Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 26, 1852, Image 1
IMO =IIIto !!=iii themselves with tinging and did not - *ennuis into the lists with the younger ones. Several ot the men, who had followed in rear 'Of the women, came and sat near ui on the sand They were all eeidently delighted with the mks. The town of Herrineliansen, not a hundred miles mon, and encouraged-the mote timid of thedancets from Frankfort, Leone of the most picturesquely an by their words. One of theft arab an old mar, fique in Germany, shitecootains about 12,000 inha with a long gray moustache and beard, carrying in bitants. I like to prepare my realer* with a toter his hand a spear, pointed with iron. My rais and able idea of the locality wherein the events nand sailors were on the ground, and one of the latter, a ed Umpire-4M then ( may hope to impress them splendid fellow, whose form was almost perfect in with at least a two-fold sympathy in my dramatic its tismly strength, took his station among the sem personae. The street in which Herr Bomnatten bad men and acted as master ot the ceremonies. He his residence, was among the oldest in that:tern at drearea line in the sand down the center ot the ring, oresaid, and his residence, we would suppose the and another , along the edge of my carpee, and she oldest in it. who did not dance down the line until the final tact He was himself, also, a bleb dried piece of enti ce her head threw her haw over the Sultan's cap, quity, usually enveloped in a cloud of smoke, from was oblige to perform her pail over again. My sunrise to sunset, except only when his lair daugh sealer clap d his hands, ;pined in the song, and ter sat beside him at their evening meal and talk. Moved with such entire and absolin grace in the fil ti i rep ose you think that% an all fi red big con would "Then I suppose you have seen it r" over the affairs of the day. On such occasions he dance, that he almost drew away m attention from would d na a rra we te li inc toon iden a ts cqu in trin h g is th p e t mme ind es epe t n h d ro e u n g ce b cem! Any body would that hadn't men it the wornen As thecerensony was rolonged, they accompanied the dance with a hard, tteral breath- they enjoyed. He bad one passion in excess—an Imnd blend .ng, i n time with the MUSIC ; and some of the old - intense love of Mane ; and had at one time been p' Teas I seen it at Sprumfield," was the reply; women, in their anxiety to en c ouragethe younger no mean pro fi cient on a violin . At the festivals it's a darned humbug !" and more timid dancers leaned forward with ea -, held periodically in all the principal towns in Ger. a Is it possible t ' said the Major, seeing a prom ger eye., uttering qutekhcreams at intervals . It many, his judgment was appealed to; and indeed, pee: of fun. "Couldn't you oblige es with a des was a most ren•arkable scene; the figures and the cription of the"' institution I" no meeting of the kind was considered complete if dancers were unlike anything I ever witnessed he, by any chance *as absent. It may, therefore ) For Certainly, answered Jonathan ; a here's the For the first time, in fact—perhaps because I have naturally be infested that his daughter had early hitherto and as we get started, 11l give you all the been instruc ted in hitherto seen few women unvet'ed-1 find andoubt- m the art ; and at nineteen she was items. They can't humbug me very o ft en, and ed beauty in the Arab female countenance. *pianist 01 considerable attainments. These cm when they do, cal'late to advertise Tor 'em till I get The last dancer was the wife of th e Shekh, who stances formed the basis yea desire which square ' be came to xatde the close, with two negro slaves be-came stronger with its years, and which confirmed In a few minutes we were under headway, and hind her She was a woman of twenty, and the _ a resolve hat she woeli wed one of the most am ourveriant friend commenced unbosoming him mao beau•dul of the group. Making allowance for corn lashed musicians of the age. They say that self. the Jaletence in complexion, she had a strong re- „.. . when all other passions die, ambition survive s and ert see, Barnum mat i vette to show his car semblance to the Cleopatra of Guido Her eyes acquires a force proportioned to its solitariness and seals down to Springfield, Poarth of July. and I were large, black and lustrous , her face the lull , singleness of aim. Certainly it is, that out of the thought there 'd be a good chance to see t h e ele ripe oval face -of the'South, with a broad, round many suitors whom the beauty and gentleness or ,pliant and celebrate the day both at meet What I . forehead, perfect lips and a most tmeeenly neck and - - • th e disposition of Azalia attracted to Me dem:re of wanted to see more than all the rest was the Car chin. Sire were a diadem of white beads, under Herr Bommuten, not one (soscrupulaus te mas he on of i trrnlenot drawn by a string of elephants , ' the her thick hair —nnforunately plastered with ee ' the score of musical perfection) was perrneed by " Did it meet your expectations 1 " ..• ur came to the v ',laze, or ra th er encamp. butter—hung to her shoulders in at least fifty sten- him to continue his visits. Anxiety for the fulfill " I never mien one side of it Before I got in et t - -..• he :eel ing. were mere tents of steels der braids She went through the monotonous ment of a hope being umally in proportion to its town, they'd got through railin g and the elephant i at • Thee were barely large et•on_th •it. coy- mcvetnent of the dance with the stately ease of a strength, her sire, as the young lady approached it was unbarnemed, and the Car et Jugglenot was an •• • ;t ee an errete, wheel served as a swan and so pleased my sailors, that she was oblate twenty one, btrien to etpenence a dread that he'd to a woodshed. l made up my mind right off, - , ‘0 • e an fly Although the sun was el to repeat her salu aeon several limes I bowed not see her sentei This preyed upon his spirits e then, that the bull ronssrp was a humbug." • iti more than half-the inhabitants lower to her than to the town! to be ot h e rs , but toot care in " Was Barnum aware," I " that you were deeply and arced him to publish as wide as P.ts ea t e t he e m e e an d women , thrust keep her unctuous bratds from touching my face.— asked , - sible, his intentions. To that end he invited to in" t • e - ler their duty coroe maneee When all was concluded. I directed Achrnet to elmt his house, on a certain day, all the elms musical i• Not as l know," as the answer. to the village, i, h attenishvneut rot cemixed tribum a few handfuls of copper moneya he who chose to complete for his daughter, eerier. t _ t• among -"If he had known it ' added the tt. r a women nho had already risen, them, whereupon they rewrites! ' Major ing that at midnight he woukidecule on the claims would doubtless have waited. But you visited the r • t : -e-.1 k:;.!lung the fires a or spinning uttering sharp y ells of my as they went . After they of the aspirants. Now it is neremary that I should exhibition, I su pp ose r" -a a ••• •. el he raw cotton which these peo. had left, I asked the men whether what I had bean!i• Cli course to do that, if it boat inform my readers that in the grand apartment of e - it - a e ' , a Id two or three men, whom in Khartoum, concerning their peculiar conjugal - ' I was bound Herr Bonmarteres mansion there was a piece of me. That was a bigger humbug than all the test" t , e t i e mcal • Peace be with you I • e cusom, was use ,and they replied th at it wa y. fumimre supposed to have been fabricated by a ' Haw so" •. • •• eed hem that the Sultan's situ, i As we were about leaving, one of the Shekbe, or 14 Why in the first place, I expected to see Jean Hungarian magician and:which exhibited ,!so much •aa r . t :he Sh et ks, had cease e to holy men of the vibe, came down to greet us. He Lind . " Y apparent wilfulness that it bad been denominated -- e 1 ore of them erought an are wag an old man in a cotton mantle, and bad wi th ' Was she announced in,the WDe ise" by consent the De vi l' s s Clock. 1 the -1 ale for me, while another him two attendants_ Alter touching my hand lace e I don't know . I didn't read 'em, bet I axed The time-keeping edifice struck all manner al .--_, ior :...1: ' hat was browsing among the and asking many times for my health, he coalmen- I the man that stuck up the pictures if she'd bethere, hours in all manner of ways ; but whatever might ta - meened with a gored half fell of red singing passages of the Koran, in a loud. remit- and he said yes, and that she would sing the bird vaganme was always true to the solemn ti twelve ', e gate me As sour milk is a it, and not unmusical teem somewhat resembling song mantle on top of acage of cam:moos and par_ at midnight ;so that Herr Bametarton, not without 1 tat ee a mew tree - act arroeg these people , a the cry of the muezzin from his mmerat rots. She wane there, and •I never seen one side reason fixed epori that hour to decide tong cher- I •t ea. 3 -.lp tamed lerene The woman the two oweis tesponded, and thus this religions ot her—and then I homed the whole coasarn was abed scheme. i and peiced it at n y met. but entertainment was kept up for some time. But :be a darned humbug." The day at length arrived, and it may be imam I - • t I, it. and did not wish to refuse rats was at his peal and the wired had fallen so I e Well, then, I went round and track a look at toed that not a hula preparation bad been made '• I mee ore o; the men to take it to the acted my despotic charecter ot Sultan b,• leaving the e'ephanut—hal hard work to get round, in , The piano forte (one of Korner's latest improve irl. lit hez ta ed et- [Jen ly effete to motto himself i the holy man in the midst of his chanting antlgoam there was moths a hundred thousand people in the meats) Was Placed ender a mirror of immense 51 Z 8 I r` -. a -t er.?3- - i t h e woman said "I am MS on beard . When w e lea, he was standing me t er tent. Finally I out a-here they was, and the fonts and was placed directly opposite loth° (fatal) dee" tI. • . i ;e e t he Sultan I will taket it the mietimme sins _ ing or Mohammed, the Pruphei were eed fretful' 'em with apples and cakret and id's clock. 'o re t zeal a e u^, the man, uhase sense ct o f G o d. timr- I had some doughnuts in my hat. to I held Azalia was dressed in bolyday suit and lovelier etee a-1 : , .. , `,er. he release also, was touch - a out to one of :he darted things to see d thi if h e'd take mi than usual, and horn ens cueummance, her father 1 , . - 4 "..": t came likewise and accompanied Cutteatma —A dew years more and you will not one." • augured a prosperous finale At about eight o'clock a .• ear When we reached the vessel 1 know the same child—the age of piay is notseet ' 11,d he take one I" in the evening, the sailors were assembled; and I to •• -.K -,-- !....a. 1 for t he meats use and 'have E over, het hard taskteents have hetteea into i t 1. H e took 'em all, caddie eel he muck 'em in his I the players who ventured to offer themselves as i t ae„ T '-' ...- es a cep iter money and a There as a morrow to be thought of which inter- natty. peaked month and began calm'. I hollered 1 compettors for so beautiful and sancta a prize were • 'at • etece See mnreethately pat her hard fetes . 4 lei 1...)-.12% . Consciousness has come, and to the keeper, and told bna a was a brae new hat foot in number- They Severally sat down to the - " = s a- t- e'lel a Pie - vele Proleneed ere. the tereble burden of a kind of remoneibility He said never muse, he'd get it again."' imuument, and each appeared more than his ere- e c'e et said was intended for an expression There 2 4 tne expresestan of the wish to please—or, "DO be get u 1" deciessiM to assonteh the audience : and it way l i ''' eet er A^.. repeating t h is two m three times i alas' of the fear to daplease The features have li Ted, he gat it, but a hat dee ce much account genet - ALT -- Ithleined that he last Performer would se --met e-, l er knew ari d be am I could di- come f or th c a n acme drawing—for the child IS a I after an elephant's thawed It Then, I d a sworn be melded to Warne the fart edit husband. But 1 i e e• Irs...ed my red slipper. grail/ate ter this weary world. and the face has the bull ta , Mitiall was a humbug. Well, I wok a ere Hen Bomgarten had quite resolve.] in be own 1 _ii• t- •me I word that the women ; lenseheried atmendinely. But this ace is beanttfult loot at Term Thetieb, and the Ceeleng Chief, and mind the exact merits of each candidate. anode T. ii.e. would come to perforne a dance of : like every o th er. a expression and feature be true the man that fiddled wish his mee t and the feller er Wood hew" the letsemment and rather he eg e I s -1-.^ lei c ll. -"'"'", if 1 'eankl allow them — l t to it - The exp-esseon may be aimed and plaamve thee went in with the hoes. The wild animals was than words, =Heeled that he, too, must try h-s eas bl lame strongly *gams' us, and . W.:3=lday or tender health, and it is called fret- all well eneegh, but I didn't see as they looked any a sta. I .s e finished skinning the sheep, I fel—or it may be careless ot tomboy with sheer ant-' different t ram any bod y else's. I riptersei Barnum's The sites Seemed emzernely petted at this . , ). st ian the shade of a group of , mil spirits, and it is called Talent ; het either is hens wand.] be tame as big as any o-hers. There maiulai appantron ' For up to that moment tae 1 'et m-- a -* 2 r etl :he :r armee Presently we • safe, it is the . preemies look co mem ime or pees eh-'; was one thit, thormh, teat was lust rate . that was gentleman had notobsersed In the mom at all '— 1 :i'; , .-, ; raging and the clapping of ne", we men front leen itemiee dislike, for each the wax stalcam—espemaltY the e ceemperance I t One or two persons, indeed, declared that he had ....'' - 1 --anee e 'eta'. Led ih"ree'd the Pee- sae and st a tes. The:emu:es ai-o may be common family:' I told the man that tot care re it, I welt- actually stePPe'd from the eh" Case as the last I e ‘ .-- : et e ' -2 '' '''ar'r r.•:sh the tree" , They and eh:rat-mama bat if they re soft and ewe:min. et! everybeey that ever drinkei a drop of sperms 'Sayer of the four ewe:laded his fa nta- ' la I Be is a' •-:.•,.. It ' :', it c• -ea t 'hire in all. 5.-nam a • and tee .pacm. armed them ample, they ate safe heti to mind and leek at that a week--thefd e may, he set down to the piano and an product-et t t e - -. ' h- : e s e ee "each 'Nen - 1 - - a mere like ' mete Bat the denesee ferras and the man•y qnatem never amt.! to drentr. nam. He sa i d b e washed ao it is wholly impossible to describe the 11e3.31.10 , 11 1 - -a -e' - 7. Z. When thee' hee l arrived , ties le ce berrareot—thongn fixed mothers emirate= . In. He now webered up the hems wi h the amemity of 1 - - -. a- t- e t re' eh; nemsei re' into a semi- ' t chit-el:eel feammat and - reenta- profiles;' wha t - Tate d all, atitemh, I was marl ; I chdal see he Pe bee : and Veen feeehateed the seed arch melel m e e cmeptee weh their hands to matt :is a I eee 'l el f'l h P i k e the id ea or be ''' Wejimels filnes °I del-4SL Theq would he pour ...M1..... as eelamee and precae cow may be ma ,what ex p ected, s a d bah L- L- "::' - -.^.- 4 ` . ' 4 r = she elms-toad in the center • like: y 113 :OM CM: .e.hirp and . mean by mad by. , himateramed, ten 1 ersquired of one of the men Mee arm th e tineMmeeicel a ecam o f heam.=tes :hat ex- i `-e• ea e t a ' ; gas data' up the remakes, where Barnum was, and shed II *hotel m ee e . feeray • and a=r m- seleletel it le tt a ::vast heaved almost to 1 *a ^,.. -.. , _ " `'=a -titer tr IS 11 /" .31 / hack.. and 1 Fate - emcee Itte —rt preeectora metth is a =nay 'he pointed him out to me. selling lemons* oat of : the FeeestleY of cheaceet He was the man em- '.." --. ': s el . e-- - dets•teg tee ell hit she I town. in Itiamaceate ea had arrived a: the ne of a use= I wmt op to him, am!, dunks I, I'll give i who Was he ! The (Feel*" w a s a fearful cce- - 1 a . ..t. I. . ' i He was bandeesme—hts aspect was seterlar wed. . ` ee-e of me eeeitet- Then es hh LI I. nine yeara, when h is tether sea: him to scheet. He him a piece of my ner.J. Sex I— li . 'o I end Trielmeholy.. He eseemed web marrellitem '._ ' • teetee ee 'he re - re i her- ,Ratty.: stood beside the teacher, to rstieet the Metes of the i - Mr- Barnum—' ease, Mt his mind appear:el actidgrats eram his eye) ,a.. e e -el .-- a '3-. 4 eta.! eaumerael 10 it:11; eiettabel 1 e- Sispeace a ;lama' war be. to i 1T bat t , 1 t a the ". . C.. Z '3 - IC. ot Naha hair, .--- 1 1 a - - --Cs --Z. . - .IL._e, _ _ mare. 1 e e hinted a t bet ter e ar te te : me t e was on me t Ito be wanders:l over gee:sof themcmhe remote LIZICI . --.3C.. etc capt This was farm: . - , ' ilarner '•' rim:femme the michee I Ins twhich he • I ?ere, solitary reemel handed slice of lemon in a, t In was enneelt He rase_ Hen , ' t ate et e-me 1 Lowed my heal a: the 1e- Ne. Meet, A.- . crw,..4-Mb fun of it. mad be pedica a out at sixpence 1 Boengarten sPealV from his sent ; and would have i If a ghee. That made me madder than a ll the rem 1 embletted him bat was repelled l el ft . leeeeleaeh 1 t^ • men. hack to her place in the 1 " S.' , t 1 to el mita. Few names had he to dectee, fee as! 1 - tame ke recruit was resented arra 1 " Wee, nbaes the next f'' .so says I, tom! and amid/ay— eaa , , 1 ! "Mr Barnum, I theca rear show's a darned i inidnMht weal baud- As lo am Pee" Ateahea ehe I 3 c.-... 3.- 3 so as 5..... >ere eel all 1 r- 01 yeetk - , a aee emmtv -a Leh eves pied an 1 " N : ., it's B" humeag, - 1 wine no eminession save only het clever= melee 1 - e ar-e -cum alt. yeure, between the I "Tatra B, neelter ! tuts= cl e yeak! Crotch e 2 ; t• Forum mae, " sez he, -' I (pose ym pail to , and of inte r na l 14116-10,; ;beg when ale l. e a e res- . a s tee e. tea,i Cm clock tem& " ice:: e ; tortelemi her hand to mad iamer, and wale were steak- , heratort ! math a mmisty ' think e don't Meow l e i come m r `pri g tie ;71 '‘..-- -- T .-.- UZI • the 'task reeve ttrate t m• I a Slime:et' f dial" sea t. ; pat, see t e nt x 2 cram and wireboat mineammee.— , '' s • -tee i - t s ar - - ‘A-a..6.: , &-.„ tech of pearly 1 A Semrtevems roc 1701 Orstaesr —Thal ..., " Weil, " sea be, c, stippmEn " yva beet , eme 1 The moo rah. Part of the whet e t" tmestl ,, h. '.23 4 - -4,- I‘.art b :ham ewes. The roam 1 ell F, nas al —Two brothent went into a 19pm - a i have paid your quaver. and verso a partial r -. .; , *IN dell the ="altlft'zill346/Vlh4 °.! F cC n i ' 7 I` • - ......... „,4 lady Fmeeded at cam to the Devil ' s L ' IoA and a... - - - 1 - n o ye. rem *Name-ter let bee see t lama. One went the:m e sh Geo.-mea re bay a farm,, se think 'tem as yea ple as e_ ' 1 1 elm he zees te,3 !acme weeth via etemetaety i and sieve /anis with all the fanners sod &Alm 1 ' MY.- said the Mai aa : ahet th e se satin eel " - .• g ifizg tmle gatlllll3lamAY : bale al ellalfa3Y s • e e L'et t i re.- tune teet and anc., were as seem •. cat the rinse . In about two week*, the ether fa- ;al by the mind ball somewhat aedwil ed s g' w a d Y L l talaeht.d a s r alg ask' raised vithill is cgse" t nn ___ . 2.2, e al. tozxe et the Venus of Dame- I, lowed nit the WI ohalmt. and found a weisek - - ' dad pm not demand your money bad a Toe tea As the door closed an the bud ample a team= , ....... . 1.4'-:'e -t''' 3 wt:rn by Amenees" Ira i rased far bet' tetzedy - , mealy axed base compeUed them a Mired your oaf borer net tbrtmeA ese asseseitled gears Thee _ 1 Wiest ohappy was so afiesed than ha ' bland away t... 1 1, =ar e - ) sty:: na„,-..-_,. o f ever lanieg seen WO 1 via 92IMIE- Vi- - I ‘" - 4, t* :33: testa, and therefore can 1 H a sa ernes —ls the Ki ng ot lap= a ccame„l gra 1 "Toe me the mei is,' sad leamban amMiting i ant as semen= mesmed, declared that be tepee- i ' tl o ye ,--,....,_ , . . ~ t . his bead, c I cneaddirsiskr tilt warm' i sal bits sanely of basin, as ia were, buena! , t 4 , -.--- _ , ` et d ou b t r i f oce h t a moo- 1 torman! 1 siitls diet meal of I t elt l it to ex-' •••.„,..„. -I m ,:-,' -- - e-= =I Narakd a palecal as 1 Docunctly : who has not sees his meettbeao its i &akar in fargoan , iftiama renaaarisan , easy i elassed, ' l2 week olst II bpi steee'sta wzma h - mee i et e t . -,• ev " t. '.. 1 . " 4 "1"e were mu cc thme lln the store we, nal hied,. --*'-": man s was t z " - " c ; -- rz-t1 Int they cr.a . ewed i Wee marsh Japan bal . a-hi-lir' I aingetiltaser ad y_ atieeper sarfsbses far Kean hasherr3 ' laud TOW ANDAt e a turbap illorcilLs‘jmte 26. 1852. •?Irrtra linttrii. SONG. IT T1E031•3 ROOD. 0 lady, leave thy silken thread And doWery tapestry ; There'> living roses on the bush, And blossoms on the tree ; where thou wilt, thy careless hand Some random bud will meet Thou can , t uot tread. but thou wilt find The daisy at thy-feet. I t s hte the birth day, of the world, 'Wnen earth was born in bloom ; Thoi 11;h: was made of many dyes. The s•r is all perfume ; There's crimson buds, and white and blue— The veil. ratrbow shooters Hare turnedio blossoms where they fell, And sown the earth with dowers. There's fairy - tulip< in the East, - The - 7arden of the sun ; The very streams relent the hues, And blossom as they run ; NVtldr Morn opens I:ke a crimson rose; S:d: wet with pearly showers ; rhea, lady, leave the sulk- - ea thread Thou tvrtuest into dowers. in Arab Welceste. Taylor, is one of his recent letters to the Central Africa, than i.ei•cribes els • st- A atme village near the bank's of the Nile] men slrppe,l for bre4kiast we were .n •! t ,- t!.,:t0,1 of a valage of Hassaniyetis, as I ••;y ex:ye:tired, from the camels and anion:: the thorns. Leaving the of our Eheep, I took Achme: and .1 eO. the pats Inland through a TX, s' er.: .7, mimosas. Atter a wall: of tten Me ME I- • - 1' ^ ME! El= WIER SEEM ESTI 1:1M1i1E s`.., i WE IS ,!.., z - P.-. z„ THE.--:BRADFORD. - .'REPORTEK PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY R. O'MEARA GOODRICH. 1 ` ILENARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANT QUARTER:" The Man that get ihnstbagged. The stage in which I was a passenger had stop ped to change horses and " feed" the passengers, at a small town in Vermont, and dinner over, we were awaiting the arrival of a stage upon an intersecting mute, to proceed Upon our journey. Cigars had been lighted, and, by way of passing our time, we had commenced a critical examination of the mem oth pictorial posters of Bamom'a Menageries, which covered the walls of the spacious bar-room. Bar atirml opened a fruitful topic of conversation; every one present seemed stored with anecdotes of the " Napoleon of Showmen," itnd the Woolley Horse, the Feejee Mermaid, and Joice Heth, were not forgotten in the discussion which followed. Soddenly a long, slab-sided individual, with an owl-like expression of wisdom and dignity, who hail been listening to our remarks with an evident desire to take a hand, broke out— The. Dais flock. ST THE AUTHOR OT A MARRIAGE CM THY EVE OP arrite. FREI von Muller., for instance, who loved her dearly, and washeloved in return and whom I drove from the house. Scarcely had he made this avowal when the clock-case again opened and the stranger, step !ling from it, s a id in a sepulchral voice," rs If your daughter, 0 man of ambitious views, were now 'married to Cad von Muller, would you give her your blessing I" "1l world ! I would !" exclaim ed the old man, sobbing. " Then," exclaimed the apparation, " come forth ye happy pair!". At these words the door of the loom opened, and Carl von Muller and his lovely bride entered, approach ed the master of the house and knelt at his feet " Now," said the stranger, " let me turn this gloom into merriment. My name is Mendelsshon, the composer: . I. have just returned from Italy ; I am the bosom friend of Carl von Muler ; that clock his a communication with the church of St. Rogue; (the choristers who always set it rieht at twelve at night, from superstitious feeling, playing a variety of (ricks with it by day ; and have been the means of doing an act of friendship and justice, for now it behoves us solely to be joyous—a merrier time was never spent in the town of Ilerringbausen. The Lest Gem. The black craters of the river of death t"ere rcC ing slug.gishly onwari. There approached one whose teatures bore traces of anxiety and sorrow, and with a bowed form she gazed into the turbulent stream as though she would fain descry something tar gown in its fathomless depths. A being of be nign and celestial aspect appeared at her side, and said : " What seekest thou, sorrowing one 7" " Alas r , she answered, "I wore a sparkling jewel upon my bosom. It was no paltry bauble, but a monarch - 5 gift, and invaloable. The wealth of India can not yield one to match it. In an evil hour it dropped from its resting in this dark river. For a moment I saw it float near the brink, and stretched out my hand to regain it ; but it was be yond my reach, and it sank down flit I saw it no more. It is'prie—lost, I°sll4:never!'" And in deep gloom she turned to depart. " Stay mourner ! Grieve not, bat look again into the raters Fi She looked, and a cry of joy brut from her lips— "lt is there! I see it flowing upon the dremal wave. Oh shall it not be c mine once more !" The answer tame—" Nay, but thou art deceived. What thou seest is but the semblance of what was thine. Yet turn thy eyes upward and rejoice." She obeyed and beheld a star Gleaming from a bright spat of azure in the murky sky, whose rays i gave even the waves of that gloomy river a tinge of br:ghtness, and whose reflection there she hart Imistaken for her own lost gem. Then came a tender and musical voice as the beautiful appearance vanished —" Blonmer, these restless billows, th h, fearful and dark to thee, roll up to the gate of Heaven. Ever faithful to their mist, they bore the jewel—which was lent rot g:r en to thee—to its ri2hilul owner, the monarch of Heaven ; and, transferred to His care it will shine forever in His glorious resting. place." The mourner departed with a countenance thoughtful, ye: cheerful her gaze no ',anger bent upon earth or the river ct Leath, but as meekly and trustingly raised to Heaven. i he; was qu;:e frozen. and has been forsaken by his A c ri - T t 3 R rms .—Nee- yea hail not teen born- ? companions_ It appeased so cruel to leave him banded, but it looks like it_ Go where you will, you !, thus, wit out an effort to save him, that, we deter see houses in course of demolishment, heaps off mined to take him with ns ; and we lined him from runins and of building materials, and deep excara- 1 the grourul, n nd , a rti er wrapping, him op, we placed lions in the earth. A coed many houses are de- I ; him on Sanladchierr.bres male. Ls soon as we sold of front, as couple ely as di: had been carried i had pinhe4 'he tent, we went to seek on: the corn away t y a fors-pound =non ball. and all :he in- i pinions of rite uul_sr.--nre man ; and they proem terior atrangements, rooms, cl os es. vairways, wall; lei themselves before Cs, saying we had excellent paper, and the cares upon it may be inspected' by ilt=roi, b"ts - e had giyen ourselves much Imable every Tweet -by. I: is computed that a thousand iin wain; then comrade, they sa-1, was '.ost, Ea the homes in New York. (that is, one house in thirty. I cold had reached his heart_ We rerurnesl to oct seven,) are row either undergoing repass or berg + tent to see what we crerld do her him, hot he w-..i Pro downs. ln Broadway the progress of renova- already dead. More than Lary men perished thus ton is particularly active; and, besides, there axe ,in thed&sert_ When they could no longer eat or three of four blocks in a stale of seemingly inward-1 sp.,,k, or support themselves on their horses, they cable conlnsion owing to :he labor of the RISSA2IIO I were left on:he road. thoug h gull alive, a small bag To tinh the pie:me of desolation, we saw one l . of oatmeal and a Pale wooden bowl being placed morning, last week, half a token men and & pstr.l beside :them as a last mark of interest in their fate, of mules . e.ingiirre iii Broadway—the contractor 4 , When every one else had passed by, the crows and hastre hit upon that me:hod ef l•ctserii..= the earth e.-the cultures we-e seen. to wheel trund them to drib preparatory to lay ire? down the new pavement I . air and ptc-hali!y :hey lberr-n to tear the =lf-nu:l:nice Broadway hes demb! , ess otren been plooshred in : :nen befxe they were faLly dea.l.—lltre's Trards. ;he ellen titre . tnt we rover especeJ ccr..el-,r€ls Lteas promer.a.le .rxiect a 4 ,17;i:.-r4 - 13 r& i ;.ea: { ; r;:1 We are rei—timleJ Cealr.-e; .szone's (.4z.....ervalian, I 2 " Icnt ti a tery fiice p , 7x-et, e: e: ze: i siwc ! i_ Jf . 1 u , —! NJ= IT SIE.I.—A ;teen :al from Alatta-rvz.. wart a 00. ya._.t.erzer on board Of 'l"*.ei• o?tt.. natizzting the ;elf of Metato, salienly beted " a :;;Y: - 'e the -1 befare Cse p-teert ?Lai " " ete;:xEme- 1 sv•l'vxbi vat; fairly :ebbed their eyes open, exclairti - ---;•, We are i lac r = Last' Y escla - med aaor-bv.. • ! ) 1: Te'r ri`-` l c 6, ' 7 2 his has ea out the triva3. eroz - it. Yes insf r fail >lie !ad, "Yes he3"nward as the sam'e :rase., " yes I Jose!. :eon :abed a: the :balm he lm.l er.rtel. = I Lairs ; them ziml rv* "thz ItZ ree-- tee =Lae - Cl , • the mitia's on tap ol the bm;-e ‘ 4 'r- - *.t° l alek L 72 is his tosl firm atri" ii here ra r e d the ssi :amber mat.-7a ttra tar.* twking to see slat ire at F hz btatis. and be can't be eared trah rat s=le tr...-Ye and a aza..l deal cf paitrt rrzruc, Isas-altis 071.ar_tYrry =de , i cS u -. - • A ; N • - ; ft:4er :not to xl3 bas' r="3- these 'rem' as tax- poittlli is pressia - tra sec- Vac trysen as two, Mike eata"a ;aa e r ±c s Fai slew me. Firm r.-as three, =-I—attd—:ho rare emu :y, if ar..; rote; thir.elle lastly, his 904? :CM! Lei Cf-"ar.: 3 : 11, 4 i ribs ate in a ear.-t-ssed vare and be ain't et acv tiro Cis ITt.W tee, Wile Fian Wag myself be, lass detra, =d--hedad!=hieeras Et= of as best Saint hatira co :WI tea the 1:53=-r. eibet ICatace rat ia,x; as Nov, uteselftbat br et, Mite I Feeet was cacti, t - tare Ice trator to day r " nne of scar slive rs bra CITZ=S7M:r.a. earl, was three, and--rsd. replie.! the bastard "I e- - rtr=e eta 1.%11 say day." t r rel y sol d, aiL I A. t . M. 4 111 was tics three of us r; " Bra G 1. 1 5 1-. rte awl& “ Iltra take dais; Isaid is bet a kin an.l d'eler,e.a. He ret or ; at &ear_ r TY* it etre:l.-2 seralt,' cWI be stmt &trio pay tar sr " Why, that For gate ors tarsi lletibla;'.4.3 the ire.a. The azomye .5 - 34.7 girl 1, , .1 , 41. atasamrt.b• A faced of pare r Istes teat et,e emeami repro to d CaWorth% me be L.-s-eJ len dark re§ e•ook. .-erl 4 : be ffsa3, of saltki tim•-aree , Rae bed &a: , a * ee, TIDE PERILS OF TOE DESERT, By the time we were approaching the most 'els rated point of ,central Alia, a Wail& wind had sal in from the netth, which lasted fifteen dare, and in creased the rigor of the cold to a degree that threa tened us with meat misfortunes. The sky was still clear, hit the cold wager? terrihle that even acalt;3- day the influence of the son wee scarcely percepti . - te. Even during the day,,and of coonse still more during the night mower,' under the continued ap prehension of being frozen to death. I m,ay men ; tion one circumstance that will give an idea of the extrettity of the cold. Every morning before setting off ; the caravan lased to take a meal, and then not again until they encamped : but as the Tramba was a kind of food so little agreeable that It difficult tto tate enough of it at once to support us dining the day, we used totsoak in tea two or three balls of it to keep in reserve for the day's inamey We wrapped op this boiling part in very warm Sri en, and placed it on our breast : and over this we had our clothing, namely a garment of sheepskin and Alien a short garment of fox's skin, and over all a great woken coat. Now daring this fortnight we constantly found theballs of Tramba frozen, and when we drew them from cur bosoms they were so hard that we almost broke oar teeth in attempt ing to eat them. The cattle suffered greatly, ecpe:. chilly the mutes and horses, which are not so woof: as the oxen. We had to dress them in carpets and and tie camel's skin round their bea ts . ; and in any other circumstances their appearance would certainly hare excited our hilarity, but now we were in no humor for laughing. ; for notwi - hstandine, all precautions the mule of the caravan were deci mated by death. The numerous !rozen ricers that we had to pass occasioned us much trouble, especially the camels, whit b are so awk ward that we were ob:ii.ted 113 braL4 a path for them by strewing sand on the ice, even then we had to lead them very carefully, one after the other ; and if one of them chanced to make a false step and fall. it was scarcely possible to get it tip again. First we had to relieve them of their baggage. and then to drag them on their sides to the river bank, or spread ca:pets‘for them, arid tog at them with all their might but very often to nd pu.-pose ; they would not make the slightest effort to rise, and they had at last to be abandoned for it was impossible, in this frightful country, to stay I waiting on the whims of a camel All these hard- . ships threw many of the travelers into deep dejact;t ion. To the mortality of the animals, was now adds.d that of men, whom the cold seized and who were left to perish on the road. One day, when the exhaustion of our beasts of burden bad compelled CR to slacken our maneb, we perceived a traveler seated by the way side, on a large stone. His head was bent down, his arms pressed against his sides, and he remained motionless as a statue. We call ! him several times but fie made no answer, and we thought he had not head us What madness, we sad :o step on the road such weather. This on . lartniale man will certainly die of cold. We called him again : bat as he still did not answer, we al- . r , ined and went toward him. His face bad the at' ap pearance of wax, hise3 es were half open and gin ; sy and he had Etiefes suspent'ed to his nostrils and the comers of he.tmoci.h. He just tinned his eye, to arils cs with a serrt6ly vacant cap/twiny ; Oct DCC7 - 37. IS I. a aleraz. —A sel•-czEficier.: ham.: tcrak cp the s4^>eo or phyfkivi, and pre=Jell to a ,leep kinr- - !ele of the heatrz ar, c-_-, t e LiN,,c, a yee..-17, man eic.h ary?. !ely. Scr:as :-aril iron and trari, ar-1 'es.rke.l .71.1 r. and ha 11.13 PAOVulifr.; I:LT.4 ter rm. gill airlift " ME h, 1 , '