Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 09, 1852, Image 4

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• - •
te , i !,;
dketeni, oh Man
Uplift the Wimp. 44 thy kind.
Advance the miniatty of nitnd.:
The mountain high to fit'o ll cliattr.
Tmti on, dlu's heittaie is time'
-r.-Vl:ork on. and win
jilt up 4 in.} ed !
ihe p pies thibeari ca ploy ed.': ' 7 ,7
Wolk moves-and moulds the tnightes,tAiribi
Anil graspalfie of the earth.
• %V.rir. On.
Work sows the Peal;
&vet tiro may yiekl its fluimrr ;
Nu lut so hart.' but Moon power.
Exerted to °neural arid still,
Marcuuquer Fate and \ capture Fame
Pi eNs oft t
Press onward stilt:
Prature's matt. liveb the tire
That sh.vir, though true, &At) yet aspire
Through fathothe deep of moutd aria clay.
It spins the rucks that bar itA af.
If Nature, then,
Law lime beneath her weight of earth,
Then would her bidden fire knUm birth :
Thrift man, through granite fate, must find
The path—the upward path— f mind.
Work on !
- Pause not in fear ;
Preach no desponding:t.ervile view—
Whate'er thou atill'bt, thy will may dd.
Strengthen each manly nerve to bend
Truth's bow, and bid its strft r o centi!
Tuit on,
Le firm of heart ; •
tusk' of unnumbered years,
continent in vastnexs rears;
A drip, 'tis said, through flint edit wear;
Tail ou, and NeitUtes conquest share
Toil on t • -
Within thyself
ilei;;Vtt Innen, and noon. and night stiocee‘h ;
Romer, fee'inge, passion, thought and deed,
ilarruoniou.t beauty prompt's thy breoit—
Tb into angel* foie. and Gad bath blest-;
Wurk• on !
'Work on and win,
Itail light fm u Nature'. d.pth arise,
And thou, nhose mind can grasp the skies,
bit down with Fate. and sad,y rat! 1
.No Onward !-Let the truth prevail
Work on
Action and re-action in Tanning.
Never keep animals on short allowance. Ifyou
starve them, they wilt surely vett ve you.
Although in that/ling land 'heroughly your purse
may be drained, yet the full crops that fellow will
soon fill it again.
Always give the soil the "first meal. If this is
well fed with manure, is vri:llved allelse:
animals and men. •
Heavy carrot crops for cattle, will soon return
carats of gold.
Fenced operate in Iwo ways—it good they are a
_defense, if poor an offence.
Many a farmer by too /par rrlgly i , eetling his new
tnesdows, has to seed his whole farm.
Every farmer should see daily every 'animal he
has, and inspect its condition, Weekly visits, as
with some, soon result in weakly animals. The
man who provides well sheltered cotes, lot his
sheep in- wittier gill soon ti:iJ plenty of coats for
his own back.
A good housewife should be a person of one
i !ea," but should be equally Num hat wi:h theflour
barrel ; and ;hough her lesson should be to lessen
expenses, yet the seem of a rose soul) not be less
valued than the cent in the till. She will doubt.
less prefer a yard ot shrubbery to a yard of satin.—
If her husband is a SkiMul sower ot grain, she is
equally skillful a sewer of garments; he keeps
his hoes bright by use; she keeps the how 01 the
family in viler.
" Manure is money," and •' short paper," is like
a short plain; a note at bank matures by falling due
—but they will be found in both cases shorter than
wanted, unless the fiscal bank and the hank of the
earth both receive timely deposit.
To abuse animals by starving them, is as base
as the hope of gaining by . it it bast:l:m —l/barly
Cu /I trot r.vr.
W 6: find in the . Mania , Farmer, some extracts
Irom an English work• on the above sobjecti and
we claim for them the attention ol our readers. t
ie understood however, in this country, that the
women are not rai a general practice to perform
die operation of milkitta, it being 100 laborious and
Uncleanly, and . besides they have enough to do in
doors. For our own part we had rather ,do this
week then to see the hands which Mould env bread
,employed in washing the noisome Oder of a coiv,
rind dm'
"Kitty who was ths sbanstss: , ani.
That carries Uw milking pail,
Should loose popularity in this sphere, we trust she
viilrregnin it in the eseellout petformance of those
pleasant hourallotti dales allotted to her especial
ear and charge.
The opeoation of milking if not well performed it
becomes painful to the cow, who nut Ainfrequently
brings into action her faculty of retaining her milk
at pleasure.
.When gently performed tnilksng gen
erally gives pleasure to the cow. Many instarices
are recorded where coire Who 46tild not let down
a tingle drop of milt to one dairy' maid, woUld W
It flow in abundance, whene!er another appritiad.-
.ed them.
...,Ccuss - ,thatare ticklish ~ or skittish should .li:imps
he treated with the utmost gentleness, if the udder"
is haul .33z31 painful , it shoultt he,ticatlerry . fomented,
ririth luke warm ..wateri,,and softly rubbed. Such
treatment will brim:, the cow. onto good temper, and
induce her to yiehr liCr milk ffiely. ,
- .
AVlienever a entv's teats becomes scrtchett, pt
wounded, so as to produce lard milk, Such milk
A fionn on no ;4.o4i:tilt t e,l.a i t fr th e sweet l milk
but ,he being Oarriedju , the'
.orttlk thot.:O. shoolj'Ut int tietitilltn*
. p4 t y r , ;na l FLOVe 11,1jUk/itUS 10 the other
^Lc is crel.i.tiscoinbuntl brush cows, es it eremitic ,
.clifutnoi,s,-.Tittutact'iit,‘chere 16:_an
ier;',dm Cr mb oitati..o4ph..tugetivar thetboroug4,
udtle,f are indispensable
;SitalPitikere and.e‘mtetssl.2o,tl:nover be permit
te4 any
_one of
alie milker, tie• pm:totted to enter: a web a dirty
apron coveted with' hairfrum the cimielhoese. !
. •.: ..,, - '# f, '' ' - . Tha l
ft seagp, : t la, If.un•zi.--Ao , otglss ,wcgorsalf,
4 V ,1 11 4 0.4ral ,t, tune a WI( NO try tiii.iltseate; pro.
vroo,t .r. we tatiTitVili--or, vott,, , ; jiff( altackid• One
, !
”,n 4 r: f . ~.,. '. , H . 40i. 6 , rf il ii,:( 4 tl4. - 1 pe.(tit p C , Tie,in -one
Tian uf wgui. wcor t
d ;.,.. •;. ; 4 , . , ` . •
atietellqgeolts , ;),
scslonvitlifintrinctirtrzo tirntrp.
I.teas on the verge of the grave ,- flit so far gone that
my fantilfsn.d trickle,had Po s t all hrperi.of my re
covery ;.2tovearlilitilii"tflicaiUstion, blVtial- , thren res•
cued byllie use of
.:§ctieribitl:aindinottic I de
,iie to testify, wttWgratefiteutotioit • 10 Dr. 6ctienck,
the unsprakahle benefit t.; ate receiVedlttm the use
of his invaidittle
Early 114-fall, Iteoriti`aeled a sfilent edit, and in
Jonseguenei of which I had ettiliCglternateff with fe
ver, pAir.s in
,my riiht breast and ehoulder blade. teeth
t bad: Acutigh, and no elpecceratioh;:i Vet 1041 , 14
worse until I. took my bed, rind h4ld the ; attenclance i cif
sty.frunily physician. I was uricltr bre ksriabouffotir
weeks, end at the expiration of that 'fling Wail! retiticed
as lOW that despair took hold of myself - and' friends,
and even my physician abandoned me And gaVe me
up to dig with the, hasty, consuniption, My. appetite
was gong, my bowels very irregular. fiVer.and
.-, ; Yee::. p iiit a my breast and Shuuldot, attended with
clistressiag cough, voltir.b was very tight ; my . flesh
had nearly all gone, and was so weak that f 'Odd
scarcely raise say head from the pilkiw,anirtires truly
en object of pity to behold. My Merida had been ,sent
for to see pre die. and my sick bed was surroundedby
Lind and sympathizing neighbors, who bad come to
witness my, departure from this world.
When all rays of hOpe had fled of my recovery: a
neighbor, Mr. David Vonrad, proposed to try Schenck's'
Pulrnonic Syrup, with a view of loosening .triy ccitigh
and relieving me of the tough phiegin,aud'is a Means
of affording temporary relief, remarking' at th'e
" that Lens too far gone for the Syrup to, be of, lily
permanentlienefir." My Wife, aritions for tticr relief
of my intense sufferings, procured some of the Pell
monic Syrup. ,I found it afforded me relief, and 'cent
tinged using it. I could feel its healing infiueace
upon my lunge. '
continue to improve under its use, and my friends
were much 'gratified to witness my unexpected .tro
provement ; many of my neighbors came to look at me
as one raised from, the dead:
My cough now became loose, and. k felt .eornething
break.* en I haillthe pain in my breast, and I:dis
charged largo quantities of yellow matter. I have for
weeks discharged land tailed a spit bov full of matter
every day; with hard lump like grains of something.
My bowels now becanwregular and natunti, •end- my
was so far improved, that I could scarcely re.
froin-from eating too much. My sucngth improved,
and I regained_ my fleshi
continued to improve in every respect soon alter
commenced using the Syrup, and the impmvemerit
continued until I was restored to my health. I have
passed through the inctemcht weather of the latter
part of winter and the springlend feel as *ell '•now as
ever I felt in my life, and I ate this day a Airing teal
many of the great efficacy of Schenelk,P_uhironin
elyrup in curing pulmonary diseases.
Lest this statement be thought too highly trachea by
some 'People, I subjoin certificates of 'a number .of the
inhabitants of Tecony, who saw meat:did:fried Anita
daring my disease, and never respected Co
ed. I also append the certificate Of Ate-brothels -Of
Mystic Lodge, N 0.270. I. O. of 0.. F., who kindly
watched over me, end fully believed they would eon.
sign my remains to the tomb ; but, thanks to Dr.
Schenck for his invaluable Pulmnnic Syrup, my life
hem been spitted, and I am permitted to make the fore•
going statement fur the benefit of suffering mankind.
reeLie at Tacony ,and am well known by most of
the people there, and will be gratified to .h 2,41 any
person call upon me and learn More particulars of the
virtues of this medicine. JOHN G. GREEN.
June 24th, 1851.
The subscribers, members of the Mystic 1 od ps, No.
270, L 0. of 0. F. of Hulrcesburg, Pa. do hereby cer
tify that we know John C. Green, (and is a member
in good standing in No. 270 f. 0. of 0. F.) who was
dangerously ill with a low Pent mary. Consumption,
last w int. r, su that they give him rp .0 ; that he
is now fully matured to perfect health, and they believe
his recovery was produced by Schenck's Pulmonic
We believe his certificate is correct in every par.
titular. HENRI' NEFF, P. G.
J. K. OSHA N„. N. 0,1
Holmeslaurg, Philadelphia Co., J.ine25,411.i1". • •
The undersigned, residents of Tacony, eight miles
above Philadelphia, being well acquainted with' John
C. Green, and 'he circumstances attending his ease,
feel impellettVii deep , sense of _iiperafive .detty,_jo
make universaffr/rineWn.lo the publ ic likentire: feces
erg from th e - otly-la it: stages of Pulmnhatittinsump
tion. So ehtirely helpless was his condition; having
been but a brief period:44M io that rapitLy sinktol,
and emaciate state, as (otxrerly preclude, in the opin
ion of his physicians end friends, who watched by his
bedside, all hopes of even é temporary recovery and
restoration to his presentrobust health. Thus the care
ful use of your invaluabfeSpecifie, the Pulmonic Syr
up, makesit our belief, under the circumstances of his
previous prostrate, not to' say dying-condition, one of
the most stealing-results that the whole annals of medi
cal skill oracle= can produce.:".- Hideserves to be im
.veco-. led to you. credit f and - secure- to you,
the greatest dilicoyerer of, this hitherto rentedilees dis
ease, a Idstint iniiiiument and e World-wide retutatb.n
in the bealing - iit,that no time may either diminish or
destroy. Having Witnessed Mr. Green'S distressing
struggles and sufferingli from * continued Bough, so
peradded to the other symptoms consequent upon; or
attending to the last stages of, a pulmonary disease;
and moreover, it being so generally believed by his un
merous friends that no human power, could relieve, hr
protract his life. much less restore him hack again to
his former health, we feel it thus our duty to
,give our
unqualiGedrestimony of Mr. Green's perfect recovery,
by means of the exclusive use of your wonderful Syr
up ; and we should indeed nquice if we could be made
the humble instruments of relief and cure to other' svho
may be so unfortunate as to be similarly, aftleted„ •
David Conrad, - • Jesse Duffield.
C. Hind& '
. A. Heath,
Joseph Hed,Jr., Jesse Watson.
Stephen Lukens, Roi'ert
Matthew 'Peden, Jamesl'orbert,
John Bloomeabury, 1 Allen Vandegrill.
Prepared only by Dr.' Schenck, and sold,' whole
sale and retail, by his sole agents, John Gilbert & Co.,
Wholeude Draiggistv, 177 North Third 'Street; 'Phil's.
Clicken & Co. 81 Barclay street, N. Y. Belling & Co.
No. 8 Statist. Boston • IL Blakeley, cornet Thirdand
Chestnut streets. St. L ouis; and by principal Druggists
throughout the Gaited States. And by the following
Agents-in Bradford County
IL C. Porter, Towanda ; D. Bailey dr. sloe, Leßays.
vine; I'. Humphrey, Orwell; illsynand.& Woodburn.
Rome; J. J. Watford, Monroe ; D. 1). Parkhurst;.'
Leßoy; G.E. ,Ilathbone. Canton; ifing & Vosburg
Troy ;13.- A. Perkins, Athena. ..
• oC7'All,lettersaddreseed to DR. -J.ll. BCH ENCL .
Cate of John. Gilbert..} De....Wholt edit! Pat gets's, No.
177 North Third street, Philadelphia. •
Saddle, - Harness tt Trunk Manufactory:
. , .
JEttl . Ctrt,t! 4Pi•sl44oectS9lliiitfortu the, pstrtiC,
`theinave..4lol) the f liblb "5•P10kie44131
e rt k
ftei t tirs gajp,O.iictt 6*, 9.0,rt- H" , ttlft
it,frs:ilertz ; #4l ;la? -01tftt Arutl
0 90
ulaCeliata r aarizipusto o 4:MitbaiWi t , torinriei:4l%.‘ -
• ' f artieteeititietrliiie mhhuglettfrini ' c inlei:,.. ? rnir
triad° of the best moteriai on d fro n orl i mehst t ii, : h t ru n o.
ba sin in' Northern `Pen n ey: fina n ia;` thee ebilett
east ' fro m Ito l e i•rnidill%ni that
thefeAtir g ivei stitiefeetton gth es'l4 tiitelite nilirie'V
.•. - •
Cash .ettil•he -pod r ititLeatahti .Sheep Petty.
t' the hirtheSt rates, st-sar.itop. ^" - +:'s: ' I
Sale Le& her, Upßer 'Leather, Harness Leather wskl ,
Calf akin,. for 2118•10 opt 9118e01)- ' '
Towand4. , Nor/Other 19th. !IMO,. - •
••,V,Vl9l;$ 1110T1f,h, • •
SIA. .inOelitAlt.dci, „the_ estate
here.4'regtOsi.ll;io• make Pay dolay
ata.havingdemands attainxt said i..tato
.tre requeatitill(rtreentßfl)ettOtrf.W.•:rickard
( 1 0l'vi .
tFailififirld; Jape 11,,
CTl'Llft-'—/t)0 . firkins wante,i, fat , whirl% part ettah
1) will be Enid. PHINNEY de .D.WMAN.
- =zits
Prices_ for,,-.11.85,2t • , „,
In addition to thc.,actual fretght frora-Albasty,DLY.,
Emerfit Peten't'eliangeable power, Thresh- .
er, Separator and bands contplee ri Gtr 10,90
'2 horses, •„ , ,
Etner.y ; :i geal;le Po'sres
er, iteparatnr, and t.e.nds t;ouiplete, for AO
I home.
Einery'S iMpraved Wlile.Rlelt and Ph; ton
With Thresher, Seitarat4 an ba401,. fi,;( tlO,
2 horses,
Emery's Improved Wide Rack a ,d Pinion
with Threshir, Separatt4 dadrbandgfor ' 08 -o
1. horse, • e;! t. 4 r
Common in.' *heeler Each And Pinion
Power, Thresher, Separator, and ; hands ..I , olt
fvr horses,
Corninon or-:Wheeler. Rack and Pinion • ~
Power, Thresher, Separator -.rid bawls . IVO Oci
for horse,
cc.,- If sold separately, the following prices are
Charged • •
Emery's Patent Changable ilorsc ?owl!,
For two.horses, ~$llO 00
For ono horse. 80 00
Eatery's Improved Wide Rack and Pinion , Power,
For two horses ...$9O oci
For one horse 60 00
Gostonon Rack acid Pinion, or Wheeler, Power.
For twei bosses $65 00
For one horse. 75 QO
Thresher with Cannier 26 toche • s long • •
mot 144 tliantet..r,,together with Separa. $35 00
or and Fixtures,
Porl4,li Circular Saw Mill with= 24inch ,
Sate, filed and set, in running order fur $95 00
cutting, fire-wood,&c,
Upr.iqin "pry, Felive Oft‘r Mtn s .
Isr heel? s..
I -, •, ; pVO,9
Clanrliing Attachment flit; driviittl , one or '
two Ch opts 4st .Q.E4 r .0r.4,) a (re& saes ur r $ ' 2 00
less (net.xiregeartng - sinted:y- 4 "
croe Cat Sawing Arrangement. for but. 1
ling and nutting o ff logs, including saw, $l2OO
gnides, and connections fir use. • 33• "
Power Corn Shelters, fur 1 t4gfse an.L.for? $95 to
2 horses. • • - $5O 00
TERMS—CASH, or NOTES with security and
interest, payable in 4 or R month.:t. When good
endorsed notes, payable at bank - are received, part
of the iralerest Will be d'•doutetf.
good materials, and to opperate as ritpresented. or
may be returned to the subseriber within-three
months and purchase money refunded. • Written
warrantees given when required. Parsons wishing
to buy
TITIVABEICRS amanncoll23,
hhould order them at an early ddy as the Marini:le
tureis are much"driven by orders', mil Supply ran.
not at all times be kept on hand.
. It is not necessary for me' to recommend
these 7'hrezhing Machines for they are will known.
and recommend themselves to the Soad sense and
pocket of every prudent farmer.
lam fully prepared to furnish a well made ry-ti
die. I will gosrshtve that the freight on any 1%,
Horse Machine, shall not he over 89 at Binghamton
or Corning, or at any intermediate station on the
N. Y. &E. R. It M. W ELL .
Alhens, Bradford Co. Pa. Jone 21, taw.
.7chn W. Wilcox,
HAS removed htts establishment to H. Mix ' s store,
corner of tnan:4;treet-nntf. the pritilicraiiiikare. am!
will continue' the rhanufailure bf Boots' runtllhoer,
He has just received from New York a large assort
ment of Women's, Children'tandifisses' Shoe; sublets
are offered at low prices. Fhe attention cf the Ladies
is paricalarly, his sursortment, comprising
the' following, new styles :—Eosmelled Jenny Lind gai
ter boots; do. shoes ; black lasting and silk waters;
walking shoes, buskins,,dte. Misses' gaiters and shoes,
°lottery description. A large assortmentof Children's
fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all
,k Inds,
For the Gentlemen. almost everi'st to 'of drifters brill
shoes. This stock has been rerlionsily - sefertaill with
cam, and he' believes he can offer superior articles at
reasonable prices.
Cr The strictest attention paid to Manufacturing.
and he hors by doing wort: ..; - e/1 to merit a continue
aace of tht liberal patronage he has hitherto received.
Towanda. May 8, 1851.
0 . 9
kos4; (to ataire,) in the room•foirnerfj , treenr;Z: i
by Uon. Wilmot as a law °lnca, where he lam ba
plea/m(3.lOAm, thaw requirin hie profrevional services,
Tovanila. November IP, 18.51.
]E%~~ ~
, r ase4etly-.- r -
TjAVllNtlii I/Seated lawiiiithi,` hti Wtrices nisy
-11.bopobtained br tegUreaskag & Unethrough the Post
Office, or by calling at the ()flee of Ulysses Mercer, N., where be will be found, oilehere a Written Bp.
lie/stilton may he left. Nity. i, 1850.
HE snbsciibens respectfully inform the public that
theli hate taken the shop formerlY occupied by
Adam . Esenwihe, on gain street,, nearly opfosite
Orate's Wagonlitiop.'where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BI.AcKSNITTHINCI upon reasonable terms.
'They' are determined by doing their work h well and
promptly, to merit, as they hope to reeeive a Share
public patronage.
IfORSE—SHOEIN9 done in the best mapper. All
kindiilitrilinjiAlekkineiy;etiociiiett in thelnost skk,
Cut manner,
WOOD \VORK foturagoavaill.alsoi?a,cpade and
repaired - ."
All week Auto at their ahem will he war eante& io VI)
willakinei an& manufaatarati (rani the beat niatellals.
'Phevuhlie arot•regneate&ta tire-ti e trial , mid j u d ge
for themrelrea. F.SEN WINS& -SEE BINCHH. '
Towanda.May 485 t. •• •
. .
. • -
Clock Waich Siotel
• M '
` 4 ' qg ' 1
[white ganiiritgiit " • Putrh ll44l
• of J.P,Bul or, Wattaesi.l:l:ckt,
and ,4epor l ii s! . f ry ! i l ie....t the ahove
horitteeut in all ifill;”irottielifirnitest c,Tibe 44.1
theiteltr4iToti ?kiln inni4, &Uri if
Raw". repnintniLl
...41thiiithn.i 1/11r beieets--",
tow L r y alov r il'o n ;hi t t ' WOK - hit li t ij a • ' p l .:
7,{41,,We tti::,. , ini , niniAgi-st'Cir iveoirrtii
irottortellUe ttie`b ;at no..* entilidenett in itniron''
to the (white, taring
. 11, your %%Late* nod ehtetit:
AEI thrf4sisfer:.,
40614..1 frit4;o4 , 'lte g nittna .torte. vrttrriutted Ls I
reeorninettd, or tit.. .7,
A if•vild sstsrlet tomtit ,t 1 Cltlchs„ . W oldies (Ind Jrm el ry
kept r,yrodatt, Mt
- hiy. 44cutu tlh,ll prOAK etiol?
&ma t :nano unrii.uut ovked
C 4 7-91.1 Aerkiraumt-nisklo mtdur 4 trAcqnnitilancet t , ,,,.
TrTiaaile;i4llly,-,1,1.3f160.n. IA. h1,1,w,A E 11...,
Arr. 4( 1 4 R. ,.... l y s y .
14!.4 JA}ctr o i . nitin trvl r o i
reptt? ' PAIkIgNEY & VOWMAN.
'.sTEAm,73ENP - 7 4 .). '1 1Pi ANP , PQI-rts•
-• , 1 1
- too hon:t!,Vi7rer. ") .‘ ,'cji•
erist'in 0n61164 . :
ihsva c yxidigUoitlaWei.i . f. 91 joints ground so as to be
'it ',Mtn; or, painti ell,bsarings,und
iurfeek3 Isege,ittatruillifug'id i'drust.ible.6Oies
;of bronze on Babbitt triglattren fbaltalteqqbeels
&Modal rJl)e Regulator •Icattitchool
440,1, Tim , ,Forecr Phone Of tor WittdePgUdeto.4daltre
.irongta;) with:crank airaftriott tight g.ntirloowinithryi
to receive. a, kit from', the vagina atititt*.! !lota
Any other shaft; The-wholo sitylo,oofork::: *god
ipasbekt by tikil engin* builders in the linitod States.
, Ihnivri of the; Ike American or. English ird i heads,
cast or wrought iNPrreithfr
mode. in the matt thorcingii , '
' " -
: • ttri4iiie'ti from e to lett horiei tiOaritt, cotOptlY
, hind' or to tra."tiliiirell - aithfn rata dila; the receipt of ' •
A - Goic'SteiirucapableCOL.l,olt4li
board e t hi- trAiitri ; 46
one !efirtey`eass), 6A' other, No than the
The folletsiiiii 'aie•ttil• tnietni 6f Sefiftir 'et these en
;, • •
dtemn iron
-e hitrin ey corsrplinel: pitman. iro de Tan for eaur,ironri
• - nevem; aped. ontf•aft , toilts6ndirons forgo feet of
cart iaqe, eointtfete, — .•-'01501%.
Steinti er of cylinder, 25 in. stroke
iinautining :i6O *glare feet of
beating *lattice, ind all castings, pipes, if Week raid
other parts neCes o sall : ,kg ii.„1111 4:141440e opera
, $1525
Sicom engine, r 2 in. diameter of cylinder, 30
tubular 'boiler, 'containing (80 square'reef of
heating sot ('ace, compiete as before, P 775
Delivered on the 'ears of the Boston ertd Maine Hail
roadet Laweence.26 piles from Boston. Torpia.,eaab.
on delivery:
Boilers for the above modified to fruit purchasers,
and accordingly. ,
McKer 4- limi,u l 4, latei of Pittafirld,lrfaaa,, whoa,
steam engines are eirea4 widely known, since recently
taken, ; nharge of the worts of tile, Esse: Con apony.and
will lie' "atte,, with their luereased facilitiekeinfleepti
rietree, to make approved ensfnea Oheri'per tun
hotter than heretofore,
May 0. 1A52,y GORON tit( KAY, Agent.
IITHATEVER concerns the health and bylines.
ole prolde, is at all times of the most %iambi,-
iiiiiportance..'.l take it for granted that every person
will In all in their rower to sate lives of their
elithlren, and that every person will c,tttlitlivor to pro
rnote their osinlieitlik At alt saerificein libel it to I.
my duty solemnly to assuro you that WORMS, ac'
writing to she opinion of the most celebrated - physicians
are the primary calls. s a Lithe majority Of diseases
to which children an, ,d.edultspre tistile 3 if Abu have
an appetiteisontinualll cliansinin from Mt* kind of fatal
to another, had breath, pain in, the A stomeelt,. pinkie:3AF
Iheynoes...hardnees and fullness of the Deily, day cough.
'low fever , Pulse irregatats..rrmembet.thot, WI thee.
denote Worms, and you should at once apply the re .
An article receded epos Ocientitia {idolatries, corn.
pounded with purely vegetable bubstatieta, being Per',
fectly safe. When taken, and determined in all ibietTeeds
an d not lensing the system in a diseased. condition. arr
moat silealtsed twstrums.composed of Caiumel,for the
remova l of Warms, each as. 'Lozenges, Vertsifuges,
Ste-, performed the rno.t B.tonisiling curevs,fo.d
waved the Itvrauf ilwrisands, hoth young and iikt.who
have been pronotuvred hopeless—incurable by Physi
cians. Read the following, bud become convinced of
iis efficacy over all others:
Mrt..l. N. Hoastcssert—This is 'to certify that my
child, 16 yearn of age, having been sick" for :5 yearriand
was attended by Drs. Loper. IV halts and Phister far a
long time without rereoting any. benefit; wh en nftdr
Lr •vin g her op as incurable, I went to Philadelphia and
constitted one of the best physicians; .her disease still
growing worse. It etas at this linte L was indoceit to
try Holomtutleo Worm Syrup, and after taking two;
bottles she entirety regained her health. Hoping that
this wilt ;once a benefit to parents tv 'lose children ant
Similarly affected,
• I am yours, &e., R. BowmAw.
. .
No part of .the'systetn is more liable to disease than
the Ltetta,, it servicg as A fi Icier to purify the blood.
or giv.9,g, a proper eccretinii to the bile ; so that any
wrung action of the l & iver effects the other imponeat
parts tif the system, and results variously in Jaundice,
Liver complaint, Dyspepsia, &c. We i;•hould,'therefore
watch every symptom that ti iaiif indicate, a wrong
ashen of the Veer. These Pills being composed of
Roo4e and ,flara, furnished by nature to heal' he sick
—Namely, Ist : Ai, txprcliarant, which augments the
steretiotx fstain the pu
,annirjk l mileink mei n or
yr ridiotes;the **erg ' f seereted mdcfer. Xml--,:iia
/1116atiee,leh Alt ilia in 'ilname inClniibleand4n=
explicable in.anner, the certain triiirbi I action of l the,
system., 3•l—a Tonic, which gives tone mid strength
to the nervonssystein, renewing health and vigot to all
parts rif the beily. 4 h—a Cathartie, which Deis in
perfect, harmony with other ihgreuients, and operating
on the bowels, and expelling the whole mess of eoriiiiit
and vitiated matter. end pyrifying - the blead x %%high tle-•
. ,
stroverliseaso and restores health.
Ageins flo.lirradkrd Cfreenry—ttr, ff :C. Porter and
J. M. Reed, Towanda ;C. Hgrdek,' Athena ; M
Bullock & Co. dmihfieftl i:Ettitietc4 Bailey, %Vasa.
ttpear; Springtield,k Eli Baird , ; L. U.
'l'llytor; l Boclinitton ; ilsowtv& iifonroettioi,;.
Park hust & [Am!), Leroy Chas. Italbbone. Cnnton;
also B. H4kvlatiti, Columbia, travels in the adjacent .
cotthtiee; 6 Fly •
1131r1116 -- ,
ADAM ESHNWINE respectfully informs The putt.
, lie that he now occupies the shop wlicre himsel
antUrother have-for ears Worked: neatly opposite
Winkles' foUndry, where", tails ready to do work
in his line, as formerly in the best manner. He is de.
termined the reputation he bail attained as a skilful
werkMan shall not suffer by any neglect of the inter
ests of customers'or by any inattention to businets.
TOOl.B, manufactured to order—machinery of all
kinds repaired in the best Wanner, and every kind of
Repairing and Menrufadurfng will be gone at ikon
notice, and in the style desired.
Worse Shoeing, on ieasonable terms. He will Aso
take Country Produce in payment Tor work, but 0b...
jests strongly to credit. "
Towanda. Jan. 17, 1851.
, v.. .",.....-..„
•• THE sutme abet weelil• MI
/ / ••nounee to the public that he
h i
: l o e n r re 7:1; 1 kinds lln ; : TI O T r W i " M.4k '
' j . Cabinet, .4 1 1 21121 :trre, L L
e,ww). ig "
n oi tl i . :11 31 6.: ri si le ot:: 1:: :: ; I II v:1 4 : 1 1 ; ,: r t ,e ,: . e l:4
7A- - •
c f : s tfi c t l e , d a .
ji tf l a cs. o , , i ll na l,
4 it o lg o a an li; y a m k•
, vsflq!
u. ~ ~., ...isliedsof,varioup. 100*, chai l rb.
ao Iledateads ; of eußry ile,NpijnlinpaWilj,h,fate, and .
w ig 4 c , A m i t e of , the tv,t,..rnateri4 and, wo•rhinunlike
mannc(lorKlArhich:thei will, sell c.f cash cheaper.
than gap he. fbqqgtic,i.tiAtny uther Ware-room in 'lle
r..iinlr)...iii :Li ;; , -1.;., ..,
. .4r4 1 47). X4' 31 744: 11 .7; . i .C 147. 7 5175,, 1 : .
on I. l 4 c :c m 16,. in, ,, t reunna!)4...tertn§, , ', A,gpatir
HE A RAE will 1w fnria t.hed on Funeral occasions.
! q l .:' 7/4A/TEWIIEttRINSON. .
Towanda, June 1, 'IBSI. • -! ' -, -, .• -:- ,-,:. ~,:i
• ries'aluticrk.
rr" eri.eri
H j!i p 4t., m. n the
firtn • aPhiiiti'ey ht n0%4.'1144 : 4 this
by mutual oansenis and dui - books and accounts are
in the hand. of J. llVPlkiirWitiairho alone is au
ttiatized to collect and .Bettie :them
- •
I'ot4nda. luly 31, im • 14.i5t..131
r -
I.INIBER—Cash for.juiiber 'itt • .
.14 . jrtia , PIIINNAY novNAN.B.
Ircbmisack's Worm Syrup. •
Monaft Rrttn, N, J
Bobensaek's Liver Pills.
•.t • .....Frortahrd earn's% , •• •
4, 1 :1 1 t011411.t,J0.141i5.r.'1,00„1tfi, $0,1;551 , ..r.
, MIWICutOSeit-111100PlierCOEGlis
! • - IYROUIS-ISTKIM:. AND . " t_ ..•,tvie i gdr wr Ky.
• lei rlird"?':', 3 .9 4 . 1 .
bFitlf & et' tOnien:Mifinedtinbs-"elitint,
theretialojibliT ture'of
xol4l;6l.4, r`sVtialiii'lleirever been found which . eixalif
ennipilie in itt iffectliNtrfth ztliii trepanation.. Others
cure sonistfirteiilitit - iiiAl•tititire- and in all dianisirirja.
the hinge and throat Ware .mgxligige can give trite
this will do it. It is' Meintraiii4Velke, and perfectly
safe ittaceord'aneectillthithe Airtretrottit.."r r Witt-46.-noo
adapt tisiri•for the intbrimition•Of , lherser ,- -taho hive ltien'
it but!ttloselisho hive ; Pirnitiee ttiet
itwsdlub b without iti and ly itiqtirriely'ttint'
they are firCUTO from the dangerous ermseqtteirces
Coughs frill Velds which neglected, int - Vfafal
• The Diplon;Pd4. l Wll'rfrilii—txte- imitate w as
awarded toihie.itretitirittmAt the a osi id :a in
septeinber 1847 ; also, the-Medals of the three great
Institurei of , Arc, In this country ;• also Oki' , Dijilortiii
of the Ohicrliistitute at Cineinoati;•havbeen given tb
the cos oily Premium; by their Gm ernment eon
sideration of its ostraordinary teseellence and useful
news in , curing affections of the lungs-and Throat
Read the following opinion-founded on the long
experience of the eminent Physician of the Port and
City of ,
Dr. J. Ayer i ST. Jornec . litre 8, 185!.
Five years trial ofyoureherry Pecteral in my prae-.
tics, had proven -grind I Foresaw from its cempositiOn
must be true, that it etAdicates and cures the coughs
arul colds to 'which are, in this section, are peculiarly
liable. I think its equal has not yet twen diseovertal,
nor do I knots boes,a Letter i reinedy cint ho made for
the dims tapers of thWthtilat
J. J. Bt T1T0...1d-D., F. R. S.
See what it-has done on a waited censthution, not
only to the fulloWalg, CatieS;'bt!t a thousand mere :
Dr. Ayer: Entinunt, Jan. 24, 2852.
In the month of July fast,' was attacked by a vio
tei t tharrhrea in the - niihes of California. I returned
to bsu Francisco in hope of receiving benefit from a
chance '.f climate and diet.—My diarbtea ceased but
1 r.,....f,,0t0.5e t i try e severe cough—and much norenesit
~tartedtim home, but received. no renefid burn
from the age. My rough continued togtow worse
and is ilfoV#itti . ittAftW, J ,was at unee,mark
ed by - yoi'icifn'alaTtstice'aS it eanatiniptia'n
I tettitst confess that I yaw no suftetent reason to doubt
%lAA rtlyi'frfeioiti AlNbifievpil. .4t thia I[lll{o UCtIM.
.nverited taking 'goer truly - invaluable Inetline
little.estectittitin of deriving any benefit frem its oat
Vo4 would not receive these lines dal l not regard o
Iny deity to state to the afflicteylohroogh you that my
health in the space of eight months in folly rrktor
ed. • I attribute it to thet'uve Of your eliEllitY PEE*:
TURA L. Vaunt truly
Wit:LIAM W. smitri . "..
Was,nilirrote. Pa, April 2, 1818-
Dear-Sit Peeling' that I have been spared' fn or
prernature grave, through your instromentallity ity , tht
providence or 0.11. I wmil laCe :the Imbldyhto expres,
my, gratitude
Cough. and the alarming:sy mptotnaof Consumption
had reduced me WO low to leave me anythirm like
hope, when my physician brought me a battle of your
•• l'sccoaii..' It seemed to ,afford immediate relict,
and now in a few weeks 'time has rendered me to Isaund
health. - .
if it will do for others what it has done for me you
are certainly one of the henefoorsof mankind.
Sincerely w :lolling you every 'leasing, I am
Very respectfully your 4.
. 101 IN J. CLARK. Rector of St. Peter's C bora
With such liSelltanCO •ind from such men, no strop
izer prilskfckku be adduced unless it be :font its of ixt
upon tried.
Prepari•Jp mt. isoltt 1. .1.-U1 E. C. AXE R, Pradica
s“1,1 by Dr. 11. (7. PORTFR, To,rrintla ; R. R
w . ,,N,L joro ' ; euviligton ; HunOray an
Borden, ' 110 1.1 1 ; V. Elliott, Elmira ;A. Turr,dl.,
MontruP ; and by tilt Druegi-tg everywhere. yr:36
Oriental or Sovereign r aim Pills
R: 1
' kti Cillitg:lNE 7- 4/ ' ''
. 0 .- 4 , . - 4- r - , - -
~,: , • I
11+,.‘e," 4
4 res: 0 1
..----,.. f ..1,-,.24- -- T. , ~•:.,
46411,414 i
' 0 7 (./NL,' Gcrsuiur unless accompanied by a Me 'dun
, - to of the shove Engraved Wrapper of Dr, E. L.
r.:f/r I .F', & Co ., upon each box.
In offeriliv. to the hulsis Itus jo.tly celebrated 801'
EI:EItiN BALM OR LIFE, it is Hot' our vsish
molte any folwistatemehts or will assert ..... s of their
superior efficiency its restoring 111 health the sick and
' , offering, is ell knowing that their reputation. as s
STANDARD MEDICLNE is ol itself sufficient refer
enee fur the afflicted.
lUyny Pr.f4 B g.iver , ... of their value oh paper.
bot'we prefer'UtoiasWiacflufkiO4 arith there to set sly,
themselves enquiring thing Witoesies aod.
the Pills. 'They' wiTfind them perfectly sale slid reit
able all eases. beingpurefti Vegettible, nail a mcdi
civil. wore:ly their-brat confidence nod pitronage. •
The followitie , grtifleate was Bent us f . or,ths. publir
04. r. • ,; • ,••_• 74:
HOrrirrria, Monroe Cu. N. Y., %fay 10. 11351•
We the undersigned, citizen.; o f Henrietta, havin g
used personally Dc. Souk's Sovereign Bans I*, and
witnessed the health-restoring effects thereof, cheerfully
recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the best with
which we are al:q 'tainted.
G. M. ROB E wrs, R. DROWN.
M. D. PHILLIPS, D. G. 0 rrs,
P. S.— Vou are at liberty to publiih this for the mit , -
lic good,
Balvalsr. nit Corrivierirrwl We'-arenateriairifoiba
any one who is making a spurious article has yet dpi
ed-to make use of our imam ; but 'rime - of Weil l has
had the impudence to imitate our beads - ea copy on
Ciretlers, Certificares, .tie. Unless' the publia see'
careful when 'hey piircharie, they will *be deceived.
Th4enuihe SoCersiOt 84lin Pills cat be he
wholesale and rrtai .or Dr. - BOTTLE ¢z Cta„ Encri
onontloa3 Y• iiy Dr.' H. C PORTER, Towends Pa.; and hi .
it %Lieutts in even' ltv.en in the enunrtv, • • -
Removed to B. K i ogslwry' s Block 1 ,
ll' 45/,,, Cf,trg :.etcrlist,. ,
II -A, just returned fr.,. the r' 4l , .
~. 4.5'.- , _ - ,t(New , , v.orig ,itri u 1,11 : ,,, L
ie -6, N. , , "'''fi'lY.Qt Watchrs, /merry nni
..; / 4 N, 41 ahis l l/) . ?lA' t "A" • .r° ll iptiws-4 ,bolt,
. , ....., 5 : - .‘, ,541 , .r.. mg ,art,icles :=Lever,
Lri El atta r Matil. Wat .11'.., Will
611 • p C.:5511 7 1'.1.1 . , ! .1 ~; ~ 6 ;•-., 4 w i th
t ""
*N I P ~,,,,Aec c.6 4 . 4 % 4
, f rptni)war toliortaiwnt tit ( 4 , 4
-; .•;. ; „,,Jeartalry. eiich ea Eat Ilingr,Fin
-c., lim.;a,,l,i i rero ; I' May 114111itylv4.1.nekeN, Gold etiaina,
Golf Pen,,., C'ey s. ••lc. %1••••,. an 4orts of Kthh.rwarr,
and .nr quantity of Steal ,Iletuta- ra jt .4 tallith he otler.
fin .1, , n1e e xeperthegly 'eft eii:iii:l.l.‘ .51-1..
Iktecties tcpairecl w shpt . / 1)011CP, 4flti warrantect
Inpu t wellor the,muney,ivill lie refen,Nil, an 4 a *AP : ,
ten agreement given to,thateffect i( reg?ireci. ,
N. 13 .-i‘f A PLE SUGAR,,and . Poinitry, „ProdiA,..
taken , 'l - emanot rot wink; arul ala I, learn now, an
orever,ihal the Prnritice tnuaehe paika*efreiiekaar
is done —l wer againq credit in all ' its tormo.
ik. A . - CHANISESILIN. Agent.
:Towanda. Aptil-28.,10150. •. • ' ‘• ': t
OCITS dr. 81 - 10M4tie targest dritl doom
ifkApO4-rlin3 Hate a - nittiio„
am.' zeta% T.
PHINNEY de.l3ollriti:N.'
CASH Ep.- - ror ,
aban#NLOo 14:4111.terins at
FiII!VNE y a 4 13t5WMANTI.
;;.7--, •
P. '
.flt;lllidgfelargnallt4llif;iiial.Viii !‘, ?
' -- ti04441,113i64144igia i 6t6 .
evroßtiw p 4 sohtli elfririf the
. Wred If"„„ , w . ' „
'-v.:". 'lerkivii 4 .
14 awl far s gekt:•theaneet and most ren.;::,
artiortirfeittiiiitW,tbireity.l.Particialir anention w i ll
bet giitir ter'erife hi ilt'sulitS"niay at fsb to call, either,*
'eltaf iiei oilltskirtiiii" . aid any medical inform*,
, will' 64 dlrseerfeitly , ,eind iitriteitialilyg Jaen to th o „,,, at !
t aitici'vvitili Ito 66natiltceoneetiiIng - themsel lee or f,,,,, 5 ;
ecnifiniiiftta 1111FlOi!iga offeeds:and reeerrtly p..p i ,„,,, i :
dicleti ate weekly arriving, having hem en , fully *
lected with a view •th rtlitierirefutneirs, and any Ina.,
wanted not , k;liatify kip;' either will be found here or
:procurer) at the Aeries( rfedire by Espry ts. forth„,,,
;leaVing their erdetr. ' -Aeitamncelating clerks abes r ,
.will be.early fo'riafe:?.4•Conspoti r
sitf any prescription st , 4
endeavor to make it (Whatever the pnrchnae) mat
agreeable. All goirdittehali be emmidered w ormnfe ;,
rannsferesetfiedi , and-being Airen, for the best am!
no, ".tilar Patent Medicinea,-'alt Urge forma in this no,
can be relied unn,biblltaitlear, rusteing ge ne r a , 7 . 6
stbetunorriceimptholz-every !Melilla the trade, gr ao4
which may he found the following : .
'' ' 'llliiies'ild 'Medicines.
laloee. u rns
atisareitidti -quill
' ' triable' ::, valet:art
e c: m itl ha
,', • se-sego
ran saparills'
gamboge Iginger etc
-vaiat turc.
myrrh magi:m.4s
4hellac. suliddir
Itragacanih etc. brimston e '
olio- calomel
Dea l s tool quicksilver
'tanners tartar
olive lemon /
caroor koda
lispird cream tartar
t on ganum lepsom
'bergamont !antimony
lemon " - s li. lalum
or In !elm;
lkfunitic •
Tartaric etc
Lird etc
Perrivian jieeta A
Elm -eta
Peppermint_ -
Wintergreen etc
sire Alts.
Lemon etc
Fenigreek '
Carraway .
Aft elard
I 7ard.) morn
Colchicum etc
A mica
Lavender etc'
cod tiler etc
lava ul.l etc
spijeliii (pink)
hellitio re
marsh toaemary
0014 at
sugar, Coffee and Tea of all kinds, inohnev lax
pepper. cloves, .mustard, nutmeg, macs, fish,
citrons, currants, salad oil, ccoa, chno.hte, pa,
butter crackers. rice. starch. ginger. .alerc, ahv
and bar soap, sperm and tal:ow candles,prls, tab ' ,
pipes, pepper sauce &c.
Coaniar, Otard and American !hand). Vii, cut
014 Jamaica and New Eng'aud Ram, !lifer!
and Am. Gin. Irt.h•and
Lisbon, :Sher, y, Tern - r.t! , rqn!
and Champaign Winca.—Cordink, R s.. Amur
Noyeao 4tc , chea i-orr than ever oilered.
Soaps, Perfumery ;Ind Fancy Gab,
Shaving cream, military, wind, 4. tried mist
unwk, aluu , ad, tial.M.freneh, t , .l;i•t, row, u( t ,
rent Fren,:i, in I ti aches rit
kry club, patch,.ui!v. b ,1, cr •:on,
deur*, vr.tLrna, ben.trol.e, putct nner. moo.
swing flora ens west erol tool Crew W , AII
6r, 1r-
Cachous, cologne, nay Crud time aster,.' Li r
-parish pa pavader, c.. h ,eye.. I,,nrtrot
tors, hair era,tent. 're. hair 11..1111141“, wort
perfurns sachet:. ma card 1 , 01V4,
per., fish hooks, drawing peirtooloonl
black, and indelible inks. comb., vurse., lorto
port normals, wafers, pocket morons rir
travelling coiupailions e:
Hair, hat, stove, scrub, shoe, paint, uirking.i
sash, artist camel's hair. stripin4 hkrnier . ,
whi..eccash. counter. Ilet, l l, nail can's , kv, , r
infant, lather, tont., burro and td../Oting,
Tohogoo and mutt b zes, nippla nctuta'
tics, lest pump., teeth lings bed pato , ,,yinol,
der braces, Irussea, etipporletc, pes-atle,olLe .
ing glasses, graduates, mortars, .penile, loans
thermometers, ftgnrd outl sres.l adta,ive
Paints and Dye Stud's.
Wit. red, Cain and log wo,,d, lac
red aauntiers„ madder. alum, ccriperTa4, btu tan,
tin, composition chemic oil, 'nom!, oxalic and ati
acids, pain tin, pumice and rott e n stone, .Amer.
Chinese vetmilliun, Spanish brown, Artientst,
fish Venetian verdigris. Paris green, wine, 1 u
red lead, chrome yellow find green, japan, sou
copal varnish, lampblack, liiharge, putty, whity
spirits turpentine. linseed oil, rosln, c 1 3 .4114
na, gold leaf, bronze, &c.
• Glass.
.Freneh Glass 24-30. 22 30, 20-30, 20.24, Ai
18,12-20, /2.16, 12-16, 10.14, 10-12,8-10,; -1
Patent Effedidnes. '
sox 101011 T Fon
Dr. Jaynes' Alterative Expectorant. Sanative dr.
Fiche's expectorant, tonic humor constior,it.
Merchant's Gargling Oil foe horses, 4c.
lawaynets medicines, wild cherry. &c.
Wont's Putman: try Balsam and Eraser, etc.
Orriettiv VermiCoge-
Houghton's Pepsin or Gastric juice for d7 l l' l o
Osgood's Ihdian Oholagogue, for feat sad gut ,
t3eavps Acoustic oil for Deafness.
B. p. , Townset d's Sarsaparilla.
tkiteneletrPuirnonie Syrup.
IN iteeter's Family medicines.
Hutchines: Dyspepsia Bitters.
Hitintland's German Diners, for Dyspepsia sr
Brown's HasienCe Jamaica Ginger.
Dutiny'a , Rat anil Mice Exterminates.
Alen neet,t for. Herriek's me, ring , r leters at•
Above. , end Pein
isii#, P,le Efeebiertee etc, Fan
spade and 'founder ~int ono , . or
cordial. piasters, poor •Zian . 40? '" . ~g ibn
mrni.,•erasive emir, bed b12.1 , 1 . “'-". "
4'1;11%1;0.1es W..rm screN r' te '
Atarit's filloenis. 14. n. rs, Trs
aml ti vlra l
low's Heave P,wder, 'ennlinion Powder, l'e•
tlle'r, u rnerotujisioilA.44.Pllls-
• Light.
'Phosgene, superior Durnine
lardiamti apenn.oil;•new and heautif ,, l
'amtn,.now bring opened: 10.1:10cue, .I,le
dup lamps for ball anti store o-e, e irstststa
Casentli-h, James. Natural I,6l.Tutitist i "
John Andersoo'iline cut. Basg'sJennt Lust
etc.; ghitiee brands. pure Havant thermic
- Ail Of:which trill be sold at oriusu , ely
Remember that Dr. Porter's Chtap Doll a'
catlike/a ie-in.thirsoutb end of the I,l'o/ 14
doom abore•tho. post office
Timarithr; lona 4.. 1852.
• ZA,7111. ECATIGI.
r HE only complete assortment of Pt
In keßt Irt this for sale 21
west rates by * O. D. irAgri''
Al ,-
sb"r"ra, 5011 very cheap for cob.
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