly owned by
Thomas Marshall, deed, on the. west by lands be
longing to Reuben Ortflip.
Seized and token in execetimi at the suit of IL N.
Tern t Sr, co. vs. dames Brink.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Monroe twp.
and bounded on the north by lands of Sylvester
White, on the east by lands of Rogers Fowler, on
on the south by lands belonging to the estate of Ab
ner Rockwell deed, and on the west by the Tow
anda creek. Containing abott 95 aerbil more or
less, iboui 60 acree improted, one framed house.
one framed barn and an orchard of fruit trees there,
Seized and taken in exscution at the suit of E. B.
Sweet do G.W. Hollenback, Executors of Jiro. Hot
le-aback deed, vs. Stephen Hon.
ALSO—A piece orparcel of land in Rome village
and bounded on the north by hands of William C.
Maynard or his wife, east by lands of Morris
Cranmer, southlty land a of Morris Cranmer or his
sister Martha. and west by the public bighway.—
Containing 100 fret front and 150 feet back, all ird-
proved, with one beading thereon for an Academy.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sam
uel C. Mann, vs. the Trustees of tho Rome Academy.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of. land ColuMbia
twp. and bounded on the east by lands own?d, and
in possession of John H. Killgore, Walker Pierce
and John Benedict, on the north by lands of said
John Benedict, on the west by lands of Paid Her
rington, sad• on the south by Paul Hefring,ton and
McDowell. Containing :thou} 26.1. acres of
land, with about 0 acres improved. and one block
dwelling house, two small log sheds +home fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken'in execution at the uit of Edi
tha Duffles, vs. James M. Irish.
ALSO—Apiece or parcel of land i tand'g Stone
twp. and bounded on the north by la ds of Thomas
Dolan, on the east by lands of Roswell Coleman,on
the south by lands of Geo:Sit-01mill, and on the west
by lands of Mathew Bennett and Geo Nichols. Con
ta:ning about 60 acres more or less, about 20 acres
impritived, one log house, and one log bard and a
few apple trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution el the snii of Myers
and Spalding, to the use of E. R. Myer, vs John
ALPO—A piece or parcel of land in Ulster twp.
and botinded op the north by lands ofCharles Holc
omb, on the east by landtt of t orace Heath, on the
south by the highway leading froth Ulster to Smith
field: on the west by lands of Cyrel Sweet. Con
taining about one fourth of an acre, all improved,
with one frame house thereon.
Seized and takenin - exceution at the suit of E
Smith, J. Culp 4 . C. T. Smith copartners & Co. vs
Nathan Olmstead.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Albany twp.
and bounded on the north by lands of James Wit.
cox, east by the south branch _of 'Powanda creek
south by lands of Campbell and Benj. Wilcox, wesc
by wild lands. Containing about 130 acres, about
GO ac es improved, one framed dwelling house, two
fra..wnl barns and one orchard ref fruit trees thereon.
_ Seized and taken in execution at the suit ofJames
IL Thinner Jr., now to the use . of 1. C. Adams, vs.
Mfuor Wilcox.
Legal . cAbnettisements.
- - - --
ALSO—A piece or,parcel of land in Monroe twp.
and bounded on the north and east by Stephen Bois,
on the south by Rollin Rockwell, on the west by tbe
Towanda creek. Containing-about 15 acres, about
4 acres improved, one new framed house not quite.
finished thereon erected: . - - •
Seized and taken - in execittion at the suit of J.
Phinney now teithe use of James Santee vs.& W.
ALSO= A piece of parcel of land in Athens tarp..
and bounded on the north by lands of Witham
Thomas, east by lands of Orson Rickey and James
Miller, south by lands of lames Miller & Nathan
Edminster; and west by the public . highway lead
ing from Athens boro' to Factoryville. Containing
abode 28 acres, all improved. with one large brick
dwelling holler, one brick barn, and a mean orchard
of frdit trees thereon.
ALSO—ZOne other brick building in Towanda .
boto' and bounded on the west and north by D. F. 1
Battiow, east by lands elf. H. Stephens, and south
by the public square, it being ni feet front and 92
feet back,Haylen's interest in said building being
the basement and upper story and the west half of
the story over Lawyer Adams' office, and the right
of entrance in front of said building.
ALSO—bile other state or parcel of land in Troy
born' and bounded on the north by lands of 0. P.
Ballard, on the east by an alley about id feet wide,
used for said lot which joins on to lands of V. M.
Long, on the.t.opth by main' street, and on the west
by /ands of 0. P. Ballard. Containing 33 feet front
and 72 feet back with the right of way on the back
or north end of said lot of Id feet wide, all improv
ed, with a large brick building thereon, occupied as
stores, shops dcc. It being the east part of the
brick block in Trov born'.
. .
seized and.taken in elFet4ibit .at the ;lois of
Thomas Elliott dz. J. D. Montatiye, vs. S. Hayden.
ALSO—A piece or parcel ofland in Athens twp.
Beginninge at a sugar maple tree the south east cor
der of a lot formerly conveyed 3 0 p. l aiel Oreatt
thence itciuth 135 7-10 rierch6 le a Post ; thence
west 106 6-10 retches to a pOst thence north
1.37 5-10 perches to a'pitch pine fora cornkr stand
ill en the south line of said. Orciitt'S lot ; thence
south 56° ea s t, along the south line of said Orctia's
lot, 106 6-10 perch's to the beginning. Contain.
ing 92 acres and 131 perches, more or less, it being
intended for the whole of lot No. 122 on warrant
lot No. 1532, about 40 acres improved. two fog
houses, one log barn, and a small log corn tiodse,
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 8.8.
Clark, vs. Albert Van Gorier.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Albany tiCp.
and bounded on the north by lands belonging to
David Chapman ; on the east by lands belonging to
A maron Hancock ; on the south and west by lands
belonging to Zaduk P. Corson. Containing about
168 acres more or less, abotit 120 acres improved,
1 framed hoisse, 1 framed barn, mill an old log
house, and three large orchards thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Beach, Clark & C.: vs. R. Ilin Wilcox.
ALSO—A piece or pahcei of land in Sheahequin
twp., and bounded on the ni.ith by lands of William
Stephenson and Clark Barter; on the east. by lands
of Patrick Murphy and C. J. Lent, on the south by
lands of William Stephenson and Benj. Stephenson.
and on the west by lands of William Stephenson.
Containing about 51 acres, about 12 acres improved
one steam saw mill, one framed house, two shan
tee's and one log barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. S.
Elliott, now to the use of D. l3rit k arid Son vs. D.
Hill jr. and Morris Murphy. •
ALSO—By writ of Levari Facias, the following
described lot piece or parcel of land in Franklin
township: Beginning at a post, thence by !ands of
Peter Seely, Andrew Siddons and Geo. Sidduna,
north 61 ° west 320 perches to a post, thence by
lands of Paul Moore, south 29° west 212 perches
to a birch; thence by old survey south 61° east 320
fkerches to a sugar tree, and thence by lands of
Henry Harder. north 23 deg. test 212 perches to the
beginnin g . :Containing 400 acres and allowance
surve)-elito Joshua Cooley.
ALNU—One other piece or parcel of land in said
township, called Derry, surveyed to Henry Harder.—
Beginning at a post, thence by lands of Geo. Costa.
tor, Jonathan Hampton and Peter ,Seely, north 61
deg. west 320 perches to a post by lands of Joshua
Cooley, south 29 deg. west 212 perches to a sugar
tree, thence by old survey ankh 61 deg. east 320
perches to a post, and thence by lands of titsephen
Hollings - worth north 29 deg. east 212 Perches to the
beginning. Containing 400 acre; and allolvattee
no improvements. . .
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Fran
cois A. Brognire, vs. Archibald B. Tripler & Sophia
L. Tripler his wife.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land Granville psi).
Beginning at a hemlock south west corner ,of lot
No. 114 on warrant lot No. 1483; thence west ill
perches to a hemlock for a corner, thence iioith 160
perches to a chestnut oak for a corner, thence east
111 perches to a post for a corner, thence smith .160
perches to the beginning. Containing 111 Beres
strict measure, and about 3 acres improved
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Rob
ert D. Davidson, administrator of William Davidson
dec'd, who survived Timothy Paxon to the use of
G. F. Mason, vs. Peter Vroman.
ALSO.--.A piece or parcel of laud sittrited in
Granville township, and Degincing it a hemlock the
north-west coiner of lot No. 85 on warrant lot No.
1481, thence south Ari 2-10 perches to a post, thence
west 108 4-10 perches to a post, thence east 108
4-10 perches to the begibning. Containing 58 acres
and 61 perehei be thi. same more or less, about 20
acres improved, one plank house, one framed barn
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in etecdtion at use suit of Roit l
ert B. Davidson administrator of William Davidson
dec'J, who survived Timothy Patron to the use of
G. F. Mason, vs. William Vroman & George S.
Decker 'erre tenant.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Moe. 5, 1852
Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to
the cost, willire required to be paid upon each sale,
when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure
to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will
again be offered for sale.
cor virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court
STIP of the County of Bradford, to the subscn
bens directed They will expose to' public sale,
upon the premises on Monday, November 29, 1852,
at 10 o'clock A. M., the following piece or parcel of
land situated in the township of Warrea, in the said
county and bounded and described is follows to
wit I
. ,
/3eginning al at a pine tree at the ,north west
corner, and running south 125° west 129 perches to
a stake I thence south 28° east 8 perches to a slake;
thence south 89° east 70. perches tq •.beceb tree :
thence north I°.east 134 perches to a stake ; thence
north 89° we.4l 48 perches to place ot
Containing , 45 acres and 30 perches, excepting
thereout the Gristmill lot and privileges. About 25
acres improved, one frarped house, one old barn and
a fear fruit trees threoli.
Th . !? following piece or parcel of land situated
in the above said township, and bounded and de•
scribed as follo4-s to wit
(in the north by the first Mentioned lat ; east by
the same and Calvin- Dtiffington's lot; south and
east by the public road. Containing two acres and
a half for mill lot and yard w th a Gristmill thereon,
also the priVileges •such as rare and pond, which
is excepted out of the first mentioned . lot. TERMS
of the ahoy* sale will be made known on said day:
Executors of the estate of Benj.
Monday, Oct. I t, 1852 Buffington dec'd
ALLpersons indebted to the estate of SAMUEL.
DYER, deed, late of Pike township, are here
by requested to make immediate payment and those
having claims against said estate will please pre
sent them duly authenticated. for settler..
Pike, November 4, 185
4n y size, to be had at . _ ~ctreiry
May lb, 1852. W. A, CHAMBERLIN.
C. THOMAPI. Sheriff.
Coal 2thutittments.
A LL netsons indebted to . the estate of FEANCIS
V.V7ATERMAN, dec'd late - of pike, are hem.
by requested to make payment without delay, and
all parsons having demands against said estate are
requelted to present them, duty' authenticated for
settlement. C.'o. GRIDLEY
• A d minisrator,
Pike,Sept. 22, 1852 . with the will annexed
• - Orp Court Bale.
ThY virtue of an order of the Orphans court chile.
County of Bradro.rd,fp the subscriber . directLd
He will to public side at the honse7of 4. D.
Brown, on Hatordaytha nth orNovember 102011 '
I o'clock P. M, .the , fi4loiring piece or parcel of,
•and situated in,,Konro6, townshikin said county,
late the properta o(Eavzd Thantas:dec'd, and bound
ed and described as follow, to wit :
Ott the north by lands of Stephen Du Bois; on the
east by lands ofßollen Rockwell ; on the south
by lands of William Rimers ; and on the west by
Towanda creek. • Containing 10 acres; With about
six acres improved. A. L. CRAN,SIER.
Oct. 15, 1852. • Administrator.
Bradford Coosly Comnion Pleas.—
Pierre Joseph de Caters, vs. Peter Brooks, No.
Sept. Term 1852, Sammons in Ejedment: 2
AND now. to wit Sept. 22. 1852, on motion of
Gen. Sanderson Attorney for Pl.ft, Court ord
ers a rule on defendant to appear and plead by 2d
Monday of next Term, on judgritent for Plaintiff,
for the following described.tract of land to wit; sit
uated in Litchfield township, Bradford County.—
Containing 50 acres, bounded as, foboves t Begin
ning st a white wood north-west corner of lot No.
52 ; thence north 59° west GO perches to a Mist , for
a corner; thence north 1° east 100 perches to a
peat for a corner : thence south 49° rasl 80 perch-,
es to a post for a corner ; thence south 1° west, 100
perches to the beginning
Certified from the record. A. MAEAN.
Oct. IG. 1852. Prothonotary..
Adeniabtrator's sale.
QV virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Bradford County, will be expoged to public yen
due on Saturday, the 27th day of November next. at
2 o'clock P. M.. at the Mansion house on the prem
ises, the following described lot piece or .parcel of
laud situated in Leroy township—Borinded and de
icribed on the north by the Towanda creek on
the east by Seety Holcothti's estate ; on the south
kw unseated lands ; and on the west by lands of A.
D. Pass. Containing about 36 acres—about 16
acres improved, one, framed house and one framed
barn thereon erected. TERMS. made known on the
day of sale, BETSEY HOLCOMB,
Administrators of Sterling Ho!-
Oct. 20, 1832. comb, dec'd.
BY virtue of a deed of assienment. I shall expose
at adjourned sate, on Monday, the Ilth , of Octo•
ber at 1 o'c ock P:M., the following lots of laud and
thither ; the titnber on one hundred acres of laiid
adjoining Charles Thompson anti others with a saw
mill thereon.
ALSO, 1 Lit, 1010 square feet, with a Shoe shop
thereon, together with the home property of 0. D
Chamberlain ; A acres of land, two dwelling hous-
es, one st. re, t wo barns thereon, all improved—all
the interest of O. D. Chamberlain, will be sold in
the above Property. Terms made known on day of
sale by i. S. DRAMA',
Sept. 10, 1852. assignee or O. D. C.
. .
'TIE above sale 'stands unjourned until Monday.
the 16th ;lay of November, at the same place and
time of day as regarthi the home property, and it
will be sold in three divisions.
All theie having accounts with 0. D. Chamber-
lain, is hereb• notified la call and settle immedi
ately. 8. 8. BRADLEY,
Oct, 13 ` 1E52. Assignee.
ALLpersons indebted to the estate of SETH T.
BARST . plee'd late of Wysoz , are hereby
requested t o a•e payment without delay : and all
those having demands against said estate will pre
sent them duh• authenticated for settlement.
D. F. 13.1ItSTOW,
Towanda. Oct. 11, 1852. Administrator
REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is -hereby gtv
en that there have been filed and settled in the
office of the Register of Wilk in and for the county
of Bradford. accounts of administration upon the fol.
lowing estates viz ;
Final scomnt of Harrison Black administrator (.1
the estate of Silas S. Buck, late of Wyalnsitnr,dee'd.
Final accounts of William S. Raker, guardian
of Desire Rose and Jane E. Rose. minor children of
J. Rose, late of Canton deed.
Final account of Francis Tyler Hugh McDuffee
and Charles MrDuffee. execotnr3 of the last Will
and Testament u: Samuel McDuliee, late of Athens
Final account of Geo. Manning and William
4radford, administrators of the estate of William
Bradford, late of iri arren,dec'd.
And tht same will be pre clued to the Orphan's
C i ourt.of Etrad6nd county on Monday. the 6:h day o
December next, for confirmation and allowance.
H. 1.. SCOTT, Register.
Register's Oirce, Towanda. Oct. 20, 1852.
Lid3t,Ts nI • T
DIV 0310 EL
Ann Culver Mj 14r-w riend. Wolk, Ohnslearl, ra
George A. Culver-. so ,Brodford County Com. Pleas
No, 345 Sept Dent 1852.
MORGE - Ni.CULVER, defendant in the abOve
cause : You are hereby *citified that Ann Culv
er your wife, has filled her petition for a divorce
from the bonds of matrimony. And an alias sub.
pane has been returned. and proof made that you
are not to be found in said county. You are there.
fore hereby required to appear at the Court Mince
i t the borough of Towanda, on Monday, ithe sixth
day of Dec. next, being the first day of December
term of said court acorn. pleas, to answt-r the said
complaint, and show cause. if any you hate, why
the said Ann shall not be divorced from you.
Ck.l. 17, 1652
linsolvent Notice.
MAKE Notite. dirt I bare applied to the Honors.
ble, the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas
for the County of Bradford for the benefit of the In
solvent Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, and they have appointed Monday. the
of December next, at 10 o'clock A. M, to heir me
and my creditorg, at the court house in the born'
of Towandaorten and where you may attend •if
you think proper. EBENEZER FußousoN.
Nov. 6, 183.
In the 0.-plums Cgtirl of rarlArd; County, in. the
matter,, of tbe.eslate of SIMON SPALDING deS . V.
►(SHE under.igned having been appointed 6y the
3rphans Court of Bradford County, an auditor
to make distribution of the monev-in the hands of
the Admiiiistretorpf said estate. Notice is hereby
aitren.that The auditor will' attend at the Court
House in Towanda on BATUBDAY.. Dec. 4,.1852
at one o'clock P. M 7 to perft rrn the duties pertain.
jug to his office, at which lime and place, all per.
sons interested, are required to aoend and present
their claims, or be forever debarred froth cantina in
upon said fund. tiAtVEY IiteALPIN,
A utOtor
Awl* Noticp.
THE auditor appointed by the Ot2han's Court of
.I. Bradford County to distribute the fonds in
the hands of the AdMinistrators of AMAIN MOO—
DY, deed, late of said county, will attend to the
business aforesaid at his race in Towanda bore'
on the llth Eltty of December next, at I o'clock P.
M , when all persons interested are required to pre.
sent their elainithor else be debarredkulln claiming
any share of said fund. H. BOOTH,
Nov. 6, 1652. Auditor
TO ALL interested, we are in want of money,
and consequently all accounts running over 4
Month., and all notes over doe must be paid imme
diately, if you do not wish to pay east--yon hed
better call and nettle, and save us the trouble of
sending for you.
Towtinda, Oct. 8, tB5l. HALL 4. nussELL.
H. S. =OUR,
A tm'2 , ,tr:ltea,olfeSthllit
Geom. tram:ink a full asscOilePt " al " 14844
1 3( kept AY MA+ • IrhAch wets, extrilnelY
low prices, and will be sold :at. litwer,prlces app - lbe
same geode are sottl.4in :My to:tirri writ of
New Yoik. We sty to all, come and iiirriihe our
stock;. and those who pay Cash 'for,gtioods wilt Gad it,
greatly far their interest to boy , it the Cash !tore.
Towanda; June 1, 11352:
Moots: and 6hoba:
A LARGE stock or Ladies", ChildreiN stria llfisses'
GaitersOuskius, Slippers, Polkas Bobts.—
Also fine tissortmefit cif. men's ipd imy!s,ealf„kip an'
morocco Boots, ShOesi and Bmgans, and a good supply
of gent's Gaiters and Congress Boots just received at
Jens 1. _ , MERCUR'S.
SUMMER HATS.—A fine.isaortment of atm latest
stylei of moleskin, Hoistdb, Hungarian, Panama,
pedal and Palm leaf Hata, just opened at
June 1. MERCUR'S.
selection of, ladies' and misses' Bonneug, and at
plat variety of Bonnet Trimmings, now openirg et •
Jvnel. ME BOUM
ORVIS' extra quality CORN STARCH, rnsnufac
lured expreaaly for culinary and dietetic purposer,
tie' Bate at Jong! MERCUR'S.
DRESS GOODSL-in variety, from India silks, to
Scent Calicos. Also the latest style of Dress
Trimmings, at ap1:0 B. KING3EIE3r3.
DEFORE ibobiba elscwhere, it would be well for'
14lies,to ! look at the klpring Bonnets. ArOcial-
Flowers and Ribbons, which are sold so very cheap.,
April 9 B. KING:MERV.
CTIOCKEhY.-.--the largest stock in town. Fur
dinner and tee setts, Of white granite and blue
ware, which will he anld cheap at , FOX'S.
GROCERIES.—The quality and prices of Teas.
Sugars and Coffee, always speak for them.
selves. at apl I 0 B. KINGsBERY't4.
NIACKEREL.-50 half barrels, and 25 quarter
barrels, at li.
20 QUINTAL S colinsH—Tiiey are worth
looking at, if not buying, for sale by
April 10. B. KINI/tilltßY.
MESS PORK !-50 bbls. Prime, for which a high
price was paid,and for which a high price will
be asked, by apllo B. KINGSBERY.
More New Goods,
TINT received and now opening by J. POWELL,
al a large stock of Dry Gtiml., Hoots & Shoes, Hats
Groceries, Fish &e., which - are now offered for sale
at extremely low pr'ett. Having been selectcd
with care and bonght for bash, they can be afforded
and Will be sold at prices that cannot fail to suit
the purchasers. An exemluation et his stock is
respectfully solicited J. POWELL,
N. Y. & E. Railroad
A RE now receiving weekly over the abare thri
/1. ronghfare, all the and most fashionable
styles of Goods arriving in New York, fresh from
the hands of the importers.
Also, the choicest and be zt of heavy Staple Goods
and at prices that cannot fail to please.
Their arrangement. are such that they can sell
goods at wholesale for cash as low as they can be
purchased of the jobbers in New York city.
With an humble acknowledgmf us of past favors,
an examination of their very extensivh assortment
sat Goods is respectfully solicited.
TWanda, June 18.52.
DORK and Fl.ittr—a quantity of Pork and Flour
itt , t received and for sale by
May 27 J. PO WET.I..
CAME to the the sttbetiber in the
township of Pike--one red yearling Meer, with
a Fiar in the face—aloo, a yearling heifer. The
wner is hereby notified, to prove property. pay
oherxe.. end take than lawny. 18. URINIC,
0'1.26. 1852.
TILE undersigned has purchased n large, and
choice selection of NEW COODa, bought
under the most faS•orable circumstances, and for
sale as low for cash as can be bought el -ewhere,
and lower than any braggadocia ran or will sell.
May 5, 10:V2. 0. D. BAKTLETT.
H8.4.M. C. MEROCR, have just received a
t very large and general assiolinent of
which they offer to the public at their usual low
price.. sept 16
CARPENTERS R JCiINEES will find a tall as.
sonment of planes, gaue, , es, saws, Squares, trying
squares, bevels, eatopassea, iron and wood spirit levels,
augers, gimlet; center anti roger bias, broad, ha` ad and
bench axes, adzes, hammers, ehisele , gouges, chalk
lines and sprols, krad and scratch ails, tape lines, Sm.
BEACKSMIRIIB will find anvils, vices, hell ma.
sledges, hand and shoeing hammers, rasps, files, iron
braces, hilts, hand drills, horse shows and nails, screw
plates, and a generril asiartent of cast,Verman, spring
English and American blister steel, Swedes, American
and English iron,. .
MASONS will find brick and plastering trowels,
stone hammars, lathing hatchets, white wash brushes,
&c., constantly on hand at MERCUR'S.
HATS -A large stock of fine silk Hungarian
Kossuth, Panama and palm leaf hats Jost re
ceived by jet:3. J. POWELL.
• -
TS now receiving a very large and general assort
" ment of every description of goods, which are
now oared and will be sold at prices that cannot
fail to
would aek an examination of my large stock of
Sugars, - Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Stewart': 83 rap.
&c. &c., which are altnaether ahead of any thing
for quality and price in the couhty.
Towanda, MI. 8, 1832.
STA 11E6
EAVE Towanda kw Mercar's Milk, Darlington
1-1 East Smithfield, Ridgebery and Wellsburg de ,
pat on the N. Y. &E. R. R., .every. Ilfornss and
FRI nal , at 8 o'clock 4.1 if." and.arrive at the depot
in time to take the eventn a train of cars either east
or oust, same day. • - .
Returning Tucsnsr and Siwntinss after the arri•-
var_of the Eastern tCarri, and also the Wc..cra cars
from Jefferson, Elmira, &e., and arrive at Towanda
same day. • •
}Mane :—Towanda to Merges mills, 374
• !a :Harlington. SO
" to East Smithfield, (t 24
to Ridgebery, 1,00
weilstiorg depot, 1 25-
&press packages to or (rum the nail Road care.
oily delivered at moderate charges.
Towanda. Oct 8. 1852. Proprietor
BIAKEB Patent Fire Proof Paint, the only place
you can get the pure article. in at •
Towanda, Oct. 8. 1e52 8.-KINOBBURrEI.
Zarin 71LAZ1C2111115., , ',;
rIIHE only eoreplete assortment of .Paper Hang
JL - ings kept in this region, tor sate at the very rates by 0. D. 13.AftTLUTT
•. , •
ri i IHE late eittenipt to bit:tont' . town should
mind every property holder'of the necessity
of being insured before-ilia too -late—all periwigs
wishing to be insured, can beiiy . calling upon the
undersigned, wh,o;having agenctis ',lilt several of
the most popular companies in this colinlty,,avid
prepared to take all kinds of risks on the tubtisetia
sonable termS.-'
Towanda, Oer. 7, 1852. • 0.8. lIESSELL. • •
~r xitzunkia'zititt - • ,
untem la. the .coarse.. of tubutia.eveuts.
VV - ,comes necessary. ,frir.tbos,e having prnper,ty,
to insure against destruction by FIRE, it behooved
them to inquire iuto the nature of , ther 'company; in.
w.ich they May insure:. Therefore, beat known to
al ' . whom this may come, that we invite your at
tention ro the 4 affairs of the
3Xfe*.l2;crt tErnicri cf Zohnstawn N. T.
as a company well worthy the patronage of the
eitizens of Bradford and adjoining eonnties. baring
complied with the 7th section- of the Act entitled
Laws in relation to foreign insurance ; lid. thi
ottno4confulence in recommending said company
to the people. for etre insurance.
ABEL MARCY, Gen'rt Agent ror Pa:
Oct. 26, 1832. G. W . jaNG,BobAgent.
fri AM E to the enclosure of the subscriber in Wy.,
sox town-hip, about two months since. a brio,
tile steer. two year; old, not particularly marked.—
The owner is requested to prove property, pay
charges, and take said steer away; • '
Winos, Oei. 26, 1852. 8. gTRICKLAND.
Mit S. Me.MA HON will open a school fiir young
Ladies and Mitises. in the basement of the M.
E. Church in this village, ?inv. 3, 1852.
• Common engli=ll3ll.nches, :ft CO
High. r 4 00
French. 5 00
Instructionscan be given in Greek and if
hailed. For farther par icularts cuqui:e at the les
iilence of Rev. McSfahon.
Tnivantla. Oct. G. 1852
ANPVING—WooI, cotton and oil cloth carp
" can, quite a'variety for sale by . -
Oct. 7, 18. - .4. J. KINGSBURY.
: • TO TON
Pa."aori Farrier & Stage Proprietor
As the meet remarkable External Application aver
"They caul Keep House without it"
Experience of more than rizieen reap has eA•3 1 :11 hr.l
the 13:, that (..7e:elinoi I 4:..rgli.x (H:.
venal Family Embrocation, will tAIiG roust raxs t and
here ail such u
Spavins, Sweeney. l ingl, ne, Winagaris, T.ll
Callsnm, Cracked !Teel.., GrAls of 'flif
kinds, Wounds, • Sprains. Bruises. Fis
tula., Sand Cracks, Strains, Lamenes%
Foundered Feet, Scratches or Grease, Mange., Bites of Animals, Exteriud Poi
sons, Painful 'Nervous Affections. Frost Bites,
Boils, Come, Whitlows, Burns and Scalds,
Chilblains, Chapped Hands. Crain's% Con
tractions of the Musele. , „ tiu - elling ,, ,J. Weakness
' of the Joints, Caked Breasts. itte. lie.
The unfarallelcd emcee... of Oita Oil, in Me cure of dis
ease. ease. in tome and Cattle, and even in human dealt, i.
daily hemming more known to the farming emmounity.
It can hardly be credited, except by thaw who bare been
in the habit or keepiot it in their etablee end hou,ee. what
a vain amount of pain, suffering and time, are eared by
the timely application of this Oil.
cir Re cure the name n( the tole proprietor, citoßds
W. MEItCIiANT, Loci n, N. V., to blown in the midi.
of the bottle, and in hie handwriling over the cork.
All enters addriesed to the proprietor will be promptly
respomted to.
Get a Pamphlet or the Agent. and see what wonders SA
lienotnpitshed by the uee of this medicine.
Said by r.strectobte dearer.. generally, In the Unita,
State* acid Canada. Also by
Aoryrs C. Porter, •Towanda—Wm.
Athens—Eli laird, Troi—D. V. B roes, Co!nitnia
Flatts—L. D. Taylor, Burlington —Prisbie & Bron•
son, Orwell—E. Dyori Covungton—D. M. Bailey.
Mansfield—Humphrey & Piace, Tioga—Torvel!,
Montrone—Perry & (Wen, Elmira. Wum.ssaLa
agents are Ward, & Cu., 83 Maiden at., New
QUI110:11 IGQoEffi,—Ati assortment of Gingham..
kJ De Lains, Cita:at - us, Lawns, just received
and for sale by je23.. J. POWELL.
avaa airaTZUltia3
uT MILD say to Ids friends and the public genet . -
V ally that he has locate 4 himself in the
En Ms Basement of the 'Union Black,
next door to Briges' Hotql, (formerly occupied by
W. K. Smalley,) where he will be receiving Oysters
three tidies a. week by express, and will serve therm
up in the most approved style. He has spared co
pains or. eapenve to make it one of the best
EATIJONG ES Ta If lajljne _VT
thiq side of:New 'York.
Oysters, by the gallon. quart or pint, at the Liwt
est rates.
Towatoli, Oct. 27, t,5.7;!?.
Doo Ts Si. And best stock
11 in to% n at oc 8 B. )UN(1$13111Y.8.
ATS----a large sloth tit' "ilk Hungarian and
gnssulli hat., and caps n.l- save at
Oct. 8. 1t952. it. KINGSBUItria. -
12 LOT'S, AT
T will sell some of the mast ee-iratie borough lots
1 :n Towanda at public sale IN FRONT ti TH E
WA RD HOUSE, on Saturday the 28th day of Au
aust, next. To suit the covenience of those of
li sited means, render a sale of ell my vil
lage property mare certain, I have subdivided into
convenient lots the property now occupied by Judge'
Laporte -% the Muller of the square fn nting the pool
of the Dam and 8 .uth stisk , t ; and the corner on 31
and State street nearly opposi . e C. 1.. Ward's pig
rate residence, and will sell the same to the high
est .bidder on the most 'accommodating terms.
- • A diagram r.fthese ims will be post d up at Mr.
Drawer's previous loth° day of B ale.
NOW is the time f"r who wtsh to seeure
themselves lots, with or without
prir . ehheer of the large commit - Mu ,. H lute and list,
occupied by Judge Laporte, can Iwo possession i f
desirable in two months from the d,ty of sale, and th,d
b 'lance in less than 30 days. Title to alt • tlicife
lots indisputable:--Deeds executed itrimediately of
ter the sale. •, , D. M. BULL,
Valley Hill, July 30,1852.
nWING to unavoidable causes, berund my con.
1 1... 7 .tr01, the sate of my Roinngh property stands
edi .nrneti. 'Clie day and hour will be designated
by public bills, and the ringing of the auctioneer's
bell. 1). M. BULL
.Valley 11111, *opal 27, 18524 -‹
• • -1 - 11 a er,}