Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 26, 1852, Image 4

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'totalling or our Forest Tree".
We clisire here to allude to a subject - which has
n,, t impertant.,indircel bearing, at, lea s t the_sid?
.Pct of agriculture, because it illustrate s, . the great
I rtation . piinciple in the vegetable kingdom.
Y '~ Tho lineal in many parts Of the country, nee about
changing their tenants./ In. oar vicinity, the great.
burden of foreit timber, as found here by the
Grit settlers, was white eak. This is about giving
10liori to, 'especially . nn eleratetliidlt•
es, or where the land is inelined to be sandy. The
venerable whitemaks diameters from 30 to LO
are in most instances, surrounded by a crop
of sapling black-oaks, leaving beneath their shade
Uothing to perpetuate their,kind. -•
Walt - are not mistaken in nor judgment, the
cause of this is not very hard to define. It is a mat.
- ter well understood, by those who have given any
attention to the subject, that there is,. M every por
'tirin - of the earth, certain elements or principles
4huch go into the composition of vegetable main.
That any particular species of vegetable will soonir
or later consume out of the earth that which is pe.
io its nature, after which that particular kind
will not prosper until the principle which nourishes
.it is reproduced, either by re:ting the land, or by
special manuring.
Some vegetables exhaust.lrom the soil their pe.
ehliarfoOil More rapidly than others Flax, for
inltarree. It used to be-said by old farmers, that a
piece of ground, that had borne amp °has would
- riot bear another for seven years.
- it is on this principle that the rotation in crops is
predicted, a chicoine, for the 'knowledge of %Well
we are indebted to nor experimental farmerS, and
to book reading. This principle, of the rotation in
crops, is probably as well linden:food, at this time,
as anything connec:ed wi the science of agricul.
Iwo. And this is 1110 principle no doubt, which ex
plains why it is that the white oak is leaving our
forests and giirin:.s place to that blacksoak timber.—
It has been so long the undisputed tenant of our
wends, that, having exhausted from the soil th'at al
iment upon which it lives, it retires, in the o-iler of
Providence, to give place to a enceessor whose
special food yet remains in rich' abundance in the
Every farmer ,Min has attentively observed the
prog,reAs of vegetation in his own lane and yard,
_must have noticed, the operation of this principle.
The order of on? grounds is something like this, the
first occupant was the smart weed—the next a spe
cies of white blossomed weed—then the dog fennel,
and now the yarrow is coming. As soon as the ali
ment was extracted that nourished each particuiar
it died for the want of something In live on,
and was succeeded by another species, and perhaps
. mere accident determined the'successor.
Since our :minion has been directed to this !mu
fti:ion in the forest, we have maths the subject a
matter of inquiry, when favored with company of
men who would be likely to notice' things of this
Having been referred wi , lt reference of this ma
ter, to Joshua Coperthwaite, of Mid ford N. J., where
they have timber lands which have frequently been
cut Off fortnpply of wood to Philadelphia mar
ket, we wr to that gentleman upon the subject,
and have received his answer, from which we take
the following extract 1f the pine iq cut oil the
oak will grow, and it the oak is cut off the pine will
At the late State Fair, at Cincinnati, we met with
an intelligent Info groWer frr7- , Illinois, to whom
we mentioned th.s forest subject, aid found he had
noticed this change going on arncria the flees of the
wood. At our request he pe!.cille,l down and han
ded us the following statement. lie was formerly
a resident of Ohirti and his remarks refer to this
State: •
" I have long been convicted that two genera.
tions of the same kind of forest trees, seldom or
never succeed each other on the same tract of land.
A crop ot trees, nearly all of one kind, which last
from two to four and sometimes to five centuries,
seem to exhaust the soil-of that pectil,ar nutriment,
which is adapted to sort, aud at the same time
prepares it for some other. , •
" instaneest....there is the track of an old tornado,
which passed through Delaware county', the north.
east corner of Lickinr, and finery into the south.
eat part of Knox, which upon counting the annuals
on a number of slumps, I ascertained to have occur
red atx.ut the year 1740. hi the tract of this tome,
do, the timber is essentially different from the older
timber on each side of it. Again ; most of the
west part of Knox county, thirty years ago, when I
first became acquainted with it, covered .vith a
growth of beach, slightly mixed with other timber
Thatlhis growth had succeeded an oak forest was
quite plain, from the flint, that oak trees of emu
moos size, in the state of decaf, were to be found
in every direction.
ltugtio Caves—A New Mernon.—While on a
short visit to the farm of Mr. D. M. Crowell, of this
town, a• hew days ago, our attention Was drawn to
plan of raising calves tar call). sale, which to us
in this section of country, has the appearance of
env:4T ). an'd seems worthy of the attention of stock •
Mr, Crowell took ten calves (all heifers) last
spring, and commenced feedingtliom on sour milk
at a few days old, keeping them on the same kind
of food during the summer, taking good care to feed
them uniformly, but not very abundantly, so as to
keep them growing thriftily, without fatting too rap
idly. Irt the fallthey were put in the stables, and
fed on hay and a tette meal, increasing the quanti.
ty sit the latter gradually, with a view or fitting, them
tiir beet in the spring, at otte year old uriu little.
.7:hese len calves now look like young oxen, and
are estimated to weigh abbot 500 , lbs. each alive.•
They will probably be sent to market soon, say
itext month, when we shall ace how much beef
will sell, and how it will be relished by the lovers
stf rest eating. Forruirselves, we shroud hardly.
a i ie nor hearts, to dechn*ea dinner Irom rine .ol
- the heft of them. •
. 'We wirleralood from. Mr. C. who ►s one of our
best farpers:itod: who ismaking this trial. by way.
.oexprriiirrilt.t; that be is not quite sa►i>bell thus far
Millttbe.presenLattempt to raise 'Beef in one year,,
wad that brrinteiels to tenew the, experimettisitOth
frAem,..When be thiuks_sorait improremere . canbe
. iiett•ttive ie. at Once the -aa j cost delicate
~and the
fiukcio n i se v ou ? adi;:iesiiirnifta:l a inara,,raithing
!►ill; afratiati but it,aroia; on earth will kill
-'- - ;xlLnirther , 'UMW' '6 by
8471MDFC.8.15. :Prin3ol7lCl
r w r it lin Vic 4ertie'inf the grave, and .raj far giiiae that
my. family and friends bad lost ell hopes of. my-re
covery ; end when in this situation, - having been res
cued-by the-use - of Schenck's Putinonic Syrup, I de
the to 'testify - wnh - grateful emotion to- Dr: Schenck;
the unspeiskairle-benefit-I hare received - from - the use
of hbrinvaluabbr medicine. - • • • •
' Early lad fall,l contracted a violent cold, and in
consequence - of which I had chills, alternated •with -fe
ver. pains in my right breast and shoulder blade; with
a bad - cough.-and no ON potter at ion.- I kept- getting
worse nail I took my bed, and had the attendance of
My family physician. I was under his care about four
weeks, and at the expirationof that time was reduced
so low that despair took hold of myself and friends,
and even my physician abandoned me -and gave me
uplo . die with the -hasty consumption. My appetite
was gone, my bowels very irregular. fever and night.
Sweats, pain in my breast and shoulder, attended with
e distressing cough, which was very tight ; my flesh
had nearly el gone, and was w weak that I entail
scarcely raise 'my tried from the pill Ow. end was truly
an object of pity to behold. My friends had been sent
for to see me die, and my sick bed was surrounded by
kind and sympathizing neighbors, yaw had come to
witness my departure frost this world.
When all rays-of -tope hest fled of my recovery, a
neighbor, Mr. David Conrad, proposed to try Scbenck's
Pulenorrie Syrup, with a view of loosening my cough
and relieving me of the tough . phlegm, and as a means
of affording teniporary relief; remarking 'et the time,
"than"[ was too far gone for the Syrup to be of any
permanent.benefit." My wife, anxious for the relief
of my intense sufferings, procured some of the Put
monic Syrup. I found it *fronted me relief, and eon.
tinned using it. I could feel its healing influence
upon my lungs. •
I continue to improve under-its use, and my friends
were much gratified to witness my unexpected am.
provement ; many of my neighbors came to look at me
as one raised from the dead.
My cough now became loose, and I. felt something
break, w en I had the pain in my hteast, and I dis
charged large quantities of yellow matter. I have for
_weeks discharged and ra i sed a spit box full of matter
every day, with hard lumps like grains of something.
My bowels now became regular and nttural, and my
appetite was so far improved, that 1 could scarcely re
frain from eating too much. My strength improved,
and I regained my flesh.
I continued to improve in every respect soon after I
commenced using the Syrup, and the improvement
continued until I was restored to my health. I have
passed through the inclement weather- of the latter
part of winter and the spring, and feel as well now as
ever I felt in my life, and I em this day a living testi
mony of the great efficacy of Schenck's Pulmontc
Syrup in curing pulmonary diseases.
Lest this statement be thought too highly colgred by
some people, I nil : loin certificates of a number , of the
inhabitants of l'acony, who saw me at different times
• during my disaase, and never expected to acetate restor
ed. I also append the certificate of the brothers of
Mystic Lodge. N0:270. f. O. of 0. F., who kindly ,
watched over me, and fully believed they would eon
, sign my terrains to the tomb ; but, thanks to Dr.
Schenck for his invaluable Pulninnic Syrup, my life
has been spared. and I am permitted to make tho fore
going statement for the benefit of suffering mankind.
I tesi.le at Tacony,anl am .well known by most of
the people there, will ha gratified to have any
person call upon me and learn more particulars of the
wines of this medicine. JOIfT C. GREEN",
June :4th, thA t.
The subscribers, members of the Mystic Lod le, No.
270, T. 0. of 0. F. of ilohnesburg, Ps. do hereby cer
tify that we know John G. Green. (and is a member
in good standing in No. 270 1. 0. of 0. F.) who was
dangerously ill with s low Pulmonary Conan mpticm,
last w int, r,su that they give him rp .0 die ; that he
is now fully restored to perfect health, and they believe
his recovery was produced by Schenck's Pulmonic
We believe his'ceriificate is correct in every par
ticular. HENRY NEFF, P. G.
JAMES C. CA T. via:.
Holmesburg, Philadelphia Co., June 25, 1.161.
The undersigned, residents of Tacony. eight miles
above Philadelphia, being well acquainted with Juin]
C. Green. and the circumstances attending' his ease,
feel impelled by a deep sense of imperative duty, to
make universally known to the public his entire recnv
ery from the.very last sieges of Ptilmotivy Consump
tion. 'ao entirely helpless was his condition, having
been hut a brief period since in that rapid.y sinkin.;
and emaciate state, as to ut'erly preclude, in the opin
ion of his physicians and friends,who watched by his
bedside, all hopes of even a temporary recovery
restoration to his present robust health. Thus the care
ful use of your invaluable Specific, the Pulmonic Syr
up, makes it our belief, under the circumstances of his
previous prostrate, not to say dying condition, one of
the most - startling results that the whole annals of medi
cal skill cr science can produce. It deserves to be im
perishably reco-ded to your credit, and secure to you,
the greatest discoverer of this hitherto remediless
'ease, a lasting monument and a world-wide reputation
in the healing art, that no time may either diminish or
destroy. Having witnessed Mr. Green's distressing
struggles and sufferings from a continued cough, BU.
peraddell to the other symptoms consequent upon, or
attending to the last stages of a pulmonary disease ;
and. moreover, it being so generally believed by his nu
merous friends that no human power could relieve, or
protract his life, much less restore him haat again to
his former health, we feel it thus our duty to give our
unqualified testimony of Mr. Green's perfect recovery,
by means of the exclusive use of your wonderful Syr
up ; and we should indeed rejoice if we could be made
the humble instrumenli of relief and cure to others who
may he so unfortunate as to be similarly .meted.
David Conrad. Jesse Duffield;
C. Hinkle , • A. Heath,
Joseph II Jr. Jesse Watson.
Stephen Lukens, Robert Allyn,
Matthew Toden, James Torbert,
John Bleorocabury, • Allen Vandegrifl.
Prepared only by Dr. Schenck, and sold, whole
sale and retail, lay his sole agents, John Gilbert & Co.,
Whole-ale Druggists, 117 North Third street, Phil's.
Clieken & Co. 81 Barclay street, N . Y. Redding & Co.
No. 8 State st. Boston ; H. Blakeley. corner.Thinl and
Chestnut streets. St, Louis ; and by principal Druggists
thronghout the United States, And by the following
Agents in Bradford County
11. C. Potter, Towanda ; D. Bailey & Son, Leßays
sine ; I'. Humphrey, Orwell; Maynard &• Woodburn,
Rome ; - .1. J. Warfont Monroe ; D. D. Parkhurst„
Leßoy; C. E. Rathbone, Canton; King & Vosburg
Troy ; G. A. Peaking, Athens.
7'All letters addressed to DR. .1. IT. SCHENCK.
C4lO of John Gilbert 4. Co.. Who', sale Druggists, No.
177 North Third street, Philadelphia.
(um VIIELMAIIt, 116110E9 AND CO.)
144 Broadway, one Door south of Liberty sl, N. Y.
AVE now on hand, and, will be ,receiving daily
.through the season, New Goods, direct from the
European manufattunrrs, and cash Auctions, rich,
fashionable, fancy Silk Millinery Goods. Our *tack
of Rich Ribbons. comprises every variety of the West
and most beautiful designe imporsed. •
Many of our goods aro manufactured expressly to
our order, from our own designs and patterns, and
staud unrivalled. We olDr our goods for nett Cash,
at lower prices,than any credit in America can
afford, - •
All porchatters . .will find it greatly to their interest to
rasirce,a portion of their money and mako selections
from our great variety of rich cheap goods..
Bihhnna rich for ponneta, Caps; /dashes and Boltz.
Bontict alks,-Gatine, Crapes; Limes and Tatletons,
Embroideries. Collars, Chenusetts, Ruper t Berthas,
Habint.feleevaa; tdoings- and Intoning', But.
briddered Laces for Shawls, Mantillas. and Veils, Hubi.
ion ;Iffechlenclfalencienes end enamels Laces. Eng.
dab and. Woven Thread, Smyrna Lille-:Thresh,-and
Cotten Laces, Kid. Lisle Thre ad, Bilk; slat &wit%
Silk Gloves and'Mitts. Fri:self and - Anierictin Artificial
•Pktareni. Preach Lite,'Engliah Atnericaliind Dalin
Stair Bonnets &pa Trimmings.
-- • - filiorellattrons. -••
• wuca,-
Al 3.
TI renunred , his establishment to IL Mis's shire,
LI owner of main street slur thisublie square, and
wit! COriliQUOlhe manufacture of Bats and Shoes, as
. ,
ife has just received trots` New York a large assort
ment of Women's, Children's and Misses' Shoes, which
are offered at low prices. The , attention of the Ladies
is parienlarly directed to his assortment, comprising
the following , new styles :—Enaroelled Jenny Lind gal•
ter boots; do. shoes; black lasting and silk gaiters;
walking shoes.bnekins,lke. Misses' gaiters and shoes,
of every description. A large assortment of Children's
fancy gaitirs, boots and shoe*, of all kinds. •
For the Gentlemen. almost every style of givers an d
shoes. This stock has been personally selected with
nue, and he believes - be can offer superior articles at
reasonable prices.
g7The strictest attention paid to Manufad unng,
and he hopes 'by doing work well to merit a atonal].
axe of the liberal patronage he has hitherto received.
Towanda. May 8, 18b1.
Row, (op stairs.) in the room formerly occupied
by Hon. D. Wilmot as a law office, where he will be
pleased to see those requirin his professional services.
Towanda. November 18, ISM.
• r.D.M. 4 - 2,11. - \lll •t• IC .I drl-_—f
HA VING located in Towanda, his services may
be obtained by addressing* line through the Post
Office, or by calling at the °Mee of Ulysses Mercer,
Esq., where he will be found. or where a written op
licatrion may be 1.-11. Nov. I. ISM.
Is Still in Operation!
THE subscribers have moved to the new building on
Pine street, one awn below ?demurs store where
they will keep on hand and make to order, ploughs,
stove and mill irons of almost all descriptions. Turn
ing and fitting up work, will be done also on reasonable
terms as at Elmira ar Owego. Oltf iron will be taken
id payment. .lOIIN CARMAN & CO.
Towanda. April 2G, 1851. '
MBE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they have taken the shop formerly occupied by
Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BLACKSMITIIING upon reasonable terms.
They aro determined by doing their work well Am
promptly. to merit, as they hope to receive a share o
public patronage.
HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. Al
ind 3 of repairing Machinery, executed in the moat skit
ful manner.
WOOD WORK for wagons will also be Mae and
repaired when desired.
All" work done at their shop, will be warranted tope
well done, and manufactured from the best materials.
The public are reque.ted to rive ha n trial, and judge
for themselves. E N WINE & SE KIRSCH H.
Towanda, May '2 , 1851.
Clpek, Watch, and Jewelry Store !
A. ht. WARNER takes this method
of informing his old customers and the
public generally, that he has purchased
•of J.P.Bul , his stock - of Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry. and commenced the above.
business in all of its various branches at the old stand
of the latter, on Main street, two doors south of Brick
Row. His reputation es a watch repairer is so well
established in this community,_ that it is hardly neces
sary to say a word on that point. With his long ex
perience and great advantages for acquiring a thorough
knowledge of the busin9s. he has confidence in saying
to the public, bring on your watches and clocks, I will
do them justice.
All goods sold, or Repaving done, warranted as I
recommend, or the money refunded.
A gond 2= ;•rt meat of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
kept constantly on hand.
My motto 611311 be—quick sales, small profits, cash
down, and no credit given. Credit need not be asked
for—a+ I am hound not to make its acquaintance.
T'wanda, July 12, 1850. A. M. W ARNER.
Principal orrice, No. 442 Broadway; New York.
Eranch Glace, Towanda, Va.
(Office .North side of the Public square, with J. D
'Accumulated Cash and Guarantee Capital,S6o,ooo
This associat.on has declared a dividend of 35
per cen.. for the year ending April Ist, 1832.
M D.
I D!: A W N .; P
P r e A s i d e t
° C n i; m li m . i n t t ej"
The object and design of Ibis association is to
nable those with whom especially time and health
are money, by the payment of a small annual sum;
to receive a weekly allowance in cases of sickness
or accident, which shall prevent them from attend
ing to their ordinary business. By the payment of
the following annual deposits, you will become a life
member, and be entitled to a weekly benefit during
life, if you should be disabled by sickness or acci
dent from attending to your ordinary business occu
pation. Females insured against diseases common
to both sexes.
The pro(do: sickness required, is a certificate of
the attending Physician or of three members of the
association. The association publishes a weekly
Newspaper Containing a report of the business of the
asociation, amount of claimc paid &c. The paper
is sent freer° members monthly, or 50 cts weekly.
Yearly Deposits of Members under 50 years of
age : Table of Rate:
$2 00 per year draw $2 00 per week,
3 00 3 00 ."
4 00 i• 4 Oli
5 CO 5 CO
600 16 800 "
7 00 700 "
800 890 "
900 900 "
!o'oo 46 10 00 "
cry First week Excepted.CD
Those over fifty years of age will be charged
twenty-five per cent. extra. $t 50 admission fee
will be charged in addition to the:above, the first
year. and must be paid of the time of application,
and the first years' deposit within thirty days.
His Excellency Wm. F. Johnson. Harrisburg
Johnson. Wells & Co..Courtland Street, N Y.
Bowen &Name, iSillt Merchants. Broadway
New York.
Eckel. Raiariel & Co., North 3d Street, Phila.
Mom. James M. Porter, Easton, Pa.
lion. Richard' Brandhrd, tr. S. Senator, Pa.
William %%Kelm Bloomsburg,.
Rev. R. Nelson, Principal Wyoming Seminary,
Rev. J. Darrance. Williesbarrre,
Riv. J. Boyd
0. 11. Hillard Esq
G. M. Hollenback. Esq. do
Ziba Bennett. Esq. do
H. B. W right, Esq. do
We sre personally and well arqatintectsvith Rev.
J. Dorrtinee.G. M. Itollenback, Ziba Bennett and H.
B. Wright all of Wilkesbarre, whose names appear
as references for the ' Mechanics Union Associa
tion", an organization for health insorance,• upon
th e mutual principle ;,they are gentlen of high
character, who would not 'knowingly ender me :4e before
the-puhliaany setieme, - unless they were well assur
ed of its utility, and that it was goverriedin its man
agemntt•by integrity and a prompt Tulfilment of its
1). W J. C. AD/IX., Wx. ig6IWELI
W macre.
H. B. Macon, 0. D. llawessrro E. 'Ovawrott.
We forty concur in the foregoing opinion as to the
character and, objects of Mechanics Union, Ansonia.
H Bonn.
12:1- A few responsible,Arents wanted. Apply&
- H. SMITH. Gmeral Agent.
... = `ice +~2:v-' -_ . _.. ~~I';"=~ -~
Or Wort* Destroyer.
;his Medicine contains no Mercury, nor any . other
Mineral substan.ce... Alt purely Vegetable.
This remedy for worms is one of the most tetraor
dinary, ever used. It effectually eradicates Worths of
all ions from children and adults.
Thousands perish by worm. without the real cause
being known. Some other reason is assigned for the
sickness, until too late to cure the real muse.
What immense responsibility rests upon tbe parent
who dries not know. and the doctor who does not un
ilerstand, tbe complaint which is destroying those pre
cious flowers of life—children.
What should be done !
The answer is plain. Give the Vertuifuge, which
will be sure to do good if they have, no Worms, end if
they have, it will destroy and eradicate them with a
certainty and precision truly astonishing.
There is no mercury or mineral in it. Mercury is
the basis of most worm remedies ; and the remedy is
sometimes worse then the disease. tte never use fez.
enges, but rely upon this. Every person will be con
vince:l on one trial that it is the most perfect cure
ever invented.
The immense sale that this Vermifage has, is a sure
test of its value sad the estimation in which it is held ,
by families. It would be quite too expensive td pub
lish the volumes of certificates that have been given
for this article, and the users of it are requested to
spresd th a name toe persona whom they think will
be benefine.l by it.
speak of it in all families, and you will do your du
ty to your follow creatures, and feel assured of the ap-
probation of all good men, and will receive yourleward
in heaven.
We call on all good citizens to make known the of
feels of this wonderful remedy.
Remember, and esk for Orrieh's Vermiftsge.
• Startling racts.
Hundreds of children and adults are lost yearly with
worms, viten some other cause has been supposed to
be the true one.
It is admitted by all doctors that scarce a man, wo
man, or child exists, but what sootier or later are
troubled with worms, and in hundreds of cases. sad to
relate, a supposed fever, scarlatina, cold, or some other
ailing carries off the dower (tithe human family—
while in truth they die of worms! and these could
have been eradicated in a day, by the use of one bottle
of GRIM 11.ERNIFtifi
How sickening the thou phi that there things shonlir
he—and whr• can ever f,rtive themselves for not try
ing this WOAD[ EX'I'LRMINATOR, when they
know that even if the case was not worms, this reme
dy could not by any possibility do hurt—but always
goad as a purgative, let the direese be' what it may.
How important then to use it, and who will dare to
take the responsibility to do without it! Let all pa
rents ask themmlves this question in truth and sober
For Palo by Dr. 11. C. PORTER. Towanda. Go
ni ral Agents. lay
AREyou insured received and insur
ances effected by .t. E. CANFIELD, Agent for
the following anfe.and popular comr.nies
The =miss= Paver Eire insurance Co.
Capital $200.060.
The St. Lawrence Company.
Capltal 5100,000.
The Empire State Company.
Capital .......... ........ ..... .52,0u.000. • ,
The Washington Company.
Capital over $ 1200.000.
The State Mutual at Rarrisbr.rg
With a large Capital nd large increasing Cab Fund
the Great Pcnnnylaania Company.
The United States Life Insurance Annuity & Trail
Capital.. $250,000
On the new toinciple by which the ignored partici•
pates in the profits.
J. E. CANFIELD, Athena, Pa.
Important to Elousekeepers:
' ._.,.„..„..._. THE .obscriber thankful for the
--- 4 g". - -:14-'-f - 4- 1 :liberal patronage heretolore re.
,I, s l - ; -;- ... , -,7- , .-;.ceived. begs leave to inform hie
1 .,..,_• ,i 7., friends and the public genitally,
fig 4 i[C 'and those crimmencinct H.iuse
tai . . .
~,,, ... - • •,,- keeping in particular that he has
WINN .0,./9041.1111M0.11.0r
a! IS I nom on hand a litige assortment
l 'a of FURNITURE, which be wilt
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
the best materials.
BUREAU'S, such as mahogany and walnut dress
ing bureaus, marble ano plain tops ; mahogany and
walnut washstands, marble tops, and plain, of dif
ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas Couch
es, whatnots, Ste.
BEADSTEADS.—IIigh, Field, French and low
post beadsfeads, finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns, together with ntherfurnii tire usu
ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms.
n'" The subscriber is also provided with a plain
and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold himself in
readine.s to attend to all orders in undertaking.
He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of which the corpse may be kept for a week.' COF
N. D.—Furniture 4.f all kinds made to order, and
warranted to be of the best materials and workman
Towanda, January 17, 1552.
Removed to B. Kingsbery's Block !
llir 4. Chamber/in,
'ETAS just returned from the cify
. be. - - J.J. of New York with a large
C de
..,.. ,1111 8 9P1 4 ) , of Watche s ,
...lewelry and
i\..1 7 Silver ware, comprising in part,
~,: 7c... : the following articles:—Lever,
r. - . 7, , e . ~k.ig L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
c,.\\)16,_ 1 4-5 - : .... .,;-,„ , a complete assortment of Gold
Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin.
ger . flirt Ts, Breast Pine, Draceletchockets,Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity ofSteel Beads—mall of which he offers
for sale exceeedingly cheep for CASH.
Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted
to run well.or the money will he refunded: and a writ
ten agreement given to thnt effect if required.
N. 11.—MAPLR SVGA R. and Country Produce
taken in payment for work; and alai. learn now, and
nreuer,that the Produce must be paid when the work
18 done—l war against credit in all its forms.
Towanda, April 28, 1850.
Saddle. Harness & Trunk Manufactory.
TERE CUI.P & Co., respectfully inform the public
tbst they have taken the shop lately occupied by
fl. F. Harder, on Main street, a few doors below the
Brick Row, where they will keep on hand a large ,
stork of
WA110339 9 0.15V-IMO D 05a511MID
All articles in their line manufacturirMo order, and
made of the best material, and fur workmanship cannot
be surpassed in Northern Psnnsylvania. They solicit
a call from those wishing to purchase, confident that
they can give satisfaction both as to quality and price.
Cr Cash will be paid for Hides and !Sheep Pelts,
t the highest rates, at our shop.
Sale Leather. Upper Leather. Harness Leather and
Calf.ekens, for sale in any quantity.
Towanda, November 19th, 1850.
Adams & PgaeArians,
T_T AVOW 'entered into co•partnerahip in the practice
AL of law; have also established en acency ' for the
sale ofreal estate in the county of Bradford. Pemba
having real estate which they desite to sell, by eallin„T.
and leaving* description of their property with the
terms of sale j .Will undoubtedly Bud it to their token
Pennies desirous of parcbuing Cftll !!!ani vAlereprop•
'erty is for sstert description of the 'ramie With the
prieelind terms of payment and be informed pi to: the'
validity of title. - J. C. ADAMS.
Towanda, Mey 2, Mt. J. MACFARLANE.
Tids ,
Tire Fire! Fire
TIM 1081411 k COINI:CaaritV ._•.
ItirANEFACTLIBE Steam- Engines and Boilers
/111 from Bto 1000 hones power. Rorisonlsl Em
gins, on heavy iron. bed. plates, cut itt,one Owe. All
have oxpensinti traltes all joints ground so as to be
stearVifigiat withint packing or paint ;id{ bearings and
wearing surfaces large, and running in adjustable boxes
of bronse or. Belthitl Adel; all balance wheelswith
turned belt face. The Regulator is attached : to the bed
plate. The Force Primp isio an .independent stand,
arranged with crank abaft and .tight'end lotisB pulley,
ready to reaiiie tC fali 6°16 die engine shah or ftom
any other shMl. The whole style of work is not suf.
passed by any engine builder* in the United States. .
Milani of the best American of . English iron heads,
cast Or wrought iron-;—either 'thbrlar or with flees—
made in the most thorough manner..
Engines from B to 100 horses power constantly on
hand or in Progress, to be delivered within a few days
of the receipt of en order.
Alto; Steam Raw Mills, espable'efsavring 000 feet
board measure, of one loch boatels, in 12 'brews, with
lone Muley tratir, and requirinino other fuettban the
The following are the prices of a few of these en
Saw Mill, including steam engine, boiler and iron
chimney, complete; pitman irons; muley raw irons;
setters ; feed, end - all bolt, and irons for 30 feet of
carriage, 'complete $l5OO,
Steam engine, 10 in:diameter of cylinder, 25 in. stroke
with tubular boiler, containing 360 square feet of
heating serrate, and all castings, pipes, valves, and
other' parts necessary to sit it to complete opera
tion, $1525
Steam-engine. 12 in. diameter of cylinder. 30 in. stroke
with tubular boiler, containing 480 square feet of
'heating surface, complete as before, $1775
Delivered on the cars of the Boston and Maine Rail
mad at Lawrence, 26 miles from Boston. •Terms, cash
on delivery.
Boilers for the above modified to suit ptirchasers,,
and prices accordingly.
McKay h Hondley, late of Pittsfield, Meiii:; s litio*
steam engi nes are already widely known,lritre,reeently 4
taken charge of the works of the Essex gompony.and
Will be able, with their increased facilities and expe
rience, to make their approved 'engines cheaper and
better than heretofore.
May B, 18,52. y
WH ,NTEVER concerns the health 'and happiness
of a people. is at all times of the most valuable
importance. f take it for granted that every person
will do all in their power to save the lives of their
children, and that every person will endeavor to pro
mote their own health at all sacrifices. I feel it to be
my duty solemnly to assure you that WORMS, ac
cording to the opinion of the most celebrated physicians
are the primary cause a of a lare majority of diseases
to which children and adults are ' ble ; if you have
g r,..,
an appetite continually changing fr m one kind of food
to another, had breath, pain in the stomach, picking at
the nose, hardness and fullness of the belly, dry cough,
slow fever, pulse irregular—remember that ell these
denote Worms, and you should at once apply the re•
mcdy :
llobensack's TZerm syrup.
- An article founded upon scientific principles, corn.
pounded With purely vegetable substances, being per.
fectly safe when taken, and determined in all its effects
and not leaving the system in a diseased condition, as
most advertised nostrums, composed of Calomel.for the
removal of Worms, each as Lozenges, Vermifuges,
&e., but has performad the moat astonishing eutes,and
saved the livt s of thousands, both young and old.who
have been pronounced hopele-p—incurable by Physi
cians. Read the following, and become convinced of
Its efficacy over all others 1
?donuts Rtczn, N, J. .
N. nonmcsscx—This is to certify that my
child, 15 years of age, having been si:k for 5 years.and
was attended by .Dra. Loper, Whillis and Phisler for a
long time without rece,vinc any benefit ; when after
g wing her up as incurable, I went to Philadelphia and
consulted one of the best physicians; her disease still
growing worse. It was at this time I was induced to
try IL,Lensuck's Worm Syrup, and after taking two
b ott l e! , cie o l oirel . o regained her health. „Hoping that
this will prove a benefit to parents waose children are
similarly affected,
I am yours, &c., B. BOW:ill:N.
Zobenzack's Liver Pills.
No part of the system is more liable to disease than
the Liman, it service. as a firmer to purify the blood,
or giving a proper secretion to the bile ; so that any
wrong action of the Liver etlrcts the other important
parts of the system, and results variously in Jaundice,
Liver complaint, Dyspepsia, &c. We should, therefore
watch every symptom that n ight indii.ate a wrong
action of the Liver. These Pills being composed of
Roots and Plants, furnished by nature to heal the sick
—Namgy, Ist: An Expectorant, which augments the
secretion from the pulmonary mucus membrane, or
promotes the discharge of secreted matter.
Alleratite, which changes in some insensible and in
explicable manner, the certain morbid action of the
system. 3J—a Tonle, which gives tone and strength
to the nervous system. renewing health and vigor to all
parts of the body. 4th—a Callao-fie, which acts in
perfect harmony with other ingreuients, and operating
on the bowels, and expelling the whole mass of corrupt
and vitiated matter, and pyrifying the blood, which de•
stroys disease and restores health.
Agents for Bradford Coun'y—Dr. TT. C. Porter and
J. M. Reed, Towanda • C. H. Herrick, Athens 7 M.
Bullock & Co. S. iniiheld ; Barnes & Bailey, Water.
ley H. Spear, Springfield ; Eli Baird, Troy ;L. D.
Taylor, Burlington ; Brown & Rockwell, Monroeton ;
Parkhost & Lamb, Leroy ; Chas. Rathbone, Canton ;
also T. B. Howland, Columbia, travels in the adjacent
counties. 48y
t 7if f 17 34 4 3 14 , / , vltit=4 , 3
THIS institution is located in a beautiful and ro
mantic grove at the base of Mt. Prospect, and
within the corporation of the village. Possessed of
an abundant supply of the purest soft water. advan
tages for exercise in the pure sir, of carriage and
footwallrs up the trittuntath, free from the " noise
end turmoil of busy life," with excellent sailing and
rowing privileges upon the ' pleasant waters' of the
Chenango--these are a few of the paesentationsthe
Cure offers to the invalid.
The house is new and commodious—bathing ap ,
paratus excellent—well ventilated; with 23t) feet
The Medical department is under the entire care
of Dr. THAYER and wife, who have had a large
experience in Ilidropathic practice, and are favora
bly known a. successful practitioners. Courses of
lee tures, with full plates and illuidrations, will be
given throughout the season to the students and pa
tients upon Anatomy. Physiology and Hygiene, for
which there will be no additional charges. Females
who have been confined to their beds for years, are
invited to correspond with us. or give us a call.—
Our auccess in the treatment of those diseases pe-
culiar to'women, have given us confidence, and we
say to all such, even If they have " suffered much of
many Physicians." make one more trial.
Terms from $4 to $8 per week (payable weekly.)
according to room and attention required. Patients
will provide, for personal use 2 comfortables, 2 blan
kets, 3 linen or cotton sheets and 6 towels. '
O. V. THAYER, M.D.. Resident Physician.
D: W. & H. M. BARNEY, Proprietors.
A DAM ESENWINE respectfully informs the pub
lic that ho now occupies the shop'where hiMsel
and brother have for ears worked, nearly opposite
Tomkins' foundry, where hole ready to do all work
in his line, as formerly in the bCst oninner. Be is de
termined the. reputation he has attained as a skilful
workman shall not'anffer by any neglect of the inter
ests of customers or by any inattention to businets.
TOOLS, manufactured to order—machinery of all
kinds repaired in the best manner, anti every kind of
Repairing and Manufacturing will be done at short
notice, Indio tho `style desired.
Morse Shoeing, on reigionable terms. Re.will 816 p
Mks Country Product In payment, for woik, but ob.
Jed' strongly to credit.
Totranda,.l6l. 17, 1651.
GORDON 11St1CAY, - Agent
For the Cure et
COUGHS, COLDS, noinsuitss,
OF all the numerous medicines extant,
of them valuable) for the cure of
complaints, nothing has ever been found at
compare in its effects with this Preparation,
sore sometimes, but at ell times and in all dii
Ltbe,lairigs and throat where medicine ca n
.this will do it. It is pleasant to take, a n d ,
safe in accordance with the directions. w a
kluertise for the information of those wh o t
it but those who base not. Families that '
its value will riot be without it, and by
they are itieure ficlin the dangerous c,
Cough■ and Col&i which neglected, rip en
consumption. •
The Diploma' issarschusetts faait
*warded to this the Board of
September 1847: also, the Medals of the i
Institutes of Art, in this country j also th e
of the Obio Institute at Citienmati, hes N ed
the Cornet PICTOZAL, by their Governme n t
ekleration of its extraordinary excellence ef
ness in curing affections of the Lungs a n d S
Read the following opinion founded on
experience of the eminent Physician of the
City of
Dr- .1. Ayer: ST. Jonas. May 8,
Five years trial of your Cherry Pectrrai it
tica, has proven what I foresaw from its ,
must be true, that it eradicates and cur
and colds to which we, in this section, II
liable. I think its equal has not yet been
nor do I know how a better remedy can be
the distempers of the throat and lungs.
J.. 1. Duserosr, M.D.,P.
See what it has done on a wasted constitutt,
only in the following cases, but a thousand won:
Dr. Aycr Son ea r, Jan. 21,7
In the month of July last, I was artacked I
lent diarrhoma in the mines of California. I
to San Francisco in hope of receiving bend'
change climate and dim—My ditches cr
Wei followed by a severe cough—and much
I finally tatted for home, but received no bete
from the voyage. My cough continued tor
and when I arrived in'New York, I Inas at of
ed by my acquaintances as a victim of cum
I must confess that I yaw no sufficient rearm
what my friends all believed. At this tient
mewed taking your truly invaluable medici
little expectation of deriving any benefit f rom
You would not receive these lines did I not If
my duty to state to the afflicted, through you r
health in the space of eight months is full
ed. I attribute it to the use of your CHERI
TORAL. Yours truly.
w A guINGTos. Pe, April It
Dear Sir: Peelina that I have been aprod
premature grave, through your instrumentally
providence or GO, I will take the liberty
my gratitude
Cough, and the alarming symptoms of
had reduced me too low to leave me asp.
hope, when my physician brought me a bank
" NCTORA L.' It seemed to afford immedit
and now in a few weeks time has rendered as
1f it will do for others what it has Janet,
ere certainly one of the henefetors of mankind,
Sincerely wishing vocCesery Messier, Ism
Verylreapeet folly yours,
JOHN J. CLARK. Rector of St. Pete,
With Puch assurance and from sue') men,
ger proofeBl2l be adduced unless it be from
upon trial.
Prepared and Fold by g.NMES C. AVER
Chemist, Lowed, Mass..
Sold by Dr. H. C. PORTER, Towandi
Weßaboro'; E. Dyer. Covington; ❑an*
Borden, Tinos; W. H. Elliott, Elmira; A.'
Montrnse and by all Dtuggiato everywhere.
Oriental cr Sovereign Dale
1 ig1: 77 N I
V, i' \ , V 1
.4 ).\' ''- r
( - 4< - /
'' ' .--'--- 14 5 -
1, ' / , l 4liiii i
NONE Genuine unless accompanied 3.
le of the tibOVO Engraved Wrapperof Dr.
SOULE & Co., upon esch h't•
In nffierinz to the toililic this juuly reMri
EREIGN BALM OF LIFE. it n. not Oct
make any false statements nr wtl.l 30(11)Pri
superior efficiency in restoring to health t !le
suffering, urea lrrinwine thitt their
STANDARD MEDICINE is el itselt buil:
eine for the affiected.
Many proofs might be given of their rah
but we prefer those unacquainted with the
themselves by enquiring of living witnesses
the Pills. They wi.l find them perfectly Fiti
able in all eases, being purely regetable. god •
cine worthy their best confidence and lona*
The following certificate was sent as for
HENRIETTA, Monroe CO. N. Y., MIT 10,
We the undersigned, citizens of Heerlen
used personally Dr. Soult's Sovereign Bal
witnessed the health-restoring effects thereat
recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the
which we are acquainted.
M. D. PHILLIPS, 1). G. 0 IIS•
P. S•--You are at liberty to publish thisk
lic good.
any one who is making a spurious article la
ed to make uae of our name ; but some of
had the impudence to imitate our boxes sal
Circtlara, Certificates. &c. LWess the I
careful when they purchase, they will he de
(11:7 The genuine Sovereign Rain: rllts nt
wholesale and rani .of Dr. SOI'LE & r
Onondaga Co. N, Y.
• Sold by Dr. IT. C. PORTER,Torranb n
their Agents in ever; town in the ennntn%
rinsport (t° Athens Railroad
aBO. H. BUNTING, respectlully inform
•-• 4 lie that he hag remrwrd his store to
building, one door below %Varner's wateb
he will be happy to see all who rosy be in,
Good and Cheap Clothing. He is c ousins
to his stock all the new and desirable styli'
terns, and feels confident ho can satisfy su!
may give him a call.
Jost receiving, from New York, a lar;-
We assortment of Sprint!: and Summer ch ,
in the beat manner, and which will be sold
the lowest prices.
He ham also received, a lame lot of T`
',Wien and which will be sold at low reel
made arrangements by which be can serllo,
dole desired, with the Certainty of Wool °,
Cutting and making up, done ns tar 3 P
fashionable manner. promptly and to order.
* rewinds, May 8,1851 y.
CROCKERY & Gl..lga ‘vAnr
lerei for sale by