Wit Iwas on thc V e mob altbet arid . so Sty storfe Mat i n ylt a kiiiv , it=frilatideltnallostalttollatalff s ir 'tt i e06,1-latiiiiitttation 014** ebb ti " ti rear Pulinable , tap:10,111/1W ihrinieffdify; tretifet• - einetilin- 10 , 41rilgcbanik - e the JokialoakettilYhenegt rectiVed , friini - bet ntistalasel.4.4l4 akdteinc.. . Ear 11.1314 601 1 1 4 1 afikracted-,00 'vierctifielic . ..antl — iii mneeirleaFfi at fled 'Rill 14 rerkine t t nra i le, 1 iofiCitaielaltt rtiy> breiseanTifiiiitiiiiiilaTitakilt I able= sough,: akal sat - PEOCIQrPeIOIN 6 .2 t tvctlsettntil Ilreeicfril.hetl;-.a.nd.lpaihnjettendailteig Iml- 4101111 Y #okiNntitizitio.itAr.gtaloint Ismail, iia at: the rrail rationef !hoe was reduced I solovr tAritntle , '•kair 5n0ir..,..,h01d 0/ -mysclf . .aucl i .filendo, 1 end eeett.ory-f-hy.skciy, aliandoneAjne . and gave. tuts up to die with. the arty ,cunsureption. . ; .My appeiite, was flotttliAl.r Itfmtlif,..PeM irregular. fever and. I . in.:rnyjireast,and shou/der ‘ ,st/ended with -a distressi.ur cough, which was . very fig/ft....my flesh. had - ajearly -all gooir c riud Anil L. -could Kest/41y piai. t. n3y _from the , was trnly. an object orpity InliianOld;.,. My friendgliidlictea gent for to see te , e_tite, era tiithark lied wnssurioundcarhy, kind and svmPU'ihising nvelibors, who L figilOoeiitt ; ,,to witness my departure &inn this world. • Whekailßys:RfVtip:o . had fled of.my,.recovt?ry, n neiehbor;Vir.,Pii;id rlonnid, proposed ti . :l , -I,7iSetierteles l'ultnonic,SyhipJiiith,• view of looseni,,my cough and relic;lng,mept/heiTieleh Olen, so us a means of nifordipgtcoipoi i hr4it i liiif, remarking rgo4l; for the _Syrup . tei_, I,* of . any 1 1 4,.....wife, anxious tit ,li . e ., !:eriet of my in 'en 4e. iiit.".l . ?nF;a, „ procured some..,oh'.ilhist.„ri4ll mopipiif4,yrttp.ii._'l,rollntrif:,stTortletl me rOii's,l..'arlit con 4/rfal'utu,g , fed its' lieal/r2g.,...irtil uence peon m'Y 3,440. ,; y I continue to improve raider its crs-e an4-iny' r felenls twere Much. igtatised to witness my nrieilrcted int trovenrr!tiloanyciflnty neighbors c2 ., fnstn , look af - pe as aitepietsvi.,.fri•ra the, deal ,My c6tigh*v beqme lOoge, and I ten break ;Nil...cut had (tie, pain in my pre :r i k i'r; altargetClaigego.intitirs of yellow ipatier. havolor reeks 31;citarged arid raised a spit bir i titc full of 'mutter every day, .4.h har t i'lumps like grains of ,gorititthilig. hogt - 40.'poviii breame . regular and uLturab and my appetitewas so fUr.iimpeift-ed, that T could scarcely:re frain from e.auogroo much. My Etreilgth..-illipruytO, rind kreiained..roy : flesh. _ I ecntinued to improve in evety„reppiiet soon after I commenced ti F ,ing,fliP Syrup, onit : t.4.„im in proveent continued or.fill wps rti ; oored .1 hive passed thri...411 pig oie.lll-irr of ihic hatter part of whiter 311:a the s ring, aid feel as ViAr now ni ever I felt in toy life. soil Pam iloy a living -te-ti rnony of. the ,grioat. ifticocy ut 1-t.ht tick'o tt 4 .yrup in euript3ipuhii-in,try di,easeg: I est kliii statement lal toolii.hly col. Jed by some itfint•ln,l .10r:a Of 11 fltrnber of the s a t - ,:e at ,I,TereTIL mei; :ILO never I te et Iti oic I e. it .4 the prmLer, of n. F., w.ly; ~? , tr Ned avcr pie, and folly I.,illeeed they would. si i gn me retaius to the tom'. ; iotr, thsokg to rtr. S, bent k rri , his itan/ii.44 Pt:!tri , vie Sytiop i are been sittarell!at4 Cain to ninice the fore . - goin.; -.,...tatisment for the lierietit of staling' mankind. I revise at Taccev , and am well ifoo,arn by most of the people allele, aiol gill gralated to have any person call tipemote and learn mire nal ticulArs of the virtues of this medicine. Julia C . G REEN. June 21th,19,i,. _ The Anb , eribers, members of the Mystic Lodge, No. 270, J. 0. of 0 F.lif liormrstiurg. P. do hereby mr. tify !hut we know John o.:Green, (twit ia 8 member in gond standing in No. 2:10 1. 0. of 0. F 4) -who was liangorodilly ill - witlos low Palm mar y Caniconrition, last wint, r, so that they giao him rp .o that he is now fully restored topetfeet health, an I - they believe his recovery iamb' produeell Schencles Pulinonie Syrup, • We belicre his certificate is correct in every• pat. eNtrit NEFF, P. 431.- . -. • ALFRED ROBINSON,P. ABRAM AM A RTIIVII,P,O. KAMM AN, . JACOII WATERMAN, iRr ..,-t , r ..f.wdEs C. CA LVER. c. JOSHUA PH INEMORE. PhilaJetp9a Co.. Jane 25, • underfign'ed, T . , - eisidinte of Tacnoy, eight inii~ et , • Philkaleh.liii,,being -pelf acquainted syitti J o hn C. ' , Tn. and , heCdflcutzielences attending his case, sense of ,iotperative dut.y. to an l'irtlown to recov ery .•'. "-ry last stages of Pulmonary Consump tion. 'rely helpless was his eovilition,. Ihacing been ~, , ,t, ...- ti '..... C I MMTkOrt. hr . Weeled - Bos hasll Pinion Power,l'hreslik, Separator AO beat 13:1 00 for 2 horses, r ' t.,-..• Common; at : , • TN,heeler - ,:ftaalc and Picifm - ‘, .. t 'Power. Thresher, Separator - 4act hands '11.1) Ofr for I tiorS - , - ` ' ' t til'lf sold ' separately, the following 4 - iictti are' Chirtmil : -Emery's Patent Changable - Horse Powers, . . • Ft TO 00 ' For IWebors'es, For ono horst," ' 80 00 Eatery's improved Wide Es k. and. 2 Pinion Power. For two harses... , ..' . .... .. .:.$90.00 - For one horse.... ....t ....... .....00 00 Cenonnn Rark and l'inion, or ITheeltr renter. -. Fir two horsei ' ' • .$B5 go fur one horse. 1 75 06 ..., Thresher w.ii.ll Ciltmler. 20 niches long syasl II& diatnen r,degethec I,i, all Sepaia- $3:.) 00 ur and Fix:urei,, . Poitable Circular Saw Mitt with 24 inch) k Saw, filed an • I set , in running order for 8:33 00 ratting ore -wintl.S.e., ' 3 • Upright Dr Felipe Saw Mill fur Wheel.? , i , 3 o i, wrights, etc. S' • ' Churning. Attachment for driving one or) tv.o f 'horn , ate time of hnrret size orS•.sl2 00 1, ! - ,t, (sr, orra gearing wanted.) ) ('rocs ('et Sa.t.intt .i, rrang , •menl, for bnt• - ) • tin 7 a'l eu•ih ~ 7 ofilotr",,includ , nz saw,.' s $l2 00 guides, and connettuons for use. • Power Corn Shelters, for 1 horse and for? 833 tp 2 horses. ' , $5O 00 7'kilil4.-i•---4ASII, or sarns with security 'and interest. parable in 1 nr ft months. When goat! entl,,r-ed twit., payli`e fit bank are received, part of the interest wig he - deducted. . ALL ArrrTeLts WARANTED, MADE OF goo I rnAte,l4l,, sill to opimate as represented. or may 110 returned to the , t,b , ert ,, er within three months and unr, base money refunded. Written warrantees given when repaired. Persons wishing to tiny . ':.i.'.llll7lo:l3n:_ceg -( 24' ..MAKM.C..I.III-fal should order them at on-early day as*the Manureo turets are much driven by order., and supply can'. not at all times be.kept on hand. • • , . II is not necessary for me to recotnmepil these "dreshin - ,,i 31aelillii's, for they are welt known, and rfai)in mend thernselves to the good 'sense and pocket or every rodent farmer. "T am fully , jiteparea to furnish a well made arti cle. 1 tai e ill guarantee that the freiaht on any Two Horse 1 1 . achine, sharnot lie aver $9 at Binghamton or Corning, or at any intermediate station on the N. Y. &E. 11. ' , " .:: • . 8,,M, WELLES. Athens, Bradford Co. Pa. June 21, 1852. BOOTS & SHOES! 301131 W. Winos, LlASlremoved his establishment to H. Mix's store, corner of .main street end the public square. and will caladium the manufacture of Hoots and Shoes, as heretofore. He has just received from New York a large assort roent of IliSmeis'a, Children's and irEsses' Shoes, which are offered at low prices. The attention cf the Ladies is paricularly directed to his .assortment, comprising the following new styles :—Enamelied Jenny Lind gai ter boots; do. shoes.; black lasting and silk gaiters ; walking shoes, buskins, &r. Misses' gaiters and shoes, of every description. A largo asslortment of Children's fancy gaiter:, boots and shoes, of all kinds. For the Gentlemen. almost every style of gaiters end shoes. This stack-has been personally selected aids care, and he behoves he can vat superior article* at reasonable prices. trp The strietezt attention paid to Ilfurtufacturtog, and he- hopes by doing work wet! to merit a continu a:l(.o.oc hbvral patronage be has hitherto received. ToWtuda, %ray 8, 1851. • .tit ?T tNT I D II .PI DIEEITIEU 0 • T_TAB REMOVED HIS OFFICE to No. 2, Dritit 11 Rbw; (up emirs,) in the room•forrnerly ocetipioa hp !lon. D. Wilmot as a law office, where he will be pleased to see those requirin his professional services. Towanda. November 18, 1951. 1141 41, -. ffN . liir.O.IIIEIVEC/13fhAE-afti." • • • COG3TT 131.1flVETRII. AVING located in Towanda, his setvices.may 1.1. be obtained by addressing a line through the Post Office, or by calling at the °Mee of Ulysses Mercer, Esq.. wherate will be found, or where a written ail licatpion may be left. Nov. 1,-1860. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. sUbseribers respeCtfully inform the public 'tlat 1 they have taken the shop formerly occupied by Main Esetfwine, on Main street, nearly opposite Dralterrungon shop, where they are prepared to do all kinds of EILACKSNIrriiING upon reasonable . terms. -They are d etermined by doing their work well and 016-juPtiClOinerit, its they hope to receive a share of imbi.; patronage. -j-mlk'cl-13110tING dime in the best manner. All kiwis of tipair!qe Maihinery, - ezecuteil in tbe most Irbil• ful norther. , • won . worn: ro , f ftageris will also be Made and repaired when desited. Mi work done at their slop, w;l11 be warranted lobe well done, and manufactured fiord tbd best giaterirds. The public are repeated to give as 'a '414 nutt . judge for itterrisetv.es. EstisTWINEA Towihda. May 2, 1851. , • ' • • MYSTERIOUS KNOCKINGS' IN TOWANIIM Ctock, — Watch,' an& .jewelty Store ! A.M. WARNER-takes this ;method informing costomers and the • of b .l " P.Bu n i era h l i i s y , stoc ih k at of i V i a a te l h P e. ur ert JewOliy;'sita. eeingtenged the above bikiness in all of its various branchci at the - oil starid of 'the tatter, on Main street, : torctilOori iiouth or 13qck `ffiarCputation 'tun witch repairer issh' Well eitabliibiit in this conilnuriity, that 1; . is - hardly. tireCs'. eiYy t saf , a Word on that point. With long ex. pcirience and great advantages flit acquiring a thoreo;4li knrivriedge of the lieiness, he hat eorifidenee ip saing to the public; bring on your uratchra and cloche, rwill do - them justice: " . =4” - tooda cold.or Repairing done. wainated - as recommend. orlluttootteeieranded„ ' ' • i A good 3#9rtritent o(ClciCks, WVetched Gad Iciietry Itepteonirtanthqin hind. - hlyy `motto sates; amid!' - ItiOttts,•'clidt knyn, and no cretlit men. - Ciedifiteeditof fgr—its am bound not,to makkits actitudotimee. • I*. AY. Moe ..# _.4t1.71',R huge tor, 44 0 , 40% Nails, Hardwares:l%g 1.7 arid Racism! In, kibli.,t9nai - 4 bbla s for sale tay "Pes 2 / • ", PIIINNEr & UOWSCAN, , 110; •t3~tcpas&r: Similit wanik . 4.. oxiwgrit iv nit 41/Miciftkcenfairrvito illikreta*cittivitttlYW subiterfee. This lemirtly iirtireis is nte• , Otttle !most' , eitnier.: Aintiefeetierwiea. =-441Teetnkilii , eratilentriiiiretinfof 81I'sorts tient child retranti tdfs.;. hilerirtnittorithenttifie:retfterteit beiniffmcminl , -;Seindr , other rikittonla c i sliiiitnya Wilber sickness, until too late to ctire'lhelreittatterte;:ww)T Whnt immense resliortsibility rests pan the punt who Awe not kni*lJitidibe:thieetii-TiorboSom pc tleritatiOlie iterriOntnt whithie l delititiTirat,t He" dr life = chjidrEn. 'What thoulitbt donel " • • 'lit ant* et ttitrirertnifnqe,Ncfncil , aria by , kire t'o ilo'oed if thiri'bm l / 4 0145 it , neths; an if tifei halve, it' *ill destroy and eradicate theta kiitit a c9tts,;tny, owl 111.9;l is Vs'? yLcirl,7l.o!. ,MinerittAßti. 'tI 4 4FTF,EVY the basis of mos...cFor.tp, teeietli4l fp! ,t) . a . ,e,respcjiy„ sonwtoaFfP,R•o,rec Wan' the ttfsease. So 'never Aep Ipz• enees, but-rely upon-thiA. ,Every person will be con Vilterd orrotifi Aria tbit rt,:•rti !thii'hadst: Ppeirec — t- 4 elve ever inverttethti • I - " "Thelimuetuut galtr,ibat titteVertniftigir.hett,tliiiiture test-efitilithfitti'and the estimation in which•il bichi.l4l 1.1 fnmili s i e : 13441dh0 quite too eivp,,,aiaii,„taylnair fish theyolutneg: ocery t, h ftgatg4 thaaVO:ltec)1 gtte nit" tta'nittple, arittlie et irere 4 reiiitAted ig pri`intl'th'e Mime tp a person's Who* . they thittratidi be benefitted la ttt,, ; Speak of A tettli dllitee,titrid4roa *ill - do your du ty to your lollow creatures - , - and feet assured of the ta prohetion of all good:niikw4nd witliecfi4o Soittfeir We cull good , titi4mr to tu,itko know* the of feetsofihistsionderful remedy. - ' • Rem e mber, and esk for 'Ortick'e'V'erituffage; • Startling Pa.c:ts; ' • Hundreds of clillirren,antrodulis'aye bird „ yearly with worms, a hail • othei‘thitteci leis been supk44l.l to be thelnic 'one. . • „,„ Tt is ndrnitfed by, alkloctor's dint ” or child (4196, but what Sooner oir'llitcr die troubled with worinA, i;ri hundr&ls of, case 4 BAN) iclute; u still:Used feer, scarlatina, cold, or some other oiling' Parries oil' the flower of the human faurtly:- . whßo in truth they aie vt4»ms! and coulir have been Milicateil in n (lily, by the ute bf Otte ()onto of fiI2RICTC:4 VETZMIFI;tIE.' . • niier siettening•the thought. that thesethingi should be—and who, can ever Trribe 0 . -em4lvec for'not try ing this' NVOtrt.l .1:XT1.117.11NAT011, avhen they knout thnt even 7 the raw w•rs not worms. this rrrne dy not by any 1, hurt . .—hut always giput as a purg,tivs, 1.,t the t.i-euze be what it may. iLrw iret urtaut then to use it. lint who will.dare to ts'su the rest.unsihitity to d.. without it 1 Let all pa 4 rents usk thetntulves this question in truth and sotter: For tale by Dr. 11. C. PORTER, Tovvondn. Oc rwrlf A zentlx. ' ligy re 'ire! A" you insure.? applFehtion ri•ccived and insur. anew eirCetrd by S. F. CANFIELIT; Aunt for the following safe and popular comp : 'Mho Eindsen Ricer :Ciro Mesraance Co. ; Capital... vst 0.600. The • St. Lawrence Cemrany. Capit:ll . • • Mlle rizapire, rsinte Ocz - zr z.ny. Capital •! : 200.000. The Waz:bington Oompany.. Capital over... 1200,000. Me State- lanstr.tal Er:arr.:'shirg. With a large Capital nd large increaving Cash rung tho Great 1\ nnpylt•ania Compony. • Thetritited Stglis Life Inprancr Annity 16. Trust • Company. - • - *lv 1,-;:fje , 4 2 #940 0 On the new prioe'Rlo ; hy whith jho,:omoje4, ,parjici., p9tesio thi4l:4ite, '.l; ztINNFIEtiIIY, kthen ATUTZTATerII,9 VAT,711.1"0 (0= .„ Staportant .to noinekeepers: - . , TM Ersuhseribeetbankfel for the 444.- -: - .1. ,t .." -.. -':. liberal patronage heretofore fe -1 -----;•—• 0 . , .,40.,_ emved, begs learerto inform • bile fet V 1 7 - -gli:irl:st . "7-4 !friends and the •public, generally, ~4E ttp4, 4 o,r,v and those commenenur 'loose '--- te - . - . --...- g i r l keeping in parncolar that lit has 11111 Mil now on hand a large assortment '"" 61 of Fuluirruire, which he wilt warrant to be Made in a substantial manner v and of the best materials., • DUBE A US, such a's hinhoganY a'rafialnut dress ing, bareaus, marble and plain tops : enabirigany anti walnut washstands, marble tops, and plain. 'of du"; ferent patterns. Card and end tables, Sufas "Conch es, whatnots, Arc. ' BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low post beadsteads, finished in handsome !style and of approved patterns, together with other furnitthe usu ally called for, all of which un the most accommodating terms. cr:7 The sabAeriber is also provided with i pinto and fashionable HE ARSI3, and will hold readine:s to attend to all orders in undertn.iting"..4 - - He wel furnish ice borea when desired; by ii.be , aid which the oorp:e may be kept for a week. COP READY NIAttE. f;III:STER WELIS. N.B.—Furniture of as krod, toade to order, and warranted to be of the best materials and workman ship. • " Towanda, January 17,1952: Difficulties en the Rio Grande! WAR ! WAR I WAR I! THE contest has commencer! anclA vicorollts pro sedition of portha-es for CASH, trial soon en• able thepublic to determine that it is 20 their inter est to supply themselves from . BU - NTING'S C3EXTIASP CLOWHIZTO, Lis • , • 3 Doors South of Brig. Row—Muin st. where ihe subscriber has just returned from New. York, bringing with him a choice assortment of Panty and Stitple Articles, -• selected with the most personal care, Irma the first city houses. —These toeether with his former stock, enables him to offet,to .the- public . an, assortment which for,ereellence of material, beauty of work. tnartship, and elegance of style, cannot be stir. passed in this section of country, and which be is prepared to sell at the very towed,. CASH He has also attached to his establishment a cage fully selected stock of Cloths and Tailor's Trinunings, and is thus enabled to furnish and make to order in the best manner, and at the shortest notice, eve ry. article in his line of business.. • He is confident that from his long experience that he can aise general satisfaction. He employs nnne but the most expert workmen, and feels assured that his work will not suffer by comparison with •the be;! city shops either in excellence of woiltman e,::,ip or elegance of style ; and hopes by strict alien. t i„ n h i :siness, to merit a continuance of that lib. eral patronac which has been extended him heretofore. Returning, sincere thanks for past favors he aslq the public to give him a call and see for them selves. cr . i'Darit forget the Three Doers :South of Brick Row. (IT CUTTING done as usual cold warranted to fir if prnperly made up. .r:0 Towanda, July . 13. 1852. G.ll. BUNTING.' uninsuaw.LwasanZmusu Es Still iA Operation! T inbseribert have moved to the new boilditigti.7 • Pine street; ono door below Mercers store where they - Wiirkeep en hand irtd mitts to order, litotidis t store end mill irons of anima's!l deleriptiona. fitting up work, will be'dene also on Malaria& terms es iitEirnim or o*.qct. Old iron - will be taken' in•psyinerit.' - 10,11 N OARSIAN - si To`weridtr,-April tettlC . . „ plSittnaßl..-s•MaeltErelbylhe half atittify , bbitottutpciattit Aispo choice luaiity4l- Cad fish this day receiveil andcror.talthy , r • - March-t@ :' o-'.. - 17' * Mr;RCIIR'S, .~~A#~. „ E : = A 31.4 Ate 2 , LAIVRENAiLIig, MASS. MANIIV'REVINIUMLaigStaIAIMO Boilers , ticcitiilltiVlloooTlabrots'ikeher.i liarimitit Tif7 dittlii;oovilitervl-iron , beiLplatesi,ottgbilavaaldece. All '.haire - ngjiariiirmatalses - all: joints_ignanint rici es 3o' be :steam tight vrithnutgotaing-or Antiatil,*4ll,llegritigs anti ;wearing surfaerAt/arprArad.rtAnwriciatraustable boxes 'of brooks or fiabliitt metal:, till :Wiliam! wheels With (ailed hereto - a, " The Begralateiliritfiefind!io . Vie fie& tirifi. 6 tlidliiinklain'i'lgl i iri'dO indepriideti2 rdOiVir,,, arranged` tiliiirinitt jibs ft ilia 'llght4iid - 14,Eis'e c istillif, ready to uses s . ('tileft rfrodd ifielerqginalifilfror from -auy atliertshalt.- - ,The lobelia/0e of "Tort ids:Trois:up! passed by'orry,,enginh, Madded' in,thmilnitod Bititmi.4 , ' Iloilo rsk,f the beer -A mei call %or , Engtieh 44in:heads, cast of,riloirght iron—,.edber-tabular or vrillt flues..,, made in the ,mostl.thozciugh„ naanuero , ~ „,, ~ , Engines from 8 to 100 horses power eonctantly -on , hittali be ia.progresen. t t o bi3 , deliverett IN ith iti.it fees (Drys 11 of the receipt of nn order. Also, board measure,Stearrtbigwidils„-caprablegaiwini.6ooo feet , of ono inch boards, In lt`Fears, with • i oriel Milky fe.,*;' , 'and regisitidotPlOther fie 4; than the 1 sawdaid".“ ••,,., ".--. ' ' ~ , - - v•-•, , •"•-, ,q; •' ..- - , ', th'i . 'fstfoqii - i':atti'the,": iiiies Oret'tOlirorttielideii; . ;Sari , VW, inerudiag '*team enginn, 'belt r and' Doh 'chimney. corn ple.ts4. 7 o(plilf Dans; muley sow irons; ;• +ol l lent feed, sod a!-. .;; ,, ?lta and-inn)? for OD ,-fer,k cf 01,114. 1 1. Pt . a0010 1 ! 1 e-' , ..'-'3 ~.......,. ~ ~, ',a , .5090: Steam engine, 10 in. diameter of cylinder, 28 in. stroke : with .10114 ,1 1 brojtertl,F9nVtilialf 3 f 30 •rfl4aP,-fl)ri of - , two! ing soffse„ nail, alkc w atifinga, piii*!, 1! alv,es c and other piori, i#F.spary.„l:o;',4et - iC:4.ccl4ll!o oirera ori j , , ~,,,,t „' , , ' $15,25 'Ste 'm itieriO,'l,ll in.drainatei of "eyilittlerL3b;iii. sable . with tubular boiler, contaitaiiiiao iiitaird test of hea t ittg cfnir pe2 . o sleu 775 reri4 , ll4lKO•ucars Ortfid4frtstonlind4fairot Rail road at Lawrence, 26 milealrona Boston. , Terms, cash on:d46very:: •:t1 •• • • _ Boilers-for the ,above modified to sciikpurchaser4 atalptime , ac.eordingly, .- • • • .McKay 4. Hoosliet, late of Pittstieldi Mass., whose steam engines-are already widely known, have recently taken charge of .the walks of_ the,BareA Compony,and will be able. , with their inereas6l facilities and cape• rience; to make their approved engine cheaper and-. better than heretofore , May 8. tiStly GORDON Afc#AY, Agent 61100..CIELILLEINGE! I L ITAATEV4II concerns tin) health end happiness °fit people, is pt all times of the moat valuable_ importance. I take it for wanted that every person will do all in their power to save the lives of their children, and that every person will endeavor to pio mote their own health at all sacrificed. I feelit to he my duty ei , lcinnly to assure you that WOFLNIS, DC en •ti ine to the opinion of the most ech4rated physicians are the primary c austa of a large majority of diseases Co which children and adults are Ude ; if you have an appctite continually changing ireful one ltitui of food to another, had breath, pain in the ttontach, picking at the nose, Aluductis and fullness alba belly, dry cough, slow fever, pulse irreaular—rernernthr that ell those dennte,Worms, and you should.at-once apply the re- medy Etobenszek's worm I.S.'yrap. An ertielerintmtled upon- sele.ntific principles, nom. pounded with purely vegetable stptanees, being per. ferlly safe when taken, anddctstinine,l in all e ft ecti anci'fiot leaving the systuni in condition, as most ail verti l sed nestrvms, composed of Calocael.fOr the removal of Worms, euch as Lpzeriges, Tertniruges,, dre.i, but has *damp(' the most tv;binishing cures,and saved the livt sof thousaniN, bah younz, and olJ.who have been pronuuncell hopelese--ineurahln.lay:Physi cianv. , RraJ the following, and be/ome convinced of its effieaesioret all others . Mei:tart; Riven, N, I. Ma. 7. N. IfontssAcx—Tuia* is to . certuy,tuat my yenta - cirege, hawing been lett TOT n jga rgAn d . was attended by Drs. LOPei, Whills and Phialef for lung time without rece,ving Any benefit; when filter g.:ving her up as incurable, I Went to Philadelphia and censaated one Otto boa phyaiciarist? her disease still growimpliersel...ilevisit at ithla tinter watt Winced kr. try Ilobensuck's Worm Syrup, and after taking two tiottle4 she entirely: regained_ her health,.., ~ , Hoping that this will prove '' benef i t to parentif,ivhcisii children are similarly affected, I am yours, Are., R. Bowyta?!. , I E'obensack's Livdr Ms. No part of the system is more Fable to disease than the Liven, it evrving as a tiltereri to purify the blood, or giving a proper secretion to the bile; au that any wrung action of the. Liver clients Abe other important parts of the system. and results variously in Jaundice. Liver complaint, "dyspepsia, &,e. therefore watch every symptom that n ight indicate a wrong action of the Taller. These Ville being composed of Roots and Plani:s, furnished by nature to heal the sick —Namely. let : An Expectorant, which augments the secretion from the pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes the discharge of secreted matter. 2nil- 7 -an Afterati.te, which changes in some insensible and in, explicable manner, the certain nimbi I action of the system. Gd—a Tonic, which gives tone and F.lre^g'h, to the nervow , sy,tem, rene \s-ing hert'th and %igot to oil ihr b ,ty . Cuivrit.e, h nrw in harmmy With other ipgrenient, and ni,erat'ilg oi l t 1):. crpellinc; the Ish,,! e rn s o f (or , cad vtuiled inat'er, and y) rifyirg the b!oud, hicda Ile. stroyi discn'c and re -.tows health. Agaitsfor Bradford 'Coin H . C. Porter and J. M. Reed, Towanda; C. U. Herrick. Athens; M. Bullock & Co. Smithfield; Barites & Bailey , Waver. ley ; IT. Spear, Springfield ; Lb Baird, Troy ; L. D. Taylor,.Burlington; Brown & Rockwell, Monroekon Parkhust & Lamb, Leroy ; Chas. Rathbone, Canton; also T. B. Howland, Columbia, travels in the adjacent counties. 48v 13LACKSMITHING ADAM ESEN WINE respectfully informs the pub. lie that he now occupies the shop whore himsel and brother have for rears worked, nearly opposite Tomkins' foundrY, where he is ready to do all work in his lino, as formerly in the best manner. He is de termined the' reputation ho has attained as a skilful workmen s,hall not suffer by any neglect of the inter ests of customers or by any inattention to business. TOOLS, manufactured to order -7-machinery of all kinds repaired in the beet manner. and every kind of Peßillring and Mantle:during will he done at short notice; and in the style desired.- Horse Shoeing, on reasonable terms. He will elso take Country Produce in payment for work, but ob jects strongly to credit. Towanda, Jan. 17;1851: TEM OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION! tau subscriber Would an i flounce owncnetoon hand, nd n p l utl il ic w t l h m at a4 he e . t) Zy to coradebrira.toltkinr turo,ds of 7: . 7%175'. - - '4;;ln to such as Sofas,Divans, Lounges Center. Card, Dining and Break fast Tables. Mahogany, Wal nut, Maple and Cherry Bureaus, c .. 1., Stands of various kinds, Chairs and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and will be made of the best material and wbrkmanlike manner, and which they will sell foF cash cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware•roona in the Country. =LLTSEr-TilihMZl CO g, on - hand on the most reasonable terms. A good ntAras will be furoishedon occasions. JAMES MACICINSON. • Towanda. lone . 1. 183. 33 issehrtion. natineiship hetriofere existing between J. , fhin;:etjr., and G. M. Bowman, ender the -Om of Phinneir oz.:Bowman, is this day dissolved consent. anti ibe books 'gild accounts are in 'the 'Via - 48'0J. H. Phinne; jr, who itone is au. . :thOriFeittO,colteo . os,(l settle thent. • ". J. R. PRTNNET Ir.; tcoiti,n4T 4 tiitf Si t 1852, -11-x-Bcfwmit.N.• !iM T BER--qaih paid for lumber at •‘: L fn 19 11111,NNEY141108VAIAil'e, r,r;;:*; .710E60, 1 fOLOS, HOARSENESS, - .!S. II V I O I 4•Vii:Ini OOI I 3 .4.CP I IGUi 41{0.111P,,,isTHAIA, .AND •-•-• - CONSVMPTWN: • ' fr).-F ail the nurderons medicines Patent, (em! some 'kJ of them valbahle) •Tor.the .otre.of complaints, nothing-had ceer been ...found which cool& compare in OA diects with this Preparation. Others' cure: somethines.ttic ihalLdencs -and in all diseases of the Mugs end throat:where medicine •can-give relic this:will do it. , It is- pleasant: to . take, and. perfectly safein accordance with the tdirections. be-do 'net tollertne foc,thitinformation of .those . - .who have abed it bot•thasewhohave mai Families that have known ,its value will not he without it, end; by its - timely'use they are secure: from • the. dangerous .omsequenceisto Coughs and Colds which,•neglected, ripen into fatal consumption.- - • - The Diploma of-the Mantachuretta • Institute, was 'awarded-to shis.preparation by the Board of Judgesin 'epterober,lB47,l also,. the Medals of the'tbree great Ihittitutcs of Art, in this country l• also the Diploma ' of the Ohio institute at Citiciunath• has been, given to the Cornet PICTORAL, by their Government in con .sideratiott of Iti,extraordinary excellence and useful 'ness in curing affections of the Lungs and Throat: - , -Read-the following opinion founded on the long experience of the eminent Physician of the Pon and 'City of • •-• :Dr- J. A, ter: Sr. Jonas. May 8, 1851. Five years trial of your Cherry Pecteralln my prac. tica, has proven whati foresaw ,from its ccmposition , must be true, that It eisilicatia and cures the coughs and colds to dlticla we, in this section, are peculiarly liable.. I think its equal has not yet been discovered, , nor do I know how a better remedy Can he made for the distempers of the throat and lungs. J. J. Etcirres, M.D.,F.R.S. See what it, has done on a wasted constitution, not onlyin the following cases, but a thonsandmore: Dr. Ayer: Sun nutix, Jan. 21, 2952. In the month of July last, I was aftacked by a vio lent diarlicca in the roines,of California. I returned Ito San I rancisco in here of receiving benefit from chan;e', , f clinriato and diet.—My diarhoa ceased but WdEl followed by a severe rough—end much soreness. f finally r tailed for home, but r,ceivrAl no benefit from from the voyage. My cough continued to grow worse and when I arrived in Sew York, I was at once me t ric a by my acquaintances ea a victim of consumption mu4t, confess that I saw n suffleient reason to doubt what my fritinds ell ladies-ed. At this time L com menced taking your truly Meal oat , I e medicine with little rtcrectation of deriving any item ltt frt.:a Ito Luse You would not receive shove lines 'did I nut regard it I my 'uty to state to the afflicted, through you that my health in the space of eight ronntbs i t s fully re.tor ed. I attribute it to the use n your CHERRY PEG YoUra Vol,. • wit,t,TANT w.smrrii. WAAITTNIITON, P. A pril 2, 19. Dear Sir: Feelinz that I hate kern 19 - deed from a premature grave, through your instrumentellity by the providence or God, I will take the liberty to express my gratitude Cough, end the alarming symptoms or Consumption had 'educed me too low to leave me anylhinz like hor, when my i physician hrouzht me a - o f y o u r PECTORAL? It seemed to afrord immediate reliet, and now in a few weeks time has rendered met° sound henitb. If it will do for others what it has done for me - you are 'certainly one of the benefctors of mankind. Sincerely wishing you every blessing, I am Very respectfully yours, JOHN J. CLARK. Rector of St. Peter's C•hutch With qnch assurance and from each men. no ntmn ger macaw be adduced unless it be from its effect upon trial. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYES, Practice Chemilt, Lowell, Mass. Bold by Dr. 11. C. PORTER. Townntin ; 11,.11ny, Wellsboro'-; E. Dyer. Covington; Humphrey and Borden, ; W. H. Elliott, Elmirn ; A. Tuiroii, MontroPe; and by all Drue. , :kts everywhere. y 36 Clriental cr ScVercira salsa rills . , , ~ . 4. . ....7.1m , ,7- 7 ,rinr..------ x, j ------ " --.t 1 , 41 , " iOl-INTrI4 * - 44-: :- ' t ' ( 7t 'i,,,,21.5L1, -e'J.=-4-•-...*.-..114..:::.`..0`r 1 il r _ v.lf ..c, , f:° ..1. II 7 \ TONE G , nuine unicsA accompanied by a fac tiimi I.NI 1r rf tt , e above Erfaraced Wrapper of Dr. g. L c . 0. . tiport.e..,ch In to ir cc!. U7..1,7,1 .7.'0 V 17',:17,t;N 1 .3 not m.c au) 1.1.1,R• E•r •. , riur LElc.enry tiPal.,ii Nee rack str: v I t!seir VI - AN VNI) 1 1EPT(3LNE is nlitsrlf sunkiLnt tLn:: enre for thc Many pror . ,4 might he given of their value on paper, but we prefer those unarquainted with them to sat i sfy themselves; by enquiring of living wimesses.and trying the Pills. They wi.l find them perfectly safe and reli able in all cases, tieing purslu regelabfr, and a medi tine worthy their hest confidence and patronage. The following certificate was sent us for the public good: Hzunirre4.Monroe Co. N. V.. May 10, I:351. We the undersigned, citizens a Bennetts, having used personally Dr. Soule's Sovereign Balers Pills, and witnessed the health-restoring effects thereof, cheerfully recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the best with which we are acquainted. G. M. ROBERT'S, . G. H. TIBOW.N. N. D. PHILLIPS, - p, G. 0 PIS, H. TIBBE•rrN, Lfl\VIS REED. P. S.---You areal liberty to publish this for the pub lic good. BEWAeIt OF CeeNTERPEITN ! We efeellt aware thn any one who is making a spurious article has yet dar ed to make DSO of our name ; but BOMB of them has hail the impudence to imitate our boles and copy our Circttars, Certificates, &c. UnleFs the public are careful when 'hey purchase, they wilt be deceived. q:7. The gennine Sovereign Balm Pills can be ha wholesale and retai'. of Dr. SOCLC & Co., Eacli Onondaga CO. N. Y• Sold by Dr. 11:C PORTEII,Towanda Pa., and bi their Agents in every town in the country. Removed to. B. Kingsbery's Block ! fl Cita triber/112, AS just returned from the city JLJL,, of New 'York with a iargr pply of Yt'atchiis, i Jewelry and tfo Silver ware, comprising n part, . the following articles t—Lever, • \I: .1.47 L'Epine and Plain Watches, with s n complete assortment of Gold Jewelry, such as Ear Rine,s, Pin ger Rin ts,Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware, and any quantity of steel Beads --all of which he offer, for sale exceeedingly cheap for CASH. Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted to run wotl,or the money will he refunded. and a wri• ten agreement given to that effect if required. N. .13.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Prodne taken in payMent for work; nod alai,, /earn now, art orercr, t hot ther'Produee. must be pakl when the wor fa done--1 was against credit in all its'forms. . • W. A. CHAMOBRUN, Agent. Tn*anda t . April 28, 1850. B OOTS St SHOES, the laritst and atteapeid'aesort event in town--and. iats and Caps, at whoi t ialc . 00 retail.- PHINNEY & BOWMAN ' 1 - • niti3H WANTEDr—Yor which goods trill ex- V changed on liberal terms at Jon It 2, IPS PlirlsiNEY4lt BOWMAN'S. 344 '''Vtaastriiiia tteiail ti • "elr~i Gc. c~ .wti tiitUGSV;REM)IL IFROMMZEIS ttqtrODA cirogE . A.i):.0,60144 eta ot the Ward li eu , pi slio-hugest. cheapest and mo st tt ,' • gairgrwiim i, wait of :.the cstys r_Particula t tot em ; glgega.4o:SPY qt ail who may wish to all exam i ne , or „purchase., and. any medical it laS Pktelfgibr and graluilotudy giv en to who wish to consult concerning themselew Of caonsweaginiplie* 91 fresh and receutly prep ticle* eo wtmikty s egiving, haying been careful k e y :1 1, 0 74 a Tiow to. their Aitefisine, t , an d ~t y mow - 014)ot usually kept, efilma v:01 he fou n d pf9c.iirkt) ,at the mbortest ootire 11 LI [AIN 13 leaving their order.. Accoroutvdt , :!, g c .;„ 6 , 3 will be :gedy to aaftly compuunti hay eodeevor to &nuke rt judintow agreeable. ,rill goods shall be iA,as,id ere d as - igpreseneed, and beitfrg Agent fu r r i„ , . `.‘ ula ,Patent oil those fouad a tht, cnn,be, , ,reliod woo, in ail cases, as being sleek-Arm comprise/ every article in the tattl eo which tray. be found the following : • '• Prugs and Medicines. 'seine* taloa lora Acetic' asafoetida Citric • *rabic valeri an Nitric camphor w i n o , hturiatie cope' isarsactiril4 Aquafortis gamboge tgisßer eta Sulphuric • littwiac Tsnarie etc sacsa3ls. myrrh shellac tragscanth etc. at te. Fir Copalva Tolu Sulphur Life etc DMZ*. nests foot tanners olive castor Bayberry sperm ' • Cinnamon ,ortganum Peruvian (leets ) bergamont Elm etc lemon rostve ES. wintergreen Peppermint cinnamon Cinnamon Wintergreen etc Ecru ACTS Sarsaparilla Dandelion Boneset Horeboota Aconite Vanilla Lemon cloves h , mlock juniper satin tansey tar rosemary Oran MEI peppermint ilinseed cod hn•r cl•. grAns. Fen igreck A niPo MEE EMIII Carraway Canary Rape Garden Mu. tard Cardamom Colchicum etc =I =A leolornbo iren tian llu rmerie pilclia ( pink ) hellebore i pica e im - nice marsh fogernary rheubarb vumrtns. Chamomile Arnica Lavender etc GCM,S. opium GROCERIES Sugar, Caren and 7••• a of ^l , ll pepper. closes, mustard, nu!rnor. f., citrons, curranf.4., sa!a3 oit, c,•,1 butter crackers. rice. starch, min , and bar snap, sperm and tallow car,Jle , , pities, pepper sauce &c. Liquors Cognise, Otard and American Brandy, St Old Jamaica and New England Rum, r;i7e. and A 133. Gin, Irish and Monongahela Wiii dei,a Lisbon, Sherry, Tencriffe Port, Musics, and Champaign Wines— ordials, Rose, Amer kee, Noyeau Sce. , cheaper than ever offered. Soaps, Perfainery i and Raney Goods Shaving . ii earn, militarvi, winclsnr. media , / musk, almond, palm, fre t h, tiler. rw. seal rent soaps, Lusinq, rrench, a% I Wei , iq : , , jockey club, patchoully. bog, rle rir :i:r. Irl• Cteurs, verbena, hr liotrope, T...t et bur spring flowers, west end and nr,v , r..wl , i 1 Cachous, cologne, hue arid 1. or. n 1 ., T. 1 ' Sp:ll)6h pearl prinnlsr. r • n; - ihii r ili.es. tors, hair erabicatbrs, h.), r 1..:!, p , T , lie.. ...!.: perfume snehris, Idly in 7, rer,l , . pi , r 1 roe. pens, fish honks, drawing penrii4. yirei,, , ir , block, and indelible iejriA, co r t ,b.,, pi n .....,,p, c i port mnnais, wafris, pneket mirrei , , rialik'a travelling companions tie, BRUSHES. Halt. hat, Stove: Scrub, shoe, paint. mix sash, artist cutlers hair. Ft r ipi ng hien& T ., la whitewash, conntei, tlesh, tooth. nail corn tr. infant, lather, table; horse and blacking brus I'ylisCellancorE. Tatter° ornl snuff Pq r't' tiP4. BEM 0 r , f let IMILIZEIMI Iherfficarioter4, I•,! = r•ls.r, ' 'ln. =I gr,iin tin, f .!fl.. Chinese vermi:N. , n, Itsh.Venetinn l'a , i3 red lead, chrome y, Iloa• an I r,:TI"!.)11171. t copal varni,Fh, !;.h spirits turpentine. lin:eed ail , ra-m, ch.l!;:,r na, gold leaf, bronze, Sc. - Glass. French (An=a 21-30. 7,2.3,1, '26;30, IS, 12-20, 12-IS, 12-IG, 10-11, hn-1•2, Patent Priledicincs. =I Dr. Jaynes' Alterative Expectarant. Sant. Fi tche's expectorant, mini,- hum a i cirri:tor, hi Merchant's - Gargling Oil for hiiriies. Swityne's medicines. wild cherry. a-c. Bront's Pulmonary Balsam and Evian rte. Orriek'S Houghton's Pepsin or Gastric juicii forilY` Osgood's Indian Cholagogue. for fever lasigs Scarpa's Acoustic oil for DeaM-ss. S. P. Townsei d's Sarsaparilla. Schenck's Pulmonie St rap. Or. Keeler's Family theme 9. Botching's Dyspepsia Bitters. Iloofland's German Bitters. for Prep.-psi: , Brown's Essence Jamaica Glut:. • Duboy's Pot and Mice Exterinmva - r. Also agent for Herrick's med.ciars. pisart drcw's and Davis' Pain kiker. Gnelrr tines, Pile Flcrtuaries err.. Fnlt 'hear worm, sparin atr.d founder ointment Cordial, plasters, poor man': c7c merits, evasive soap, bed t and Clark's Worm earup. tires, Motrit's Pho, To" Sloan's. D.ll/ey's, and VcAl:)-ter . • ( ) T law's Henna Powder. Con, !won Pawde the numerous kinds ot- Phosgene, superior Duriit.,i eels!. lard and sperm oil t now ;E.! !4. , ..• lam p s now being i-rened : no. cje ing, lamps for hall and :tore ti-e, 41rand:Ir S. I ObaCCO. Cavern James, :Nr , )rul It a' Tu 4 ' 4 John Anderson's fine cut. lho:7.'s .1 onnY etc.; choice pure Ilnrana ("lor‘..ft All of which will be s.d.l at 111111 ,111 ! L Remember that Dr. Porter's Chia? Drs . : cal Store is in the south end of the Wariil doors above tfie post office IT. C. I 'olol 3, Towanda, /tine .1, I PAPER woraords PrRE only complete assortment of ings kept in this region, to sale & lowest rates by 0. P. BO CPS A , HATS, BOOTS et SHOT sortment, sold very cheap April 8 9. ILI! rzE ',LT & m a cne* , i' a IPti ur bnu isto , calo me l q unietitti tanar Inflow s isoda resit larx epsoin !antimony laluna l ezrrt) subl4 Fred p re% uy tquiarne =3 ~ ~~+~•mc LLL o/lth !'I let !,1 a ni m )a r"..!,11c gl At-rs Rea I , ld in IV(ILC 111 El AMI 1 , 13C1 1 111/x r u , ,rl , 1 ..."+ L =I ,ti , , 1 I, an v ME OEM tr r.. a ",