Miscillaneone. NEW GOODS & NEW LOCATION. i poWELL wonhl,respectfully call the stamp J. lion of the public to a large stock 'of MER- Cli.ts pizE, consisting ot almost ee article hich the wants of the cocinty require. v which are w deed for sale at the More formerly occupied 1 . 11 E T. Fox, corner of Maine and Pine streets. - .. , .. . 'To.tranda, Oct. 6, 1862. ..-------- Nagy FA LL GOODS , . BOLTON 21INIMITAN r n o;,t receiving a very large and general assort font of eve ry description of goods, which are r ot offered and will be sold at prices that cannot to SLIT THE % PURCHASER. liroald ask an examination of my large stock of .rs, T e as, Coffee, 82. Molasses. Siewart's Syrup, ' le which are altogether ahead of any thing tr. '' qu ality and price in the county. 'Towanda, mi. 8, 1832. o ors ,t ; SHOES—the fa/gest and best stock B!a town at oc 8 B. KINGSBURY'S. -;--TiTN—SOLE LEATHER, come and see it at I octB , - B. KINGSBURY'S. TIATS—a large stock of silk Hungarian and 11 Kosob hits and caps forß. sate al - • 0 KINIiSBURTB. cpEßFlNElilour-constantly on hand at octS B. KINGPM.TRI"S. STAGES Inwan , S for Mercur's mills. Burlington L E a st sinithfield, Ridgebery and Wellsburg de r N. E. R. R.. every illososv and FRIOXI at o'e6,cl; A. M., and arrive at the depot in put to ttietlae evenin3 train of cars either east or we =aro icil• Retgrning. TCESD r and SATCRD•Ir after the arvi rat the Eastern !raw, and also the Western cars 'VD Jefferson, Elmira, &c., and arrive at Towanda same 'sy. fits :—Towanda to Mercur's mills, 374 to Burlington. 50 to East Smithfield, 624 to Ridgebery, 1,00 • 0 to Wellsburg depot, 1,26 Er re:: primes to or from the Rail Road care f2l,, delivered at moderate charges. D . M. BELL. Proprietor Towanda, Oct 8;1852. Bl,4ladi Patent Fire Proof Paint, the only place you aan - get the pure article. is at fowl* Oct. 8. 1852 B. KING•4IWRy's. 10;000 at Feet Safety Fuse suet received I:canda, Sept., in. 18:1. iIERCURS. .NOTICE. T. FOX can he found for a short -time at J.. Powell'., at hi , old atand. all whn are in ...v.4 will do well to call and are bun Soon. wand,. (k!. 8. 1852. N_ TICE ALL intere-red, we are in want of money and co,viitiently all-accounts running over 4 and a!I noteit over due Intpit he paid imme if can der nor a i•h to pay eopt—you hnd In cad and settle, and- save us the trouble of ai nt'. f.'r Y.""- T wanda. Oct P. 1852 HA LL 4 RITSSELT, E ! FIRE ! FIRE ! „HE ;ate attempt to burn our town should re 4, wad err pronerty holder of the necessity f tettte :wired before it ia too late=all persons a 11.: ttl - be tn,uretl, can be 11 callir.g upon the tatutped, who. ha,rine agencies fur several of popular monpand , in thi.4 country. and i• r.parrd to take all hind, of risks on the most rea ot term•. To - wan.l3, Oct. 7. lasl, C. S. RUSSELL NOTICE \-111N will opn a school for young Lathe' and Nlisses.. in the basement of the M. Cauca m ihi• village, Nov. 3, 1552. PER TERM OF 12 WE f EKti: Common Engii:h Branches, H r • $9 00 , - 4 00 5 00 IlemlionA can be given in Greek and Latin, if 'met for further par [cuing* enquire at the res '•-rr McMahon. 19.52 FLOUR and SALT. I HE: 4 uhtentwr ha • on hand a quantity of Fine ml Rack salt by the barrel, aldo, flour by the :f tne best quality. 0.. i. !S""2. C 011 4 ,11 and oil cloth carp quite a variety fur sale by On 7, isr:2. J. KINGSBURY. ALT B UT 1 / 4 . 14F4 aoopo4 I s) H. C. MERCC.I. have just received a 1 . very iar?.e and general as,:ortment of FA I. IL G 0 0 D , ea :lie! oflll to the , public at their usual low spit 16 NEW FALL GOODS. RE 8 0,u:her would respectfully invite. the allention to his large and magoikent :on f'4ll. GOODS, which he is now receiv uo; !rt,ni New York. '6ll la• Sep. 1 4, 1852. S. KINGSBERY. Sheriff's Sale. . 3 1 T.ftlle of a writ, of 5. fa., issued . oot of the CArr of Common Pleas of Bradford County, 'b ine directed, will be exposed to public sale l 'e'CL , urr House, In the borough of Towanda, 11.nizy. October 18. 1852 4 at 1 o'clock P. M., noting de.cribed lot, piece or parcel of s :5 the town,hip of Pike, Bradford Co., ".I'l and derertheil as follows vie : Beginning at ''".l( ; thence south 5° west sixty perches to `Store south 16b° west 23 perches to '• • "nee south 40° east 46 perches to a stone yrnce south 28° west 36 perches to a post r , tnh 12° east 32 perches ; thence south :5 perche s to a stump ; thence south ll° ieshes to Wyalusing creek ; thence south et,. 5 perches to a hemlock ; thence sooth 12° •:: perches to a post in an old field ; thence 't:s perche s to apost, corner of Walter Iher ; .iin 47° west 165 perches tort pust ; thence 41 5° rot 5 perches to a post and stones : 4 7 r133° west 4,1 perches to a butternut tree ko ?reek road ; thence north 40° east 49 per. L/ a post arta hem ock ; thence north 23° east ; thence north 51° west 26 perchas to a at.: thence north 52° east 99 percaes to the e caroer hereof. thence south 42 9 east 40 4 2 to the besinuing. Containing 146 acres Perches, he the same more or less. about 50 alarmed, one twn story framed House one Bon, and an orchard of fruit trees,thereon. 4'o—One other lot piece or parcel of land sit ;l,o 101171101,p Bounded on the north by un . re described lot ; on the south by ,he' Wya. roet ; the west by Cole creek running ant on the cast end. Containing about five , tdit be the same more or less, all improved. nd taken in execution at the 'suit .1. C 4 0 IT. Memo'. *a. Ethel Taylor. gtf x C. THOMAS, Sheriff. Offiee, Sept. 25, 1852. - .1 lare Mock of fine silk Hnarian. k. 4 111. Pa g nama and palm leaf hat. u j ll4 re by je23. J. POWELL. Ballets for Sale, nl~ I 0 der -41 1 / 3 or others in want of first best Bar. Hal h or otherwise, will find them un• Mittel!. • , Hard ware. store. 'nada, Sept. 15, 19:4. FELTON & Co. • •• • • , - Onihsn's Court: Site: BY vistas of an order of 'the Orphan's Court of the-County of Bradford, to the , subscriber di rectedi.. He will expose to puklic.• sale upon the premises. on SATURDAY, Oct., 23,,A863, at one o'clock. P. M., the following piece or psreetorland situated in. the township of Wyalusing. lit .said county, and bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning og, A . post -and stone„ a ,corner of. John Statford's‘lot ; thence by lands of the same north thirteen decrees west 101 perches to a post and stones ; thence north 77 degrees; east eighty Pgrebes to a. pitehpine. coiner; thence squib 13°, east-100 and I percheito a corner in *gravel bar, in the Wyslusing Creek; thence sotith 76° west 80, perches to the beginning.,Containing 60 acre', be the same more or lessaorit2s acres thereof im proved. with a framed house and barn. and a young orchard thereon. TERMS made known on the day of sale. CHESTER BUCK. Guardian of Sarah Buck. minor Bern. 15, 1852. child of Silas ii. Bock, deed. XLIVIILAT. CAME to the enclosure of the subscriber in Frank lin,\-1 about the 12th inst., a two year old black steer, with brown back and ears. The owner is re. queued to pave property, pay charges, and take said steer away. Franklin, Sept. 17, 1852. 11. °ATM. AITANTED in every county of the United States, WV active and enterprising men. to engage in the sale of some of the best Books published in the country. To men of good, address, possessing a small capital of from $25 to $lOO. such induce ments will be offered as to enabl.t them to make of from .$3 to $lO a day profit. GZ? The Books published by us are all useful in their character. extremely popular and command large sales wherever they are offered. For further pattieulars, addreut [poet paidl: - DANIELS & GETZ. Snecessont to W. A Leary & co., No. 13S North Second st. Philadelphia. THE subscribers are a running a Daily line of Stages between Carbondale and Htipbottom Station on the Lackawanna & Western Rail Road. Distance 20 miles.• Leave Carbondale in the mor• ning and connect with th• cars going North. Re turning, leave on the arnval of the mail train from the Great Bend. passing through Glenwood. Lenoir vole. and Dundaff to Carbunuale. The nearest. moat direct and cheapest route from Great Bend to Carbondale. Passengers by this line al- ways get into Carbondale earlier in the evening than by any other route. FARE receipted in Carbondale at the Store of the sub-et !tiers. Main at., a few blocks below Bron son's hotel aug. 1I . IiROW & BR° RES. 10,000 Bushels of Wheat Wanted, T *ill receive on all debt.; contracted with me, I J. H.& IL 8. PHINNY & PHINNY & BOW MAN—aII kinds of cram if delivered by the first of January next, and after that tme I will expect the money as soon as I can collect the same. J. H. PHINNY jr. Office, No. 9 Brick Row, Towanda, Sep. 7,1832. CLOTHING STORE. J. & S. ALEMANDEIL, & CO. TN the Brick Block. next door to Mercors store have 1. just added to their stock, a large and fashiona ble assortment of of every variety, both of style and price, to which they ask the attention of the public. This is now the largest stock Ever Offered in Towanda !! and will be sold at prices considerable lower than e-fer before known in this place. Our goods are selected with a regard both to style and price, and offerinducements,not to be met with at any other establishment, Strangers visdtin Towanda or oth ers in want of 0 Ck will end THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT at our establiShment, in this section of the coyntry_. and made in such style and materials as to ensure satisfaction. We endeavor by J. KINGSBURY LOW rsiscas d Goon ourrinzro, to secure petronage. reeling confident that our ant. cie■ will gi Vt. satisfaction to the purchaser. The assortment comprises every article .rewired for a aentleman's outfit. TERMS-.CASH. LOCATIONS.—Next door south of Mercur's Main st.''owanda ; and Nu. 7 Water st. Amours Hall. Elmira; and under A. C. Porters Hotel, Tiuga Vill age. Tanga Co. Pa. Towanda May 29th 1851. THE Subscribers have recently opened upon their Imola in Tuscarora Township. Bradford Co:, Pa., a bed of Mineral and Fire Proof Paint, which they offer to the attention of the public. This arti cle which is now extensively used throughout the country recommends iiself to general favor by lie cheapness and by its irculiai properties of becom ing after a short exposure, as hard as slate, render. ing buildings both lire aad waterproof. We ask of the public to give our paint • trial, being willing that it shall stand upon its own mer• its, in full confidence that no art.cle in market sup passes it in value. We have had it tested by prat. tical men who declare it superior to any kind of Mineral Paint, now offered to the public. We have made ' preparations for supplying any quantity that may be needed, and shall have a sort ply at nearly every store in the County, to give the public an opportunity of testir.g it. Those who may wish to communicate With us upon the subject, will address us at Laceyville. Wy. oming Co. Pa. CYRUS SHUM WAY. HENRY MONTGOMERY. VettifiCate. This is to certify, that I have thoroughly tested the paint recently discovered .by Shumway and Montgomery, and in my opinion st has good as, if not better, than Blake's. or any other I have ever used. I recommend it to the public. MOSES T. CARRIER. Towanda, Sept. 4, 1852. PORK and Floor—a quantity of Pork and „ Flour just received and for sale by May 27 L POWELL. For da le. rilWo OR THREE ROOD HORSE TE%148. quire of JOHN R. WELLES. Wyalosing. Sept. 11th. ISM Orphan's Court Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphans court of the County of Brat ford, the subscriber directed, He • ill expose to . üblic sale upon the premiseson Saturday, Oct. 23, 1852 at 2 o'c:ock P. IC, the fol• loWing piece or parcel of land sit nsted-in the town ship of in said county, and bounded and de. scribed as follows to wit : On the north by land of Thomas Matheson ; east by lands of Chaim:icy°. Gridley and Elirha McKee; sopth by lands of said Gridley, and the public trigh way ; and on the west by lands of Henry Gibbs.— Containing about 23 acres about 20 acres thereof improved, with one framed house and one framed barn thereon erected. Terms made known on the day of sale. " C. G. GRIDLEY. Administrator of Lydia P. Sept. It, 1232. Gridley deed. Legal elbiatiennents. 300 Agents wanted. $ 1 0 0 0 a TEAR. C ARBON DALE STAGES. t .7" "••••::* 1,•011. - 4/041,LIjitit r f6141111A) Ready made Clothing, ADAPTKO TO THE 31EASOM, Overcoats. Coats Pants. Overalls Caps 4c BRADFORD COUNTY PrINT. plat gaivcrtisanctito . - - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the ,estate of; Horatio Ladd deed late. of Albany township, ire here by-requested to make payment without delay ; and those having_claims against said estate, will please present them duly auteentieated for settlement. ASENATH LADD, JOSEPH MENARDI. .Albany'township.Joly..l7 18152. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. --A LL persons indebted to the estate of Jonathan n. Brink dec'd. late of Pike, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate, will please present them duly Authenticated for settlement. EPHRAIM BRINK. Pike. /ply 17, 1852. " Administrator. .VDMINIBTRATORI3 NOTICE ALL persona indebted to the' estate of LYMAN VANDYKE dee% late of Albany, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate, will please pre vent them duly authenticated fin- settlement. JOHN .HATCH. Albany, July 29. 1852. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN M. DAVIDSON deed, late of Albany tp , are here by requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against said estate will please pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH MENARDI, A BSOLEM CARR. • Albany, July 22, 185 . 2. Administrators. ADMINIEITRATOR'd NOTICE ALI. persona indebted to the estate of JOHN FEE, dec'd, late of Monroe township. are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them, duly authenticated for settlement. T. M. WILSON. ANDREW FEE, Monroe (p.. Jolt' 29, 1952. Administrator's TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. Air R. OLMSTED. PROPIIIITOII ,of the Athens INI Exchange, gives his thanks to his friends. and the traveling public generally - . for their liberal patronage, and solicits the continuance of the same. AN OMNIBUS, will run regularly to and from the Waverley Depot to meet the Mail Trains for the accommodation of strangers and travelers, who wish to visit a pleas. ant village on business or otherwise. A daily line of first rate Four Horse Coaches, are running through to Towanda. Those wishing will be insured a seat in the roach from this place, and those going to the R A L-R 0&D can stop at *them, and spend an hour or two and be insured a conveyance in time to meet the regular trains of cars going Eavi or West. Also those who wish to leave their teams here can De conveyed to and from the cars free of charge. Athens, Rept.. 4. 1852 ADMIN(MTA•roR's NOTICE. 4LI. persons indebted to the - estate of John IWelch deed, late of the township of Durell are hereby requested to mike peyment without delay, and those hawing claims against said estate, will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. ROBER r BULL, Durell. June 25, 1952. Administrator. Foreign Attachment. B RADFORD COUNTY, ss. 'Fos CO O\ WEA LTA OF PIiNNSYLFI7II/.. To the Sheriff of Bradford County, Greeting:—We command you that you attach James G. Fountain. late of your county, by all and stngular his goods and chattles. lands and tenements monies, rights and credits, in whose hands or possession soever thetrame may be,so that he be and appear before our court of Common pleas to be holden at the borough of To- wanda, in and for said county. on the first Monday of Sep:ern ber next, there to answer Herbert T. Moore, assignee of Chas Thwing and Ebenezer W Thwing in a plea of debt on judgment obtained in the slate of New York. not exceeding one thousand dollars, and bail required in that sum; and that you summon all persons in whose hands or possession the said goods, chattles, rights or credits, or any of them may be attached, so that they and every of them be and appear before said court, at the day and place afo e said, to answer what shall be objected against them and abide the judgment of the court therein; and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Hon. DAVID WILMOT, President of our said court, at the borough of Towanda aforesaid, the 3d day of August, A. D. 1852. ALLEN MCKEAN, Prothonotary. 3.2 LOTS, AT (i) 0 will sell some of the most desirable borough lots I :11 Towanda at public sale IN FRONT OF THE WARD HOUSE, on Saturday the 28th day of Au gust. near. To suit the covenience of those of limited means, and to render a sale of all my vi I lage property more certain. I have sub-divided into convenient lots ihe property now occupied by Judge Laporte ; the corner of the square frt nting the pool of the Dam and 8 uth street ; and the corner on 3d and State street nearly opposite C. L. Ward's pri vate residence, and will sell the same to the high est bidder on the most accommodating terms. A diagram of these lots will be posted up at Mr. Brower's previous to the day of sale. • NOW its the t'me for those who wish to secure themselves lots, with or without dwellings—the purchaser of the large commoeious House and lot occupied by Judge Laporte. can have possession if desirable in two months from the day of sale, and the balance ifi•less than 30 days. Title to all these lots indisputable :—Deeds executed imrnedlatebr af ter the sale. D. M. BULL. Valley Hill, July 30,1852. Postponement. OWING to unavoidable causes. beyond my can. trot, the sale of my Borough properly stands adjourned. The day and hour will be designated by public bills, and the ringing of the auctioneer's bell. D. M. BULL. Valley Dille August 27, 1852. NOTICE. THE public aro hereby notified, that no person will be permitted to pick, or carry away Craw berries from the lands of the subscribers in Boding. ton township. Those persons found trespassing on our Cranberry marshes hereafter. will be dealt with according to law. JOHN McCORD, HARVEY WARD, August 20. 1852. - ISAAC CRAIN. QAFETY FUSE.—Contractors can find a superior 1.-1 Reticle of Safety Fuse st hi EIMER'S. Pay Tip Pay Up DEMONS indebted to the subscribers either on book account or by now, are hereby nt.titied that they mast be paid without further delay. immedi- ate attention to this call will save Cost. BALL & RUSSELL. Towanda, June 10, 1851. ' DISSOLUTION. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership lately existing between E. R. Myer & Jesse Allen tinder the firm of Myer & Allen, is this day Resolved by mutual concert. all debts owing to the partnership are to be paid to E. R. Myer, and all demands against the firm are to be presented to him for payment. E. R. MYER, JESSE ALLE,Zi. Myersburg. Ang. 16th. 1852. NOTICE. THE subscribers wishing to close up the btainess 1 of the late 6rm of Myer & Allen. gives aped. al notice. that all indebted to the sense by book as conta.note, or others ise. must pay up. All accounts' that are not settled by the firWday of December nest will:le sued without further notice. E. R. BITER. Myersbnrg. Aug. leth, 1861. - flatbattbil, ..tc. - - ra, 0. A irnow - oPening and offering for sale at MA.. :CI We and Send an extensive stock of SUMMER GOODS.embiacing a fall assortment alma& usual. ly kept by them, which were purchased at extremely low prices, and will be sold at tower prices than the sane quality of goods are sold to any'town writ _of New York. We Si, at' att, come aid our stock: and those who pay Cash for `sods will Sod it greatly for their interest to boy at Ike Cash store. Thracian, June I, 180. Boots andllhoei. ALARGE stock of Ladies", Cbildren's and Mime Others, Buskins, Slippers, PolkeS and Hoots.— Also a fine assortment of men 'a and hod's emit kip and morocco Boots, Shoes and Brogans, and a gond supply of rovit's Gaiters and Congress Bootses t received It Jane I. j ERCURII. SUMMER HATS.—A fine assortment of the latest styles of moleskin, Kossuth; Hangrariati, Penman, pedal and palm leaf Hats, just opened at June I. MERCUR'S. SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETs.—A choice selection of ladies and misses' Bonnets. and at great variety of Bonnet Trimmings, omir opening at Jute 1. MERCURIC ORVIEr extra quality CORN STARCH. manufac tured expressly for canna.) , and dietetic purposes. for sale at junel AfERCUR'S. DRESS GOODS — in variety, from India silks. to 3 cent Calico/. Also the latest style of Dress Trimmings. at spit° B. KINGSBERY'S. BEFORE looking elsewhere, it would be well for Ladies to look at the Spring Bonnets, Artificial Flowers and Ribbons, which are sold so very cheap. April 9 B. KDIGHBERY. CROCKERY.—The largest stock In town. Ful dinner and tea setts, of whits granite and blue ware, which will be sold cheap at FOX'S. GROCERIES.—The quality and prices of Teas, Sugars and Coffee, alwilys speak for them seism at apllo B. KINGVIBERY'S. AIACKEREL.--150 half barrels, and 25 quarter barrels, at . B. KINGSBERYI3. 2,OQUINTALS CODFISH—They are worth looking at, if not buying, for sale by April 10. B. KINGSBERY. MESS PORK !--50.bbls. Prime, for which a high price was paid,and for which a high price will be asked, by apllo B. KINGSBERY. READY MADE CLOTHING. GEORGE E. PERZEIS, Hm d opened a Clothing store at ATHENS. Pa.. on the ready pay system. A good stock of new end fashionable garments for sale at very low pri ces. Most of the assortment is of Some Nannftictun. The cutting is under the dir-ctiorr of in experi enced tailor, and in this manner durability in work manship and good taste in style are secured. THE CASH SYSTEM has been adopted, as the best method for doing the business, as it enables the merchant to sell low, as it saves bad debts, and is the beat plan for every body Here is the . place where men and boys, old and yonng may be suited on fair and economical terms. I have but one price which gives me the advan tage of " SELLIA"G CHEAPER, than those who sometimes rai-e on the price in or der to make up a loss, occasioned by the Niggling tedious, unbusiness-like process, which customers are usually obliged to undergo at most country stores. With a good assortment of new and styltsn C32II I IIOIVD, can make it to the advantage of every man and boy to call at the one price Clothing Store in Athens Pa. Athens. July 17. 1852 GEO. B. PERKINS. (Cr N. B. Dealers in want of clothing to sell again will find goods here, as cheap, if not some cheaper than can be bought in the New York jobbing hous es—and better made..o3 More New Goods. TUST received and now opening by J. POWEI.L, a large stock of Dry Goods, Hoots & Shoes, Hats Groceries, Fish &c.. which are now offered for sale at extremely low prices. Having been selected with care and bought for cash, they can be afforded and will be sold at prices that cannot fail to snit the pnrchasere. An examination of his stock is respectfully solicited J. POWELL. SUMMER GOODS—An assonment of Gingbams, De Lains, Cbambrays, Lawns,just received and for sale by je23, J. F'OWELL. GROCERIES—A large stock of Sugars. Teas, Coffee, Molasses, and all other articles of gro ceries just received and for sale by June 23, 1832. J. t OWELL. BOOTS & SHOES—The largest stock in town of ladies, misses, and childrens fine and coarse shoes. Mena, boys and youths calf, morocco and coarse boiits and shoes just received by June 23, 1852. J. PO WELL. FISH -A fresh stock of Codfish and Mackerel at Jane 23, 1952. J. POWELL. JOHN C. /LOANS JAIICI 1111 ADM= a nrAcrwurauns, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. re WW171.11 Bradford Clnnety Pa. TOOKING GLASS PLATES cut and fitted or any size, to be had at the Jewelry store of May 15, 1832. W. A. CHAMBERLIN. MODE =IV GOODS BURTON KINGSBURY, would again call the so tention of all persons desirous of buying goods cheap, to the large sunk which he is now receiving from New York ; emlnicing a fall assortment of all kinds of Guods which are adapted to the wants of the town and country trade. Towanda, June 24. 1952. N. Y. & E. Railroad ! MCOMPEANIMIS' & CO. ARE now receiving weekly over the above Cho- roughfare, all the latest and most fashionable styles of Goods arriving in New York, fresh from the hands of the importers. Also, the choicest and best of heavy Staple Gonda and at prices that cannot fail to please. Their arrangements are such that they can sell goods at wholesale for cash as low as they can be purchased of the jobbers in New York city. With an bumble ackuowledgm. at of past favors, an examination of their very extensivh assortment of Goods is 'eventfully solicited. Towanda. June 15. 1852. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALL persons indebted to the estate of BETH T. BARSTOW, decd late of Wysos; are hereby requested to make payment without delay t and all those having demands against said estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. Towanda,Oct. e. 1135 g. D. F. BARSTOW, Administrator. ADM INISTRATOWB NOTICE., ALL nelsons indebted to the estate of FRANCIS V. WATERMAN. deq'd late of pike, are by requested to make payment without delay; and all parsons having demands against said estate are requested to present them. duly authenticated for settlement. C. G. GRIDLEY Pike, Sept. MO 30011 14118. 11311.AKIVIS Patent Fire Proof %I Paint, just received and for sale:. by Towanda, Aug, 15, 1531. KERCLIMS. ' 1 4itten.,,, ,,,, ,,. -14,,,,..t. i ~.: • _ „: ! i ~..t ....... ~ - -- , . 1 ~- . • , . .„ iirit-9Y , 3 , ; '-' . . - s ~ v.c..-T : ~ . MAKE READY! TAKE AIM! FIRE!! TORN E. GEIGER, would say to his okl hi m& and J the public at large, that he has constantly on band awl manntactusing Rifles andtlhotlinns AmOng bi aseoriinent of Mina may be found Double and single barrelled Guns, Rifirniof all kinds warranted. Powder Flasks, Shot Pallet's, Layne Bags, Cap Primesa, Also, Powder, Shot, Caps of the bra gual4 ty. ail barrelled Revolving Pistol., do single barrelled selkociting Pistols, Rifle Piators, double bbl Pistols end common steel and brass Pistols. F G., F. F.G., F. F. P. O., Powder in Coos eon. stentlynn hand. Any of the,abcrve articles will Le .ofd awful cheep for the Ready Pay. Keys of any kind fur d to Doors, Trunks or any other kind of locks on shod notice and reasonable terms. ibis - Ariel' done with neatness and despatch. Shop a ria roils north of the Bradford Bowe. Towanda. May 22, 1852. .1. E. GEIGER. MORE NEW GOODS! HI A. UMPBELL would again call the atten • lion of their friends and customers to their large and new assortment of. Goods. lust received and now opening at their Furnishing Depot, con sisting of all things necesaary to clothe the outer man, all to be sold a little cheaper for the ready pay than ever. Come and examine, and be satisfied. Towanda, May 14, 1852. 14 DOZEN BROWN LINEN COATS, from $t to $2, at CA M PBELL'S. VELLOW, huff and white Vesta. Coats dc Pasts, I. a large 1$ for sale at CAMPBELL'S. r 7 CHESTS YOUNG HYSON. Impevial,/Iyaon 1 / Skin and Black Teas. Also 15 Bags Rio and Java Coffee, just recei"ed at - MEECUR'S. u - TREAT, Oats, Rye and Corn, taken in exchange Vi for roods. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. WANVAIRD Important to Ilonsekeepers; THE subscriber thankful for the • liberal patronage heretofore re • - - W.-1 4 .s- ceived, kepi leave to inform his [gil el friends and the public generally, :r; I/ ; and those commencing House. •;.. 2 • 'keeping in particular that he has .111 jai now on hand a large assortment of FURNITURE, which he will warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of the best materials. BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress ing bureaus, marble and plain tops mahogany,and walnut washstands. marble tops, and plain, ordif resent patterns, Card and end tables,Sofas Couch es, whatnots, &c: BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of approved patterns, together with other furniture usu ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most accommodating terms. (0" The subscriber is also provided with • plain and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold himself in readiness to attend to all orders in undertaking. He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid of whirh the corpse may be kept for a week. COF FINS READY MADE. CHESTER WELLS. N. B.—Furniture of all kinds'made to order, and warranted to be of the best materials and workman. ship. • Towanda, January 17, 1852. IMPORTANT AGMs —H.' C. Porter. Towanda—Wm. Kiff Athens—Eli laird, Triry—D. V. Barnes, Colombia Fiatts—L. 1). Taylor, Burlington—Fr:able & Bron son, Orwell—E. Dgor, Covington—D. M. Bailey, Mansfield—Humphrey & Place, Tioga—Torsell, Montrose—Perry 4. Ogden, Elmira. Wnormukss agents are Ward. Close & Co., 83 Ma:den st, New York. 311:1108ANICS ! LOOK UMW I CARPENTERS & JOINERS will find a full as. warming .or planes, gauges, soars, quoits, trying squares. bevels, compasses. iron and wood spirit levels. sugars, gimlet. cern?, and roger hilts, broad, hand and bench axes, elites, hammers, chisels, gouges, Shalt lines and sprats, brad and scratch awls. tape lines, &e. BLACReIIti[RHS will find anvils, vices, bellows. sledges, hand and shoeing hammers, rasps, files, iron braces, bins, band drills. horse shoos end nails, screw plates,and a general assortment of east,German, spring English and American blister steel, Swedes, American and English iron. MABONB will find brick and plastering trowels. stone harmers. lathing hatchets, white want brushes. &e.. constantly on hand at MERCURIO. Notioo to Sobscribersi i SUBSCRIBERS to the History of Oct World. and Webstees Dictionary, are respeetfoliy notified that the Agent will commence delivering said works by the 20th of this month. and will snpply subscri bers as soon-as possible thereafter. The thanks of the Agents are tendeied to the public for their liberal pauenstgeof these works. which will be delivered by. P. M. Babcock, Dag.. Gee. Agent fat Pennsylvania August 12, 1822. ABA liflAPP:' A LL' Persons having Unsettled aeeonnts with the A subscribers. are requested to eall immediately. and arrange them either by note or payment. Aari all notes that are over doe, must be paid. ,„ Toinuda, April A, 1851. +- Y. 8. & M. C. MCKIM. Admintersto . r. with ths will annesed. Alert st. IZE:I3 Farmer, Farrier A Stage Proprietor GEO. W. MERCHANT'S. CELEBRATED GARGLING OIL OPPAJUILLS4LID II TOO SWOOP OP 1111OCIIMI La do most remarkable I:tarsal Applicata aw► ;e , mm. 112 "They earet seep House without it" Experience of more than sixteen ysarsbas established the fact that Merchant's Celebrated (tattling 04, or Usti. versa! Family Embrocation, will care must raw, and rs. Imes all such as Spavins. Sweeney. Ringbone. Windgalls. Poll Evil, Callous. Cracked Heels. Galls of all ,kinds, Fresh Wounds. Sprains. Bruises, Fi.S• juin. Sitfast, Sand Cracks. Strains, Lameness. Foundered Feet. Scratches or Grease, Mange, Rheumat.stn, Blue of Animals. katertuil Poi sons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites. Boils, Corns. Whitlow% Burns and Scalds. Chillhlains. Chapped Hands. Cramps, Con tractions of the Muscles. Swellings. Weakness of the Joints. Caked Breasts. &c. de. de. ' 'The =paralleled sheens of this Oil, in the care of die. eases in Horses and and even in human bib, is daily becoming more known to ther Amin( community. It can hardly be credited, except by throe who have bees m the habit of keeping lido their stables add bowie, what • vast amount of pain, iutterom and time, ani wed by the timely application of this Oil. ST Se sent the name of the tole proprietor, GEORGIC W. 11111tRCIIANT Lockpert. N. Y., a blown In the side of the bottle, and in his handwriting over fie sort. All order. addremed to the proprietor will be promptly rert us. aPamphiet of the Agent. and see what wonders Ink wanildudisil by the use of this 'medicine. Sold by respectable dealers gumnilly, in the Gni= Slates and Canada. Also by PARTICULAR NOTICE. ffiliES J 33141 dt. =NV 3141,W1L THE subscriber having purchased and refer Dished the stock-El DRUGS, MEDICINES fie. in No. 2 Brick Row. which now makes it a choice and well selected assortment of Drug and Medi eines for family use. at wholesale and retail, which he cheerfully recommends to the pnblic,and craves a share of public patronage. The Ooods will be sold as cheap or cheaper shaft any other istablisbinent West of New York for soil and cash only. Here yon will find sunexed a few leading tirtidw Senna Alex.. Fosgaters Cordial do lodic Hliz Opt Cream Tartas Hay's Liniment Sup C Soda Hair Dye Manna, - Harlem Oil Magnesia Calc'd Ointment, Trasia do Carb, din Baileys do S S do McAllester do Henry's Shakers Herbs Colocynth do Extracts do Apple - Tilden's A Icotolic Ket Cochineal Mei Extract Trusses Hulls do Warshes, do Shaker. Balsam Wisrers do ithees Ma its do r do Copabia do Tolu do Peru do PulrnotTary do Sulphur Acid Tartaric do Acetic do Benzoate do Citric du Nitric do Oxalic do Hy drocyana do Sulphuric Oil Linseed do Sperm do ()lives , do Castor do Neats Toot do Almonds do Amber Rent do Amber Re 4 do A nisi do Caraway do Croton do Cubebs do Commit, do Fennel, do Lemon. do Cassia do Cod Liver do La vandals( 0 do Neroli do Jesmin do Nutmeg do Orange do Rhodium do Rose do Cedrat do Copabia du Ergot do Verbena do Tiniest. do Atellesse do Mellefluer do Patchouly Brushes, Paint do varnish do Hair do Hair,Camst do Nail do Tooth do Shaving do Flesh do Cloth.. do Hat Soap. Yankee do Crystalline do F.ng. Wind Low's do Coopers do Rose do Victora do Orange do Tooth do Eras&ve do Castile do Military do B,vin do Brown Fricopherons Pain K , ller Ayers Cherry Pectoral Oxygenated Bittern StOughton Bitters Chloroform Hoffman's Anodyne I e - nitlan Red, English Together with Paints. Turpentine, Varnibh, Dye. Woods & Dye•Stuffv, Glass, Putty, choice Groceriers, pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.— Also. Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles coo teemed with the trade. Having secured the services of Dr. S. Herrow, whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me dical advice gratis to people. they paying for the medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having their prescriptions carefury compounded and put up. The stock has been selected with great care, and the goods will be warranted as represented. All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pee r4cheneks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dods Root, Orrick's, Hobensacks, and Jaynes' Yermifage. Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines now in use Constantly on hand and for sale ■t J. M. REED, No. 2, Brick Row. Towanda, May 11, 1352. rill-I[E uniformed volunteers, composing the 4th 1 Battalion cflhe Ist Brigade. 13th division, P. M. will meet at the MANSION HOUSE of Hugh Hicks, in Rome, on Thursday the 14th day of Octet ber next, at 10 o'clock A. M., armed and equipped as the law direct. for parade and inspeutiou. N. R. A Military Ball and entertainment. will be elven by" mine host." An extra Band of amain is auendanee. Wycoff. Sept. aO. 1 853. fftmliaimic MI AND '310? /VMS, Finn: antlersignel h.ts putebased a large. ant! choice letection of NEW COOD9, booth, tinder the moat favorable eircumstanelit, aad for Kale as low for cash is eon' be bought obsidian, and lower than any braggadOcia can of will sell. May 5, 1052. 0. D. BAItTLETT. Drug. Store, XL .111'11duk Now. astray. AME to the enclosure of the subscriber in Stand. ing Stone, on the Ist day of Septernbrr last, a small iron grey gelding, with a darlt mark on the left side running down to the belly—dark tail and ears ; and having a yolre about his neck—supposed to be about 12 years old. Toe °woe: is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away. Standing Stone, Sep. G. 113n2, Wm VONMER. Battalion Notice. Captains are requested to make every eflurt is bring out their whole Companies. B. E. WHITNEY. Lieut. Col. FARM FOR S,‘LE. acres. THE anti - Scriber tints at public sale. his valonble ?ACM, attested in Shesh& quirt township, Bradford county, Pa.. containing one bemired and forty-sine ne hundred acres etereof are is a good stateol cultivation, tend the nett winder is wood and TIMBER land. There ere two grind dwelling houses, a barn, carriage house, &e, situated upon the main or river road, and a barn and tenant howl * on the back part of the farm. Pifty metes ft: th w improved land lies upon the fiat between t . t ie ma l e road and the river. and exceedingly fer%,',.. ALSO, the undivided half of a Sy „ f Mill w i t h, t h e appurtenances, situated within ;Of a mite of the farm. and conveniently near To timber! and. The whole property is situatt - ed within about eight miles of the N. Y. & E. IL, and presents , rare induee• meta to perch:titers. It will he sold e&ry foto anise, reasonable create h riven for one 1.-.llofthopornti... use money. Fur further nantrutere euguire of V. Muictit. F-q.. of To trat,,h., ~ ..1 e h. „,„ 4 ..„ 1 ", r. Cavite. Jrry 'l4, 1032 H. EifirrY3'iltir ..1. D Jalap Extract Meskim's Vanilla Rat do Lemon do do Mace do do Almond do do Cloves do Allspice do do Nutmegs do do Peach do do Ginger do do Cinnamon do do Orange de do Tanks do Lubin's Sprintlower do Musk de do Violette de do Magnolia de do Sweet Bn't de do Jesmin de do Jock'y Cl'b de do Caroline de do Jenny Lind de do Boquet do Springs, Pewtei isem'at do Glass de Nursing Bottles, C1...' do do G. B. Rad Rbci Turk do do do Ipecac do Jalap do Ginger WOOD do Orris Gum Camphor do Opi Turk do Myrrh Turk du Arabia do do Copal do Aloes Soet do Aloes Cape Chloride Lime do Soda Castor Russ Isinglass do 1E yens' Lancets Nitra Silver, Op% Oxid Bisnuth Blue Pill I mer. lodide Potase Tart do Carte do sulph de DE °untie do • Citrate Ferri lodide do Tannin 'Proto lod Merceel Strychnia Piperiu Et>•^r;am lodine Veratrin Kreosote Hydra Cum Cress Morphine Dolph do Act Americo. do English, Precipitate Red do White Isulph Zinei Dronze,Crimsee do Pale Geld do Dark de do Whit• Gold Leaf, Opt China Vermillies America do Prussian Blue Fig do