Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 04, 1852, Image 4

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    T LE.F'F
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f•ii,."•• 4.FVV .
F4 I6 T !Ag r a!
conidol4. 4 fiebp!le . . ' 4ll4 ll t-tt‘ifdAr: di#remprO
`4l;ie'litftiileb i4tforiffot tin:Conn.
the.ston , e
:Di. c lijvington isith the
consent of tic jadue, tieing inpie iafely:Oisposed of
i n the prism 0.F. --his own house.. -A bitl.was
grand jury,. :and the Wit of
- the tettLftlttletrtarne—eti f.hortlyAtftei.: .For a
B . 7tinte he,„ptrinately dented ear jinn wiedge nr
dte.death of Stlversight; but as proofs after proof s
were/disclosed against hits ; he first became ling
godly silent, than greatly intimidated, and at last
"mule a full rlimlnsure of his crime. He was sound
guilty and. executed on the same gallows that had
been erected for our calnmnialed hem.
,;_,Theolickness of Catharine Wentworth was lane
severe; but our friend Charles was her physi:ian,
alit% ibis reader will not wonder that it yielded at
in his !Ail The Christian parent of our hero had
been condemned; 4,t v atinns periods of her life, to
drink deeply of the eitii afllictip,"as the had bow
ed with a noble humility, to the decrees of heaven;
it was thence she now detived support in this more
trying hour of joy.
spring had gone forth, warbling with her thous
arid voices : over those wile extended praries, and
the fritverti had sprung into a beautiful existence at
tier call, when the hand of the bin-ping Catharine,
hetsell a loving flower, was bestowed in marriage
on t h e tran.poried Charles Rivinvin, Never did
there stand before the holy man a happier p.tir. a
more atleationate pair Their hearts had been tried
4 - - severely tried, they had been weighed in the
)tfilance;and not found tranting,. The house of
Wentworth was the scene of their union: and on
the same even•ms, and by the Fame hand that had
'bound her tt dear :kliste: Charles," to his blnominz,
bride, our little Judy was united to the worthy
Bockhorn who was prevailed upant reluctintly to
lay aside his hunting shirt and leather lep.gings on
the joyful orcasinn. The evening glided rapidly
away, orge,l along by tales of mirth and song, and
jest ;• and it was observed that though Charles and
Catharine took but little share in the tattling con•
venation of the hour they seemed to enkty the
scene 'with happiness that admitted no increase.
‘,,The whole trouble come out of 3 our being so
him!, Dr. Ricington," Said tho manly, though in his
new suit, lather awkward lookirg 13nekhorn. "It
sras`all of your kinfr.ess in offering to bring out my
plagney rifle. 11 it hadn't been for that suipieion
trtmld't a-lighted cm\you at 111. 1
" Now hold your tongue, Jimmy dear," answer.
e I his loquamoui lit.le wife ; I . llmo g hi so my se lf
till Mr. Charles explained it to m and then 1
found out how 'lsms the wi , slr , rn of the Almighty
pot it into pie head to carry your gun ; for how
would you have got on the true frent hadn't the
• big bullet told you lor sartain that it was never the
smalt-bore I rifle what killed him. No blessed be
his name, that made them, nod always will, good•
nets its own reward, and pot in the heart of my
iltutr, km!! master, to carry out a great chimPy
Jo an r.ld unger like yon, Bnekhorn. And under
heaven, the cause of all cur prevnt happiness,
lake my wnr.l for it, i•TtIE TtlrT.F."
Important to Housekeepers:
ma . THE .uliccriber th - ankftd for the
.- liberal patronage heretofore re
begs leave to inform hit
friends and the public generally,
, is,l and those commencing House
'keeping in particular that he has
is m now on hand a large assortment
"'NI of FURNITURE, which he will
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
the be.t materials.
BUREAU'S, such as mahogany aml walnut drrss
ing bureaus, marl le and plain tope : mahogany and
walnut wtsh•tands. marble tope, sod plain, of dif
ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas Couch
es, whatnots, &c.
BEA DATE ID3.—High, Field, French and low
past bead.steadg, finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns, together with otter f nrniture usu
ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms.
ery The subscriber is also provided with a plain
and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold himsslf in
readiness to attend to all orders in undertaking.
He will furnish ice bores when desired, by the aid
of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COP
N. f.—Furniture of all kinds made to order, and
warranted to be of the best materials and workman
Towanda, January 17, 1852.
Difficulties as the Rio. Grande!
THE contest has commenced and a vigorous pm
secution of purchases for OABI-1, Ponn en
note the public to determine that it is to their inter
est to supply themselves, from
AND ruLT narismilrG aSTAB
3 Doors South of Brick Row—Main a/.
where the subscriber has returned from New
York, bringing with him a choice assortment of
ram and Staple Articles,
'elected with the most personal care, from the first
city houses. —These together with his former stock,
enables him to offer to the public an assortment
which for excellence of material, beauty of work
manship; and elegance of style, cannot be sur
passed in this section ofcountry, end which he is
prepared to sell at the very lowest CASH prices.—
He has also attached to his establishment a care.
fatty selected stock of
C?oths and Tailor's Trimmings,
and, is thus enabled to fattish and make to order
in the best manrer, and at the shortest notice, eve
ry article in his line of business.
•He is confident that from his long experience that
he esa give general satisfaction. He employs none
but the most expert workmea.and feels assured that
his work will not serer by comparison with the
best city shops either in excellence of workman.
ship or elegance of style ; and hopes by strict atten
tion to business, to merit a continuance of thatlib
eral patronage which has been extended to him
Returning sincere thanks for past favors he
Rola, the public to give him a call and see for them
selves. (o . `Dont forget the place.
Three Doom South of Brick Row.
CUT FIND done as usual and warranted to
St if properly made up..CD
Towanda, July 13. isa.
. • • Is still in Operation
rrIITE sbbseriberi have moved to the new buildingon
Pine street, one door below Almons store where
014 will keep on hand and make to order, ploughs,
stove and mill irons of almost all.deseriptions. Turn
ing and flying up work, will be done also on reasonable
lenity as at Elmira 3r Owego. Old iron will be taken
in "pity ment, JOHN CABMAN do CO.
'rewinds. April 20,1851..
litoks ! !
A Complete asso o rtment o ßoo f
Scho ks ol, Blank, Classi
11 cfl & Mimellaneous nooks, constantly kep up
Pncl•for sale at 'he lowest rates by.
p10w.•28, Mi. • . 0, D. DARTLMTT.
' . ' Jl4other lites Cue by
jllo3=o3llVis lIITAINENICS aratts.
T was on the verge of the grave, and so far gone that
i ii
I my family and frientla - had lost. all hopett.of :my re
covery ; ; arid Whe inthis - sitnation; [manic bosh nts
ened'hy Me lint o Schenck); Pt:limo:min Sytup', /de
' she to testify, with grateful emotion to Dr. Schenck,
the unspeakable benefit I have received from the "nee
of his invaluable medicine.
Batty last fall, I 'contracted a violent' cold, and in
consequence of which t had chills, alternated with fe•
ver,.pains in my eight breast and shoulder blade, with
s had cough.' and no expectoration. I kept getting
worse until I tonic my bed, and had the attendante'of
ray family physielan. I was under his care about four
weeks, and at the expiration of that time was reduced
so low' that despair took hold of myself and friends,
and even my physician abandoned me and gave - me
up to die with the hasty consumption. My appetite
was gme, my bowels very irregular, fever and night
swerifs, pain in my breast end shoulder, attended with
a distressing cough, which was very tight ; my flesh
had nearly all gone, and was so weak that I could
scarcely raise my head from the pillow, and was truly
an ollect of pity to behold. My friends bad been sent
for to see me die. and my sick bed was surrounded by
kind and sympathizing neighbors, who had come to
witness my departure from this world.
When all rays of hope had fled of my recovery, a
neiehbor, Mr. David enured: proposed to try Schenck's
Pulmonic tsyrup, with a' view of loosening my cough
and relieving rne of the tough phlegm, and as a means
of nffording temporary relief, remarking 'et the time,
" that I was ton forgone for the Syrup to' be of any
permanenthenclif."' My wife, anxious for the relief
of my intense sufferings, procured some of the Pul
monic Syrup. I found it affords," me relief, and con
tinued using it. I could feel its healing influence
upon my lungs.
I continue to improve under its use, and my 'friends
were much gratified to witness my unexpected am.
pmvement a many of my neighbors came to took at me
as one raised from the dead.
My cough now became loose, and I felt something
break, w en 1 had the pain in my Mean, and I dig.
charged large quantities of yellow matter. I have for
weeks discharged and raised a spit box full of matter
every day, with hard lamps like groins of something.
My bowels now became regular and natural, and my
appetite was so far improved, that 1 could scarcely re
frain from eating too much. My strength improved,
and I regained my flesh.
I continued to improve in every respect soon after I
commenced using the Syrup, and the improvement
continued until I was restored to my health. 1 have
passed through the inclement weather of the latter
part of winter and the spring, and feel as well now as
ever I felt in my life, and f am this day a living testi
mony of the great efficacy' of Schenck's Pub:nettle
Syrup in curing pulmonary disease..
Lest this statement be thought too highly catered by
some people, I subjoin certificates of a number of the
inhabitants of Tacony, who saw me at different times
during my disease, anti never expected to see me restor
ed. 1 also append the certificate of the brothers of
Mystic Lodge. N 0.270,1. 0. of 0. F.. who kindly
watched orer me, and fully believed they would con
sign my remains to the tomb ; but, thanks to Dr.
Schenck for his invaluable Putmonic Syrup, my life
has been spared, and I am permitted to make the fore
going statement for the benefit of suffering mankind.
1 reside at Tawny . anti am well known by most of
the people there, and will be gratified to have• any
person call Kam me and learn mare particulars of the
virtnes of this medicine. JOHN C. GREEN.
June 24th, 1851.. •
270, 1."0. of 0. F. of Holmesburg. Pa. do hereby cer
tify that we know John C. Green, (and is a member
in good standing in No. 270 I. 0. of 0. F.) who was
dangerously ill with s low Pulmonary Consumption,
last taint. F, so that they give him tir,oie ; that he
is now fully restored to perfect health, and they believe
his recovery was produced by Schenck's Pulmonic
We believe his certificate is correct in every par.
ocular. • HENRY NEFF, P. G.
J. K. OSMAN, N. G.
The undersigned, residents of Tacony, eight miles
above Philadelphia, being well acquainted with John
C. Green, and the circumstances attending his case,
feel impelled by a deep sense of imperative duty, to
make universally known to the public his entire recov
ery from the very last stages of Pulmonary Consump
tion. So entirely helpless was his condition, having
been but a brief period since in that rapid.y sinkin;
and emaciate state, as to overly preclude, in the opin
ion of his physicians and friends, who watched by his
bedside, all hopes of oven a temporary recovery and
restoration to his present robust health. Thus the care.
ful use of your invaluable Specific, the Pulmonic Syr
up, makesit our belief, under the circumstances of his
previous prostrate, not to say dying condition, one of
the most startling results that the whole annals of medi
cal skill or science can produce. It deserves to be im•
perishably reco-ded to your credit, and secure to you,
the greatest discoverer of this hitherto remediless dis
ease, a lasting monument and a world-wide reputation
in the healing art, that no time may either diminish or
destroy. Having witnessed Mr. Green's distressing
struggles and sufferings from a continued cough, au
peradded to the other symptoms consequent upon, or
attending to the last smget of a pulmonary disease ;
and moreover, it being so generally believed by his nu
merous friends that no human power could relieve, or
protract his life, much leas restore him back again to
his former health, we feel it thus our duty to give our
unqualified testimony of Mr. Green's perfect recovery,
by means of the exclusive use of your wonderful Syr
up ; and we should indeed rejoice if we could be made
the humble instruments of relief and cure to others who
may be so unfortunate as to be similarly &Meted.
David Conrad, Jesse Duffield,
C. Hinckle, A. Heath,
Joseph Head, Jr. , • • Jesse Watson,
Stephen Lukens, Robert Allyn,
Matthew Toden, James Torbert,
John Bloomesbury, Allen Vandegrifl.
Prepared only by Dr. Schenck, and sold, whole
sale and retail, by his sole agents, John Gilbert & Co.,
Whole , ale Druggists, 177 North Third street, Phil's.
Clicker) & Co. 81 Barclay street, N. Y. Redding & Co.
No. 8 State at. Boston ; H. Blakeley, corner Third and
Chestnut streets. St. Louis ; and by principal Druggists
throughout the Unite d States. And by the following
Agents in Bradford ounty
H. C. Porter, Towanda ; D. Bailey & Son, Leßays
ville ; T. Humphrey, Orwell ; Maynard & Woodburn,
Rome ; J. J. Wexford, Monroe ; D. D. Parkhurst,
Leßoy ; C. E. Rathbone, Canton; King & Yoking
Troy; Gi A. Perkins, Athena.
ppA II letters addressed to DR. J. H. SCHENCK,
Cale of John Gilbert 4 CO, Whok sale Druggists, No.
177 North Third street, Philadelphia.
Saddle, Harness St Trunk Manufactory,
TERN CULP & Co., respectfully inform the public
J that they have taken the shop lately occupied by
C. F. Harder, on Main street, a few doors below the
Brick Row, where they will keep on hand a large
stock of
z3azra3ao. oaDDlTsch, LISIIIDI3O9.
MI articles in their line manufactured to order, and
made of the best material, and for ;workmanship cannot
be surpassed in Northern Pennsylvania. They solicit
a call from those wishing to purchase, confident that
they can give satisfaction both as to quality and price.
1:0- Cash will be
_paid for Hides and sheep Pelts,
t the highest rates, at our shop.
Sale Leather, Upper Leather, Harness Leather and
Calf skins, for sale in any quantity.
Towanda, November 10th, 1850.
A _
LL persons indebted to the estate of AMOS
KINNEY, deed, late of Athens township, are
hereby requested to make payment without delay
and all persons having demands against said estate
are requested to present them to kG. Pickard
duly authenticated for settlement.
SA M'L FAR WELL, Administrator.
Smithfield, June 14, 1852.
17TTER-100• Firkins wanted, far which part cub
/3 wine uid. PHINNEY & ;BOWMAN.
The subsctibers, members of the NTystic I od fe, No
tTelineaburg, Philadelphia Co., Jona 25, lqsl
2lisceUanco u
._;,,=A : T=upws
Emery & Co.'s Thrashing Machines.
Prices for 1852:
In addition to the actual freight from Albany, N.Y.
Emery's Potent changeable power, Thresh.
er, Separator and bands complete, for 150 00
2 horses,
Emery's Patent Changeable PowesThresb
er, Separator and bands complete, for 120 00
I horte,
Emery's Improved Wide Rack and Pinion
with Thresher, Separator and bands, for 120 00
2 horses, .
Emery's Improved Wide Rack and Pinion
with Thresher, Separator and bands for 95 00
1 horse,
Common or Wheeler Rach and Pinion
Power, Thresher, Separator and bands 135 00
for 2 horses,
Common or Wheeler Rack and Pinion
Power, Thresher, Separator Nod bands 1
5 ,110 00
for 1 horse,
t'Z' If sold separately, the following prices are
Charged :
Emery's Patent Cbangable Horse Powers,
For two horses, $llO 00
For one horse. 80 00
Emery's Improved Wide Rack and Pinion Power.
For two horses $9O 00
For one horse 60 00
Common Rack and Pinion, w Wheeler Power.
For two horses $65 00
For one horse. 75 00
Thresher with (Minder 26 inches long
and 14i diameter, together with Separa- $35 00
or and Fixtures,
Porlable Circular Saw Mill with 24 inch
Saw, fi led and set, in running order for $35 00
cutting fire-wood, &c.
Upright or Felloe Saw Mill for Wheel- t s4o ' 00
wrights, etc.
Churning Attachment for driving one or)
two Churns at a time of barrel size or $1 2 00
less (no extra gearing wanted.) 5
Cross Cut Sawing Arrangement, for but
ting and cutting otrifSgs, including saw, ,$l2 00
guides, and connections for use.
Power Corn Sheller', for 1 horse and for $35 to
2 hontes. 5 $5O 00
TERNS—CASH, or NOTES with security and
interest, payable in 4 or 6 months. ,tWhen good
endorsed notes, payable at bank are received, part
of the interest will be deducted.
good materials, and to opperate as represented, or
may be returned to the subscriber within three
months and purchase money refunded. Written
warrantees given when required. Persons wishing
to buy
should order them at an early day as the Manufnc
turers are much driven by orders, and supply can
not at alt times be kept on hand.
t);* It is not necessary for me to recommend
these Threshing Machines. for they are well known,
and recommend thernsetves to the good sense and
pocket of every prUdent farmer.
lam fully prepared to furnish a well made arti
cle. I will guarantee that the freight on any Twn
horse Machine, shall not be over $9 at Binghamton
or Corning, or at any intermediate station on the
N. Y. & E. R. li. M. WELLES.
Athens, Bradford Co. Pa. June 21, 1852.
Sohn W. Wilcox,
T. AS removed his establishment to If. Mix.'s store,
1-1 corner of main street and the public square, and
will continue the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, as
He has just received from New York a large assort
ment of Women's, Children's and ,ifissre Shoes. which
are offered at low price*. The attention cf the Ladies
is paricularly directed to his assortment, comprising
the following new styles :—Enamelled Jenny Lind gai
ter boots; do. shoes; black lasting and silk gaiters;
walking shoes. buskins,or.c. Misses' gaiters and shoes.
of every description. A large assortment of Children's
fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds.
For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and
shoes. This stock has been personnlly selected with
rare, and he believes he can offer superior articles at
reasonable prices.
("j The strictest attention paid to Manufacturing,
and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continu
ance of tht liberal patronage he has hitherto received.
Towanda, .fay 8, ISM.
1111'HITI'DaR, MITT:I3I.r
HAS REMOVED IDS OFFICE to No, 2, 13 , ielt
Row. (up stairs,) in the room formerly oectipted
by Hon. D. Wilmot as a law office, where he will be
pleased to sec those requirin professional services.
Towanda; November 18, 18,51,
ium-• 11117111C1C3111E3111LACNI011-.4...,
HAVING located in Towanda, his services may
be obtained by addressing a line through the Post
Office, or by calling at the ofriee of Ulysses Mercur.
Esq., where he will be found, or where a written ap
licatpion may be left. Nov. 1, 1880.
THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they have taken the shop formerly occupied by
Adam &entwine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
kinds of DLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms.
They are determined by doing their work well and
promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of
public patronage.
HORSE—SHOEING done in ' the best manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the most all.
fat manner.
WOOD WORK for wagoas will also be made and
repaired when desired.
All work done at their shop, will be warranted lobe
well done, and manufactured from the best materials.
The public are requested to give us a' trial, and judge
for themselves. ESENWINE & BEEBISCHR.
Towanda, May 2, 1881.
Clock, Watch, and- Jewelry Store !
A.M. WARNER takes this method
of informing his old customers and the
. s public public generally, that he has purchased
1 4 of J.P.Bui , his stock of Watches, Clocks
- AP and Jewelry, and commenced the above
huntress in all of ifs various branches at the old stand
of the latter, on Main street, two doors south of Brick
Row. His reputation as a watch repairer is so well
established in this community, that it is hardly neces
sary to say a word on that point. With his long ex
perience and great advantages for acquiring a thorough
knowledge of the business, he has confidence in saying
to the public, bring on your watches and clocks, I will
do them justice.
All goods nolil,or Repairing done, warranted as I
recommend, or the rnonev refunded.
A good assortment of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
kept constantly on ham!.
My motto shall be—quick safes, small profits, cash
down, and no credit given. Credit need not be asked
for—as I am bound not to make its acquaintance.
Towanda, July 12, 1850. A. M: WARNER.
SALT, a large lot, also Iron, Nails. Hardware, &c, ;
mod Mackerel in bblet, and * Mils, Cot sale by
' tit W tNt E • MA1311.:
111/LANUPACTUREi 81egro:groglaea mad bonen
I.4l:fivin Bto 1060 horses power. Horizontal En
gines, oriliefol iron bed 141tivs cast in,one piece.. All
have expansion valves; all: joints .ground sop tole
steam tight without packing or, paint; all, bearings and
wearing surfaces large, and running in adjcustabb.boxes
of bronze or ,Babbitt metal; all balance wheelswith
turned belt face. .Theilegulator is attached to the bed
plate. The Force. Pump is in an independent stand,
arranged with crank abaft and tight and loose pulley,
ready, to receive a belt from the engine shaft or hole
any other Shaft. The whole style of work. is not sup
passed by any engine Waders in the United :Suites.
Boilers of the beat American or English iron heads,
cast or wrought iron—either tubular or with flues—
made in the most thorough manner.
Engines from 8 to 100 horses power constantly on
hand or in progress, to be delivered within a few days
of the receipt of an order.
Also, Steam Saw Mills, capable of sawing 6000 feet
board measure, of one inch boards. in 12 hours, with
one Muley sw, and requiring no other fuel than the
The following are the prices of a few of these en
aw Mill, including steam engine, boiler and iron
chimney, complete; pitman irons; muley saw irons;
setters.; feed, and all bolts and irons for 90 Feet-of
carriage, complete, $l5OO,
Steam engine, 10 in. dtantetir of cylinder, 25 in. stroke
with tubular boiler, containing 360 square feet of
heating surface, and all castings, pipes, valves, and
Gibe, parts necessary to set it in complete opera
tion, $1525
.Bteam engine, 12 in.diameter of cylinder. 90 in. stroke
- with tubular boiler, containing 480 square feet of
heating surface, complete as before, $1775
Delivered on the cars of the Boston and Maine Rail
road at Lawrence, 26 miles from BostOn. Terms, cash
on delivery.
Boilers for the above modified to suit purchasers,
and prices accordingly.
McKay 4. Romney, late of Pittsfield, Mass., whose
steam engines are already widely known, have recently
taken charge of the works of the Essex Compony,and
will be able, with their increased facilities and expe
rience, to make their approved engines cheaper and
better than heretofore.
May 8, Ifts2.y GORDON McKAY, Agent.
*Boo cu.a.LLEarazir
WHATEVER concerns the health and happiness
of a people, is at all times of the most valuable
importance. I take it for granted that every person
will do all in their power to save the lives of their
children, and that every person will endeavor to pro
mote their own health at all 111CrifiCCS. 1 feel it to be
ray duty solemnly to assure you that WORMS, ac
cording to the opinion of the most celebrated physicians
are the primary causes of a large majority of diseases
to which children and adults are liable ; if you have
en appetite continually changing from one kind of food
to another, bad breath, pain in the stomach, picking at
the nose, hardness and fullness of the belly, dry cough,
slow fever, pulse irregular—remember that ell these
denote Worms, and you should at once apply the re
medy :
Hobensack's Worth Syrup.
An article founded upon scientific principles, corn.
pounded with purely vegetable substances, being per.
redly safe when taken, and determined in all its effects
and not leaving the system in a diseased condition, a■
mos t advertised nostrums, composed of Calornel,for the
removal of Worms, such as Lozenges, Vermifuges,
&e., but has performed the most astonishing cures,and
saved the livts of thousands, both young and nld.who
have been pronounced hopeless—incurable by Physi•
cians. Read the following, and become convinced of
its efficacy over all others:
Mounts Riven, N, J.
Ma. J. N. Honsirsscr---This is to certify that my
child, 15 year. of age, haring been sick (or 5 years,and
was attended by Drs. Loper, Whillor and Phisler for a
long time without receiving any benefit ; when after
g'ving her up as incurable, I went to Philadelphia and
consuheil tine of the best Oyincians; her disease toil/
growing worse. It was at this time I was induced to
try Hobensaek's
_Worm Syrup, and after taking two
bottles she entirely regained her health. Hoping that
this will prove a benefit to parents whose children are
similarly affected,
I am yours, &c., R. BOWMAN.
nobensack's Liver Pills.
No part of the system is more liable to disease than
the Liven, it serving 89 a titterer to purify the blood,
or giv,ng a proper secretion to the bile ; so that any
wrong action of the Liver ellects the other important
parts of the system. and results variously in Jaundice,
Liver complaint, Dyspepsia, &c. We should, therefore
watch every symptom that night indicate a wrong
action of the Liver. These Pills being composed of
Roots and Plants. furnished by nature to heal the sick
—N amely , Ist: An Expectorant, which augments the
secretion from the pulmonary minus membrane, or
promotes the discharge of secreted matter. 2nd—an
Alterothe, which changes in some insensible and in.
explicable manner, the certain morbid action of the
system. 3,l—a Tome, which gives tone and strength
to the nervous system. renewing health and vigor toe!!
parts of the hotly. 4th—a Cathartic, which acts in
perfect harmony with other ingreuients, and operating
on the bowels, and expelling the whole mass of corrupt
and vitiated matter, and pyrifying the bkmd, which de•
stroys disease and restores health.
Agents for Bradford County—Dr. H. C. Porter and
J. M. Reed, Towanda ; C. H. Herrick, Athens ; M.
Bullock & Co. Smithfield; Barnes & Bailey, Waver.
ley ; H. Spear, Springfield ; Eli Baird. Troy ; L. D.
Taylor, Burlington ; Brown & Rockwell, Monroeton ;
Parkhust & Lamb, Leroy ; Chas. Rathbone, Canton ;
also T. B. Howland, Columbia, travels in the adjacent
counties. 4 gy
ADAM ESENWINE respectfully informs the pub
lie. that be now occupies the shop where bimsel
anti brother have for - ears worked, nearly opposite
Tonikins' foundry, where he is ready to do ail work
in his lino, as formerly in the best manner. He is de
termined the reputation he has attained as a skilful
workman shall not suffer by any neglect of 'the inter
ests of customers or by any inattention to business.
TOOLS, manufactured to order—machinery of all
kinds repaired in the best manner, and every kind of
Repairing and Manufacturing will be done at short
notice, and in the style desired.
Horse Shoeing, on reasonable terms. He will also
take Country Produce in.payment for work, but ob
jects strongly to credit.
Towanda, Jan. 17, 1851.
THE subscriber would an
mace to the public that he
tee now on hand, and will make
order all kinds of
Cabinet Furniture,
tch as Sofas,Divans, Lounges
toter, Card, Dining and Break
.st Tables. Mahogany, Wal
nut, Maple and Cherry Bureaus,
Stands of various kinds. Chairs
and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and
will be made of the best material end workmanlike
manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper
than can be bought in any other Ware-room in the
on hand on the most reasonable terms. A good,
HEARSE will be furnished on Funeral occasions.
Towanda, June 1, 1852.
T "partnership hetPtofore existing between J.
H. Phinney jr.. and G. M. Bowman, under the
firm of Phinney & Bowman, is this day dissolved
by mutual consent, and the books and accounts are
in the hands of J. H. Phinney jr., who alone is au
thorized to collect and settle them.
Towanda, July 31, 18:12. O. M. BOWMAN.Jr.,
LUMBER—Cash paid for lumber at
For she Cat, of
OF all the numerous medicines extent, (and some
of them valuable) for the cunt of pulmonary
complaints, nothing, has ever been found which could
compare in its effects with this Preparation. Others
cpre sometimes, but at all times and in all diseases of
the,lunp and throat where medicine can give retie
this will Jo it. It is pleasant to take, and perfectly
safe in accordance with the directions. We do not
advertise for the information•of those who June ttied
it but those who have not. Families that have known
its value will not be without it, and by its timely use
they are secure from the dangerous consequences o
Coughs snd Colds which neglected, ripen into fatal
The Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute wu
awarded to this preparation by the Board of Judges in
September 1847 ; also the Medals of the three! great
Institutes of Att,'in this country ; also the Diploma
of the Ohio Institute at Cincinnati, has been given to
the CIIEII,IIT PicTossx., by their Government in con
siderstion of its extraordinary excellence and useful
ness in curing affections of the Lungs and Throat.
Read the following opinion founded on the long
experience of the eminent Physician of the Port and
City of
Dr- J. Ayer: Si. Jonxs, May 8, 1851.
Five years trial of your Cherry Pectrral in my prac
tice, has proven what I foresaw from its cemposition
must be true, that it eradicates and cures the coughs
loud colds to which we, in this section. are peculiarly
liable. I think its equal has not yet been discovered,
nor do I know bow a better remedy can be made for
the distempers of the throat and lungs.
J. J. BURTON, M .D.,F.R.S.
Bee what it has done on a wasted constitution, not
only in the following "cases, but a thousand more:
Dr. Ayer Scruivar, Jan. 24, 2852.
lo the month of July last. I was attacked by a via
lent diarrhata in the mines of California. I returned
to San Francisco in hope of receiving benefit from a
change;of climate and diet.—My diarblea ceased but
was followed by a severe cough—and much lowness.
I finally *tinted for borne, but received no benefit from
from the voyage. My cough continued togrow worse
and when I arrived in New York, I was at once mark
ed by my acquaintances as a victim of consumption
I must confess that I saw no sufficietit reason to doubt
what my friends all believed. At this time I com
menced taking your truly invaluable medicine with
little expectation of deriving any benefit from its use
You would not receive these lines did I not regard it
my duty to state to the afflicted, through you that my
health in the space of eight months is fully restor
ed. I attribute it to the use of your CHERRY PEC
TORAL. Yours truly,
WIAniNGTON, Pa, April 2, 1848•
Dear Sir: Feeling that I have been spared from a
premature grave, through your inatrumentallity by the
providence or God, I will take the liberty to express
my gratitude
C6ugh, and the alarming symptoms of Consumption
had reduced me too low to leave me anything like
hope, when my physician brought me a bottle of your
" I'ec•roaAr•.' It seemed to afford immediate relief,
and now to a few weeks time has rendered me to sound
If it will• do for others what it has done for mellow
are certainly one of the benefctors of mankind.
Sincerely wishing you every blessing, I am
Very respectfully yours,
JOHN J. CLARK. Rector of St. Peter's C hurch
With such assurance and from such men, no stron
ger proofcan be adduced unless it be from its effect
upon trial.
Prepared and gold by JAMES C. AYER, Practica
Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Sold by Dr. H. C. PORTER, Towanda ;
Wellsboto'; E. ity,r. Covinci , m ; Humphrey MIA
Borden, Tioga ; W. H. Elliott, Elmira; A. Turroll,
Montrose ; and by all Drogzigts everywhere. y 36
Oriental or Sovereign Balm Pills
N ONE Genuine unless accompanied by a fee simi
le of the above Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. L.
SOUI.E tlk Co.. upon each bor.
In offering to the public this justly celebrated SOV
EREItiN BALM OF LIFE. it is not our wish to
make any false statements or wild avvertiona of their
superior efficiency in restoring to health the sick and
suffering, Well knowing that their reputation as a
STANDARD MEDICINE is of itself sufficient refer
ence for the afflicted.
Many proofs might be given of their value on paper,
but we prefer those unacquainted with them to satisfy
themselves by enquiring of living witnesses and trying
the Pills. They wi.l find them perfectly safe and reli
able in all cases, being porch/ vegetable, and a rnedi
cine worthy their best confidence and patronage.
The following certificat4 was seni, us for the public
Hastnterrs, Monroe Co. N. 'Y., May 10, 1851.
We the undersigned, citizens of Henrietta, having
used personally Dr. Soule's Soresreign Bairn Pills. and
witnessed the health-restoring etTects thereof, cheerfully
recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the best with
which we are acquainted.
M. D. PHILLIPS, D. 0. 0 NS,
P. S.—You are at liberty to publish thin for the pub
lic good.
Sawa as OF Coos -maestro ! We arc not aware the
any one who is making a spurious' article has yet der
ed to make nee of our name ; but some of them has
had the impudence to imitate our boxes and copy our
Circriars, Certificates, &c. Unless the public are
careful when *hey purchase, they will be deceived.
00" The genisine Sovereign Balm Pens can be ha
wholesale and retar of Dr.,SOULE & Co., Eucli
Onondaga Co. N. Y.
Sold by Dr. H. C PORTER, Towanda Pa, and by
their Agents in every town in the country.
Removed to B. Kingsbery's Block !
irr a. Chatither/in,
TA - AS just returned from the city
-JP_ -Li- of New York with a large
C t. '
% ; -Ak supply of Watches, Jewelry and
C -,7 Silver ware, comprising in part,
•: ..- 0,, I the following articles :— Lever,
cf.)) , t,„:17.-44: L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
k.t L, -.",-.-7' . --: , :7- a complete assortment of Gold
- Jewelry, auch as Ear Rings,
ger Rings, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets,,Go/d chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of Steel Beads,--all of which he offers
for sale exceeedingly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted
to run well, or the money will be refunded, and a writ
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produc
taken in payment for work; and aim /earn now, an
orever, that the Produce must be paid when the woe
is done-4 war against credit in all its forms.
Towanda, April 28,18611.
B OOTS & SHOES, the largest and cheeped assort
meat in town--and Hata and Caps, at wholesale
am' retail.
CASH WANTE D —For which Ronda will ex
changed on liberal terms at
June 12, 11152 MONNE V & BOWMAN'S.
DR..,11,,:G. PORTFp
~ ~... Wham& and Retail Dealer in il
iIACXI3II33I, 39 , b t ! 13 )
It..IJGS, M . 4 . 1.
OTOnE'in the south end of the Ward 11 00 ,, ,
L - , known as the largest. cheapest and m o p t i
asiortineat west of the city. Panicniar anen t
'be given tO any or all who may wish to call,
exclaim or' purchase, and any medical ink'
will be cheerfully and groluitotudy given to ~
who wish totonsult concerning themselve s 0 , ~.
Continuous supplies of fresh and recently prepend
tides are weekly arriving, having b een woo a
tested with a view to their wefts/nen, and an y ,„..., 1 4
wanted not usually kept, either will be komd 1,,;:e
precured at the shortest notice by Expres s 0 4
leaving' their order. Accommodatin g c l er k, ai " ,
will be .eady to Espy compound any prea r n ioo : 4 l 4
endeavor to make it (Whatever the purchase) n u . *
agreeable. All goods shall be conside re d 41 :3
as represented, and being Agent for the be s a,„ 4
vier Patent Medicines, all those found is t/0 4 , P
aviaribe relied upon, in all cases, as being ger:m u ,
stock now comprises every article in the nu!,
which may be found the following : ,140,1
Drugs and Medicines.
ACIDS. aloes Orris
Acetic asafoetida !squill
Citric arabic valerian
Nitric camphor Setlego
Muriatio copal sarsiparilla
Aqoafortie gamboge ginger et c
Sulphuric guaiac
Tartaric etc myrrh magnen,
naisasta. shellac
tragacan etc. brimstone
neate foot quickniser
tanners calomel
olive lemons
castor Igo&
sperm 'cream tutu
oraganum lepso re
lbergamont laritimony
lemon Mum
wintergreen corm eiblin ti
cinnamon I(I •
re preepars
cloves quinine
hemlock quaine
'juniper Weenie
eavin rITISCIII, I/
1 ethe ra l l l oh
t: 11 II IA
star ri:memory
shakers her's
gold leaf
eastile snap
Venice (urea
aqua animaaa
brittiA kato
burg. pit 6
!cam herl,3es
Life etc
Peruvian (Jes'ts )
Elm etc
Wintergreen eta
Lemon e
nero l i
cod liver etc
Lriv ZS.
uva Orsi etc
Colchicum etc
.I gentian
vpijelia (pink)
marsh rosemary
Sow, Coffee and Tea of all liindg, maloses.
pepper. cloves, mustard, nutmec, mace, fish.
citrons, currants, sa lad oil, cocoa, chacaire.
butler crackers, rice, starch, singer, salercts,
and bar soap, sperm and tallow candle4,;mo,
pipes, pepper '
sauce Sze
Lavender etc
Cognise., Otani and American
Old Jamaica and New Eng'and Rem, f - e;r e Ac
and Am. Gin, Irish and Mononz.abeh Whiikey
dei, a Lisbon, Sherry, Tenerife Port, Muscat, C.
and Champaign Wines--Cordials, Rose, A m , ,ut
kee, Noyeau &c , cheaper than ever offered.
Soaps, Perlomery and Fancy Gook
Shaving cream, military, windsor, medu.atr•2
musk, almond, palm, french, toilet., rose, and ,
rent soaps, Luhins, French, an I Wri;:lats mar ,
jockey club. patchoulty. bog, de car, bne,
flews, verbena, heliotrope, sweet brier, ma
spring flowers, west end and new mown bey
Cachous, cologne, bay and rase waters. 1.,
spanish pearl powder, rouge hair dyes. hair ae
tors, hair ertwicaLas, heir oil, pomil !eg. coin PI
perfume sachets, playing cards. pc,1:11 ro — s.
pens, fish-hooks, drawing pencils, v..rruc,r,nr,: ,
black, and indelible inks, combs, purses. poi et
port monais, wafers, pocket mirror, nal .in ccc
travelling companions &c.
Hair, hat, stove, scrub, shoe, pan',
sash, artist camel's hair, striping o'er'- 314 .. 3
whitewash, counter, flesh, tooth. nail eien'. bran
infant, lather, table, horse and blacking hruahes
!Cis cellaneor.r..
Tobacco and snuff boxes, n:pp!..ntic,' , , n3run:
ties, breast pumps, teeth ring+ 6,1 pan.. rinz , •••
der braces, trusses, supporters. pessaries,
ing glasses, graduates, Mortars, spatula, fnrrfp ,
thermometers, liguid and spread adhesive matt
Paints and dye Stuffs.
Nit.. red, cam and log wood. foam, tar dy. CZ:
red satinders, madder, alum, ceppera.i.
tin, composition chemic oil, vitriol, malc and t,'
acids, grain tin, pumice and rotten stone. A" , erf.
Chinese vermillion, Spanish brown, A mennn
fish Venetian verdigris, Paris green.. stub'. elan
red lead, chrome yellow and creep, 3ipan. roith
copal varnish, lampblack. litharve. Nur, nh , rn: 3
spirits turpentine, linseed oil, rutin, chm.k,
us, gold leaf, bronze, &c.
French Glass 24-30. 2:2 30, 20-30, 20:24,
18, 12-20, 12-18, 12-16, 10-14, 10-12. 71
Patent bledicir.cs.
Dr. Jaynes Alterative Eypertmsni.
Fitche's expectorant, tonic htimoi c
Merchant's Gargling Oil for horse. ' c.
Swayne's medicines, wild cherry. r.
Brant's Pulmonary Balsam and Estmn etc .
Orrick's Vermifuge.
Houghton's Pepsin or Gastric juice for t!rivr 3.
Osgood's Indian Cholagogue, for fever and apt.
Searpa's Acoustic oil for Deafness.
S. P. Townser d's Sarsaparilla.
Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup.
Dr. Heeler's Family medicines,
Hutching's Dyspepsia Bitters.
Hoofiand's German Bitters, for Dyspepsia and re
Brown's Essence Jamaica Ginger.
Duboy's Rat and Mice Exterminator.
Also agent for Herrick's medicines. plasters,
drew's and Davis' Pain Killer, Grimiest's;
eines, Pile Electuaries etc., salt 'hewn, tete
worm, spavin and founder ointments, rte.
cordial, plasters, poor man's satyrs, eye inter
ments, elusive soap, bed bug poik.n.
and Clark's Worm syrup, Christie's Gairian
;Ives, Moffat's Phoenix Bitters. Trash's ml
Sloan's, Dailey's, and NlcAllister'g o.riteiscs.
low's Heave Powder, Condition Powder, Sr.
the numerous kinds of Pills.
Phosgene, superior Burning fluid, Camp'nese:
lard and sperm oil ; new and beautiful patterroct
lamps now being opened : Campbene, side am
log lamps for ball and store on., g inndoles, etc
Cavendish, James. Natural hist. Turkish -
John Anderson's fine cut, Bogies Jenny
etc.; choice brands, pure Havana Cigars. cm
All of which will be sold at unusually low
Remember that Dr. Porter's Cheap Drug sod
cal Store is in the south end of the Ward i 104.4.
doors above the post office
Towanda. June 4, 1852. Lind d
THE only ea la nalla
mpleteassort of r
lags kept in this region, for sale at
lowest rates by O. P. PARTLEI
sornnent, sold very cheap for cash, b!
April ft S. XISGqW
ath bnek
sand p,p er
while glue
i otter or anm..3