GI New Abncrtiscmcnts. _ _ ADY MADE CLOTHING. GroYAGE a. Trammel's, .1 o pened a etathitrg store at ATHENS; Pa., t h e ready pay system. A good stock-g new fno ashionable g arments for sale at very low pri most of the assortment is of • r..CMC ATarmilictutili; 1 ‘ 4 •A• ulung is under the dir-ction Of an experi• 4 '2 c 141, and in this manner durability in work sbip and g ood taste in style are secured. THE CASH SYSTEM 1 1 adopted, as the best method for doing the a s it e nables the merchant to nit low, as i,ad debts, and is the best plan Joe every.. Here i s the place where men and boys, old coon; ma y be suited Oil fair. and ; economical hare bat one price which gives me the advan et SELLIMM C.lllEali ER, . those who sometimes rai-e nn the price in or to ma k e op a loss, occaaioned by ;the' higgling ,v,unbasiness-like process, which customers 3casilr obl:ged to undergo, at moat country , s , 11'11)) a good assortment of, new and styturt OTLEXIM, - in ma k e it to the advantne or every :man and :: call a; the one price Clothing Sloe in Athens juk , 1 7 . 13:1 GEO. B. PERKINS. --- N. 13 Ct SI i, in want of cloihing. to sell age le here. a, he,p4iff rint same cheaper h: .11 . et.c , York jobbing hot's- cao "- ;11? I'r:ft' 111.1,T A DMI:\ 1.• 1 TO fC:-; NOTICE ' Ihe'e`lllle of - Jonachalt . are hereby reytested P, • %.c1' , . , 111 and those ,a I,lit;e, Wt.l please present them r LPIIILAIM DRINK. Admint.trater. 17, ;cS'= NOTICE. r, tv , l: t i , and at his cid stand, a w after which time, all 2L , arranged, will .be sued nn- T (1' ar..ln. July :3, ,c:o2 A 2 r. N Es 'ICIAPPAL. STO::- . 1 C 411. i 40 . ( 1. • 1 : 4 - e.g." -•- _ • s c ‘k, Friday, July 16, 1852. Two Monestrian companies, .and One Wild Bean. Ezhibticn, r. T. FOX rtnArltlN)Nfi . one E'er:ant Entertainment .the the the CIRCUS, the lying mEN i;E!;11;. ;, 1 „1 ii ; " Ale:odraMatto Awe ant 01 0.1 Horse of Tatt y? 11'ith new c BannetyPio• cessions, calvaea , le , . & C 4 IZ. SINDs tvCe. • J. J N I . IIA &Co. (; C. Ql - 11•K Proprieto*. e' , uppr.r , e hr a f ct rps ofqiistrortip, ah.l three distinet anei eittratc. cntcitalatattpt:: CXTIGR ONE %O VA••:•‘_,.. the 1 - .ow!s• di , eovered An' prgon rerr,,rma , ie, loveLte.l 1}• Hunt. '4 , faXiin ; across the reit:Thz. with his w T feetup4Odig: head downward, 'There I. tin mystery cilil-cat penny tric k • riment. The....4bOshit a vae;inin exhaVtirp, a,r here` ~ e n IA; 'cruces ; the. r ifeet-being itaelted a 1: •ri.a:elv by extittairirand sti mg . tt.e a:t at e ar'n i-tep, at the will .f -the Ant t `e - t a i e t performance will be in -1:..:.:n 1 , 51 , .:1 r tt I ( C• a the entire exhih,tellAW The Ewe: :a.Ninent in ihr evening wilt. ipncluug,. with the 41a.r,t1 Dra,natte and Curgeous SPOASIeti of , L ..) CO .'•0 (,U taken from the popular poem of Lord Byron, being-, reproduced and adopted to the circle with a most . attentive and careful exehition of the powerful sit. nations so graphically described in the great poet toil legend.' voluminon , and delineated descriptions of this Grand (;,tla 1/ay hv the combined esebitioos, beel , ll! , at r.e varous re.,trtg, luer n m Les !wen plel to the ele7ant {arrange rarw hr r, IMILLI.IN 11.1 ILI:- mINAT Fa) i.e Ga.; Chan,leheo: r f a pPcilitir con struct:on ur,l every other c , mveinence caiculated Cr.' the corn foil of humer"us a t.l respectable audi• enceN. - . The novel' exhibition of inwicu!ar strength and endurance of a man who BREAKS A t , OLID ROCK %ITrrr 1118 FIST! ti.illl be given by Mom. Odell, in the course of the Entertainments. looKiNG (MASS P 1 \ TES cut and fitted or I any ,ize, to be had at the Jewelry store of May 15, t 8 7 ,2. W. A. CH ANIIIERLIN. pl:frek)N KI\GSI3[RY• would again call the au .tention of all per4oos desirous of baying goods cheap, to the lirge ,rod: which he is now recett•in„• from NewYurk ; embracing a full assortment of all hind, of th,oil , t‘hicli are altptel.l . to the wants of the town and count•}• trade. Towanda. Jun tt. N. Y. & E. Railroad A ifE now re: , trine over the above hi ronaftfate, sit the hitr , t and fno.t fa,hionaLle styles of Clouds arrivms: in New York, fresh from the hands of the importers. - AL.°, the rIto;:z.1 and be-t of heavy St fie Goods and at prireS :!):1! rdiiliot feil 11 pie , a+e, Their arrangement' are such 'Mat they can sell gaud: at wil.lerilhc for cash as they can Le imrcha-ed 01 the j.Mhers to New York city. With an humble ackm.ulelgm4 rit ~112a,t favorQ, An exam;-ntimi of thcir very exu.nsivh assortment ot G , "bested. low%! - .Ja.. June I 5.:2. A T.I. ;. e r'nns indebted to the estate of AMOS dee'd, late of Atht.tts township, are hereby teq,, , ,t,a NJ make pa) went without delay and all rer-one haying dematnk against said eFtate are requeAted to present them to A - G. I'ickard duly tautLentica.te , l for I , Pi 01114'11 t. SA N7l, I!?WELL, srai:btk- , 11. Jane 14. 1'52.. CHEAP GOODS! P.TEZICZT:E.TZ :SOWT:ZATI. TT VINU reeeivt d frotA Ic.:York n large 1./ and general assortment or Div (;ontls, Grocer ies, Crockery, hail Ware. Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, B.tnnet , , Parasols &c., &c., and in fact every de,criptinn of mereharl,e, all of which was par chased at unpreeetlemed low prices, anti selected with special care for this, marhet. In making this announcement to the public, we want acinphatic , i'y undersipt,d that we are determined to offer such ducemcntin the way of cheap 7,003., that none shall say they can buy goods any cheaper at arty other establi , hment in town, keep Mils in mind. No 3 Brick Ro ar. Towanda, June 12,1852. • _____ ROBERT BULL, • UMBER—Cash paid for lumber at • I SM New cAbnertisetnents. More New Goods, ti Zissolution. I. 4.-T. --'),k .17: -4 4. , `-3 i¢~ 7 # , • ; • , -,=,-...- ' .--:-:::,, -, k , - ... i.,!?-' ' 1 . .;•:. z ) ' ': -2 *4 :'(.:i:;. 1 .! -- Vr 4 ,.. z• f, ' 0:::::_; , -::- . ...i . ., , ,- 2 .7- Iv, - :•,,1 , 14 - - 4 t-2,-- - ----- -1-:...,..-1•::'N';4....i13.,74------,--7--r.-: ..„ 1 -: ~ ; MAZEPPA, 1'z03.71 NEW GOODS ! & CO ADM N 1: 4 T1 - 2 TOR'S NOTICE &:IMOUR, - anti • • •ioritale Wh 4 Ole- A R ialltr and ° C i t n l g is a tilt 'ir ng estOck of SUMMER. GOODS, embracing a fall assortment of goods usual- ly kept by Skein, which were purchased at extremely low prices, and will be sold at lower prices than the same quality of goods are sold in any town west of New York. We sty to_ all v aerie end eiamine our stock t'andthose Who pay Cash foropods Will find it greatly for their interest td buy at tke Cash store. Towanda, June I. 18A2. • • roots.and Shoes. A LARGE stock of Ladies', Children's and Misses' 11 Gaiters, Buskins, Slippers, Polkas sod Boots.— Also a fine assortment, of men ' s and lioy's calf, kip and morocco Roots, Shoes and Brogans. and a good supply of sent's Gaiters ate] Congress Boots just receieed at Jane I. MERCUR'S. Shoe Eludinp, A 1 GENERAL stock of Findings, comprising, oak imd,hemlock tanned Sole Leather, Calf, Binding and Lining Skins, boot and kid Morocco, shoe thread, and nails, and everything needed in-the line may be found at Janet MERCUR'S. SUMMES . . R HATS . - A fine auortment of the latest styles of moleskin. itosantb, Hungarian, Panama, pedal and palm leaf Hata, just opened at .. June /. MOROI:IRV. SPRUNG AND BUMMER BONNET —A choice selection of ladies and misses' Bonnets, and at great variety of Bonnet Trim:Dingo, now opening at • Jvne 1. MERCURIS. eitra quality CORN STARCH, usatturac- V' tured expressly for culinavy sad dietetic purposes, for sate at junel MERCITR'S: U. MOODY. J. LAPORTE Farmers, look to your own interests ! TIME undersigned respectfully announce that they still continue the manufacturing business at their old stand in Monroe, one mile above Mon roeton on the Canton road, where they are prepar ed to accommodate all who may favor them with a call, with anything in their line, from the carding of a pound of wool, to the manufacturing of any.qual ry Into Cloth, :Flannel or Cassimere; qhort in.t cc. [laving understood that wool buy ers—travelling the county—have often sold their cloth ac of onr make, we wish it distinctly under wood that we have no one peddling our cloth for stool ; neither shall we allow any one to do so, be lieving that this is only a lax upon the Farmer, and a practice of which unprincipled dealers take ad vantage to cheat the inexperienced buyers oherefore any persons wishing to exchange their Wool for our Cloth, can only do so by calling at our factory where we will give them as good bargains as they can get this side of New ,York. We will warrant our cloth to be made of good writ)l and not composed of filth—".n short made for service, and not merely for sale. Call and try us. and we flatter ourselves that we shall be able to satisfy you of the correctness of the above state ments.. N. 13.—Those having tniseuled accounts with us confir a favor by calling and settling thesame immediately either by note or otherwise. Mitroe v - May 19, 1852, J. INGHAM & SON. QEVEN,-TDOUSAND ACRES.OF LAND In Wy oming County ; heavy timbered with White and lellow Pine, Hemldck, Chestnut and other kinds of tinter snkable for lumbering. The land is well adapted for gazing. after the timber is cat off. A tgiod title given. tioneof the above land- is more than ten miles from the Sosquehaana River and North Branch Canar. and will be sold in large or sthall quantities to suit purchasers. Terms easy. Nog furttier. particulars address ELISEIA FOR ' Attorney at Law, Allentown Pa. Airentdlrn, May 18; 1852. • E. FORREST. Selling off . at Cost ! ! rpHE subscriber will sell the balance of his stock J. of Goods, at COST, fur cash. Towanda, May 1, 1852. :WARES GOODS—in variety, from India silks, to 3 cent Calicos. Also the latest style of Dress Trifamipgs, at . , aut..° B. ICINGSBERY'S. a EKE! ' t looking elsewhere, it would he well for 2) , g.adigtio j iook ai the Spring Bonnets, Artificial . .wers and Hibbpas, which are sold so very cheap: pill 1 1' B. KINgBBEItY. CROCKS .—The larval stock in testa. Ful dinner and tea setttg-61rwItite granite end blue s!tt*Whickwill be sold cheap at FOX'S. Grit( - 8.-liThe quality and prices of Tea's, so g - t ; and CA* . e,•allhays speak for them selves.4l2 a ' 41110' . 11. KINGSBERY'S. Ai ACKEREL.-50 &If barrels, antl.2s quarter JAI barrels, at B. KINGSBERY'S. A.-/OQUINTALS CODFISH-L-Tbey are worth looking at, if not bultipt, for sale by April 10. B. KINGSBtRY. A ESS PO!IK btils. Prime, for which thigh .111 price was pmd,and for which a high 'rice will be asked, by apllo B. KINGSBERY. Land Warrants. LAND, WARRANTS, issued under the act of 1851, bought by April 241 h. 1852. LAP DRTE, MASON & Co. VECICIZANIOS ! LOOIK ! CARRENTERS & JOI - NERS will find a full as. sortment of ptanes, gauges, saws, equates, trying squares, bevels, compasses, iron and wood spirit levels, augers, gimlet, center and roger bitts, broad, hand and bench axes, adzes, hammers, chisels, .gouges, chalk hues and speols, brad and scratch awls, tape lines,&c. BLACKSMIRHS will find anvils, vices, bellows, sledges, band and shoeing hammers, rasps, files, iron braces, bitta, , hind drills, horse shoas and nails, screw plates,and a general assortment of cast,Germau, spring lio.71.,•!1 and American blister steel, Swedes, American and English iron. MASONS mill find brick and plastering trowels,. stone tiaminanr, lathing hatchets, white wash brushes, &c., constantly on hand at MERCUR'S. A YET Y F EISE.—C on t ractots can • find a superior aetiele of Safety Fuse at MERCUR'S. DERSONS indebted to the subscribers either on hr,6l: n^en•tnt or by note, are hereby notified that they 1:1;•:: t. 1 without further delay. Inimedi ..k lh.'• rail will save Cost, HALL & RUSSFLL. jtITI, FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS Tracy & Moore, No. 4, Brick Roar, A RE reeeiving one of the largest and best select -ed assortmentof SIMMER GOODS, ever offer ed in 'nil:, market, and as they mustrie sold they in; rite the attention of the peopre to their stock and pries June I, 1852 (...•11131,5. Mackerel, In 1. and whole Barrels •...) VI fresh and sweet, just rec'd and for sale cheap as the cheapest at TRACY ¢ MORE'S SOOTS and Shoes--a very exiensive assoriment ri , ,w opening at TR %CY q. MOORE'S. MA11,!•3 and Iron--a large assortment just reed .LN and fur sale by TRACY 4 MOORE. June 1. No. 4 thick Rosy. SEALED PROPOSALS for erecting a BRICK EDIFICE, 46 feet by 70. with a basement for the use of the Presbyterian Church in Towanda, will be received at tha office of U. MERCUR Esq., unfit the evening of the 6th of July next. Plane and specifications may be seen at the sad office after the first of July. By order of the board of Trustees. WILLIS BROWNSON; President. Towanda, 18, 1852. DI UTTER—Any quantity, in ezchanee for goods jJ •1 s ezt..":•••c.nrolu itUrciptgrile, at. For Sale; E. T. FOX Pay Up ! Pay Up ! To Contractors. New ‘Abtiettteitts. pit . H. C • Wholesale and beater in •..• _ . DRIJOS --- %.ZEDICINES ; GROG S ; LIQUOR% 4540 . STORE in the south end of ibe-Ward House, well known es the largest. cheapest and most extensive assortment West of. the city :: • Particular attentien• will be given to any or all who tatty ,wish to call, either to examine or . murebase, and goy medical Information will be cheerfully 'and gratuitously given to those who who wish to consult concerning themselvos or. friends. Continuous supplies of fresh and recently prepared ar tides ate weekly arriving,' having been carefully se ' lected with-a - view to their usefulness; and any article' wanted not usnalbr kept, either will be foetid here, or procured at the shortest notice by Express, for those leaving their order.. Accommodating clerks always will be . . early to safely compound any 'prescription'and indetivor to make it (whatever the purchase) mutually agreeable; ,MI goods sheik be coesideied warranted as represented. Ind being Agent fa r , the best and pop . ular Patent Medicinisoilt those firund in this store can. be relied upon, in 41 cline, as ibeing genuine. The stock now comprises every arliclelin the trade, among which may be found the folloiting . i • Drugs, and Medic i nes. giCkeg 'orris Acetic assafoetidli squill Citric arable valerian Nitric camphor sewn Muriatio copal sarsaparilla Aquafortis gamboge ginger etc, Sulphuric guiders tillaLTS. Temple...etc myrrh. ' msgnesja Laurens. shellac . , sulphur tragacanth etc. brimstone ores. neats foot tanners olive castor sperm origanum' [ rgamont calomel quicksilver • tartar 11 emon • . wintergreen fbitumen loves herelock juniper savin . tansey tar rosemary orange net& i peppermint linseed cod liver etc LEAF Es. buchu uva end etc Room colombo ilgentian 'Map turmeric spijelia (pink) hellebore ipicac liquorice marsh rosemary rheubarb I GROCERIES. Sugar,. Collett and Tea of all kinds..molasses, spice, pepper. cloves, mustard, nutmeg, mace, Ash, resins, citrons, . currants, ,salad oil, cocoa, chocolate, sods, butter crackers, rice, starch, ginger, saleratus, white and tier soap, sperm and tallow candles, jugs, bottles, pipes, pepper sauce &c. Liquors. Cognise, Otard and American Brandy, St. Croix. Old Jamaica and New England Rum, pore Holland and Am. Gin, Irish and Monongahela Whiskey, Me dd. a Lisbon, Sherry, Teneriffe Port, Muscat, Claret and Champaign Wines—Cordials, Rose, Amour Mo. kee, Noyean &c , cheaper than ever offered. Soaps, Perfumery and Fancy Goods. Shaving cream, military, windsor, medicated, sand, musk, almond, palm, french, toilet, rose, and transpa rent soaps, I.ulnn+, French, and .Wrights extracts of jockey club. patchoUlly. bog, de caroline, muik, mille nears, verbena. heliotrope, sweet brier, geranium, spring bowers, west end and new mown hay Aze.—. Cachous, cologne, bay and rose waters. Lilly white, spanish paid powder, rouge hair dyes, hair invigora tors, hair eraLicawrs, hair oil, pomadea, court plaster, perfume sachels, playing cards, 'pencil points, steel pens, fish hooks, drawing pencils, percussion cope, red black, and indelible inks. condi% purses, pocket books, port menials, wafers, pocket mirrors napkin rings and travelling companions &c. BRUSHES. . flair, hit; stove, scrub, shoe, paint, marking, varnish sash, artist camel's hair, striping blender's and badger's whitewash. counter, flesh, tooth, nail comb broom cloth infailt, lather, table, horse and blacking brushes. miscellaneous. Tohacco'and snuff boxes, nipple shells, nursing bot tles, breast pumps, teeth rings bed pans, syringes, shout. der braces, trusses, supporters, pessaries, cstlieters,cup ing glasses, graduates, mortars, spatula, forceps lancets thermometers, liquid and spread adhesive plasters, &c. Paints and Dye Stuffs. - Nit. red,-cam and log wood, fustic, lac dye, endtear red sounders, madder, alum, copperas, blue vitriol, sot. I tin, composition choreic oil, vitriol, oxalic and all the acids, grain tin, pumice and rotten stone, American de l Chinese vermillion, Spanish brown, American & Eng fish Venetian verdigris, Paris green, white, black and red lead, chrome yellow and green, japan, coach and copal varnish, lampblack, litharge, putty, whiting ochre spirits turpentine. linseed oil, rosin, chalk, umber, sten na, gold leaf, bronze, Ste. ' . Glass. French Glass 24-30, 22 30, 20-30, 20.24, 22-24,14. 1 18, 12-20, 12.18, 12-16, 10.14, 10-12,8-10.7-9. Patent Medicines. . SOLE Agility FOIL Dr. Jaynes' Alterative Expectorant, Sanative &e. Fitche's expectorant, tonic humor corrector, .Ic. Merchant's Gargling Oil lot horses, 4-c. Swayne's medicines, wild cherry. 4c. Brant's Pulmonary Balsam and Extract, etc. Orrick's V ennifuge. Houghton's Pepsin or. Gastric juice for dyspepsia. Osgood's Indian Cholagogue, fur fever and ague. Scarpa's Acoustic oil for Deafness. S. P. Townie' d's Sarsaparilla. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup. .. Dr. Keeler's Family wilicines. Hutching's Dyspepsia Bitters. . - Hoofiand's German Bitters, for Dyspepsia and Debility. Brown's Essence Jamaica Ginger. Dubdy's Ratfand Mice Exterminator. Also agent for- Herrick's medicines, plasters, etc., An., drew's end Davis' Pain Killer, Graefenberg medi cines, Pile Elcctparles eta., salt 'hewn, teller, ring worm, specie and founder ointments, etc.; tooth cordial, plaste rs, poor rnan's salves, eye waters, lini ments, erasive soap, bed bug pois o n.• Ilobensack's and Clark'ri Worm syrup. Christie's Galvanic cura tives, Moffat's Phoenix Bitters, Trask's magnetic,' Sloan's, ri t illey'S. and McAllister's Ointments. Dil low's Heave Povider, Condition Powder, &c. All the numerous kinds of Pills. raiglit. . Phosgene, superior Burning fluid.,Cempliene,whalc. lard and sperm oil ; new and beautiful patterns of fluid 'amps now being opened :' C,amphene, side sad hang ing lamps for halFand store use, girandoles, etc. Tobacco. - Cavendish, Tames. Natural haf t Turkish scarfalatti, John Anderson's fine eel, logg's Jenny Lind chewing, etc.; choice braside r Pure Havens diers,.eic. etc. . . All of which will be guild at unusually low rates.— Remember that Dr. Porter's Clung; Drug and,Chemi cal Store is in the south end of the Ward House,li few doors above the post office "I. • -•_.._ ~ ft e PORTER, M. D. Towanda, June 4, 1852. Fir Capaivi Tolu Sulphur Life etc BAEZ% Bayberry Cinnamon.. Peruvian Cles'ts ) Elm etc Peppermint Onnerrton Wintergreen etc NZTRACTS. Sarsaparilla Dandelion Boneset Horehound Aconite Vanilla Lemon etc Fenigreek Anise Carraway Canary Ripe Garden Mustard Cardamom Colchicum etc FLOWERS. Chamomile Arnica Lavender etc OEXE. . opium PAP= zumialsraa• THE only complete assortment of Paper Hang ings kept in this region', fo.r sale at the very lowest rates by 0. D. BARTLETT. C"".BOOTS 4, SHOES—a large tie sortmeot, sold very cheap for cacti, by Ati.:l ft 7 - r Ttieddy Diode - Clothing' J. 4t, 0 A zit:Az:dm= FROM Elmira — N. Y.; bake arrived' in To. smith, with : S:l[lo.of the iturgest anit most com pleteasiortment of clothing ever faltered in thil sec: tion of the country. They are manufactured by themselves exclusively, at rates which will make is an object for the public to buy. Their goods are 'made and trimmed in the latest styles and .frosa ea perior cloth and will be sold for one price and.for easn mitt. . - 'Give us a calk and if we do n ot satisfy the pablie Ow-ability to makegood Our promises. we shall not ask'their patriinatte.' quatomers call be fitted with whole snitsw by lravin their meases at' _our store at the shortest notice. ::-.• ' ''', i--- , 7. e '. . Locrrrosso—Next door - .onth of Mercur's Main st. Towanda : and No. 7 Water st. ArnOnts Hall: Elmira; and tinder A. C. Platters Ilotal. Tioga Vill 1 age. Tioga CO. Pa. i ' Towanda May 29th 1851. ••-;' ' - .1 - MAKE .READYI TAKE AIM! FIRE!! JOHN E. GEIGER, would say to his old friends end the public at large, that he has constantly on band said manufacturing Rides and shot Guns • &e., &c._ Among his assortment of Guns may be found Double and single barrelled Guns. Raeder all kinds warranted. emone [soda cream tartar lepsom antimony alum corro sublimate red precipitate quinine , ,qunine. I arsenic lIIIIIVELLAIMOUIL alcohol ether [ tau danuni paregoric , shakers herbs gold leaf " castile snap Venice turpentine aqua ammonia lopedildoc cubeba tnittish lustre ' , roams, burg. pitch cantharides corks Nab brick emery nand paper white glue otter or annotto Powder Flasks, Shut Partakes, Game Bags, Cap Primers. Also, Powder, Shot, Caps of the beat qual4 iv. Alter's' six barrelled Revolting Pistols, do single barrelled self-cocking Pistols, Rifle Pistols, double WI Pistols and common steel and brass Pistols. F G., F. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder in Cans ,ean stsntly on hand. Any of the above articles will Lo sold awful cheap tor the Ready Pay. Keys of any kind fittt il to Doors, Trunks or any other kind of lock 3 on short notice and reasonable terms. Repairing done with iiestnes% and despatch. shop a few rods north of the Bradford House. Towanda, May 22, I V,2. J. E. GEIGER. THE copartnership heretofore existinp, , between Josiah Francisco and N. C. Tomkins, is this day dissi.b.ed by mutual consent. The books, notes and accounts will be found at' the shop, where one or the other of the parties may always be found ready to attend to any person wishing to settle up. We would here remark, that persons indebted to us will find it to their cell and settle their accounts withoutdelay. JONAH FRANCISCO. N. 17. TOMKINS. Towanda, May 20, I8:52. 47. - SEALED PROPOSALS. W I LL be received at the Canal Office in 'Towan da, until noun of Thursday, the 22d day of July, :s r.,2 for the following wo!ii . and materials on the ti, rh 11:an , h Pcnri'a y Canal, to wit : n'r 111" , / , ‘ L about n zoos of CAOTINO - S, the contra!' -r ;airing about 9 tons of old casting.. in part ray , r,e!it. Abut!: in tons best Charcoal B 1R IRON, 1 3 4 inch ru'.l:l.l. In lengths of lrom 13 to 21 feet. About 5 tons,same quality, 1 1-4 inch round ; 64 3 5 64 " square; I= " 80 "of l round i, on, made to a With heads and nuts complete, to be of the best qua lity of Charcoal iron. This latter qnantity may be bid for by the pound. with nuts and heads com plete or unwrought. The iron above specified will he required to lie delivered about one half of each description at Towanda, and the other half,ai Tunk hannock. At the same time and place. proposals are invited for linildinr: the PUBLIC and FARM BRID GES over the Canal ; also for the LOCK HOUS ES and WASTE-WARES required on the whole line. and for the furnishing of TIMBER and PLANK for the superstructures of all the Aqueducts. Bills, plans &c., will be exhibited at the othee n oresatd for Owe days prior to the 22nd proximo, and all needful information will be Owen by Wm. B FUSTIER Jr.. Esq.. Chief Engineer of the line. By order of the Canal Commitodonerg. WM. BRINDLE. Superintendent N.B. Pa. Canal Towanda June 22. 1852. cO - Danville littellieencer, Wilkesbarre Farmer, Lnzerne Democrat, Democratic Union, Keystone and Wyoriaing D-mocrat, copy. MORE NEW GOODS! & A. 4 :AM PBEI,I, would again call 4he atten . lion of their friends and customers to their large and new assortment of Goods. just received and now opening at their Furnishing Depot, con sisting of all things necessary to clothe the outer man, all to be sold a little cheaper for the ready pay than ever. Come and examine, and be satisfied. Towanda, May 14, 1852, I A DOZEN BROWN M t INEN COATS. from $1 1 'if to s'2, at N CA M PBELL'S. YELLOW, hutf•and tt•bite Vests, Coats S.: Pants .JL a large lot for sale at CAMPBELL'S. Rocks.' nooks I AComplete assortment of School, Blank, Classi cal & Miscellaneous Books,.constantly kep up and for sale at the lowest rates by. Nov. 29, 1851. 0. U. B A MINI TT. 1 /7 CHESTS YOUNG HYSON. Hyson 1 I Skin and Black Teas. Also 15 Baas Rio and JavirCoffee, just received at M PC FISH! FISH !—Mackerel by the bbl.. half and qr bbl., and pound. AI:o a choice quality of Cod fish this day received and for sale by March 18. MERCTIR'S. I virtue of a writ of Test. Vend. Expo, iftsued B out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed, will be exposed ia pub. lie sale, at the house of V. M. Long. in Troy borough on Saturday the 21th day of July at 1 o'clock P. M., the following lot piece or parcel of land situated in Troy born., Bradford Co:, bounded and det-cri:,ed as follows. to . wit c on the east by the highway leading from Troy to Williamsport; on are south by S. E. Shepard's lot, the line between this lot and the-said Shepard's lot, passtila through the center of the building recently erected by the. said Shepard 41:. L. B Hyatt, (said building having since been burned;) on the west and north by land of I. N. Pomeroy. Containing about 1300 square feet, be the came more or less, with a two story framed store house there. on erected. Seized and taken in execution at the suit °Mew. is B. Hyatt vs. Seeley Mann. CHESTER THOMAS Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Towanda, June 28, 1852. In the miler of dist rilnitinn nfland4 raised by Sheriff s of the property of JOHN BENSON.' NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned having been the Conrt of Com mon Please of Bradford county. an Auditor to dis tribute the fund raised 'by Sheriffs sale of the prop erty of John Benson,: will attend at the Court House in.Towanda. on Saturday the 2111) day of July next, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., to attend to the duties of such office. At which time and place, all who have claims upon said fund. are re quired to present said claims or be forever debarred therefrom., 'HARVEY MeALPlN,Auditor. Towanda, June 15, twig, OASH WANTED—For which goods will cx- X-) changed on libel al terms at- , • June 12,1552 PHINNEY & BOWM AN'St. nLTTER-100 Firkins wanted, for which flan rub 11. .4p,:n I 7 , 4"1"" •• 1-• .• ' • misccuauioi - Attmtlon #eiiimpnt I e f"aa -..!--. V 1. 1' .t , Dissolution. 1 1.2 ,fit.tedtor's Notice. intstellasicone. Notice to ,Settlets Atoli State' Land, THE niultersig*Obtpprisinfa board Q f apprais era, to ap praise all lands. on which any pur. chaserrooneirlktue to "the Commonwealth of Penn.. Would - hereby , give notice to all who may have in their possession State :ands, that the Act of 1835. establishing said board, was extended by the last Legislators for one rear only. Those who wish to avail themselves of the benefits of such apprais ment.,,will be waited upon by calling on either of the Commissioners by letter or otherwise, or by . conferring' with E. M. FARRAR, Comm issioner s Clerk. A. 5. SMITH, S'l'G ROES SQUIRES. , D. B. COTTON. Towanda, "May 20, 1852. . Commissioners. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. TII nndersigned has purchased • large, and choice •selection of NEW : GOODs, bought under the most favorable circumstances, and• for sale as low for cash as can be bought •ekewhere. and lower than any braggadocio can or will Sell. May 5, 1052. 0. D. BAkTLETT; SPONE WARE -a fine assortment, selling for impt, at FOX'S. Drag Store, No. 2 Wick Raw. SUM OWNEIEtS MEW Limp:. THE; subscriber, having purchased arid rani-. niched the stock r,f DEMOS, MEDICINE - S &c., in No. 2 Brick Roe, which now Makes'it a choir.: and well selected assortment of Drag and Medi cines for family use, at wholesale and retail, which. he cheerfully recommend,s to the publiciand crairee, a share of public, patronage.: • The Goods will be sold as cheap, or cheapel than. any other establishment West of New York for cash and cash only. . Here you will find annexedit fp* leading articles IFosgate's Cordial Elix Opi Hay's Liniment- Senna Alex.. do India Cream Tartar Sop C Suda Manna, , Magnesia Calc'd do Carb, do SS do Henry's Colozynth do kip!! Cochineal Trusses Hulls do Marshes, do Shaker, Balsam Wisters do . Cheesmana do Fir do Copabia do Tutu do Peru do Pulrnotrary do sulphur Acid Tartaric du Acetic do Benzonic do Citric do 'Nitric do Oxalic _do By drocyano do Sulphuric Oil Linseed do Sperm do Olives • do Castor do Neatsfoot do Almonds do Amber Rect do Amber Red do Ati isi do Caraway do erutort do Cubebs do Cummin do Fennel, - do Lemon do Cassia do Cod Liver do Lavandula•O do Neroti do Jesmin do Nutmeg do Orange do Rhodium do Ruse do Cedra t du Copabia , do Ergot do Verbena do Vio:ette do Mellesie do MPlieflUer do Patchouty Brushes, Patut do Varnish do Hair do Hair,Carne I do Nail do Tooth do Shaving do Flesh . do Cloth do Hat Soap, Yankee do Cry Stallion ' do Eng. - Wind Low's do Coopers do Rose - . , do Victora • do Orange do Tooth do Erssive do Castile do Military do Sarin do Brown Fricopherous Pain !tiller Ayers Cherry Pectoral Oxygenated Bitters Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue -.. Chloroform Fig do Hoffman's Anodyne I t enitian Red, English Together : with Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Dye- Woods & Dye• Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries, pure' Wines and Liquors fur IT,dirital purposes,- Also, Cigars of. the, hest brand and all articles con nected with the trajee, • Having secured the services of Dr. S. HC.ITOT, whr keeps his race at this store, and will give me dical advice gratis ,to people, theypaying for the medicines only. Physicians can rely upon havtoz their prescriptions careful:y compounded and put up. The mock has bean selected with great care, and the goods will be warranted as represented. • All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pee tarifa. schencks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Orrick's, Hobensacke, and Jaynes' Vermifoge. Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines now in has constantly on hand and for sale at .1. M. REED, No. 2, prick Row. Towanda, May 14, 1332. 11DORK and Flour—a quantity of Pork and Maur I just received and for sale by May 27 DRY GOODS—A good wisortenent of Veriooes, Cashmere% Do Lains, Alpacas, and prints now noning at jIR MERCITR'S, 20, BALES OF SHEETING, common and fine to 10.4 nide. A nice assortment of Blench ed Geode, bleached and brown Urinal Crash and Dra pery, brown and bleached Table /Armen, Checks, Lin secs Ticking. Cotten Yarn, Batting, Wickintt and Wadding, selling cheap at FOX'S. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE A LT. persons indebted to the ;state of WILLIAM A BO VI EN, dec'd, late of Warren , ownshipotre hereby requested to make payment without delay. and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them, duly authenticated for settleMent. .1 %ME$ M. BO WEN, Executor. Warren. March 25, I 852. PARTICULAR NOTICE. A persons hayloft , unsetiled accounts wiit the sultieribers. are requested to call immediately, and arratwe them either by note or 'lament. And all note, that are otter doe. must be paid. 'Towanda, April 6, Wt. 11. S. & M. C. MERCT:R. Hair Dye. Harlem Oil Ointment, Trasks do Dalley's do McAttester shakers Herbs - do Extracts 'Tilden's Alcoeolic Ex% Mei Extract Jalap Extract Meakim's Vanilla Eft , do Lemon do do Mace • do, do Almond do do Cloves do Allspice do do Nutmegs do do Peach do do Ginger do I do Cinnamon du do Orange do do Tonka du Lubin'.. Spring flower do Musk do do Violette do I do Magnolia do do Sweet Bri'r du, do Jesmin do do Jock'y CI% do do Caroline do do Jenny Lind do di Briquet do Syrings, Pewter as'ln'nt • do Gloss do Nursing Bugles, Glass do do G. E. Rad Rhei Turk do do do Ipecac du Jalap do Ginger White do Orris Gum Camphor do 'OM Turk do Myrrh Tiirk do Arabic do do Copal du Aloes Soet do Aloes Caps Chloride Limo do Soda Castor Russ Isinglass do lEvens' Lancets Nitra Silver, Op't 10x1d Bisnuth Blue Pill mer Indide Potass Tart do Carb rlo Sulph du QM Oaustie do Citrate Ferri lodide do Tannin Proto lod Mercury Sirychnia Piperin Elaterinm lodine Veratrin Kreoscite Hydra Cum Creta Morphine Sulph I do Act Calomel. American do English, Precipitate ked do White Ralph Ztnei Bronze, Crimson do Pale Gold do Dark do do White Gold Leaf, Op't China Vermillion America 4o J. PO WELT. ) -"..