Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 26, 1852, Image 3

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    Net° rabncrtiennettla
-- - -
wail 14121 W 0001113 ! •
.00 KINGSBURY, would again call the an
• 11 ,, tio n of all persons desirous of baying goods
tothe large stock which he is now receiving
w v 4 , r k ; embracing a full assortment of all
j l soiGue di which are adapted to the wants of
c an and count! trade. .L
i la Pine 24, 1852
vain • -
-00113,371113 Wart,
; rtue et a win of:l'est Vend. Eipm. isstied
to( theCouitof Comtnon Pleas of Bradford
1% and to me directed, will be exposed to pub'
.e it the house of V. M. Long, in Troy borough
.4.aolar the '2lth day of July at 1 o i clock P.M.,
t.,;,„;- in z tot piece or parcel of land situated in
s,tto..Bradf,ril Co., bounded and described as
o to srtt : on the east by the highway leading
to ; on the south by S. E.
lot, the line bAween this lot and the said
kt, passing through the center of the
reeetolv erected hy the said Shepard dr. LI
(rat.i laulding having since been burned;)
ae-t and north by land+ of I. N. Pomeroy.
ilon a shout 1300 square feet, be the same more
;,,,01,11 a two story framed store house there.
erected .
a d and taken in execution at the suit of Lew::
L -1.1.i• •
Hyatt Va. Seeley
. Mann.
y, & E. Railroad !
MOT TAZirriCS' & CO. •
RE now receiving weekly over the above the.
romzhiare, ail the latest and most fashionable
of Goads arriving in New York, fresh from
hand, of the importers.
the rhoxest and best of heavy Staple Goods
ai pie, that cannot fail to please.
heir artanarments are such that they can sell
d , at wholesale for cash as low as they cab be
cha-ed of the lobt ers in New York city.
W oh an hhinLie ael:now ledgm en t of past favors,
rrarninaipm of their very extensivh assortment
Cood re•pecttully ve ry
Towanda. June 15. 185-2.
.thvitls; isTß.vrows NOTICE.
ij, rt - cons indebted to the estate or AMOS
ON EY, dec'd, late of Athens township, are.
:.e‘tt: , ted to make payment without delay ;
.;.,„ie:--ons having demand' against sold estate
-;,r•te I to presenr theta to A- 0. Pickard
au henneated for settlement.
ti.ANII FARWELL, Administrator.
i d, Jane 14,.,1M.52. •
Anditer's Notice.
.ttrrr l 11 - 041,1,1 rr/ f ; rn J araiSeil by Sh eriff s
• !it. JOHN BENsoN
wire i hereby given that, the under-igned
' een appointed by the Court of Com
p?,.: ~r Bradford county. an Auditor to dis
t, tt-td raised i .by lshertlT's gale of the prop
; Itencon -will attend at the Court
1,•1 4. on 'S'alurtltiv the 21th day of
tit, hour or one o'clock P. M., to attend
•, office. At ,which time and
a 'A h. hive clairn; upon said fund. arn
!• ^re•ent elairri+ or be forever debarred
II \ RVEY McALPIN, Autlitgr,
r !F .
so Contractors.
11,1:11.PFLOPOSALs for erecting a BRICK
41 feet by 711, a basement for
Ple , hy:i•trin Church in Towanda,
• • , t i;.I !'t , oltice fl. L. mEßcurt Es q .,
I . the 6th of July next.
•i •;,••• •:i•- ins may be seen at the sad
Li , • ider ..lihe hoard of Tre‘tees.
BR° WNSON, President.
,n• IR. 1912.
T.,...... er's Sale .A.djourned,
;111. car , lav, July Ist at 2 o'clock P. NT., for
aGnrc t,c the unseated tracts of land, and
.r tracK.t.f 'seated lands returned by the
trs (or tax- , that may there remain unsettled.
lIENJ I‘llN WII,COX. Treasurer.
T-a , trer's tt.lice, Towanda June,l6, 1832.
DIEZ.IIItNIC3 ! LOOll. 31=
..kjii.r.N FEIN 4: MINER-4 will find a full as
-4or,oont of plane., Lathes, saws, squares, trying
3,4 level4,cdinvissi.s, ir.,n and meld spirit levels,
l let, center and roger bitta, broad, band and
l.a:nnier4. chisels, gouges, chalk
•11 1 1 ra.l and scratch awls, tape lines.&c.
tied anvils, vices, bellows.
!w•:,! an.; sh tem.: hanitilera, rasps, files, iron
h I shows and nails, screw a 7 , 7 0.„1 ~..4...rinient of cast,German, spring
vsi A.m....can blister steel; Swedes, American
Erz'sl Imo
111miNS %11:1 110,1 brick 'and plas-terirg trowels,
le inmiaar4.l.lo,ing hatchets, white wash brushes,
ron't ,, v;v nq hati.l at E guliß'S.
IFETY Ft SE.—Contractors can find a sop Prior
wode of Sifety Fii at MERCUIrS.
Pay Up Pay Up
)rs'i it; 1j1,:e,1 II; the subscribers either on
-•, 1- rt r note, are hereby iv-titled that
nl, De paT.i w.OuNt further delay. Imrnedi
a In thu r,13 save Coss.
10, 1,77,`2.
‘411 ) .Z.,0re, No. 4, trick sow,
4 E: sclv , l, one r.l the largest and best select
e' a—oit.:l.-11 , 01SI'MNIEll. GOODS, ever offer
mar:ret.att.l as they mustpe sold they in
of the people to their stock and
June 1, 1852
13 1 1 1.5. Mae:;erel, :n and whole Barrels
, diand • veer, just reed and for sale cheap
very extensive assortment ,t TR MA( 4. MOORE'S.
LIT.s and !run—.
sal:: by
.1-1 , 1.
-a large assortment just recd
Nn. 4 Brick Row.
.Ix(;,ust rerrivot from New . York a large
20 , o•n1 a.o.ortment or Dry Goods. Grocer
f-" '•yry, Hard Ware, Bouts and Shoes, Hats,
Paragols Are., &e., and in fact every
of merrhar.ll , e, all of 'Which was par
'"t a' cnrrecelcwed low prices, and selected
Tr ai rarel - 4' this market. n making this
t' ) 11)? public, we want it emphaticaly
th'at vie d - -tormined to offer such in'
CI? wav of cheap zoO,IA, that none shall
ran , oly zqtl , 'any cheaper at any other
,t , ",ent in tovn, Ltp this in mind. No 3
Jose 12. 1S:;2.
kny quoi.tor. in exchafi_e for rood.;
f rat I IT lumber al
11. ANTED—For wfuch goods will er
t,,1 y:p.1 , , n It et,i terms at
a large ad
. \ TS. Bao N SIIOE-4
very cheap for cagh. by •
pertuns h:n•ute unsettled accounts will the
'utb.reriberq, are requested to call immediately.
2 "a"te them railer by note or payment. And
out are aver du.', must tae paid.
t.'ar,da, April 6,185 t.
In.ieb'ed to ihe estate of WILLIAM
"'" EX• bate of Warren !ownship. are
reque , ,t e a 10 make payment wi;hont delay,
a. , pc..nas havinzdemands againit said estate
to preen t thetn.duly authenticated for
r j
1. I t,s %I. BOWEN, Executor.
''''' ll, r , ,arch 25, 1852.
H. ,S, It 31. C. =MI
ARE now opening and offering ' sale at
and Retail an extensive st kOf BUMMER
GOODS,I embracing a foil asitortm 1. of geode usual
ly-kg/1 by them, which were pure aid at extremely
tow prices, and will be sold at lower,priees than the
same quality of goods are sold-Jul - 4 town west of
New York. s We say to all, come and examine our
"stock ; and those who pay Cash for geed. will find it
greatly for their interest to, buy at She Caih store.
Towanda, June 1, 1852.
ALARGE stock of Ladies', Children's and Misses'
Gaiters, Buskins, Slippers, Polkas and Boots.—
AI o a fine assortment of - men's and boy's calf, kip and
mroceo Boots, Shoes end Brogaits. and a good supply
of gent's Gaiters and Congress Boots just received at
Shoe Findings.
A GENERAL stock of Findingit. - comprisimg oak
.11 and hemlock tanned Sole Leather, Calf, Binding
and Lining Skins, boot and kid Morocco, shoe thread,
pnd nails. and everything needed in the line may be
fotind at janel mEßctiws.
SUMMER HATS.-4 fine. assortment of the latest
styles of moleskin, Kossuth; Htingitian;
pedal and palm leaf Hats, just opened at
Jane I. • MERCUR'S.
selection of ladies' and misses' Bonnets, and at
great.variety of Bonnet Trimmings, how opening at.
Jvne 1. MERCURI3.
ORVES' extra' quality cdnit STARCH. manufac
tared expressly for campy and dietetic purposes
for sale at jimel MERCUITS.
An Appraisement and Classification.
OF the sales of the different persons engaged in
the sales of Goods, Wares and Merchantlize in
th the County of Bradford for the year 1852, with
the amounts of Licence hereto annexed.
H. & M. C. MERCUR.
~~reh~m►~3~, ~c.~
toots and Shoes.
Freeman N Wilcox & Co
John Horton.
Wm. Jessey &'Co
Elmore Horton
Anson Bidlemon (liquor) 14
L A Gardner er Co 14
John Watkins 14
noao• •
Welles & Harris
George A Perkins
William Kiffe
Chester Park
James O'Herren (ligifor) 14
Thomas J Brooks 4 Son (domestic) 14
Wm H Freteher do 14
11 M Well-c do 14
Mases Sawyer do 14
C H Herrick 14
Edward A verell 13
Charles Comestock 14
L D Taylor
.1 V Daniels
A Nbirley Brothers
M C Mercur
F Hall * Co
Vandyke & Owens
Harding & Lee
Manly & Gillan
Horace Tuttle
(liquor) 14 10 50
do 14 10 50
14 7 00
14 7 00
Markel 4. Havens
Lorane Dodge jr
A B Au.ten
D V Barnes
W Woody & Co
J G Brown
(liquor) 14 10 50
14 7 00
J W Atercur
R R Hawley &Co
L II Taylor
Asa Brown
Charles Pratt
Parkhurst & Lamb
Ezra Holcomb
H J'Perkins
Elista Phinney
Brown & Rockwell
0 P Lyon
S S Hinman
Brownson & Frisbie
N N Betts
George Atwood .
John Baldwin 14
P W Champion 14
Smith & Baldwin 13
G H Little ' 13
D Bailey & Son 13
W F Robbens (liquor) 14
Ha veland Cornell (liquor) 14
B F Buck
C F. Wilson
A H Voorhes
Wm Gunsaulns
J W Woodburn
SF Washburn 14
Judson Holcomb 14
H W Tracy (liquor) 14
Means & Storres do 14
W Baird 14
Kinney &!Mena (liquor) 14
W Campbell ar Co 14
SM 'farin).
W Bullock & Co 13
E S Tracy 13
Duffey & Fritcher (liquor) 13
- arvii NERI
Hiram Spear
Etyma H obba rd
S. Williams
Freeman (haves
Maxwel & Leonard 12
F D Ballard 13
Eli Baird 12
I, W C Herrick 12
G F REdingtm 12
SW& D F Pomeroy &Co (liquor) I t
Stephens & Hopkins do 12
C K Spencer &Co (domestic) 14
8 W Paine do II
H $ & M C Merellr 1 0
Montanyes & CO 10
E T Fox 13
Joseph KingsburY 13
Joseph, Powell , 13
0 D Bartlett 13
11 Kingsbury ! 11
Phinney & Bawman 13.
Tim & Moore (liquor) 13
Packer &Bennet 14
II C Porter , ' (liquor) 14
J M Reed do 14
Stephen Felton &Co do 14
John Laughlen & Co do t 4
Patrick Burk do It
Dennis Lynch do 11
Michael Key do 14
Timothy Holleran , do ,14
Michael Ronan do 14
Michael Neter do 14
C Coleman do 14
Bailey &Nereus 14
Isaac Post (domestic) 14
Hall & Russet do 13 --
J W Wilcox do 14
II & A Campbell jo 14
W A Chamberlain do, 14
% s Warner 'do .14
Geo H Bunting , do 14
Rockwell & Co .
Pec kbam & Itatheir
Clarg. Amount
14 7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 60
7 00
7 00
14 7 00
14 T 00
14 7 I 0
14 7 00
13 10 00
(liquor) 14 10 rA)
do 13 15 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
19 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
1U .7 00
_ 12 12 50
13 10 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
(liquor) 13 15 00
10 00
7 00
1 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 50
10 50
10 50
10 50
II 50
10 50
do 14
do 14
do 14
do 14
7 00
'7 00
7 , 00
10 50
7 00
10 60
7 00
Id 00
10 00
15 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 50
(liquor) 14
12 50
10 00
12 50
12 50
12 50
22 50
19 75
3 50
3 50
10 00
Nan eltbvitheinctitg.
14'iWarn Gibson
Goy Tracy
• ' 14 s 700
14 700
X 4 _ 7 00
• 14 7 00
Jacob Ide
Geo Tolbradge
Marcos Tyrel
Robert Cooper
W H Russel
John Roberts
Wheelock & liolleuback
W H Weites
A Lewis .
Eligha Lewis
Cyrus Avery
irrio . i
V E &J E Piollet
8 Coolbaagli
Myers & Allen
A list andlclassikation:of Beer houses, Eating hou
ses. 4c., under the Act of Assembly of the 10th
April 1819 entitled an Act to create a sinking fund,
&c.. for the Cennty of Bradford for the year 1852.
Athens tp—Thnmas Cooper 8 5 00
Athens boro—H .1 Carmer 8 5 00
George Merrell . 6•• 500
Burlington—Vosburg & Miller 8 0 00
Smithfield—Marcus B Gerould 8., , 500
Morroe—F Guinand 8 5 00
8 OQ
8 5 00
8 5 00
8 500
8 5 00
8 5 00
8 5 00
8 500
8 5 00
A list and classification of the different Distilleries
in Bradtord Count'• as directed by the act of As
sembly-of April 10, • 1819
Springfield—William Brace 10, 500
Sheshequin--8 Newell & Co 111 s 00
Standing Stone—Jams c Gorden 101 .5 00
Troy—John E Goodrich 10 5 00
A list and classification of the persoris:engag,ed in
the sale ofNostrums. Patent Medicines. Sm.. in the
Cr•nnty of Bradford, under the act of Assembly
of the loth of. April 1849
Athens boro—C H Herrick
Geo H Perkins
Canton—F Hall & Co
Towanda boro—George Estell
Reed Smalley
Isaac S Post
Mlles Carter
. Isaac Post
Troy bore—D Dobbins •
Chvies Drake
T B Borelen
Ulster—Daniel Harkins
Leroy—Parkhurst & Samuels
Pike D Haileyo& Son
Itothe—.l Hotentilb
Towanda born-11 C Porter
J M Reed
Troy born—F L Ballard
Charles Drake
Eli Baird
Notice is hereby given, that an appeal will be
held at ihe C o mmissioners office; in the born of To-
wanda on the In:h day of July nest at Which time
and place, any person aggrieved by the foregoing
classifications can attend if they think proper.
11. O. BAIRD
Towanda May 1, 1852. Mercantile Appraiser
Farmers, look to your own interests !
THE undersigned respectfully announce. that.
they still continue the manufacturing business.
at their old stand in Monroe. one mile above Mon
roeton on the Canton road. where they are prepar
ed to accommodate all who may favor them w i th a
call, with anything in their line, from the carding of
a pound of wool, to ttc manufacturing of any_citial
ity into
Cloth, Z`lanuel or Cassimerc,
on short notice Having understood that wool buy
ers—travelling the county—have often sold their
cloth as of our make, we wish it distinctly under
wood that we have no one peddling our cloth for
stool ; neither shall we allow any one to do so, be
lieving that this is only a tax upon the Fanner, and
a practice of which unprincipled dealers take ad
vantage to cheat the inexperienced. buyers ; therefore
any persons wishing to exchange their Wool for
our Cloth, can only do so by calling at onr factory
where we will give them as good bargains as they
can get this side of New York.
We will warrant our cloth to be made of good
wool and not composed of Glth—ln short made for
service, and not merely for sale. Call and try us,
and we flatter ourselves that we shall be able to
satisfy you of the correctness of the above state
N. B.—Those having unsettled accounts with us
will confer a favor by calling and settling the same
immediately either by note or otherwise.
Monroe, May 19, 1852. J. INGTIAM & SON..
X'or Sale.
oming County ; heavy timbered with White and
Yellow Pine, Hemlock. Chestnut and other kinds
of timber suitable for lumbering. The land is well
adapted for grazing. after the timber is cut off. A
good title given.
,None of the above land is more
than ten miles from the Stiquelianna River and
North Branch Carial, and will be sold in large or
small quantities to suit purchasers. Terms easy.
For further particulars addrets ELISHA FOR.
REST, Attorney at Law. Allentown Pa. ••
Allentown, May 18, 1852. E. FORREST.
Selling off at Cost ! !
rpflE subscriber will sell the balance of his stock
-L of Goods. at COST, for cash.
Totvatia, May I, 1852. E. T. FOX.
THE subscriber is now receiving the most exten.
sive assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER
GOODS that can be found in this section of country.
To.wanda. April 30. JOS. KINGSBERY.
o announce the arrival of a new and splendid
assortment of
Spring and Summer Goods,
from New York & Philadelphia. They were bought
for cash at unusually low prices, and wi,l be sold
10 per cent. cheaper for cash, han at any other es
tablishment in this place or the county.
RESS GOODS—in variety, from India silks, to
3 cent Calicos. Also the latest style of Dress
Trimmings, at ap1:0 B. KINGSBERY'S.
PEFORE looking elsewhere, it would be well for
1-3 Ladies to look at the Spring Bonnets, A rtificiat -
Flowers and Ribbons, which are sold so verrcheap.
April 9 B. KISTGsBEItY.
CROCKERY.—The largest stork in town. Ful
dinner and tea setts, of white granite and Mug
ware, which will be wild cheap a • Fors.
RbCERIES.—The quality and prices of Teas
Sugars and. Coffee, always speak for them
selves, at apitO U. KINGsBERY'S.
ACKEREL.-50 half barrels. and 25 quarter
barrels. at D. KINGSBERTS.
20 QUINTALS CODFISH—They are worth
looking at, if not buying, for sale by
April 10. D. KINGSBERY.
MESS PORK !-50 bbls. Prime. for which a high
IVI- price was paid,and for Which a high price will
be asked, by apl 10 B. KINGSRERY.
THE subscriber. having concluded to close up his
business, offers for sale the balance of his gtoek
caol. Persons wishing to avail themselves of this
opportnsity for getting Goods cheap, will find it to
their advantage to call soon. And he would also
request all who have accounts on his books to close
the same immediately,either by payment or by note.
April I. 1851.1. E. T. FOX.
Land Warrants.
LAT'D WARRANTS, tinned under the act o
'B5 k, booght by
April :lib, 1852. LAP3II.TE, MASON& Co.
14 7 , 00
14 7. 00
STORE in the south end of the Ward Hones, well
—known es tint largest, cheapest and itiost extensive
assortment west of the city. Particular attention will
begiven to any.or all who may wish to call, either to
examine or purchase, and any medical information
will be cheerfully an d gratuitously given to those who
who consult concerning themsetvoss or friends.
Continuoussuppliee of fresh and recently prepared ar
tides ate weekly arriving, having been carefully se
lected with a view to their usefulness, and any ankle
wanted nok , usually keptotither will be found h ,or
procured at the shortest notice by Express. for
leaving their order.. Accommodating clerks . ways
will be . cid.), to safely compound any prescrip on'and .
endeavor to make it (whatever the purchase)mutually
agreeable. All goods shall be considered warranted
as-represented, and being Agent for the best and pop
War Patent Medicines,. all. those found in this store
can be , relied upon; in all cases, as being 'genuine. The
stock now, comprises every - article in the aide, among
which may be found the following:1 •
Drugs and ItilediOnes: -
Acing. aloes orris
Acetic assafoetida , squill..
Citric arable valerian
camphor srnego
M uriatie copal sarsaparilla
Agnafortis gamboge ginger eto •
Sulphuric quoin SALT..
Tartaric etc. myrrh magneal a
satiates. shellac sulphur
tragacanlb etc. brimstone
soda •
cream tartar
14 7 00
-14 , 7 00
1 - 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
•44 , 7'oo
(liquo) 14 10 50
14 10.50
7 00
C pairs
Life etc
Peruvian (Jerete l
Elm etc
saasse ts.
Lemon etc
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
Nem tithiettiatments.
W6otepteand RetaiLDeatisi
neats foot
01 , re
• rgamont
nero , i
cod liver etc
.1 nine
G irden
Colchicum etc
uvis urbi etc
.pijelia (pink)
illarAh rosemary
Lavender etc
Sevr, Coffee and Tea of ell kind*, molasses, spice,
pepper. clove*, mustard, nutmeg, mace, fish, resins,
citron*, currant 4, salad oil, c ,cos, chocolate, soda,
nutter' crackers : rice, starch, ginger, saleratus, white
and bar soap, sperm and tar.ow candles, jugs, bottles,
pipes, pepper sauce eke.
_ Cogniae, Otard'end American Brandy, St. Croix.
Old Jamaica and New England Rum, pure Holland
and Am. Gin. Iri..h and Monongahela 'Whiskey, Ma
dei.a Lisbon. Sherry, Timedlie Port, Muscat, Claret
end Champaign Wines—Cordials, Roaa, Amour Mo.
kee, Noyeau Sre , cheaper than ever offered.
Soaps, Perfumery ana Fancy Goods.
Shaving meam, military, windsor, medicated, sand,
musk, almond, palm, french, toilet, rose, and transma
rent sows, Lif French, an 1 Weights extracts of
jockey club. patchoully. hoe, do carotin°, mia.k, mills
flops, v. t h ins, heliotrope, sweet brier, geranium,
spring flowers, west end and new mown hay! &c.—
Cachous, cologne, bay and rose waters. Lilly white,
vanish paid powder, rou ;la hair dyes, hair invigora
tors, hair eraLicatas, hair oil, pomades, court 'plaster,
perfume sachels, playing cards. pencil points, steel
pens, fish hooks, drawing pencils, percussion cops, red
black, and initelibiti inks, combs, purses, pocket books,
port monais, wafers, pocket mirrors napkin rings and
travelling companions &c.
Hair, hat, stove, scrub, shoe, paint, marking, varnish
sash, artist camel's hair, striping blender's and badger's
whitewash. counter, flesh, tooth, nail comb broom cloth
infant, lather, table, horse and blacking brushes.
Tobacco and snuff boxes, nipple shells, nursing bot
tles, breast pumps, teeth rings bedpans, syringes, shoul
der braces, trusses, supporters, pessaries, catheters,cup•
ing glasses, graduates, mortars, spatula, forceps lancets
thermometers, liquid and spread adhesive plasters, &c.
Paints and Ere Stun.
Nit. red, cam and log wood, fustic, lac dye, endear
red sounders, madder, alum, ccpperaa, blue vitriol, sal.
tin, composition chemic oil, vitriol, oxalic and all the
acids, rain tin, pumice end rotten stone, Arberican &
Chinese vermillion, Spanish brown, American & Eng
lish Venet;an verdigris, Paris green, white, black and
red lead, chrome yellow and green, japan, coach and
copal varnish, lampblack, lithargo, putty, whiting ochre
spirits turpentine, linseed oil, rosin, chalk, umber, sien
na, gold leaf, bronze, &c:
French Gla.s 24-30, 22 30, 20 . -10, 20.24, 22-24,14
18, VI% 12-18, 12-16, 10-14, 10-12, 8-10, 7-9.
. FOLx AORNT eon
Dr. Jaynes Alterative. Expectorant. Sanative.&c.
Fitche ' s expectorant, tonic humor corrector, ¢c.
literciviro'a Gargling Oil for llorpir.s.4-a
Sweyne's medicinre, wild cherry. 4re.
Brant's Pulmonary Balsam and Extract, etc
Orrick . 4 Vermifuo
Houghton's Pepsin or Gastric jnice for dyspepsia
Oariond's Indian Cho!agave. for lager and ague
Scarpa's Acoustic oil for Deafness.
S. P. Townset d's Sarsaparilla.
Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup.
Dr. Keeler's Family m , dicines.
If utching's Dyspepsia Bitters.
Hot , Mind's German Bitters. for Dyspepsia and Debility
Down's Desence Jamaica Ginger.
Duhoy's Rat and Mice F.xterminahir.
Also agent for Herrick's medicines, ,plasters, etc., An
dreae(' and Davis' Pain Hiller, Ornefenberg medi
cines, Pile Etcctuaries etc., salt .heum. triter, ring
worm, iipaiin and fiunder ointments, etc.; tooth
cordial, plasters, poor man's salves, eye waters, lini
ments, erasive - soap, bed bug poisan. Hobensack's
and Clark's Worm syrup, Christie's Galvanic cura
tives, Moines Phoenix Bitters. Trask's magnetic,
Sloan's. Dailey's, and McAllister's Ointments. Dil
low's Heave Powder, Conditioh 'Powder, &c. MI
the numerous kinds of Pills.
Light. .
Phonene, superior Burning fitrid.Camplicnc,“/41e.
lard and sperm oil ; new and beautiful patterns of iluid
'amps now being opened: Campbells., side and bang
ing lamps for ball and store use, girandoles, etc.
Caiendiph, James, Natural I.e. Turkish siartalatli.
John Anderson's fine cut, Bon's Jenny Lind chewing,
etc.; choice brande. pure Havana Cigars, etc. etc.
• All of which will he sold ni unusuatly low rates.—
Remember that Dr. Porter's Cheap Drug and Chemi
cal Stony is in the south end of tho Ward House, a few
doors above the poet
Towanda. lane 4, 1852.
FrHE only complete assortment of Paper Hang
-1 ings kept in this region, for sale at the am
lowest rates by 0. D. DARTLETP.
UTTER-100 Firkin.; wanted, for which por3
will be gild; PHINNE Y *ft ROW:WAN.
Ro, Xada:.Clothingl
, 8 . 4* ALZECAUginia, -. AL CO.
FROM -Elmira N. Y. bavr fast arrived. in To:
wanda, with one of the largest and most, corn
plete assortment of clothing ever offered in this sec
lion of the country. They are manufactured .by
themselves b.:elusively. at rates which will make it
an object for the public to 'buy. - Their goods are
made and trimmell in the latest styles aid from su
perior cloth and will be sold for one price and for
clan 011ILT.
Give us a call and if we do not satisfy the public
of oar ability to make good opt promises. we shall
not ask their patronage. Customers can be fitted
with. whole suits by leaving their measures at our
store at the shortest notice. .. .
Locmoss.—Next door south of Mercur's Main
st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water St. Arnow* Hall.
Elmira; and under A. C. Porters Hotel. Tioga Vill
age. Tioga Co. Pa.
Towanda May 29th 1851.
r PHE subscriber would respectfully invite the at
tention of the pbblic, and Cash buyers gener
ally, taabe juge and desirable stock of
Staple and Dewy Dry Goods,
which he is now receiving and opening fur sale at
;he Old Stand ofiThomas Elliottone door south of
thb ". Ward Hou i se.7 He intends to keep on hand
nearly every article adapted to the wants of the
country trade and will be constantly receiving such
additions to his stock as will at once render his as
sortment desirable and complete. . .
The patronage of the public is-respectfully sdlict
Towanda, May 19, 1852.
LAt4EB Dreas Goods— i n assortment of Lawn?,
popl' br - de Ir •nouslin de lai-
corro sublimate
red precipitate
shakers herbs
gold leaf
castile soap
Venice turpentine
aqua ammonia
brittish lustre
burg. pitch
May 19
BROWN and bleached Shee ing s and Shinings
and all other articles of Dry Goods. a large stock
at May 19 , J. POWEL'S.
Large tot pf beautiful Bonnets, parasols, rib
:11 bons. fan s , r gloves and hoisery at
May 19 J. PO WEL'S
BOOTS and Shoes—The largest and be = t lot of
Bouts and y hoes in town justrereived by
May 19 J. POWELL
PAINTS, oiL', glas.. nails, door trim mince% etc
for gale by May 19 J. POWELT...
TA. eotreel, Sugar, of i all kinds! and prices,Mo
lasses :Imp, etc. for sale by
May 19 . j 1. POWELL.
CODFISH and Mackerel—a fresh supply jut re
ceived at May 19 J. POWELL'S.
path .brick
Sand paper
white glue
otter or anuatto
1011ORK and Flour—a quantity of Pork and Flour,
I just received and for sale by
May 27 , J. POWELT..
Dissolution. -
THE comalitnership heretofore existing between
Josiah, ranmsco and N. C. Tornkins, is this
day dissolvei
by mutual consent. The books, notes
and account will be found at the shop, where one
or the other of the parties may always be found
ready to attloil to any person wishing to settle up.
We would ere remark, that persons indebted to us
will find it 0 their advantage to call and settle their
accounts withoutdelay. JOSIAH FRANCISCO.
Towanda May 20,185 i.
MILES SILT., fileii , the following description of
one platform of BOARDS taken upon the 17th
day of March 1852. afloat. About four thousand feet
of white pine boards, mostly sixteen feet long, a e n.
fourteen feet long, all marked with lied Chalk with
figures, and a list of the same is filed on my docket.
Dnrell, May 19,1852. S. S. BRADLY. J. P.
Execution of Lopez I
STILL later news via New York & E. ft., R. of the
arrival of a very large stock of Merchandize at
PHINN EY & BO Vl' M ANS No. 3 Brick Row which
they are prepared to sell at wholesale or retail for Cash
or Ready Pay, cheaper than the cheapest, from the fact
that they pprchased their stock tot cash in a very de T
pressed state of the market. Don't mistake the place,
No. 3 Brick Row next door to Dr. if ustons.Druit store.
STONS SWAB, jost received, at wholesale and
SALT, a large lot, also Iron, Nails, Hardware, dm
and Mackerel in bbls., and bbls, for sale by
pept22 , PHINNEY & BOWMAN.
10CHESTS more of those three and four shillings
SEkTINGS, abinitnes, alripee. and &Ica. for gale
BOOTS & SHOES, the largest and cheapest as
ment in town—anti Hats Oa Qv% at wholesale
anti retail. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. °
&A. AM P13E41. would again call the atten
tion of 'heir friends and customers to their
large and new asenrtment of Goods, just received
and now opening at their. Fprnishing,Depot, con
sisting of all thing s x necessary , to, clothe the outer
man, all to be sold 6,41tt1e cheaper for the ready pay
than ever. Come and examine, and be satisfied.
Towanda, May 14, 1552.
L i! tn:s2; at C4MPIMLUS,
YELLOW. buff and white Vests,loo!ta fx. Panto,
a large lot for Pale at CAM eBELL'EI.
Books ! IloPtis !I
Complete assortment. of blcbool l ,Dlank. Clasci
11. cal & 111imellavows Books. constantly krp up
and for sale at tbt lowest rates by.
Nov. 29.1951. 0. D. DADTLMTP.
17 CH . EST YOUNG YB . O Imperial( Hyman
S , „„ Black - Teas . Also MO Inn and
Jar:oohs., InOt i necebrad at MEPCIIR'R.
T FISBN-Maelirel by the bbl., half and..
Fbbi.onil . p - mad. Abut a ehoicu. quality of Cod
ilsh - this day '
reeii4 enddtii . r !ale by,
March 16. • at F. QUA*
Taken Up.
Notice onlitato :Zama. •
erHE undersigned, Comprising a boarder apprais
-11- ers:M tippraise all : lands Wit- +which any-pat.
chafe aituteypt dde to the Contain wealth of Penn..
would heretiygiiie4hOtiee_to all who may . bier in
their pueseminti l l3Mtelands; that 'the Act of 111E4
establishing said board. was extended by the last
Legislature for one.year Mill , : 'Thine Who wish to
avail thernsefriti' Of !bb: benefits of such 'apprWiit•
tnent. wt.tLbe waited upon by calling dit'lehlwvWf
the Cbanatssinners by letter or otherwlse.`ol•49t
conferring with E. M. FARRAR." Comtnianken
Clerk. 11.,R. SMITH.- ' •
D. B. COTTON. • ""
Towanda, Masr,No.ll3lo4. Commissionen.
MOO Lotting. . •
SEALED proposals wil
.be received it the Combs
missioners office, until 12 o'clock A. M., on eat:
'order, June 12, 1852, for Imilffing a Bridge across
Wysux creek, near Mr. 'AlfeAls:in' Rome Tows
sh—rr 82 feet- spars. Plans and spec 'nations be
seen at.the Commissioners office oriel., the
of June. By order of the Commiiisloneta,
Towanda, May 19,1832. B. M. FARRA kerb.
Tundersigned has purchased large. and
choice selection of NEW GOODS, bought
under the most favorable circumstences, and for
sale as low for cash es can be bought elsewhere.
and lower than any braggadocia can or will sell.
• May 5, 1052. 0. D. DAILTLETT.
STONE WARE—i fine assortment, selling foe
cod. at
brim Store, Ito. O Brick Row.
NEW Olanniaa tic SOW LAWS.
MHE subscriber having purchased and recur
-I.' Dished the stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES &c...
in'No. 3 Brick Row, which now makes it a •ehoide
and well selected -assorrittent of Drhg• =nil Medi
cines for family ase, at urholesaie and retail, whicll
he cheerfully recommends to the public,and crave/
a share of public patronage.
The Goods dill be sold as cheap or cheaper thaw
any. ptker establibhunut West of New York fur cash
and mob only.
Here you will, find snorted a few leading articles :
Senna Alex., Fasgate's Cordial
Eli Opi
Hay's Liniment
Hair Dye
Harlem Oil
Ointment, Triiii"
do - Da'his **:.
••dc" , McAllester
Shakers Herbs .
do Extracts , !
Tilden's Alcoeolic Ex't
Rhei 'Extract'
Jalap Extract
Meakim's Vaniila Ex% •
do Lemon do
do Mace - tht
do Almond do
' • do Cloves
do Allspice do
do Nutmegs. do
do - Peach do
do Ginger do
do Cinnamon du
do Orange do
do -, •Tonta . , du
Lubin's Springflowee
do Musk do
do Violette do
do Magnolia de
do Sweet Ilrerdis
do Jeamin do -
do Jock'y Cl'b do
do Caroline 'do
do Jenny Lind the
do Boquet do .
Syringe, Pewter as'aent
Jo Class do
Nursing Bottles, Glass
do do O. E.
Rad *bei Turk . .
du do E. L
• do Upeese
do Jalap
do Ginger White
do Orris
Gum Camphor
do Opt Turk
do Myrrh Turk
do Arabic do
do Cripal
do Aloes Soet
do Aloes Cape.
Chloride Lime
do Soda
Castor Russ
Jsinglase do -
[Evens' Lancets *.
Nitra Silver, Op't
Mid Bisnuth .
BIM' Pin I mer.
lodide Potass
Tart do
- Garb do
Sulph do ,
Oaustie do '
Citrate Ferri .
lodide do
Tannin • I
IProto lod Mercury
Piperin •
IKrempte , k ":...•
Hydra - Cum Crate
Morphine Sulph
do Act
Calomel, Americas
do English,
Precipitate Red
do White
Sulph Zinei. '
. Bronze, Crimson
do Pale Gold
do Dark do
do White
Gold Leaf, Op't
China Vermillion .
America do_
'Prussian Bite:
Fig do . ' -' •
Vertitian Red, English ..
,Turpentine,.Vernisb, Die.
ass, Putty, choice Groceries,
pure Wines and Liquors for Medißiaal parpnsea.-.-
Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con
neatest with t!e trade.
Having secured the services 61 1 . Dr. S. Ilewrots;,
whr beers his office at this store, and will give me
dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the.
medicines only. Physicians can rely upon harinw
their prescriptions careful:y..comprunded and pot
np. The stock has been-selected with great care,
and the goods will be warranted as represented.' •
All of Dr. D.. Jaynes' medicines. ?tyres Cherry Pets
tonal, siheneks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock"
Root, Orrick's, Hohenicacks, art Jaynes' Vermilage•
Together with all of the Eno a flopular Patent mullein's
now in use constantlWon'tiand and for sale at . •
! J 3.t. REED, No.; nfiCk Roth,
Towanda,Yay 14, Inn.
----- ,
do Indic
Cream Tartar
Sup C Soda
Magnesia Calc'd
do Carb,
do 8 8
do Henry's
do Appl e
Trusses Hulls
do Marches,
do Shaker,
Balsam Wisters
do Cheesmans
do Fir
I do Copabia
do Tole
do Peru
do Pulmoffary
do Sulphur
Acid Tartaric
do Acetic
do Beuzonic
do Citric
du Nitric
do Oxalic
do Hy drocyanc
do Sulphuric
Oil Linseed
do Sperm
do Olives
do Castor
dv Neatsfoot
do Almonds
do- Amber Rect
do Amber Red
do Anisi ,
do Caraway
do Croton
do Cubebs
do Commie
do Fennell
do Lemon
do Cassia
do Cod. Liver
do Lavandula
do Neroli •
do .ftsm in
do Nutmeg
do Orange
do Rhodium
do. Rose
do Cedrat
do Copabia
do Ergot
do Verbena
do Vioiette
do Mellesse
do, Mellefluer
do Patchouly
Brushes, Paint
do Varnish
do Hair
do Hair,Camel
do Nail -
do Tooth
do Shaving
do Flesh
do Cloth
do Hat
Soap. Yankee
do Crystalline
do Hop Wind Low's
do Coopers
do Rose
do Victora
do °rake
do Tooth
do Erasive
do Castile
do Military
do Savin
do Brown
Pain Killer
Avers Cherry Pectoral
0- B;--
isygenateu emitters
Stoughton Bitters
Chloroform , •
Hoffman's Anodyne •
Tortt.ther with Paints,
Woods & Dyn-StutEe,GL
WHEAT, Oats, Rye and Corn, taken in et Aimee
' fOr goods. PHINNEY & ROWM 01.
D" RD RY: 000114—A good —. ageortroent of :dewiness.
esehmeree. De Leine, Alpaca', and prinm now
eeninq it jib NIERCI-WA.
', common and
xi rt n to-I wide., A Mice assortment of Woggle
ed (gilds, bleached and 1 rosen rillla.!Craits and Ur-i
pciy, liftlW/3 and bleached Table fbinlen. Meek*. Wu
OP ys Tickinn. Cotten Yens, Bailin. Wickinw led
Winliiine, Felling dump ai - • rny..e
. •
C " oNp. CONE ALI,. and *manna the New
Geode. w,bieb an now beintelhibitad al •
sp:R. b. KINGIRERrP•
an DAY 9TATE.NIA Mg, rorinnq Nome, o n &
16. Tfei:VP4 fit
Mt. tI, 1 SSI. - • or. *tit