Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 11, 1852, Image 3

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    Letter frost General Pierce.
ate Rochester Daily Advertiser of Aug. 30th,
. 13 wis hing the following leiter !rpm Franklin Pieree,
v ibe Demoennic nominee for the Presidency, in re
go to the religious and property 4nalification'tests
ciNegr Hampshire. The letter was furnished to
Adreiliser by Mr. Warren, to whom it was ad
Conoan, (N. H) July 15. 1852.
Dear Sir —lt is impossible that a charg e
giOul*d embrace a more direct attack upon truth,
tbs , t hat with which the Whig papers teemed with
the religious teet
re l at ion to my sentiments upou . -
conlame d in our State Constitution, which was ad
opted in 1792, and never amended since. The
doge is contradicted by every word and act of my
1e haying reference to the question, in any form
contentionollaterally. I advocated the call of the
tor the amendment of the Constitation,
which assem.bled. in November, 1850, and the most
latninent object in my own mind was to cast out the
P rolt arl d owes provisions commonly called the
revas and property qualification tests ftom our
in demental law. In haste, Your most
Obedient Servant,
JOHN F. WARREN, Esq., Cooperstown, N. Y.
A STARTLING PREDICAM ENT.-011 Saturday, - one ol
ra Naze lls was on a visit to to Canada, and- about
U:ne the storm of that evening was coming.
rafteied in a carriage to return to the American
le When about midway on the " suspension
t, , , 1 0" over Niagara Falls, the storm struck them
c ii vpa q i iig furry_ The wind blew a perfect tor.
%%hits the air was densely tilled with drir
r _ „a,l and rain ; and so potent was the wind, that
t,i,J.tetiwayed laterally to and fro ten or a dozen
t ee : !mama one giddy -with i's vibrations." So ap
ao.: wasrihe e ommuticm, that the horses stopped,
Ifia;;y fell upon their sidedon the bridgd, while
in the extremity of his terror, seemed
incapaime ot making the least effort to drove from
t , : I7 z.l ort ; epos Tne nimatertut the carriage could
kc , J, l t c ultr :eep their seats, and for a short time
ripec:e,i no hing else than to be precipitated into
:::e frg water , 3. below. A situation like this is
availing for de-ciiption, and we must leave it
i nwitiation In iiiciure what the sensation of
:ho,t , in the carnage were, during the !rightful corn
-1,41 of the Ncarrin4 elements.—Rochesler Ameri.
Gr.s.,sc,rr ON THE CONSTITUTION—ArticIe I,
ihe Co:1 , 1111111ml 01 the States,
_('oneness shall establish a tinifortn rule of nal-
Gen . Scott in hi: Native American letter, dated
N,TrT;ber 10di. 1848 says :—" I not.: hesitate he
Irtr,ir'clali»g the ye, iod of residence before natural
and a TUTAL .REPEAL r j all of Congress
Ike lowa is Gen. Scotts prolound k ion ledge of
p:aa letter and ' , pull of the Constout ton of ills
7%;1"1., and the undorin practice under itlrom the
:a ton ,-ut the goveinmei t. Now his friends
exces - . r e him by Ca) in 2 this letter was written
k cf passion. and if sn, is a man Fubject to
~ ..:uprontrolable and blind passion a fit deposit
s; I,xecutt re power in a free country?
e Cincinati Cernrnercbil of Thurt,lay says, that
wag cairmed last we, k ut the woods
• : She was tirttt observed chrribint!
a only equalled by a !run k
AluCtinougli: wvit a Ime party: went nut
suratriar being and alter tzreat trouble
•:erered in doing. se ; o hen they learned trim her
expreto•lous that she had been a lunatic
.ix asylum at Columbus, whence she escaped
hved in the woods, subsia
Lati and touts. •
.til.RniP ACCIDENT —An accider.t occurred on
I.,:re. Ital,loatt Irain. on the Ramapo Road, on
Tue.da) forenoon. %Owe the ears were going at a
ate aound the curve just the other - side of
aion to a flaw in the rim of one
d;rrers, the wheel gave way, causing the en
-1.,,,g4a;:e car, aria ton e of the passenger cars,
uamble tlx.vtl an erhbrikrnent 01 about fifteen or
ve.i) tee , . ()nu roan, a fireman, was kilted our
another was, as is thought, fatally wounded,
,errrai filOre were seriously injured. There
sere at out two hundred passengers on the train at
te alto( v horn v ere thrown into confusion,
it is remarkable, tinder the eiroamStancep, that
s les sere badly hurt.
h born' on Monday. the 6th inst., by the Rev.
/t1:.115 Ft , Stet, Ma. NEWTON KINSEY, to MISS
Incl THOMAS, all of this place.
Orphans Conrt Sale:
py virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
ll Bradford County, the undersigned Adminstra•
rs of Lemuel S. Maynard, dec'd will sell at public
a: the house late 01 said deceased, in the vil
.4;t , ut Rome on ;Saturday, Jctober 2, 1852, at 2
P. M., the following real estate.
I. All the interest of the deceased in a lot of
in said TI Ila[;e, situated at the intersection of
•ae A rsa l and Owego road, with the road leadireg
• 111,,aridu Taylor's, being five rods and six feet
frout in the former road, and 150 feet in depth
r :he latter, having thereon erected a two story
HICK DWELLING t101:6E, a frame barn and
Al›:0.—.111 the interest of deceased in a lot
Rome township, near the road leading to 11.Tay
)r,'a,:joiring lands of Wm, E. Maynard, John
l'a , stnareei Lucius Fuller, containing one and a
yaver or
3. ALSO.—A lot of unimproved land . in home
p bounded by Crinmers heirs on the south,
Pantnore on the west, by Jno. L. Cannon on
',t h. and on !he east by Lewis Barns,
_..,'.c abut 12 acres more or les..
I ER‘ls, lu per cent on the day of sale, the bal.
ate one half on the final et nfi:mation of the
-ojber half in one year afterwards. with
therrafter, to be secured by inclement bond.
,Srp,B, 15.52
For Salo.
‘alcsing Sept.l ith. 1852
at S. ALIO:ANSE:Et, & CO.
the Brick Block, next door to Mercers store have
lug added to their stock, a large and fashions-
ES Sonment of
Ready made Clothing,
!rrry variety, both of style and price, to which
ask the attention of the public. This is now
:!'.r largest stock
Ever Offered in Towanda" ! !
Le sold at prices considerable lower then
known in this place. Our goods are
:ected With a regard both to style and price, and
~rg,d ucetnents,no t to he met with at any other
Strangers visiting Tomandn, or oth-
en Want
is this section of the coyntry,
`sti:W.le 1115116 style and materials as • to ensure
,a ‘tactiurt. We shall endeavor by
'C l tg Pause tsc Goon crimareza,
one pstronage. feeltng confident that our anti
.!!.llllgive .tatibfaction to the purchaser.
the a,sortment c.ompripes every article required
•- a.,gentlematt's outfit. TERMS--CA SH.
o. 2ercoat s, Coats Parris, Utecralli Cops 4c.
• ;: cn n'xs•—Next door south of Mercues Main
62 , a r 'anda ; and No. 7 Water st. Atnoots Hail.
' 4 ; and under A. C. Porters Hotel, Tioga VIII
qt. Tioga C o. p a .
Tolluda May 29th 1831.
New 2lbnertionnents.
MEM subscribers are a running :a littily line of
14Jtagei hePtreen- Carbondale Ind'llopbottom
on the
Lack* annid& Wetietrltall3lioid.
Distance ,24) miles.' • Leare Carbondale in thkmor
nintaid4Ohnect with' the _Cam :going North. - Re:
turning,:leava en the.atrreal Otthe frairiliim
the Cireailie ad; passing through Glentwoottlediis...
and' Duncliff. to eailiondale: The
nearest, most direct and ch eapest route from Great
Bend to , Carbondsle. ;Paneengera bs; Aria • lide al
ways; get into Carbondale - eariier the everting
than by any other rcitite.
FARE reeeipted in CarSiindete Ut the Store of
the subset ibers, Main rt., a, few bidcks below Bron-
son's hotel aug. It. GROW & BROTHRES.
Estrayed or Stolen.
QTRAYED or stolen from the enclosure of the
sobteriber. in North Nowanda township, on
Tuesday evening Bth inst., a BAY MARE, about 5
years of age, with a white star between the eyes.—
Whoever will return said Mare shall be reasonably
North Towanda, Sept. , 10,1852.
8 1 / virtue of a deed of assignment, I shall expose
at adjourned sale, on Monday, the 11th of Octo
ber at 1 o'c ock P. M., the follow ing,lots of laud and
thibei ; the timber on one hundred acres of land
adjoining Charles Thompson and others with a saw
mill thereon.
ALSO, 1 lot, 1070 square feet, with a Shoe shop
thereon, together with the home properly of 0. D
Chamberlain ; 8 acres or land, two dwelling hous
es, one sure, two barns thereon, all improved—all
the interest of O. D. Chamberlain, will be sold in
the above Property. Terms made known on day of
sale by S. S. BRADLY,
Sept. 10, 1852. assignee of O. D. C.
with an extensive talented and efficient Dramatic
Corps, comprehending in the entertaiumeno all
the most pleasing
Represented by a full Dramatic Corps, Splenbid
Troupe of Horses, &c.. &c. To perform at TOW.
ANDA on Thursday. September 29, 1852.
The procession will enter the city at 10 o'clock,
A. M., the Band being drawn by the elegant postil
SES, mounted by riders, and dressed in a gorgeous
Among the prominent members of this establish
ment ire MR. RICHARD. RIVERS. the most ac
complished one horse rider in the United States ;
GARDNER. in their beautiful Parisian Horseman
ship Mr. E. DERIOUS ; Mr. WHITE ; Mr. C.
G. DERIOUS and others of world-wide celebrity.
Mons. GREGOIRE, the s . rongest man in the
world who will break any stone or rock of the larg
est size and hardest substance, with his naked fist !
This must be seen to be believed.
The Brass Band, led by Mr. Hetherbj, will enli
ven the enterteinments. The interior will be illu
minated by several superb new Chandeliers.
The performance will terminate in the evening
with a Grand Dramatic and Equestrian Spectacle.
For Programme of perfoitnance see small bills.
Doors open at 2 and 7 o'clock. performance to
commence at 2i .and 7i o'clock. P. M. Admission
25 cents B. C. PALMER. Agent.
10,000 Bushels of Wheat Wanted,
Iwill receive on all debts contracted with me,
MAN—aII kinds of grain if delivered by the first
of January next, and after that time I will expect
the money as soon as I can collect the same.
J. H. PHINNY jr.
Office, No. 3 Brick Row, Towanda, Sep. 7, 18.52.
• Astray.
CAME to the enclosure of the subscriber in Stand
ing Stone, on the Ist day of September last, a
small iron grey gelding, with a dark mark cm the
left side running down to the belly—dark tail and
ears ; and having a yoke about his neck—supposed
to be about 12 years old. Toe owner is requested
to prove property, pay charges and take him away.
Standing Stone, Sep. 8, 1852. Wm. CONMER.
r,s - 1 iHE Subscriber would respectfully invite the
public attention to his large and magnificent
selection of FALL GOODS, which he is now receiv
ing daily from New York.
Towaird.i, Sep. 8, 1857.
AT the earnest solicitation of a number of the ct.
tizens of Towanda, and for the accommodation
of those who may be here during the first week of
court, Dr. H. B. GIBBON will continue his Phre
nological Lectures next week, on Thursday, Friday
and Saturday evenings, at the Court House.
Skulls of Men, Women, Children, Birds and Ani
mals, and a Gallery of over
One Hundred Likenesses, and Oil Paintings, the
size of Ife,. are displayed,
to illustrate the science, and give interest to the lec
lures. These likenesses comprise many of the men
and Women that have been noted for virtue, talent,
vice and rascality, for the last fifteen hundred years.
A view of these paintings, and the knowledge you
may obtain of human charaCter, will richly reward
you for attending. In this course of Lectures Phre.
nology tfill be placed on the "high.moral ground of
truth 'and science "—and its utility in governing
and educating children, selecting approptiateparV
ners for various business vocations, and choosing
congenial companions for life, plainly set forth.
tj Ladies and gentlemen (parents especially)
are respectfully invited to attend.
in Lectures to commence at 7 o'clock precisely.
Doors open at 7. An.urrrasci 12i cents ; or three
tickets for 25 cents.
N. B. Dr. GIBBONS has opened a Phrenological
Office at N 0.5, BRICK ROW, up stairs, where he
is prepared to give professional examinations and
charts through the day to those who may favor him
with their patronage. Office hours from 8, A.M., to
6, P. M. t have also openedla
at the above rooms, under the firm of Gibbons do Co.
agreeably to a formes notice, and am prepared to
wve all who May wish, welbexecuted likenesses.
Perfect satisfaction given. or no charge. Ladies
and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call.
ccr The Phrenological thrice and Daguerrean
Galleri will be kept open during the three weeks of
Court. Towanda, September 4, 1852.
Mr. Oibbons will remain in this-county for six or
eight weeks. He is prepared to give lectures
wherever he may be wanted and sustained. His
price is $9 per lectures exclusive of lecture . room.
His lectures are truly interesting and instructive.
All those who wish to avail themselves of a course
of Phrenological' lectures, will do well to give him
.an '
ii LL.persons indebted to the estate • of-- Horatio
Ladd'dee'd late of Albany township; are here.
by requested" to inake payrnentwithout delay ; and
those having claims against said 'estate, will please
present them duly authendeatekfor settlement: '
Albanftownstim. ittl7 17 1852. Administrators
ALL Perionil indebted to the eitaie of Jonathan'
Brink deed. late of. Pike, are hereby requested
to make payment without delay, and those having .
claims against said estate, will please Present ahem
duly authenticated fot settlement.
Pike, July 17, 1852:.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of 4,YMAN
VANDYKE dec'd, late of Albany, are hereby
equested to make immediate payinent and those
having claims against said estate, will please pre
vent them duly authenticated Cot' settlement.
Albany. July 29. 1852
Afa, persons indebted to the estate of JOHN M.
DAVIDSON decd, late of Albany tp., are here requested to make - immediate payment and those
hafting Claims against said estate will please pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement. k
Albany, July 42, 1852
ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN
FEE, dec'd, late of Monroe township, are
hereby requested to make payment without delay,
rind all persons basing demands against said estate
are requested to present them, duly authenticated for
settlement. T. M. WILSON,
Monroe tp„ July 29. 1852
MR. OLMSTED, Poorawroa of the Athens
Exchange, gives his thanks to his fnends,
and the traveling pablit generally. for their liberal
patronage, and solicits the continuance of the same.
will ran regnlsrly to and from the Waverley Depot
to meet the Mail Trains for the accommodation of
strangers and travelers, who wish to visits pleas.
ant village on business or otherwise. A daily line
of first rate
all and
Four Horse Coaches, .
are running through to Towanda. Those wishing
will be insured a seat in the coach from this place,
and those going to the
RA I L-R 0&D
can stop at Athens, and spend an hour or two
and be insured a conveyance in time to meet the
regular trains of cars going East or West.
Also those who wish to leave their teams here
can be conveyed to and from the cars free of charge.
Athens, Sept., a. 1852
A LL persons indebted to the estate of John
.411. Welch dec'd, late of the township of Darell are
hereby requested to make payment without delay,
and those basing claims against said estate, will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Durell. June 25, 1852
Foreign Attachment.
To the Sheriff of Bradford County, Greeting t—We
command you that you attach James G. Fountain.
late of your county,by all and singular his goods and
chattles, lands and tenements. monies, rights and
credits, in Whose hands or possession soever the same
may be,so that he be and appear before our court of
Common pleas to be holden at the borough of To
wanda, in and for said county, on the first Monday of
Sernetn ber next, there to answer Herbert T. Moore,
assignee of Chas Thwing and Ebenezer W Thwing
in a plea of debt on judgment obtained in the state
of New York. not exceeding one thousand dollars,
and bail required in that sum ; and that you summon
ail persons in,whose hands or possession the said
goods, chattlea,.rights or credits, or any of them may
be attached, so that they and every of them be and
appear before said court, at the day and place afo• e
said, to answer what shall be objected against them,
and abide the judgment of the court therein ; and
have you then and there this writ.
Witness the Hon. Davin Wit.sicre, President of
Emir said court, at the borough of Towanda aforesaid,
the 3d day of August, A. D. 1852.
ALLEN McKaas, Prothonotary.
THE - Subscriber will sell the balance of his stock of
1 GOODS at auction. commencing on Monday
the 6th day of September. and continue every day
and evening until all is sold.
Totvanda, Aug. 7,1852
3000 "s. BLAKE'S Patent Fire Preof
Paint, just received anti for sale by
Towanda, Aug. 25. 1852. MERCUR'S.
a T I 3
will sell some of the most desirable borough lots
;ti Towanda at public sale IN FRONT OF THE
WARD HOUSE, on Saturday the 28th day of Au
gust, next. To snit the covenience of those of
limited means, and to render a sale of all my vil
lage property more certain, I have sub-divided into
convenient lots the property now occupied by J udge
Laporte ; the corner of the square fr( nting the pool
of jhe Dam and S.mtlXstreet ; and the corner on 3d
and State street nearly opposite II L. Ward's pri
vate residence, and will sell the same to the high
est bidder on the most accommodating terms.
A diagram of these lots will lie poSted up at Mr.
Brower's previous to the day of sale.
NOW is the time for those who wish to secure
themselves lots, with or without dwellings—the
purchaser of the large commodious House and lot
occupied 'by Jude Laporte. can haver possession if
desirable in two :months from the day of sale, and the
balance in less than 30 days. Title to all these
lots indisputable :—Deeds executed immediately af
ter the sale. D. M. BULL.
Valley Hill, idly 30,185'4
(A WING to unaaoidable?causes, beyond my con.
WO, the sale of my Borough property stands
adjourned. The day and hour will be designated
by public bilk, and the ringing of the auctioneer's
belt , D. M. BULL.
N' r illey Hill". August 27, 1852.
T"'public aro hereby notified; that no person
will be permitted to pick, or carry away Craw
berries from the lands of the subsCtibers
ton township. Those persons found trespassing on
our Cranberry marshes hereafter. will be thalt with
according to law. JOHN 11kC01tD,
August 26, 1852. ISAAC CRAIN.
QAFETY FUSE.—Contractors can ids superior
aeticlo of Safety Fuse at MERCIIR'S.
Pay Up I Pay Up
PERSONS indebted to the subscribers either on
book account or by note, are hereby notified that
they must be paid without further delay. Immedi
ate attention to this call will save cost:
HALL dr Rossyra..
Towanda, June 10, 1852.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned again►t purch.
asing a note given by me, to Silas Scoville dat
eLI tune.-1852, for forty.five dollars. As I have
nut rec'd any equivalent for said note, I shall not
pay the same, unless compelled by law.
'Towanda, July 30,1852, JOHN McMAHON.
tegat gatiedienunis
Hi S..Bt is. 0.-.)11111.0111 ,
ARE now.opening, and Offerintfoi- salO at *hale:
sale and Retail an extensive stock of SUMMER
GOODS. embracing a full aslortment of goods usual
ly keltilryilev4 • which were purchased at extremely .
low Price% 1111 4 , w:in be' void at lower prices than the
sane quality-or goads are sold Id any town west of
New York. {Fealty to a% ember and examine our
stock; and thoie. who ply Cash for goods will find it
greatly for theft interest to boy at the-Cash store:
Towanda; ,finte:l;lBs2.
. ,
A LARGE stock of Ladies', Children's and Misses'
.EA. Oahe», Buskins, Slippers; Polkas and Boots.—
AlsO i fine assortment of men's and boy's calf; klp end
morocco Boots. noes and Brogans, and a good supply
of gent's Gaiters and Congress Boots just received at
June 1. MERCER'S.,
SUMMER HATS.—A fine assortment of the latest
styles of moleskin, Kossuth, Hungarian, Panama,
pedal and palm leaf Hate, just opened at
June 1. HERCUR'S.
selection of ladies' and misses' Bonnets, and at
great variety of Bonnet TriMmings, now opening at
Jvne 1. MERCUR'S.
fIRVIS'-extra quality CORN STARCH, utanufac.
tured expressly for canal) , and dietati&purposes,
for sale at jurist 1 MERCUR'S.
'FIRM GOODS—in variety, from India silks, to
11 3 tent Calicos. Also the latest style of Dress
Trimmings, at -apllo B. KINGSBERY'd.
P_EFORE looking elsewhere, it would be well for
1.1 Ladies to look at the Spring Bonnets, Artificial
Flowers and Ribbons, which are sold so very ph eap.
April 9 B. KINGSBERY._
CROCKERY.—The largeit stock In town. Ful
dinner and tea setts, of white granite and blue
ware, which will be sold cheap at FOX'S.
fIROCERIES.—The quality and prices of Teas
Sugars and Coffee, always speak for them
selves. at apllo B. KINGsBERY'S.
MACKEREL. -50 half barrels, and 25 quarter
barrels, at B. KINGSBERY'S.
20 QUINTALS CODFISH—They are worth
looking at, if not buying, for sale, by
April 10. B. KINGSBERY.
MESS PORK!-50 bbls. Prime, for which a high
price was paid,and fur which a high price will
be asked, by apl l 0 B. KINGSBERY.
HAS openeda Cluthing shire at ATHENS. Pa.,
on the ready pay system. A good stock of new
and fashionable garments for sale at very low pri.
ces. hltist of the assortment is of
Itome Nantiftictitre.
The cutting is under the dir-ction of an experi
enced tailor, and in this manner durability in work
manshipand good taste in style are secured.
has been adopted, as the best method for duing the
business, as it enables the merchant to sell low, as
it saves bad debts,.and is the best plan for every
body Here is the place where men and boys, old
and yonng may be suited on fair and economical
I have but one price which gives me the advan
tage of
than arose who sometimes rai , e on the price in or
der to make up a loss. occasioned by the higgling
tedious, unbusiness-like process, which customers
are usually obliged to undergo at most country
stores. With a good assortment of new and stylisn
can.ilate it to the advantage of every man and
boy to call a: the one price. Clothing Store in Athena
Athens, July 17. 1852 GEO. B. PERKINS
pr N. B. Dealers in want of clothing to sell age&
will bind goods here, as cheap, if not some cheaper
than an be bought in the New York jobbing hous:
es—and better made..ED
More New Goods.
JUST received and now opening by POWELL',
a large stock of Dry floods, Uoots & Shoes, Hats
Groce:ies, Fish &c., which are now offered for sale
at extremely low prices. e Having been selected
with care and bought fur cash, they can be afforded
and will he sold at prices that cannot fail to suit
the purchaser*. An examination of his stock is
respectfully solicited J. POWELL.
QUMMER GOODS—An assortment of Ginghams,
1.-3 De Lains, Chambray% Lawns, just received
and for sale by je23, J. POWELL.
GROCERIES—A large stock of Sugars, Teas,
Coffee, Molasses, and all other articles of gro
ceries just received and fur sale by
June 23, 1852. J. } OWEI.L.
BOOTS & SIIOES—The largest stock in town
LI of ladies, misses, and childrens fine and coarse
shoes. Mens, boys and youths calf, morocco and
coarse boots and shoes just received by
June 23, 1852. J. Pt) WELL.
T I MSH—A fresh stock of Codfish and Mackerel at
Jane 23, 1952. J.POWELL.
ADAMS d raaoriumearE,
TO BUJIMB., Bradford Parlay Pa
LOOKING GLASS PLATES cut dad fitted or
any size, to be bad at the Jewelry store of
May 15, 1832. W. A. CHAMBERLIN.
BURTON KING'SBURY, would again call the at ,
tention of all persons desirous of buying goods
cheap, to the large stot..k which he is now receiving
from New York ; embracing a full assortment of all
kinds of Guods which are adapted to the wants of
the town and countty trade.
Towanda, June 21, 1952.
N. Y. & E. Railroad !
Stionrwirairts , & Co.
ARE now receiving weekly over the above tho
roughfare, all the latest, and most fashionable
styles of Goods arriving in New York, fresh from
the hands of the importers.
Also, the choicest and best of heavy Staple Goods
and at prices that cannot fail to please.
Theit' arrangetiuenis are such that they can sell
goods at wholesale for cash ad low as they can be
purchased of the jobbers in New York city.
Vt . :111 an humble acknowledgm. tit of past favors,
an examination of their very exteusivh assortment
of G.ris is respectfully solicited.
Towanda. June 15, 1952.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership
lately existing between E. R. Myer & Jesse
Allen under the firm of Myer & Allen, is this day
deSolved by mutual concert, all debts owing to the
partnership are to be paid to E. U. Myer, and all
demands against the firm are to be presented to him
Iklyei : sburg, Aug.lsth, 1852
THE subscribers wishing tc close up the business
of the late firm of Myer & Allen, gives eyed.
al notice, that all indebted to the same by book se ,
count,note, or others ise, must pay up. All accounts'
that are not settled by the first day of December
next will be sued without further notice.
Myershurg, Aug. 16th, 1852:
lUonl anbi &r.
iNmtge Mioes.
©23orAllgtl /
E. R. MYER..
4 Y~l~
JOHN E. GEIGER, would seY to his old triads and
the publicat larp, Maths has conitantly ow hand
and manufacturing Rifles and Shot Guns 4litc-•
Amor.' his assortment of Guns may bs fnuml Double
and/single barrelled Guns. Rifles of all kinds warranted.
Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches. Game Rags, Cop
Primots. Also, Powder, Shot, Caps.of the best quail:
4. Aliens' six barrelled Revolving Pistols, do single
barrelled self-cocking Pieta's, .Rifle Pistols, double bb'l
Pistols and common steel and brass Pistols.
F G., F. F. G., F. F. F. 6., Powder in Cans con
stantly on hand.
Any of the above.articles will Le sold awful 'cheap
ror the Ready Pay.
Keys of any kind fine d to ,Doors. Trunks or any
other kind of locks on short notice and reasonable terms.
Repairing done with neatness and despatch: chop a
few rods north of the Bradford House.
Towanda, May 22, 1852. J. E. GEIGER:
& A. 4 AMPBEI.I. would again call the atten
• lion of their friends and customers to their
large and new assortment of Goods. just received
and now opening at View Furnishing Depot, con
sisting of all things necessary to clothe the outer
man, all to be sold a little cheaper for ihe'ready pay
than ever. Come and examine, and 'be satisfied.
Towanda. May 14, 1852.
14DOZEN um WN LINEN COATS. from $i
to $2, at CAMPBELL'S.
IETELLOW, huff and white Vests, Coats & Ponta,
I a large lot for Bale at CAMPBELL'S.
17 CHESTS YOUNG H Y SON , Imperial,Hyson
Skin and Black Teaa . Also 11 Bags Rio and
Java Coffee, just received at MERCUR'S.
117 HEAT, Oata, Rye and Corn, taken in exchange
WV for goods. PHINNEY & BOWMAN.
Important to Housekeepers:
1441tt5!:,...... THE subscriber thankful fur the
liberal patronage heretofore re
ceived, begs leave to inform his
r . j-; friends and the politic generally,
if_ ;and those commencing House-
M particular that he has
d m now on hand a large assortment
`""•' of FURNITURE, which he will
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
the beat materials.
BUREAU'S, such as mahogany and walnut
ing bureaus, marble and plain tops ; mahogany and
walnut washstands, marble tops, and plain, of dif
ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas Couch
es, whatnots, Sre.
DEADSTEADS.—IIigh, Field, French and low
poet beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns,..together with other furniture usu
ally called fur, all 01 which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms.
aj The subscriber is also provided with a plain
and fashionable HE ARsE, and will hold himself in
readine:s to attend to all orders in undertaking.
He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COF
N. 11.—Furniture of all kinds made to order, and
warranted to be of the best materials and workman
Towanda, January 17, 1852.
IltiflicuWes on the illo Grande!
WAR ! WAR ! WAR !!
rrHE contest hai commenced and a vigorous pro •
1 secution of purchases for CASH, will soon en
able the public to determine that it is 'o their inter
est to supply themselves from
&ND ruarnssziact =Tam
9 Doors South of Brick Row—Main if.
where the subscriber his just returned from New-
York, bringing with 6iqa choice assortment of
Fanny and Staple Articles,
selected with the most t personal care, from the first
city houses. —These tocether with his former stock,
enables him to oiler to the public an assortment
which for excellence of materiel, beauty of work
manship, and elegance of style, cannot be sur
passed in this section of country. and which he is
prepared to sell at the eery lowest I..;ASH prices.—
He has also attached to his eatabirshmeut a care
fully selected stock of
C?oths and Tailor's Trimmings,
and is thus enabled to furnish and make to order
in the best matirer, and at the shortest notice, eve
ry article in his line of business.
He is confident that from his long experience that
he can give general satisfaction. He employs none
but the most expert workmen, and feels assured that
his work will not suffer by comparison with the
best city shops either in excellence of workman
ship or elegance of style ; and hopes by strict atten
tion to business, to merit a continuance of thathb
eral patronage which has been extended to him
Returning sincere thanks for past favors he
asks the public to give him a call and see for them
selves. n - Dont forget the place.
Three Doors South of Briek Row.
cj. CUTTING done as usual and warranted to
fit if propeily made up.,(11
Towanda. July 13. 1852. G. H. :BUNTING.
THE Subscribers have recently opened upon their
lan& in Tuscarora Township, Bradford Co:,
pe., a bed of Mineral and Fire Proof Paint, which
they offer to the attention of the public. This ant.
cle which is now extensively used throughout the
country recommends general favor by
cheapness and by its peculiar properties of becom
ine after a short exposure, as bard as slate, render ,
iit• ' buildings both lire and waterproof.
We ask of the public to give our paint a trial,
being wiling that it shall stand upon its own mei- ,
its, in full confidence that no arbcle in market sue
passes it in value. %% 5 e havehad it tested by pra, .
tical men, who declare it superior to any kind of
Mineral Paint, now offered to the public.
We have made prepVratiuus fir supplying any
quantity that may be needed, anti shall have a sa.4
ply at nearly every store in the County, to give the
public an opportunity ofiestirg,
Those who may wish "to Commenicate with us
upon the subject, will address us at !Aceyville. Wy•
outing Co. Pa. CYRUS MUM WAY.
This is to Certify, that I have thoroughly tested
the paint recently discovered by Sliumway and
Montgomery, and in inf opinion it is as good as, if
not better, than Blake's, or any other I have ever
used. I 1 - commend it to the public.
Towanda, Rept. 4, 1852.
r iARPENI'ERS & JOINERS will find a fall
sortment of planes, gauges, sea's, squares, trying
squales, revels, compasses, iron and wood spirit:
augers, gimlet, center and roger bills, broad, band and
bench axes, adzes, hammers, chisels, gouges, chalk
lines and serials. brad and scratch awls, tape lines; &.c.
BLACKSMIIIIIS will find anvils, vices, bellows.
sledges, hand and shoeing hammers, rasps, files, iron
braces, bitta, hand drills, horse shoas and nails, screw
plates, and a general assortment of east,German, spring
English and American blister steel, Bwedesi American
and English iron.
MASONS will find brick and plastering trowels
stone hanunors,lathing hatchnts, white nish.brathes
art., constantly on hand at MERUUR'S.
us undersigned-has -purchased it large, and
oboists selection of PI O! 000/131, bought
under the mom.favorable circumstances, and for
sale as low for cash as Ilan be bought elsewhere,
and lower than may braggadocio can or will sell.
• May 3,1051. . O.H. BARTLETT.
Drug Item No. • Mick- Zell,.
MN/ •walk!• • r SAWS.
'pits sehseeiber .hiving purchnited en&srefur
Jh wished the smelt cf DHUOB,MIIDICINKIA &c.,
in Nu. t Brick Roo, which now atakes it a choice
and well ieleited axiom:neat of Drug and Medi
tines for family use, at Wholesale and retail, which
'he cheerfully recomMends to the public,and craves
a share Of nublif; piilronane:
l'he Goods will - be sold-as email. ,;r 7 cheaper than
any other establtshment'West of New York for cash
and cash-only.
Here you will 6 nd'sn nexed a few leading articles'
Senna Alex.. Fosgate's Cordial
do India y.lix Opi
Cream Tartar Hay's-Liniment .
Sup C Soda
Magnesia Caleci
do Carl,
do S S
do Henry's
do Apply
Trusses Hulls
do Marshes,
Jo Shaker,
Balsam NV inters
do (•-hessmans
do Fir
do Copabia
do Tutu
do Peru
do Pu!mot:Tory
do Sulphur
Acid Tartaric
do Acetic -
du Britannic
du Citric
do Nitric
do Oxalic
du Hy drooyaric
do Sulphuric .
Oil Linseed
do Sperm
" do •Olives
do Castor
do Neatsfooi
do Almonds
do Amber Rect
du Amber Red
do Anisi
do Caraway
do Croton
do Cubebs
do Cummio
do Fennel,
do Lemon
du Cassia
do Cod Liver
do Layandula G
do Neroli
du Jestnin
du Nutmeg
do Orange
do Rhodium
do Ruse
do Cedra t
do Copabia
do Ergot
do Verbena
do Vio,ette
-du Mellesse
do Mellefluer
do Patchoul►
Brushes, Paint
do Varnish
do Hair
do Hair,Carr t el
do Nail
do Tooth
do Sharing
do Flesh
do Cloth
do Hat
Soap, Yankee
do Crystalline
do Eng, Wind Low's
• do Coopers
do Rose
do Victors
do Orange
do Tooth
do Erosive
do Castile
do Military
do Sevin
do Brown
Pain Roller
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
Oxygenated Bitters
Stoughton Bitters
Rodman's Anodyne
Together with Paints,
Woods N. Dye•Stutrs, Gla
pure Wines and Liquors
Also, Cigars or the best brand ; and all articles eon
neeted with the trade,
Having secured the services of Dr. S. lir
whr IcCeps_Hs °Rice at this stere, and will give me
dical advice gird'is to people, they paying for the
medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having
their prescriptions carefully compounded and pat
up. The stock has been selected with real care,
and the goods will be warranted as - fiFiesented.
All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pee.
tonal, :Samar, Pulmontc Syrup of Yellow Dock
Root, Orrick's, Hol.ensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifucs.,
Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines
now in use constantly on hand and for sale at
J. N. REED, No. 2, Drink Row.
Towanda, May 14, 13r,2,
PORK and Flour—a quantity of Pork and Flour,.
just reeqicecLand for sale by .
May 27 1. PO WELT..
DRY GOODS—A good — assortment of Merinnes„
Cashmeres. De Loins, Alpacas, and prints now
timing at j RCURT,
Notice to Stbscribors.
CIIBSCIiII3FIRS to the Li istory of the World, and
NVebs'er's Dictionary are re , rectfully noatitd
that the Agent tr:11 crininenee d..livering said works
by the 20th of this, month. and will sopply.sabacti
hers as soon a. , pas .ible thereafter. The thanks of
the Agents are tend-'red :o the ruhlic: fir their liberal
patronage of these w-rks, whicb will he delivered by
F. M. Babcock, E.g., Gen. Agent for Pennsylvania.
Angnq 12, 1852. ASA KNAPP.
ALL- persons having unsettled accounts will the
subscribers. are requested to call immediately„
and arrange them either by note or payment. And
all notes that are over due, must be paid.
Towanda, April 6, 1852. _ _
THE subscriber offer, at public, iale.
If , ' his valuable FARM, simaleil in Sheshe
,k • quin township, Bradford county, Pa.,
• containing onti hlindted and forty-nina
acres. One hundred acre. thereof are in a good
state of cultivation, and the remainder is *nod
and •TfMBER land. There aye two gond dwelling
housee, a barn; carriage h^use, &c., aitunted upon
the main or river road, and a batn and tenant house
on the back part of the farm. Fifty acres of the
improved land lies upon the flat between the mats"
road and the river, and exceedingly fertile.
ALSO, the undivided hull of a Saw Mill with the
appurtenance?, situated wi•bin half a mile of the
farm. and conveniently near to limbed and. The .
whole property is situated Within about eigl.t miles
of the N. Y. & E. R.., and presents a rare induce•
meat to purchasers. It n ill be sold very low and a'
reasonable credit be given fur one hall of au. pinch."
use mohev. For fnither perti.culars enquire of U.
%l i meys, Esq., of Towapda, or or the aubsevilgyl b
Canton, July it, 11152 It. MIS
Hair Dye
Harlem Oil
Ointment. Trasks
do Dallry's
do llfeAl;ester
shakers Herbs
do Extracts
Tilden 's Alcueolic Ex%
libel Extrae.l
Jalap Extract
Meakim's Vanilla Eel
do Lemon do'
do Mace do
do Almond do
do Clovis
do Allspice de
do Nutmeg' do
do Peach do
do Ginger do
do Cinnamon do
do Orange de
do . Tonka do
Lubin's Springflower
do Musk do
do Violette do
do Magnolia,: du
do Sweet Ilrrido
do Jesmin de
do Jock'y Cl'b do
do Caroline do
do Jenny Lind do
do Bogue' do
Syrings, Pewter as'ia'ett.
do Glass do
Nursing Bottles, Glass
do do (413.,
Rad Rhei Turk
do do
do Iriee . ai
do Jalap
do Ginger While:
do Orris
Gum Camphor
do Opi Turk
do Myrrh Turk
do Arabic de
do Copal
do Aloes Satre
do Aloes Cape
Ch!orkle Lime
do Soda
Castor Russ
Isinglass do
Evens' Lance,a
Niira Silver. Opt
'(laid 11,snuth
Blue- Pill } mer.
Ilidlde PLitasa
Tart do.
Carb do
,sulph do
iilaustie do
C;trate Ferri
lodide du
7;'roto lotl Mercani
V eratrtn
Hydra Cum Crata
Morphine bulph
d.• Act
Calomel, American
do Ei.glish,
Precipitate lied
do White
A ulph Zmei
do Pale Gold
do Park do
d o While
Cold Lsai', 00
China Vermillwin
Aitnerica du'
Prussian Who
trig do
l enitian Red, English
turpentine, Varnish, Dye
s s, Putt y, choice Groceries..
lir Mediecnil purposes.—
H. H. & M. C. MERCITR.