Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 24, 1852, Image 3

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    iCcui (Abvettistments.
Difficulties en the IUo Grnnde!
WAR ! WAR ! WAR 11. ,
rrlift contest hascommenced and a vigorous pro
qcution of purchazes for CASH, will soon en.
thepublic to determine that it is to their inter.
tlemselves from •
to soplOY
cs craCT.WiTZ. 17e, TAILOMILIG
1,182 - 1 W T ,
of Brick .B•no Main al.
the subsciibor has.just returned from New.
I:l . ; br l st, , lnz with him a choice assortment of
fury and Staple Articles,
rrel w ;i t t':e most personal care, from the first
—These tm:ether woh former stock,
han to offer to the public an assortment
r eNcelenee f material, beauty of work
and elegance of style, cannot be stir
,•ll of country, and which be is
se:: at the very lowest CASH
ha , a ',o to his establishment a care
. ',..,eleried stock of . .
Cloths and Tailor's Trimmings,
, thw "mabled furnish and make to order
inanrer,7 , l at the shortest notice, eve.
In hi , hoe of business.
11r, ta,ient that from his long experience that
, ,L• lie employs none
rel . t w.rkni.m. and feels assured that
„. '1 n sii!Ter by comparison with the
in exe, hence of workman
; and hopes by strict atten-
To merit a con-I:mance of that lib
' -. which has been extended to him
•tvicre thanks for past favors he
2:V t. him a call and see for them
li,tnt ton:et the place.
4outh of Brick Row.
-'.trinNt; done a. usual and warranted to
r.:ea up_f''
JAI& THE •e'r,ber offers at public sale,
- L r : ' situated in ....3heshe
,4i.itV ~„," Bradford county, Pa.,
ae .l:e hundred and forty-nine
• . ,! • d te.; Ciereof ore in a good
71, Zlll.l 11,{2 I craainkivr ic wood
:• There are two good dwelling
:;. • ra.rrial.ze &c., situated upon
r road, and a barn and tenant house
of the farm. Fif:y acres cf the
• lilt. I ,, tcreen the train
r. and e•ceeed:n::y fertile.
1191'; of a itiaw !Vitt with the
• situated within hull a mile of the
•niently tituLerl and. The
, cirilet: within ..! , ,tut eight mile.;
I:. autl itres.•ni, a rare iritluee•
It wi :I lie /me and a
, ri. Lt he t:iven ( , rune halt of the purch-
F., I ;r!her particu!ars enquire of C.
I' , •waii•.la, it( die , tib , criScr.
1.4. 11. lINGSBURY.
• ( In the
1V11.1.1.1. 1 1 Jr Eit c'Lld.
I hat,iliLt been appointed by th.
said CUUt.I) an .au'itoe to
rro.n•-v in the hands of the
• : I ttive notice that
• divie-, <f , a•.I appointment at
r of "ro.,randa, In said ciiun
'... r • .1 h day of Ati,ttust. next at I
an. rn. r. at Wit h place and
(.I,unis wzninst
el mina in fur a stare of
E. W. B IIRD. Aullt!or.
p;t: ()!Jtrib Waverly . . Y.
" (.4,1 anllng cif scuds
t'a;:y on the N. V. 3 E.
. , •—a E.rprc• Co. east,
, • _ .‘. M. Gmlig west,
.I.toc-. P. T.
, 'C. NVARruND Agcn:.
\UN's NOIT:E. •
e•-;m:• - _ , of Horatio
• Atidnv tuwn,hip, are here
; • , rntilt without delay ; and
• • ,ns ,a;el estate. will please
I.t'y aytten , :ca•ed for settlement.
.kts•EN.N LADI),
'•. :!y 17 1%;52. Administrators
Auditor's 'Notice.
I 1 f.rd r.ty in the marerrf
El. .11. DiT F dee'd.
I ha , in !wen app. ,t !e,l
rti•el by Yale
i •1;,.r. N !tie of Ail:.
I AT , pnrit:itniit a
in arl n'ounit
1 f`
f '
i 1-p,
;;,! neAl al „
ri whxti ffine ally!
r I Inv; :ozen.l.
Laiditor's Notice
;Ippinnied by the
1i..r1 C.•untv an and ;,,r
. ot ilna!han
r5 , .114.tic.•
at Litt i,&.u-e ui
• •••• •":, v
Y. )1.. try n !Ire
e t r and Fdtce
•r^ re ati.1,14 r ..r!e
2 a -T olar, egt:vp.
I:1T 1* ‘f,: %MTV Amiltor.
.. mid a: his eld
after a h:ch time, all
e... 11 be sue.: nn-
S/ 11 11;.1.:rr'r.; SALM.
•,! Jet t end. Expo., issued
• t t Co:hi - non ['leas Ilraiitord
will br exp—seti to pub.
• : .M. I.ottz. in Troy tion , tigh
!; - t of July at I o'clock f'. M.,
r.-,1 of filmd i•nuated in
led an I
;1 e 1)::.:11 way leailinr!
rt ; n .he l.l: E.
'area th.s I tt and tire 'aid
renter of the
the t-at.l: - th , pitrtl 1..
7, keen tturt•d;)
tt.'t it( I. N. Popierry.
• acre t. be the same more
Lamed :01.4e house there,
r r is
• . r ~p 2ution at the si..t L I Lew
rIiEsTER TIMMAS Sheriff.
r te, June 2 1 ;. 1852-
•S•ll,!itor's Notice.
' •••, nf :.,141 nicer! by Sheriff s
. 11 111 A
• L;vr-n that th' under , izned
t: att:- :Ted l.r the Court of Com
-111 ; I cf.unito, an Auti,• , .r to dis
r•• t" y Stterttrts sat - e of the prop
'', wttiattettil at the Court
S Wir'l3r the 2t'h day of
• f "Er. o'clock P. M., to attend
At which time anti
:I:nq u:).n %nil fond, ttre re
.: ; t. ~ tott ittt G p-yer debarred
It \Tv Me.\LPIN, Auditor.
t‘tt 2,
lumber at
H AS opened a Clothing store at ATHENS. Pa.,
on the ready pay i.yeem. A good stock ofnew
and fashionable garments for sale at very low pri
ers. Most of the assortment is of
acme Nannfacture.
The cutting is under the dir.ction of an experi
enced tailor, and in this manner durability in work
manship and good taste in style are secured..
has been adopted, as the best i methnd for doing the
business, as it enables the merchant to sell low, as
it saves bad debts, and is the best plan for every
body Here is the place where min and boys, old
and young may be suited on fair and economical
terms.. ,
I have but one price which gives me the advan
tage of
than those who sometimes raj -4e on the price in or
der to make up a loss, occasioned by the higgliug
tedious, unbusiness-like process, which customers
are usually obliged to undergo at most country
stores. With a good u§sortment of new and styltsn
can mgl;e rit to the advantage or every man and
boy to call a; the one: price Clothing Store in Athens
j' N. B. Dealers in want of cl , olli! , g to .F'! in
will find goods here, as cheap, if iw ! ,o c!. , •
than can be bought in the New Yutk jubbing }Kw.-
cs—and better made. "/"1)
JUfiT received and now opening by J. POWELL,
a large ...inch of Dry Goods, Hoots & Shoes, Hats
Grocerie'., Fish &c., which are now offered for sale
at extremely low prices. Having been selected
with care and bought for cash, they cap he afforded
and will be sold at prices that cannot fail to suit
the pnrehasers. An examination of his stook is
respectfully solicited J. POWELL.
Q UM M ER GOODS—An assortment of Ginghams,
- De Lains, C'hatabrays, Lawns, just received
and fiir sale by jett3, J. POWELL.
u ATs-A large stock of fine silk Hungarian.
K ,, ,.:•utb, Panama and palm leaf hat. just re
ceived by je23, J. POWELL.
ri RocEm ES—A large stock of Sugars, Teas,
(;-Fr ee , M o ia4iseß, and ail other articles of gro
ceries jut received and fur sale by
•2.3, 1 8 52. OWELL.
Boni's & SHOES—The largest stock in town
of 13Jies, tnisFe9, and childrens fine and coarse
shoe,. Men , , boys and youths calf, morocco and
coar,e I oots and 'hoes ju,t received by
June 2.), 1552. J POWELL.
fresh steck of Cbdfidh and Mackerel at
I lime 23, 1552. .1. POW ELI,.
ATOTIcE is hereby etren•that the extpartnerNhlp
exi.tine between C. MOODY & co., was tits
solved by mutual consent on the 1:411 inst. All per.
sons having nn , r.tled acconuts with said firm, arc
herehv regniredto call at the store, and "setee. MI
person-t having demands aVlinst the late firm, pm--
sent the -awe to U. MOODY, for payment.
U. M•OOD f.
Dwell. June 26, 1a52. 1. LAPOR rE.
A LT, person,: indt-bied to the estate 01 Jonathan
late of Pflie, are hereby reque,ted
to make payintot without delay, and those lir.v l o;:f
elamisa2ain.t said estate, will please present ihcm
duly authei.licated for settlement.
Pike, ILO 17, 1852
THE subscriber would an
nou nee to the public that he
/ have now on hand, and will make
. kie'trZ: to order all kinds
Cabinet Purnitirce,
ri ne such a; Sofas.Divana, Lounges.
Center, Card, Dining and Break
et3/6„). fast Tables. Mahogany, \Val
-- rcut, Maple and Cherry flurcaus,
stand, of various Icinds, Chairs
and nedsteads of every description, which are, and
u ill Ice made of tie best material and wc.rlimanhise
manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper
than can he bought to any other Ware-room in the
• 11.71.ELD73:-MADE.
h ! on the reas , nat,'.e terms. zond
II E.1:1-1E w;!! r:ll , hr , ! on Funeral
T, .1!)nf- t. 1iz542.
.1(1IN J 'I rA it LINE
AllartlS ext
T onEtNG GLASS PLATES cut and fitted or
an{• frebe had at the Jewelry %tare of
NT a v 15. IQ - .2. W. A. CI.IAMBERIAN.
URT() N KINcsitURV, mmid again rail the ato
lei.tton of au persons .1 e . 1 ,,, ti s o f
ehenp. 1,, thf- which he rerelrlng
Vt•rli ; eo.bracin , z. a to!' I
1.,(11 , 1, of G, oft. whiclt are
the town and eount•y trade. ,, - Ico-2,
N. Y. Ez E. PaiirGad !
,A RE now receiving xi-et kly ever the att , ive tho
/1 roughfare. all the latest and most fashidit ible
styles of Goods arriving lit New Yotk, fresh from
the hand• s f the Importers.,
Also, the etimee-t and hest of heavy Staple Goods
and at pr es that cannot fail to please.
Theds arrangements are such that they can sell
goods at witole,•alP for cash an low as they can be
pureha.ed of the jobbers in New York city.
With an huntlde acknowliedgm nt of past favors,
an examination of their very extinstvh assortment
ul Gamic is respectfully solicited.
r. T. rov
f u 1 1852
ALLirrs,ols indebted to the estate of AMOS
KINNEY, deefd, late of Athens town.hip, are
hereby regto•i•ted to make payment without delay
and all persons having demands against said ettate
are regoested to precut them to A- G. Pickard
duly authenticated for Fet liernen t.
SAM'', FARWELL„Alministrator.
:•trnit!l9,7/.1, inne 1852.
PITINNLIT & M0T1787.21N. .
Ti - Aviv iwo receivrd from New YorI: a large
I. 1 and general assortment or Dry Goods. Grocer-•
:es, Crockery, h ard Ware, Boots and Shoes, Hats,
Car, Bonnet, arasok &c., &c., and in fact every
description of nerchandise, all of which was pur-
chased at unprecedented low prices, and selected
with special care for this market. In making 'lib
announcement tothe public, we want it etophat.c.aly
understood that we arc determined to offer such int
&icemen tin the way of cheap grunt:, that none shall
say they can buy goods any cheaper at any other
establishment in town, keep this in mind. No 3
Brick Row.
TT & SHOES, the largest and cheapest FIRSOn•
went in town—and Hats and Caps, at wholesale
390 flt3ll.
New cabuertisements._
Athens,July 17, 1832 GEO. B. PEREINs
amore New Goods.
011%.1.V.11.9 Rradrard Coast!" Pa
K. S. & 111, C.:MERCIER,
ARE now opening and offering for sale at Whole- .
sale and Retail an extensive cock of SUMMER
GOODS, embracing a full assortment of goods usurd
ly kepi ,T 1 them, which were purchased at extremely
low prices, and will be said at lower prices than the
same quality of goods are sold in any town west of
New York. We tray to all, come and examine our
stock; and those who pay Cash fur goods. will find it
greatly for their interest lo buy at the Cash 'Lore.
Towanda, June 1, 1652.
,ilocts and Shoes.
ALA LARG E stock of Ladies', L'hildren's and Misses'
Gaiters, Buskins, Slippers, Polkas and Boots.—
Also a.fine as..ortment of inett's and boy's calf, kip and
morocco Boots, Shoes and Brogans, and a good supply
of dent's Gaiters and Congress Boots just received at
June I. M ERCIJ R'S.
Shoe 'Findings.
AGENERAL stock of Findings, comprising oak
and hemlock tanned Sole Leather, Calf, Binding
and Lining Skins, boot and kid Morocco, shoe thread,
and nails, and everything needed in the line may be
found at junel MERCUR'S.
SLIMMER HATS.—A fine aasortment of the latest
styles of moleskin, Kosluth, Hungarian, Panama,
pedal and palm leaf Hata, just opened at
June 1.
selection of tidies' and misses' Borneta, and at
great variety of Bonnet Trimmings, now epening at
Jime 1. 14.1ERCUR'S.
extra . quality CORN STARCH, rnanufac
) tared expressly for culinary and dietetic putposes,
for sale at junel MERCUR'S.
Farmers, look to your own interests !
rpHE undersigned respectfully announce that
1 they still continue the manufacturing business
at their old stand in Monroe, one mile above Mon
roeton on the Canton road, where they are prepar
ed to accommodate all who may favor them with a
call, with anything in their line, from the carding of
a pound of wool, to the manufacturing of auy_gual
ity izto
Cloth, Flannel or Cassiracre,
on short notice Having understood that wad buy
ers—travelling the county—have often sold their of our make, we wish it distinctly under
wood that we have no one peddling our cloth fur
stool ; neither shall allow any one to do su, be
lieving that this is only a lax upon 'the Farmer, and
a practice of which unprincipled dealers take ad
vantage to cheat the inexperienced buyers ; therefore
any persons wishing to exchange their Wool for
our Cloth, can only do so by - calitng at our factory
where we will give them as good bargains as they
can get this side of New York.
We wlll warrant our cloth to he made of eond
wool and not compose .1 of filth—:ll short made f.,r
service, and not merely for sale. Call and try us,
and we flatter ourselves that we shall he able to
satisfy you of the correctness of the above stmt.-
N. B.—Those hav i ng unsettled accounts with us
will confer a favor by calling and settling the same
immediately either I , y note or otherwise.
Monroe, May 19, 6332, J. INGHAM* SON
For Sale.
°ming County ; heavy timbered with %%live and
Yellu.w Pine, Hemlock, Chestnut and other o.".
of timber suitable for lumbering. The land I , well
adapted fur grazing, after the timber is cut otT.
good 'title given. None of the abOve lan'd is m. re
than ten miles from the Susquehanna 'titer and
North Branch Canal. and will be sold in large or
small quantities to suit purchaser:. Trims eavv.
For further particulars whirr's ELI:MA FOR
RES P, Attorney•at Law, Allentown Pa.
Allentown. May IS, 1812. E. FORREST.
Selling off at Cost ! !
rrifE uhscriber trill sell the balance of his stock
1 of Goods, at COST, for cash.
Towanda, May I. 1 8 5 2. E. T. FOX.
lItE'S O( )0 variety, from India silks, to
3 cent Cat:c•is. Also the latest style of Dress
Trimining-i, at ard:o B. KINGSBEIIY'S.
BEFORE looking riNewhere, it would be well for
Lather n. fool: at (he Spring Bonnets, Artificial
Flowers and Ribb.rns, which are sold so very cheap.
April 9 B. KINCrsBEHY.
rtiZOCKERY.—The largest mock in town. nil
V dinner and tea setts, of white granite and blue
ware, which trill he sold cheap at FOX'S.
rIROCERIES.—The quality and prices of Te 1....
VV Sugais and Coffee, alwayx sp.ak f.r.theni
selve,.. at aplto 11. KINGsBERy's,
AcKEREL.-50 half barrels. and 2:1 quarter
barrel=, at B. KINGSBERV's.
2(1 (VINT.% LS CODFISH—They are worth
I 10 1 :in s ; at, if nut buyii g, for saki by.
April 10. 11. KW:SUET:V.
7,‘ EsS PORK !—: 0 bls!. Prime, for which a hilzh
price was paid.anil fir which a hi h price will
be asked, by apllo B. KING:SIIEIIY.
.Tl . An3 W'arrants.
IAND WARRANTS, issued under the act of
.4 1 , 451, borsht by
April sash. 1852.. LAP )11 ET, MASON &Co
rettcruirerics ! Loin; nnum !
rt A RPENTERS & JOINERS will find a full as.
C.) sortment of planes, gauges, gems, squares, trying
squires, bevels, compasses, iron and wood spirit levels,
a dzer s , gimlet, center and ruger bids, broad, hand and
lon h axes, adzrs, h3Miner4, c hi se l s , gouges, chalk
and sprobs, brad and scratch awls, tape lines , dc.
111.ACK:SME:11:i will find anvils, vices, bellows,
:e.l,zes, hand and shoeinz hammers, rasps, tiles, iron
Nitta, hind drills, Lunn , shoos and rails , screw
es. and a general assortment of cast, German, sprinZ and American !Meter stem I, Swedes, American
arid English iron.
MASONS will End brick and p!a.,teriny, trowels,
stone hammers, lathing hatchets, white wash brushes,
he.. constantly on hand at NIERCUR'S.
QAFETY Fl;bl3.—Contractors can lind If superior
L amide of Safety Fuae at Al
Pay Up ! Pay Up !
DEaSONS indebted to the subscribers either on
beck account or by note, are hereby minim(' that
they must be paid without further delay. Immedi
ate attention to tha call will save Cost.
Towanda, June 10, 11352.
Tracy & Moore, No. 4, Brick Row,
RE reeriving one of the largest and best selet t
rt. ed assortment of SUMMER GOOD: 4 , ever offer
ed in this market, and as they must be sold they in
vite the auenriun orthe people to their stock and
I'd et; June 1, 1852
0 B ack ere I, in and whole Barrels
_1 fre,h and sweet, just rec'd and for sale cheap
as the cheapt•st NiORE':3
OOTS and ::F.lioes—a very • xten,ive n , sortment
Li now openinz rt T CY ° MOORE'S.
-NAll.Bnntl Iron—a large assortment just reed
end for sale 6y TRACY 4- MOORE.
June I, No. 4 Brick R.
To Contractors.
►J EDIFICE, 46 feet by 70. with a basement fur
the use of the Presbyterian Church in Towanda,
will be received at tha office of U. MERCUR Esq.,
until the evening of the 6th of July next.
Plana and specifcations may be seen at the sa'd
office after the - fir: tof July.
By order of the board of Trustes.
Towanda, June 18, 185.2.
- -
UTTER—Any quantity, in exchanre for goods
1-1 at jn22 BOWMAN 3.
New (Abnertitiements,
DR. 11. C. PORTER,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
STORE in the south end of the Ward House, well
known as the largest, cheapest and most ettensive
assortment west of the city. Particular attention will
be given to any or all who may, wish to call, either to
exam!: e or purchase, and any 'medical halo:fruition
will be cheerfully and gratuitatudy given to those who'
who wish to consult coricevning themselves or friends.
Continuous supplies of Noll and recently prepared ar
ticks ale weekly ar.iving, having tern carefully se
lected with a view to their usefulness, and any article
wanted not usually kept, either will be found here, or
procured at the shortest, notice by Express, for these
leaving their Accommodating clerks always
will be early to safely compound any prescription:and
cntieavor to make it (whatever the purchase) mutually
agreeable. All grids shall be considered warranted
as represented, and being Agent for the hest and pop
ular Patent Medicines,. all those found in this store
can be relied upon, in all eases, as being genuine. The
stock now eon:prises Temp article in the trade, among
which may be found the following: -
arms and Medicines.
•croa. *erg • , orris
squill •
ginger etc
Aquafur Lis
Tartaric; etc
Life etc
Peruvian (Jes'ts )
Elm etc
Wintergreen etc
Lemon etc
Pen igreck
A ride •
Gan iy
G uden
M u%tard
Colchicum etc
F Lo w z as.
A a
Lavender etc
Sugar, Correa and Tca of all kinds, molasses, spice,
pepper. cloves, mustard, nutmeg, mace, fish, rasing,
citrons, currants, salad oil, cacoa, chocolate, soda,
lmver crackers, rice, starch, ginger, sg/eratug, white
30..1 bar can,. candle 3, jur, bottles .
me., r cauc;t
- -
e O Cni4C, 0(311.1 and A menta' Brandy, ktt. Croix.
Old 3arriaica and New England •Rera, pars Holland
and A. Gin. Irish and Monongahela Whiskey, Ma-
Lisbon, Sherry, Teneritre Port, Muscat, Claret
and Champaign Wines—Cordials, Rose, Amour Mu
kee, Noyeau &c , cheaper than ever ofrered-
Soaps, Perfumery and Fancy Goods.
Shaving cream, military, winilsor, -medicated, sand.
musk, almond, palm, frcuch, toilet. rose, and transpe aJz p a , I, n Fren-h, as I Weights extracts of
jockey club, patch ally., de earolino. musk, mills
(Is urs, vary, ia, to le.trope, sweet brier, geranium,
sprint; Sowers, west end and 11e7 , 1 mown hay &c.—
Cachous, cologne, bay and li.ios waters. Lilly white.
parish poarl pow , lor, .ro hair tly es, hair invigora
tors, hair, hair oil, p onades, court plaster,
perfume sachels, playing cants. pencil points, steel
fish hooks, drawing pencils, percussion cops, red
block, rind indelit•'.• inks, corubs, purses, pocket hooks,
port rnonais, waters, pocket mirrors napkin rings and
travelling companions c.
H a t t , bat, stove, scrub, shoe, loam!, marking, varnish
sash, artist c umei's hair, soaping blender's and badger's
whitewash. counter. flesh, tooth, nail comb broom cloth
infant, lather, table, horse and blacking brushes.
Tobacco rind snuti ninle shells, nursing hot.
Iles, bre.e.t. pumps, 'ecth rings bed pans, syringe . , shun!.
der braces. tru4ses, sul.ts•rters, pessaries, caiheters.cup
log g:.,- .e-, mi.biat es, inaitars, spatula, forceps lancets
thernionicte.s, hyoid and spread adhesive piasters, &e.
raints and .D7c... Stuffs..
li,. red, ear,. and 1, wood, luslic, lac dye, cudtear
red sunders, madder, alum:ccpperas, blue citrbd, sol.
cmnpaatirm chemic oil, Tillie!, otelic and all the
acids, grain tin , pumice , and roil - .1 atone, American &
Chinese terra-omm b'panish brown, American & Eng
lish Venetian verdigris. Paris„grarn, white, black and
red lead,chrome yellow and green, japan, coach and
copal varnish, lampblack, litharke, putty, whiting ochre
spirits turpentine, linseed oil, rosin, chalk, umber, gnea
na, gold leaf, bronze, &c.
Fr Poch Gla:n 24-30, 22 30, 20-30, 20-24, 22-24,14
H, 12-20, 12- 1 8, 12-16, 10-14, 10-12, 8.10, 7.9.
Patent Medic nes.
Dr. Jaynes Alterative Expectorant, Sanative &c.
Fitchc's ext.ectorant, tonic humor' corrector, 4-c..
Merchant's Oargling Oil lot horsed, 4-e.
Sway ne's medicines, wild cherry. 4-c.
Branes Plilmonary Balsam and Ettract, etc
Orrick',, Vermifuge.
Houghton's Pepsin or Gastrin juien for dyspepsia.
(Ng- Cholagogue, for fever and ague.
t 4. carp's Acoustic oil for Deafness.
P. Towne d's Sarsaparilla.
Sehenck'g •Pulmonic Syrup.
Dr. Keerrea f nnily nv,iirinez
HutchineA Dyspepsia Bittem
Hnofand's'German Bitters, for Dy.pepait and Debility
D'rown's E,sence Jarna'ca Ginger.
Duboy's Hat and Mice Exterminator.
Also agent for Herrick's Medicines, plistera, etc., An
drew's and Davis' Pain Killer, Griefenherg medi
cines, Pile Ekon:irks etc., salt 'heum, tener, ring
worm, spavin arid fiunder ointments, etc.; tooth
cordial, plasters, poor man's salver, eye waters, lini
ments, erasive soap, bed bug poi:eat. Dobensacya
anti Clark'a Worm syrup, Christie,, Galvanic curs
lives, hludrat's Phoenix Bitters, l'reak . s magnetic,
Noan'a,lley's, and McAllieter's Ointments. Dil
low's Heave Powder, Condition Powder, etc. All
the numerous kinds of Pills.
Phosgene, su perior Burning Ovid, Camphene,whale.
lard and sperm oil ; new end beautiful pat.r.rris el" fluid
amps iittsv tieing tti coed Camplii•tt., side and bulg
ing lamps for hall and more us', 1;1r:41411es, sir.
12avendi-h, James. Natural hat'. Tut h Nearfalatth
John Anderson's tine cut, Boeg'sdenny Lin:l chewing,
etc.; choice brand.. pure Havana Cigars, etc. etc.
All of which will Im sold at unusually low rev:,
Remember that Dr. Porter's Cheep Drug and Chemi•
cal Store is in the south end of the Ward House, a few
doors above the post taco
Towanth. June 4, 1852.
/11HE m It complete assortment of Paper Hang.
1. ings kept in this regi A, (or :•ale - at the very
lowest rates by O. D. BARTLETT. .
CA PS, HA Fs. Bours S SIIOE—a large as
Po - intent, xobl very cheap for cash. by
tragacanth etc
'cream tartar
corro sublimate
, red precipitate
iquiniee •
i qunine
meanie '^
'neals fuot
11121 M
origcnam '
: cinnamon
ether •
B lau dentin'
shakers herbs
gold leaf
eastile soap
Venice turpentine
agia ammonia
brittish lustre
' , lotoZ.•
bunt. pie t
ea:lm ides
'.atit brick
sand piper
white glue
otter or sunset°
nerui i
cod liver etc
uva ur i etc
:.clap •
.pijclia (pink),
mar,.h rosemary
Ready 'Made' Clothing !
& B. LizzaciAnnup:, & co.
FROM Elmira N. Ir., have Just arrived in To
wanda, with one of the largest and most com
plete assortment of clothing ever offered in this sec
tion of the country. They are manufactured by
themselves exclusively, at rates Which will make it
an object for the public to tidy. Their goods are
made and trimmed in the latest styles and% from su
perior cloth and will be sold for one price and for
civic niLT.
Give its tteall and if we do not satisfy the public
sof our atrilitylc make good oar promises, we shall
not ask their patronage. elastomers can be fitted
with whnte suits by leaving their measures at our
store at the shortest notice:
LocrrioNs.—Next door south of. Met - cue.; Main
xt. Towanda ; and No. 7, Water it. Arnout, flail.
Elmira; and under A. C. Porters Hotel, Tioga Vill
age. Tioga Co. Pa.
Towanda May 29th 1851.
Attention Regiment !
TOH N E.,GEIGEIt , would say to his oki friends end
the public at Isi•¢e, that he has constantly on band
and manufacturing Rifles and shot Guns ike., &e.—
Among tits aesoriment 'of Guns may be found Double
and single barrelled Guns, Rifles of all kinds warranted.
Powder Flasks!, shot Pouches, Game Her, Cap
Primet s. Mao, Powder, Shot, Caps of the best quell
ty. Aliens' six barrelled Revolving Pistols, do single
barrelled self-c r ocking Pirtuls. Rifle Pistols, double bb'l
Planta and common steel and brass Pistols.
F G., F. F. 0., F. F. F. 0., Powder in Cans con
stantlyon hand.
Any of the above articles will Le sold awful cheap
for the Heady Pay.
Keys of any 'kind tut d to Doors, Truniks or any
Other find of lode on shott notice end reeetniable terms.
Repairing done with neatness and despatch. Shop a
few rods north of the Bradford House.
Towanda. May 22, 1852. J. E. GEIGER.
Emery & Co.'s Thrashing Machines.
Prices for 1852:
In addition to the actual freight from Albany. N.Y.
Emery's Patent changeable power, Thresh
er, Separator and bands complete, for 150 00
2 horses,
Emery's Paient Changeable Powell Thresh
er, Separator and bands complete, for 120 00
I horse,
Emery's Improved Wide Rack and Pinion
with Thresher, Separator and bands, for 120 00
2 tofses, •
Emery's Improved Wide flack aid Pinion
with Thresher, Separator and bands for 95 00
1 horse,
Common or Wheeler Rach and Pinion
Power, Thresher, Separator and buds 133 00
for 2 horses,
Common or Wheeler Rack and
Power, Thresher, Separator and bands 110 00
for 1 horse,
If sold separately, the following prices :lie
Charged :
Emery's Patent Changable Horse Powers,
For two horses, $llO 00
For one horse. 80 00
Emery's I mproved Wide Rack and Pinion Power.
For two horse% $9O 00
Fur one horse 60 00
Common Rack awl P1'711014 a) Wheeler Pouter. •
Fortw o horses $65 00
For one horse- 75 00
Thresher with Cilinder 26 inches long
and 11 diameter, together with Separa- $35 00
or and Fixtures,
Puilable Circular Saw Mill with 24 inch
Saw, filed and set, in running order fur $35 DO
coin rE; firewood, &a.
Upright or, Fellue Saw Mill for Wbecl•J
$4O 00
t: rights, etc.
Churning Attachment for driving, one or)
tw,, Churtis at a time of barrel size or (.( $l2 00
le ,. s (no extra gearing wanted.)
Cross Cut Sawing Arrangement, far but
ting and cutting off logs, including saw, $l2 00
guides, and connertions for
Power Corn Shelters, fur 1 horse and fur $35 to
2 homes, 5 $.50 00
TERMS—CASH, or NOTES with security and
interest payable i 2 4 or 6 .month.:. When good
endorsed notes, payable at bank are received, part
of the, interest will be deducted.
good tnateriali. and to opperate as represented. or
mat• be returntd to the subscriber within three
months and pnrcha , e money refunded. Written
warrantees given when required. Ptrsons wishing
b y
TIC IVA BTE 'Ord f_k frntlCN:ll39 )
should oraer them at an early day as the Manufac•
titre, arc much driven by orders, and supply can
not at all tunes be kept on band.
G:). It is tiecesaary for me to recommend
these nrexhing .ITheltinti for they are well known,
and recommend themselves to the good sense and
pocket of ea- - iy prudent farmer.
lam fully prepared to furnish a well made arti
cle. I u ill guarantee that the freight on any Two
ll.irse Machine, shall not be over 59 at Binghamton
rireorninz, or at any intermediate station on the
N. Y. & E. R. R. M. WELLE:S.
Athens, Bradittrd en. Pa. Jurte 21, 1852
& A. cAMPLIEI.I. would aga:n call rtiten
-11• thin of their *lends and cuNiome,s to t h e i r
large and new assortment of g00d..., Just receiv. d
and now opening at eietr Furni , .;ting Depot. con
sisting of all things necessary (0 clothe the outer
man, all to be sold s intle chtaper for the ready pay
than ever. Come and elamine, and be satisfied.
Towanda, May 14, 1352.
.I'l , to S 2, at NiPiIET.I,'S.
v ELI O.V. huff and white Vests, Coats & P a nt s .
1. a I irge lot for mile at • CAMPBELL'S.
Books ! Books !
Complete assoi :meat of School, Manic, Cla•
Z 1 cal & Mi.cellaneouc' ifook's, constantly kep up
and fur sale at the lowest rates - by.
Nov. 29, 1851., . 0. D. BARTLIVITT.
1 r 7 CHESTS YOUNG . HYSON, imperial, Hyson
I. I 'Am and Mack Teas. Also 15 Bie. Rin an d
11v3 Coffee, jusi received at A 1 EPC TM'S.
"F i 'ISH! FISH !—Mackerel by the bbl.. half and qr
bbl., and pound. Also a choice quality or_ Cud
fish this lay received and for sale by
March 18. ERC
CCASH WANTED—For which goods es
changed on liberal terms at . '
Jane 12,11 2 32 PHINNEY & BOWMAN'S.
Illiscella , con.
Notice to Settlers en Stato Land.
THE undersigned comprising n board of apprais
ers, to appraise all lands on which any pm
chase money is due to the Commonwealth of Penn.,
would hereby give notice to all who may have iti
their possession State :ands, that the Act of 163.
establishing said board, was extended by the la
Legislature for one year only. Those who wl,ll
avail themselves of the benefits of such appiL..
ment. Willi* waited upon by calling on either
the entntn. , si e.ter% by Icttet or o het or i
conferring with E. M. F. 1211.11/, C, mmtssinncr'
Clerk. A. H. till TH,
t •Itc;t• s sr. •
Towanda, May 20, 1352,
MICE undersigned has purchased a larg:,. ar
1 choice selection of NEW GOOD• 3, bougl
under the most favorable circinustances; and
sale as low for cash as can be bought else's.: her.
and lower than any braggadocia can or will sc:f.
• May 5, 1052. 0. D. I.I.IIhTLETT.
trog.Store, No. 2 :Trick Row.
Ninv ourNmns zmixr
HE having purch , t.e.l and rt. fut•
ni:9retl the stock t.f I.IRIASS, MEDICINES &c
in No. 2 Brick Row, which now makes it a choice
and well selected assortment of Drug astsl Medi
cines fur family use, at wholesale and retail, whxc't
he cheerfully recommend., to the public,lnd crave..
a share of public patronage.
The Goods wiWbe sold as cheat, or cheaper than
any other establishment West of New York fur cash
and cosh only.
Here you will find annexed a few leading articles
Senna Alex., Fosgate's Cortikil
do Intlie Elix Opi
Cream Tartar Hay's Liniment
Sup C Soda Dye
Manna, Harlem Oil
Magnesia Caled Oratinent, Trask.;
do Carb, do 'Why's '
do S 8 • do Mr Alle-tcr
du Hen - y"s !Shakers Herbs
Colocyntli do Extracts •
Alcuet,!:c Eft
fact Extract
Mei kito•s Vaniiia Ex't
d., I.enicri do
do Ma , do
d. A im, , r.J du
do A 11.,p;ce do
do kainegs do
do Cmger
do CM nainan do
do or ange du
d ) 'l'untl du
Trusses Hulls '
do Nlarsh-s,
go Shaker,
Balsam 11' isiers
do Cheesma.ns
do Fir
du Copabia
do Tolu
do Peru
do Pulinoffary
do Sulphur
Acid Tartaric
du Acetic
do Benzonic
do CiINC
it'u Nitric
do Osal,c
do Hy droeyanc
do Sulphuric
Oil Linseetj
do Sperm
Jo olives
do Castor
du • Neatsrout
do Almond's
do Amber Red
do Amber Red
d) Anisi
do Caraway
Ju Cru:on
do Cubehs
do Cummin
do Fennel,
do Lemon
do Pra-via
do Cod Liver
do Lavandula
do Neroli
do Nutmeg
do Orange
do Rhodama
do Ruse
do Cedrat
du Copabia
du Ergot
do V erl.en a
do Vio:eite
do Melletliter
do Patchouly
Brushes, Paint
do Varntsh
do Hair
410 Hair,Came.l
do Nail
do Tooth
du Shaving
do Flesh
do Cloth
do Hat
Soap, Yankee
do Crystalline
do Eng. Win.: Low's
do eimpfti
do Ruse
do Victora
do Orange
du Tooth
do Erasi ye
do Ca , iile
do Niilitacy
do Sarin
do Brown
Pain Killer
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
Oxygenated Bitters
Stoughton Bitters
Huliman . ., Anodyne I enitian Red, Ertl:Oß!,
'Together %r;th Paint., Turpentine, Varni:.h.
Wools & Dye-Stutf,G'3“, PUN hoiee Gruit r
pure Wines arid Liquors for Med:votal
Also, Cigars of the best brand ; attaa:l ca - t.cles cur.
nected with the trads.
Having secured th' sers:cer f Dr. S. Ift arox
attic keeps his .dice at thisik.nre, and kill give me
dical advice gratis In pet•p`...e, they paying ft.; the
medicines only. Phys'eians can rely upon harm.:
their prescriptions tarefu!'y rump, unded arid p
up. The stock has been se:lected with great en
and the goods sell be warianic!.. as represented
All of Dr. D. .141 nes' medicines. Ayra,,Caerry t• -
toria:„ rulmona of Ye ll ow I
Hoot. orri, j r Vermi _
Te*ether with all oi ihe TflOs.t papillar l'Aent med. -
now in use constantly on Ivin I n•ul f•tr c,la at
J. M. - r; 2, prie,‘' R. t
wanda, : 13
PORKa^•I ,#,:an:nc I'L;li
pis! receoca
DRYGOODS—.IgoJd 2:F. nneat of M, finoo
Cash'merea. De Laiw, Alpacat , , an 1 ',miw no•
nrnina , at j 1 IV' I 'R'!,;,
• A LL per , ms indpl,l,d to :hp ..state o f W 11,1,1
• /11: ES, deed, late of 'Warren nJdr, a
heret. , req:le.ted to notk? payment tt :Mout
and all pers.ots ha': m 2 demand e•
are rPquesied to prr,:ent no.homnealt- '
setilemPnt. ' .1 kM ESli. 13011 £l, asect.o.
Warren, NI rai 19:f_'.
ALL persons haring unceitlei aceomits w h ••
subscribers, are tequestta to cal immediat....
and arrange them riiher by note or payment. A. 4
all notes that are over due, must be paid;
Towanda, April 6, 183'2.
H. H.& ?J. C. MERCrIt.
ALL persona ind.bled to, the estate or 1, 11 .
Welk deed, hoe of the town.hip of 1),nell. ar•,
hereby requested to 'tusk° I.tytnent without Li .
and thoo. thivine Nat.] estate...lli
present them duly autlrWieated
r.oßen r
Atiministro •
Duren, Juan '25, :832.
I Springd er
do Mu. k do
do VI, ;rue do'
I do NI apiol ta (10
du Sweet Ilrer do
do legmin
.1) iiicley CI% do
do Caroline do
du Jenny Lind do
du Miguel dd
du Class
Nursing 13ottlee,
I do do G. 1.
'Rad MI6 Turk
do do
I do Ipecac
do Jalap
i di G.ligrr
do O tis
rn Camphor
ri Tur,lc
SI) rill Turk
I Arabic
I do Copal
do Aloe.: suet
do A kes Cape
• Ch'oride Lime
do Soda
ca-tor Eu•s
direr, o,•'t
It)x d llishulh
,13:,•e Pill . 1 , rr.n - .
i`ndidt. Putrt
I'art di
Hu'ph d •
Itlatt,tie do
r icitrate Ferri
!1•••Ittiu du
fri.oti, 1.4 Arcleury
IStry 6,t: :.
Verd , rin
!Hydra Cunt
1 11,4 - pl,,!:e buy la
d.) A, t
i Cal, , ntel, American
du, 1?(.•:
Whtc Lol.l
do I).ii;
Aii:ertca du
Pruqsmn BIUJ
Fi g do
J. 1"0 4
.I*F.T T