Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 09, 1852, Image 3

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G en eral Election.Freehi matifin.
viTH EREAS, by an act ofeaseinbrrotthe Com
monwealth, entitled, • Au act relipieg to the
elections in this Commonwealth," it is enjoined
nnm to give public notice crouch election to be
be . ld and also the enumeration in such notice
- hat 'gmersare to be elected, I. CHESTER THOM
ss, sheriff of the county
.of Bradford, do
b e l*
by make known and give notice to the electors•
oinaid cou nty that a general election will be held
id cou nty. on TUESDAY, the l'lth day ot Oc
:beesato the several districts in said county to wit
Is A ll oy at the sub.distriet school house near
campbelfs mill.
I n Asylum at Jacob Frutebey's.
I s Athens boni, at E. 8. Matthewson's.
Ia Athens twp„ at Julius Tozer's.
I n Armenia, at John 8. Brecker's.
In Burlington, at Addison McKean's.
Is Canton, at Ben. Coolbaugh's
i n unable. at James Morgan's
Ia Durell,at the school house, called the centre .
I school house, near 8. Decker's.
,In Franklin. at W m . D eemer , ..
Is G ra osille at the school house, No ! E at Gran•
tilde comers.
In li e nick, at the school house near Daniel Du.
In Litchfieldost Cyrus Bloodgood's.
I n Leroy, at the school house in - Leroy.
le Monroe, at J. P. Smith's.
la Orwell, at the house formerly occupied by L
• R, Roo.
in Pike, at E. DeWolf's.
In Ridgbery, at S. Harman's,
In Rome, at the Academy.
In Rheshequin, at D. Brink's.
in Smithfield, et A. J. Gerould's,
In Bpnnifiell, at T. Wilder's.
In Sanding Stone, at Simon Stephen's.
In South Creek, at the school house near Asa
Gillet s
In Towanda bore'', at the Grand Jury room in
the Court House, in said bor'o.
In North Totianda, at the house of S. A. Mills.
i n south Towanda, at the school house near A .
C. Gregg g.
In Troy boro', at the Eagle tavern . 1
In Troy tp, at the house of V. M. Long, in the
ten.' of Troy.
In Tuscarora, at the school house near James
In lister, at 8. B. Holcomb's.
to Warren. at R. Cooper's
A n Wells, at L. Reeley's.
In windburn, at E. Russell's (deceased).
In Wyalusing, at the house of J. H. Black.
In Wilmot, at the house of Jason P. Horton. •
In Wycos, at the Academy. At which time and
p!iCt the electors aforesaid will elect by ballot.
Oae person for Canal Commissioner of this Corn
One person for the Supreme Judge, of this Com
line person to represent the 13th Congressional
ft. , :net compiised of the counties of Bradford,
s,..quebanna and Tioga, iu the house of Represen
-I.,es at Washington.
Tiro persons to represent the County of Bradford
to te House of Representatives of the Common
ve3th of Pennsylvania.
One person for Comstissioner of said County.
line person Auditor of said County.
And in and by said act. 1, am further , directed to
1 ;: notice that every person excepting justices
he peace uho shall hold any office of profit and
oust under the government of the United States or
L itho vats, or of any incorporated district and also
h at even member of Congress and of the state
Len , laiors and the select and common council of
urea or commissioners of any incorporated dis-
r' 0, by law incapable of holding or exercising,
ar ;ante tune. the office or appointment of Judge,
1.1i.,c0r or Clerk,of any election ot this common
tra'th and that no itapector, or other officer of any
tsch elec:i..n, shall be then eligible to any office to
br 1 , , , f1 tor.
By le 4th section of an act passed the 16th da
t 1-r:.. 184 U, it is provided '• that the 13th sectic
rim act passed July 2, 1839, entitled " An act r
last to the elections of this Commonwealth
Sill not be so construed as tilprerent any militi
lifter, (rpm serving as Judge, Inspector or der!
' any eeneral or special election of this Common
In the 6kt section of the act first above mentior
'I, sin enacted that every general and special elei
shall be opened between eight and ten in tt and continue without interruption or a'
'oannitnt until 7 o'clock in the evening, when tE
ti k shall be clo.!•ed.
the [Bth .section of the act passed Feb.,
.441, it shall be lawful for the inspectors and juril
of any general election which shall hereafter I
:n :he Armenia election district of Bradfoi
GPI% to Close the polls of ettchelection at 5 o'clor
I; 3 further directed that the meeting of the Judi
it the Court House in Towanda, to make of
1 ; , zeheral return, shall be on the 3d ilay after ti
ett:,n. which will be on the 15th day of Octobe
1: 2,: , 0 directed the meeting of the return jcipi
11i the 13th Congressional district to make of
to mum s f or memb er of Congress, shall be at th
Hmice, in the horn' of Towanda on' the 7t
1, 15. r the election, which will be the 19th day c
=net CHESTER THOMAS. Sheriff.
i Office, Sept. 13, 1852.
Sheriff's Sale.
1} rime of a writ, of fi. fa., issued out of th
) Court of Common Pleas_of Bradford Counts
2me directed, will be exposed to public sat
It Court House, in the borough of Towandt
%Allay. October 18. 1852, at 1 o'clock P. M .
c i flowing described lot, piece or parcel c
. situated in the township of Pike,-Bradford Co
:tided and described as follows viz : Beginnini
aeutiock ; thence south 6 0 west sixty perches t
•: 'hence south lq. west 23 perches to
'. thence south 40° east 46 perches to a • ston
c 4. +hence south 28° west 36 perches to a post
I 2 east 33 perches ; thence soot!
21 perches to a stump ; thence south 11
perches to Wyalusing creek ; thence soutl
eat 52 perches to a hemlock ; thence south 12'
' l 2 perches to a post in an old field ; therm
'''..i.erchPstoa post, corner of Walter Hier
t""0 : 1 1 47° west 165 perches toe post; theno
' 5 :5' ea. t 5 perches to a post and atones
' ce no rth 33° west 41 perches to a butternut ire
creek road ; thence north 40° east 48 per
a pw and hem ock ; thence north 25° eas
; thence north 51° west 26 perchas to 2
;hence north 52° east 99 pgrcbes to thi
corner hereof; thence south 42i° east 41
toes to 'he beginning. Containing 146 acre
; 5 perches, be the same more or less, about 5(
proved, one two story framed House on
c ut lam and an orchard of fruit trees thereor
;• ,11 .---Ose other !ot piece or parcel of land oil
•• laid township : Bounded on the north b
I•3re described lot ; on the south by the W.Va
creek ;.on.the west by Cole creek Tannin
tNat on the east end. • Containing about fin
4 'k the same more or less, all improved.
and taken in execution at the suit J.l
Ins cad 11 , Mercer vs. Ethel Taylor.
C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
'V' Office, Sept. 25, 1852.
o rphan's Court, Sale.
rintie an order of the Orphans court of
oiF of Bradford, the ,subscriber direett
,I. ep , to
rnblic sale upon the premiseart
` 4 .T.1 50
kt. 23, 1852 at 2 o'clock P. M., the ft
rCl rcel of land situ in the towt
O ; e p a
well, in said county, and ated
bounded and (11
ss tolloWi to alit :
, the 4 onb by land of Thomas Matheson ; eat
Qt Chutney G. Gridley and Elisha McKei
s 'al roads quid Gridley, and the public lire
ori the west by lands of Henry Gibbs.-
k t L , L ibg about 23 acres about 20 acres them
I 'd, with one framed house and one frame
ri•eoti erected. Terms made known on th
Administrator of Lydia I
:Pt 1952.
Gridley 'dec'd.
vrB—A large stock of hue silk Hungariai
Panama and palm leaf hats just a
je 23 , J. POWELL.
(-71a-nTIT-of Pork and Irk ,
y'" . ti•ell and for F ale by
, y .!;
Orphan's Cart .
tin virtue of an -order lif-ilwriirithan's . :-.Ci:strt of
1., the County Of Bradford; "Iti - itta- sabneriber di
:rectify' Ife :will"expose sate .-. - nnoti the
premists.. on SATURDAY,.CIot.,..IIII; ,- . 1135 at one
' , o'clock-P..7d, the following piece or parcel of land
'situated!. in.itte.ltowaship_. of.Wyllusinvh):;'iald
'county, intik - tun - detain d described atiAlltneitowili
BeginuthgAtw - past ant 'stone. comet , 41141:ihn
Stalftird'i lot ? thencei by , lands of the:. same north
thirteen degrees west- .7101. f -perdhes to a post
and stone! t i thente north 77,_.odegnees; cast ! eighty
perched 10. a pile e4n, er ; dunks. itouth'.,lll°
;east 100 and I - perches tir 'kr:other hid I;mi/el:Ulf.
In the Wyslasing preek t o thence,south lilts-west 81)
perches to the beginning.„ Containing 50 acres. be
the same more or linnsa—ithout2s' sidres 'thereof im
proved. with a framed house - and barn.sso.losslll
orchard thircon., TERMS' made known on the day
of sale. • .CHESTER RUCK.
. „ . guardian of Dinh - Buck. minor
Sept. 15. 1852. child of,Silsaf. Back. dec'd.
CAMS to tbe enclosure of the subscriber in Frank
. hap about the 12th int., a two year old black
steer, with brown back endears. The owner is re
quested to prove property, pay charges, and take
said steer away.
Franklin. Sept. 17, 1822. H. CIATIBB.
TETANTED in every county of the United States.
VT active and enterprising men, to engage is the
sale of some of the best Books published in the
country. To men of good address, possessing a
small capital of from $25 to $lOO. such induce
ments will be offered as to enable them to make of
from $3 to $lO a day profit.
a l , The Books published by us are all useful in
their character.extremely popular and command
large sales wherever they are offered.
For further pat titulars, address [postpaid].
Successors to W. A Leary & co.,
No. 138 North Second at. Philadelphia.
THE subscribers are a running a Daily line of
Stages between Carbondale and Ilopbottom
Station on the
Lackawanna & Western Rail Road.
Distance 20 miles. Leave Carbondale in the mor
ning and connect with the can going North. Re
turning, leave on the arrival of the mail train from
the Great Bend, passing through Glenwood, Lenox
silk, Clifford and Dondaff to Carbondale. The
nearest, most direct and cheapest route from Great
Bend to Carbondale. Passengers by this line al-
ways get into Carbondale earlier in the evening
than by any other route.
FARE receipted in Carbondale at the Store of
the subset ibers, Main at., a few blocks below Brori
son's hotel aug. 11. GROW ilk BROTH RES.
BY virtue of a deed of assiznrnent, I shall expose
at adjourned sale, on Monday, the Ilth of Octo
ber at 1 o'c ock P. M., the following lots of land and
timber ; the timber on one hundred acres of land
adjoining Charles Thompson and others with a saw
mill thereon.
ALSO, I lot, 1070 square feet, with a Shoe shop
thereon, together with_ the home property c.f 0. D
Chamberlain ; 8 acres of land, two dwelling hous
es, one si• re, two barns thereon,•all improved—all
the interest of 0. D. Chamberlain, will be sold in
the above Property. Terms made known on day of
sale by 8. S. BRADLY,
Sept. 10, 1852. assignee of 0. D. C. •
10,000 Bushels of Wheat Wanted.
T will receive on all debts contracted with me,
MAN—aII kinds of grain if delivered by the first
of January next, and after that time I will expect
the money as soon as I can collect the same.
J. H. PHINNY jr.
Office, No. 3 Brick Row, Towanda, Sep. 7,.1832.
J. & S. ALEZ&EIMM & CO._
TN the Brick Block , next door to Meteors store have
.1. just added to their stock, a large and fashiona
ble assortment of ,
of every verieiy, both of style and price, to which
they ask the attention of the public. This is now
the largest stock
Ever Offered in Towanda !!
and will be sold at prir4s considerable lower than
ever before known in this place. Oar goods are
selected with a regard both to style and price, and
offer indocemente,not to be met with at any other
In" Strangers visitin eroarandkor_oth
ors in want of 0 0 will And
at ouresulblishment, in this section of the coyntry,
and made in such style and materials as to ensure
satisfaction. We shall endeavor by
to secure patronage. feeling confident that our arti
cles will give satisfaction to the purchaser.
The assortment comprises every article required
for a gentleman's outfit. TERMS--CASH.
Overcoats, Coals Pants, Croatia Caps @.
LocarioNs.—Next door south of Mercur's Main
st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water st.. Arnouts Hall.
Elmira; and under A. C. Porters Hotel, Tipga Vill
age, Tioga Co. Pa.
Towanda May 29th ISM.
.THE Subscribers have recently opened upon their
J. lands in Tuscarora Township, Bradford Co:,
Pa., a bed of Mineral and' ire Proof Paint, which
Vie) , offer to the attention of the public. This arti
cle which is now extensively used throughout the
country recommends itself to general favor by its
cheapness and by its peculiar properties of becom
ing after a short exposure, as hard as slate, render ,
ing buildings both fire and waterproof.
We ask of . the public to give our paint a trial,
being willing that it shall stand upon its own mer.
its. in full confidence that no art.cle in market stir
passes it in value. We have bad it tested by prat.
tical men, who declare it superior to any kind of
Mineral Paint, now offered to the public.
We have made preparations for supplying any
quantity that may be needed, and shall have s. a sup.
ply at nearly every store in the County, to give the
public an opportunity of testicg it.
Those who may wish "to communicate with us
upon the subject, will address us at Laceyville, Wy•
owing Co. Pa. CYRUS, SHUM WAY.
This is to certify, that I hive thoroughly tested
the paint recently discovered by Sham way and
Montgomery, and in my opinion it is as good as, if
not better, than Blake's, or any other I have ever
used. I recommend it to the public.
Towanda, Sept. 4, 1852:
Ban els ter Bale,
FARMERS or others in want of first best Bar
rels for cider, or otherwise, will find them un
der Hall & Russell's Hard Ware• store.
Towanda, Sept. 15, 1852. FELTON & Co.
To; Sale.
quire of JOHN R. WELLES.
Sfr, Iltb; lE'st.
J. PO win
500 4geats wanted.
81000 A TRAIL
Ready made Clothing,
Ego mbittaiiiinis
ALL persons indebted - to. Ste Hond o ',ll Ladd dee'd late of Albany townshipi:ere tiere•
bg requested to, make paymentwithont delay ; and
those having claims against said estate; 'will place
present them duly authenticated for sattlenient.
Albany'lownship, July 17 1852. Administrators
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Jonathan
Brink deed. hue of Pike. are hereby requested
to - make-payment without delay.. and those having
claims - against said estate,will please present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Pike. Joly 17, 1851. Administrator.
ALL persona indebted to th e estate of LYMAN
VANDYKE deed, late of Albany, are hereby
requested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against said estate. will please pre
vent them duly authenticated for settlement.
dmAlbany, July 29. 1952. nistrator.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN M.
DAVIDSON dec'd. late of Albany tp-, are here
by requested to make immediate payment and those
having claims against said estate will please pre.
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Albany. July 21, 1959. Administrators.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN
FEE, dec'd, late of Monroe township. are
hereby requested to make payment without delay,
and all persons having demands against said estate
are requested to present them,dnly authenticated for
settlement. T. M. WILSON,
Monroe tp., July 29, 1922. Administrator's.
nychange, gives his thanks to his friends,
and the traveling public generally. for their liberal
patronage, and solicits the continuance of the same.
will run regularly to and from the Waverley Depot
to meet the Mail Trains for the accommodation of
strangers and travelers, who wish to visit • pleas ,
ant village on business or otherwise. A daily line
of first rate
Four Horse Coaches,
are running through to Towanda. Those wishing
will be insured a seat in this coach from this place,
and those going to the
can MP it Athens, and spend an hour or two
and be insured a conveyance in time to meet the
regular trains of cars going East or West.
Also those who wish to leave their teams here
can be conveyed to and from the cars free of charge.
Athens, Sept.. 4. 1852
ALL persons indebted to the estate of John
Welch deed, late of the township of Duren are
hereby requested to make payment without delay,
and those baying claims against said estate, will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Dorell, June 25, 1852. - Administwor.
roreign Attachment.
To the Sheriff of Bradford County, Greeting:—We
command you that you attach James G. Fountain,
late of your county, by all and singular his goods and
clanks, lands and tenements, monies, rights and
credits, in whose hands or possession suever the same
may be,so that he be and appear before our court of
Common pleas to be holden at the borough of To.
wands, in and for said `county, on the first Monday of
September next, there to answer Herbert T. Moore.
assignee of Chas Thwing and Ebenezer W Thwing
in a plea of debt on judgment obtained in the state
of New York, not exceeding one thousand dollars,
and bail required in that sum ; and that you summon
ail persons in whose hands or possession the said
goods, chattles, rights or credits, or any of them may
be attached. so that they and every of them be and
appear before said court, at the day and place afo:e
said, to answer what shall be objected against them
and abide the judgment of the court therein ; and
have you then and there this writ.
Witness the Hon. DAVID Wit.sicrr, President of
our "mid court, at the borough of Towanda aforesaid,
the 9d day of August, A. D. 1852.
ALLEN McKssx, Prothonotary.
THE Subscriber will sell the balance of his stock of
000D8 at auction. commencing on Monday
the 6th day of September. and continue every day
and evening until all is sold.
Towanda, Aug. 7,1852. E. T. FOX.
3000 'Bs.BLAKE'S Patent Fire Proof
Paint, just received and for sale by
Towanda, Aug, 25, 1852. MERCURIC
will sell some of the most desirable borough lots
:it Towanda at public sale IN FRONT OF THE
WARD HOUSE, on Saturday the 28th. day of Au
gust, next; To suit the covenience of those of
limited means, and to render a sale of all my vil
lage property more certain. I have sub-divided Into
convenient lots the property now occupied by Judge
Laporte ; the corner of the square frc.nting the pool
of the Dam and Smith street ; and the corner on 3d
and State street nearly opposite C. L. Ward's pri
vate residence,.and will sell the same to the high
est bidder on the most accommodating terms,
A diagram cf these lots will be posted up at Mr.
Brower's previous to the day of sale.
NOW is the time for those who wish to secure
themselves lots, with or without dwellings—the
purchaser of the large commodious House and lot
occupied by Judge Laporte, can have possession if
desirable in two months from the day of sale.and the
balance in less than 30 days. Title to all these
lots indisputable:—Deeds executed immediately af
ter the sale. D. M. BULL.
Valley Hill, July 30,1852.
f\WING to unavoidable causes, beyond my con.
trot, the sale of my Borough property stands
adjourned. The day and hour will be designated
by public bills, and the ringing of the auctioneer's
bell. - D. M. BULL.
Valley Hill. August 27, 1852.
THEpublic era hereby notified, that no person
will be permitted to pick, or carry away Craw
berries front the lands of the subscribers in Darling.
ton township. Those persons found trespassing on
our Cranberry marshes hereafter. will be dealt with
according to law. JOHN McCORD,
August 26; 1852. , ISAAC CRAIN.
QAFETY FUSE.- - -Contractors can Sod a superior
1...1 Betide of Safety Fuse at MERCUR'S.
Pay 14 ! Pay 17p !
PERSONS indebted to the subscribers either on
book account or by note, are hereby notified that
they must be paid without further delay. Immedi
ate attention to this call will save Cost.
Towanda, June 10, 1852.
ALL persons are hereby cintioned again►t porch
asing a note given by me, to Silas Scoville dat
ed June,-1852, for forty-five dollars. As I have
not rec'd any equivalent for said note, I shall not
pay the same unless compelled by law.
'fouanda, July 30,101, JOHN McMAHON•
-- MOT/14 -
1: Va
4iening otiiiii e r
4.;4•16.4 w6l.-
-4 - i. sok and Retail an extensive stook of 817MblER
6 001:18.1induacing a roll usortnient or goo& usual
ly kept by Mew 'which were - prehised al extremely
Prlorkirel will , be 'old at lower pier Ikla Ale
same quality 'of 'gm* en oW ip any town wed of
New York. We say to all, come and examine ow
storks end thaw who pay Cub for geode wilt find it
greatly for their intents to boy at the Cask store.
Yamada. Jona 1,185!:
!loins and Shoes.
ALARGE stuck of Ladies', Children's and Misses'
- "sin g Bmajn; SliPPers. Polkas and Boots.—
Also a ens assortment of men's and boy's ealf,lcip and
morocco Boots, Mien and Brogan's, and a good supply
of gent's Gaiters and Congress Boots just received at
lane I. • MERCURIC
SIIMMER HATIV---A fine adoortment of the latest
styles of moleskin. Kossuth, Hungarian, Panama,
pedal and paten leaf flats, just opened at •
June t, . IdERCUII4B.
seleetion of lades' and misses' Bonnets, and at
grett variety of &dna Trimmings, now opening at,
Jena 1. ' MERCER'S.
ORlflB' ems quality CORN STARCH, manufsc•
mid expreuly for infinity and dietetic pommies,
for sale at jone I . NIERCURI3.
DRESS GOODS—in variety, from India silks, to
3 cent Calicos. Also the latest style of Dress
Trimmings, at apl:0 B. KINGSBERY'S.
BE F O,R E looking elsewhere, it would be well for
Ladies to look at the Bpring Bonnets, Artificial
Flowers and Ribbons, which are sold so very cheap.
April 9 'B. KINGSBERY.
CROCKERY.—The largest stock In town. Ful
dinner and tea setts, of white granite and blue
ware, which will be sold cheap at
GROCERIEK—The quality and prices of Teas,
Sugars and Coffee, always speak for theist
selves, at apl 10 B. KINGSBERY'S.
M -
ACKEREL-50 half barrels, and 25 quarter
al. barrels, at B. KINGSBERTS.
20QUINTALS CODFISH—They are worth
looking at, if not buying, for sale - by
April 10. B. KINOSHERY.
MEBB PORK !-50 bbls. Prime, for Which a high
price was paid,and for which a high price will
be asked, by apllo B. KINGSIBERY.
H .
Ati opened a Clothing slore at ATHENS. Pa.,
on the ready pay system. A good stock of new
and fashionable garments foi sale at very low pri
ces. Most of the assortment is of
Some Nrannfbcture.
The cutting is under the dir-ction of an experi
enced tailor, and in this manner durability in work
manship and good taste in style are secured.
has been adopted. as the best method for doing the
business, as it enables the merchant to sell lose, as
it saves bad debts, and is the best plan for every
body Here is the place where men and boss, old
and young may be suited on fair and economical
I have but one price which gives me the advan•
(age of
than those who sometimes rai,e on the price in or
der to make up a loss, occasioned by the higgling
tedious, unbusiness-like process, which customers
are usually obliged to undergo at most country
stores. With a good assortment of new and stylist*
©Xi TijiFlA Va 7
can make it to the advantage of every man and
boy to call at the one price Clothing Store in Athens
Athens, July 17. 1852 GEO. B. PERKINS
tom' N. B. Dealers in went of Clothing to sell again
will find goods here, as cheep, if StOf some cheaper
than can be bought in the New York jobbing hous
es—and better made. .CD •
More New Goods.
JUST received and now opening by J. POWELL,
a large stock of Dry Goods, Hoots & Shoes, Hats
Groceries, Fish &c., which are now offered for sale
at extremely low prices. Having been selected
with care and bought for cash, they can be afforded
and will be sold at prices that cannot fail to suit
the purchasers. An examination of his stock is
respectfully solicited J. POWELL.
SUMMER GOODS—An assortment of Gingbams,
De Lains, Cbambrays, Lawns, just received
and for sale by je23, J. POWELL.
GROCERIES—A large stock of Sugars, Teas,
Coffee, Molasses, and all other articles of gro
ceries just received and for Sale by
June 23, 1852. J. POWELL.
BOOTS & SHOES—The lar;est stock in town
of ladies, misses, and childrens fine and coarse
shoes. Mans. boys and youths calf, morocco and
coarse boots and shoes just received by
June 23, 1832. J. PO WELL.
FISH—A fresh stock of Codfiih and Mackerel at
Jane 29, 1852. J.POWELL.
TO lINAJWAS Bradford Garai, P..
-- -
T OOKING GLASS PLATES cut end hued or
any size, to be had et the Jewelry store of
May 16, 1852. W. A. bHAMI3ERLIN.
BURTON KINGSBURY, would again call the alt
motion of sit persons desirous of buying goods
cheap, to the large stock which fie is now receiving
from New York ; embracing a full assortment of all
kinds of Goods which are adapted to the wants of
the town and countty trade.
Tnwanda. June 23. 1962.
N. Y. & E. Railroad
isomAtrirEß , al. co.
ARE now receiving weekly over the above Mo
roughfare, all the latest and most fashionable
styles of Goods arriving in New York, fresh from
the hands of the importers.
Also, the choicest and best of heavy Staple Goods
and at prices that cannot fail to please.
Their arrangements are such that ..they can sell
goods at wholesale for cash as low as they can be
purchased of the jobbers in New York city.
With an humble acknowledgms at of past favors,
an examination of their very extensivh assortmen
of Goods is respectfully solicited.
Towanda, June 15, 1852.
NOTICE is hereby. given that the partnership
lately existing between E.. IL Myer & Jesse
Allen under the firm of Myer & Allen, is this day
desolved by mutual concert, all debts owing to the
partnership are to be paid to E. R. Myer, and all
demands against the firm are to be presented to him
for payment.
111yercburg, Aug. 16th, 1852.
THE subscribers wishing to close op the business
of the late firm of Myer & Allen, gives ear►eei.
al notice, that all indebted to the same by book ac'
counknote, or otherwise, mast pay np. All accounts t
that ate not settled by tho first day of December
next will be sued:without further notice.
Myersburg, Aug. 16th, 18511.
1r • - Alt= - Zeirbnegta
- ,
• • '
• t
TORN E. GEIGER, would nay to his old friends and
ar the public at large, that he has constantly on hand
and manufacturing Rifles and Shot Guns dry., &c,—
Among his assortment of Guns mny he found . Double
and single barrelled Guns. Riflesof all kindi warranted.
Powder Flasks, Shot P3uches, Game Bags, Cap
Primets. Also, Powder, Shot, Caps of the best frail,
ty. Aliens' eli barrelled Revolving Pistols, do stogie
barrelled self-cocking Pistols, Rifle Pistols, double bb'l
.Pistols awl comnsoO steel and brass Pistols.
F G., P. F. G., F.F. F. G., Powder In Can COrr
stoutly on hand.
Any of the above articles will be sold swilll cheap
for the Ready Pay.
Keys of any kiod fate d to Doors, Trunks or any
other kind of locks on short notiee and reasonable terms.
Repairing done with neatness and despatch. Shop a
few rods north of the Bradford House.
Towanda, May 22, 184. " .1. E. GEIGER.
H& A. 11AMPBELL would again call the atten
• 'ion of their friends and customers to their
large and new assortment of Goods. just received
and now opening at their Furnishing Depot, con
sisting of all things necessary to clothe the oilier
man, all to be sold a little cheaper for ihe ready pay
than ever. Come and examine, and be satisfied.
Towanda, May 14, 1852.
91.+ to $2, at CAMPBELL'S.
YELLOW, huff and white Vests, Coats & Pants,
a large lot for sale at CAMPBELL'S.
17CHESTS YOUNG HYSON, imperial, Hyson
Skin and Black Teas. Also 15 Begs Rio and
Java Coffee, just received at PA ERCUR'S.
WHEAT, Oats, Rye and Corn, taken in exchange
for goods. PHINNEY & BOWMAN.
Zmportant to lionsekeepers:
„,__ . ......, THE subscriber thankful for the
___.., 1, - liberal patronage h a cretofore re.
: , :-.f"71 - ';e:-..2r-,1 0 -1 ceived, begs leave fo inform his
t u, 0 friends th m e m pu e b o l m ic og gen H etal o ly e:
1. 11 :17 1 _,,_,,,' 'keeping in particular that he has
•111; MC now on hand a large assortment
-”" of FURNITURE, which he will
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
the best materials.
BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress
ing bureaus, marble and plain tops ; mahogany and
walnut witsbstantls, marble tops, and plain, of dif
ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas Couch
es, whatnots. dr.e.
BEADSTEADS.—rHigh, Field, French and low
post beadsteads, finished in handsome Kyle and of
approved patterns, together with other furniture usu
ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms,
CO•The subscriber is also provided pith a plain
and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold himself in
readiness to attend to all orders in undertaking.
He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of which the corpse may - be kept for a week. COF
N. IL—Furniture of all kinds made to order, and
warranted to be of the best materials and workman.
Towanda, January 17, 11852.
TO Trll.
Farmer, Farrier I Stage Proprietor
As the most remarkable External Application ette
"They caul Keep House without it."
Experience of more than wirteen rears has eatablasbcd
the fact !hat Merchant's Celebrated tiarchng Oil. or Goi•
rerun! Family gmbruatlon, V. ill cure inns( ease., and re-
Imre all such as
Sparina, Sweeney. flisigbone,Windgalk% Poll
EQ. Callous, Cracked Heels. 6:dla of all
kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises. Fis
tula, Sitfast, Sand Cracks, Strains, LAmeness,
Foundered Feet. Scratches or Grease, Mange,
Illieumaham, Bites of Animals, External Poi
aims. Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites.
Boils, Corns, Whitlows, Burns and Scalds,
Chi Mining, Chapped Bands, 'Cramps. Con
tractions of the Muncles . Swellings, Weakness
of ;the Joints, Caked Breasts. sc. dm. eke.
The unparalleled stireess of this Oil, in the cure of die.
catten in Horses and Cattle, and even in human flesh n
daily becoming more known to the farming community.
It ran hardly be credited, . it by those who have bees
in the habit of keeping it in iheir stables and houses, what
a vast amount of pain, suffering and time, are eased by
the timely application of this Oil.,
He sure the name of the sole proprietor, GEORGE
W. MERCHANT, Lockport, N. Y., is blown in the ado
of the bottle, and to his handwnting over the cork.
All 0111617 addressed to the prom/tar will be promptly
responded to.
Get a Pamphlet of the Agent. runt see what wonders an,
accomplished by the use of dos medicine.
Sold by correctable dealers generally, in the Unite.
States and Canada. Also by
Ae TS-H. C. Porter. Towanda—Wm. Krff.
Athena—Eli lairkTroy—D. V. Barnes, Colllinhia
Flatta—L. 1). Taylor, Burlington—Fnsbie & Bron
son, (swell—E. Dyor, Covington—D. M. Bailey,
Mansfield—Humphrey & Place, Tioga—Torvell,
Montrose—Perry fi. (Wen, Elmira. WHOLESA LL
agents are Wars, Cliose & Co„ 89 Maiden at., New
111111037.41.112C18 ! LOOS !
CARPENTERS & JOINERS will find a full as
aortment of planes, gauges, saws, squares, trying.
squares, bevels, compasses, iron and wood spirit
augers, gimlet, center and roger bins, broad, band and
bench axes, adzes, hammers, chisel., gauges, chalk
tines and speola. brad and scratch awls, tape lines.&e.
BLACKSMIRIRS will find anvils, vices, bellows,
sledges, band and shoeing hammers, rasps. files, iron
brace., bias, hand drills, berme stews and nails, screw
phtes,and • general assortment of caist,German, sprint
English and American blister steel, Swedes, American
and English iron.
MASONS will find brick and plastering trowel 4
stone hammars, lathing hatchets, white wash brushes,
Ste., constantly on hand at MERCOR'S.
Notice to Ilittbscribere.
SUBSCRIBERS to the History of the World, and
Webster's Dictioniuy, are respectfully notified
that the Agent will commence delivering said works
by the 20th of this month, and will supply subset
hers as anon •as possible thereafter. The thanks of
the Agents are tendered to the public for their liberal
patronage of these works, which will be delivered by
F. M. Babcock, Esq., Gen. Agent for Pennsylvania.
Ancu-t 12, GM. ASA KNAPP..
A". persons having unsettled accounts ui , h the
subscribers, are requested to call immediately.
and arrange them either by note or payment. And
all notes that are over due, must be paid.
Towanda, apttl n, Ism%
H. S. &W. 4 Nt/ISCI
THE anderiigted ' as, p
htAhased a large., and
choice selection' of IiEW GOODS, bOnyht
under the most favor . able" , ettnunkstanees, and for
sale as low for cash as can bi"botigat elsewhere,
and lower than any btaggadocia can or Will tell.
May 5, 1052. ' " 0. D. BARTLETT.
Drug 'Store,' 7110.. 2 Thick ROW.
NlNl 7 Anntaa ISL =IV &MEM
ritHE , subscriber having purchased and 'efur
nishcd the stock cf DRU(IS.MEDACINiEtiIsitc.,
in No. 2 Brick Row, which now makes it a choice
and well selected assortment of Drug and Medi
tines for family Use, at wholesale and retail, which
he cheerfully recommends to the publio,anit caves
a share of public patronage. -
The Goods will be sold as cheap or cheaper - than
any other establishment West of New:Yorkfor.eash
and cash only. • •
Here you will find annexed a few leading articles
Fosgaie's Cordial
Elix Opi
Hay's Linitrient
Hair Dye '
Harlem Oil
I )intment, Trask'
do Palley's
do McAllestes •
Shakers Herbs
do Extracts
Tilden's Alcoeulie X.ll
Rbei Extract
lalap Extract
Meakim's Vanilla Eizet
do Lemon 7 4.
do Mace • do
do Almond = de
, do • Cloves
. do Allspice de
do Nutmegs de
do Peach de
do Ginger
do Cinnamon de
do Orange -de
do Tonka • de
Lubin's Springfiower
Ido Musk do
do V iolette de
do Magnolia do
do Sweet Br* do •
do Jesmin do
do Jockey CM de
do Caroline do
do Jenny Lind do
do Boquet do
Syringe, Pewter as'atent
do Glass do
Nursing Bottles, Glass
do do G. E. E.
Rad Rhei Turk
'do do
do Ipecac.
do • Jalap
do Ginger Whjte
do Orris
Gum Camphor
do Opt Turk
do Myrrh Turk
do Arabic do
do Copal
do Aloes Poet
do Aloes Cape
Clgoride Lime
do Soda
Castor Russ
'lsinglass do
lEvens' Lancers
ilcitra Silver . Op%
lOxid Bisnuth
IBlue Pill mer,
Inside Potass
Tart do
Carb do
Suiph do
Senna Alex.,
do India
Cream Tartar
Sop C Soda
Magnesia Ca
do Carb,
do 8
do Henry's
do Appls
Trusses Hulls
do Marshes,
do Shaker,
Balsam Wistera
do Cheesmans
do Fir:
do Copabia
do Tolu
do Peru
do Pulmnffary
do Sulphur
Acid Tartaric
do Acetic •
do Benzonio
do Citric
do Nitric
do Oxalic
do Hy drocyanc
do Sulphuric
Oil Linseed
do Sperm
do Olives
do Castor
do Neat/foot
do Almonds
do Amber fleet
do Amber Red
do Anisi
do Caraway
do Croton
do Cubetis
do Cummin -
do Fennel.
do Lemou
do Cassia
do Cod Liver
do I.avnndula
do Neroli
do Jesmin
do Nutmeg
do Orange
do Rhodium
do Rose
do Cedrat
do Copabia
do Ergot
du Verbena
do Viniette
do Mellesse
do Mellefluer
do Patchouly
Brushes, Paint
'Oanstie do
do Hair !Citrate Ferri
do Hai r,Came I ',iodide du
do Nail - {'sumo
do Tootti,
I Pruiti hid Mercury
do Shaving Strychn
do Flesh Piperin
do Cloth Liaterium
du Hat, lodine
Soap. Yankee Veratrin
do Crystalline reo , iite
do •Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Cum Crete
do Coopers Morphine Sulph
do Rose do Act
do Victora • Calomel, Amerieas
do Orange do English.
do Tooth Precipitate Red
do Erasive do White
do Castile Ralph Zinei
do Military Bronze,Cri insnw
do Sevin do Pale Colil
do Brown do Dark de
Fricopherpus do White
Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op't
Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermilhoe
Oxygenated Bitters America do
Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue
Chloroform Fig do
Hoffman's Anodyne Venitlan Red, English
Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varni.h, Dyes
Woods & Dye• Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries*
pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal porposes.—.
Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con
netted with the trade.
do Varnish
Having secured the services of Dr. S. Hrirrov.
whr keeps his dike at this store, and will glee me
dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the
medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having
their prescriptions careful:y compounded and put,
up. The stock has been selected with great care.
and the goods mill be warranted as represented.
All of Dr. D. Javnes' medicines. Ayresebetry Pee.
torial, mcheneks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock
Root, Orrick's, Hohensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge,
Together with all of the moat popular Patent medicine.
now in use constantly on hamd and for sale at
1. M. REED, No. 2, Brick Row.
Tnvranda,May 14, 1332.
CAME to the enclosure of the subscriber in Stand
ingV./ Stone, on the Ist day of September last. a
small iron grey gelding, with a dark mark OD the
left side running down to the belly—dark Tait and
ears ; and having a yoke about his neck—supposed
to be about 12 years old. Tue owner is requested
to prove property, pay charges and take him away.
Standing Slime. Sep: 61. 18:12. Wm. CONM ER.
Battalion Notice.
'rag uniformed volunteers, composing the 4th
1. Battalion of the Ist Brigade. 13th division, P.
V. will meet at the MANSION HOUSE of Hugh
Hicks, in Rome, on Thursday the 14th day of Oat,.
ber next, at 10 o'clock A. M.. arined!and equipped
as the law directs for parade and inspection.
Captains are requested to mike every effort to.
bring out their whole Companies.
N. B. A Military Ball and entertainment, wAII be
given by m ine host." Au extra Band of music in
Wysox. Sept. 30. IBM.
THE subscriber offers at puhlic sala.
his valuable FARM, situated in Sheshe
quin township, Bradford county. Pa..
containing one hundred and forty-nine
acres. One hundred acres thereof are in a good
state of cultivation, and the remainder is wood
and VMBERIand. There are two good dwelling
houses, a barn. carriage house. &c., situated upon
the main or river road, and a barn and tenant house
on the back part of the farm. Fifty acres of the
improved land lies upon the flat between„ritain
road and the river, and exceedingly fertile. '.-
ALSO, the undivided half of e Saw Mill with the
appurtenances. situated %%him half a mile of the
farm, and conveniently near to Imbed and. The
whole property is situated within about eight miles
of the N. V. & E. R... and presents a rare i n d uce .
ment to purchasers. It will be mid - eery
Arm and a
reasonable credit he riven for one hall of the purch
rise money, For further particulars enquire of V.
Mr act's, :EN., of 'rowan la, or of the subscriber.
Cant , n, July ',4il, laZig H. KEIGSBUirt .
Lieut. Col