Nstu 'Abvertnumento %.'"" . : -- " ---- soot t, en d w;Xtby lands of kiiisnel Vancise. .'u t i b 6 i n i n g about fifty acres, more or les, about thirty ,rt 6 improved, one log end framed helm, one frame o d a small orchard of fruit trees thereon. taken in execution at the snit of H P 2. ,Rised and r t , to the use ol I P Kirby vs. Jas. L Vendee, 3 1 7 ,v 0......5. piece or parcel of land in Leroy tp., n j e j nor.h by lurid—of. Hosea Haxton, west by „ Paine Shoemaker, south by land of Den l Foss ,„,t by land of .I.,6ehua Griswold. Containing fitly acres, more or Jesup, about eighteen acres one log barn and a few fruit trees thereon. lerreil and taken in execution st the suit of Geo s s I v.4 o—nl piece or parcel of land in Pike township honied „ n it, by lands now in possession of P V stsrmnt w rdate pf F Waterman dec'd, east b land r heslee south by land of lames Sh ore & ot . tr prsthir t bee, west by 'etc's of E. Sandeis & Jsees Barons. Containing 75 acres more or less. Inthsbaut 30 acres Improved, with one framed house r i one Gamed barn and an apple orchird thereon. s,,,sed end taken in execution at the suit of W. iv. well , vs Lyman Blakeslee, & Geo. Blakeslee. ALt ..O--A piece or parcel of land in Ulster village on the north and east by lan 's of Norman no be synth by lands of James McCarty, on ty ,, ne ,A by the highway leading, horn Towanda to C o ntaining about one fourth acre, all . one framed building occupied as wagon ;31; •.,,iiin; house and ono slab shed thereon. • -.! t .ben in exeention at the suit of Wells it. s m i t h. 41 tt_ \ piece er parcel of total in Ulster twp., , , rlll by !ands of Lockwood deed In I= of C. 1%. Holcomb, on the south road le - ding to the Susquehanna I.IIIA cf C. W. Holcomb, All about one-half acre, one framed tuo.mg latbe shop, one lumber s hop there. in ex - rent:on at the suit of Chester r,, • l'hostinn Bennett. e or twee' of land in Warrer, twp,, (lot by land of Albert Ty r :awl 4 , f David Brainard, west by lands of m 11,4 nliCer Corbin. Containing 25 tt , IS r•Troved, one framed house, one fram ed barn 3nJ a 1 . 1 ., C fruit trees thereon. ir.d taken in .txrcution at the suit of Nathan- Ettenitzer Lamson is Witborn Tyr, rIP7C Or parcel or land in Warren tp., t, at „ p. n e !rer, at the north west, corner, tve , ,t 129 perches to a stake, 50 ., 28' R perches; to a stake ; thence .5t 70 pclrh s to a beech tree, thence . 1:11 oreh.. , t, a stake, thence north ;-• ;- en. Les 1. th , idace of begin nine. Con : is, „,,Th „ rh 3 , 0 perc h es , about 25 acrec • - fr.:flied houf.c, one obi barn and a hereon 1 taken in execution at the snit nf Rufus an•l G,les N DewolcExt's-' of the es. won ilrc'd. vs. Curtis Beeman. 1- -, --‘lly writ of LecariFncias, the foll twin.; dc, • ,•1:, , t piece or parcel of land in Athens twp, he. • r.• at a sugar maple tree the south east corner of rmerly wed to 11,10 Orcott, thence south 0 perches to a post, thenci west 1066-10 per , a p ,st, thence n-arth 137 5-10 perches to a a corner standing on the south line of , • . !hence smith Rri ° east along the south • t`,,• Oreutes 1..t . 106 610 perches to the Containing 92,,. acres and 131 perches, •.• it being intendrd for the whole of lot No. IA shout 40 acre , , improveil, , •,-, -, (me log harts, a small log corn house, irn't trees thereat: I 1,4 en in execution at the suit of A lmy S f Thomas Hale deceased, now to ill.t W. 11/ercur, vs.Sartatil 6, Cl ar k an d • ..,! 'erre ten.ent. 'wine' described building and lot •' 1.r.vl sn.ith reputed owner and contract. I and Vm. Dell purchasers and lie nrst contract and also contractorEi, on 1 H situated on the west side of the: k ip, ; .er, in the twp. of Durell, on a lot Cle ii.trth by lands m possession of Dam , he (`.l t bv the said river, and on the v..• • i • 11. lands of Julius I folden. with. a two . k mill and about one acre of land, all o! the sonic more or lk sa. em:M kt.t ti in execution at the sui' of Gordon r v'rr to:d William Douglass, millwright vs. - •tt r. l n'ed owner and contractor, Get. M. lia., . ttn.i V,,: Dell purchasers and owners ~-.k r, m , int and al.o ccntractors. voile of writs of levart facias the v •'7 !e-t r Fed irk', piece or parcel of land sit te. ;to of Granville. Begin: ing at, • v. r• north, from the north-west corner dee,iled to David Paine, by the t.r Fart. a beech for the said cor r.- 1.. t. now in possession of the : • •..••• r for y-nine and two-tenths per •• . ::;.: e•- south :i_ perches to a pilot ; . • .1 ~• to a Posi, on (he west line N ; (7s ; •t..•ac e north 18 perches to a v •••I 14 perches to a poplar; thence -! • 'esto a post ; thence west, 97 perches line nt t No. 160 ; thence • •••••hes to the begintrinz. Containing r,s 31.1 4-10 perches, strict measure . a, n trim warrant lot No. 1471. k tat: tr: in acres improved, one log house, one 7 arn. slie.l, nod a small frame nut fin ! a :eq. Iraq trees thereon. •••• a• -1 taken in execution at. the suit of Ste- Rensalser Champney and Ca fo:ton ing described lot piece or par iankl sonaie:l in the township of Springfield, r' :fle at a hemlock sapling, north-east corner r. al.( it No. 914 ; thence east :tee pee a post north-west .“-ph Robinson's Tot; thence south 81 perches to the north-east cor.- ': .• t.•• I. : thenee lwezo 99 and three ••e: nkkrtik•v.:est earner of said ; : • north Si and 73 one hun t .• b.:ono:lig. Containing 50 nth, ikerches, strict mess '.l 'ii the north baifol lot No, \,:.9ll—about ten acres tin- , i Ts execution at the suit cf ..1.1n,.•5 4. tlatlce,ess. lot piece er parcel • ~ tm% n..hip of Granville. Be. Be mh eaot corner of It No. • rh and sln perches to the ccn d.,wn the nr.rth branch of ; thence along said road south • I aril 3-10 of a perch thence r to the sou.h line of lot No. IS2 ea , t 51 perches to a beech nonh- :c •"r 1,.t 21)0 ; thence north 127 per • 4 1' I tt:inirnm. Containing 19 acres 57 . and 'tart measure ; about 30 acres hp it 1..1, frame.! house and framed barn, and 'a =I art of Irutt trees thereon. z-. 1 artaken in execution at the suit of Rob -1 It. 1/.1 • adm . r of Win. Davidson, deed vlr.•:...ett im ,, thy Parson to the uee of U. F. ltcn i 'n F. Taylor and Luman D. Tay ' ~f ierermait Thylor, dec'd and Geo. Vro• Irrre the following described lot piece or of land snowed in the township of Graiivilte at a berch sonih.east corner of lot No. rclw. 1.4 No. 1 7, 17; thence north 144 a r ,,, t.; thence east 52 arid 4-10 perches a pow, north. west corner of Int obsded to Thomas t'r , o't; thence south t 44 perches to a post south-i I corner nf l'ratt's lot ; thence wea. 52 and In the beginning ; containing 47 ...Teal 5-10 perches. strict measure, be tn. .nte 5101.- or le.s ; it being intended for the west a:t at lot N. Ifr,3, on said warrant lot ; about 10 impr,,vrd. he,7...4 and taken in erecatinn at the snit of Rob- David -on adm'r of Wm. Davidson d'ec'd, who P:tx on to the Use of G. F. Mason 1 `'Fain ar.d rein ten's. followinv, described lot, piece or par -1,,0h.! ~:u.ned in the township of Granville.— a t a s„ t e corner of lot No. 1 • o ;^nr. , w^.:l MOB 4-10 perches to hemlock for a c , trpr,thenrii north 73 13-10 perches to the south -1.4'1 curnyr of Win. Woman's lot, thence .east 108 perches to the south east corner of said Vro -1111)6 hit, thence south 73 13-10 perches to the be- Containing 50 acres strict measure, about thlrY acres improved, 1 plank house and log barn Legal 2arotilistments and a small orchard of young fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Roh ert B,Pasidson adm'r of Wm. Davidson, dec'd who survived Timothy Paxson to the use of 0.1 7 . Ma son vs.9liver M. Nelson and Jackson. Robbi ns ter. tenants. • . - • ALSO—The foll Owing described lot piece par cel of land situated in the _ township of Granville. Beginni4 at beech sapling,northtweateornei-orlot No. 118 ; thence south 160 perches -to a post ; thence west 11l ietches to a post; thence north 161tpercis. es to a post ; thence emit one hundred end eleven perches to the beginning; containing 11t acres, strict measure,-it being intended for the whole of lot No: lta - in warrant lot No. 1489, aboat two acres improve& and one lcfg house thereon. Seized and taken in , execution at the suit of G F. Mason's use vs. Thomas Card, who survived Datil Johnson and Abagail Agney, late Abagail Johnson James Rosa, and Jehial McKean,' Ear's of Daniel Johnson,dec'd, and Robert Rockaway and Wm- Mead, ter. tenants. ALSO—The following described lot piece or par cel of land situated In the township of Granville.— Beginning at a hemlock north-east corner of lot No. 131 ' • thence east 108 4-10 perches to an iron wood tree for a corner, thence south 80 perches to a post ; thence west 108 4.10 perches to a post ; thence north 80 perches to the place of beginning; con taining 01 acres. and 30 perches,strict measure, it being iniended for the north half of lot No. 135 on warrant lot No. 1481 ; about 25 acres improved, 1 log house I log barn thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Rob ert B. Davidson. adtn'r of William Davidson dec'd, who survived Timothy Paxson. to the use of G. F. Mason vs. Jamet Sands,and Nathan C. Ballard, ter. ten's. CHESTER THOMAS, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Towanda, A ng. 11, 1832. Notice is hereby given, that an amount i equal to the cost, will be required to be paid upon each sale, when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure to comply with this regulation. the tract of land will strain be offered for sale. Sheriff's Sale. QI virtue of a writ of Fieri facial, issued out I/ of the Court of Common Pleas, ofßradford Co. and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in the borough of Towan— da on Saturday September 4th 1852 at 1 o'clock P. M the following lot piece or parcel of land situated in Troy borough, Bounded and describ ed as follows to wit.:—On the 11 otth by lan& of 0. P- Ballard ; On the East by an alley about 16 feet wide used for said lot which joins on to lands of V. M. Long ; on the South by Main st ; and on the West by lands of 0. P. Ballard, Containing Thirty three feet front• and seventy-two :eet back with the right of way on the back or north side of said lot of 16 feet wide, all improved, with a large brick building thereon, occupied as stores, shops, &c., it being the east part of the brick block in Troy bo rough. Levy entered Aug. 7, /BA. Seized and taken in the suit of 'Francis Tyler Vs. Sidney Hayden. C. THOMAS,Sherifr. ShPritrs Claim Aug:lr, 1852. SZCISIXIT'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of alias Vend. Expo., issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed, will be exposed to pubs tic sale, at the house of V. M. Long, in Troy borough on Saturday the 28th of Augut.t, at I o'clock P. M., the following lot piece or parcel of land situated in Troy born.. Bradford Co., bounded and de, , cribed as follows to wit : on the east by the highway leading from Troy to Williamsport ; on the south by S. E. shepard's lot, the line between this lot and the said Shepard'a lot, passing through the center of the building recently erected by the said Shepard d-. L. 13 Hyatt, (said building having since been burned;) on the west and north by land: of I. N. Pomeroy. Containing about 1300 square feet, he the same more or less, with a two story' framed store house there. on erected, (said building having since been burn ed ) seize,l and taken in execution at the suit of Lew. is B. Hyatt vs. Seeley Mann. ALSO.—By a writ of fi. fa. the fid:owing lot, piece or parcel of land situated in the township of 'Troy, Bradford County Pa., bounded on the North by the highway ; on the East by lands belonging to the heirs of Seba C. Taylor, deceased ; on the S outh . by land: Volney M. Long ;on the West by lands of Eli Baird. Containing two acres thereabouts, with a framed house and cow shed thereon all im proved. Seized and taken in exectbsion, at the suit of J. E. Goodrich, vs. Bernard Hanaway. cHEsTER THOMAS Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, July 26, 1852. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Lt. persons indebted to the estate of Horatio 11 Ladd dec'd late of Albany township, are here by requested In make payment without delay ; and those haring claims against said estate. will plea,e present them duly authenticated for settlement. AtSENATH LADE). JOSEPH ?JENARD'. Albany township. July 17 1 , 52. Administrators ADMITIZATOIes NOTICE LI. persons indeb . ied to the estate of Jonathan CI Brink decd, late of Pike, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those braing, claims against said estate, will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. EPHRAIM BRINK. Administrator. Pike, July 17, IS3 -2.ardians Sale. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans court of the County of Bradford, the subscriber will e xpose to / public sale upon the premises, on Saturday the 28th of Airgiwt, 102. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, all that certain lot piece or parcel of land situated in tp., of Pike. (subject In the widows right of Dow er, )bounded and de,cribeil as follows 'to wit :—on the North by rands of Catt:lrilie Pierce; East by lands of sail Pierce and liroiel Ab , iot ; Sough by lands belonging to. the hell , of Hubble Pritt dec'd ; W4st by lands belonging to said heirs and William DrinloN ater, Catharine Pierce and the public high way. Containing about one hundred acres, thirty. five acres 'hereof improved with a frame.barn there on erected. Attendance given and terms made known at the time of sale, by James Hodge, guardian -of Evaline A. Pierce. Pike, July 26. 1852. administrator's Sale. DI" virtue of an orikr of the Orphan- court of the DI County of Brsdforil will be exposed to sale by publ•c vendee, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Wed nesday the Ist day of September next, at the- Mans. ion house, lately occupied by Peter Johnson deed. in Ihirne tp., in -said county the following described sreal estate, late the property of the said Peter John son, to wit that certain tract of hind situated in Rome tp , atoresaid, bounded on the North by lands of David Barnes; on the East by lands of Hiram Johnson ; on the booth by lands of H. E. Whitney; and on the West by lands ofJoseph Al len and Aranch Wattles; (excepting about one and a half acres in the North' East corner in possession of Hiram Johnson). Containing one hundred and eighty-one acres ; about Seventy thereof improved ; with two dwelling houses, one large barn, two large sheds, one saw mill, and one cider mill thereon erected, also an apple orchard thereon. Terms wade known on the day of sale. IRENE JOHNsON, Adininistratrix. PRECEPTOR FORBES, HUGH HICKS, • Administrators with the will annexed of Peter Johnson dec.d. Towanda, July 29, 1852. • - - - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Apersons indebted to the estate of LYMAN "N DYKE: ilec'd, late of Albany, are hereby equested Is make immediate payment, and those havinfrelaimssgainst said estate. will please pre vent them duly at.hentieated for sett! nient. JOHN(HATCH. Albany, July 29. 185.. A i l inistrator. - - ; --- U C PINION!! T" Subscriber will sell the balance 0... is mock of GOODS it auction. commencing on "n day the Gth day of September, and continue every" ~,t v and evening until all is sold. Towanda, Aug. 7,1852. E. FOX. illercbanbip, READY MADE CLOTHING. GZIODAZA. rbuzzurs, H AS opened a Clothing store at. ATHENS. Pa., on the ready pay rystem. A good stock of new and fashionable garments for sale at very low pri• ces. Most of the assortment is of Verne Nanufacture. The cutting is node, the dirsetion of an experi enced tailor, and in this manner durability in work manship and good trate in style are secured. THE CASH SYSTEM has been adopted, as the best method for doing the business, as it enables the merchant to sell low, as it saves bad debts, and is the best plan ' for every body Here is the place where men and boss, old and yonng may be suited on fair and economical terms. I have hut one price which gives me the advan tage of R fl 1 1 than those who sometimes raise on the price in or der to make up a loss, occasioned by the Niggling tedious, unbusiness-like process, which customers are usually obliged to undergo at moat country stores. With a good assortment of new and styltsn C~i~ ~fl2S ~ ~l~C4}, can make it to the advantage of every man and boy to call a: the one price Clothing Store in Athens Pa. - Athens, July 17., Ifin GEO. B. PERKINS N. B. Dealers in want of clothing to sell again will had goods here, as cheep, if nor tome cheaper than can be bought in the New York jobbing bonse es—and better made..CO More New Goods. TUST received and now opening 1)3 , 1. POWELL, J a large stock. of Dry Good, Hoots & Shoes, Hats Groceries, Fish &c., which are now offered for sale at extremely low prices. Having been selected with care and bought for cash, they can be afforded and will be sold at prices that cannot fail to suit the purchasers. An examination of his stock is respectfully solizited J. POWELL. SUM M El 2 GOODS—An assortment of Ginghams, De Lains, Chambrays, Lawns, just receives) and for sale by jc23, J. POWELL. GROCERIES—A large stock of Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, and all other articles of gro ceries just received and for bale by June 23, 1852. J. t DWELL. BOOTS & SHOES—The largest stock in town of ladies, misses, and childrens tine and coarse shoes. Mens, boys and youths calf, morocco and coarse boots and shoes just received by June 23, lan. J PO WELL. FISH -A fresh stuck of Codfish anti Mackerel at June 23, 1952. J.POWELL. 1= .&DAIIES & ntrAcranzarba, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. TOIMILVD.I Bradford Pewit, Pa LOOKING GLASS PLATES cut and fitted or any size, to be had at the Jewelry store of May 15, 1852. W. A. CHAMBERLIN. 211E031.113 NEW GOODS 1 BILTRTON KINGSBURY, would again earl the at, tention of all persons desirous of buying goods cheap, to the large stock which he is now receiving from New York ; embracing a full assortment of all kinds of Goods which are adapted to the wants of the town and count!). trade. Towanda, June 24, 1952. N. Y. & E. Railroad ! INCONTANYES' & CO. A RE now receiving weekly over the above tho roughfare, all the latest and most fashionable styles of Goods arriving in New York, fresh from the hands of the importers. Also, the choice:t and he , t of heavy Staple Good. and at prices that cannot fail to please. 'rheir arrangements are such that they can sell goods at wholesale for cash as low as they can be purehri•eil of the jobbers in New YnTiL city. With an humble acknowledgm et of past favors, an examination of their very exieristrh assortment of Goods is respectfully solicited. Towanda, June 15. 1952. Caution. ANTIIEREAS my wile LINDA, has recently len V toy Bed and Bony(' without any just canal or prorocation, ihis is to forbide all persons harboring or tru=ting her t n my account as I shall not pay no debts of her contracting. after this dale. B. F. BUCK. Bentley Creek, Aug. 6th.. I 552. 4w DISSOLUTION. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership .1. 1 1 lately existing between E. 11. Myer & Jesse Allen under the firm of Myer & Allen, is this day desolved by mutual concert, all debts owing to the partnership are to be paid to E. R. Myer, and all demands against the firm are to be presented to him for plyment. E. R. MYER, JESSE ALLEN. Myersburg, Aug. Ifith. 1852. NOTICE subPerber. wishing to close np the business T of the late firm of Myer & Allen, gives a.peci• al natio!, that all indebted to the same by bunk ac' ceuut,nnte, or other% ise. must pay up. All acc,:unts , that a:e unt settle 4 by the first day of December next will be sucd without further notice. , E. R. MYER. Mycrsburg, Aug. 16th, 1852. •• Express Office Waverly Y. 17 4 ' , 0R the delivery and focwardingof g - rods pact:- 1 ages, collections, &c.. daily on the N. Y. St E. R. R. by the American Express Co, Going east, at 8 o'clock and 28 minutes, A. M. Going west, at 1 o'clock and 49 minutes, P. M. 0:11.-e in the store of C. WARFURD Agent. Waverly, July 17, 1852. STRATED. CAME to the enclosure of the subscriber in Ridg. bury township, on Tuesday, the 22d day of June, a small red yearling heifer, with little whi4 spots on the head, and about the belly. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. Ridgebury. July 22, 1852. J. M. EASTON. Lathe Orphans court of Bradford Coanly, in the 'natier of the partition if the real estate 11 STER LING HOLCOMB, deed. 1- O Peter Holcomb, Hiram Holcomb, Horace Holcomb, Chester Holcomb, Andrew Spalding and Cynthia his wife, Elan Bailey and Sarah his wife, Lnman Taylor and Matilda his wife, Hannah Bliss, Andrew Royce, Samuel Royce, ,stison Cra mer and Louisa his wife, Cynthn, Matilda, Albert, Benjamin, Judson and 'at alter Royce,who have for their guardian ad 'item, Orison Royce, Denton Per ry and Alvira his wife, Hiram Reynold and Lemi ra his wife, Volney Taylor, Sterling Taylor. Hollis Se!ama.Adelia and Harriet Holcomb. who have for their guardian ad !item, Julia Ann Holcomb—Rush Mary, Guy, Anna, Sterling and Burr Holcomb, who have for their Guardian ad 'item, Benjamin Hol comb, Alvah. Lucinda, Mahlon, Jane, Cyntha and Andrew Holcomb, who have for their guardian od Nem. Vharles Stockwell—And all other persons in terestell in the estate of Sterling Holcomb dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given, that at an Orphans Cocirrheld atTowanda, in,and for the' County of Bradf..rd, on the I 1 th day of May, 1852. The court grant a rule upon the persons entitled to come into court on the second Monday of September next, and elect (if so allowed) the several items of property. I valued by the inquest in this Case---and tf not. to,,show cause why the same shall not be sold. By order of the court. H. L. SCOTT, ' l %)wanda, July 20,1852. clerk of Orphans court. H. S. & N. O. =RCM, A RE now opening awl o ff ering for sale at Whole. Z - 1 sale arid Retail an este:env. stock of SUMMER GOODS, embracing • fell assortment of goods woof !" kept by them, which were purchased at extremely low prices, and will be sold at lower prices than the same quality of goods are sold in any town west of New York. We say to all, come and examine our stock ; and those who pay Cash for goods will find it greatly for their interest to boy at the Cash store. Towanda, June 1, 18152. Moots and Shoes. ALARGE stock of Ladies', Children's and Misses' Gaiters, Buskins, Slippers, Polkas and Boots.— Also a fine assortment of men's and boy's calf, kip and morocco Boots, Shoes and Brogans, and a good supply of sent's Gaiters and Congress Boots just received at dime I. M MGM'S. SUMMER HATS.--A fine assortment of the latest styles of moleskin, Kossuth, Hungarian, Panama, pedal and palm leaf Hats, just opened at Jane 1. MERCUR'S. SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETS.—A choice selection of ladies' and misses' Bonnets, and at great variety of Bonnet Trimmings, now opening at Jvne 1. INERCUR'S. OHMS' extra quality CORN STARCH, manufac tared expressly fur cannel) , and dietetic purposes, for sale at Janet , ERCUR'S. BY virtue of a deed of assignment, Ishall expose to public sale on friday the 3d. day of Peptem ber, at the store of J. G. Brown, in Durell, the fol lowing lots of landt-65 acres known as the little Derick lot joining John Butts, & others; also 50 acres known as Sam Pool's lot, adjoining Lewis Johnson and others ; also one saw m.ll with the timber on 100 acres adjoining Charles Thomson and others ; also one shoe shop with the land on which It stands; al4n the homestead of 0. D. Chamberlain, containing some JO acres with two dwelling houses, two barns, one store house &c, All the Interest of 0. D. Chamberlain, in the abate named property. will be sold together with a lot of furhiture, consisting of bureaus, tables, stands and chairs iStc.. with a variety of other personal property too numerous to mention. sale to com mence at I o'clock P.M., where attendence will be given, and terms and titles made known by S. N. BRADLEY Apiirmee of O. D Chamberlain Duren, July 15, 1852. TARESS GOODS--in variety, frum India silks, to 3 rent Calicos. Also the latest style of Dress Trimmings, at ap1:0 B. KINGSBERY'S. BEFORE looking elsewhere, it would be well for Ladies to look at the Spring Bonnets, Artificial Flowers and Ribbons, which are sold so very cheap. April 9 B. KINGSBSRY. CROCKERY .—Tho iargeat 'dock in town. Ful dinner and tea setts, of white granite and blue ware, which will be sold cheap at FOX'S. I= GROCERIES.—The quality and prices of Teas, Sugars and Coffee, always speak for them selves. at apl 10 11. KINGsBERY's. MACKEREL. -59 half barrels, and 25 quarter barrels, at B. KINGSBERY.S. ;In QUINTALS (301)FIB—They are worth Z.A./ looking at, if not buying, for tale by April 10. 11. KINGSBERY. MESS PORK blds. Prime, for which a high price was paid,and for which a high price will be asked, by split) D. KINGSBERY. IVIECZEZOTICI3 ! LOON M 313.13! ARPENTERS & JOINERS will find a full as sortment of planes, gauges, saws, squares, trying squares, levels, compasses, iron and wood spirit levels, augers, gimlet, center and nicer bitta, broad, hand and bench axes, adzes, hammers, chisels, gouges, chalk lines and speols, brad and scratch awls, tape lines,&c. BLACKSMIRHS will find anvils, vices, !Yellows, sledges, hand and shoeing hammers, rasps, files, iron braces, bitter, hand drills, horse show' and nails, screw plates, and a general assortment of cast,German, spring English and American blister steel, Swedes, American and English iron. hIASONS will find brick and plastering trowels, stone tiammars, lathing hatchets, white wash brushes, eke.. constantly on hand at PERSON S indebted to the subscribers either nn book account or by note', are hereby mulled that they must be pa 111 without further delay. Immedi ate attention to this call will save Cost. HALL & RUSSELL. Towanda, June 10, 1852. FARM FOR SALE. .s THE sub'scriber offers 'at public sale, Its valuable FARM, situated in blieshe quin township, Bradford county, Pa., containing one hundred and forty-nine acres. ne hundred acres thereof are in a good state of cultivation, and the remainder is wood and TIM BER lam!. There are two good dwelling houses, a barn, carriage house, Acc., situated upon the main or river road, and a barn and tenant house on the back part of the farm. Fify acres of the improved laud lies upon the flat between the main , road and the river. and exceedingly fertile. ALSO, the undivided half of a Saw Mill with the appurtenances, situated within half a mile of the farm. and conveniently near to limbed and. The whole property is situated within'about eight miles or :he N. Y. (IL E. R.., and present... , a rare induce , meat to purchasers. It will he sold eery tow and a reasonable credit be given for one halt of the purch ase money. For further particulars enquire of C. M Earl- E-q.. of Towanda, or of the subscriber. Cini, n..lu!y 21. 18.12 if. KINGSBFRI. LAMB in the enclosure of the imbseriher in She. tiequin tp , about the loth of Joly last, a pair of steers. One of them is brown With a star an the face, the other is brindle, obqut 4 years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take them away. Shesheqn in, August 3, 1852. J. S. SPENCER In the Crphans Ccurt nf Bradford County, In Me matter of the tstate rf 1V1LL1,431 At YE It deed. THE undersigned having been appointed by the Orphan's court of said county an an ,4 itor to mike distritmti.m of the motley in the hands of the administrator of said estate, hereby give notice that he wilt attend to the duties of sa;d appointment at his office in the borno,gh of Towanda, in said coun ty on Friday, the 27th day of August neat at o'clock in the afternoon, at which place and time all persons having claims against *aid estate, are required to present the same before said audi tor nr be debarred from coming in fur a share of said fund. July 20, 1852 BRADFORD COUNTY, FR. Tats COW/WNW ILAI ! TR OF PF.7 , II%TLVAIVI A. To the Sheriff of Bradford County, Greeting:—We command you that you attach James G. Fountain. late of your county, by all and singular his goods and ebonies. lands and tenements, monies, rights and credits, in whose hands or possession scever the satne may be, so that he be and appear before our court of Common Om to be holden at the b,rough of To wanda, in and for said county, on the first Monday of Sepietn bet next, there to answer Herbert T. Moore, assignee of Chas Thwing and Ebenezer W Thwing in a plea of debt on jud.inent obtained in the state of New York. not exceeding one thousand dollars, and bail required in that sum ; end ihat you sumre.:, ail persons in whose hands or pOssess.doc, the said goods, chattlea, rights or credits, cr. ' any of them may be attached, so that they SP!! every of them be and appear before said co-,,}t, at the day and place a said. to answe fir e ': what shall be objected against them and abi ,l .e the judgment of the court therein ; and h2.), , e you then and there this writ. Witness the Hon. DAvtn.Witsroy, President of our said court, at the borough of Towanda aforesaid. the 3d day of /term, A. It.. 1852. ALLta MeKcs, Prothonotary. AL:rchanbil, ac. PUBLIC SALE. Pay Up ! Pay Irp ! 111 TPA r. litor's Notice. E. W. BAIRD. Andiinr Foreign Attachment. filisteUrtutcma. Ready Made Clothing lOM EMITS N. Y., have just arrived in To. andai with one of the larger* and most com plete assortment of clothing ever offered in this sec tion of the country. They are. manufactured by themselves exclusively, at rates which will make it an object for the public to buy. Their goods are made and trimmed iD the latest styles and from su perior cloth and will be sold for one price and for CASH 01111 LI. Give us a call and if we do'not satisfy the public of our ability to make good our promises. we shall not ask their patronage. Customers can be fitted with whole suits by leaving their measures et our store at the shortest notice. LockTross.—Next door south or Meteor's Main se. Thwanda ; and No. 7 Water et. Amorfts Hall. Elmira; and undir A. C. Porters Hotel, Tioga VIII age, Tioga Co. Pa. Towanda May r.9th Attention Regiment ! ....-;..- ii..... 4 1 J. i'. 1. i- ... , MAKE READY! TAKE AIM! FIRE!! JOHN E. GEIGER, would say to hi! old Merida and the public at large, that he has constantly on hand and manufacturing Rifles and Shot Guns Ste., drc.— Among his assortment of Guns may be found Double and single barrelled Guns, Ritlesof all kinds warranted. Powder Flaaks, Shot P.auches, Game Bags, Cap Primers. Also, Powder, Shot, Cape of the best gash: ty. Aliens' six barrelled Revolving Plank, do rongle barrelled aelf•eocking Pistols, Rifle Pistola, double bb'l Pi-tola and common steel and brass Pistols. F G., F. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder in Cans con stantly on hand. Any of the above articles will i.e sold awful cheap for the Ready Pay. Keys of any kind Gttt d to Doors, Trunks or any other kind of locks on stunt notice and reasonable terms . Repairing done with neatness and despatch. Shop a few rods north of the Bradford House. Towanda, May 22, 1852. J. E. GEIGER. MORE NEW GOODS! H& A. I IAMPBELL would again call the alien . lion of their friends arid customers to their large and new assortment of Goods, just received and now opening at their Furnishing Depot, con slating of all things necessary to clothe. the outer man, all to be sold r little cheaper fur the ready pay than ever. Come and examine, and be satisfied. Towanda, May 14, 1852. n DOZEN BROWN LINEN COATS. from 'l 4 to 142, at CA M PBELL'S. YELLOW, huff and white Vests, Coats & Pants, a large lot for sale at MPBELL"S. Books Books! A Complete assortment of School, Blank, Classi, al\ cal & Miscellaneous Books, constantly lop up and for sale at the lowest rates by. Nov. 29,1851. 0. B. BA lITLNITT. 1 r 7 CHESTS YcIUNG HS SON, Imperial, Hyson / Skin and Diorlc Teas. Also 15 . Bag* Rio and Java Coffee, Imo received at MEECUR'S. V I H EAT, Oats, Rye end Corn, taken in Px ch en ge for gonli. PHIN NEY & BOWMAN ADMINISTATOR'S NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the estate of John 1.1.. Welch deed, late of the township of Durell are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate, will please present then; duly authenticate(' for settlement. purell. June 25, 1852 Libel in Divorce. Rachel McCann, vs Joseph McCann, in Bradford Corn. No 245 May 5 1852. JAMES McCANN, defendant in the above cause : You are hereby . notified that Rachel McCann, ur wife, has filed her petition for a divorce from e bonds of mattimony.--And an alias subpocena ' a been returned. and proof made that you are not tope found in said county. YOU are therefore here by required to appear at the Court House in the bor ough of Towanda, on Monday, the Gib day of Sep tember next, being the first day of Rrptember term of :aid court of common pleas. to answer the said complaint, and show cause, if any you hare, why the said Rachel, shall not be divorced from you. C. THOMAS, Sheriff. Sheriff's ofiicc...lumist 4, 1852. CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against pnreh• acing a note given by me, to Silas Scoville dat ed June.-1852, for forty-five dollars. As I have not reed any equivalent for said note, I shall not pay the same unlesq compelled hr law. Towanda. July 30,1852. JOHN McNIAIION. Pierre J. Deratcrt rt. fix to the vat of Alpheus Gnstin Jr., rt.' Itaiah Y. Inhn'ilmi 4. Vincent Tuttle terry tenant Bradford Com. Pleat, September :ler-ei 1850, No 73 THE undersigned auditor appointed by the Court to distribute moneys raised by writ of Levari facias. issued in the above suit, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Towanda bor'o, on Saturday, the 4th day of September. 1852, at 1 o'clock, P M.. when all persons interested are required to present their claims or else be debarred from any share of said funds. HEN RY,BOOTH, Towanda. August 5, 1852. Auditor. REGISTER'S NOTlCE:—Nntice is hereby CIACTI that there have been filed and-settled in the of fice ot . the Register of \Vil a in and fur the county of Bradford. accounts ofadministratiun upon the fol. lowing ektates, viz : Final account of Wm. J. Delpuch one of the Es ecutor's of Abram Freits late of Sheshequin deed. Final account of Delita Underwood Administra triz of the estate of James Underwood late of Ath ena deceased. Final account of F. Blackman and lialriet A. Minier Administrators o f the estate of Cpf;sier W. Minter late of She , hequin deceased. Final Account of Main W. Thomas, Samuel Case and Susanah Thomas Administrators of the estate ef Jacob Thomas, late nt Troy deceased. Final account of Marviret Fries Executrix of the last will and testament ofiames Fries, late of Wells, deceased. Final accounts °flames v. Wilcox Adm's of the estate of Morris Malony, , late of Monroe, deed. \Account of C. P, Freeman 4. David Palmer. CT. ecutors of the last will and te4tament of Richard J. Eldridge, late of Canton der'd. Final account ofJohn McKean Adin's of the es tate of Edward Lay, late of Columbia, dec'd. And the Fame will be presented to the Orphans Court of Bradford county, on Monday, the 6th day of September nest, for confirmation and allowance. H. LA WRECE SCOTT, Register. Register's Office, Towanda, July 30, 1852. Orphan's Court Bale. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans court of 1 Bradford County. will be exposed to public sale, on Thursday the 2d day of September next, at two o'clock. P. M., at the Public House of P. Morse in Leroy t A certain tract of Land contaio7,i about 50 acres, situated in Leroy tr ~ bounded by-- lcock on the East I ° ..iuth by lands of the Bar clay estate • est by lands belonging to the es tate Sterling Holcomb dcc'd ; North by Towan da creek. 16 or 17 acres improved with a frame barn thereon erected—Terms of sale one fourth cash. the remainder one years credit with interest, from confirmation of sale. 'C. STOCKWELL, Ailmini-trator of the estate of Seely Holcomb. Towanda. July 24, 1852. Selling off at Cost ! ! T HE subscriber will sell ill balnceo of bill stock 1 of Goods. at COST, for cast Towanda, May 1, 1852,. Z. T. rex. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. MHE undersigned baa purcbased se large, and Choice selection of NEW GOODS , Wooght ander tbe ,most favorable circumstances,and for sale as low for cash as can be bought elsewhere; and lower than Any braggadocio can or will sell. • May 5, BMW. 0. D. BARTLETT. =lv oannazu; nrzw,ll4l,WlL rpHE subscriber having purchased and refur .1 wished the stock r.f DRUIitS, MEDICINES dm., in No. 2 Brick Row, which now makes it a choice and well selected assortment of Drug and Medi tines for family.use, at wholesale and retail, Alai he cheerfilly recommends to the public,and crave* a share of public patronage,' The Goods will be sold as cheap or cheaper than, any other establishment West of New York for, 'rub and cash only. , Here you will find annexed a few leading articles Foagatea Cordial . Eli Opi Hay's Liniment . _ Senna Alex., do India Cream Tenni Sup C Soda Manna. Magnesia Caled do Carb, do 8 S do Henry's Colocynth du Appit Cochineal Trusses Hulls do Marshes. do Shaker. Balsam Wisters do (•beesmana do Fir do Copabia . .do Tofu do Peru do Pulmonary do Sulphur Acid Tartaric do Acetic do Benzonic du Citric du Nitric do Oxalic do Hy drocyana do Sulphuric Oil Linseed do sperm do Olive. do Castor do Neatsfoot do. Almonds do Amber Rect do , Amber Rad do Anisi do Caraway do Croton do Cubebs do Commit, do Fennel. do Lemon do Cassia do Cod Liver do Lavandula G do Neroli do Jesmin do Nutmeg do Cirange do Rhodium do Rose do Cedrat do Copabia do Ergot do Verbena do Vio!ette do Mellesse do MeHauer du Patelicitzly Brushes, -Pa ini do Varnish do Hair do Hair,Catne I do Nail do Tooth do Shaving do Flesh do Cloth , do Hat Soap, Yankee do Crystalline do Eng. Wind Low's do Coopers do Rose do Victora do Orange do Tooth do Erasy're do Castile do Military do Ravin do Brown Frieopherous Pain Killer Ayers Cherry Pectoral Olyeenated Bitters ROBERT BULL, Administrator Stoughton Bitters Chloroform Hoffman's Anodyne t enitian Red, English Together with Paintlt, Turpentine, Verni...h, Dye- Wood s & Dye• Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries, pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.— Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles cots fleeted with the trade. Having secured the services of Dr. S. Hrorrow, whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having their prescriptions careful:y compounded and put up. The stock has been selected with great care, and the goods will be warranted as represented. All of Dr. D. Jaynes' metlicipes. Ayres Cherry Pec toris:. schsncks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Orrick's, Robensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge. Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines now in use constantly on blind and fur sale at J. M. REED. No. 2, Brick Row.. Towanda, May 14. 18'•2. TjORK and Floor—a quantity of Pork and Flour I just received and for sate by DRY GOOD'S—A goof - assortment of Merinos's, Cashmere's. De tains, Alpacas, end prints now PARTICULAR • NOTICE. ALT. persons having unsettled accounts wilt the subscribers, are requested to call immediately, and arrange them either by note ot,paymenr. An 4 all notes that are over doe, must be paid. Towanda, April 6, 1852. H.: 4 . dr, T. C. 'HERM 7R. A LL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN 11 FEE, dec'd, late of Monroe townahip, are hereby requested to make payment withont delay. and all persons haying demands against said mate are requested to present them, duly authenticatotifor settlement. T. M. WILSON. Orphoo's Court Bradford County in the matter of the eAtate of SAMUEL MeDUFFEE deed. '['HE undersigned haying been appiiiitted auditor I. to distribute the funds rrti - ed by the sale ofthe, real estate of Sar - dei MeDuffee late of Athena, P r adf°" / f. uunty,deeeftsed hereby gives notice that ~e will attend to the duties of said appointment at his office in the borough of Athens, in said county on Monday the 16th day of August next at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at which time and place, all persons loncerned may attend. Athens, July 14, 1852. H. WILLISTON. ALL pre.ons indebted to the estate of .1011iV M. DAVIDSON dee:ll.l3%a of Albany tpt., are here by requested to make ir, eme diate payment and three havinz. cleimn again7, l maid eptate will Fleece pre sent them duly a , , A ih er ji . cated for settlement ; ' IOSTPII M EN . ABSOLEM CARR. almidlanams. 'Drug Store, No. MI Brick &ow. Hair Dy. Harlem Oil . thou:lent, Traidta do Dalley's do McAllester Shakers Herbs ' do Extracts Tilden's Alcoeolic Ex't Rbei Extract lalap Extract I Meakim'a Vanilla En't do Lemon do do Mace do. do Almond do I do Cloves Ido Allspice de do Nutmegs de do Peach do do Ginger d• - do Cinnamon 4o do Orange de do Tonkit 4 Lubin's Springdower. . • do Musk , do, do Violette do'. do Magnolia do do sweet Hri'r do do Jesmin do do Jock'y crb do do Caroline do. do Jenny Lind do do Boquet do Syringe, Pewter as'm'at do Class do Nursing Bottles, Glees do do G. E. nad-Rhei Tart do do do Ipecac do Jalap do Ginger Ma: do Orris Gum Camphor do Opi Turk do Myrrh Turk do Arabic do do Copal [ . do Aloes Soet do Aloes Cape Chloride Lime do Soda Castor RUMS ileinglass do lEvene' Lancets !Nitre Silver, Op't maid Bisnoth 'Blue Pill } mer: lodide Poles, Tart do Carl) do• 'tnlph do (laustie do Citrate Ferri lodide do Tomlin kProto Ind Mercer)! Strychnia Piperin i Elaieriam [ I,.dine - , Veratria K reosote Hrdra Coro Crete Sl;srphine Sulph' do Act Calomel, American do English, Precipitate Red do White s'ulph Zinei Bronze, Crimson do Pale Gobi do bark do do White Gold Leaf, Op't f'hina Vermillion America do Prusaian Blue Fig dr; Ma v 27 ')Wing at ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE tiTonrne tp., Idly 29, 1952 Auditor's Notice. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE etV. 3111c.2% 1°52, 'A.FB-1111t FUSE.—Contractoya can find L. 3 itkieti of Sofrty Tuve at NIERCI7e • EMI .1. roWELr. MERC CR'S. ANDREW PEE. Administrator's