£cgal 9tfinetii6et' nents. "mss MULWIL . B y virtue cf writs of Vend. .Exponas issued out of the Coil of Common Pleas e . of. Bradford n ty, and to me directed, will be exposed to it i e sale, at the Court House in the boro'. of 'ands o nMonday the 6th day.of Stember. at p. at , the following lot piece e _o p r parcel of 0 situate in the township of Athens; .Bradford Isl. thend bounded as foows dog st east side of Whe e lock 's road, at the ob.tresf corner of a lot lately . owned by John t a m . ; thence north seventy-six and a half de s. eat three rods to a corn. r ; thence smith g ot ., deg. east one and seven-tenths rods : thence rib seventy-eight deg. east seven and six-tenths 1:0; t hence north nine deg. west, four and two o h red', To Sutton's south line ; thence south r.thm foor dee. east seven and eight-tenths gods to ss , m uz zy's west line ; thence south twenty one tresi. a l ong Muzzy's west line. nine and - tenth rods ; Thence south nizty three and a e s a - est nine ant sever. writhe rods to the cru d the mad, leading from Wheelock's factory to lion ;thenc e south thirty one and three fourths along the centre of said road , seven and ~pt- tenths rods to said Muzxys line ;lbw: south deg. west along said Muzzy's west siere ,is In the east bank of said road ; thence up t he east ~ d e of said road to the. place Of beginning on ,, e ,,ng about one and a half acres of land ex tte t, of the same as lies upon the east side d rosd having heretofore teen conveyed by E. l c warner and wife to Shelden C.:Morgan, All tptered.two frarned houses and a few fruit trees, ,ere , 9e401 and lake!) in execution at the suit of Geo H. Bradf•rd vs. Ehrabtlth VanGorder. lot piece or parcel ofland ALSO—The folio wing sl:avol in Rome township, bounded abd described at l",:ors to wit : North by lands of Patrick , rowle , ; . ; wect itv land of Henry Sible ; south by rd' ~(1, bias Lent ; east by land of Barthulo. m ew Pearcal. Containing about s i x ty acres; 90 ace, ,rnp, ,„. k.roe kg house, framed barn and ap• pier retard ?hero n : fakrp in execution at the suit of Da. ,111arber rt 5. , 1,,ni0n C. Skinner. The k lloy.ing lot piece or parcel of land :eosi :n Canton township 'Bradford Cbunty. Pa., ort.ll and ,le , rr.f.- 1 nA follows tow .1 : On the lands of Am z.a Mix. ratr by the rr eadtne from Cannon 10 Troy, south by lands of Greenleaf and Irad W Non, and west by Irad n. Coninow ut half an acre. , be the or loeL a , I improved one And a half sto r.¢h framed h ,, u,e, and a F mall board shed :.!nnd taken in exnentinn at the suit of Alb• Ys. H . W. Hewit. , 11—The follnWirg descrthed Int, piece or and situntod in the tuw,•hil c t fcb,,ny. bruncic.l and d , as fol. z . On the north IA lard , 01.1 NI. David. cast he lan) , I) 117,10, on A•r• we.o bKland Pi Engll , l) Ite'lin I‘ . l mx. (•,ntainittg i-rd and Itt ei.tv-five acres he :he same - me“. two framed house , . cme framed barn, n.Ol and an at r', orchard thereon. •about 'es .mmove he satv mill there,m . halt bitermti smre t h e taken m exemnien at the suit of Na llem. i s. Ira l)..dge. kL so.....Th e 1011, win v. deser:hed, pteee Of parcel ,„ at ,d in Rome township, b , ttnded and de viz : Ifeztftning, at the south r er •! a lot deeded to Ruderirk Motels, then oa p e; cn,c to a point due eaot from the north o.cr fa lot heretofore deeded to John Crow st,: aloog the north line of lot 21u 8-10 perches, to the out line ir,ct. a post. thence north 1° east, on r .ti l,ne 65 perches, to the south . • •, ~.• -;u•.&ed.d lot to Rode• ick Mor er s 1.9= en , t 240 8-10 perches to the ng 27 acres and 132 perches. ..• 1 - e some more or JesF, about 40 •• 11 framed houses, 2 framed . barns .m •":A a ,! a:A a orchard of ft uit trees r -team saw mill has been burned V . • • ta,;en w execution at the suit of Harry ~.:., u rvivay.r. Filmier of the him of Myer .g t u , e E. R. 51yer vs Frederick ALN ) —TiI e i.•l n n Er. described piece or parcel n town , hip bounded as fol. ;he north by lan Is belonging to n tl.e ea't by land, belonging to Silas ,n 'y lands bel..n•zing to Harvey :::tinn the ttrettt ity lands belonging to P. a:.,i containing 109 acres more 71 a , r, !rnpn.vcd. 2 orchards 2 fraro hll 2liamed ha rm thereon erected. exeetnnin at the suit of Myer ii-e ni E. 11. Myer vs. John Perks Che.! , .er Parkd 'erre tenants. me. des, - ribctl piece or parcel .e , t, the ton nsh , p of 11ysoz bounded ••••,1 a folk.ws : • On the north by lands of urn on the east by lands of 13 F.. ..•n •ne hr lam', of ilobert Sparding. ".• 1, 1! ;ands of E. R. Myer. eontait Ipg .5 :If) acres improved, with a frame , se I c burn and a few frail trees thereon, and ia'sen in execution at the suit of My to the use of E R. Myer vs. Levi kV alker 'erre tenants. he folimxing described piece or parcel • !uated in Standini: stone township, bound : on the n rih by lands of A 8 Rolls east ha. Win. (has on the south by the Sus inna river. on the west by A. S. Rolls, with a Ns: pint }trill; lot on the south end to the :ear; anti culvert joining Alsnson Taylor, on the conLaint..a about 3 acres all unproved, 6ne log Lute old board sheds hind some fruit trees .4—one other lot in said township, bounded on lands ,f Edward Overton, on the east by 1{,6, on the south by A lanson Taylor, running Ott on the west end, containing about 10 acres, :tire or Int., all improved, to! - ,er lot in Faid township known as t, hounded on the north by F. Whitman, John Dunn, on the south by Nati4aniel west by Limon Stephens, contain• • 3'l acres route or lens. Wien in elecutiao at the suit of Henry T'n v.. J 1) Primmer. t.e; fr./limin g lot pieee or parcel of land Stone. bounded and described as • a" : nn the north by lands of John T. P 3 ,1 by the Post road leading from To !' rurik4nnork, on the south by lands of- Phi "rh is,l o n the west by. the north branch car al about acre be the same more or lesh-all :timid taken in execution at the suit of Henry "ci Ts. Amos V. Hurlburt. 10 -1 certain piece or parcel of _Lind situated t I•P bounded and described as follows viz 4 t north by the highway, on the east by lands of I), Tittlf, on the south by Nicholas Coggidilir test by the public highway leading from ale: to Wyalusing creek—containing of an *Proved, be the same more or lea, I framed occupied as a tannery thereon. . o —Orie other lot piece or parcel of land sitnat, town.hip, bounded and described ea fol. On the r, rth by lands of Chalks R. Brow, Pt.( iw larof a of slid drown, on the south h. r t , A lifou% n , o n the west by the highway lead Rossille to Wyalusing creek, containing founh of an erre, I framed building ocrupi trecery and dwelling house. anJ take n in execution et the suit of Giles and Euget,e Keeler tra. Griffin Magee and Ma gee . following described piece or parcel of tolled in Standing Stone twp., bounded and as follow" to wit : On the north by, lands z to John Park. on the east by lands belting -3!lo Hurley. & Lames MeGretoix , the south clanging to Patrick Lynch. on the west by ' l °llainx to Charles Harris, containing lib" ( 'hi: the same more or lead, about 35 acres on e log house, one framed shed and a small 'of young fruit trees thereon. ' taken in execution at the snit of E l dw'd o i. George A. Stephens. The tollow ing described piece or parcel utuated Shestie gain twp., bounded and ~..7 4 4 la follow s to wit : on the north by lands of P ane, on the cast lm lands of John HorLaPr Legal gi!fitfititicinctue. - - on the south tutf - WitiClirfratratir:tir filimpl*Vancire. Vontainirtgabeittfifiti.!*intlitorlaw, i; : _abont thirty sum itlptoved;' - olierot and hained-bouessos6Atee barn t And is - small corchitirrot:finiCtreei theiiiiraut -., sifted ihdlakett jilt: exieatiii atlthe suit Of HP Moortiltitlii-use OLT •PiPrbritir.,Tie Vyancise.,, ALSO—rA piece: aro : fart:el - of . land :iitJefif :11f-, boaridell limb by 'ilia tor Hosea Haitoi. west' by landlorPaitte - Shitedieltes.seoth by latiaferf IltltatidNisis 'and,f eait tty land: of itiahup Griswold: - Contaitting abenik'tfly acres, more or less ' ahotit eighteen acres impraved, one log barn and - aimpraved, few fruit trees-thereon. Seized - slid taken 'in ..exetuticin it theanit of Geo Pox vs N-satitit t , , •,..; : ; •-•-•*, • •: ALSOL . -A, piece - or parcel raf land' R Pike' township hounded mkt by fiends' now iii •Poisission of P V &Lerman widow raf F Wittman deed, east by, land of Seth Blakeslee, south by land of lames Shore & James Festhetbee, west by lards of U. Saadens& Joshua BUMWS. Confirming 75 acres more or less. with about 80 acres improved, with one framed ht Se and one (rimed barn and an apple orchard the n. ' Seized , and taken in exeCutipa at the suit o W. W. Wells vs Lyman Blakeslee.' & Geo. Blakeslee. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Ulster village bounded on the north and east by Isola of Norman ,Shaw, on the south by lands of James McCarty, on the west by the highway leading from Towanda to Athens. Containing about one fourth acre, all lm- proved with one framed building occupied as wagon shop and dwelling house and one slab shed thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wells and Harris vs Wm. B. Smith. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Ulster twp., bounded on the north by lands of Lockwood dec'd estate, east dy lands of C. W. Holcomb, no the south by 'he lumberyard road leading to the Sumps anna river;,on the west by lands of C. W. Holcomb. All improved containing about one-half acre, one f med house, one turning lathe shop, one lumber shop there on erected. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Chester Bennet vs Christian Bennett. A LSOT—A piece or parcel of land in Warren twp., bounded on the north and east by land of Albert Tyr- rell, south by land of David Brainard, west by lands of Samuel Al Brown & Oliver Corbin. Containing 25 acres, about 14 improved, one framed house, one fram ed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. teizpd and taken in execution at the snit of Nathan- iel Lamson and Ebenezer Lamson ..va Wilborn Tyr rell. ALSO—A piece or-parcel of land jn Warren tp., beginning at a pine tree, at the north west corner, and running south 12P west 129 perches to a stake, thence south 98° east 8 perches to a stake ; thence south. 89° east 70 perches to a beech tree, thence north 1° east 134 perches to a. stake, thence north 89° west 48 perches to the ptace of beginning. Con toining 45 acres and 30 perches, about 25 acres improved. one framed house, one obi barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Setzed and taken in execution at the snit of Rufus C. Buffington and Giles N Dewolf;Exr's of the ear tatr of Benj. Buffington dec'd. vs. Curtis Beeman. ALSO—By writ of Levin' Facies, the following de scribed lot piece or parcel of land in Athens twp., he. ginning at a sugar maple tree the south east corner of a lot formerly :..onv,yed to Don't Orcott, thence South 135 7-10 perchesto a post, thence west 1066-10 per• cbes to a post, thence north 137 5'.-10 percher to a pitch pine for 4 corner standing on we south line of said Oicuts lot, thence south 86° cast along the south line of the totiil Oreutt's lot 106 6-10 perches to the beginning. Containing 92 acres and 131 percher, more or less, it being intended far the whole of lot No. 122, on warrant lot No. 1532, about 40 acres improved, two 10. houses, one log barn, a small log corn house, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized, and taken in execution et the suit of Almy S Hale, administratrix of Thomas Hale deceased, now to the use of James W. Mercur, va.Satuml S. Clark and Albert Vangorder, terre tenant. ALSO—The following described building and lot of ground of Israel Smith reputed owner and contract, or, Geo. M. Hollenbaek and Wm. Bell purchasers and owners, since the first contract and also contractors, to oit : A saw mill situated on the west side of the Susquenarina river, in the twp. of Purell, on a lot bounded on the north by lands .n possession of Han• nah Smith, on the east by the said river, and on the west and south by lands of Julius Holden, with a two story double saw mill and about one acre of land, all improved be the same more or Irsa. Sized and taken in execution at the suit of Gordon W. Fowler and 'William Douglass, millwright vs. Israel smith reputed owner and contractor, Geo M. Hollenhack and W,./. Bell purchasers and owners sines the first contract and also =tractors. ALSO—By virtue of writs of levart facias the following described lot, pirce or parcel of land sit uated in the township of Grenville. Beginaing . at, or sixty percL2X north ? from the north-west corner of a lot heretofore deeded to David railm, "...; the parties of the first part, a beech for the said cor ner of said Paine's Int, now in possession of the Bosses ; thence east forty-nine and two-tenths per ches to a post ; thence south 32 perches to a post ; thence east 126 perches to a post, on the west line of lot No. 158 ; thence north 78 perches to a cor ner, thence west 78 perches, to a poplar; thence north 76 perches to a post ; thence west ? 97 perches to a post on the west line of lot No. 160 ; thence south t3' perches to the beginning. Containing 121 acres and 68 and 4-10 perches, strict measure it being taken from warrant lot Na. 1471. t'ontainit►g 40 acres improved, one log house, one log barn, one old shed, and a small frame not fin bihed, and a few fruit trues thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ste phen Pierce vs. Van Rensalaer Champney and Ca leb P. Griffin. Al.so—The following described lot piece or par cel of land situated in the township of Springfield, beginning at a hemloCk sapling, north-east corner of lot No. 1, on warrant lot No. 944 ; thence east 99-and three tenths perches. to a post nortu-west corner of Joseph Robinson's lot; thence south 81 and 75 one-hundreths perches to the north-east cor ner of P. Remington's lot ; thence west 93 and three tenths perches to the nortb.weat corner of said Remington's lot ; thence north 81 and 75 one bun dieths perches to the beginning. Containing 60 acres and 117 and five-tenths perches, strict meas ure, it being intended for the north half aim No. 2, on saie.warrant lot No. 944—about tett acrrs Un proved. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Ste phen Pierce vs. James G. Harkness. A 1.5 3-the following described lot piece or parcel of land-situated in the township of Granville. Be ginning at a beech. south cast corner of lot No. 152; thence north 20 and 5 10 perches to the cen Ire of the road leading down the north branch of the Towanda Creek ; thence along said road south 88° west, 54 perches and 3-10 of a Perch t thence. north 145 perches to the south line of lot No. 182 a post ; thence east 54 perches to a beech north west corner of lot No. 200 ; thence north 127' per chds to the beginning. Containing 49 acres 67 end 5-10 perches. ghee measure ; alkont 90 acres proved, one framed boogie and fradied barn, and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the SUR of Rob ert B. Davidson. adm't of Wm: Davidson, dec'd who siirifived Timothy Paxson in the use of O. F. Mason vs. Benj'n F. Taylor and Lumen D. Toy lor adm'r of Jeremiah Taylor, dec'd and Geo. Vro man, terre tenant. ALSO—AII he following described lot .piete or 'arcel of land situated in the township of Granville 'eginniue, at a beech southeast corner of lot No. 182 on warrant tot No. t 537; thence north 144 perches to a post thence - east 52 and 4-10 pet'ches to a post, north.west corner of tot deeded to Thomas Pratt ; thence south 144 perches to a post south -1 west corner of said Pratt's lot ; thence west 52 and 4-10 perches to the beginning ; containing 47 acres and 25 and 5-10 'perches, strict measure, be the same more or less; it being intended for the west "half of lot No. 183, on said warrant lot ; about 10 acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Rob ert D. Davidson adm'r of Wm. Davidson dec'd, who survived Timothy Paxson to the use !AD, F. Mason vs Eben Swain and ter. ten's: "' ALSO—The following described lot, piece or par cel of-land situated in the towriship• of Granville.= Beginning at a beech south:west corner of 'tot No. 135, thence west 108 4-10 perches to hemlock for a corner, thence north 73 8-10 perches to the south.- west corner of Wm. Vroman'a lot. thence .east 108 4-10 perches to the southeast Corner of said Pro man's lot, thence south 73 840 perches to the be ginning, Containing 60 acres strict measure, about thirty acres improved, .1 plank house and lag. barn teed' 12.thilatktiirinuo and rif saint, Orchardetif younk ireestberion.c Seized and taketalkerecutionAtire suitor Ra ni D,DividsOldidin of Win:Davidson, dec'd who survived Timothy Paxson id the use of 0, F. snwris. Oliver M. Nelson andlkckion itobbins ter. tenant": ' 'ALBO—The following described lot piece or par eel of-land situated- in-the b, township of Granville.. Beginning at' beech sapling north. west corner oflot No: 113 ;thence south 160 perches tott post thende west 111 perches to a post; thence north 163 perch. ea to a post ; thence east one hundred and eleven perches to the beginning ; contain'og 111 acres, strict measure, it being intended for the whole of lot N 0.113 on warrant lot No. 1483, about two acres Improved and one log house th€reon. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of O. F. Mason's use vs. Thomas Card, who survived Dan, Johnson and Abagail Agnew, late Abagail Johnson James Ross, and Jehial McKean, Ear's 'of Daniel Johnson,deed, and Robert Rockaway and Wm• Mead, ter. tenants. ALSO—The following described lot piece or par cel of land situated in the township of Granville.— Beginning qa hemlock northeast corner of lot No. 134 ' • thence east 108 4-10 percher. loan iron wood tree for a corner, thence south.Bo perches to a post ; thence west 108 4-10 , perches to, a post; thence north 80 perches to the place of beginning; con. taining 64 acres and 30 petcheit,strict measure, it being iniended for the north half of lot No. 186 on warrant lot No. 1481 ; about 25 acres improved, 1 log house 1 log barn thereon erected. Seized and taken its execution at the suit of Rob ert B. Davidson, adttn• of William Davidson deed, who survived Timothy Paxson. to the use of G. F. Mason vs. James Sands, and piathan O. Ballard, ter. ten's. CHESTER THOMAS, Sheri& Sheritra Office, Towanda, Aug. 11,1852. Notice is hereby given, that au amount equal to the cost, will be required to be paid upon each sale, when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure to comply with this regulation. the tract of land will again be offered for sale. PE=MUMS BAWL BY virtoe of a writ of alias Vend. Expo.. issued ont of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed, will be exposed to pub' lie sale, at the house of V. M. Long, in Troy borough on Saturday the 28th of August, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following lot piece or parcel of land situated in Tioy boro..Bradford Co., bounded and described as follows to wit : on the east by the highway leading from Troy to Williamsport; on the south by E. ,Shepard's lot, the line between this lot and the said Shepard's lot, passing through the center of the building recently erected by the said Shepard L. B. Hyatt. (said building having since been burned;) on the west and north by lands of I. N. Pomeroy. Containing about 1300 square feet, be the same more or less, with a two story framed store house there. on erected, (said bnild:ng having since been burn ed.) Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Lew. is B. Hyatt vs. Seeley Mann. ALSO.—By a writ of 8., fa. the following lot, piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Troy, Bradford County Pa., bounded on the North by the highway ; on the East by lands belonging to the heirs of Seba C. Taylor, deceased ; on the South by lands of Volney M. Long ; on the West by lands of Eli Baird. Containing two acres thereabouts, with a framed house and cow shed thereon all im proved. Seized and taken in execusion, at the suit of J. E. Goodrich, vs. Bernard Hanaway. CHESTER THOMAS Sheriff: Sheriff's Office, Towanda, July 26, 1852. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ..11 LL persons indebted to the estate of Horatio Ladd dec'd late of.Alhany township, are here by requested to make payment without delay ; and those having claims against said estate. will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. • ASENATH LARD, JOmf:Pl - 1 MESARUI. Albany township, July 17 1852. Administrators ADMINISTRATOWN NOTICE A LL persons indebted to the estate of Jonathan /I Brink dec'd, late of Pike. are hereby requested to make paymentwithout delay, and those having claims against said estate, will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. E PH RAINIIIRIINK. Pike, July 17, 11352. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALT. persons indebted to the estate of LYMAN VANDYKE dec'd, late of Albany:, are hereby equested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate, will please pre vent them duly authent!? . .im for settlement. JOHN HATCH. Albany, July 29. 1852. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN M. DAVIDSON dec'd, late of Albany tp., are here by requested to make immediate payment and !hose having claims against said estate will please pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH MENA RDI, ABSOLEM CARR. Albany, July 22, 1852. Administrators. A DMINISTR -1:1'01 NOTICE ALT. persons indebted to the estate of JOHN FEE, dec'd, late of Monroe township. are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them, duly authenticated fur settlement. T. M. WILSON, ANDREW FEE, Monroe tp., Jai', 29, 1952. Administrator's. REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby gisen that there have been filed and settled in the of fice of the Register of Wil s in and for the county of Bradford. accounts of administration upon the fol• lowing e‘tates,vir, : Final account of Wm. J. Delpuch one of the Es. ecutor's of Abram Fretts late of Sheshequin deed. Final account of Delita Underwood Administra iris of the estate of James Underwood late of Ath• ens deceased. Final account of F. Blackman and Harriet A. Minier Administrators of the estate of Chester W. Minter late of Sheshequin deceased. Final Account of Alvin W. Thomas, Samuel Case and Susanah Thomis Administrators of the estate of Jacob Thomas, late of Troy . deceased. Final account of Margaret Fries Ezeputrix of the last will and testament ofJarnes Fries, late of Wells, deceased. Final accounts ofJames V. Wilcox Adm's of the estate of Morris Malony, late of Mnnroe, dec'd. Account of G. P. Freeman ti David Palmer ex. 'motors of the last will and testament of Richard J. Eldridge, late 'of Canton dec'd. Final acc ount of John McKean Ader of the es tate of Edwfird Lay, late of Columbiti, dec'd. And the same will be presented to the Orphans Court of Bradford county, on Monday, the 6th day of September next, for confirmation and allowance. H. LAWRECE SCOTT, Register. Regisier's Office, Towanda, July 30, 1052. Pierre J. Detesters it.ux.to the use of Alpheus Gatlin Jr., vs. - hoick Y . Johnston it Vincent Ditlle terre fenant,Bradford Com. Pleas, September t erm 1850, No 73 fr HE undersigned auditor appointed by the Court to distribute moneys raised by writ of Levari facias, issued in the above suit, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Towanda bor'o, on Saturday, the 4th day of September, 1852, at 1 o'clock, P M., when all persons interested are required to present their claims or else be debarred from any share of said funds. HENRY-1100T11, Towanda, Auglot 5, 1852. Auditor. AUCTION!! THE Subscriber will sell thebalance of his stock of GOODS at auction. commencing on Monday the flth day of September. and Contincre every day and evening until all is sold. Towanda. Aug. 70852. E.' T. POT. 300 n LBS. BLAKE'S Patent Fire Proof I Paint, just received and for sale by Towanda, Aug, MS. ' MERCUR'S. HATS—A large stock of fine silk Hungarian. Kossuth, Panama and palm leaf hats rube ceirrd by jl2l, 1. POWELL. ArMiiintsif;"*c. LS- - R.Y. - A 11E: now opening and offeiing sale isle andNetad in extensive stock of BUMMER GOOlkil„gmhracing a full assortment of goods usual ly AUPYPY Mink which were limn:hued at extreMely low ynces E mid will be ,solrl at lower prices, Ikon the same tirtality of -. lltasks - a. . sold in any town wait of New York:. We say to soil, come and - examine our stock; and those who pay Casti . for goods will thid it greatly fortheir iquirest lo buy at OS Cash !for* Towanda. Juno - • Boots and Shoes. A I,ARBE stock of Ladies', Children's and Misses' 111. Patel's, Buskins, Blippers,lkss-and Bonta.;-0-, Ali o a fine assorunept of men's Malloy's calf, kip and morocco Boots, Elbow end Brogans.' and a good supply of Rent's Gaiters and-Congress Boots just received at Jane t. MERCUR'S. QUMMER HATS.—A fine assortment of the s letest Li styles of moleskin, Kosinith. Hungarian, rename, pedal end palm leaf Hata4ast opened at Jane 1. ' MERCUR'S. SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETm..L.A choice selection of ladies' and misses' Bonnets, and at great variety of Bonnet Trimmings, now opening at' Jvne 1. M B • nliVltir estate quality CO UN STARCH, manufac turedV/ expressly for culinapy and dietetic purposes, for sale at junel _ DRESS GOODS—in'veriety, from India silks, to 3 cent Calicos. .Also the latest style of Dread Trimmings, at spit° B. KINGSBERY'B. BEFORE looking elsewhere, it would be weil for e Ladies look at the Spring Bonnets, Arti6ciar Flowers and Ribbons, which are sold so very cheap. April 9 B. KINGsBERY. CROCKERY.—The largest stock In town. Ful dinner and tea setts, of white granite and blue ware, which will be sold cheap at FOX'S. GROCERIES.—The quality hint prices of Teas, Suears and Coffee, always speak for them selves. at apllo B. KINGsBERY'S. MACKEREIZ-50 half barrels. and 25 quarter barrels, at B. KIINGSBER vs. QUINTALS CODFISH—TIit are worth 20 - • • loping; at, if not buying. for sale by April 10. D. KIN. OSBERT. MESS PORK 1-14 bbls. Prime, fur which a high price was pai4,arul fur which a high price will be asked, by apllo B. KINGSBERY. READY MADE CLOTHING. OMORGIII_XI. Pl=0 1 Has opened a Clothing :tore at ATHENS, Pa., on the ready pay system. A good stock anew and fashionable garments for sale at very low Fri. ccs. Most of the assortment is of Intome Nannfacture. The cutting is under the dir•ction of an experi enced tailor, and in this wanner durability in work. manship and good lade in style are secured. THE CASH SYSTEM has been adopted, as the best method for doing the business. as it enables the merchant to sell low, as it saves bad debts, and is the best plan for every body Here is the place where men and boys, old and young may be suited on fair and economical terms. I hare but one price which gives the the advan- tage of srLz.r.rG CUE-IPER, than shove who sometimes rake on the price in or der to make up a loss, occasioned by the haggling oedipus, unbusiness-like process, which customers are usually obliged to undergo at most country stores. With a good assortment of neiy and styltsn OffiesTEAli.UCl, ' can make it to the advantage of every man and boy to call a: the one price Clothing Store in Athens Pa. Athens. July 17. 1852 GEO. B. PERKINS Q-1. N. B. Dealers in want of clothing to sell again will tind ) good4 here. as cheep, if not some cheaper than can be bought in the New tork jobbing.hous e,—and better trade. .C D , More. New Goods. T UST received and now opening by J. POWELL, a large stock of Dry Goods, Hoots & Shoes, Hats Groceries, Fish &c., which are now offered fur sale at extremely low prices. Having been selected with c „, - :ai.d;",n'..l"! l " for cash, they can be afforded and will be sold at pt,. es Thal cannot fail to suit the purchasers. An examination 0 his stock is respectfully solicited J. POWELL. SUM M EH GOODS—An assortment of Ginghams, De Lains, Chambrays, Lau F, just received and for sale by je23, J. PPYVELI.. ROCERIES—A large stock of Sugars, Teas, l 3 Coffee, Molasses, and all ocher articles of gro ceries just received and for bale by June 23, 1852. J. I - ()WELL. 100 TS & SHOES—The largest stock in town of ladies, misses, and childrens fine and coarse shoes. Mena. boys and youths calf, morocco and coarse boots and shoes just received by June 23, 1852. J. l'O WELL. risll—A fresh stuck of Codfish and Mackerel at June 23, 1852. J. POWELL. I=l ADAMS & weer • - Al TORNEYS AT LAW. 201M181N4 Bradford COlllll, Pa. LOOKING- GLASS PLATES cut and fi tted or any size, to be bad at the Jewelry store of May 15, 1852. W. A. CHAMBERLIN. MORE NEW GOODS T BURTON KINGSBURY, would again rail the au tention of all persons desirous of buying goods cheap, to the large stock which he is now receiving from New York ; embracing a full assortment of all kinds of Guods which are adapted to the wants of the town and counts y trade. Towanda. June 24. 1952. N. Y. & E. Railroad ! s, pierrrmirviow & co. ARE low receiving weekly over the ailbve tho roughfare, all the latest and' most fashionable styles of Goods arriving iis New York, fresh from the bands of the importers. Also, the choicest and best of heavy Staple Goods and at prices that cannot fail to please. Their atrangements are such that they can sell goods at wholesale for cash as low as they can be purchased of the jobbers in New York city. With an humble acknowledgmu a^. of past favors. an examination of their yery extensivh assortment of Goods is respectfully solicited. Towanda, June 15, 1852. pISSOL.4.ITI• N. VOTICE is h ereby' given that the partnership 1-11 lately existing between E. R. Myer & Jesse Allen under the arm of Myer & Allen, is this day desolved by mutual concert, all debts owing to the partnership eh to be paid to E. It. Myer, and all demands against the Orm are to be presented to him for payment' E. R. MYER, JESSE ALLEN. Myersburg, Aug. 16th, 1852. NOTICE. THE subscribers wishing to close up the bisiness of the late Arm of Myer & Allen. gives taped. al notice, that all indebted to the same by book ac' count,note.or otherwise, must pay up. All accountst that ate not settled by the first day of December next will be sued without further notice. E.• R. MYER. Myersbitrg, Aug. 16th, 1662'. Ready :,:.11163111113r.I''• •4 • • X. di( 4: ,ArArteuriata w , c co. VROM Elmira IL Y., hrivir just arrived E. wands, with one; of the largest . and moot 'corn orte assortment qf cluthing,ever otterer4 in this sec tion of the country. They are visnufactpred by .thernselvesesclusively. at rates which will mks' ir an object for the public to buy. Their, goods are made and trimmed in the latest styles and from au• perior cloth and will b e sp4 for p e e price asul for cam 051.7. Give us a call and if we do not satisfy the pitEtie dour ability to make good , our promises. we shall not ask their patronage. Customers can be fitted with whole suits by leaving their measures at oar store at the sh'ortest notice. LocriTioss.--Next door south of Mercur's Main st.,".*owanda ; and No. 7 Water at. Arnooto Hall. Elmira; and under A. C. Porters flute, Tioga yill age, Tioga Co. Pa. Towanda May 29th . 1851. MAKE ,READY! - TAKE AIM! FIRE!! TOH N E. GEIGER, would soy to his oblfriends and a! the pdblic st large, that be has constantly on hand and manufacuirirer Rifles and shot Guns dce.. &c.— Among his assortment of Guns may be found Double and single barrelled Guns. Rillesof all kinds warranted. Powder Flasks, Bhut %oche., Game Bags, Cap Primes.. Also, Powder. sbqt, Caps of the best gush: ty. six barrelled Revolving Pistols, do single barrelled self cocking Pistols, Rifle Pistols, double bb'l Pistols and common steel and brass 'Pistols. F G., F. F. (i., F. F. F. G., Powder in Cans con stantly on hand. , Any of the above "rides will Le sold awful cheap tot the Ready Pay. Keys of any kind flue d to Doors. Trunks or any other kind of locks on short notice and sea/enable terms. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. bhop a few rods north of the Bradford House, Towanda; May 22; lan., J. E. GEIGER. MORE NEW GOODS! El& A. MPBELI. would again call the wen • lion of their friends and custorners to their large and new assortment of Goods. just received and now opening at their Furnishing Depot, con sisting, of all things necessary to clothe the outer man, all to be sold a little cheaper for the readypay than ever. Come and examine, and be satisfied. Towanda, May 14, 1852. I A DOZEN BROWN LINEN COATS. from $1 I'l 4 to O. at • CAMPBELL'S. NTELLOW, buff and white Vests, Coats & Pants, IL a large lot for sale at CAMPBEL&& It 7 CHESTS YOUNG 11 tiON, Imperial, Hymn Skin and Black Tea.. Also 15 Bags Rio and Java Coffee, lust rreei.eti at MERCER'S. VA T HEAT, Osts, Rye and Corn, taken in exchange Vl' for goods. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. 111Q1 LL persons indebted to the estate of John Welch dec'd, late of the township of Durell are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate, will please present them duly authenticated for settl.ment. flour= DPW.. Durell, June VS, 1852. Adtninistrator. Libel in Ziivorne. Rachel McCann, %s Joseph McCann, in Bradford Com. Plcis. No 23 May 5, 1852. TAMES McCANN , defendant in the shove cause : el You are hereby notified that Rachel McCann, your wife, has filed MI pennon for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony.—And an alias subpocena has beemreturned, and proof made that you are pot to be found in said county. You are therefore here by required to appear et the Court House in the bor ough of Towanda, on Monday, the Bth Jay of Sep tember next, being the first diy of September term of aid court of common pleas, to answer the said complaint, and show cause, if any you have, why the said Rachel, shall not be divorced from you. C. THOMAS, Sheriff. Sheriff's r frier, August 4, 1852. - CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby cttnioned agginit parch. aging a note given by me, to Silas Scoville dat ed June.-1852, for forty-five dollar. As I have not rec'd any equivalent for said note, I shall not p a y m e , - ,:me unless compelled by law. Towanda, July 185., JOHN MeNIAHON. ivalcsimics LOOM =WI! CARPENTERS & JOINERS will find a full as. sortruent of planes, gauges, saws, squares, trying squares, bevels, compasses, iron and wood spirit levels, augers, gimlet, center and roger bitts, broad, band and bench axes, tidies, hammers, chisele, gouges, chalk lines and speols„ brad and scratch awls, tape lines, &c. BLACKSMIRIJS will find anvils, vices, bellows, sledges, band and shoeing hammers, rasps, files, iron braces, bitta, hand drills, horse shwa and nails, screw plates,and a general assortment of cast,German, spring English and American blister steel, Swedes, American and English iron. MASONS will find brisk and plastering trowels, stone baminaro. lathing hatchets, white wash brushes, &c.. constantly on hand at ERCI UR 'B. I =0 PERSONS indebted to the subsoitbers either on book account or by note, are hereby notified that they must be paid without further delay. Immedi ate attention to this call will save Cost. JOLT. & RUSSELL. Towanda. June 10, 1852. WHEREAsi my* wife LINDA, has recently left my Bed and Board without any just cam's or provocation, this is to forhide all persons harboring or tru.ting, her on my account as I shall not pay no debts of her contracting after this date. B. F. BUCK. Bentley Creek, Aug. 6th..18.52. 4w Selling off at Cost !! THE sub Scriber will sell the balance of his stock of Goods, at COST, fur cash. ToWanda,May I, 1852. E. T. FOX. In the Orphans court of Bradford Candy, in the matter of the pattetion Of the real estate of STER LING HOLCOMB, deed. . TO Peter Holcomb, Hiram Holcomb, Horace Holcomb, Chester Holcomb,Andrcw Spaldina and Cynthia his wife, Elms, Bailey and Sarah his wife, Luman Taylor and Matilda his Wife, Hannah Bliss, Andrew Royce, Samuel Royce, Anson Cra• mer and Louisa his wife. iCyntha. Matilda. Albert, Benjamin, indion and 1 , 1 Wei Royee,who have for their guardian ad !item, Orison Royce, Denton Per ry and Alvira. his wife. Hiram Reynold and Lemi ra his wife, Volney Taylor, Sterling 'Taylor, Hollis &lama. Adelia and Harriet Holcomb, who have for their guardian ad Went, Julia Ann Holcomb—Rash Mary, Guy, Anna,lSterling and Burr Holcomb, who have for their Guardian ad !item, Benjamin Hol comb, Alvah, Lucinda, Mahlon. Jane. Cyniba and Andrew Holcomb, who have'for *their giardiaa, ad litem. Charles Stockwell— And all other persons in (crested in the estate of Sterling Holcomb de&d. NOTICE is hereby given, that at an Orphans Court held at Towanda, in, and for the County of Bradford, on the 11th day of May, 1852. The court grant a cold upon the persons entitled to come into court on the second Monday of,Bepternbernext, and elect (if so allowed) the several items of property, valued by the inquest in this case---‘and if not, to show cause why the same shall notlbe sold. By order of the coon. H. L. tIqOrT. . Towanda. July 20,1852. clerk of Orphans court. QAFETY FUSP.--Contrattora mai find a;anteriar LI wide of Safety Tow it Ig S. 1153 ~tisttitauo~e. Attention Regiment ! ADMINISTATOR'S NOTICE. Pay lip I Pay Try ! Caution. 'l . _.fiizino . i..- -, ' , ~--- NrWi..:ANII : CHEAP. GOODS; THE JaPieraigaed has purchased a large, and Choice:, selection of sEw GOODS, bought under tbe: most favorable elrentitstanciti, ana for sate ai tow for cash can be bolight elsewhere. and tower than any braggadocia eaaroe ; wilt sell. •-• May 5. Witt,. O. D. DAATLDTT4-• Drug Pore, No: A Atria Now: WSW' OIMMILS é WIT LAMM mllO ,sobieribtr having pore-hared and rent . 1 - 4 Dished the stnellt cf DRUGS. MEDICINES its., in Np. 2 Brick Res, Which now makes it a choice and welf iereited asiorttaent of-Drug and Medf cin for filthily die, at iliolesaleand retail. which he b Lt. eerfully recommends to the publk,and craves a s are of psblic patronage; • , , ' . e Goods Will be sold as cheap or Cheaper than gi t " .. /Air establishment West of New TerVfoi gash gotd,ciah Oak." Hera you will find outsized a few leading articles r Seiltla Ale*, rosgate's Cordial do Indic Elix Opi Cream Tartai . Oa?* Liniment Sop C Soda . Mat Dye - Manna,. iforlesr Oil Magnesia C ale' d Pintniept, Trestle do Carl), do Dailey s . do S 8 do McAllester do Henry's Shakers Herbs Colocynth do Extracts do A ppli Tilden's Alcseolia Ifirr"f Coihineal Rbei Extriat Trusses Bogs :alai) Extract' do Marshes, bleakim's Vanilla Ba i l do Shaker. do Lemon di Balsam W istetX do Mace do do Cheesmazis do Almond 6 do Fir do cloves do Copabia I do Allspice da do 'fold do Nutmegs do do Peru do reach do do Polmoffary do Ginger de do Sulphur dp Cinnarrion 40 Acid Tartaric• I do Orange de. dot do Acetic do Tooke do Benzonie Lubin's Springllowee • du Citric do Musk ski du Nitric do Violette du do Oxatie. do Magnolia 44 do Hydrocyane 'do Sweet Bri'r do do Sulphuric do Jesmin do Oil Linseed du fuck'y Cl'b do "do Sperm' do Caroline do do Olives do Jenny Lind do do Castor do Boquet do do X eatecoot Syringe, Pewter aetlegli do Almonds do Glass do (Nursing do Amber Reel Bottles, Glass do Amber Boil I do do Q. E. do PLOW ' Rail Rhei Turk do Caraway do do do Croton do Ipecac do Cubebs do Jalap do Cummin Ido Ginger Whits( do Fennel,do Gins do Lemon iGninCamphor do Cassia ,do Opi Turk do Cod Liver Ido Myrrh Turk do j r avandola G do . Arabia do , do IN eroli do Copal do Jesmin I do Aloes Soet do Nutmeg 1 do Aloes Cape do Orange Chloride Lime do Rhodium do -Soda do Ruse Pastor Ruse do Cedrat • hinglass do do Copabia lEveni? Lancets do Ergot INitra Silver, Op't do Verbena (Ovid Bisnuth do Vio.eite (Blue Ptll f mer. do Metles.e halide Masa do Mellefluer Tart. do do Patchonly Carb do Brushes, Paint isulph dq' do Varnish rlaustie do do Hair Citrate Ferri do Hai r.Came4 lodide du do Nail Tamil; do Tooth Proto lod Mereary do Shaving Strychnia do Flesh Hiperik dr! Cloth lEisterium do Hat lodiup Soap, Yankee Veratrin do Crystalline Kreosote Jo Ent. Wind Low's Hydra Cum Crete do Coopers Morphine Salph du Rose do Act do Victora Calomel, Americas do Orange do Engliiti, do Tooth Precipitate Red do Erasive a dol White do Castile • Sulph Ztnei do Military Bronze, Crimson do Sarin do Pale Gold do Brown' do Dark ihr Fricopherous do White' Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op't Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion Oxygenated Bitters America do Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue Chloroform Fig do Hoffman's Anodyne V enitian Red, English Together with Paints, Turpentine. Varnibh, Dye: Woods & Dye• Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries' pure Wines and Liquors fur Medicinal -purposes.— Alib, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles coli netted Ara the trade. Raving secured the sertices of Dr. S. Herm, whe keeps his office at this store, and will give me dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the . medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having their prescriptions careful:y compounded and put' up. The stock has been selected - with great care r and the goods will be warranted as represented.. All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pee: gods:, schcncks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Orrick's, ffdheneaClis. and Jaynes' Vertnifuge: Together with all of the most popular Patent medicinal now in use constantly on hand and for sale at J. Pt, REED, No. 2, Brick Row. - Towanda, May 14. 1352. 'DORIC and "Flour—a quantity of Pork and Fiord jrii4 rri 4 eived and for safe by May 27 J. POWELL. riftY GOODS—A good assortment of Merinos.; DR Cashmere*. De Lains, Alpacas, and prints now (ening at 718 MERCUirlik 'Sotto° to Bultscrib4irs: SUBSCRIBERS to the History of the World. and Webster's Dictionary, are respectfully notified that the Agetit will commence delivering said works by the 20th of this month. and will supply subseti hers as soon as poisible thereafter. The thanks of the Agents are tendered to ibepulplic for their liberal patronage of these w.,rlcs, which will be delivered by F. M. Babcock. 111 q.. Gen. Agent for Pennsylvania. August 12, 1852. ASA KNAPP. PARTICULAR NOTICE. ALL pef„„ws flitting unsettled accounts with Itie subscribers,-are requested to call immediately; and and arrange them either by note or payment.- Anil all notes that are over doe, must be paid. Toimida, April 6, 1852. & M. C. MERCIJR. FARM FORSALE. 1,5 THE subscriber offere at public sale; his valuable FARM, situated in Sheshe quin township, Bradford County. Pa.. containing one hundred and forty-pine, acres. One hundred acres thereof are in a good: state of cultivation. and the remainder is wood and TIMBER land. There are two good dwelling houses, a barn. carriage house, &c., situated upon the main or riier folitf. and' a barn and , tem,et house on the back pale' of the farm. Fitly acres of the improved land lies upon the flat between the mail% road and the river, and exCPtlingly fertile. ALSO; the nadivide.!ltalf of a Saw Mill with lit* 'appurtenances, situated within half a mile of the farm. and conveniently near to timberl and. The whole property, is situated within about right miles of the N . Y. & E. R.I. and presents a rare induce. meat to purchasers. It will be sold eery kw, and • reasonable, orEdit be given for one half oftheperch ase Money. For further particular* enertrlre et U. Mergers. Esq.. of Towanda. or of the sub ,e-'her. Canti,n, July Tl, 185'3 B. RINGSBIIiIY. Ell