Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 25, 1852, Image 4

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&sized VaotiAp
•- 1. Alt lands eloveri - or the grisvest, are
grown,. must either have lime in theta, rintoratly.
or that mineral must tie artilieially onppliect. •It
matters bonnie, whether it be supplied in the form •
of stotielime, oyster•l me, nr ni,irl.
2. MI permanent improvements of lands must
loth: to lime as- iti basis.,
3. Lands. which hate been long in enlmre, will
be tenefited by applitationQ of phos i iiiale of lime.
and it is..nnimporant vrnether the givficitnwv be
supplied in the film of bone dust, amino, tinliVp
phO•phale of limo, enmpro.ta r.,bes, or in
that of atail—rl the land needs
4. No Tait, can be preserved in a hizh stat.t of
fortility, Finless Clover a.. 1 the graFo.e4, are cultica'-
cil in the conrFe of rotation.
5 Morati - ts ittil:sper, ,. .ible in every Fo —antl
onp i )ly eat: alone be-rtre-etve,l through Ow
cultivation 91 clover, and 11. e rra.so4• v i e toininez
t't n 1 ctretri crops, or I , y the of cornpo,t
rtch in the elements of mnnhl.
6. _VI hiidAy cr r.ccnt wod aniq rnapnr...4. ntf
vid+m, and Inpir b on ta,s
adinix!ure %rift' plas - er, P4l'o - or d Ot,
7. poop plowing gener.ii!y improvee 11',t , pro
duc,ive pvtere itevery variety' of curl, ilok
8 Stib.s , .i:;n• -, . snml,l is 001 is
110( Wel, is• laere,t-ir , V; yro-
9. All wet Lind sJtoul.l illairie(l.
10. All grain erni , 4 ',I be: hal re..,led
the grain is thoinughly
I I. Clover, as well as utl.c gra ‘Ftes, ittlentloel fur
hay, should be mowed when iii bloom.
12, Sandy lands can be .roost effectually improY. I
eel by clay. %Viten such lands require lisnin:4,
or marling, the lime or In-i.l, Is most beneficially ,
applied, when m s a,le t ,Anto cninpcsst %A rit clay.—
1.1 slaking lime, salt brine t , barer Man wager.
13 'rho chopping, or gritttlttY2.. 01 grain, In lie
fed to•Vock, operates as 01 ea% tuA of at leas; t sen• !
ty.five per cent.
14 Draining of wet lands. nad marshes, adds :01
their vii!no, by making l'hern produce morn, and
better crops—by produc tlicin carlter—autl lin-
prov int; die heal kof uei ht or.
13. To manure, or limo wet 1:111,1, is to throw
manure, lime and labor Away.
16. Shallow plJwing operates to irnproveri-h the
soil, while it (loci:L.3 , es pi-thine:ion.
17. By stabling ac,d shol:eiim4 sloi-k through the
winter, a saving ol onedoutilt of the tool may be
is,—one fouith (00,.1 will answer
than when such stock may be excr,, , e(l to ittele
mency of the wertlf,er.
IS. A bu,ltel of plaster, per acre, sown broad
cast over clover, will add one hi n d ed per cent : to
Its produce.
19 Penodical 'end to keep
up the integrity of by s up, - ,1% tug most, If not
11;1, of the ogiarrie sub-toned.
20. Thorough pirparatic n nl l a ml, i s a b so l u t e ly
necessary to the successfu; am', it: \.•trions growth of
21. Abundant crop carrot he4r -, :vvi for ir suc
cession of years, unless care taken to provide,
and apply, an equivalent k r the subs , ances carried
off the land in the proilnets 2rewn thereon.
2:2. To preserve me‘low, in their proOneziveness.
it is necessity to harrow them every second autumn,
apply top-ill essing. and roil diem
23. 'WI still clays are beneti•c,l by fall and win
ter plowings; but should never be ploned r'•ttilo
they are Wet. It, at such plowing=, ihe farrow' be
materially deepened, lane, mail, or ashes, Shaul
to applied:
21. VoungFtriel: should bo moderately fed with
Brain, in winter, and receive a tzenerons supply of
long provender, it being es,ernial .o keep them in
fair condition, in order t h at the forma.ion of mosde,
bones, , may be encouraged and continuously
carried on.
25. ',Sikh cows, in win'er, shriutil tie kept in
iliy, moderately warm, but well verailsteib quar
tera regularly fed, and Av.-tooled three times a dAy,
salted twice or thrice a vteek. have clean beds, be
carried daily, and in ailditioa in their long proven
der, silent; receive succulent food, morning and
25. Fu'l complements of tools, and implements
of husbandry, are intimately connected with ti c
success of the husbandman.
27. Capital is tint only necessary to agricultural
paccess, but can be as profitably used in farming . ,
as in any other occopation.
28, Pariculatity in engagements, is as necessary
to an agriculturist, as a is to a merchant.
29. Every husbandman should carelill:y reel
digest matters connected wi h his business; his
success beln2 as dependent upon a full knowledge
of its principles anti details, as is that of a lawyer,
or phyisician, with a knowledge of the science of
law, or physic.
30. Wheat, Rye, Oa's, and Batley, should never
follow each other in a course of rotation; there
should always be an intervening hoe.crop between
31. Weeds should never be permitted .0 mature
their ssed on a larm, but be pulled up, or cut doer u
is often as they show themselves, such being the
only effectual method of eradicating them. To en
-ore this result, the ground should be planted in
,tom, and that kept clean.
32. Time and labor, devoted to the collection of
materials to be converted into manure, are the
,noel fruitful sources of profit in the whole range of
!arm economy.
33. The orchard, in be proiluefire ul gird fair
buil, require to ho fed, a. 'tech as ,does afield of
L ram. The soil of eacl requires that ,tlictriihs'ance
~t.rstracted by the crops shall be res!oretl. Tae . snil
eaeltl be kept eleen, and open to the
duences of the sun, the dew., the rain, and the
.r,—tlier bark
. of the trees should he kept in a
coalition ; scraping, when necessary,
;tad by . alkaline washes.
13saa.—To stop bees from fklainq and robbir g
oNe another, break the comb of the robbers, so that
We honey tsil run down among them, and they.
will - go to work at home. I have had two hive;
of bees destroyed by being robbed, end shoufd
have had another robbed u I had not received the
above information.
A little chi!:!, ujon I,,iartr,4 a cier,;yrnan urging
hewers to become Lim-liens, said she couhint,
for her father saki she must be a Whig,.
Mal"dler ncsaue by
Iwas on the verge of the grave, and so far gone that
my family slut friends had lost all hopes of my re s
encery ; and when in-this Pittiati n, having been red•
cued tty the 'use of Schentles Pelmertio' Syrup, de
.site to testify, with grateful emotion to Dr. ;Schenck,
the unspeaka b le benefit Vitave received from the use
„f hie invaluable medicine:
Early last falt.„l contraeted a violent cnitl, and in
con , etpienee Wtidela f alternated with fo
ver • pains its my Licht breast and shoulder blade,
bed cough, and no expectoration.
.1 kept getting
MOM'S until I took my, bed, mod had the attendance of
sty Clardy pi.F-ician. I was . under his core about four
weeks, and at the expiration of that time was reduced
so low that despair tack hold of myself and friends,
and even Inv physician abandoned me and gave me
up to die with - the hasty consumption. My appetite
w a s gone, my bowels very irregular, fever and night
sweat., pain in my breast anal shoulder:attended with
„ dj,.. tre s s iag cmigh, which was very tight ; my flesh
had neatly a I gone, and was so weak. that I could
scarcely rake my ht-.d from the pillow, and was truly
„ ~No et o f pity to behold. My friends had been gent .
for t. 50e icte, and my was surrounded by
hi n d an d „,vo.patbizie-g neighbors, who had come to
witness my departure form this world.
When all r. , 7, - ; of hope had fled of my Tv :every,
nelattl.. , r, Mr. Da , id Ct.tscad, proposed to try Schenck's
Point cup, with a view of loosening my cough
and of tho tough phlegm, and AS a means
of alio:ding temporary relief, remarking at the time,
" that I was too fir gone for the SI ! , top to tie of a ny
permanent benefit." 711,y wife. an:Mos far the relief
of roc . .rvenve sulTcrlngs, procured some of the Pul
monir Syrup. I found it aflordeil me relief, and coo
tinned using it. I could feel its healing influence
tpon my
I continue to iructoxe under its ace, nod my ft lends
w , ir much graiifis d to witness toy unexpected Im
provement; many of my neighbors came to look at me
clue raised from the dyad.
My rough row hiierime loose, and I kit something
en 2 had the pain in my Issengt, and I die.
^hargctl largo culmtitte ,. of v Cilow matter; I barn for
wee k s di i i e h a med and rased a spit box full of matter
eve--y es , , with hard ;user - like griins of sernetitinc.
My hoot eta new h‘ came regular and nt tonal; and my
appetite w ds so far improved, that I could scarcely re
frain from eating too much. My strength improved,
and I regained my flesh.
I continued to improve in every respect soon after
commenced using the Syrup, and the improvement
continued until I one restored to my health. I have
passed through the inclement weather of the latter
part of winter and the spring, and feel as well now as
cvsr I felt in nor life, and i am this day a living testi
mony of the great efficacy of Schenck's Palmonic
Syrup in curing pulmonary diseases.
Lest this statement be thought too highly colt ledby
some people, I subjoin certificates of n number of the
inbabitanse of Ttsootiv, who saw me at different times
during my di.saasc, and never expected to see me restor
ed. I a1,,0 append the certificate of the brothers of
Mystic Lodge, N 0.270.1. 0. of 0, F., who kindly
watched over me, and fully believed they would con
my remains to the tomb ; but, thanks to Dr.
Schenck for his invaluable Pulmnoic Syrup, my life
has been spared, and I am permitted to make the fore
go;ne, , tatement for the benefit of suffering mankind.
reheat 'Pavony, and am welt known by most of
the people there, and will be gratified to have any
person call upon toe and learn mare particulars of this
victims of this medicine. JOHN C. GREEN.
June gith, ISSI.
The Fuh.Ctihcra, member. of the Mystic i od r , No.
270, T. G. of O. F. of Ilohnesburg, Pn. do hereby cer
tify that we know John C. Green. (and is a member
in good mainline in No. 270 T. 0. of 0. F.) who was
dangerously ill with a low Pram n.try C..neurnption,
last stint. r, Ft) that they nice him ep .o die ; t .that he
i. now fully restored t.. l ft wt health, an.] they believe
his recovery seas produced by Schenck's Fultoonic
Syrup. z.
We believe his certificate is correct in every par
ticular. . HENRY NEFF, P. G.
ji.". OttAl \N. N. G.
.1 ACOI3 \V ATM:IIIN, Fitt
ficlmosburg, rbii.adeiphil Co., Pule 25, 1.L51
The undersigned, residents of Taenny, ei:ht miles
amore Phila,Riphis, bring well acquainted with John ,
C. Green, art I 'he circutn-tatices ntirriding 'bi-: ease.
feel impelled by a deep sense of imperative duty to
matte universally known to the public his entire error
cry from the very last stages of Pulmonary Con,titnp.
ti.m. So entirely Itcllde-s was his condition, having
!.ten but a brief period since in that rapid y einkina
and emaciate state, as to (Wetly preclude, in ths opin
ion of his physicians and friends, who watched by his
bedside. all hopes of even a temporary recovery and
re-rtui-ation to iris present robust health. Thus the care
ful 1.15T' of your invaluable Specific, the Pul atonic Syr
up, makes it our belief, under the circumstances of Its
previous prostrate. not to say dying condition, one of
the moil startling results that the whole anted , of medi
cal shill t,r science can produce. It deserves to be im
perishably reco-ded to your credit, and secure to you,
the greatest discoverer of this hitherto reanediless di--
ease, a listing monument and a world-wide reinat it ion
in the healing art, that no time may either dimini , b or
ilestrsv. Having witnessed Mr. Green's distressing
struggles and sufferings from a continued cough, su
peradtled to the other symptoms consequent upon, or
attending to the list stages of a pulmonary disease;
and moreover, it being so generally believed by his nu
mereds friends that nn human power could relieve, or
protract his life. much less restore him back again to
his former health, we feel it thus our duty to give our
unqualified testimony of Mr. Green's perfect recoverv,
by means of the e a. e tn4ve e l se of yn'lr wonderful Syr
up ; and we should indeed rejoice if we could he made
the humble instruments of reliefand cure to others who
may be so unfortunate as to 1.4 similarly
Davi I Conrad, Jesse Duffield,
C. Hinckle, A. Heath,
Joseph Head,Jr., Jesse Watson,
• Stephen Lukens, Robert Allyn,
Mathew To ten, J !mei Torbert,
John Bloomesbury, Allen Vandegrtft.
Prepared only by Dr. Schenck, and sold, whole
sale and retail, by his sole agents, John Gilbert & Co.,
Whole-ale Druggist.r, 177 North Third street, Phil'a,
Ciicken & Co. Si Barclay street, N. V. Redding & Co.
8 Stale st. Boston ; H. Blakeley. corner Third and
Chestnut streets. Sr. Louis ; and by principal Druggists
throngliont the United States. And by the following
Agents in Bradford Comity :
11. C. Porter, Towanda ; D. Bailey & Son, Leßays.
trifle ; T. Humphrey, Orwell ; Maynard & Woodburn,
Rome ; J. J. Warfdrd, Monroe ; D. D. Parkhurst.,
Lero)y ; C. E. Rathbone, Canton; King & Voiburg
Troy ; G. A. Pet L ins, Athens .
t'All letters addresged to DR. J. If. SCHENCK,
Care of John Gilbert f Co., Wholt sale Druggists, No.
177 North Third street, Philadelphia.
Saddle, Harness .& Trunk Manufactory.
TErtr, et:Lp & Co., respectfully inforni the public
LP that they hw takin tho shop lately occupied by
C. F. frartferJrn Main street, a few doors below the
Mirk low, v. he re they will keep
. ?a hand a large
=tack of
All article. in thrir line manufactured to order, and
made of the hest material, and for workmanship cannot
scipas4cal in Northern P.'nnsylvania, They solicit
a call fram them wishing to purchar.c, confident that
they can glee satiqfartion hoth a. to quality and priec.
aj Ctsh will he paid for Hides and taltecp Pelts.
t the liittlito.t rates, nt our shop.
Sale Lea!her, Upper Leather. Harness Leather and
Calf skins, for sale in an'y quantity.
Towanda. November 19th, 18511
A LT. persons indebted to the estate of AMOS
" - I ICINNEY, deed, late of Athena row.nship; are
he , eby requevced to make payment without delay ;
and all per,mos having dernamdtt against said estate
are requestel to pre-cut (help to .4* G. Ptekard
Jo y authenticated for settlement.
F' RWEL.L, Administrator.
Smithit.74/, Juno
LiUTTER—IOO Fukaos WH , lif`ti, for yiliirh Fri rash
will be saki. PHINNEY & BOWMAN.
Emery & Co.'s Thrashing Machines.
Prices for 1862: _
In addition to nit actual freight froni Albany.N.Y.
Emery's Petenichangeable power, Thresh
er. Separator and bands complete, fur 150 00
2 horses,
Emery's Patent Changeable ?owes Th resh
er, Separator and bands complete, for 120 00
1 hor'e,
Emery's Improved Wide Rack and Pinion
with Thresher, Separator and bands, fur 120 00
2 horses,
Emery' i 4 Improved Wide flack a d Pinion
with Thresher, separator and bands for 95 00
1 horse,
Common or 'Wheeler Pach and Pinion)
Power, Thresher, :Separator and hands } } 00
for 2 horses,
Common or Wheeler Rack and Pinion
Power, Thresher, Separator , tid bands 110 tit)
for I horse,
Ifsid.l separately, the following vices are
Charged :
Emery's Patent Changable Horse Powers,
For two hnNes, St 10 00
Fur one horse. 60 bo
Eatery's Improvcd Wide Rack and Pinion Power.
For two horse. 590 00
For one horse 60 00
Common Rack and Pinion, a) iTticdcr Power
• tivir two horses <65 no
,1„?r one horse. 75 00
T `44 er with Cilioder 26 inches king
an. 143 diameter, together with Separn- 535 00
or and Fixture',
Porlable Circular Saw Mill with 24 inch
Saw. filed and set, in running order fur :as 00
cutting fire-wood, &c.
Upright or Felloe Saw Mill fur \Cbeel-Z s4O 00
serights, etc.
Churning Attachment for driving one or)
two Churns at a Illll^ of barrel size or /sl2 00
le.s (no extra gearing wanigil.)
Cross Cut Sa a ing Ariangement, for but-)
rung and cutting off logs. including saw, ((.. / 2 CO
guides, and c,:nt,ectims use.
t Power Cciru Shelters, fur 1 horse and fur ;;z35 to
1 homes. ,45i) lit)
— 11:11:MS—CASII, or NOTES' with security and
` interest, payable in 4 or 6 Mentit , . ‘S'heri good
endorsed niees, payable at bank arc received, part
of the interest is ill he dcd,:c'ed.
good materials, and to opperate as represented, or
may he returned to the subscriber within three
months and purchase money refunded. Written
warrantees given when-required. Persons wishing
t to briv
g.,fiCAltlialC-T.X \ C1} 1 . , /, 1 :11 , ..f. 01,'413 1
~11 AIM order them at ea earlv (lay as the Vannfae
tur,,r, are mach driven by orders, and supply can
not at al; times Le kept on hao.
it is n,ot nrer.riry for 17e to ree. , mmend
three Thre:hing .11.7rhinr.q for they are well known,
and recommend theinselvev to the good ace and
po-lret f ' , very prudent farmer.
lam folly prepared to forni-h'a ;tell ma , ?e arti
r•lo. I will zit.iranti•e that the freight on v Two
11.0 Mr.tchine, Oa)/ not he firer $9 at I:inglintiiton
r Corning, or at any interrneliate ioatton oh the
N. Y. . R. P. M. M . E .
Athens, Bradford Co. Pa..lune 21, Ig:)2.
Sohn "i, - 47.
tr AS rcihcced his eatatilishment to U. Mix's stmt'.
ct , rher or main s , rect and tlic .1:law- nip!
aril( continue the manunacture of Mats and Shoes, as
He has i.wt received from Nov York n 'arse assort
ment of 11 - doico':i, ChUrfren . A and .117.,vem' !ow,. which
are offered at low prices. The attention cf th: Ladies
is rrieularly directed to his assortment, compr:.inz
the following, new styles :—Enarnelled Scor; Lint gai•
ter hoots; do. shoes ; Nark [fisting, and silk gaiters ;
walking R barq, toiskins,Sze. Misses' gaiters and shoes,
of every ile,cription. A large assortment of Child:en's
fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds.
For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and
shoes. This stock has been personally selected with
ram, and he believes he can offer superior altieles at
reasonadle prices.
frr The strictest attention paid to Mairtrfactitrtnz,
and he hops by doing work yr)! to merit a continu
e:we of iht liberal patronage he has hitherto received.
Towanda, May B.
•rry • r•-/ tr/
r' . J.
3 I\ll)ltli.T . D'''El DI
IA Rove, (np stairs,) in the rnnm formerly nernpied
by Hon. D. Wilmot :la a taw otTice. svhere he %%ill he
pleased to see thoAo requirin Ina profes*innal serriee4.
Towanda. November
Jam. CM.4 a :VI .11DECM 1 1X<ECIZIMIC—d=r,
s'\ cower SVIIVETTIR,
TJAVING located in To wanda , his services may
LI be obtained by addressing a line through the Post
Office, or by calling at the °Mee of Ulysses Mercur,
Esq., where he will he found, or where a written ace
licatplon may be lift. Nov. I, 1550.
THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they have taken the shop formerly occupied by
Adam Esenwinc, on Main street,' nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BLACESMITHING upon reasonable terms.
They are determined by doing their work well and
promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of
public patronage.
HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the moat aka
ful manner.
WOOD WORK for aragotta will also be made and
repaired when desired.
All work done at their shop, will he warranted to be
well done, and manufactured from the beat materials.
The public are requested to give us a trial, and judge
for themselves. ESENWINE & SEEBISCHH.
Towanda, May 2, 1851.
Clock, Watch, and Jewelry Store
A.M. WARNEIt takes this method
of informing his old cu-tourers and the
renernily, that he has purchased
u 1 . hisstodi of Watches. Cliwks
"'" Jewelry, and commenced the above
business in :dot its various branches at the of I 41 mil
of the latter, on Main street, two - doors south of iltick
Row. His reputation- a: a watch repairer is so well
I.,tablivhea in this community, that it is hardly neces
sary to say a word on that point. W u,t his long ex
perience and great advantages for acquiring a thorough
knowledge of the business, he has confidence in saying
to the public, bring on your watches tad cloclts, I will
do them justice.
All goods sold,or Repairing done, warranted as
recommend, or the monev refunded.
A good assortment of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
kept constantly on hand.
My motto shall be—quirk sales. small protits, cash
down, and no credit' given. Credit need not be asked
for—as 1 am hound not to make its argitainta'rtre.
Towanda. July 12. 1850. A. M. WArRNEg.
C„,.: ALT, vk large„ also iron, Nail 4, trardtrate, &e ;
and Mackerel in bbl g., and 1 I,blB, for sale by
t. 142 InTINNEY dr. BOWMAN.
ivigui'AcTußE sump Eng i nes =and Boilers
LY.S. from Itta - 1000 - horses power. Horizontal-En
gines, on heavy iron bed plates, cast in one piece, All
have expansion valverN all joints ground so as to be
steam tight withlut packing or paint ; all bearings and
wearing surfaces large, and running in adjustable boxes
of bronze or 'Babbitt metal; all balance wheels with
turned belt face. TheEegidstor is attached to the bed
plate.' The Force Pomp is in an independent-stand,
arranged with crank shaft and tight Fnd,looee pulley,
ready to receive a belt from the engine shaft or born
any other shall. The , whole style of work is not Bur
-1 passed by any engine builders in the United States.
Boilers of the hest American or English iron heads,
cast or =Ought iron—either tubular a-with dues
made in the most thorough manner.
klngines from 8 to 100 horses power constantly on
hand or in progress, to bo delivered within a few days
of the repript of an order..
A 100, Steam Saw Mills, capable of sowing 6000 feet
hoard measure, of one inch boards, in 12 hours, with
one Muley 1,,w, and requiring no other fuel than the
sawdust. '
The following are the prices of a few of these en
eines :..
S a w Mill, including steam engine, boiler and iron
chimney, complete;. pitman irons; muley saw irons
setters ; feed, and all bolts and irons for 30 feet of
carriage, complete, $l5OO,
Steam engine, 10 indiameter of cylinder, 25 in. stroke
with tubular boiler, containing 360 square feet of
heating surface, and ail castings, pipes, valves, and
other parts necessary to set it in complete opera
tion, $15251
Steam engine. 12 in. diameter of cylinder, 30 in. stroke
with tubular boiler, 'containing 480 square feet of
heating surface, complete as before, $1775
Delivered on the ears of the Dolton and Maine Rail
road at Lawrence, 26 miles from Heston. Terms, cash
on delivery.
Boilers for the above modified to suit purchasers,
and prices accordingly.
McKay ¢ Hondley, late of Pittsfield, Mass., whose
steam engines are already widely known, have recently
token charge of the works of he Essex Cornpony,and
will be able, with their increased facilities and expe
rience, to make their approved ongineel cheaper and
better than heretofore.
May S. 1A62.y GORDON lif eI:A Y. Agent.
$3 00 II AZs L IT G
ATT II ATM - F.' 11 concerns the health and happiness
V of a people, is at all times of the most valuable
in - valance. i take it for granted that every peron
will do all in their power to save the lives of their
children. and that every person will endeavor to pro.
mote their own health at all sacrifices. I f.sel it to be
my duty solemnly to assure you that WORMS, ac
cording to the opinion of the most celebrated physicians
are the primary cans.s of a large major ity of diseases
to which children and adults are liable if you have
an appetite continually changing from one kind of food
to anodic:, bad breath, pain in the stomach, picking at
the nose, hardness and fullness of the belly. dry ci.ogb,
slow fever, pulse irregular—remember that tII then'
denote Worms, and you should at once apply the re.
early :
nc,beasac,k's Wcrm Syrup.
An article founded open scientific principles, corn,
pounded with purely vegetable substances, being, per•
frilly safe when talten, and determined in all its efrecbt
and not leaving the system in a diseased condition, as
most advertised nostrums, composed of Calomel,for the
removal of Worms, such as Lozenges. Vermifuges,
&e., hot has performad the most astonishing cures,a m l
•tvcd the liars of thousands, both young and old,who
have been pronounced horele-s—menralde by Physt
cistt. Read the following, and become convinced of
its t lie, ary over all others
Ma. N:110:1ENSACI:— . 1111S IS to cerlity tbat my
child, 13 sea: , of age, been for : , :p1111 , 1,41),)
was averetled by Drs.J,etter, Whilhs and Ilusler for
len:2; tune fer :ivifla any }c:., Cif ; it lit•n after
g %le: her up as incur.el le. I went to Phiiadey itia and
entl:-ICA,I one of Ow 1,e:.1 phy.:C:.ttl3; her de.:
urowiruz worse. It at this foe.: I waq induced to
try if.:leenta:cles Werere Syrup. and after tak•n L e
hoeel.e, she reetirely rezlined her beshh. Ilut,lu t .; that
t hi s will vore a benefit to parents wlese children are
I am yours, he.,
n.c,b as ac ' s Livcr
No part of the sv'stcm is mots liaNs. to diseave than
the LIVER, it .erving as a ft tervr to purify the blood,
or giving rt proper set-report to the ; so that any
wrong or • of the Liver etlects the other important
parts rrf the system, Vl.' resells variair-ly iat Jaundice,
Liver romp) riot, Dysprpvirt, &e. should, therefore
watch ,r er y F yrnprom that n itht /lil7/(11P a wring
setion of the Liver. These Pills being compo.ed rrf
Roars and leant-herb by nature to Leal ore nek
—Namely, Ist Ex/rector/Iw, ry hich atterrl:•nts the
secretion from the• 1101111On:17 MII "VI membrane, o r
promotes the di-charge of secreted matter. 2n.!—an
.4. 7 lcratitr, which changes in COMP insensible and in
explicable manner, the certain morlri I action of the
system. 3.l—ri Tante, which gives tone and strength
to the nervous system, renewing health and vigo r to a ll
parts of the body , . 4th—a Cathartic, which acts in
perfect harmony with other invenients, and operating
on the bowels. and expelling the whole miss of corrupt
and %mated matter, and pyrifying the Wood, which de-
Arnys IlifiCa3ll and rc;tores health.
A;;rnta furßred:f.ird Cot/Try—Dr. H. C. Porter and
.r. M. Reed, Townn.fa : C. H. Herrick, Athens; M.
111;04. & Cn. ?nntlifittd ; Barnes & ft advy, NV aVOr
rev ; H. tipenr, Springfield ; Hand. Troy ; L. D.
Taylor. Darlington : Brown & Rockwell, Monroeton ;
Park ho=t & Lamb, Leroy; Chita. ifinhbone, Canton ;
ako T. IL Howlan.l, Columbia, Iravela in the adjacent
counties. 48y
ADAM ESHN WINE respectfully informs the pub
lic that he now occupies the shop where himscl
and brother have for ears worked, nearly opposite
Thinking' foundry, where he, is ready to do St:i werk
in his line, as formerly in the best manner. He is de
termined the reputation he has attained as a skilful
workman shall not suffer by any neglect of the inter
ests of customers or by any inattention to husinep s.
TOOLS, manufactured to order—machinery of all
kinds repaired in the best manner, and every kind of
Repairing and Mann/adoring will be done at short
notice, and in the style desired.
Horse Shoeing, on reasonable terms. He will elso
take Country Produce in payment for work, but ob
jects strongly to credit.
Towanda, man. I 7 1851.
THE subscriber would an
nounce to the public that he
have now on hand, and will make
to order all kinds of .
Cabinet rarnitute,
such as Sofas,Divans, Lounges
Center, Card, Dining and n mak
fast Tables. Mahogany, Wal
nut. Maple and Cherry linrcanc - ,
Stands of various kinds, Chair 4
and Bedsteads of every flc , cririhar, which are. and
will he made of t h e be=t wwcrial and workmanlit,e
manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper
than can be bought in any otlit!r Ware-room in the
111 / 1
i : '''
~. , 7.4 f
. T . .
1.1.14, , ..`237-1Wit.7371 CVEZE=7.:/,
nn h an d on the moct reasonnhle terms. A :nod
REA Rsr: will be fiirni4ieilon Funeral ~c eno n n, ,
Tmentplri, June I. 1F152.
T"Epartnership hrrrtofote exkung h, tween J.
H. Phitiney jr.. and G. M. Bowman, tinder the
firm-of Phinney & Bowman, i. thi- day di-kolved
by mutual cnnsrnt, and the hook , . and aventantq ere
in the hands of J. 11. Phinney jr.. who k au
thorized to collect and settle them.
Towanda, July 31, 1852. 0. M. BOWMAN.
LUMBER—Cash paid for lumber at
Monn is arrsu, N. I
R. Bow mcc
S'k =SohltiCD.
' 1
f Liv r ;
ec i th
it 4 "
Fir the Care of
('OF all the numerous medicines extant. (and some
of them valuable) for the cure of pulmonary
complaints, nothing has ever been found which could
compare in its effects with this Preparation. Others
cure sometimes, but at all times and in all diseases of
the lungs and throat where medicine can give relic
this will do it. It is- pleasant to take, and perfectly
.safo in accordance with the directions. We do not
silver Cute for the information of those who have ttied
it but those who have not. Families that have known
its value will not he without it, and by its timely use
they are secure from the dangerous consequences o
Conchs and
. Colds which neglectul, ripen into fatal
The Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute was
awarded to this preparation by the Hoard of Judges an
September 17 t also, the Medals of the three great
Institutes of Art, in this country ; also the Diploma
of the Ohio institute at Cincinnati, has been given to
the Cosigns PieTOrtir., by their Government in cam
sideration of its extraordinary excellence and useful
ness in curing affections of the Lunge and Throat.
•Itead the following opinion founded on the long
experience of the eminent Physician of the Port and
City of
Dr- J. Ayer Sr. Jousts, May 8, 1851.
Five years trial of your Cherry Pectoral in, my prac
tice, has proven what I foresaw from its composition
most be true, that it eradicates and cures the coughs
and colds to which we, in this section. are peculiarly
liable. I think its equal has not yet been discovered,
nor do I know how a better remedy can be made for
the distempers of the throat end lungs.
J.. 1. Buoyant, M. D.. F. R.S.
Sec what it has done on a wasted constitution, not
only in the following cases, but a thousand more:
Dr. 4y c r : Sentient . , Jan. 24, 2852.
'tithe mcnth of July last, I was attacked by a rio
lerrediarrhcea in the mines of California. I returned
to San Francisco in hope of receiving :benefit from a
rbantte of climate and diet.—My diarhma ceased but
was followed by a severe cough—and much soreness.
I finally i tasted for home, hut rice:ved no benefit from
from the voyage.' Nly cough continued to grow worse
and when I arrived in New York. i was at once mark
ed by my acquaintances as a victim of consumption
I must confess that I saw no sufficient reason to doubt
what my friends all bslieved. At this time 1 com
menced taking your truly invaluable medicine with
little expectation of denying any benefit from its use
You would not receive these tines di,l i not rrg ant it
my duty to state to the afflicted, through you that my
bc.ilth in the spare of eight months is fully rector
ed. I attribute it to the use of your Cirrntßy PEC
'CORAL Yours truly.
lA".l.turxr:l . rroi. Pe, April 2, 1918
Dear Sir: Feeling that f have been spared ir•an a
premature grace, through yaur wear-tort:mall y the
providenre or God, I will take the liberty to expr,, ,,
ray gratitude
Cough, and the ala7rning .aymptoras oC Comtumption
had reduced the too low to leave me anything like
hope. when my physician brought tea a bottle of your
" l's trort AL. " It sr clued to afford immediate relief,
and now in a few tvcrliis time h ri ntlere,l toe to
I f ;t"17,-;11 do for r thi cOolt it Ii dyne for ruer :; ou
an• ei rtmttly on, of CR. !wile', of r.11:k,[1,1.
Sinecre:y wishiniz vou every ion
Volt re, , ,.ecfr , ,,;:v
J. r Lrirh
CO 1..,! fr .11 , 117') nien, tin tot in
it :r fr;:rn ;.s .11-;
Ith f , tiell
Arell coil J..t.7.:r.J .IyErz, Praczira
(7.1,e1r.i.t. e I. Mn.-tz
1•1 by Dr. !f. I'l )iriT:l7, T.. T.ln 1.1 ; ,
Wr:'-horn': r.• Dyer. (' , ..3)..zt.”1; acid
11.vden, T.OVI NV. 11. Eliot , . .%. Turri , ll,
ontroqo ; and b.; y;36
ClicaZal cr SevcrciEn 7a:m rills
i 4
Dr. E. L. Soule
& _O. I;
4 , 1„, 4 r 4,
AT ONE Genuine nri;ess ae,•ompani'l !y a f ar
of the above Engraved V; of Dr. E. L.
SOULE & upon each h.,x
• In offering in the public this jusily celebrated 801 .
EREION BALM OF LIFE; it is not our wish to
make any faise.statenients or wild ossertions of their
superior efficiency in restoring to health the sick and
suffering, grill knowing that their reputation as a
STANDARD MEEICIINE is of itself sufficient 'ere,
enee for the afflicted.
hinny peon
, f 3 might be gi7er . o ( their value nn paper.
hut we prefer those unacquainted with them to satins)
themselves hy enquiring of living witnesses and tryins
the Pills. They wi.l find them perfectly safe and re;t
Stile in all cases. being purely re-gilt:bk. end a mcdi
cine worthy their best confidence and patronage.
The following certificate was sent us for the public
RENRIETTA, Monroe CO. N. V.. May to, 1851
We the undersigned, citizen. of Henriettl. having
used personally Dr.:Sot:les Sorerrig-n Balm Pills, and
witnessed the,toring etr•ct thereof. cheerfully
recommend these Pills to the with:led as the best with
which we are artist sinted.
G. M. RO Et TS,
P. 5..-You are at liberty to publish this lot the pub.
tic good.
Haranx 07 COVVT7O7EI7O 1 We ore not aware the
any one who is making a spurious article hos yet Jar
ed to matte use of our name ; but some of them has
had the impudence to imitate our boxes and copy our
CITCCISITS. Certificates, &c. Unless the public ere
careful when 'bey purchase, they will be deceived.
G:7. The genuine Sovereign Bolin Pills con he ha
wholesale and retai', of Dr. SOULS & Co., Each
Onundaga Co. N. Y
Sold by Dr. K. C PORTER, Towanda Pa., and b 5
their Agents in every town in the country.
Removed to B. Kingsbery's Block !
- -
Tr .1. Chamberlin,
HAS just returned from the city
z.iiii. ' of New York with a large
. ..., supply of Watches, Jewelry and
• . ''';, 4, 9„ Silier ware, compriKing in part,
't.r.21:'....., the 'pllonirsc rirlicle:—Lever,
HS ,
~_..• I• Tr ii e 11., I'l.t i n W i. . Or.s, w ith
..."„‘!„_:,..:.;4:.-:., a enrnplete n. , or* , ne.nt of (:,1,1 . a
Jewdry, such a. Ear Rings. Fin
ger Ri ll ;,4,l3reaft Ping. Itr.leetet :. 1. , k,1, ( . 1 .'.' uhlin..
G o ld Pens. Kev,, ere, A lAn, all s•ort4 nt 811-verware.
,„.I ~n , , : „,, t , t ,„rs, e . I Read;—all Gf which he offer
co: vale evree , di-.1-,)e cheap far l'Al 4 ll.
Waorlieel repaired on ~I lort riot i•'' r.nd trqrrn , :!, ii
to ruri the mancy will he rr.rlindle,l. an,l a as ta'
ten aLTreement arisen to 111.1 t effort [(required.
N, B...—MA PLE SFGA EZ, and C.,,nntry Produc
takon in pay or nt for 'Walk; and alas. ,',/rn r!on., cot, (hut rare Prorleter must be paid ft-lirn the woe
i.v l'imr-1 war against eredit in all it. forms.
. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent.
Towanda, April `2£l, I g 51")..
pi kiTS & sHOE, the larges.t soil cheapest Assort
) F.:lent in town—and Tlatc nn.l Caps, nt wholesale
an.' retail. PHINNEY & BOWTII.IIti.
CASII - WANTF.D—Por which goods will ex.
k...? changed on libeTnl termc nt
Juni 12,1831 MUNN' r.v & BOWMAN'S.
U 121121
DR. •C. P()ltTtp
laolegala and Retail 'Dealer in
;!,TORE in the south end of the Ward fl ossi , ,
L. known as the largest, cheapest and moat ertti p
assor tment west of the city. Particular attenti ss 1 7. 1
he g i ven t o any or all who may wish to- '
examine o r purchase, and any medical *Wok,
will' be cheerfully and gratuaously given to t b s 4 l4 :l
who wish to consult concerning the(08(1,'010T
Continuous supplies of fresh and recently p repee r:
tid e s ate, weekly arriving, having been g a d o .
i en t ei j w i t h a view to their uarfulness, and any
wanted not usually kept, either will be found 6_
procured at the phortest notice by Express k r e ;
leliving their order. Accommodating clerk.,
early to safely compound any presc r i pt , - " td
endeavor to make it (whatever the purchase)sm4s
agreeable. All goods shall be considered ttori ,„„_,•
as represented, and being Agent for the b esian r's
ular Patent Medicines, all those fru m p) an tto
can be relied upon, in all cases , as b eing Pi/I:twil l :
stock now comprises every article in the tr a d e , timi
which may be found the following :
Drugs and Medicines.
scans.'aloes. lonia
Acetic lassafoetida 'squill
Citric lambic Interim
ti itric c amphor 'weep
)luriatic copal sartapiriiit
Aquafortis gamboge ginger et c
Sulphuric guaiac I /AM
Tartaric etc myrrh
LISA 31A. shellac
tragacanth etc.
Life etc
D• 1111.9. castor
Bayberry sp erm
Cinnamon or iganum
Peruvian Gieets j bergamont
Elm etc lemon
Wietergreen etc
vrn A CTS
Ac rnte
G mien
NTl , tnn.3
Ch a momile
Lavender c(c
t. l M
Sumer. Coffee and Tea of a 1.4
pepper. closes•. mu.eartt,
citron., currants, saint' Pit,
Nutter erackerff. rice. starch,
and bar snap, sperm and tallow • j , j74,
pipes, pepper ranee Are.
Coe.rii,.r, Otani and A ~.•rlea, •-•
ny Snmni.-n And New I I:. ;••
and Am. (;in. tri , h sin.t : 1\
tli :•11:
and (7`lltlipnivn W int F—C0r.11 ,. . , , I:
kre, Nnyf-au 6z.• , ctp-aper
Shay .nr; cicum, tntlitar:r,
music. oimonJ, palm. (re:, h. an,! !•2-9.
r,rit SCHp4„ ren
i, 1,1 I 1\
r P!!!rj
v c;ut
lit las, %A - rt.( ha, hi JtotrfTe, rnrol 1 . • e
11oa • era, WC-t CIA and t,
c.‘lotzne. bav ;,rd 1,1-o nrn
, paaish Perri r ~r • =
hair era..icat. r , . ba.r i
0,4 - ume
C,OI hookq. Irrawsnir p-Tv
b lark. anal inde;thh• iT,L.., ron,
port rirmtais, wafer,.. p r,rt mtrro , r sin rs 4.
!r1‘,1:1:1; Collll'llliVili
licit. hr. :rive, ferll!‘, 0144". na rv,
art,-t t , ! , 'l4 ;1 . •
rwl! con
, nratit, tahle, hot-c Pru+b
obacc4) b. ; 4 . r': , .r%
t;es, breast rump , . 'relit mt.:. .q , !' 2 s .`' ,l "
tier braer.i, ri,err,m
ing g,:asel., graduates, mortnN, for , p?.[My l2
thermometers, liquid and gpreFid Qdh,seep.:sers.k:
Paints and Dye Stuffs.
Xi,. red, cam AIM kb.; lac d!r.ruj s o
red •ilutid,-( 4 „ madder. aLnn. r, I,l , era, Nor ,!tru , :.lo:
in, compoKit:.+n vii,, and
acids, grain tin, pumice a ',LI nn:, r Ar.rnt
(Thin. , kiaerion
hsS Veneharl
red lead. el - Iron - 1e 11 , "n. , ! Obi pran. ncrf
rtlpal varbiStl, purr, %haat
apiriti turpentine. chJik• u m ' ef
na, gold leaf, bronze, &c.
French Gicvs 24-110, 22 :10,.0-:10.20-94. 1 = 44.14 '
18, 12-10, 1:-18, 12-16, 10-11, 10-i
Patent =calcines.
SOLE A,: NT t'At
Dr. Jaynes' MtPrat Ise ET pert, - rant. Sanativr
rltche's exproorray, tonic humnr c.,,
Nirrrhanes Gargling. Dil fi)r
D. G. o FR
Swayne's merhcinee., wild cherry. ;yr.
Ilrent's Puhnnnary Bakarn and Evract. etc,
(brick's Vermifuge
Ilouchtori's Pepsin or Gastric juice for dycitPa•
Osgood'. Indian ChoWorms, for fever smit:sr.
Scarpa's Acoustic oil for Deafness.
S. P. Torrnser a.. Sarsaparilla.
Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup.
Dr. Keeler's Family m..itirines.
ButrhinQ'm Dyspepsia Bitters.
H ooflankrs German Bitters, for Tly.cpeps32 and
'Brown's Essence Jamaica liincrr.
Duboy's Rat and Mice Erterminaiar.
Also agent for Herriek's medicines. plirtrmetr
drew's and Davis' Pain Killer. O r efeaberz co"
eines, Pile Elcctuariea etc., sal; bruin, tettrol
worm, spasin and founder ointments, eic;
cordial, plasters, poor man's salves, eve %item .1""
ments, Praaire soap, bed boa pras.,n.. HabecoV
and Clarh's Worm s yrup. Ch r istie'rilairso ca:,
ttices. Iltafrat's Phocnir. TolCg
81° an .R • pulley's , and NlrAlre•ter's ra
low's (leave Powder. Criniliiion Powder. &c..;!.'
the numerous kinds of Pills.
Pho- - zenc, Fmpriior ! B . : 1,111 , 1.4
Inr,l an.l .prrrn otl ; ram. and 1., ~.t.;':lll t irro. cf
'amps nr , w I,r;nc inj
bah um; , re
r'"'ll-h• Jame , . Nat ti nil I. at', ierkigh 0' 41 ' 2
John,z,z% .lors ;hr.:4
•"c.; Choice purr
A of which will 1,, ql )f,
tkit Or. Porter . - rip Drug od
eat 'Sl'''. i ~in the soti!li etb.l the Ward Hovz"
iloorA above the po,t Inc.'
C. PORTi.r, 3 f. )31'
Tooran,l, J o 1,150
'THE only complete nssortment !We t P/7 ,'
-a- ings kept in th:s ref:ion, for qal. ''''.„o —
rotes by O. 19. ll ‘IZ
- -
sortment, sol,[vary' cheap (cr ca.h. by
Aprl 9 KlNi;`6o
oeots foot
ro c RIO ry
r ero,l
cQ liver etc
tiva ur+i etc
I Umbo
be a °
gP. ,
i spiicha (pink)
war!, h ro.entary r w 114.1:e
7J;q:_ - crF
Saps, rtf (amyl anti ran
I•tyitpz r! , • pf-. 1 -yr
B% If E
;I,r: ;"!.•
7Liscellarit , ctls
flemma tam:
icon° sublizett
ifed . precipito
iMIEr ELLA , '
! tau tianum
i.thakere htfa
(gold leaf
venice tun
491..11 aftlrDvilli
3 .ri1t141 luctl
Ilirj pilca
i mtba , . i
) at') dr cK
I I ' Per
I.‘ iremr
t t 11, •
wr, I' - al L . - ,
I f 4
~ lote , dc