Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 09, 1852, Image 2

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    lehrabforti "it owlet'.
Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Men
Prmkaas for Fri* raillery.
Towanda, Saturday, October 9, 184
-Ternte'erf The Reporter.
qotlA par ennism—if paid within the icier will
eiiiidediteted—fen cosh paid actually is entrance $I 00 will be
dettneted. No paper Oat elver two years. unless pond Rif.
Aoverneintsvre. per tonere of ten lines. 50 cents for the
/Wit end 13 celtrn for each siiliworterit ;nitertton.
.ajr` Dace in thew Canon Mock." north side at the Potilie
IffigaareZnext door to tne tiractford Hotel. Et' itrauce tue.Weed
Messrs Adams , .iiiiit Ehreles Id* Offices.
Democratic Nominations.
or "aw almrsolor.
Qf LAU a 7M♦
TOll CAN U. CoNIIISCIO:1110. •
W3II...IIIIOPKINS, of Washington Co.
von srenvnal icros.
G. VOr...IWOODIT Ai IR D of IdlZCrne Co.
V' Ir-CoNanit4g.
tt'fLLIAM II 11 r9N ov Sm ITHFI KU) Tlei . P
FOR coxl7:s'llE4mA,
ISAAC A. PARK, - or Hciuticic Towasmr
701 • V DITOTt,
WILL! A M H. PEC;_K. or Troll - Bonovan
The Success of our Ticket
We trust no Democrat will heed any of 'the cal
eulations of our opponents, in regard to.the defeat of
any portion of our ticket. We :an assure them that
our accounts from all quarters of the County Were
never more favorable (or the success of the Demo
cratic cau.,e, than this fall. All stories about. disaf
fection in any goitre?. are sheer fabrications, inten
sled only to dishearten the Democracy. It the De
mocratic party will only do its duty, end deposit
their lvillots, the victory is certain for the WHOLE
Don't Neglect the State Ticket !
Tiie Democracy DI Bradford should not consider
the election of their County ticket the subject of
paramount imps.rtanu, in the contesiwhich is now
upon tr•.. Results more important far to the wel
fare of the Democracy of the State and of the whole
Union are attached to the Fuccess of the State Ticket.
The eyes DI the whole nation are directed with anx
ious enquiry to the Keystone State, and the cause
of the Democracy of the Union is entrusted to her
keeping at the October election. Our F nevem; now,
virtually settles the qnestirm then, and Jisapirite our,
rue+ ; or our defeat inspires them with renewed
courage and hopes, and prepares them for an arduous
stroggle in Vol ember. Under such circumstances
what Democrat in Bradford will neglect to come
out to the polls, or refuse or forget to vote for
Remember, Democrats, that the success of our
S:ate Ticket, by a triumphant majority, renders the
election of PIERCE and KING, easy and certain.
That its defeat or election by a small majority,
will renew the confidence of the Whig leaders not
ouly in Pennsylvania, but in the lit:ion, and make
them ,lesperwe in their efforts to retain possession
of the Treasury.
Is there a Democrat who has not resolved in his
heart to do his utmost to overthrow the Galphin ad
ministration—to redeem the public treasury irons
the plunderers who are so greedily exhausting it?
Is there a Democrat who does not sigh to see our
country once more under good, honest, Democratic
rule, and the thieves and money-changers driven
trnm the temple ? Ilas not four years of Federal
misrule been enough to convince every lover ofhis
country that we are only safe and happy while De
trincratic principles spread their broad /Egli over
the capitol, and Democratic measures are proposed
and adopted for the security and progress%f the
DJ not be lulled into security or betrayed into in.
activity or apathy. Watch your Whig neighbor?
what is he doing. Silently and Oily he is visiting
the faithful of the party, exhorting them to go to the
pHs. Their game this fall is to take advantage of
our apathy, to persuade Democrats that there is no
political excitement—pethaps to confess that Wlsig
gery stands no chance—but you will find them all
at the polls on the day of election. You must not
be deceived by such professions. A full poll is a
Damooratie triuir ph—your opponents know this—
} ou should also consider it, and see that the flag of
the Democracy is not struck down through inatten.
lion and neglect.
Every consideration of patriolismevery desire
for the character and welfare of the Country, calls
for activity on the part of the Democracy. One vole
for HOPONS and WOODWARD will exert as
much influence as two for PIERCE and KING in
November. A majority of 15,000 for our State
Ticket, sent on the wings of lightning, will fall like
a.clap of thunder upon the federal cohorts,dishead
ening their leaders, and dispersing their troops, so
effectually that they w! never recover from the
shock. Towaris this majority, the Democrats of
Bradford can contribute liberally. Shall we put the
figures at 6001 Let every Domocrat so resolve and
it will be done.
Beware of Falsehoods!
We caution our friends to be on their guard
against every species of Falsehood. Scarcely a
day, but some , infamous fabrication comes to our
ears, composed:purely of lies. When you hear the
unscrupulous retailing their petty slanders, nail
them - to ihicounter as a base coin. Call for. the
proofs. The same enemy is 'work, employing the
a.%me means as heretofore. You know, from the
past how unscropOlous and fertile in devising False-
hood that enemy is. Exp.?ct to' bear all kinds of
mistepiesentaticina—rbinted blindly by- those who
haVa some conscience left, but-openly inoclaimed
by,thosawboliave.been destitute of such an article
for yews,
_For, a tont eeriep,olleats,,, ; the Ci:einty of )3racl. k ,
Goll has' in the Legirtifinre,Airongh bei.lleltreseo
wives, edvaeatedtticiait minima . of pohlievoliii*
which are now freeingthe State from its
metal, and *piing ii for itkredmoption tram debt
and the buniekof tt tMop. ean;point with
pride to the votes of our members at times when
too many Democrats horn other sections of the
Bike or prided reereint. Goitfiing ro an
intelligent and uuommptible camstitneney at home,
to betray who e interests would be speedy and
certain political death—they have uniformly been
found on the side of
_Equal Rights, as opposed to
monopolies, batiks, and other influences Which year
abet year clamor at-the hallsvf-the Legislature for`
special and uniquel legislation, hurling the few at
-the expense of the many. That this course should
be continued, should be the aim and ambition of
every Democrat. In the election of our candidates
we have a guarantee that this County will be found
as usual, advocating in the next Legislator*, the
polity of the party. as maintained by the lamented
fitnusa, and advocate., by our presant Governor
Mama, and which, while it forms a creed of our
faith, is nevertheless in some quarters of the State,
so liable to be forgotten. This consideration alone'
should infuse new zeal info every Democrat. - The
next legislature will be beset by many millions of
bank capital, with its potent srgumento and corrupt
influences, end it is essential that it should contain
men who are above suspicion, and whom bribe'' ,
dare not even approach to prevent this Vast Sind
necessary increase or continuation of our bank cap
ital, without proper 'mkt-guards and restrictions.
To ensure itis result, the success of Messrs
BARTON and PASSMORE becomes to every De.
mocrat of the highest importance. With them in
the Legislature we can be certain that the interest'
of the State will be carefully guarded, and despite
the thousand disreputable measures employed to
control the action of that body, the character and
previous repPtaiion of Bradford, will be kept untar•
unshed and uncorrupted.
;mod ~~~,-
These considerstions should commsnd for our'
nominations, the undivided suppon of the Demo
cracy. It should be their highest atm to ace the
vote of Bradford in the Legislature cast against all
the monstrous schemes of iniquity Which beset
the halls of le 'isla•ion. How will it be, if the Fed.
mai candidates should be elected! Have you any
security that they would not favor the chattering of
every swindling monopoly which asks exclusive
privileges from the legislation of thecoontry 1 They
will not teel themselves responsable to any party
for such votes, because the whig party are not giv
en to rebuking such conduct. On the contrary the
Democratic party of Bradford will hold their Rep•
resentatives to a strict accountability, and any de
parture from - the path of rectitude--and favor
shown to greedy -corporations, will ensure them
certain and speedy political death at home.
From the foundation of the Government, says a
cotemporary, our noble and 'old State has had :a
powerful voice in the affairs of the nation. By vir.
toe of her constant loyality, she has won for herself
a name and a fame enduring as her hills. Amidst
all the political convulsions of the past few years,
she stood firm and unshaken. No faction have dis
turbed the equanimity of her citizens and the ma•
jority of their votes, have been nearly always found
upon the side•.of liberty and law.
The battle to be fought this tall is one of minor
importance. In its ultimate effects, its result will
be most overwhelming. Both parties are striving
to carry it, at the October elections ; and Seward,
Johnston and Greeley suppose, that with Pennsyl
vania, the chances of Stott, for election, will be
very materially enhanced. And so they will. Penn•
Sylvania going for the whigs in October, will be of
more importaribe to Scott, than would be the dein
lion of any other State in the Union.
Let it be remembered that this is a battle field,
and that you, as well as =Self, ate one of the sol
diers by whom this political battle must be fough t
and won. We are not here as mere idle spectators,
we are not posted here as a corps de reserve, bat
we are to consider ourselves in for the fight, from
the first to the last. If we lose Pennsylvania, the
centre of our position is lost and the victory is in
danger. Let not the Keystone waver in the coming'
More money will be spent by the wbigs in order
to carry Pennsylvania, than for any other state
among the thiry-one. More ' , Scott Picture Bocks,"
with soap bowls and spoons ! will be sent, and
have been sent into this commonwealth, than would
supply every family with a copy. No pains nor
expense will be spared. The prize is worthy of
labor, and It behoves every democrat to be on his
'guard. Do not be surprised while sleeping. Be
instant in season.
Ihe principles of the demoeratic party are wor
thy of the support you give them, and of the confi
dence you have in them. Tney will neither betray
you nor the country. Only keep them triumphant, &
the Republic is safe. Remember the October elec
tion is the test, let the first onset prove your metal.
We have cautioned our.lrier.ds against the idle
tales of the enemy. Put nolrust in stories circa's.
ted by Whigs, on the eve of election. What busi•
nese have they to concern themselves about the po.
sition or proceedings. of any of our candidates, so
far as relates to the Dernocratio party The latest
story in circulation *That Isaac A. Pau, the very
popular nominee .for County Commissioner, will
support Hale and Julian 1 The tale is too barefaced
to need refutation, and no Democrat of any intelli
gence will be misled by it. Mr. PARK is an op.
right and consistent Democrat, who goes witb the
Democracy of the County, in supporting Pisacc
and Kum ! Of his qualifications for the office for
which he has been nominated, we have before
spoken. That the affairs of the County could be
entrusted to any safer or better hands no one will
pretend—and his election by a large majority is.
seep It Before the People,
That Jokey Hoffman is regarded by all the hi,sh
minded and honorable lawyers - in the State, who
have a knowledge of him, to be a low, scheming
member of the profession, wholly unfit and totally
unworthy of the responsible positionol Canal Com.
missinaer. Thatin the, Counties of Berke and Le
banon, where hale best.known, be Will not only
be opposed by Democrats, but by honesland: up-
right members of the •Whig party, knowing that:. it
would be an -outrage Upop, decency,. In jaw such
a man upon the commonwoalth, •
,17.1. 3 r0ir10r Ls I.4x_kr,f 47.
1 .-Dramruts ! „you have the power to, alect.your
Whole i licket, Ropelve to do R. , tarnids
treacberi under yoei bet. Frown down holignatll:,
ly sistrittempito" defers a single candid** Let
no atisubierstso end tying traitor, soaks yourconfi •
ear I aft the tunkittd_ fidelity of your- cundidesui
and of each other. When they approach you with
storiea "bat thie or that candidate is trading off his
riblieer &leech Ind - each demotials will
strike a part 03 the ticket, believe them not. Stand
together shoulder to shoulder, lean with confidence
"upon the support of each other, and with firm and
steady tread march to the ballot-boa united as one
man. Siich a course will ensure a crowning vier);
In one which will be lasting in Ow - influence, .and
put to coolution and shame the few traitors that in-
Vellt,our camp.
Fellow citizens: yen have a ticket of good men
Why reproach them by defeat! If you will not
stand by and sustain men of integrity, you will very
won_ have none such to represent you., PASS
MORE and BARTON are good men, They have
the influence and power to serve your interests in
the Legolature. Their espeiience and weight of
character justly give them great consideration and
. ISAAC .A PARK, your candidate for Commis
sioner, deserves your cordial anti enthusiastio sup
port. W; H. PECK has already faithfully served
the party in the office for which he is nominated.
A County Ticket less liable to objections was
never below the people. We abjure the Democ
racy of Bradford to come up to its support.withclos
ed ranks and a firm determination to win aglorious
Fellow-Democrats ! do not allow yourselves to
be misled bv falsehoods, misrepresentations, or by
any collateral issues sought to be raised. All such
are intended solely to distract and detest the Demo
cratic party. You well know the perseverance and
activity wilt which the federal leaders of ibis Coun
ty have sought to diminish and overcome our - De
mocratic majority. The same men are now 'at
work, fruitful in schemes to effect this object. Do
not permit them to succeed under any pretence
whatever. Every successful attempt to break into
the ranks of the Democracy, makes them more bold
and confident, and entails upon the democratic par
ty increased activity and zeal to overcome these
machinations. A brilliant triomph renders victory
more easy, and more certain in future.
Close up tbe•Bwßlut
If there is a single Democrat who designs voting
for a whi& let them cooly consider what is to be
gained by such a course to himself and to his par
ty. What claims has a whig nominee upon a De
mocrat for his vote! How often have we heard De
mocrats regretting that they had forsaken their par
ty in a single instance to give aid and comfort to
the enemy. Did you ever vote for a whig, but you
had cause shortly afterward to regret it Do not
allow yourself to be coined orseduced in any man
ner into a course of conduct you will deplore. The
true and only safe way is to
Let every soldier stand firm to hisripot. No flinch
ing, no giving back. Such a course will leave you
no room for regrets, and will save you from impor
tunity hereaßer.
The Democracy are constantly taunted with the
firmness which they sustain their nominations. It
is no discredit, but a compliment to their intelli
gence and integrity. Yet whig,s are brazenfaced
enough to approach them, and solicit their votes.—
No whig could be elected, without Democratic
votes, and what reason is there that any Democrat
should poll a vote for any of the "big nominees?
Are not your candidates equally as capable and as
honest? who can say aught against them 1 Why
then, should you give up your party predieictioms,
tocsin a vote for the whig candidates?
Beware of Frauds !
In the days of trickery and treachery, it behooves
our Democratic friends to be on their guard against
every manner of Trickery and Fraud. Examine
well your tickets, and see that they contain no spu
rious ballots. Attempts will be made by unprinci
pled men to deceive the people and defraud them,
by means the most disreptutable.
HOTICLP Wittscs-Bsaar..—A visit to
this widely-known Halal, has raisfied us that the
well established reputation of Mr. GICHROT, the
gentlemanly proprietor, is richly deserved We
advise those visiting Wilkes• Barre, to give him a
call, and test the truth of our recommendation them
selves. They will find every attention paid totheir
comforts, and the table supplied with every attains-
We luxury.
TIEN Buss or Ova MILLION •va • QII AAAAA or
Dou.•as TO Gas. Scorr.—lt is said by the Whig
orators that Gen. Scott was offered a million and a
quarter of dollars by the Mexicans and the presi.
dency of that republic, if he would leave his flag
and his country, and go over to the cut-throats and
knaves who had been murdering oar citizens and
violating their plighted faith. It is also said that
Gen. Scott refused the glittering proffer with lordly
scorn and ostentatious contempt. Tb's is one of
the boasts of the whigs in the present contest. If
true, it was a matter between Own. Scott and his
country's foe ; and therefore, we shall be glad if
some friendof his will give us all the facts connect.
ed with it. He was bound to report the disgrace—
ful proposal to the United States government. Did
he do so 1 If be did, where ere the papers 1 If
they are of record, can they be producedl Dare
they be produced 1 To keep such a thing a secret,
and then let his partizans boast ours it, would be to
dishonor himself and his country. Will the friends
of Scott give as the proofs of the offered bribe by
the Mexicans to their chief 1
AWFUL TRAGILDT.-4 negro woman belonging to
George M. Garrison, of Polk county, Tenn , kilted
four of her children, by cutting their throat, while
they were sleeping, on Thursday night the 24 irst ,
and then put an end to her own existence by -cut
ting her throat. Her muter knows of no reason
for the horrid act, unless it be she heard her muter
speak of selling her and two of her children and
kee. the others.
CHOLCRA AT Rocnmra.—During the forty-eight
hours ending on Monday. there were six ehotera
deaths at Rochester, N. Y. Four of these were the
family of Mr. Rail. In those cases the exciting
causes were evident—the water standing in the
cellar had been drained off a few days since, and
the effluvia was sickening. The children had had
access to grapes and plumbs, of which 'they ate
Siloam . ° 'MUtteca.—On the 16th inst., at about
8i o'clock,The. Mary Gregg, wile of Ephraim R.
Gregg, of Oneida N. V., was shot through the borty
whitst.washing at-her kitchen windoir. The shot
came from the outside, and evidently from a dis
lance of bats few feet. They penetrated the , region
of the storitaeh, cawing death about 3 o'clock this
nuoruhtz. - .No motes - ot , the -mordene , hetet* barn
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Are you prepared for the battle, which comes oft' on TUESDAY NEXT ? You have but little
left for preparation. - That time should be usefully employed. Be not deceived by any apparent q u i
on the part of your opponents. It is deceptive. They are quietly and busily at work. Do not
them to kill you into security. It is the game this fall. Bring out every Democrat to the polls. II
important election, and every man should _
Rain or shine, hail or snow, we say again, Be at the Polk ! and be there at least an hour hefore they
When the polls are open, vote yourself ad then see that every Democrat in the Township is there.
the polls all day and if there be a. voter missing, start out after him ! Possibly he may be detained by
work, and unable to lose the time required to go to the place of voting. Send him to the polls, and
for him yourself. Do everything that is honorable, and leave no exertion undone to
It is needless to say, Ahis is the waY our opponents will do. They have always done so—their
never Phil to be at the polls—while Democrats are too often thronged with work, to go to election.
Are you ready ! It will be one that will try men's souls—there will be no chance for running. It will
one that will effect our county Ticket for years should it be defeated. It must not be defeated. It
be fought bravely through, like the battles men fight when their liberties and their lives are at stake.
you ready? If not—if there is a soldier of Democracy who is behind hand, now or never, begin to be rear
A thousand things remain to be done. Call on- your lukewarm neighbor, and eutreat him to go to
Polls—stir him up to tho contest.
Would you have a Federal Canal Commissioner, totally inexperienced in the managenient of our
works ? Would you by your inactivity hazard the Democratic ascendancy in the Legislature, We
you see a host of corporations endowed with special privileges, licensed to cheat and shave and steal Cr
honest industry ! Would you see your county Ticket (a better was never nominated) defeated by u
negligence ?—Would you have defeat now hazard your success hereafter ? If not then
Would you have a Federal triumph dishearten the Republican party of the nation ? If not rally for
State Ticket, HOPKINS 3i WOODWARD—a glorious victory scatters the ranks of Federalism and to.
easy and certain
Rally then, for the credit and character of your country—to dislodge the Galphins and Chickasaws
high places—to bring the administration back to the economy and honesty of democratic administ.
The first gun must be fired on Tuesday next, with a good old-fashioned democratic report which
strike terror to the hearts of our opponents. But a few days are left.
AROUSE ! DEMOCR ITS ! AROUSE ! Shake off your apathy, and give one day to the succ(
your ticket, which involves 'your principles, and interests L the progress and'prosperity of your Coal
Rally from every hill---rally from every vale—rally ff:om your workshops—rally from your fireside&
men rally ! Young men rally ! One more effort and ALL IS WE LL !
- .t .
Com. Perry is only waiting for the completion of lUTRS. McMABON will open a school for young ALL persons indebted to the estate of 81
repairs to the Princeton, and the fitting out of the ILL Ladies and Misses. in the basement of the M. 11. BARSTOW. dec'd late of Wysoz, are .
Mississippi steamer at New York, The full coin. E. Church in this village, Nov. 3, 1852. requested to make payment without dear: I
pletement of seamen is nearly made up. PER TERM OF 12 WEEKS: those having demands against said mule ri
Common English Branches, $3 00 sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Tag Mccesarics les-menu of &Mon Cincinnati, D. F. BIRSTOL
Higher " 400
have awarded their Diploma to; Area's Center Towanda,Oct. 8, 1852. Adman:ma.
French, 5 00
vPseroaat., the widely celebrated remedy for Colds.
Instructions can be given in Greek and Latin, if
and Consumptioo. This honor Was richly merited rs FLOUR and SALT.
desired. For further particula enquire at the res
by the inventor of that invaluable medicine which .
idence of Rev. Isaiah McMahon. THE Subscriber ha& on hand a quantity of
has secured not only the above commendation, bat
Towanda, Oct. 6. 1852 1 and Rock salt by the lithe! , also, door
also that of the most eminent Physicians in this, is
well as the highest medical authority in other ) NOTICE. Oct. 7, IEO2 J. KINGSVIT.
countries. And what is a far greater encomium on _____ 1852. J.
its usefulness, is, that it has won its way to almost T. FOX can be found for a short time at Jo
every fireside of the American People. • seph Powell'a c athis old stand, all who are in. CARPE
eting. quite a variety for sale by
terested will do well to call and see him soon. Oct 7, 1832 J. KINGSVIT
Towanda, Oct. 8,4852. - ----- - - -•---- ---
DIED, i ' : ---- k . MIT lIIR.I MOW
In Sheshequin on the 29th inst.. &tams Maim, Nt. TIC E.
daughter of Wm. and Sarah Bishop, in the 2d MO ALL interest e d, we are in want of money, F al: - .55 so
' o ', D; i
year of her age. 1. and consequently all accounts running over 4
" Hope, looks beyond the bounds of time, months, and all notes' over due must be paid itnme-
When what we now dept• e diately, if you do not wish to pay cost—you had
Shall rise in full immortal p ime, better call and settle, and save us the trouble of H
And bloom to fade no mo e." Con. sending for you. FALL GOODd. ,
H . 8 v
e . r ct y X large l. C . M a
and R general eHr; havel
ass c- r i t u m s e l n T i e r
Towanda, Oct. 8, 1852. HALL 4. RUSSELL. which they offer to the public at th e ir
.s. I
New. abvertteements.
----- FIRE! FIRE•! FIRE!
AEW GOODS & NEW LOCATION. Fl i IHE late attempt to burn our town should re
- - "1 - _, mind every property holder of the necessity
POWELL would respectfully call the atten• of being insured before hie too late—all persons
J • lion of the public to a large stock of MER- wishing to be insured, can be by calling upon the public attention to his large and !L
T HE Subscriber would respectfully
CHANDIZE, consisting of almost every article undersigned, who, having agencies for several of
selection of FALL GOODS, which he is now.
which the wants of the county require, which are the most popular companies in this country, and is
tog daily from New York.
now offered for sale at the store formerly occupied prepared to take all kinds of risks on the most rea- _ Towanda, Sep. 8, 1852. • _-----
by E. T. Fox, corner of Maine and-Pine streets. sonable terms.
Towanda, Oct. 6, 1852. Towanda, Oct. 7, 1862. C. 8. RUSSELL.
. i A t ALL
't• W rit ATE
. 1 r SAVE Towanda for Mercer's mills , Burlington
•14 East Smithfield. Ridgebery and Wellsburg de- R it A b N te , d
d t ec o
all parsons haying demands against said era t '
requested to present them, c. G. Getpl.•-
by requested to make payment irithnatdelii
pot on the N. Y. &E. R. R., every Moieties and settlement. duly autherien
MVO'S • 11111111111 LT Fainsr-at 8 o'clock A.M., and arrive at the depot Adeline:c c
in time to take the evening -train of cars either east ....
S troy receiving a very . large nd general assort - ii :no
ment of every description of goods, *bleb are or west , same day. rise, Sept. 22, 1852 with
now offered and will be sold at prices that , cannot Returning Tominse and Satruanse after the arri- —. I.
fail to val of the Eastern train, and also the Western cant BRIGADE ORDERS.
from Jefferson, Elmira, &c., and,arlive at Towanda rr HE uniformed Militia in the fins Brig ° i i
Purr THE PURCIIASER, trill ea
same day. 1 the Thirteenth Division. P. M•• .„.$
I would ask an examination of my large stock of Fs', :—Towanda to Mercer's mine, 37i Battallions for parade, Review and Inspem
Stagers, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Stewart's syrup, " to Burlington. 50 the following order via : Lierg3ll
dia. &c., which are altogether ahead of any thing- to bto East Smithfield, 02 i The second Battalion commanded l_ i t
for quality and price in the county. " to Ridgebery, 1 . 0 0 John Baldwin, will meet on Va'ednesday. l/1 "
Towanda, Uct. 8, 1852. . 1 to Wellsburg depot, 1.75 1852. fit
BO OM & SHOES—the largest and host stock Express packages to or from the Rail Road care. The fourth Battalion commanded bY LI L I §S6
in town
at ociB B. KiNossußra . ' fully delivered at moderate.Chargea •
• D. M. BULL, ' And e 1- . C .-5 '
1 TON SOLE LEATHER, come and see it at Towanda, Oct 8,185 2 Bertrand E. Whitney, on Thursday. Oct. '
oetB B. KINGSBURY'S. -,-------- . Proprietor . The fi rst Battalion comm ended by l' i ° t oys
BLAKES Patent Fire Proof Paint, the only place
H ATS—a large stock of silk Hungarian and
Kossuth-hats and caps for sale at tall get
Towanda, Oct. 8 , 1852. B. KINGSBUIITS.• Commanding Officers of Rattail.) "'
ram W. Rom will meet on Friday. o o : l :, ow
lice accordingly.JOHN A. CO 0 DO'
Oct. 8.1852 . • • B. KINGSBURY'S. _ _
SUPERFINE Sour constantly on band at
10,000 Fee t
t earetY Fuse
Ina received
Towanda, Sept., 18, 1852.
Inspector Ist Brig. 13th Ih l.
ternyinssrPecillet,73sepltrictOe, 1•352.)