Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 02, 1852, Image 1
ZZEIto T 0 W A ND A: r :att rbatil 1110111i1111, October 2, 18s2 rlrrtrlt Vuttrit. THE TEMPLE OF BEAUTY. DT PETIII FISHER DUD. pave found oat the 'remple of Beauty— I p a ve seen where fair innocence dwells wh er e Virtue holds the sentinerO duty o•er the passions encli , nd in her cells ; hod na ught can compare with that palace Mere beaunful innocence dwells. !Save found out the truth by a tohen— A h.en that beams frpra thine eye. .he love of thy bosom has woken T. r .R,echt !hat comes forth in a sigh—. t . larzwuze was ever yet spoken, In,: sr 111 that soft language can vie. 1. the Temple of Beauty— j!, ~i, her virtue divine— ,Jeritice lore, as a duty, A: he shone of this loved one of mine,• :he «ee•e , t fsh my life's pleasures T. 53w at lh:y a shrine. a , fair as the flowers that blossom fhe:e , g , . 0 'h.. May• Queen--- the beanticul I , •\las in her indnile of green; •• r• 0101 ate genius, Fj• •e• to ttt I rt—x,l green. IBM :he dowers , • er (iteir trnizr thl - rinizh -p• .i..w b , fte, keit bowers; • , ;,, ihe t n h. a d the rare, up the i. .n •,e s: h. , aie to p... 3. and fair. ' :'ro lanztraze the flower , hire .poken, it , c- of my loved (1•!e to me.s „ ttem'rance remalns a-a token -- that forever -hall be— • •tt- .1 1 never be br,ien Illy , Ved to me. 7_ , umitier may suddenly lanish, kV xv,.her and die, • ; l':! Ih' r eye, F, me will brighten and the , :ght of her eye. 10 ktlycnture with Padre Jarauta. A TH:.II.I'NG .NARRATIVE :•••e7e- , ing de:Trip:ion of t, e celebrate/1 in :11tqw.01 l!tlet 1111.1 •rartare. trom , !,rw w k. etv ;tied °': Ride Ren I= d the horror, of mon I c:z , 10 Those ocie ma:t. nr> t eett-tona i•i! dOWII a• .1 11..yidno their ctgal MILS. (.1..V- V. ewe .:rttutted : We (-mild rl9l pro x'+;:•l But it would here trade tv3t.:1,1 hove mocked us !He ty.,11 the rno , n as she coursed r' rdren The wttid utustled A I% :la oe- an,l tte melar.eholy moaning 6everal limeP dor : !.e two.; of the prairie wcit, 1. t‘..l: the Jarr•chos had NE ~ e dated not ap lie cou:,11,ol have helped us at !a=t ::,l we were taken up • ‘R.lotis muien, and lrur o We traveled for some , I,!ze uto:l we had reached its e he cl:d beetled over. Here ME a. si iarown upon the grass— ).. 'L r o• :e Ja.oehos guars:ea us, and we ' l .le. broad Itubt of day, bul •‘ - -Lk a v. 11.1 mare beautitul than on the r aJ. :Ind never relaxetl his 11211111 a n. m I wa• p!ani that he con P. • a o•t woitl t , le of (tie men, drew our 6i• z ai• 11. d. ur pe.ceirea u hand 2 • .;ci ihe inli at a bloc• pallor tif:v id his follower*. i;:s. misiiltroc, cned he in a mock in ‘ , !l ar,,i approaching us ; " I hope comfortably. Lopez, I am e‘l )0u Tc l h good beds. Didn't you ME ii,mr,4 or !umbltng atkint, ehl" CM reftnAl very well. Its a gout nare a long f)urney beiore theta— !" !to, Captain," • genlemen,; , iyou are prepared for the You think you are ready ?" had the shank of a bayonet be' c:t eet. re , ides'beitig tied neck and heels, • 1:: cc, irgAiriry received a f - .ce exeeci oeti- quirk raecer.-inry :0 hi:. Iwtoeoant !or on an. „ a = (.„ e „r the t„,,,,i g rn Echool, ;t. nor, too : with a aim- Up to this moment, we had of tt,e fate that awaited us. We e-e knew - ; but in what tznotant. 1, for one, made' op .hai Padre trtended pitching us over the P rl.;ll:enecl upon this import e In take that aw tol .leap ' • y, I I,.itt been [waiving to myseil ' 7 tb tur rrole s:t11 awaited us. WYe' . to- O :Tr ttlf praiptce ! tdd triCi:gsler 111 his ihhurean -design, pme trer, grey out horizontally horn the eitfl ; and ovet the branches of there I= .• "' r""- - •.--:-' - ••••••. ,-, -"' . - . , .t - : --,- .. --- - - ..-', ' - ... 2 . • -..• :. . ••; • :••• ...* :•'i , ! • ,`,••••• '":, '- .; • : 7 I '.:,::: 1 . •- , .:N1 ,••• •• 4' . 1-". SV •1,.;.; , '...,, , 1 '.,' ~,:!..:•!!. ,• ;:: in : ; 5. - 1 1-: , '7•' . 4;1,, ,• . . H ..„ : .,..,,.......,,:_.. 8 . : ~,.,..: 1 ,.:, ~., x , 7. ' 1" . .-.. L ' I -• 7. - I --: t 1 ...... ,;;;;;-,s - ,:ii. *: l - - , ..{..., '..-:...-••.•'• , ,„.., VI: . t - -i,.. 'l t ..,. :: t .., ~ ii. c • ' '• .1.‘ 4 : .' : ' , ..? jk ~..! • 5 ,:. .i ~.,+"•--. • -,- , 1 ' '.::: t.: ...r. .' t ... .•- . 1.. . ..f.. . . .. :..E , . . .. „ • 7 , ••-••. , -,•,....r.0-.:: : .--;:•• •;, ~ , _ ..- ..:••••, •'., i'.;• •,.-: ••• , ' :.,•, , I :', . ..",--...-••• --.. • c •:';''.. -- . . • . , • :orlzet , l i ran remena- PUBLIKED: - EVEIOT- . .:4T11.11)4T.AT,_ TOWANDA, BRADFORD •COU.iiTY,. - PA,, BY , E. °IMAM GO:ODANII, the larochosicommenieareeving their bum gx- en in the handling of repeic osthe-Mexic - ana are, : they were not long in completing !hp premratioile, and we soon beheld our gallows.. .What they can accomplish with ropes and cords-is almost incredi-, ble. i had a Mekican - servant, a mere lad, who• could lash my chest quicker and firmer, and more sure not to come undone, than could be accompli shed by any two of our soldiers. I have seen them lie op the bort de vache in ropes, and thus carry it upon the backs of donkeys ; and I was almost _tempted to believe them capable of the feat, hith erto deemed impossible, of lying up sand in a rope " According to rank, 1.4ez," cried Juniata, see that all was ready, a the Captain first—do you hear ?" It Yes, Captain," answered the imperturbable brigand who superintended the operations. " I shall keep you to te last, monsieur;' said the priest, ' addressing Ito l ; " you will have the pleasure of bringing up the rear In passing through Purgatory. Ha—ha—ha! wont he, Lopez ?" " Yes, Captain." 1 It May be some of you would like a priest, gen : tlemen " This, Jiirauta uttered with ar. ironical grin that was revolting to 1)*31 - told " If you would," he continue], " say so. sometimes officiate in that rapacity; myself. Lopez ?" " Yes, Captain," A diabolical laugh burr from theJarochos, who had'ili.mrsunted, and wer i e standing out upon . the clttf, the better to slime:4l6e spectacle of bur hang- 1 1 %Vrll, Lopez, does any one of them say year 1, No, Captain." _ " A. , 1( the Irishman there ; ask him—ha ought to be a good catholic." The question was put to Chane ; in mockery of rnurse ; for it was impossible tar him to answer it ; and yet he did answer it, far his look Spoke a curse as plainly as if it had been uttered through a trump et.. The Jarochot did not heed that, but only laugh ed the louder. " Well, Lopez, what says St., Patrick t yes or no " No, Capfaio." And airesh peal of ruffian laughter rang tont.— The rape was; placed around my neck in a running noose. The otherend had been passed over the tree, and lay coded near the edge of the cliff. Lo- Pe 7 dit in his hand a short distance) abovJ the • he • coil, in order to direct its movements. " All ready here, Lopez," cried the leader. " Yes, Captain." i.ig nti the Captain, then—no, not yet ; let him look at the foot on which he is going to dance L-that is t. 1): fa;r " I had been drawn forward until my feet projected over the edge ol the precipice ; and close to the root of the tree. I wa. now force' lot. , a<l ti.; pof.:!ure, FO it of I might look below. ros ha1q 4 0.,.; over. Stange to say. I could not resist doing exactly what 01:% let wento. - wistwd Under wher vi!cu•nstanees the -e4tit would have been to me appalling; but my ernes were btruttg by the protracted agony I hadr been (weed to endure The precipice on whose verge I flat, formed a side of one of those yawning,r,„ultscornmon in'Span ish America, acrd known by the name °thermos. It seemed as if kmountain haJ been scooped ont and carried away. Not two hot:sire:l yards, hori zontally distant, was the twin jaw of the chasm, like a burnt wall ; yet the torrent that roared and loanied between them was 101 l hundred feet be. low my prisilion! I could have flopa the stump of a ei_ar upon the crater fort an object dropping ve:tiesPy !win where I f4O, for it was a projecting point, must hav r e laden plump into the stream ! As I looked down, several small birds, whose species I did not stay to distinguish, were scream ing below, arid ar. eagle, an his broad, bold wing. came soaring over the isby,s 4 and flapped up to my very face. Well, Captain," broke in the very ebarp voice ofJarau , a, " what do you think c-f it ; nice, soft floor to dance upon, it Isn't it, Lopez ? " Yes, Captain." vt "Aq ready there l St ~ ! some music ; - e rnufl have music ; how g A he dance wohoth mu etc ? Hola ! S:111010, tvilekti: , s your bugle l'' " Here, Cai.tain." Strike up then—play Yankee. Doodle, do you MIE " Yes, Captain," answered the man ; and the next moment the well khown s•raris of the Ameri can national air Hounded upon my ear, producing a strange, satl feeling 1 stall never forget. " Now, Lopez," cried the Padre. I was expect ing to be swung out, when I heard him again shout, Stay !" at the same time stopping the music. U By heavens, Lopez, I have a better plan," he cried ; t 4 wily did I not think writ before I It's not too I..te et Ha ! ha ! ha! Carrambo ! They shall dance upon their heads ! That's better, isn't it Lopez." Yes, Captain?' A cheer from the . Jarochos annennceil their ap proval of this change in the ceremony. The Padre made a f•igi to Lopez, Who approach ed hint, appearing io receive sonie•directions. did not at first comprehend the novelty that was about to be introduced. I was not - long in ignor ance. One of me Jarochos seizing me by the col tar, dragged me back from the ledge, and transfer red the noose flom my neck to ankles. Horror ! I was to be hung head downwards, and thus telt to Jie by inches !• • t' That will be much prettier, won't it Lopez rt " Yes,-Capiam.'. " The ,gentleman will have time to make him self featly for heaven before he dies ; won't he, La- pee r gl Yes, Captain.", • • Take out the gag ! let him have his tongue free—he'll need that to pray with—won't he,' Lo „. , ..... " Yes, Cainln." One of the Jarochosjeilred the bayonet roughly hum mg Tooth, almoit iitiloeating my jair.- The .. l power of speech was gone. • I could• not, if I had wished it, uttered an iatelligible•word. " Give him his hands too; WEI need them to keep off the Zqpilota, (black vulture of Mexico) won't he Lopez!" • • • " Yes, Captain." The thong that bound my wrist was cut, -leaving my hands free. I was on my back, my feet to wards the precipice. A little to my right stood Lo pez, holding the rope that was about to launch me into eternity. " Now the music—take the music for your cue, Lopez, then jerk him up t" oiled the sharp voice of the bend. I shut my eyes—waiting for the pull. It was but a moment, but it seemed a - life time. Theta was a dead silence—a stillness like that which pre cedes tlp bursting of a rock, or the firing of a jubi lee gun. Then-I heard the first note of the bugle, and along with . it the crack of a rifle ! A man Staggered over me, besprinkling my face with blood, and falling forwards disappeared Then camethe pluck upon my ankles, and I was jerked, head downwards, into the empty cis.. I telt my feet touching the branches above, and throwing up my arms, I grasped one and swung my body upwards. Alter two or three efforts I lay along the main trunk, which I embraced :with the hug of despair. I looked downward. A man was hang ing below-4ar below—at the end of the lariat ! • It was Lopez ! I knew his scarlet magna at a glance. He was hanging by the thigh in the snarl of the rape. His hat had fallen off. I rould see the red blond running, over his face, and dripping from his long snaky locks ! He hung head down. I could sea tht he was dead ! The hard thong was caning my ankles=and, oh heaven, under our united weight the roots were cracking Appalling thr•nght ! the tree will girt way! I held fast with one arm ; I drew forth my knife— fortunately I still had one—with the other, I open ed the blade with my teeth; and, stre:ching back. ward and downward, I drew it across the thong h parted with a " snig," and the ref object left•me like a of light. There was a plengs opon the black water belcitv—a plunge and a few white bob bles, but the body of the lunch°, with its !varlet trappings never came up after that plunge. , During all this time, shots were ringing over me. I could hear the shouts and cheering of men, the trampling of heavy hoofs and the clashing of Fa; brei; I knew that a skirmish was going on above me ; btit I could see nothing. I was below the level of the cliff.. I lay in terrible suspense, listening, \I dare not change my postnre. I dared not move. The weight of the iaroctio's body had hitherto held my feet secured in the notch ; 'but that wa. gone, and my ankles were pith ned A Inlmer.t, and my legs may fall otT the limb, and drag me downward. I was faint too, horn the protracted struggle for life and death, wild I hogged the tree, and held on like a wou tied squirrel. The shots seemed leSs frequent ; the shouts ap• reared to recede Irom the cliffs. Then I heard a cheer, an Anglo-Saxon cheer, an American cheer— ant! the nest moment a well known voice rang in rty ears : " By the Hain' catamount ! he's year yit, whoo ray, whoop ! Never say die ! Hole on Cap'n. tooth an' toe nail, boys ! clutch on a weed o'er ! quick, hook my claws, Nat ! now—pull--altogeth , er ! liooray . !" I telt a strong hand grasp the collar of my coat, and I was raised from my perch, and landed down upon the top of the chit I looked around upon my deliverers. Lincoln was dancing like a lunatic, urtering his wild half Indian yells. A dozen men, in the dark green uni form of the " mountain rides," stood looking on and laughing at this grotesque exhibition. Close by, another party were guarding some prisoneis ; while a hundred others were seen in scattering group 6, along the ihtges, returning from the pursuit of the Jurochos, whom they hid completely routed . ErrEcvs OF trite CLIMATE —ln the trophical see r_.,tioti , the !tower of file in nature is carded to its highest degree; thus with the tropical man, the lite of the body over-masters that of the soul; the physical instincts of our nature eclipse those of the higher faculties ; passion predominates over Intel teat and reason ; the passive faculties Aeiature too rich, too prodigal of her gifts, does not compel man to wrest from her his daily bread by his daily toil. A regular climate, and the absenceof a dor mant season, render forethought of little use to hint. Nothing incites him to that straggle of intelligence against nature which raises the power Orman .to ;heir highest pi•ch. Thus he never dreams of re. sisting physical nature.; he is conquered by her.; he submits to the yoke, and becomes again the an- , imal man, in proportion as he abandons himself to, external influences, forgetful of his high moral des-i. tination. In the temperate climates, all is. activity and movements. The alterations of heat and-more embracing air, incite man to a constant struggle to forethought, and to the vigorous employment of all his &citifies. A mare economical - nature yields nothing, except to the sweat of his brow y; every gift on his part is a recompense for . effort of his.—. Natbre here, even while chalinping man to the conflict, gives him the hope of victory; and if she does not show herself prodigal, she grants, to his active and intelligent labor more than hia necessi ties require ; while she calls out his energy, she thus gives him ease and leisure, which permit Writ to cultivate all the lofty faculties of his higher tie= tore. Here, physical nature is not a tyrant, but a useful helper ; the active faculties ; the otulerstsml ing, and.the reason, rule over the instincts and the .passtce faculties ; the soul over the body ; man over tia•nre.—Guyof s-Earth and Man. 1— A recent phihmopher-alleg,ea that theiftve great eyrie of tire are--standing collars, tight boots, rum, are:—:he broomstick. RESARDLESS OF DEMINCI4TION , ,FELOK •ANT --QOAUTEIk," MEIS=!:=M ~n tltirll'L.' The Viligs and the - Adopted Citizeits., " Tharkhe liberal principles imbodied by Jefferson is the Declaration of Indepencicuce, and sanctioned in the constitution, which" inatcei once' the land of liberty and the asylnui of the-oppressed of every na tion, have ever been cardinal principles• in' the de mocratic faith; and every attempt to abridge the privilege of becoming citizens and the owners of soil among us ought to be resisted with the same spirit which swept the alien and sedition laws limn our statute-books." This is the language of four Democratic Nation. al Conventions against the schemes of native Ame ricana. it Was adopted by the great convention which nominated Gen. Pierce. It stands out a.sthe. boldest defiance of the foes of the adapted.citizens that ever has been made. 111 the lace-of prejudice and passion—in the lace of the violent and bloody persecution of the foreigners—it has been readopt ed and adhered to: and it has titian carried out with the same heroic firmness from the begining to the present day. No such declaration has has ey. 4: er proceeded from the whig party, bkrinse the wbi party has relied upon and received the votes of the native-Americans. In 1844 and 1848, the whole body of the native•Anteficans voted against the democratic•paity; and the cowardly silence of the whigs in their last convention, so consistent with their policy before, was intended to prepare the way for another nativist demonstration in favor of the whig party at the coming election. As if to make the intention of that convention more clear and decided, a strong resolroion 'was arlopten, in %Olen the cause of the snuggling nations against the nespcis of EU! 3i)O was delthera•ely distouraged Is it not, then, a manifestation of extraordinary ef frontery in this party now to pretend to favor the • cause of the adopted citizen after being recently and doubly committed against it? It would. be .the ma-t unaccountable infatuation it thisdrnputlent and disgusting preteece had influence over the single vote of a single adopted eititten. It requires the most reckless,disregard of consistency and of truth in any whig to. attempt to argue, in the teeth of such acourse of ennduct - ns has been adopted ay the the whig party, that the whips are in favor of liber al naturalization laws ; but tilts task, degrading and difficult as it is, is cheettully undertakeu by prufli• gate presses like the New York Tribune, and by abandoned mercenaries like IV. E Robinson, of the same city. In 1843, after the riots in Pennsylvania, the Whigs obtained the vote of every' political native American for Mr. Clay. This is hibtory. The ad opted citizens, terrified 'at the erusaileagainst them, and alairneil for their lives and the-ir propeity—lor it is well known that two riots followed each other in rapid and in startling succession—SOUGHT FIIEL. 7E:: IN THE RANKS OF THE DE:IInCaXTIC VARIV.— "Fne:c :hey were safe. That great party,composed of men ot-atl creeds and of all persua-iinns, was united upon that high principle only loss sacred thn3 reli:4ion itself—the principle of religious toleration and beedom of conscience. It welcomed the per secured to its arms. It defends them against their foes, becoming a rampart around them, and beating back the combinations headed them by some men who falsely professed to be in floor cif the cause of the adopt ed citizens. While the L C. Levitt; and the SV. S. Archers, and the J. W. Ashmeads, and the J. Wat son %Vebbs, opposed and assailed them, the Frank lin Pierces and the %Villiam 'R Kings stood by tliern and advocated their just rights. Ail this is history. But what more? The adopted citizens in 1114 I voted for Mr. Pots : and atter the election in which he triumphed by their aid, the whig leadets and the wing press for Scott, °ccN.l.v ADVOCATED THE FORMATION Or A NATIONAL NATIVE- A.MERICAN PARTY, a:A poured out the vials of their wrath upon the foreigners and upon the adopted citizens. There were then no Robinsons, as there are now, to stand t up and charge the democracy with being false to .hose whom it has always defended, because that infamous accusation was nbt , then nertessary to whig designs. This, too, is history. Whet followed the election of General Taylor in 1848? The appointment of hundreds of native- Americans to office. He was the native-American, long before he became the whig condi- I date, and he rewarded his friends. Contemporam.l eons with his election was the trinmph of all the native-Americans 'and Whig candidates in PhilaJel- 1 phia—the scene of the Philetlalphia riots—and ilia I demot of the democracy, with the" rights of con science" and of - a religions • totem ion" inscribed upon their banners: ' And this, also, is history. There is etre great fact which remains to be re called to national recollection ;-, and That ia.the posir lion General Scott during all' these natiire-American movements. Where was he . wheitihe poor Irish 'men, and their wives . and cltildren,, fled belre na tive-American mobs, and by thelight of their bum. 1 ins churches:and blazing' roofs of their-humble-- homeri, - became terge;a to the ritia,:kete of, their Qeridishlies, Where then warkGen. Seoul .He. WAS APPLAUDING TIOVRIOTtIi and fie.rejoiced over thereonsequences they hq Irmincedi In 1835 he began to Organize a part, heealase the all , pted eiti• „ l ei cells of Newjosk. darei to vote the. democratic ticket. Auilin 1844 he :Diced over the prospect ot nativist sucrests, in hi letter to George W.Reed, norf'extant, and never y t apolivgiFcl far himself In 1848 this letter was ehibited in Philadelphia to te help his ttimmi ation by t wbigs, but Gen. Taylor , had antic:pated him. ' I , If the poor Hungarians were called upon to vole for Joseph of Ilapsbutg,—il the people olF.rin were called upon to vote for another Catitiereaeb--if the French were invoked to khe 'import of %Wellington I —and all this on the •rratind 'of certain blessings Iconferred BY their li .ie--i i it would not be a more monstrous idea than to et:Cie - 0 the adapted citizens te vine for the candidatelfor President ill' ibe wing party4-aittll thaiiindidite'Oen; Scott- . . kit 'is Jinni cfS;tion tden it ' iiif thec . that the fiecipie 'Of: this count y : itnTe2:ll.l:lheY admit this to eitb i;liet iii"S"ei•ret; vin. 'they prove it lo the ' _ M=NMM EMI IME I= world by their actions in public. Upon this they build the hope of being able to rally ilte Catholics anti e adopted citizens to the standard borne by W. H. Seward, who declared - to Governor Smithy in the executive chamber of Virginia, that he would exchange cargoes of southern free negroes for as ma ny cargoes of while emigrants from Ireland and Germany; and that society, and New York especi ally, would profit by the exchange., But ignorant as the whip leader* believe the people, including ;he atlop:ed citizens, to he, there is quite enough po• pular intelligence to denounce, to expose, and to exercrate the shametel and shameleis efforts made those same leaders to consolidate the opted citi zens upon Gen Scott. The adopted citizens have hearts to feel. and memories to retain, the historical devotion of the democratic party to their past rights in she face of a host of foes ; and the expectation, therefore, that they will desert this party is not only an insult, but it is unnatural and abhorrent. There is not a patri ot that Ireland.ever venerated—there is not a hero that Germany eve; adored—there has not been a martyr to Inman freedom on any spot of God's globe—who, if alisie now, would not point to the democracy a this land as the_ boldest, and truest, and firmest advocate n 1 the tights of the oppressed. Meacher, O'Brien, Mitchell, in their hearts know this, and 4loubtless do not hesitate to avolk in. The liberals of every part of the world. feel it, and cone fess to it. Shall those, then, who live here and recall these examples to guide them aright—shall these be counted upon as the toes of their only friends, as the allies of their worst opponents 3 Is it to calculate that they would forget all the pist, to be cheated in in the present, and to be followed by remorse and tribulation in the futnre. They migt t as well be asked to forget " fadertand" and fire rude—the homes and the hearts they left beycnd the main—sa to FOltOrT THE BRACt OLD pcsiocaxt ic A- Desperate Espedleat ft is not difficult to comprehend why the %%Lig candidate has so suddenly set out upon a western tour. He has been before the country for three months. His military achievements have been re- -i cited in all the aggregation of a pompous rhetoric, and his deeds of daring describe) wilt the exciting accompaniment of pictorial illustration. Still there has been no indication of that popular enthusiasm, upon the possibility of creating which the chances of his election depend. ;They who have him in charge see the necessity' of reviving his sinking cause by some desperate expedient. Fur this put pu-e 'hey projected for him a gral.d political tour, Penn=) Ivania, Lana. and Kentucky, ha t iiieg tha', Ity personal couttact the irtll.l. excite the requi site e:,thniiiasm. Fur the Whig cau,a this is a most unfrti . :ona'e expedient. Nothing was wanting to to sure trio election of Geneial P.crce bug, this veil tneasu:e. We with it were ptissil le fur General Scott to show himsell to every voters in the colliery, that they might behold with their own eyes that compound of vanity and haughtiness, of which no description can give an adequate conception. The modest and deferential bearing of General Pierce, propitiates all who come within the spTiere of his associations while the reel-importance of the whip candidate drives the people from him Ull r is THE AS./MANTS Clr GEN. PlC:Wt.—The men wlt - . assail Gen. Pierce for bia bearing in Mexico are not (wise who served during the war, but the vat lent Bobadils and puissant Falstaff. w ho 'remained at home. Mart them well ; and in nine cafes out of ten those who insinuate that Gen Pierce did not behave, is Gen Scott said " gallantly" in Mexico arethe politicians who stand in the ranks of pri vate life to aid and comfort the common foe. The melt who 10112 M in her late war all without eteep non, bear the warmest testimony to the disting,tii-h - - eil position of Gcn. Pierce as a soldier nud a man Wash. Union. Tnarr is no more ridiculous animal than an atheist ut his retirement. His mind is incapable ofrapture or elevation. He ran only consider him self as an insignificant figure in a landscape arid wandering up and down in a field or a meadow, under the same terms as the meanest animals about him, and as subirct to as to:al a mortality as theyT with thi4 aggravation, that he is the only one amongst them who dies under the apprehension of it. Cominc nrr rams A Walti CAAIP_.—The Whig, Generals • follow the Whig regimen's, on their march kom the Federal Camp. The HOU. Daniel Jeniter, 01 Maryland, in a public card announces his deter minanun not support Gen. 'Scott for the Presidency. Mr. Jeuifer was a distinguished wing Merntes of Congress from Maryland for a number of years, and was our, late mintier to Austria.— . This mean:a:km 'wit highly significant event. . . Gad Ori l / 4 1 SEM TO PiIPC I.& :R. Fr I:AG North Cam'irla S:iindard says " t e shall, in reply to implincs Imin States, pm.inee :lie proui front toe recoil that Mr. Graham voted Ifi 1833, 'Lila a -member of ow State A.oseniLled, agaihst pieing to tar pap's 6.1 rtskt e;c4Mtir ficrxrnor." 117 MASTER N I TIONA WebiLter 'National Crinvetttion is to me n in the city of New Toil:, nit the 27th of Septembei, to place title Veal statesman furritai:y beiani :he people. Tire ca!t is signet! by Geo. F. Cuitts,..of Alas.achoseits, Mere dith P. Germ, ofTenness,oe, atoi thousamls of the nice; suirr:auti.-..ti ar.i ititieemii , l men of the Whig .I.low on the WM.. Scoff Imdstke column! ! The astort Poet recumpep!..s, totracco chewers ride pa the tep oni co/tubas Skit on the ph+ttorm,therpby save the dresses ot the ..inside rawen,g,erl la== ME Woirihceird A clespera , e effort is being made by the Whigs to' diminish the vote .of these gentlemen -by personal stocks upon tfito. the miserable :0d Often -ex ploded slander of Nillvistn, "re=vamped ag,airist Judge Wociawstm, is (filet:dated with bitctFnimon industry, ;:v ith a variety of grOundiets .additione to snit each locality it is intended forlorn! it is Aso attempted to connect - 61. 4lopitirs the exi s t. in; difficulty beim een the Canal Commissioners end the Pennsylvania (hdroptl.compeity. Wili t tiot all dernoCAti readily perceive' ♦'Fief islife l etject of these cunningly devised tricksl II either Wont,. wuRD or fitiexiNs Call be defeated iu October, ; ghat chance will there be; to carry Prefi4a slid liftni in November t Just in proportion as the vote of el. [Tier of them can be reduced, just. so much better chance will-the Whigs have for care L ing a for Scorr. Every democrat, therefore, who cast 4 his ;robe egainsi' either of therit'itireely 'dm:Hikes PICRCE and lima and the party whose candidates they are. The charge of Nativism against Judge Wenn , WaRD hilf4 too often been proved false; -malicious and libeloas to rec l aim further reference to it front Irrism as. It iv n groandles.s, contemptible, explefl cd charge, and ur; honest Man will again, if any ever stave, utter it against him: The man alum ters his, shamefully- tics, and if he has 's coo." science mast lie in the fade of its admonitifin that he is Alantierilig an honest Man *alio net en iniured him, la warm-hearted and liberal-mindekl,man whosti"every inclinaion is to serve his fellow . men to the extent of his capacity, a man of exalted tat. ern‘, admitted worth, and unimpeachable invity, v.lio would adorn any public stahon, a man is boss great powers of mind, admitted genius and purity of character while Irfe lasts will make him the pride and boast not only of hnvts of devoted (fiends but lof the entire.Stwe. Stich a man can never be kepi down by slander and detraction, but whether in or out of office n us: ever exercise a powerful and cow • mantling i.,flaence. • No tangible of jection has been raised to Cid. infNi His honesty and capacity to fill with el. fi , riency arid profit to the Stale the office for which he is hominated, is not questioned by his opponents. But they hope to divert democratic votes tram him along the line of the Pennsylvania railroad, by iden. tifyini, hint with the existing diffiru!ty between that company and the Canal Commissioners. It pretended that he has had any connection with thsi transaction, or that he has expressed or entertains any opinions about it. but JAN ES HOFFMAN , hie op. ponent, has pledged himsell to the railroad, and it is therefore attempted to induce the fiends of the company to vote against C o t. Hop K i N s. We appeal to every democrat not to riermit 11:11 vote to be caught wii it snch bait. The cliject is nut to efi,ct t' e er is pretended, but to defeat WOVIr WARD and IliirxiNs, or cute or the other of them, so as to add to Scores chances of carrying the -State This object midst be evident to every man who ra. Elects on the subjsxi, and we therefore appeal to every democrat to vote for the nomtnees.of his par. rv, and to treat with contempt the Petty subterfuges by which it is attempted To 'array him in opposition to its regular nominees. It is all sheer humbug, and has no other purpose than to give' the vote of the State to Gen. Scu'rr. Democrat, be on ycnr guard-.-whiggery is art adept at kickery ; hanibeg and chicanery Wil.i;;^ - gery .szenis to - be in a cun t ; eampison ; ti] in 2 on: everywhere. and cer up ty the indicatior., are that it WA RN corl Slate, by a pormlar majority, in November. In every eleetion held sieve Seoit's noriina'i•n; they have lost heavily. That nornitraion I`as proie - 4 . 1 d dead weight to an already deep erase esuse. Ti has been the cane of trrintenr.e los% to them e% en in the two 1m0..? reliable whig, States in tl.e Uni , n In North Carolina it sunk them into a minority of 6000, anal is Vermont it has caused the it tieqe64l . of 1700.11efea . ed heir very popular candidate for Governor a: here they, last year, elected an unpnpu: tar one by over 1200 clear nialirity Such has been the effect of Snort's nomination io the Ishig' strongholds 7. :a bile in the Democratic Stales where elections have been held str.ce oar nomination,; the re. s.ll has-invariably been a 'great increase 'of the Democra•ic vote in every case. These resufts are prevy sure int ications of what is to be seen it November_ They are got d n d reliable indications of public feeling, and imesfradow the sipalfriaiii'pli of the Demncracv. We want no better evidence either of Sratt4 lack of pnpof o itp nr of the popes larity of nor rorn excellent (.3 ,dl,la;e, than rheae resells afford They point RO plainly 4 . 0 the 'nevi• table result of the election, that the moat stolid cant not fail to .re it. The triumph of the Democracy i 4 " 0: fixed 1..c1.- Tic WkIIG OriNtaN .—The Whig rt„ view, !lie urvrottal or no, opt longer op thou . 1851, thus espro-7.seil i A ophiion upon G t o. Scott a wns for the Prevideney : ,4 \Yr mach cvieioirm Gent. SenWs gria!itimations • , itep rs , it.ori foitte of hi+ admirers woull eleirwe him. The exizenrirc of o.le times require aNe hattas anti wile views, dild more of a if tris rinalrecationik were quer4irmabio prOy one year ' , ince, wi hardly titian he , ei Jr:Trost:llml MEM SPI tzerno ituiNs—Coior.el Wriief.'S.lrmor from Calitoinia, in his tper : eiia. Fatvied Hall said that many imaLptird t:iey were 4.1 be ruined by tb• Demist-nine tardi; :l. at he had recently been among the rc:inx. the inanufactt:t.4. and Vvigie most ma , Le Levet VIW ('} Tu censr.3 nt Chicago, has jest been cam p! ttn.t ; aid total naLatker ivs ,4.114. trite aid • 33.733 ;:"1 - 14 1. i. Lxpre,s dt:tect like the looks of the Webs:er muyement2 It used to did t lIEM EMI ' • lEEE IMEI J ~~ FEE ESE ', ' , ~.: F - BIM - i~ es .,; • .0 3